How sciatica hurts and where it gives. Radiculitis - what is it? Radiculitis: causes, symptoms and treatment regimen. Discogenic sciatica

Radiculitis- a complex and severe disease that affects the nerve endings of the spinal cord. The disease does not occur suddenly, but, as a rule, is a logical consequence of numerous complications of spinal diseases.

In the vast majority of cases (about 95%) lumbar sciatica manifests itself as an advanced stage of lumbar osteochondrosis, and 5% remain on the consequences of injuries, hernia of a different nature, natural wear of the vertebrae and tissues of the intervertebral discs.


Radiculitis, or radicular syndrome, as it is also called, occurs due to the infringement of bundles of nerve fibers that are a continuation of the spinal cord. It can also occur due to compression of the spinal cord in various places.

This disease of the peripheral nervous system is typical for the age group over 30 years. Statistical data suggest that the lumbar and cervical spine are more often the locations of sciatica.

The lower back is most susceptible to this disease, since walking people imposes additional loads on this section of the spine.

The reason for the manifestation of radiculitis can be weight lifting, a sharp awkward movement, an infectious invasion. As a result of this, the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc is stretched or torn, the gelatinous component of the disc is squeezed out into the crack and forms an intervertebral hernia.

Pathological bone growths and deformed discs compress both the spinal roots and adjacent tissues, forming a source of chronic pain.

Since sciatica is just a syndrome, and not an independent disease, it can be provoked by various reasons.

As you know, the spinal cord lies in the spine. Nerve endings depart from it, coordinating and controlling the work of the whole body. When the roots of the spinal cord become inflamed or compressed, there is a reason for the development of sciatica.

The main causes of radiculitis:

  • hereditary diseases;
  • hypodynamia;
  • overload of the spinal system;
  • pathological changes in the vertebrae and intervertebral discs;
  • malignant formations;
  • deformation of bones and joints;
  • chronic stress;
  • diseases of the genitourinary, cardiovascular and other internal systems of the body;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • failures in the metabolic system;
  • weakness of the muscular corset;
  • infectious invasions;
  • unhealthy diet and excess salt.

It should be remembered that preventing the occurrence of sciatica is much easier than treating this serious disease for many years.


Radiculitis is divided according to various criteria:

1. The course of the disease:

  • acute form- sudden sharp pain, usually due to injury or overload of the lumbar region. Stopped by painkillers.
  • Chronic form- develops if the pain syndrome during an attack is removed, and further treatment is not carried out.

An acute manifestation is either the first symptom of sciatica, or another exacerbation of a chronic disease. The very name "acute" characterizes the suddenness and strength of pain. Chronic course is a long series of exacerbations and remissions.

2. Location of the pain syndrome

  • cervical sciatica- disruption of the nerve endings of the cervical spine. In this case, pain can be felt not only in the neck, but also in the shoulder girdle, arms, and also cause headaches.
  • Thoracic sciatica- an uncommon form of the disease. It is manifested by soreness, tingling and numbness in the intercostal region. The trigger mechanism of pathology is often tumor processes and viral infections.
  • - leads to a curvature of the spine, against the background of a person's reflex behavior, when he seeks to hold a pose that will reduce pain.
  • sciatica or sciatica- the most frequent manifestation of sciatica among patients in the age group from 30 to 50 years. Another characteristic feature of the occurrence of the disease in this area is the patient's profession, which involves working in adverse conditions regarding physical, temperature and other overloads.

Symptoms of sciatica

From the extensive list of symptoms of the disease, three main ones can be distinguished:

  1. Pain syndrome. Dull or sharp pains can radiate to various parts of the body connected by nerve fibers with the affected area of ​​the spine.
  2. Decreased sensitivity. Damage to the nerve endings causes partial numbness, burning, or tingling in the tissues.
  3. Muscle weakness. Physiological changes in the nervous tissue leads to discontinuity in the conduction of nerve impulses, which disrupts the normal functioning of the muscles, up to complete atrophy.

Signs of sciatica

  • change in gait, stiffness, uncertainty in movements;
  • spontaneous flexion of the knee joint when a person tries to lie down or sit down;
  • decreased sensitivity in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • tingling and burning sensations in the soft tissues near the affected area;
  • increased sweating;
  • pallor of facial skin;
  • weakening of muscle fibers;
  • increased pain at night;
  • dizziness;
  • hearing loss;
  • deterioration of the visual apparatus;
  • malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary and cardiovascular systems.

It has very diverse characteristics - these are chronic pulling, aching pains, and burning intolerable pain syndrome, due to which the patient is practically immobilized.

Pain significantly changes the muscle tone of the neck, back and lower back.

The patient involuntarily strives for a position in which pain is minimized. A person can move in a half-bent posture, turn to the side or bend over.

Location of sciatica Symptoms
  • Dizziness and headaches are especially common in the occipital lobes.
  • Violent, tearing pains in the neck, shoulder girdle and arms.
  • Violation of sensitivity in areas of the body with affected nerve fibers.
  • Stiffness of movements of the shoulder girdle and cervical region.
  • General weakness and malaise.
  • Elevated temperature.
  • Feeling of nausea.
  • A sharp increase in pain during sneezing, coughing, or voluntary movement of the neck.
  • Cervical sciatica, complicated by a herniated disc, is determined by the pain syndrome that radiates to the arm, shoulder blade or chest.
  • Increased pain at night, which leads to poor sleep and a general deterioration in well-being.
  • Numbness and tingling in the soft tissues of the affected areas.
  • Pain radiating to other parts of the spine and into the intercostal space.
  • Decreased muscle strength controlled by pinched nerve endings.
  • "Leakage" of the back muscles with a long sitting position.
  • Pain in the lumbar region, of varying intensity.
  • A sharp increase in pain during sneezing, coughing, bending, turning or other loads on the lumbar spine.
  • Stiffness of movements in the lumbar region.
  • Pathological hypertonicity of the back muscles.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Decrease in temperature and pallor of the skin over the pinched nerve.
  • Weakening of sensitivity and a decrease in blood filling of the arteries of the lower limb on the side where the nerve is damaged.
  • Acute pain in the coccyx and lower back, when bending, turning, squatting and other dynamic and static loads.
  • A sharp increase in pain during sneezing, coughing and other involuntary strains in the lumbosacral region.
  • Stiffness of movements of the body and lower extremities.
  • Inability to bend the toes or raise the ball of the foot.

The duration of the acute period of sciatica depends on the pathology that caused inflammation of the spinal cord root, and on the correctness of the therapeutic measures taken. The average duration of the symptoms of lumbar sciatica is 7-10 days, in accordance with the drugs used for back pain.

If you experience pain in any part of the spine, you should see a doctor immediately. Moreover, such pains can be a sign of diseases that are much more serious and dangerous than sciatica, for example, urolithiasis or malignant oncological formation.

With such pathologies, it is extremely dangerous to self-medicate at home, using the methods of warming rubbing, baths or compresses, which are categorically contraindicated in a number of disorders, with symptoms similar to sciatica.


The development of processes aggravating the syndrome depends on the cause of sciatica. Untreated severe pinching or inflammation of the nerve root can lead to rather serious complications.

Violation of normal blood circulation in the spine due to osteophytes and intervertebral hernias often leads to spinal cord infarction, as a result of which the motor and perceiving functions of the body degrade, and various degrees of disability occur.

Ignoring the problems associated with the state of the spinal column translates chronic illness which is much more difficult to cure. And for many years, a person suffers from pain with short periods of remission.

With timely diagnosis of lumbosacral or other types of sciatica and medical treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs, it is quite realistic to prevent the development of severe complications.


Treatment of sciatica is within the competence of a neuropathologist. But if the course of the disease is complicated by injuries, intervertebral hernias, or is of a discogenic nature, the intervention of more specialized specialists may be required, such as:

  • traumatologists-orthopedists;
  • vertebrologists;
  • neurosurgeons.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to medical examination, which includes a number of procedures:

  • Clarification of symptoms- determination of the intensity and characteristic differences of the pain syndrome, its duration, the presence of sensitivity disorders.
  • Physical examination- allows you to set the amplitude of movements and muscle strength at the present time.
  • Neurological examination- the patient's reflex reactions, activity and sensitivity of various parts of the body are checked.
  • Radiography- gives a complete picture of the ongoing degenerative processes.
  • CT, MRI - allow you to accurately determine the degree of compression effect on the nerve roots.
  • EMG- visualizes the nature and extent of damage to nerve fibers.

After identifying all the symptoms of lumbar sciatica, treatment is prescribed, medication and using various modern therapeutic technologies.

Treatment of sciatica

An acute attack of sciatica requires urgent professional assistance - drug relief of pain and providing a state of rest to the part of the spine affected by radicular syndrome. Usually, pain is relieved by muscle relaxants - painkillers with anti-inflammatory effects.

In order not to aggravate the patient's condition, it should be laid on a flat surface (in the absence of an orthopedic mattress, it is permissible to lay a board or other hard base) and ensure maximum immobility of the painful area.

After taking emergency measures to eliminate the pain syndrome, it is necessary to establish the cause of the pain and proceed with the planned complex treatment of the disease that led to the exacerbation or occurrence of sciatica.

Medical treatment

There are many drugs that differ both in effect and in the method of application:

  • tablet preparations;
  • injections;
  • rectal suppositories;
  • external preparations - ointments, gels, creams, patches.

With sciatica, anti-inflammatory and analgesic injections are used.

Depending on the cause and neglect of the disease, the doctor selects the best therapy option for each individual patient:

  • "Reopirin" and "Voltaren" are prescribed for severe pain.
  • Injections with B vitamins help in case of a prolonged course of the disease.
  • Muscle relaxants "Riboxin", "Mydocalm" eliminate muscle spasm, squeezing the nerve roots of the spinal cord.
  • Neurotopes "Milgama", "Neurobion" restore the normal permeability of impulses along the nerve fibers.
  • Glucocorticoids "Medopred", "Lemod" are prescribed for a long-term absence of positive dynamics of treatment with anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.
  • Intravenous injections of "Relanium", "Dimedrol" and blockade with an increased dosage of vitamin B12 are used in the most severe cases.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) block the production of prostaglandins that stimulate inflammation.
  • "Finalgon", "Viprosal", "Apizatron", "Pepper plaster" are used as important components of complex therapy.

Ointments for sciatica

According to the action of the ointment are divided into three large groups:

  1. warming;
  2. painkillers;
  3. anti-inflammatory.
  • Ointments containing bee venom are distinguished by their multi-effect. They relieve pain, relieve inflammation and have a warming effect.
  • "Viprosal" with gyurza snake venom penetrates deeply into tissues, relieves inflammation and soothes pain.
  • "Finalgon" and pepper plaster have a strong warming effect, the burning sensation of the drugs increases with sweating.
  • The belladonna patch is good for pain relief.

Rules for the use of external agents

Despite the apparent simplicity, this method of treatment also has its own characteristics that you need to know.

The procedure should be carried out with comfort for the patient:

  1. Place the patient in a comfortable, relaxed position.
  2. If burning warming ointments such as Finalgon or Tiger Ointment are used, make sure that the application site is not steamed and dry.
  3. The doctor's hands should be warm and sensitive to the manifestation of the patient's painful reactions.
  4. Depending on the intensity of the pain syndrome, rubbing is carried out from 5 to 20 minutes, as long as the patient can endure.
  5. After applying the ointment, the sore spot must be wrapped with a soft warm cloth for better warming and rest.

Physiotherapy methods

After stopping an acute attack of sciatica, physiotherapy is prescribed:

  • Paraffin applications, phonophoresis with hydrocortisone, darsonvalization- enhance the effect of drug treatment, increase the fullness of blood vessels and the strength of blood flow, relieve spasms and contribute to the prolonged action of painkillers.
  • Massage- shown only during remission. Half-hour massage sessions should be carried out daily at the patient's home. Such a massage is performed strictly in the direction of the lymph flow. If you feel well, let's say self-massage, which includes kneading the neck, shoulder girdle or lower back with palms and fingers and rubbing the back and neck with a bath towel.
  • Pharmacopuncture- a combination of pharmacology and acupuncture. Preparations of antihomotoxic action 1 time in 3 days are introduced to a depth of 5 mm in the zone of biologically active point. The method shows pretty good results and has no side effects.

Traditional medicine

With all the undeniable benefits of natural healing substances, some of them have such a strong effect that their uncontrolled use can lead to fatal consequences. Therefore, before treating sciatica with folk remedies, it is necessary to undergo a full examination and consult with your doctor.

Natural Pharmacy Recipes:

  1. Black elderberry, chamomile, thyme and St. John's wort in equal proportions, pour cold water on a steam bath and prepare an infusion. At night, do hot compresses on the affected area.
  2. Anti-inflammatory baths. Take 0.5 kg of crushed sweet clover, pour a bucket of boiling water, cover, wrap, let it brew for about half an hour. To take a bath, use the entire infusion at once, adding a little warm water.
  3. birch leaves douse with boiling water and apply in the form of a compress on a sore spot, wrap, keep from one and a half hours or more, if possible. The procedure must be carried out at least twice a day.
  4. black radish grate, add a teaspoon of honey, 2-3 drops of vinegar (no more!), Lubricate the affected area with vegetable oil or cream, then apply a radish compress. In case of severe burning, remove the compress, wipe the sore spot with a damp cloth and consult a doctor.
  5. A tablespoon of crushed aspen leaves or buds pour a glass of boiling water, leave for at least an hour and take 2 tbsp. 6 times a day. The leaves can also be used as a compress.
  6. sawdust(only fresh!) pour boiling water for half an hour, then squeeze and make an application out of them on a sore spot, laying 2 layers of gauze between the skin and sawdust. Wrap with a soft cloth, cover warmly and try to sleep.
  7. Take pure clay, add wine vinegar to it at the rate of 2 shares of clay 1 share of vinegar (not essences!). Apply the resulting mass in the form of a compress to the sore spot. The procedure is recommended to be carried out daily for 2 hours, or to rub the area of ​​sciatica with a mixture.

There are contraindications, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Preventive measures

Prevention of any disease is reduced to the elimination of the causes that create the conditions for its development. In the case of sciatica, these are:

  • acquisition of correct posture;
  • mobile lifestyle;
  • proper nutrition;
  • protection against hypothermia;
  • avoidance of prolonged static loads;
  • healthy alternation of work and rest;
  • prevention and timely treatment of infectious diseases.

In order not to provoke an exacerbation of a chronic disease, you should:

  • Refrain from sudden movements with a large amplitude and lifting weights. If the main work is associated with such loads, use a corset and special methods for safely lifting loads. For example, not leaning over an object, but sitting down to it.
  • Do not stay in a bent/tilted position for a long time.
  • It is prudent to insulate the lower back with a special woolen belt if work is to be done on the street or in a cold room.
  • Reduce excess weight as a systematic load on the spine.
  • Train muscle corset - exercise, fitness, swimming, dancing, yoga.

Summing up, we can state that in most cases, sciatica occurs due to inattention to one's health and ordinary laziness. Ultimately, it is these two reasons that lead to a sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition and metabolism, hypothermia, overload, reduced tone, infection, development of osteochondrosis, self-treatment, deformities and sciatica.

There is also good news. Man is a living, open system, and it is never too late to start correcting past mistakes. Reconsider your lifestyle, decide what is important in it and get rid of the heavy burden of diseases forever.

- this is an inflammation of the nerve roots that enter the intervertebral foramina. Sciatica appears suddenly, and the pain is so severe that it is impossible to imagine without experiencing it yourself.

In 95% of cases, sciatica is a consequence of osteochondrosis, in the remaining 5% it is the result of injuries, hernia, wear and tear and deformation of the spinal column and intervertebral discs.

At risk of such a disease are people who play sports, who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

There are the following types of radiculitis (radiculopathy):

  • neck and shoulder;

  • lumbosacral.

Radiculitis can be acute - appear suddenly, as a consequence of injury or overexertion, and after timely treatment, a person forgets about it for a long time, or chronic. The latter form occurs over time, due to ignoring the disease.

Until recently, it was believed that sciatica affects mainly the elderly, but today this disease is increasingly being diagnosed in middle-aged people. This is due to the wrong sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, stress. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, this pathology is observed in every eighth inhabitant of the planet who has reached the age of forty-five years.

Symptoms of sciatica

The main symptom of sciatica is, of course, pain. The pain depends on where your spine was injured:

    cervical sciatica- when your neck hurts and any movement of your head increases this pain incredibly. And of course, there may be special cases associated with this disease, for example, you may feel dizzy, your hearing deteriorates, you walk unevenly.

    Thoracic sciatica. It is characterized by the following: pain that literally showers the entire chest.

    Lumbosacral sciatica. Pain in the back when walking, when bending over.

For a while, the pain may dull, after which it resumes with greater force. The main location of pain sensations depends on where the center of inflammation or pinching of nerve fibers is located. If the nerves are affected in the upper part of the spine, pain will appear not only in the neck and shoulders, but also in the back of the head. If sciatica is in the middle part of the spine, then the pain can encircle the chest, be felt in the hands. With lumbosacral radiculitis, the pain syndrome passes to the buttocks, thighs, and feet.

The next common symptom of sciatica is loss of sensation, it can be partial or complete. Partial loss of sensation appears in the area where the affected nerve is located. In severe cases, numbness of the extremities is observed. Often there are also symptoms such as muscle weakness, malfunctions in their work up to atrophy, burning and tingling in soft tissues, hearing and vision impairment, the reason for this is impaired blood supply to the brain. With radiculitis of the lower spine, there may be malfunctions in the intestines and bladder.

Often, sciatica can be confused with manifestations of other diseases: flat feet, injuries or diseases of the internal organs, which are also characterized by girdle pain.

Radiculitis can be distinguished by the following features:

    the pain comes on suddenly. It can also disappear abruptly, and after the resumption of pain is stronger;

    increased pain when a person, lying on his back, raises a straightened leg;

    the leg reflexively bends when the patient tries to sit down from a prone position;

    increased pain when tilting the head forward;

    it is difficult to stay in one position for a long time, but in a stationary state the pain subsides;

    at night the patient's condition worsens;

    there is sweating, pallor of the face.

Causes of sciatica

Since radiculitis is not a separate disease, but only a syndrome, it can be provoked by many reasons. As you know, the spinal cord is located in our spine. From this brain come many nerve endings that coordinate and control the movements of our body. As soon as the nerve endings are damaged or inflamed, then a disease such as sciatica occurs.

According to statistics, in about 95% of cases, sciatica is a manifestation of osteochondrosis, and in the remaining 5% it is the result of an old spinal injury, including and.

Over the course of a lifetime, every second person is faced with the symptoms of this “rejuvenated” disease in recent years (now it is often found in children). Osteochondrosis appears due to dystrophic changes in the spinal column, which, in turn, is caused by a sedentary lifestyle, improper distribution of physical activity. If you do not deal with the treatment of this disease, then over the years it becomes more severe, causing a lot of inconvenience and discomfort.

Also, sciatica can be caused by intervertebral hernia, osteophytes (bone growths on the vertebrae), spinal canal, appearance, development. Diseases of the internal organs, the cardiovascular and genitourinary systems can also provoke changes in the spine, which leads to acute or chronic sciatica.

What else can provoke sciatica?

Radiculitis can also be provoked by:


    Metabolic disease;

    Weight lifting.

Often, sciatica appears in healthy people as a result of injuries and physical exertion - lifting weights, for example. Excessive pressure on the vertebrae leads to pinched nerves, causing inflammation and pain.

Radiculitis also occurs in pregnant women, when, due to a sharp weight gain, unprepared muscles and the spine experience tension. Also, hormonal changes and metabolic disorders can provoke sciatica.

Inflammatory and infectious processes in the body can cause inflammation of the nerve roots, and this is often the result of hypothermia, and. Sciatica is common and among those people who are often under stress, they experience.

Improper nutrition also affects the development of this syndrome. If a person eats a large amount of salt, it is deposited in the cervical spine, putting pressure on the nerve fibers.

As soon as you feel pain in the vertebra, you should go to the doctor, and specifically to the neurologist. The neurologist will listen to you and examine you. His task is to identify the disease, for which he will send you for an x-ray. After that, the specialist will be able to more accurately say why you have. X-rays will also reveal how much and where exactly your spine is damaged, after which a course of treatment will be prescribed.

A neuropathologist deals with the diagnosis of diseases of the spine. The first stage is an examination and anamnesis, the specialist interviews the patient in order to identify the symptoms and causes of the disease.

After the examination, the doctor prescribes tests and studies. The main method is an X-ray examination, if it is not enough, magnetic resonance and computed tomography, radionuclide scanning (scintigraphy) are prescribed. In addition to studying the patient's bone tissues, an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity and pelvis, X-ray of the lungs, ECG can be performed. Mandatory - blood and urine tests.

Dr. Evdokimenko, Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation, author of 12 books on health, will tell you what backache is and what to do:

How to treat sciatica?

First of all, in the treatment of radiculitis, the patient must be provided with peace, as much as possible to limit his physical activity. Within a few days, a person should give up any physical activity, spend most of the time in bed. In this case, the bed should be even, not bend under the person. Usually a hard base is placed under the mattress. It is important to limit the movement of the part of the spine that has been damaged; for this, it is convenient to use a fixing corset.

To reduce the intensity of the pain syndrome, analgesics, anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs, muscle relaxants (diclofenac, naproxen, nimesulide, ibuprofen and others) are used. With severe pain, painkillers are administered intramuscularly, in milder cases they are limited to tablets, suppositories, creams and ointments. In a medical institution, a novocaine blockade of the damaged nerve can be performed. But anesthesia of the affected area is the first stage of assistance, after pain relief, treatment is carried out, procedures are prescribed.

It is important to remember that prolonged use of painkillers causes irritation of the digestive tract, leads to ulceration of the gastric mucosa, increases the risk of and. And some strong analgesics are addictive. Therefore, it is so important to carry out the treatment, and not the elimination of symptoms.

Modern methods of treatment of sciatica

Modern methods include: drug treatment, physiotherapy, various types of therapy. An effective drug for sciatica is an ointment based on snake venom (for example, Viprosal B). The tool anesthetizes the joints, has an antiseptic effect, relieves inflammation. The result is an improvement in blood supply to the tissues, relief of the general condition of the patient, relief of the disease. Other ointments / gels with the effect of local irritation, a therapeutic patch are also used.

Manual therapy is effective in the treatment of radiculitis - flexion, stretching of the spine with the help of hand strength, massage. Such procedures release the clamped nerves, increasing the gap between them. But you should seek such help only from a specialist, since absolutely any manipulations with the spinal region require caution. You can not stretch the spine on your own with the help of a horizontal bar - this can lead to an exacerbation of diseases. Traction should be carried out by a doctor.

Along with medicines and manual therapy, alternative treatment is used: acupuncture, reflexology, laser therapy, the use of galvanic current, phonophoresis (ultrasound treatment), hot paraffin and mud applications, radon baths, various heatings. In severe cases, when the patient is in pain for a long time, treatment with antidepressants is prescribed. As a rule, sciatica, depending on the stage, is cured in a period of several days to several weeks.


If the patient's condition has not improved within 3-4 months of treatment, the doctor suggests surgical intervention. A small open operation (microdiscectomy) is the removal of one of the intervertebral discs that is pressing on the vertebral nerve. Laminectomy (lumbar surgery) is prescribed if spinal stenosis is detected, and the patient cannot even tolerate normal physical activity.

During the operation, the part of the bone that pinches the nerve is removed. But they try to avoid surgical treatment, using it in extreme cases - when the patient loses control over the functions of the intestines and bladder, has difficulty moving.

If you do not treat diseases of the spinal section in time, then the disease can become chronic and disturb a person throughout his life. The patient will experience severe discomfort, which will seriously reduce performance.

In the future, there is a possibility of complications that lead to spinal cord infarction or paralysis of the limbs, and this often ends in disability. With regular exacerbations, it is better not to experiment with folk remedies, but to contact a specialist who will establish the causes of the disease and prescribe a course of treatment.

Prevention of sciatica

As a prevention of radiculitis, it is recommended to carry out therapeutic exercises (but not during an exacerbation). This is necessary to strengthen the muscles, which will remove excessive load from the spine, create a natural muscle corset. Swimming is favorable for the spine, but in this case it is necessary to avoid hypothermia and sudden movements. It is advisable to fight excess weight, which increases pressure on the vertebrae. It is better to perform heavy physical work in a corset, try not to lift weights, and not stay in an inclined position for a long time.

It is also important to monitor your posture and proper nutrition. First of all, reduce the amount of salt in the diet, increase the intake of fiber (eat more raw vegetables, fresh salads). It is better to cook for a couple, avoiding fatty, fried, spicy. Sweet, coffee and strong tea, if possible, should also be excluded. Useful, juice, bananas. Sometimes radiculitis is exacerbated due to a lack of vitamin B12 in the body - it is desirable to add it and other nutritional supplements to the diet.

Education: In 2005, she completed an internship at the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov and received a diploma in Neurology. In 2009, she completed her postgraduate studies in the specialty "Nervous Diseases".

- (lat. radicula - root) - lesions of the roots of the spinal cord, causing motor, autonomic and pain disorders. Radiculitis is manifested by an intense pain syndrome, a decrease in muscle strength, reflexes and sensitivity in the area innervated by the affected spinal nerve. Diagnosis of sciatica is carried out using X-ray, CT and MRI of the spine, according to indications, myelography and lumbar puncture are possible. In the treatment, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, blockades, physiotherapy procedures, manual techniques, spinal traction, physiotherapy exercises and massage are used.

General information

- (lat. radicula - root) - lesions of the roots of the spinal cord, causing motor, autonomic and pain disorders. The etiological factors of sciatica are degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine, such as osteochondrosis, deforming spondylosis, as well as various anomalies in the development of the spine (sacralization, spondylolisthesis, additional ribs, vertebral aplasia). Hypothermia, trauma, infections (influenza, tuberculosis, syphilis, cerebrospinal meningitis), as well as radicular forms of neuroviral diseases (tick-borne encephalitis, etc.) can also provoke inflammatory processes in the spine.

Pain in sciatica can manifest itself as a result of weight lifting, awkward movement, infection or a cold, when the fibrous ring of the disc is stretched or ruptured, the gelatinous disc extends beyond its borders, and in its place an intervertebral hernia is formed. Often, a protruding disc or osteophytes compress not only the spinal root, but also nearby membranes and tissues, which in turn serve as an additional source of pain. In addition, two more factors play a role in its pathogenesis: dyscalgia and muscular-tonic pain.

Classification of radiculitis

Depending on the topography of the inflammatory process, radiculitis is divided into a number of forms: lumbosacral, thoracic, cervical, which in turn can be chronic or acute.

In addition, there are primary radiculitis (toxic, infectious origin) and secondary, caused by anomalies of the spine and spinal cord. With meningoradiculitis, the inflammatory process develops simultaneously in the roots of the spinal nerve. and membranes of the spinal cord.

Symptoms of sciatica

The main symptoms of sciatica are pain, decreased reflexes, partial sensitivity disorder, autonomic disorders. The first attacks of pain associated with tearing of the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc are diffuse in nature (reminiscent of "myositis" or "lumbago"). And only with the formation of a disc herniation, which compresses the root, radicular syndrome is formed, when there are sensations of tingling and numbness. In the area of ​​the affected root, innervation develops and, as a result, a decrease or complete absence of sensitivity (temperature, tactile and pain). Over time, the weakness of the muscles located in the area of ​​the affected root increases, up to their complete atrophy.

Symptoms of primary radiculitis (infectious and toxic etiology) are manifestations corresponding to the disease that caused sciatica (in the case of ARVI - fever, chills, etc.). With sciatica, localization of pain, aggravated by walking and coughing, is possible in the lumbar region, lower leg, thigh or foot. At the initial stage, the disease proceeds according to the type of lumbago, lumbalgia and lumboischialgia.

To partially relieve pain in radiculitis, patients take a “protective” position: they sit with their legs bent under themselves and rest their hands on the bed, or lie with a pillow under their stomach. The gait changes: in motion, patients try to rely mainly on a healthy leg. Quite often, there is an increased tone of the lumbar muscles, antalgic scoliosis, less often kyphosis. On palpation, the paravertebral points in the lumbar region, the posterior surface of the thigh, the popliteal fossa, the heel (Gara's point) and the middle of the foot (the medial planar Bekhterev's point) become painful, and this is almost the defining symptom complex of lumbosacral sciatica.

Treatment of radiculitis


A favorable prognosis is possible in case of timely diagnosis and comprehensive treatment, including all possible directions. Only with this approach can recovery be expected without fear of relapse. In the case of ischemia and, as a result, spinal cord infarction, it is impossible to predict a complete recovery, since the consequence of such complications is often a violation of the motor and sensory functions of the body.

Prevention of sciatica

Prevention of radiculitis includes measures aimed at maintaining the correct posture, strengthening the back muscles. It is recommended to avoid excessive stress on the spine. Correct posture during sleep and wakefulness minimizes the stress experienced by the spinal column. Do not sleep on overly hard mattresses. Contrary to popular belief, they are able to distort the position of the spine and disrupt its function. To avoid this and preserve the natural curve of the spine, it is recommended to pin up small pillows under the neck and lower back or use a semi-rigid mattress that can support the natural position of the spine.

Maintaining the correct posture is very important in everyday work. When lifting objects from the floor, it is recommended to bend your knees without bending your torso. Thus, the load will move from the back to the legs. It is recommended to avoid uncomfortable postures (long sitting at the table with your head down, sitting in front of the TV with your chin on your chest, etc.). In addition, gymnastics, which strengthens the back muscles, as well as sports and hardening, which increase the body's resistance to physical exertion and hypothermia, play an important role in the prevention of radiculitis.

Radiculitis is one of the most common diseases of the peripheral nervous system.
Sciatica is an inflammatory process that involves bundles of nerve fibers extending from the spinal cord. Nerve roots can be pinched as a result of careless movement or injury. This is also sciatica.

Sciatica (or radiculopathy) is not a disease, but a term. It denotes a combination of symptoms: pain in the cervical spine, numbness, tingling, muscle weakness.

Causes of radiculitis.

In 95% of cases, sciatica is a manifestation of untreated osteochondrosis, and in the remaining 5% it is the result of an old spinal injury, it is possible that intervertebral hernia, wear of the spinal column and especially intervertebral discs, compression or infringement of the roots of the spinal nerves by the vertebrae between which they are located. The cause of such compression is various spinal deformities, which, in turn, may be the result of osteochondrosis.
Stress, infection, metabolic disorders, heavy lifting and awkward movements can provoke an attack of sciatica.

Symptoms of sciatica.

The main symptom is pain. The location of the pain directly depends on the location of the injury to the spine.
Sciatica is characterized by severe pain in the back and neck, which persists both during movement and at rest.

The cause of radiculitis can be osteochondrosis, hypothermia, spinal injuries, sudden movements, and even intoxication of the body as a result of an infectious disease.

There are three types of sciatica:

  • cervical,
  • chest and
  • lumbar.

cervical sciatica characterized by severe pain in the back of the head and neck. Pain is aggravated by any movement of the head, for example, when coughing. There were cases when patients had nausea, hearing loss, change in gait.

With cervicobrachial sciatica there are severe pains in the shoulders, neck and arms. With chest - pain encircles the chest.

sciatica- This is the most common type of sciatica.
It is also called sciatica. This causes pain in the hip, foot, buttocks. Occurs against the background of arthritis, compression fractures, hernias, stenosis of the spinal canal, etc.

Diagnosis of sciatica.

Diagnosis of the syndrome is usually complex. It includes:
- a study at the doctor's office of reflex activity and sensitivity,
- radiography, which makes it possible to establish the degree of changes in the spine,
- MRI, CT determines the presence of root compression,
- electromyography (EMG) - determination of the degree of damage to nerve fibers
Radiculitis can only be diagnosed by an enemy neuropathologist based on an x-ray.


Medical treatment .
The task of drug treatment is to relieve inflammation, reduce swelling of the underlying tissues and reduce pain.

  • Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets and injections.
    For example, from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): Movalis, Ortofen, Nimesulide, Voltaren, Ibuprofen, etc.
  • Painkillers, anti-inflammatory and warming agents.
    Can be applied locally ointments, creams:
    Bee or snake venom, Hot pepper tincture, "Sustamed" with bear fat, "Viprosal", containing viper poison with the addition of fir oil, camphor and other substances , B vitamins etc.
    After applying the medicine, you can carefully wrap the sore spot with a woolen scarf.

    Within 1-2 days it is important to observe complete rest. But don't abuse them.

Topical agents, painkillers and warming ointments with sciatica, they cannot be effective enough, since they do not penetrate into the joints and do not reach the nerve endings.

  • Give good result physiotherapeutic procedures, baths, heating and massages, however, they should be used with extreme caution and only on the advice of a doctor.

It all depends on the cause of the sciatica. If the pain is caused by muscle spasm, a warm bath can alleviate the condition, and in the case of an inflammatory process, on the contrary, it will worsen. Massage in some cases can also do more harm than good, especially massage done by a non-professional.

There are many physiotherapy techniques that improve blood circulation in the tissues adjacent to the root, reduce pain, and improve the conduction of impulses along nerve fibers.

Manual therapy and massage .
Helps relieve muscle blocks and muscle spasms.

Acupuncture with the help of influence on biologically active
point helps to restore the process of conducting impulses along the nerve

exercise therapy .
Dosed physical activity helps to restore
normal biomechanics of the spine and a normal stereotype of movements. With the help of exercises, it is often possible to relieve root compression due to the redistribution of load vectors.
Orthopedic products are of particular importance in the treatment and prevention of radiculopathy. This is about fixators of the lumbar spine, chest and lumbar corsets and orthopedic collars.

Prevention of sciatica is to prevent spinal injuries, hypothermia and drafts, timely treatment of infectious diseases. Physiotherapy exercises, playing sports within reasonable limits also contribute to the health of the back and serve as a prevention of sciatica.

A set of therapeutic exercises for radiculitis.

1. Put your feet together. Take your hands in the "castle" in front of the body. Raise your hands up, bend - inhale. Return to the starting position - exhale. Repeat 8-10 times.
2. Legs apart, lower your arms. Bend over with your cool leg and touch your knee - inhale. Straighten up - exhale. Repeat 5 times.
3. Legs apart, hands on the waist. Tilt the torso to the left, bending the right leg at the knee - exhale. Return to the starting position - inhale. 5 times in each direction.
4. Legs apart, on the width of the foot. Sit down. Stretch your arms forward - exhale. Straighten up, arms down - inhale. Repeat 8-10 times.
5. Lie on your back, arms along the body. Raise your left leg and arm at the same time - exhale. 6-7 times with each leg.
6. Kneel down, resting your palms on the floor. Raise up the straightened left leg, bend in the lower back - exhale. Lower - inhale. 5-6 times with each leg.
7. Legs together, arms along the body. Step gently and smoothly from toe to heel, and then stand on the whole foot. Hands simultaneously go one forward and up, the other back. Repeat 40-50 s.
8. Stand facing the chair, put the straight left leg on the seat, hands on the belt. Bend the left leg at the knee - exhale, unbend - inhale. Repeat 5 times in a row, then switch legs.
9. Sit on the edge of a chair, lean your hands on seat I from behind, do not bend your knees. Do "scissors" - moving your legs up and down without stopping.

Back pain currently affects a large part of the population of our country. But most back diseases have very similar symptoms or they are interconnected with each other and manifest themselves in a complex way. Particular importance is attached to such an ailment as sciatica, its treatment is currently effective and favorable. So, what the disease is, what symptoms it accompanies and how it is treated, we will talk further.

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Features of the disease

What is sciatica and how is it treated? Radiculitis is a disease that is characterized by damage to the roots of the spinal cord. These lesions cause severe or moderate pain, decreased motor function and muscle mass. Also in the affected area there is a decrease in sensitivity and reflexes.

What is dangerous?

The question of how to cure sciatica is very important. If left untreated, it can lead to various complications. The most dangerous are ischemia and spinal cord infarction. Sciatica can occur in any part of the spine. It is important that acute sciatica is not a separate disease, but a consequence of any problems in your body.

There are several types of disease. This classification was carried out depending on which part of the spine the inflammation of the roots occurred:

  1. Cervical. Your neck hurts on one side, gives to the shoulder girdle or shoulder on the same side. The pain is aggravated by movement.
  2. Thoracic. There is pain in the back on one side, it spreads along the costal arch.
  3. Lumbar. There is intense pain when bending over, it radiates to the buttock and the back of the leg. The pain is one-sided, burning and severe.


Radiculitis cannot just happen. This disease occurs due to some change in the body. The most common causes of sciatica:

  1. Damage to nerve endings, tumors in the nervous system, compression of nerve channels. Often, an intervertebral hernia provokes the appearance of an ailment.
  2. Osteochondrosis. This is the most common cause of the disease. Most of the people suffering from it have manifestations of sciatica.
  3. Spinal injury.
  4. High physical activity. Due to overstrain of the muscles, their further inflammation and squeezing is possible.
  5. Stress.
  6. Hypothermia, viral infections.
  7. Age. It can be explained by the fact that over time, minerals are washed out of the body, and this leads to problems with the spine and nerves.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptom is pain. To understand and identify sciatica, you need to understand what kind of pain you are experiencing:

  • at first it is very sharp, you experience the so-called "lumbago";
  • severe pain persists throughout the acute period;
  • in the place where the root is inflamed, you experience a burning sensation;
  • pain may increase or decrease. It depends on what state you are in (rest or exercise).

Signs of radiculitis are the so-called night pains, when the pain intensifies at night and does not calm down for a long time. Another characteristic symptom is a decrease in sensitivity in the area of ​​the affected root (for example, a violation of the extensor function of the fingers). Such symptoms of sciatica as dizziness that appear in the afternoon, headache, aggravated by tilting or turning, and nausea should alert. With lumbar sciatica, patients report pain in the lower abdomen and when urinating.


The good news is that diagnosing the disease is easy. What to do with sciatica? Go to the doctor, he will quickly diagnose and prescribe treatment for sciatica. The main detection method is palpation. Thus, a focus of intense pain is revealed.

  1. X-ray. He can involve different departments, make several projections. Gives a complete picture of what the pathology is.
  2. Tomography. The advantage of this procedure is that it allows you to determine not only the degree of compression of the root, but also the cause.
  3. Electromyography. Necessary for diagnosing nerves and how impulses pass through nerve fibers.
  4. Blood analysis.

If the result and a quick recovery are important to you, then only a doctor can help with this. Which doctor treats sciatica? First of all, a neurologist.

To mitigate disturbing factors, you can use traditional medicine. Compresses are very popular, which should relieve inflammation. They may include garlic, chamomile, white clay, etc. A sciatica belt can also help alleviate your condition.

How is the treatment carried out?

Treatment of sciatica should be comprehensive, simultaneously affecting all areas. It is not enough, for example, to relieve the pain syndrome, because without proper full treatment, the pain will definitely return. How to quickly cure sciatica? There are many treatment options, and which one to choose, the doctor will tell you.

Particular attention should be paid to preventive measures:

  • maintaining correct posture;
  • back strengthening;
  • choosing the right mattress and pillow;
  • compliance with safety rules when lifting weights;
  • avoiding awkward postures when sitting and standing;
  • moderate but regular exercise and proper nutrition;
  • sciatica belt.

The role of diet in illness cannot be underestimated, since proper nutrition (often, but in small portions) will contribute to the timely and high-quality assimilation of prescribed drugs. In addition, both a sick and a healthy person should regularly change their sitting posture. You can get up and do the simplest exercises or just walk.

Medical pain relief

Possibly with anti-inflammatory drugs. The most popular are Diclofenac and Ibuprofen. The doctor may prescribe medicine in the form of injections, tablets and ointments. It depends on the severity of the pain and the stage of the disease. Drugs are also needed to reduce spasms in the area of ​​the affected nerve root (these include Robaksin, Metacarbomol). To relieve swelling of nerve formations, diuretics are used.

Novocaine blockades are used if the pain cannot be tolerated and lighter drugs do not bring relief. Often they inject novocaine with vitamins, they perfectly relieve an attack of sciatica. A solution of novocaine is injected directly into the damaged area. The resolving effect is achieved with the help of Lidaza. It is also possible to use spot preparations based on dextrose, glycerin and water.

In the complex, B vitamins and soothing tablets can be prescribed. The former are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, the latter are prescribed to relieve the moral burden in case of pain and stress.

Mechanical methods

They consist in applying a fixing bandage or a special corset. The essence of their use is that they fix the damaged area and protect against sudden movements. And for a favorable outcome of the disease, such rest is simply necessary. But you can’t wear such bandages all the time, as stagnation in the tissues and swelling are possible, so it’s better to take breaks.

This also includes a belt from sciatica. They are infrared, from animal hair, magnetic, from natural fur. A belt from sciatica is considered a fairly effective method of treatment. They wear it for a long time during the day, but breaks for rest are required.

Also effective:


How to treat sciatica in this way? The healing properties of bee venom help the body release free reserves to fight the disease. Bee venom is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that helps to fight pain. The use of this method must be approached with caution, as there are many contraindications, in particular, allergic reactions. However, the method is effective and helps effectively, the course of treatment is on average 10-20 sessions, which are recommended every other day.


It can be effective, but is usually used in conjunction with traditional methods. Among the most common methods are a garlic compress and a salt compress. The belt from sciatica will increase the therapeutic effect of this method.

Surgical intervention

It is carried out infrequently, it consists in decompression of the spine. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. This method is used only if a pinched nerve is diagnosed. During the operation, the cause of the infringement is eliminated mechanically.

It is important to remember that if you are diagnosed with radiculitis, then you need to monitor the disease even during remission. The positive point is that the acute period of the disease is successfully cured. Doctors recommend taking preventive measures every 4-6 months. Be healthy!

Video "Symptoms and causes of sciatica"

This form explains in detail what are the causes of the disease and its symptoms.

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