Hysteria symptoms and signs in women, treatment with folk remedies. Symptoms, causes and treatments for hysterical neurosis Signs of hysteria

Hysteria is one of the varieties of complex neurosis. Its main manifestation is a specific affective-emotional attack. Having seen it once, you will not forget it again and will not confuse it with anything. Also, the disease is characterized by the reversibility of mental disorders and the absence of local changes in the brain. Such patients try to attract as much attention as possible to themselves. It was once believed that women were predominantly affected by this disease. But now it is equally common in men.

Causes of hysteria

As in any mental illness, the main cause of hysteria is a violation of human behavior. At the heart of hysteria are the features of the development of behavior, personality. All this is directly dependent on how suggestible and emotional a person is. Often a hysterical fit is the result of a conflict, various experiences and neuropsychic overstrain. The main role in the development of neurosis is played by human infantilism and hysterical character traits, burdened heredity. Provoking factors include:

  • Severe diseases of the internal organs.
  • Physical stress.
  • Dissatisfaction with professional activities.
  • Trouble in the family.
  • Postponed injuries.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Excessive use of medicines.

In addition, it has been proven that the disease occurs in people with the absence of certain character traits. A person who is deprived of them, under the influence of provoking factors, has a reactive state. According to scientists, a fit of tantrum rarely occurs suddenly. Usually they prepare for it, like actors before a performance. We can say that in this way the patient is trying to get away from the unbearable reality and get some benefits from it. There is even such an assumption that a person, under the influence of certain factors, works like a reflex and a hysterical reaction begins.

signs of hysteria

The most important feature of the behavior of such patients is the desire to always be in the center of attention, to arouse in others a feeling of envy and admiration. Such people try to dress loudly and defiantly, talk about high achievements, about the tragic past of their lives, often far-fetched. The disease begins with the appearance of signs of hysteria. It is provoked by a quarrel, emotional experiences, excitement. Such a diagnosis is often not difficult to make. Although the disease has a large number of a wide variety of symptoms. It is not for nothing that hysteria in ancient times was called the "great malingerer", since under it it can hide many diseases that require a differentiated diagnosis. What can be seen?

  • Demonstrative behavior with increased psycho-emotional outburst, various seizures.
  • Complaints about discomfort in the region of the heart, interruptions in the work of the heart, lack of air.
  • Instability of mood - crying is replaced by laughter.
  • Shaky gait, functional paralysis and paresis, inability to move independently.
  • Playing in public, there is a childish absurd behavior that does not correspond to the age of the patient.
  • Lack of sensitivity in some areas of the mucous membrane and skin.
  • Loss of consciousness with seizures. The patient remembers the state of the attack well, although he does not always talk about it.
  • Feeling of a lump in the throat.
  • Contractive headache.
  • Violation of the perception of the surrounding world - a change in sensitivity, deafness and blindness.
  • "Escape to illness" - even a minor conflict with others causes a person to have an attack. They cannot work normally, they simulate a serious illness.

Quite often, hysteria is hidden under many diseases that doctors try to treat for a long time and ineffectively with standard methods. But in hysteria, the symptoms appear at those moments when the patient himself needs it. The classic variant of the manifestation of the disease is a hysterical seizure. The main reason for the development of a seizure is any experience that led to the disruption of the mechanisms of nervous activity. In persons with a tendency to hysteria, a seizure can develop at the slightest provocation. During a seizure, the following movements appear: patients tear their clothes, hair, knock with their feet, fall to the floor and roll on it, bend, cry. The most important thing is that a fit of hysteria begins in front of everyone. An attack is preceded by laughter or crying, never occurs in a sleeping person. Alone, there will never be a seizure. Unlike an epileptic seizure, here patients gently fall to the floor so as not to be badly damaged. There will be no involuntary urination, biting of the tongue, bruises after a fit of hysteria. If a lot of people and sympathizers have gathered, then an attack of hysteria can drag on. But with the appearance of other irritating factors (cold water, pain), the patient quickly comes to his senses. These patients are characterized by the following character traits and behaviors:

  • Constant desire to be the center of attention
  • Egocentrism
  • Tearfulness and capriciousness
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Theatricality and demonstrative behavior.

The disease has a chronic course with periodic exacerbations throughout life. Hysteria in children occurs as a result of a long psychotrauma that infringes on his personality and rights (as the child himself believes). It is noticed that pampered children with weak will and immunity to criticism suffer from this disease. Such children are not accustomed to any household duties, they do not understand the words "need" and "no". But the words “give quickly” and “I want it” are very well perceived. Children have contradictions between desires and real life. The first attack of hysteria in children can be found in infancy. The baby asks to be held in his mother's arms, but she cannot take him. What do some kids do? They begin to cry, scream, can throw their head back, fall on the bed. It is worth taking the baby in your arms, as he falls silent and calms down. This is the first manifestation of a hysterical fit. Older children, when they refuse to buy a toy they like, also begin to behave in the store. The attack ends when the mother agrees to the terms of the child.

Patients with symptoms of hysteria require the consultation and treatment of a psychiatrist. But only after testing. The treatment of hysteria requires the obligatory assistance and relatives. Such a family member should be treated calmly, without undue anxiety. First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of the disease and eliminate it. Such people are trying to find the best solution to the problem and help overcome it. Complex treatment with medicines and psychotherapy is carried out. Of the medicines, vitamins, psychotropic and restorative drugs are used. From physiotherapeutic procedures, acupuncture, soothing massage are used. The impact on the psycho-emotional background is achieved through autogenic training, rational psychotherapy, the use of hypnosis and the method of suggestion. During psychotherapy, together with the patient, the doctor analyzes the causes that led to the disease. Hypnosis is considered the most effective treatment for hysteria. Occupational therapy also plays a certain role - it distracts the patient from experiences, creates conditions for communication with other people, the team. How to help a child with an attack of hysteria? You can spray with cold water, shake, slap. If the baby fell, convulsive twitches began, then it is advisable to lay it on a soft surface, hold the legs, arms and head a little so that there is no severe damage. In principle, helping adults is also not very different from helping children. You can only spank an adult on the cheeks, it is advisable to put pressure on the earlobes. Depending on the severity of the disease, treatment will be outpatient or inpatient.

Hysteria is a mental disorder arising from intense anxiety. It is characterized by a lack of control over acts and emotions, and sudden emotional outbursts. This is often the result of a depressed state within the person. This disease occurs in both sexes, but is much more common among young women between the ages of fourteen and twenty-five. One of the main reasons is the fact that their bodies undergo rapid changes during pregnancy, resulting in hormonal imbalances. When someone is experiencing a fit of hysteria, it is essential that the people around them do not panic and remain calm. Hysterical outbursts are not uncommon, but the stimulus that is causing the hysteria must be identified before the person can be helped to overcome their fears.

Symptoms of hysteria include heaviness in the limbs, severe convulsions, rapid breathing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, palpitations, feeling of a foreign body in the throat, swelling of the neck and jugular vein, choking, headache, clenched teeth, muscle tension, an inexplicable desire to let off steam.

In severe cases, additional symptoms are noticeable as they may include wild and painful screams, incomplete loss of consciousness, swelling of the neck, rapid heartbeat, involuntary muscle contractions, frightening generalized convulsions, and violent movements. The prominence of veins in the neck often occurs when a person experiences hysteria.

Physical symptoms include weakness of will, craving for love and sympathy, and a tendency to become emotionally unstable. A hysterical trance can last for several days or weeks. The trance patient may be in deep sleep, but the muscles usually do not relax. Emotional instability and weakness of the will can become extremely dangerous for those suffering from hysteria, because it leads them to depressive thoughts.

Heredity plays an important role in its causation. Nervous situation in the family. Emotional situations, stress, fear, anxiety, depression, trauma, masturbation, and prolonged illness can trigger hysteria. Anxiety is the main cause of hysteria, it is desirable that people who suffer from anxiety avoid very stressful situations.

Hysteria treatment using honey

Honey is considered an effective remedy for hysteria. It is advisable to eat one tablespoon of honey per day. Honey breaks down triglycerides, which cause blockages in the heart valves, thus avoiding or minimizing the occurrence of high blood pressure. Since the flow of blood through the heart is unrestricted, blood pressure remains normal and hysteria can be avoided when difficult situations arise.

Hysteria treatment using lettuce

Lettuce is considered valuable in this disease. A cup of fresh lettuce juice, mixed with a teaspoon of gooseberry juice, should be drunk every day in the morning for a month, as a remedy for hysteria. While eating lettuce and fresh vegetables may not be directly related to hysteria, eating lettuce and fresh vegetables can help cleanse the body of toxins that may be causing health problems.

Help from a psychiatrist

The following herbs are recommended for this disease:

  • Sage
  • Motherwort
  • Butterbur

What is hysteria: a disease or is it the norm? This psychological disorder is more typical for women, but it also manifests itself in men. What are the symptoms and what treatment is possible in case of hysteria? The presented article will answer a number of questions concerning this phenomenon.

The phenomenon of hysteria has gained its fame since the ancient times of Dr. Hippocrates. It was understood as a whole group of neuroses that belonged to diseases of the uterus (hysteron). Intensive research on this began at the end of the 19th century. Its name is hysteria. Symptoms in women have become the preferred material for scientists.

Scientific research

P. Janet and J. M. Charcot began to study this disease. Under the influence of the latter, Z. Freud began to study the mental mechanisms of hysteria, and Z. Freud made a huge contribution to the development of such a phenomenon as hysteria. He saw treatment in a new method invented by him - psychoanalysis. The psychologist also identified the psychological defense mechanisms that we need in the event of an internal conflict that has arisen. This is repression, identification, transference, denial. Z. Freud said that if the mechanisms cannot eliminate the conflict, hysteria sets in. He also saw reasons in repressed ideas and memories that are erotic in nature and are expressed in bodily symptoms.

In general, Z. Freud had his own developed classification of psychoneuroses. He singled out hysterical neuroses and obsessional neuroses. They differ from anxiety neurosis, since the latter arises after an unsuccessful erotic experience, but psychoneuroses are provoked by early childhood conflicts.

Two kinds of hysteria

Z. Freud also distinguished two types in the phenomenon of hysteria. Both cases have a common basic feature of the concept of "hysteria". The disease arises as a result of the action of such a protective mechanism as the displacement of an unfolding internal conflict.

Conversion hysteria involves the patient trying to cope with the internal conflict by turning it into bodily expressions or dissociation. Hysteria of fear does not allow the human Self to overcome fear due to the presence of obsessive and phobic mechanisms. Phobic neurosis is another name for this kind of "hysteria" phenomenon. The reasons for the renaming are quite clear.

Characteristics of conversion hysteria

Has various conversion hysteria symptoms. Her treatment takes place in the office of a psychoanalyst, who first of all reveals the severity of manifestations.

First, there are bodily symptoms. They are very changeable in their essence and in this case they are connected not with anatomical or physiological disorders, but with mental phenomena.

Secondly, external emotional indifference. It is a very serious symptom.

Thirdly, episodic mental states - hysterical seizures. They can be either an independent expression or combined with the above symptoms. Seizures involve a bifurcation of some of the functions of the psyche.

Often such seizures are accompanied by female hysteria. The symptoms in women also include complex fantasy stories and dreams that are amenable to analysis. They are the result of distortions that arise due to the impact of protective mechanisms.

Conversion hysteria presents a number of striking bodily symptoms. Women experience motor, visceral or pain, deafness, tremor, blindness, paralysis, vomiting. But these symptoms are false. They are not confirmation of anatomical and physiological disorders. But hysterics have a complete conviction that their symptom is serious and quite real.

Hysterical symptoms arise when conflicts awaken, which took place during the period of psychosexual development of a person. Dangerous is the desire of the mother or father (depending on the sex of the child), which imposes an incestuous ban. According to Z. Freud, some types of hysteria also depend on pre-genital conflicts, namely oral ones.

Psychological protection

The main types of protective psychological mechanisms include identification, regression and repression. With their help, the psyche tries to cope with children's conflicts and suppresses unconscious fantasies, lowering them below the level of consciousness. Thus, the individual retains its integrity.

Syndromes differ in the individual characteristics of a disease such as hysteria. Treatment consists in the fact that with the help of psychotherapy, the doctor reveals the pathogenic pattern. Internal conflicts also affect the formation of personality. If the disease does not manifest itself, then the formation of a hysterical character may simply occur. Theatrical demonstrativeness, coquettishness, labile mood, a tendency to respond to unconscious fantasy - this is hysteria. In women, the fear of sexual contact is also expressed with clearly defiant behavior.

Varieties of hysteria

The presented disorder has its own characteristics depending on gender. The first variety is hysteria in children. Symptoms appear in the form of an acute reaction to fear, which has no reason. It also happens that hysterical fits arise due to parental punishment. When parents realize their own mistakes, change the form of punishment, then hysterical seizures pass.

In adolescence, hysteria is observed in weak-willed girls and boys who do not want to hear about the refusal to fulfill their desires, unaccustomed to work. These teenagers manipulate adults with their disease.

Male hysteria

Dr. J. Charcot, in addition to studying women's ailments, observed cases of such a disease as hysteria in men. The symptoms of this disorder were previously thought to be purely feminine.

The scientist J. Charcot significantly influenced Z. Freud with demonstrations of male hysteria. He showed that with the help of hypnosis, hysterical paralysis could be provoked and hysterical symptoms could be eliminated.

Returning from Paris, an enthusiastic Z. Freud presented a speech "On Hysteria in Men", in which he spoke about the results of J. Charcot's research. But the Viennese doctors were rather restrained in their judgments and suggested that Z. Freud himself study and demonstrate such a case. The clinical observation of the psychiatrist led nowhere, since the scientific community in Vienna remained uninterested in male hysteria.

Female hysteria

The third type of this disorder is female hysteria. Symptoms in women take their origins in hormonal metabolic processes. In this regard, the disease is associated with the activity of the sex glands that produce steroids. These substances affect the mood of a woman during the menstrual period. Hormonal surges during puberty and the postpartum period cause such a disorder as hysteria. Symptoms in a woman are characterized not only by the physiological side, but also by the behavioral side. Women strive to win everyone's attention, admiration, envy and surprise. They invent different stories and stories, dress provocatively. Their mood changes quickly. If the case is more severe, then paralysis or paresis may occur, and then women need help in moving.

The patient may have a head twitch without any reason. Speech is often disturbed, stuttering, dumbness, hiccups appear. From the outside it seems that the patients behave ridiculously.

Female hysterical seizures are characterized by sudden movements, screams, cries. The patient is tearing out her hair, crying. A sharp sound, cotton, severe pain and cold water can stop such an attack. Hysteria dims consciousness a little, but the patient remembers all the events.

Hysterical neurosis: treatment

The whole treatment of hysteria comes down to eliminating the source of internal conflict. Psychotherapy is an indispensable method. The main techniques used in treatment are hypnosis, training, and suggestion.

In the process of hypnosis, the doctor can use the method of free association, with the help of which it is possible to isolate a chain of associations that connect the primary pathogenic pattern with the symptom. This procedure can take a long time, since unraveling the associative chains is not an easy task. The doctor finds out the properties of the patient's character, the importance of certain motives. Also, the psychoanalyst overcomes the resistance of the patient, who does not want to reproduce psychotraumatic events at all.

It is worth noting that such a direction as psychoanalysis does not provide for a mechanical role play. A person must remove all masks and appear as he is. Such sincerity applies not only to the patient, but also to the doctor. The psychoanalyst has access to personality formation, and a lot in the life of the patient will depend on the doctor. Maximum dedication can also provoke a doctor, so every psychologist has his own psychologist.

The presented one became an in-depth continuation and development of Breuer's cathartic method. There was a replacement of hypnosis by communication, saturated with emotions, and the moral influence of the doctor on the patient. The impulses that were released led to catharsis.

The above methods help the patient to realize that he is running away from the disease, and thus healing begins.

Medical treatment is also used. Patients are prescribed psychotropic drugs (Aminalon, Nootropil), Rudotel medication, darsonvalization of the legs and restorative drugs that support health and mental state. Taking vitamins, massage sessions have a positive effect on the entire body.

Hysterical attacks in children are treated with simpler methods. The most effective techniques are suggestion and false treatment. Having found out the reason, parents will help to cure children's hysteria.

Folk remedies are also used to eliminate hysterical neurosis. There are various herbs that calm the nervous system (mint, valerian, motherwort).

Prevention of hysterical seizures

Oddly enough, but for the prevention of this disorder, excessive care and guardianship are not needed at all, because the hysteric, having caught this, can begin to simulate the disease and benefit from his condition. Relatives need to accept a state of adequate perception with a slight disregard. In this case, either hysterical seizures will completely disappear, or the level of their demonstrativeness will decrease.

After a visit to a specialist, you should regularly take remedies that calm the nervous system. You can drink tea and tinctures of various herbs.

Hysteria is a mental disorder, which is expressed in various sensitive, vegetative and affective deviations from the norm. This condition is most common among women, due to the peculiarities of their hormonal levels and the specifics of upbringing, however, the pathology can manifest itself in any individual, regardless of his age and gender. What characterizes such a phenomenon? How to treat the disease, and can it be done at home?

Symptoms of hysteria in women and men

For a long time, various reactions of a demonstrative nature (screams, crying mixed with laughter, convulsive states, increased sexual activity, and so on) were considered signs of this pathology.

It is curious that such a diagnosis was common at the beginning of the twentieth century, at present it is practically not used. Psychiatrists have divided hysteria into separate diagnoses (anxious hysteria, hysterical personality disorder, and so on).

At the moment, hysteria is a personality disorder, which is expressed in the habit of superficial judgments, a tendency to fantasies, theatrical behavior, self-suggestion.

The following are the main symptoms and signs of hysteria:

  1. Increased suggestibility, increased influence of others on a person's personality.
  2. Exaggerated display of emotion.
  3. Preoccupation with one's own appearance, attractiveness.
  4. Excited behavior, the desire to be in the spotlight and gain public recognition.

If a patient has three or more of the above symptoms, he can be given this diagnosis. Signs of an additional character include self-centeredness, a tendency to quickly and unreasonably be offended, constant manipulation to satisfy one's own needs.

Such a person is characterized by demonstrative and often provocative behavior, she often uses her appearance in order to attract the attention of others. At the same time, the hysterical personality does not have strong feelings: screams and fainting states are aimed solely at attracting attention. The duration of such a seizure depends on how much time is given to the patient. The more attention, the longer the attack will last.

In some cases, hysterical loss of hearing or vision develops. At the same time, no pathologies are observed during diagnosis by an ophthalmologist or an ENT specialist; after a while, visual and auditory functions are restored independently.

Hysteria in men is quite rare, this condition is typical for female patients and children.

Reasons for this phenomenon

The causes of hysteria can be attributed to both internal factors and external influences. The disease itself develops against the background of the individual characteristics of a person, his increased suggestibility and emotionality.

Such a pathology occurs due to mental overstrain, constant stressful situations. Other risk factors are physical activity, traumatic situations, dissatisfaction with one's own profession and difficulties in communicating with the team. Hysteria also develops against the background of an unfavorable situation in the family circle, the abuse of alcoholic beverages, as well as excessive and uncontrolled intake of sedatives and psychotropic medications.

Hysteria in childhood can occur against the background of constant conflicts in the family and improper upbringing, as well as as a result of a constant tense situation at school, difficulties in communicating with peers.

Conversion hysteria: what is it?

This type of neurotic disorder is quite severe, in most cases it is treated in a hospital. This type of hysteria most often affects patients at a young age who have an unstable emotional state and a tendency to demonstrative behavior.

Often, such patients have a feeling of a coma in the throat, as well as demonstrative fainting. At the same time, there is no human fault in these phenomena, since the patient's consciousness is completely absorbed by experiences, and he acts unconsciously.

With reactive forms, pseudo-paralysis occurs, spasms of the muscular system, often a person has convulsions, he arches (the so-called hysterical arc). In this case, a person can be stopped only with the help of an external strong stimulus, while the effect of strong surprise should occur.

In rare cases, there are memory impairments, sometimes hallucinations associated with internal experiences. After the seizure passes, the memory is quickly restored. Treatment of this type of hysteria is most often carried out in stationary conditions.

Features of diagnostics

The diagnosis is made quite easily, through consultation with a psychotherapist or psychiatrist: specialists listen to the complaints of the patient or his relatives, carry out a visual examination. In most cases, special diagnostic methods are not required. It is enough just to study the medical history, as well as to study the environment in which the patient lives (to identify and eliminate the impact of stress factors on the personality).

Features of the treatment of hysteria

Is it possible to treat hysteria at home? Only in severe cases, such a pathology is treated through hospitalization. It is quite possible to stop hysterical attacks at home, however, in order to avoid relapses, it is necessary to eliminate all stress factors in the future. For the full treatment of the disease, the patient must be in a calm environment, relatives must ensure that there is a friendly and warm atmosphere at home.

If hysteria is observed in childhood, it makes sense to change the team, transfer the child to another school (if conflicts with peers became the cause).

In treatment, it is important to distinguish a hysterical seizure from an epileptic seizure, since such phenomena have much in common. In hysteria, the patient may do sudden acts, but this does not cause injury, since the fall and other actions are performed carefully. In the hysterical type of personality, convulsive movements are observed, but at the same time the person is conscious. At the same time, he does not emit foam from the oral cavity, there is no sweating.

Treatment for this condition includes the following:

  • Patient reassurance.
  • Place it in a calm and quiet environment.
  • Removal of unauthorized persons from the premises.
  • Staying at some distance from the patient (this will help not to pay much attention to him).
  • At the same time, the patient should not be left unattended.

Features of drug therapy

With hysterical seizures, it is important to restore the emotional balance of the patient. For starters, you can try safe herbal preparations that do not have side effects (for example, valerian or motherwort tincture, Persen or Afobazol). Such funds can be used without the supervision of a doctor, that is, at home.

If the hysterical syndrome is not stopped with the help of herbal preparations and continues for a sufficiently long time, potent medicines are used (tranquilizers and preparations based on bromine). The selection of such drugs is carried out by the treating specialist, in addition, they must be taken for a very limited time, otherwise side effects may occur, as well as addiction to the drug, which will make further treatment ineffective.

At the same time, the specialist prescribes vitamin supplements that have a tonic effect and help eliminate weakness and drowsiness. If the patient has problems sleeping, suitable sleeping pills are selected. The purpose of the drugs depends on the nature of insomnia (this may be an inability to sleep or constant awakenings at night). Depending on the severity of the problem, sleeping pills can be both plant-based and synthetic-based.

Other Treatments

Occupational therapy is an effective technique for the treatment of hysterical disorder, which was used in Soviet psychiatry. Such patients can be invited to participate in labor or social activities that are interesting for them: if such activities are paid, the patient will be happy to spend time at his workplace, and the number of hysterical seizures will decrease significantly. If hysteria is observed at school age, try to invite the child to enroll in one of the creative or sports circles after class: you will see that his mental state returns to normal after a while.

Another option is physiotherapy procedures, which are carried out in conjunction with drug therapy. Soothing baths with the addition of sea salt and herbs (such as sage or chamomile) should become a good habit for the patient. A short stay in warm water has a beneficial effect on the emotional state, allows you to get rid of seizures, and also eliminates sleep problems. That is why baths are recommended to be taken in the evening several times a week. Please note: in no case should the patient be forced to undergo physiotherapy during a hysterical seizure or immediately after it.

Professional massage is another effective technique that has a relaxing effect, kneading and stroking movements reduce increased muscle tone, which prevents cramps. Massage should be carried out by an experienced specialist who knows exactly how to act on biologically active points, with what intensity to knead the muscles. Acupuncture has the same purpose: in this procedure, the specialist acts on the active points on the patient's body, which are responsible for nervous tension, using special thin needles.

In the course of treatment, the psychiatrist and the patient's relatives are required to listen carefully to all the patient's complaints and treat them without ridicule or undue distrust. Otherwise, such a skeptical attitude can provoke new attacks.

The prognosis of such a disease is favorable with complex treatment and placement of the patient in a comfortable environment for him. However, with the development of severe hysterical conditions, such patients are placed in stationary conditions.

Possible Complications

If the treatment of this disease is not started in time, complications will inevitably arise that will require the patient to be placed in a hospital. The most common complications and dangerous consequences include the following:

  1. Social maladaptation, inability to conduct normal work activities due to neurological disorders (blindness, deafness, memory impairment, gait disturbance and other phenomena that prevent a person from fully living in society and maintaining ties with other people may occur).
  2. Depressive states (increased degree of emotional depression, which prevents the patient from going to work or school, leads to suicidal intentions).

As a result of these complications, a person stops communicating with people close to him, in severe cases, he becomes unable to serve himself on his own, to observe basic hygiene rules.

Preventive measures

What to do to avoid this condition? Preventive measures must be observed by all persons, especially those who are subject to strong emotional experiences. These are the measures:

  1. It is necessary to neutralize conflict situations in the family and at the place of work, if necessary, it is desirable to change the team in a timely manner, to eliminate all stress factors.
  2. If you have a difficult interpersonal conflict or other psychological problem, it is recommended that you seek the help of a professional psychologist or psychotherapist who will prescribe individual or group therapy for you and help you cope with a difficult situation.
  3. As prescribed by the doctor, you should take sedatives, especially if your work is associated with increased stress and nervous tension, as well as during exams and other responsible events. Your doctor will prescribe herbal medicines for you.
  4. A sufficient amount of night rest is a guarantee of health and good psychological well-being. To avoid nervous strain, it is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours a day (the exact number of hours of nighttime rest is determined individually).
  5. Hiking in nature not only strengthens the immune system, but also contributes to the normalization of the emotional state (at least an hour a day, devote to this useful activity, if possible, relax in nature more often).
  6. Fill your life with positive emotions. To do this, devote more time to communicating with loved ones and interesting people, find an exciting hobby or business for yourself that will not let emotions take over your psyche.
  7. The student needs to provide a comfortable psychological environment at home: communicate with your child more often, take an interest in his affairs at school, difficulties and problems, try to help solve them.

Thus, hysteria is an unpleasant mental illness that often occurs in people with emotional instability. Attempts to attract attention and provocative behavior lead to seizures, which are accompanied by convulsions, painful sensations of unclear localization, and other somatic manifestations. Treatment of this condition is carried out both at home and in a hospital (depending on the severity of the disease). In most cases, therapy has a favorable prognosis.

Female hysteria is a mental disorder that manifests itself in the form of motor and sensory disorders. Hysteria is caused by self-hypnosis and the desire to attract everyone's attention. The disease refers to an outdated general medical diagnosis that develops from mental disorders, usually mild to moderate in severity. Women with neurotic character traits are susceptible to the disease, but there are exceptions.

The main causes of female hysteria are internal conflicts and external irritants associated with an overload of a neuropsychic nature, for example, with frequent conflicts. In hysteria, the moment of inner experience that occurs in the patient is of great importance. The risk category includes those who have frequent physical and mental overstrain, dissatisfaction with themselves, negative situations in the family, frequent use of sedatives without a doctor's prescription, alcohol.

Signs and symptoms

Emotional reactions, such as tears, nervous laughter, and screams, have long been considered common signs of the disease. In a more severe form - deafness, convulsions of the limbs and muscles of the face, partial loss of sensitivity, excessive sexual activity, clouding of consciousness. A woman prone to hysteria can be easily recognized by her frilly dressing, as well as by stories filled with excessive theatricality. General symptoms noticeably distinguish a hysterical woman from the general mass, among them the following are described: erratic movements, twitching of the head, unreasonable excitement, hiccups, stuttering, etc.

The diagnosis of hysteria, previously used in medicine, is currently not used due to the breakdown into more precise formulations of diagnoses, such as anxiety hysteria, somatic and dissociative disorders. A hysterical personality is betrayed by the desire to always be in the spotlight, craving for provocative situations, using one's natural data to attract attention, increased suggestibility, exaggeration of emotions and reactions to these emotions.

In some cases, hysterical seizures last quite a long time, so they need to be recognized in time and properly treated. To begin with, it is necessary to distinguish an attack of hysteria from an epileptic seizure, since visually they have much in common in the behavior of patients, but the assistance provided is significantly different.

Diagnosis of female hysteria occurs in the office of a psychotherapist by talking with the patient and identifying three or more signs, such as:

  1. Suggestibility.
  2. Self-centeredness, an obsessive desire to be recognized.
  3. Surface emotion.
  4. desire to manipulate.
  5. Touchiness.

Psychotherapists attribute female hysteria to a form of neurosis associated with the inability to consciously control one's behavior. Such disorders of the nervous system sometimes continue throughout life, which indicates the presence of hysterical psychopathy. The same symptoms are observed as a result of concussion, as well as in the presence of some other diseases. The duration of the attack directly depends on the attention paid to the patient. The more attention is given, the longer the attack lasts. To bring the patient out of a hysterical state, it is enough to douse him with cold water or cause a little physical pain.

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