Immunotherapy for cancer - types and indications for treatment. Immunotherapy for lung cancer: what the patient needs to know Immunotherapy in lung oncology survival

Cellular cancer immunotherapy is a new direction in medicine, which, by restoring the functions of human immunity, is able to destroy tumor tissue.

The term cancer immunotherapy refers to the effect of the body's regulatory systems on altered immune functions. It is carried out using immunomodulators - drugs that, depending on the methods of administration, can activate the protective functions of the body. Such drugs also help to slow down the action of some parts of the immune system and improve the work of others.

Medicines that weaken the body's defense system are immunosuppressants, and drugs that activate it are immunostimulants.

Cancer immunotherapy with dendritic cells

Immunity allows you to protect yourself from internal enemies (various mutated cells) and external (microbes, viruses) that can multiply in an uncontrolled way.

In the human body, several thousand cancer cells are formed daily, and the immune system must quickly detect their development and completely suppress them. If it does not cope with its functions, the tumor eventually begins to produce substances that significantly reduce the body's defenses. Most cancer patients are diagnosed with suppressed immunity.

Studies conducted by scientists prove that dendritic cells and T-lymphocytes can have a significant impact on the restoration of the anti-cancer function of the immune system.

Technique for the use of dendritic cells

1. Dendritic cells are isolated from venous blood taken from a patient.

2. The components of the patient's malignant cells extracted from the tumor by puncture are mixed with dendritic cells.

3. The process of fusion is accompanied by the reading of information by dendritic cells, which is subsequently necessary for the recognition of malignant cells. This is how full-fledged trained dendritic cells arise, which are able to recognize and destroy cancerous growths.

4. Mature dendritic cells are sent to the patient's body to restore the anti-cancer work of the immune system.

It is reliably known that cancer immunotherapy allows you to cope with oncological diseases of the prostate, ovaries, kidneys, breast, melanoma and some other malignant tumors. Cancer immunotherapy with dendritic cells is also used when other treatment options are ineffective.

This method works best in the early stages of the disease, when the number of mutated cells has not exceeded critical values. Therefore, treatment is carried out only after studying the level of immunity activity.

Side effects of cancer immunotherapy with dendritic cells: hyperemia in the areas of use of the drug, lethargy, fever.

Cancer vaccines

The use of the vaccination technique makes it possible to restore the antitumor immunity of a person and prevent the development and spread of oncopathology. Vaccines may include tumor cells or antigens. Cellular vaccines are created from the patient's cancer cells. After removal, they are processed in a special way. Upon reaching the stage when the cells are unable to divide, they are introduced into the patient's body to form a special immunity.

Antigenic vaccines contain tumor antigens. There are antigens suitable for neoplasms of a certain type, and there are unique ones that are observed in the body of only one patient. Cancer vaccines are predominantly used as a trial treatment.

TIL cell immunotherapy

It is used to treat melanoma at the stages when metastases appear. This technique allows you to significantly and very quickly enhance the ability of immunity to counteract malignant tumors.

The activity of TIL cells is 75 times higher than that of lymphocytes. TIL cells are obtained from the removed tumor tissues, they are placed in a specially prepared environment so that they can develop antitumor abilities. After that, significantly strengthened and multiplied TIL cells are returned to the patient's blood.

T cell immunotherapy

T-helpers are among the most active bodies of the immune system, which form adaptive immunity. Applications of T-cell immunotherapy: treatment of cancers, autoimmune diseases, HIV and other complex viruses.

Activation of T-helpers is carried out by two methods:

1. Using cells obtained from the patient's body.

2. Using donor cells.

There are also unique techniques that allow you to activate T-helpers due to electromagnetic particles. They are currently in the testing process.

Late stages of cancer

Often, patients turn to a medical institution for help when the disease is already in a neglected state. At this stage, metastases usually appear, so conventional methods of treatment do not give the desired result. The volume of malignant cells rapidly increases, which leads to the death of the patient.

Traditional treatment, even with the use of aggressive options for radiation and chemotherapy, cannot reverse the negative course of the disease. Cellular immunotherapy enables the body to restore the anti-cancer function of the immune system.

Immunotherapeutic method in the terminal stages

1. Collection of tumor tissue or venous blood or stem cells from a patient.

2. Creation of an antitumor vaccine.

3. Vaccination of the patient.

4. The possibility of using chemotherapy is being considered.

5. Use of deoxynate to remove toxins after chemotherapy treatments.

Thanks to this treatment, the number of malignant cells can be reduced by 1.5-2 times, which leads to a significant decrease in tumor formation or a complete regression of the malignant process.

Each patient is faced with the fact that chemotherapy at stages 3 and 4 ceases to reduce the tumor and metastases. This is an indicator that it is time to switch to more modern methods of cancer therapy. For the selection of an effective method of treatment, you can contact for

The consultation discusses: - methods of innovative therapy;
- opportunities to participate in experimental therapy;
- how to get a quota for free treatment at the cancer center;
- organizational matters.
After the consultation, the patient is assigned the day and time of arrival for treatment, the therapy department, and, if possible, the attending doctor is assigned.

Usually, stage 1 and 2 tumors are eliminated by surgery, as well as by the use of chemotherapeutic drugs. Immunotherapy is an auxiliary method. Stages 3 and 4 of cancer are an intractable form of the disease, when classical methods are ineffective, just in this case, immunity support becomes especially important.

The essence of immunotherapy

When suppressing any disease (including cancer), the state of immunity in the patient is of great importance. After all, it is much easier to defeat the disease when the body's natural defense resources are activated.

Immunotherapy, in its essence, is the introduction into the blood of substances of biological origin that have an antitumor orientation. These substances are cytokines and monoclonal antibodies, which, when they enter the human body, do not allow cancer cells to receive nutrition for growth. Thus, gradually malignant cells die and the neoplasm is destroyed.

There are no clear age restrictions, but usually immunotherapy is given to patients from 5 to 60 years old.

How fast does immunotherapy work?

Although the injected substance begins to work immediately, a lot of time passes from the beginning of therapy to the final disappearance or maximum destruction of the tumor. Often, this process takes months (depending on the severity of the disease).

The clinic "Vitamed" has been successfully using the method of immunotherapy for more than a year. All the time of immunotherapy, the patient is closely monitored by the specialists of our clinic. Complete recovery and getting rid of cancer after a course of immunotherapy, according to statistical studies, can range from 60 to 80% or more.

Are there side effects?

Yes, immunotherapy has a number of side effects. Much depends, firstly, on the individual characteristics of the patient's body; secondly, from the medicine itself.

There are good medicines that help to cope with the disease, but at the same time they have a lot of side effects and are difficult for patients to tolerate.

At the same time, there are drugs that do not cause almost any accompanying complications in the body. But they do not bring any benefit in case of illness, that is, they do not treat.

Of course, when choosing the type of therapy, our doctor will be guided by the principle of the effectiveness of treatment. At the same time, knowing about all the side effects, the oncologist will carefully monitor the changes in your body and, in case of complications, will take the necessary measures to alleviate your condition.

Why doesn't everyone get cancer?

The bottom line here lies in the protective function of the immune system, which protects the body from any infections and malignant tumors. The main position in the process of protection is occupied by cytotoxic T-lymphocytes, which are involved in recognizing the appearance of mutant-type genes. They immediately destroy them, not even allowing tumors to form. In a word, by increasing the protective abilities of the body, it is possible both to prevent the development of cancer and to cure cancer.

This has become the main immunotherapy, which is rapidly developing, every day showing good results in the fight against various diseases. The most widespread use of immunotherapy is practiced abroad, where at the moment there are ready-made immune-type preparations, and scientific research is continuously being conducted to create new medicines.

Today, many domestic clinics, including Vitamed, have adopted this effective method of treatment. And it is worth noting that immunotherapy is carried out at the highest level in our country, and the effectiveness of the method itself in the field of cancer treatment is very high.

immune drugs

For immunotherapy, the following main groups of drugs are used:

  • cytokines - carry out the transfer of information between immune cells;
  • interleukins - transmit information about the occurrence of cancer cells;
  • gamma-interferons - destroy malignant cells;
  • monoclonal antibodies - not only detect, but also destroy cancer cells;
  • dendritic cells - obtained by mixing blood precursor cells and malignant cells, due to which the created biomaterial has the ability to neutralize malignant cells;
  • T-helpers - highly active immune bodies that are used for cell therapy;
  • TIL-cells - are created in the laboratory, the material for them is the patient's tumor tissue, from which cells with new functions are grown in a certain way;
  • cancer vaccines are also obtained from the material of the tumor itself. For this, malignant cells deprived of the function of reproduction, or tumor antigens are used. Such a vaccine contributes to the increased production of antibodies in the patient's body that have an antitumor effect.

Above are the main substances that are used in immunotherapy. True, so far they are used in combination with radio and chemotherapy, which weaken the activity of harmful cells, so they are easier to destroy. Also, immunotherapy makes it possible to reduce the dose of chemotherapy drugs, and hence the toxic effect on the entire body.

In what cases still resort to immunotherapy?

Immunotherapy is used not only in oncology. For example, this method is successfully used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Allergy. In this case, the symptoms are not suppressed, but the causes of the body's reaction to allergens are eliminated. The course of immunotherapy for allergies is that the patient is injected subcutaneously with microdoses of allergen concentrate, on which an allergic reaction has been established in a person. This process is very similar to the gradual accustoming of the body to poisons through the regular use of microdoses. Today, the immunotherapy technique is used to get rid of allergies and gives the best result among other methods of treatment.
  • Tuberculosis. Laboratory data showed that in patients with tuberculosis disease in the active stage, almost all immunity chains were violated: the level of cytokines and all types of immunoglobulins was lowered, the activity of phagocytes and the combination of lymphocytic cells were changed. For such extensive disorders, immunotherapy is the best treatment option. Of course, in this case, the drug will be developed individually.
  • Endometriosis. As studies by scientists in recent years show, the cause of endometriosis is the impaired functioning of the immune system. In patients with this pathology, the number of killer cells is reduced. Immunotherapy in the fight against endometriosis affects the activation of killer cells and T cells that prevent the engraftment of the endometrium where it should not be.

Clinic "Vitamed" has everything you need for immunotherapy. This is an excellent equipment with equipment that allows you to quickly and efficiently carry out the most complex examinations, and highly qualified doctors. Turning to us, you will receive not only the necessary treatment, but also the attentive and friendly treatment of the medical staff, which is often lacking in municipal medical institutions.

Oncologist, surgeon of the highest category. Candidate of Medical Sciences

Oncologist-immunologist, candidate of medical sciences

Oncologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pathological Anatomy

What you need to know about cancer immunotherapy: effectiveness, risks and cost

Many promising cancer treatments have fizzled out in clinical trials. But immunotherapy has every chance of avoiding such a fate: its significance for medicine is already compared with the discovery of antibiotics and chemotherapy. We tell you what you need to know about the most promising direction in oncology.

What is Cancer Immunotherapy

Most cancer cells have tumor antigens on their surface—proteins or carbohydrates—that can be detected and destroyed by a vigilant immune system. Immunotherapy activates the immune system, turning it into a formidable weapon against many types of cancer.

Two types of immunotherapy attract the greatest interest of scientists, doctors and investors:

  • immune response checkpoint inhibitors, which take the immune system off the brakes, allowing it to see and destroy cancer;
  • CAR T-cell therapy, which makes a more targeted attack on cancer cells.

Immune checkpoint inhibitors block the ability of certain proteins to blunt or weaken the immune system's response to tumor antigens. In normal times, such proteins keep the immune system from behaving too aggressively, preventing it from damaging the body. But cancer can intercept them, using them to suppress immune responses (the tumor becomes “invisible” to the immune system).

For the treatment of malignant tumors (including melanoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, lung cancer, kidney cancer and bladder cancer), 4 drugs that activate the immune system have already been approved: ipilimumab (Ipilimumab, MDX-010, MDX-101), pembrolizumab (Keytruda), nivolumab ( Opdivo) and atezolizumab (Tecentriq).

Jimmy Carter, a former US president, treated inoperable melanoma last year with pembrolizumab. In December 2015, the politician announced that all signs of cancer had disappeared from him.

CAR T-cell therapy uses T-cells, a key part of the body's immune system, to treat cancer. They are extracted from a patient's blood, genetically modified in a lab to target a specific type of cancer, and injected back into the body. This procedure, only available in clinical trials, is currently being used to treat leukemia and lymphoma. The US Food and Drug Administration will likely approve T-cell therapy in 2017 or 2018. When this technology reaches Ukrainian clinics is a rhetorical question.

Actual problems of immunotherapy

Immune checkpoint inhibitors cause tumor shrinkage and stabilization of the tumor process in an average of 20% of patients. Researchers do not yet understand why some types of cancer do not respond to treatment. For example, immunotherapy is effective for patients with melanoma but is not useful for treating pancreatic cancer.

It is believed that the key to improving the effectiveness of immunotherapy will be its combination with other treatments. Scientists want to combine checkpoint inhibitors with T-cell therapy, radiation and chemotherapy. But this combination can increase the risk of side effects by dealing a devastating blow to healthy cells in the body.

Immunotherapy drugs in oncology

All drugs that are currently used for cancer immunotherapy can be divided into the following groups:

  • Cytokines are substances that transmit information between cells of the immune system.
  • Gamma interferons are components that directly destroy malignant cells.
  • Interleukins are substances that carry information about the presence of malignant cells.
  • Multiclonal antibodies are protein components that can detect and destroy cancer cells.
  • T-helpers are cells of the immune system that can be used for cell therapy of malignant tumors.
  • Dendritic cells are cells that are derived from blood progenitor cells. When in contact with cancer cells, dendritic cells acquire the ability to destroy tumor formations.
  • Cancer vaccines are created on the basis of materials obtained from a tumor, or antigens that cause the development of a tumor process.

More about vaccines

Cancer vaccines should be discussed in more detail, since there has been a lot of interest in them lately from the scientific community.

Currently, many varieties of antitumor vaccines have been created. According to the method of preparation and action, such vaccines are divided into two main groups:

  • cell vaccines. They are composed of tumor cells from the patient himself or from another patient with the same type of cancer.
  • antigenic vaccines. The composition of such vaccines includes an antigen that is obtained from tumor cells.

As for cellular antitumor vaccines, they contain cancer cells that are unable to develop and divide. In this regard, they cannot infect the patient with cancer, but at the same time, such drugs cause the production of immune cells.

Antigenic vaccines contain various components of cancer cells, such as certain proteins, DNA or RNA. For the introduction of antigenic vaccines, special conductor viruses can be used that do not cause disease in humans, but only transfer the necessary material to the human immune system.

An experiment that gives hope for a complete victory over cancer

In January of this year, a group of scientists from Stanford, led by Dr. Ronald Levy, announced the sensational news. The cancer vaccine they tested on mice destroyed not only the tumor, but also distant metastases. In this case, mice were given only one injection into the tumor.

This is a new antitumor vaccine that consists of two components: a short piece of DNA (needed to enhance the expression of the receptor on the surface of T cells) and an antibody, necessary for T cells to attack cancer cells. Since these reagents are injected directly into the tumor, they recognize only protein components specific to cancer cells.

Our approach to cancer treatment uses only a single administration of a cancer vaccine with low concentrations of reagents. In mice, we have seen a surprising result - the elimination of tumors throughout the body in animals. Notably, with this approach, there is no need to identify cancer-specific immune targets. And also the total activation of the patient's immune system is not required. There is every reason to believe that this vaccine will be effective against all types of cancer.

So far, Dr. Levy's treatment technique has only been tested on mice. The results are amazing - 87 out of 90 mice were cured of cancer. Three mice had a recurrence, but it was quickly eliminated after a second course of treatment. The cancer vaccine was tested against lymphoma in mice, but then the same results were obtained in breast cancer, colon cancer and melanoma.

Currently, Dr. Levy is recruiting a group of volunteers to already conduct clinical trials of the vaccine in humans.

Major Disadvantages of Cancer Immunotherapy

By "rocking" the immune system, immunotherapy can cause serious damage to healthy tissues and organs. Researchers are working on ways to reduce its potential toxicity, but there is still a lot of work ahead.

Two types of risks associated with immunotherapy are known today:

  • Almost all patients experience flu-like symptoms after treatment, including high fever, headache, and muscle pain; some end up in the intensive care unit.
  • Treatment can cause cerebral edema and death.

Standard cancer treatments also have dangerous side effects. For example, chemotherapy and radiation therapy for childhood leukemia can cause secondary cancers, infertility, and heart damage, but doctors often have to take risks to save lives.

Another significant disadvantage of immunotherapy is its high cost:

  • the annual supply of Keytruda will cost the patient 150 thousand dollars a year (3 million 750 thousand hryvnias);
  • the cost of 40 ml of ipilirumab exceeds 29 thousand dollars (725 thousand hryvnias);
  • more than $2,500 would have to be spent on 100mg of nivolumab.

So far, such exorbitant figures do not inspire optimism in patients, but immunotherapy is a young trend in oncology, and the more new drugs appear on the global pharmaceutical market, the lower prices will fall.

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Efficiency of immunotherapy in oncological diseases

Oncological diseases in terms of frequency of occurrence among any categories of the world's population are in first place. To combat malignant neoplasms, methods of radiation therapy are used, cytotoxic drugs, and surgical intervention are used.

But not always their use allows you to achieve complete recovery. Therefore, scientists are looking for new ways to destroy cancer cells in the body, and one of them is immunotherapy, which is widely used in medical clinics.

The concept of methodology

Oncology is a young science that studies cancer, finds out the causes of their occurrence and establishes the features of the effect of anti-cancer methods on the body.

The ongoing research has made it possible to establish that the immune system plays a significant role in the development of atypical cells inside the body, that is, a decrease in its work.

Immunity performs a certain function, it destroys cells alien to the human body, these include viruses, bacteria and those cells that change their structure under the influence of provoking factors.

If the immune system is weakened, then the development and growth of cancer cells is not blocked by anything.

Formation of antitumor immunity is possible at any stage of cancer. With the first degrees of malignant lesions, immunotherapy is chosen as an additional method of treatment. In the last stages of cancer, an increase in protective forces makes it possible to increase the effectiveness and reduce the toxicity of chemotherapy drugs and radiation therapy.

Immunotherapy is evaluated as a promising method of fighting cancer, this technique has many advantages, these are:

  • The absence of a pronounced toxic effect on the body. For the preparation of drugs, the patient's own cells are used, so there are practically no rejection reactions.
  • Compatibility with other methods of cancer treatment.
  • Effective inhibition of further tumor growth.
  • Possibility of outpatient treatment.
  • Improving the quality of life.
  • Prevention of metastases.
  • Significant lengthening without recurrence of some types of cancer.

Immunotherapy is mainly prescribed to patients from five to 60 years. The probability of recovery when drugs that act on the immune system are included in the treatment regimen increases to 70%.

Indications and contraindications

Immunotherapy is not used as a standalone treatment. Stimulation of the functioning of the immune system is possible at any stage of cancer development, but this method of anti-cancer treatment performs different tasks.

At an early stage, with the help of immunotherapy, it is possible to achieve a stable remission or recovery; in the later stages, the general well-being of the patient is facilitated.

Immunotherapy is prescribed for the purpose of:

  • Obtaining or enhancing the antitumor effect in the body.
  • Reduction of adverse reactions from the use of cytostatics and radiation exposure. By stimulating the immune system, the general toxic effect on the body is reduced, the antioxidant effect is enhanced, and immunosuppression and myelosuppression are eliminated.
  • Prophylactic prevention of cancer recurrence and the development of other types of malignant tumors.
  • Treatment of infectious complications associated with cancer, arising under the influence of fungi, bacteria and viruses.

There are no absolute contraindications to immunotherapy. The type of this treatment is selected based on the type of tumor, the patient's condition, the presence of concomitant diseases.

Immunotherapy of malignant tumors, depending on the mechanism of immunological action on the body, is divided into several types, these are:

  • Specific active immunotherapy. The basis of this method is the stimulation of the formation of antigen-dependent T-cell cytotoxicity. This leads to the gradual destruction of only a specific subtype of tumor cells. The immunogenicity of atypical cells is increased by transfection of B7 genes or a number of cytokines directly into tumor cells. Specific immunotherapy gives high cure rates for prostate and breast cancer, melanoma, some types of brain tumors, and oncohematological lesions.
  • Nonspecific active immunotherapy is aimed at activating antigen-independent cytotoxicity. This method of immunotherapy is most often used for certain types of malignant lung lesions, adenocarcinomas, bladder cancer, colorectal neoplasm, renal cell cancer.
  • Combined active immunotherapy potentiates the antigen-dependent antitumor response of the immune system through the use of non-specific types of immunostimulants and through additional stimulation of non-specific immunity.
  • Nonspecific passive immunotherapy is based on the introduction into the body of the missing immunological factors - immune cells, cytokines, immunoglobulins. The introduction of these substances normalizes the functioning of the immune system or leads to the activation of antigen-independent cytotoxicity, which affects the tumor itself. Recombinant beta, alpha and gamma interferons, TNF, agents containing lectins, IL-1, IL-2, IL-12 are used.
  • Adaptive immunotherapy consists in changing the ratio between tumor cells and lymphocytes, which are suppressed during the development of a malignant process. This is achieved by introducing separate subcellular fractions and xenogenic lymphocytes.

Drugs that affect the activity of the immune system are mainly administered intravenously.

Sublingual immunotherapy is also widely used, with this method of treatment sublingual tablets or drops are used.

It is believed that the dissolution of the drug in the mucous membrane reduces the severity of the toxic effects on the body.

How is immunotherapy performed in oncology?

Immunotherapy involves the introduction into the body of a patient with cancer of biological drugs with antitumor activity. In the body, they enhance the defenses, contribute to the production of substances that block nutrition and, accordingly, interrupt the growth of the tumor.

Biological products in each case are selected and manufactured individually. In some cases, it is necessary to obtain cancer cells from the neoplasm itself, and a drug is prepared on their basis.

The sampling of cellular material is also carried out from donors. The resulting material is processed and then injected or otherwise introduced into the body.

Immune drugs and their effectiveness

In clinics that treat cancer patients, the following groups of medicines are mainly used in immunotherapy:

  • Cytokines. This group of drugs serves to transmit information among immune cells.
  • Interleukins - inform about the formation of cancer cells.
  • Monoclonal antibodies perform two functions - they detect atypical cells and immediately destroy them.
  • Dendritic cells are made by mixing cancer cells and blood cell progenitor cells. This combination provides the created biomaterial with the ability to destroy malignant tumors.
  • Gamma interferons are drugs whose mechanism of action is to destroy cancer cells.
  • T-helpers are a group of highly active immune bodies.
  • TIL cells are an artificial material created using neoplasm tissues. In a certain way, cells with cancer-killing functions are grown from these tissues.
  • Cancer vaccines are made from tumor antigens or from tumor cells that are unable to reproduce. Vaccines increase the production of antibodies with antitumor activity.

Side effects

There is no pronounced toxic effect of immunotherapy drugs on the body. Only 30% of treated patients have weakness, occasional nausea, hypotension, inflammation of the mucous membranes and allergic reactions, which are most often manifested by skin rashes.


Immunotherapy is a young direction in the treatment of cancer and its cost is quite high. Therefore, not everyone can benefit from this type of treatment.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago. Almost immediately I was operated on and had chemotherapy, the consequences were naturally terrible, and in addition to traditional treatment, I was recommended immunotherapy. I used imported drugs and according to the results of the tests, so far everything is not bad. The only thing that annoys me is the high cost of treatment, I don’t know if I can repeat it.

My father was diagnosed with lung cancer with liver metastases. The stage was running, so only chemotherapy was offered. After chemotherapy, the general state of health worsened, and tests and cytostatics were canceled. That is, simply sent home to wait for the end. Of course, we ourselves began to look for other methods of treatment and used ASD, hemlock tincture, prescribed some special drugs. And perhaps, against the background of all this treatment, the cough practically disappeared and shortness of breath decreased, and blood tests also became better. Against the background of such changes, the drug Iressa and Reaferon was prescribed, the treatment was long, but there are results. Metastases stopped progressing, and the main tumor became much smaller. An operation was scheduled followed by chemotherapy, and now for two years everything is relatively normal. I believe that it was the stimulation of the immune system that helped us.

Cancer immunotherapy in Moscow

In Moscow, the use of alternative methods of cancer treatment is carried out by:

  • Clinic of oncoimmunology and cytokine therapy. Address Builders str., 7, building 1. Tel. .
  • European clinic. Address m. Tulskaya, Dukhovskoy lane, 22B. Tel. .
  • Institute of Oncology. Address: st. Shchepkina, 35. Tel. 7.

Video about immunotherapy as a modern new method of treating oncology:

Immunotherapy in oncology: indications, action, methods of treatment, drugs

Oncopathology is one of the main problems of modern medicine, because at least 7 million people die from cancer every year. In some developed countries, mortality from cancer has outstripped that of cardiovascular diseases, taking a leading position. This circumstance forces us to look for the most effective ways to fight the tumor, which will be safe for patients.

Immunotherapy in oncology is considered one of the most progressive and new methods of treatment. Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation are the standard treatment for many tumors, but they have limits on effectiveness and serious side effects. In addition, none of these methods eliminates the cause of cancer, and a number of tumors are not sensitive to them at all.

Immunotherapy is fundamentally different from the usual means of fighting oncology, and although the method still has opponents, it is being actively introduced into practice, drugs are undergoing large-scale clinical trials, and scientists are already receiving the first fruits of their many years of research in the form of cured patients.

The use of immune preparations allows minimizing the side effects of treatment with its high efficiency, gives a chance to prolong life for those who, due to the neglect of the disease, can no longer undergo surgery.

As an immunotherapeutic treatment, interferons, cancer vaccines, interleukins, colony-stimulating factors and others are used, which have been clinically tested on hundreds of patients and approved for use as safe drugs.

The usual surgery, radiation and chemotherapy affect the tumor itself, but it is known that any pathological process, and even more so, uncontrolled cell division, cannot occur without the influence of immunity. More precisely, in the case of a tumor, this influence is just not enough, the immune system does not restrain the proliferation of malignant cells and does not resist the disease.

In oncopathology, there are serious violations of the immune response and surveillance of atypical cells and oncogenic viruses. Every person develops malignant cells over time in any tissue, but a properly functioning immune system recognizes them, destroys them, and removes them from the body. With age, immunity weakens, so cancer is more often diagnosed in older people.

The main goal of cancer immunotherapy is to activate one's own defenses and make tumor elements visible to immune cells and antibodies. Immune drugs are designed to enhance the effect of traditional methods of treatment while reducing the severity of side effects from them, they are used at all stages of oncopathology in combination with chemotherapy, radiation or surgery.

Tasks and types of immunotherapy for cancer

The appointment of immune drugs for cancer is necessary for:

  • Impact on the tumor and its destruction;
  • Reducing the side effects of anticancer drugs (immunosuppression, toxic effects of chemotherapy drugs);
  • Prevention of re-tumor growth and the formation of new neoplasia;
  • Prevention and elimination of infectious complications against the background of immunodeficiency in tumors.

It is important that cancer treatment with immunotherapy be carried out by a qualified specialist - an immunologist who can assess the risk of prescribing a particular drug, choose the right dose, and predict the likelihood of side effects.

Immune preparations are chosen according to the results of analyzes of the activity of the immune system, which can only be correctly interpreted by a specialist in the field of immunology.

Depending on the mechanism and direction of action of immune preparations, several types of immunotherapy are distinguished:

The vaccine contributes to the creation of active immune protection against cancer cells in conditions when the body itself is able to provide the correct response to the administered drug. In other words, the vaccine only gives impetus to the development of one's own immunity to a specific tumor protein or antigen. Resistance to a tumor and its destruction during vaccination is impossible under conditions of immunosuppression provoked by cytostatics or radiation.

Immunization in oncology includes not only the possibility of creating active own immunity, but also a passive response through the use of ready-made protection factors (antibodies, cells). Passive immunization, unlike vaccination, is possible in those patients who suffer from an immunodeficiency state.

Thus, active immunotherapy, which stimulates its own response to the tumor, can be:

  • Specific - vaccines prepared from cancer cells, tumor antigens;
  • Nonspecific - based on preparations of interferons, interleukins, tumor necrosis factor;
  • Combined - the combined use of vaccines, antitumor proteins and immune-stimulating substances.

Passive immunotherapy for oncology, in turn, is divided into:

  1. Specific - preparations containing antibodies, T-lymphocytes, dendritic cells;
  2. Nonspecific - cytokines, LAK-therapy;
  3. Combined - LAK + antibodies.

The described classification of types of immunotherapy is largely conditional, since the same drug, depending on the immune status and reactivity of the patient's body, can act differently. For example, a vaccine with immunosuppression will not lead to the formation of stable active immunity, but can cause general immunostimulation or even an autoimmune process due to the perversion of reactions in oncopathology.

Characterization of immunotherapeutic drugs

The process of obtaining biological preparations for cancer immunotherapy is complex, time-consuming and very expensive, requires the use of genetic engineering and molecular biology tools, so the cost of the drugs obtained is extremely high. They are obtained individually for each patient, using his own cancer cells or donor cells obtained from a tumor similar in structure and antigenic composition.

In the first stages of cancer, immune preparations complement classical anticancer treatment. In advanced cases, immunotherapy may be the only possible treatment option. It is believed that drugs of immune defense against cancer do not act on healthy tissues, which is why the treatment is generally well tolerated by patients, and the risk of side effects and complications is rather low.

An important feature of immunotherapy can be considered the fight against micrometastases that are not detected by available research methods. The destruction of even single tumor conglomerates contributes to the prolongation of life and long-term remission in patients with tumor stages III-IV.

Immunotherapeutic drugs begin to act immediately after administration, but the effect becomes noticeable after a certain time. It happens that for the complete regression of the tumor or slowing down its growth, several months of treatment are needed, during which the immune system fights cancer cells.

Treatment of cancer with immunotherapy is considered one of the safest methods, however, side effects still occur, because foreign proteins and other biologically active components enter the patient's blood. Side effects include:

  • Fever;
  • allergic reactions;
  • muscle pain, joint pain, weakness;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • flu-like conditions;
  • Violations of the activity of the cardiovascular system, liver or kidneys.

A severe consequence of immunotherapy for cancer can be cerebral edema, which poses an immediate threat to the life of the patient.

The method also has other disadvantages. In particular, drugs can have a toxic effect on healthy cells, and excessive stimulation of the immune system can provoke auto-aggression. Of no small importance is the price of treatment, reaching hundreds of thousands of dollars for an annual course. Such a cost is beyond the power of a wide range of people in need of treatment, so immunotherapy cannot replace the more affordable and cheaper surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Cancer Vaccines

The task of vaccination in oncology is to develop an immune response to the cells of a specific tumor or an antigenic set similar to it. To do this, the patient is injected with drugs obtained on the basis of molecular genetic and genetic engineering processing of cancer cells:

  1. Autologous vaccines - from the patient's cells;
  2. Allogeneic - from donor tumor elements;
  3. Antigenic - do not contain cells, but only their antigens or sections of nucleic acids, proteins and their fragments, etc., that is, any molecules that can be recognized as foreign;
  4. Preparations of dendritic cells - for tracking and inactivation of tumor elements;
  5. APC vaccine - contains cells that carry tumor antigens, which allows you to activate your own immunity to recognize and destroy cancer;
  6. Anti-idiotypic vaccines - consisting of fragments of proteins and tumor antigens, are under development and have not undergone clinical trials.

Today, the most common and well-known preventive vaccine against oncology is the cervical cancer vaccine (Gardasil, Cervarix). Of course, disputes regarding its safety do not stop, especially among people without appropriate education, however, this immune drug, administered to females at an age, allows you to form a strong immunity to oncogenic strains of the human papillomavirus and thereby prevent the development of one of the most common cancers - the cervix. uterus.

passive immunotherapy drugs

Among the drugs that also help fight the tumor are cytokines (interferons, interleukins, tumor necrosis factor), monoclonal antibodies, immunostimulating agents.

Cytokines are a whole group of proteins that regulate the interaction between cells of the immune, nervous, and endocrine systems. They are ways to activate the immune system and therefore are used for cancer immunotherapy. These include interleukins, interferon proteins, tumor necrosis factor, etc.

Interferon-based drugs are known to many. With the help of one of them, many of us increase immunity during seasonal influenza epidemics, with other interferons they treat viral lesions of the cervix, cytomegalovirus infection, etc. These proteins make tumor cells “visible” to the immune system, are recognized as foreign by antigenic composition and are removed by their own defense mechanisms.

Interleukins enhance the growth and activity of cells of the immune system, which eliminate tumor elements from the patient's body. They showed an excellent effect in the treatment of such severe forms of oncology as melanoma with metastases, metastases of cancer of other organs to the kidneys.

Colony-stimulating factors are actively used by modern oncologists and are included in combination therapy regimens for many types of malignant tumors. These include filgrastim, lenograstim.

They are prescribed during or after courses of intensive chemotherapy to increase the number of leukocytes and macrophages in the patient's peripheral blood, which progressively decrease due to the toxic effect of chemotherapeutic agents. Colony-stimulating factors reduce the risk of severe immunodeficiency with neutropenia and a number of associated complications.

Immunostimulating drugs increase the activity of the patient's own immune system in the fight against complications arising from other intensive antitumor treatment, and contribute to the normalization of the blood count after radiation or chemotherapy. They are included in the combined anticancer treatment.

Monoclonal antibodies are made from certain immune cells and injected into the patient. Once in the bloodstream, antibodies combine with special molecules (antigens) that are sensitive to them on the surface of tumor cells, attract cytokines and immune cells of the patient to them to attack tumor cells. Monoclonal antibodies can be "loaded" with drugs or radioactive elements that are fixed directly on tumor cells, causing their death.

The nature of immunotherapy depends on the type of tumor. For kidney cancer, nivolumab may be prescribed. Metastatic renal cancer responds very effectively to interferon alfa and interleukins. Interferon gives fewer adverse reactions, so it is prescribed more often for kidney cancer. The gradual regression of a cancerous tumor occurs over several months, during which side effects such as flu-like syndrome, fever, and muscle pain may occur.

In lung cancer, monoclonal antibodies (Avastin), antitumor vaccines, T-cells obtained from the patient's blood and processed in such a way that the ability to actively recognize and destroy foreign elements can be used.

Keytruda, which is actively used in Israel and produced in the USA, shows the highest efficiency with minimal side effects. In patients who took it, the tumor was significantly reduced or even completely disappeared from the lungs. In addition to high efficiency, the drug is also distinguished by a very high cost, so part of the cost of purchasing it in Israel is paid by the state.

Melanoma is one of the most malignant human tumors. At the stage of metastasis, it is almost impossible to cope with it with available methods, so the mortality rate is still high. Hope for a cure or long-term remission can be given by immunotherapy for melanoma, including the administration of Keytruda, nivolumab (monoclonal antibodies), tafinlar, and others. These funds are effective in advanced, metastatic forms of melanoma, in which the prognosis is extremely unfavorable.

Oncopathology is one of the main problems of modern medicine, because at least 7 million people die from cancer every year. In some developed countries, mortality from cancer has outstripped that of cardiovascular diseases, taking a leading position. This circumstance forces us to look for the most effective ways to fight the tumor, which will be safe for patients.

Immunotherapy in oncology is considered one of the most progressive and new methods of treatment., and constitute the standard system of therapy for many tumors, but they have a limit in effectiveness and serious side effects. In addition, none of these methods eliminates the cause of cancer, and a number of tumors are not sensitive to them at all.

Immunotherapy is fundamentally different from the usual means of fighting oncology, and although the method still has opponents, it is being actively introduced into practice, drugs are undergoing large-scale clinical trials, and scientists are already receiving the first fruits of their many years of research in the form of cured patients.

The use of immune preparations allows minimizing the side effects of treatment with its high efficiency, gives a chance to prolong life for those who, due to the neglect of the disease, can no longer undergo surgery.

Interferons, cancer vaccines, interleukins, colony stimulating factors are used as immunotherapeutic treatments. and others that have been clinically tested on hundreds of patients and approved for use as safe drugs.

The usual surgery, radiation and chemotherapy affect the tumor itself, but it is known that any pathological process, and even more so, uncontrolled cell division, cannot occur without the influence of immunity. More precisely, in the case of a tumor, this influence is just not enough, the immune system does not restrain malignant cells and does not resist the disease.

In oncopathology, there are serious violations of the immune response and surveillance of atypical cells and oncogenic viruses. Every person develops malignant cells over time in any tissue, but a properly functioning immune system recognizes them, destroys them, and removes them from the body. With age, immunity weakens, so cancer is more often diagnosed in older people.

The main goal of cancer immunotherapy is to activate one's own defenses and make tumor elements visible to immune cells and antibodies. Immune drugs are designed to enhance the effect of traditional methods of treatment while reducing the severity of side effects from them, they are used at all stages of oncopathology in combination with chemotherapy, radiation or surgery.

Tasks and types of immunotherapy for cancer

The appointment of immune drugs for cancer is necessary for:

  • Impact on the tumor and its destruction;
  • Reducing the side effects of anticancer drugs (immunosuppression, toxic effects of chemotherapy drugs);
  • Prevention of re-tumor growth and the formation of new neoplasia;
  • Prevention and elimination of infectious complications against the background of immunodeficiency in tumors.

It is important that cancer treatment with immunotherapy be carried out by a qualified specialist - an immunologist who can assess the risk of prescribing a particular drug, choose the right dose, and predict the likelihood of side effects.

Immune preparations are chosen according to the results of analyzes of the activity of the immune system, which can only be correctly interpreted by a specialist in the field of immunology.

Depending on the mechanism and direction of action of immune drugs, there are several types of immunotherapy:

  1. active;
  2. Passive;
  3. specific;
  4. non-specific;
  5. Combined.

The vaccine contributes to the creation of active immune protection against cancer cells in conditions when the body itself is able to provide the correct response to the administered drug. In other words, the vaccine only gives impetus to the development of one's own immunity to a specific tumor protein or antigen. Resistance to a tumor and its destruction during vaccination is impossible under conditions of immunosuppression provoked by cytostatics or radiation.

Immunization in oncology includes not only the possibility of creating active own immunity, but also a passive response through the use of ready-made protection factors (antibodies, cells). Passive immunization, unlike vaccination, is possible in those patients who suffer from an immunodeficiency state.

In this way, active immunotherapy, stimulating its own response to the tumor, can be:

  • Specific - vaccines prepared from cancer cells, tumor antigens;
  • Nonspecific - based on preparations of interferons, interleukins, tumor necrosis factor;
  • Combined - the combined use of vaccines, antitumor proteins and immune-stimulating substances.

Passive immunotherapy in oncology, in turn, is divided into:

  1. Specific - preparations containing antibodies, T-lymphocytes, dendritic cells;
  2. Nonspecific - cytokines, LAK-therapy;
  3. Combined - LAK + antibodies.

The described classification of types of immunotherapy is largely conditional, since the same drug, depending on the immune status and reactivity of the patient's body, can act differently. For example, a vaccine with immunosuppression will not lead to the formation of stable active immunity, but can cause general immunostimulation or even an autoimmune process due to the perversion of reactions in oncopathology.

Characterization of immunotherapeutic drugs

The process of obtaining biological preparations for cancer immunotherapy is complex, time-consuming and very expensive, requires the use of genetic engineering and molecular biology tools, so the cost of the drugs obtained is extremely high. They are obtained individually for each patient, using his own cancer cells or donor cells obtained from a tumor similar in structure and antigenic composition.

In the first stages of cancer, immune preparations complement classical anticancer treatment.In advanced cases, immunotherapy may be the only possible treatment option. It is believed that drugs of immune defense against cancer do not act on healthy tissues, which is why the treatment is generally well tolerated by patients, and the risk of side effects and complications is rather low.

An important feature of immunotherapy can be considered the fight against micrometastases that are not detected by available research methods. The destruction of even single tumor conglomerates contributes to the prolongation of life and long-term remission in patients with tumor stages III-IV.

Immunotherapeutic drugs begin to act immediately after administration, but the effect becomes noticeable after a certain time. It happens that for the complete regression of the tumor or slowing down its growth, several months of treatment are needed, during which the immune system fights cancer cells.

Treatment of cancer with immunotherapy is considered one of the safest methods, however, side effects still occur, because foreign proteins and other biologically active components enter the patient's blood. Side effects include:

  • Fever;
  • allergic reactions;
  • muscle pain, joint pain, weakness;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • flu-like conditions;
  • Violations of the activity of the cardiovascular system, liver or kidneys.

A severe consequence of immunotherapy for cancer can be cerebral edema, which poses an immediate threat to the life of the patient.

The method also has other disadvantages. In particular, drugs can have a toxic effect on healthy cells, and excessive stimulation of the immune system can provoke auto-aggression. Of no small importance is the price of treatment, reaching hundreds of thousands of dollars for an annual course. Such a cost is beyond the power of a wide range of people in need of treatment, so immunotherapy cannot replace the more affordable and cheaper surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Cancer Vaccines

The task of vaccination in oncology is to develop an immune response to the cells of a specific tumor or an antigenic set similar to it. To do this, the patient is injected with drugs obtained on the basis of molecular genetic and genetic engineering processing of cancer cells:

  1. Autologous vaccines - from the patient's cells;
  2. Allogeneic - from donor tumor elements;
  3. Antigenic - do not contain cells, but only their antigens or sections of nucleic acids, proteins and their fragments, etc., that is, any molecules that can be recognized as foreign;
  4. Preparations of dendritic cells - for tracking and inactivation of tumor elements;
  5. APC vaccine - contains cells that carry tumor antigens, which allows you to activate your own immunity to recognize and destroy cancer;
  6. Anti-idiotypic vaccines - consisting of fragments of proteins and tumor antigens, are under development and have not undergone clinical trials.

Today, the most common and well-known preventive vaccine against oncology is the vaccine against (Gardasil, Cervarix). Of course, disputes regarding its safety do not stop, especially among people without appropriate education, however, this immune drug, administered to females aged 11-14 years, allows you to form a strong immunity to oncogenic strains of the human papillomavirus and thereby prevent the development of one of the most common cancers - cervical.

passive immunotherapy drugs

Among the drugs that also help fight the tumor are cytokines (interferons, interleukins, tumor necrosis factor), monoclonal antibodies, immunostimulating agents.

Cytokines - this is a whole group of proteins that regulate the interaction between cells of the immune, nervous, endocrine systems. They are ways to activate the immune system and therefore are used for cancer immunotherapy. These include interleukins, interferon proteins, tumor necrosis factor, etc.

Preparations based on interferon known to many. With the help of one of them, many of us increase immunity during seasonal influenza epidemics, with other interferons they treat viral lesions of the cervix, cytomegalovirus infection, etc. These proteins make tumor cells “visible” to the immune system, are recognized as foreign by antigenic composition and are removed by their own defense mechanisms.

Interleukins enhance the growth and activity of cells of the immune system, which eliminate tumor elements from the patient's body. They showed an excellent effect in the treatment of such severe forms of oncology as melanoma with metastases, metastases of cancer of other organs to the kidneys.

colony stimulating factors are actively used by modern oncologists and are included in the combination therapy regimens for many types of malignant tumors. These include filgrastim, lenograstim.

They are prescribed during or after courses of intensive chemotherapy to increase the number of leukocytes and macrophages in the patient's peripheral blood, which progressively decrease due to the toxic effect of chemotherapeutic agents. Colony-stimulating factors reduce the risk of severe immunodeficiency with neutropenia and a number of associated complications.

Immunostimulating drugs increase the activity of the patient's own immune system in the fight against complications arising from other intensive antitumor treatment, and contribute to the normalization of the blood count after radiation or chemotherapy. They are included in the combined anticancer treatment.

Monoclonal antibodies are made from certain immune cells and injected into the patient. Once in the bloodstream, antibodies combine with special molecules (antigens) that are sensitive to them on the surface of tumor cells, attract cytokines and immune cells of the patient to them to attack tumor cells. Monoclonal antibodies can be "loaded" with drugs or radioactive elements that are fixed directly on tumor cells, causing their death.

The nature of immunotherapy depends on the type of tumor. When nivolumab can be prescribed. Metastatic renal cancer responds very effectively to interferon alfa and interleukins. Interferon gives fewer adverse reactions, so it is prescribed more often for kidney cancer. The gradual regression of a cancerous tumor occurs over several months, during which side effects such as flu-like syndrome, fever, and muscle pain may occur.

When monoclonal antibodies (avastin), antitumor vaccines, T-cells obtained from the patient's blood and processed in such a way that the ability to actively recognize and destroy foreign elements can be used.

Keytruda, which is actively used in Israel and produced in the USA, shows the highest efficiency with minimal side effects. In patients who took it, the tumor was significantly reduced or even completely disappeared from the lungs. In addition to high efficiency, the drug is also distinguished by a very high cost, so part of the cost of purchasing it in Israel is paid by the state.

One of the most malignant human tumors. At the stage of metastasis, it is almost impossible to cope with it with available methods, so the mortality rate is still high. Hope for a cure or long-term remission can be given by immunotherapy for melanoma, including the administration of Keytruda, nivolumab (monoclonal antibodies), tafinlar, and others. These funds are effective in advanced, metastatic forms of melanoma, in which the prognosis is extremely unfavorable.

Video: report on immunotherapy in oncology

The author selectively answers adequate questions from readers within his competence and only within the limits of the resource. Face-to-face consultations and assistance in organizing treatment are not currently provided.

Immunotherapy in oncology is considered to be a progressive and effective means of fighting cancer at all clinical stages of malignant tumor growth. This technique is aimed at activating specific and nonspecific immunity. The therapy is carried out with the help of biopreparations, which are made for each patient individually from his own pathological cells. The production of immunostimulating agents includes the use of the latest achievements in gene technology.

Immunotherapy in Oncology: Effectiveness and Benefits in Cancer Treatment

The interest of oncologists in immunotherapy gradually increased against the background of the successful use of vaccination in the fight against bacterial and viral infections. For example, the effectiveness of stimulating the immune system with. In this disease, bone marrow transplantation leads to the formation of new immune cells, which are a key factor in the recovery of cancer patients.

Immunotherapy benefits which has been proven by numerous studies, is used at all stages of the cancer process. This type of therapy is mainly used as part of complex anticancer treatment.

In this regard, many oncologists evaluate the results of therapy by the presence of an immune response, and not by the size of the malignant neoplasm. So, back in 2006, the US Pharmaceutical Drug Administration approved the use of the first cancer vaccine. Subsequently, and was widely used.

Indications for immunotherapy

This type of treatment is considered an additional method of anticancer therapy. Stimulation of the immune system in the early stages of the oncological process contributes to the onset of a stable remission or complete recovery of the patient.

Immunotherapy in the advanced stages of cancer as part of palliative care prolongs the life of a cancer patient.

For whom is cancer immunotherapy contraindicated?

Immunostimulation with cancer vaccines eliminates the occurrence of side effects. In these drugs there is no toxic effect on the body of a cancer patient.

The consequences of immunotherapy with non-specific forms of exposure in some cases can cause a slight rise in temperature, a decrease in blood pressure and allergic reactions in the patient.

Pharmaceutical preparations for immunotherapy

Immunotherapy in oncology carried out using the following means:


In the human body, these substances provide intercellular interaction between the immune, nervous and endocrine systems. Cytokines contribute to the activation of immune processes. In oncological practice, cytokines are used to treat all types of malignant neoplasms.


This biologically active substance is produced by the body in response to the penetration of a viral or bacterial infection. The introduction of modified interferons forces the immune system to recognize and fight cancer cells. Identification of a malignant neoplasm occurs due to the activation of surface tumor receptors.

Interleukins, which are one form of cytokines:

These drugs stimulate the formation of t- and b-lymphocytes. Interleukins are used in complex anticancer therapy, and especially for.

Colony stimulating drugs:

These drugs are prescribed by oncologists during the period of chemotherapy. Colony-stimulating factors promote the synthesis of neutrophils and macrophages, which is the prevention of severe complications of anticancer therapy.


In modern oncological practice, immunostimulating drugs are considered an indispensable part of the combined method of cancer treatment. These funds activate the nonspecific protective abilities of the body and normalize the cellular composition of the circulatory system. Immunostimulants are also recommended to be taken in the rehabilitation period after chemotherapy and radiation exposure.

Monoclonal antibodies:

These drugs are made from immune cells based on the achievements of genetic engineering. Artificially modified antibodies, after being introduced into the body, concentrate on the receptors of mutated cells, making them visible to the body's immune system. Also, monoclonal drugs can be used as a means of delivering radioactive elements or cytotoxic substances to the focus of malignant growth. Thus, this type of immunotherapy increases the effectiveness of the main methods of anticancer treatment.

Natural Ways of Immunotherapy

A natural increase in the protective abilities of a cancer patient can be achieved in the following ways:

  1. vitamin therapy. The inclusion of vitamin complexes in the diet helps to accelerate metabolic processes, modify immune resistance and prevent genetic mutation. May be taken in tablet form or naturally in fruits and vegetables.
  2. Phytotherapy. In some cases, it can cause the death of cancer cells. So, for example, licorice, according to oncologists, has a pronounced anti-cancer effect. This plant can not only stabilize oncological growth, but also activate specific immunity.
  3. Aerotherapy. The essence of this technique is the dosed effect of oxygen on the patient. The therapeutic effect is achieved by walking in the open air or inhaling purified oxygen. Aerotherapy is an exclusively additional anti-cancer technique that is effective in the prevention of oncology or during the rehabilitation of an operated cancer patient.

Immunotherapy in oncology should include both traditional means and methods of non-traditional stimulation of immunity.

Lung cancer is a dangerous cancer with high mortality rates even if detected early. Worldwide, more than 1.5 million people are diagnosed with lung cancer each year. Men are predominantly ill and for them this disease is in the first place in the structure of all oncological pathology. In women, cancer of this localization ranks fourth in frequency of diagnosis.

The obvious reason for this distribution is the commitment of a significant number of the stronger sex to smoking, which works as a very strong mutagenic factor in relation to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

The annual number of deaths in Russia from lung cancer exceeds 50,000 people, which is a huge problem for society and public health. Almost always, patients with lung cancer have a poor prognosis, and the median survival for them is about one year. This situation forces doctors and scientists to look for new ways to deal with malignant neoplasms.

The traditional method of treating lung cancer, as well as for other localizations, is radiochemotherapy and surgical resection of the tumor. Radiochemotherapy is often given before surgery to shrink the tumor, reduce its aggressive growth, and improve resectability. This approach is called neoadjuvant.

After removal of the tumor, courses of radiation and chemotherapy are also indicated, which destroy hypothetical small metastases and prolong the life of patients. The volume of surgical intervention varies greatly, ranging from the removal of a segment to complete resection of the entire lung, including regional lymph nodes. Despite such a radical operation, mortality rates still remain depressing and therefore it is necessary to develop fundamentally new approaches to the fight against cancer.

Immunotherapy at the European Cancer Clinic

One of the promising areas in medicine in recent decades has become immunotherapy for oncological diseases. Despite the fact that immunotherapeutic preparations have already appeared on the market, this method is still at the very beginning of its practical application.

The fact is that there are a lot of agents and mechanisms in the human body that can somehow be involved in the antitumor immune response, and many of them have great potential for use in medicine. For this reason, already today there is a fairly large amount of experimental evidence and good results of testing the effect on malignant neoplasm through immune mechanisms.

The European Clinic for Surgery and Oncology widely uses immunotherapy, which is generally not very typical for Russian medical institutions.

The management of the clinic aims to ensure that the treatment meets the best international standards and therefore is concerned about the rapid introduction of the most successful and promising methods of diagnosis and treatment into widespread practice.

Cancer immunotherapy is successfully implemented within the walls of the clinic, significantly lengthening the life of patients and increasing their chances of recovery.

Immunotherapy in the treatment of lung cancer

Lung cancer is very aggressive and has a tendency to metastasize early, which makes the prognosis unfavorable in most cases. To improve the prospects of patients, several methods are being tried to more likely destroy small metastases, the presence of which cannot be determined until they have manifested themselves clinically.

Immunotherapy, as a rule, is used in combination with other approaches and is aimed at the destruction of those cells that could not be eliminated during surgery and chemoradiotherapy.

In general, immunotherapy includes a lot of methods of therapeutic and prophylactic direction. Most often used:

  • cancer vaccines,
  • antibodies to cancer epitopes,
  • activated cytotoxic T-lymphocytes,
  • immunomodulators,
  • checkpoint blockers,
  • cytokines,
  • interferons and other drugs.

Monoclonal antibodies to various tumor epitopes have been widely used. In the case of lung cancer, antibodies are often used against so-called checkpoints, which play a large role in the immune response.

In a normal, healthy body, these checkpoints serve to limit the strength of the immune response in order to prevent a massive autoimmune reaction, cellular damage, and systemic disease. When a T-lymphocyte interacts with a checkpoint, the first one enters apoptosis and dies.

Tumor cells often express such antigens, which allow them to avoid destruction and thus suppress the response of cellular immunity. Monoclonal antibodies (anti-checkpoint) block checkpoints, which allows T-lymphocytes to survive, remain active and have a cytotoxic effect on cancer cells. When developing such antibodies, CTLA-4 and PD-1 antigens, which are expressed on mutated cells, are used as a target for attack. Thus, it is possible to restore the immune protection of patients.

Another rather promising method is the use of the patient's own activated T-lymphocytes. The method requires a well-equipped laboratory. After taking blood and isolating lymphocytes, they are propagated in cell culture in a medium with a high content of tumor antigens. After reaching a certain number, the most active are selected and administered to the patient. Such T-lymphocytes are characterized by increased aggressiveness against tumor cells.

Features of the use of immune preparations in oncology

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