Dreams in a dream and in reality, magical realism and dream thinking. Interpretation of sleep Dream in dream books

Perhaps I will disappoint someone, but often love stories, sex scenes in a dream reflect only the dreamer's passionate desire and do not predict the same pleasant scenes in life. But in addition to frank scenes, there are dreams with erotic overtones that contain clues and hints that explain how to treat your suspicions, contradictions, jealousy, addiction that torment you.

So, it can be argued that passionate about love, most likely, will remain unfulfilled, and subtle hints will lead you to great happiness or warn of a love catastrophe, help to avoid it.

Theory Freud, as well as a large number of cases confirming this theory, made a real revolution in the analysis of dreams. However, let's not forget that Freud He was a doctor, and people with severe neurosis turned to him for an appointment. Often the development of these neuroses (fears, insecurity or aggression, stuttering, depression, etc.) was facilitated precisely by the inability to combine the desired with reality. People who are free from prejudice, realizing their sexual needs in life, are less likely to experience encrypted erotic adventures in dreams. However, they are not completely free from immersion in "Freudian" symbols, which in their dreams may carry other predictions. However, modern dream researchers believe that only a fifth of dreamed long objects, boxes and rhythmic movements fit into the scheme. Freud, i.e. hiding feelings of love. Thus, the interpretation of the notorious "" and "" is not an easy task.

Breathed new life into the difficult art of interpreting dreams Carl Gustav Jung. He took into account the revelations of the ancient interpreters of dreams, and the model of the world, which is based on the laws of quantum physics. He clearly separated his direction from psychoanalysis Freud. What psychoanalysts (followers of Freud) deal with is the personal unconscious, consisting of repressed complexes. These are ideas, experiences that happened to a person at different stages of his life, whether it was childhood or adulthood, but for some reason were “forgotten” by him. In other words, "Freudian" symbols are formed on the basis of a person's real mental biography.

Doctrine cabin boy is based on the fact that in dreams a person is able to experience some universal, universal events, since special mental genes are embedded in his psyche - archetypes that are common to all people. Such dreams come to people to help them realize "individuation", awareness of their own integrity, harmony of the inner "I" with the outside world. Until about 35-40 years old, a person is focused on the outside world: family, power, which is quite natural. Only a few young people think during this period about the meaning of life and death, while the maturity of a person is determined precisely by his conscious look at himself, at his inner world. Sooner or later, the inexorability of internal development pushes a person to a reassessment of values, to a deeper understanding of himself and others.

The internal prerequisites for such a rethinking are inherent in every person. And at turning points in life, in the process of searching for truth, archetypal dreams appear. cabin boy that open up new horizons for people.

Among the archetypal dreams, many seem to be sexual, although they are not. This was noticed even by ancient interpreters. The description of the dream of Julius Caesar, in which he had sexual intercourse with his mother, has come down to our time. The court dreamers interpreted this dream as a sign indicating that the mother city of Rome is ready to accept it with joy and without resistance. Thus, Julius Caesar received the support of the Senate and bloodlessly took possession of Rome. Therefore, the mother in this dream carried the archetypal meaning of wisdom, but not the mother as such.

Another common archetypal symbol is Snake reflecting life energy in general. A special case of this energy is sexual aspiration. Other forces that she can personify are hatred, death, danger. It can be difficult to clearly define when a particular symbol is sexual, and when it affects the general aspects of human existence. Here are some characteristics of a person whose erotic dreams are more likely to be classified as sexual rather than archetypal:
sexual dissatisfaction,
restraint in behavior
the presence in the plot of a dream of persons of the opposite sex or animals that personify them,
the presence among sexual objects-symbols of pairs that complement each other (for example, and).

And therefore, friends, pay attention to the little things that pop up in your dreams. But no matter how we talk about the encrypted little things, I think your main interest will still be focused on the clear signs of sex and related activities in a dream. Therefore, I give a short list of such actions and their decoding.

Abortion- your family happiness is in danger of destruction, some plans may fail.
Sexual impotence- failures in the sexual sphere, helplessness in business.
Rape- sometimes a literal prediction, or doing something against your will.
Castration- fear of impotence, restriction in actions.
Bride- for women to see themselves or their girlfriend as a bride - to loneliness; for men to see their own or someone else's bride (in a wedding dress) - a warning about an opponent.
Sex organs- see your own - concern about your sexual attractiveness; to see the genitals of a person of the opposite sex - the desire for acquaintance, possession; the penis or vagina is smeared with dirt - you will become a victim of gossip and anger; organ damage is a disease, an insult.
sexual intercourse- most often compensates for the biological need of the body, symbolic meaning - you adopt those good or bad qualities of the person with whom you had sexual intercourse.
Kiss- a reflection of feelings for someone. Symbolically, like sexual intercourse in a dream, it unites and reconciles with someone.
A prostitute- an indication that your erotic relationship is built on the principles of buying and selling. A hint that in life you have to pay for everything.
Divorce- fear of such a reality, a call for independence, strengthening one's own opinion.
childbirth- a premonition of real childbirth or the symbolic birth of a new one (new ideas, plans, undertakings).
Wedding- wedding fun - to loneliness. A symbolic union of opposite circumstances, a mystical wedding of kindred souls.

Getting out of bed in the morning, we often can’t wake up for a long time, blaming the weather and low blood pressure for everything, so we wander half asleep in the first half of the day, thinking poorly and acting largely automatically. Everything that happens to us at such hours seems to be happening to us in a dream, as if we have not yet woken up and the dream is still going on, not wanting to let us go and dissolve into the whiteness of the day.

The creation of dream life pictures is happening all the time (the work of Rob Gonsalves, Rob Gonsalves)

On the other hand, having had a hearty lunch at noon, it’s so nice to lie back in an armchair at the workplace, relax and plunge into a sweet drowsy state of dreams and dreams, thinking about something pleasant, dreaming - as if, yes, if only so.

It seems that a person can breathe freely in this fabulous world of his own dreams, daydreams, and never completely leaves this state. Then what happens? - that there is no separate work of consciousness during the day and work of the unconscious at night, in sleep, but there is a certain general mental process in which both the conscious elements of thinking and the unconscious are mixed, a process that occurs both at night and during the day.

This is dream thinking. It manifests itself, expressed in dreams, fantasies, dreams appearing as if from nowhere, from the depths of one's own unconscious. The creation of pictures of the dream life is going on all the time. When we sleep, we call such dream thinking a dream, and when we are awake we call it fantasies, dreams, dreams.

It seems that dream thinking is exactly what a person lacks so much. And he is “happy to be deceived himself” by following the astrological forecast, believing and not believing the predicted “flight of the stars”, which decides the fate of people.

Illusions are so captivating and healing in our lives, probably because they try on us with a terrible and frightening reality. Also, illusions and fantasies realize our creative potential, help to discover new things and explain the inexplicable.

We also have symbolic thinking, therefore we are able to see the hidden meaning - a sign or hint at another meaning of a word or image. And then, Venus is not only a planet of the solar system, but also a symbol of cosmic love.

And when we look at the world around like this, it becomes truly magical, it breaks up into many meanings. Reality becomes shrouded in mystery, surrounded by signs and symbols that are reflected by fragments of meanings, a sense of depth appears, and it turns into magic, magical realism appears.

How to explain the madness of Ukrainians (and earlier Russians, who allowed the proteges of the United States to come to power), who are destroying their own country in the flames of civil war with their own hands? Could it be the impact of the powerful psychotronic weapon HAARP * developed in the USA?

*HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is a high frequency active auroral research program.

(The hero, KGB agent Eduard Lokaev, being on the personal assignment of Y. Andropov in Washington in 1976, sees the future in his visions)

Unexpectedly, an irresistible drowsiness fell upon Lokaev, and sleep pulled him out of the usual stream of time and the world around him.

Although it was difficult to call the state in which he found himself a dream. On the contrary, his feelings sharpened, and everything around him suddenly acquired an extraordinary sharpness and the meaning of events understood at the deepest level of consciousness. What happened to him differed from reality only in inexplicable temporal and spatial jumps, transferring him, as if in a modernized modern theater, from one stage to another ...

He realized himself hovering like a bird over some ruined city. Along the deserted streets, on which here and there tanks and armored personnel carriers were burning down, a snowy draft was chalked. The houses, with black marks on the walls, looked blindly and indifferently through the gaps of the windows at the remains of military equipment. Turning around, he saw the railway tracks and a dilapidated station building with a sooty inscription on the facade.

“TERRIBLE,” he read, and was horrified when he realized that he was in Russia, in the Chechen capital.

An unknown force drew him to one of the buildings, on the dilapidated wall of which the inscription was ominously red: “Welcome! In hell!. 01/01/1995".

- What is this? - a desperate thought flashed, - in less than twenty years, a war will begin in Russia? Who dares to do such a thing?!

It began to get dark quickly, and suddenly in the thickening darkness, outside the city, Lokaev saw a ghostly giant figure - a woman in some kind of shroud, in a wreath of thorns, with a club threateningly raised above her head ...

Looking down, he saw that there was already another city below him, over which dark aircraft of a strange configuration were circling in the southern night sky.

* US Lockheed F-117 Night Hawk aircraft - single-seat tactical low-observable attack aircraft designed for covert penetration through the enemy's air defense system, bombed Serbia in March 1999.

Under a hail of bombs, the peaceful city was engulfed in flames. This is Belgrade – confidence came from somewhere. The same ominous female figure towered over the city, with a cudgel raised, as if to strike.

Yes, it's the American Statue of Liberty! - he finally recognized the symbol of American democracy, which appeared to him in his Leningrad vision.

Pictures of visions changed like frames of a film, and Lokaev, who was in the stream of a single information field, to his horror and indignation, saw the same ominous figure looming over Baghdad and Tripoli**, blazing under rocket and bomb attacks.

What are the Americans doing? Who allowed them to kill civilians? Where is the UN Security Council looking?

** The US and its allies attacked the capitals of Iraq and Libya in 2003 and 2011, respectively.
*** The UN Security Council is a permanent body of the United Nations, which, in accordance with Article 24 of the UN Charter, is entrusted with the main responsibility for maintaining international peace and security.

The questions remained unanswered, but Edward suddenly realized that he was standing in the lobby of a huge building in front of a high-speed elevator. Its doors opened, and a crowd of well-dressed people clamoring in different languages ​​brought Lokaev inside. The acceleration of his rapid ascension gently but tangibly pressed him to the floor. The numbers of the floors flashed on the elevator board: 10th, 30th, 44th... meters in a spacious hall, through the windows of which a huge city was visible. Where the gray buildings lit by the morning sun ended, the water surface of some kind of bay shone.

- New York! - came a guess, and, as if to confirm, through one of the windows he saw a familiar giant figure - the Statue of Liberty. Above it, slowly turning around, a heavy passenger aircraft traced a smooth arc in the blue sky. As it turned, the arc became more and more flat, and suddenly Lokaev realized that the turn was over, and that the nose of the aircraft was pointing straight at him. The airliner inexorably approached, rapidly increasing in size, until it filled everything that seemed immense just a few moments ago, the sky. Eduard still had time to see Distorted, with drops of sweat on his forehead, the face of a screaming pilot*.

- Allah Akbar! ** - Lokaev understood the essence of his cry with a sixth sense, and then

* On September 11, 2001, Arab terrorists hijacked American Airlines Flight 11 and deliberately collided with the North Tower of the World Trade Center at 08:46 (from the north facade, between the 93rd and 99th floors). Seventeen minutes later, a second group of terrorists crashed the same hijacked United Airlines Flight 175 (United Airlines Flight 175) into the South Tower (floors 77-85).
**Allahu Akbar is an Arabic expression meaning: "God is the greatest." The phrase "Allahu Akbar" is called takbi; r; "exaltation". The uses of takbir are manifold; it is often used as a sign of joy, similar to the Russian "Hurrah!". In particular, the takbir is used as a battle cry by Islamic warriors.

A terrible blow followed, and everything was swallowed up by an all-devouring fire ...

After a while, finally recovering from the shock, Edward realized that he was in some other New York skyscraper, from where, from a bird's eye view, through a glass wall-window, two huge towers were burning, in one of which he had just been. This time, his imagination took him to some ultra-modern meeting room, in the middle of which stood a round table, with the chairs pushed back. Near the huge glass wall of the hall, talking in low voices, stood men who had apparently just been sitting on these chairs. Through this giant window, the agony of the World Trade Center was perfectly visible.

After a while, when the towers collapsed one after another like a house of cards, all those present returned to their places at the table.

– This is, most likely, the highest council of the dark apologists, which governs all processes in the Western world, – it dawned on Lokaev.

One of the Council members spoke up, whom Eduard recognized as Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Back in Moscow, during the preparation of Lokaev for his mission, this man was characterized as an ideological opponent of the USSR, an ardent anti-Soviet, closely associated not only with "Jewish capital", but also with David Rockefeller, whose family, in fact, controlled the US banking system. KGB analysts, with a high degree of probability, also assumed that Democrat Jimmy Carter would become president in 1977, and it was Brzezinski, who had a huge influence on him *,

* In 1976, the election campaign of Jimmy Carter began. At one of the press conferences, he presented himself as a faithful student of Professor Zbigniew Brzezinski ("eager student").

It will determine the policy of the United States and the entire West for many years to come.

Lokaev, immersed in his strange state of prophetic visions, nevertheless, with some part of his consciousness, understood that all the events he saw were snatched from the future in an arbitrary order and were not connected by a single chronological chain. Those pictures that were unfolding in front of him now were somehow connected both with the war in Chechnya and Serbia, and with attacks on Baghdad and Tripoli. But if Grozny and Belgrade were destroyed before this meeting, then Iraq and Libya still had to endure the horror of NATO air and missile strikes.

This sacred knowledge was confirmed by Brzezinski's short speech.

- Lord! Congratulations to all on a brilliantly completed operation *.

* According to many international analysts, the terrorist act of September 11, 2001 was prepared with the participation of US intelligence agencies. Back in the 80s of the 20th century, in order to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, the United States organized and supported the material and technical military units of the Mujahideen, which later became the basis of the Al-Qaeda terrorist organization. Then Al-Qaeda's activities began to be directed and used by the CIA to justify the invasion of the Middle Eastern states under the pretext of combating terrorism.

Now the way is open for our armed forces not only to Afghanistan. The first priority is to take control of Iraq, with its oil, and then Libya and Iran, with all their resources. In the eyes of the international community, this will now look like only counter-terrorism measures. It can be stated that the policy in the Middle East region has been determined for the coming years, and we will undoubtedly dominate there. The same cannot be said about our main geopolitical adversary, Russia. Despite the colossal successes, namely the collapse of the Socialist camp and the Soviet Union, as well as the successful zombification and taking control of their leaders, the population still, for the most part, remains true to the ideas of Christianity, Islam and, oddly enough, socialism. For the further colonization of this country, carrying out the plan adopted back in 1976 for the ideological and economic collapse of the USSR, and now Russia, we use not only their own mass media, but also other methods to indoctrinate the electorate. In particular, the destruction of the economy and the export of capital from this country. Thus, the low standard of living of people is maintained, which does not allow the majority to receive a good education, join culture and play sports, which leads to the spread of drunkenness and the degradation of society. According to our experts, part of the population with a low intellectual level, as well as those prone to drugs and alcohol, lends itself well to zombification. Unfortunately, thanks to the instinct of self-preservation, although largely suppressed by our processing, for the most part the people of this country remain within the framework of civilized society and thus represent a threat to our goals. As you know, in order to finally break this resistance, both on a physical and psychological level, the HAARP program was developed. The program is currently jointly run by the US Air Force Research Laboratory and the Office of Naval Research. Six years ago, to our regret, one of the leaders of the project, Naftali Bera, a rabbi, doctor of technical sciences, who at that time headed the Department of Scientific Research of the Pentagon, died. Before his death, he briefed the Council on the possibilities of this system.

Brzezinski pressed one of the buttons on the table in front of him, and from the speakers hidden in the walls of the hall, the voice of a man long gone into oblivion sounded.

- HAARP is the installation of a powerful technology for directing radio wave beams that "raise" certain parts of the ionosphere, heating them. Electromagnetic waves are then reflected back to the Earth and penetrate into any - both living and non-living matter. HAARP can completely disrupt sea and air navigation in a selected area, block radio communications and radar, disable on-board electronic equipment of spacecraft, missiles, aircraft and ground systems. Thus, the use of all types of weapons and equipment can be stopped. Another area of ​​application of HAARP is the amplification of acoustic-gravity waves, which can be used to cause powerful earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in any selected areas of the globe, as well as large-scale accidents in any electrical networks and oil and gas pipelines. The radiation energy of HAARP can also be used to manipulate the weather on a global scale. Of particular interest is the use of HAARP as a psychotronic weapon. Located in Alaska and occupying an area of ​​14 hectares, our installation is expected to eventually be able to put entire communities to sleep or a passive state, as well as to put residents in such a state of emotional excitement that they resort to violence against each other. We will be able to beam a radio broadcast directly into the brains of people so that they think they are hearing God, or whoever the broadcaster claims to be...

An elderly man sitting next to Brzezinski, whom Lokaev recognized as David Rockefeller, spoke up.

Thank you, gentlemen, for your applause. Let me consider them an endorsement of the HAARP project and the activities of the untimely deceased Rev. Naftali Berg. However, I draw your attention to the fact that this installation has not yet been brought to full perfection*,

* The HAARP plant was launched at full capacity in 2004.

Although we have already spent more than two hundred million dollars. According to our estimates, the final fine-tuning of the project will require three to five years and about fifty million dollars of funding. Our task is to extract this money from the government, for which you will need to use all your connections in the Senate and Congress. I think that the people of our old friend-rival of the House of Rothschild will also join this project. After all, taking control of a country like Russia is the main goal of the entire West.

This was the last thing Lokaev heard at the Council of Arbiters of the Destinies of Mankind.
The picture of the meeting blurred and disappeared, and he turned out to be hovering over the green ocean of the taiga, bordered by the snow-white peaks of the mountains. Under it, breaking the natural harmony, among the centuries-old fir trees, there is a rectangle of a huge structure, consisting of many twenty-meter antenna masts and an impressive building of a control center and a power plant.

Suddenly, everything was swallowed up by the darkness of the night that had flown in from somewhere, but after a moment, a ghostly greenish glow lit up where the antennas were located. Barely noticeable at first, it quickly flared up, and now the whole sky above the taiga valley was blazing with a powerful aurora.

“This is HAARP,” Edward guessed, “and she began her work.

The space ionized by powerful transmitters, having formed a phosphorescent cover over the earth, pulsating and now folding up, now unfolding in gigantic folds, began to quickly move in the heavenly space, it would seem completely chaotic, but Eduard understood that these pulsations and movements are subject to strict mathematically verified programs developed by the creators of this monstrous machine that brings misfortune to all living things in territories located thousands of miles away.

In the blink of an eye, images of tropical downpours and floods flashed before him, huge tsunami waves sweeping away everything in their path on the coast, ferocious forest fires, in the smoke and fire of which people died. He saw the squares filled with prostrated residents of cities of many millions, and the maddened and crushing crowds in their path. From HAARP, this monster, created by a bunch of madmen who dream of world domination, there was no salvation in any corner of the earth.

Suddenly, Lokaev felt that he was rapidly gaining altitude. The horizon line began to move away just as rapidly, revealing the infinite space of the earth. Very quickly, the plane of the earth began to curl up, turning into a sphere, acquiring its limits and true form. Soon, a picture familiar from documentaries and science fiction films about space arose in front of Eduard - in a black infinity full of star placers, a huge blue ball hung, on the surface of which the contours of the continents darkened. Lokaev’s gaze suddenly gained the ability to penetrate the earth’s firmament, and he saw the red-hot belly of the earth, on the surface of which giant lithospheric * plates were floating, separating the oceans

* Lithosphere (from the Greek stone and ball, sphere) - the solid shell of the Earth. Beneath it lies the mantle, a giant layer about 3,000 kilometers thick. It is a grain of solid rock floating in a sea of ​​molten rock. In the structure of the lithosphere, mobile areas (folded belts) and relatively stable platforms are distinguished. Blocks of the lithosphere - lithospheric plates - move along the relatively plastic layer of the upper mantle.

And the continents from the fiery mantle. His consciousness fixed powerful energy waves penetrating through the earth's crust, and, it would seem, absorbed without a trace in the depths of the planet. These waves, reflected by the ionosphere, were born by a monstrous machine called HAARP and carried, as Edward intuitively felt, a terrible threat. And so, in confirmation of his fears, he noticed that in the bowels of the earth, in this giant energy generator of the planet, which for millions of years faithfully supplied the earth with heat, and concurrently with a magnetic field that protects all life from ruthless cosmic radiation, disturbances arose, disrupting the usual course of events. The additional energy of HAARP, absorbed by the core of the planet, apparently served as the initiator of the most complex reactions in all layers of the earth's mantle, and the lithospheric plates, which had previously been in relative rest, began to move. Two of these giant plates, located under the American continent, began oncoming movement in fault zones, crushing the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of the United States.

Horrified, Lokaev understood that he was seeing the death of the most powerful country in the world. As if in a fast-paced movie, he watched how, destroying everything built by people, the earth's surface reared up in a paroxysm of destruction, how entire cities fell into monstrous cracks, how a fiery hell of a giant crater of an awakened volcano appeared on the site of the amazingly beautiful Illinois Reserve. Completing the doomsday picture, the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, simultaneously forced out by mountain ranges newly formed at the site of the collision of lithospheric plates, rushed to the mainland, flooding all traces of centuries-old civilizations...

On the morning of November 4, escaping from his dreams, Lokaev recovered for some time from the shock caused by the pictures of the death of people and the whole continent. Of course, everything he saw could turn out to be only his own fantasies, but in the depths of his soul the confidence was growing that the likelihood of such a development of events was very high.
So, to prevent this from happening, the HAARP system must be neutralized ...

A plan to eliminate this danger was born quickly. Undoubtedly, until the construction of this system has begun, it will be necessary to place in Alaska, somewhere near the future installation, several well-camouflaged EMP generators *, which will

* EMP generator - a device that generates a powerful electromagnetic pulse.

Automatically trigger when HARP radiation is turned on. At the same time, the powerful pulses of the generators will destroy not only the control equipment, but also burn the electrical circuits of the power plants and the antennas themselves. Such accidents will be perceived by HAARP personnel as the inability of the installation itself to withstand the specified loads. If, in the end, experts guess the true causes of failures and detect EMP, then more drastic measures will have to be taken. For this, a thermonuclear charge, installed by him in the Nevada desert, is useful. It will also have to be moved to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future HAARP base.

Having decided on the plans, Lokaev began to compose an encryption to the center. In it, he informed the leadership about the start of the work of US research centers on the HAARP project, briefly outlining the dangerous possibilities of this system, and demanded that the delivery of EMP generators to Washington be accelerated.

After some thought, he asked for all possible information about his new Indian companions Advani, saying that he was invited to their Christmas dinner.

A week later, having opened another container with information from the center, he was not very surprised to read that the modest owners of the Advani souvenir shop are residents of the Indian foreign intelligence service RAW *

* RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) - Research and Analysis Department.

And their main task is to obtain nuclear weapons technology.

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Dream. Devilry; vision, ghost, mirage. The mention of a dream is found in the Zaonezhsky epic (bylichka in modern terminology). It tells about a guy who is convinced that a girl who is not being married to him comes to him at night. However, this girl...

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To see flying flowers is a kind of fantastic state caused by dreams, drugs. They are waiting for you.

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Clean water in the fountain - to the service. Dirty water in the fountain is a sign of offended honor, a fountain of wine dreams of a luxurious life. Drinking water from a fountain, swimming in it, trying to close it is a sign that hidden ones are awakening in you ...

I had a dream "Light bulb"

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You will be able to approach the essence of the matter, discover the cause of some phenomenon. Carrying a light bulb in your pocket - to the temptation, life in erotic dreams. Screw in or unscrew a light bulb - you can become the culprit of something (misfortune, holiday). Step on a light bulb - you risk turning up someone ...

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Accelerate - see in a dream

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Seeing a chair means that in reality you will indulge in nostalgic memories of the past and sweet dreams of the future. Dozing in an armchair in front of a fireplace - the disease threatens to drag on for a long time. A carved antique armchair speaks of unattainable wealth and luxury in your dreams and disappointment in reality ...

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Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To be alone on the shore of a quiet backwater, where tame swans swim calmly under the canopy of weeping willows, and enjoy the silence, indulging in bright dreams - such a dream will be imprinted in your memory for a long time, although it does not portend anything in essence, but only reflects your desire to receive ...

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To see that twilight is quickly thickening and evening is coming - to a headache and empty dreams. Evening with friends - you have to demonstrate all your abilities as a business and charming woman. Watching the evening sky with the stars poured out on it portends some ...

What the dream portends: Sailor

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To travel, including in dreams.

What the dream portends: Geography

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Studying geography - to a change of residence or place of work. Buying a geography textbook is a pipe dream.

Dream Interpretation: why the Fountain is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To see a grandiose fountain - you play dangerously with your happiness. An unexpectedly dry fountain is an obsessive fear / impotence. Drinking from a fountain, swimming in it, trying to close it - hidden unnatural desires awaken in you. Wander among the fountains, with the jet of the fountain ...

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To live in China is to experience alienation from others and suffer from it; live in dreams. To be in India is to start a new business, to get into a new, unfamiliar environment and experience anxiety from this. To be in Greece is health, successful ...

Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of Flying flowers

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To see flying flowers is a kind of fantastic state caused by dreams, drugs, waking dreams are waiting for you. Flowers sucking blood - deceit on the part of a beloved person, danger from excessive joy

Dream Interpretation: why the Snake is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The snake is a universal symbol of any contradiction - from quarrels and disputes to abstract cosmic dialectics / treason, secret deceit, enemy networks, some kind of evil, the male organ of love and the thoughts, desires and anxieties associated with it, fears; your unnatural sexual desires. Small …

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Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To dream that people are being evacuated somewhere, saving them from imminent danger - in real life, you will face minor difficulties associated with the implementation of a certain plan. Most likely, we are talking about your long-standing desire to have sex "couple for a couple" - this particular one ...

Dream Interpretation: why the Fullness of the world is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

This material world is a product of mahat-tattva, which is the dream of the Lord in His mystic dream (yoga-nidra) in the Causal Ocean. But at the same time, the whole world seems to be a true manifestation of His creation. This means that the Lord's dreams are also real phenomena. So the Lord can...

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