Hong Kong flu - symptoms, signs and treatment of the disease. Hong Kong flu in children: prevention and treatment

This is a disease caused by the H3N2 influenza virus. Its epidemic was observed in the late 60s of the last century. Separate cases of the disease were registered later. There are indications that this virus will also circulate in the winter of 2016-2017.

The Hong Kong flu virus is similar to bird flu. However, full cross-immunity was not formed, which caused a large number of cases. The disease appeared in Hong Kong, spread to Southeast Asia, northern Australia and Europe. In the United States, the disease came through soldiers returning from the Vietnam War.

Why is this disease dangerous? It causes serious complications:

  • myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle);
  • pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs);
  • encephalitis (brain damage);
  • meningitis and other inflammatory diseases.

The virus affects mainly children and the elderly, whose body cannot effectively resist infection.

The incubation period of the disease is up to 10 days. Then the child suddenly has a high fever, headache and muscle pain, dry cough, signs of intoxication. Without the help of a doctor and the appointment of antiviral drugs, a secondary infection joins. The disease is especially dangerous during pregnancy, causing premature birth and impaired fetal development.

Signs of the disease

Medical workers expect the emergence of this virus in 2016-2017. Hong Kong flu symptoms develop 2 to 10 days after infection. Children are more likely to get sick, but adults are also susceptible to this infectious disease.

Signs of the disease in adults:

  • weakness and malaise;
  • headache;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • fever with chills, sweating;
  • nausea;
  • pain in the eyes, burning in the nose, dry cough;
  • deterioration of the course of any chronic diseases.

Signs of the disease in children include severe intoxication, refusal to eat, fever, in severe cases, a hemorrhagic rash on the body and other dangerous complications.

Therapy for influenza is prescribed by a doctor. It includes antiviral agents, drugs to strengthen the immune system, symptomatic therapy (antipyretics, vitamins, and others).

Symptoms of the disease

The disease has the character of an epidemic, that is, it is highly contagious and affects many people. The symptoms of the Hong Kong flu do not differ significantly from the types of the disease caused by other strains. Its consequences and complications are dangerous.

Symptoms of the disease in adults include fever, intoxication, headache, muscle, joint pain, slight cough and runny nose. The patient's health worsens, he loses his ability to work. With extensive damage to the respiratory tract virus, there is a serious risk of pneumonia - the main cause of death in influenza.

Symptoms of the disease in children are usually more pronounced. Their temperature rises sharply, convulsions and other manifestations of intoxication are possible. The condition of the child is often severe, and requires treatment in a hospital under the constant supervision of a doctor.

To avoid the severe consequences of influenza for health, it is necessary to carry out specific prevention in the form of vaccination and non-specific - that is, to strengthen the immune system by hardening, lead a healthy lifestyle, and take vitamins.

Treatment of pathology

A flu pandemic can affect everyone, especially people living in Moscow and other metropolitan areas. How the pathology proceeds: this is a serious illness, manifested by a deterioration in well-being, weakness, fever, pain in the bones and joints. There is a runny nose and sore throat. Self-medication with this form of the disease can cause complications - pneumonia, meningitis, encephalitis, damage to the heart and other organs, often life-threatening. Therefore, when symptoms of the disease appear, you should consult a doctor.

Mild cases of Hong Kong flu are treated at home. Shown bed rest, light, but high-calorie food, the use of large amounts of liquid (stewed fruit, jelly, rosehip broth, green tea). Symptomatic drugs are prescribed: antipyretics, antiseptics, painkillers, vitamins. It is better to use paracetamol, nurofen. The use of aspirin and analgin is not recommended, as it can adversely affect hematopoiesis and blood clotting, as well as the state of the liver.

Additionally, nose drops from a runny nose, miramistin, lozenges for resorption with an antiseptic effect are used.

How to treat pathology: in severe cases, antiviral agents are prescribed. The most effective drug is oseltamivir. Its active ingredient destroys viruses.

In therapy, rimantadine is also used, which effectively fights influenza A pathogens.

To enhance the body's own defenses, immunostimulating drugs, in particular interferons, are often recommended. They can be used in various forms - tablets, nasal drops, suppositories. Interferons are prescribed to children from birth. Some of them have been proven effective in clinical studies.

Antibiotics are prescribed only with the development of a secondary bacterial infection. It is manifested by a new rise in temperature against the background of a relatively stable state and symptoms of damage to internal organs. With pneumonia, coughing increases, sputum appears, chest pain, shortness of breath. This form of pneumonia can develop very quickly and requires hospitalization of the patient.

In order not to get sick with the flu and avoid long-term treatment, it is necessary to get vaccinated on time.

Disease prevention

During an influenza epidemic, everyone is at risk, especially children and the elderly. The disease is accompanied by high fever, dry cough, weakness. In children, intoxication is expressed, vomiting may occur. At this time, you need to follow the doctor's recommendations and take effective drugs (oseltamivir).

If complications develop, then antiviral agents alone cannot be eliminated. This viral disease affects blood vessels and carries the risk of inflammation of the lungs and other organs. If signs of danger to life appear, the patient is hospitalized in the intensive care unit, where antibiotics, detoxification solutions and other potent drugs are prescribed.

The primary prevention of Hong Kong flu is vaccination. It is held in the fall, before the start of the epidemic. The vaccine is safe and effective and can be used even in children and debilitated patients.

Hong Kong flu video

With the onset of cold weather in our country, the incidence of influenza and other viral infections is actively increasing. In the autumn-winter of 2016-2017, experts detected an attack of the Hong Kong flu (H3N2). The virus had already been encountered from 1968 to 1969 in Hong Kong, taking many lives with it. Doctors are concerned about a possible outbreak of the epidemic, as it poses a particular danger to children 2-3 years of age. As such, the inhabitants of Russia do not have immunity to the Hong Kong flu, which means that you should pay serious attention to your health and the health of your children.

The influenza virus causes an acute respiratory infection. It spreads in the form of epidemics, less often - pandemics. To date, scientists have identified approximately two thousand strains (variants) of the virus. And every year the number increases. According to world statistics, the flu disease claims five hundred thousand lives a year (most of them are children and the elderly). In a severe outbreak, the death toll rises to a million.

Scientists still do not have a consensus on why the flu virus is more common in winter than in summer. There are several assumptions:

  • In winter, people spend more time indoors and breathe the same air. In such conditions, you can catch the virus very quickly.
  • The cold season and lack of sunlight (vitamin D deficiency) weakens the immune system, and in turn makes people susceptible to various viruses (including the flu).
  • The virus spreads through the air. Dry cold air is an ideal environment for the survival and reproduction of the virus.

Useful advice: if the room is cool enough, do not run to turn on the heater, it is better to dress the child warmer. The heater keeps the air dry and suitable for spreading the flu.

Read also on the topic: children's intestinal flu can occur due to unwashed hands, eating contaminated food.

Specificity of the Hong Kong virus

The name of the virus (A/Hong Kong/4801/2014 (H3N2)) refers to its first outbreak in Hong Kong. Three hundred thousand people died at that time. But now medicine has stepped far forward, and the likely extent of the disease should be minimal. The Hong Kong flu is dangerous only for its complications. If the virus is detected in time, life will not be in danger. Another thing is the child's body, which is not able to actively deal with it. First of all, the virus affects the respiratory tract, then, with untimely treatment, it can have a negative impact on the internal organs and nervous system of the child.


Children's flu signs (symptoms) are significantly different from adults and appear 2 days after infection. Babies under six months of age are virtually immune to the Hong Kong flu. They are protected by antibodies passed down from their mother.

Symptoms of the disease in infants:

  • heat;
  • convulsions;
  • increased lethargy;
  • constant regurgitation and vomiting;
  • breast rejection (mixture);
  • loss of consciousness.

Influenza in children (from 2 to 18 years old) begins with a high temperature (up to 40 degrees). The child (against the background of general weakness) is tormented by chills, severe headaches, and aches. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may be disturbing. Cold symptoms also appear: coughing, nasal congestion, sore throat.

Parents may confuse the common cold with the flu, but when the virus hits, the main features are sudden high fever and severe headaches. After 4 days (with proper treatment), the symptoms begin to subside, the sick child feels relieved.


When the first signs appear, the child must comply with bed rest. No kindergartens and schools - they will only provoke complications. But, do not engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment. First of all, it is necessary to call a specialist who is obliged to carefully examine the child and correctly diagnose.

Note: the use of garlic, hot tea with honey and other folk recipes will not help cure the flu!

Rules and methods of treatment:

  • Bed rest. Applies to children of all ages. Even an adult student should stop classes and devote all his time to rest. And the kids do need peace, so as not to get complications and not infect (in the kindergarten or on the street) other kids.
  • Fighting high temperature. This treatment involves taking antipyretic drugs. Usually they are based on Paracetamol (Panadol, Cefekon) or Ibuprofen (Nurofen).
  • Plentiful drink. During illness, the child's body needs additional fluids. Give your child compotes, fruit drinks, water more often. Otherwise, the risk of dehydration increases. Especially if the child has a high temperature.
  • Taking medication. Hong Kong flu in children is severe, doctors usually prescribe antiviral drugs first, then antibiotics. Nasal drops, syrups, throat sprays are prescribed to relieve mild symptoms.
  • Diet. During illness, the child almost always has no appetite. Don't force him to eat. Try to offer fruits, meat broth.
  • Ventilation and humidification. Most parents, on the contrary, try to prevent airing (the child will be blown!) And do not humidify the air (this, supposedly, is useless). In fact, these procedures are an integral part of the main treatment. With regular ventilation, the child receives a dose of fresh air and gets rid of viruses accumulated in a stuffy room. And hydration is necessary for the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, plus the flu virus loves dryness very much.

In no case do not give the child as an antipyretic "Aspirin"!


If on the fifth day the child's health does not improve, then you should seek help from a hospital. The deterioration of the child's condition indicates a severely weakened body and its inability to fight the virus. There is a risk of serious complications:

  • meningitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • pneumonia.

And other serious complications.

If a child has chronic diseases against the background of influenza, then the consequences can be bad.

Every year there is a mass infection of children with swine flu, read all about how to carry out prevention and not get sick.


The most reliable prevention against Hong Kong flu is vaccination. If parents refuse to vaccinate their child, they must follow the generally accepted rules of prevention:

  • limit the child in visiting crowded places;
  • observe the hygiene of the child's hands;
  • ventilate and humidify the apartment (humidity 50 - 70%, air temperature 20 - 24 degrees);
  • wipe phones, wallets, tablets with a disinfectant solution;
  • give the child vitamins (preferably natural).

Remember: the source of the virus is a person. The fewer people around the child, the less likely he is to get sick.

About vaccination

The Hong Kong flu vaccine will help keep your child safe. This strain of the virus is already included in the new vaccines that are available in our country for all children and adults.

Questions for parents:

What is the best vaccine?

As such, there are no best/worst vaccines. They are all the same in terms of efficiency. Vaccines that have been tested for quality and safety are allowed to be vaccinated. Otherwise, the vaccine will be banned.

Many are interested in the question "Which vaccine is better: paid or free?". All vaccines in the world are subject to standard requirements, and there is no difference. The price of a vaccine does not affect its quality in any way.

"Influvac" or "Vaxigrip"

These vaccines are the most popular in Russia. Which one to choose? What is better? There is only one answer - both are good. The point is almost the same composition of vaccines. The difference is in price and dosage. "Influvac" is more expensive, and its dosage is only for adults (children need 2 times less). Although the instructions indicate - and it is suitable for children. Many prefer it because of its import and a thin needle. "Vaksigrip" is much cheaper, there is a children's dosage. Pediatricians unanimously say - they are no different.

About free vaccinations

Free vaccinations are provided annually. It is important to have time to vaccinate the child. But before you get vaccinated, take your child to the doctor. He will assess his condition and give permission (or prohibition) for vaccination.

Free child vaccination is provided for the following persons:

  • children from six months;
  • schoolchildren;
  • children who are in special institutions (orphanage, boarding school).

Where are they vaccinated

All children are vaccinated free of charge in the clinic, kindergarten and educational institutions. If parents decide to use paid vaccination, then you should contact the children's clinic by concluding an agreement for the provision of paid services.

Vaccination safety

All vaccines undergo strict quality and safety controls before they are allowed to be mass-marketed. All parties must be checked.

  • Monitoring compliance with the conditions for vaccination.
  • Supervision of the safety of vaccination, as well as control of adverse reactions. In case of detection of serious consequences after vaccination, a special study of this case is carried out.
  • Control of storage and transportation of the vaccine.

Effectiveness of vaccination

Experts have proven that influenza vaccination confirms its effectiveness. This fact is supported by:

  • examination results of all vaccinated patients. In 2014, 2015, there were no cases of infection among vaccinated children;
  • scientific and clinical research. Experts have revealed that all vaccinated children have formed protective antibodies against all types of influenza.

Refusal to vaccinate

Every parent has the right not to vaccinate their child. But then it should be taken into account that the risk of infection will be high, and if a child gets sick with the Hong Kong flu, he can infect other children and adults. And no antiviral drugs will give 100% protection against the flu. The virus will continue to spread.

The peak incidence of Hong Kong flu in recent years was in January 2017. In the world, in addition to the flu, there are a lot of other viral infections, it is still worth taking preventive measures and vaccinating yourself and your child on time. After all, it is this virus that can cause severe complications and death.

Every year more and more Asian flu penetrates into Russia. This disease is more severe than swine flu, the epidemic of which has recently swept across the world. This winter, the Hong Kong flu is approaching Russia. The peak of the disease promises to come in February 2017. Therefore, it is now especially important to know the symptoms and treatments for this problem.

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    History of appearance

    The first Hong Kong influenza epidemic occurred in Asia in 1968. At this point, the disease mutated in relation to humans, previously such a problem only spread to birds. The disease quickly spread beyond the borders of Hong Kong, spreading to other parts of the world.

    Gradually, the human body learned to produce antibodies to infection, so clinical cases became rare. Two years ago, the influenza virus mutated again, infecting humans and causing great mortality among weakened citizens. The new virus has already covered vast territories, including the territory of the Russian Federation.

    Risk group

    Among adults with a strong immune system, influenza in Russia is quite rare. The risk group for infection includes:

    • elderly people (after 55 years);
    • Small children;
    • women during pregnancy and after childbirth;
    • people with diseases of the respiratory tract, cardiovascular system, suffering from diabetes;
    • people with immunodeficiency, including acquired (AIDS).

    The Hong Kong flu virus acquires its most severe form when it enters the child's body. It can develop in babies from the first days of life, especially in the presence of trigger factors. They can become:

    1. 1. Heart disease or heart failure.
    2. 2. Anomalies in the development of the nervous system.
    3. 3. Juvenile diabetes.
    4. 4. Asthma.
    5. 5. Other congenital diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

    In this case, the disease does not have a favorable prognosis, the outcome is fatal. Previously, when the disease spread, the number of sick infants was up to 10-15% of the total number of patients.

    Characteristic features

    The Hong Kong flu is developing rapidly. During the first days after the fall of pathogenic microorganisms into the human body, a complete clinical picture of influenza appears. When flu occurs in the body, symptoms include the presence of:

    • high body temperature;
    • chills
    • severe weakness, drowsiness;
    • body aches;
    • redness of the white of the eyes;
    • migraine, severe headache;
    • sweating;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • sore throat, cough;
    • sometimes a runny nose.

    A distinctive feature of the disease in most cases are intestinal disorders. These signs are not only nausea and vomiting, but also intestinal dysfunction: constipation or diarrhea.

    Cough develops during the first two days after the first symptoms of the Hong Kong flu appeared.

    The most dangerous are the first four days after the onset of the disease. The temperature at this moment is the highest (38.5-40 ° C), it often cannot be brought down.

    With Hong Kong flu, symptoms and treatment are directly related. If a person has a strong immune system, then the disease has a classic course. The remission stage occurs after 9-11 days, while the symptoms gradually weaken until they disappear completely. Of course, this happens with the correct and complete treatment of the problem.

    Complications and consequences

    Why is the Hong Kong flu dangerous? With a weakened immune system or lack of timely diagnosis, the disease can have serious consequences. The main ones are development:

    • bilateral pneumonia;
    • respiratory distress;
    • acute respiratory or heart failure;
    • heart attack, stroke, cerebral ischemia;
    • inflammation of the brain (encephalitis);
    • convulsions, failure of the functioning of the limbs;
    • coma development.

    Complications can affect both one of the human organ systems, and several.

    Influenza is almost always fatal if left untreated, and one in five if professionally treated.

    Most often, a fatal outcome is observed among young children, as well as among those who have acute or chronic diseases of the body systems that occur simultaneously with the flu. In the presence of concomitant diseases, treatment also involves their elimination, since they carry the risk of complications.

    Directions of therapy

    At the first manifestations of the disease, a person needs to ensure bed rest and proper nutrition, which consists in eating light foods and plenty of fluids. Drinking should be plentiful and warm, not hot. High temperatures, warming up the body provokes the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and the spread of infection.

    The flu is contagious, so it is better to call a doctor at home rather than go to the clinic. The patient should not attend large crowds, work or school. It's better not to go out at all. Self-diagnosis or self-treatment for such a disease is unacceptable. For the most part, it is the neglect of consultation with a specialist that causes death. In case of a severe course of the disease, as well as if a small child, an elderly person or a pregnant woman falls ill, or if there are complications, the patient is hospitalized.

    After diagnosing the Hong Kong flu, only a specialist can tell how to treat the disease. Therapeutic methods are divided into taking antiviral, antibiotics and remedies for the symptoms of the disease. The first include taking drugs:

    1. 1. Aimed at combating A-group viruses, for example, Rimantadine, Oseltamivir.
    2. 2. Artificial replacement of interferons, such as Viferon.
    3. 3. Stimulating the natural production of interferons, for example, Cycloferon, Mefenamic acid.

    With Hong Kong flu, treatment also includes the elimination of general symptoms. Drugs that eliminate various symptoms of the disease include:

    1. 1. Antipyretics, which are prescribed in case of a sharp increase in the patient's temperature. These drugs include ibuferon and paracetamol. With influenza, drugs may not help immediately, but you cannot increase the dosage selected by a specialist on your own. It is also contraindicated in the treatment of the use of aspirin, it is not effective in combating Asian flu.
    2. 2. Numerous drugs to eliminate pain and sore throat. These can be ointments, lozenges, sprays and syrups. Lyzobakt possesses high efficiency.
    3. 3. Cough control drugs. Such funds are selected individually, since a cough with influenza can be both dry in nature and the presence of sputum in the bronchi.
    4. 4. Sorbents and digestion stimulants. They have the ability to cleanse the body of intoxication, that is, the waste products of those pathogenic microorganisms that caused the onset of the disease.
    5. 5. Antihistamines prescribed to reduce swelling, ease breathing.
    6. 6. Vitamin complexes, in particular, C-group vitamins.

    With an integrated approach to the treatment of influenza, that is, taking medication and observing the general requirements of a specialist, it is possible to defeat the disease in a period of one to two weeks.

    Prevention of the development of pathology

    Prevention of the Hong Kong flu helps to avoid the appearance of the disease in the body. It includes:

    • exclusion of contact with sick people;
    • minimizing contact with large crowds of people;
    • personal hygiene, in particular hand washing;
    • carrying out wet cleaning in work and home premises;
    • the use of predominantly antibacterial and disinfectants.

    It is also recommended to be outdoors more often, avoid stuffy rooms, and ventilate in time. It is also important to strengthen the overall immunity of the body. The triggers for the appearance of influenza in adults and children are often weakened immunity. To prevent this you need to:

    1. 1. Eat right.
    2. 2. Have moderate physical activity.
    3. 3. Separate the mode of work and rest.
    4. 4. Get enough sleep (at least 8 hours a day).
    5. 5. Observe personal hygiene.
    6. 6. Avoid stress and nervous shocks.

    If you use preventive measures against respiratory infections and maintain immunity, you may not encounter the flu. In most cases, the flu occurs in people who neglect the rules of hygiene or come into contact with a large number of people. It is especially important to follow the rules of prevention for young children. It is preferable to refuse to attend school or kindergarten if clinical cases of infection have been observed there.

    flu shot

    Knowing that the Hong Kong flu virus is coming to our country this winter, specialists in the Russian Federation have improved the methods of influenza vaccination.

    All segments of the population can count on getting the vaccine.

    It can be done at any clinic. Free vaccination is offered to the following segments of the population:

    1. 1. Schoolchildren, kindergarten students, any children older than 6 months.
    2. 2. Students of higher and secondary specialized education (condition - full-time education).
    3. 3. Elderly people of retirement age.
    4. 4. Employees of medical institutions.
    5. 5. Employees of educational institutions: kindergartens, schools, colleges or universities. And not just teachers, but all staff.
    6. 6. Workers in the transport and public utilities sector.

    The mechanism of action of the vaccine consists of the following phases:

    • the first few weeks after vaccination, the body is not yet protected. Gradually, the body begins to produce antibodies to the proteins that enter it along with the vaccine. This takes 1 to 3 weeks. During this period, the human immune system is not yet able to fight infection. Moreover, having become infected immediately after the introduction of the vaccine, the course of the flu may become more severe;
    • after a few weeks, a person is protected for a period of six months to eight months. There is an active production of antibodies.

    In young children and the elderly, antibodies to the vaccine take longer to develop, so they require a second doctor's consultation. For young children who have not been vaccinated and have not had the flu, vaccination takes place in two stages with a difference of one month.

    Influenza vaccination is contraindicated for those segments of the population that have specific allergic reactions to the components of the administered whey. Also, pregnant women and people suffering from immunodeficiency, including acquired AIDS, should not be vaccinated.

    Recently, part of the population began to refuse vaccinations. This happens due to the fact that there is a myth about the risk of getting sick after the introduction of serum. At the same time, the general immunity of society is reduced, which cannot be allowed, as the flu is approaching. In countries with high general immunity, the disease spreads much less, epidemics can be prevented. Vaccination is the best way to prevent influenza. It reduces the risk of influenza in winter by more than 80%.

In these winter months, the inhabitants of our country will have to face a special strain of influenza virus A/Hong Kong/4801/2014 (H3N2). This virus has already begun to spread. The peculiarity of the H3N2 virus is that it can cause not just an epidemic, but a whole pandemic, i.e. wholesale infection of all residents of the country and neighboring states.

The Hong Kong flu virus already swept the world back in 1968 and claimed a considerable number of lives. In particular, this infection is dangerous for children under 5 years of age and the elderly, as it causes serious complications in the cardiovascular system, nervous system, kidneys and joints. So, in America in 1968-1969, about 40 thousand people died from the consequences of the Hong Kong flu - the elderly and children.

Hong Kong flu. Symptoms

The features of the symptoms of the Hong Kong flu is its rapid development. Symptoms begin to appear either immediately or 1-2 days after the virus enters the body. A high temperature rises sharply (above 39 degrees), which is difficult to bring down, lays the throat and chest, and a dry cough appears. Antipyretics help for a very short time. The rest of the symptoms are similar to the usual flu virus: headache, there is always an ache all over the body. Sometimes all of the above is accompanied by vomiting and other digestive disorders.

The severe condition of the Hong Kong flu persists for about 4-5 days. If the condition does not improve, antipyretics act very briefly, then complications may occur.

Complications of the Hong Kong flu

According to the experience of 1968, as well as those who have already had the Hong Kong flu, the complications are as follows:

  • heart complications - myocarditis,
  • on the lungs - pneumonia,
  • on the brain - encephalitis and meningitis,
  • shock states,
  • severe exacerbations of chronic diseases (heart defects, asthma, diabetes, etc.)

The Hong Kong flu is terrible because its complications can lead to death or disability of the patient.

Prevention and treatment of Hong Kong flu

Doctors say that the main prevention of infection with the Hong Kong flu is vaccination, as well as the avoidance of crowded places. Most likely, the way it is. Experience will show how effective the flu vaccine is in the case of the Hong Kong strain. Hygiene procedures are also effective: washing hands, rinsing the nose and eyes with saline solutions, disinfecting mobile phones, handles (door and writing).

The treatment for Hong Kong flu is the same as for regular flu. A disease on the legs will undoubtedly lead to complications. It is better to lie at home for a week than for the rest of your life, for example, to treat your heart.

The main thing to pay attention to when treating Hong Kong flu is drinking plenty of fluids and detoxifying drugs. Cranberry juice, water with lemon, sorbents (activated carbon, polysorb, etc.) can help with this. Because of the rapidly developing complications of the Hong Kong flu, antivirals should not be avoided. However, not all antivirals are able to influence this strain of influenza virus. Perhaps the most effective drugs here will be interferon and agents that stimulate its production (cycloferon).

If the temperature of about 40 degrees did not subside for 4-5 days, and the condition does not improve, you should not be afraid of antibiotics, which the doctor must prescribe. Antibiotics will prevent the development of a bacterial infection, i.e. complications.

Symptomatic therapy is carried out, as with any other viral infection (drops in the nose, remedies for sore throat, cough).

Epidemiologists categorically do not recommend bringing down the temperature in Hong Kong flu with aspirin. This can lead to very serious complications in both adults and children. In this case, ibuprofen or paracetamol are suitable, as well as wiping every 20 minutes with a damp, warm towel, bypassing the groin area.

People have known the Hong Kong flu virus since the 19th century. Any flu can lead to complications, but the Hong Kong flu, according to experts, is especially terrible, since many deaths are known. But don't panic. Proper and timely treatment will help prevent the development of serious complications. Therefore, we arm ourselves with the necessary medicines, obedience to the attending physician and optimism. Perhaps it is worth recalling the spiritual means - prayer, holy water and oil. There will be no place for the Hong Kong flu in such conditions.

Be healthy!

For the Orthodox site "ABC of Health"

In the coming winter, doctors expect the onset of a new strain of influenza. New, but not quite: it is very similar to the one that caused a pandemic in 1968 and was called Hong Kong. However, whether he is new or old is not so important, the main thing is that no one wants to get sick. So it's time to remember the main rules of prevention.

What is Hong Kong flu

The full name of the new strain looks like this: A/Hong Kong/4801/2014 (H3N2). The first letter "A" means that it refers to type A influenza viruses. There are three of them: A, B and C, the first is the most dangerous. The swine flu of 2009-2010 and the devastating "Spanish flu" of 1918-1919, which claimed at least 20 million lives, belonged to this type.

The reason for the danger of this type of influenza virus lies in the fact that it can infect not only humans (like influenza viruses types B and C), but also animals: birds, pigs, horses and some others. Each species is sick with its own variants of the virus, but different strains can interbreed and give rise to new ones. For example, pigs can become infected with human influenza viruses and avian influenza viruses. If they enter the body of an animal at the same time, a hybrid virus can form. Such a virus is extremely dangerous for humans, because the "human" proteins in its composition allow it to multiply in human cells, and the "bird" genes make it almost invulnerable to human antibodies. Our immune system is simply not equipped to deal with animal flu viruses.

It was this crossbreeding that produced the 1968 Hong Kong flu, which contained six human influenza genes and two avian influenza genes. Crossbreeding occurred in the body of a pig, so the Hong Kong flu strain can also be called swine. Then the Hong Kong flu epidemic spread to five continents, and in the United States alone, about 34 thousand people became its victims. The total losses are 500-700 thousand people.

However, almost half a century has passed since then, the sanitary and epidemiological situation has improved and the possibilities of medicine have increased (including in Asia, where epidemics often begin). This, unfortunately, does not mean that the news about the Hong Kong flu in Russia in 2016-2017. should be let past the ears - caution is never superfluous. But with proper preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of infection.

Symptoms of the 2016-2017 Hong Kong flu are typical for any flu in general: first of all, it is a high body temperature (38-40 degrees) and chills, weakness, nasal congestion, runny nose and sore throat, cough, pain in the lower back and joints, headache. In some cases, nausea and stomach pain may be added to these symptoms. If you have found any of the listed signs of flu in yourself or your loved ones, consult a doctor as soon as possible, do not carry the disease on your feet. Whatever strain - Hong Kong or "normal" - may have caused your ailment, it should not be ignored.

Indeed, like other varieties of the flu virus, the Hong Kong strain is terrible not so much in itself, but in its complications. The H3N2 virus can cause pneumonia, meningitis, bronchitis, inflammation of the sinuses, otitis media. In people with chronic diseases of the internal organs, influenza can complicate the course of these diseases.

Hong Kong flu treatment

Methods for treating the H3N2 virus are also no fundamentally different from methods for treating other types of influenza. The patient needs to stay in bed, drink plenty of water, take antiviral drugs and at the same time deal with symptoms. For a list of specific medications, you should consult a doctor and strictly follow his instructions.

Never self-medicate or take aspirin or random non-prescribed antibiotics for flu. They are generally useless against viruses and are prescribed only when complications of a bacterial nature appear.

Influenza prevention should start with vaccination. But we must remember that the immune system needs time to develop antibodies to the virus. Therefore, it is advisable to vaccinate 14-30 days before the onset of the epidemic.

The peak incidence of influenza in Russia is expected in late January - early February.

Influenza is transmitted by airborne droplets and contact from person to person. If possible, then in the midst of an epidemic, crowded places should be avoided. It is extremely important to keep your hands clean, do not touch your face and eyes with dirty hands. It is advisable to wipe the mobile phone regularly with disinfectants.

The house must be kept clean: regularly wipe all surfaces that can only be wiped. Well, if there is, it will reduce the concentration of viruses in the room.

Another important point in the prevention of influenza is a healthy microclimate. Premises must be well ventilated: in stuffy, hot, stagnant air, viruses spread quickly. However, it is important to prevent drafts when airing - for example, airing, which heats the incoming air.

The concept of a healthy microclimate also includes sufficiently humidified air - its humidity should be 40-60%, and in many apartments during the heating season it is 4-6 times lower. To adjust the humidity, you can install a humidifier.

The H3N2 influenza virus is no different from the "normal" one in terms of its symptoms, prevention measures and treatment methods. It is somewhat more dangerous due to the fact that our immune system is not ready for this strain. However, if you take care of yourself, be careful and - most importantly - do not dismiss the symptoms of the disease, then the Hong Kong "mutant" will be no worse than ordinary flu.
Be healthy!

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