Fz 15 on smoking how many reports are written. Laws to ban smoking in public places. Fine for smoking in public places in Russia. Where is smoking allowed

We tell how the Federal Law-15 on the ban on smoking in public places works: what fines are provided for smokers; where it is possible and where it is impossible to “smoke”; whether the restrictions of the law on smoking apply to summer cafes, balconies and porches.

Federal Law FZ-15 "On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption" was adopted in 2013. The smoking law severely restricted the rights of smokers, who were "forced out" from restaurants, sports facilities and other public places where it is no longer possible to "smoke". Amendments were made to the administrative code, toughening the responsibility for violators of Federal Law-15 on the prohibition of smoking. Smokers, as well as organizations that do not comply with established bans on tobacco smoking, face serious sanctions. According to Rospotrebnadzor, in the first half of 2017 alone, Russians were fined 60 million rubles as fines for smoking in a public place, as well as for other violations of Federal Law-15.

Let us tell you in more detail how the “anti-tobacco law” works: where you can and where you can’t smoke.

Where you can not smoke under the new law - 2018-2019.

A rather impressive list of places where tobacco use is prohibited is contained in Art. 12 FZ-15 on the prohibition of smoking. No smoking:

  • in arr. and educational organizations (schools, technical schools, nurseries, etc.) - the ban applies not only to the premises, but also to the surrounding territory;
  • in cultural and sports facilities (circuses, philharmonics, stadiums, etc.)
  • in medical institutions, including clinics, hospitals and sanatoriums;
  • on any type of public transport, both urban and suburban, and long-distance (trains, ships, planes, etc.) - the ban applies to train platforms and bus stops;
  • at a distance of less than 15 meters from railway stations, airports and other transport facilities;
  • in hostels, dormitories, hotels and other buildings where services for the placement of citizens are provided;
  • in premises for trade and provision of services;
  • in buildings where social institutions and services are located;
  • in buildings where executive and legislative bodies of various levels are located;
  • smoking in the workplace;
  • in elevators and other public places of MKD;
  • on playgrounds and beaches;
  • You can't smoke at gas stations.

As can be seen from the list, the law on the ban on smoking in public places severely limited the rights of smokers. If earlier they could smoke safely in a cafe, in their office, in the vestibule of a train, now in these places, according to the law, a no-smoking sign should be hung. If you ignore the restriction, then there is a risk of getting a fine for smoking in a public place.

Where can?

Here the principle applies: everything that is not forbidden is allowed. Therefore, before taking a cigarette into the mouth, the smoker needs to make sure that he is in a place where the ban on smoking does not apply. Restrictions do not apply to:

  • outdoor places away (more than 15 meters) from public institutions, transport stops, sports and cultural facilities;
  • isolated living quarters for personal use (you cannot forbid a person to smoke in his toilet, the law does not say anything about smoking on the balcony of his apartment);
    specially equipped smoking areas, they are also smoking rooms, which can be organized both at the enterprise and in cafes, in MKD and other buildings.

What should a smoking room look like in 2018?

Requirements for the organization of specially designated smoking areas are established by the law on smoking in public places. In 2018 and 2019, these rules have not changed.

A smoking room on the street should have:

  • sign "smoking area";
  • lighting at night;
  • ashtray.

The smoking room in the room should:

  • be isolated so that non-smoking workers do not smell smoke;
  • be ventilated (for similar purposes);
  • sign "Smoking area";
  • ashtray;
  • fire extinguisher.

Fine for smoking in a public place - how much to pay in 2018-2019?

There are several articles in the Code of Administrative Offenses that provide for punishment in the form of fines for violating the ban on smoking and other restrictions established by Federal Law-15:

  1. article 6.23 provides for a fine for involving minors in tobacco smoking: from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles - for citizens; from 2,000 to 3,000 rudders for the child's parents. This violation includes buying cigarettes for teenagers, "treating" them with tobacco products, and other violations;
  2. article 6.24 provides for a fine for smoking in a public place - from 500 to 1000 rubles. A more severe punishment is provided for smoking on the playground - from 2,000 to 3,000 rubles;
  3. Article 6.25 provides for liability for officials, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for violating the law on smoking in terms of organizing specially equipped places for smokers or for ignoring the restrictions established by law. The minimum fine is 10,000 rubles, the maximum is 90,000 rubles.

Answers to popular questions

Can I smoke in the summer cafe?

It is forbidden. This is the position of Rospotrebnadzor, indicated in the letter dated 06/18/2014 N 01 / 6906-14-25. When establishing this ban, the supervisory authority proceeded from the fact that both the veranda and the terrace of the summer cafe are also used to provide catering services, and therefore are part of the premises.

Where can you smoke at the airport?

At the Airport, you can smoke in a special isolated smoking room, which is equipped with an exhaust hood, an ashtray and meets all the requirements of Federal Law-15 on a ban on smoking in public places. Such smoking rooms are equipped at most airports in the world, including Russian ones: Domodedovo, Vnukovo, Pulkovo. If the smoking room is closed, then smoking is allowed no closer than 15 meters from the airport.

Can I smoke on the balcony of my apartment?

No restrictions on smoking on the balcony of your own apartment have yet been established, although such initiatives periodically arise. However, if the smoke from a neighbor-smoker does not allow a normal life, a citizen has the right to file a civil lawsuit against him demanding compensation for damage. In court, you will have to prove that the neighbor's smoking is injurious to health and creates obstacles to the normal use of residential premises. To fix the violation of sanitary standards, you can invite specialists from Rospotrebnadzor. It will take a lot of time to collect all the necessary evidence, and the prospects for a lawsuit are vague, but there is still such a possibility in the law.

We all know that smoking is harmful to health. It is especially scary that teenagers start smoking at an early age, when the child's body begins to form. And this can affect the physical and mental development of children.

Understanding the harm and threat to humanity such a habit brings, the government of the Russian Federation adopted a new law. The decree gives the right to punish those who allow themselves to inhale in public places. After all, such people harm not only their health, but also all the people around them.

Smoke Free Public Places Act 2018

Based on Federal Law No. 15, there are public places where smoking is strictly prohibited. Let's list the main public places:

  • sports, educational, cultural institutions;
  • medical institutions and sanatoriums;
  • all types of transport;
  • airport, railway stations, ports, stops, passenger platforms;
  • hotels, residential buildings, including entrances and elevators;
  • all trading establishments;
  • catering places;
  • government building;
  • beaches, playgrounds, parks;
  • filling stations.
  • It is also forbidden to drag out at the workplace if the management of the organization so desires. In other cases, it is permissible and punishable. To do this, ventilation systems must be in a specially designated place.

    From January 1, 2018, certain provisions of the Federal Law on this issue will come into force.

    How does it sound?

    Under the new no-smoking rule, manufacturers of tobacco products must list the product's detailed ingredients and health warnings on packaging; persons under 18 years of age, the sale of cigarette products is strictly prohibited. Under the new law, the sale of cigarettes to children under the age of 18 is not only the seller's responsibility, but also the parents of teenagers.

    In all programs, theatrical performances, cartoons for children, the demonstration of cigarettes and the process itself are prohibited. And, of course, according to the new decree, places where you can do this are limited.

    What punishment can be expected?

    If you violate the rule and the definitions established in it, you can get punished for this. The new principle toughened and increased the administrative penalty for smoking in public places.

    The minimum fine for individuals is 500 rubles. If you break the rule and do it at the station, then everything can cost 1.5 thousand rubles. For keeping a cigarette in your hands on the playground, you can pay a fine, which will amount to 2-3 thousand rubles.

    Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs receive much higher fines for breaking the law. If individual entrepreneurs forgot to put up a “no smoking” sign, they face a fine of 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. And legal entities for violation will receive a fine of 30 to 60 thousand rubles.

    Approximately the same fines are imposed for rooms for such entertainment, where there is no proper insulation and good ventilation. For the sale of cigarette products to children, legal entities face a fine of up to 100 thousand rubles. Individual entrepreneurs for the sale of cigarettes to minors can receive a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles.

    A fine of 80,000 to 150,000 rubles has been imposed for illegal sponsorship of tobacco products. Getting caught in the wrong places with cigarettes for many will be too expensive. That is why, before you drag on in a public place, you should be well acquainted with all the provisions of the new decree.

    Smoking in Public Places Act 2018 fines

    According to the new regulation, a fine is considered the main punishment for smoke in public places. For a Russian, a fine of 1,500 rubles is a rather tangible punishment. Until 2018, cafes and restaurants were not considered a restricted area.

    Such decrees and financial contributions are to prevent the promotion of smoking among the younger generation and, of course, to protect the health of all non-smokers. Since June 1, 2015, Russia has been developing a law banning smoking.

    Does it apply to electronic cigarettes?

    Having familiarized yourself with the Federal Law, you can understand that the ban has been introduced only on tobacco products from which tobacco smoke arises. After all, this smoke is contained in the atmosphere and is inhaled by the rest of the population. The smoking ordinance does not say anything about a ban on e-cigarettes.

    When released, check out

    On June 1, 2013, the “Anti-tobacco” law came into force, which prohibits indulging in cigarettes in public places, sponsoring and advertising tobacco, and involving children in this process. The ban was introduced gradually.

    Since 2013, it has been forbidden to smoke in schools, universities, medical institutions, government buildings, elevators, and public transport. Since June 2014, a smoking ban has been introduced on long-distance trains, ships, cafes, restaurants, shopping facilities, train platforms.

    Federal Smokefree Public Places Act of 2018

    This law was adopted in 2013, in February. It entered into active operation on June 1, 2014. For several years now, he has been helping to maintain law and order in the country. You can download the ruling here:

    Addition read

    The main goal of the new regulation is a total ban in enclosed public spaces. Thanks to the new principle, the list of public areas where smoking is prohibited has been increased. In addition, the new principle prohibits approaching with a smoking cigarette at a distance of less than 15 m to certain objects. The new law introduces a ban on smoking in entrances, for violation of which a fine of up to 1,500 rubles is imposed.

    Has it entered into force or not?

    The new law has already entered into force and is actively working with violators of this resolution. Control over compliance with the rules is entrusted to law enforcement agencies. Responsibility is now borne not only by those who like to drag on, but also by the owners of establishments where tobacco products are sampled.

    Smoking ban in public places

    The federal law banning smoking, adopted as part of the nationwide fight against nicotine addiction, caused a significant resonance in Russian society. The prototype of the anti-tobacco law was similar legal acts of Western countries, but the requirements of Russian legislation were significantly tightened. The result of the adoption of the law is the final settlement of the relationship between smokers and non-smokers.

    The essence of the law

    Federal Law No. 15 “On Protecting the Health of Citizens from Exposure to Secondhand Tobacco Smoke and the Consequences of Tobacco Consumption” was adopted by the State Duma on February 12, 2013. The first restrictions came into effect in the summer of 2013, the law came into full force on June 1, 2014.

    The ban on smoking in public places, positioned as the main goal of the law, is considered one of the methods for achieving the long-term goals set by the Ministry of Health - increasing life expectancy, reducing mortality, and reducing the level of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    The main objectives of the law regulating the ban on smoking are:

  • separation of the smoking and non-smoking part of the population with the protection of the interests and rights of the latter;
  • concern for the health of citizens.
  • The main blocks presented in the Federal Law-15 are:

  • definition of areas of application of the ban on smoking;
  • regulation of advertising and sale of nicotine-containing products;
  • restrictions associated with the use of hookahs, electronic cigarettes and vapes;
  • determination of penalties for violation of the provisions of the law.
  • In total, the Federal Law-15 contains 25 articles. You can get acquainted with the content of the Federal Law link.

    Last changes

    Amendments and changes were made to the smoking ban law several times - January 2014, June 2014, December 2016. The document took its final form on January 1, 2017.

    The 2014 additions affected the following restrictions:

  • prohibition of advertising of tobacco products;
  • prohibition of public demonstration of nicotine-containing products and smoking in films, clips, theatrical performances, etc.;
  • a ban on smoking in vehicles, hotels and sanatoriums, catering establishments.
  • The latest amendments to the law came into force in 2017. They are associated with the introduction of new anti-tobacco measures. New items in article 18 aimed at prohibiting the illegal sale of nicotine-containing products. The law prescribes the following measures to combat illegal trade:

  • control and accounting of import and production of tobacco products moved across state borders within the Customs Union;
  • maintaining statistics of sold tobacco products for the constituent entities of Russia;
  • detection of cases of illegal trade in nicotine-containing products.
  • Where is smoking prohibited?

    In accordance with the current version of Federal Law-15, the ban on smoking in public places applies to the following types of territories:

  • institutions of education, sports and culture, as well as hostels;
  • health care institutions - hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums, etc.;
  • bars, restaurants, cafes, coffee shops, pubs, etc. The ban applies to the entire area of ​​these establishments;
  • public areas, which are transport stops, areas adjacent to institutions, beaches, etc.;
  • all types of transport (except your own) - trains, planes, ships, buses, fixed-route taxis, taxis. The ban applies to railway stations, bus stations and airports, with the exception of specially designated smoking areas 15 meters from the entrance;
  • the ban applies to all institutions of power and state structures, office premises (including office premises);
  • smoking is prohibited in the entrances of multi-storey buildings, on landings and in elevators;
  • there is an absolute ban on smoking in playgrounds.
  • Failure to comply with the above rules may result in a fine.

    Where can you smoke?

    Smoking is officially allowed in the following places:

  • owned objects - a house, apartment or car (except when it is moved);
  • specially equipped smoking areas;
  • railway platforms for waiting trains;
  • on the street when moving between public places.
  • The smoking ban does not apply to outdoor areas.

    A responsibility

    Violation of the provisions of the law involves the application of a system of sanctions.

    Establishing the fact of smoking in a prohibited place is treated as an administrative offense. The amount of penalties for an individual under Article 6.24 of the Code of Administrative Offenses is 500 - 1,500 rubles. The exception is smoking in playgrounds - this offense is punishable by a fine of 2,000 - 3,000 rubles. Penalties for officials and legal entities are much higher - 10,000 - 90,000 rubles.

    According to statistics, since the signing of the bill, more than 100,000 fines have been issued, a third of the acts drawn up are in Moscow and the Moscow region.

    The result of the implementation of measures provided for by the smoke-free law is significant changes in the lives of smokers and restrictions on the organization of activities for most food service and entertainment establishments. The action of the law is aimed not only at complicating the life of smoking citizens as a result of prohibitions and restrictions. Another objective of the law is the prevention of nicotine addiction, implemented through the prohibition of advertising and promotion of cigarettes.

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    Overview of the smoke-free law in public places as of 2018

    As you know, many smoke in our country, and abroad too. But today's topic for discussion is the federal law prohibiting smoking in public places in 2018 in Russia. Federal Law No. 15 has been adopted on the prohibition of smoking in public places since 2013. Among the general population, many questions and contradictions arise in the interpretation of this law. What is a public place? Is it possible to smoke in the entrance in 2018? And if so, under what conditions? Who can be punished by Rospotrebnadzor in accordance with Federal Law No. 15? What does Federal Law 15 call for in the first place? What norms have been adopted to control the spread of tobacco? What penalties can be imposed on persistent violators of Federal Law 15? The main purpose of the law, first of all, is to protect the younger generation from addiction. And save the non-smoking part of the Russian population from the harm of tobacco and smoke.

    The second question is often asked by smokers - but where can you still smoke in 2018 without risking your budget? The date of the entry into force of the Federal Law No. 15 “on limiting the use and distribution of tobacco” is also misleading. It seems that it was adopted in 2013, it starts to operate from 2014, but not all articles have come into force for the current 2018? Today we will try to give full answers to all questions that concern the inhabitants, as detailed and understandable as possible.

    If any nuance remains untouched in the text of the article, users of the Right Consumer portal always have the opportunity to get a free consultation from experienced lawyers.

    Communication with consumers takes place online. The tool for communication with the consultant on duty is the feedback form. In addition, you can download Federal Law No. 15, which prohibits smoking in public places in 2018, for free.

    What threatens the new federal law

    Federal Law 15 threatens to punish not only individuals. Legal entities and officials can also be punished, in accordance with the already completely new (for the current 2018) law (including Rospotrebnadzor and fire services as a punitive body). Everyone knows about the dangers of tobacco use. Those people who smoke meaningfully harm their health. But this does not mean that others should suffer because of their addiction. This is exactly what the federal law on restricting the distribution and use of tobacco is designed for. Not for nothing in its title there are the words "On the protection of health ...". For smoking in the entrance (if there is no exhaust and ventilation in it) in a restaurant, cafe and any other place considered public, as well as for violations of other provisions of Federal Law 15, an individual will receive a fine:

  • 1000 - 51500 (for smoking in public places);
  • 2000 - 5000 (demonstration of tobacco products and tobacco use);
  • 3000 - 5000 (dissemination of information about tobacco to minors).
  • For legal entities, a different punishment is intended:

  • for the sale of cigarettes to persons who have not yet reached the age of majority, a fine of eighty to ninety thousand rubles;
  • sponsorship of tobacco in 2018 will cost no less than eighty and no more than one hundred and fifty thousand rubles;
  • for the demonstration of tobacco products a fine of eighty to one hundred thousand rubles;
  • for the demonstration of tobacco and violation of the ban on smoking in front of minors, a fine of eighty to one hundred thousand rubles;
  • Federal law number 15 imposes certain obligations on officials and for failure to fulfill these obligations, punishment is also threatened:

    • for the sale of cigarettes to persons who have not yet reached the age of majority, in 2018 an official will pay from eight to ten thousand rubles;
    • for sponsorship - from five to seven thousand rubles;
    • for the demonstration of tobacco products a fine of eight to ten thousand rubles;
    • for demonstration of tobacco and violation of the ban on smoking in front of minors, a fine of ten to fifteen thousand rubles;
    • For violation of the rules for advertising tobacco, Federal Law number 15 provides for the following types of punishment:
      • payment of a fine from one hundred to five hundred thousand rubles for the sale of tobacco to children;
      • withdrawal of promotional goods or a ban on work for up to three months.

      The list of places that are considered public in 2018 is determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation. It can be viewed in the article on the topic of fines for smoking (including at the entrance) (here is a link to the article Fines for smoking).

      Relevant in 2018

      Citizens, both smokers and non-smokers, must know the provisions of Federal Law number 15 in order to be able to protect their rights and / or not fall under administrative punishment. It is necessary to highlight the main points to which Federal Law 15 applies:

    • you can not smoke in public places, for this you can get a fine;
    • legal entities may be punished by Rospotrebnadzor for the fact that people on their territory violate Federal Law 15;
    • you can not smoke in the entrance, if it is not equipped with an air conditioning system and / or an exhaust hood;
    • the fine for smoking on the playground will be more than when smoking in any other public place (for example, in the entrance);
    • you can not smoke closer than 15 meters from the entrance to the subway, airport, railway station, bus station, etc.;
    • if one of his parents (or both) smokes with teenagers, then the amount of the fine will be greater than if a stranger smoked with teenagers;
    • distribution of tobacco and advertising of cigarettes to persons under eighteen years of age is strictly punished by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation;
    • You can smoke at work and in public places, if there is a specially equipped room for this;
    • allowed to use tobacco on the street, in your own car and in your own apartment;
    • the employer can equip smoking rooms for employees at his own will, this is not his responsibility;
    • if neighbors smoke in the entrance, you can complain to the police;
    • not all provisions of the Federal Law number 15 have yet entered into force, the law will finally enter into force in 2018.
    • I would like to remind you once again that violation of the main Federal Law on protecting the health of others from tobacco harm will have to be held liable in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

      Do we smoke in the hallway?

      Many heavy smokers are not deterred by federal law prohibiting the use of tobacco in public places. In accordance with it, smoking is not allowed in the entrance. However, people in our country do not always follow the letter of the law. If your neighbors impudently ignore the provisions of the 15th Federal Law, you can write a statement to the police. But first it is better to try to solve the problem peacefully. Show your neighbors an extract from the law, post signs on the walls with a reference to the federal law that it is forbidden to smoke. If these actions do not make any sense, you can write a statement and / or complaint to the district police officer. It is in free form. Indicate your data, data of the defendant and briefly state the essence of the situation.

      For smoking in the entrance, you can get a fine of up to one and a half thousand rubles.

      In order to smoke on the landing with impunity, a ventilation system is required. In agreement with all the owners of apartments in a multi-storey building, you can equip a "smoking room". It should be an isolated room equipped with ventilation. It should have ashtrays. Such rooms are subject to fire safety requirements and compliance with sanitary standards. In order to equip these premises, it is necessary to obtain consent from each owner of residential premises. Of course, all this takes time and money, but it will be possible to smoke legally.

      Requirements for "smokers"

      Places designed to satisfy smokers of their "thirst for nicotine" should be specially equipped. The room should be away from places where smoking is not allowed. It must be kept clean and tidy.

      Required requirements:

    • the presence of ashtrays and special trash cans;
    • a kind of smoker's corner should be equipped, which contains information about how harmful tobacco smoke and harmful substances contained in tobacco affect health;
    • artificial lighting is required, which must be turned on at night (if the smoking room is outside) and all the time (if the smoking room is indoors);
    • there should be a sign informing people that smoking is allowed in the area;
    • the smoking room should have walls and doors that limit the penetration of smoke into other rooms;
    • a prerequisite is the presence of a fire extinguisher.
    • It will be necessary to spend a lot of money to equip a smoking room. This pleasure costs about one hundred thousand to four hundred thousand rubles. But if it is worth taking on such a case, it must be brought to the end and at the same time not violate Russian law. After all, Rospotrebnadzor will monitor the order of equipment for smoking rooms. And if violations are found, a fine will be imposed on the owner of the establishment. Some social facilities have a double ban on cigarettes. For example, in a hospital, at a stadium, on the territory of educational institutions, etc. it is impossible to equip "smoking rooms". If you encounter difficulties with understanding the Federal Law number 15 or with its application in practice, visitors to the portal "Rights Consumer" can get a free consultation from experienced lawyers.


      Federal Smokefree Act of 2018

      St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" named after

      St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" IN AND. Ulyanov (Lenin) (St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI") University New law on smoking Information report on the Federal Law of February 23, 2013 No. 15-FZ

      "On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption"

      Federal Law of February 23, 2013 No.

      federal smoking ban

      Smoke-Free Public Places Act… Is the driveway a public place? Is there a law that has already entered into force, where it is specifically written that it is forbidden to smoke in the entrances, if so, what punishment will the violator bear? Lawyer's answer to the question: Federal law on the prohibition of smoking 1.

      There is such a note on every pack of tobacco products that smoking is injurious to health - this will be enough to ban smoking in a communal apartment

      Discussions The struggle for a healthy lifestyle of Russian citizens led to the adoption in June 2013 of a smoking ban law with the official title No. 15-FZ "On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of in force much later than the date of its adoption.

      Thus, only from January 1, 2014, Article 13 of the Federal Law on the prohibition of smoking began to apply in the anti-tobacco law, which provides for the establishment of minimum and maximum retail prices for tobacco products and an increase in excise taxes on it, i.e.

      We all know that smoking is harmful to health. It is especially scary that teenagers start smoking at an early age, when the child's body begins to form.

      And this can affect the physical and mental development of children. Understanding the harm and threat to humanity such a habit brings, the government of the Russian Federation adopted a new law.

      I recently partnered with Auto Guarantee, which helped me recover damages from my car dealer.

      There was a breakdown in my car, and they did not want to pay me compensation)) And with the help of legal assistance, I was able to receive payment for damages. Thank you Auto Warranty for this. An excellent law firm, everything was done quickly without any comments, I am very pleased with the lawyer Elena Vladimirovna.

      “Smoking harms your health” such and similar inscriptions were once recommended by the Ministry of Health to be printed on each pack of tobacco products.

      The goal is obvious, but smokers stubbornly ignored it. Moreover, it was impossible to hide from acrid cigarette smoke for those who do not accept mockery of their own health.

      Koryazhma Knowledge is power!

      Choose the right education! Article 41, paragraph 7 of the Federal Law "On Education" No. 273-FZ Health protection of students includes paragraph.

      7: prevention and prohibition of smoking, the use of alcoholic, low-alcohol drinks, beer, narcotic substances, their analogues and other intoxicating substances. Administrative Code of the Russian Federation

      Smoking ban law.

      Where can you no longer smoke? What are the penalties for violating the smoking law?

      27.06.2014 09:49:20 26618

      Smoking kills. Not only the smoker, but also the people around him. Many, probably, have already heard about legislative innovations in the field of health protection, sanitary and environmental well-being of the population.

      Tell me, please, in accordance with the Federal Law adopted in 2013, tobacco smoking is allowed only in places specified by law. In particular, in the central part of the city, in all parks there is a sign stating that this is a territory free from smoking and alcohol.

      We often walk with the child and during the walk we are constantly faced with the situation that someone either smokes or drinks alcohol.

      Order "On the prohibition of smoking at school and on its territory" From June 1, 2013, Federal Law No. 15-FZ of February 23, 2013 "On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption" comes into force. The federal law regulates relations arising in the field of protecting the health of citizens from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption.

      The State Duma considered in the first reading the draft law "On protecting the health of the population from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption", as the name suggests, aimed at banning smoking in public places.

      Federal Law No. 15 on the prohibition of smoking with amendments and comments

      Federal Law-15 "On the prohibition of smoking" (as amended in 2015) was adopted in accordance with the WHO Framework Convention. The normative act regulates relations in the field of protecting people's health from the negative effects of smoke and the consequences of the consumption of products containing nicotine. Let us further consider in detail the Federal Law-15 "On the prohibition of smoking" with comments.

      Key directions

      To prevent the occurrence of pathologies associated with the influence of smoke and the consumption of products containing nicotine and tar, the federal law 15-FZ "On the prohibition of smoking" provides for a certain set of preventive measures. These include:

    • Development of a tax and pricing policy aimed at reducing the demand for relevant products.
    • Determination of territories, objects and premises in which the consumption of products containing tar and nicotine is not allowed.
    • Regulation of the composition of products and its disclosure, establishment of requirements for labeling and packaging.
    • Informing citizens about the negative impact of products containing nicotine and tar, as well as the harmful effects of smoke.
    • Establishment of bans on promotion and advertising of tobacco products.
    • Provision of medical assistance to the population aimed at stopping the consumption of products containing nicotine and tar, treatment of addiction and consequences.
    • Stop the illegal sale of tobacco products.
    • Restriction of trade in products containing tar and nicotine.
    • Establishing bans on the sale of products to minors, their consumption of tobacco and their involvement in the smoking process.
    • Categories of objects

      Federal Law 15-FZ "On the prohibition of smoking" establishes a list of territories and areas within which the consumption of products containing tar and nicotine is not allowed. The list includes:

    1. Territories and premises used for the provision of educational services, institutions of culture and youth, sports and physical education.
    2. Train carriages and long-distance / navigation vessels in the process of transporting passengers.
    3. Premises and territories intended for the provision of rehabilitation, medical and sanatorium services.
    4. Aircraft, public transport of any kind of suburban and urban communication, including ships.
    5. Premises intended for the provision of hotel, housing services used for temporary residence / accommodation.
    6. Territories where trade, public catering services are provided, consumer services are provided, and markets operate.
    7. Social services premises.
    8. Work areas organized in facilities/buildings.
    9. Elevators and common areas in apartment buildings.
    10. Playgrounds and areas occupied by beaches.
    11. Passenger platforms designed for embarkation/disembarkation of citizens during transportation on suburban routes.
    12. Gas stations.

    In areas located in the open air, the Federal Law-15 "On the prohibition of smoking" also applies. 15 meters - the distance at which a citizen who consumes products containing nicotine and tar must be located from the entrances to the premises:

  • Railway, bus stations.
  • Subway stations.
  • Aero-, sea and river ports.
  • Exceptions

    They are established in Part 2 of Art. 12 FZ-15 "On the prohibition of smoking". The provisions of the article allow the consumption of products containing tar and nicotine in specially designated areas. Their organization is carried out in accordance with the decision of the owner of the property or a person authorized by him. Part 2 Art. 12 FZ-15 "On the prohibition of smoking" provides for a number of requirements, in accordance with which specially designated areas should be equipped. The norm, in particular, determines that it is mandatory to install ventilation equipment on long-distance ships, as well as in isolated rooms in apartment buildings. General requirements for equipping special outdoor areas are determined by the executive federal body that implements the functions of implementing state policy and regulatory control in the field of urban planning, architecture and housing and communal services, together with healthcare structures. They must ensure compliance with hygienic standards for the concentration in the air of compounds released during the consumption of products containing tar and nicotine. One of the mandatory requirements for designating areas within which the consumption of products containing tar and nicotine is not allowed under Federal Law-15 "On the prohibition of smoking" is a sign. The requirements for its content, as well as the installation procedure, are determined by the executive body authorized by the government. Regional state authorities have the right to establish additional restrictions on certain territories or premises.

    Demand reduction measures

    Federal Law-15 "On the ban on smoking" (as amended) does not allow promotion and advertising of products containing nicotine and tar. To implement this task, it is not allowed:

    1. Distribution of products is free, including as gifts.
    2. Using discounts on the cost of products by any means, creating coupons and coupons.
    3. The use of a trademark intended for the individualization of products on other types of goods that do not belong to the category in question during the production process. Retail and wholesale sale of items that do not contain tar and nicotine, but on which a means of marking tobacco products is used, is also not allowed.
    4. The use and imitation of products in the production and wholesale and retail sale of other goods.
    5. Demonstration of products and the process of their consumption in audiovisual works intended for children. These include, among other things, video and television films, radio, television, film, video newsreel, theatrical and entertainment performances and programs. Communication on the air, public performance, as well as any other use of works that demonstrate tobacco products and the process of their consumption is not allowed.
    6. Organization and holding of competitions, lotteries, games and other events, the condition for participation in which is the purchase of the products in question.
    7. The use of trademarks, trade names and other means of individualization of tobacco enterprises in the implementation of charitable activities.
    8. Organization and holding of sports, cultural and other mass events, the result (including the probable one), the purpose of which is an indirect or direct incentive to consume or purchase products.
    9. Sponsorship

      Federal Law No. 15 "On the prohibition of smoking" establishes a number of requirements for companies broadcasting audiovisual works that demonstrate products and the process of its consumption. If a television, video film, film, television, video chronicle program contains relevant frames, the organizer of the screening must ensure that messages about the dangers of using products are broadcast before or during it. The Law "On the prohibition of smoking" 15-FZ allows the demonstration of products and the process of their use while informing citizens about the resulting harm to health and the negative impact on the state of the environment.

      Prevention of illegal sale

      Federal Law-15 "On the prohibition of smoking" (2015) provides for a number of measures aimed at preventing illegal trade in relevant products. These include:

    10. Ensuring that records are kept of the production of products, their movement across the border of the Customs Union within the EAEU or across the state border of Russia, their retail and wholesale sales.
    11. Tracking equipment used in production, movement and distribution of products.
    12. Suppression of cases of illegal sale of products, bringing the perpetrators to justice, confiscation of illegally moved, counterfeit items across the border of the Customs Union or the state border of Russia, their destruction in accordance with the requirements of the law.
    13. These measures are carried out on the basis of information from tax and customs records, labeling schemes with excise or special stamps, and manufacturers' own information bases. The federal body that performs the compilation and analysis of data, as well as the procedure in accordance with which information is exchanged between supervisory authorities, is determined by the government. To prevent the illegal sale of products, each package and pack is subject to labeling in accordance with the provisions of regulatory enactments on technical regulation.

      Sale organization

      In accordance with Federal Law-15 "On the prohibition of smoking", the sale of products is allowed in the premises equipped with utility, trade, administrative, household, warehouse structures. In the absence of pavilions and shops on the territory of the settlement, sale is allowed in other objects or by the delivery method. Federal Law-15 "On the prohibition of smoking" does not allow the sale of products at exhibitions, fairs, remote, delivery methods, using vending machines or in other ways.

      Display of goods

      Fz-15 "On the prohibition of smoking" does not allow retail trade with a demonstration of products on the counter. Information about sold products is communicated to consumers by placing their list. The text of the list is made in letters of the same size, in black on a white background. The list is compiled in alphabetical order. The cost is listed next to each item. The list should not contain any drawings and images. FZ-15 "On the prohibition of smoking" allows the demonstration of products to the consumer after reading the specified list.


      Federal Law-15 "On the prohibition of smoking tobacco" does not allow the retail sale of cigarettes present in a pack of less than 20 pieces, cigarettes and other products by the piece, products that do not have consumer packaging, as well as packaged in one container with other goods that do not contain nicotine and tar.

      Restrictions for implementers

      According to the Federal Law-15 "On the prohibition of smoking", not only the consumption of products containing tar and nicotine, but also their sale is not allowed in public places. In particular, we are talking about objects of mass congestion of citizens. These include premises and territories used for the provision of educational, cultural and leisure services, institutions for youth, sports, sanatorium, rehabilitation, medical centers and complexes, public transport for suburban and intracity communications, including ships, facilities occupied local and state authorities. In the buildings of railway and bus stations, in airport, river and sea ports used to provide passenger transportation services, at facilities intended for the provision of hotel or housing services, temporary accommodation or residence, consumer services, it is also not allowed to sell products in accordance with the Federal Law -15 "On the prohibition of smoking."

    Electronic cigarettes are at the peak of popularity among young people. E-cigarettes are an alternative to regular tobacco products and are considered by smokers to pose little health risk. Since 2013, an anti-tobacco law has been introduced in Russia, which, however, has not actually established a ban on the manufacture and sale of electronic cigarettes. Let's take a closer look at whether a separate law on vaping has been passed, and if not, whether we should expect a ban on electronic cigarettes in the future.

    The country currently has a permit for the use of e-cigarettes in public places. The only condition is that the electronic gadget used does not copy the design of an ordinary cigarette. However, the draft law “On State Regulation of Restricting the Consumption of Evaporative Mixtures Used in Devices that Simulate Tobacco Smoking” has already been submitted to the State Duma for consideration, which will equate not only electronic cigarettes, but also hookahs to ordinary tobacco products and, therefore, similar prohibitive measures will be applied to them. measures.

    At the moment, only one anti-tobacco Federal Law No. 15 “On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption” is in force in the Russian Federation. It entered into force on February 23, 2013. The law regulates places where smoking is allowed and prohibited and what punishment awaits negligent smokers who violate the provisions of this Federal Law-15.

    The law consists of 25 articles:

    • Art. one- the object of regulation of the law;
    • Art. 2— key terms used in the law;
    • Art. 3- law in the field of protecting the health of citizens from tobacco smoke and the result of smoking;
    • Art. four— key principles;
    • Art. 5, 6, 7- duties of the federal service of state power, subjects of the Russian Federation and local governments;
    • Art. eight- implementation of common actions of state authorities and local self-government with organizations involved in tobacco products;
    • Art. 9- the rights and powers of citizens in this Federal Law;
    • Art. ten- rights and powers of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities in the current Federal Law;
    • Art. eleven— an organization that takes action to eliminate the negative effects of tobacco smoke and reduce its consumption;
    • Art. 12- prohibition of smoking in public places;
    • Art. 13- increase in the cost of tobacco products;
    • Art. fourteen— supervising the composition of cigarettes, disclosure of information on the composition and requirements for packaging;
    • Art. fifteen- informing citizens about the dangers of smoking;
    • Art. 16- prohibition of advertising of smoking;
    • Art. 17- providing medical care to citizens with this addiction;
    • Art. eighteen— prevention of illegal trade in tobacco products;
    • Art. 19— restriction of purchase and sale;
    • Art. twenty— implementation of the ban on the sale of cigarettes to persons under the age of 18;
    • Art. 21- state control in this area;
    • Art. 22— observation and analysis of the effectiveness of measures taken to reduce consumption;
    • Art. 23- punishment for violation of the current Federal Law;
    • Art. 24- recognition of certain provisions of the law as having lost their legal force;
    • Art. 25- the entry into force of this Federal Law.

    The last edition is dated December 28, 2016, changes and additions came into force on January 1, 2017.

    Where is it legal to smoke e-cigarettes?

    As mentioned above, in the future bill they want to equate electronic cigarettes with conventional tobacco products. This will entail a ban on their consumption at workplaces in offices, as well as in other public places - hotels, government and social institutions, shops and cafes, at the entrances. It will be forbidden to “smoke” on beaches, playgrounds, in vehicles, airports and train stations, including at bus stops and at a distance of 15 meters from them. Perhaps the regional authorities will allocate special places for people using electronic cigarettes.

    At the moment, there are no special requirements and prohibitions for places for smoking electronic cigarettes. You can smoke at the moment in private ownership The same applies to regular cigarettes. Such electronic devices do not produce tobacco smoke, but flavored, so the smell of burning will not interfere with other residents.

    In the current Federal Law-15 there is no ban on steam produced by an electronic device. There is a clarification only about the smoke emanating from a tobacco product. Consequently, at the entrance It is not forbidden to smoke electronic cigarettes at home.

    "Steam generators" can be used and at work, which became a real salvation for smoking employees after the adoption of the anti-tobacco law. The main condition is the neutral smell of the smoking mixture in electronic cigarettes.

    On the street the consumption of conventional tobacco products is prohibited and those who break the law are fined. But in the case of an electronic cigarette, this is not prohibited. You should refrain from this activity only at playgrounds. After all, the current anti-smoking law aims to prevent young people from wanting to smoke.

    In restaurants and cafes, in hotels, on planes and trains"steam generators" are not prohibited by law for consumption. However, it may have its own policy on this issue and should clarify this issue with the administration in advance.

    E-cigarette consumption is viewed with skepticism. Many believe that they are no less harmful to the health of the smoker and others than traditional cigarettes.


    To date, a bill to ban the use of an electronic device has not been adopted. That's why There is no penalty for smoking an electronic cigarette in the wrong place by law.

    According to the current Federal Law No. 15, a fine is imposed for the consumption of conventional tobacco products. According to the Code of Administrative Offenses article 6.24, the amount of the fine will be:

    • for smoking in public places- from 500 - 1.500 rubles;
    • on playgrounds- from 2.000 - 3.000 rubles.

    Selling cigarettes to minors implies imposing a fine on the organization in the amount of 100,000 - 150,000 rubles.

    However, this may change in the near future, so you should keep an eye on the adoption of new laws regulating the consumption of electronic cigarettes. For example, it is worth studying the provisions.

    Download the text of the bill

    The Federal Law on electronic cigarettes has not yet been adopted. On the territory of the Russian Federation, there is only one anti-tobacco law No. 15 "On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption." You can download the law in the latest edition with all amendments and additions at.

    It was revealed that electronic cigarettes adversely affect human health. Substances used there can cause allergies and irritation of the respiratory tract. Therefore, the Ministry of Health decided to legally ban their use.

    Where you can not smoke under the new law 2017
    Smoking is prohibited The government of the Russian Federation has taken up the issue of smoking in public places especially tightly in recent years. Such measures were introduced not only as a way to combat smoking, which causes disapproval of smokers, but also as a concern for the health of non-smokers in public places, whose rights smokers must also reckon with.

    The first restrictions came into force in 2013, and every year the narrowing of the boundaries of smoking areas becomes more significant. The reason for such severe control was the statistics. According to the latest data, every year about half a million Russian citizens die due to diseases caused by active or passive smoking.

    At the moment, the sharp negative caused by the adoption of the decision to ban smoking has gradually faded away. But experts say that positive changes in the way of improving the health of the country's population will become noticeable only after at least five years have passed.

    Here is a list of places where, according to the law, it is strictly forbidden to smoke.

    Where you can not smoke under the new law of 2017

    The list of prohibited places for smoking is gradually expanding, at the moment it looks like this:

    Smoking is strictly prohibited throughout the various educational institutions. This includes schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. Smoking is not allowed on the territory of sports and cultural institutions.
    The ban was also introduced on the territory of health institutions, including polyclinics, hospitals, and sanatoriums.
    The restrictions affect all types of public transport, including aircraft, ships, intercity and long-distance trains, buses, and so on. The same applies to railway and bus stations, airports and ports, metro stations and trains, as well as at least 15 meters from the station exit.
    It is forbidden to smoke in buildings or on the territories of public services. That is, branches of the State Pension Fund, social security, social service centers.
    In the premises and on the territories of departments of state structures and authorities. This includes courts, prefectures. Various ministries, departments, agencies and so on.
    The restrictions also apply to smoking in the workplace and other work areas.
    Smoking is strictly prohibited in elevators and stairwells in residential buildings.
    Smoking is not allowed on beaches and playgrounds.
    Gas stations are also on the list of no-smoking places.
    The ban affects hostels and any places of temporary residence (hotels).
    Despite the special protests of smokers, the ban also affected bars, restaurants and cafes.
    The list also included the premises of household services (various workshops, ateliers, and so on).

    We all know that smoking is harmful to health. It is especially scary that teenagers start smoking at an early age, when the child's body begins to form. And this can affect the physical and mental development of children.

    Understanding the harm and threat to humanity such a habit brings, the government of the Russian Federation adopted a new law. The decree gives the right to punish those who allow themselves to inhale in public places. After all, such people harm not only their health, but also all the people around them.

    Smoke Free Public Places Act 2018

    Based on Federal Law No. 15, there are public places where smoking is strictly prohibited. Let's list the main public places:

    • sports, educational, cultural institutions;
    • medical institutions and sanatoriums;
    • all types of transport;
    • airport, railway stations, ports, stops, passenger platforms;
    • hotels, residential buildings, including entrances and elevators;
    • all trading establishments;
    • catering places;
    • government building;
    • beaches, playgrounds, parks;
    • filling stations.

    It is also forbidden to drag out at the workplace if the management of the organization so desires. In other cases, it is permissible and punishable. To do this, ventilation systems must be in a specially designated place.

    From January 1, 2018, certain provisions of the Federal Law on this issue will come into force.

    How does it sound?

    Under the new no-smoking rule, manufacturers of tobacco products must list the product's detailed ingredients and health warnings on packaging; persons under 18 years of age, the sale of cigarette products is strictly prohibited. Under the new law, the sale of cigarettes to children under the age of 18 is not only the seller's responsibility, but also the parents of teenagers.

    In all programs, theatrical performances, cartoons for children, the demonstration of cigarettes and the process itself are prohibited. And, of course, according to the new decree, places where you can do this are limited.

    What punishment can be expected?

    If you violate the rule and the definitions established in it, you can get punished for this. The new principle toughened and increased the administrative penalty for smoking in public places.

    The minimum fine for individuals is 500 rubles. If you break the rule and do it at the station, then everything can cost 1.5 thousand rubles. For keeping a cigarette in your hands on the playground, you can pay a fine, which will amount to 2-3 thousand rubles.

    Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs receive much higher fines for breaking the law. If individual entrepreneurs forgot to put up a “no smoking” sign, they face a fine of 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. And legal entities for violation will receive a fine of 30 to 60 thousand rubles.

    Approximately the same fines are imposed for rooms for such entertainment, where there is no proper insulation and good ventilation. For the sale of cigarette products to children, legal entities face a fine of up to 100 thousand rubles. Individual entrepreneurs for the sale of cigarettes to minors can receive a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles.

    A fine of 80,000 to 150,000 rubles has been imposed for illegal sponsorship of tobacco products. Getting caught in the wrong places with cigarettes for many will be too expensive. That is why, before you drag on in a public place, you should be well acquainted with all the provisions of the new decree.

    Smoking in Public Places Act 2018 fines

    According to the new regulation, a fine is considered the main punishment for smoke in public places. For a Russian, a fine of 1,500 rubles is a rather tangible punishment. Until 2018, cafes and restaurants were not considered a restricted area.

    You can download the decision

    Such decrees and financial contributions are to prevent the promotion of smoking among the younger generation and, of course, to protect the health of all non-smokers. Since June 1, 2015, Russia has been developing a law banning smoking.

    Does it apply to electronic cigarettes?

    Having familiarized yourself with the Federal Law, you can understand that the ban has been introduced only on tobacco products from which tobacco smoke arises. After all, this smoke is contained in the atmosphere and is inhaled by the rest of the population. The smoking ordinance does not say anything about a ban on e-cigarettes.

    When released, check out

    On June 1, 2013, the “Anti-tobacco” law came into force, which prohibits indulging in cigarettes in public places, sponsoring and advertising tobacco, and involving children in this process. The ban was introduced gradually.

    Since 2013, it has been forbidden to smoke in schools, universities, medical institutions, government buildings, elevators, and public transport. Since June 2014, a smoking ban has been introduced on long-distance trains, ships, cafes, restaurants, shopping facilities, train platforms.

    Federal Smokefree Public Places Act of 2018

    This law was adopted in 2013, in February. It entered into active operation on June 1, 2014. For several years now, he has been helping to maintain law and order in the country. You can download the decision

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