Fenistil drops for children composition. Antiallergic drug - Fenistil drops: instructions for use for children, frequency of administration and dosage

The original drug fenistil (INN - dimetindene) from the Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis Consumer Health represents in its person a group of H1-antihistamines of the first generation. By blocking H1-histamine receptors, it prevents the development of allergic reactions, thereby providing a pronounced anti-allergic effect. The “hit list” of fenistil includes not only the above receptors: it is able to remove the body from the influence of other mediators involved in allergic processes, for example, serotonin and bradykinin. The drug significantly reduces the increased capacity of the capillary walls caused by an allergic reaction, prevents the intensification of immediate-type allergic reactions associated with the secretion of additional amounts of histamine. Fenistil does not have a toxic effect on the heart, and is generally considered a safe drug, which makes it possible to use it in children. Among the main advantages of the drug, its manufacturer (and this is a fairly respected company in the pharmaceutical world community) claims the breadth of the spectrum of action (including antiallergic, antipruritic and antiexudative effects) and the rapid onset of the development of the pharmacological effect, the peak of activity of which is measured 15-45 minutes from moment of acceptance. One more of its advantages stands apart: fenistil is adapted for use in pediatric practice. So, this, in fact, is the only antihistamine available in drops for oral administration: this “children's” form of release allows you to accurately measure the required amount of the drug, since the bottle is equipped with a special dropper dispenser for selecting an individual dose.

To this should be added a pleasant taste even against the background of the absence of sugar and flavorings. Drops are recommended to be dissolved in a heated nutrient mixture or given directly from a spoon before feeding. Fenistil has pronounced antipruritic properties, which makes it an effective remedy for insect bites and infectious rashes: with its active participation, swelling, hyperemia and pain inherent in the above conditions will recede into the background.

As for side effects, fenistil is not a leader here in the bad sense of the word. The sedative effect, which is often reproached with first-generation antihistamines, is rather weak and is quite comparable with more modern drugs. In addition to drops, fenistil is available in two more dosage forms, but for topical use: gel and emulsion. The gel is convenient in the sense that it has an additional cooling effect. With extensive lesions of the skin, allergists recommend combining the use of drops with the use of one of the external forms of the drug, while in pediatric practice they seek to minimize the area of ​​the skin subjected to gel treatment. After applying the last treated areas of the skin should not be exposed to sunlight. The oral form of the drug does not combine well with the intake of tranquilizers, sleeping pills and alcohol, because. potentiates their action.


Histamine H1 receptor blocker is a competitive histamine antagonist. It has antiallergic and antipruritic effect. Reduces increased capillary permeability associated with allergic reactions.

It also has an anti-bradykinin and weak m-anticholinergic effect. When taking the drug during the day, there may be a slight sedative effect.



After oral administration, it is absorbed quickly and fairly completely. C max in plasma is achieved within 2 hours. Bioavailability is about 70%.


Protein binding is about 90%. It penetrates well into tissues.


Metabolized in the liver by hydroxylation and methoxylation.


T 1/2 is 6 hours. It is excreted in the bile and urine (90% - as a metabolite, 10% - unchanged).

Release form

Drops for oral administration in the form of a clear liquid, colorless, almost odorless.

Excipients: sodium hydrophosphate dodecahydrate - 16 mg, citric acid monohydrate - 5 mg, benzoic acid - 1 mg, disodium edetate - 1 mg, sodium saccharinate - 0.5 mg, propylene glycol - 100 mg, purified water - 888.5 mg.

20 ml - dark glass bottles (1) with a dropper dispenser - packs of cardboard.


The drug is taken orally.

For adults and children over 12 years old, the daily dose is usually 3-6 mg (60-120 drops), divided into 3 doses (i.e. 20-40 drops 3 times / day).

For children aged 1 month to 12 years, daily doses are shown in the table. Multiplicity of application - 3 times / day.

20 drops = 1 ml = 1 mg dimethindene.


Symptoms: CNS depression and drowsiness (mainly in adults), CNS stimulation and m-anticholinergic effects (especially in children), incl. agitation, ataxia, tachycardia, hallucinations, tonic or clonic convulsions, mydriasis, dry mouth, facial flushing, urinary retention, fever, decreased blood pressure, collapse.

Treatment: activated charcoal, saline laxative should be prescribed; take measures to maintain the function of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems (do not use analeptics).


Fenistil ® enhances the effect of anxiolytics and hypnotics.

With the simultaneous administration of ethanol, a slowdown in the rate of psychomotor reactions is noted.

MAO inhibitors increase the anticholinergic and inhibitory effect on the central nervous system.

Tricyclic antidepressants and m-anticholinergics increase the risk of increased intraocular pressure.

Side effects

From the side of the central nervous system: drowsiness (especially at the beginning of treatment), dizziness, agitation, headache.

From the digestive system: nausea, dry mouth.

On the part of the respiratory system: dryness in the pharynx, disturbances in the functions of external respiration.

Other: swelling, skin rash, muscle spasm.


  • allergic diseases (urticaria, hay fever, perennial allergic rhinitis, food and drug allergies, angioedema);
  • skin itching of various origins (eczema, other itching dermatoses / including atopic dermatitis /, itching with measles, rubella, chicken pox, insect bites);
  • prevention of allergic reactions during hyposensitizing therapy.


  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • prostatic hyperplasia;
  • children's age up to 1 month;
  • I trimester of pregnancy;
  • lactation period (breastfeeding);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Fenistil® should be administered with caution to patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; children under the age of 1 year (because they have a sedative effect may be accompanied by episodes of sleep apnea).

Application features

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Fenistil ® is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy and during lactation (breastfeeding).

The use of Fenistil in the II and III trimesters of pregnancy is possible under medical supervision, only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

Use in children

Contraindicated: children under 1 month of age (especially premature infants). in them, sedation may be accompanied by episodes of sleep apnea.

special instructions

Drops should not be exposed to high temperatures.

When administered to infants, they should be added to a bottle of warm baby food immediately before feeding. If the child is already spoon-fed, the drops can be given undiluted. Drops have a pleasant taste.

When using Fenistil in children under 1 year old, you should consult a doctor and use it only if there are indications for the use of histamine H 1 receptor blockers.

The drug is not effective for itching associated with cholestasis.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

Fenistil ® can weaken attention, so it should be taken with caution when driving a car, working with mechanisms or other types of work that require increased attention.

Nowadays, a huge number of people, including, are faced with different forms and varying degrees of manifestation. It is especially alarming when a child becomes covered with an incomprehensible rash and itches, begins to sneeze and his eyes water, or some insect bites him and itchy swelling develops at the site of the bite. For such cases, it is convenient to constantly keep in the medicine cabinet in a dosage form suitable for children. For example, children's drops "Fenistil" are useful not only in cases, but also for infectious skin diseases like, as well as for prophylaxis before vaccination. Let's consider drops "Fenistil" more closely, in what cases and dosages to give it and under what circumstances this should not be done.

Description and release form

Drops for children "Fenistil"- it is a colorless liquid, odorless, placed in a dark glass bottle with a neck equipped with a dispenser, released in a cardboard box, which also contains instructions for use.
There is "Fenistil" not only in the form of drops. Very popular "Fenistil" gel, which in a matter of seconds relieves itching on the skin.

There is also emulsion, placed in a glass bottle with an applicator ball, which makes it easy to apply and ensures the hygiene of the procedure.

"Fenistil" in capsules has a similar effect with drops, but its dosage is intended for adults and children over 12 years old.

There is also "Fenistil Pencivir", but this is not an antihistamine, but. It aims to cure the virus.

Did you know? Every fifth inhabitant of the Earth is located to. Location is not yet a guarantee of the disease, so it may not manifest itself in all of them. But it also happens that a person, having lived to an advanced age, first encounters this scourge.

Active ingredient and composition

Every drug has an active ingredient. In Fenistil, this is dimethindene maleate, which fights allergies, quenches itching and soothes the patient. This substance minimizes the symptoms of allergic reactions by affecting the permeability of blood capillaries.
In the drug in the form of drops, excipients are:

  • sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate - 16 mg;
  • acid monohydrate - 5 mg;
  • benzoic acid - 1 mg;
  • disodium edetate - 1 mg;
  • sodium saccharinate - 0.5 mg;
  • propylene glycol - 100 mg;
  • purified - 888.5 mg.

Indications for use

  • Doctors recommend using "Fenistil" in flowering season if the child has a seasonal allergy, expressed by swelling of the nose and, tearing, sneezing. This manifestation of the disease is called pollinosis or hay fever, it is seasonal.
  • Allergic rhinitis of a non-seasonal nature is also treated with this drug.
  • If a child has eaten something, and he has a reaction in the form of a rash, redness, itching of the mouth and throat, this is a food allergy, and Fenistil will be very helpful. A small allergic rash that appears at the same time and looks like a trace from a nettle burn is called urticaria.
  • In case of allergies to drugs, it is also used, but in such cases it is more often prescribed by a doctor.
  • A terrible phenomenon in the world of allergy sufferers - angioedema or angioedema. In this condition, it is required to call an ambulance as soon as possible, since it threatens life. "Fenistil" can be prescribed by a doctor among other therapy.

Important! Never try to treat Quincke's edema on your own, especially in children: this condition can develop at lightning speed, and you never know how strong its manifestation will be. You should immediately call an ambulance and try to convince them to send a brigade as soon as possible.

  • A child suffering from some itchy skin diseases, as well as from itchy bites of harmful insects, can be given Fenistil drops.
  • Often, "Fenistil" is prescribed to children for some time before a planned vaccination to minimize the manifestations of the reaction to it: redness, swelling, and so on. There is, however, an opinion that this preventive measure is excessive and unnecessary, moreover, an antihistamine taken "for the future" will distort the clinical picture in the event of reactions requiring medical intervention. Experts who adhere to this opinion advise prescribing the drug after vaccination and only if there is evidence.
  • Sometimes the drug can be prescribed by a doctor for a banal ARVI to relieve symptoms, relieve swelling of inflamed organs.

Did you know? There are conditions that resemble an allergic reaction in their manifestation, but, in fact, they are not. These are various intolerances. The mechanism that triggers the reaction in the body is different from that caused by the allergen. It is very important to distinguish between these conditions in order to properly treat them or prevent them..

Instructions for use and dosage

The dosage of the drug for children is calculated by weight. Instructions for drops "Fenistil" clearly explains how to calculate the dosage for children under one year old, since parents of children of this age usually know exactly the weight of their child by monthly examination, including weighing. So, 0.1 milligrams of dimethindene is required per day for every kilogram. This is 2 drops of medicine. First, the daily dose is calculated, after which it is distributed into 3 doses.

Important! For example, a 10-kilogram child needs 20 drops per day, which are divided into three doses. The baby is given 6 drops in the morning and 7 at lunch and in the evening.

Fenistil begins to act in half an hour, the effect lasts up to 12 hours.

It is unlikely that newborns up to a month will need an antihistamine drug, but if necessary, it should be noted that Fenistil drops can only be taken from the age of one month.

Approximate dosage of "Fenistil" by age category:

  • for babies up to one year of age, it is better to calculate an individual dose, on average it will be from 3 to 10 drops per dose in accordance with weight, a maximum of 9-30 drops per day;
  • 1-3-year-olds are given 10-15 drops 3 times a day, maximum 45 drops per day;
  • 3-12-year-olds take 15-20 drops three times a day, a maximum of 60 drops in total;
  • after 12 years, take 20-40 drops at a time, up to 120 in total per day.

The use of the medicine is not dependent on meals, but it is preferable if it enters the body on an empty stomach.

Heating the medicine deprives it of its medicinal properties.

It can be mixed with or, compote or juice. You can give an older child directly from a spoon, without diluting it, but giving it to drink.

Important! « » - not a medicine that is drunk for a long time. It is designed to quickly intervene and remove acute symptoms. This is not, therefore, after the cessation of painful manifestations, it is canceled.

Application features

"Fenistil" has a sedative, that is, a sedative and even hypnotic effect, this must be kept in mind and protected while taking the child from actions that require a quick reaction, for example, crossing the road on your own or riding a bicycle.

However, children of preschool age can give out quite the opposite reaction to the sedative effect, manifested in the increased excitability of the nervous system. One way or another, children taking the drug need supervision in any case.
Pregnant women "Fenistil" are prescribed with caution, they prefer to do with other methods. Do not accept his mother, the child breastfeeding.

The sedative effect of "Fenistil" in babies can cause nighttime episodes of apnea - holding or stopping breathing, so children under the age of one should be given the medicine with caution and under control.

Contraindications to taking "Fenistil" are the following conditions:

  • prematurity;
  • low weight;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic diseases of the lungs and bladder.

The use of the drug is contraindicated in women in the 1st trimester of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Side effects

Consider the possible adverse reactions caused by the drug.
The effect on the central nervous system can manifest itself as follows:

  • cause drowsiness;
  • provoke a headache;
  • instead of drowsiness, on the contrary, excitement may appear;
  • dizziness is not ruled out.

Effect on breathing:

  • sleep apnea in infants under one year of age;
  • disturbed or altered breathing;
  • feeling of tightness in the chest.

The gastrointestinal tract can "please" the following manifestations:

  • nausea and dryness in the mouth;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • exacerbation of existing diseases.
Also, the following "surprises" are not excluded:
  • allergic reaction;
  • muscle spasticity;
  • skin rash;
  • swelling.

Of course, with the manifestation of any of the above, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Did you know? The Japanese, observing families with many children for a long time, found that the first-born child has the maximum probability of allergic reactions, and it decreases with each subsequent child. The reason for this phenomenon is unknown, maybe it lies in the overprotection of the first child and a decrease in attention to the issue of hygiene in the following cases, or maybe there are changes in the mother's body that allow such an effect to be observed. So far, only the actual results have been recorded, their causes are waiting for their researchers.


Exceeding the dosage is fraught with unpleasant consequences:

  • hallucinations may appear;
  • the face turns red and the pulse quickens;
  • pupil dilates;
  • the temperature rises, and a fever begins, against which there may be convulsions;
  • however, convulsions may appear without fever;
  • the patient does not empty the bladder;
  • the mouth becomes dry;
  • falls.

If there is a suspicion or confidence that the child drank more medicine than expected, you should immediately call an ambulance, in anticipation of which the child should drink as much water as possible and give the sorbent.

Important! If the incident has just happened, you can try to induce vomiting on your own, after giving the child a large amount of liquid to drink. This event does not cancel the call for an ambulance at all.

drug interaction

If a person takes drugs that have an effect on the central nervous system, you should know that Fenistil will enhance their effect.

In combination with the drug, it can increase intraocular pressure or initiate urinary retention.

You can not use "Fenistil" with some anticancer drugs.

Important! Always and in all cases, you should inform the doctor prescribing any medicine about the drugs that the patient is already taking. This will not require much effort, but it can save health and even save a person's life.

Terms and conditions of storage

Like all medicines, Fenistil should be stored where curious children cannot reach. It cannot be poured into another vial, the place of storage is dark and not hot - up to 25 degrees. Deadlines cannot be exceeded 2 years.

What can replace the drops (analogues)

Like many pharmaceuticals, Fenistil has analogues that can replace it.

The same active ingredient as in Fenistil is contained in its generic Dimetindene.

It happens that an allergy occurs to an allergy medicine. In this case, a drug is selected that has a similar effect, but a different active substance.

Drugs with a similar effect to "Fenistil":

  • "Loratadin";
  • "Zyrtec";
  • "Erius";
  • "Zodak";
  • "Tavegil";

The benefits of civilization allow a person to make his life easier, but the immune system, which has undergone a multimillion-dollar evolution, does not agree to do nothing. And if he does not have a real enemy, he will “invent” one, declare a merciless war and attack whenever he detects his presence. Only this enemy is not always dangerous, and getting rid of his penetration can be very difficult.

How, for example, is it possible not to inhale pollen if it is everywhere? So you have to give the “enemy” a disguise, and pacify your own immunity, like a watchdog rushing at harmless guests.


Fenistil is a drug indicated for the treatment of allergy symptoms. According to the mechanism of action, the drug belongs to the group of non-selective (non-selective) histamine blockers. Non-selective blocking of histamine receptors is a property of the first generation drugs, to which Fenistil belongs.

To date, Fenistil is an antiallergic and antipruritic agent intended for oral or external use. The medicine is symptomatic, because it does not treat the cause, but only eliminates the characteristic signs of various diseases of an allergic nature (for example, hay fever, rhinitis, urticaria, eczema, dermatitis, etc.).

Forms of release and composition

Today, Fenistil is available in various dosage forms that can be used both internally and externally. The following dosage forms of the drug are available on the domestic pharmaceutical market:
1. Fenistil drops.
2. Fenistil gel.
3. Fenistil capsules.

Drops and gel bear the trade name Fenistil. The oral dosage form is capsules, often referred to simply as tablets. That is why it is quite fair to put an equal sign between the names of "tablets" and "capsules" Fenistil. The correct commercial name for the capsules is Fenistil 24.

As an active ingredient in all dosage forms of Fenistil, the same chemical compound is contained - dimethindene. The quantitative content of dimethindene in various forms of release of Fenistil:

  • Drops contain 1 mg per 1 ml of solution.
  • The gel contains 1 mg per 1 g, which is a concentration of 0.1%.
  • Capsules - each contains 4 mg.
Excipients in Fenistil preparations vary, depending on the dosage form. We list only those components that can cause an allergic reaction:
  • Drops - propylene glycol, sodium saccharinate, benzoic acid.
  • Gel - propylene glycol, carbopol 974R.
  • Capsules - lactose, starch, glutamic acid, silicone emulsion, titanium dioxide, gelatin.
Drops are available in dark glass bottles of 20 ml, equipped with a dropper - dispenser. The gel is packaged in tubes of 30 g. Capsules are available in packs of 10 pieces.

Fenistil Pencivir

There is a drug that is correctly called Fenistil Pencivir. Usually the second word in the name is simply omitted. This cream is also often called an ointment, so in this case "cream = ointment". But Fenistil Pencivir cream is an antiviral, not an antiallergic drug, the name of which is confusing.

Therapeutic effects and action

Fenistil blocks histamine receptors located on cells. As a result, histamine does not transmit a signal inside the cells, which leads to the release of a huge amount of biologically active substances. With the classic development of allergies, these biologically active substances lead to the development of familiar symptoms - itching, swelling, redness or rash, etc. That is, Fenistil simply blocks one of the stages of an allergic reaction, which cannot develop further.

However, Fenistil is a purely symptomatic remedy, since it does not affect the causes of allergies in any way, eliminating only its manifestations. In other words, under the influence of the allergen, histamine continues to be released, but it cannot cause further stages of the hypersensitivity reaction with the formation of characteristic symptoms, since its receptors on the cell surface are blocked. In addition to blocking histamine receptors, Fenistil reduces capillary permeability, which prevents fluid from entering the tissues and the formation of edema.

The drug has two main therapeutic effects - antiallergic and antipruritic. These effects are used to eliminate allergy symptoms.

Separately, it should be said about the cream Fenistil Pencivir, which is an antiviral drug used to treat herpes sores on the lips.

Indications for use

Drops and capsules Fenistil have the same indications for use, which is the presence of the following conditions:
  • hives;
  • hay fever (pollinosis);
  • year-round allergic rhinitis;
  • food allergy;
  • drug allergy;
  • angioedema;
  • itching of the skin of various origins (for example, with eczema, chickenpox, measles, rubella, insect bites, dermatitis, etc.);
  • prevention of the development of allergies as part of complex hyposensitizing therapy.
Fenistil gel is applied externally, so the range of indications for its use is somewhat narrower compared to tablets and drops.

So, Fenistil gel is used to treat the following conditions:
1. Skin itching on the background of dermatosis and urticaria.
2. Skin itching of various origins, except for those caused by cholestasis.
3. Itching that develops against the background of skin rashes, for example, with chickenpox, measles, etc.
4. Itching due to insect bites.
5. Minor burns (domestic or solar).

Fenistil - instructions for use

The use of Fenistil inside and out has certain differences. Therefore, we will consider the rules for using various dosage forms of Fenistil separately.

Fenistil drops

Adults and adolescents over 12 years of age should take the drug in an amount of 3-6 mg per day, which corresponds to 60-120 drops. This amount of the drug must be divided into three doses, that is, drink 20-40 drops three times a day. If it is impossible to drink drops three times a day, the daily dose should be divided into two doses.

If a person has a tendency to sleepiness, then in the evening he should drink a large dose, and in the morning - a smaller one. For example, in the morning and at lunch - 20 drops of Fenistil, and in the evening, before going to bed - 40 drops each.
Fenistil drops are allowed to be taken by children from 1 month. The dose of drops for children depends on age:
1. 1 month - 1 year: take 3 - 10 drops at a time (maximum daily dose - 30 drops).
2. 1-3 years: Take 10-15 drops at a time (maximum daily dose is 45 drops).
3. 3-12 years: Take 15-20 drops at a time (maximum daily dose is 60 drops).

Drops should not be heated before use, as the drug will lose its therapeutic properties. Infants can pour drops into milk or mixture. For older children, drops are poured into a spoon and given undiluted. The child calmly swallows them, because the drug has a pleasant taste.

Adults when taking Fenistil drops should remember that they have a sedative effect. Therefore, if it is necessary to perform work that requires concentration or quick reaction, the dose should be reduced as much as possible.

Overdose with Fenistil drops manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms - drowsiness and inhibition of the central nervous system in adults, and arousal in children. The following symptoms are typical for both adults and children:

  • hallucinations;
  • convulsions;
  • hot flashes;
  • lack of urine;
  • temperature;
  • low pressure ;
  • collapse;
  • pupil dilation.
To treat an overdose, the remains of the drug should be removed from the body. For the speedy elimination of Fenistil from the body, you should drink a sorbent (for example, activated charcoal, Polyphepan) and a saline laxative. If necessary, symptomatic agents are used.

Interaction with other drugs. Fenistil significantly enhances the effects of sleeping pills, anti-anxiety drugs and antidepressants. Alcoholic drinks while taking Fenistil significantly slow down the speed of psychomotor reactions.

Fenistil tablets (capsules)

The drug in the form of capsules is allowed to be used only from 12 years. The dosage for adults and adolescents over 12 years of age is the same. It is usually prescribed 1 capsule 1 time per day, since the duration of action of Fenistil is 24 hours. It is best to take the drug in the evening, before going to bed, so as not to experience the phenomenon of drowsiness during the day. If a person works in shifts, the drug should be taken before going to bed.

The capsule must be swallowed whole, without chewing, with a small amount of clean water. The maximum allowable duration of the course of taking Fenistil capsules is 25 days.

For the treatment of allergic, infectious (for example, with chickenpox, measles, etc.) and other rashes on the skin of a child, the gel is applied to the affected areas 2-4 times a day, in a thin layer. In this case, it is necessary to protect the treated areas of the skin from exposure to direct sunlight. When treating the skin of the cheeks, forehead or chin, avoid getting the gel in the eyes and mouth. The course of treatment lasts until the complete disappearance of the rash. However, if after 3-4 days of regular use of Fenistil there is no improvement, you should stop using the gel and consult a doctor.

Fenistil gel and drops for newborns - instructions for use

The gel can be used from birth, and drops only from 1 month. However, Fenistil should be given to newborns only according to indications, when an allergic reaction has really developed. Do not abuse the use of the drug if any minor red spots appear on the child's skin, which often have nothing to do with allergies. Parents should remember that every speck, redness or rash has a cause that needs to be established, and not immediately rush into battle with this symptom, trying to get it out of sight as soon as possible so as not to cause concern.

Remember that Fenistil is a first generation drug antihistamines, so it acts on receptors in the central nervous system, causing severe drowsiness as a side effect. In children, the drug can cause convulsions, respiratory arrest, arrhythmias and palpitations. In addition, the inhibitory effect of Fenistil on the central nervous system inhibits the development of the child and reduces the ability to learn. This should be remembered by all parents who decide to give Fenistil to a newborn child. If it is necessary to use antihistamines for a newborn, it is better to choose second and third generation agents, for example, Zirtek, Erius, Telfast, Claritin, etc. These drugs act selectively without affecting receptors in the central nervous system.

As a rule, most parents, in response to the information provided, will say: "But the instructions for Zirtek say that it can be used only from 6 months, and Fenistil - from 1 month, which means it is safer!". Alas, it is not. The fact is that the instructions for Zirtek were written in the age of evidence-based medicine, when, before being put into practice, each medicine is tested, the indications, contraindications and side effects are verified. After the introduction of the drug into practice, it is monitored and all side effects are also carefully recorded. To write only one phrase "can be used from 1 month", it is necessary to conduct studies in which at least 10,000 children will take part. For obvious reasons, this is not done. After years of observation, when a sufficient amount of information has accumulated indicating the safety of the drug, manufacturers will be able to write a phrase in the instructions about the possibility of using it for newborns.

But the instructions for Fenistil were written before the introduction of such strict rules, so no one watches the drug, does not register numerous side effects, etc. Therefore, this phrase "can be used from 1 month" remained, which was written on the basis of purely theoretical data. For example, in Europe and the USA, first-generation histamine blockers (including such widespread ones as Fenistil, Suprastin and Tavegil) are prohibited for use in children under 12 years of age.

However, Fenistil should not be considered an absolute evil, since the drug perfectly relieves allergy symptoms, especially when they are severe. Just use it carefully, and strictly according to indications. Children under 1 year of age should take 3 to 10 drops three times a day. The maximum daily dose is 30 drops. The smaller the weight of the child, the fewer drops should be given. It is better to calculate the exact number of drops needed per day according to the child's body weight, based on the ratio: 0.1 mg per 1 kg of weight. For example, if the weight of a child is 7 kg (9-10 months), then he needs 0.1 mg * 7 kg per day = 0.7 mg Fenistil. We translate milligrams into drops according to the ratio: 20 drops \u003d 1 mg, that is, 0.7 mg \u003d 14 drops. The amount received is divided into three doses per day. The drug should be taken until the symptoms disappear. But if after 5-7 days of regular use of the drops there is no improvement in the condition, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor.

Fenistil gel can be used to eliminate itching and rashes of an allergic, infectious or burn nature on the skin in newborns. The drug is applied in a thin layer on the skin 2-4 times a day. The course of treatment is continued until the symptoms disappear. When rashes appear in a newborn, you should first try to eliminate them with a gel, and only then attach drops.

Application during pregnancy

Drops and gel Fenistil are contraindicated in women in the first trimester of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks). From the 13th week of pregnancy until its end, drops and gel can be used by a woman only if the benefit outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. The gel should not be applied to large areas of the skin, to places with bleeding wounds or severe irritation.

Fenistil capsules for pregnant women can only be used if there is a threat to life - for example, the development of Quincke's edema, etc.

Pregnant women who are allergic or prone to hypersensitivity reactions should choose safer selective histamine blockers II and III generations (for example, Erius, Telfast, Claritin, Zodak, Zirtek, etc.).

How much to take?

In general, you should be guided by the rule - the less, the better! In acute allergic reactions, Fenistil is given in short courses of 7 to 10 days to relieve painful symptoms. If the allergy symptoms have passed faster (for example, after 2 days), then you can stop taking it. We can say that Fenistil is a remedy for relieving an acute allergic reaction, which is used in short courses.

When using capsules for the prevention of seasonal allergies, continuous use is allowed for 25 days. But it is better to avoid such long-term use of Fenistil if it is possible to choose another antihistamine drug that is better suited for prevention.

Fenistil before vaccination

Today, many pediatricians recommend giving Fenistil to a child as a preparation for vaccination. This tactic is based on the desire to reduce vaccine reactions so that parents and doctors feel more comfortable. In principle, any histamine blocker, including Fenistil, can really reduce the severity of the reaction to the vaccine, but in this situation the question should be posed differently: "Is it necessary to carry out such preparation at all and reduce the severity of the reaction?".

Scientists - vaccinologists, specialists from the World Health Organization, the American Medical Association and the European United Clinics consider the tactics of using antihistamines to reduce the reaction to vaccination unjustified, risky and harmful. Experts believe that it is necessary to give an antihistamine only if a strong reaction has developed after vaccination in order to eliminate it. But in advance, before the injection, this should not be done, since such a "preparation" tactic leads to the erasure of the reaction, incorrect interpretation of the results and the latent course of allergies, which can manifest themselves with great force in the future. In a word, giving the child Fenistil before vaccination, parents want to relieve themselves of responsibility and eliminate the need to monitor the baby after the injection. Adults want to feel calm and confident, so they prefer to give the child medicine in advance, "just in case". This behavior can be compared with the prophylactic use of anti-cold drugs when a person is still completely healthy.

However, if you wish to carry out drug preparation, Fenistil is given to the child for 3 to 5 days before and after vaccination. Usually for children under 1 year old, the dosage is 4 to 5 drops, twice a day. Children from 1 to 3 years old take 10 drops, 2 times a day. Children over 3 years of age for prevention will have to give 20 drops of Fenistil, three times a day.

Side effects

Drops and capsules Fenistil have the same side effects on the part of various organs and systems. The gel causes only local reactions as side effects. All side effects of Fenistil drops, gel and capsules are shown in the table:


To date, Fenistil on the domestic pharmaceutical market has only analogues that have similar therapeutic effects, but contain another chemical as an active ingredient. The following drugs are analogues of Fenistil:
  • Gel Psilo-balm, external;
  • Tablets Allertec;
  • Drops and tablets Zyrtec;
  • Drops Zodak;
  • Tablets Claritin;
  • Clarotadine tablets;
  • Tablets Lomilan;
  • Drops and tablets Parlazin;
  • Syrup and tablets Erius;
  • Tablets Kestin;
  • Tablets and drops Telfast;
  • Alerza tablets;
  • Tablets and syrup Loratadine;
  • Tablets and spray Lorahexal;
  • Tablets Lordestin;
  • Lorid tablets;
  • Tablets and drops Suprastin;
  • Tavegil tablets;
  • Tablets and drops Diazolin;
  • Erolin tablets;
  • Cetrine tablets;
  • Cetirizine tablets;
  • Tablets Cetirizine-Hexal;
  • Cetirinax tablets.

Fenistil drops is one of the drugs that relieve the symptoms of various types of allergies. Negative reactions to stimuli occur in children of all ages. More often, red spots, itching, swelling of tissues, irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes appear in babies under 1 year old due to weak immunity, increased sensitivity of the body.

Symptoms of urticaria, dermatoses, food allergies give children a lot of discomfort. Pediatricians and allergists often prescribe an effective remedy Fenistil in the form of drops to eliminate negative signs. Find out how to use Fenistil drops for allergies, how quickly the drug works, read the reviews of parents.

Composition and form of release

Features of the drug:

  • the drug is a modern analogue of popular antihistamines (Suprastin, Tavegil);
  • active ingredient - dimethindene maleate;
  • auxiliary components - sorbitol, water, sodium hydrogen phosphate and others;
  • drops are a transparent substance, practically odorless, with a mild, pleasant taste;
  • impurities are absent;
  • 1 ml of drops against allergies contains 1 mg of dimethindene;
  • the liquid is in dark glass bottles;
  • the container is equipped with a convenient dropper;
  • package volume - 20 ml.

Action and result of application

Fenistil drops relieve manifestations of allergic reactions by blocking cellular receptors susceptible to histamine. The drug minimizes most of the effects of histamine on the vascular wall.

Application result:

  • capillary permeability decreases;
  • pain sensations decrease, the transmission of nerve impulses slows down, skin itching weakens;
  • the number of spots decreases with urticaria, dermatoses;
  • tissue swelling decreases;
  • the child sneezes less often, nasal congestion decreases with allergic rhinitis;
  • lacrimation stops with conjunctivitis.

Indications for use

An antihistamine is effective in the following diseases and conditions:

  • allergic;
  • medicinal and;
  • hay fever;
  • itching in childhood diseases (, rubella);
  • eczema;
  • insect bites.

With a mild degree of household and sunburn, another form of the drug, Fenistil-gel, relieves itching well.


The drug has restrictions for use:

  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • and other lung diseases;
  • excessive sensitivity to dimethindene, other components of the drops;
  • age up to 1 month.

Important! Fenistil is a potent agent that is actively absorbed into the blood. The composition can not be used not only for newborns, but also for expectant mothers. Also, drops and gel are prohibited during lactation.

Possible side effects

Some children develop negative reactions while taking allergy medication:

  • drowsiness or overexcitation;
  • swelling, increased number of rashes;
  • dizziness;
  • anxiety;
  • headache;
  • excessive dryness of mucous membranes;
  • in babies under 1 year of age, cases of breath holding (sleep apnea) have been recorded.

What to do:

  • switch to the minimum daily dosage (many parents note the effectiveness of this measure);
  • when new rashes, swelling, breath holding appear, stop using allergy drops;
  • give the baby a sorbent (Enterosgel, activated charcoal) and an age-appropriate laxative for the speedy removal of a potent drug from the body;
  • recommended to drink plenty of water, avoid fatty foods;
  • drops of Fenistil did not suit children under one year old? Never buy a new drug before visiting a pediatrician and an allergist.

Instructions for use and dosage

Do it right:

  • in case of allergic reactions in the smallest, dilute the droplets with breast milk;
  • for “artificial” babies, add the medicine immediately before taking it to the bottle with baby food. In a short period of time, the drops do not have time to get very hot in a warm liquid;
  • an option for older children - give droplets for allergies before eating from a teaspoon;
  • the drug has a slightly noticeable, sweetish taste, there are no problems with use in children of different ages.

Reception frequency:

  • three times a day, regardless of age;
  • offer your child Fenistil drops before meals.

Dosage of Fenistil drops:

  • babies from 1 to 12 months - from 3 to 10 drops;
  • children from 1 to 3 years old - from 10 to 15 drops;
  • age from 3 to 12 years - from 15 to 20 drops;
  • from 12 years - from 20 to 40 drops.

Duration of therapy:

  • the course of therapy is prescribed by an allergist. It is obligatory to control the condition of the child while taking an antihistamine. Only a doctor will tell you how long to take an antihistamine;
  • the shorter the course, the less inhibitory effect on the central nervous system the drug has.

Note! A volume of 1 ml is 20 drops of an anti-allergy agent. This amount of liquid contains 1 mg of dimethindene.

special instructions

Pay attention to important points:

  • a potent antihistamine drug actively affects the body, requires precise adherence to the daily dosage;
  • it is forbidden to combine Fenistil with drugs that depress the central nervous system. This category includes antidepressants, sleeping pills, anticonvulsants, other antihistamines;
  • do not heat Fenistil drops or dilute with hot water;
  • with the development of side effects, reduce the daily dose: most often, negative signs disappear. In case of severe reactions that noticeably worsen the child's condition, stop the medicine, consult a doctor to prescribe another antihistamine.


Pediatricians strongly recommend not to exceed the indicated dosage for a certain age. A potent antihistamine has side effects. With an overdose, negative manifestations intensify, additional signs are added.

Exceeding the daily norm provokes:

  • lethargy;
  • tachycardia;
  • inhibition of the activity of the central nervous system;
  • convulsions.

What to do:

  • in case of an overdose of Fenistil anti-allergy drops, act in the same way as in case of side effects that occur with the standard treatment regimen;
  • the faster the excess drug is removed from the body, the less negative impact the drug will have on the central nervous system and skin. Drinking plenty of water, laxatives, sorbents are traditional remedies for drug overdose;
  • serious heart problems, convulsions, nervous excitement beyond measure - a reason to cancel the drug, call an ambulance.

Additional Information

Useful information about Fenistil drops:

  • store the antihistamine at temperatures up to +25 degrees;
  • keep medicine out of reach of children;
  • the drug is dispensed without a prescription;
  • keep the bottle in the carton to avoid exposure to sunlight;
  • drops against allergies in children are suitable for 3 years;
  • manufacturer - pharmaceutical company Novartis Consumer Health S.A., Switzerland.

Compared to some allergy medications, Fenistil drops have an acceptable cost. The price of Fenistil drops in a 20 ml bottle varies depending on the name of the pharmacy chain and the region - 370–410 rubles.

On the page, learn about how to quickly cure a hoarse voice in a child.

Analogues of an antiallergic agent

With the development of side effects, a pronounced reaction of the central nervous system to the action of the drug Fenistil, the allergist will prescribe another remedy, an analogue of Fenistil. Finding the right medicine for babies under 1 year old is quite difficult.

It is important to take into account the age of the small patient. The problem is that many effective antihistamines are recommended for children six months and older.

Consider the following points:

  • effective Erius syrup (active ingredient desloratadine), less provoking side effects, suitable from 12 months;
  • an inexpensive analogue of Fenistil - Agistam tablets (active ingredient loratadine) are allowed for children from 2 years old;
  • Suprastinex drops (active ingredient - levocetirizine dihydrochloride) are allowed from 2 years old, tablets - from 6 years old;
  • Zyrtec drops (the active ingredient is cetirizine dihydrochloride) are suitable only from 6 months.

That is why parents should, if possible, prevent allergic reactions in infants. It is important to carefully monitor the nutrition of a nursing mother (with natural feeding) and the diet of an “artificial” baby, especially in the first six months of life. Remember: many allergy medications have a long list of side effects.

Modern medicine has invented effective medicines that allow you to quickly cope with the symptoms of allergies in babies. However, it must be remembered that although children older than a month can already use drugs such as Fenistil, they are dangerous for newborns due to possible respiratory arrest. But even children under one year old should be given these drugs with great care.

In addition, it is important to understand that Fenistil is a symptomatic agent, it blocks the action of inflammatory agents on tissues, but does not reduce their formation in the area of ​​inflammation. Therefore, the use of the drug must necessarily be combined with measures to eliminate the allergen itself.

Mechanism of action

Fenistil belongs to the group of antihistamines. It blocks receptors in tissues for histamine, a substance that is released in large quantities during allergic reactions. Thanks to this, the drug quickly eliminates such signs of allergy as itching, rashes or hyperemia.

Fenistil also has the ability to reduce the permeability of the vascular wall. Due to this, the release of fluid into the intercellular space slows down and swelling of the tissues is eliminated.

Many parents of young children are interested in the question of how long the drug begins to act. As a rule, the effect of the use of Fenistil is observed within 15-30 minutes after its administration. Therefore, it is especially indicated in acute allergic conditions, and in some cases helps to avoid the injection of antihistamines.


The main active ingredient of Fenistil is dimethindene. This is an artificially synthesized substance that can suppress allergic reactions and eliminate symptoms such as swelling, itching, redness.

Table - The concentration of the active substance in the dosage forms of Fenistil

Release form and storage conditions

The drug is produced by the Swiss pharmaceutical concern NOVARTIS. In pharmacy chains, Fenistil is presented in the following dosage forms:

  • drops;
  • gel;
  • emulsion;
  • capsules.

Fenistil in drops is available in 20 ml bottles, it is used for allergies in babies aged from one month to a year, as well as for the treatment of older children. For ease of use, there is a special dispenser with which you can quickly count the required number of drops.

The gel is produced in tubes of 30 g and 50 g, and the emulsion in glass bottles of 8 ml. Capsules Fenistil 24 are in blisters, 10 pieces each.

It is better to store the medicine in a cool place, it is undesirable to expose it to direct sunlight. The best option would be the door of the refrigerator, where the bottle or tube should be placed immediately after use.

For young children, including infants, the most acceptable form of Fenistil are drops, gel or emulsion. For adults and adolescents, capsules are recommended for oral administration, and a gel (emulsion) is applied externally.


The main indications for the use of Fenistil in children are various allergic reactions, regardless of the zone of their localization:

  • allergies to food or drugs;
  • atopic dermatitis (diathesis);
  • seasonal hay fever;
  • angioedema;
  • itching of the skin of an allergic or infectious cause;
  • reaction to an insect bite;
  • prevention of allergic diseases.

There are also recommendations of pediatricians on the use of the drug in order to prevent allergic reactions after vaccination. However, this is not shown to all children. This medicine is prescribed only to patients with a history of hypersensitivity reactions to the vaccine, or suffering from allergic diseases. The need to take Fenistil after vaccination should be clarified with a doctor.

The list of indications for prescribing gel and emulsion is somewhat smaller, since they are used only externally, mainly to eliminate allergy manifestations. Indications for their use are itching and redness of the skin of various origins:

  • against the background of allergies;
  • with infectious diseases (rubella, chickenpox);
  • with neurodermatosis.

In addition, the gel well eliminates the effects of insect bites, and is also used for unexpressed sun or thermal burns.

How to take the drug in drops

Methods of using drugs with dimethindene for internal and external use differ significantly. Therefore, the features of the use of each of these pharmaceutical forms will be discussed below.

Standard dose calculation

The drug is recommended for children from the age of one month. For breastfeeding babies, the right amount of medicine is poured into a bottle of milk formula or into water. It is not recommended to add the drug to a hot liquid, as it may lose its properties.

For children older than three years, Fenistil can not be diluted, but given in its pure form. According to patients, it has a rather pleasant taste.

The medicine is usually taken three times a day. Before giving Fenistil to a baby, you should clarify the daily and single dosage. The latter is determined by dividing the daily amount of the drug into three doses. The table below will help you choose the right dosage of medication for your child.

Table - Doses of Fenistil for children of different ages

This table contains the dosages of Fenistil for children under one year of age who have weight and height corresponding to age norms. For children with low body weight, it is recommended to calculate the amount of the drug individually.

Individual dosages

The calculation is made on the basis that the daily amount of Fenistil should be 0.1 mg per kilogram of the child's body weight. It is also taken into account that 20 drops of the drug contain one milligram of the active substance (dimethindene). The calculation sequence is in three steps.

  1. We determine the daily dosage. Example: the weight of a child is 5 kg, so 0.1 × 5 = 0.5 mg. Thus, the daily dose is 0.5 mg.
  2. We calculate the number of drops per day. Example: 20 drops × 0.5 mg = 10 drops, the daily amount of Fenistil will be ten drops.
  3. Calculation of a single dose of the drug. We divide ten drops into three doses, approximately three drops are obtained.

After receiving the daily and single dosage, you should compare it with the data in the table. If the calculated data exceed the tabular data, it is better to consult a pediatrician and once again clarify the medication regimen.

Duration of administration and prophylactic doses

Most often, the duration of admission and how to take Fenistil for children is determined by the pediatrician. Usually this drug is prescribed for five to seven days.

If Fenistil is taken to prevent a post-vaccination reaction, then it should be given three to five days before vaccination, and two to three days after. Recommended prophylactic dosages are shown in the table.

Table - Prophylactic doses of Fenistil for children of different ages

Fenistil gel, emulsion

They are recommended for children of any age, including newborns. Fenistil is applied to dry skin without visible traumatic injuries (cuts, abrasions). First, a small amount of gel is squeezed out of the tube and evenly distributed in a thin layer on the site of a rash or insect bites. The emulsion is applied using a special roll-on applicator. The procedure is repeated two to four times a day.

After applying the drug to the skin, it is not recommended to stay in the open sun for a long time. It is also necessary to ensure that the child does not put the gel into his mouth or eyes with his hands. This is especially true in cases where it is necessary to treat the face area.

The duration of use depends on the severity of skin manifestations of allergies. With significant itching, it is allowed to combine the gel (emulsion) and Fenistil drops.

Contraindications and side effects: is it safe to use Fenistil for the treatment of newborns

  • children under the age of one month. Under no circumstances;
  • children of any age. In the presence of allergies or individual intolerance to dimethindene and other components of the drug.

There are also contraindications for the use of medication for bronchial asthma or the presence of glaucoma.

As a rule, children tolerate Fenistil well, and therefore it is widely used in pediatric practice. Very rarely, side effects may occur:

  • daytime sleepiness;
  • nausea;
  • feeling of dryness in the mouth;
  • dizziness;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • skin rashes;
  • muscle spasms;
  • respiratory disorders, especially in children under one year old.

Parents of the child must strictly observe the dosage of the medicine and in no case exceed it. Otherwise, overdose symptoms may occur:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • convulsive twitches;
  • temperature rise;
  • urinary retention;
  • excitation;
  • severe drowsiness.

If these symptoms appear, you should immediately seek medical help.

It must be remembered that children under one year of age can be given the drug with great care and only as directed by a pediatrician. And in babies up to a month, any dosage forms of the drug administered orally are prohibited. That is, Fenistil capsules and Fenistil drops for newborns are contraindicated.

Where to buy the drug

You can buy Fenistil drops or gel in a retail pharmacy chain. It usually does not require a doctor's prescription to purchase it. However, before using Fenistil to treat a child, especially younger than 1 year old, you should consult a pediatrician.

The average cost of a drug in pharmacies is:

  • Fenistil drops, 20 ml - 370 rubles;
  • Fenistil gel, 30 g - 390 rubles;
  • Fenistil gel, 50 g - 490 rubles;
  • Fenistil emulsion, 8 ml - 380 rubles.

Prices are as of June 2017.

Also, pharmacists can offer cheaper analogues containing another active substance (Loratadin, Cetrin, Diphenhydramine, Diazolin).

Fenistil is a fairly effective medicine that can stop allergic manifestations and itching in a small child. The external forms of the drug Fenistil are especially good: they are suitable for infants and newborns as well as for adults. But when taking the drug inside, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage and frequency of administration. Only in this way the likelihood of side effects will be minimized, and the positive properties of Fenistil will help eliminate allergy symptoms.


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