Garlic thins the blood and prevents blood clots. What thins the blood and removes thrombosis. What foods thin the thick blood. Causes of blood clots

As we age, cholesterol collects and deposits inside the human blood arteries in the form of atherosclerotic plaques. This narrows the lumen of the vessels and impairs the blood supply to organs and tissues. In order not to develop cardiovascular pathologies, the blood must be thinned. With the right menu, many diseases can be avoided. Blood thinning products have an extensive list: vegetables, fruits, vegetable oils and many others. During the anti-cholesterol diet, doctors additionally prescribe vitamin complexes and drink plenty of water.

Why is it necessary to thin the blood

Proper functioning of the circulatory system affects the functionality of every organ in the human body. When the viscosity is within the normal range, then you can not be afraid of heavy bleeding from a minor wound and the formation of blood clots that appear with hypercoagulability. If there is a thickening of the blood, then it cannot fully circulate throughout the body, which first leads to an increase in headaches, the development of varicose veins, and subsequently to vascular atherosclerosis, liver disease, stroke or heart attack.

What thins the blood

So that increased blood viscosity does not slow down blood flow and does not cause oxygen starvation in tissues and organs, doctors prescribe medications. Promote liquefaction Cardiomagnyl, Warfarin, Dabigatran, Curantil. Aspirin preparations have also been used for these purposes for a long time, but with the advent of modern drugs with a minimum of side effects, they are no longer prescribed. In addition to medications, it is important to adhere to the principles of a balanced diet and use products to thin the blood.

What foods thin the blood

To avoid the occurrence of dangerous diseases, each person should know which foods thin the blood and normalize blood circulation. These include:


List of products and their effects on the body

Apples, oranges, pomegranates. Equalize the balance between the coagulation and non-coagulation system due to the high content of vitamins and trace elements.

Cabbage, beets, tomatoes. Improve the rheological properties of blood, prevent the formation of blood clots.

Berry, fruit, vegetable and their combinations. Reduce coagulation and plasma viscosity.

bee products

Honey, submor. A powerful regulator of recovery reactions of the body.

Seasonings, spices

Garlic, horseradish, mint, cinnamon. Effective in lowering cholesterol.

Vegetable oils

Flaxseed, sunflower, sea buckthorn and fish oils are rich in omega fatty acids, which reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

List of the most effective products

You should be aware that in the event of cardiac pathologies, the diet will not replace treatment, and the list of any products must be agreed with the doctor. It is unacceptable to try to overcome the disease without medicine. For the prevention of vascular disorders, the following blood-thinning products (anticoagulants) should be included in the diet:

  • fatty fish: sardine, herring, salmon, mackerel;
  • spices: cayenne pepper, dill, ginger;
  • any seafood, seaweed;
  • all dairy products.

Herbs to thin the blood instead of aspirin

Products that thin the blood will be more effective if you include decoctions of herbs in addition to your diet. Medicinal plants that grow on the territory of our country from time immemorial helped to cope with cardiovascular diseases, when there were no medicines yet. Useful decoctions:

  1. Lemon balm leaves (1 tablespoon), water (200 ml). Pour the grass with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, then drink the entire volume of liquid during the day.
  2. Chestnut peel (50 g), vodka (500 ml). Fill the peel with vodka, insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. Take 30 drops daily for 3 weeks after breakfast.
  3. Sweet clover (0.5 tablespoons), motherwort (0.5 tablespoons), water (200 ml). Grind the grass, pour boiling water. Let it brew for 30 minutes. Drink twice a day for 1/3 cup 20 minutes before meals. Course - 1 month.

Foods that thin the blood during pregnancy

While waiting for a child, doctors will definitely recommend a woman to change her diet and tell her which foods help thin the blood. A pregnant woman should definitely refuse canned food, sausages, smoked meats, fried, salty dishes. You need to enrich your menu with foods rich in vitamins, trace elements, minerals, because their deficiency contributes to blood thickening. Pregnancy nutrition should include:

  • cereals: buckwheat, hercules, oatmeal;
  • cocoa, dark chocolate;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • vegetable oils: olive, rapeseed;
  • apple cider vinegar (natural product only);
  • herbs: willow bark, birch buds, dandelion, kalanchoe, aloe, nettle;
  • Dietary supplements: vitamins E, A, C, magnesium, omega, soda.


Fruits containing vitamin E reduce cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Tocopherol has the ability to thin the plasma and prevent blood cells from sticking together. During pregnancy, it is especially relevant, since the protective functions of the woman's body are weakened, and the vitamin helps to maintain a normal immune system. List of fruits high in tocopherol:

  • plum;
  • lemon;
  • orange;
  • apricot;
  • peach;
  • pear;
  • dried apple;
  • banana.


What fruits thin the blood, of course, but what about berries? Reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and strengthens blood vessels cranberries. The sour berry contains vitamins K, B, C, a wide range of organic acids and polysaccharides. To avoid blood clots, it is useful to regularly drink cranberry juice, eat it in the form of jam and add it to various dishes. The list of blood-thinning berries also includes:

  • viburnum;
  • black currant;
  • strawberry;
  • blueberry;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • gooseberry;
  • cowberry.

Diet for blood thinning

Many nutritionists write about what kind of food thins the blood. Be sure to include vegetables, natural juices, acidic foods in the menu. The use of garlic and the inclusion of pepper in the diet helps to thin the plasma, and tomatoes prevent the deposition of cholesterol plaques. All kinds of raw green vegetables are good for this purpose. Doctors recommend making smoothies from cucumber, spinach, celery. Regular use of ginger thins the blood. It doesn't have to be used as a condiment. Tea with ginger and lemon will help to quickly restore the balance of clotting.

A diet for people with increased blood clotting has certain features and rules:

  • daily calorie content of products should take into account the age, weight and level of physical activity of a person;
  • nutrition should be fractional: 5-6 doses at regular intervals;
  • dishes need to be cooked in the oven, steamed or consumed in boiled form (frying is not allowed).

The composition of garlic includes more than 400 components that have a beneficial effect on the human body.. Among them are salts of magnesium, calcium, sodium, iodine, selenium, zinc, phosphorus, various vitamins A, E, C, group B, organic compounds such as inulin, phytosterols, lysine, folic, sulfuric, phosphoric, silicic acids, phytoncides, allicin, ajoene.

American scientists who conducted many experiments on the healing properties of the plant proved that its components improve the lipid profile of the blood, reducing the level of fat concentration, increase the overall antioxidant activity of the plasma, reduce systolic and diastolic, reduce oxidative reactions in the body.

Recent studies suggest that, thanks to allicin, garlic has a trigger effect on cholesterol. That is, it "starts" the mechanism of its reduction, but cannot keep it at a low level for a long time. Therefore, the use of a vegetable must be supported by a diet, and sometimes by taking special medications.

How exactly does it affect?

Thinning or thickening?

How does the plant thin the blood? The biologically active substances ajoene (ajoene) and adenosine contained in it reduce viscosity, preventing the adhesion of red blood cells responsible for blood clotting - platelets. This significantly reduces the possibility of thrombosis. In India, students were tested to answer the question of whether a vegetable thins blood or not.

As a result, it was found that to improve the resorption of blood clots, it is enough to use three cloves daily.

When the vegetable is cooked, the antithrombotic effect only increases. Effective liquefaction can be achieved with a tincture of lemon and honey.


Allicin, which was mentioned above, comes into contact with red blood cells. As a result of a chemical reaction, hydrogen sulfide is released. The latter reduces the tension of the vascular walls, increases the lumen of the vessels, provides them with protection from atherosclerotic formations, increases blood flow, and reduces the load on the heart muscle.

Attention: A well-known garlic researcher, Indian cardiologist Arun Borgia claims that garlic reduces blockages in the coronary arteries, so the benefits of taking it increase with age.

Lowers sugar or not?

How does a vegetable affect sugar? Scientists from Japan say that the substances vanadium and allaxin contained in garlic can be included in tablets for type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and can even replace daily insulin injections, as they lower blood sugar levels. The combination of garlic and onion enhances the therapeutic effect: lowering blood sugar occurs faster, immunity is strengthened and the general condition of the body is normalized.


But it is not always possible to be treated with this plant. In some cases, it can harm a person. Contraindications to its use are:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (read about the effect of garlic on the gastrointestinal tract);
  • pancreatitis;
  • anemia;
  • bladder disease;
  • hemorrhoids (you can learn about the use of garlic for hemorrhoids);
  • product allergy.

The product has also been proven to contain a sulfanyl hydroxyl ion that penetrates the brain and is toxic to higher mammals. When using the plant in large quantities, a slight headache, inattention and absent-mindedness are possible.

Recipes with step by step instructions

Garlic can be purchased at the pharmacy in capsules, tinctures, nutritional supplements.. The instructions say that they increase immunity, relieve inflammation, tell if they thin the blood.

But, since this product is publicly available and grows in almost every summer cottage, it is better to make medicines from it yourself. Below will be given a few recipes on how to cleanse and make the blood thinner with the help of a medicinal plant.


With lemon


How to prepare and take:

  1. Peeled garlic and lemons twist through a meat grinder, place in a three-liter jar, pour water to the top.
  2. Infuse for three days, shake occasionally.
  3. Strain through several layers of cheesecloth, pour into a clean bowl and place in the refrigerator.
  4. Take 100 g three times a day for a month.

With alcohol and milk

It is believed that this recipe came to us from Tibetan monks.



  1. Grind the garlic in a meat grinder or in a garlic press, pour in alcohol, cork tightly and put for 10 days in a dark place at room temperature.
  2. Then strain, squeeze the garlic mass through cheesecloth.
  3. The resulting sticky juice is ready to drink.

How to use:

  1. Start taking according to the scheme 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals with milk, dripping one drop into it and increasing the number of drops with each meal by one.
  2. By the evening of the fifth day, the number of drops should be 15.
  3. Then, over the next five days, it is reduced by one, again with each meal, and on the tenth day it is brought up to one drop.
  4. Starting from the 11th day, 25 drops are added to the milk and they drink it until the tincture is over.

We reduce the density

With honey


How to prepare and take:

  1. Chopped garlic is combined with honey, insisted for three weeks.
  2. Take 1 tbsp. l in 40 min. before meals.

If you are faced with a problem such as varicose veins or thrombophlebitis, and even worse, a stroke or heart attack, you need to know what blood-thinning foods exist, because it is no secret that our health depends on food by 75%.

Most likely, you have already been recommended to take blood thinners, but in fact, in not the most neglected cases, you can adjust your diet and get the same effect without the use of drugs. In order for our thick blood to become young and fluid again, it is important to increase the foods that thin it in the diet and, accordingly, reduce the consumption of foods that thicken the blood.

Why does blood clotting occur?

  1. Dehydration. Blood consists of 83% water. It's very simple: the more water we use, the thinner our blood. It's like boiling porridge in a double dose of milk: the more milk, the thinner the porridge.

It often happens that many people have a misunderstanding why juices, teas, etc. do not replace the water that cells need. Not for the first time I will tell you that, other than plain water, it perceives it as food, which has its own specific biochemistry.

For you to know, some liquids always provoke dehydration, for example, coffee: they drank 200 ml, and 220 ml came out of the body (the body took 20 “extra” ml from cells, including blood cells). In addition, the body still expends cellular energy in order to convert such a liquid into water.

When taking any drug, be sure that it also leads to dehydration, as it “pulls” water onto itself.

  1. "Fatty" blood. Abundant blood levels of lipids and their derivatives, plus poorly cleaved protein compounds - the digestive process is disturbed in the body due to a deficiency of digestive enzymes and dysbacteriosis.

A simple example: a person drinks a glass of boiled cow's milk, which no longer contains the enzyme that breaks down casein, a milk protein. And in the human body itself, the body does not produce an enzyme that helps to assimilate this casein. It turns out the same effect that is known to everyone with “intolerance” to milk - diarrhea, bloating, and so on ...

  1. lack of oxygen. Blood circulation is disturbed, tissues and organs are insufficiently provided with blood, and with it oxygen.
  2. "Acidification of the body". Unlimited loads our liver and kidneys. They must process the acids coming from animal products in an enhanced mode, the kidneys cope with the difficulty, passing excess acids into the liver tissue, which are then very difficult to remove. This is another reason for thick blood.

  1. stress. There are people who are constantly under stress, nervous about every occasion, releasing adrenaline profusely. Adrenaline always provokes vasoconstriction, and because of this, the heart is forced to work with tension. Its peripheral vessels are in a compressed state, which forces the heart to forcefully push blood through these compressed vessels.
  2. Love for sweets. For many, this develops into a pathology. And who, when eating a delicious cake, thinks that his blood becomes thick and viscous at the same time? Moreover, sweets also lead to dehydration. Remember how thirsty after eating something sweet? ..

  1. Deficiency of minerals and vitamins- another reason why the blood becomes thick. Smoked meats and sweets, canned, meat or salty foods load the liver, its functioning is disrupted, which contributes to the poor absorption of nutrients such as lecithin and selenium, zinc and vitamin C - what our blood vessels, blood and the whole body as a whole need so much .
  2. Bad habits. Cigarettes, alcohol in no way have a beneficial effect on our body. For example, a smoker needs 3 times more vitamin C than a non-smoker... You also know about it.

But back to our topic and continue the conversation about what foods thin the blood.

List of blood thinning foods

  1. Omega 3. Its most concentrated source is fish oil and sea fish of fatty varieties, from vegetable - linseed oil. Regular consumption of Omega 3 will prevent platelets from sticking together, reduce the production in the body of substances that cause inflammatory processes in cells (these include atherosclerosis and obesity).

The use of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the Omega 3 type will help thin the blood, reduce the level of bad cholesterol and regulate fat metabolism.

  1. Vitamin E. Contained in, safflower, sunflower oils, whole grains, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, carrots. If you consume these foods regularly, the risk of blood clots will decrease.
  2. Vitamin C. Products that contain it and will help thin the blood: lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, sweet red peppers, cabbage (except white cabbage), raspberries, gooseberries, white and red currants, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, lingonberries, plums, cherry, grape, fig, apricot.
  3. Ginger is a great blood thinner. The spectrum of action of this spice is very wide, ranging from improving digestive processes and heart function, ending with the elimination of gastric disorders, nausea, diarrhea and colic. Ginger is recommended for colds and flu, headaches and arthritis, as a means of relaxing blood vessels and heart muscle. Ginger reduces cholesterol, prevents blood clotting and improves blood flow.

Add cinnamon to ginger tea (and honey and lemon can also be added to taste), wheat sprouts, mint, red hot peppers, oregano (oregano) and thyme - these spices are great blood thinners.

  1. Garlic deserves special mention. You can use it both fresh and dried or use garlic oil - this way you protect yourself from high blood pressure, thick blood and high levels of bad cholesterol.

More Blood Thinning Products I Didn't Mention Above: tomato juice and tomatoes, sunflower seeds, beets, melon, oatmeal, oatmeal, oatmeal, apple cider vinegar, chocolate, shellfish, squid, shrimp, seaweed, onion, dairy products, eggs, lecithin, chestnuts, artichokes, mulberries, herbs ginkgo biloba, wormwood, meadowsweet, chicory, hazel, cinquefoil, kalanchoe, aloe, sweet clover, peony root, willow bark.

List of foods that thicken the blood

Your diet should contain as little sugar and sweets as possible, bananas, white bread, potatoes, alcohol, carbonated drinks, smoked meats, pickles, fatty protein products, buckwheat, walnuts, red and chokeberry, coriander, dill, spinach, parsley, bark of oak and viburnum, fresh leaves of nettle, wild rose, basil, chokeberry, St.

And, ladies and gentlemen, start drinking water. Instead of swallowing aspirin and other drugs based on it, thin the blood with the most affordable and cheapest product - plain unboiled water. You will be surprised what miracles will happen to you.

Take a walk in the fresh air, the aroma of pine needles in a pine forest is especially indicated with thick blood. Move (when there is little movement, red blood cells actively stick to the walls of blood vessels), think positively, eat blood-thinning foods, and then you will really be healthy!

Many supporters of a healthy lifestyle call products that thicken the blood harmful. These include sugar and alcohol, everyone's favorite fried potatoes with meat and sweet delicious desserts. The use of unhealthy, but such desirable food can lead to violations of oxidative and reduction processes in body tissues and most internal organs: the liver, kidneys, brain, and others.

The reduced quality of blood in this case, due to its thickening, acidification, and an increase in the concentration of cholesterol, leads to a deterioration in its transport function, which ensures respiration and nutrition of the cells of the body.

Causes and consequences of blood clotting

Increased provokes the most dangerous ailments: cardiovascular and oncological pathology. These diseases are usually caused by impaired blood circulation due to its density, which leads to an increase in the load on the vessels and the deposition of clots on the walls of the veins and arteries.

The factors leading to an increase in the level of blood viscosity are:

  • lack of liquid drunk by a person, or its poor quality;
  • high sports loads;
  • stay in a hot climate;
  • prolonged exposure;
  • regular and excessive consumption of sugar, fast-digesting carbohydrates;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body (especially lecithin, selenium, zinc and ascorbic acid);
  • exclusion of salt from the diet or its excessive consumption;
  • obesity and living in an ecologically unfavorable area.

In addition, a violation of the human diet, eating mainly fatty, fried, meat, salty, sweet, smoked and canned foods, as well as those with a high concentration of starch, lead to the formation of dense cholesterol molecules that damage the walls of blood vessels. These blood-clotting foods cause malfunctions in the liver by causing plasma changes.

These violations are recognized as one of the main triggers for the development of thrombophlebitis, which affects people who regularly include junk food in their menu. It is very important for them to timely normalize the work of the biochemical mini-laboratory, in which metabolic processes take place, special substances are synthesized that can prevent an increase in blood viscosity and thrombosis.

When the blood is too thin...

In order to regulate blood circulation, normalizing it, each person needs to know which foods that thicken the blood should be eaten to increase viscosity, and which ones to thin the living environment. In vegetarians and people who ignore the use of animal fats in food, as well as in certain diseases, the blood may have increased fluidity, which negatively affects its coagulability when the skin is damaged. The liquid living environment of a person does not allow to cope with bleeding, it turns any scratch or surgical intervention into a real disaster. In this case, it is necessary to include in the menu products that increase blood density: sugar, salt, fatty foods.

But people who eat plants or other light foods for a long time cannot use such food without harm to health, since it thickens the blood too much and can cause deterioration in health. Therefore, the list of products that moderately increase blood density includes: fish - a source of well-being, youth and beauty, as well as a successful fight against extra pounds; cereals and cereals (millet, buckwheat and brown brown rice), which can be stuffed with low-fat fish, and then baked in the oven. This can also include bran, rustic or Cereals form a clot of mucus in the stomach, which contributes to thickening of the blood.

Sweet food harms the figure, but you should not completely remove it from the menu, it is more expedient to replace fatty desserts with dried fruits, honey, oriental sweets and homemade fruit marmalade. A morning treat at the rate of one teaspoon is a sufficient portion of pleasure to thicken the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

In the category of first courses, one of the leaders in reducing the concentration of fluid in the blood plasma is freshly cooked borscht. Of the greens, leek, sorrel, lettuce, and other vegetable dishes with the addition of garlic are best thinned, improving the consistency of blood.

The main foods that cause hyperviscosity syndrome

According to doctors and nutritionists, you should not give up powerful blood thickeners (dairy products, potatoes, bananas), but you need to control the frequency of consumption and quantity. In rare cases, you can afford soda, smoked delicacies and alcohol. Some foods contain vitamin K, and neutralizing the effect of anticoagulants, these are: pork liver, soybeans and dishes from them, blackcurrant and viburnum, beans, watercress, cabbage, beets, broccoli and spinach, beans, green peas. In addition, foods that thicken the blood quickly and strongly are involved in thrombosis: fatty meats, sausages, rich strong broths, hydrogenated fats, cream, canned food, smoked meats, white bread and pastries, confectionery, walnuts.

The restriction for people prone to blood clots also applies to the use of sugar and sour cream, lard, salt and butter. Habits such as alcohol and smoking that are harmful to the body negatively affect the liquid composition of the blood. Abuse of diuretics, contraceptives and hormonal drugs, their uncontrolled intake can also cause depletion of the liquid living environment of tissues and an increased risk of thrombosis.

Alcoholic drinks

Everyone knows about the dangers of this product. The use of strong drinks, wine in Tetra Pak packages and cheap beer even once a week leads to the fact that alcohol thickens the blood: it becomes dark and viscous, and the concentration of liquid in it becomes significantly lower than 83%. At the same time, in the vessels, erythrocytes stick together in the form of coin columns, which stick to the wall and form blood clots. manifested at the initial stage by increased fatigue, memory impairment and drowsiness. Over time, alcohol abuse includes mental processes that destroy the body: stress, irritability or apathy, insomnia.

Is fried potatoes with meat in a pan dangerous?

In this age of sedentary lifestyle, nutrition plays a large role (over 75 percent) in human health. The absence in the daily diet of a sufficient portion of fruits and vegetables that promote active metabolism, the use of such a fatty and high-calorie dish is associated with many risk factors for the development of pathologies. Blood clotting is one of them.

Therefore, fried potatoes with meat in a pan, beloved by many, are not such a harmless dish. In addition to the fact that the dish has a high calorie content, it contains fatty meat, potatoes, which greatly increase blood viscosity. But soft and tasty veal, pork or chicken with a golden crust and crumbly, sizzling in a pan, potatoes are cooked in almost every family. It is dangerous to do this daily or several times a week, combining a traditional dish with strong alcohol, marinades, pickles.

Such a dish can be afforded only occasionally, and instead of homemade preparations, it is preferable to serve a light salad of fresh vegetables on the table.

Second courses and appetizers

With thrombophlebitis or varicose veins, nutritionists recommend including onion dishes, vegetable stews in which garlic and dill can be added to the diet. They are prepared from eggplant, zucchini, red bell pepper, tomatoes, seasoned with oregano or paprika.

Second courses of oily fish, seafood and kelp are also good. All these dishes prevent blood clotting, diluting it. However, they cannot be combined with taking anticoagulants without a doctor's prescription.


In the dietary salad with garlic takes pride of place, as its use reduces blood viscosity. The fragrant vegetable is added both fresh and dried, and also insisted on cold-pressed vegetable oil (sunflower, olive or safflower), getting a delicious healing infusion for high cholesterol (including varicose veins) and hypertension. Adding tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, germinated wheat, cabbage (except white cabbage), sweet red pepper, carrots and other blood-thinning components to the assortment is a good prevention of thrombosis and other cardiovascular pathologies. This salad with garlic is prepared in minutes. It can be served with a second course or as an independent dish.


Excluding confectionery, sweets and pastries that thicken the blood, it is ideal to replace them with fruits and berries: oranges, apricots, grapes, lingonberries, cherries, plums, grapefruit, strawberries, blackberries, lemons, raspberries, tangerines, sea buckthorn. From dried fruits, you can choose prunes, dried apricots and raisins. Honey, if there is no allergy to bee products, will be an excellent alternative to sugar.

Healing herbs

Most diuretic plants have a blood-clotting effect: yarrow, St. John's wort, and basil. The same effect on the body is exerted by: alfalfa and valerian, highlander and chokeberry. Nettle thickens the blood, if you use the leaves of this medicinal herb. Of the berries, you need to be careful about the use of chokeberry and kiwi, rose hips and pomegranate. Mangoes, avocados, walnuts and lentils increase blood viscosity.


To normalize blood circulation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, preventing the appearance of clots on them, helps a balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle, adherence to the diet.

The diet should include a sufficient amount, but their excess can also lead to negative consequences. Every day, to maintain a normal level of hydration of the body, you need to drink one and a half or two liters of purified non-carbonated water. In addition to the main liquid, it is also necessary to drink green tea, herbal infusions, freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. Optimal physical activity, which should be included in the daily routine, will be a good prevention of diseases and help keep fit.

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