What is the difference between a mole and melanoma. The development of melanoma from a common mole. Risk factors for development

A birthmark is a "mark" for life. This is a "visiting card" that emphasizes the individual characteristics of each person. A mole does not affect the state of health in any way. But under certain circumstances, it can degenerate into malignant melanoma, which leads to serious health problems. You need to be able to distinguish it from a birthmark and, if necessary, seek medical help.

There are moles or nevi on the body of almost every person. They are its "identification mark", the place of their localization may be different. Sometimes nevi are in the most unexpected places, causing some inconvenience to their owner.

Birthmarks differ in size, color shade, depth of penetration into the tissues. They are usually inherited and occur in the same areas of the body as the parents. The saturation of the color of the nevus also depends on the ancestors, their genotype.

A mole is a collection of cells saturated with melanin, a pigment that protects the skin from UV rays, so their usual color varies from beige to dark brown. We are talking about an abnormal accumulation, which is absolutely harmless and is considered melanomano-hazardous until such time as the birthmark degenerates into melanoma.

They look like flat spots of different sizes: from small (up to 1.5 cm) to large (more than 10 cm). There are also giant birthmarks that cover significant areas of the skin. Their shape is varied: from rounded to the most unusual contours with jagged edges.

If brown spots form on the skin, resembling plaques, this is a seborrheic dermatoma, hanging growths are acrochordomas, and red formations are hemangiomas.

Moles are also classified according to the depth of location under the skin:

  • border, located between the surface layer and the epidermis; they are smooth, but can grow and take on a convex shape with hormonal changes or prolonged exposure to UV rays;
  • epidermal, affecting the upper layer of the epidermis, flat or slightly convex;
  • intradermal, which are localized in the lower layers of the skin, are distinguished by a bulge, rough surface; sometimes they grow hairs.

According to the degree of risk of oncological diseases, there is also a gradation:

  1. Dangerous include Ota's mole, blue and borderline nevus, congenital mole of huge size, atypical nevus. If the diagnosis confirms the presence of such forms of birthmarks, then one should prepare for their removal.
  2. All other species are classified as non-hazardous. Their malignant degeneration is possible only if the birthmark is damaged during shaving, with self-removal or by rubbing clothes.

Moles occur not only for hereditary reasons. They can form during an intrauterine anomaly in the development of cells, when the fetus experiences oxygen starvation or when the hormonal background changes.

Characteristics of melanoma

One type of skin cancer is melanoma. It is her oncologists who call the “queen of cancer” for the rapid growth rate and the rate of metastasis formation. It grows under the skin and on its surface in different directions and planes. Once in the inner layers of the dermis, melanoma cells are able to penetrate into the bloodstream or lymph, spreading through the body with blood flow and fixing themselves in certain organs. This is how metastases (clusters of diseased cells) are formed and the disease progresses rapidly. Due to the rapid development, the percentage of deaths is quite high.

Among skin cancers, melanoma is the youngest, occurring even in infants and children. The female sex is more susceptible to its manifestation. A birthmark or age spots serve as a base platform, a source for degeneration into melanoma.

Skin cancer is caused by UV rays.

Their influence is growing:

  • due to the thin ozone layer, the formation of "ozone holes";
  • as a result of the great susceptibility of people to ultraviolet radiation;
  • with prolonged exposure to the sun and regular sunbathing;
  • with frequent visits to the solarium or hot exotic countries.

Solar insolation and solariums are especially dangerous for people who have a lot of birthmarks on their bodies or a high tendency to pigmentation. It is impossible to avoid the consequences by covering moles with a band-aid or covering them with a towel: the "greenhouse effect" is harmful, increasing the risk of melanoma.

Sometimes cancer cells form "out of nowhere" for various reasons. On clean, disease-free skin, an asymmetric dark spot appears, which grows and becomes potentially dangerous. This is usually due to genetic factors and can be traced in the family tree.

How is a mole different from melanoma?

Most often, a person does not monitor the state of pigmentation or moles that are familiar.

Meanwhile, during the rebirth of a birthmark, characteristic signs are noticeable:

  • change in color to darker;
  • lack of a solid color, peeling and loss of clear boundaries of the birthmark;
  • redness along the contour of the mole as a result of its inflammation;
  • growth and compaction of the surface;
  • the formation of dense nodules at the base of the nevus with signs of necrosis;
  • irritation of the mole: it itches or there is a burning sensation;
  • the formation of cracks, small ulcers, resulting in possible bleeding.

It is not so difficult to distinguish a nevus from melanoma if you monitor the condition of the skin. In the event of "metamorphoses" with birthmarks, consultation with an oncologist or dermatologist is mandatory. It should be carried out as soon as possible, since the rapid development of melanoma leaves a low chance of success.

It is not necessary to look for differences in all of these indicators. One change is enough, for example, in color or shape, for this to become a signal for going to the doctor. Inspection is required after visiting hot countries, in case of injury to the nevus or its significant darkening.

Types of melanoma

Melanoma is usually a mole in the stage of degeneration.

There are different types of melanomas:

  1. Lentigo is usually seen in older people on the face or neck, protruding slightly above the surface of the skin.
  2. Knotty - the most aggressive manifestation of cancer. It is formed by small interlacing nodules that differ in color and volume. It is raised above the epidermis and is distinguished by shades of dark or crimson.
  3. Superficial is not much different from a normal birthmark. And since it is problematic to distinguish this type of melanoma, it is the most dangerous, as it develops unnoticed.
  4. The nail is formed under the nail plate of the big toe. Every 10th melanoma patient has this type of pathology.

In finding melanoma, the “white crow” principle applies, when one of the moles becomes different from the rest in color, shape or other indicators. If you find an unusual spot, you should undergo a medical examination.

Symptoms and signs of melanoma

How to distinguish a malignant growth of a cell mass from a benign one?

There are some signs that answer this question:

  • if the nevus is conditionally divided into two parts, then asymmetry is noticeable;
  • the birthmark loses clear boundaries, it becomes shapeless;
  • the color does not just change, it becomes uneven, interspersed with different shades;
  • noticeably rapid growth of the spot and redness at its borders;
  • there is a burning sensation and itching.

When a nevus changes, when it begins to differ from a normal mole, the abbreviation AKORD is used (symmetry, edge sharpness, color, size, diameter are examined).

Note: For the diagnosis of melanoma, an examination is carried out every 3 months. It is advisable to involve another person, since moles are sometimes located in hard-to-reach places on the body. A thorough study is carried out in the legs, back, hairline on the head.

Reasons leading to the rebirth of moles

There are two main reasons leading to the deformation of the mole: excess solar radiation and damage (irritating factors) to the nevus. Both of these are not fatal as they can be avoided. But it is generally accepted that a tan is good for health and over the summer people try to get a beautiful skin tone.

Sunburn has many negative manifestations. The skin ages prematurely and loses its elasticity. Photoaging is observed: the epidermis becomes covered with age spots, lentigo develops. Burns occur with aggressive exposure to sunlight during the daytime. If they are obtained in childhood, then at a more mature age, the development of skin oncology is possible.

Sunburn also leads to an abundance of age spots, which form and become clearly visible by the age of 30. At best, they are a cosmetic defect, and at worst, they lead to skin cancer.

It has been proven that people from sunny countries are more prone to oncology. Australia, Brazil and Israel have the highest incidence of melanoma. In Europe, residents of Finland and Switzerland are most often ill, since the level of melanin in the skin is low and it cannot protect the deeper layers of the dermis from UV radiation.

Risk factors

According to a number of signs, each person can assess the risk of getting melanoma:

  • light skin tones, poor in melanin;
  • an abundance of birthmarks;
  • freckles scattered all over the body;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • getting sunburn in childhood;
  • age from 30 years;
  • working in the sun or regular tanning, visiting a solarium;
  • change in the appearance of moles.

People with hereditary albinism (lack of pigment in the epidermis), xeroderma, keratosis are also at risk.

Note: Every year in Russia, 8,000 people get melanoma. The figure is small, but those who fall ill in the advanced stages have a high percentage of death. Sometimes, 2-3 years after the removal of melanoma, metastases are found in the body, which complicates the treatment and increases mortality.

Methods for the treatment of moles

If the birthmark is exclusively a cosmetic defect, then folk remedies are used or procedures are carried out in beauty salons. Of the folk methods, lemon and garlic juice and celandine tincture should be noted.

Medical intervention is performed, laser removal, cryodestruction or cauterization with liquid nitrogen and electrocoagulation are used.

The need to remove a nevus arises in the case of:

  • discoloration or its uneven tone;
  • change in appearance;
  • redness in the border zone;
  • peeling, itching, stratification;
  • secretion of blood droplets;
  • hair loss from a birthmark;
  • injury.

But if there is no special need, then the stain should be left alone and once again not violate the skin, which can lead to irreversible changes.

Methods for treating melanoma

The main treatment for melanoma is surgical removal. In the early stages, the disease is curable. Later ones will require radiation, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or biological treatment. Usually, combined methods of fighting cancer are used.

When metastases appear, healing is impossible. In this case, the doctor aims to relieve pain and prolong the life of the patient.

Even when the neoplasm is removed at an early stage, the risk of relapse is quite high, when metastases are found in the organs after a few years.


Prevention greatly reduces the risk of developing skin cancer.

It includes simple and accessible to everyone actions:

  1. Annual examinations by oncologists (dermatologists) when new spots appear or changes in the appearance of the former ones.
  2. Minimizing traumatic moments: do not try to get rid of moles without the help of a specialist.
  3. If sun exposure is necessary, use creams with UV filters to reduce the effect of sunlight on the dermis. It is undesirable to be outdoors on a sunny day from 10 am to 5 pm.
  4. After visiting exotic countries, undergo an examination with a doctor.
  5. Refuse from the solarium, where artificial radiation is much stronger than natural.

The rules are simple and doable, but health is one and it can be difficult to restore it. Therefore, take sunbaths in the morning, check the condition of your birthmarks and enjoy life, the correct attitude to which will give many positive moments.

A mole on a girl's body looks pretty and tempting. It emphasizes the facial lines, the snow-whiteness of the skin, gives a zest to the appearance. After all, who does not remember the appetizing mole of the blonde Monroe? Men were drawn to take a closer look at her. But is your body really a harmless mole and not a malignant melanoma? Will this cosmetic miracle be a harbinger of cancer in the future?

A mole on the body looks pretty, but can bring a lot of trouble

The tragedy of melanoma on the skin

Doctors have been trumpeting the spread of the diagnosis of melanoma for a long time. Today, the disease is much more common than ten years ago. Every year the number of cases when oncologists ascertain melanoma increases. This type of skin cancer affects both men and women. Trusting the statistics, the weaker sex is more at risk. And I can’t even believe that from a harmless pigment spot you can at one moment find yourself on the operating table and pray for deliverance against skin cancer.

If the necessary research is not carried out in time, the situation will indeed become critical and lead to tragic consequences.

How to know if you have melanoma

First, let's deal with the terms that are used in the text, and which must be clearly distinguished in order to avoid oncology:

  • mole and birthmark - a small neoplasm on the body with a diameter of up to 1 cm, which has a constant color of the same color (usually a light brown shade);
  • traditionally does not go beyond the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • freckle - small round (or oval) manifestations that are more often seen on a person's face, especially in warm seasons;
  • melanoma - a type of skin cancer, a neoplasm in areas of the skin, or the transformation of moles or freckles affected under certain conditions, which are distinguished by uneven coloring and a rapid increase in shape (from 2 to 7 cm).

Dermatologists and oncologists from different countries are alarmed and call for a mandatory medical examination of existing pigmented formations on the body. After all, melanoma is very dangerous for human life and health. As an oncological disease, it rapidly affects skin cells, as a result of which metastases spread in the body. Well, this is the point for the reverse report of life.

Therefore, the problem of how to distinguish a mole from melanoma worries everyone.

The signs of melanoma look quite varied.

Learning to differentiate melanoma on our own

Can an ordinary person at home recognize melanoma? Representatives of the Hippocratic oath unanimously answer: "Yes!" And even you need to be able to do it. After all, we are talking about health, and any changes externally and internally should cause concern. It’s better to check a hundred times than to regret later when it’s too late to help.

  • violation of asymmetry;
  • uneven edges;
  • changing shades;
  • increase in diameter;
  • frequent change in shape, then in color, then in growth.

To make sure you don't develop melanoma, read the situations below carefully. If at least one of them reflects the real state of your mole, consult a doctor in advance, save your own life. Here are situations that will tell you how to distinguish melanoma from a mole:

  1. You are not shy about looking at yourself naked (naked) in the mirror and you know the places where the moles are located. But one day you notice that a new pigment spot has appeared, although this area has been clean until now. Do not rush to enjoy the new mole. Contact your doctor.
  2. Do you notice that the usual mole has increased? If just a month ago a small area of ​​the skin was affected, now it has grown two or three times. Go see a dermatologist, it shouldn't be like this! And the smaller the diameter of the nevus, the safer the treatment for you and the closer the recovery.
  3. The uneven edges of the mole are clearly visible. The contour line is obviously heterogeneous in color and texture. The edges are indented, asymmetrical. In some cases, inflammation appears. By all indications, a mole is degenerating into melanoma. Don't delay, hurry to the hospital!
  4. If you still don't know what melanoma looks like on the body, take the time to get a medical reference book or just google it on the Internet. Open the image of the disease, study in detail and compare with the spots on your own body. You must remember that color variation is not common with common moles. On the old nevus, black blotches, colorless spots should not be displayed. These are signs of degeneration into a malignant tumor.
  5. No less important are the sensations that appear when touching melanoma. At stages 3 and 4 of development, it sometimes bleeds, which also gives you anxiety. Perhaps the manifestation of an additional sign of developing melanoma - itching in the area of ​​education. Do not self-medicate, consult a doctor!

Based on the results of the diagnostics, it was found that among the male half of humanity, melanoma is more often localized on the back, and among the female half - on the lower leg. This is due to the fact that in hot weather it is these areas of the body that are exposed and susceptible to the negative influence of sunlight.

But still examine your own body in full growth. Melanoma can appear in different parts of it.

Once a month, you should examine all your moles.

Varieties of melanoma

Cancer on the skin is divided into types according to the shape and position of the position. In laboratory studies, melanoma varieties have been identified, some of them are especially difficult to distinguish from traditional moles and freckles:

Who is at risk for the appearance and development of melanoma?

Even the most experienced doctor will not be able to say exactly what the choice of fate depends on: to get sick or not to get sick with skin cancer. It is also definitely not known which factor progresses the development of a malignant mole. One thing is known: everyone should be checked at least once every six months.

After a series of studies of melanoma, it was found that the following categories of people are at risk for this disease:

  • natural blondes, as well as people with red hair;
  • a person who had cancer patients in his family (namely skin cancer);
  • a girl or guy whose skin is strewn with moles or freckles;
  • working under the open sun in the hot season (lifeguards on the beach, builders, etc.), because their body is naked for a long time, receiving direct burns from the rays of the daylight.

It is difficult to say what age is affected by melanoma. Both young and old are sick. The main source of disease is the sun. Depending on how sensitive the skin is to solar radiation, infection and tumor development activity will occur.

Doctors warn solarium lovers: ultraviolet radiation is very harmful to health, they are included in the list of the most common ways of melanoma damage. Think about it, is it not better to keep a distance from them?

People with freckles are at risk

Stages of development and prevention of melanoma

The danger of melanoma is that it develops much faster from certain forms of skin cancer. The evolution of this oncological disease goes through four stages. The sooner an unfriendly spot can be recognized, the more likely the chances of a painless recovery will increase.

Let's try to figure out what can be done at each stage of the progress of melanoma, so that the result is a happy end.

  1. At the initial stage, melanoma will not differ much from a simple mole. You will notice a small pigment spot, take it for another nevus. And even in this case, run to the doctor. Only a dermatologist is able, with the help of a special preparation - a dermatoscope, to ascertain the degeneration of a mole. He will notice a violation in the structure of the skin and prescribe treatment.
  2. The second stage is characterized by the growth of the spot in diameter. Doctors say that during the change, potential melanoma is able to bleed. Don't miss this sign. This does not happen with a birthmark. If you start treating melanoma at this stage, you will get a positive result, and the healing process itself will be delayed for a short time.
  3. At the third stage, the volume of the neoplasm continues to grow. Its area increases to 4 cm, which affects neighboring skin tissues. At this stage, long-term treatment with surgical intervention will be required.
  4. The fourth, last, stage is the most dangerous. It comes after a long indifference and one can only hope for a miracle. At this time, melanoma spreads to the internal organs, metastases appear. Changes occur throughout the patient's body, he noticeably loses weight. It's too late to help him.

Despite the desire to get rid of birthmarks, we warn you: never remove moles. Damage to the skin as a result of mechanical intervention will accelerate the development of a malignant tumor. It is also not recommended to use histological procedures, it is better to refuse scraping. This leads to injury, due to which melanoma will surely attack the body.

Stages of development of melanoma from the first to the fifth

Skin melanoma treatment methods

With the development of science, medicine does not stand still, today new techniques for the treatment of melanoma are known. These include the following methods:

  • surgical removal of a malignant mole;
  • chemotherapy sessions;
  • radiation therapy sessions;
  • activation of human immunity.

Never lose hope for a recovery. Remember: health is determined by your own actions. Protect your body from radiation burns: do not go outside during the peak of the heat, buy summer clothes made of polyester, which would have a two-layer material. Limit your time in the solarium. Do not remove moles or papillomas on your own.

If you find a nevus on the skin, use razors carefully. Constantly control your own body.

Let no melanoma, no other disease take away the joy of life from you.

Everyone should know how to distinguish a mole from melanoma. If you notice suspicious symptoms of melanoma in yourself or loved ones, you should immediately consult a doctor. How to distinguish melanoma from a mole?

Moles are skin growths that belong to a number of benign tumors that tend to change into malignant ones.

Each of us has moles on various parts of the body, large and small, convex or not, round and not very. Of course, they are all harmless, but sometimes they can cause discomfort. But this is only a small problem associated with them.

A mole is an expression that people use in everyday life. In medicine, there is no such word at all. Often this is what pigmented nevi are called - this is how the medical term sounds right.
So, moles are formations on the skin that belong to a number of benign tumors that tend to change into malignant ones. Sometimes this is not called tumors, but tumor-like appearances. In general, the concept is very broad. It includes many types of neoplasms, which include papillomas and birthmarks.

Their color range varies from light pink to black. Birthmarks and vascular moles, formed from blood and lymphatic vessels, take on a light pink or rich red hue, pigmented due to melanin take on a brown or black tint.

They can be spherical or flat, round or spindle-shaped. Sometimes hair grows on or near a mole. In addition to the fact that such moles are safe, you must still remember that these are places of improperly developed skin.

When rubbed with clothing, mechanical or chemical effects, prolonged exposure to the sun, they can cause benign or malignant tumors.

How to distinguish a common mole from melanoma? (video)

Risk factors for the formation of new moles

Excessive exposure to the sun is considered a strong risk factor. In this case, safe moles degenerate into malignant neoplasms, and in some cases even into melanoma and skin cancer. Skin cancer is a rapidly progressive and most malignant tumor.

Often, new formations appear during a person's puberty, during menopause and during pregnancy. Spots that appear from birth are most often less dangerous than newly formed ones. There are even wandering moles: they actually disappear on one part of the body and appear on another.

It is impossible to eliminate their formation, their number is laid down in a person at the genetic level, for this reason, with the formation of each new mole, it is necessary to contact a specialist.

Removal: indications and methods

Despite all the superstitions that under no circumstances should these formations be removed, experts say that in many situations, removal is even necessary. Gone are the days when they were considered special marks given to a person before his birth, that they influence fate and the like. Today, health care is the top priority for any person. Most often, removal is more of an aesthetic process. The growths, and if they are also large, look very ugly on the facial areas of the body, for this reason there are many safe methods that allow you to permanently remove them without side effects.

For the most part, birthmarks and moles, as already mentioned, are benign formations, but you cannot influence them yourself, because it is very dangerous. Often people, through their own fault, cause inflammation and further complication, not being careful about them, for example, while shaving, removing hair, with very intensive facial cleansing, for example, using scrubs.

Signs of degeneration of a mole into melanoma:

  • peeling, irritation;
  • modification of volume, size;
  • contour curvature;
  • the formation of swelling along the edges of the mole, an inflammatory rim;
  • lightening or darkening of the spot.

Malignant degeneration of moles

The risk of developing melanoma in many cases depends on the pigmentation of the body. On the one hand, melanoma often develops in people with reduced pigmentation and high sensitivity (up to inadequate response) of the skin to sunlight. Being black reduces the risk of developing melanoma. On the other hand, melanomas in more than half of cases develop against the background of birthmarks.

It is believed that all moles are congenital, but some of them become visible only under the action of hormones. The cells that make up the mole are not quite stable, and this is their potential danger. The likelihood of malignant moles increases if:

  • education is large;
  • a person has a lot of small moles.

Mechanism of tumor development

Injury to a mole can lead to cell proliferation (this process is always started to restore the damaged area), which, with an unfavorable genetic, hormonal or immunological predisposition, can easily provoke the growth of a melanoma mole tumor.

Pigment tumors can have a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Since melanocytes are found not only in moles, it is not only the skin that is affected, although pigmented skin spots are the most common place for the onset of tumor growth. Melanoma also affects the eyes, genitals, and rectum.

How can you tell if you have a mole or melanoma? The initial stage of melanoma of the skin is associated with an increase in the usual mole, a change in its color, as well as the appearance of a bulge in some part of the birthmark.

How to recognize dangerous moles (video)

Predisposition to tumor degeneration

Firstly, melanoma is an inherited disease, the risk of its occurrence increases with the accumulation of such diseases in the family.

Secondly, immunological deficiency is also a factor facilitating the development of melanoma, since any tumor is a manifestation of a lack of oversight by the immune system. Diseases such as keratosis, lymphogranulomatosis, and severe fungal infections can contribute to melanoma.

Thirdly, the hormonal background is of great importance for the development of skin melanoma, which is confirmed by the following arguments:

  • in children who have not reached the period of puberty, melanoma develops extremely rarely;
  • women are more likely to be affected by melanoma than men;
  • women are most vulnerable during periods of hormonal surge - namely from 20 to 30 years and from 40 to 50 years;
  • after 50 years, the risk of getting melanoma drops significantly;
  • the role of sex hormones is explained, in particular, by the fact that their metabolism and synthesis are closely related to the synthesis of melatonin;
  • the use of certain groups of birth control pills by women may affect the risk of melanoma;
  • in women who have undergone bilateral ovarian removal, melanoma rarely develops;
  • melanoma often appears during pregnancy.

The initial stage of melanoma of the skin is associated with an increase in the usual mole, a change in its color, as well as the appearance of a bulge in some part of the birthmark

Mole removal methods

Melanoma treatment (removal) usually occurs with:

  • laser;
  • radioknife;
  • electrocoagulation (removal with current);
  • cryodestruction (removal with liquid nitrogen);
  • surgical method.

Electrocoagulation performs thermal damage to the area near the formation, it leaves small, almost imperceptible marks, while using other methods, deeper and longer-lasting scars may remain.

Laser removal of moles is almost not felt by the patient. A very important point, in particular, when we mean moles on the face - this is a very high-quality cosmetic effect during laser removal of moles.

Surgical influence implies a section of the skin in the area from 3 to 5 cm. This is the most popular method today, it is advised if cancer is likely to form.

The problem is that exposure to cold, as well as heat, negatively affects human skin, and it is very difficult to predict how it will be displayed on the human body. During cryodestruction, healthy parts of the body often suffer.

As soon as the formation changes color, shape, hurts or causes bleeding, then it must be removed immediately. To date, there is such a practice as removal with liquid nitrogen. But before that, you must definitely consult a doctor and find out exactly about the existing contraindications for removal.

Liquid nitrogen is applied to the growth and the mole turns pale, a bubble is inflated near it, which lasts for about a week, and soon it will fall off by itself. After a crust will appear and a slight pain will be felt. And it is best to consult a doctor on how to care for the crust, otherwise moles and melanomas may appear. Radioknife is a new way to remove growths.

Signs of melanoma are a dangerous signal. If you do not start treatment on time, then a person can not only lose health, but also die.

Each person on the body has birthmarks of different types, textures, colors, shapes. These harmless formations arise in the epidermis from melanocytes and grow in clusters. The scientific name for a mole is a nevus. This medical term applies to all skin abnormalities.

However, these so-called "flies" can hide the most aggressive malignant tumor - melanoma. Therefore, you should know what dangerous moles are and be able to recognize the main differences between benign and malignant. Cancer transformations most often occur on the basis of pigmented skin tissues.

What moles are dangerous

Cancer moles, like normal ones, are made up of melanocytes. But this is an aggressive form of the tumor, prone to rapid spread and damage to other organs. In this regard, it is recommended to be careful with such pigmented skin formations as:

Atypical nevi

This species does not look like an ordinary birthmark, since its size is larger than a pencil eraser, the shape is fuzzy, and the color is uneven. Moreover, the potential danger is borne by congenital formations, and not acquired ones. Most of them are inherited and have a size of over 1 cm.

Hutchinson's melanotic freckles (lentigo)

Appear as a flat spot containing two or more shades of darkening. They are quite common after the age of 50 and are localized in particular on the face. They gradually become larger and darker, transforming into skin cancer.

Skin neoplasms of unknown etiology

Neoplasms that appear suddenly, develop very quickly, are outwardly aggressive and are not at all like the usual “fly”. In 60% of all cases of melanoma, this type of pigmentation functions.

Dangerous moles: signs

Color changes

Potentially oncological is a mole that has begun a color change. For example, one-color pigmentation has acquired some other spots around or in the middle.

Altitude change

An important feature is a change in the height of a previously flat spot, density (thickening).


The mole hurts, the surface becomes larger, erosion appears, the release of fluid, purulent masses or blood.

Satellite pigmentations

The skin around the formation is also characterized by redness, swelling or the presence of new color spots, the so-called. satellite pigmentation.

Itching and burning

There are sensations such as tingling, burning, mole itches.

Consistency changes

For example, a mole softens, breaks into small pieces that break off easily, or resemble scratches that do not heal.

What moles are potentially dangerous

There are certain categories of birthmarks that tend to transform into a malignant form. All of them are abnormal skin seals.

1. Nodular pigmented nevi: usually brown or black moles, round and flat.

2. Skin pigmented nevi: have an elevated appearance, a pale color, sometimes a hairy surface.

3. Connecting nevi combine elements of different formations.

4. A halo nevus is a pigmented area of ​​skin surrounded by a discolored white ring.

5. Dysplastic nevus (other name Clark) is a specific neoplasm.

6. Spitz nevus: looks like a tumor-like neoplasm on the skin. This spot is pink (but it is possible to combine different colors), domed, prone to bleeding. It may have a hole through which liquid seeps through.
7. A blue nevus has one of the shades of blue, shows well-defined borders, any size (but more often does not exceed 1 cm), looks like a seal under the skin.


A number of characteristics allow you to accurately determine which moles are dangerous. Benign formation is not asymmetric. If you draw a line through the middle, then both sides will correspond to each other.

Cancer seal does not meet these requirements.

Unlike melanoma, the usual pigmented patch has smooth, not jagged, borders.

The presence of color and brightness is another exciting symptom.

Education changes size over time and becomes larger than 6 mm. Noncancerous nevi look the same. You need to be on the lookout if the mole has begun to grow or gives other unusual signals regarding its general condition.

The only way to accurately establish the diagnosis and confirm or refute the suspicion of cancer is to conduct a histological examination of the cells using a biopsy.

melanoma symptoms

Cancer pigmentation can vary greatly in its symptoms. Sometimes a person is able to adequately assess only some of the features. You should pay attention to how a dangerous mole looks. Irregular edges, but a fairly clear border with healthy tissue. Diameter - 10 mm.

A blue-black, newly formed melanoma that has irregular borders. It originated from a dysplastic nevus (pink-brown area in the upper left corner). The size is about 12 mm.

Oncological dysplastic nevus with a black distant malignant extension that was previously absent. It is only about 3 mm.

Valery Zolotov

Reading time: 5 minutes


Almost every person has moles (birthmarks), and most often they appear from birth, and their number usually increases with age. As a rule, we are not worried about the presence of moles on the face and body, on the contrary, some of them make our image attractive.

But few people think that these formations on the skin carry a hidden threat to our health. So what are moles, and what is their danger to our body?

A mole (nevus) is a benign growth on the skin caused by the accumulation of melanin pigment (melanocytes) in normal cells of various skin structures. Most of them are harmless, but some of their types are able to degenerate into a malignant tumor - melanoma. Approximately 30–40% of melanomas arise from benign pigmented skin lesions.

There are several classifications of moles: by color, depth of origin in the layers of the skin, size and degree of danger of degeneration into a malignant formation.

Types of moles

Various shades of brown are more common, while the brightness of the color is determined by the person's genotype. Sometimes there are moles of a bluish tint - this is due to the accumulation of melanocytes in the deep layers of the skin, white or pinkish in color - if there is almost no pigment in the formation.

Often confused with moles - nevi - the so-called red moles, hanging moles - acrochordomas, and seborrheic dermatomes - yellow or brown spots, all of them are also benign skin formations.

At the place of formation in the layers of the skin, moles can be:

  • epidermal, located in the upper layers of the skin (epidermis), usually they are flat or slightly rise above the surface of the skin;
  • intradermal, the accumulation of melanocytes is located in the deeper layers of the skin (dermis) - they are always convex, with a smooth or rough surface, may have hairs;
  • borderline, formed between the epidermis and the dermis, they are always flat and smooth, sometimes have an irregular shape, can increase and become more convex under the influence of sunlight or hormonal disorders.

The sizes of moles vary from small - up to 1.5 cm, medium - up to 10 cm, large - over 10 cm and giant - occupying most of the face or body.

According to the degree of danger to health, moles are divided into two types:

  • melanomanohazardous - such moles rarely go into a malignant stage and do not cause harm to health, they only cause physical or aesthetic discomfort. They can become dangerous if there is a possibility of mechanical damage (for example, when rubbing against clothes or when shaving). In this case, there is a possibility of degeneration of a benign formation into a malignant tumor;
  • melanoma-prone moles are considered a precancerous disease, since they most often degenerate into a malignant tumor, so they must be removed immediately after diagnosis. These species include blue nevus, nevus Ota, borderline nevus, congenital giant pigmented nevus, and dysplastic (atypical) nevus.

Causes of moles

There are congenital or genetic nevi, usually large moles or birthmarks, their shape and location can be repeated for several generations. The second type - acquired nevi, appear throughout a person's life under the influence of external factors or internal changes in the body. The main reasons for the appearance of new moles are:

  1. hormonal factor - the appearance of moles under the influence of the hormone melantropin, possibly with a hormonal surge during pregnancy and menopause in women, during puberty in adolescents, as well as when taking hormonal drugs and other disorders of the hormonal balance of the body;
  2. ultraviolet radiation. The abuse of sunbathing and solarium causes the appearance of a large number of new age spots;
  3. mechanical, chemical, thermal, radiation damage to the skin.

The last two reasons have a high degree of risk in terms of the degeneration of harmless moles into -.

What is melanoma?

- A malignant tumor that affects the skin. It develops from degenerated melanocyte cells. Although the proportion of melanoma in the total number of cancers is only about 1%, the mortality rate for this type of cancer is extremely high, about 80%, which is explained by accelerated metastasis of nearby lymph nodes, metastases to the lungs, liver, brain and bones are possible.

Differences between a mole and melanoma

As a rule, melanoma forms on the skin, but in rare cases it can develop in the structures of the eye, on the mucous surfaces of the mouth and nose, in the vagina and rectum. is successful, so it is important to detect the tumor in time.

Risk factors for melanoma

This type of skin cancer affects both men and women, regardless of age, but there are categories of people who are prone to developing this disease due to:

Prevention of the development of the disease

Preventing the onset and development of malignant tumors includes a number of simple measures. This is a restriction of exposure to the sun for people at risk, the use of strong sunscreens, regular annual visits to a dermatologist.

An effective way is the timely removal of dangerous (in terms of the development of skin cancer) moles. Mole melanoma can appear if your moles are in the melanoma-hazardous group, are in traumatic places, have been damaged or injured by you.

How to determine that a mole has become dangerous to health?

It is necessary to periodically conduct a thorough examination of your moles, while paying special attention to changes in their shape or structure (the appearance of crusts, sores, cracks); a noticeable increase in size in a short period of 1-2 months; itching, bleeding or the appearance of pain and swelling in the area of ​​​​the neoplasm.

There are several methods for diagnosing nevi. The most famous method is ABCD:

  • asymmetry - one half of the mole is different from the other;
  • border - the mole has uneven, torn edges;
  • color - uneven staining of the mole, different colors may be present, even blue, white and black;
  • diameter - as a rule, melanomas have a diameter of more than 6 mm.

It's important to know! One of the surest signs of a dangerous mole is that it is different from other moles on your body, the so-called ugly duckling principle.

If you have at least one of these criteria, you need to urgently consult a dermatologist. Experienced doctors determine the presence of melanoma already in appearance, but for a more accurate diagnosis, you will be prescribed additional tests.

Removal Methods

  1. surgical method. Removal of the neoplasm by surgical excision, while nearby healthy cells are damaged, with possible scarring. At the same time, this method is the most successful, it is used when removing dangerous forms of nevi and if a mole is found in a place hidden from view;
  2. laser method. Evaporation with a laser is used for the cosmetic removal of moles located in the surface layer of the skin, on the face and places accessible to prying eyes. The procedure takes a few minutes and leaves almost no scars;
  3. cryodestruction. Removal with liquid nitrogen. The destruction of the mole by the low temperature of liquid nitrogen can lead to the formation of scars and scars;
  4. electrocoagulation. Destruction of education by high frequency currents, the so-called cauterization;
  5. radiosurgery. Impact on the formation of a beam of radio beams. This method is as effective as the surgical method, but is less traumatic.

If melanoma is suspected, a surgical method is usually used with the capture of healthy tissues, if necessary, radiation and chemotherapy are also used. After removal of the mole, it is necessary to conduct a histology of the sample of the excised material to determine the nature of the tumor.

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