English toy spaniel description. Papillon (Papillon) - a multi-colored toy spaniel with butterfly ears. The nature and characteristics of the breed

Appearance Toy Spaniel began in England in the 15th century, where the English loved these little dogs that kept their feet warm in the evenings. Also, the British were afraid of various diseases, and believed that the dog would take on all these hardships, and people would avoid the plague. Then, kings also fell in love with this breed, after which, toy spaniel became popular. The royal family created a decree that anywhere you can appear with this breed. England fell in love with small dogs, then America and Europe.

Personality of the English Toy Spaniel

toy spaniels truly kind and faithful dogs, madly in love with their owners. Such a breed of incredibly cheerful dogs will bring light and joy to your home, having acquired a breed, you will not regret for a second! Dogs are great with all family members and get along with all other pets, thanks to their friendliness and breadth of soul. Do you like to receive guests in your house? Be sure your pet will meet them like a king! toy spaniel will try to show himself in all its glory and be nice and friendly. They will never let you get bored and sad! They will always be there in difficult times, they will try not only to console you, but also to cheer you up, because they are very smart and resourceful!

Characteristics of the English Toy Spaniel

Toy Spaniel body miniature and compactly built with a broad chest, straight back and medium length neck. Growth 25-28 cm. The weight 1.5-6.5 kg. limbs proportionate to the body paws rounded, thick pads. Tail medium length, drooping. Head rounded, forehead convex, small jaw, small flattened nose. Ears fit snugly to the cheeks, have a small size. Eyes round, wide set, dark color. Wool straight and long, but sometimes slightly wavy. The coat tightly covers the limbs, ears and tail. colors: black and tan, red and tan.

English Toy Spaniel Training

Train royal dogs is not difficult, because they are smart and obedient. Start training your dog from a young age. Training should be soft and consistent, because these dogs are sensitive and react to a change in tone in the head of the owner, or even they can get scared and disobey. Start classes with games and smoothly move on to the training itself. Be sure to praise pet for minor victories and treat for the work done, even if everything was not so successful, comfort your pet. Do not scold, do not hit and do not shout! You will only scare the dog, and you shouldn’t treat your pet like that, your dog, just like you, deserves understanding and respect. You, too, did not immediately manage to walk and talk as a child, and your parents did not scold you for this, did they? The dog is also like a child, it takes time and patience! Everything will work out for you, be softer and more patient.


English Toy Spaniel Care

Care for miniature dogs is not difficult: comb the hair with a soft brush a couple of times a week, bathe only as needed. Keep an eye on the ears, if dirty, clean, but not more than once a month. The Toy Spaniel may have watery eyes, wash them with warm chamomile infusion. Don't forget to trim your nails from time to time. Dogs are quite active, walking is recommended hourly 2 times a day.

Health of the English Toy Spaniel

Nutrition of the English Toy Spaniel

Feed An English toy terrier is needed exclusively in a royal way! Joke)) Feed You can use both dry food and natural food. Choose high quality dry food, because it contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals that are so important in the dog's daily diet. In natural food, give meat, cereals, vegetables and fruits, offal, dairy products, greens. Eliminate fatty writing, salty and sweet, peppered and smoked, pastries.



The Continental Toy Spaniel is a well-known European breed of miniature dogs, whose history dates back to the 13th-15th centuries. It was then, in the Renaissance, that many paintings and frescoes appeared depicting noble persons surrounded by these cute dogs. The breed takes its name from the French word papillon or papillon- a butterfly, because of the ears resembling the wings of a butterfly. This similarity appeared due to the long flowing hair on the ears.

This breed owes its origin to two countries: Belgium and France, since it is believed that several types of toy spaniels were bred by crossing dwarf spaniels of a certain line, bred in both countries at the same time. The closest relative of this breed is the dwarf German Spitz.

Only two types of the continental toy spaniel have survived to this day - the papillon and the phalene, which are distinguished by drooping ears. The Papillon is an ideal companion dog capable of being devoted to its owner. The cute appearance and miniature size have made this breed very popular among indoor dogs.

breed standard

For the first time, this breed was discussed at a congress in 1934 in France. Then the first breed standard for the Papillon and Phalene toy spaniel was established. In the process of long-term selection, the breed has repeatedly changed its size and external features. To date, Toy Spaniel dogs must meet the standard set in 1990.

  • Height: male 25 - 28 cm; bitch 20 - 25 cm.
  • Weight: male 3 - 5 kg; bitch 2.5 - 5 kg.
  • Lifespan: 12 – 15 years old.


The Papillon has a compact, slightly elongated body. The small head is in proportion to the size of the body. The graceful miniature muzzle is rather elongated to the pointed tip of the nose. The nose is small, black. The eyes are quite large, usually brown in color with a darker rim.

Rather large erect ears are planted almost at the back of the head, located at a maximum distance from each other at an angle of 45 degrees. The neck of the toy spaniel is relatively small. The line of the back is almost straight. The limbs of the spaniel are quite thin, straight, spaced along the width of the body. The tail is set high, has the shape of an arc, bent upwards. The tip of the tail is covered with long hair and may lie on the upper part of the thigh.


Toy spaniels have a very beautiful flowing coat with a length of 7 centimeters at the withers to 15 centimeters on the tail. On the head and muzzle, the hair is much shorter and lies close to the skin. The characteristic of the breed is having long hairs on the dog's ears, on the back of the limbs and on the tail.


Papillon coat color white. A few spots of brown, red or black shades are allowed. The head should be predominantly black or brown with a lighter shade of markings located in the middle of the muzzle.


Toy spaniels are very friendly dogs with a balanced psyche. They are capable of learning commands, behave adequately indoors and outdoors. Papillons are wonderful companions for people of all ages, including children. Despite their size, these dogs are good guards, able to warn household members of the danger in time with their sonorous barking.

Spaniels are wary of strangers. But to their master they show boundless devotion and strong affection. The Toy Spaniel does not tolerate loneliness well, so it is not advisable to leave him alone for the whole day. Papillons get along well with other pets, but on the street they can bark other dogs.

Miniature size and meek disposition allows you to keep Papillon in any conditions, including in a small city apartment. Dogs do not require a lot of space in the house, but they love long walks, during which Papillons frolic from the heart.

Despite the long coat, the Toy Spaniel does not have an undercoat, so long exposure to the street in winter should be avoided. In the summer heat, dogs of this breed are recommended to walk in shady places, avoiding direct sunlight. Papillon is a fairly clean dog and will never get into the mud or impassable thickets.


First of all, toy spaniels are decorative dogs that require to their appearance special attention. Daily combing of the dog's coat will help to avoid tangles and tangles. Periodic washing and trimming will keep your pet looking neat.


The Continental Toy Spaniel needs a balanced diet from puppyhood. Puppies up to 6 months are recommended to be fed 5-6 times a day with finely chopped offal, vegetables, low-fat dairy products.

We must not forget about mineral supplements and vitamins for the full development of a growing pet. You can also replace natural products with special dry food. A six-month-old spaniel can be transferred to a regular diet 2 times a day.


The Continental Toy Spaniel is different high level of intelligence and is able to remember and execute many commands. Training must begin at an early age of 3-4 months. To begin with, the dog needs to be taught the basic rules of behavior, what can and cannot be done. The process of training a puppy should be calm, without raising his voice and preferably with treats as a reward for the correct execution of the command. In addition to the basic dog commands “sit”, “lie down”, “voice”, Papillons are able to perform various tricks, for example: walking on their hind legs or spinning around themselves like a top.


Toy spaniels are healthy. But some representatives of this breed have a tendency to the following ailments:

  • Dislocations of the knee joints, the cause of which may be a poorly developed musculoskeletal system.
  • The formation of tartar.
  • Ear infection.

Choosing and buying a puppy

The most suitable age for a toy spaniel puppy to take him to a new family is from 3 months. Before buying a pet, you need to check the documents about the puppy's pedigree, the presence of all vaccinations. When you first meet the baby, you should pay attention to his mobility, the manifestation of curiosity. The puppy should be active and sociable with people. The average price for a toy spaniel with documents is 15 - 25 thousand rubles.

Photo of the breed

Brief description of the dog breed continental toy spaniel

  • Other possible dog names: Continental Toy Spaniel, Papillon, Papillon, Phalene, L'epagneuI nain continental, Papillon, Phalene, Continental Toy Spaniel
  • Kinds: papillon (which in French means "butterfly") with erect ears and phalene ("moth") - a dog whose ears hang.
  • Adult dog height: from 22 to 28 cm.
  • The weight: 2 weight categories - from 1 to 2.5 kg, from 2.5 to 5 kg.
  • Characteristic color: spots of any shade on a snow-white background of the main tone of the coat.
  • Wool length: on the body up to 7-8 cm, and on the tail - up to 15.
  • Lifespan: 12-15 years old.
  • Breed advantages: remarkable intelligence and general softness, even affectionateness, of character. These are very energetic and nimble dogs that love to walk in the fresh air and are strongly attached to their owners.
  • Breed Difficulties: The breed does not tolerate heat well. And the fact that having a tendency to the formation of tartar, that spaniels need constant care and brushing of their teeth.
  • How much does a dog cost: The price for which you can buy a Papillon puppy varies on average from 250 to 500 dollars.

History of the Continental Toy Spaniel

The first mention of these crumbs dates back to 11th century. They are considered to be descended from the famous Belgian breed epanyol-nen, although the papillon (bred much later) also has a German dwarf spitz in its ancestors. Homeland are considered France and Belgium simultaneously.

Since that spaniel could not be particularly useful on the farm, for many centuries they became fun, and even real an attribute of the nobility. Which sincerely admired the beauty, sweet character and sharp mind of these dogs. Their fans included many persons of royal blood, and simply representatives of the eminent families of France, Spain and other European countries.

The breed, unfortunately, lost its former popularity among the European bourgeoisie in the 19th century due to a stable association with royalty. But still, not a single decent dog show can do without that spaniel, captured even on the canvases of many great painters (Titian, Rubens, Clouet, Mignard, etc.).

As they are rightly called, that spaniel is companion dog, friend dog, as well as a “guard dog”, sensitively and carefully watching strangers who visited the house. And not just a decorative cutie, the purpose of which is to bring a touch of glamor to the gray everyday life.

This breed is also great for doing dog sports with it, such as flyball or agility. Or take part in pet obedience competitions.

By the way, if we recall the ancient use of continental toy spaniels, it would be useful to mention that once, in medieval Europe, their taught to hunt rats, which were a real disaster for many cities.

It is no exaggeration to say that Continental Toy Spaniels known for their good-natured and playful nature. They are friendly towards adults and sincerely love their little owners if they are socialized in time.

With pleasure communicate with other animals, though small in size, since large ones can be barked. And they get along very peacefully with neighbors-pets: cats, parrots, turtles and others like them.

The intelligence of this breed can only cause admiration, because of the 79 tested dog breeds, they take an honorable 8th place. Mood swings in a healthy toy spaniel practically do not happen, although one must always take into account the fact that this breed is quite jealous and the dog can sometimes be offended by the owners for paying attention to someone else.

Video review of the dog breed Papillon and Phalene

We offer you to watch a video about this charming and intelligent dog breed.

The optimal age when Continental Toy Spaniel puppies should be taken away from their mother is 12-15 weeks. Before 8 weeks, you should not take it, because the baby is not yet ready to start an independent life.

When choosing you need to pay attention to the behavior of the puppy, on his activity and the manifestation of some reactions, carefully examine and make sure with the breeder about the health of the mother, the documents already and correctly drawn up for the litter.

You can also take an adult, since the good character and ease of training of dogs of this breed usually does not create any special problems for the new owner.

toy spaniel standards are considered:

  • a rounded head with a straight back of the nose and a tapering muzzle, the nose itself is small and black, thin lips are also black;
  • large, almond-shaped, dark eyes;
  • the ears are large and widely spaced closer to the back of the head (erect in Papillons and hanging down in Phalenes);
  • the body is slightly elongated, with a sunken belly and broad chest;
  • paws are straight and thin, resembling the paws of a hare in their elongation, with well-developed nails of different colors;
  • the tail is quite long and set high, decorated with a wool tassel; the coat is thick, slightly curly, shorter on the front of the body and longer (with feathering) behind;
  • the color is dominated by white, against which any color spots can be located, however, it must be remembered that the predominance of white on the head is considered a major drawback.

Nicknames for the Continental Toy Spaniel

Nicknames for the litter are given, as a rule, on a certain letter, sometimes adding the breeder's trade name to it, if it is registered (for example, Amanda from Northern Lights, or Raul from Reflections, etc.).

But the most important thing is different - it is much better if the name given to this funny and cheerful creature is the same light and graceful, maybe even carrying a certain poetic flair and reflecting the essence of a newborn pet. Although, of course, the decision always remains only with the owner of the animal.

First of all, the Continental Toy Spaniel is pet dog. Moreover, it belongs to those few breeds that do not need a mandatory walking several times a day.

But loves walking due to liveliness of character and passion for outdoor games. This must be remembered by the owner and not skimp on toys.

In general, caring for this breed is not particularly difficult and whimsical. That is why sometimes that spaniel is even called "a dog for lazy people."

What to feed a Continental Toy Spaniel

The diet of this breed, like any other, needs a full composition and balance. It can be provided with papillon dry food or natural food. Continental Toy Spaniels need both vegetable and animal fresh food.

  1. Up to six months, puppies need to be fed 6-7 times a day, gradually reducing the number of doses, and after 7 months, switch to 2 meals a day.
  2. Being small, they need mineral and vitamin supplements.
  3. They cannot be overfed due to a sensitive reaction to this from the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Since that spaniel belongs to the category of small beggars, it would be better if, during the master's meals, the dog is in its place, and not next to the common table.

For forbidden food applies: sweets, spices, citruses and any bones. about feeding puppies...

Since Continental Toy Spaniels are unusually intelligent, they are fairly easy to train..

However, given that the breed is characterized by a certain desire to dominate, then the process itself is better to start as early as possible. So the puppy will be much easier and develop the necessary reflexes in him.

Of course, it is necessary to start from the basics - the kid must understand where his place is and know the intonation and wording of the command. Then he must clearly understand where he can empty himself, and where such a disgrace is prohibited. Having taught this, you can move on to the next stage of classical dog education - the commands “sit”, “lie down”, “voice”, etc. Communicate with that spaniel best calm and gentle, since a good-natured puppy will only be afraid of excessive aggression, without memorizing anything.

Pros and Cons of the Continental Toy Spaniel

To the virtues that spaniels, of course, include their intelligence, kindness, cheerfulness and touching devotion to the whole family. Well, the unpretentiousness of the content.

To disadvantages one can also attribute a tendency to some problems with the musculoskeletal system, sometimes leading to dislocations of the kneecaps. And natural cunning, which, combined with their intelligence, can teach these dogs to gradually manipulate their own masters. And aggressiveness towards children if the dog has not been socialized in time.

(from French "butterfly") - indoor - decorative breed, dwarf spaniel, without working tests, companion dog. A charming creature with movable, light, ears wide open like butterfly wings. Due to their mental abilities, they are ranked 1st among ornamental breeds, and 9th among breeds in the world. As for such a crumb, this is an excellent result.

History of the Papillon breed

No one knows for sure from which country the breed originated, but its fame stretches from the depths of centuries. Outwardly, it resembles a royal toy spaniel, an old European breed, the ancestors of which lived in royal palaces and houses of aristocrats in the 15th century. These cute crumbs accompanied noble ladies everywhere, even the portrait of crowned heads was considered unfinished without their image.

He was always close to those who are covered with glory and power. The sweet and affectionate breed has gained great popularity among the nobles of past centuries, including Henry III, Louis XIV, Madame de Pompadour, and others.

These noble babies were often given as gifts to noble people. The most famous owner of the breed was the Queen of France, Marie Antoinette. During her lifetime, the ladies-in-waiting took care of the pets, who lived in their own separate palace called the Butterfly Pavilion. As the story goes, her favorite dog accompanied her to the guillotine, and before the execution she gave it to one of the executioners.

Despite the huge popularity among European monarchs, the Papillon came to England only in 1905. A lot of time has passed, and now this royal court toy has turned into a working breed.

Interesting fact: surprisingly, the papillon is an excellent shepherd for sheep, he is fast and agile. It is not difficult for him to direct the flock to the corral. The secret is that sheep don't know the difference between a big dog and a small dog. There will be the best shepherd among dogs, a border collie or a baby papillon in front of them, they listen to them the same way.

According to the standard, the Continental Toy Spaniel breed is divided into 2 types:

  1. Papillon or papillon (from fr. papillon- butterfly) breed with erect ears.
  2. Phalen (from fr. phalene- moth) with hanging ears

They are also divided into 2 weight categories:

  1. Males and females - 1.5-2.5 kg
  2. Males - 2.5-4.5 kg; Bitches - 2.5-5 kg

Papillon photo of an adult dog

  1. Body type: harmonious.
  2. Bones: strong.
  3. Movement: light, elegant, graceful, free.
  4. Head: small, rounded skull, slightly visible furrow between the eyes.
  5. Nose bridge: the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is well defined. In large individuals it is hardly noticeable, in small ones it is pronounced.
  6. Nose: Black, rounded, slightly flattened above.
  7. Nose bridge: straight.
  8. Muzzle: Slightly shorter than the skull, pointed.
  9. Lips: Thin, tight to the jaws, black.
  10. Teeth: correct bite, scissor bite, strong jaws.
  11. Eyes: Large, dark, almond-shaped, not protruding, set low, the inner corner of the eye is at the intersection of the line of the skull and muzzle.
  12. Ears: Since the Papillon is from the Spaniel family, there is an assumption that the ears stood up in the 19th century, when the Phalena was crossed with a dwarf Spitz or Chihuahua.
  13. The ears are rather large, firmly set, slightly shifted back, distant from each other. It does not matter how the ears are located, whether they are hanging or standing, their ends are rounded. The ear is covered with a woolen cover, beautiful fringe hangs at the ends. The movements of the ears resemble the flapping of the wings of a butterfly, so they are able to move independently of each other.

  • PHALENE: A type of spaniel with floppy ears. At rest, they are set high, well above the line of the eyes. The hanging part is long, mobile, covered with long hair.
  • PAPILLON: A type of spaniel with erect ears. Set high, the shells are well open, directed to the sides. The inner edge of the shell forms an angle of approximately 45°.

Advice for new breeders: if you want to keep the purity of a particular species, never cross both varieties of spaniel. Such an experiment can lead to semi-erect ears that are broken at the top. Such posture is considered a serious vice.

Papillon photo formidable baby

  • Neck: Lean, set high, slightly arched at the nape.
  • Body: strong, straight.
  • Loins: Strong, slightly arched.
  • Chest: Broad, deep, slightly flat laterally.
    • The volume of the chest, at the level of the last two ribs, is equal to the height at the withers. Ribs are curved.
    • Underline: The stomach is moderately tucked up.
  • Tail: Set on high, covered with hair forming a fountain. When alert, the tail is carried over the back or thigh.
  • Forelimbs: straight, short. When viewed from the front and back, the set of the limbs is parallel. The shoulder blade fits snugly against the body. The elbows are equal in length to the shoulder, well pressed. The pasterns are slightly inclined.
  • Hind limbs: strong with well developed articulation angles. Paws are long, reminiscent of a hare, in relation to the pads are located at right angles.
  • Claws: black. White nails are acceptable in white-coated individuals.
  • Toes: movable with strong pads, hair grows between them, extending beyond the foot, as if lengthening it.
  • Coat: Thick, wavy, silky outer hair, without undercoat.
    • On the head, on the muzzle, on the outer side of the forelimbs, on the lower part of the hind legs, the hair is short.
    • On the body there is a coat of medium length, on the neck a beautiful collar smoothly descends to the chest.
    • The ears and back of the front paws are covered with a long fringe, on the outside of the thighs the hair forms "trousers". In some individuals, the length of the hair reaches 7.5 cm on the back and 15 cm on the tail.
  • Males: Must have two testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
  • Photo color papillon

    • White - sable (spots are pale lemon, red-red, mahogany color)
    • black and white
    • Tricolor (black - white with tan, color must be present on the ears and eyes)

    Spots of any color except blue are acceptable. Recognized as black and tan. Pure white color or white ears are not allowed, but this color should always prevail in any color. A blaze is visible on the head and muzzle, the spots on the sides are symmetrical.

    Like spaniels and phalenes, "freckles" on the muzzle and paws are characteristic.

    papillon character

    By nature, the Papillon is an intelligent, cheerful, cheerful and affectionate breed. It combines elegance and beauty, it is truly a royal dog.

    Very devoted to the owner, ready to understand him perfectly. These mobile, loving and restless babies will give you happiness and a radiant doggy smile. They love to be in the company of people, I require a lot of attention from the owner. If there is another animal in the house, they tolerate loneliness well.

    Be sure to accustom the baby to different situations, and then left at home alone, he will not play pranks. In any case, if you want to get a Papillon, you must approach this issue with responsibility. Hide accessible small things in the house, put wires away, remotes and slippers are favorite things for these big-eared babies to play with.

    Papillon with a strict character

    Buy your own toys, balls, squeakers for the papillon, and you may be able to distract him from yours.

    They lend themselves well to training and education, but by their nature, they are very self-confident, and training only highlights this side of their character. Gets along well with children and other pets.

    Papillon is not only great for keeping in a city apartment, but also perfectly adapts to living in a country house, with a spacious yard and garden. When kept in a city apartment, it can be taught to walk on a diaper, but this will not replace a full-fledged walk in the open air. It is necessary to walk twice a day, morning - evening, before feeding. If you walk near the road, keep him on a leash.

    An active and agile kid, shows excellent results in sports for agility and obedience (learning to work together with the owner, under his control) as if they were created for him. Papillon is a hardy jumper, with strong bones and strong paws. Sport, in addition, contributes to the development of muscle mass, teaches obedience and clear execution of commands.

    Papillon care

    Papillon black and red color are played by the sea

    The Papillon is a long-haired breed, shedding, but there is no strong seasonal shedding, due to the lack of an undercoat. Males shed twice a year, females before estrus and after the birth of puppies, and this is more noticeable on them.

    Combing is enough 2 times a week with a metal comb, during molting, the frequency of combing can be increased. Regular hair care prevents tangles, especially between the fingers, when they appear, carefully cut them off. Before combing, lightly moisten the surface with a spray bottle, conditioner diluted with water.

    Haircut exists for hygienic purposes. On the body, the outer hair is not cut, it grows throughout life. The hair is cut off between the pads of the paws, around the paw, the foot is given the appearance of a "hare's paw", around the anus and inguinal region.

    You can bathe once a week or as it gets dirty. For bathing, you should choose a shampoo that matches the type of coat that will not leave a yellow tint on the white coat. Breeders sometimes use shampoo for platinum blondes or gray hair, but remember that dogs have a different pH than humans and often such experiments end in dandruff.

    Claws cut 1 - 2 p. a month with a nail cutter for small breeds, sharp ends with a nail file to avoid burrs. Constantly watch the fifth dewclaw, do not forget to cut the claw on it. When walking, it is not erased, often grows long and twisted, thereby causing pain when walking. Too long claws cut in several approaches. Carry out the procedure carefully so as not to touch the blood vessels; you can cut it off by retreating 2-3 mm from the vessel.

    After walking, wipe the paws with a damp cloth or rinse in the shower. Check pads for cracks. To prevent cracking, rub vegetable oil into the pads. In winter, wash your paws especially well, make sure that the papillon does not lick off the reagent after walking.

    Papillon puppy photo of a baby with a sly look

    Ears should be inspected regularly, it is recommended to ventilate the phalenae. The inside is wiped with a cotton pad dipped in warm water.

    Check teeth for inflammation or injury. Brush after 2-3 days with a special dog toothpaste using an appropriately sized toothbrush, sponge or finger brush. After each procedure, the dog must be praised.

    To prevent the appearance of tartar, include fresh tomatoes, solid foods in your diet. Rope toys, rawhide chips will help to mechanically remove plaque. The toy should not fit entirely in the mouth or bite into small pieces.

    Eyes: Healthy papillon eyes are shiny, without souring and copious tearing. Wipe them once a week with a soft, damp cloth soaked in warm water or weak chamomile tea. Rinse each eye with a separate clean cloth.

    Causes of lacrimation in Papillon:

    • lacrimal sac inflammation
    • high protein or carbohydrate content in the diet
    • blockage of tear ducts
    • inversion of eyelashes or eyelids
    • extra row of lashes
    • allergic reaction
    • too thick eyelashes in the corners of the eye
    • ingress of a foreign object

    In any case, noticing profuse lacrimation, redness or pus, immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

    Tear tracts under the eyes, a favorable environment for bacteria, red-brown smudges or sores appear in the place of accumulation of moisture. Try to avoid this, for daily care, use an eye care lotion, which includes chamomile extract and mallow.

    Ticks and fleas

    Treat with a flea and tick remedy once a month. The remedy (Advantix, Frontline, or any other that your veterinarian advises) exists in the form of drops. They are applied to the withers closer to the neck, to a place where it is difficult to lick off, do not bathe for 10 days. On the first day, do not allow children to iron.

    The agent in the form of a spray is applied immediately before a walk in the forest or park, on clothes, and on her sunbed. Often the presence of fleas is a manifestation of allergies and scabies.

    But if you notice the following symptoms, immediately seek help from a veterinarian, the chance for salvation is great:

    • The dog is lethargic, sleeps constantly, falls on its hind legs when walking
    • Refuses to drink and eat
    • High temperature (more than 39 degrees)
    • Urine red-brown

    Papillon (phalena) - food

    Papillon photo on the rock

    For papillon and phalena, premium dry food, or natural food, is suitable. Drying buy high-quality, not cheap, but natural feeding varied, and the most beneficial to the body, that is, to fully meet the needs, plus vitamins and minerals.

    • The advantages of dry food, they do not need to be cooked, the portion can be read on the package, easy to take on the road. Minus - it is necessary to ensure that the papillon drinks water after taking drying, it is expensive.
    • The pros of natural feeding - you know what the food is cooked from, the cons - you need to find time to cook, it's not always cheap, it's hard to save when traveling.

    When feeding, you should follow simple rules:

    1. Always feed fresh food
    2. A bowl of water should be in an accessible place.
    3. The portion should be eaten in the crawl, wait up to 20 minutes, and hide the bowl in the refrigerator until the next feeding
    4. Feed always after walks
    5. Food is given at room temperature, not cold and not too hot.
    6. We give the meat boiled or scalded with boiling water
    7. Bowls, wash with hot water

    There are a number of foods that are prohibited or beneficial for papillons. Remember, malnutrition is reflected in the quality of the coat, eyes and health. The more carefully you monitor your pet's nutrition, the healthier and happier he will be.

    Products useful phalenu:

    • Lean meat (turkey, lamb, chicken, beef, rabbit)
    • Seasonal vegetables and fruits (apples, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin)
    • Greens
    • Kashi (rice, buckwheat)
    • Sea fish without bones (necessarily boiled)
    • Dairy products (kefir, low-fat cottage cheese)
    • by-products

    Foods prohibited by phalenu:

    • Pork and any fatty meat
    • Chocolate
    • Sweets
    • condiments
    • smoked products
    • River fish
    • Legumes
    • Fresh bakery
    • Pasta
    • Spicy food
    • nuts

    In the photo, a papillon with sad eyes

    • Entropy (inversion of the century)
    • Cataract
    • Corneal dystrophy
    • congenital deafness
    • Weak knee joint
    • Sensitive to anesthesia

    papillon photo

    Continental Toy Spaniel - Papillon

    FCI standard: Group 9. Section 10. Breed 77 Weight: 3-5 kg ​​Height at the withers: 20-28 cm Colour: spots of any color on a white background, white blaze on the muzzle Origin: France Life expectancy: 13-15 years Recommended: for keeping in the house. A wonderful companion for the whole family, a playful and devoted friend.

    History of the breed

    There is a strong argument for the ancient origin and enduring popularity of the Continental Toy Spaniel. His cute face is depicted in many paintings of the XIV century. He appeared on the canvases of Watteau, Rubens, Rembrandt, Boucher, Van Dyck and Fragonard, usually sitting on the lap of their mistresses. This little dog was the most popular companion for noble people throughout Europe. Merchants carried it in baskets on donkeys through France, Italy and Spain.

    Throughout its history, the Continental Toy Spaniel has enjoyed the favor of royalty. The trendsetters for this dog were Italian kings and nobility, who made it a habit to give puppies of this breed to the rulers of other countries. In this way, she came to the Polish royal court, and she was brought to France during the reign of King Francis I. In this country, the fashion for the continental toy spaniel spread very quickly among ordinary people. And only after the French Revolution, this breed gained wide popularity among the inhabitants of Belgium. Some early speculation suggests that the Continental Toy Spaniel may have originated in China, from where it came to the rest of the world through that country's centuries-old trade relationship with Venice. Indeed, the Chinese bred a dog with a similar build and color. Another theory claims that the lineage of the Continental Toy Spaniel originates in Spain. The word "spaniel" means "Spanish dog". The third opinion denies the latter statement and refers us to the French court of King Louis XIV, where in the 17th century a small spaniel with erect ears was bred, which was given the name Papillon for its resemblance to a butterfly. It is generally accepted that the Continental Toy Spaniel is a descendant of the Hispanic Toy Spaniel. During the long centuries of its existence, the breed has been known by various names, including Belgian Toy Spaniel, Small Squirrel Dog, Royal Toy Spaniel, Butterfly Spaniel, Toy Continental Toy Spaniel, Phalène, Papillon and many others. Until the 16th century, there was only one variety of continental toy spaniel - phalene - a dog with hanging ears. The Papillon variety (a dog with erect ears) was first documented in the 16th century and became extremely popular by the 19th century. Both species can be born in the same litter. Although the Phalene was the original variety of the breed, its popularity has declined significantly over the past two centuries, but today it is successfully winning it back.

    The Continental Toy Spaniel was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1915. The breed was brought to England in 1901, but the English Kennel Club (Kennel Club (England)) recognized it only in 1923. In the first half of the 20th century, the number of this dog decreased very significantly, as dog lovers switched their attention to other miniature breeds. However, in the last forty years there has been a revival of interest in this magnificent dog. Breeders from America and Europe have worked hard to restore its population to its previous level. Today, the Continental Toy Spaniel is kept as a companion dog in many countries around the world, and nothing threatens its long-term existence.


    A tiny "edition of the deluxe spaniel", of normal and harmonious build, with a thick coat, a muzzle of modest length (it is shorter than the skull), with a graceful yet intelligent expression, a proud gait and free elegant movements. The length of the body is slightly larger than the height of the dog.


    The parts of the head are in proportion to each other, the head as a whole is comparatively lighter and shorter than the head of high and medium spaniels. Viewed from the front and side, the skull appears somewhat rounded between the ears; some individuals have a hint of a depression. The muzzle is shorter than the skull, thin, tapering towards the nose, but in no case should it be turned up. The bridge of the nose is straight and, when merging with the forehead, forms a clearly defined angle. In heavier dogs, the base of the bridge of the nose is not as distinct as in smaller dogs, although the angle should not be straight.


    Sufficiently strong, even normal bite.


    Fairly large, well open, very broad, almond-shaped, not prominent, rather low set, in line with the base of the bridge of the nose. The eyes should be dark and expressive, the eyelids well pigmented.

    The skin of the ears should be thin but strong enough to hold them open. Both in the prick-eared subspecies and in the lop-eared variety, the ear cartilages should not end in a too noticeable tubercle (checked by hand to the touch). The ears are set close to the back of the head and are separated from each other by a distance at which a slightly rounded skull is visible. The ears are set high, the auricles are wide open. In normal position, the ears are raised and form an angle of approximately 45° with the head. In no case should they be pointed, similar to the ears of a Spitz. The last defect should be severely penalized. The inner side of the auricle is covered with silky wavy hair that reaches the edges; the outer side is covered with a long wavy fringe, which far overlaps the edges of the ears. Mixing the two subspecies often results in a dog with partially drooping ears (only the tips of the ears hang down). This position of the ears is a serious shortcoming.

    Nose and lips

    The nose is small, black and rounded, slightly flattened on top. The lips are highly pigmented, thin, dense. Teeth strong enough, even normal bite.

    Normal length, withers slightly sloping.


    The chest is wide and arched. The girth is measured between the last two ribs and should be more or less equal to the height at the withers. The ribs are well distributed. The line of the back should neither be too short, nor arched nor sunken; the loin is strong, slightly arched.


    Set on high, rather long, with a long fringe forming a beautiful plume. When the dog is animated, the tail is carried high above the body; the tip of the tail may lightly touch the back; the tail should not be curled, or lie flat on the back.


    The shoulder joints and shoulder blades are well developed, proportional, forming a normal angle and well fixed. Forelegs and hind legs are straight and rather thin, although the dog should not look long-legged. The knees are normally bent, all four feet are parallel when viewed from both the front and back. The foot should be oblong (hare type), fully supported by the pads. The nails are strong, ideally black; brown and white dogs may have slightly lighter nails (white nails are not considered a fault in completely white dogs, or in dogs with white feet if the overall pigmentation is normal). The soles are thin with good pads, tufts of fine long hair forming points may be noted between the pads.


    Dense, shiny and wavy (but not curly), without undercoat. The hair is not soft, but elastic and outwardly silky; smooth and relatively thin. In general, the coat resembles that of the small English spaniel, but differs significantly from the Pekingese; on the other hand, it should in no case be similar to the coat of a spitz. On the head, front side of the paws, back side of the paws from the knees down - the coat is short and smooth; on the body - medium length hair, elongated in the neck, where it forms a shirt-front, elegantly falling over the chest. The ears and back of the forelegs are covered with long hair; the back of the thighs is covered with thick hair. Fine tufts of long hair between the pads are permissible, provided they do not make the foot look awkward, but, on the contrary, make the foot more graceful and elongated. The length of the hair of some dogs with thick hair reaches 7.5 cm at the withers, and long hair on the tail can reach 15 cm.


    Any color is allowed. All dogs, even solid whites, should have well-pigmented lips, eyelids, and in most cases a black nose.


    Any deviation from the above points should be considered as a defect or vice, depending on the degree of severity.

    Disqualifying features include: Pink nose, or nose with pink dots. Deviations in any direction from the correct bite (upper and lower incisors do not touch), fixed or constantly protruding tongue.

    Males should have two normal-looking testicles fully descended into the scrotum.


    The gait is proud, free, light, graceful.


    The most common breed diseases include:

    Dislocation of the kneecap;


    ear infections;

    Fractures (traumatic, not genetic origin);

    Eye problems.

    Temperament and character

    It is not possible to draw any specific conclusions about the temperament of the Continental Toy Spaniel. Some representatives can be brave and daring, while others are cautious and timid. However, a number of common features can be identified for this breed. The behavior of the average Continental Toy Spaniel differs significantly from that of most other small breeds. The vast majority of representatives of this breed are lively and expressive animals and, certainly, not couch dogs. While most Continental Toy Spaniels will choose to be active over the comfort of their owner's lap, they are definitely companion dogs. This breed forms close relationships with all members of the family, but some members may become particularly attached to one person. However, for the most part, these dogs are equally fond of all family members. The Continental Toy Spaniel is child friendly, but is probably more suitable for keeping with children aged 8-9 years and older. They can be taught how to properly handle this dog because it has a delicate build and is easily injured, especially when it is still a puppy. Without proper training, some members of the breed may try to use aggression in response to rough handling, but most will still try to run and hide.

    In general, the Continental Toy Spaniel behaves well with strangers, although he can show a certain reserve in dealing with them. Over time, the dog will accept and love the new person in his life, but undersocialized representatives of the breed are often shy with strangers and sometimes even show some aggression. In fact, the Continental Toy Spaniel will bark at the approach of a stranger, so this dog will make an excellent watchdog. Many Continental Toy Spaniels have some problems with other animals, although these are usually not serious. This dog will most of the time be happy with another dog in the house, but can become quite aloof and wary in the presence of unfamiliar dogs. In general, unlike other small breeds, it tends to be much more aggressive in its desire to assert its dominant position. This breed can try to confront dogs of any size, so its owner must carefully monitor these outbursts of aggression towards its larger counterparts, otherwise he puts his pet in danger of serious injury or even death. The Continental Toy Spaniel retained a much stronger hunting instinct than other dogs. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep this dog together with small animals such as hamsters, guinea pigs, domestic rats and similar pets. A properly socialized dog will get along with a domestic cat, as long as the cat is not intentionally trying to harm the dog. Although it is also worth considering that the Continental Toy Spaniel will annoy the cat from time to time in an attempt to play with it.


    The Continental Toy Spaniel scores the highest of all small breeds when it comes to learning ability and intelligence. Especially outstanding are his achievements in the field of obedience training and in steeplechase competitions, where the dog has earned a reputation as one of the most capable of all existing breeds. This breed is capable of grasping even the most difficult tasks on the fly and is known for being easy to train with the right positive reinforcement and systematic training. At the same time, the continental toy spaniel always has its own opinion and knows how to avoid some of the uncomfortable rules imposed by its owner. There are two difficulties that the trainer may encounter in the process of training this breed. One of them is that the Continental Toy Spaniel is relatively more difficult to socialize. Therefore, it is worth making sure that enough effort and time is invested in showing the dog possible ways to behave with children, strangers and other animals. Another task that causes certain difficulties is toilet training. The main reason for this is that the Continental Toy Spaniel's small bladder takes longer to fully develop, so it cannot control its natural urges at an early age. Moreover, due to the tiny size of the dog, its initial mistakes can go unnoticed and uncorrected in time.

    The long coat of the Continental Toy Spaniel needs much less maintenance than it might seem at first glance. It is necessary to comb the dog lightly several times a week. The good news is that it doesn't take more than an hour a week to keep a dog's coat in good condition. It is necessary to prevent tangling and the formation of pellets in time, so that they do not bring big troubles in the future. For this breed, bathing and shampooing are integral parts of a systematic grooming routine and can be done as needed.

    Close attention should also be paid to the ears of the Continental Toy Spaniel. The dog's ears should be checked regularly and carefully to prevent possible infection or irritation.

    Other (or obsolete) breed names


    Butterfly dog

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