Means for teeth whitening. Recipe for a remedy with peroxide, soda and salt. Video. Safe Teeth Whitening At Home


The best home teeth whitening: an overview of the means and methods

Home teeth whitening today is a popular procedure among the population - a set for whitening teeth at home can be purchased at a pharmacy or made independently using the necessary preparations and products. Teeth whitening at home can help many people save money on visiting a dental clinic for this procedure, and self-whitening of teeth is also necessary in a situation where professional dental services are not available to a person for various reasons.

It is recommended to consult a doctor before a whitening dental process at home without harm in order to prevent the occurrence of negative consequences, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.


Natural teeth whitening at home is not suitable for every person, the methods used often lead to deterioration of the tooth structure.

Do not use home enamel whitening kit:

  • In the presence of carious moments;
  • Children up to a certain age;
  • Pregnant women;
  • Due to the existing crowns, prostheses, fillings - after bleaching their color will not change;
  • If there is an increased sensitivity of the enamel;
  • Due to the presence of braces;
  • If you have periodontal disease;
  • Due to wounds, inflammation of the mucous tissues;
  • Also if you have an allergic reaction to bleach components.

Basic enamel whiteners

What is the kit for teeth whitening at home? Which one is the best? Now there are quite a lot of different substances that have been created for home enamel whitening, the best of them is determined individually for each person. The most popular are:

  • Ready-to-use home teeth whitening kit, it contains active,
  • Kappas;
  • whitening strips;
  • Paste bleaches;
  • Whitening pencil, gels;
  • Various improvised home remedies for teeth whitening - hydrogen peroxide solution, activated charcoal tablets, baking soda, even a banana peel is used to whiten teeth, lemon teeth whitening is also performed.

Whitening home remedies

Currently, different preparations are used for whitening the tooth process:

Teeth whitening kits at home

The home teeth whitening kit includes an active substance created by hydrogen peroxide (carbamide peroxide), kappa. These devices help protect the gums from possible burns, the whitening agent is applied to the inner surfaces, and they later come into contact with the tooth enamel. The whitening process, performed with the help of special systems, proceeds chemically - the active substances of the gel create a chemical reaction, as a result of which the tooth is lightened. The products used in this process penetrate deep into the enamel, brightening the surface of the tooth. Many whitening kits contain special LED mechanisms, they are used to illuminate the enamel with gel caps on. This speeds up chemical reactions.

For safe teeth whitening CARBON COCO . Composed exclusively of natural ingredients, Carbon Coco breaks down and absorbs impurities. Coconut charcoal, which is part of the composition, does not destroy the enamel and gently removes stones and plaque.

These whitening systems are usually rated for a day time period or night time application, as well as for a different course of their use over time - 2-3 days, 1-2 weeks or another time period.

Before the procedure for using these kits, you should consult a doctor, as for an effective whitening process, the tooth surfaces must be cleaned of plaque. Standard factory mouth guards may not suit a particular person, then the result of the whitening process will be reduced to zero. In dental offices, using dental casts, specialists can create mouth guards that fit snugly on the tooth surface, they will not allow the active substance to spread to the gum area.

Whitening strips

These are transparent films, the active substance is applied to their inner surfaces. The use of these data will allow you to quickly, in convenient conditions, carry out a whitening procedure. The disadvantages of this method lie in the absence of complete coverage of the tooth with a whitening film, darkened corners and areas in the interdental space can always remain. This is especially noticeable on crooked teeth. If a person has a wide smile, then he will need at least 2 sets, because one strip provides for its use on 6 teeth.

Bleach pencils

They look like markers containing a special substance. Whitening gels are sold without trays; for ease of use, they are provided in sets with brushes for applying active ingredients. The effectiveness of the use of these bleaches is not high, since for safety reasons the concentration of active substances in them is quite low.
Whitening toothpastes - the mechanism of action is to clean the tooth enamel from pigmentation or plaque, this brightens the smile. These products contain various abrasives, enzymes that break down plaque. Many manufacturers add active ingredients to these pastes that help protect teeth and remineralize enamel.

Whitening with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

The process of whitening enamel with baking soda is the mechanical cleaning of tooth enamel from plaque. To carry out the whitening procedure, it is necessary to mix baking soda with ordinary water to the state of slurry, brush your teeth with the resulting mixture. You can also add soda to the paste, immediately pour it on a damp brush. This whitening process is harmful to tooth enamel, it should be done on a bowl 1 time in a few weeks.

Whitening of tooth enamel with hydrogen peroxide is based on the chemical process of oxidation of substances. 3% hydrogen peroxide is diluted 2 times with water, rinse your mouth with the prepared solution for at least 1 minute.

Prolonged use of this liquid can cause burns of mucous tissues in the oral cavity. Also, the substance can be applied with a cotton swab to the tooth surface to prevent contact with the gum area. The procedure is repeated daily for about 2 weeks, but due to its harmful composition, not more than 1 time per year.

Teeth whitening with lemon

To carry out the whitening process, a piece of lemon is needed, the tooth surface is rubbed with it. You can also use lemon juice mixed with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda - mix soda and lemon juice in equal proportions, pour in a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide, apply the prepared gruel with a cotton swab on tooth enamel, leaving for a couple of minutes. Then rinse your mouth with plain water. Citric acid provokes the process of washing out calcium from the tooth structure, thus it is clarified. Frequent use of this method increases the likelihood of carious formation.

Whitening with activated carbon - 2 tablets of the drug are crushed, water is added to the mixture. This solution is used to clean the tooth enamel for several minutes, then rinse your mouth with water. The implementation of such a procedure should occur 1 time in a couple of months.

Negative effects of the whitening home process

Because of the possible harm to the enamel, it is necessary to properly prepare for the home whitening process - increase the consumption of calcium-containing foods, such as dairy products. You should also brush daily with fluoride toothpaste.

The home whitening process can cause the following negative effects:

  • Enamel hypersensitivity;
  • Burns or irritation of mucous tissues;
  • The appearance of white spots on the tooth surface (demineralization);
  • Exacerbation of the processes of dental pathologies;
  • The development of allergic moments.

If there are any negative effects of using home whitening products, you should immediately contact your dentist. We must not forget about the precautions when carrying out home whitening procedures.

White teeth signal not only the health of the oral cavity, but also make the hostess several years younger. A charming snow-white smile will decorate better than any makeup, it suits absolutely all people. A person becomes more self-confident, makes contact easier, radiates positive and gives it to the world. There are really many advantages to white teeth, as well as ways to make them so.


Types of bleaching agents

Whitening - the effect on the enamel pigment, that is, its lightening. But it is often confused with cleansing. It also makes teeth brighter, just by removing accumulated plaque and dirt on the front wall, back and in hard-to-reach places. For cleaning, preparations with abrasive particles are used, for clarification - systems and products with active oxygen, peroxide.

Available in the form of pastes and gels, plasters, tooth powders, serums and liquids. Some of the products are easy to use, just brush your teeth. Some require exposure to the teeth, phased application. Serums and gels are often placed in trays. These are special caps for the jaws. Previously, they had to be ordered in dentistry, now you can buy a base and make mouthguards at home.

Video: Elena Malysheva about teeth whitening methods

How many shades can you whiten your teeth

Modern products promise maximum whitening by 4 tones, more often 2 or 3, but everything is individual. Do not immediately purchase products with a high concentration of peroxide. You also need to remember that with frequent exposure to the enamel, it becomes thinner and destroyed, over time it begins to turn yellow even faster. It is especially worth paying attention to this for smokers, lovers of coffee, strong tea. Dentists recommend taking breaks between courses for at least 6 months.

Important! White enamel is rare in nature. The natural color of the teeth is slightly beige, sometimes even yellowish. No need to try to change it by all available means, nothing will work.

Precautionary measures

The main danger is damage to the oral cavity by aggressive substances and abrasives. For some reason, first of all, people think about enamel. Yes, she really suffers from illiterate actions, her teeth become sensitive, food and drinks get into microscopic cracks, the color can very soon change again for the worse. But no less dangerous is the impact of aggressive components on the oral cavity itself. Chemicals have a negative effect on the mucous membranes, the integument is damaged, irritated, the wounds become the entrance gate for infections.

What is important to know and remember:

  1. Even the best home teeth whitening product can be harmful if not used as directed. The exposure time, the duration of the course, the method of application should not be invented, all this has already been done by the manufacturers and is indicated in the instructions.
  2. It is impossible to engage in teeth whitening during infectious, skin, sexually transmitted and any other diseases. You need to choose the most favorable period.
  3. If there are ulcers in the mouth, mucous membranes are damaged, or the gums simply bleed, then all these problems must be solved before the procedure. Otherwise, the situation will worsen.
  4. During the whitening course, you will need to observe the temperature regime, that is, you will not be able to eat hot and cold food, be in the cold, walk without a hat.
  5. After whitening procedures (regardless of their type), a special diet is needed. Foods with dyes are excluded from the diet: lemonade, black tea and coffee, bright fruits and vegetables. It is advisable to consume light-colored foods within two weeks so that the result is fixed.

The rules are simple, but they must be strictly observed. Otherwise, along with white teeth, you can get a lot of other problems: from bleeding gums to increased sensitivity and serious damage to the oral mucosa.

Top 5 Best Purchased Products

Pharmacies, stationary and online stores offer a variety of whitening systems, gels, pencils, liquids. In all the variety it is difficult to understand and easy to get confused, and the reviews are very contradictory. Here are the best tools that really work. Subject to all the rules, they will not harm health.

Almost all drugs are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity of teeth, caries, gum diseases. If the rules are not followed, aching pain is possible, which usually intensifies at night. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the condition of the teeth itself worsens, it is not recommended to whiten them.

Gel R.O.C.S. Pro "Oxygen whitening"

The cost is from 320 rubles.

EuroCosMed Cleaning Gel Paste for home use with OXY-WHITENING technology. It is based on an active oxygen system. It is he who is often used in professional lines for clarification. The paste mixes with saliva, begins to release active oxygen, it penetrates into the painted layers of enamel and brightens them. In addition to the main properties, it inhibits the growth of bacteria, prevents the appearance of bad breath, and strengthens the gums.

This is a gentle teeth whitener. To achieve maximum results, brushing should be carried out within four weeks. Efficiency depends on the duration of contact (at least three minutes). If you do everything according to the rules and complete the course completely, then the enamel will become lighter by 2-3 tones.

Global white dental system

The cost is from 900 to 1400 rubles.

Intensive system for teeth whitening at home. In just a week, you can achieve amazing results. According to the manufacturer, lightening by 4-5 tones is possible. This tool is also based on active oxygen. Additionally contains potassium, which reduces the sensitivity of the teeth. Xylitol is present in the composition, it suppresses harmful bacteria that provoke the formation of caries.

The system consists of a special paste, whitening gel, and a brush. Also included is a retractor that protects the delicate skin of the lips from aggressive components.

Crest 3d White Whitestrips Professional Effects

The cost is from 2700 to 4000 rubles.

The strips are easy to use. You can take them with you anywhere, brushes are not required, the procedure does not cause discomfort if everything is done according to the instructions and does not get on the mucous membranes. The strips need to be glued to the teeth and kept for 30 or 60 minutes, depending on the intensity chosen, rinse your mouth. The manufacturer promises whitening by 2-3 tones.

Important! When using the strips, do not swallow saliva. You also need to thoroughly rinse your mouth, as a small amount of gel accumulates between the teeth.

BLIQ Teeth Whitening Pencil From Vanessa

The cost is from 900 to 1300 rubles.

Pencil based on carbamide peroxide, carbomer and peppermint effectively removes plaque and dirt from enamel, freshens breath and creates a protective film that keeps the result for a long time. According to the promise of the manufacturer, after a week of use, the effect will be noticeable, the maximum effect of the product is achieved in 21 days. Enamel can lighten up to 4 tones.

Inside the pencil is a product in the form of a gel, which is squeezed onto the tip, applied to the teeth cleaned with the paste and kept for the time specified in the instructions. Next, rinse your mouth with water.

Teeth whitening system Day White ACP 9.5%

The cost is from 2000 to 2500 rubles.

The system consists of three syringes with bleaching liquid. One is enough for 6-7 times. If you buy such a composition in dental clinics, then each will cost 1200-1500 rubles. The main active ingredient is carbamide peroxide. The composition is applied in caps that are put on the jaw. After the time specified in the instructions, you need to brush your teeth, rinse your mouth.

You can use the composition daily, but with an increase in sensitivity, it is recommended to take a break for 3-4 days, then look at the condition of the teeth.

Homemade Teeth Whitening Recipes

All kinds of home remedies for teeth whitening are very popular. They are prepared from food products, pharmaceutical preparations in combination with oils, herbal decoctions and other components. Usually they are inexpensive and affordable, there is in any home. There is no need to assume that the paste created by oneself is safe and will not harm the enamel, in fact, it is not. It is necessary to carefully follow the recipe and the recommended method of application, do not replace solutions with concentrates.

Recipe for peroxide, baking soda and salt

Baking soda - 1 tsp
Fine salt - 0.5 tsp.
Toothpaste - 0.5 tsp.
Hydrogen peroxide 3% - 1 tsp.

Combine salt and soda, add peroxide, stir and add toothpaste. Pick up the prepared product with a brush, brush your teeth for 5 minutes. Rinse mouth with water, do not use more than once a week.

Coconut Oil and Baking Soda

Coconut oil - 1 tsp
Baking soda - 0.5 tsp
Tea tree oil - 2 drops

Mix the ingredients together. If the coconut oil has hardened, then keep it slightly warm or in a bowl of hot water. Brush your teeth with the prepared remedy every other day.

How else to whiten your teeth

To lighten the enamel a little or just brush your teeth (paste suddenly ran out), you can use a variety of other products. In the summer season, whitening will help strawberries, which need to be kneaded and put on a brush. Favorably affects the gums and teeth tea tree oil. It can be added to the paste or simply applied to the brush. Also one of the popular means is crushed activated carbon. It is simply used for brushing teeth.

Unrefined sunflower oil has no less valuable properties. This tool is used not only for teeth, but also for cleansing the whole body. Every morning you need to take a sip in your mouth and suck for a few minutes. The oil takes in all the microbes from the oral cavity, becomes thick at first, then liquid and white. At the end of the procedure, you need to spit it out and rinse your mouth thoroughly or clean it with a brush and paste. Oil cleansing can be done throughout life, but only in the morning on an empty stomach.

Video: Teeth whitening with soda and peroxide

One of the modern symbols of attractiveness are healthy white teeth. But, not all nature has awarded teeth with snow-white enamel. In addition, bad habits, coffee or tea abuse can leave a "mark" on the color of the teeth. And you only have to dream about.

But, thanks to modern dentistry, beige, yellow and gray tooth enamel can easily become snow-white. Moreover, if you entrust such a procedure to specialists, then you don’t have to worry about the quality.

IMPORTANT: Recently, it has turned from a risky operation that could lead to tooth loss, to a routine dental process. Modern whitening techniques can not only give the teeth a snow-white color, but also strengthen them. Unfortunately, a few years ago, such a procedure could have a negative impact on the structure of the teeth. Which often led to various diseases.

In dental clinics, the Vita scale is used to determine the color of the enamel.
According to her, there are four colors of tooth enamel:

  • brown
  • yellow
  • grey
  • red.

Each color has shades from 0 to 4. The closer the shade is to zero, the lighter it is. Today, experts believe that the natural color of enamel is inherited.

Ways to whiten teeth

IMPORTANT: Home teeth whitening cannot be called effective. But, and it can give some effect.

To date, various preparations are used to whiten teeth. Some of them can be used at home, others cannot be applied without the help of specialists.

Teeth whitening with toothpaste and other hygiene products

These products include whitening pastes. Their efficiency is extremely low. But, as a means of maintaining the natural color of the teeth, they can be used. They do a good job of removing plaque after drinking coffee or nicotine.

IMPORTANT: Pastes with a whitening effect contain substances that adversely affect the enamel. They can be used not long courses. Whitening toothpaste should be used in the morning. At night, it is better to treat the teeth with a remedy with a therapeutic effect.

The most popular whitening toothpastes are:

  • Lacalut White
  • "President White Plus"
  • "Rembrant - anti-tobacco and coffee"
  • "Splat whitening plus"
  • Silca Artic White
  • "ROCS PRO delicate whitening"
  • "Blendamed 3D White"
  • "New Pearl Complex Whitening"

There are whitening pastes and other brands. Each of them includes abrasive components and pyrophosphates. With the help of pyrophosphates, plaque is destroyed, and abrasive components remove it from tooth enamel.

IMPORTANT: Do not use whitening toothpastes for diseases of the gums, tooth enamel, fillings and crowns on the front teeth. Also, you can not use whitening paste during inflammation of the oral mucosa and during pregnancy.

How to use whitening toothpaste. Use a whitening tooth cavity in the same way as regular toothpaste. How to do it, . However, this should not be done more than 2-4 times a week. More frequent use of toothpaste containing abrasives will negatively affect tooth enamel.

Teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide

Teeth whitening strips have the same composition as the gels described above. The only difference is a more convenient form of use. Such strips, as well as special pencils for can be purchased today in almost any pharmacy.
In pharmacies and some Internet sites today you can buy whitening strips of the following brands:

  • Crest White 2-Hour Express Whitestrips
  • Dr. White Premium - whitening sensitive teeth
  • Rembrandt Intense Dissolving Strips
  • Listerine Whitening Quick Dissolving Strips

How to use whitening strips?

Each brand of such a tool has its own instructions for use. Most often, the difference lies in the time of use of the strips. After removing this whitening agent from the package, it is necessary to remove the adhesive tape covering the gel from it. The whitening side of the strip is glued to the teeth and smoothed out. This can be done with a bristled toothbrush.

Whitening strips for upper and lower teeth differ in width. When using such a tool, you must not confuse them. Strips that do not have a “dissolving effect” must be removed after the time indicated on the package has passed.

Professional teeth whitening products

IMPORTANT: Preparations used in dental offices can lighten teeth by 12 tones.

But, only a specialist can use them. In addition, such drugs and procedures are quite expensive. But, unlike whitening products that you can use on your own, professional ones have a much longer effect. Up to 5 years.

Teeth whitening at home

Teeth whitening folk remedies

At home, baking soda is used to give the enamel a snow-white color. To do this, it is mixed with toothpaste and the teeth are brushed with this mixture for 2-3 minutes.

IMPORTANT: Do not use baking soda to brush your teeth more than once every ten days. Soda, along with plaque, also erases particles of enamel. With such frequent procedures, it can become very thin. Which will negatively affect the condition of the teeth. Yes, baking soda can damage your gums.

You can try to whiten your teeth with hydrogen peroxide in another way. To do this, moisten a swab with it and wipe the enamel. But, as with baking soda, this remedy can thin the enamel.

Wood ash is also quite popular as a bleaching agent. It is rich in potassium hydroxide. This substance not only acts as an abrasive, but also adds useful substances to the enamel. But, like any abrasive substance, with frequent use of wood ash, it can destroy tooth enamel.

A good substitute for wood ash for the above procedure is activated charcoal. The tablet is crushed and the teeth are cleaned with this powder.

IMPORTANT: Your gums may also be damaged during the whitening procedure. Almost all of the above products include an acid that irritates them. In addition, abrasive cleaning can scratch the soft tissue of the mouth.

Tip #1 In order for your teeth to be snow-white, you need to add strawberries and strawberries to your diet. They contain substances that have a whitening effect. In order to take advantage of this effect, you need to chew each berry thoroughly.

Tip #2 If the darkening of the enamel of the teeth is associated with bad habits. For example, with smoking. It is best not to whiten your teeth, but to stop smoking. In addition to the color of the enamel, this bad habit poisons the body.


Kseniya. I used an apple cider vinegar rinse. I won’t say that my teeth became snow-white, but I got rid of plaque due to coffee. But, immediately after rinsing with such a remedy, the mouth should be rinsed with warm water.

Olga. And I would be afraid to whiten my teeth with ashes. Fu, what a mess.

Video. Safe Teeth Whitening At Home!

"People's" advice on teeth whitening did not give the desired result, and the procedure in the clinic scares away the high cost? A compromise was found - the use of professional tools at home, but under the supervision of a dentist.

Professional teeth whitening products

Having given preference to professional whitening, you will face a dilemma: which method of the whole variety of whitening procedures is right for you? Let's find out!


Photobleaching takes about half an hour and is performed in several approaches. The active gel is applied to the teeth, after which the light of a halogen lamp releases oxygen from it, thereby breaking down plaque.

Chemical bleaching

After preliminary cleaning of the teeth and gums, a solution of carbamide peroxide is applied to the teeth. Sometimes it causes pain, as it has a strong abrasive effect. The whole process takes about 40 minutes. This whitening method is contraindicated in case of increased tooth sensitivity and a large number of teeth damaged by caries.


The scaler generates ultrasonic vibrations, which, together with the flow of water, eliminate pigmentation and tartar. After that, a gel with no more than 15% of the active substance is applied to the teeth. Ultrasonic cleaning is one of the most gentle methods, therefore, it is indicated primarily for patients with increased enamel sensitivity.


The advantage of this method is that it not only whitens the teeth, but also has a therapeutic effect on them, disinfecting and strengthening the enamel. A gel emulsion is applied to the teeth, after which a laser is applied to each of them several times after a certain period of time. After the procedure, they are treated with a fluorine-containing ointment.

Just what the doctor ordered

If you still firmly decided to whiten your teeth at home, please note that the most effective professional home whitening products are products made in the USA:

  • ExpertWhitening;
  • smile4you;
  • Opalescence;
  • Day White Excel AC.

The latest generation products are most often made in the form of a gel. This consistency is more effective (the drug envelops the teeth and acts on the enamel for a long time) and safe (the risk of accidental burns with an acidic composition is reduced).

The average duration of professional enamel lightening procedures is 1 hour. During this time, the product is applied several times, but after the first stage, the effect is quite pronounced.

The range of "home" teeth whitening products is somewhat wider than professional ones, because it includes not only "whiteners" as such:

  • gels (Zoom);
  • strips (Crest Whitestrips 3D White);
  • caps (Opalescence);
  • pencils (Belle).

but also various hygienic and prophylactic preparations with enamel-lightening components:

  • conditioners (Global White);
  • toothpastes (Crest).

Are they as effective as we expect?

In pastes and rinses, the concentration of whitening components is so low that serious darkening is too tough for them. These are rather auxiliary preparations that will enhance or maintain the effect of professional or home whitening.

If we talk about whitening gels for home use, then the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in them should not exceed 3%. Pharmacy products are easy to use but less effective than professional ones.

The same can be said about folk remedies - for example, baking soda. It is impossible to “whiten” enamel with it, but it is easy to spoil it. It is not recommended to use it more than once a week (even in solution).

Contraindications to the use of home remedies

Without exception, all teeth whitening products should be used in strict accordance with the instructions or recommendations of the doctor. Even over-the-counter rinses can irritate the mouth and lips if used indiscriminately, and abrasive toothpastes can seriously affect the structure of the enamel.

List of contraindications:

  • age up to 16 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • increased sensitivity of enamel;
  • allergy to hydrogen peroxide and carbamide;
  • diseases of the teeth and gums.

It must be clearly understood that the effectiveness of each specific remedy is limited to certain limits, therefore, in some cases (for example, when professional whitening is prevented by the unsatisfactory condition of the enamel), other options should be sought (installation of veneers, fixed dentures).

To avoid damage to the enamel and get the maximum effect, carefully follow the instructions on the package:

The cost of whitening products

Professional whitening (for two jaws):

  • laser - from 15,000 rubles;
  • Air Flow - from 7,000 rubles;
  • Zoom 3 - from 25,000 rubles;
  • LED - from 15,000 rubles.

Home Remedies:

  • whitening strips Crest Whitestrips 3D White - from 2,500 rubles;
  • Crest toothpaste - from 500 rubles;
  • Opalescence home whitening kit - from 18,000 rubles;
  • White Kiss kit for home teeth whitening - from 1,800 rubles;
  • whitening mouthwash Global White - from 240 rubles.

Professional whitening services are not always more expensive. The newer home remedies are about the same price point, so patients should be weighed against getting whiter teeth in one hour or spending several hours of their own time whitening with no guarantee of getting the results they want.

In this article, we will look at the best way to whiten your teeth without harming them. Today, having a Hollywood smile is not only the desire of show business representatives, since the price of the procedure is affordable for many, and good teeth whitening products are not in short supply.

Unfortunately, now people do not pay attention to the advice and instructions of dentists, they cannot refuse a cup (perhaps several) of coffee, chocolate, harmful carbonated sweet drinks, cigarettes, juices with dyes. And this is not the whole list of "enemies" of healthy snow-white teeth.

How whitening strips work, we will consider in this article.

When dark spots and yellow plaque are found on once-white teeth, people panic, looking for information about ways to whiten their teeth, read reviews of those who were able to find a snow-white smile, study methods for solving the problem, and will certainly run to the dental clinic.

We can say that in the modern world this branch of medicine is at a more than high level. Therefore, dentists offer a large number of different effective methods for solving this problem, the choice of which depends only on the wishes of patients and the individual characteristics of the enamel.

All good teeth whitening products are diverse, differ in cost, purpose, and also in quality of the final result. Some specialists support only health-improving teeth cleaning, others can give anyone that Hollywood smile that stars of various sizes demonstrate on TV screens. Thus, it is necessary to be able to navigate in the amount of information that exists to solve this issue, and to choose the right method that best suits and satisfies the desires of each patient.

Many people think that this procedure is quite simple and harmless, but still, the choice of a way to whiten your teeth should be treated very carefully. It is clear that every person faced with this problem is interested in what are the pros and cons of a particular procedure. The answer is simple - the presence of positive and negative points takes place with each method. As for the price and effectiveness, they often depend on the individual structure of the teeth and the existing state of the enamel. In this article, we will also consider the home method of teeth whitening.

What exist?

In the practice of modern dental clinics, there is a certain list that includes several whitening methods, divided into two groups, which include both professional (on special equipment with medical means performed by a specialist) and at home. The latter means that the procedure is carried out at home, but not only with special preparations developed by dentists. This should be done under the supervision of a doctor. How to choose a good teeth whitening product?

Let's consider what means are the most popular and common of the offered professional options, as well as home and folk methods of whitening, which have proven themselves from the best side and are quite successful. In addition, we will identify all the pros and cons of these methods.

Folk remedies

Teeth whitening at home is not prohibited. To do this, you need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsafe means and not overdo it during the procedure. Since ancient times, a large number of folk remedies have been used that can freshen breath, eliminate dark plaque, give teeth shine, and even achieve whitening by several tones. Such methods, undoubtedly, can cause a large number of doubts, discussions, discussions. And, of course, folk whitening methods have both their supporters and people who do not recognize them.

  • The paste is mixed with coal (it is better to choose a paste without a coarse abrasive). Then brush your teeth according to the standard scheme.
  • Activated charcoal is diluted to a paste, a few drops of lemon juice are added to it. The product should not be used with increased sensitivity of the teeth.
  • You can use a mixture of soda and coal. The powders are mixed with water and gently rubbed into the teeth. Cleansing is aggressive, so it should not be used often.
  • Charcoal is mixed with honey - so the product will be softer. Good for gums.

Due to their availability and low cost, home remedies are very popular. Sometimes it is even higher than that of professional whitening methods. The most popular folk remedies include: hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, lemon (lemon juice or acid), wood ash, activated charcoal, strawberries, etc.

The advantages of these methods include:

  • affordability for everyone;
  • ease of use;
  • if used correctly, you can achieve the effect of whitening more than one tone.

The cons include:

  • you never know what the end result will be in each case;
  • side effects are not excluded.

Below are some effective teeth whitening products.


A wide range of inexpensive home whitening products include mouthguards, whitening gels, and strips that can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. The main components at the heart of each of these products are hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. The difference between them lies only in the methods of application. You can buy teeth whitening products at the pharmacy.

Since mouthguards are the most popular, consider their use.

There are two options for them: some of them are developed according to a cast of the teeth of a particular person, the second are universal, which are manufactured under industrial conditions. It goes without saying that it is best to use custom-made mouthguards, due to the morphological characteristics of each oral cavity.

This is a unique teeth whitening system. There are reviews on this.

How to use this tool? Everything is very simple: a mass with a whitening property is placed in the caps, after which it is put on the teeth and not removed for a certain period of time, depending on the complexity of the plaque. Hydrogen peroxide contained in the agent is capable of releasing oxygen, which, in contact with tooth enamel, performs the function of whitening.

When choosing an active substance, you need to know that hydrogen will have a more visible effect, and urea is a milder and safer agent for enamel.

Which one is for teeth whitening? More on that below.

It is best to discuss the time of wearing a cap with a dentist, as it depends on the condition of the teeth and enamel, and the whitening course can be up to 2 or even 3 weeks. In order to maintain the effect obtained, it is necessary to carry out the procedure 3-4 times in 6 months.


The advantages of this method:

  • easy enough to use;
  • low cost;
  • the procedure can be carried out at any time and in any place;
  • No need to waste time going to the dentist.

You can ask a specialist for more information on how to use teeth whitening trays.


The disadvantages of this method include:

  • the procedure takes a long time;
  • the resulting effect does not last long;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions is not excluded;
  • if the bleaching composition has leaked out of the cap, then irritation appears on the mucous membrane;
  • there is a risk of increased sensitivity;
  • it is impossible to predict the results of the procedure, since they will be individual for everyone.

Whitening strips

  • Crest. You can whiten your teeth in 10 days. Product reviews are neutral or positive.
  • bright light. They are offered in two systems: classic and gentle for use at night during sleep.
  • Dr. White. A course for sensitive teeth is offered, which lasts two weeks.


Also popular with gel. It can be used with mouthguards, applied with a brush and with a toothbrush.

Whitening toothpastes

The most popular manufacturers in this segment are:

  • whitewash.
  • Oral B.
  • Lacalut.
  • Parodontax.

AIRFLOW technique

Whitening using professional methods is performed in a clinic by a dentist. As bleaching agents, special formulations are used here, 1/3 of which consists of active substances. In addition, the effect is enhanced by catalysts (chemicals, heat, laser or ultraviolet).

The Air Flow technique, in fact, is not whitening. Rather, it is a type of professional dental cleaning that removes soft and hard surface deposits.

This method will be most effective when removing unstable dark spots that have appeared as a result of frequent consumption of large amounts of coffee or tea, as well as the abuse of cigarettes. The active substances in this cleaning are soda and water mixed together. And the efficiency of water is enhanced by pressure.

Pros and cons

The advantages of this technique:

  • the procedure is painless;
  • carried out in a short period of time;
  • minimizing the risk of damaging the enamel;
  • low cost.

There is only one minus of such a tool - the whitening effect in this way is small.

Zoom technique

Zoom is a method based on photobleaching. The procedure has several stages:

  • First, a whitening gel is applied to the teeth.
  • Then the properties of the gel are activated under the influence of a special lamp with rays of the required length.

This procedure lasts 2-3 hours, since the gel is applied more than once.

Positive and negative points

Advantages of the procedure:

  • the effect is noticeable - teeth are 12 shades whiter;
  • the result appears immediately after the procedure;
  • if you follow the doctor's instructions correctly, the effect can last up to 5 years.

Disadvantages of this procedure:

  • there is a strong increase in the sensitivity of the teeth immediately after the procedure, which lasts about two days;
  • gum irritation appears;
  • the procedure during the procedure is quite painful;
  • the result can lead to unnatural whiteness of the teeth;
  • Not everyone can afford the price of the procedure.

Intracanal and laser whitening

Intracanal bleaching is used in a situation in which the staining of one or more teeth occurs from the inside, as happens after filling the canals of the teeth with special materials that have the properties of changing the tone of the dentin.

In this case, the bleaching agent is applied inside the tooth cavity, and not on the surface, then the tooth is sealed for a while. Intracanal whitening is performed in two or three procedures, which must be carried out at intervals of several days. If it is impossible to carry out it, crowns or veneers are installed.

When using a laser, the whitening gel is activated to the desired consistency. This procedure should be performed by specialists who know the nuances of teeth whitening that do not harm the patient. Before the procedure, it is necessary to isolate the gums and mucous membranes so as not to expose them to the action of the active substance, this requirement is mandatory.

With this technique, several types of lasers can be used, which are represented by diode, erbium or gas versions. Their choice is influenced by the intensity of the desired shade of the teeth. It is impossible to speak unambiguously about the result after this procedure, since it depends on individual characteristics. After this procedure, it is necessary to apply a gel that restores tooth enamel.

Pros and cons

The advantages include the following points:

  • the effect is noticeable immediately, the teeth become whiter up to seven tones;
  • the procedure is painless;
  • the result is stored for a long time;
  • it is quite safe when compared with other whitening methods.

The cons include:

  • increase in tooth sensitivity threshold immediately after the procedure;
  • rather high cost, which makes this procedure not accessible to everyone.

We have reviewed good teeth whitening products.

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