How to Create a Realistic Lightning in Photoshop Device for creating artificial lightning

How to make lightning in Minecraft?

Almost everything is possible in Minecraft, including influencing the weather, causing various phenomena whenever it pleases. Below you can find out how to make lightning in Minecraft.

How to summon lightning in Minecraft using commands

You can create lightning in Minecraft by typing several commands in the game chat. There are two ways to do this. In the first case, you need to wait for a thunderstorm and enter the following command in the chat: /weather thunder. Then put a space and in triangular brackets indicate the duration in seconds of this weather event. It should look like this: /weather thunder<15>. That is, lightning will sparkle for 15 seconds.

During a thunderstorm, you need to be more careful, as the lighting will become dimmer. However, you can spawn several different hostile mobs, so you should take a weapon with you. Also, during a thunderstorm, you need to stay away from creepers that emit blue light, as they are hit by lightning and can explode.

Also, during a thunderstorm, you can call lightning with another team. You will need to enter the following into the chat: /summon LightningBolt. But you must have a Minecraft version higher than 1.8 installed, otherwise nothing will work.

Calling lightning with plugins

You can call lightning yourself after installing a special plugin called. You can download it.

After installing it, it will be possible to become a real Zeus the Thunderer, you only need to craft a wand that spews lightning. This will require the following resources:

  • redstone dust;
  • gold bar;
  • wooden stick;
  • emerald.

You only need to correctly lay out the elements on the workbench: in the third upper cell - an emerald, in the central one - a stick, in the first lower one - dust, in the lower middle one - a gold ingot. The cherished rod will be in your hands, and you will be able to strike any mob with lightning.

You will find more crafting recipes in our section.

You fly your ship through the cave, dodging enemy fire. However, pretty soon you realize that there are too many enemies and it seems that this is the end. In a desperate attempt to survive, you press the Button. Yes, on the same button. The one you prepared for a special occasion. Your ship charges up and unleashes deadly lightning bolts on enemies, one after another, destroying the entire enemy fleet.

At least that's the plan.

But how exactly do you, as a game developer, render such an effect?

Generating Lightning

As it turns out, generating lightning between two points can be a surprisingly simple task. It can be generated as (with a little randomness during generation). Below is an example of a simple pseudo-code (this code, like everything else in this article, is for 2d lightning bolts. Usually this is all you need. In 3d, just generate a lightning bolt so that its offsets are relative to the camera plane. Or you can generate a full lightning in all three dimensions - the choice is yours)

SegmentList.Add(new Segment(startPoint, endPoint)); offsetAmount = maximumOffset; // maximum displacement of the lightning top for each iteration // (some number of iterations) for each segment in segmentList // Loop through the list of segments that were at the beginning of the current iteration segmentList.Remove(segment); // This segment is no longer required midPoint = Average(startpoint, endPoint); // Offset midPoint by a random amount in the direction of the perpendicular midPoint += Perpendicular(Normalize(endPoint-startPoint))*RandomFloat(-offsetAmount,offsetAmount); // Make two new segments, from start point to end point // and through a new (random) center segmentList.Add(new Segment(startPoint, midPoint)); segmentList.Add(new Segment(midPoint, endPoint)); end for offsetAmount /= 2; // Each time we halve the offset of the center point compared to the previous iteration end for

Essentially, every iteration, each segment is halved, with a slight shift in the center point. Each iteration this shift is halved. So, for five iterations, you get the following:

Not bad. It already looks at least like lightning. However, lightning often has branches going in different directions.

To create them, sometimes when you split a lightning segment, instead of adding two segments, you need to add three. The third segment is simply a continuation of the lightning in the direction of the first (with a slight random deviation).

Direction = midPoint - startPoint; splitEnd = Rotate(direction, randomSmallAngle)*lengthScale + midPoint; // lengthScale is better to take< 1. С 0.7 выглядит неплохо. segmentList.Add(new Segment(midPoint, splitEnd));

Then, at the next iterations, these segments are also divided. It would be nice to also reduce the brightness of the branch. Only the main lightning should have full brightness, as it is the only one connected to the target.

Now it looks like this:

Now it looks more like lightning! Well…at least the form. But what about everything else?

Adding Light

Initially, the system developed for the game used rounded beams. Each segment of the lightning was rendered using three quads, each of which was textured with light (to make it look like a rounded line). Rounded edges intersect to form seams. Looked pretty good:

… but as you can see, it turned out pretty bright. And, as the lightning decreased, the brightness only increased (as the intersections got closer). When trying to reduce the brightness, another problem arose - the transitions became very noticeable as small dots throughout the lightning.
If you have the ability to render lightning on an offscreen buffer, you can render it by applying maximum blending (D3DBLENDOP_MAX) to the offscreen buffer, and then just add it to the main screen. This will avoid the problem described above. If you don't have that option, you can create a vertex carved from lightning by creating two vertices for each lightning point and moving each of them in the direction of the 2D normal (the normal is perpendicular to the middle direction between the two segments going to that vertex).

It should look something like this:

We animate

And this is the most interesting. How do we animate this thing?

After experimenting a bit, I found the following useful:

Every lightning is really two lightning at a time. In this case, every 1/3 of a second, one of the lightnings ends, and the cycle of each lightning is 1/6 of a second. With 60 FPS it will look like this:

  • Frame 0: Lightning1 is generated at full brightness
  • Frame 10: Lightning1 generated at partial brightness, lightning2 generated at full brightness
  • Frame 20: New lightning1 is generated at full brightness, lightning2 is generated at partial brightness
  • Frame 30: New lightning2 is generated at full brightness, lightning1 is generated at partial brightness
  • Frame 40: New lightning1 is generated at full brightness, lightning2 is generated at partial brightness
  • Etc.

That is, they alternate. Of course, a simple static fade doesn't look good, so every frame it makes sense to shift each point a little (it looks especially cool to shift the endpoints more - it makes everything more dynamic). As a result, we get:

And of course you can move the endpoints... let's say if you're targeting moving targets:

And it's all! As you can see, making a cool looking zipper is not that difficult.

A very good friend of mine complains
that she throws lightning and feels electrified.
For her, I dedicate this article, because, having made lightning according to my
recipes, you can release steam and remove excess charge.

So, what does it take to (lightning fast) create lightning?

1. An electrical outlet…where your computer cord is plugged into.

2. Adobe Photoshop of any version is installed on this computer.

3. The desire to master the method of how to create lightning in 6 steps.

Photoshop is known as a tool for mocking photographs. However, few people in it tried to draw from scratch. More precisely, maybe they tried, but they didn’t advance far, it’s painfully complicated, if it’s so easy to try to draw in it without good advice.

So lightning. By the way, in addition to the lightning itself, I will give valuable comments on using Photoshop.

Launch Adobe Photoshop.

1. Ctrl+N - create a new document. Specify dimensions, for example, 400 by 400 pixels.

2. Set the default colors - black and white. There is a D key for this - I recommend remembering. (Try also X - toggles background and picture colors back and forth)

3. Fill the drawing with a gradient. Please note that you can get to the main tools using the corresponding keys. These keys appear when you hover over a tool with the mouse. For example, move the mouse to the brush, a tooltip appears - Brush (B) and other tools. Some letters offer a number of tools to access them using Shift+letter. Returning to the gradient fill - this is the letter G, it accounts for both a simple color fill (into buckets of pouring paint) and a gradient. Press Shift+G until you see a gradient. Filling with a gradient is simple - you need to click in one place of the picture and move the mouse to another place. There are several options for gradient fills - linear, radial, etc. All are good to try to create different lightning.

4. Apply the filter Filter => Render => Difference Clouds

5. Invert colors (make a negative), which is achieved with the I key (from inverse)

6. Darken the drawing. A good tool - levels - Ctrl + L, you need to move the levers to make the picture darker (move the central slider to the right). Everything, black and white lightning is ready. You can color it in a bit.

7. Ctrl+U - upper slider - hue, bottom two - saturation and brightness. Play with all engines, look for your unique solution.

Isn't it amazing drawings are obtained? You can send me the most interesting ones, and I will post them here.
Anything else to show from Photoshop? By the way, now you can take any photo of yourself in the night sky and add your own lightning there, it can hit your hand. Doesn't hurt at all.

The device for creating artificial lightning is based on the creation of super-powerful narrowly directed radiation during a spark breakdown, which propagates in free space at the speed of light. This is achieved in the following way: a high-voltage voltage is applied to the corona electrode from a super-powerful source, in a pulsed or continuous mode, a high-voltage voltage of the same polarity is simultaneously applied to the accelerating electrodes, a super-powerful flow of electrically charged particles is formed between the corona and non-corona electrodes, which are compressed by a magnetic field The solenoid moves along the magnetic lines of force to the first accelerating electrode, but under the influence of its potential, the coronary flow of charged particles is compressed, forming an accelerating narrowly directed radiation, and artificially created lightning enters the free space. Helium gas was introduced from the cooling system to cool the corona and non-corona electrodes. The invention allows the use of powerful voltage sources to create artificial lightning. 1 ill.

The purpose of the invention is the creation of super-powerful narrowly directed radiation to destroy targets located in space and on Earth. Devices are known (ed. St. SU 577596, class H 01 T 19/00). This device is designed to obtain air ionization using a corona discharge. It is not possible to obtain artificial lightning with this device, since its design and technological features are designed to use a low-power voltage source. A device is known (ed. St. SU 1046817 A, class H 01 T 19/00). A device for creating a corona discharge, which is designed to treat the surface of a material made of polymers and other chemical products in order to increase adhesion. It is impossible to obtain artificial lightning with this device, since it lacks the magnetic field of the solenoid, with the help of which the transfer of electrically charged particles is possible, as well as the absence of accelerating electrodes that increase the output energy of electrical particles. The device can be located on aircraft and ground complexes. The invention can be used in mining and other works. The drawing shows a coronary gun, a device for creating artificial lightning, its body 1 made of conductive non-magnetic material, electrically connected to the earth bus 14, is structurally made in the form of a truncated cone UK, its wide side passes smoothly from a cone-shaped to a cylindrical form. On the narrow side of the AC, a corona electrode 2 is symmetrically installed, made in the form of a hollow sealed pipe, to which helium gas is supplied from the cooling system 13 through the connector 18 and a pulsed heavy-duty high-voltage voltage from the source 9, separated by a dielectric 4, with a non-corona electrode 3, which connected to the body 1. Cone-shaped accelerating electrodes 5, 6, 7 are introduced into the internal cavity of the body 1; corona electrodes 3, a solenoid 11 is installed on the outer side of the housing 1, connected to a direct current source 12. A gap of 0.7-1 mm is maintained between the corona and non-corona electrodes 2 and 3. The device also contains a solenoid direct current source 12, a control system 15, a pulse signal generation source 16, a modulated signal source 17. The principle of operation of the proposed device is based on the creation of super-powerful narrowly directed radiation or artificial lightning during a spark breakdown, which propagates in free space at the speed of light. This is achieved in the following way. Depending on the range of the object intended to be struck by artificial lightning, the control system 15 receives a command to supply the support system and execute the specified program. To do this, helium gas is supplied to the corona electrode 2 at the connector 18 from the cooling system 13. Then, from the source 16, where the pulse mode is formed, the control voltage is applied to the source 9; at the same time, the control voltage modulated by the frequency _f1_ (the frequency f1 is encrypted) is supplied to the source 9, as a result, the generated pulsed superpower high-voltage voltage, modulated by the frequency, is supplied to the corona electrode 2, simultaneously from source 10, accelerating and focusing electrodes 5, 6, 7 are supplied with a constant, adjustable, that is, high-voltage voltage of different amplitude, of the same polarity with the output voltage of source 9, in the gap between corona 2 and non-corona electrodes 3 is formed super-powerful corona discharge, as a result of which a corona flow was formed, compressed by the magnetic field of solenoid 11, moves along magnetic field lines to accelerating electrode 5, but under the influence of its electric field lines they are focused, receive additional energy, and pass to the second section of the accelerating electrode. And since the accelerating electrodes 5, 6, 7 are structurally made in the form of a UK repeating the design of the body 1, the electric lines of force perpendicular to from the surface are directed at an angle to the corona flow formed from the corona discharge, additionally compress and strengthen it, push out from one section to another, which allows the development of super-powerful energy according to the law of Coulomb forces, thereby formed by each section of the accelerating electrodes, narrowly directed radiation leaves the device into free space by artificially created lightning.


A device for producing radiation by a corona discharge, comprising a housing, corona and non-corona electrodes, a high-voltage source, a direct current source, a solenoid, characterized in that in order to obtain artificial lightning, helium gas is supplied to the corona electrode from the cooling system and, in a pulsed mode, an ultra-powerful high-voltage voltage , modulated by the frequency f1, in the gap between the corona and non-corona electrodes, a super-powerful corona discharge is formed, compressed by the magnetic field of the solenoid connected to a DC source, moving towards the accelerating focusing electrodes, made in the form of a truncated cone, separated from each other and the body by a dielectric and coinciding in form with the body of the device, to which a constant high-voltage regulated voltage is supplied, the polarity corresponding to the heavy-duty high-voltage voltage with the formation of electric power lines perpendicular to the surface of the truncated cone.

Similar patents:

The invention relates to devices for creating microclimate systems in residential and industrial premises for industrial, medical, and agricultural purposes, as well as in any other where there is a need for air ionization, using ventilation systems and creating a microclimate

The invention relates to electron-ion technologies and is intended for use in surface treatment, mainly of large-sized and bulky products made of polymeric materials, in order to increase surface adhesion to paints, adhesives and similar substances without significantly changing the physical and mechanical properties of the material

The device comprises an anti-corona screen and at least one supporting element for connecting the anti-corona screen with a high-voltage device. This at least one support element contains a semi-conductive polymer which, when in operation, acts as a resistance between the corona shield and the high voltage device. In addition, the support element is configured to mount the anti-corona screen on the high-voltage device. EFFECT: increased reliability of reducing the risk of dielectric breakdown due to corona discharge without complicating the design of the anti-corona screen. 3 n. and 11 z.p. f-ly, 17 ill.

SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to ion generators. In the ion generating apparatus, each of the induction electrode (2) for generating positive ions and the induction electrode (3) for generating negative ions is formed as an independent part and separately mounted on the substrate (1) using a metal plate at a distance from each other. Therefore, even if the substrate (1) is deformed, the regions of the upper ends of the needle electrodes (4, 5) can be located at the center of the through holes (11) in the induction electrodes (2, 3), respectively, and positive ions and negative ions can be stably generated. . EFFECT: increased stability of ion generation. 2 n. and 3 z.p. f-ly, 13 ill.

The invention relates to methods for generating discharges in the atmosphere. EFFECT: increased time for maintaining the discharge state. For this, a method is proposed for initiating high-voltage discharges in the atmosphere, in which the formation of an electric discharge channel is provided between objects having different electric potentials, the field strength between which is close to the threshold strength at which an electrical breakdown occurs, by creating negative O2 ions in the area of ​​its intended location. - and their accumulation until reaching a stationary concentration, and maintain the specified concentration of these ions for the time necessary for the development of the discharge, and at the same time, the creation and accumulation of O2 - ions is carried out by exposing the atmosphere in the area of ​​the proposed location of the specified channel with pulsed laser radiation, providing ionization of oxygen molecules, with the supply of radiation by a train of pulses with a pulse repetition period in the train, less than the lifetime of negative ions O2 - in atmospheric air, with the duration of each pulse in the train from 1 ps to 10 ns, and the supply of the train The pulses are carried out for a time exceeding the lifetime of the O2 - ion in atmospheric air. 6 w.p. f-ly, 4 ill.

The group of inventions relates to medicine. A method for reducing the amount or removing particles in a local gaseous medium in suspension during surgical procedures and/or upon their completion is implemented using a device. The device for reducing the amount and removing said particles contains two electrodes, each of which is in electrical connection or can be electrically connected to opposite poles of a high voltage direct current source. The first electrode may be connected to the patient's body. The electrically conductive rod of the second electrode passes through the elongated insulating sheath and has an exposed distal end. The rod and, accordingly, the second electrode are adapted for insertion with the possibility of extraction in place or in the area of ​​the surgical procedure so that when used, these two electrodes, being in connection with opposite poles of the said high voltage direct current source, ionize the said suspended particles, attracting them to the patient. At the same time, a high voltage direct current source is prepared. An electrical connection of the patient's body with one of the poles of the mentioned source is provided using the first electrode. Provide electrical connection of the second electrode with the other pole of the mentioned source. Said second electrode is introduced into a gaseous medium to ensure ionization of said suspended particles and to attract these particles to the patient. The use of the group of inventions will make it possible to reduce the number of particles in a local gaseous medium in a suspended state and formed as a result of a surgical procedure. 2 n. and 10 z.p. f-ly, 10 ill.

Device for creating artificial lightning

Today we have a little tutorial that will help you "charge" your photos with a lightning bolt drawn in Photoshop. In the lesson we will add lightning to this creepy cemetery. We will create it ourselves without tricks using ready-made photos.

This is a popular method for creating lightning. I've seen a lot of tutorials that promise to teach you something but end up just using a stock image. Personally, this approach disappoints me. As with most PhotoshopCAFE tutorials, I'll teach you how to create everything yourself. Each lightning strike will be unique and personal! I have a written lesson and a video. Video tutorials are good to see how things are done. Bookmark this page so you can quickly return to it later. I made many step by step video tutorials for PhotoshopCAFE making it easy to learn. Even if you have watched the video, scroll down to the end of the lesson. There are usually published alternative ways to create an effect, ideas or tips for its implementation.

With Halloween approaching, everyone wants to make their images look darker. This cemetery photo is intimidating on its own, but realistic lighting completes the scene perfectly. In today's tutorial, we will learn how to create lightning bolts from scratch.

Step 1

Open the desired photo, create a new layer. Add a black and white gradient, place it diagonally from the top left corner to the bottom right.

Step 2

Go to menu Filter > Render > Overlay Clouds(Filters > Render > Difference Clouds).

You should get something like this result.

Step 3

Now invert the clouds by clicking Ctrl+I.

You can already see some semblance of lightning.

Step 4

Adjust the levels by selecting the lightning. To open a window Levels(Levels) use Ctrl+L. Move the left slider to the right, to about the middle of the histogram. Move the middle slider to the right edge of the histogram.

Step 5

Select a black brush and clean up the lightning by painting over the unwanted areas.
Note: it is better to work with a brush on a separate layer.

Step 6

Change the layer's blend mode to Screen(screen). This will allow the image underneath to show through.

Also activate free transform(Free Transform) by clicking ctrl+t. Scale, rotate and move the lightning layer so that the lightning strikes one of the objects in the photo.

Step 7

Repeat steps 1-6 creating several lightning shapes.

Duplicate the layers and scale them up by building smaller lightning branches. Reuse each layer as much as possible to save as much time as possible. Reflection and rotation allows you to use each piece several times. Don't be afraid to apply layer masks, separating the desired pieces and giving the finished discharge a more natural look.

At this point you should have something like this:

Step 8

Merge all lightning layers. To do this, select them, and then click Ctrl+E. Be careful not to touch the background. After all the lightning has become one layer, again you may need to change the layer's blend mode to Screen(screen).

Step 9

Now let's add some color (optional). Double click on the lightning layer to open the window Layer Style(Layer Style). Select an item color overlay(Color Overlay).

Choose a bluish/magenta color.

Change the blend mode to Chroma(Color).

Step 10

You will notice that the color covers a large part of the layer, but we only want it to cover the lightning.

At the top of the window layer style(Layer Style) click on the item Overlay Options: Default(Blending Options: Custom). This will open an additional menu.

The trick here is to check the box Layering internal effects as a group(Blend Interior Effects as a group).

Note that now the color is only applied to the lightning.

Step 11

Make some final color and opacity adjustments to better blend the lightning into the background photo.

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