At what age can a child be given persimmon? Useful properties of the product. From how many months can you give a persimmon to a child? Are persimmons allergenic for children? Useful properties and contraindications of persimmon for the body of children: description. Children's dishes with persimmon: rece

At what age can you give a persimmon to a child?

Proper nutrition in childhood is the key to good immunity and good health in the future. However, not all foods can be equally beneficial at an early age. At what age can persimmon be given to a child and is it safe? Consider what nutritionists and doctors say about this.

Persimmon is not a product for the smallest

Despite the fact that persimmon is very useful, it is not worth giving it to very young children. She is has astringent properties and contains heavy fibers which are difficult to digest. If a child suffers from constipation, then this fruit is contraindicated for him at least until the age of 5, until his digestive system is finally strengthened. Some foreign sources generally advise not to introduce it into the children's diet for up to 10 years.

But not all children persimmon is contraindicated. Starting from the age of 2, chocolate persimmon (it has less astringent properties) can be given in small quantities to those children who already actively eat all foods and do not suffer from constipation. All children are different and are raised differently. Some from an early age eat everything that they get from the table and at the same time do not experience problems with the intestines, while others react sharply to any unfamiliar product. Consider the characteristics of your child.

How to give persimmon to a small child?

If you decide to introduce it into the diet from the age of 2, then do it carefully. It should be given in the first half of the day, like any new product, in order to be able to follow the reaction of the body.

At the first dose, 0.5-1 tablespoon of pulp is enough. This small dose is safe and will not cause bowel obstruction in a healthy child. But giving a whole fruit to a child for the first time is not worth it.

If there are no problems with the stool, the next time you can increase the amount to 2-3 tbsp. spoons, or give a quarter of a soft ripe fruit.

Children over 5 years old can be given a whole persimmon, but again, provided that the intestines are healthy, and constipation is a rarity, and not a regular occurrence. After 10 years, it is already safe to allow the child to eat fruit in reasonable quantities.

Recipe for delicious mashed potatoes with persimmon and banana. Cut 1 ripe persimmon and 1 banana into large slices and throw into a blender. Grind to a puree. This delicacy can be fed to a child from 3 years old, again, starting with 1 tablespoon per day, preferably in the morning.

What is useful persimmon for children?

The composition of persimmon is rich in the following elements:

  • Beta carotene. Necessary for eye health and good vision, participates in tissue growth processes. A large amount of it is found not only in persimmons, but also in boiled carrots.
  • Vitamin C. Known antioxidant. Strengthens the immune system and is especially necessary during the epidemic of acute respiratory diseases.
  • Glucose. Necessary for the functioning of the brain, is involved in the production of energy in the body.
  • Rutin. Belongs to the category of bioflavonoids, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Sodium. Participates in the development and formation of the muscular system of the body.
  • Potassium. Good for the cardiovascular system.
  • Magnesium. Strengthens the heart muscle, participates in the formation and development of the nervous system. A lot of magnesium is also found in sunflower seeds.
  • Pectin. Removes heavy metals from the body, useful for people living in areas with unfavorable ecology.
  • Alimentary fiber. In persimmon, they are quite rough, so in young children with a fragile digestive system, constipation may occur, and with excessive use, intestinal obstruction.
  • Tannin. It has astringent properties, strengthens the stool in case of diarrhea.

So, at what age can you give a persimmon to a child? According to doctors and nutritionists - not earlier than 5 years, according to some sources - after 10 years. In practice, mothers treat their children to this fruit from the age of 2, and some even earlier.

All parents, no doubt, are concerned about the nutrition of the child. When the first complementary foods are introduced, the mother has many different questions regarding the period in which one or another product can be given. In the presented article, we will talk about a winter fruit called persimmon. It is seasonal and is available to all people during the cold season. Let us examine in detail at what age a child can be given persimmon. How useful is this fruit and when should you stop eating it altogether?

Beneficial features

Before you know at what age a child can be given persimmon, you need to figure out how it is useful. Persimmon contains many vitamins and other necessary substances.

A large amount of vitamin C helps children cope with colds. Also, the fruit improves immunity. The natural sugars (fructose and glucose) that are part of the fruit increase efficiency and improve brain activity.

The fruit contains vitamins P and A, due to which blood circulation is normalized and blood vessels are strengthened. During the growth of the child, these substances are simply necessary.

In addition, persimmon contains calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. These substances help strengthen the bones and nervous system of the child, as well as improve digestion and remove various unhealthy substances from the body.

It is impossible not to say about iron, manganese, iodine and pectin, which are contained in sufficient quantities in fruits. That is why persimmon is so useful for children. From what age you can eat this fruit, you will learn further.

When to introduce fruits into the general diet of children?

So, at what age can a child be given persimmon? It is worth saying that the decision depends on the parents. Many caring mothers try to introduce the baby to such a useful fruit as early as possible. This is not entirely correct.

If the child has health problems that are associated with digestion, then it is worth postponing acquaintance with a new fruit for up to five years. It was by this time that the work of the digestive tract and excretory system was fully established.

It is worth completely abandoning the use of persimmons if the child has diabetes. Because of the sugars it contains, it can worsen the condition of the baby. Also refrain from introducing this fruit into the diet if the child suffers from constipation. Persimmon has a firming effect. Quite often it is prescribed for diarrhea. That is why it can only worsen the condition of the baby.

How to introduce a child to a new fruit?

So, we found out at what age a child can be given persimmon. Fruits should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with small pieces. Carefully observe the reaction of the body, as persimmon is an allergen.

For a baby, you should choose only ripe fruits that do not have an astringent effect. You can also try giving your baby dried fruit. It should be borne in mind that some useful substances and vitamins may be lost.

Instead of a conclusion

Now you know at what age a child can be given persimmon. If you have any questions and doubts about the nutrition of the baby, you should seek the advice of a pediatrician, and not listen to the advice of relatives and knowledgeable girlfriends. Feed your child deliciously, correctly and fully. In this case, he will grow up healthy and strong.

Few people do not know what a persimmon is. Persimmon is a juicy, tasty, and most importantly healthy berry.

What is useful persimmon?

In the winter season, when the market does not have such a large assortment of fresh fruits, persimmon attracts our attention. Apples and oranges already have time to get fed up in autumn and winter and you want something sort of exotic.

Persimmon- a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals and various nutrients that our body needs in winter. Persimmon is an oriental fruit that occupies a worthy place in a healthy diet. This fruit contains a huge amount of trace elements: it contains iodine, potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc. It is rich in vitamins C and P, which have a beneficial effect on blood vessels.

Persimmon is considered a dietary product and is indicated for children and adults with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, due to the high content of pectin in it. Due to the high content of iron in persimmon, it is used in the treatment of anemia. This fruit has a diuretic effect and tonic properties, calms the nervous system, and has a bactericidal effect. The juice and decoction of this exotic fruit is used to treat coughs, diarrhea, and bleeding gums.
And they can also cook a huge number of dishes for a child: salads, jams, preserves, and even casseroles.

As you can see, persimmon is very useful, but the main question still remains:

When can you give persimmon to a child?

Answer: Persimmon can be introduced into the diet of a child only after a year.

Despite all its wonderful properties, persimmon can be dangerous for the body of a small child. The fact is that persimmon contains a huge amount of tannins (thanks to them it has a strongly pronounced viscous taste), which can disrupt the peristalsis of the children's intestines, up to obstruction.

Persimmon can also be attributed to one of the strongest allergens, and if your baby suffers from allergies, do not rush to introduce this fruit into his diet.

After the child is 1 year old, you can offer persimmons to the child, but in very small portions, you can start with half a slice, then, if there is no allergy and stool changes, the amount can be increased to several slices per day. Be sure to peel the persimmon from the peel, as it contains the largest amount of tannins. Two or three slices a day for a small child will be enough, since more consumption of persimmons can cause

Persimmon is an exotic fruit loved by many. So you want to pamper your child with such a delicacy, but you can still do this from a certain age in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. If you are interested in at what age you can give a persimmon to a child, then you will find the answer in this article. We will also tell you how persimmon is useful for children, and what nuances should be observed when using it.

The life of wonderful mothers consists of many questions and answers. It is simply impossible to know everything about the upbringing, development and feeding of the crumbs, so in many cases it is better to turn to the help of professionals. From how many months can persimmon be offered to children? Catch tips and advice on eating fruit.

Benefit, and more!

The body of children requires a lot of vitamins and minerals for full development. And it is easiest to find them in various fruits. Persimmon contains a large amount of vitamins A and C, as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and phosphorus. Thanks to this rich composition, the product has great benefits:

  • strengthens the eye muscle;
  • beneficial effect on the work of the heart;
  • protects against harmful radicals;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin;
  • regulates blood sugar;
  • stimulates the brain;
  • improves immunity;
  • protects the thyroid gland from failures and harmful effects;
  • contributes to the normal functioning of the intestines;
  • useful for the nervous system;
  • provides energy to the body.

As you can see, this is a real vitamin cocktail of the most important trace elements!

Persimmon is not included in the list of foods that are most polluted with pesticides and occupies an initial position in the ranking of the most useful fruits.

There are a couple of "buts"

Remember a few important caveats:

  1. If the child suffers from constipation, then an exotic fruit can only aggravate the situation: in this case, postpone the baby's acquaintance with her until 5 years old.
  2. The danger lies in the fact that a child may become allergic to persimmons due to the high content of sugar and beta-carotene in it, so parents often postpone complementary foods with this fruit for up to 3 years.
  3. The product is strictly contraindicated in children with diabetes, obesity or frequent urination: it may worsen the course of the disease.
  4. Persimmon should not be eaten with milk or washed down with cold water.
  5. For a child's stomach, persimmon compote will also be harmful: when cooking, the tannic properties in the product become much greater.
  6. Do not let your baby have a meal with this fruit on an empty stomach!

Age restrictions

Despite the storehouse of vitamins, the answer to the question of how many months you can give persimmon is very ambiguous. In Europe and America, this age is quite small: 8-10 months. Russian experts have a different opinion on this matter: at 10, and even more so at 8 months, the stomach of the crumbs is still quite weak to assimilate this fruit.

In addition to problems with the digestive tract, you may encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as an allergy to persimmons. An 8-10-month-old child, and especially a baby, can be given fruit only in the form of puree and only in minimal doses. However, it is better to postpone the acquaintance until a year.

But is it always possible to give persimmon to a one-year-old child? As in 8-10 months, the baby may develop an allergy to persimmons and problems with the intestines. Dr. Komarovsky, famous among young mothers, also does not recommend offering this product to a child under 1 year old.

Often children at this age refuse viscous fruit themselves. In that case, do not insist: his time will come.

If your baby at 2 years old perfectly tolerates all foods, is not familiar with allergies and stomach problems, then you can gradually introduce this product into his diet. The permitted variety for a child of 2 years old is chocolate persimmon.

So at what age is it best to offer persimmon to a child? Russian doctors consider the age of 2-3 years to be the most favorable. At this time, the child's stomach is almost formed. However, like any new complementary foods, persimmons must be introduced into the baby's diet gradually. The best solution is to ask your pediatrician for advice.

Where do we start?

When entering persimmons in the child's menu, sequence and caution should be observed. Start with 0.5-1 tbsp. l. In the absence of allergies, next time increase the dosage to 2-3 tablespoons. If you have an 8-10 month old child, and you decide to give him this fruit for testing, then you can not do this every day, and not more than 1 time in 2-3 days. In the year it is also not recommended to do this daily and better in the morning. At the age of 8-10 months, the baby will most appreciate the persimmon in the form of fruit puree at room temperature.

Previously, the product should be peeled, the bones removed and cut into small pieces. Children are also treated to dried fruit. It contains little vitamin C, but does not knit at all. By the way, mature persimmons are suitable for children, and even slightly overripe.

The choice is yours

The children's body is especially demanding on the quality of the products offered to it. Therefore, we go to the store for the most ripe and healthy persimmon. Take note of our tips, and you will not be affected by the complexity of the choice:

  • First of all, pay attention to the color of the fruit: it should be uniform and bright orange.
  • Choose the fruits of the correct round shape.
  • The persimmon should look smooth and shiny.
  • Examine the fruit for spots, rotten areas and visible flaws.
  • Take a closer look at the leaves and stalk: their color should be dark green.

Thus, the most delicious and high-quality persimmon has a place in your refrigerator.

Remember one more trick: in order for the fruit to become as sweet and tasty as possible, as well as less viscous (which is especially important for the baby), it is enough to freeze it. Send persimmons to the freezer for a couple of hours, and then defrost at room temperature.

How to choose a healthy and intolerant fruit: video

What if it's an allergy?

This phenomenon when using persimmons, unfortunately, is quite common. It can affect children at any age, but most often it happens at 9 or 10 months. 1 year is also a time that requires special attention to the baby's reaction to various foods. Allergies can be identified by the following characteristic features:

  • rash;
  • swelling;
  • dyspnea;
  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • itching and dry skin;
  • cough;
  • indigestion.

An experienced mother always monitors what and in what quantities to allow her child to eat, introduces any new food gradually, so she rarely encounters allergies. But a one-year-old child can quietly eat more than the prescribed norm and it is not always possible to keep track of this. If you find these symptoms, exclude persimmon from the baby's diet and consult a doctor for treatment.

Now the answer to the question of when it is allowed to treat a baby with persimmons and whether this fruit can be given to a child is clear to you. But keep in mind that every child is different. On women's forums you can find a variety of reviews on this subject. For example: "My child is 9 months old, he eats persimmon very actively, although we try to buy it less often." But at the same time, there are also such opinions: “And I won’t give it to my 9-month-old anymore: after a few days of use, we started having an allergy.” So be careful with the issue of complementary foods, especially if the child is 1 year old or younger.

Persimmon for a child is a healthy fruit, but it can be given from 3 years old. Read more in the article.

Fruit is good for young children. Banana, grated apple, pear - all these are vitamins and trace elements, indispensable substances for the child's body. Autumn is the season of persimmon, a fruit with delicious and sweet pulp. How much can you give persimmon to a baby? Could this fruit be allergic? Find answers to these questions in this article.

From how many months can you give a persimmon to a child?

Glucose, fructose, rutin, calcium, magnesium, iron, iodine, pectin, fiber and tannins are all the main wealth of persimmon. Vitamin deficiency usually begins in autumn, especially in children. Therefore, I want to introduce a lot of different fruits into the baby's diet, including persimmons. From how many months can you give a persimmon to a child?

  • Children under one year old are breastfed and their body is accustomed to easily digestible food.
  • Persimmon is a viscous fruit that will be difficult to digest and it may happen that the body does not accept it.
  • The tannins contained in this fruit are harmful to the delicate digestive system of the baby.
  • Pediatricians unequivocally answer that small children are not recommended to eat persimmons.
  • The tannins included in its composition can even lead to intestinal obstruction.

Advice: You should not abuse this fruit and a nursing mother, as tannins can enter the child's body with breast milk.

You can introduce persimmons into the diet of baby food from 3 years old. By this time, the baby's body is already strong and will perfectly cope with the digestion of this fruit.

Advice: Choose persimmon varieties for your child that do not knit, for example, Korolek, Shahinya and others. You can buy a regular variety that knits and put the fruit in the freezer. Thanks to this technique, the persimmon will become less viscous and sweeter.

Useful properties and contraindications of persimmon for the body of children: description

If your child is 3 years old, then you can start introducing persimmons into his diet. Choose varieties of this fruit that do not knit, as well as clean, without rotten dents. In autumn, the season of colds begins, so it is recommended to consume these fruits twice a week.

Important: Start giving your child persimmon pulp with 1 teaspoon. Increase the serving every day by half a teaspoon. But, if the baby does not like this fruit, or there are unpleasant consequences from the digestive tract, then give up the persimmon.

Beneficial features:

  • beta carotene has a positive effect on vision.
  • Vitamin C does a great job of boosting the immune system.
  • Potassium and magnesium helps the cardiovascular system.
  • Diuretic effect is the prevention of urolithiasis.
  • Excellent secretion of gallbladder secretion- good work of the digestive tract, but if there are no contraindications and individual intolerance.
  • Large amounts of magnesium helps to calm the nervous system, fall asleep quickly and sleep through the night.
  • Iron increases hemoglobin levels - this is an excellent prevention of anemia.

The contraindications of persimmon for the body of children include the following:

  • Individual intolerance
  • Large child weight or predisposition to obesity
  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Age up to 3 years

Are persimmons allergenic for children: symptoms of persimmon allergy

Persimmon, although a healthy fruit, is an allergenic product. In a child, this allergy is noticeable, although it proceeds slowly. Its symptoms can be noticed after a couple of weeks of eating the fruit. The symptoms of an allergy to persimmon include the following reactions of the body:

  • Weakness
  • Abdominal pain
  • Rash and redness on the skin
  • allergic rhinitis
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Gas formation

Advice: Choose good quality persimmons so that this fruit does not cause poisoning in the child. Introduce such fruits into the diet in small portions and observe the behavior of the baby's body.

Is it possible to give persimmon with diarrhea to a child?

Tannins, which are abundant in persimmons, help to cope with diarrhea. But you may not know what caused the baby's diarrhea. After all, it can be associated with serious diseases. Therefore, first consult a pediatrician for a consultation so that he prescribes treatment. If the doctor allows, then you can give persimmons for diarrhea to a child. It will help compensate for the loss of important trace elements that occurs with diarrhea, and restore the digestive system.

Important: The most valuable thing in a person is health. In case of any violations and malfunctions in the functioning of the baby's body, contact the pediatrician immediately!

Children's dishes with persimmon: recipes

You can give persimmons to your child with just a spoon, or you can cook delicious dishes for a change. Here are the recipes for children's dishes with persimmon:

"Delicious smoothie"


  • Orange - 1/4 part
  • Persimmon - 1/2 part
  • Purified water - 2 tablespoons


  1. Grind the pulp of peeled orange slices and peeled persimmons in a mixer. Also, do not forget to remove all the seeds from the fruit.
  2. Add a couple of tablespoons of plain clean water to the mass.
  3. Stir the resulting cocktail.
  4. Pour the smoothie into a glass and serve your baby with a teaspoon. This drink can be drunk directly from the glass.
  5. If the child is over 3 years old, then a pinch of cinnamon can be added to this smoothie.

"Cheesecakes with persimmon"


  • Persimmon - 0.5 kg
  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 300 grams
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Wheat flour - 1/4 cup
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Breadcrumbs - a little
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Sour cream - 100 grams

How to cook:

  1. Peel the persimmon, remove the seeds, chop in a blender.
  2. Pound cottage cheese through a sieve and mix with sugar.
  3. Mix cottage cheese, persimmon, add egg and flour.
  4. Form cheesecakes from this mass, roll in breadcrumbs.
  5. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees.
  6. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil, lay out the cheesecakes, and bake for 15 minutes. Don't forget to flip the syrniki to the other side when golden brown.
  7. Serve with sour cream.


  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 300 grams
  • Persimmon - 0.5 kg
  • Sugar - to taste

How to cook:

  1. Remove the skin and seeds from the persimmon.
  2. In a blender, grind the persimmon and cottage cheese to a puree state.
  3. Add a little sugar, but you can do without it.
  4. Put the cream in a small bowl and serve to the child.

At an older age, such a cream can be decorated with whipped cream and grated chocolate.

Persimmon is allowed for children from what age: Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky, in one of his programs, talks in detail about persimmon and its benefits for children. In this issue, parents will learn a lot of new and interesting things. For example, at what age does the doctor recommend introducing exotic fruits and various sweets into the diet. Watch the video of Dr. Komarovsky: at what age persimmon is allowed for children.

Video: At what age can children eat sweets? — Doctor Komarovsky

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