Farewell words to the director of the enterprise upon his dismissal. farewell letters

We will miss you
It was a pleasure to work with you!

Once this happens,
So, so be it.
Who suddenly leaves work -
Don't go to work.
You can lie down in the morning
On the bed and then
Do not rush, do not scatter -
Low start and sharp at seven.
It's all in the past
We congratulate you on this.
It will be difficult at first
After all, habit is superior to us.
You will find yourself in another
Things that matter to people.
Yes, you can visit us
Let's drink some tea.
Congratulations on deciding
Our age is complex, not simple.
You were in a hurry to find yourself
Well, we are for you - a mountain!
Let's sum it all up
Sending congratulations!

We accompany you
And we wish, loving:
At work, so good luck
And solve problems in the family!
Save a lot of money
And in love, contentment to live!
A whole year to plow with might and main,
To rest on the sea!
And earthly love to you,
Warm, gentle and dear!
Team for cognac,
Gives warm congratulations!

Leaving work - joy or misfortune?
It's not for us to judge this...
And I just wish you happiness
Always remember one thing:
What is family, friends, colleagues.
We will never forget
Our career successes
We will remember you forever!

The hour of parting has come
We sat down together at the table,
It will be sad without you
The family is falling apart!
You were a friend - what you need,
We are not happy to part
We wish you good luck
Kiss you hot!
So that without us you are not sad,
So that you live even cooler!
To drink cognac
Goodbye - congratulations!

Congratulations on your relief!
Your worries are at the door
Let's celebrate joyfully
Your departure from this job!
Do not be sad and do not be sad -
Stage passed already
Hurry up with the spirit, gather
To work "to your liking"!

Here is the end of the work
The rumble of a worker is silent somewhere ...
But why should we be sad?
After all, she is not a wolf at all.
Will wait in another place for us,
Won't run away
In the meantime, we grab two hundred
For a free life!

Congratulations on leaving your job!
Now - a new life ahead.
You are now just a pilot
Aircraft named "life".
Let it now be true, successful
The new route chosen today.
Let any problems, tasks
Resolved easily, without confusion!

You slammed the door from work
And walking proudly
The boss took your eyes off
Washing men's tears.
He couldn't hold you
And now he bites his elbows
And be angry with yourself
After all, the genius is gone, he understands ...
A genius after a couple of days
Relaxing and taking a hot bath
In any will come from the door,
To prove everything again - by deeds.

You are now a free boy
You are a free man.
We sincerely wish
Relax for a lifetime!
Get creative
Look for new thoughts
To work new
Could sparkle with ideas!
May you not know loans
Let there be more time
So that in a new team
Grow to the award!

Many new impressions

The beginning of new experiences
And don't be sad about the past
We congratulate you
Happy new day
And congratulations to you, ours will congratulate
At the end of it.

You gave strength to the work,
They honestly deserved to rest,
So leaving work
Better than a holiday, Saturday.
Rest well
Walk with your soul
Get off you again
Don't get up for work.

Few notice this.
Leaving work is a dubious happiness.
But you should still celebrate.
You changed your life overnight.
Now everything will be from scratch
New horizons will open.
Get some rest, you're so tired.
Your happiness lies in changing jobs.

You worked side by side with us
For several years and winters,
And now you've already enjoyed
And happy now with others.
You aim to go higher
So keep our congratulations:
Let the poet write about you
A couple of important and significant lines.

No more worries
Get up early in the morning
And hurry up quickly from work,
To indulge in rest.
Congratulations on your resignation
That is, with an indefinite vacation!
There will be changes in favor
For health, that's for sure!

We will miss you
It was a pleasure to work with you!
After all, honestly, only loving,
Were happy to fill up with work!
But the farewell breeze blew,
And you, like an autumn leaf, swirling,
Reading this farewell congratulation
You're leaving after serving with us so much.

"Seven feet under the keel! Favorable wind!
And I'm unemployed now.
So that I do not return, my former director
He locked the door behind me.
I just don't know what to wish for myself!
Should I go and drink some wine?
I love wine. Although, no! I wish
So that the wife does not drink!

Today is such a beautiful day
And, seeing your eyes clean, clear
The gift of speech can be lost
But we have come not to be silent!
We wish you, sun
Always win the fight
The same bright, kind to be,
And don't go with the flow!
We wish you many ideas
Family, your home, a crowd of children,
(or - "Love, raise your children")
And so that you, a good person,
Don't forget us - your colleagues!

Colleagues, are you ready?
Farewell to say a word!?
'Cause deep down I know
That you are not happy about parting!
I wish you happy stay
And I promise to remember you!

Days pass, years fly by.
You stay young.
You don't age an ounce
You don't feel gray.
And that's why you stayed young
That heart and soul did not give up,
Don't stop believing in yourself
I didn’t forget my friends, and the doors,
which you open to them,
Always friendly, hospitable,
Just like you, you are the best in the world!
And you know it best
What happens in life
Dreams don't come true right away
Problems are sharply covered,
But only friends whom you will not forget in heart and soul,
They will understand you, they will always support you, because these are the same people,
Who will not be abandoned in trouble, just like you,
Without asking, they will always support and help,
Show the right path
They serve as a strong foundation.
Your hour will come and you will reach
That which he aspired to strongly,
And in the days of dawn and success
Your business will be fine!

May good luck always be with you
We are all sorry to part with you!
But we know that you will be happy
And you will work with all your heart!
We wish you in a new place
Be successful, grow in your career!
And we hope you don't forget
Our close-knit team!

You leave work
That was your choice.
And new worries
So be ready for them.
. We need change -
It's so boring to live without them.
I wish you luck
And don't be sad at all!

We will miss you
It was a pleasure to work with you!
After all, honestly, only loving,
Were happy to fill up with work!
But the farewell breeze blew,
And you, like an autumn leaf, swirling,
Reading this farewell greeting
You're leaving, having served with us so much

And no bonuses, no benefits
Couldn't hold you
You quit your job
They chose to be free.
We understand, a valuable frame
The house and family was chosen,
More importantly, no doubt
For those who live in love!

Achievements are waiting for you ahead,
Many new impressions
Leaving work, starting a new path,
The beginning of new experiences
And don't be sad about the past
We congratulate you
Happy new day
And congratulations to you, our congratulations
At the end of it.

If you were fired during a crisis,
Time to test yourself!
Give up, you'll lose everything!
Luck will forget you!
Get it right, you're the best.
There will be something to tell everyone.
Maybe later memoirs
You will write about it!

Dismissal is not only an organizational procedure.

If we take into account that during the time of work various relationships develop between the members of the team, then this process takes on a different shade. For example, saying goodbye to every colleague is a sign of good parenting. But how to do this if the number of staff is greater than the inhabitants of one office?

Corporate etiquette

Large corporations are companies with a large number of employees, the economic activity of which is carried out by the method of coordinated work of each link of the team. Every society, large and small, has its own rules of conduct, standards, traditions and rituals.

In large corporations, a set of such rules is called corporate ethics. These include:

  • The presence or absence of a dress code (uniform or established clothing style).
  • Subordination.
  • Special gestures of greeting and farewell.
  • Morning and evening meetings aimed at bringing the members of the team closer to their unity.
  • Corporate events and personal congratulations on holidays.
  • Rituals for infusion into the team when applying for a job or a new position.
  • Farewell letters to employees when changing jobs or transferring to another department, and much more.

The last point remains the most controversial: “writing farewell letters to colleagues at work.” What it is? Why and how to write them? And write at all? Let's start with the fact that a farewell letter is written to work colleagues in the event that there is no possibility or desire to say goodbye personally. In addition, it is quite difficult to monotonously repeat the same thing dozens of times.

The letter is written when changing jobs or positions, you may simply not have enough time to say goodbye, and without that there will be enough worries.

Writing farewell letters to colleagues is widespread in Western countries, where corporations have been developing for decades. In our country, large organizations are still at the stage of their formation and are adopting the experience of their Western counterparts. Thus, the writing of farewell letters has not yet become widespread in post-Soviet corporations, but the process has already been launched and the point of no return has been passed.

Why write a message?

Changing jobs is always stressful. Leaving your comfort zone and starting over is no small matter and requires preparation. Given the fact that the number of employees of the corporation can exceed several hundred, it is unlikely that it will be possible to say goodbye to each personally. And it must be done.

Even if you do not take into account corporate ethics, the rules of good form are still worth following.

Even from small nails, mom teaches us: say hello, say bye, say thank you. Politeness paints a person and helps him in all spheres of life.

Another important point to consider is maintaining friendly and business relationships with your former colleagues. The connections you've made over the years will help you build your career more effectively in the future, so don't burn bridges when you leave. Write a farewell letter and make an internal mailing list. This is what most employees who value their good name and reputation do.

Is it necessary?

Let's answer right away - no, not necessarily. No one can forbid you to leave in English without saying goodbye.

A farewell letter does not apply to mandatory documents for calculating an employee from his position, transferring official duties and affairs.

This is from a legal point of view. As for universal rules and your own mercantile interests, saying goodbye to colleagues will significantly increase your chances of success. This is discussed in more detail in the section “why write a message?”.

How to write a farewell letter to colleagues?

In order to understand how to write a farewell letter to employees, put yourself in the place of the reader. Compose the letter in such a way that it does not take much time to read it, the text should be easy to understand and find a response in the soul of the addressee.

Stick to structure. To get started, indicate your position and your job responsibilities. Notify the reader that you are changing jobs. Not all company employees may be aware of this; for some, your loss may come as a surprise. Then you can explain why you decided to do this, what factors influenced your decision and who will take your position (the contact details of your successor will not interfere).

If you would like to remain silent about the reasons for leaving, then do not mention this in your letter, do not even give a hint.

Innuendo will only lead to speculation, not always positive. Remember, the main goal is to leave a good impression and secure a reputation as a well-mannered, tactful, consistent specialist who adequately perceives himself and others. Then let the reader know what you have learned and achieved while working for the company. Emphasize the importance of the team in this process, thank the employees for their participation in their development as a professional.

Try to express your thoughts in a positive way. If you want to express any negative working points or point out the imperfection of management, then do it as delicately as possible, relying only on facts. Do not write your conjectures and do not get personal. If you have any suggestions for improving any aspects related to the business activities of the company or relations within the team, then feel free to include them in your message. Only everything should be on business, otherwise expose yourself not in the best light.

At the end, wish your former colleagues success, inform about your desire to maintain friendly and working relations, leave your contacts. Remember, the letter should not be too emotional. You should not clutter up the already loaded heads of your employees with useless hysterical attacks. By this you will show your moral instability, unprofessionalism and bad manners. Only losers do that. Moreover, this is only your subjective attitude to what is happening and, perhaps, has nothing to do with the real state of affairs. Below is a sample farewell letter.

Examples of farewell letters

A farewell letter can be written in a different way and using various literary techniques and techniques.

There are no specific rules for writing a farewell message to employees other than keeping structure.

Not only dry business statements and formal wishes are allowed, you can also joke, only delicately, without outhouse scream. Or you can write a whole ode in verse, which will once again demonstrate your creative abilities, education and creativity.


Dear colleagues!

As of June 1st, I am leaving my position as Head of Public Relations, which I have held for the past five years. This personnel decision was made by senior management and is related to my promotion to CFO.

Petrov V.V. will become my successor as the head of the public relations department. His contact details: 077 - 555 -55 -55, [email protected]

I am grateful to the staff of the public relations department for their contribution to our common cause. Under my leadership, we have achieved high results, which allowed me to achieve a promotion. Thank you for the responsible performance of your duties. I count on your competence for further fruitful work.

With uv. Tikhonov Viktor Veniaminovich

With humor

Dear Colleagues!

Finally I'm leaving! Yes, you heard right, I will not be at work from the 1st. The reason for this is simple - I found a position where I can fully realize my creative potential. Now I will not be a sales manager, I am promised a career as a designer. Another good person will be hired for my position, which I don’t know myself, but I’m sure you will get along with him.

I want to thank you for letting me know trading is not my thing. I appreciate the experience that you shared with me, it will be useful to me in the future. I am grateful to the management of Nova for supporting my even attempts to become the best seller of the year, even though the goal was so close. Many of you have become my friends. I am glad that life has brought us together under one roof.

I wish you good luck and professional success. Come to my new office for tea and cookies.

With uv. Stetsko Tatiana.

In verse

I am writing a farewell letter to colleagues and friends.

In the moments of parting, I want to confess to you:

The decision to quit came to me a long time ago.

I drove that thought worthless, returned anyway.

She tormented me at night and did not let me sleep.

"Go away! - shouted to her - away, "- I, sliding under the bed.

As the best detective in England, she found me.

“Get out, restless,” she told me,

Find yourself a worthy occupation for the soul,

Come to your senses, lost, sit down and write poetry.

I quit all classes, I take pen and canvas,

I scratch scribbles, I mumble under my breath.

Here something turns out, and like the result.

I am touched by myself, I feel delight.

I didn't feel like that at the same place.

Or maybe I really have a talent?

I carry it through life like a stone on my shoulders.

I need to throw it off, drawing with ink,

Otherwise, I will go crazy, I will not find peace.

I say goodbye to my colleagues and drag myself home

Do not forget lived joint workdays

You will be immortal in my history.

You will be known in the future as my friends.

Hope for reciprocity

Poet Seryozha Stakh.

with a negative connotation

To put it bluntly, sending out a message that throws lightning even on paper is not recommended. But in any case, if it’s already boiled up and you want to pour out bitterness, you can write a farewell letter upon dismissal of this kind:

I am resigning from my position as an accountant due to unacceptable working conditions for me. The main reason is the lack of surcharges for processing. A trainee, a part-time student, was appointed to my position by decision of the management. I will work in a similar position in the Zima organization. If you have any business questions, I'm ready to help. You are a very friendly team, there are many professionals among you. Hope to keep business relationship.

With uv. Gorelko Irina.

Is it acceptable to send a letter to the manager?

Of course, it is acceptable, even preferable. Moreover, the leader should write a personal farewell letter. In it, thank him for the opportunity to be realized in his position, for the experience that you received. Emphasize the positive personal qualities of the leader, and how this helps in the work. Mark his high qualification (even if you do not think so). If you were fired, a farewell letter is a way to explain yourself, dot the i's, in a word - an opportunity to smooth out the conflict situation.

Do not forget that at a new place of work, you may be asked for a recommendation from your previous place.

Even if this requirement is not received, the presence of a positive reference from a previous job can be a powerful argument for the employer in making personnel decisions.

Interesting cases in the practice of personnel service

There was one case when the girl Lena was slandered by envious employees. The case was publicized and reached the leadership. On the same day, a decree was written on her dismissal from her position. Lena was bitter that her innocent was being deprived of the only thing she had - her favorite job.

Since Lena was a true professional, following corporate etiquette, she wrote a farewell letter to her employees and manager. In it, she explained the situation, did not ask for forgiveness, did not beg to return her to work, but simply wanted to explain herself and keep her good name. Coincidentally, her boss read the farewell letter from the corporate mailing list, which he had never done before.

The story of an unfairly dismissed employee touched him to the quick. The next day, using his informants, he collected versatile information, conducted an analysis. On the same day, he called Lena on his mobile and admitted that the corporate system was not perfect. He said that he understood the situation and the perpetrators were punished, and he offered her to return to work. Given the difficult economic situation, his proposal was a ray of hope. Now Lena works as a Deputy Commercial Director. This is what it means to comply with the rules of corporate ethics. If she had not written a letter then and, offended, left, all this would not have happened, and justice would not have prevailed.

Stories when writing a farewell letter turned the course of any procedure are far from frequent. But in any case, colleagues will be pleased to receive a message from you. Who knows under what circumstances they will have to meet in the future.

We are in the process of layoffs at work. And many write farewell letters. I wonder if it is necessary to write them at all, or is it better to leave silently in English? Although the letters received are positive:

1 Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

Today is my last working day in the Delta...
During the time spent in this friendly team, I learned a lot, found new friends, acquired invaluable professional skills.
I think that in the future I will hardly find such close-knit and sympathetic people. That's what made working at Delta enjoyable for me. Come to work and finish it with a smile.
I wish the company and all employees well-being and prosperity. I will be proud to work with you.

With best wishes.
2 Dear friends, beloved colleagues!

Today is my last working day at Delta Telecom CJSC… Literally 20 minutes ago I signed my last connection contract and served my last client…

Somehow this "last moment" reminded me of October 2007, when I prepared and read my last newscast on the radio station "Love Radio". Then it seemed to me that something broke inside me, abruptly ceased to exist ...

But as time and recent events in my life have shown, everything and everything is returning: your colleagues who have become best friends during your work, old contacts and connections that have turned into new exciting prospects in your life during your absence, good deeds that have returned to you and become for you a real gift of Life.

Friends, I am grateful to you for the experience and the lessons that I learned from communicating with each of you, for the time we were together, for the work that we did together, for the holidays that we arranged together! I am convinced that no economic crisis can be compared with an intangible, spiritual crisis - after all, the inner emptiness of a person is much more tragic than a slightly empty wallet ...

I wish you to love and be loved, sincerely do good deeds and receive only good in return, believe in your dream and not give up. In a word, be and remain happy people! And about the economy, one thing can be said: "It will not always be like this"!

I am glad that I worked next to you and, honestly, I will miss you! See you soon!

With sincere goodbyes

3Dear Colleagues…

So my last day of work in the Delta came to an end.

Thank you for the warm welcome when I first arrived.
Thank you for the friendly and warm atmosphere during work, understanding and Respect.

I was very pleased to work in our company and in your company.

I believe, regardless of the ups and downs of life, good luck will always accompany you. Let it be.


4 Dear friends!
Very little time is left before the completion of my work at Delta Telecom. I spent these happy years surrounded by professionals in their field, with a sense of family warmth and gratitude in my heart.
Working in the Delta Telecom team was a great honor for me.
Separately, I want to thank: Svetlana Kashtanova for her trust and the opportunity to work in a company that is a leader in the telecommunications market; Ekaterina Komkova for understanding and participation in solving problems of employees; Mikhail Gulyaev for creating a trusting climate in the team; Svetlana Zholobova for polls, statistics and grapes; Tatyana Vashchenkova for favorite contracts; Larisa Marutkina for her contribution to the development of my professional personality. I also want to mention everyone and everyone with whom fate brought me together in Delta Telecom.
Thank you very much for your understanding, support, and excellent collaboration!
Delta Telecom will forever remain in my heart as an important part of my life. I'm leaving the company, but I remain in the team. Now as a reliable client.
I wish the company prosperity, and all of you - professional, career growth, new successes, family well-being, personal happiness and harmony!

5 Goodbye, Delta!

Dear colleagues, dear friends!

My last day of work at Skylink is over. I want to say a huge thank you to all of you for your support, understanding and cooperation! It was a pleasure for me to work together with a team of real professionals in their field, people with a capital letter and, as it turned out, with real friends!

So sometimes it happens that the paths of life diverge, with someone for a while, with someone forever. But I am sure that friends always go with you through life, every minute, regardless of whether they are next to you now or not.

I want to wish you all good luck, health, prosperity and true friends! Let all desires turn into goals, and correctly set goals, as you know, are always achieved!

I say to each of you: "Goodbye!".

6. Dear colleagues!

My last working day, or rather night, has come to an end.

I want to say goodbye and express my sincere gratitude to everyone with whom I had to work and communicate, for their invariably friendly attitude, constant readiness to help, patience and delicacy.

I wish our (now your) company prosperity, and health to all of you and each individually,
always good mood and "fulfillment of all dreams"!

Good luck to you!

Soon I will write the same letter.

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