Products containing magnesium c6. What foods are high in magnesium: a list of dishes of animal and vegetable origin

Magnesium is widely distributed, it is part of chlorophyll, it is required for growth, flowering, and the formation of plant seeds. All green parts of the plant include this element. But what foods contain the most magnesium than what households feed?

A person should eat foods rich in magnesium daily. Adults require an average of 300-400 mg per day, this amount of Mg is necessary to maintain a blood concentration of 0.65 - 1.05 mmol / l.

Most magnesium is found in foods of plant origin. Mg is concentrated mainly in leaves, stems, and seeds.

Magnesium in plant foods

To provide yourself with the daily norm of this macronutrient, it is not necessary to buy rare spices, cook exotic dishes. Foods containing magnesium are always at hand, it is very easy to introduce them into your daily diet.

A lot of Mg is found in wholemeal bread, bran. The champion in mineral content is rice and wheat bran, 100 g of which contains 781 mg and 590 mg of Mg, respectively, which is higher than the daily requirement for a macronutrient.

Fully cover the daily requirement for the mineral 100 g of cocoa powder, which contains 425 mg of Mg. A high concentration of the mineral in seaweed, so in kelp this macroelement accumulates up to 170 mg per 100 g of algae.

Foods with a high concentration of magnesium are common among plants from the legume family, especially in soybeans and beans.

As can be seen from the table, in the first place among plant foods of the legume family, rich in magnesium, are soybeans.

This food product is well balanced in terms of potassium content (24.8% of the daily requirement in 100 g) and magnesium (16.3% of the daily requirement). Not far behind soybeans and peanuts. It simultaneously contains a large amount of Mg, vitamin B 6 and K.

Most magnesium in the seeds. Thus, 100 g of sunflower seeds supply the body with a daily amount of Mg, provided that they are used in their raw form.

There is a lot of magnesium in the usual foods, and, as the table shows, ordinary buckwheat is practically not inferior to cashews in terms of Mg content, and is ahead of almonds and pistachios.

Mg is concentrated in tea leaves. In black long leaf tea, it is 440 mg per 100 g, and potassium - 2480 mg / 100 g, which approaches the daily norm of K, which is 3-5 g.

Bread contains less Mg, which is associated with losses during thermal and mechanical processing. In rye bread it is 46 mg / 100 g, in wheat bread - 33 mg / 100 g.

A little macronutrient Mg is found in vegetables, berries, fruits.

Dates 43
Raisin 33
Mandarin 12
Apricot 10
Peaches 9
Lemon 8
Apples 5

Magnesium in animal products

In food of animal origin, the macronutrient Mg contains less than in vegetable products, and after cooking, the content of Mg decreases by another 35-50%.

In fish, seafood, the mineral is somewhat higher than in red meat, poultry, and dairy products. There is a little Mg in eggs, so in 100 g of raw eggs there are only 12 mg of a macronutrient - 13 mg, goose - 16 mg, duck - 17 mg.

After cooking, the concentration of Mg in it decreases. And if buckwheat contains 250 mg / 100 g of a macronutrient, then in buckwheat porridge cooked in water, the amount of this element decreases to 51. Beans also significantly lose magnesium during cooking - from 130 to 35 mg / 100 g.

And by pouring liquid from a can of canned corn, a person deprives himself of 60% of the magnesium that was originally part of the product.

Features of the absorption of magnesium

When choosing foods, keep in mind that most of the beneficial minerals are lost during cooking. It matters in what form the Mg ions are bound in the food. Organic magnesium compounds are best absorbed, inorganic ones are absorbed much worse.

It should be borne in mind that due to irrational use, soils do not contain the required magnesium, plants are deficient in this essential element for photosynthesis, and suffer from chlorosis.

So, apples contain only 80% of magnesium from the norm. Cabbage bought in a store contains 4 times less magnesium than that grown on your own plot.

With age, with hypovitaminosis, lack of minerals, the ability of the digestive tract to absorb magnesium decreases. The need for and is especially high. What foods contain magnesium, potassium and vitamin B 6?

Foods with magnesium, potassium, vitamin B 6

The best source of foods with magnesium and vitamin B6 is plant foods. It is less subjected to thermal and mechanical processing, it can be used raw.

Rich in magnesium and vitamin B 6 plant foods: pistachios, garlic, sunflower seeds, sesame, cilantro, hazelnuts, lentils, walnuts. 100 g of raw sunflower seeds, pistachios completely cover the body's daily need for vitamin B6, and contain a lot of Mg.

Potassium, necessary for the absorption of Mg, is often found in large quantities in the same foods that concentrate magnesium. So, in dried apricots K - 1717 mg, Mg - 105 mg, in seaweed, respectively, K - 970 mg, Mg - 170 mg.

Most potassium and magnesium are also found in peanuts, beans, almonds, raisins, prunes, peas, hazelnuts, cashews, pine nuts, walnuts.

These products are especially useful for people suffering from heart disease, nervous system disorders, and metabolic disorders.

Magnesium is one of those substances without which the activity of the body is impossible: its regular intake ensures the normal activity of many systems and organs. It has been proven that magnesium deficiency slows down and impairs many important processes in the body. Magnesium, which affects the synthesis of proteins, takes part in 360 major metabolic processes. What is its use, what is the daily intake of this substance?

What is the benefit of magnesium?

Magnesium deficiency affects the functioning of the heart, kidneys, endocrine system, and brain. Metabolic processes are inhibited, the absorption of vitamins is deteriorating. As a result, health deteriorates, performance decreases. The nervous system suffers especially, resistance to stress decreases. Magnesium is useful for the following organs and body systems:

  1. Muscles, joints. Magnesium deficiency can cause. Lack of magnesium is especially dangerous with an excess of calcium: stones begin to accumulate in the gallbladder and kidneys.
  2. Hearts. According to scientists, 80% of people suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels had a magnesium deficiency. When the reserves of this substance are replenished, the work of the heart improves, arrhythmia is eliminated - the heart works more rhythmically and more stable.
  3. Vessels. The vessels of the brain contain twice as much magnesium as the vessels of other parts of the body. The lack of this trace element has negative consequences for the vessels of the brain: blood clots begin to form in them, which is fraught with the risk of developing a stroke. According to some reports, magnesium deficiency is the cause of headaches, migraines, and high blood pressure.
  4. nervous system. Lack of magnesium is the reason for the malfunction of nerve cells. As a result, nerve cells are constantly in good shape, and do not go into relaxation mode.
  5. Pancreas. Magnesium improves the functioning of the pancreas, as a result, blood sugar levels drop sharply.

What is the norm of magnesium for a person

It is estimated that the human body contains about 20 grams of magnesium. The body is saturated with this trace element not only from food, but also from water. Every day the human body consumes 380-450 milligrams of this substance. Serious physical and psychological stress increases magnesium intake, but if a person abuses alcohol, the need increases even more.

What foods contain the most magnesium?

Chronic magnesium deficiency is not uncommon. The reasons for this are improper, irrational nutrition, stress, alcohol, and poor ecology. To eliminate the deficiency, nutritionists recommend consuming more magnesium-rich foods. These are mainly products of plant origin, although animals also contain a lot of this useful substance. Here are some foods that contain magnesium in maximum quantities:

  1. wheat (bran)
  2. wheat grains (sprouted)
  3. cocoa
  4. soya beans
  5. cashew nuts
  6. peanut
  7. brown rice
  8. almond
  9. oat flakes
  10. white beans

Herbal Products

Magnesium is found in most plant foods, but there are some that are especially high in it. The maximum amount of this microelement is found in nuts, cereals and legumes, a little less - in vegetables, dried fruits, greens. Such a variety of foods rich in magnesium allows you to replenish its reserves regardless of the time of year.

  • sesame
  • pine nuts
  • cashew nuts
  • almond
  • peanut
  • walnuts
  • sunflower (seeds)
  • hazelnut
  • pistachios

Cereals, legumes

  • buckwheat
  • oatmeal
  • millet
  • beans
  • green peas
  • lentils
  • beans

Greens, vegetables

  • spinach
  • parsley
  • arugula
  • dill
  • garlic
  • carrot

Fruits, dried fruits

  • dates
  • prunes
  • persimmon
  • banana

List of animal products

Make up your diet so that every day you eat products of both plant and animal origin. It is important not to forget about the consumption of animal products: some useful substances are found only in them. To preserve the maximum amount of magnesium in the processing of dishes, nutritionists recommend boiling rather than frying eggs, meat and fish. Contains a lot of magnesium:

  • hard cheeses
  • pork
  • beef
  • sea ​​fish
  • milk

Table of Foods Containing Magnesium


Wheat bran

Wheat grains (sprouted)

soy beans


Pine nuts


Long unpolished rice

oat flakes

Barley groats

Everyone knows today that vitamins are necessary for our body, like air. However, macronutrients are no less important, the need for which is often simply forgotten. Today we want to talk about such an element as magnesium. It is not called the "metal of life" for nothing. Without it, neither a plant nor a living being can survive. If we talk about the human body, then first of all magnesium helps to keep the central nervous system in good shape. However, this is one of the functions, and according to doctors, there are more than 300 of them.

Benefits of Magnesium

Let's take a little more time to find out what role this macronutrient plays in our body. As we have already said, it is magnesium that helps to relieve nervous tension. A sufficient amount of it contributes to normal intestinal motility and motor activity of the gallbladder.

With regular consumption of products containing magic, the heart muscle becomes more resistant to lack of oxygen. The aging organism really needs this element. With its help, bone strength is maintained, blood pressure is regulated, and migraine attacks become more rare. But that's not all. Magnesium enhances immunity, helps in the prevention of diabetes, reduces the manifestations of PMS and menopause, is involved in protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. There is something to think about!

Sources of magnesium

In fact, providing the body with this element is not difficult. It is found in a large number of products, so you only need to eat regularly, efficiently and nutritiously, and there will be no health problems. The main sources are salt, food and hard drinking water. Wholesome nutrition can fully meet the needs of your body. We will talk about how much nutrition is contained. The table is the most convenient carrier of information, as it can be printed out and placed on the refrigerator.

The best sources of magnesium are cereals and dark chocolate, rye bread and avocados, seaweed and nuts, dried fruits and legumes. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in providing your body with the necessary substances. However, why do people experience a deficiency of this element, if there are so many sources of it around? Perhaps the magnesium content in foods is very low? The table will give an exhaustive answer, but for now let's talk about the causes of magnesium deficiency.

Causes of magnesium deficiency

Judging by the statistics, most of the inhabitants of Russia suffer from this, despite the plentiful and tasty food. Why is this happening? First of all, because of eating processed foods. For example, green peas are an excellent source of magnesium, but in canned form, the content of this substance is halved. That is, you need to eat more raw vegetables and fruits.

But modern agriculture operates with the help of new technologies, using modified crops and various growth accelerators. As a result, the magnesium content in foods is reduced. The table clearly shows that in store-bought fresh apples, its amount is reduced by 80% compared to those grown on their own plot. In cabbage, its content decreased four times.

The modern rhythm of life as the main factor of magnesium deficiency

Indeed, our lifestyle greatly affects the body's need for certain elements. Even if we take the same magnesium content in foods as a basis (the table will tell you in more detail about each of them separately), then the use of this macronutrient for each person will proceed at a different rate. First of all, a high intake of magnesium is observed when you are experiencing stress. For executives, this phenomenon is becoming the norm. A sedentary lifestyle and irregular meals also require more of this element from you, that is, it is necessary to study foods with a maximum content of magnesium. The table will greatly simplify your task, all that remains is to check your menu with it daily.

Accelerates the consumption of magnesium and the intake of diuretics, and in this case, the body also loses calcium, potassium and phosphorus. With increased sweating, along with sweat, a person also loses a number of trace elements. Magnesium deficiency can occur if you have certain health problems. Intoxication, diabetes, kidney disease, diarrhea - all this leads to its rapid loss. If you like strong coffee, then get ready for the fact that magnesium will have to be consumed additionally in the form of dietary supplements.

When to take action

To avoid problems with your health, check the magnesium content in food (table). The beneficial properties of this macronutrient become apparent when you analyze the consequences of its lack. It is worth paying attention to your diet if you have frequent dizziness, brittle hair and nails. Reconsider your dietary intake of magnesium sources if:

  • appetite drops sharply, and begins to feel sick;
  • the flexibility of the joints worsens, pains in the knees and elbows appear;
  • convulsions occur, anxiety and anxiety are felt;
  • disruption of the pancreas and gallbladder;
  • tachycardia develops;
  • there is weakness, fatigue right in the morning;
  • atherosclerosis develops.

The longer the deficiency of this element is observed in the diet, the more often hypotension or hypertension is diagnosed. As you can see, it is very important to track the magnesium content in food (table). The rate of magnesium per day will be considered by us further.

Your landmarks

Any table will be useless if you do not know how much magnesium your body needs. This is the initial figure, from which you need to build on and under which to sum up your daily diet. It was then that the table of food products containing magnesium will be the most informative. The daily norm of this most important macronutrient is 500-750 mcg. During the day, it is excreted with bile, through sweat and urine.

If you notice hypotension and a slow heart rate, then you should consider the possibility of an excess of magnesium in the body. Although, as a rule, an excessive amount of this substance is easily excreted from the body with loose stools.

Planning a daily diet

In fact, you do not need heroic efforts or large financial investments. The table of foods containing magnesium shows us a standard set for a healthy person. However, we must remember that alcohol, strong tea and coffee are also not your best friends, they neutralize magnesium, removing it from the body.

And now let's talk about the most important thing. Fresh meat (not frozen several times) and dairy products will help maintain an optimal level of magnesium in the body. Buckwheat and bran, millet and legumes can be distinguished from the same series. If you're a vegetarian, look out for potatoes, carrots, and spinach, as well as bananas, apricots, and peaches. As a dessert rich in magnesium, you can eat strawberries, blackberries and raspberries, as well as nuts.

Caloric sources of magnesium

It will help to find out the magnesium content in food table. How useful this element is, we have already found out. The main foods that should make up the bulk of your diet have also been described. Do not forget about high-calorie, but healthy and quite tasty additives and fillers. These are pumpkin and sunflower seeds, flax and sesame seeds, nuts, chocolate and cocoa powder, as well as germinated wheat seeds. Follow our simple recommendations and be always healthy!

Magnesium, defined " metal life”, not in vain stands out among other microelements. It is he who is an excellent regulatory substance that helps keep your nervous and central systems in good shape. But these are far from all the functions that this microelement performs, because according to medical data, their number reaches three hundred. To regulate magnesium reserve in your body, you just need to eat right, as it is found in many foods.

What is useful magnesium

The lack of any trace element or vitamin instantly affects your health and well-being. The full functioning of the body is impossible without good nutrition.

By carefully planning your diet and making sure you get enough high-magnesium foods, you can prevent many diseases.

This element has various useful properties:

  • relieves tension of the nervous system;
  • promotes stimulation of intestinal motility and motor activity of the gallbladder;
  • makes the heart muscle more resistant to conditions of lack of oxygen, helps to normalize the rhythm of its contractions;
  • maintains the strength of bone tissue (during aging);
  • governs blood pressure;
  • reduces migraine;
  • helps to increase immunity;
  • participates in the processes of formation and growth of bones;
  • helps in the prevention of diabetes (with the regulation of blood sugar levels);
  • reduces the negative manifestations of PMS and menopause;
  • positively affects the immunological processes in the body.
In addition, magnesium is considered an essential trace element involved in protein, carbohydrate and lipid types of exchange. All of the above is a strong argument to include foods containing magnesium in your diet.

His main sources, from which our body replenishes its reserves, are salt, food and hard drinking water. The largest amount of a useful trace element is found in cereals, dark chocolate, rye bread, avocados, seaweed, various types of nuts, dried fruits, and products. But this does not mean that you have to limit your menu to only these foods. After all, proper and healthy nutrition can, and even should be delicious and varied, contrary to popular belief to the contrary.

Foods with the highest magnesium content

You can enrich your body with the necessary trace element, even by consuming quite ordinary and commonly available foods. It is worth highlighting several conditional groups among them.

Vegetable and animal oils

Fats carry high energy and nutritional value, but their functionality does not end there. The richest sources of fatty acids, vitamins and minerals are those obtained from various natural products: cedar, peanut, soy and others. You can also use them externally (as a base for hair or face masks, for massage). Food products containing animal oils include mutton, beef, pork fat, lard, margarine, butter. Some types of fish are also able to provide you with a sufficient amount of the element (flounder, halibut, chinook salmon). Don't forget the others too.

natural vegetable or fruit are often richer in magnesium and other beneficial substances than fresh vegetables / fruits themselves. Among the leaders are grape, grapefruit, orange, asparagus and even juice.

In addition to a large amount of magnesium, they contain extremely rich in vitamins. By including at least some types of and in your diet, you are guaranteed to replenish the average daily intake of a microelement in the body. Cashews, peanuts, sweet almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts / pine nuts / nuts, as well as sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds will bring you great benefits.

Porridges and cereals

The norm of magnesium in the body: too much or too little?

Don't be overly afraid replenish magnesium reserves with food, because its overdose is possible only in cases of additional use of special drugs administered intravenously. Do not prescribe such medications to yourself, it is better to consult a qualified doctor who can take into account all the nuances.

Daily intake of magnesium for men, the average is 400 mg, for women - 300 mg, for children - only 200 mg. Doctors raise the norm a little magnesium during pregnancy, as well as for athletes and people subjected to great physical exertion.

If you have lack of magnesium then you may experience the following symptoms:

  • loss of appetite;
  • sleep disturbance, fatigue, lethargy, lack of strength;
  • manifestations of tachycardia or anemia;
  • problems with hair (loss), teeth, nails (brittleness);
  • development of atherosclerosis, thrombosis;
  • aggravated depressive and anxious states with manifestations of nervousness, anxiety, fears and irritability;
  • various convulsions, tics and tremors;
  • problems with the gallbladder and pancreas.
Lack of magnesium, often attributed to normal fatigue or stress, can be due to a number of different reasons. Among them it is worth noting: low calorie diets and fasting, diabetes mellitus, prolonged diarrhea, kidney disease, toxicosis and others.

An excess of magnesium in the body is also harmful and fraught with unpleasant symptoms. It causes drowsiness and lethargy, significantly lowers blood pressure, leads to a slow pulse, nausea or vomiting, and muscle weakness. Too high a concentration of magnesium can provoke anesthesia (or excessive medication).

As you can see, magnesium can bring both huge benefits and harm to your body. Therefore, in everything it is necessary to observe the measure and adhere to certain rules.

Please share in the comments if you have experienced the problem of magnesium deficiency. If yes, how did you manage to deal with it? It would also be interesting to know how you plan your diet. Your experience and advice may be useful to other people.

People who do not eat well often suffer from a lack of nutrients, which as a result causes various health problems. If a person often falls into depression, is nervous, suffers from anemia, then in this case we can talk about a lack of vitamin B6 and magnesium in the body, so it is important to consume foods rich in these substances. They work best in tandem, because with insufficient magnesium, vitamin B6 is poorly consumed by the cells of the body, and the vitamin itself promotes the distribution of the mineral within the cells and prevents its rapid removal. In addition, when combined correctly, these substances reduce the risk of kidney stones. Make your menu so that it includes foods that contain both vitamin B6 and magnesium.

What foods contain magnesium B6?

First, let's figure out what functions these substances perform for the body. Vitamin B6 is an important substance for the flow of chemical reactions and the metabolism of proteins and fats. It is also necessary for the production of hormones and hemoglobin. Vitamin B6 is essential for the proper functioning of the central nervous system. Now about the beneficial properties of magnesium, which is important for the proper flow of metabolic processes, the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle work. In addition, this mineral is involved in metabolic processes, protein synthesis, and it also normalizes cholesterol levels and affects the functioning of the nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems.

For the body to function properly, it is necessary to take foods containing magnesium and. Let's start with a mineral that is found in large quantities in almonds, so there are 280 mg per 100 g. Cashew nuts, spinach, beans and bananas, as well as dried fruits, contain a lot of magnesium. People who love cocoa don't have to worry about magnesium deficiency. To saturate the body with vitamin B6, it is necessary to include the following foods in your diet: garlic, pistachios, sunflower seeds, beef liver and sesame seeds. It is worth saying that this useful substance is not completely destroyed during heat treatment, but it is destroyed by sunlight.

It is important to know not only what foods with magnesium and B6 vitamins are good to eat, but also the required daily allowance. Women should receive approximately 2 mg of vitamin B6 and 310-360 mg of magnesium per day. As for men, they need 2.2 mg of vitamin B6 and 400-420 mg of magnesium.

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