Advantages and disadvantages of contact lenses; contact lenses - pros and cons. What is better glasses or contact lenses What is safer lenses or glasses

It would seem that the advantages of contact lenses over glasses are obvious: they do not spoil the face, do not distort images, do not restrict side vision and do not fog up. However, before making a choice in favor of the latter, it does not hurt to think carefully ...

At the same time, a mote that gets under the lens can cause a huge inconvenience: you have to remove the lenses and put them on again. Since the lenses are in direct contact with the cornea of ​​the eye, they can irritate the eyes.

In order not to harm yourself by wearing lenses, you must strictly follow a few important rules. First of all, you can only fit lenses with the help of a doctor and after a thorough medical examination of your eyes. In some eye diseases, wearing lenses is generally contraindicated.

Please read the instructions carefully before putting on your lenses. First you have to learn how to put them on and take them off. This is usually taught in a medical office where lenses are ordered. But not everyone succeeds right away. So at home you still have a long period of getting used to the lenses. Be patient and be prepared for the fact that you have to fiddle with them for a long time. In the early days, you may also have severe watery and sore eyes.

Remember that wearing lenses for longer than indicated in the instructions, and even more so, you should never go to bed in them! This can lead to vascular ingrowth into the cornea, malnutrition and other problems, up to complete loss of vision!

You can store removed contact lenses only in a special liquid, not forgetting to disinfect them. Lenses are not able to completely replace glasses, as it is not recommended to wear them for colds and some other diseases.

If you wear lenses, you should have regular check-ups with an ophthalmologist. Lenses need to be changed periodically, the period of wearing them is usually indicated in the instructions. If you begin to feel discomfort while wearing lenses, then it's time to go to the doctor.

Recently, researchers from the University of La Laguna (Canary Islands) came to the conclusion that the constant wearing of contact lenses can lead to a serious infectious disease - amoebic keratitis, which causes inflammation of the cornea and blindness. It is caused by amoeba Acanthamoeba found in soil and running water.

Recently, the incidence of amoebic keratitis has increased worldwide precisely because people began to wear contact lenses, scientists say. Amoebas get into lens containers when they are rinsed with tap water, and the solutions in which lenses are stored are not able to kill these microorganisms.

So is the game worth the candle? Before purchasing lenses, weigh the pros and cons. After all, the main thing is to keep your health.

Statistics say that more than 50% of the inhabitants of the Earth today suffer from a decrease in the sharpness of vision. Previously, this flaw could only be corrected with the help of glasses. In the 21st century, it is increasingly possible to meet people who wear contact lenses.

Therefore, for the women's site "Beautiful and Successful" the question of what is better, lenses or glasses, is one of the most relevant. And in order to answer it to our readers, the site in this article will talk about all the advantages and disadvantages of modern methods of vision correction.

Pros of points

The oldest, and in a sense, even outdated means of vision correction are glasses.

They were originally used by the ancient peoples of the North to protect their eyes from the blinding sun and cold wind. Of course, these devices were quite primitive.

Spectacles with glasses were, according to historians, invented in Italy in the 13th century. Of course, then no one thought that it was better to correct vision, lenses or glasses, since there was no such choice.

Since then, glasses have changed and improved a lot.

The quality of modern glasses has also improved compared to what it was a couple of decades ago. Thanks to the use of high technology, even very poor vision can be corrected with thin optical glasses.

In addition, there is a huge selection of beautiful and stylish frames in optics stores, thanks to which the glasses have turned into a rather attractive and fashionable accessory. By the way, our site has already told.

Those who are thinking about what is better to buy, lenses or glasses, should keep in mind the following advantages of the latter:

  • They are cheaper than contact lenses.
  • They are quick and easy to put on and take off.
  • Well-chosen glasses can change the face for the better, hiding some of its flaws and emphasizing the dignity.
  • Glasses can be used without changing for about two years.
  • It is very easy to take care of the glasses, you just need to purchase a cloth for optics and a case.
  • When wearing glasses, you can safely do makeup.
  • With the help of glasses, you can correct almost any visual acuity impairment.

It would be quite fair to say that it is better not to wear lenses or glasses at all and to have excellent vision. But in the case when there is no other way out, you still have to make a choice. At the same time, it is very important to take into account some disadvantages of glasses.

What are the disadvantages of points

Those who have been wearing glasses for more than one year will be able to list all their shortcomings without hesitation.

  • Glasses limit the radius of vision, which eventually leads to atrophy of the eye muscles. According to ophthalmologists themselves, wearing glasses for a long time adversely affects the state of vision.
  • Wearing glasses is not allowed to play sports, dance, swim. So in such situations it is better to put on lenses or take off glasses completely, completely trusting other senses.
  • Glasses can create psychological discomfort. Especially often because of this, people who are forced to wear glasses from childhood suffer.
  • Glasses fog up in winter.
  • When wearing corrective glasses, you can not wear sunglasses, and in summer this is especially important.

Anyone who is tired of the inconvenience of glasses, it will be useful to know what the advantage of lenses is.

Pros of lenses

Speaking about what is better and more convenient, lenses or glasses, one cannot help but turn to the history of the appearance of lenses.

Initially they were made of glass, and when worn such hard lenses caused some discomfort.

In 1960, soft contact lenses were invented, which were much more comfortable than the hard glass version. It was the emergence of a new soft polymer material that made contact lenses very popular.

But even such lenses needed improvement, since they did not pass oxygen well and caused excessive dryness of the eyes.

The most recent discovery in the field of contact vision correction was the invention of silicone hydrogel materials. Lenses made from this material have characteristics that make them especially attractive to customers.

  • They practically do not prevent the penetration of oxygen to the cornea of ​​​​the eye, so they do not cause discomfort.
  • They can be worn up to 12 hours in a row without taking them off.
  • They can play sports, swim, dance, move actively.
  • The question of what is better, contact lenses or glasses, is resolved positively in the direction of the former from the point of view that hydrogel lenses do not break when dropped.
  • They do not limit the radius of vision, they are able to correct it by 100%, while glasses are always selected one diopter less than necessary.
  • Lenses make you feel more confident and attractive, and are especially suitable for people who have problems with wearing glasses.

Lens Disadvantages

The advent of silicone hydrogel contact lenses has made them a great alternative to regular glasses. But still, the question of what is better to wear, lenses or glasses, has not been decided to the end.

And the reason for this is a number of disadvantages that lenses still have, even the most modern breathing ones.

  • Contact vision correction is not a cheap pleasure. The lenses themselves cost quite decently, besides, you need to constantly buy a special disinfectant solution for them. It is recommended to change lenses at least once every six months, and even better - do it every three months.
  • Putting on and taking off lenses is a rather delicate procedure that requires a certain amount of dexterity and care.
  • Even the most modern lenses take some getting used to, so you can’t switch to them immediately after wearing glasses.
  • When it comes to the question of what is better for the eyes, lenses or glasses, you need to keep in mind: lenses can injure the cornea, which in turn can lead to the development of an inflammatory process in the eye.
  • A lens that has fallen out of the eye can be very difficult to find.
  • The lenses are not suitable for people with very sensitive eyes.
  • With some visual defects, lenses cannot be worn.

Which is better: contact lenses or glasses?

If we analyze all the above facts, then we can say that it is definitely impossible to answer the question about the advantage of lenses over glasses or vice versa: each specific case will have its own indications.

But, as practical experience shows, most people who constantly wear lenses wear glasses from time to time.

It is very convenient to alternate different methods of vision correction.

For example, if there is no need to leave the house and you do not want to fiddle in front of a mirror with lenses, you can use glasses. In addition, if suddenly the eyes become inflamed, then it will be simply impossible to put on the lenses.

From here, the conclusion suggests itself: in the question of which is better, lenses or glasses, you need to compromise between the two options. I want to look relaxed, young, energetic - so you should wear lenses. There was a desire to change the sporty image to a business and stylish one - it's time to buy glasses.

Why choose one thing when you can have both and constantly change yourself, surprising others with your unpredictability?

That is why our site advises all readers to try on a variety of looks, deciding for themselves what is best for them, lenses or glasses, in a variety of life situations: in the company of friends, at work, on vacation, at a party, on a date, in an interview, etc. d.

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August 20, 2012, 07:00

- with very weak forms of myopia,

- allergy sufferers and asthmatics during periods of exacerbation,

- in the period of acute respiratory diseases,

- with conjunctivitis and other forms of infectious eye diseases.

Contraindications for wearing contact lenses are chronic diseases of the eyes and auxiliary eye apparatus (for example, incorrect eyelash growth, deformed eyelid), as well as severe chronic diseases (for example, severe diabetes mellitus).

Questions immediately arose: what lenses can I choose, will I have to spend my precious time caring for them?

Lenses hard and soft

Rigid lenses are a great way to stop the growth of myopia in children and adolescents, and previously the only way to correct astigmatism. However, a rigid lens causes an irritant reaction in the sensitive cornea of ​​​​the eye and requires a long period of getting used to, which not everyone can overcome.

Soft lenses are not felt by the eyes and do not require an adaptation period, although their life is much shorter than hard lenses.

So, wanting to avoid any discomfort and discomfort, I opted for soft contact lenses. How not to get lost in all the variety of soft lenses presented today?

Choose for yourself:

Conventional/extended wear lenses:

- last up to 6 months

- require cleaning with special means and enzyme preparations in addition to the solution,

- contraindicated in severe forms of chronic diseases.

Planned replacement lenses:

- optimal in price and breathability of the lens,

- require, like traditional lenses, daily replacement of the solution.

Daily/single use lenses:

- the most "breathable", and therefore ideal for any, even the most sensitive eyes,

- the most expensive types of lenses today,

Grigorieva Alexandra

Scientists have found that only a third of the world's population can boast excellent, one hundred percent vision. The remaining two-thirds experience discomfort due to various kinds of refractive errors of the eye.

Vision correction with modern optics remains the most affordable and popular way to see a clear picture of the surrounding world. As before, disputes do not subside: what is better - or glasses? What are the pros and cons of different optics, who can and cannot use lenses? Let's try to understand these difficult questions in this article.

When is vision correction needed?

Visual impairment in the vast majority of cases occurs due to incorrect refraction of light rays in the internal structures of the eye, which leads to errors in refraction.

The most common indications for wearing glasses and lenses are:

Lenses can be prescribed for chemical and thermal eye burns, dry eye syndrome, ulcers, scars and erosions. In these cases, contact optics perform the function of a kind of dressing, accelerating the regeneration processes.

IMPORTANT! Patients who use any type of optics are advised to undergo examinations by an ophthalmologist annually for correction and selection of optimal lenses.

In order to figure out what is better to choose specifically in your case for vision correction, you will have to consider the pros and cons of glasses and contact lenses (CL).


This is an optical device that consists of a frame and lenses of a certain refractive power. The spectacle lens refracts light rays according to the refractive error of the patient. Thus, the light is directed to the desired area of ​​the retina and forms a clear image.


Many patients prefer spectacle correction due to a number of benefits.

No contraindications.
Glasses can be worn by any patient with any visual impairment. The logical exception is small children and persons with an unbalanced psyche.

Easy to operate. The glasses are easy to put on and take off and do not require any special skills or equipment.

Ease of maintenance. In order for the glasses to be well-groomed and tidy, it is enough to get only a case and a microfiber cloth. No solutions, containers or other accessories are required to care for them.

Efficiency. They create a clear saturated picture, suitable for correcting refraction of any kind and any degree.

Special image. Glasses are often bought by those who do not experience vision difficulties. And all because this device can become an individual attribute of a male or female image, a kind of highlight. Properly selected frame will help to skillfully hide the flaws of facial features and emphasize the dignity.

Hygiene. Since the lenses of the glasses do not come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eye, the likelihood of infection is minimal. When putting on, you do not need to touch your eyes, ruin your makeup and expose yourself to the risk of infection.

Long service life. Glasses can last at least one year, and in the absence of visual impairment, they can be worn for several years.

Price availability. Thanks to a wide price range, each patient can choose the best option for themselves, based on their own financial capabilities.


There are spectacle correction and cons. These include:

REFERENCE: Glasses can easily be damaged or broken at the most inopportune moment, so optometrists advise you to always have a spare pair.

Spectacles create special psychological discomfort for children and teenagers. Little patients are embarrassed by this detail of the image, they are afraid of the ridicule of classmates. In adults, the situation is the opposite - the lack of glasses at hand makes them insecure and helpless.

Contact lenses

CL is a thin optical device that is placed on the mucous membrane of the eyeball. Lenses, just like ordinary glasses, have different refractive power.

It is measured in diopters and allows you to select optics individually - for nearsightedness and farsightedness. For this method of correction, you can also find arguments for and against.


Patients with visual impairments increasingly prefer CL. And all thanks to the mass of advantages and opportunities that are beyond the power of glasses.

natural vision. CLs are designed in such a way as to realistically display the distance to objects and their sizes.

Wide field of view. Peripheral vision is not limited to the temples, the lens is in very close contact with the eye, moves along with the eyeball, allowing you to create a complete picture of the surrounding reality.

Unchanging appearance. CL should be chosen by those who are embarrassed to wear glasses. They are absolutely invisible to others, but at the same time they consistently perform their function.

visual effect. In the CL line of most manufacturers are present. With their help, you can not only give a slight shade to the iris, but also radically change the color of the eyes. There are also designer models that create the effect of cat eyes, sparks, glare, etc.

Comfort in any weather. Lenses are comfortable to wear in any season - they do not fog up after frost and do not get wet from atmospheric precipitation.

There are no restrictions on physical activity. You can go in for sports, wear to the gym, swim and travel in lenses, they will not break or get damaged.

Versatility. Suitable for vision correction for people with a large difference in diopter in the eyes.

IMPORTANT! When using contact lenses, it is necessary to strictly focus on the duration of wearing. Some models cannot be worn for more than 10-12 hours in a row.


CL is not a perfect optical invention. The contact method of correction has some disadvantages:

In the process of using CL, even the smallest mote that gets into the eye causes pain and discomfort. In this situation, you will need to remove the lenses and repeat the donning procedure again after processing the optics.

Even the most expensive and high-quality CLs are not able to completely replace glasses. In addition to contact optics, you will have to purchase at least one pair of glasses. They can be worn when lenses are not available, prohibited, or when the eyes need rest.

Subject to the rules of wearing and disinfection, CL will not harm the organs of vision. If you neglect the manufacturer's recommendations, wear lenses longer than the prescribed period, handle poorly or use an expired solution,. Protein deposits will accumulate on the surface of the optics, which serve as an excellent environment for pathogenic microorganisms. The result can be infectious lesions of the structures of the eyeball.

Contraindications for contact correction

Contact lenses cannot be a complete alternative to glasses
. One of the reasons is the presence of contraindications, in which CL will have to be abandoned:

  • strabismus with an angle of curvature of more than 15 degrees;
  • inflammatory diseases of the organ of vision - conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, dacryocystitis;
  • subluxation of the lens;
  • drooping of the upper eyelid (ptosis);
  • violations of the physiological composition of the lacrimal fluid;
  • increased or decreased secretion of tears;
  • xerophthalmia - a disease associated with increased dryness of the mucous membrane of the eyeball;
  • allergic reactions affecting the organ of vision.

With these diseases, CL will be perceived as a foreign body, provoking even greater discomfort and exacerbation of the pathology.

It is not recommended to wear contact lenses for diagnosed infectious diseases - tuberculosis, influenza, SARS. Touching the lens with infected fingers can lead to infection of the mucous membranes of the eye.

Useful video

In order to get an answer to the age-old question, what is still better: glasses or contact lenses, let's listen to the opinion of experts:

Glasses and contact lenses in some cases are interchangeable methods of vision correction. According to doctors, you should not stop at one of them, ideally it is better to get both glasses and lenses.. Lenses will give more freedom of action and help to maintain the created image. Glasses are seen as the most versatile budget accessory available to everyone. With the right selection and wearing, both types of optics will give comfort and excellent visual acuity.

Hello again, dear readers! People with poor eyesight have to resort to various correction methods in order to be able to see the world around them normally. For this purpose, corrective glasses and contact optical glasses - lenses are used. To date, there are many models of such optics, which are selected depending on the degree of visual impairment and individual characteristics.

To answer which is better - glasses or lenses, first you need to learn about the features, advantages and disadvantages of these types of correction. That is what we are going to do now.

Devices with glasses have long lost their former popularity and are no longer considered an effective way. Today, few people want to be known as "bespectacled", especially since instead of bulky and uncomfortable frames, you can choose compact and practical lenses for the eyes.

Despite this, eyepieces have their advantages, which are expressed in:

  1. Low cost. Of course, products that are made to order are expensive, but there are many models of eyeglasses at an affordable cost.
  2. Practicality. It only takes a couple of seconds to put on and take off the eyepieces.
  3. Possibilities of complementing the image. Having successfully selected a frame that will be in harmony with the shape of the face, you can add some zest to your image.
  4. Long service life. The service life of glasses depends solely on how careful the wearer is. It can be either a year or 5 years.

As for the disadvantages of spectacle correction, these include:

  1. Limitation of physical abilities. Wearing an eyepiece excludes any other physical activity that involves making sudden movements. This is especially true for glass optics.
  2. Some people using this accessory cannot get used to a foreign object on the bridge of their nose, so they constantly feel discomfort.
  3. In winter, glasses fog up, which causes a lot of inconvenience. In addition, it takes a certain amount of time to wipe them.

Advantages and disadvantages of contact lenses

Compared to glasses, contact lenses have more advantages:

  1. They do not limit peripheral vision, allowing you to fully enjoy the surrounding space.
  2. Enhance image clarity.
  3. They can play sports.
  4. Lenses do not fog up and do not need to be wiped.
  5. They are invisible, which is especially important for children aged 12-18 who are worried about their appearance and often have complexes about wearing an eyepiece.
  6. Practically do not cause a feeling of discomfort, subject to the correct selection.

Ophthalmologists remind that the lens must sit movably and freely so that a liquid space forms between it and the cornea, and the access of the lacrimal fluid is not blocked. Today, soft optical glasses are the priority.

Contact lenses also have disadvantages, which are expressed in:

  1. Severely addictive.
  2. The risk of infection in the eyes at the time of putting on and removing optical glasses.
  3. The need for systematic replacement, which entails additional costs.
  4. The occurrence of irritation and dryness in the eyes, if not removed.
  5. The occurrence of an allergic reaction that leads to inflammation of the eyes. This condition is quite often observed with colds.

Soft and hard lenses: indications

Contact lenses are made from soft and hard materials. Both those and others contribute to the restoration of visual acuity without distortion and errors, unlike the eyepiece.

With the help of soft and hard optical glasses, many eye diseases are successfully corrected. They are prescribed for myopia and with the aim of achieving maximum visual acuity.

Indications for the use of contact lenses are also:

  • individual intolerance to glasses;
  • lack of positive dynamics in the process of correcting vision with eyepieces;
  • a significant difference (more than 2.5 D) in the visual acuity of the visual organs;
  • lack of a natural lens;
  • injury to the organs of visual vision;
  • congenital anomalies in the development of the eye;
  • lazy eye syndrome.

How to choose the right glasses for farsightedness? read!

Contact lenses or glasses - what to choose for a teenager with poor eyesight?

In adolescence, you want to wear lenses, because they are much more convenient and smaller than the eyepiece, however, both ophthalmologists and parents prefer spectacle correction.

According to many qualified optometrists, up to 13 years of age, vision correction in children is best done with glasses, since this method is considered safer. However, there is another opinion on this matter.

It is very important for a teenager to feel self-confidence, which is not always obtained due to wearing an eyepiece. At least that's what psychologists say. They strongly recommend that parents give their child the right to choose - he himself must choose what is more acceptable for him - glasses or lenses.

Very often, myopia develops in childhood, which can lead to a significant deterioration in vision in adolescence. This happens as a result of eye strain at school, passion for video games, malnutrition, hormonal changes, etc. As they grow up, the attitude of children towards themselves and the world around them changes.

When choosing the right way to correct vision, the advice of a doctor must be taken into account. It is clear that modern contact lenses are aesthetically superior in all respects to devices with glasses, but sometimes patients have no choice.

Properly selected lenses allow a person experiencing vision problems to feel free and comfortable.

For example, with astigmatism, a high degree of myopia and hypermetropia, a refractive difference in 2 eye meridians of more than 2-3 D, preference should be given to contact optical glasses.

Numerous patient reviews indicate that they are more convenient and comfortable. This is due to the high quality of polymeric materials, which contain a lot of water in their composition.

Video: Life is great! Glasses or lenses?

Elena Malysheva from a company of experienced specialists gives a reasoned comparative analysis of lenses and glasses. Watch the video and the choice will be easier to make!


As you can see, both glasses and lenses have advantages and disadvantages. When choosing the most suitable option, you should be guided by medical recommendations and your own priorities. Remember that before making a final decision, you need to consult an ophthalmologist. Be healthy, friends!

What do you think - glasses can really spoil the image? Or, after all, health is more expensive? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

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