postpartum period. First month after childbirth

Childbirth is the natural end of any pregnancy, they allow the child to be born, and it doesn’t matter if they are natural or operational, with a caesarean section. In any case, every childbirth is a colossal work, and after them more than one day will pass until the body recovers and returns to its original forms (or not the original ones - as lucky).

Some people need very little time to get in shape, and some women need quite a long time to fully recover. There is no need to rush time, everything will return to normal gradually, in accordance with the individual plan of the body, although there may be failures in this program - then you will need to seriously work on yourself. Let's take a closer look at postpartum recovery and its regular stages, processes occurring in the body.

The main goal is to fully relax.
Childbirth expends a tremendous amount of a woman's energy, because they are quite long and require physical effort (especially in attempts). To recover after childbirth, you need to fully relax immediately after childbirth, in the ward or even in the birth room. Therefore, do not waste time calling all your relatives and friends, posting statuses in all social networks.

Try to sleep, just lie down, fully relax, eat while the baby is sleeping, he will not always sleep as long as on the first day, while moving away from birth stress. From the first days, you will have to actively care for the baby, especially if you have a joint stay in the “mother and child” ward. And in the future, after discharge from the maternity hospital, it will be necessary to fully rest, especially taking into account night awakenings to feed the baby. Even if you feel very well, you should not try to redo all the things at home during daytime sleep - you still won’t be able to redo everything, it’s better to call someone for help (mother, housekeeper, girlfriend), and lie down to rest with your baby. For a nursing mother and a woman after childbirth during the first one to two months, daytime sleep is a must.

Also, do not stay up late in the evenings, in the morning the baby will still wake you up early, therefore, give your sleep enough time. During the day, you should sleep at least seven to eight hours, and at least an hour or two of rest during the day. If your fatigue accumulates from lack of sleep, it will not do you any good, gradually you will bring yourself to a nervous breakdown. In the first weeks, it only seems that you have a lot of strength, and you will have time for everything, gradually your condition will worsen from lack of sleep and health problems will arise (headaches, poor appetite and anemia, problems with lactation may also arise).

Don't try to do more than you can, don't overdo it and don't force yourself to do your homework, it's not worth it. Try to pay maximum attention to the child and yourself (you are also a woman, beloved wife), there will always be household chores, break them into small parts and do them without stress during the day when you have free time.

Complete perineum care.
In the first days and weeks after childbirth, in order not to end up in the hospital again with complications after childbirth, it is necessary to fully take care of yourself, and especially the perineal area. The uterus in the first days after childbirth is an open wound, there will be discharge, the walls of the uterus will actively contract, cleanliness and proper care are needed. This is especially important in the presence of episeotomy or ruptures with suturing.

The main goal in care is to prevent infection from penetrating into the uterine cavity or into the area inside the sutures, quickly get rid of pain and heal scars as actively as possible. Scars are completely organized and healed for about four weeks, and postpartum discharge can go from three to six to eight weeks, gradually decreasing in volume and changing in nature.

Until the moment of complete cessation of discharge from the genital tract, sexual intimacy should be avoided - the discharge indicates that the surface of the mucous membranes has not yet fully healed, the risk of infection during sex is still high. After this period of 6-8 weeks, if discomfort or discharge remains, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor, therapy may be needed. It is also necessary to see a doctor if the stitches hurt, the threads do not dissolve, and the discharge from the genital tract acquires an odor or changes in volume (does not decrease, increases). There are pains in the lower abdomen.

To fully restore the perineal area after childbirth, after separation of the placenta, the uterus is massaged and an ice pack is placed. But in many maternity hospitals, the practice of putting cold on the stomach has been abandoned - the cold can lead to problems with the bladder. Simpler and more pleasant actions can stimulate uterine contractions and stop bleeding - applying the baby to the breast and sucking it frequently. Many hospitals that support breastfeeding leave for all two hours while the mother is in the delivery room after childbirth, the baby is on her breast, he suckles or just lies, and due to the powerful release of hormones to the mother, the uterus is actively contracting.

After being transferred to the postpartum ward, midwives will visit you often, forcing you to go to urinate, emptying the bladder helps to contract the uterus. Another unpleasant and sometimes downright painful procedure will be the massage of the uterus through the abdominal cavity, but this is a beneficial action - this is how the blood accumulated in it leaves and the uterus contracts more actively.

All days after childbirth in the maternity hospital and then, already at home, regular washing of the perineum with warm water from the pubis to the anus, regular changes of pads for the entire time of discharge are necessary. The perineum, especially if there are stitches on it, you will be regularly treated in the maternity hospital - in the morning and in the evening on the armchair, this is not very pleasant, but this is a necessary measure - preventing the development of infection.

The first days after childbirth, try to eat non-stretching foods - constipation after childbirth contributes to worse uterine contractions and infections in the pelvic area. If after one or two days after giving birth you didn’t go to the toilet in a big way, ask for an enema or at least laxatives (a candle or microlax), do not be shy - health is more expensive. The first days after childbirth and while postpartum discharge is going on, it is necessary to refuse to take a bath, the water in it is non-sterile and can penetrate into the uterine cavity, this can lead to the development of infection. Take a shower at least once a day, and if necessary, several times a day.

Another inconvenience in matters of perineal care from the point of view of women is the refusal to wear underwear in the maternity hospital - doctors do not recommend wearing panties and padding on them for the first days after childbirth, this does not allow air to enter the perineum and interferes with the healing of sutures. Previously, walking in a nightgown with a “horse” between the legs (a diaper folded in several layers) was practiced. Today, this device is being replaced by disposable mesh panties, with a pad clinging to it. But still, try to spend most of the time in the hospital without underwear, especially when you are lying down.

Movement after childbirth.
Joint stay in the maternity hospital usually does not allow a woman to stay stale for a long time and this is very good. Getting up early after childbirth more actively cleanses the uterus of secretions, reduces it, activates the woman's metabolism, which means it does not allow intestinal contents to stagnate, which is a kind of prevention of constipation. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to jump around the maternity hospital, most of the young mothers are immediately visible after childbirth - they move along the corridors of the maternity hospital closer to the walls, leaning on them and resting, but gradually the forces will return to you. Remember regular trips to the toilet, force yourself to go to urinate about every two hours - the sensitivity of the perineum and bladder may be reduced, therefore - urination should be partially forced.

Try to take care of the baby yourself from the very first days, it will also be useful for the formation of elementary care skills, so that after discharge from the maternity hospital you do not fall into a panic alone with the baby, and also, it is useful for you, move away from childbirth faster. If you have stitches in your perineum, you will not be allowed to sit at first - as the pressure of the body on the perineum while sitting can lead to divergence of the stitches or their eruption (injure the skin). It is a little inconvenient to go to the toilet and eat (this will have to be done while standing or reclining), but this inconvenience lasts no more than two weeks, it will gradually be possible to sit fully.

The practice of early discharges.
Today, early discharge from the hospital is practiced in maternity hospitals, as soon as a woman more or less recovers from childbirth - sometimes on the second or third day. This is a double-edged sword, on the one hand, at home, a woman will not stay too long in her native walls and will begin to recover faster, the chores of caring for a baby and household chores will stimulate her to enter a working rhythm.

But, on the other hand, such early discharges are dangerous because you may not notice the development of dangerous complications from both the mother and the baby, this can lead to a return to the hospital. Therefore, if something worries you about your health, do not rush home and do not be silent, tell the doctor everything, ask questions, let them examine you once again when you go home - there will be a hundred excuses to go to the doctor once again, you will endure until the last !

Do not take risks, do not rush home if you do not feel well, in the hospital you and the baby are under supervision, at home you are already alone. Tomorrow we will continue to discuss the main issues of further postpartum recovery.

Recovery after childbirth - if there was a CS?

The discharge of the placenta after the birth of a child marks the beginning of the postpartum period. It lasts 6-8 weeks. At this time, there is an involution of the organs and systems of the female body that took part in pregnancy and childbirth. The uterus, cervix, cardiovascular system return to the pre-pregnancy state. The mammary glands begin to function in connection with lactation. Particularly strong changes occur in the genitals.

Understanding how the recovery process goes will help a woman feel confident in the first days and weeks. This article is about the changes that occur in the female body after childbirth.

The duration of the early postpartum period is 2-4 hours after the placenta has passed. At this time, the young mother is under the supervision of an obstetrician and gynecologist. The midwife monitors pressure, uterine contractions, and monitors secretions. Postpartum complications most often occur in the first 4 hours, so strict monitoring of the condition of the puerperal is necessary. The doctor examines the uterus with the help of gynecological mirrors, and checks the condition of the vagina. If necessary, sews up damage, cuts or tears. Information about how the birth went, and indicators of the woman's condition are documented in the history of childbirth.

In the first hours after childbirth, the puerperal usually experiences severe fatigue due to exhausting contractions. But you can't sleep at this time. Otherwise, hypotension of the uterus may develop, which means a weakening of its contractions.

What happens to organs

Active contraction of the uterus is facilitated by the first attachment of the baby to the breast and a surge of hormones. The uterus contracts quickly and strongly in the first hours after childbirth. Immediately after the baby has left the womb, the size of the uterus shrinks to a size equal to 20 weeks of pregnancy. On the first day after birth, the uterus continues to contract rapidly. After the placenta has passed, the inside of the uterus looks like an open wound and bleeds. Bleeding is especially pronounced in the place where the placenta was attached.

Changes in the uterus after childbirth

The cervix immediately after the birth of the child misses the hand. First, the internal os is closed. Three days after birth, 1 finger passes through it. And after 10 days it closes completely.

If the first 2 hours passed without complications, the puerperal is transferred to the postpartum department. It would be nice to sleep in the ward and gain strength, but it is unlikely that you will be able to fall asleep. In the blood after childbirth, there was a release of adrenaline, which has an exciting effect on the nervous system. The transfer of mother and child to the ward means that the birth was successful. From this moment the recovery period begins.

late postpartum period

The postpartum period is managed by an obstetrician-gynecologist. It controls the state of the uterus. If it contracts weakly, then oxytocin injections are prescribed. A woman feels contractions of the uterus as cramping pains in the lower abdomen. In multiparous women, they are often very intense and painful. Episiotomy sutures on the perineum are treated daily. Doctors often recommend lying on your stomach. This promotes contraction of the uterus and also helps it to take the correct place in the pelvic area.

postpartum discharge

Cleansing and healing of the uterus is manifested in the separation of the inner layer. Blood secretions, which are called lochia, are rejected endometrial cells, blood, mucus. In the first 2-3 days, the discharge is scarlet, bloody. On the 3-4th day they become blood-serous, with a rotten smell of blood. A week later, red-brown with an admixture of mucus. In the following days, the lochia weakens and stops by the 40th day after birth. The late postpartum period ends with the end of the discharge. We described in more detail about postpartum discharge in the article.

Postpartum discharge continues 6-8 weeks postpartum


After the birth of a child, milk is produced in the mammary glands under the action of hormones. The process of lactation depends on two hormones: prolactin and oxytocin. Prolactin is responsible for the formation of milk, and oxytocin is responsible for its release from the breast. Breastfeeding triggers lactation hormones.

In the first two days, colostrum is secreted from the breast. This is the precursor of mature milk, which comes in 3-4 days. Colostrum is the first food of the baby, which populates the intestines with beneficial microflora. The high content of protein and immunoglobulins form the defenses of the body of the newborn.

The first attachment of a newborn to the breast occurs on the delivery table immediately after the birth of the child if the birth was uneventful. During stimulation of the nipple, the uterus contracts intensively, the placenta separates and the lochia discharges.

The process of milk production with the participation of prolactin and oxytocin

Mom and newborn are discharged 3-5 days after birth if they feel well. Before discharge, the puerperal undergoes an ultrasound scan to make sure that the involution of the uterus is normal and there are no blood clots.


Proper hygiene of the postpartum period will help to avoid complications.

List of rules for personal hygiene after childbirth:

  • Wash your face after every visit to the restroom. The direction of movement is from front to back.
  • Change your panty liners every 2 hours.
  • Do not use a washcloth. After a shower, blot your perineum with a cotton diaper.
  • Use baby soap to wash. It has a neutral ph, does not irritate the skin, cleanses well.
  • It is better to use special postpartum panties-mesh. They are made of hypoallergenic, breathable material and do not tighten the skin.
  • It is useful to arrange air baths for the perineum and nipples: walk in the ward with bare breasts, remove panties during rest. It is useful for healing stitches and cracked nipples.
  • Towels for face, hands, intimate hygiene and body should be separate.
  • Wash your breasts with baby soap only during your morning and evening showers. Do not wash your breasts with soap before each feeding. Soap washes away the protective layer from the nipple area and areola, it dries and provokes the formation of cracks.
  • It is useful to sleep and rest on the stomach so that the uterus takes its place and its contractions are effective.

To avoid cracked nipples, properly latch your baby to the breast during feeding.

Prohibited :

  • You can not use tampons during the lochia period. The secretions must come out.
  • You can not lift weights more than the weight of the child due to the weakness of the muscular corset.
  • Do not use soap with a high alkali content (household).
  • Douching is prohibited throughout the postpartum period. This washes out the microflora of the vagina.

Problems of the postpartum period

Childbirth is a stress for the mother's body, a large expenditure of mental and physical strength. In the first days after the birth of a child, puerperas face some difficulties:

  1. Episiotomy stitches. Gaps and incisions on the perineum are sewn up, as a rule, with self-absorbable threads. Nurses in the postnatal ward clean the stitches daily and monitor their healing. For antibacterial hygiene, after washing, rinse the perineum with a solution of chlorhexidine or furacilin. A young mother with stitches in her perineum is not allowed to sit for the first 10 days after giving birth.
  2. Sometimes the mother does not feel the urge to urinate. During passage through the birth canal, the child's head pinched the nerve endings, which led to a loss of sensitivity in this area. Therefore, if a woman does not feel the urge to urinate, she should urinate every 2-3 hours without waiting for the urge. If you have difficulty passing urine, tell your doctor. You may need to insert a catheter.
  3. - a common occurrence after childbirth. In late pregnancy, the baby's head compresses the blood vessels. The outflow of blood is disturbed and it stagnates in the veins of the small pelvis. The hemorrhoidal lump due to strong tension during labor can fall out. With the problem of hemorrhoids, it is important to avoid constipation, adjust the diet. Sometimes laxatives are required. We wrote about postpartum hemorrhoids here reference.

Pathologies and complications of the postpartum period

Sometimes the postpartum period is overshadowed by complications. Pathologies are often caused by microbes with which the body is already populated. In the usual state, they are not able to provoke the disease, the immune system suppresses them. But against the background of the weakened forces of the body, the pathogenic microflora grows, and the body cannot cope with a large number of bacteria. Some complications of the postpartum period that are dangerous to the life and health of a woman:

is a blood infection. The focus of infection is formed at the site of attachment of the placenta in the uterus, if pieces of the placenta remain there. Another cause of sepsis is endometritis. This disease is dangerous because it can cause toxic shock. Sepsis develops 8-10 days after birth. If a young mother observes such signs as: a temperature of 39 ° C and above, a putrid smell of lochia, discharge is red-purple and similar in consistency to thick tomato paste, general intoxication of the body, abdominal pain - you need to urgently consult a doctor. Sepsis is a dangerous condition that threatens life.

- inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus. The cause of endometritis may be a blockage of the cervical canal with a blood clot, the remains of the placenta in the uterine cavity. And a history of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. A young mother should carefully monitor the discharge, well-being after childbirth, and if there are abdominal pains, the smell of lochia has become unpleasant putrid, you should immediately consult a doctor.


- inflammation of the breast tissue. Mastitis occurs due to infection through cracked nipples. Sometimes the disease is a consequence of neglected lactostasis. Mastitis is manifested by general intoxication of the body, reddening of the chest in the area of ​​stagnation, temperature 38-39°C. There may be discharge of milk with an admixture of pus from the affected breast.

- Inflammatory damage to the kidneys. The infection travels up the ascending pathway from the uterus to the bladder. Temperature high up to 40°C, fever, pain in the lower back. With signs of pyelonephritis, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The main indicator that the recovery period is going well is lochia. The appearance of a sharply unpleasant smell of rot, a sharp cessation of blood discharge or, conversely, unexpectedly abundant suckers should alert the young mother. The appearance of one of these signs is a reason to see a doctor.

Restorative gymnastics after childbirth

It is better to postpone the first sports activities until the end of postpartum discharge. By this time, the organs will return to their places, the body systems will begin to function stably. But you should not completely deny yourself physical education even immediately after childbirth. The main task of exercise therapy in the postpartum period is to restore the tone of the pelvic floor muscles. For this purpose, a set of Kegel exercises is suitable. They strengthen the muscles of the perineum and vagina, the uterus contracts more efficiently.

To learn how to control the muscles of the pelvic floor, you need to find them. Try to stop the stream of urine during urination, and you will understand which muscles need to be worked out.

A set of Kegel exercises consists of several types of techniques:

  • Compression and relaxation. Squeeze your pelvic floor muscles, hold for 5 seconds, relax.
  • Reduction. Tighten and relax your pelvic floor muscles without delay at a fast pace.
  • Straining. Slight straining, as during childbirth or the act of defecation.
  • You need to start with 10 contractions-squeezing-straining 5 times a day. Gradually increase up to 30 times a day.

Video: a detailed description of the technique for performing Kegel exercises

After the end of postpartum discharge, you can gradually introduce new types of physical activity: yoga, Pilates and others. But to train the body without training the internal muscles is tantamount to building a house without a foundation.

The postpartum recovery period requires a woman to be attentive to her health and a reasonable distribution of physical and moral strength. At best, this time should be devoted to the child and his recovery. And household questions to entrust to the husband and relatives.

The most important day is over - the baby was born! Such a long-awaited, beloved, dear. But the tests for the woman are not over yet - the body will have a difficult process of returning to the usual, "non-pregnant" state. And this is against the background of the need to take care of the child - to breastfeed him, to care for him.

Regardless of. whether the birth was independent, problem-free, difficult, with complications, or a caesarean section was performed - recovery is almost the same for everyone.

What happens to the body in the first days after childbirth, which sensations are normal and which ones indicate pathology, what you can and should eat in order for milk to arrive - we will tell you in detail later.

What physical manifestations are expected in the first week after childbirth

We will list all the sensations that can be observed immediately after childbirth and within 5-7 days. But this does not mean that everyone has them all - every young mother has everything individually.

  • Almost everyone has lochia (even after a cesarean section) - these are spotting, which after 5-6 days become pink, then watery and stop after 10-14 days. They are associated with bleeding of the inner walls of the uterus after separation of the placenta.
  • Spasmodic pains in the abdomen depend on the contractions of the uterus, which returns to its original size. Pass within 5-15 days - it is individual.
  • Weakness and exhaustion - childbirth is a very big tension and stress.
  • Painful sensations in the perineum, especially after natural childbirth and suturing. Aggravated by coughing, lifting weights. Last up to a week. This also includes difficulty walking and sitting.
  • General muscle pain - as a result of strong attempts.
  • Hemorrhages in the whites of the eyes, blue circles under the eyes, hematomas in different places - it was during the attempts that small vessels burst.
  • Excessive sweating - usually lasts 2-3 days and is associated with hormonal changes in the body.
  • Difficulties with urination and defecation are normal and may occur 24-48 hours after delivery. But you can’t start this situation, as infectious inflammation can begin.
  • Severe soreness of the breast nipples, their cracking, even abscesses and spotting.

The chest in the first days after childbirth requires a very responsible attitude in order to prevent the development of mastitis - while it will not be possible to feed the baby.

FROM emotional and psychological side A young mother may be accompanied by such sensations:

  • Constant mood swings - from joy to depression and even despair.
  • Feeling of insecurity in their maternal qualities, fear of breastfeeding.
  • Irritation from own weakness, desire to return home as soon as possible.
  • Complete lack of interest in her husband, rejection of even simple affectionate touches.

Breast in the first days after childbirth

This question worries most of all newly-made mothers, because it is the food and health of her baby. Even during pregnancy, the breasts noticeably increased in size and the woman who kneaded her nipples did the right thing - she prepared them for the upcoming loads.

Books write that immediately after childbirth, colostrum flows from the nipples, which the baby needs so much. Ideally, this is so, but in life, most often there is no milk on the first day after childbirth. And even two or three days nothing can be squeezed out, even if the baby is applied to the chest. Moms start to get nervous that the baby is hungry. And in vain! Wise nature has foreseen everything and for the first two or three days the child has no appetite at all, does not feel hunger and also moves away from the stress that he experienced during birth.

And how much colostrum he needs - he will draw out for himself, although it seems to the mother that the breast is empty and there is nothing to feed after childbirth. The entire serving of a one-day-old baby is a teaspoon of colostrum. This amount of food goes not so much to maintain strength as to cleanse the stomach and intestines from mucus and postpartum meconium feces.

And only on the third or fourth day the baby has an appetite and a desire to eat well. And by this time, the breast swells, filling with milk. The size can increase 3-4 times, the nipples become very sensitive, painful and hard as a stone. It is very important to establish the correct feeding regimen in order to release the breast in time for the next portion, not to let the milk stagnate. How to give a nipple in the baby's mouth - a pediatric neonatologist will show. It all depends on the structure and size of the nipple. As a rule, pain during feeding gradually disappears in a week.

The main thing is to follow the rules of hygiene, wash and process the nipples, express the remaining milk until the baby sucks everything out. And if painful cracks still appear on the nipples, then it is not recommended to treat it yourself - consult a doctor and he will select remedies that are safe for the baby so as not to stop the process of breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding Rules

Renowned British doctor Arlene Eisenberg and her colleagues have written an excellent guide book for expectant mothers called Expecting a Baby. The book has been published several times in our country - and we advise all expectant mothers to find and read it. The author devoted a large section specifically to the problem of breastfeeding - after all, the longer the baby receives mother's milk, the healthier he will be. We have compiled her tips into a short list.

  1. The first time the baby should be attached to the breast, as soon as possible after childbirth. Now in maternity hospitals, a newborn is immediately placed on the mother’s chest so as not to break their connection. But, in some places, they still adhere to the old, Soviet system and the baby is taken from the mother to the children's wards, and they bring food strictly by the hour. In this case, the mother should know that they have the right to demand to bring the baby immediately.
  2. As a rule, on the first day after birth, the child sleeps almost all the time and it often turns out that they bring him to feed, but he sleeps and is not going to wake up. In these cases, the baby must be awakened and forced to suck, otherwise he will wake up between feedings and begin to demand his portion, which he will receive from the bottle. And the next feeding he will sleep again. There are two ways to wake up a baby. First you need to slow him down by slightly pinching his nose. If the newborn does not wake up, then you need to carefully seat him and, holding him, swing forward several times. At the same time, he will definitely wake up and you must immediately attach him to the chest.
  3. In some hospitals, crying children are calmed by giving them a bottle of glucose. Such manipulation does double harm - it interrupts the baby's appetite, and the ease with which liquid flows from the bottle makes him lazy at the breast. Where does the milk need to be sucked from? Therefore, it would be best to get the medical staff not to give such tea to the baby in the hospital. And also, did not give him a pacifier.
  4. No need to feed a screaming baby. He already lacks experience to capture the nipple. And in an excited state, this is almost impossible to do. First, the baby must be calmed, pumped up and then try to feed.
  5. Milk in the first days after childbirth is very nutritious, so the child is quickly saturated, especially since the volume of his ventricle is very small. And much more milk is produced. To avoid stagnation, the first few weeks, the remainder must be decanted. You can do this manually, or use special breast pumps that you can buy at a pharmacy. By the end of the first month, the baby can already completely empty one breast on its own. By the way, if there is a lot of excess milk, then it can be sold. This is a very expensive product, for which they will come at the agreed time.
  6. And the most important rule, no matter how difficult the process of feeding at first, the mother should try to remain calm. Already 10 minutes before breastfeeding, you need to say goodbye to the guests, turn off the TV, relax, and devote this time of intimacy with your baby. The amount of milk from this will also increase.
  7. It is better to feed more often and little by little. As a rule, it is the long breaks between feedings that lead to swelling and cracking of the nipples. The only way to harden them is by sucking a child. It is optimal to give the baby both breasts at each feeding and start with the less sensitive one.

Breastfeeding mother's diet

As a rule, few mothers want to eat on the first day after giving birth. But worrying about their baby, women, especially under the pressure of grandmothers, force themselves to eat and drink "for two" - so that milk comes. For truth, this is - the amount of milk directly depends on the amount of food and drink.

But, and the first day after childbirth, it is completely optional for mom to eat a lot. The body directs all its forces to recover from powerful stress, which is the birth of a baby, and it makes no sense to spend the last strength on digesting high-calorie foods. It will not benefit anyone - neither the woman nor her child. You have to eat what your body asks for.

But, there are a number of restrictions on what you can eat in the first days after childbirth - so that the baby does not have a tummy ache, so that diathesis and allergies do not develop, a nursing mother must refuse a number of products that she consumed during pregnancy.

The most exciting question is how to organize proper nutrition after childbirth in the first days and beyond, so that the baby has enough milk, but at the same time the mother herself does not gain weight.

General nutrition rules

That's why, rule number 1- Eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals. These include cereals such as oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, vegetables and fruits. For the first time, oranges, tangerines and strawberries should be abandoned - they can cause the development of diathesis.

But from the second month, the mother even needs to introduce them into the diet a little bit - when the intestinal microflora is already formed in the baby, then small portions of allergens act just the opposite - they teach the body to perceive them normally. Also, do not eat legumes - beans, peas and others. They cause bloating and colic in the baby, like fresh cabbage (this does not apply to sauerkraut and stew).

As an additional fortification, the children's doctor, as a rule, prescribes vitamin complexes for the mother. But such synthetic vitamins are poorly absorbed. It is better to spend this considerable money that they cost on fresh herbs, carrots, bananas and kiwi - there will be more benefits. And you should definitely buy fish oil in capsules at the pharmacy - this guarantees the absence of anemia to the mother, and the full physical and mental development of the baby.

The menu of the first days after childbirth should also include cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits containing a lot of fiber - apples, raisins and other dried fruits, nuts (walnuts - no more than 3 pieces per day), bread and bran buns. This is necessary for the proper functioning of the mother's digestive system. In addition, dried fruits and nuts contain a large amount of B vitamins, which are very important for the intellectual development of the child.

Rule number 2 - calories. Many moms dream after giving birth as soon as possible to return to their “pre-pregnancy” norm. And immediately after the birth of the baby, they begin to limit themselves in food in order to lose those extra pounds. But here we must first of all think about the baby, so nutritionists recommend increasing the number of calories in the diet by about 500 compared to the diet before pregnancy.

This amount will allow you to produce enough milk, while not gaining extra centimeters at the waist. If the mother is overweight, then this figure can be half as much - then the body will spend the fat accumulated during pregnancy on milk.

Rule number 3 - calcium. This important building element was consumed to the maximum during the growth of the fetus, and after childbirth is actively excreted with milk. Therefore, it must be replenished urgently and in sufficient quantities. This means that calcium intake in foods should be increased up to 5 times a day. It can be a glass of milk, yogurt (only home-made - sourdough is sold in the dairy departments of supermarkets and pharmacies), a portion of cottage cheese or 50-70 grams of hard cheese.

Rule number 4. The amount of protein should be reduced - a maximum of 3 times a day for 100-150 grams. These are 2 eggs, boiled chicken, rabbit, veal, turkey, sea and river fish. It is necessary to completely abandon mushrooms, even store-bought champignons - by the way, they are the most dangerous.

Rule 5- very important! Proper drinking regime. On the day, in addition to the liquid that is contained in foods and dishes, you must drink at least 8 glasses (milk, juices, broths, clean water). You need to drink even more if there is a strong sweating. But, the maximum amount of liquid is 12 glasses (2.5 liters) - since the amount of milk produced will decrease, and edema will go, since the kidneys will not be able to cope with such an amount of liquid. Strong tea and coffee should be reduced to 1 cup a day.

Recipes to increase lactation

One of the most common questions young mothers have is: what should I drink to get milk? In the first place is tea with milk - you need to take not very strong black or green tea and milk in half and sweeten it a little. Fennel or cumin tea stimulates milk production very well, besides, it is a good remedy for reducing colic in a baby. You need to brew half a teaspoon in a glass of boiling water. Diluted 5-6 times, such tea should also be given to a child - he will easily pass gases.

The complex of herbs for insufficient lactation looks like this: steam 1 teaspoon of caraway seeds, dill, fennel and dry or fresh herbs of lemon balm and nettle in a thermos in 1 liter of water. Infuse for 2 hours and drink throughout the day before and after feeding.

A very effective remedy - it is advised to drink after the last feeding before going to bed. Make radish juice - 100 ml, dilute 100 ml with boiled salted water and dilute 1 tablespoon of honey in a warm composition (not hot!)

dill milk is an old folk recipe. Crush 1 teaspoon of dill seeds (or grind in a coffee grinder), pour 1 glass of curdled milk or kefir, salt and drink on an empty stomach before breakfast.

Breastfeeding is an important stage in the life of mother and child. This ensures the health of both, as well as a close physical, psychological and emotional bond for life. And, believe me, no career, beauty and other external manifestations of the modern world are worth giving up this happiness.

Author of the publication: Marianna Pavlei

I can’t even believe that the birth is over. And they have already separated the placenta, and put stitches, and even allowed the legs to be brought together. And they don't hurt anymore. And what will happen next?What happens to a woman and what does a newborn really look like? It is especially interesting what will happen on the very first day of your new life.

Immediately after childbirth

The first two hours after childbirth are dangerous for the occurrence of complications, especially bleeding. In addition, a hematoma may appear on the perineum if some gap is not noticed or not completely sutured (fortunately, this does not happen often). And the woman cannot get up yet, because the body is still too weak. Therefore, during these two hours, the puerperal is in the maternity block, since there, if complications arise, it is easier to call someone for help, since all the medical staff is nearby. During these 2 hours, the woman lies on the couch and rests. The baby at this time lies swaddled on the changing table in the birth room where he was born, and most often sleeps. And only after two hours, if everything is fine, you and your baby will go to the postpartum ward together.

After giving birth, women feel differently. Some say that they suddenly felt very good (this is due to the release of endorphins into the blood - hormones of pleasure), others are completely exhausted. Some want to call everyone, everyone, everyone and talk to the medical staff, while others think only about getting everyone behind as soon as possible. In any case, after a heavy load, you need to take a little nap while you can. It would also be nice for you to eat something, because you have not eaten anything for many hours, and you need to recuperate. Dinner at the hospital is likely to be missed because most births take place in the evening or at night. Take care of yourself beforehand. Take something with you to the hospital to have a snack after giving birth.

When you are transferred to the ward, try to start getting up as early as possible, first with the help of the midwife, and then yourself. This improves blood circulation, normalizes the functioning of the urinary system and intestines, and accelerates the healing process. In addition, very soon the baby will require attention.

Let's get acquainted, baby!

When you finally moved away from the stress you endured, you want to get to know your little miracle as close as possible, which now lies next to you. You start looking at him. And who does he look like? Is everything okay? Some women begin to worry when they notice a tumor on their head. However, in most cases this is not a cause for concern. It will go away on its own in 1-2 days.

To be honest, right after birth, even the most loving mother may find a baby “ugly”: a small wrinkled creature with a large head, closed eyes, thin arms and legs. All this is due to the fact that he had to squeeze through a rather narrow space and experience quite a lot of stress at the same time. But in a few days he will fully recover, and will become even more beautiful than the children in the diaper advertisement.

The baby clings to his arms and legs. This is due to the physiological hypertonicity of the muscles, and it is not worth fixing the legs in an unnatural position (straightening them). Swaddling in the style of "log" is no longer in vogue. On the first day, you can swaddle the baby’s arms quite tightly, because when the baby waves them in front of his eyes, he gets scared, because he doesn’t understand what it is hanging in front of him. In addition, while the baby was in the uterus, his mobility was limited, he got used to it, and he feels more protected when swaddled. At home, you can already gradually switch to vests and sliders.

Often the question arises of how warmly the baby should be swaddled, whether a blanket is needed or enough diapers. To check if the baby is freezing, you need to feel the nose and handles (they should be warm). The baby should be “dressed” warmer than the mother, because his thermoregulation is still imperfect and he is very sensitive to the ambient temperature. But you do not need to wrap the baby so that he sweats.

From the very first day, the baby needs your care. It's not just about feeding him. You also need to change his clothes at least once every three hours, wash him several times a day so that he is clean, calm him down after examinations by the medical staff. This hassle is enough for the whole day.

On the first day, the baby can sleep almost all the time, waking up only to eat if nothing bothers him. But it happens that the baby is restless, falls asleep only for a short time, cries a lot. This should be told to the doctor so that he assesses the condition of the baby, checks if something hurts him. If the doctor says that everything is fine, then the baby simply has not yet fully adapted to the new environment. You need to be patient, maybe the next day he will become calmer.

Don't be afraid to do something wrong! No one will take better care of your child than you. He needs your warmth, which he is used to being in his tummy. Maybe at first you do everything slowly and don’t swaddle as carefully as a nurse, but you will definitely learn everything!

Isn't it time for us to refresh ourselves?

One of the most important things for a baby is proper feeding!

It is very good for both of you to breastfeed immediately after birth. Moreover, it is necessary that it be not formal, for recording in the medical history, but so that the baby sucks and eats. This first portion is a gift for the baby and plays a big role in the development of lactation and in establishing emotional contact.

On the first day, colostrum is released. It is a thick yellowish liquid. Although it is not much, it will be enough for the baby for the first time. The calorie content of colostrum is 150 kcal/100 ml (milk has only 70 kcal/100 ml), it is rich in immunoglobulins, enzymes, and vitamins. The baby needs to be fed on demand. On the first day, the baby can eat from 2 to 20 times. Usually feeding is frequent, but if this is not the case, you do not need to specifically wake the baby to feed him. Again, do not panic and demand additional feeding if the baby almost all the time requires breasts and does not let go of it for several hours. Gradually, he will adjust his diet. Milk usually arrives on the third day, after which the baby asks to eat less often and eats up much faster.

The nipples, especially in primiparas, are rubbed and hurt, it hurts the most at the time of application, but after a few seconds the pain subsides. Gradually, the nipples harden and the pain disappears. Well helps cream "Bepanten". Its great advantage is that it does not need to be washed off before feeding.

But how to eat mom?

If during pregnancy a woman could eat almost everything she wanted, now the situation has changed, because not everything that mom likes is good for the baby. Therefore, there are some dietary restrictions.

Foods that should not be consumed can be divided into three groups:

1. Allergens. Most often, allergies are caused by citrus fruits, chocolate and alcohol. It is also worth limiting cow's milk, eggs, sweet juices.

2. Products that increase gas formation, which can cause a baby's tummy to hurt. These are cabbage, black bread and legumes.

3. Products that worsen the taste of milk. These are onions, garlic, spicy dishes.

Be sure to eat meat, boiled meat and mashed meat for baby food are best absorbed. You can also eat yogurt without additives, cheese, cottage cheese, green apples, simple cookies (such as "Maria"), some walnuts, cereals. You can eat pasta and boiled potatoes. Drink plenty of water to get the milk out better.

Most women think that everything that is given in the maternity hospital can be eaten. Unfortunately, it is not. In all departments, the menu is the same; special food for nursing mothers is not prepared. Therefore, you need to be critical of everything that they bring.

The food that is given in the maternity hospital is not enough, besides, the last meal is no later than 18:00, and you also want to eat in the evening. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare relatives in advance for the fact that they will have to wear gear so that the nursing mother has a full diet and she recovers faster after childbirth.

This is what's happening to me

You, of course, are concerned about the question of what you will become after childbirth. Do not be upset if, looking in the mirror, you seem to yourself not as beautiful as before pregnancy: a flabby stomach, bruises under your eyes, some kind of rash on your face ... Everything will return to normal, only this will not happen on the very first day, but gradually!

The uterus after childbirth is at the level of the navel. When feeding, it is reduced, since irritation of the nipples causes the release of oxytocin, which has a contracting effect. Therefore, breastfeeding, among other things, is the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage. There may be pulling pains in the lower abdomen. It is better to sleep and lie on your stomach, so the uterus contracts faster.

Allocations on the first day are bloody, quite plentiful (about 300 ml for the first three days). Increased discharge during movement is normal. You have to walk with a diaper between your legs. This is not very convenient, so stock up on disposable panties and pads in advance. They must be changed at least every 2 hours.

The abdomen is flabby, there may be a divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles. In tone, he comes only after 6 weeks. But you can start wearing a bandage immediately after childbirth. In addition, from the first day, you can do breathing exercises: inhale the belly inflate, exhale - blow it off. Repeat 10-20 times, 4-5 times a day.

After childbirth, a woman may also experience muscle pain in different parts of the body. Which muscles hurt the most depends on which particular group you strained the most during childbirth.

The "rash" on the face is petechial hemorrhages. They appeared because during childbirth, small capillaries burst from stress. There may also be hemorrhages in the eyes.

Blood pressure on the first day may be lowered, so dizziness is possible. To avoid this, you do not need to make sudden movements, you should get up smoothly, carefully. If you constantly feel very weak, tell your doctor.

You may feel pain in the perineum, even if there were no tears and no incision was made in the perineum. They appear because the perineum, in any case, has undergone severe stretching, and, consequently, traumatization. If there are stitches in the perineum, then you will not be able to sit for at least the first 2 weeks.

Hemorrhoids sometimes appear during pregnancy and after childbirth and also cause pain. Thorough hygiene helps to reduce pain (shower after each act of urination and defecation), applying ice to the perineum.

There may be problems with urination, which is associated with a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the bladder and with swelling of its wall due to the fact that during childbirth it was squeezed between the baby's head and the pelvic bones. Even if you do not feel the urge, you need to empty your bladder at least every three hours. There is usually no stool on the first day.

Things to take to the hospital

Usually in the maternity hospital, a woman always remembers that she is missing something. Here is a sample list of things to make mom feel comfortable:

For myself:

- Documents (passport, policy and its copy, exchange card)

- Bathrobe, slippers (washable), socks, nightgowns (in some maternity hospitals they give out, but they are more dear)

- Absorbent diapers

- toilet paper

- Toothbrush and paste

- Shower accessories, towels

- Telephone

- Non-perishable food (long biscuits, muesli)

- A bottle of still water

- Notepad, pen

- Gaskets

- Disposable panties

- Breast pads

- Nursing Bras

- Postpartum bandage

- Boiler or kettle

- Utensils (cup, plate, spoon, fork, knife)

- Nipple cream

For a child:

- diapers

- Cotton swabs (to treat the navel)

- Baby soap (liquid)

- Diaper cream

- Wet wipes

- socks

- In the cold season, you can take a cap and a flannel vest with you.

The bag must be collected in advance, three weeks before the expected date of birth, so that at the moment when you realize that it is time to go to the hospital, you do not run around the apartment in search of diapers and slippers.

You are not alone

On the first day, and in general while you are in the hospital, you will be under the control of medical personnel.

Shortly after you are transferred to the postpartum ward, regardless of the time of day, a midwife will come. She will tell you about the daily routine and help you wash. Then the children's nurse will come. She will treat the child (clean the nose, eyes, ears, remove the remnants of cheese-like lubricant, disinfect the umbilical wound). She will teach you how to swaddle your baby, explain how to take care of him, show you how to properly apply to your chest.

In the morning you will be awakened at six o'clock to measure your blood pressure and both of you temperature. These measurements are taken twice a day. Also, twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, the pediatric nurse cleans the baby.

Both of you will be examined by a doctor. An obstetrician-gynecologist will look at how your uterus is contracting, whether colostrum is secreted, assess the condition of the sutures and the amount of discharge. The pediatrician will examine the baby, check the congenital reflexes and tell you about his condition. Feel free to ask all your questions. If you forgot to ask something, don't worry, the doctor on duty will come in the evening.

On the first day, with your consent, your child will be vaccinated against hepatitis B.

If you have stitches, then three times a day you will need to go for treatment.

Most maternity hospitals have a breastfeeding specialist who advises new mothers and helps to express milk when necessary. Feel free to contact him!!!

In general, someone from the medical staff will always be there. You won't be left alone. Help, tell, tell. Postpartum wards are most often two- or three-bed. This has its advantages: you still need to go out from time to time, and it’s calmer if the child is not left completely alone. Women who gave birth on the same day are placed in one room, so you will have something to talk about.

Visits are usually not allowed (unless you are in a service ward). You can wave to relatives from the window. And most of the communication takes place over the phone. If you are not superstitious, you can take a picture of the baby and send the photo to dad. Although, to be honest, on the first day, especially chatting will not work.

deja vu

It is a little easier for multiparous women, because they already know a lot. However, if you have questions, don't be afraid to ask them. Repeated births may differ from the first, as well as the postpartum period. For example, in multiparous women, cramping pains in the lower abdomen during feeding are more pronounced, since the uterus contracts more intensively. The amount of milk can also vary.

You should also not expect that the second baby will be exactly the same as the first, he has his own character, and he can behave in a completely different way.

If you gave birth a few years ago, recommendations for caring for a child could change, for example, they began to swaddle differently, use new hygiene products and medications.

Therefore, even if you have become a mother for the second or third time, be sure to seek help from the medical staff, ask all the questions that interest you, because that is why you and your baby are in the hospital.

Everything will be fine!

The first day after giving birth is quite difficult and eventful. It’s almost impossible to even sleep, because as soon as the baby falls asleep, you need to go for suture treatment, or a doctor comes, or someone calls you, or a neighbor’s child is crying. Some women even think that they can not cope with such a load. But the first day will end, smoothly flowing into the second, then the third, then they will be discharged ...

And you and your baby will have many more interesting days ahead! All your life!

The expectation of childbirth in the last weeks of pregnancy is characterized by increased nervousness, fear of the unknown and, of course, the impatience of the expectant mother. And now this moment has come, the woman, without having time to come to her senses, is already holding her long-awaited child in her arms. Everything is already behind, the exhausting contractions are over, the pain has receded, and the examinations of the doctors have ended. The postpartum period has begun. What to do next for a young mother, how to behave in the hospital on the first day after childbirth, and what you need to know about the postpartum period.

The first day

The first day after childbirth, the young mother is under the close supervision of doctors. If the birth was natural and passed without complications, the woman is in the delivery room no more than 2 hours after the birth. At this time, the woman is examined, interrogated, her condition is monitored. In the case when no early postpartum complications were found, the young mother and baby are transferred to the postpartum department, where full-fledged motherhood begins.

If the delivery was by caesarean section or complicated by ruptures and sutures, transfer to the postpartum ward may be delayed until the condition of the young mother returns to normal. Nowadays, a child is not taken to the children's ward if his health and the condition of his mother allow them to be together.

The baby is applied to the breast immediately after birth, and from that moment he is with his mother.

After being transferred to the ward, the woman is given clear recommendations on how to behave in the first hours after childbirth. Be sure to visit the restroom so that a full bladder does not interfere with the natural contraction of the uterus. Also, a young mother is shown how to dress, wash and care for a newborn.

Possible ailments

Childbirth is a great stress for a woman's body. A sharp drop in hormone levels, physical fatigue and nervous exhaustion can negatively affect a woman's well-being. Some mothers may feel a strong breakdown, weakness and dizziness, while others, on the contrary, feel increased anxiety and nervous tension. All these phenomena are absolutely normal in the first days after childbirth.

Doctors advise women to rest more and pay attention to the baby.

From health problems, phenomena such as urinary retention, pain in the lower abdomen, lack of stool and pain in the mammary glands can occur. In the absence of complications, pain in the lower abdomen indicates a contraction of the uterus, these are pulling unpleasant pain sensations that are similar to menstrual pain. To quickly get rid of these sensations, a woman is recommended to lie on her stomach in the first hours after being transferred to the ward. This will help the uterus contract faster and contribute to the speedy removal of postpartum secretions. Also, to quickly contract the uterus, you need to urinate more often. If you do not pass urine within 6 hours after giving birth, be sure to tell your doctor.

Lack of bowel movements can also be a cause for concern for a young mother. In the first days after childbirth, there may not be an urge to go to the toilet, especially if the woman in labor was given a prenatal enema. However, if there is no urge for a longer period, also tell the doctor about it, this may indicate a decrease in intestinal tone, which may be complicated by constipation.

Can conventional pads replace postpartum pads and which ones are better to choose

Many women make one serious mistake after giving birth. They do not rest a lot, but constantly lie down and do not get out of bed. Despite weakness and drowsiness, a woman must still get up.

Movement is necessary for faster contraction of the uterus.

This, of course, does not mean that women in labor should run around the department and play sports, you need to get up for hygiene procedures, walk along the corridor, go to the toilet more often.


To prevent the occurrence of postpartum complications, it is necessary to carefully monitor the hygiene of the perineum in the first weeks after childbirth.

After each visit to the sanitary room, the perineum must be washed with water.

You can use baby soap. Keep the gaskets clean. Today, in many maternity hospitals, the use of familiar underwear is not allowed. On sale there are special disposable panties that are not washable. They are sterile and are more suitable in the first days of the postpartum period, as they are made of breathable natural mesh fabric.

In addition, you should wash your hands and underarms frequently. The child can be taken only with clean hands. The dressing gown in which you go to the toilet must be removed before feeding. The mammary glands should be washed twice a day, during a hygienic shower.

Also pay special attention to the hygiene of the baby. You need to wash it every time you change diapers. Girls should be washed from front to back. Boys can be washed in any direction.


On the first day after childbirth, a woman can observe copious spotting with clots. This is absolutely normal, because the uterus contracts, and the remnants of tissues damaged during childbirth come out of it. If you feel that the discharge is excessively abundant, consult a doctor. By discharge from the maternity hospital, the discharge should be already without admixture of clots and less intense. Completely lochia disappear within 1-2 months. What to do if the abundant discharge did not come or stopped abruptly? Seek immediate medical attention, this may indicate a blockage or bending of the cervix.


Despite the fact that all babies are born ugly and wrinkled, each child seems to be the most beautiful for his mother. Each mother, holding her baby in her arms, experiences a whole bunch of positive emotions, because finally, their long-awaited meeting took place. Perhaps this will surprise someone, but the child experiences the same feelings. He clings to his mother, is afraid of separation from her and wants her to always be there. Many babies simply refuse to sleep in cribs, and there are those who sleep only in their mother's arms. Each child is individual and he begins to show his character immediately after birth.

A young mother should be ready for this. It is not necessary to measure all babies according to the generally accepted framework. No need to look at your neighbor to be surprised why her child sleeps peacefully in the cradle, and yours calms down only in her arms.

It all depends on the individual characteristics of the baby and often on the method of birth.

So, for example, it has been proven that children born by caesarean section need more mother's attention, so they often refuse to sleep separately, and nothing needs to be done about it.

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First feeding

Although the first feeding takes place immediately after childbirth, still in the delivery room, many mothers are simply unable to feel all the delights of this moment at this time. Later, when you are alone with your baby, take him in your arms and give him the breast, you are overwhelmed with just fantastic sensations. The kissing of the baby seems so conscious, and his facial expression is so serious that it simply cannot leave mother indifferent. At this moment, pride in your baby is born!

Next, the child needs to be fed on demand. Every time the baby is restless, offer him a breast. This will not only calm the baby, but also allow you to establish healthy lactation. Many mothers at this stage try to rock the baby. You don't need to do this.

At an early age, a child cannot cry because he cannot sleep, if he is healthy, he cries only from hunger.

Imagine your feelings if you come to a restaurant, and instead of offering a menu, the waiter grabs you in his arms and starts rocking you! You will be outraged! So is your baby. Give him a breast, and he will stop crying, you will rock him, and he will resent even more.

How to dress

Immediately after the birth of the baby, nurses will dress. To do this, you need to take a hat, a vest, diapers and sliders to the maternity ward. Those children whose mothers did not take care of their clothes are swaddled in hospital diapers. Today, the question often arises whether to swaddle a baby or immediately dress in normal clothes. Many doctors tend to believe that diapers are a relic of the past.

Every mother herself must decide the issue of swaddling. One thing can be said unequivocally, that swaddling is tight, so that the arms and legs are straightened is not necessary. Loose swaddling is more acceptable. However, if the baby is calm and not afraid of his hands, swaddling can be completely abandoned.

Today, some pediatricians do not even allow the baby to wear mittens, which supposedly protect the baby from self-harm. They believe that a newborn, like any other person, has a self-preservation instinct, thanks to which the baby cannot harm himself.

What to eat

In the first weeks after childbirth, a young mother needs to follow a certain diet. At the same time, a woman’s diet should be varied and healthy. From the diet, it is necessary to exclude products such as whole milk, eggs, sweets, dark chocolate, pastries, citrus fruits, and foods that increase gas formation.

You can eat cereals on the water, vegetables, fruits, soups and broths. From drinks, give preference to compotes and mineral non-carbonated water. After discharge from the hospital, you can gradually introduce the usual diet into the diet, giving up strong allergens. After tasting a new product, carefully observe the reaction of the baby. If you notice allergic reactions or indigestion in crumbs, the use of this product should be excluded. Under a strict ban on the entire period of breastfeeding is alcohol, even in a minimal amount.

Cleaning the uterus after childbirth: the main consequences for a woman


Today, doctors note a high increase in the incidence of postpartum depression in young mothers. Even those women who have given birth to more than their first child are subject to mental disorder. The main culprit for this disorder is hormonal failure, but there are a number of factors that can aggravate a woman's mental state.

Normally, depression occurs on the second or third day after childbirth. It is characterized by apathy, fatigue, irritability. Ideally, this condition should resolve within a few days. This depression is considered normal.

If, after discharge from the maternity hospital, your psychological state worsens and you are not happy with the baby and care for him, contact a specialist.

The doctor will assess the state of your hormonal levels, conduct several tests and prescribe a sparing adequate treatment. Remember that advanced forms of depression are difficult to treat and can lead to irreversible consequences.

Change in appearance

Many women, during pregnancy, dream that they will be discharged from the maternity hospital built and prettier. However, the reality is that the return to the pre-pregnancy state takes a long period of time. In addition to a sagging belly, stretch marks and excess weight, a young mother may face cosmetic problems such as acne, brittle nails and hair, dry and flaky skin, etc.

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