Peter and Fevroniya Murom story of eternal love. Holy Blessed Peter and Fevronia of Murom

Lived happily ever after and died on the same day

(life of St. Peter and Fevronia)

Hello my dear readers!

Peter and Fevronia of Murom the story of eternal love (summary)

The story of their love is amazing, wonderful, fabulous. Many couples in love would like to live the way they lived.

Fevronia was a girl from a peasant family. But she was not an ordinary girl, everyone knew about her gift of healing and insight. She healed Prince Peter from an incurable disease. He promised to marry her for this miraculous healing. But pride got in the way.

Fevronia knew that such illnesses were sent for admonition and "cure" of sins. Seeing Peter's pride and cunning, she told the prince not to lubricate all the ulcers on the body, but to leave one, as evidence of sin. Very soon, the disease reappeared. Prince Peter was forced to return to Fevronia. The second time he kept his word.

The boyars did not like that their ruler married a simple girl and they asked Fevronia to take whatever she wanted and leave the city of Murom. Fevronia said that she did not need anything and she would take only her husband with her. Peter learned that they wanted to separate him from his beloved wife and chose to give up wealth and power.

Together with Fevronia on 2 boats, they sailed down the river. A certain husband was with them, he stared at the princess. Fevronia foresaw his thoughts and asks: “If you scoop up water from 2 sides of the boat, will it be sweeter or the same on one side?” He replied that it was the same. “So the female nature is the same,” said Fevronia. “Why have you forgotten your wife and are thinking about someone else’s?”

That's how wise Fevronia was. I think that's why Peter loved her so much. And we want to be loved. But at the same time, we do not want to agree to exile, we prefer to stay in the palace. And we do not want to act reasonably and wisely, because it is easier to be capricious and flirtatious.

Do you want to know what happened next? Listen. Peter and Fevronia stopped for the night. But already in the morning there were ambassadors from Murom. They began to ask Peter to return. Because the boyars quarreled for power. Peter and Fevronia agreed with humility. They returned and ruled in Murom until old age. They lived happily, did alms, prayed for the people of Murom. When old age came, they agreed to become monks. Prayed to God to die at the same time. And they left a covenant to be buried in the same coffin.

When his time came, Peter sent a messenger to Fevronia that he was ready to go to God. Fevronia asked him to wait until she finished embroidering the icon. At the same hour they died in different monasteries. But people thought that it was not good to bury the monks together and violated their will. However, miraculously, they were there.

The holy relics of the faithful Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia have survived to this day. Now their tomb is located in the Trinity Monastery in Murom, where all those who pray find healing and the gift of happiness, love and peace of mind.

How do you celebrate this holiday, you ask? I think we should pray to Saint Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia for ourselves, for our children and parents. Ask for wisdom, patience, reconciliation, humility, mercy and, of course, love, joy, fidelity and happiness for everyone!

I wish all of us to appreciate our loved ones, to be faithful and loyal!

And for those who have not yet found their soul mate, pray to St. Peter and Fevronia.


When did Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom live? Why are they so revered in Russia and why are they considered protectors of married couples? Life of Saints Peter and Fevronia: we tell the most important thing.

When Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom Lived

Saints Peter and Fevronia lived in the XII-XIII centuries. Russia at that time was not a single Empire, but was fragmented into many principalities. Each principality lived by its own interests, traditions, charter.

All this could be called a country conditionally, since the princes often fought among themselves. In fact, the principalities were united only by the fact that they were all Slavic, and all were under the wing of the Russian Orthodox Church. (Sometimes additional unity between the principalities could be created by the fact that they were ruled by close relatives (brothers, fathers and children), but more often it did not, and brother often rebelled against brother).

At the same time, such a phenomenon as locally revered saints was widespread. These are ascetics who were well known and revered in a separate principality, but about whom the neighbors knew nothing. Peter and Fevronia were just like that for the Murom land. They were canonized by the Church only in the 16th century - when Russia by that time had already finally become a full-fledged single strong kingdom: with a single law, a single ruler and a single saint.

Saints Peter and Fevronia: what is known about them?

Almost nothing - and precisely because of the fragmentation of the country. The Murom principality belonged to the province - the annals in it, unlike Novgorod or Kyiv, were almost not kept or not preserved. The inhabitants of Murom knew well what was happening to them, and the memory of important events was passed from mouth to mouth and from generation to generation, but nothing left the lands.

However, the fact that Peter and Fevronia were canonized suggests that the Church had enough evidence of their spiritual feat - even if only rare traditions have survived to our time. (But in fact, there is only one “Legend of Peter and Fevronia of Murom”, which is also not fully proven who exactly wrote it).

Life of Peter and Fevronia briefly

In general, everything that is known about the life of Peter and Fevronia of Murom can be summarized in a few theses:

  • Saint Peter was from a princely family. (Researchers still do not know exactly which prince of Murom they are talking about, because Peter is the name that the saint received during his monastic tonsure, shortly before his death. But what was his name "in the world"?)
  • One day, Peter became very (perhaps fatally) ill. Doctors shrugged their shoulders. He was cured by a simple believing girl from the village, but on the promise that he, the prince, would take her as his wife.
  • Peter married her only "from the second time." At first he refused this promise and tried to simply give Fevronia a present, but soon he fell ill again with the same disease and they got married only after that.
  • Peter and Fevronia lived in peace and respect for each other, lived according to the Commandments, and tried to rule Murom according to the laws of Love and truth.
  • At the same time, all the boyars, and especially their wives, were embarrassed that Princess Fevronia had a simple origin. How can you obey her?
  • The discontent was so strong that at some point Peter and Fevronia had to go into exile, having gone through many hardships. However, they were soon asked to return, because Murom was mired in strife without them.
  • Shortly before his death, Peter and Fevronia went to the monastery.
  • They died on the same day.
  • Despite the fact that the spouses were buried separately, the next night the bodies of the spouses turned out to be in one coffin - which they made for themselves shortly before their death.

Love of Peter and Fevronia

This is their way of life. If in general terms, then these facts do not say anything about holiness, because apart from the incorruptible relics, no other evidence of the miraculous effect of Grace on them has been preserved. They are not known to heal anyone; references to some external supernatural events, apart from their joint repose in the same coffin, also did not survive.

However, the canonization of saints in the Church is not only a tribute to the ascetic and his miracles, but a great collection of inspiring examples of how one can come to holiness in various life, social and historical circumstances.

Saints Peter and Fevronia are an example of how one can acquire the Grace of the Holy Spirit through marriage, as well as evidence that holiness is possible not only among the poor and wretched, monks or wanderers, but even among rulers. The ways of the Lord are inscrutable, and life in Christ is possible everywhere, and not only in a monastery or a desert, since holiness is built not by external circumstances, but by the inner structure of a person.

So, what can the life of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom inspire?

Very much!

"Lessons" of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom

The responsibility of a man for a given word

Someone says that all this is not very similar to the Orthodox life: Fevronia married Peter "by force and with conditions" - through his illness.

However, this story is not about the "ultimatum", but about the "man's word" and the responsibility of a man to a girl - their relationship has not reached any extent.

He promised to marry - marry, otherwise do not promise.

You are courting a girl - do not deceive her with your courtship, do not pass off frivolity as love.

And in general, for every act in a relationship, bear responsibility, like a man, and let this principle become not a cage for you, but the core and foundation for gaining strong, real, love.

Because it is responsibility that distinguishes a man from a boy, and where there is a man, there will always be a woman's love for him.

"Sickness for Good"

The story of Peter's illness provides another parting word. Behind every event in our life lies the Providence of God for us - even if it is a serious illness or other sorrow.

After all, if we judge: if Peter had not fallen ill, would he have met the peasant woman Fevronia? Probably not. And even if he had met, would their marriage have become possible, even if it didn’t happen right away even under the conditions of “healing”? It is clear that it is impossible.

And if Peter Fevronia had not been found, would he have been able to go his way to holiness? Hardly…

What a good lesson this is for us: do not despair and accept difficulties and sorrows with peace! Because in them - if you look - all the care of the Lord about eternal life for us.

Let it be difficult for the human mind to understand and hard to believe ...

The sanctity of trust between spouses. Miracle of St. Fevronia with crumbs

Tradition says that the boyars always suspected Fevronia of witchcraft. First, she was able to heal Peter when no one else could. Secondly, they did not understand many of her habits. For example, the boyars drew Peter's attention to the fact that his wife was collecting crumbs from the table in her palm. Fevronia simply treated all food with trepidation, as a gift from God, but the people around thought out who knows what ...

Once Peter heeded the suspicion of the boyars and asked Fevronia to open her hand. The princess obeyed, but in her hand, instead of crumbs, there was blessed incense. After that, Peter never "checked" his wife and did not listen to any talk about her.

This lesson goes deeper than just a story about suspicion. It is about total trust, which is established between spouses by the Grace of the Holy Spirit. Trust, which is built not only on respect for each other, but also on trust in the Providence of God, which can be expressed not only in the correct decisions of the spouse (or wife), but also in their mistakes.

After all, if you look at the essence of things, then marriage is the service to God through a person nearby. And love in a Christian family is not only the direction of feelings from one person to another (from wife to husband and vice versa), but Love itself, which is established in the heart with Christ, and which graces everything around.

“Acquire a peaceful spirit and thousands around you will be saved,” said the monk. Thousands around, but first of all - your "other half"!

Christ sanctified marriage by visiting marriage in Cana of Galilee, establishing for centuries that marriage for God's sake is the same full-fledged path to the acquisition of Grace and holiness as virginity (which later in Christianity acquired the form of monasticism).

Icon of marriage in Cana of Galilee

That is why any marriage is holy and any divorce is a "tragedy in heaven." And that is why Peter at some point refused to divorce his peasant wife, although the boyars begged him to do so.

Devotion. Exile of Peter and Fevronia

After the rebellious boyars expelled Peter and Fevronia from the city, the couple lived for some time almost in an open field in tents. A period that shows that marriage is not only words and feelings, but also deeds. In this case, from the side of the wife, who, for the sake of her husband, went with him from the palace to the hut. And not only accompanied him, but supported him during the hours when he was discouraged.

Women's support keeps the marriage and strengthens the man. Who knows how everything would have turned out if the obstinate wife had been in exile in the place of Fevronia. Would Peter have saved his health and life by the time the boyars came to bow to him and did not ask them to return?

Saint Fevronia and the boatman

One day the boatman who was transporting Fevronia thought of her with lust. The saint understood this and asked the man to draw water first from one side of the boat, then from the other, and try the water from there and from there. The water tasted the same. “So the essence of women is the same everywhere,” Fevronia explained to the boatman.

How many marriages would be saved if husbands did not look at other women.

Moreover, they didn’t even begin to simply look and evaluate, therefore any action and any sin begins with a thought that gradually becomes stronger in a person and takes root in him.

Peter and Fevronia died on the same day

This is not even a lesson, but a beautiful story. Peter several times sent a messenger to Fevronia with the message: “I am dying,” and each time she answered: “Wait, don’t die, I need to sew a cover for the temple.” And only for the third time she put aside her sewing, leaving it unfinished - in order to move from the earthly world to the eternal world together with her husband ...

You don’t need to take death in one for a miracle or some kind of mystical event - very often spouses who have lived together for a whole life then die one after the other, because the life of the other in marriage is also your life and with the life of the other and part of you leaves .

The simultaneous death of Peter and Fevronia is, rather, a symbol of their marital service, which also found expression in such a beautiful, memorable way.

At first they were buried separately, but later they were surprised to find them in one coffin - which they ordered for themselves shortly before their death. And now this is already a miracle - the seal of the Lord on their lives, which added this wonderful married couple to the host of Russian saints: Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom!

Saints Peter and Fevronia: Days of Remembrance

The Russian Orthodox Church has established two days of their memory:

  • July 8 is the day of Peter and Fevronia. In the state, it is celebrated as the Day of the Family.
  • and September 19 - the day of the return in 1992 of the holy relics of the Church, after they had been in the Soviet museum for 70 years.

Where are the relics of Peter and Fevronia kept?

Since 1992, the relics of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom have been kept in the cathedral church of the Murom Holy Trinity Monastery.

Icon of Peter and Fevronia

Holy Blessed Peter and Fevronia, pray to God for us!

Read this and other posts in our group in

The life of Peter and Fevronia of Murom is the clearest example of benefactor and devotion. The memory of the holy noble princes Peter and Fevronia of Murom is celebrated by the Church twice a year: on July 8 (June 25, old style), on the day of their righteous death, and on September 19 (Sept. 6, old style), on the day of the transfer of relics. You can learn more about a pair of saints by reading our article!

Life of Peter and Fevronia of Murom: history

Peter and Fevronia of Murom are spouses, saints, the brightest personalities of Holy Russia, who reflected its spiritual values ​​and ideals with their lives.

The history of the life of the holy miracle workers, the faithful and reverend spouses Peter and Fevronia, existed for many centuries in the traditions of the Murom land, where they lived and where their honest relics were preserved. Over time, the true events acquired fabulous features, merging in the people's memory with the legends and parables of this region. Now researchers are arguing about which of the historical figures the life is written about: some are inclined to think that they were Prince David and his wife Euphrosinia, in monasticism Peter and Fevronia, who died in 1228, others see in them the spouses Peter and Euphrosinia, who reigned in Murom in 14th century

Recorded a story about blgv. Peter and Fevronia in the 16th century. priest Yermolai the Sinful (monastic Erasmus), a talented writer, widely known in the era of Ivan the Terrible. Having preserved folklore features in his life, he created an amazingly poetic story about wisdom and love - the gifts of the Holy Spirit with a pure heart and humble in God.

Rev. Peter was the younger brother of the blgv who reigned in the city of Murom. Paul. Once, a misfortune happened in Paul's family - at the instigation of the devil, a kite began to fly to his wife. The woeful woman, yielding to demonic power, told her husband about everything. The prince ordered his wife to find out from the villain the secret of his death. It turned out that the death of the adversary "is destined from Peter's shoulder and Agrikov's sword." Upon learning of this, Peter immediately decided to kill the rapist, relying on God's help. Soon, during a prayer in the temple, it was revealed where Agrikov's sword was kept, and, having tracked down the snake, Peter struck it. But before his death, the snake splashed the victor with poisonous blood, and the prince's body was covered with scabs and ulcers.

No one could heal Peter from a serious illness. Enduring torment with humility, the prince surrendered to God in everything. And the Lord, taking care of His servant, sent him to the Ryazan land. One of the young men sent in search of a doctor accidentally went into the house, where he found a lonely girl named Fevronia, the daughter of a poison dart frog, who had the gift of clairvoyance and healing, at work. After all the questions, Fevronia punished the servant: “Bring your prince here. If he is sincere and humble in his words, he will be healthy!”

The prince, who himself could no longer walk, was brought to the house, and he sent to ask who wants to cure him. And he promised that, if he cured him, a great reward. “I want to cure him,” Fevronia replied bluntly, “but I don’t demand any reward from him. Here is my word to him: if I do not become his wife, then it is not fitting for me to treat him. Peter promised to marry, but in his heart he was cunning: the pride of the princely family prevented him from agreeing to such a marriage. Fevronia scooped up bread leaven, blew on it and ordered the prince to take a bath and grease all the scabs except one.

The blessed maiden had the wisdom of the Holy Fathers and prescribed such treatment not by chance. Just as the Lord and Savior, healing lepers, the blind and the paralyzed, healed the soul through bodily ailments, so Fevronia, knowing that diseases are allowed by God as a test and for sins, prescribed a cure for the flesh, implying a spiritual meaning. Bath, according to St. Scripture, the image of baptism and the cleansing of sins (Eph. 5:26), while the Lord Himself likened the Kingdom of Heaven to leaven, which souls, whitened by the bath of baptism, inherit (Luke 13:21). Since Fevronia saw the cunning and pride of Peter, she ordered him to leave one scab unoiled as evidence of sin. Soon, from this scab, the whole disease resumed, and the prince returned to Fevronia. The second time he kept his word. “And they arrived in their fiefdom, the city of Murom, and began to live piously, in no way violating God’s commandments.”

After the death of his brother, Peter became autocrat in the city. The boyars respected their prince, but the arrogant boyar wives disliked Fevronia, not wanting to have a peasant woman as their ruler, taught their husbands unkind things. The boyars tried to raise all sorts of slanders against the princess, and once they rebelled and, having lost their shame, offered Fevronia, taking whatever she wanted, to leave the city. The princess wanted nothing but her husband. The boyars rejoiced, because each secretly aimed at the prince's place, and they told their prince about everything. Blessed Peter, having learned that they wanted to separate him from his beloved wife, chose to voluntarily give up power and wealth and go into exile with her.

The couple sailed down the river in two boats. A certain man, sailing with his family along with Fevronia, stared at the princess. The holy wife immediately divined his thought and gently reproached: “Draw water from one side of the boat and the other,” the princess asked. “Is the water the same or is one sweeter than the other?” “The same,” he answered. “So the nature of women is the same,” said Fevronia. “Why are you, forgetting your wife, thinking about someone else?” The accused was embarrassed and repented in his soul.

In the evening they moored to the shore and began to settle down for the night. “What will happen to us now?” - Peter thought sadly, and Fevronia, a wise and kind wife, affectionately consoled him: “Do not grieve, prince, the merciful God, the Creator and Defender of all, will not leave us in trouble!” At this time, the cook began to prepare supper and, in order to hang the cauldrons, he cut down two small trees. When the meal was over, the princess blessed these stumps with the words: “May they be big trees in the morning.” And so it happened. By this miracle, she wanted to strengthen her husband, foreseeing their fate. After all, if “there is hope for a tree that, even if it is cut down, it will come to life again” (Job 14: 7), then a person who hopes and trusts in the Lord will have a blessing both in this life and in the next.

Before they had time to wake up, ambassadors arrived from Murom, begging Peter to return to reign. The boyars quarreled over power, shed blood, and now they were again looking for peace and tranquility. Blzh. Peter and Fevronia with humility returned to their city and ruled happily ever after, doing alms with prayer in their hearts. When old age came, they became monks with the names David and Euphrosyne and begged God to die at the same time. They bequeathed to bury themselves together in a specially prepared coffin with a thin partition in the middle.

They died on the same day and hour, each in his cell. People considered it impious to bury monks in one coffin and dared to violate the will of the deceased. Twice their bodies were carried to different temples, but twice they miraculously ended up nearby. So they buried the holy spouses together near the cathedral church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, and every believer found generous healing here.

Have you read the article Life of Peter and Fevronia of Murom. You may be interested in:

Blessed Prince Peter, monastic David, and Princess Fevronia, monastic Euphrosyne, Murom

Blessed-faithful Prince Peter was the second son of Mu-rom-th prince Yuri Vla-di-mi-ro-vi-cha. He entered the Mu-rom pre-table in 1203. A few years before this, St. Peter got sick of a pro-ka-za, from which no one could cure him. In the dream-nom vi-de-nii of the prince-zyu, it would-lo open something that the daughter of a bee-lo-vo-yes could use it, bla-go-che-sti-va de -va Feb-ro-niya, peasant-ka de-rev-ni Las-ko-howl in the Ryazan land. Saint Peter sent his people to that village.

When the prince saw holy Feb-ro-niya, he loved her so much for her goodness, wisdom and kindness, that he made a vow to the same thread Xia on it after research. Holy Feb-ro-niya is-tse-li-la prince-zya and married him for her husband. Holy su-pru-gi carried love to each other through all experiences. The proud bo-yare does not want to have a prince-gi-nu from a simple rank and need-bo-wa-li so that the prince should leave her. St. Peter from-ka-za-sya, and su-pru-gov from-gna-whether. They are on a boat sailing along the Oka from their native city. Holy Feb-ro-niya under-der-zhi-va-la and comfort-sha-la of St. Peter. But soon the city of Mu-rum was overtaken by the wrath of God, and the people demanded that the prince return together with the holy Feb-ro-ni- her.

Holy su-pru-gi pro-glory-we-we-we-we-che-sti-em and mi-lo-ser-di-em. They died on the same day and hour on June 25, 1228, having taken before this the mo-na-she-sky haircut with the names Da-vid and Ev-fro-si -tion. The bodies of the saints would be the same in the same coffin.

Saints Peter and Feb. Their-and-mi-lit-va-mi they down-dat heavenly blessings on those who are getting married.

In March 2008, the holiday celebrated in Russia since time immemorial - the Day of Peter and Fevronia - received nationwide status. It has become the Russian analogue of the day celebrated by the entire Western world, on which it is customary to give Valentine hearts. Even the medal "For Love and Loyalty" was established, and not because in our time these qualities are equated with a feat, but simply to mark those who distinguished themselves in family life by longevity and many children.

A love story that has come down to us from the 16th century

The day of Fevronia and Peter in Russia began to be celebrated from the moment of the canonization of these saints, in 1547. The story of their life is a real poem of fidelity and love. However, it did not begin at first sight and not as smoothly as it happens in some novels. In the 16th century, Yermolai Erasmus, the greatest writer and publicist of that time, published The Tale of Peter and Fevronia. It was she who brought to us the story of the prince of Murom and his wife, who "lived happily and died on the same day." Here's what she's talking about.

forced marriage

It all started with the fact that the still young and unmarried prince fell ill with leprosy. They did not know how to treat her, and therefore Peter, except for sympathy and sighs, did not receive anything from those around him. But one day in a dream it was revealed to him that the pious maiden Fevronia lives in the Ryazan land - the daughter of a simple beekeeper, who alone is able to heal him. Soon she was taken to Murom and agreed to help the patient, but on the condition that he promises to marry her.

How often does this promise come from the lips of men, especially if circumstances force it. So Peter gave her his word, but when Fevronia cured him, he backed down: I, they say, are a prince, and you are a peasant woman. But the girl was wise and foresaw everything: she made the disease return, and reminded him of a forgotten promise. Then the prince repented, received healing and led her down the aisle. Since then, every day of Fevronia and Peter was filled with love and happiness.

Love that is more precious than power

The following tells about the feelings of the young spouses, so strong that Peter did not agree to leave his wife, even under fear of losing his princely power. A case is described when the boyars, condemning his unequal marriage, tried to expel the prince. However, they were soon put to shame, begged for forgiveness and put all the blame on their wives, they say, it was they who incited them to do so. In general, they are ashamed and not like a man. But one way or another, the whole story served to the great glory of the newlyweds, especially since they were unforgiving people.

At the end of their long and happy life, the couple took monastic tonsure, promising each other to go to another world hand in hand. And so it happened: they died on the same day, and their bodies were placed in a common coffin - a double coffin, with a thin partition in the middle. Three hundred years later, at a church council, they were canonized as saints. Fevronia and Peter's Day began to be celebrated on June 25 (July 8, n.s.). Their relics rested in the Trinity Convent in the city of Murom.

Day of Marriage Happiness

For a long time, the holiday has been associated with the most important aspects of life - love, marriage and family. But since, according to the calendar, the holiday fell on the Petrovsky post and during this period there was no wedding, it was customary only to woo, and weddings were postponed until the end of autumn, when work in the field ended. It was believed that the couples who agreed on the Day of Fevronia and Peter were the strongest. Many monuments of folklore associated with marriage ceremonies and rituals have been preserved. It was believed that girls who had not found their betrothed by that time would have to wait for their happiness for at least a year.

By the decision of the Holy Synod, it was established to celebrate the Day of the Family of Peter and Fevronia one more time a year - on September 19th. This date is not included in any of the multi-day fasts, and if the day is short on a weekly basis, then nothing prevents the wedding. Prior to giving the holiday a national status, it was celebrated only in Murom itself, and only its inhabitants brought congratulations to each other on the Day of Peter and Fevronia.

Support for tradition by authorities

The initiator of this undertaking was personally the recently elected mayor V. A. Kachevan. In terms of restoring the historical appearance of Murom in 2001, he proposed celebrating the city's holiday on Family Day (Peter and Fevronia - the well-known saints of Murom). In the future, his administration took steps to raise local celebrations to the rank of all-Russian ones. In this regard, an appeal was sent to the State Duma, which was signed by 150,000 Murom residents.

It is known that 2008 was declared the year of the family by the decision of the President of Russia. This, of course, greatly helped to achieve the goal. Also an important stage on the way to the establishment of the holiday was the signing of a joint communique in support of the Murom undertaking by a number of high-ranking officials related to issues of church life. And finally, in March of the same year, the day of love of Peter and Fevronia received official state status.

Chamomile is a symbol of happiness

An organizing committee was formed, whose task included issues related to the order of the celebrations, their attributes and symbols. It was headed by Svetlana Medvedeva, who in those years was the first lady of the state. It was thanks to her that Family Day (Peter and Fevronia) received a chamomile as its symbol.

Her image is decorated with the same medal, which was mentioned at the beginning of the article. It is awarded to all whose marital union marked the golden and diamond jubilees, as well as to those who have been blessed by the Lord with abundant offspring. Since this year, the holiday has become all-Russian, and congratulations on the Day of Peter and Fevronia sound on July 8 throughout the country.

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