Teaching individual oral hygiene for children. Training in personal oral hygiene. Learning to brush baby teeth

In order for oral hygiene to bring its effective results in maintaining organs and tissues in a healthy state, careful hygienic education of the population and compliance with all basic rules are necessary. At the same time, the dentist in his work should be guided by three main provisions:

1. Sufficiently effective oral hygiene can be
only with regular brushing of teeth in compliance with the necessary
the number of brush movements and the amount of time it takes to clean all surfaces
hnost teeth.

2. Training in the skills and rules of oral care is included
the responsibility of the medical staff. In most cases without

proper education cannot provide the required level of oral hygiene.

3. The level of oral hygiene and adherence to the rules of brushing teeth should be monitored by medical personnel. Only control and correction of hygiene at certain intervals can consolidate the acquired skills and ensure its high level.

The introduction of effective oral hygiene requires a serious and thorough approach to educating the population, especially children. Teaching oral hygiene must necessarily be preceded and accompanied by sanitary education work (Suntsov V.G. and others, 1982; Leontiev V.K. and others, 1986).

Teaching children individual oral hygiene should begin at 2-3 years of age. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the age-related psychological characteristics of this group of children. They consist in a tendency to imitate, in an advantage to collective activities, to work initially with calm children as an example to follow. At this age, suggestibility is great, which must be used in a positive way.

The basis of work with children should be a conversation, direct communication, which cannot be replaced by anything else. Teaching hygiene habits in children is a very necessary task, but not an easy one. At this age, children are too young to understand the need for oral care. At the same time, it is the skills acquired at this age that become especially strong, assimilated for life. The basis of their formation in children should be game situations. This is served by beautiful toothbrushes, rinsing cups, the color and shape of educational objects, the presence of favorite toys, cartoon characters, etc.

It is advisable to start teaching children 5-7 years old with a conversation about the role of teeth for health, the need to care for them. At this age, children are already capable of perceiving such knowledge. Subsequent classes must also be built in the form of an interesting, entertaining game composition.

Teeth brushing classes are conducted by a medical professional who demonstrates all the steps on large models or toys with a mandatory explanation of the meaning and procedure for hygiene manipulations. Usually 7 consecutive stages are demonstrated in a form acceptable to children:

1. Wash your hands.

2. Rinse your mouth with water.

3. Wash your toothbrush with soap and water.

4. Apply toothpaste to the entire length of the working part of the brush.

5. Brush your teeth properly.

6. Rinse your mouth with water.

7. Rinse the toothbrush, lather it and leave it to store in a glass.
There are recommendations (Somova K.T., Dubensky Yu.F., 1983) on

training in oral hygiene for preschoolers in the form of 7 lessons in a children's clinic for 15 minutes each, lasting in the following sequence:

1 - examination of the oral cavity of children with the help of a dental mirror
feces and spatula;

2 - teaching the child to rinse the mouth, followed by
consolidation of the skill and its control after eating;

3 - a story about a toothbrush, its purpose, a demonstration of the benefits
vaniya on models;

4 - teaching children how to use a brush using models
and control of this skill;

5 - teaching children to brush their teeth directly without toothpaste with
subsequent washing of the brush with water, drying and storage in a hundred
cane. Consolidation of this skill;

6 - brushing teeth by the children themselves without the use of paste 2 times a day
day under the control and correction of skills by educators, medical workers
nicknames, parents;

7 - brushing children's teeth in the morning and evening using toothpaste,
caring for a toothbrush, rinsing the mouth.

We consider it particularly important to emphasize that with any method of teaching children the principles and rules of oral hygiene, "the same training is absolutely necessary for parents, teachers, health workers of child care institutions. That is, training should be comprehensive, only then it gives significant preventive results.

For preschoolers 5-7 years old, you can use a similar teaching method (7 lessons), but more attention is paid to explaining the rules of brushing your teeth, carrying out this manipulation on toys, and most importantly, monitoring the assimilation of these rules by determining and demonstrating the hygiene index before and after brushing your teeth. every child. The role of plaque staining and the importance of its removal in oral hygiene should be explained to children in an accessible way.

In children of primary school age (grades 1-4), it is advisable to build oral hygiene education in the form of several health lessons, using the school curriculum for this. In this age

more attention should be paid to conversations about the role of teeth in human life, their diseases and consequences, the possibility of preventing pathology, and measures to prevent diseases of the oral cavity. Younger students are introduced to a wider range of oral care products and items - toothbrushes, pastes, powders, elixirs.

Teaching children practical oral care skills is most conveniently carried out in the room (class) of hygiene and prevention, which is a room (or part of it) equipped with sinks, mirrors designed to master the technique of brushing teeth and control this process. 5-10 sinks with mirrors can be installed in the room, 1-2 sinks with mirrors in the hygiene corner. Cells for storing individual items and hygiene products are placed near one of the walls or in a special closet. Brushes can be stored in appropriately labeled chemical racks. The cupboard also holds an hourglass, toothpaste, and other supplies.

The cabinet should be equipped with a screen, overhead projector, blackout curtains, visual promotion for oral care, stands, tables, stained-glass windows, etc. If the size of the room allows, then tables for classes should be installed in it.

In the method of teaching oral hygiene, it is necessary to pay close attention to monitoring the quality of brushing teeth, correcting hygiene skills, and re-control to consolidate habits. This procedure should be given a large role, since the data obtained are a clear indicator of the quality and skill of oral care, allow you to detect specific omissions and develop corrective measures.

Teaching adult patients how to brush their teeth should be carried out in the hygiene room or hygiene corners in clinics, at enterprises according to the described method, taking into account their conscious attitude to hygiene. However, we should not forget that the restructuring of already established skills (often a non-optimal option) is much more difficult than their formation in children at an early age. Of great help in this process is the quality control of hygiene with the obligatory demonstration of the results of brushing teeth after staining the plaque.






Date added: 2015-02-05 | Views: 2321 | Copyright infringement

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Teeth are the first thing people pay attention to when communicating.

The lion's share of all cases of dental diseases of the oral cavity depends on non-compliance with hygiene requirements from an early age.

What should adults do as preventive measures for children?

Why is oral hygiene important from an early age?

Enamel mineralizes during the first few months after. Weak mineralization makes it vulnerable to pathogenic bacteria. Children can suffer not only from, but also from foci of infection in the periodontal area.

The destruction of mature enamel occurs due to calcium leaching. Due to endocrine and hormonal changes in the child's body, during the growth process, it is actively formed, turning into.

What determines the health of the oral cavity crumbs?

The dental health of the baby is laid long before his appearance. The genetic heritage of the individual is paramount, but errors in the nutritional intake of the expectant mother can cause the manifestation of pathologies.

Even during the mother's pregnancy, the fetus must receive calcium in sufficient quantities. The chemical element takes part in the laying of teeth. Their formation begins at the 5th week of intrauterine development. Until the 12th - a responsible phase occurs. During this period and throughout pregnancy, nutrition of the mother is important.

Leading in the diet of a pregnant woman and a growing child should be foods rich in:

  • vitamins;
  • trace elements;
  • protein.

How to choose the right hygiene products?

The use of personal oral hygiene products (PMA) for children should be correct, targeted and regular. - a simple event that helps:

  • cope with pathogenic microflora;
  • eliminate the existing one;
  • create the required concentration of fluorine in saliva.

Every kid knows to brush their teeth. Oral hygiene in children is different from that in adults. Devices for high-quality cleaning of the oral cavity:

  • dental threads (), take, flossettes;

The first brush of the baby, which adults will help him use, should be with a long handle, type 2 hardness. At its rounded and well-polished end, the bristles should be arranged in 2 rows. When the child takes the brush himself, then its handle should be voluminous, comfortable to grip and hold, without sharp corners.

Adults wipe the baby's mouth with a weak solution of baking soda, wearing a special fingertip or armed with a sterile napkin. The use of these devices from the refrigerator (cool temperature) facilitates the condition of the gums during.

The procedure is performed every day for one minute. If necessary, examination and consultation with a pediatrician.

The children's teeth preservation program includes the following main points:

  • using only fluoride toothpastes:
  • education ;
  • regular professional examination (twice a year).

In some countries, dental health is at the core of national policy. There is an experience of creating a whole generation of children who do not have caries.

The duties of a dentist and paramedical personnel of dental medical institutions, especially with the district principle of service, include competent education of children, their parents, teaching and medical staff of schools and kindergartens in the basic rules of dental care. This is an effective and massive way of modern prevention and.

Interesting experience has been accumulated in the GDR on this question. A special hygienic hour has been introduced in the schools of the GDR, which takes place once a week. During this hour, she teaches schoolchildren in grades 1-2 a single methodology in a specially equipped room (low washbasins, shelves for glasses and toothbrushes, mirrors). During cleaning, children control their actions in front of a mirror. The hygiene hour is included in the curriculum and is mandatory.

Classes of this kind are held up to the 5th grade, in the 1st and 2nd grades - once a week, in the 3rd grade once every 2 weeks, in the 4th grade - once a month.

Often, parents and teaching staff are involved in the hygienic hour.

According to Professor Künzel, this measure gives a good preventive effect, after 3-3.5 years the frequency of dental caries and diseases decreases in children.

The expediency of regular, double brushing is undeniable, and the real result of this event depends on competent health education propaganda, the right advice and recommendations for oral care. This must be known and carried out by the average medical worker of a dental institution.

The quality of oral care in observed patients is checked using the hygienic index according to Fedorov-Volodkina. To do this, use the coloring of the lip surface of the six lower frontal teeth with iodine-iodine-potassium solution (Kalii jodati pulv. 2.0; Jodi puri crist. 1.0: Aquae destill. 40.0). The quantitative assessment is made according to a five-point system:
Normally, the hygienic index does not exceed 1.1 - 1.3 points. For a more detailed study of the oral cavity in one or a group of patients, its qualitative assessment can be applied according to a three-point system:
With the help of the recommended hygienic index, it is possible to determine not only the quality of teeth cleaning with a particular paste, but also the cleaning effect of various hygiene products, as well as the individual degree and quality of teeth cleaning by a particular patient.

The proposed hygiene index for cleaning teeth is simple and accessible, since its calculation is very fast. At the same time, it is a completely objective criterion, on the basis of which one can judge the degree and nature of hygienic dental care in various individuals and groups of people. This method can also serve to illustrate the quality of teeth cleaning in hygiene education.

It is advisable to start the lesson before removing soft dental deposits.

The patient is given a hand mirror so that he can follow the examination of the oral cavity. First, they show him white plaque, scraping off some of it for persuasiveness, and adults along the way explain its bacterial contents and the harmful effect on periodontal tissues and tooth enamel.

You should build your conversation depending on the personality of the patient, his cultural level. However, in all cases, in a conversation, it must be emphasized that white plaque is almost invisible. Then, as an illustration, staining of plaque is carried out using iodine-iodine-potassium solution or 6% solution of basic fuchsin. So, 4 drops of a 6% solution of basic fuchsin are added to a beaker with 10-12 ml of water and the patient is asked to rinse vigorously for 30 seconds. Then the patient is given to rinse the mouth with plain water to remove excess dye. Plaque and tartar are stained red and are clearly visible.

Iodine-potassium iodide solution is used to stain plaque with a small cotton swab, as well as to determine the standard hygiene index. Painted plaque is shown to the patient repeatedly so that he can be convinced of the unsatisfactory quality of oral care.

At the first visit, the patient is asked to bring a toothbrush and paste, recommending the most appropriate brush design. On the next visit, the patient is asked to brush in the usual way for him during the time usually spent for this, in order to subsequently be able to point out obvious errors and shortcomings. Then the patient must be pointed out to his wrong actions and shown on the layout and drawings the most rational methods of brushing his teeth.

For the convenience of learning to clean the oral cavity, each half of the dentition can be divided into three parts: anterior, middle and posterior. Start cleaning from the back, placing the brush at the level of the occlusal (biting) surface of the teeth. Brush movements are recommended to be carried out along the axis of the teeth with scraping movements or slightly rotating it like sweeping movements. There should be 6-8 such movements in the area of ​​the same teeth on the buccal side and 6-8 on the lingual side. The brush is moved gradually anteriorly from one part of the dentition to another. It is advisable to clean the anterior palatine and lingual areas by holding the brush in an upright position. At first, they can be counted, and then the rhythm and duration of brushing become a habit and it happens automatically. After cleaning, the student should rinse the mouth thoroughly. At the end of the briefing, the patient is asked to use the toothbrush as instructed and is released only when he is able to perform the procedure effectively.

Practice shows that repeated conversations and classes are needed, which are also conducted by a nurse. For this, the patient is asked to come back in 2 weeks with a toothbrush for a follow-up examination. During this examination, the plaque is restained. It is advisable that the patient at the same time observe his result with the help of a hand mirror. If the cleaning efficiency is insufficient, then the briefing should be repeated.

It must be remembered that most people do not master hygiene skills after the first briefing or conversation. Therefore, it is advisable for the patient to have a toothbrush with him on subsequent visits. Instruction should continue until good oral cleaning results are achieved. Education of patients with periodontal disease is advisable to conduct individually. Instruction in a class or group of people can only be in the form of general instructions and does not achieve the goal that is possible with individual lessons.

Both in and in the clinic, in order to achieve good results in oral care, it should be monitored from time to time using the special indexes described above.

Individual oral hygiene is, of course, the main method of primary prevention of periodontal disease.
However, the concept high-quality individual oral hygiene” assumes the correct implementation of the following points:
regular and proper brushing of teeth;
use of high-quality toothbrushes and pastes;
the use of additional means of prevention (floss, interdental brushes, irrigators, devices for cleansing the tongue, etc.).

However, with unconditional priority individual oral hygiene, as mentioned above, the closest attention should be paid to the elimination of those clinical situations that either drastically reduce its effectiveness or do not allow achieving the desired effect. In particular, these include:
dental anomalies;
defects in filling, prosthetics, orthodontic treatment;
violation of the architectonics of attachment of soft tissues of the vestibule of the oral cavity;
the presence of supracontacts and the absence of physiological abrasion of enamel tubercles after 25 years.

That is why the list primary prevention measures and includes interventions aimed at eliminating (or significantly reducing the degree of influence) of these situations.

Our own research showed that after detailed instruction, the vast majority of patients can master the technique of high-quality toothbrushing. However, almost all adults constantly perform it for 1.5 to 3 months. After that, as a rule, they lose motivation and return to the usual (poor-quality) brushing. This reality (despite the fact that in words all patients describe in detail all the subtlest information about the rules of cleaning and the latest hygiene products and convince them that they do so) gives reason to assess the prognosis of individual learning of adults very modestly and look for ways which will allow realizing the truly great potential of individual hygiene. Another fact convinced us of the legitimacy of such a need: it turned out that only first grade students exactly follow all the instructions of the instructor. As they grow up, already in the second grade they set out the rules of cleaning more cheerfully and perform them worse and worse. Therefore, two tasks are relevant at once.
1. At what age should hygiene education begin so that the training lessons provide maximum lifelong motivation?
2. How often should the process of individual training and supervision be repeated so that the person actually meets the required requirements consistently?

Based on our own data, which is very consistent with opinion of hygienists, we believe that it is necessary to teach children the rules of oral hygiene and control its quality from the age of 2-3 years. Moreover, from the first year, parents should brush their child's teeth themselves, and as soon as the child masters acceptable manual skills, it is important to teach the child not only the technique of oral care, but also to educate him about the importance of strict adherence to it (i.e. motivation). However, one can really count on the result only if the adults around the child, primarily parents, do the same. Otherwise, the effect of efforts will be zero, since children copy the behavior of adults.

What concerns adults(here our results again coincide with the data of other specialists), then after training and weekly monitoring for 1 month. Subsequently, repeated examinations with a demonstration of the state of hygiene using a dye (otherwise the patient will not be convinced of the need to improve hygiene care) should be carried out at least 1 time in 3 months. to achieve quality oral care.

By the way, it is the real difficulties of instilling the most seemingly elementary concept of the need regular brushing of teeth and show that the solution of this problem on a proper scale is possible (again, in reality, these possibilities will turn out to be much more modest than hypothetical ones) only on condition that the individual efforts of specialists will find support in the widest mass media: television, radio, and in programs oriented specifically for different age groups.

Thus, individual education and motivation in relation to oral hygiene care can give the maximum possible result only in the case of equally intensive and directed training - individual, collective, mass.

Only after successful solution listed tasks of the first stage, there is a hope to get the expected effect of specific means and methods of prevention, which are also individual, collective and mass in nature.

Modern ideas about the causes and development of diseases of the teeth and periodontal tissues, as well as the equipment and means of preventing diseases in the hands of a dentist, allow us to move to the highest level of organization of care - to the introduction of methods for the primary prevention of dental pathology. The main prevention methods include: a general rational regimen, a balanced diet, rational oral hygiene, active sanitary and educational work by the method of medical and pedagogical persuasion.

The fundamental principle of the system of prevention of dental diseases is the principle of the age approach to the implementation of all activities.

School work starts on September 1st. The nurse, together with the school dentist, selects individual hygiene products for each student (toothbrush, paste, glasses) and draws up a schedule of hygiene lessons, which are then approved by the director (head teacher) of the school.

The program of hygienic education and upbringing is designed for teaching 3 age groups: 7-9 years old (1-3 grades), 10-14 years old (4-7 grades), 15-17 years old (8-11 grades).

In grades 1 and 2, 8 hours are allotted for these lessons. 3rd grade 4pm. In the senior classes, training is recommended to be carried out separately for boys and girls.

Around the 3rd session, oral care training is provided. To transform knowledge into skills, skills into skills, it is necessary: ​​questioning, repetition, exercises in actions, control over the use of skills, encouragement of knowledge and actions.

Depending on the sanitary and hygienic situation in the school, the place and plan for conducting practical hygiene lessons will vary.

If there is a hygiene room at the school, both the general part of the lesson and the practical training of children in brushing their teeth are carried out in it.

In the absence of a hygiene room at the school, a dentist's office is used. The theoretical part of the lesson with training of children on simulators should be carried out in the classroom, and individual training at the sink - in the dentist's office.

In an unfavorable sanitary and hygienic situation (if there are sinks only near the dining room), the lesson is limited to teaching children how to care for their teeth on simulators, and at the sink this is done before dental treatment in the process of planned sanitation or before special preventive procedures.

The formation of oral care skills is carried out simultaneously with the training of the elements of actions that make up the skill.

There are six elements of oral care skill:

1. Wash your hands before brushing your teeth.

2. Rinse your mouth with water.

3. Thoroughly rinse the toothbrush with tap water.

4. Squeeze toothpaste onto the toothbrush to the length of its head.

5. Brush your teeth according to the scheme: each half of the jaw needs a number
brush for 1-2 minutes and make 100-150 strokes with the brush.

6. Rinse your mouth after every meal (at school - pos
after lunch).

The technology of brushing teeth involves cleaning the entire surface of the tooth enamel, especially actively in places where plaque accumulates (in the cervical part of the crown, on the contact surfaces and directly at the edge of the gum).

1. The movement of the toothbrush along the dentition should go from left to right.

2. Brushing the upper teeth precedes cleaning the lower ones.

3. Cleaning the front surface precedes cleaning the back

4. When installing a brush on the dentition, it is important that the most
areas that are difficult to clean, such as interdental spaces
completely covered with a brush.

5. Due to the risk of damaging the bottom of the sulcus with bristles
toothbrush, its vertical movements should have only one
board: from the gum to the line of closing of the teeth and should begin with
gum surface.

Types of toothbrush movements

1. Vertical along the front and back surfaces of the teeth. On the
buccal side of the dentition, the bristles are installed so that the working
the part adjoins the teeth horizontally, capturing several teeth.
On the back surface of the teeth, it is only possible to install a brush under
45-90 degree angle.

2. Horizontal movements on the surface of the occlusion of the dentition
dove in longitudinal and transverse direction.

The cleaning of the teeth is completed by “sweeping” movements on the surface of the teeth.

The dentition is divided into several segments. Cleaning begins with the upper right large molars. It is recommended to do 10 strokes with a brush on each quadrant of the jaws from the outside. and inner surface, as well as on chewing. At least 300 movements should be made on two dentitions.

To consolidate and improve the skill, a systematic check of the technique of brushing teeth among schoolchildren is necessary.

After the demonstration of the technique of brushing the teeth, a controlled brushing of the teeth (with staining of the plaque) is carried out by the children once in week under the supervision of a nurse.

Control over brushing of teeth is carried out by carrying out the Schiller-Pisarev test. There are two possible approaches to staining plaque:

a) before brushing the teeth, indicating to the children the areas of retention of the tooth
plaque and followed by brushing your teeth;

b) after a thorough cleaning of the teeth, staining of the teeth and repeated

Subsequently, controlled brushing of teeth in preschool children is carried out during preventive measures. Each check, in turn, should be accompanied by an individual correction of the method of brushing teeth for each student.


/. Bukreeva N.M., Gakkel L.V. Hygienic education and education of children and adolescents on the prevention of dental diseases in the school. - Leningrad. 1986. - 70 p.

2. Leontiev V.K., Suntsov V.G., Distel V.A. Hygienic organization system
whom to educate the population during primary prevention of dental caries
bov in children // Dentistry, 1986. - No. 1. - p. 67-71.

3. Pakhomov G.N. Primary prevention in dentistry. - M., 1982. - 239 p.

4. Suntsov V.T., Leontiev V.K., Distel V.A. Sanitary Educational Ra
bot in the system of primary prevention of dental caries in children organized
teams (guidelines). - Omsk, 1982. - 11s.

5. Udovitskaya E.V., Parpalei E.A., Savchuk N.O. Organization of school education
nicknames for hygienic care of the oral cavity. - Kyiv, 1987. - 26 p.

15.1.5. The methodology for conducting sanitary education among parents in the implementation of primary dental prophylaxis in children

The current organizational approaches and methods of treatment are not able to reduce the ever-increasing prevalence and intensity of oral diseases. Therefore, in solving this problem, primary prevention of dental diseases should come to the aid of dentists, the introduction of which will reduce the likelihood of these diseases, will reduce the need in their treatment, will enable the dentist to devote more time to disease prevention.

Parents can play a significant role in introducing primary dental prophylaxis in children. The development of parents' belief in the need to comply with the rules of a healthy lifestyle for their children based on scientific knowledge of the causes of the disease, methods for preventing them and maintaining the body in a healthy state is the goal of sanitary and educational work among parents. Health education precedes and accompanies oral health education, of which it is the foundation.

Sanitary and educational work basically has two directions: promotion of medical knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, ways and methods of maintaining health, disease prevention, agitation of parents for observing the rules of a healthy lifestyle and preventing diseases of their children through education and persuasion.

In order to promote medical knowledge among parents, it is recommended to organize a meeting before the parent meeting in the classroom or

group. It is undesirable to unite parents of several classes or groups (in preschool institutions), since in this case the lecture or conversation is poorly perceived. At the same time, parents should be concerned about the condition of the teeth and organs of the oral cavity among children and arouse interest in carrying out and maintaining measures for the prevention of dental diseases planned in children's groups. The duration of the conversation should not exceed 15-25 minutes, since approximately the same time will be required to answer questions. The conversation should be lively, with many examples, illustrations, transparencies. It is necessary to use movie screenings (at parent meetings); production of a sanitary wall seal reflecting the issues of prevention of dental diseases, as well as the distribution among parents and students of leaflets containing a summary of basic hygiene information on the problem. It should be remembered that the form of presentation and content of the recommendations should correspond to the cultural level of the population and living conditions in the region.

Sanitary and educational work among parents, as one of the main effective links in ensuring hygiene education, should be carried out in the following sections:

1. Maternal health, nutrition and oral health of the future

2. Oral diseases and children's health.

3. The value of general health for the state of the oral cavity.

4. The role of good nutrition in the prevention of stripe diseases
your mouth.

5. Preventive value of personal hygiene.

6. Drug prevention of diseases of the oral cavity and
health of the expectant mother and young child.

7. Hygienic education of schoolchildren.

For parents of preschool children, it is recommended to plan the main conversation “It is possible to prevent diseases of the oral cavity”, which is initially held once in each preschool institution and school by a dentist with parents, as indicative for medical staff and kindergarten teachers who are obliged according to the plan to duplicate it for all groups and classes. The plan of the conversation is recommended as follows: a) the importance of oral health for the general condition of the child's body (5 min); b) the importance of the quality of nutrition in ensuring oral health and the rules for eating (15 min); c) the role of general health measures in the development and condition of organs and tissues of the oral cavity (5 min); d) revealing

changing and eliminating bad habits (10 min); e) oral hygiene (10 min); f) ways to prevent diseases of the oral cavity (15 min).

Within the framework of this conversation, it is necessary to emphasize the points corresponding to the age of the children whose parents are being worked with. In addition, one new issue is covered in the conversation every year: with the parents of children in the nursery group (1-2 years old) - about the need for a dentist to monitor children whose mothers had a pathological pregnancy; with parents of children of the first younger group - about viral stomatitis, the most common at this age; the second junior group - about the meaning of active chewing and how to form this skill; the middle group - about the psychological preparation of children for the need to visit the dentist; the older group - about the change of teeth and the complications of this process, in particular, a decrease in the intensity of chewing; preparatory group - about the essence of dental caries, the principles of its prevention and treatment.

It is advisable to bring the abstracts of the main conversation in wall printing. The most flexible and popular form is the parent corner, the materials of which should be planned monothematically. On an individual basis, parents should be invited to a demonstration or ongoing oral hygiene session with their children. It is also possible to present the specified topic in an artistic form by creating a series of filmstrips, films, phonograms, organizing thematic games, theatrical meetings, speaking in print, on radio and television.

Through health centers (healthy lifestyle) it is possible to purchase replicated sanitary and educational materials (leaflets, memos, booklets, etc.). With the systematic work on hygienic education, begun with the parent group of children in nursery groups, the accentuation of individual questions according to age can be planned in such a way as to ensure a uniform update of the text of the conversations while maintaining all 6 main points due to the extended presentation of some materials. Their choice is due to the need to create a basis of hygienic knowledge among parents by the time when active systematic education of children begins.

Here is an exemplary text of a conversation for parents of preschool institutions.


Caries is the most common human disease. Up to 98% of the population suffers from diseases of the teeth and gums.

Dental diseases lead to rheumatism, chronic tonsillitis, diseases of the heart, stomach, kidneys, and lungs. Therefore, measures to prevent caries and its complications are very important.

Adults should help the child to properly implement caries prevention measures. It is necessary to brush your teeth 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening before going to bed. The toothbrush should have a small head made of artificial bristles. Under no circumstances should two or more people use the same brush. After use, the toothbrush is recommended to be thoroughly washed with soap and stored in a glass or cup. In specially closed cases, you can store the brush only temporarily, for example, when traveling.

A new brush must be thoroughly washed before use, and then left thickly lathered overnight in a glass. It is not advisable to boil the brush, as it loses its original shape and the bristles may fall out. You need to change your toothbrush 4 times a year.

To teach a child to brush his teeth with a brush and rinse his mouth should be from 2 years of age. At the same time, he must be taught how to use one toothbrush correctly and only then apply toothpaste. It is also necessary to teach the child to rinse his mouth after each meal.

The most effective scheme of hygiene measures should be recognized as brushing your teeth in the morning after sleep and in the evening after eating, with the obligatory rinsing of the mouth after breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Less effective one-time cleaning. Irregular care does not give anything, since plaque has time to soak with salts and is not removed with a brush, the harmful effects of food residues and microbes remain. Relatively high is the caries-causing effect of solid, easily digestible carbohydrates stuck in the grooves of the teeth and interdental spaces. With poor oral hygiene in the same areas, as well as in the area of ​​​​the necks of the teeth, soft plaque accumulates, which contains microorganisms. Carbohydrates under the action of the microflora of the oral cavity are converted into acids that destroy tooth enamel. There is dental caries.

Meanwhile, it would be wrong to think that children should not be given sweets and sugar at all. Sweets serve as a specific light pi-

chewing stimulus that normalizes the tone of the nervous system of children. However, such a positive effect of sweets on the nervous system is noted only when they are consumed in moderation - no more than 15-20% of the total daily amount of carbohydrates per day. Honey, jam, sweets and other sweets that contain 60% sugars are recommended to be consumed with liquid (tea, milk, water), the amount of which should be 10-12 times higher than the amount of sweets. If, after taking easily digestible carbohydrates, the mouth is rinsed with water, then a very small amount of sugar remains in the mouth. Especially harmful is the intake of carbohydrates as the last meal, sweet sticky foods (cookies, sticky sweets), since carbohydrates are stored in the oral cavity for a particularly long time. Taking carbohydrates as the last meal of the night can be a strong caries-causing effect, as the resulting acids act on the teeth for a long time. Moreover, the high content created during the intake is not in itself a caries-causing factor, such a danger is created precisely by the remains of carbohydrates after eating. It should also be remembered that for the development of caries, it is not the absolute amount of carbohydrates taken that is important, but the frequency of their intake. It is recommended to take carbohydrates only at breakfast and lunch.

By the time of teething, the enamel of the tooth is still defective in composition. The eruption of permanent teeth with the correct development of the child coincides in time with the loss of temporary teeth. At the age of 6, the first permanent tooth appears. Parents should know that at the time of complete teething, sweets (especially sticky sweets, cakes, cookies, and other confectionery products) must be excluded from the child's diet, and replaced with dairy products, fruits, and vegetables. To increase the resistance of tooth enamel to the action of caries-causing factors, each child must adhere to the following rules:

1. Correctly brush your teeth twice a day in the morning and evening.

2. Do not eat a lot of sweets and flour products, especially in
as the last meal of the night.

3. After each meal and sweets, rinse your mouth with water
(preferably alkaline mineral).

4. Between meals, rinse your mouth with a solution of
salt 2-3 times a day. ■

5. Slowly drink, holding milk and tea in your mouth.

6. Chew vigorously and a lot, do not give up tough vegetables
and fruits.

7. Perform exercises to train the teeth and jaws,
moderately weakly and firmly clenching his teeth, closing and opening his mouth easily and with
great strength.

8. Harden your body and do gymnastics.

9. Visit the dentist 2 times a year, even if there are no complaints.
You should brush your teeth for at least 3-5 minutes by the hour, dividing

each half of the jaw into three sections. The movements of the brush should go from the gum to the tooth vertically. First, the surface of the tooth is cleaned from the side of the lip, then from the side of the tongue, and finally, the chewing surface. The chewing surfaces of the teeth must be cleaned with horizontal movements; lingual and buccal - from bottom to top on the lower jaw and from top to bottom on the upper jaw. The central teeth should be brushed with closed jaws with vertical movements.

For children with healthy gum mucosa, special children's hygiene pastes Artek, Cheburashka, Berry, Moydodyr, Detskaya and a number of others can be recommended for care. The use of tooth powders for the care of children's teeth is not recommended, because. they erase the hard tissues of the tooth more, which are less durable in children than in adults.

With multiple damage to the teeth by caries in children, it is most advisable to use the Zhemchug paste containing special anti-caries substances and fluoride-containing pastes.

Children should know ten rules for brushing their teeth (the text is adapted for older preschoolers):

1. The brush should have a curved handle and short, 2-3 teeth,
head with stubble sparse bushes.

2. Before brushing your teeth, the brush should be washed with warm water.

3. You need to learn how to brush your teeth without toothpaste, and having learned - use
call and paste.

4. It is better not to use tooth powder, because. they can fuck

5. First you need to clean the front surface of the teeth with movements
brushes in one direction: top - top down, bottom - bottom
up 5 times for two teeth, moving the brush from the far teeth to the left
to the far teeth on the right, first at the top, then at the bottom, and then - back
the surface of the teeth in the same order.

6. Then you need to clean the chewing surface, first the top
them, then the lower teeth - from the far teeth to the left to the far teeth
on the right 5 times in each direction, then from front to back 5 times in two

7. At the end of brushing your teeth, you need to “sweep” everything cleaned up to the tooth
rows, capturing the gum, first at the top, then at the bottom, then on the left

8. After cleaning, the brush must be washed, lathered and set heads
which up into the glass.

9. Brush your teeth twice a day - after sleep or breakfast and
before bedtime.

10. Have a new brush in spring, autumn, summer and winter.
Proper regular brushing of teeth should become hygienic

lifelong habit.

Proper nutrition - the use of milk, cottage cheese, cheese, fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, good chewing, eating hard foods, regular dental care helps prevent diseases of the teeth and gums.


1. Borovsky E.V., Kuzmina E.M., Nemeckaya T.I. Primary prevention of wasps
new dental diseases. Teaching aid. - M.,
1986. - 74 p.

2. Leontiev V.K., Magid EV.. Suntsov V.G. and etc. Oral hygiene and its
medical and preventive value. - Volgograd, 1987. - 19 p.

3. Leontiev V.K., Suntsov V.G., Distel V.A. Sanitary and educational work
and in the system of primary prevention of dental caries in children in organized
collectives (Guidelines). - Omsk, 1982. - 11s.

4. Pakhomov G.N. Primary prevention in dentistry. - M., 1982. - 237 p.

5. Razumeeva G.I., Udovitskaya E.V., Bukreeva N.M. Primary prevention
dental diseases in children. - Kyiv, 1987. - 152 p.

6. Sanitary and educational conversations on dentistry for the population (method
teaching instructions for students, edited by Professor V.I. Karnitsky). -
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