But shpa tab. But shpa instruction application. Age dosages for children

A drug called no-shpa has become widespread. This drug is used, if not for the treatment of diseases, then for the removal of unpleasant and painful symptoms. Practice shows that the drug no-shpa, despite its effectiveness, has many contraindications. Before taking the medicine, you need to consult with your doctor. But first, the doctor must conduct an examination of the patient, after which, based on the diagnosis, prescribe treatment. No-shpa injections instructions for use provide for the use of the drug for severe spasms to relieve pain. Injections differ from tablets only in that they act on the pain focus much faster, eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of pain.

Features of the drug No-shpa

The main advantage of no-shpa is its effective masking of the symptoms of various diseases. The remedy is used in extreme cases with the development of such serious diseases as cancer of the kidneys, liver, stomach and other types of neoplasms.

It is unacceptable to use the drug in persons with a tendency to develop allergic reactions, which can eventually lead to anaphylactic shock. The drug is also dangerous for people who have problems with diseases such as bronchial asthma and other types of ailments associated with the respiratory system. The use of a noshpa for such patients can lead to asphyxia and obstruction of the respiratory organs with a transition to pulmonary edema.

As you can see, the drug is quite powerful, so its improper use can lead to the most unpleasant consequences. Before administering the drug intramuscularly, be sure to read its instructions for use. It is important to know not only the features of the application and dosage, but also the presence of contraindications. We learn more about the no-shpa preparation from the material below.

Instructions for using No-shpa in the form of injections

The drug no-shpa is based on drotaverine hydrochloride, through which pain symptoms are relieved. The drug has an antispasmodic effect, whereby the drug in the form of injections has a wider range of applications than the tablet form. No-shpa in the form of ampoules is used for such diseases:

  1. With attacks of gallstone disease.
  2. For postoperative conditions.
  3. In the period after the abortion.
  4. With ulcerative ailments of the stomach and intestines.
  5. With urolithiasis, as well as with the passage of stones through the ureters.

The medicine but shpa solution for injection can be used for both intravenous and intramuscular use. The intravenous method of using no-shpa involves diluting the drug with saline. You can use no-shpu in the form of injections for a dropper. This option of intravenous administration of the drug allows for a prolonging effect of the drug. This type of injection is often used after operations. One unit of the drug contains 40 mg of the active ingredient drotaverine hydrochloride.

Indications for use

No-shpa helps to relieve pain spasms in those places where there are muscles. A pharmacological agent in the form of injections quite effectively copes with its purpose, eliminating pain quickly and effectively. Most people with the development of headaches prefer drugs such as Citramon or Askofen. But with severe and prolonged pain, no-shpa helps. In this case, the drug is used mainly in the form of tablets. To relieve pain symptoms with cuts, open and closed injuries, no-shpu is used in the form of injections.

In addition, the medicine is so effective that even with the slightest dislocations or sprains, it is used in order to get rid of unpleasant pain symptoms. It should be noted the important advantage of the drug no-shpa over non-steroidal drugs. The advantage lies in the absence of a negative effect on the digestive tract. This suggests that the drug eliminates pain, thereby not harming the body.

Dosage and application features

The instructions for use of the no-shpa medicine indicate dosages for adults and children. The drug can be used even for children from a year old, but only as directed by the attending physician. For children from one to six years old, the dosage of no-shpa is 120 mg per day. Moreover, this dose should be divided into three times, which avoids the development of allergic manifestations of the drug.

For children from 6 years to 12 years of age, the dosage of no-shpa per day is 200 mg. This dosage is recommended to be divided into two times. For adults, the dosage of drotaverine hydrochloride is 240 mg per day. This dosage can be divided into 2-3 times according to the decision of the attending physician. In acute pain, the agent is injected directly into the focus of the development of the pain syndrome. For example, if pain develops in renal or urolithiasis, then no-shpu should be administered in an amount of 80 mg intravenously. The duration of the introduction of this dosage in time should not be faster than 30 seconds.

During labor or after an abortion, it is allowed to administer no-shpa intravenously and intramuscularly in an amount of 80 mg with a time interval of at least 2 hours. When using the drug at home without a doctor's prescription, you should carefully read the instructions.


But shpa injections instructions for use have a mandatory paragraph, which indicates the reasons for contraindications to the use of the drug. These contraindications are:

  1. The presence of an allergy to the composition of the drug.
  2. During childbearing at any stage of pregnancy.
  3. During the period of breastfeeding.
  4. In the presence of bronchial asthma.
  5. With cardiac arrhythmias.
  6. If the patient shows signs of low blood pressure.

Children often have an allergy to lactose, which is contained in no-shpe tablets. Before giving a No-shpa tablet to a child, you should make sure that he does not have an allergy.

Side effects

Despite the effectiveness of the drug, it also has side effects that occur in frequent cases with an overdose. This happens when, with frequent use of painkillers, its effectiveness decreases. The patient arbitrarily increases the dose in order to get a positive result from the drug, thereby putting his life at risk.

The main side effects of no-shpy include the following manifestations:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • development of nausea and vomiting;
  • increased heart rate;
  • rash on the body;
  • swelling at the injection site;
  • development of anaphylactic shock, which in frequent cases ends in death.

Side effects occur not only with an overdose, but also with frequent use of the drug. If the effectiveness of the anesthetic drug decreases, then it should be replaced with another medicine that has a distinctive composition.

No-shpa in the form of injections: what is the medicine for?

In ampoules, the drug is used in those exceptional cases when taking tablets is not possible. Reasons why pills may be prohibited are the body's lactose intolerance. Even if the body does not have an individual intolerance to the drug, then lactose has a negative effect on the digestive system. These are stomach pains, as well as nausea and, in rare cases, vomiting.

If a person has signs of impaired glucose absorption, then a form of application of no-shpa in the form of injections is prescribed for them. Intravenously or intramuscularly, an anesthetic is prescribed for pancreatitis. After all, this type of ailment often manifests itself in the form of the development of signs of vomiting. Tablets with such symptoms will be simply useless. Due to the fact that injections have a rapid antispasmodic effect, many tend to use the medicine in this form, especially for pain in the back, stomach, kidneys, etc.

When the medicine starts to work

Drotaverine is much more effective than Papaverine. No-shpa in the form of tablets is absorbed by the body much faster than preparations based on papaverine. Often, a decrease in pain begins to appear 10-15 minutes after taking the pill.

Intramuscular and intravenous injection allows you to achieve the desired result after 5 minutes. That is why no-shpa injections are widespread.

It is important to note that no-shpa injections can be stored for no more than three years from the release date. Store the drug should be subject to the temperature regime, which should range from 15 to 25 degrees.

It's important to know! If you make a choice, which is better and more effective, No-shpa medicine or Drotaverine. Both drugs are based on drotaverine hydrochloride, only no-shpa is a foreign analogue of Drotaverine. Accordingly, the difference lies in the cost, but since No-shpa is a foreign medicine, many patients and doctors prefer it.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the cost of No-shpa in the form of ampoules ranges from 100 to 500 rubles. It depends on the pharmacy and the number of ampoules in the preparation. The manufacturer of both tablets and No-shpa injections is the Hinoin company, located in Hungary.

No-shpa is perhaps the most popular drug among the population - it perfectly relieves spastic pains, relaxing the effect on smooth muscles. Many people take No-shpa uncontrollably - it is sold in pharmacy chains without a prescription, it relieves pain well, "and in general everyone uses it." In fact, No-shpa belongs to the group of myotropic antispasmodics and has some peculiarities in its use - it is necessary to study the official instructions for the drug in question.

Active ingredient and pharmacological action of No-shpa

The drug in question is produced in two different pharmacological forms.:

How No-shpa works

The main active ingredient of the drug in question (drotaverine) not only has a powerful antispasmodic effect, but also reduces the intensity of the progression of the inflammatory process in muscle tissues, improves blood supply to the organ in which the spasm occurred, and reduces swelling. No-shpa is most effective in the case of smooth muscles, that is, it can relax the muscle fibers located in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary and genitourinary systems.

Note:the main active substance does not affect the mechanism of pain sensitivity, therefore No-shpa never makes the clinical picture blurred in acute conditions - this distinguishes the drug in question from classical painkillers (analgesics).

After the patient has drunk a No-shpa tablet, the main active substance is rapidly absorbed and distributed to all tissues, penetrating directly to the smooth muscles. Drotaverine does not enter the central nervous system and does not have any effect on the autonomic nervous system, but can overcome the placental barrier. The maximum concentration of the drug in question when taken orally is reached after an hour.

If No-shpa was introduced into the body intravenously or intramuscularly, then the maximum effect will be achieved within 30 minutes.

Complete elimination of the main active substance from the body will occur after 72 hours, the kidneys and intestines are involved in the process.

When can / should I take No-shpu

If we consider only the official version of the instructions for this drug, then the indications for its use are:

  • urethrolithiasis;
  • cholangiolithiasis;
  • cholangitis;
  • pyelitis;
  • papillitis;
  • nephrolithiasis.

That is, No-shpa can be used for spasms of smooth muscle tissue in diseases of the urinary system, biliary tract. But No-shpa can also be taken as adjuvants during therapy with other drugs. For example, No-shpa proved to be quite effective for spasms of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • spastic, accompanied;
  • spasms of the cardia of the stomach;
  • violation of the functionality of the sphincter of Oddi;
  • duodenum and stomach.

No-shpa helps relieve pain during menstruation, but only if it is not pathological, but accompanying.

Note:the drug in question is absolutely not effective for those that were caused by either vegetative-vascular disorders. No-shpa tablets can be taken for a headache only if it is provoked by excessive stress.

Contraindications to the use of No-shpa

There are a number of conditions that are contraindications to the use of the drug in question:

In addition, No-shpa should not be used by women who are in the lactation period - there are no clinical data on whether the main active ingredient of the drug in question penetrates into mother's milk.

Note:children under the age of 6 are strictly forbidden to give No-shpa tablets, and up to 18 years there is a ban on the use of injection solution.

With extreme caution, doctors prescribe the drug in question to people who have been diagnosed with (low blood pressure) due to the high likelihood of collapse. No-shpa is also carefully prescribed for pregnant women - this is the prerogative of specialists, it is definitely impossible to take the drug on your own.

The use of No-shpa during pregnancy

The drug in question is often prescribed to pregnant women, but only in the early stages. This is due to the fact that No-shpa is able to reduce and reduce the threat of spontaneous, but such appointments are appropriate only if there is a real risk. Such caution is due to the fact that the active substance is able to cross the placenta into the fetus and, despite the fact that clinical trials have confirmed the safety of No-shpa for intrauterine development, doctors are playing it safe.

It is strictly forbidden to take the drug in question to pregnant women during labor - this can lead to atonic in the postpartum period.

Permitted dosages of No-shpy

Tablets can be taken on their own (which most people do), but not longer than 3 days in a row - if pain still occurs, then it is advisable to seek help from specialists. And the generally accepted dosage for taking the tablet form of the drug in question is as follows:

  • children's age from 6 to 12 years - a maximum of 80 mg per day, this amount should be divided into two doses;
  • children's age from 12 years - a maximum of 160 mg per day, the indicated amount can and should be divided into at least 2 doses, if convenient, then 4 doses;
  • adults - a maximum of 240 mg per day, divided into 3 doses, but not more than 80 mg per dose.

No-shpy tablets should be taken 60 minutes after the main meal, drinking plenty of water.

Injections with No-shpy solution are administered only by medical workers and only after a doctor's prescription. Of course, there are exceptions - patients with chronic diseases of the urinary tract and gallbladder / ducts receive prescriptions for home treatment and, in the event of an acute spastic attack, can inject themselves in the exact dosage prescribed by the attending physician.

Adult patients are administered No-shpa solution in the amount of 40-240 mg per day, dividing this amount into 2-3 injections. If spasmodic pains are acute, then No-shpu is administered intravenously slowly, the dosage per injection is a maximum of 80 mg, and the time of administration of the drug should not be less than 30 seconds.

The patient himself will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the drug in question - in just a few minutes, the intensity of the pain syndrome will decrease, and after a few hours the condition will normalize and the pain will go away.

Note:when using / administering the drug in question, dosages must be observed without fail. Exceeding the concentration of No-shpa in the human body can lead to disruption of cardiac conduction and rhythm, up to cardiac arrest.

Possible side effects

In general, the drug in question is well tolerated by patients, and side effects can only rarely occur:

  • swelling at the injection site;
  • disruption of the intestines -.

It is extremely rare that the immune system of the body reacts to the introduction of No-shpa, but medicine knows cases of the development of an allergic reaction in the form of a fatal outcome. If the patient has a history, then after taking No-shpa, an acute development of bronchospasm is possible.

How No-shpa interacts with other drugs

When prescribing the drug in question, the doctor will definitely ask what other drugs the patient is taking - it is necessary to avoid a "collision" of two drugs, which can have a negative impact on the state of health. If a person himself takes No-shpu from time to time, then he needs to remember the following:

No-shpa is a drug that is not only well known to people, but also widely advertised. It really helps to cope with spastic pains, but you need to take it carefully and in strict accordance with the official instructions.

No-shpa is an antispasmodic that has an effective myotropic effect on the smooth muscles of organs and blood vessels.

At the same time, this drug does not affect the central nervous system, but only lowers the tone of smooth muscles and moderately dilates blood vessels. In terms of its effectiveness, the drug is in many ways superior to the well-known papaverine - the instructions for the use of No-shpa say that the drug can be used even when other antispasmodics are prohibited.

In this article, we will consider why doctors prescribe No-shpa, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies. If you have already used Noshpa, leave your feedback in the comments.

Composition and form of release

Pharmacological group: myotropic antispasmodic. Forms of drug release:

  • tablets No-Shpa Forte No. 20, 10 pcs. in blisters, 2 blisters in a cardboard box;
  • No-Shpa tablets, 6 or 24 pcs. in blisters, 1 blister per pack, 60 pieces in polypropylene bottles equipped with a piece dispenser, 1 bottle in a pack;
  • No-Shpa injections, No. 25 (5 × 5), 2 ml per ampoule, 5 ampoules each (located in a pallet), 5 pallets in a cardboard box.

Tablet composition: 40 mg of drotaverine (in the form of hydrochloride), magnesium stearate, povidone, talc, corn starch, lactose (in the form of monohydrate). Forte tablets have an identical composition. The only difference is the higher concentration of the active substance (80 mg/tab.).

The composition of No-Shpa in ampoules: drotaverine hydrochloride at a concentration of 20 mg / ml, 96% ethanol, sodium metabisulfite, water for injection.

What is No-shpa used for?

The drug is effective in such cases:

  • spasms of smooth muscles of the urinary system: urolithiasis, pyelitis, cystitis, bladder tenesmus.
  • spasms of smooth muscles associated with diseases of the biliary tract: cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, pericholecystitis, cholangitis, papillitis.
  • in physiological childbirth - a shortening of the cervical dilatation phase and thereby a reduction in the total duration of labor (for a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration).

As adjuvant therapy No-shpa helps in such situations:

  • tension headaches (for oral administration).
  • with gynecological diseases (dysmenorrhea).
  • strong labor pains (for solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration).
  • with spasms of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, spasms of the cardia and
  • pylorus, enteritis, colitis, accompanied by constipation and flatulence.

When used as an adjuvant, the drug is administered parenterally when it is impossible to use tablets.

pharmachologic effect

Myotropic antispasmodic. In terms of chemical structure and pharmacological properties, it is close to papaverine, but has a stronger and longer-lasting effect. Reduces the entry of Ca2 + into smooth muscle cells (inhibits PDE, leads to the accumulation of intracellular cAMP). Reduces the tone of smooth muscles of internal organs and intestinal peristalsis, dilates blood vessels. Does not affect the autonomic nervous system, does not penetrate the central nervous system.

The presence of a direct effect on smooth muscles allows it to be used as an antispasmodic in cases where drugs from the group of m-anticholinergics are contraindicated (angle-closure glaucoma, prostatic hypertrophy).
With intravenous administration, the onset of the effect is after 2-4 minutes, the maximum effect develops after 30 minutes.

Instructions for use

If you plan to use No-shpa for treatment, the instructions for use should be taken into account.

  • Inside, according to the instructions, No-shpu is prescribed at a dosage of 120-240 mg (daily dose), which is taken two or three r / day. The maximum allowable single dose of No-shpa tablets is 80 mg, and the daily dose is 240 mg.
  • Intramuscularly, the drug is administered to adults in the amount of 40-240 mg / day for 1-3 injections. In acute biliary and renal colic, the drug is administered intravenously at a dosage of 40-80 mg for 30 seconds.
  • For children under 6 years of age, when taken orally, a single dose is 10-20 mg, 6-12 years - 20 mg, the frequency of use is 1-2 times / day.

When using the remedy on your own, without a doctor's prescription, it should be borne in mind that therapy should last no more than one or two days. If after this period the pain has not been removed, you should seek medical help to clarify or clarify the diagnosis.

Contraindications for use

Do not use the drug in such cases:

  • severe degree of renal or heart failure;
  • children's age up to 6 years (tablets), in the form of a solution is not prescribed up to 18 years;
  • lactation period (due to the lack of clinical data on the penetration of the drug into mother's milk);
  • hereditary intolerance to galactose monosaccharide, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome, lactase deficiency (for tablets);
  • hypersensitivity to sodium disulfite (for solution).

Pregnancy and lactation

Use with caution during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).

Side effect

When using the drug, it is necessary to observe the dosage indicated in the instructions for use, otherwise the following adverse reactions may develop:

  • from the gastrointestinal tract: rarely: nausea, constipation
  • from the cardiovascular system:
  • from the nervous system: rarely: headache, dizziness, insomnia
  • rarely: palpitations, lowering blood pressure. In case of side effects, it is necessary to stop taking the drug.

In case of side effects that are not mentioned in the instructions, it is necessary to inform the attending physician about this.


The most famous Russian analogue of No-Shpa is Drotaverine. Other generics of the drug: Vero-Drotaverin, Bioshpa, Nosh-Bra, Ple-Spa, Spazmonet, Spazmol, Spazoverin, Spakovin.


The average price of NO-ShPA in pharmacies (Moscow) is 178 rubles.

Drotaverine or No-shpa

Drotaverine is a generic offered to the consumer under an international, and therefore non-proprietary name. The clinical efficacy of generics is not fully proven, since less stringent requirements are put forward for this group of drugs.

No-shpa is an original drug, a patented dosage form. The presence of a patent is not only a justification for the high cost of the drug, but also certain obligations that are imposed on the manufacturer: the quality of raw materials, production control, drug safety must be at the highest level. In order to obtain a patent, the drug must meet a number of strict requirements and pass the necessary clinical trials.

It turns out that a patented drug undergoes more testing before it hits the pharmacy counter. However, this does not mean that the generic has a negative effect on health.

Storage conditions

Store at 15 to 25°C. Protect tablets from light. The shelf life of the tablet is five years. Solution - three years.

Terms of sale

Tablets 40 and 80 mg - without a prescription. Injection form - prescription.

No-shpa is a frequently advertised and common drug. It is always at hand in the home first aid kit, and many people consider it a panacea for all types of pain, without thinking about contraindications and possible side effects. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences due to taking, you should remember the main properties of this medicine.

pharmachologic effect

Strong antispasmodic. The drug affects the smooth muscle tissue of the organs and the circulatory system, removing the tone, which leads to muscle relaxation. Blood vessels dilate, saturating organs and tissues with oxygen. As a result, muscle spasms decrease or disappear.

Composition and form of release

The main active ingredient is drotaverine hydrochloride (in Latin - Drotaverini Hydrochloridum). The drug is distributed in two forms: round or oval tablets for internal use and ampoules with a solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection.


The solution is a clear greenish-yellow liquid. In liquid form, the solution is available in dark glass ampoules with notches for breaking. 5 such ampoules are contained in plastic pallets, which are packed in a cardboard box in the amount of 1-5 pieces.

One ampoule (2 ml) contains:

  • drotaverine hydrochloride - 40 mg;
  • sodium disulfite - 2 mg;
  • ethyl alcohol 96% - 132 mg;
  • water for injection - up to 2 ml.


Tablets are yellow, round, biconvex, with the inscription "spa" on one side. The blister packs 6, 10, 12, 20 or 24 tablets. One carton pack contains 3 blisters of 10 pcs, or 2 blisters of 12 pcs, or 1 blister of 20 or 24 pcs. The following packaging options are also common: a polypropylene bottle with a cap, containing 60, 64, 100 pieces; polypropylene bottle for 60 tablets with a piece dispenser.

1 tablet contains:

When appointed

The tablet preparation is prescribed for:

  • spasms of smooth muscle tissue in diseases of the biliary tract (cholangitis, cholecystitis, papillitis, cholecystolithiasis, pericholecystitis, cholangiolithiasis);
  • spasms of smooth muscle tissue (pyelitis, cystitis, nephrolithiasis, urethrolithiasis, bladder spasms);
  • spasms of smooth muscle tissue of the digestive system (peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, colitis, flatulence, non-infectious gastroenteritis, gastritis, spasms of the cardia and pylorus);
  • tension headaches;
  • menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea).

No-shpa for hemorrhoids

The most common are bleeding, burning, and, especially, pain in the rectum due to spasms of the anal sphincter. To reduce symptoms, the patient is prescribed antispasmodics.

Medicines for hemorrhoids are always prescribed by a specialist proctologist. They can be used only at an early stage of the disease, when there is no complicated course of hemorrhoids. But if the pain is accompanied by severe tissue inflammation, bleeding, or prolonged infringement of the hemorrhoidal veins, drotaverine will be useless. It is best to use the drug in combination with local therapy and taking anti-inflammatory drugs.

How to take No-shpa

Tablets are taken orally orally. The maximum daily dose for adults is 6 tablets (240 mg). Dosage: 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day.

The maximum daily dose for children 6-12 years old is 2 tablets (80 mg). Dosage: 1 tablet 1-2 times a day.

The maximum daily dose for children over 12 years old is 4 tablets (160 mg). Dosage: 1 tablet 1-4 times a day or 2 tablets 1-2 times a day.

When taking the drug without consulting a doctor, it is recommended to drink the medicine for no more than 1-2 days in a row. The duration of admission with adjuvant therapy is no more than 2-3 days. In case of exacerbation of the pain syndrome, immediately consult a therapist.

When using the liquid form of the drug, the daily intake is limited to 40-240 mg (1-3 doses during the day). In acute renal colic or bile duct colic, 40-80 mg are administered intravenously (slow administration - about 30 seconds).

  1. Antispasmodics do not cure, but relieve pain symptoms. Severe pain can be a signal of the development of tumors, infection or the initial stage of a dangerous disease, in this regard, the drug should not be used for more than two days in a row without consulting a specialist.
  2. Do not take antispasmodics based on drotaverine before meals. You definitely need to eat something, because. with a full stomach, the substance is much better absorbed and will not show side effects.
  3. With the appearance of weakness, dizziness, nausea, it is worth refusing to continue taking the drug. It should be excluded if after 20-30 minutes after application the pain has not decreased.
  4. Some phenobarbital-containing drugs (for example, Luminal) and other antispasmodics can enhance the effect of the drug, but the parallel use of different drugs should always be accompanied by the supervision and recommendations of the attending physician.

How long does No-shpa work

Contraindications for use

The drug is prohibited to receive:

  • children under 6 years of age;
  • with severe heart failure;
  • with hypersensitivity to the main component or any of the auxiliary;
  • with severe renal or heart failure;
  • for the period of lactation;
  • with galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency and malabsorption syndrome of glucose-galactose;
  • if there is hypersensitivity to sodium disulfite (for solution).

If at high blood pressure it is recommended almost without restrictions, then at low pressure the drug is used with caution and under the strict supervision of a specialist.

Side effects of the drug No-shpa

Clinical studies of the drug have shown the following possible adverse reactions in adult patients to the action of the drug:

special instructions

With therapeutic treatment and intake at the indicated dosage, the drug should not affect the management of vehicles and other equipment. With the manifestation of side effects, such as a decrease in attention, the question of working with the technique should be considered individually.

Sodium disulfite, which is part of the solution for injection, may cause an allergic reaction in patients with asthma or chronic allergic diseases. In case of hypersensitivity to disulfite, No-shpy should be avoided.

With intravenous administration of the drug, the patient with low blood pressure should lie horizontally to avoid the development of collapse.

The drug has poor compatibility with alcohol. When drinking alcohol, the load on the intestines increases, and drotaverine is quickly excreted from the body. In addition, the principle of their action on the body is similar, which causes rapid fatigue and gastrointestinal upset.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Clinical trials have not shown teratogenic and embryotoxic effects of drotaverine on fetal development during pregnancy. But if necessary, the medicine should be taken with caution only if the benefit to the mother's body is higher than the risk to the fetus. It is better to avoid prescribing the injectable form of the drug.

At the same time, doctors recommend taking it in the early stages of pregnancy: drotaverine dilates blood vessels, and oxygen is evenly distributed throughout the body. Obstetricians recommend it for uterine tone and spasmodic pain, but not often.

During breastfeeding, it is not recommended to prescribe the drug. Also, the drug should not be used during childbirth to avoid possible postpartum atonic bleeding.

Application in childhood

The official instructions indicate doses only for children from 6 years of age. Drotaverine - the main active ingredient of the drug - is not a natural ingredient. Treatment of pain symptoms in children under this age should only occur as prescribed by a doctor at the dosage indicated by him.

It is prescribed to children in the following cases:

  • white fever: high temperature with cold extremities;
  • cough with stenosis or bronchitis caused by muscle spasms;
  • headache caused by muscle spasms;
  • spasms with gastritis or colitis;
  • renal or intestinal colic;
  • excessive painful manifestations of flatulence;
  • spasms of smooth muscles with pyelitis or cystitis.

The drug should not be given to children:

  • under the age of one year;
  • under reduced pressure;
  • with intolerance to drotaverine;
  • with bronchial asthma;
  • with suspected appendicitis;
  • with liver or kidney failure;
  • with vascular diseases (atherosclerosis);
  • with suspected intestinal obstruction.

With white fever or acute spasmodic pain, the doctor in some cases may prescribe a few drops of the liquid form of the drug to an infant up to a year old.

When taken in children, specific side effects may occur:

  1. Allergy. It manifests itself in the form of sneezing or skin rashes.
  2. Tachycardia or lethargy caused by low blood pressure. Occur rarely.
  3. Digestive disorders: nausea, sometimes with vomiting. Gas, constipation, and indigestion may also occur.
  4. Difficulty sleeping or insomnia.

In case of side effects, the reception should be stopped immediately.

Interaction with other drugs

You can use combinations with other drugs. For example, to create a "lytic mixture" - a combination of analgesic antipyretic (Analgin), antihistamine (Suprastin or Diphenhydramine) and antispasmodic drugs. This mixture quickly and effectively brings down the temperature even in children.

Another effective combination - with Paracetamol - is more suitable for adults. Paracetamol will lower the temperature, relieve pain and start anti-inflammatory processes in the body, and drotaverine will relieve muscle spasm and dilate blood vessels.

Compatibility with other antispasmodics - papaverine, bendazole, etc. - enhances the antispasmodic effect of the drug.

Phenobarbital will enhance the relaxing effect of drotaverine on the muscles.


A package of drug tablets costs more than 200 rubles, which is not always affordable for buyers. In pharmacies, there are other antispasmodics, sometimes several times cheaper, but equal in effectiveness.

Not all antispasmodics work in the same way. To choose an anesthetic, you need to know the origin and nature of the pain and the features of the drug. For example, drugs based on drotaverine are effective for muscle spasms or vascular spasms, but are useless for headaches and migraines. In such cases, special drugs are prescribed - Paracetamol or Analgin.

Pain due to inflammatory processes is best relieved by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Pentalgin or Ibuprofen. Ketoprofen will relieve toothache. But it is always better to coordinate the replacement with a specialist.

Terms and conditions of storage

The drug requires storage away from children at a temperature of 15-25 ° C. Tablets must be stored for 3 years, ampoules with a solution - 5 years. After the expiration date, the drug should not be used.


Pain is a common problem in both adults and children. Sometimes they are caused by spasms of smooth muscles and then antispasmodics are used for treatment. One of the most famous drugs of this group can be called No-shpu. When is this medication prescribed for children and at what dose?

Release form

No-shpa is presented in pharmacies in two forms:

  • Tablets, which are greenish-yellow or yellow-orange in color, convex round shape and embossed "spa" on one side. Such tablets are packed in blisters of 6, 10, 12 or 24 pieces, so from 6 to 30 tablets are sold in one box. In addition, the drug is produced in plastic bottles containing 60 or 100 tablets.
  • Ampoules, containing a clear yellow-greenish solution, which is intended for injection into the muscle or for intravenous injections. One such dark glass ampoule holds 2 ml of medication, and one pack contains 5 or 25 ampoules.

In addition, a drug called No-shpa forte is produced. Such tablets differ in shape (they are oblong), engraving on one of the sides (they say "NOSPA" on them) and the amount of the active ingredient (it is contained in a dose of 80 mg per 1 tablet). Otherwise, this medication is identical to No-shpa tablets, both in composition and in indications and warnings.


The main component of both forms of No-shpa is drotaverine hydrochloride. One tablet includes this substance at a dose of 40 mg. The same amount of drotaverine is in one ampoule, that is, the amount of such an ingredient in 1 ml is 20 mg.

Additionally, lactose monohydrate, corn starch, talc, povidone and magnesium stearate are present in the solid form of the drug. In addition to drotaverine, No-shpa's solution for injection includes sterile water, 96% alcohol and sodium disulfite.

Operating principle

The main ingredient of No-shpa has a pronounced antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles. The result of this influence is the relaxation of smooth muscles that are located in the walls of the stomach and intestines, as well as in the genitourinary tract and biliary tract. Thanks to this relaxation, the pain syndrome caused by spasm is eliminated.

The therapeutic effect is associated with the inhibition of a certain enzyme responsible for the contraction of smooth muscles in such organs.

In addition, No-shpa also has some influence on the vessels, as a result of which they expand, which has a positive effect on the blood supply to tissues.

The tablets taken orally are quickly absorbed and begin to act in about 30 minutes. The effect after the introduction of the solution intramuscularly appears after 3-5 minutes. The maximum amount of drotaverine is determined in the blood 45-60 minutes after ingestion. By combining with plasma proteins, the drug is transferred to smooth muscle cells. After complete metabolic conversion in the liver, the drug leaves the body in 72 hours mainly with urine and bile.


No-shpu is prescribed to eliminate spasms in such pathologies:

  • Cholecystitis.
  • Cholangitis.
  • Pericholecystitis.
  • Cystitis.
  • Gastritis.
  • biliary colic.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
  • Pyelitis.
  • Enteritis.
  • Spastic colitis.
  • Intestinal colic.
  • Peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, the remedy is prescribed for headaches, vomiting, dry cough (for example, with laryngitis, the medication is given at bedtime), as well as for toothache.

In such a combination, for example, with Nurofen, No-shpa helps to get rid of a fever that is dangerous for a child.

Terms of sale

No-shpu tablets can be freely purchased at most pharmacies, as it is an over-the-counter medicine. The average price of 6 tablets is 55-65 rubles, 24 tablets - about 120 rubles, and for a bottle with 100 tablets you need to pay from 200 to 240 rubles. To purchase a solution for injections, you must first obtain a prescription from a doctor. On average, 5 ampoules of No-shpy cost 100 rubles.

Storage conditions

Storage of both tableted No-shpy and solution in ampoules should be in a dry place at a temperature below +25 degrees. The shelf life of the solid form of the drug is 3 years or 5 years, injection - 5 years.

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