Incurable skin disease. List of skin diseases. Infectious and viral diseases

It should be noted that only the causative agent of the infection is not enough for the development of the disease. For its vigorous activity and reproduction, certain conditions are necessary, for example, a weakening of the immune system. If a person has strong immunity, the disease may not be. If pathological symptoms still appear, you should contact a dermatologist.

We will talk about the most common infectious skin diseases, symptoms and treatment today:

Infectious skin diseases

Medical science and practice are aware of a large number of skin pathologies of an infectious nature. We briefly list the most common of them:

- pyoderma. A wide group of pustular diseases, the causative agent of which are bacteria: streptococci, staphylococci and pathogenic fungi.

The main symptom is follicles that appear mainly on the skin of the face, back, chest, armpits and scalp. If you do not seek medical help in a timely manner, there is a high risk of developing sepsis, a life-threatening condition.

- Actinomycosis. Chronic bacterial skin disease.
The main symptom is the appearance under the skin of a dense tuberous neoplasm (infiltrate), which consists of several nodules that have merged together. The skin in this area acquires a bluish-reddish tint. With the development of the disease, the infiltrate breaks through, forming fistulas from which purulent contents are released.

- Scabies. A highly contagious disease caused by a microscopic scabies mite. The causative agent can be distinguished with the naked eye - a small, poppy seed-sized, light, whitish dot.

The characteristic symptoms of infection include: severe itching of the skin at the site of the development of the pathogen, which eventually spreads to large areas of the body. Ticks reproduce quickly, so the disease also develops at an accelerated pace.

- Candidiasis. The causative agent is a yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida. In addition to the skin, it affects the mucous membranes and some internal organs. There are superficial candidiasis, affecting the outer integument and visceral, affecting the internal organs. Let's briefly describe the main ones:

Thrush or yeast stomatitis- often diagnosed in newborns or debilitated children. It is characterized by the appearance of a white film (plaque) on the oral mucosa.

Vulvovaginal candidiasis- develops as an independent pathology or is combined with other forms of candidiasis. It affects the mucous membranes of the genital organs, causing characteristic symptoms. In particular, it causes "curd" discharge and itching of the vagina.

Yeast balanitis or balanoposthitis affects the mucous membranes of the penis. It is characterized by the appearance of erosion, as well as grayish-white layers. Both of the above diseases are transmitted through sexual contact.

- Shingles. The causative agent is the herpes virus.
The main symptoms: the appearance on the skin of the body of characteristic pustular, painful rashes. There are also pains of a neuralgic nature, often the temperature rises. Patients complain of general malaise, weakness, headache, as well as nausea and vomiting.

- Condylomas (warts). There are ordinary, pointed, flat, plantar. The causative agent is some type of human papillomavirus. The virus is transmitted through direct contact, including sexual contact, as well as through accessories and objects belonging to the patient.

They are skin neoplasms, often small. Although sometimes they can merge and grow to impressive sizes.

- Lichen. It is a broad group of infectious diseases, although the nature of lichen has not yet been fully elucidated. It manifests itself in the form of skin, often itchy spots and papules, spreading over time throughout the skin. Ringworm affects the hair follicles and scalp.

- Erythema multiforme exudative. Infectious disease with an acute course. The seasonal form develops more often in spring or autumn. It is caused by an infection against the background of cold factors.

The toxic-allergic form occurs in connection with intoxication of the body with medicines or after vaccination (more often in children).

Both forms are characterized by skin rashes in the form of pinkish spots or slightly raised papules. Bubbles filled with serous and sometimes bloody contents may appear in their middle. The disease is also accompanied by general malaise, fever. Often there is pain in the throat and joints.

- Ostiofolliculitis or staphylococcal impetigo. The causative agent is often Staphylococcus aureus. The main cause of the disease is a violation of the rules of hygiene, excessive sweating. It is characterized by the appearance on the skin of small semicircular rashes filled with purulent contents. They are about the size of a pinhead. In the center of the abscess is a hair.

Accompanied by painful sensations in the area of ​​dislocation of the rash. In the absence of adequate treatment, the infection can spread deep into the epidermis, provoking the development of folliculitis, the appearance of boils.

How are infectious skin diseases corrected, what treatment is effective?

Therapy of infectious diseases is carried out in a complex manner. Conventionally, all treatment is divided into several stages, which depend on the established diagnosis and the individual characteristics of the organism of each patient.

Various methods of treatment are used: medications, including antibiotics of different groups. Homeopathic remedies, phyto and physiotherapy methods are also used. In certain cases, cryotherapy procedures are effective. Depending on the disease, ultraviolet blood irradiation may be needed. In addition, drugs are prescribed that improve the functioning of internal organs and strengthen the immune system.

For external use, certain ointments, gels, talkers and creams are used. As an additional treatment, effective folk remedies are used.

Treatment is usually carried out on an outpatient basis, although in especially severe cases, the patient is referred to a hospital.

In conclusion of our conversation, we recall that infectious skin diseases are contagious and quickly spread from a sick person to a healthy person. They are also fraught with serious complications. Therefore, in order not to harm the health of others and your own, they should be treated without fail, contacting a dermatologist as soon as possible. Be healthy!

Skin diseases are characterized by a violation of the structure of the skin. Their main symptom is the appearance of redness on the skin, accompanied by itching.

Skin structure

The skin is made up of three layers:

  • The epidermis is the top layer of the skin, the thickness of which is 1-3 mm. Consists of dead cells containing keratin. It performs a protective function.
  • The dermis is the second layer of the skin, made up of connective tissue fibers. The thickness of this layer is 1-3 mm. Due to the dermis, the skin is very elastic. It has a developed vascular system and nerve endings.
  • Subcutaneous tissue is the third layer, also consisting of connective tissue. It contains many fat cells that form subcutaneous fat, which performs a protective function for internal organs.

Types of skin diseases and their photos

Purulent skin diseases (pyoderma)

This type of disease can be caused by infection in the skin. As a rule, such microorganisms can be:

  • Staphylococcus;
  • Streptococcus;
  • coli;
  • Blue-green pus.

Pyoderma can be of two types:

  • Invasive - the spread of infection takes place in human tissues;
  • Non-invasive - suppuration passes on the surface without affecting the internal tissues.

Symptoms of purulent diseases:

  • The formation of redness and inflammation;
  • Pain in the area of ​​redness;
  • In the center of inflammation, a white core of pus is visible.

The most common pyoderma:

  • erysipelas;
  • abscess;
  • Furuncle;
  • folliculitis;
  • Impetigo;
  • Carbuncle.

Note! In the treatment of pyoderma, antibiotics (ointments, tablets, injections), vitamins and exfoliating agents are prescribed. In severe cases, surgical intervention is used.

Fungal infections (mycoses)

Skin fungus is the most common disease. Almost every person, at least once, would come across it. Basically, mycoses can be cured on their own, and only with advanced forms should you consult a doctor.

The causes of a fungal infection can be:

  • Contact with an infected person, animal, plant;
  • Infection in the damaged epidermis;
  • Wearing tight shoes and clothes;
  • Flat feet.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • Peeling;
  • Inflammation and redness of the skin;
  • blistering;
  • Thickening of the nail plate.

Note! In the treatment of mycosis, antifungal drugs are used. Drug treatment should be alternated with traditional medicine.

Causes of the disease:

  • Weak immunity;
  • Infection from pets;
  • Contact with an infected person.
  • severe itching;
  • blistering;
  • The appearance of red spots;
  • elevated temperature;
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Scabies - getting under the skin of a scabies mite.
  • Pediculosis is a disease caused by lice bites. There are three types: head, pubic, wardrobe.
  • Demodicosis is a disease caused by the penetration of subcutaneous mites. A characteristic feature is a severe rash on the epidermis, similar to acne, and loss of eyelashes.

Treatment is prescribed by a dermatovenereologist. He prescribes ointments, which should be used strictly for their intended purpose.

Infectious and viral diseases

These types of diseases are caused by the ingress of the virus under the skin. They can be both congenital and acquired. The disease is transmitted by contact.

Symptoms of viral and infectious diseases:

  • inflammation and redness;
  • The appearance of small bubbles with liquid.

The most common diseases:

  • chickenpox (chickenpox);
  • Herpes;
  • Rubella;
  • Measles;
  • Shingles;

Note! With prolonged exposure to sunlight, the disease can progress.

Genetic diseases

These diseases are caused by chromosomal disruption of cell integrity.

Causes of the disease:

  • Exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Exposure to chemicals;
  • Unfavorable environment;
  • Alcohol and drug use during pregnancy.

Types of genetic diseases:

  • Ordinary ichthyosis is an ailment that affects children from three months to two years old. It is finally formed by the age of 8. It is characterized by increased peeling of the skin. Lack of sweating and salivation. Basically, children suffering from this disease are retarded in development.
  • Congenital ichthyosis is a congenital disease, the signs of which can be seen even during pregnancy. The keratinized layer of the epidermis also covers the oral cavity, nose and ears. This leads to the modification of some organs.
  • Epidermolysis bullosa is a disease in which the skin is constantly covered with blisters. The causes of the disease are unknown.

Dermatitis and neurodermatosis

Dermatitis - inflammation of the skin under the influence of external or internal factors.

Reasons for the formation of the disease:

  • Prolonged exposure to sunlight;
  • Constant friction and pressure;
  • Temperature effects
  • Violation of the functions of the sebaceous glands;
  • The impact of medications;
  • nervous tension

Types of dermatitis:

  • frostbite;
  • Intertrigo;
  • Attrition.

Neurodermatosis is a disease accompanied by the appearance of rashes and itching. The cause of the occurrence is prolonged nervous tension.

Types of disease:

  • Skin itching;
  • Neurodermatitis;
  • Hives.

Papulosquamous diseases

These are skin diseases, the signs of which are the appearance of red and pink spots on the epidermis and peeling.

Types of papulosquamous diseases:

  • Psoriasis;
  • Lichen planus;
  • filiform lichen;
  • Seborrheic dermatitis;
  • Pink deprive.


Erythema is an ailment characterized by the formation of pink and red spots on the skin. The reason is vasodilation.

This disease can be divided into two types:

  • Physiological erythema is a short-term skin ailment that appears due to nervous breakdowns, exposure to temperatures and chemicals.
  • Pathological erythema is a disease caused by infectious infections, exposure to sunlight, circulatory disorders.


Seborrhea is a disease of the scalp caused by increased secretion of the sebaceous glands.

It is divided into two types:

  • Dry - brittleness, thinning of hair.
  • Oily - accompanied by severe itching, the appearance of dandruff in the form of yellow flakes.

Causes of occurrence:

  • Unfavorable environment;
  • Metabolic disease;
  • genetic predisposition.

skin pigmentation disorders

The causes of this disease are:

  • Too much pigment
  • Partial or complete absence of pigment.

Types of ailments:

  • Dipigmentation (albinism);
  • Freckles;
  • Vitiligo.

Oncological diseases

Every year, malignant tumors are more and more common among patients of the oncology department.

They are divided into two types:

  • Melanoma is flat and sometimes colorless growths on the skin. It is very difficult to detect it in the early stages.
  • Basalioma - a disease accompanied by the appearance of reddish bumps on the skin

The main reason for the appearance of oncological formations on the skin is exposure to natural and artificial ultraviolet rays.

metabolic diseases

Metabolic disease is associated with metabolic disorders.


  • Lipoid necrobiosis is a disease in which fat is deposited in some areas of the skin;
  • Calcinosis - the deposition of calcium salts;
  • Amyloidosis is a disease in which amyloid accumulates in tissues.

Occupational diseases

Occupational diseases occur under the influence of one or more harmful factors over a long period.

Examples of occupational diseases:

  • Occupational eczema;
  • Professional allergic dermatosis;
  • Oil folliculitis;
  • Pig face;
  • professional mycosis.

The most common skin diseases


Acne is an ailment that is accompanied by inflammation of the hair follicles and clogged pores. Acne occurs in people of all ages, despite the fact that it used to be considered adolescence.

Causes of occurrence:

  • Exposure to high temperatures;
  • High humidity;
  • exposure to sunlight;
  • The use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • Constant friction;
  • Squeezing acne;
  • Reaction to medications;
  • Contact with chemical irritants.

Treatment includes:

  • The use of antibacterial drugs (outwardly and inside);
  • The course of taking hormonal drugs;
  • Proper body care;
  • The use of traditional medicine.


Eczema is an inflammatory skin disease. It is not contagious, that is, it is not transmitted by contact.

Causes of eczema can be:

  • The negative impact of certain types of tissues;
  • Allergic reactions to food, medicines, plant pollen;
  • Increased sweat secretion;
  • Weakened immunity;
  • Nervous tension.

You should consult a doctor if you experience symptoms such as:

  • The appearance of redness and inflammation;
  • Severe itching and burning;
  • Formation of blisters and weeping red spots;
  • Dryness and peeling.

Most often, eczema appears on the scalp, face, hands and feet.


Herpes is the most common viral disease characterized by the appearance of small blisters with liquid. The herpes virus can be in the body in the sleep stage, it manifests itself only at moments of weakening of the immune system. The disease is contagious.

Causes of infection with herpesvirus:

  • Contact with an infected person;
  • hypothermia;
  • Nervous tension and stress.

Signs of illness can be:

  • The appearance of redness on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • The formation of small bubbles;
  • Painful sensations on pressure.


Melanoma is a malignant tumor of the skin. It is formed from pigment cells. The reason for the appearance of this formation is damage to the DNA of the melanocyte.

This may happen due to:

  • Exposure to natural or artificial ultraviolet radiation;
  • Improper nutrition;
  • Previously transferred oncologies;
  • The appearance of benign formations;
  • overweight;
  • Reduced immunity.

You should be on the lookout for the following symptoms:

  • Discoloration - the spot can be either much darker than the color of the skin, or lighter.
  • The appearance of itching and burning;
  • The appearance of inflammation and redness;
  • Hair loss in the affected area.
  • The formation of small moles around one large one;
  • Skin tightening.

If you find any of these signs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

diaper rash

Diaper rash is an ailment caused by inflammation of the skin. As a rule, it is formed in places of folds.

Reasons for the appearance of diaper rash:

  • Allergic reaction;
  • Intolerance to hygiene products;
  • increased sweating;
  • Slow metabolism;
  • Urinary incontinence;
  • Constant friction.

As a rule, children and overweight people suffer from this disease.

Signs of diaper rash are:

  • The appearance of inflamed red spots;
  • The formation of microcracks and wounds in the affected areas;
  • The appearance of expressions.


A wart is a benign growth on the surface of the skin. They can be located anywhere on the human body, including on the face. Their size is mainly up to 5 mm, but there are large warts.

Warts are caused by infection with the papilloma virus.

This virus can be transmitted:

  • When swimming in a polluted reservoir;
  • By contact with a carrier of the virus (the carrier itself may not have warts);
  • With the formation of microcracks;
  • With a decrease in immunity;
  • With nervous tension.

A symptom of the appearance of a wart is the appearance of a small bump on the surface of the skin.

Note! These formations do not harm health, but if necessary, they can be eliminated through traditional medicine or through surgical intervention.

If you find any pathologies on the skin, you should not start self-treatment, first you should visit a doctor. He will appoint a series of studies to determine the disease, and, based on this, will prescribe treatment.

Analyzes that will need to be passed to determine the type of pathology:, dermatologist , venereologist , infectious disease specialist , trichologist . Experience 9 years. Doctor of the highest category and specialist of the site Helps people with skin diseases, problems with nails and hair, which have a different etiology and genesis.

The skin is an important human organ. It performs a protective function of the body and regulates body temperature. The direct connection of the skin with all internal organs cannot but affect its condition. Internal pathologies are not rarely manifested by skin diseases.

Skin diseases are pathologies with characteristic violations of the integrity of the skin and functional abnormalities, belong to the section of medicine - dermatology. The impact of the environment also affects the condition of human skin, which can cause dermatological diseases.

As a rule, skin diseases are not independent diseases and appear as a result of a malfunction of the internal organs.


Pathological processes are manifested by various rashes, inflammation, itching or peeling.

Skin diseases become noticeable almost from the first day, because they are characterized by pronounced symptoms:

  • rash and itching;
  • redness and other changes in skin pigmentation;
  • peeling;
  • the appearance of ulcers or erosions;
  • acne;
  • the presence of warts, papillomas;
  • painful sensations.

These symptoms indicate the development of a skin disease or are evidence of allergies, internal diseases, and unfavorable ecology. Therefore, any manifestation requires a thorough examination by a dermatologist. Self-medication can cause complications.

The reasons

The reasons can be completely different, they are divided into external and internal.

Among the external causes of skin diseases are the main ones:

  • climate - extreme cold or exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • injuries - abrasions, tears, cuts;
  • infectious skin lesions - fungal, viral, bacterial;
  • lack of body hygiene;
  • consequences of stress and other disorders.

Internal reasons:

  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • immune failures;
  • blood diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • allergic reactions;
  • violation of the intestinal microflora;
  • avitaminosis.

The main reason for the development of skin diseases is a violation in the work of internal organs. The liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, intestines and spleen cannot process and remove all the toxins that are formed in the body.

In this case, toxins are excreted by the skin and appear through the pores, for this reason dermatitis and dermatoses develop. It is assumed that psoriasis has the same etiology, but it is more of a genetic nature and speaks of an immune failure.

An important factor in the development of a skin disease is an aggressive reaction of immune cells to a particular irritant (allergy). Infection and fungi penetrate the skin and multiply, causing various skin inflammatory processes.

Dysbacteriosis is on a par with important causes of skin diseases. Disturbed intestinal microflora disrupts digestion and interferes with the absorption of nutrients the body needs.

To prescribe treatment, it is necessary to establish a diagnosis, for this a number of measures are taken:

  • visual examination of the patient;
  • laboratory tests of blood and urine;
  • skin scraping.

Initially, symptomatic drugs and drugs are prescribed to eliminate the cause of skin pathologies.

Signs and differences

Skin diseases can be infectious or non-infectious. These include dermatitis and dermatoses. The characteristic symptoms of these diseases are itching, peeling and discoloration of the skin.

This group of skin diseases also includes psoriasis, they are not transmitted by contact, these are diseases of the immune system, they require treatment with special drugs.


Atopic dermatitis usually occurs in young children under one year old, characterized by rashes, itching and redness of the skin. The disease can be of varying intensity, usually causes an allergy to food or mixtures. Strict, drugs to cleanse the body and improve digestion, as well as external agents to eliminate rashes and itching of the skin, are necessarily used for treatment.

Allergic dermatitis is more common in the adult population and is the result of a food irritant. The rash may appear in different places, the focus may be in one place, or rashes may appear in large areas. In addition to symptomatic agents, an antihistamine is prescribed.

Seborrhea occurs due to a violation of sebum formation, which contributes to the reproduction of a fungus that affects the epidermis. It differs in that it forms small scales, localized mainly on the head, behind the ears, in the armpits, in the navel and between the shoulder blades on the back. For treatment, an antifungal agent is used.


Eczema is most often hereditary, caused by immune failure and is a chronic disease. It has periods of exacerbation and remission. The skin becomes inflamed in places, itches and bakes. Eczema is manifested by wet rashes, then the crusts dry up, and the aggravation ends there. Eczema can be treated for a long time, but it is almost impossible to cure it completely.

Neurodermatitis is characterized by severe unbearable itching of skin areas that are covered with a rash. The person begins to get nervous, his sleep is disturbed and constant irritation follows. The skin dries in the affected areas and coarsens, age spots may appear.

This chronic disease is isolated in an independent group, psoriasis is considered the most severe disease. Its periods of exacerbation are completely unpredictable, and the nature of the occurrence is not fully understood. It is believed that psoriasis develops after severe stress. Characteristic plaques are localized on the knees, elbows, head, soles and palms. They look like scales, under which the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin shines, sometimes blood can come out. Psoriasis affects not only the skin, but also the nail plates, as well as the joints, in this case we are talking about psoriatic arthritis.

Treatment of skin diseases

Treatment of skin diseases is carried out depending on symptoms, but it is always directed not only to external manifestations, but also to internal organs. Therapy is carried out with drugs for oral administration and external agents to eliminate skin pathologies.

Of the external preparations, hormonal and non-hormonal are used. Basically, these are ointments containing glucocorticosteroids, their action is aimed at eliminating inflammation and reducing the response of immune cells. They quickly and effectively remove external symptoms, but they cannot be used constantly. This is bad for the immune system and reduces the protective ability of the skin.

Therefore, alternative non-hormonal preparations based on active zinc and tar are used. They also relieve inflammation of the skin and relieve itching. In addition, these drugs protect the damaged epidermis and promote tissue regeneration.

Today, there are many remedies for the treatment of skin diseases, but they are not recommended to be used without consulting a doctor.

The method of treatment and means depend on the etiology of the disease:

  1. In case of allergic skin rashes, treatment is aimed at eliminating the allergen and cleansing the body, for this, absorbents are used. To stop the increased production of histamines, antihistamines are prescribed. Ointments are applied externally to eliminate itching and inflammation of the skin.
  2. If dermatitis is associated with a malfunction of the internal organs, then medications are used to normalize their work. In addition, drugs are needed to eliminate intoxication of the body.
  3. In severe cases, the person may be hospitalized. In a hospital setting, it is easier to carry out diagnostics and laboratory tests. The appointment of injections and droppers makes treatment at home impossible.
  4. If the nature of the skin disease is fungal, then antifungal ointments and oral tablets are used. Treatment can take from 14 to 30 days.
  5. With an infectious nature, antibiotic therapy and drugs to strengthen the body are prescribed. Skin treatment is carried out with antiseptics and antimicrobial ointments.

Traditional medicine for skin diseases

Folk remedies are natural and do not cause side effects.

For skin diseases, folk therapy is also used:

  • For various eczema and lichen, lemon juice is recommended, it must be drunk according to the scheme: for the first day, prepare juice from five lemons and drink it during the day, for the second - 10 lemons, when juice from 25 lemons is drunk a day, the amount of citrus gradually decreases up to 5, the symptoms will disappear.
  • Garlic with honey is applied to rashes, covered with paper and fixed overnight, in the morning the bandage must be changed. Grated carrots will give the same effect.
  • Medicinal herbs are used to treat various dermatitis and other skin pathologies. A decoction of celandine can be used for lotions, and a series of brew for bathing.
  • St. John's wort insist on olive oil in a dark place for 14 days and lubricate problem areas of the skin. You can also use cranberry juice.

  • Sea buckthorn has a good effect in the treatment of eczema and other skin diseases. You can use sea buckthorn oil for external procedures and take berries inside.
  • Psoriasis is recommended to be treated with tar mixed with birch ash.

When treating folk remedies, it is necessary to take into account the possible individual intolerance or allergic reactions to some component.

The skin is an organ that covers the entire body of a person or animal. Despite the apparent simplicity, the skin is a very complex system, because it takes part in the respiration of the body, in thermoregulation, and also protects against environmental influences. Skin diseases can make a person's quality of life worse, and some of them significantly change the patient's habitual lifestyle. In this article, we will look at the most common skin diseases.

The skin is a complex structure that includes several layers, subcutaneous fat, hair roots, pores, small nerve endings, etc. The structure of the skin can be seen schematically in the following figure:

Skin diseases are widespread. Up to 15% of visits to a general practitioner are due to these diseases. The most common skin diseases are:

  • itchy dermatoses;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • malignant neoplasms of the skin;
  • acne, dermatophytosis, boils and carbuncles;
  • nevi and warts.

Itchy dermatoses

This is a group of inflammatory skin diseases characterized by blistering, weeping, redness, itching and flaking. Itching deramoses include urticaria, diffuse and limited neurodermatitis, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, xeroderma, contact dermatitis.


Dermatophytosis is a group of diseases caused by fungi. This is one of the most common skin diseases. So, (onychomycosis) occurs in almost 18% of the population, and among the elderly - in 50%.
People over 70 years old are a kind of reservoir for the existence of onychomycosis. Very often they do not go to the doctor and are not treated. In this case, the infection spreads in the family circle of such an elderly person. The infection is subsequently transmitted to others in pools, baths, showers. The prevalence of onychomycosis is high in fairly closed professional groups (military personnel, miners, athletes, metallurgists).
Fungal infection and smooth skin is somewhat less common, but also highly contagious (infectious). It should be understood that the occurrence of dermatophytosis on the nails is unlikely. This disease is often a symptom of a serious problem in the human immune, endocrine and vascular systems.

Thus, having considered the most common skin diseases, we can say that with timely detection, they all respond well to treatment. You just need to treat yourself and your loved ones with attention.

Which doctor to contact

Skin lesions are treated by a dermatologist, often the help of a cosmetologist is required. At the same time, you should consult a therapist whether a skin disease is a manifestation of diseases of the internal organs. In some cases, an examination by an infectious disease specialist, immunologist, gastroenterologist, allergist, endocrinologist is additionally needed.

On the body of an adult, the skin covers an area of ​​about 2 square meters. It performs immune, protective functions, is responsible for the regulation of water balance and temperature. The list of possible ailments that manifest themselves on the skin is very large. Many of them are easily treatable without serious consequences. Others require a more complex approach and involve long-term therapy.

General information about skin diseases

Skin diseases always arise under the influence of certain factors - internal or external. The severity of symptoms and the duration of the disease depends not only on the type of pathogen or provoking element, but also on the general condition of the body. Strong immunity has a high resistance, thereby reducing the risk of developing certain diseases. Any pathology has three main stages:

  • chronic, which is characterized by a long course of the disease in a latent form, with periodic exacerbations;
  • acute - occurs immediately after contact with the pathogen, after which the main, characteristic signs appear;
  • subacute - may reflect many manifestations of skin diseases that are not related to the chronic form.

The most common internal provoking factors include: infectious diseases, problems in the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, individual intolerance to certain substances, allergic reactions, heredity. Hormonal failure is also a common cause, mainly in adolescence. Stress, overexertion, nervousness and other disorders of the nervous system, along with other factors, can cause many skin diseases. These should be treated in conjunction with the restoration of the psycho-emotional background.

All types of skin diseases have their own specifics of development and treatment. Despite many common facts, dermatological pathologies differ significantly from each other. But even if they do not belong to the category of severe pathologies requiring immediate hospitalization, you should not engage in treatment. A qualified specialist will be able not only to make an accurate diagnosis, but also prescribe the optimal treatment.

Fungal diseases of the skin

This type of skin disease is caused by various types of fungi. Many of these live in the environment, some are constantly in the human body, but become pathogenic only under the influence of certain factors. The main ones are: neglect of the rules of personal hygiene, high temperature and humidity, various endocrinological disorders, weakened immunity. The most well-known fungal skin diseases include:

  • versicolor- belongs to the category of keratomycosis. The fungus that causes it can remain inactive for a long time, the disease occurs most often due to a deterioration in the immune system. It is a multiple spots of pink color on any parts of the body, which gradually acquire a dark brown color and disappear altogether. In some cases, there is peeling and itching.

  • Knotty trichosporia or piedra. The fungus affects the hair on the body and head, while not causing them to fall out. Outwardly, it appears as a black or white rim around the hair. As a rule, it proceeds in a chronic form, undergoes long-term treatment.

  • Trichophytosis. Unlike the above diseases, the fungus affects the deeper layers of the skin, provoking inflammatory processes. You can get infected from a sick person or animal. Trichophytosis can be superficial, infiltrative and suppurative. The latter is the most severe and can cause severe, infectious complications. It is characterized by the appearance of pink or red spots, which subsequently become covered with a crust.

  • microsporia. The symptoms are very similar to trichophytosis, but the spots are smaller in diameter. The disease can affect the hairline. Sick animals often become the source of this type of fungus. And children are mostly affected.

  • Mycosis. The penetration of the fungus is facilitated by open wounds, abrasions and cracks. In addition to skin lesions, nails are also often affected. At the same time, they crumble or coarsen, change shape and color. To recover, you must wait until the affected plate is completely cut off. One of the most severe varieties is considered to be deep mycosis, in which the fungus enters the circulatory and lymphatic systems, provoking the development of secondary diseases.

  • Candidiasis. This is a type of fungal skin disease that affects mainly mucous membranes, as well as internal organs. Most often, the oral cavity, pharynx, genitals, skin folds suffer.

Infectious skin diseases

Among diseases caused by bacteria, such as staphylococci and streptococci, pyoderma can be distinguished. The disease is characterized by purulent lesions of the skin, which are presented in the form of inflamed folliculitis, boils, carbuncles. The cause of their appearance may be long-term use of cytostatics and corticosteroids. Without timely treatment, there is a risk of earning such a complication as sepsis. Staphylococcus aureus often causes staphylococcal impetigo. At the same time, purulent rashes with a hair in the center appear on the body. The development of bacteria contributes to increased sweating, neglect of personal hygiene.

The microscopic scabies mite causes scabies. The reproduction of the pathogen occurs very quickly, respectively, the disease develops also rapidly. The main distinguishing features are numerous small white dots and severe itching. The herpes virus causes the disease of the same name. At the same time, painful rashes with purulent contents appear on the body. Often secondary symptoms are fever, general malaise. Some types of human papillomavirus can cause genital warts or warts. You can become infected through direct, often sexual contact.

Eczema and dermatitis

Some of the most common skin diseases are dermatitis and eczema. Not many people know how these diseases differ, quite often confusing one with the other. The main difference is that in most cases eczema is the result of untreated or chronic dermatitis. In addition, other factors contribute to its emergence. The main symptom of dermatitis is frequent rashes from red to blue, sometimes accompanied by swelling, burning, itching, and pain. With severe inflammation, even an increase in body temperature is possible. The causes of dermatitis may be:

  • response to infection in the body;
  • a consequence of inflammatory processes in the internal organs;
  • psycho-emotional factors;
  • individual reaction of the body to individual foods;
  • allergic reaction to drugs;
  • exposure to external stimuli: chemicals, insects, herbs;
  • discharge of electric current and critical temperatures - heat, cold.

In the absence of proper treatment, progressive dermatitis can provoke the formation of abscesses, atrophy the skin and even cause cancer. Eczema, as a consequence of dermatitis, occurs during a period of reduction of the inflammatory process. Its characteristic symptomatology is the formation of scales, vesicles, spots of light, pink or red color. If the rashes become weepy, we should talk about a severe form of the disease. Other reasons for the appearance of eczema can be trauma, harmful production, an inflammatory process caused by fungi or pathogenic bacteria, poor blood supply with varicose veins, and allergies. There is also an idiopathic form that does not have an exact etiology.


Psoriasis is a chronic non-infectious disease that mainly affects the skin. The reason for the appearance and its development on the human body is still unknown. Over the past decades, many theories have been put forward: some scientists believe that the disease develops due to a malfunction of the immune system, as well as as a result of nervous breakdowns and neurotic disorders, while others are inclined to heredity or viral origin. To one degree or another, each of them has been proven in the course of scientific research, but the totality of this evidence does not give grounds to draw a final conclusion.

The key symptom of psoriasis is the appearance of characteristic plaques of pink or reddish color on the body. The size of the latter can reach the size of the palm of an adult and even more. The lesions are usually flaky, often accompanied by itching. In the advanced stage, cracks may appear, and subsequently suppuration. In rare cases, psoriasis affects the nail plates, joints, but mostly the skin.

Periods of exacerbation occur in the winter. In the warm season, due to frequent exposure to sunlight, the plaques may fade or even disappear altogether. But after a while they will appear again. Modern methods of treatment make it possible to increase the duration of remission. But it is impossible to completely get rid of psoriasis. There have been cases of self-healing, but this is a rare exception.

Psoriasis significantly affects the quality of life of the patient. Many people are very complex about appearance, especially when the disease manifests itself on the face, neck, hands - in open areas of the body. Mental disorders are often recorded - depression, neuroses, disorders of the psycho-emotional background. The situation is aggravated by constant itching, which makes it impossible to perform the simplest daily tasks. To reduce the severity of symptoms, you should regularly visit a doctor and follow all the recommendations given by him.

Pimples, acne, acne

With such skin problems as acne, every person faces. And not only in adolescence, when hormonal changes occur, but also at an older age. Pimples, acne, comedones - all of these problems are united by one reason: inflammation of the sebaceous glands. When dead cells of the epithelial tissue clog the mouth of the hair follicle, a specific plug is formed, called "comedone". When an infection gets inside, an inflammatory process inevitably begins, resulting in papules and pustules. With the accumulation of pus, acne or pimples become noticeable on the surface of the skin with the naked eye.

All rashes on the face of this type can be divided into three main categories:

  • inflammatory;
  • non-inflammatory;
  • acneiform eruptions.

It was about the inflammatory elements that were discussed above. A papule is a kind of nodule that rises above the skin, has a size of 1 to 3 mm, is red in color and has swelling around. A pustule differs from a papule in that the element contains pus. It can reach a size of up to 1 cm. If the pus inside turned out to be yellow or green, then a secondary infection has joined.

Non-inflammatory skin problems are blackheads and whiteheads. They are formed when the pores are clogged with sebum and dead cells in the upper part. Acneiform eruptions include rosacea, which also results from progressive inflammation of the sebaceous hair follicle. Treatment of acne, blackheads, acne is carried out both by taking various medications, and by using all kinds of cosmetic procedures.

Other skin diseases

In patients who, due to their state of health, are in a motionless position for a long time, bedsores begin to appear after a while. At the beginning of their development, they look like blue-red erythema due to stagnation of lymph and blood. Then the skin begins to peel off, sometimes this sign is preceded by the formation of small pustules. The danger of bedsores lies in the fact that in most cases, with a small lesion of the skin, there is a significant destruction of deeply located tissues.

Among older people, problems such as:

  • Senile keratosis - develops due to excessive exposure to sunlight, is characterized by the appearance of compacted spots, plaques, nodes on the skin. It is considered a benign neoplasm. There is always a chance of degeneration into a malignant tumor.

  • Basal cell carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm that develops from the lower layer of the epidermis. It can spread very quickly over the surface of the skin, so it requires immediate treatment. It looks like a kind of convex bump of a small size, which is often confused with a mole. In this case, carcinoma is not accompanied by other signs and pain.

  • Melanoma - also refers to a number of malignant neoplasms. It often occurs in women over 40 years of age, but it can also occur in young people. The basis for its development is the cells that produce melanin, so often the tumor has a dark color. In 90% of cases, the place of its localization is the skin.

A third of all young children are diagnosed with hemangioma - a benign tumor that, without timely intervention, can grow and occupy a significant area of ​​​​the skin. Consists of vascular tissue. The cause of the appearance is mainly the pathological development of blood vessels. Cutaneous hemangioma can affect absolutely any part of the body, including the scalp.


Treatment of skin diseases is carried out only by a qualified specialist, on an individual basis. Given the large number of dermatological diseases, a thorough diagnostic examination will first be required. During the examination, as well as after receiving the results of tests, tests and other studies, it is possible not only to establish an accurate diagnosis, but also to identify the cause. The success of each treatment depends precisely on the elimination of the initial factor that provoked the development of the disease. Depending on the type of skin disease, monitoring and treatment can be carried out by such specialists:

  • Dermatologist or dermatovenereologist. You can go to a doctor of this profile with any skin problem, if necessary, he directs the patient to another, specific specialist. A dermatovenereologist deals with the treatment of skin diseases of viral origin.
  • Immunologist or allergist. If the cause of skin rashes is an allergy, then the dermatologist gives a referral to an allergist. The latter finds out the reaction to various allergens, after which he can make a final diagnosis. An immunologist specializes in skin diseases caused by a malfunction in the immune system.
  • Cosmetologist. To make a diagnosis, as well as conduct adequate therapy, a cosmetologist must have a medical education. It will help eliminate many external defects and cope with the main symptoms of diseases.

  • Trichologist. Engaged in the study and treatment of diseases of the scalp and hair. If rashes or other damage to the skin appear in the scalp, then, first of all, you should contact a trichologist.

Regardless of the severity of the symptoms and the nature of the manifestation of a particular skin disease, only a doctor can guarantee a speedy recovery or stabilization of the general condition. In the absence of highly specialized specialists, it is necessary to contact at least a therapist. With self-medication or untimely seeking medical help, the development of complications is not excluded, which will subsequently require large financial costs and longer treatment.

The skin performs a very important function - it protects the internal organs of a person. Not only appearance, but also directly human health depends on her condition. Very often, people are faced with skin diseases that bring not only suffering from the physical side, but also great moral discomfort.

Causes of skin diseases

Almost all skin diseases have the same causes, the main of which are:

  • infections
  • Problems with the functioning of internal organs
  • allergic reactions
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Injuries
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system
  • Problems with the intestines, namely dysbacteriosis

Of course, the main cause of skin diseases are infections. They provoke various disorders in the body. However, in order to somehow protect yourself from skin diseases, you must carefully follow the rules of hygiene, which will help prevent the penetration of certain infections.
If you notice any changes with your skin, the appearance of strange spots on it, you should immediately consult a doctor who can accurately determine the cause and make a diagnosis, as well as prescribe all the necessary medications for the fastest recovery process.

Types of skin diseases

Like any other diseases, skin diseases can be divided into several types, which will include certain ailments:

Whatever type of skin disease it is, it is not recommended to treat it on your own, as there are certain approaches to the treatment of a particular ailment. And with an independent solution to the problem, you can only harm the skin, which will subsequently lead to even more trouble.

The most common skin diseases

Separately, it is worth talking about those skin diseases that are most common. Typically, this list includes:

  • Psoriasis. This is one of the most mysterious skin diseases, the causes of which have not yet been precisely established. It is only known that the earlier psoriasis appears in a person, the worse it goes. The main symptoms are the appearance of peeling and inflammation on the skin. It often happens that it seems that the disease has passed, but after a while it recurs again, and the treatment has to be started anew. There are three stages of psoriasis - progressive, stationary, recurrent. If we talk about treatment, then it basically goes away with the appointment of external ointments, which include ichthyol, menthol, tar, various alkalis, sulfur, etc. In addition, the patient is prescribed a complex of vitamins that are necessary for the body. One or another type of treatment, ointments should be chosen only by a doctor who will do this based on individual characteristics, as well as the degree and progression of the disease

  • Fungal diseases. Mushrooms are common pathogens of skin diseases. They are very fond of dampness and heat, and therefore reproduce very well on human skin. You can catch a fungal disease in the pool, bathhouse, showers in sports robes, etc. There are a lot of places. And since they spread very quickly, it sometimes becomes simply impossible to save the body. It is sometimes not so easy to cure a fungal disease. It seems that the disease is gone, but in fact it "calmed down" for an indefinite period of time
  • Candidiasis. Of course, this is a fungal disease, but it is isolated separately because of the difficulty in treatment, and also because of the very rapid spread in the body.
  • Herpes. Quite often you can find herpes in people of different ages. This disease has no age restrictions. It is transmitted through saliva or sexually. There is an opinion that it is possible to become infected with herpes in early childhood, and at the same time it will worsen only at that moment (that is, to make itself felt) when the immune system is weakened (during the flu, SARS, etc.). Herpes is manifested by rashes on the skin, and mainly on the lips. A person can fall asleep completely healthy, and wake up with an ugly blister. Herpes is usually treated with tetracycline, as well as antiviral drugs.

  • Warts. The causative agent of this disease is panil - human lomatosis virus. Warts do not look very aesthetically pleasing, which is why, as soon as a person notices it in himself, he tries to get rid of it immediately. Cryotherapy is the best way to get rid of a simple wart. It often happens that if you remove only one or two warts, then the rest will disappear by themselves. Of course, in most cases, people have just simple warts, but sometimes they are pointed and plantar, which are a little more difficult to get rid of.
  • Acne. One of the most common skin diseases is acne. They cause great discomfort, as they mainly affect the skin of the face, and look ugly. Acne in most cases appears due to problems with the intestines, and also as a result of hormonal failure. That is why, it is worth establishing the exact cause of the appearance of acne, and only then proceed to treatment. In order to prevent the appearance of a rash, it is necessary to carefully monitor the skin, follow all the rules of personal hygiene.

Skin diseases are found in almost every second person on earth, which is why a lot of time is devoted to their study. If you suddenly notice some changes, growths, redness, then you do not need to pull. It is necessary to immediately contact a specialist, because if you start treatment on time, you can avoid unpleasant consequences!

The most common types of skin diseases are called hives, lichen, ulcers and psoriasis. The causes of some skin diseases are well understood, while the factors that provoke the development of others are still not known, which complicates their treatment. There is a theory of the hereditary genesis of such diseases, but this has not yet been scientifically confirmed.

Skin diseases urticaria and lichen: signs and causes

It is characterized by the sudden appearance of various sizes of pinkish papules (nodules). Also a sign of this skin disease are spots rising above the level of the skin, accompanied by intense itching. The nodules may disappear after a few hours and then appear elsewhere on the body.

Acute form of urticaria lasts from several hours to several weeks, chronic, as a rule, stretches for several years.

The causes of this skin disease can be physical (sun, cold, water) or (insect bites, pollen, dust, drugs, food) factors.

What other skin diseases are there, and what signs do they manifest?

The typical form of lichen planus is characterized by small, up to 2 mm in diameter, whitish-pearl or grayish-white nodules that merge with each other, forming a grid, lines, arcs, a fancy pattern of lace or fern leaves.

Look at the photo of this type of skin disease: nodules often spill out on symmetrical areas of the body (hands, feet, wrists, ankles, legs) and are accompanied by intense itching.

Also, a symptom of lichen planus skin disease is a whitish coating on the mucous membrane of the mouth and lips. Sometimes papules are located on the scalp, genitals and back. Nodules can remain on the skin from several weeks to several months, leaving persistent brown pigmentation of the skin after disappearance.

The cause of lichen planus is still unknown. The first clinical manifestations of the disease occur between the ages of 30 and 60 years.

Ulcers: the cause of skin disease, symptoms and treatment

This section of the article describes the symptoms and treatment of skin diseases such as trophic ulcers of the lower extremities.

Ulcer- these are types of skin diseases in humans, which is a deep inflamed defect in the epithelium of the skin or mucous membrane and underlying tissues. Ulcers occur due to infection, mechanical, chemical or radiation damage, but most often as a result of impaired blood supply and / or innervation.

Ulcers are usually very painful and prone to infection. Treatment should primarily target the cause of the ulcer and also include long-term use of topical agents.

Trophic leg ulcers- this is a common term in clinical practice of a collective nature that does not have a register in the international classification of diseases. But, like thousands of years ago (this form of pathology was noted in ancient Egypt, among the dynasties of the pharaohs), it still exists today.

Trophic ulcers on the lower extremities are the result of a variety of diseases in which the local circulation of arterial or venous blood, lymph is disturbed. In addition to these factors, the cause of the appearance of trophic ulcers can be various injuries of the skin, soft tissues and peripheral nerves.

Look at the photo, what are skin diseases, and how they look:

As a rule, ulcers form in the lower third of the limb and on the protruding part of the ankles. Ulcers caused by impaired venous circulation are relatively painless and are the result of varicose veins or a complication of phlebitis. Elevated blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels, diabetes mellitus, smoking can lead to the formation of painful trophic ulcers due to impaired arterial circulation.

Having identified the symptoms of this skin disease, treatment begins with exposure to the cause of the ulcer. This is followed by cleaning, disinfection, an appropriate bandage, and sometimes skin grafting. Treatment is possible only in the clinic.

Prevention: treatment of varicose veins; elimination of risk factors such as diabetes, smoking, hypercholesterolemia.

Skin disease psoriasis: signs and treatment

Here are photos, symptoms and treatment of such a skin disease as psoriasis.

Psoriasis (scaly) is a chronic skin disease of unknown etiology (that is, the cause of psoriasis is not clear), characterized by the appearance of scaly red spots on the skin.

There is a theory of the hereditary genesis of the disease, but the psoriasis gene has not yet been identified. Some scientists believe that the disease develops as a result of disorders in the immune system, metabolism, under the influence of various neuroses and mental illnesses. It is well known that stress, alcohol intake, and frequent unrest contribute to the aggravation of the process.

Psoriasis affects mainly the skin, but in severe cases, the nails and joints. The disease worsens, as a rule, in winter. In summer, under the influence of sunlight, the symptoms of psoriasis weaken, and in some patients they disappear altogether.

Signs of this skin disease are reddish plaque rashes that vary greatly in size from the size of a pinhead to large areas the size of a palm or more. The rash is usually accompanied by flaking and slight itching. In severe cases, the rash can spread throughout the body, and the itching becomes unbearable. Sometimes cracks and suppurations appear in the area of ​​the affected areas of the skin.

These photos show the symptoms of psoriasis skin disease:

Approximately 10-20% of cases of skin manifestations of psoriasis are combined with psoriatic arthritis. This chronic inflammatory joint disease can begin before, during, or after the first skin manifestation of psoriasis. The joints of the extremities are more often affected, much less often - the spine.

Signs of psoriatic arthritis:

  • Pain;
  • joint deformity;
  • gradual loss of joint mobility (ankylosis).

As a first step in the treatment of psoriasis, topical treatment with various ointments, creams or solutions applied to the affected skin (corticosteroids, salicylic acid, vitamins A and D, resin products, emollients) is prescribed. If topical treatment does not give the desired result, the next step is phototherapy (irradiation of the skin with ultraviolet rays of type A and B in combination with the use of chemical photosensitizers (PUVA therapy). If this also proves ineffective, the third step is to prescribe medicines orally or by injection. This method is called systemic treatment.

Among the newest treatments for psoriasis are drugs that affect immunocompetent cells (T-cells), as it is now known that immunocompetent cells play a role in the development of psoriasis, which infiltrate the skin, interact with each other using chemical signals, which in ultimately causes inflammation and increased proliferation of skin keratinocytes.

Psychotherapy also plays an important role in the treatment of psoriasis.

Because psoriasis can become resistant (resistance) to any particular treatment over time, it is recommended that the treatments be changed periodically.

Phototherapy is used to treat a range of ailments, such as psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, seasonal depression, and neonatal jaundice. The essence of the method is to expose the skin to sunlight or bright light from artificial sources with certain wavelengths (ultraviolet, infrared).

In the treatment of psoriasis, ultraviolet light blocks the proliferation of skin cells and reduces inflammation in psoriatic plaques. Despite good results, infrared rays do not cure the disease itself, and after a few months new plaques appear on the skin, requiring a second course. In such cases, do not forget about premature skin aging and the possible development of skin cancer.

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