Soft breasts after mammoplasty. Mammoplasty: how to recover after breast augmentation Why is the chest flat after mammoplasty

So. The promised post about breasts.
At the moment, after mammoplasty, 4 months have passed. (Photo attached)
1. Why did I decide to have the operation.
Until the arrival of the third child and me, there were always breasts and quite good between 2-2.5 sizes. When I got pregnant with Leah, my breasts instantly increased to size 4, and later it was closer to size 5. And given the fact that until 5-6 months the stomach was almost invisible, I really liked being slim and busty)))). But after the birth of Leah and all our experiences of the first month of her life, 1-1.5 sizes remained from her breasts. I took and take hormonal pills, but even they did not add at least half the size .... and then it gets worse. I started to play sports and my breasts disappeared altogether. I went to the operation with 0.5.
Judging by the photo, we can say that there was something like))) but these are just well-chosen underwear and swimwear. And as the doctor said, my chest is a "house" - in profile and lying down, the appearance of a chest will always be created. But one appearance did not suit me. I wanted my 4 back, which I wore for 9 months.
2. choice of doctor.
My surgeon is Yuri Alekseevich Kachina.
I chose between 4 doctors. (Shikhirman, Babayan, Nesterenko, Kachina)
He can read all the information about him, his experience, qualifications and education on his website, I don’t see the point in writing. Why out of 4 it was him. Because at the consultation he understood me from the floor of the word: I said what I want, what I don’t want. I was given options. We agreed on round mentor implants high profile 375ml. This is the maximum size that could be placed under the pectoral muscle. But Yuri Alekseevich suggested ordering another 350 ml for reinsurance, because. I was afraid that 375 simply would not fit. (In the end, it happened).
I must say right away that the prices of all the listed surgeons are the same, only Shikhirman charges about 50 tons more (but there you must understand that you are paying for a "brand". He has his own clinic, etc., etc.) cost increase in these doctors from 190 -220 approximately. depending on the type of implants. Surgeons also conduct various promotions on a regular basis. It is quite possible to make breasts for 150-160 plus linen, tests and examinations and a hospital. Well, if you are from other cities, then plus accommodation. As well as a course of medicines for recovery. As a result, the "turnkey" chest will come out to you at 180-200. Perhaps less if you go to take tests and examinations at your clinic under the MHI policy. I did stock. And I didn’t hand over anything under the policy (I took care of my nerves: grannies and queues are not for me))
3. preparation and operation.
I prepared for a long time, I was sick for a long time before that, the tests were bad, I retaken them. As a result, 2 days before the X day. I recovered and decided not to delay, but to go and do it. with three children to get sick again, as for a sweet soul))) phoned the doctor, I showed the tests, they arranged it and I began to mentally prepare.
The operation took place in the medical center of Svyatoslav Fedorov. On the day of the operation, I was very worried. After the markings were made in the clinic, my legs buckled. Therefore, we walked into the operating room with Yuri Alkseevich in an embrace, hand in hand, hand in hand. In general, he brought me.))) We talked with the anesthesiologist, signed the papers and put them on the table))) I didn’t understand how I fell asleep, I woke up already with boobs))) with a wild cough and sore throat. Anesthesia endotracheal (a tube is inserted into the trachea) 2 days of coughing, sore throat and the voice of a transvestite provided. They brought me to the ward, the doctor said that he put 350 ml, because 375 ml did not go ...
4. rehabilitation.
A day later I was discharged, and 3 children were waiting for me at home. One of which went 2 months ago. It was very hard. No one helped me as soon as I returned from the clinic. No matter how you look at my daughter, I can’t. You can not lift anything more than 3 kg. raise your arms above shoulder level .... and I have a daughter of 10 kg, who needs to wash her ass, put her in a high chair, etc. and take the children to the garden. I took packs of painkillers for 2 weeks. Then it got easier. By the month it was comfortable. I had to wear compression underwear for 2 months, because the volume is rather big. but I took it for 1 month, and cut off the elastic band that pressed on top. So the second month left. I started exercising a little. Edema was present until about 2.5 months. Now it doesn't exist at all. The chest became soft. The first month she is like an expander, the second month is still solid, but no longer stone. At 3 months, my edema completely disappeared and I sort of got rid of the edema of the whole body, and now my breasts do not look the same as after the operation. Now everything is more harmonious, it is soft and mobile. The first month is like rubber Zina

Today, surgery to correct the shape and volume of the breast is by no means unique.

At the same time, the patients of plastic doctors are not only young women who want to highlight their own natural attractiveness, but also adult ladies who want to return to their former shape.

A positive result after breast plastic surgery can be if the operation went well, and during the rehabilitation the client adhered to the rules of conduct set by the doctor.

After the end of the operation, the patient is put on compression underwear, which must not be removed for more than a month. After such as the patient has moved away from anesthesia, she usually feels a slight pain in the chest.

To relieve these sensations, the doctor advises the use of anesthetics. For some time it is forbidden to get out of bed. The patient is supposed to stay in the hospital.

In the first few weeks, the breast after mammoplasty, as a rule, is disturbed by mild pain in the chest area, but this is considered normal. If the pain is not weak, then painkillers can be used. It is allowed to take only those remedies that are prescribed by a doctor. The patient is obliged to follow the advice of the doctor.

The first few weeks after the operation, there is a high sensitivity of the breast and loss of sensitivity in the nipple area. After a while everything comes back to normal. After breast plastic surgery, the volume of the breast is much more than intended, due to the occurrence of edema, which disappears after a while.

A couple of months after the operation, sports and physical activity are not recommended (especially in the shoulder area. During rehabilitation, doctors recommend walking more often and avoiding lifting weights. It is better to completely forget about alcohol and tobacco. These tips will help maintain the result.

Firm breasts after mammoplasty and its causes

The main problem with implants is the development of solid mammary glands after mammoplasty.

The implants themselves do not become rigid after the operation, because the body perceives the implant as a foreign body.

When a foreign body is implanted in the breast, the body reacts by creating a protective layer around it, a sheath made of connective tissue called a capsule.

As soon as the capsule begins to shrink around the foreign body, it takes the form of a ball and causes a feeling of a hard object. This fact is called capsular contracture.

The denser the capsule becomes, the firmer the breast becomes after mammoplasty. Why many patients develop such a complication after breast augmentation is still unknown. After breast augmentation, capsular contracture often develops in only one of the 2 mammary glands.

When does the breast become soft after mammoplasty?

Regarding the question of the time that must pass before the complete removal of breast hardness, it is worth considering the type of breast plastic surgery performed.

If the operation was to reduce the mammary glands, then the hardness will disappear as soon as the postoperative edema passes.

If the operation was to increase the size with the help of an implant, then you should pay attention to 2 characterizing factors.

When does the breast become soft after mammoplasty? In cases where:

  1. swelling subsides;
  2. the implant itself was soft.

Swelling during breast plastic surgery subsides within 2-3 months.

The softness of the implant is determined by its composition. They differ in the density of the gel content.

Therefore, before mammoplasty, girls are given the opportunity to familiarize themselves and feel the proposed implants, so that after the operation they know how the mammary glands will feel as a result.

It is worth noting that the softness of the mammary glands after surgery depends on the timing of the formation of the capsule in which the implant is located.

After some time, the capsule becomes smaller and denser, reaching the desired volume.

This process begins approximately in the second month after mammoplasty, and lasts approximately 5 months.

However, do not forget that the terms of rehabilitation are individual for everyone, the same can be said about the terms for restoring the softness of the mammary glands.

When will the breast move after mammoplasty?

The recovery period is different for each person.

With regard to approximate terms, it should be noted that after breast plastic surgery, on average, a difficult rehabilitation period passes in about a month.

The breast after mammoplasty is usually dense due to swelling. After 1.5-2 months, the swelling subsides, the breast becomes soft and mobile. Also, by this point in time, the central nervous system is adapting to the presence of a foreign body in the body.

Any correction of the mammary glands entails changes in the body, most of which disappear with time. During the rehabilitation period, swelling and compaction of the chest are characteristic. Do not worry about this, because this is a natural manifestation of the recovery of the body after surgery. When the breast becomes soft after augmentation, the consequences of surgical intervention disappear almost completely. The duration of rehabilitation depends on the characteristics of the body and the professionalism of the doctor.

Why does the breast become firm after augmentation?

Mammoplasty is a complex process that causes stress to the body. If you follow the recommendations of the surgeon, you can avoid complications and negative consequences.

Normal reactions in the postoperative period are:

  • Pain, burning, tingling;
  • Puffiness, hematomas, swollen tissues;
  • Exacerbation of skin sensitivity;
  • Dulling the sensitivity of the nipples;
  • Contraction and tension of muscles.

During the operation, the doctor makes incisions in certain places, which by itself implies microdamage to blood vessels and tissues. They accumulate fluid, which serves as a protective material against infections and inflammation, and also provokes the formation of edema. They are the main reason for the hardness of the mammary glands. Swollen breasts add stress to the spine, so one of the main requirements after correction is wearing compression underwear.

The localization of pain or swelling may vary, which is normal. With the correct recovery schedule, the consequences of surgical intervention disappear in 2-4 weeks. The long-term preservation of hematomas and seals is caused by non-compliance with the regimen, violation of the specialist's instructions, and early physical exertion. Implants tend to be high for the first few weeks, after which they lower and take a permanent position.

When does the breast become soft after augmentation?

In the normal course of the operation without complications, a decrease in the hardness of the mammary glands occurs after 2-3 months.

The type and composition of prostheses is of great importance, they distinguish:

  1. Silicone. More dense in structure, inside there is a special viscous gel that can retain its shape even if the shell is damaged;
  2. Salt. They are distinguished by relative softness due to the saline solution inside. The liquid creates a suitable shape and retains it longer.

With silicone implants, the breast becomes soft after enlargement after about 3-4 months, with saline implants after 2-3 months. A more precise date can be determined by a plastic surgeon.

You can make your figure perfect today. It is enough to consult a qualified doctor.

Plastic surgery improves the technologies used every year, and the surgeons themselves diligently hone their skills and develop new techniques that surpass the previous ones. Despite the fact that today aesthetic operations are considered quite safe, and all possible risks to the health of patients are minimized, even the most experienced and competent specialists cannot guarantee that there will definitely be no complications.

Complications after breast surgery is a topic that worries patients, and which some surgeons diligently avoid, citing statistics as an example, according to which the negative consequences of breast augmentation affected only 2% of patients.

Despite such low rates, any patient should still find out what complications can occur after breast augmentation surgery, what to do to avoid them and if they do occur.

Complications most often arise in connection with the installation of implants and are divided into those that occur immediately after the operation and those that make themselves felt a few months after it.

The negative consequences of mammoplasty are indeed not a frequent occurrence, but the possibility of their occurrence cannot be ruled out. The human body often behaves unpredictably, so even physicians may not always understand the mechanism for the development of a particular complication.

Most often, the cause of complications is associated with the rejection of a foreign body, which in this case is a breast implant, installed in order to change the initial size of the mammary glands.

It is also necessary to distinguish between the natural consequences of surgical intervention, characteristic of the early period of rehabilitation recovery and most often passing by itself, from a dangerous complication that a plastic surgeon could not foresee.

Complications after breast augmentation can also develop for reasons related to non-compliance with the recommendations of the surgeon:

  • irresponsible attitude to the recommendations of a plastic surgeon;
  • non-compliance with the rules of preparation before plastic surgery;
  • non-compliance with the rules after surgery during the period of rehabilitation recovery;
  • passing not all preoperative examinations, due to which some contraindications may not be identified;
  • untimely belated visit to the doctor after the discovery of suspicious symptoms, changes in the glands, other ailments;
  • providing incomplete information to the doctor about the current state of health;
  • the presence of contraindications to breast augmentation, about which the patient did not warn the surgeon on the eve of the operation;
  • self-treatment and inconsistent with the surgeon
  • the use of various cosmetic and medicinal products after surgery.

In addition, complications after breast augmentation are sometimes manifested due to the unpredictable behavior of the patient's body:

  • an allergic reaction to the materials used during the operation (the material of the installed endoprostheses, suture materials, drains, plasters, etc.);
  • intolerance to anesthesia;
  • rejection of the implant by the body;
  • tendency to form rough keloid scars on the skin of the chest;
  • tendency to heavy bleeding;
  • bleeding disorders (one of the contraindications for which breast augmentation is not performed).

What complications are considered normal?

It is customary to distinguish between negative complications that may occur after mammoplasty due to a surgical error, inadequate response from the body or non-compliance with the rehabilitation rules by the patient, from natural postoperative complications that are normal for an early recovery period. The phenomenon is considered a normal complication if it is included in the list, which we will consider here in detail.

Complications after breast augmentation. Commentary by a plastic surgeon. What is and is not a complication after mammoplasty?

Breast augmentation is a full-fledged operation, involving tissue trauma and violation of their integrity, which, for natural reasons, leads to inflammatory processes and severe swelling, which will disappear within 2 weeks.

If the swelling does not subside after 2-3 weeks after surgery, tell your doctor about it. Most often, the cause of prolonged edema is an early rejection of compression underwear, physical activity, visiting a bath or sauna, as well as other thermal effects on the chest.

Bloating and pain in the chest

Within 5-14 days, patients are disturbed by painful, bursting and other uncomfortable sensations. With severe swelling of the tissues of the gland after surgery, a feeling of severe heaviness may appear. Such states are also considered natural and will begin to pass gradually.

You should not worry about them, as the plastic surgeon will definitely tell you which painkiller to take to facilitate general well-being, what actions to perform. If the pain does not go away for a longer time, this is already an abnormal complication.

Decreased tissue sensitivity

Numbness, loss or decrease in sensitivity of certain parts of the glands or nipples is a temporary side effect after the operation with the installation of implants, which should not be feared. Over time (approximately within 2-10 days), the sensitivity is fully restored.

Excessive nipple sensitivity

In contrast, some women may experience nipple sensitivity after undergoing breast augmentation. Often this phenomenon is accompanied by pain that occurs during palpation of the nipples. Do not put pressure on the mammary gland and touch the nipple area. Very soon, this ailment will cease to disturb you.

Breast asymmetry

Many patients, after the operation is already completed, begin to panic at the sight of breast asymmetry. In fact, for the first two months of rehabilitation, this is also quite normal. It can be caused by swelling: one gland is swollen more than the other.

Gradually, the chest completely returns to normal. If the recovery period is over, but the asymmetry persists, this may indicate incorrectly selected implants, a surgeon's mistake, or other adverse consequences that will need to be corrected.

Tissue scarring

Everyone who plans to increase the breast should be prepared for the fact that scars remain temporarily after such an intervention. Their development is associated with the natural healing processes of breast tissues, the integrity of which was violated during mammoplasty. To provide access to the desired area, where the endoprosthesis will subsequently be installed, the surgeon performs an incision. This is the traumatization of tissues, in which the violation of integrity is inevitable.

Milk duct injury

This complication does not threaten the patient's health, but makes breastfeeding impossible in the future.

As a rule, surgeons state that breast augmentation does not lead to loss of lactation, and this is true, but this complication is possible in cases where:

  • the incision is made around the nipple,

Restoration of the function of the milk ducts is impossible.

A plastic surgeon's commentary on all groups of complications after breast augmentation

Types of undesirable consequences of mammoplasty

Let's consider what undesirable complications are unlikely, but still possible after breast augmentation by endoprosthetics. Do not forget that even severe forms of side effects are eliminated. In more complex situations, surgeons may offer the patient a second plastic surgery.

Seroma development

Seroma is a complication in the form of accumulation of serous fluid in a surgical wound. It is formed after tissue dissection and is an undesirable side effect.

The appearance of a seroma may be associated with excessive activity of the lymphatic capillaries, prolonged inflammatory processes in tissues, hypertension, and other associated complications. With the development of seroma, the mammary gland increases in size. Fluid is removed with a syringe using ultrasound.

Complication after breast plastic surgery. Seroma

Suppuration of the wound around the endoprosthesis

After the operation, one can sometimes observe such an unfavorable phenomenon as wound suppuration in the area around the endoprosthesis. As a rule, a surgical error may be the cause.

If suppuration occurs, it is necessary to perform a therapeutic operation, use antibacterial drugs, wash the cavity in the chest and treat it with special antiseptic solutions.

In some cases, when suppuration is detected, surgeons can remove the implant.


One of the most dangerous complications of breast augmentation is tissue infection in the gland, as it also increases the risk of a wide range of other complications. If the patient does not turn to a plastic surgeon in a timely manner, everything can end in sepsis and death. The doctor will prescribe antibiotic therapy. If symptoms of toxic shock are detected, the implant will have to be removed.

Plastic Surgeon Comment:

Plastic surgeon of the clinic "DoctorPlastic"

“Keloid scars sound really scary, but they are rare in practice. It is impossible to predict their appearance. Typical places for the development of such scars are the upper chest and back, shoulders, and the abdomen. One person can develop both keloid and regular scars in different parts of the body. If there is a predisposition to the development of keloid scars, then an areolar approach can be used, because. the risk of their appearance in the areola area is minimized.

Keloid scars appear 3-6 months after surgery: they increase in size, turn red, and cause severe itching. With any cosmetic manipulations, these symptoms intensify, therefore, special treatment is prescribed to eliminate keloids: hormonal therapy, surgical treatment, etc. ”

Most often, keloid scars form in the area under the breast. According to experts, the formation of keloid scars is usually due to the genetic predisposition of the body.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to predict such a phenomenon and prevent it. Usually, patients who have undergone other operations before may be aware of their tendency to keloid scars. In this case, it is imperative to warn the surgeon about this in advance.

How to distinguish keloid scars? Comment by a plastic surgeon

Severe hematoma

The appearance of complications such as bruising and bruising after breast augmentation is also possible.

They appear when blood accumulates along with pus in the area around the implant.

Before performing mammoplasty, doctors should evaluate blood clotting parameters.

You can avoid the formation of a pronounced hematoma if you follow all the recommendations of the surgeon during rehabilitation recovery.

It also happens that the surgeon did not notice the bleeding vessel during the operation, or the damaged vessel begins to bleed after the operation. In any case, a hematoma is formed, which will manifest itself as a change in the shape of the breast or a violation of its symmetry, a brown clot will be visible under the skin. While taking painkillers, a hematoma may not give pain.

However, the blood will not resolve on its own even if the bleeding has stopped. Contact your specialist to drain the postoperative pocket.

Fibrocapsular contracture

Fibrocapsular contracture is considered by some experts to be a natural side effect, however, it occurs quite rarely. It is a dense structure, which consists of fibrous and scar tissues and looks like a capsule covering the endoprosthesis.

To remove capsular contracture, a capsulotomy is performed with a dissection of fibrous tissues in order to reduce pressure on the endoprosthesis and allow it to gradually restore the normal shape of the breast. In severe complications, it is necessary to remove fibrous tissues: partial or complete removal.

What is capsular fibrosis? Comment by a plastic surgeon

In rare cases, after surgery, necrosis (necrosis) of certain tissue areas occurs, which can develop after infection, the use of steroids, and the transfer of an infectious disease on the eve of mammoplasty.

The necrosis condition is dangerous because it deforms the breast tissues and can slow down or even completely stop the natural regeneration processes in the tissues. It is necessary to eliminate necrosis by removing the implant and the affected areas.

Aesthetic complications

Aesthetic negative consequences of breast augmentation should be called those that do not affect the health of the patient, but cause an unsatisfactory result of the operation.

Mastoptosis and decreased skin elasticity

Mastoptosis - sagging of the breast under its own weight. Most often, it develops in patients in whom signs of sagging were observed even before surgery, as well as when installing an implant under the gland. However, it is impossible to accurately predict the development of mastoptosis before surgery.

To solve the problem, it will be necessary to replace the implants with an increase in their volume or perform a breast lift.

Contouring is an unnatural result of breast augmentation, when the contours of the implant are visible under the skin. They violate and distort the natural shape of the mammary glands.

Such a result can be obtained in the case of an operation on thin girls with a lack of subcutaneous fat. As a rule, such patients do not have enough own fatty tissues in the mammary gland to completely cover the endoprosthesis.

The problem can be solved by breast lipofilling or the introduction of fillers.

During the first weeks until the moment of complete fixation, any installed implant shifts and migrates a little, but this process is controlled by wearing compression underwear, temporary refusal of physical activity and sleeping in the correct position (on the back).

However, significant displacement of the implant is possible, as a result of which the breast loses its attractive shape, part of the breast collapses or becomes disproportionately large. Reoperation will be required to resolve the issue.

Even if the operation went perfectly and without complications, the result may upset the patient if the breast turned out to be unnatural. One of the main signs of such a breast is too much distance between the mammary glands. This sign always betrays the work of a plastic surgeon.

Too large breasts are another indicator of the intervention of a plastic surgeon. To place large-volume implants, the surgeon uses "high" endoprostheses, which is why the breast protrudes too far forward and looks unnatural.

Many women also opt for high placement of implants, which may not be appropriate for their age. After 35 years, such breasts look unnatural.

Another reason for obtaining an unaesthetic result may be the choice of solid implants instead of using soft ones (soft touch), which are completely identical in density to natural breast tissues.

It is because of the “love” of patients for solid implants that the representatives of the stronger sex often negatively evaluate the results of breast augmentation. Soft implants, as a rule, are no different to the touch from a real breast.

Rippling or skin rippling appears due to the tension of the skin around the implant. Stripes appear on the skin, which can disappear and reappear when the position of the body changes.

Occurs for the following reasons:

  • improperly selected shape and size of the implant,
  • violation of the technique of operation,
  • insufficient elasticity of the skin and the volume of subcutaneous fat, unsatisfactory condition of the patient's skin.

Most often, skin ripples after breast augmentation appear in thin patients with small breasts who have had a fairly large implant. Especially in cases where the width of the endoprosthesis is greater than the width of the patient's breast. Surgeons also note that smooth implants are less likely to cause skin ripples than textured ones. Placement of the implant under the muscle (partially or completely) reduces the risk of rippling.

To eliminate such a complication as skin ripples, surgeons can offer several options:

  • breast lipofilling,
  • the introduction of fillers (for example, Macroline),
  • reoperation to move the implant under the muscle or replace the implant with a smaller one.

Which implants to choose: round or anatomical?

Is it possible to avoid complications?

Regular visits to the surgeon

Do not forget that even with the manifestation of a negative effect, the patient will always have a chance to recover safely and get rid of them. The postoperative control of the surgeon is very important, so you need to be under his strict supervision not only in the first hours and days after the operation, but also periodically come to him for a check-up during rehabilitation.

Constant monitoring by a doctor

The specialist must monitor the initial regeneration processes, how the breast tissue and scars heal, whether there are signs of necrosis, fibrous capsular contracture, or any other undesirable consequences.

Timely referral to the surgeon if suspicious symptoms are detected

If in the first or subsequent days after surgery on the chest, the patient notices ailments, suspicious changes in breast tissues, other pathological processes that the surgeon did not warn about, you should sign up for an examination as soon as possible, as this will also help prevent possible progression in a timely manner complications and take all necessary measures immediately.

Contact only a trusted clinic

Currently, you can find all the necessary information about the institution you are interested in. Be sure to study the real reviews of patients who have already undergone breast augmentation, as well as find out information about the availability of a license, the time the clinic has existed, the number of surgeons, and equipment.

Follow the same pattern when choosing a plastic surgeon. This should be a competent, experienced and respected specialist, who has already had a lot of breast augmentation surgeries.

When meeting with a surgeon, pay attention to the manner of communication with you. He is obliged to answer all your questions, to tell in all details and details about the process of installing implants, about examinations before the operation and possible complications that may occur after it.

How much does breast augmentation surgery cost and why does it cost so much? .

Any breast surgery comes with some risk. A lot of nerve endings are concentrated in this area: there are both muscles and gland tissue, ducts and ligaments. Whatever the purpose of the surgical procedure, it is worth considering possible complications. The most common of them are known to almost everyone, but rare side effects should also not be forgotten.

Common Complications

The most common general surgical complications are:

  • hematoma;
  • seroma;
  • scar formation.

Hematoma dangerous if blood gets into the surgical pocket next to the implant. If the cluster is localized next to it, intervention is not required. To prevent the formation of such hematomas, it is important to prepare the cardiovascular system and blood coagulation system for surgery in advance, as well as follow a number of rules during the operation.

Seroma often occurs in two cases: if the patient has problems with the lymphatic system, or if the doctor made a mistake and performed the procedure not too well. The accumulation of serous fluid is drained, but in some cases also does not require additional treatment.

Infection- one of the main dangers that lie in wait for the surgeon's patients. The development of inflammation can be life-threatening. As a rule, such a complication is the result of medical negligence or non-compliance with hygiene and dressings after surgery and discharge from a medical institution. A similar complication skin necrosis, which can occur both as a result of infection, and because of a violation of the blood supply to a tissue site. This phenomenon can be caused by too much weight of the prostheses. Also, in some cases, after surgery, numbness can be observed, which can last for several weeks or months, but then disappears without a trace, in this case we cannot talk about complications, this is a possible variant of the postoperative course.

Keloid scars not so dangerous, but this is a serious aesthetic defect that is not easy to eliminate. Their appearance is associated with the characteristics of the skin and the mechanisms of tissue healing. It is very important to tell the doctor about scarring problems in advance to the doctor in order to choose the best method for performing surgery on such an important area of ​​​​the body as the breast. Healing in this case it is much slower, additional procedures may be required. A cure without visible consequences is possible in the early stages of keloid development.

Rare Complications

Complications associated directly with implants are much less common. Implant displacement occurs not too rarely, but for the most part when referring to surgeons with low qualifications. This phenomenon is associated with incorrect reinforcement of the inframammary fold structure. Asymmetry occurs as often as displacement. This is a clear sign of a professional error. The occurrence of such an effect may be associated with improper healing, as well as damage to the implants, so the patient should carefully monitor the changes taking place after the operation.

Shell breach and its rupture are the rarest complications. They are associated with the low quality of the products themselves. In rare cases, such situations arise due to medical errors. The gap can lead to visual defects, and may go unnoticed for many months. This situation does not pose a threat to life and health, since the gel inside is not fluid and looks like marmalade. But in some cases, a rupture of the membrane can lead to chronic inflammation and, as a result, to capsular contracture. In this situation, a planned replacement of the implant is required.

Breast implant deflation, that is, the leakage of its contents is unlikely today and is extremely rare; fluid gels are not used today to fill implants. Such complications are most typical for operations using implants filled with saline solutions. If the integrity of such implants is violated, the saline solution is simply absorbed by the body without any harm.

An even rarer type of complication is extrusion installed prosthesis. In fact, the capsule falls out through the opened wound. Only 0.1 percent of women operated on experienced this problem, with most of them having extremely large implants.

is a complication that is almost impossible to prevent in advance or predict. It is an excessive scarring of the internal tissues around the implant with the formation of a hard "pocket" that deforms the breast, changes its structure and even deforms the prosthesis. Only a second operation can correct the situation. Fortunately, such complications are rare.

Difficulties with breastfeeding after implantation, with the current level of development of plastic surgeons, there are rarely. The chance of irreversible changes increases only if the nipple has been manipulated. This is sometimes necessary with an inverted nipple. But this procedure partially damages the ducts and is therefore performed strictly for those women who are already behind breastfeeding and pregnancy is no longer planned.

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