Kurzhaar description of the breed. Faithful friend and hunter: care for the kurtshaar at home. History of origin and interesting facts

Kurzhaar is a German breed of hunting dogs from the family of continental cops, very popular and widely known not only among hunters, but also among the townsfolk. Kurzhaars have a bright appearance and outstanding intellect, they are reckless and tireless at work, and at home they are calm and good-natured.

The shorthaired pointer owes its appearance to German breeders, who, with their characteristic scrupulousness, worked for centuries on a universal hunting dog. The name of the breed comes from two German words kurz - "short" and haar - "wool".

The history of the breed begins in the Mediterranean countries, where dogs of this type were used for tracking and catching birds, as well as falconry. The cops came to Germany from Spain, Flanders and France, and their distinguishing feature was the ability to point to game. This property became even more in demand with the use of guns at the end of the 18th century. In Germany, Mediterranean pointers began to be mated with local breeds that specialized in attacking and feeding prey. But more in demand was a universal hunting dog, which would not only point, but also pick up and bring a bird or other living creatures. Already at the end of the 19th century, kurtshaars did an excellent job with this work. True, outwardly they were far from today's phenotype. The dogs were heavier, had a thick dewlap on the throat, a sagging back and soft paws. They worked more slowly and calmly. German cops were actively crossed with to facilitate the appearance.

In 1872, breeding work with the kurtshaar was almost completed and the stud book was opened. After 7 years, the first standard was already drawn up, and the final version of the description of the shorthaired pointer breed was approved in 1912. In a relatively short period of time, the shorthaired pointer gained its modern look, and breeders to this day follow the motto: "universal, noble, reliable and easy to breed."

Video review of the dog breed German shorthaired pointer:


Appearance and standards

Outwardly, the shorthaired pointer gives the impression of a noble, swift, hardy and strong dog, which he really is. The physique is harmonious with correct posture and smooth lines of the body. Dogs are medium in size. Sexual dimorphism is well expressed, males are more powerful and strong than females. The average height is 60-65 cm. The standard defines the shorthaired pointer as a versatile hunting breed.

Head and muzzle

The head is dry with clear outlines, corresponds to the size and gender of the dog. The skull is slightly rounded, moderately wide. The muzzle is long and wide. In profile, a small hump on the nose is noticeable, more pronounced in males. The eyes are medium in size and dark brown in color. The ears are set high and wide, of medium length, flat and hanging. The nose is slightly protruding, the nostrils are mobile and wide, the color is usually brown, but black dogs sometimes have black. The lips fit snugly, are well pigmented, the edge is almost vertical in front, then it gently curves. Jaws strong, bite should be perfect scissor.


The height at the withers slightly exceeds the length. The withers are well expressed. The topline is straight and slightly sloping. The back is strong, the loin is straight or slightly arched. The tail is set high, strong, of medium length. In a calm state, it hangs down, during movement it is kept horizontally, but not higher than the back. The tail is docked approximately halfway, but may also remain natural, straight or saber-shaped, it should reach the hock. What a kurtshaar dog looks like with and without a tail can be seen in the photo below. The chest is more developed in depth. The legs are parallel, placed under the body. The paws are arched, the toes are tightly closed with strong nails and rough pads.

Wool and colors

The coat is dense, short, hard and rough to the touch. A little thinner and shorter on the head and ears, and a little longer on the tail. Several colors are allowed.

  • Solid brown;
  • Brown with mottled or white markings;
  • Dark brown mottled;
  • Light brown mottled with white or brown markings;
  • Black color with brown spots or specks.


At home, kurtshaars are very accommodating, obedient, calm and sociable, there is no aggression in them, they are peaceful and friendly. Somewhat restrained in the manifestation of feelings. They are distrustful of strangers. Kurzhaars do not bite, but they love to bark very much, and therefore they are good watchdogs.

Shorthaired pointer is a dog of one owner.

Shorthaired pointer may seem calm even to some extent phlegmatic. Unlike and, he is not playful, does not really like to mess with children and does not bother the owners with his attention and excessive love. But as soon as it comes to walking, and even more so about hunting, the dog transforms and turns into a tireless gambling assistant who, despite fatigue, will not sit down until the work is completed. In everyday life, the kurtshaar is unlikely to amaze with intelligence as much as on the hunt.

Education, training and coaching

A shorthaired pointer puppy is trained as early as possible, patiently waiting for the requirements to be met. Commands should be monotonous and short. Do not deceive the dog, and a positive result is always reinforced with treats and praise. Work with the dog should be daily, and the lessons are not too long. First, the commands are practiced at home, then on the street, and only after that you can conduct an obedience test by letting the dog off the leash. During the growth period, special attention is paid to socialization, acquaintance of the puppy with different animals and people, sounds and smells.

Some kurtshaars tend to be dominant so it is important for owners to establish their leadership and maintain a position.

There is no greater disappointment than to see the stupid and unmanageable work of your dog on the hunt. Of course, a lot depends on genetics, but even more so on how much the owner will invest in the pet. It is impossible to spare neither effort nor time for the preparation of the kurtshaar. In cops, most of the working qualities are fixed and are inherited. The task of the person who is engaged in nataska kurtshaar is to fully reveal the natural talents of the dog and the necessary characteristics.

Hunting with kurtshaar

The kurtshaar is a prominent representative of the group of continental cops. His main objects of work are field and swamp game. Hunters consider the work on upland birds to be very interesting and exciting, in which woodcock hunting occupies a special place.

The Shorthaired Pointer is a multifunctional hunting dog, able to point, track, locate and retrieve a variety of game from pheasant to deer.

In Europe, hunting with a kurtshaar on an animal is a common thing. Domestic hunters have more conservative views. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to use a shorthaired pointer, for example, on a hare. He will not chase him, but he can follow the trail, he picks up wounded animals well, using his lower instinct.

Kurzhaars are not adapted for year-round living on the street and need constant communication with a person. The best option for a dog would be living in a private home. Perhaps content in the apartment, but then the owner will have to devote a lot of time to walking.

The shorthaired pointer needs regular moderate exercise. Periodically, the dog should be able to free-range. Puppies and naughty dogs often run away from their owners. It’s good if the dog only runs and returns, but in excitement it can inadvertently jump out onto the road, which will end in failure.

A shorthaired pointer who lacks exercise may be shy, aggressive, or have other behavioral abnormalities.

Pointer care

As intended by the German breeders, the Shorthaired Hound requires minimal grooming. If the dog lives in a house, weekly brushing will minimize the amount of hair loss and promote natural coat renewal. During the period of pronounced seasonal molting, it is better to comb the dog every day. Shorthaired pointers do not need frequent bathing. If necessary, simply wipe the wool with a damp cloth.

Hanging ears should be regularly inspected and, as necessary, cleaned of accumulated sulfur and dirt. This is an important point in the prevention of ear diseases. As for oral hygiene, a puppy can be taught to brush his teeth or limit himself to special treats and toys.


Feeding the German pointer has its own characteristics. An energetic and active dog should receive more high-calorie and nutritious food, especially during the work period or during the cold season. You can feed with natural products or ready-made industrial feeds. Efficiency and health largely depends on the quality of nutrition and regimen. Pointer puppies up to six months should eat 5 times a day. From 6 to 12 months - 3 times a day. Adult dogs are fed 2 times a day at the same time. Shorthaired Pointers are prone to gaining weight so don't overfeed them.

If the dog eats natural food, the diet must be supplemented with vitamin and mineral complexes. From dry food, preference should be given to premium and super-premium manufacturers in the lineup of which there are diets for active dogs or sports dogs.

Health and longevity

The breed has a predisposition to a number of genetic diseases:

  • raw eczema;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Otitis;
  • granuloma;
  • Epilepsy;
  • von Willebrand disease;
  • Melanoma;
  • Entropion;
  • Cataract;
  • Bloating of the abdomen and intestines;
  • Dysplasia of the hip joints.

Life expectancy averages 12-13 years. Even in adulthood, dogs remain active and efficient.

Choosing a puppy and the price of a dog breed kurtshaar

The peculiarity of the choice of hunting dogs is that attention is paid not to the color, but to the working characteristics of the parents, their character, behavior at home and on the hunt, and performance. The probability that puppies will inherit the necessary qualities from a good pair is an order of magnitude higher.

As a rule, kurtshaar breeders are part-time hunters, so they will be able to offer a puppy for certain requirements, provide support in growing and raising, and also advise on nutrition and maintenance.

The average price of a kurtshaar puppy is 25,000-30,000 rubles. Puppies that have already proven themselves can cost more, as well as puppies from elite producers or imported dogs. There are a lot of offers on the market for the sale of puppies without a pedigree, often mestizos come across among them. Buying a dog from a photo from unverified sellers is not worth it at all, or you need to be extremely careful.


Photos of puppies and adult dogs of the Kurzhaar breed are collected in the gallery.

Shorthaired Pointers are a versatile hunting dog breed. But at the same time, they can be worthy companions of physically active people: the animal will accompany its owner with great pleasure during a daily long morning jog or bike ride.

It took several centuries to form the breed as we see it today. Germany is considered the birthplace of Kurzhaars, but the true history of the origin of the breed is not known.

German cynologists claim that the ancestors of Kurzhaars are short-haired continental cops who have always lived in Germany. But there is plenty of evidence that the version is wrong. The first cops were brought to the territory of the German state only during the Thirty Years' War (this is the 15th century). The dogs successfully crossed with local Hanoverian hounds. It is to them that the Shorthaired Pointers owe their solid color of a beautiful coffee color.

But the Spanish marriages of Perdigero Burgos had a much greater influence on the formation of the breed. They were heavy animals with strong bones and large heads. Dogs were actively crossed, and the result of such selection work was the emergence of a new breed. In the beginning, the dogs were called the Old German Wurtenberg Pointer, and then the Kurzhaar.

The pedigree book of Shorthaired Pointers was opened in 1872. And the first dog recorded in it was Hector: a heavy dog ​​with a large head and long ears.

There are many versions of the origin of the Kurzhaar breed. Germany is considered the birthplace of these dogs.

In 1890, Pointer blood was "added" to Kurzhaara, which gave the animal a more elegant appearance, as well as increased the dog's sense of smell and increased speed of movement. The re-mixing of the blood of these breeds was carried out in 1910.

Note! The International Cynological Federation adopted the breed standard only in 1912.

Appearance, breed standard and photos

Outwardly, the Kurzhaar is a dog with a noble appearance. The animal has a strong structure and graceful posture. Gender is visible to the naked eye: females are smaller than males, but dogs do not look frail.

A photo. Pointer dog

Kurzhaar dog in the photo

Average weight and height:
  • females - 20 ... 27 kg, 58 ... 63 cm;
  • males - 25 ... 32 kg, 62 ... 66 cm.

breed standard

The accepted breed standard describes the animal as follows:

  • Head. The back of the head is pronounced, the forehead is wide. Mimic muscles are well expressed, cheeks are tightened. Nose bridge with a small hump. A concave nose bridge will disqualify a dog.. The lips are fleshy, completely covering the incisors. Pigmentation matches the color of the nose.
  • Teeth. Large, even, set tightly, the bite is correct.
  • Nose. Square, nostrils open.
  • Eyes. Small, almond-shaped, the inner corners are directed towards the back of the nose. The look is smart. Eye color is brown.
  • Ears. They are rectangular in shape, set wide and high.
  • Body. There are no folds on the skin, the chest is medium, not barrel-shaped. The scruff and withers are developed and convex, the back is strong. The loin is moderately pronounced, the croup is sloping.
  • Limbs. The forelegs are located under the body, the shoulder blades are well developed. The elbows are laid back and loosely pressed to the chest. During the stance, the hind legs are set aside for the line of the croup. Fingers are collected, fitted.
  • Tail. Wide, can be of natural length or docked. Set well, should not have creases, knots. Straight or saber-shaped.

Breeds closely related to kurtshaars

Cynologists consider Kurzhaars, Langkhaars and Drathaars as closely related breeds. The difference between Kurzhaar and Langhaar is quite obvious: dogs of the second breed have long hair.

Kurzhaars and drathaars are similar to each other, but the latter have a small beard on the muzzle, the hair on the whole body is longer and harsher.

At the same time, not everyone can distinguish Kurzhaar from Drathaar, but the difference between them, nevertheless, exists:

  • Drathaars have a small beard, while Kurzhaars muzzle is covered with short hair.
  • The coat of the Drathaar is semi-long.
  • Drathaars are distinguished by great aggression, which they show in the heat of excitement. Kurzhaars are more friendly in this regard.
  • The height at the withers for both breeds is approximately the same, but visually the Drathaars look somewhat larger.
  • The shorthaired pointer is better trained, because he trusts his master in everything and strives to complete all the assigned tasks. Drathaars are more difficult to train.

Hunters claim that there is no particular difference in the working qualities of the breeds. But the choice may be influenced by the region of residence of the owner and the option of keeping the dog. Drathaars, unlike Shorthaired Shorthairs, are more adapted to the cold season.

Coat type and color of kurtshaars

The outer hair is coarse, due to which the coat of the animal is dense. The undercoat is missing. The muzzle and ears have a short coat. The longer coat of the Shorthaired Pointer grows in the area of ​​the riding breeches.

The most successful color for working dogs is rich brown with specks.

The following colors are accepted as standard:

  • Brown. Most preferred. Light and dark markings on the chest and limbs are allowed.
  • Intense brown color with solid specks. The most successful color for working dogs. On the head of the dog, a brown tone should prevail.
  • Light brown. Dark head with a lot of white on the body.
  • White or black tone is the main one. Markings and specks are brown.

Reference. Regardless of the main color, yellowish tan, specks on the lips and a white blaze on the muzzle are allowed.

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by endurance and increased activity, since the original purpose of Kurzhaars is hunting. Dogs can pursue their prey for a long time. The energy of pets requires a constant outlet, so the kurtshaar will fulfill all commands and take part in all games with great pleasure.

Shorthaired Pointers are very active and friendly dogs, they are excellent companions for all family members.

Shorthaired Pointers become attached to family members - they are affectionate and faithful companions. The owner will be betrayed to the last. When bringing a kurtshaar puppy into the house, you need to understand that the dog has a very sociable character and should feel that she is loved.

Dogs can take on the duties of watchdogs, but are not aggressive by nature. They like to bark a lot and loudly, but bite only in exceptional cases. Adult dogs, if properly trained, are very tolerant of small children. For schoolchildren and active teenagers Kurzhaars are the best companions in noisy games.

Kurzhaars treat other dogs equally, but again, it all depends on the upbringing of the dog. True, dog fights cannot be avoided.

Shorthaired pointers are born hunters, and the desire to drive the beast can appear at any time. For this reason, dogs of this breed often chase cats, even those with which they grew up together. And if the cat does not have time to hide somewhere at a height, then the chase may end in the death of the animal.

The dog must be given the opportunity to expend its energy. Otherwise, Kurzhaar will start to get bored and splash out energy, pestering the household.

Caring for a Kurzhaar, like any large dog, will require some effort. In order to avoid difficulties in the future, the puppy must be taught to water and hygiene procedures immediately. The kid should perceive all procedures as something ordinary - he should not worry and worry. For a dog, this should become a familiar ritual.

In the warm season, allow the dog to swim in ponds, because kurtshaars love water.

The main part of the care is cleaning the coat. It is not necessary to bathe the dog too often, but only as it gets dirty. After walking the dog's paws, it is enough to wipe it with a damp cloth. In summer, it is advisable to bathe your pet in an open pond - Shorthaired Pointers love to swim and will be completely delighted.

In addition to keeping the coat clean, the dog's ears need to be cleaned and the eyes wiped. Once a month, the pet will need to cut its nails and comb the coat weekly with a special brush.

Keeping Kurzhaar in the apartment

If the dog is planned to be kept in a city apartment, then you need to immediately make it clear to the puppy who his owner is and whom he should obey. The kid should know such important things as a place to sleep and eat, that you can not jump on the furniture and chase the house cat.

If you decide to keep a kurtshaar in an apartment, be sure to give the dog its place.

The daily routine of the Kurzhaar should include time for walking, sleeping, playing and training. He cannot be left alone for a long time: the dog will get bored and begin to entertain himself. And such pranks will have a very negative effect on the condition of the furniture. A dog living in a city apartment needs long walks.

Aviary content

The enclosure should be light, dry, clean and spacious. In addition, it must be completely protected from drafts.

In the enclosure there should be a spacious booth where the animal could rest. It is not advisable to keep a dog on a chain in an aviary, because in this case it will not work to raise a devoted friend.

If there is no opportunity to place an aviary, then a good booth can be built for the dog. The house needs to be well insulated and cleaned regularly.

Important! The minimum size of the enclosure is 2 by 3 meters. The base should be metal, and wood should be used to build the floor, walls and ceiling.

Winter maintenance of Kurzhaar

Do not forget that the Kurzhaar is a short-haired dog and cannot live in the cold. In an open, unheated aviary, a dog can be kept only if the air temperature in winter does not fall below -7.

If you plan to keep the kurtshaar outdoors, be sure to make a heated enclosure for it, as these dogs will not be able to live in the cold.

But even if Kurzhaar is kept in an aviary, he must be taken out for a walk every day, allowing him to run and play enough.

Feeding the Kurzhaar

Feeding a puppy and an adult dog has fundamental differences.

puppy feeding

Offal and meat must be crushed before feeding the puppy.

During the first month of life, the puppy should receive mother's milk. If this is not possible, then you can use milk formulas based on cow's or goat's milk. Gradually, dairy products are introduced into the dog's diet - kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese and yogurt.

After the puppy is two months old, the volume of "milk" decreases. Its place is taken by solid products from the category of offal and cartilage.

Shredded meat at this age is not recommended for a dog: the puppy cannot fully chew it yet, and therefore will suffer from indigestion and upset stools.

In the same period of time, the puppy can be given cereals cooked in meat broth. Under the ban are pearl barley, potatoes and salt. The dog also needs to get fiber. It is part of vegetables - zucchini, cabbage, pumpkin and others.

The diet depends on the age of the puppy:

  • 1 ... 5 months of life - the puppy should receive food five times a day;
  • 6 ... 12 months - three meals a day;
  • after 12 months - the dog needs to be fed in the morning and in the evening.

From the puppy's menu, you need to exclude any sweets, pastries, smoked, fried and spicy foods, tubular bones.

Feeding an adult dog

If you plan to feed the dog with natural food, then it is important to follow the recommendations of professional breeders:

  • The Shorthaired Pointer should be fed boiled or raw meat daily. This product should be exactly half of the daily diet. The dog can be given chicken, beef, pork, rabbit and offal. Sausages, sausages and smoked meats cannot be given, because. they have a bad effect on the liver of the animal.
  • Every day, the pet's menu should also include boiled and fresh vegetables.

One day a week the dog should receive:

The menu of the dog must include meat and offal.
  • boiled fish (both sea and river varieties are suitable);
  • egg;
  • milk products;
  • fish fat.

Periodically, the pet needs to be fed porridge. It improves the functioning of the dog's intestines.

From the menu of the animal must be completely excluded:

  • pasta;
  • potato;
  • sweets;
  • peas.

If the animal is kept outside, then with the onset of cold weather, the dog's diet should be more high-calorie. For this purpose, vegetable or butter should be added to the portion.

Attention. The dog should always have access to clean water. It should be either warm or room temperature. You can't give your dog hot or cold water.

The menu should include:

  • boiled udder;
  • offal;
  • beef tripe.

Also, liquid vitamins A, B and E must be added to the feed. For dogs living in houses, the diet remains unchanged throughout the year.

Training and education of Kurzhaar

Dogs are very obedient and easy to train. Nature rewarded them with high intellectual abilities, a passion for work. This combination, coupled with a human focus, helps to get quick results.

It is very important to establish close friendships with the dog. And this is the very first thing to do when starting to educate Kurzhaar. Dogs of this breed are open to communication, but can close very quickly. This can happen, for example, due to too severe punishment. And then the dog will simply become "blind and deaf."

It is very important to establish close friendships with the dog, and this is the very first thing to do when starting to educate the Shorthaired Pointer.

But this is not a reason to forgive your pet for all his pranks and ugliness. The dog must understand its position on the hierarchical ladder. There should be punishment, but let it be words and intonations. For a smart Shorthaired Pointer, this will be enough.

Physical punishment, while not strong, is allowed only in exceptional cases.. You can't just hit a dog like that!

Hunting with Kurzhaar

Novice hunters very often go with the Kurzhaar only for duck hunting, which reveals the natural potential of the dog by only 10%. Do not forget that the Shorthaired Pointer is a versatile hunting breed that can work on almost any game. The exception is ungulates, but some hunters use the dog in this direction as well.

Shorthaired pointer's work on field, marsh and upland game

The place of hunting becomes a water meadow. The hunter moves in the direction of the wind. A well-trained Shorthaired Pointer moves perpendicular to the movement of the owner, trying to catch the smell of game (works with upper sense).

During the pursuit of a running bird, the dog periodically lowers its head to the ground and sniffs the trail (works with its lower sense). After the dog smells the game, it becomes in a rack. And only at the command of the hunter makes several jumps towards the bird, lifting it on the wing.

During the pursuit of a running bird, the dog periodically lowers its head to the ground and sniffs the trail (works with its lower sense).

After the bird takes off, which allows the hunter to make an aimed shot. Wounded Kurzhaar brings and hands over. This is how the hunt for pheasant, black grouse, quail, capercaillie, woodcock, marsh-meadow game goes.

Waterfowl hunting - ducks

The hunter walks along the shore, the dog enters the water at a distance of a rifle shot. If thickets of reeds come across, then the dog carefully searches them, and swims across the encountered backwaters.

Sensing a bird, Kurzhaar drives it out into the open water or raises it on the wing. The wounded animal seeks and brings, handing over.

Small game hunting - hare, fox, raccoon, fox

Sensing the prone position of the beast, Kurzhaar makes a stance. A running hare will not be pursued for long, turning it on a hunter. If the animal is wounded, then the dog will pick it up and bring it to the owner.

Having found a fox, raccoon or other animal, he will try to crush him.

Blood trail hunting

Before using the Shorthaired Pointer as a bloodhound, the owner must undergo special training with the dog. The dog follows the trail, working with his lower senses. After the dead game is found, the dog will either bark at it or return to the owner with an announcement.

Reference. Announcement is a special diaper that is fastened with a strap to the dog's collar. When the dog discovers the beast, he takes the diaper in his mouth and returns to the owner.

Is it possible to start Kurzhaar for those who do not hunt?

Shorthaired Pointers are one of the best gun dogs made for real work. It is highly discouraged to start this breed as a sofa companion. As a result, everything will end with a destroyed apartment and stress on the animal.

The Shorthaired Pointer is a true working dog and should not be kept as a couch companion. These dogs need a lot of exercise.

The kurtshaar needs to throw out his hunting instincts and an incredible amount of energy. What can be an alternative to hunting? Here you can recommend racing for a mechanical hare, frisbee, joint skiing and cycling. The dog will be happy to accompany the owner.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Kurzhaar breed

The advantages of the breed include:

  • excellent character, which allows the dog to take root perfectly in the family;
  • dogs are very good-natured and obedient;
  • great hunters.

The only drawback is that the dog will require maximum attention. In addition, the pet needs long and very active walks.

Health and longevity

On average, Kurzhaar lives 12-14 years. Diseases that occur in dogs of this breed are due either to a genetic predisposition or an active lifestyle:

Most often, the following diseases occur in kurtshaars: eczema, otitis media, cataracts, intestinal volvulus.
  • Volvulus. Acquired condition requiring immediate surgical intervention.
  • . The disease can be either congenital or acquired. Treatment depends on the staging: restraint therapy may be used, or joint replacement may be performed.
  • Deviations in the work of the thyroid gland. Most often, the disease manifests itself as a lack of hormones.
  • Raw eczema. Pathology manifests itself as a constantly weeping wound. The area of ​​inflammation itches, hair falls out. Scraping will help identify the cause. Treatment is prescribed depending on the pathogen.
  • Licked granuloma. The dog constantly licks its front paws. The most common reason is boredom. There is no specific treatment. The main recommendation is to provide the pet with constant communication. Medications may be prescribed in case of a secondary bacterial infection.
  • Von Willebrand disease. hereditary pathology. Sick dogs are excluded from breeding.
  • , inversion \ eversion of the eyelid.
  • Epilepsy.

How to choose and where to buy a Kurzhaar puppy

The Kurzhaar puppy should be picked up after he is one month old. At this age, the baby can already eat on its own.

Pointer puppies with a female in the photo

A photo. Pointer puppies

When choosing a dog, you need to pay attention to the following points:
  • the presence of a puppy certificate;
  • the dog should be outwardly calm, but be active and be able to show aggression, watch him during games: if other kids stick to a calm puppy, then at first he doesn’t react to it at all, but then he fights back and immediately calms down;
  • during games, a healthy puppy will not allow himself to be defeated;
  • during feeding, he will actively repel the weaker ones, making his way to the mother's nipples;
  • The puppy should eat well and have a good stool.

Important. A mentally balanced animal should not be afraid of a stranger, but try to get to know him better.

Given the characteristics of the breed, you need to remember the following:

  • a monthly baby will weigh between 3 ... 3.5 kg;
  • the current color will change over time - it will become more saturated and contrasting.

You can buy Kurzhaar puppies in the following kennels:

  • St. Petersburg, kennel "Gern Gross", http://www.pointing-dogs.ru/;
  • St. Petersburg, nursery "Prime Optimus", http://primeoptimus.ru/.

The price for a puppy starts from 500 US dollars.

(German Shorthaired Hound) is a representative of a hunting breed, originally from Germany.

Universal Hunter, capable of hunting various game in various terrain and any weather.

The Shorthaired Pointer is a brave and hardy dog, very smart, quick to learn and quick to make decisions. In addition to the excellent qualities of a hunter, he has watchdog qualities, gets along well in the family, loves children, but only one person can be recognized as the owner.

Shorthaired pointer breed description and FCI standard

Since the shorthaired pointer was bred specifically as a hunting breed, the characteristic is appropriate: short, stiff hair does not cling to branches and bushes, the paws are muscular and strong, thanks to which the dog can overcome a long distance. Harmoniously built, with a powerful and at the same time graceful body.

  1. Country of origin: Germany.
  2. Usage: general purpose hunting dog.
  3. FCI classification: Group 7 Pointing dogs. Section 1 Continental Pointing Dogs, Brakk type. With working tests.
  4. GENERAL APPEARANCE: Harmoniously built, noble-looking, strong, hardy and fast dog with a proud posture; contour lines are smooth, dry head, well-set tail, harsh shiny coat, harmonious movements emphasize the nobility of the breed.
  5. Important proportions: the length of the body slightly exceeds the height at the withers.
  6. Behavior/Character: even-tempered, reliable, reserved, accommodating, never nervous, timid or aggressive.
  7. Head: dry, with distinct outlines, neither heavy nor light, in size and massiveness harmonious with the size and sex of the dog.
    1. Skull : Moderately broad, slightly rounded, with a slightly pronounced occiput, the longitudinal groove is not too deep, the superciliary ridges are distinct.
    2. Stop (transition from forehead to muzzle): moderately expressed.
  8. Nose: Slightly protruding, nostrils wide, mobile. The color of the nose is brown, in black or black-roan dogs it is black. With a basic white color, a flesh or spotted nose is acceptable.
  9. Muzzle: Long, broad, deep, strong, allowing proper handling of game. The kurtshaar is characterized by a slight hunchback, in males it is more pronounced. A straight bridge of the nose is acceptable. A concave back of the nose is a defect.
  10. Lips: Close fitting, not too pendulous, well pigmented. The edge of the lip is almost sheer in front, the further contour is distinguished by a smooth bend up to a moderately pronounced corner of the mouth.
  11. Jaws/Teeth: Teeth white, healthy, set vertically in the jaw, jaws strong, regular scissor bite. The incisors of the upper and lower rows are tightly closed. Complete dentition formula 42 strong teeth.
  12. Cheeks: Strong, well muscled.
  13. Eyes: Medium in size, neither protruding nor too deep set. The ideal eye color is dark brown. Eyelids close fitting.
  14. Ears: Medium length, set high and wide, flat, hanging without twisting, close fitting to the head, the ends of the ears are bluntly rounded. Not too meaty and not too thin. In length reach the corner of the lips.
  15. Neck: in length in harmony with the general appearance, gradually expanding towards the body. Very muscular with a slightly arched nape. The skin on the throat is tight.
  16. Topline: Straight, slightly sloping.
  17. Withers: Well defined.
  18. Back: strong, muscular. The spinous processes of the vertebrae must be hidden by the musculature.
  19. Loins: Short, broad, muscular, straight or slightly arched, forming a solid line with the back.
  20. Croup: Broad, fairly long, not sloping, slightly sloping towards the tail, muscular.
  21. Chest: More developed in depth than in breadth, with a well developed forechest, with the sternum as long as possible. The sternum and elbow joint are at the same level. Ribs sprung, neither flat nor barrel-shaped. False ribs of good length.
  22. Underline : With an elegant curve towards a slightly tucked-up belly.
  23. Tail: Set on high, thick at the base, tapering to a tip, of medium length. For use in hunting, half docked. Hanging when at rest, carried horizontally when moving, never raised above the level of the back and not strongly arched. (In countries where docking is prohibited by law, the tail remains natural, reaching to the hock, straight or slightly saber-shaped).
  24. Forelimbs: Seen from the front, straight and parallel; seen from the side, well placed under the body.
    1. Shoulders: Obliquely set, well fitting to the chest, muscular. The scapula and shoulder form a well-defined angle of the shoulder-scapular joint.
    2. Shoulders : Long, muscular, dry.
    3. Elbows: Close to the body, but not too close, turned neither in nor out, deep under the body.
    4. Forearms : Straight, well muscled. The skeleton is strong, but not coarse.
    5. Wrist joints: strong.
    6. Pasterns : with a minimally pronounced angle between the forearms and pasterns, but never set vertically.
  25. Forefeet: Round to oval in shape, well arched, toes tightly attached. Claws are strong. Paw pads are rough, strong. Parallel set, turning neither in nor out in stance and movement.
  26. Hind limbs: Seen from behind, straight and parallel. The articulation angles of the knee and hock joints are well defined. The skeleton is strong.
    1. Thighs: Long, wide, muscular. The angle of the hip joint is well defined.
    2. knee joints
    3. Lower legs : Long, muscular, with clearly visible tendons.
    4. hocks: strong, with a well-defined angle.
    5. Metatarsus: strong, vertically set.
    6. Hind feet: Round to oval in shape, arched, toes tightly attached. Claws are strong. Paw pads are rough, strong. Parallel set, turning neither in nor out in stance and movement.
  27. Gait/Movement: sweeping, with a strong drive from the hindquarters and a good reach of the forelegs. The movements of the fore and hind limbs are straight and parallel. Proud posture. Ambling is undesirable.
  28. Skin: Close-fitting, without folds.
  29. Coat: the coat is short, dense, coarse and hard. Thinner and shorter on the head and ears, slightly longer on the underside of the tail.
  30. Gurzhaar Height/Weight:
    1. Height at the withers: males 62 - 66 cm; females 58 - 63 cm
    2. Weight: males 25-32 kg; females 20-27 kg
  31. Disadvantages / Defects: any deviation from the above is considered a fault/defect and is judged in proportion to its severity and the impact on the health and well-being of the dog.
    1. Behavioral defects, insufficiently expressed sexual type
    2. Too short muzzle
    3. Too thick or too thin lips
    4. Absence of no more than 2 teeth out of four P1 and two M3
    5. Too light eyes, light yellow eyes of a "bird of prey"
    6. Ears are excessively long or short, heavy, narrowly set or curled
    7. suspension
    8. Slight humping of the back
    9. short croup
    10. Excessively deep chest
    11. Tail with a strong curvature or carried well above the level of the topline
    12. Elbows turned in or out, clubfoot or splay, narrow or wide set of forelimbs
    13. Straight back
    14. Slightly barrel-shaped or cow-like set of hind limbs, narrow set of metatarsus.
  32. Serious deficiencies / vices:
    1. Clumsiness, friability, coarseness of addition
    2. Excessive transition from forehead to muzzle
    3. Flesh or spotted nose, except for dogs with a basic white color
    4. Pointed muzzle, concave nasal bridge
    5. Level bite or partly level bite (in dogs older than 4 years (so-called age level bite) does not affect the score if the German Pointer Club confirms the fact that the dog had a correct bite at the previous show)
    6. Humpback or slightly sagging back
    7. Small chest, poorly developed forechest, flat or barrel-shaped ribs
    8. Elbows distinctly turned in or out
    9. Weak, sagging pasterns
    10. Completely sheer pasterns
    11. Significantly pronounced cow or barrel stance of the hindquarters, both in motion and in the stance
    12. high-ass
    13. flat paws
    14. Loose paws
    15. Clumsy movements
    16. Deviations of more than 2 cm from the established height at the withers.
  33. Disqualifying vices:
    1. Aggressiveness or excessive cowardice
    2. Marked physical or behavioral abnormalities
    3. Explicit violations of sexual dimorphism
    4. Absence of more than 2 teeth out of four P1 and two M3
    5. Absence of at least one tooth, except for P1 and M3. Teeth that are not visible are considered missing unless the German Pointer Club confirms their presence at a previous show or trial.
    6. Overshot, undershot, jaw misalignment, all possible combinations
    7. Extra teeth that extend beyond the dentition
    8. Cleft palate or cleft lip
    9. Droopy eyelids, ectropion, entropion, double row of eyelashes
    10. Sagging back, spinal deformity
    11. Any deformity of the chest, such as a short sternum that forms a sharp tuck into the abdomen
    12. Dewclaws with or without phalanges
    13. Weak temperament.

Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed-specific characteristics, may be used for breeding.

Note: Males must have two normally developed testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

German cops are long-lived, about 12-14 years old, but with proper care and regular veterinary examinations, they can live longer.

  • Solid brown, no markings.
  • Brown with small white markings or speckling on the chest or legs.
  • Dark brown roan with brown head, brown spots or speckling. The main color of such a dog, not brown with white and not white with brown - the coat is characterized by a uniform and intense mixture of brown and white hair, resulting in a dog color that is valuable for use in hunting, it is not conspicuous. On the inside of the hind legs and at the tip of the tail, the color is most often lighter.
  • Light brown roan with brown head, brown spots, specks or no spots. With this color, brown hair is less, white hair predominates. White with brown markings on the head, with brown spots or specks.
  • Black color with the same shades as brown or brown-roan.
  • Tan and tan markings allowed.
  • A white blaze, small spots and specks on the lips are allowed.

    The character of the shorthaired pointer

    By nature, not only an excellent hunter, but also a loving member of the family. The German Pointer is a smart and gentle dog that will constantly strive to please its owner. These are very friendly creatures, getting along well with older children.

    The shorthaired pointer has protective qualities, it makes an excellent watchman and defender. She loves to spend time with her family and needs attention.

    Representatives of this breed tend to dominate, so a strong-willed and strong person must become the owner, and establish his leadership. If the owner fails to establish leadership, then the dog can get out of control and become uncontrollable.

    Photo kurtshaar in search of prey

    The German Pointer is highly intelligent, and with a combination of energy and intelligence, this dog needs constant mental and physical work. Training a shorthaired pointer, even the standard commands (sit, beside, lie down, etc.) is an incredible pleasure. If, from puppyhood, the pointer grows up with others (dogs and cats), in adulthood it will be nice to get along with other people's dogs.

    If you want to buy a puppy, remember that this is a hunting dog, and it is better to protect it from small pets, otherwise it will perceive them as a toy or an object for hunting.

    Gurzhaar care is not difficult at all. The breed is short-haired, seasonal shedding. First of all, it is important to monitor the coat of the cop.

    It is necessary to comb out the coat several times a week, using a special brush and a massage mitt for this. During the molting period, comb the dog more often, this will save you from wool in the apartment.

    Bathing is often not recommended, 1 per month or as it gets dirty, otherwise the coat will lose its natural sheen and oily cover that protects against pollution. Representatives of the breed are excellent swimmers, they love to swim in ponds or rivers. You can not let the dog outside in the winter immediately after bathing, otherwise it may catch a cold. For bathing, special shampoos for this breed are used, or dry cleaning is practiced.

    Photo kurtshaar in anticipation

    Pay special attention to the ears - they should always be dry and clean. Any dirt is carefully removed with a cotton swab or a damp cotton pad. Always check your ears after a walk.

    Eyes: Keep an eye on the kurtshaar's eyes, they should be shiny and clean. Sour eyes, wipe with a damp cotton pad dipped in weak tea leaves. With severe souring and profuse tearing, the dog must be shown to the veterinarian.

    The nails are trimmed once a month, with a nail cutter for large breeds, often during long walks they are combed on the asphalt.

    In the photo, the kurtshaar is resting on the hunt

    It is better to teach a dog to hygiene procedures from puppyhood, then the owner will not have problems with caring for the pet, and the dog will enjoy communicating with the owner.

    Ticks and fleas

    The German Hound is a hunting breed, and there is no doubt that the dog, together with the owner, will spend time in nature, run through forests, parks, and bushes. There is a real threat of picking up ticks.

    Walks: shorthaired pointer - needs long walks with physical activity. In the absence of proper loads, he will turn into an uncontrollable hyperactive pet that will "smash" your apartment. Therefore, if you are not able to provide the dog with active and long walks, then this breed will not suit you.

    Kurzhaar food

    Photo kurtshaar puppy close-up

    The Kurzhaar is a hunting dog, and his diet is slightly different from other breeds. The basis of the diet should be animal protein - boiled or raw meat, cut into small pieces.

    In puppyhood, dairy products play an important role - kefir, eggs, cottage cheese, milk, rich in calcium, for strong bones and teeth. However, by 3 months, the amount of dairy products is reduced. Minced meat is not recommended, as the dog does not chew it and as a result, the minced meat is not digested.

    It is important to include cartilage and offal in the diet, especially during the period of changing teeth. The diet of the kurtshaar must necessarily include cereals cooked in broth without adding salt. For a puppy, all cereals are useful, with the exception of pearl barley and potatoes. Be sure to add a source of fiber to the porridge - carrots, zucchini, pumpkin and other vegetables.

    The cop should not be overfed, the optimal weight is in the range of 27-32 kg.

    A kurtshaar puppy is fed up to 5 times a day in small portions, from 6 months the number of feedings is reduced - three times a day. If the puppy has not eaten the food, then the bowl is removed and the next time the portion size is reduced. If, on the contrary, the puppy licks the bowl for a long time, it means that he did not have enough portions and the next time the volume increases. Proper and healthy kurtshaar nutrition, selected taking into account the characteristics, is the key to the health of your pet.

    Kurzhaar training

    In the photo, a kurtshaar near prey

    According to most dog breeders, it is necessary to start training from an early puppy age. However, one should not hurry with the kurtshaar. You will have to be patient before the dog learns the commands.

    In puppyhood, it is better to give your pet more attention and care in order to establish full contact and establish a strong bond. The training of a German pointer implies comprehensive training, that is, "all at once." Otherwise, the dog forgets the commands learned in the last lesson.

    The main principle of kurtshaar training is from simple to complex, and from easy to difficult. During training, it is necessary to give commands based on previously learned ones. It is recommended to train twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. It is important to teach the dog to follow commands regardless of the situation - both in the apartment and on the street.

    The main thing to remember is that the kurtshaar remains a puppy in the soul until old age, so you don’t need to force him to unquestioningly follow all the commands, don’t limit his freedom.

    Shorthair disease

    • Otitis externa
    • Epilepsy
    • Von Willebrand disease (an inherited blood disorder in dogs)
    • Entropion (inversion of the eyelid)
    • Melanoma
    • Cataract
    • Piroplasmosis, babesiosis (a serious disease transmitted by a tick bite).
      Signs: high temperature, the dog refuses to eat, by destroying red blood cells, the ability becomes red-brown.
    • Licked granuloma, polysucha
    • The dog licks itself strongly in some place, usually above the paw, to such an extent that a bald spot appears. The skin becomes inflamed and ulcers appear. The cause is severe itching caused by an allergic reaction, or a local bacterial infection.

      There is an opinion that dogs lick themselves out of boredom.

      The treatment uses an Elizabethan collar. Calendula ointment, tea lotion will help relieve itching. In any case, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

    • Hypothyroidism (acquired or congenital (iodine deficiency) metabolic disease, develops as a result of an insufficient amount or impaired utilization of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland)

Photo of kurtshaar

Kurzhaar is an all-round athlete. After all, you rarely see a retriever do a rack, and a pointer can swim, but a kurtshaar can do any job, demonstrating energy and grace.

Guard qualities
Protective qualities
The size
Attitude towards children

He knows how to hunt a bird, a fur-bearing animal, even a deer - and that's not all.

The kurtshaar is suitable for any service. The kurtshaar was created as a pointer and a retriever at the same time. He will bring any floating object. He has a waterproof suit for this job. The wool is almost like duck feathers. But they still require an elegant stand from him.

The breed was originally built with the ability to stand still with little or no training. The dog in an exemplary stance should not move at all.

When the shorthaired pointer immigrated to America, he was not immediately accepted. The Americans thought that he was too slow and the hounds were much better, besides, special dogs are used more in America.

In America, a rich brown color or a combination of brown and white is preferred. In Germany, black or black and white is allowed. If you want a dog of this breed, here is a list of the advantages of a shorthaired pointer or a German smooth-haired pointer:

The shorthaired pointer is always energetic. He is like clockwork. But be careful, he can eat your sofa. Being loyal and obedient, the kurtshaar can be unnecessarily fussy for your children. The kurtshaar has good watchdog qualities. He does not bite, but will bark necessarily.

High energy and versatility makes the kurtshaar special among all breeds.

These dogs can do everything. They can pull sleds, they are allowed on the trail, they are taken on a hunt, they are used as a gunner. Pointers, from which the kurtshaar originated, have been known since ancient Egypt. The shorthaired pointer was bred in the 19th century. They were bred as a versatile game hunter. It must be understood that such universality was achieved by great selection work. Many different breeds have been used to breed the kurtshaar. Presumably, Spanish and English pointers, Dalmatians, Weimar Hounds, German hunting hounds and German Vizsla were the basis of the kurtshaar. Crossing was carried out not on the basis of the exterior, but on working grounds.

Shorthaired pointers can vary in color, as well as in abilities. Not sure what color your pet is, then look at the nose - it should tell what color it is. Dark chestnuts have a brown nose, blacks have the same black nose.

The name "pointer" is translated as suggestive (the second name of the shorthaired pointer is the German smooth-haired pointer).

In the stance, the shorthaired pointer lowers its head low, glares at the victim, raises its paw, straightens its tail and becomes like an arrow. All kurtshaars instinctively adopt this stance. You can see how a 2-month-old kurtshaar puppy, having found a feather, will chase him, stop and take a stand. Bred to hunt waterfowl, kurtshaars have a short, water-repellent coat that allows them to maintain body temperature. They have webbing between their fingers, which is good for swimming. The paws themselves are assembled into a compact spoon, which prevents them from clogging. And claws strong as nails make the dog passable. Kurzhaars are subject to the earth, water and air elements.

Pointer care

Shorthaired pointers are suitable for any climate, but they need good loads and room to move. They love to be in society, but in dealing with children they need supervision.

Their water-repellent wool also does not get dirty. This breed requires minimal grooming. From time to time they need to be combed out, otherwise the kurtshaar loses its stance and obedience.

Appearance can be deceiving, they shed a lot of hair. Since it is short, it is not so easy to peel off.

The Shorthaired Pointer is a great pet because it loves to be in the company of people.

The shorthaired pointer is not very suitable for families with small children. Being very mobile, they can inadvertently knock the child off his feet.

Unlike other sporting dog breeds, the shorthaired pointer rarely suffers from hip dysplasia and joint diseases.

Kurzhaar is one of the super breeds. They are made for canine sports. These unique athletes are able to run, run and run. The kurtshaar is made for jumping. They are very slender, which allows you to minimize the load on the joints. All their strength comes from their hind legs, allowing them to jump up.

Assessment of breed characteristics

adaptability A definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life.

Shedding level Level and frequency of hair loss in an animal.

tenderness level The level and amount of tenderness and affection that the dog gives in return for attention to himself.

Need for exercise Daily activity level of the dog.

social need The required number of contacts of the dog with other animals, as well as people.

Apartment ratio A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconvenience that the dog can deliver to the owners in the ratio of the size of the apartment to the size of the dog.

Grooming The number of baths, brushings, and the required number of professional grooming sessions a dog needs.

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment Features of the dog's behavior in a society with strangers or in an unfamiliar environment.

tendency to bark Tendency to barking and its frequency and loudness.

Health Issues The potential health status of the dog.

Territoriality The dog's tendency to protect his home, yard or even the owner's car.

Friendliness for cats Tendency to be tolerant of cats and reduced hunting instincts.

Intelligence The dog's ability to think and solve problems that arise (not to be confused with learning!).

Education and training The level of difficulty in teaching a dog to perform certain actions.

Friendliness for children A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether he likes to play with them and tolerate some childish pranks.

Game activity The concept is defined by its name itself, and, as a rule, is found in almost all dogs.

Observation The ability of a dog to detect the presence of a stranger in its territory.

Friendly to other dogs The dog's tendency to find a common language with his other relatives.

Brief description of the breed

The Kurzhaar (German Shorthaired Pointer, or German Pointer) is a versatile hunting dog capable of hunting on water and on land. Male kurtshaar reach a height of 55-65 cm and weigh 26-35 kilograms. The growth of females can be 52-57 cm, and weight 23-30 kilograms. Animals of this breed are true devoted friends who need a lot of physical activity.

The Shorthaired Pointer is a versatile sports dog, and a good companion. The animal hunts for birds, but it can become an unsurpassed hunter for large animals, even a deer! Hunting instincts do not prevent the dog from being an affectionate and gentle friend. He loves to play with children and be with his family. This dog will always keep company during walks or evening runs. If you are looking for a strong, loyal and gentle friend for the whole family, then the kurtshaar can be an excellent pet that all members of your family will love without exception.

The dog has graceful body proportions, expressive eyes, a sharp mind and a good-natured character. The tail of these dogs is usually docked, leaving about 40% of the original length of the tail. Animals are well trained. It is important to start training and socialization from an early age.

The shorthaired pointer is full of activity and enthusiasm. He loves to be between people, play with children and give all the warmth and attention to family members. If a dog is left alone for a long time, then the animal may show unpleasant character traits. The dog can be nervous, even aggressive, sometimes loneliness disposes the animal to harm the interior items in the house. It is noteworthy that males are more sociable than females, but loneliness is unbearable for a kurtshaar, regardless of its gender.

The powerful musculature of the dog needs regular exercise. Webbed feet and a water-resistant coat indicate that the dog loves water. If you have a pool, then, of course, the kurtshaar will not refuse to swim in it.

A dog always tries to please and please its owner, especially if such efforts are rewarded with treats or pet praise.

The Kurzhaar is one of the few hunting breeds that, in addition to their main purpose, perfectly cope with the role of a caring, attentive friend and a full member of the family. Shorthaired pointer easily hunts birds, especially waterfowl, rabbits, raccoons, deer.

Photo of a kurtshaar:

Photo of dogs of breed Kurzhaar | dreamtime.com

Origin story

The first representatives of this breed appeared in the 17th century. The German Shorthaired Hounds as we know them today were bred in the middle of the nineteenth century. The ancestors of the pointer were Spanish pointers, which later began to be crossed with English pointers. The purpose of this selection was to develop a hunting dog capable of working on water and on land.

Albrecht zu Solms-Braunfeld, prince of the royal court of Hanover, generously rewarded the breeders of these dogs, as a result of which a hunting dog appeared, which became an intelligent, affectionate and gentle family friend. The first dog of this breed was brought to the United States in 1925. Dr. Charles Thornton, who was actively involved in breeding dogs, brought her there. Five years later, the breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club and registered.

The Second World War also left its mark on the process of breeding German shorthaired cops. With the approach of the war, many breeders hid not only their gold, diamonds, works of art, but also animals. The best dogs were sent to Yugoslavia. Since Yugoslavia was under the Iron Curtain after World War II, German breeders did not have access to the best of the breed. They were forced to restore the breed with the help of those dogs that they had left.

Meanwhile, in the United States, the selection process was very active. The process of breeding German shorthaired cops reached its peak in the 1950s. During this period, kurtshaars actively participated in various exhibitions and competitions held in the States.

The popularity of this breed among Americans has inspired many writers to immortalize the breed in their works. For example, Robert Parker, master of detectives, turned a kurtshaar named Spencer into one of the main characters in a detective novel called The Boston Detective.

Other writers have also written extensively about this dog. So Rick Bass wrote "The True Story of the Best Dog I've Ever Had," which also featured a shorthaired pointer as its protagonist. These dogs did not go unnoticed among journalists either. Sports journalist Mel Wallace wrote the book "Run, Rainey", the main character of which was the same kurtshaar. To date, this amazing breed, proudly named "Kurzhaar", ranks nineteenth among the 155 breeds registered by the American Kennel Club.

The character of the shorthaired pointer

The Shorthaired Pointer is a versatile hunting dog, an excellent companion, a loving family member and a reliable companion. Kurzhaars love to be among people, walking in the fresh air is a special pleasure. Also, dogs of this breed have proven themselves well as guard dogs. They can be entrusted with the protection of any object. For active families, the kurtshaar is an excellent pet.

Kurzhaars are characterized as dogs that do not require special care. Hair care includes weekly combing with a brush. This simple procedure will make your dog's hair healthy and beautiful.

Bathe kurtshaars as needed. Abundant bathing can lead to negative consequences: the washing out of natural oils that protect the coat from brittleness. Many beginner dog breeders make the typical mistake of bathing too often with plenty of soap. As a rule, beginners believe that this will help to make the coat beautiful. In fact, it can lead to quite the opposite effect.

Active representatives of this breed will wash their nails naturally, but if this is not enough, then they should be trimmed. Weekly brushing will prevent tartar and bad breath.

Every week you need to carefully check the ears for inflammation or infectious diseases. Treat the auricles only with a special solution prescribed by a veterinarian. Do not use cotton swabs when cleaning your ears.

Training and education

The kurtshaar is not easy to train. They pick up basic hunting commands and techniques on the fly, but learning basic general skills can be a problem. These dogs are distracted by any noise, sight, etc. It is very difficult to concentrate their attention on the learning process. Education needs to start at a very early age. The lessons themselves should be short. Consistency, consistency and the use of rewards should help in the successful training of these dogs.

Health and disease

The average life expectancy of kurtshaars is about 12-14 years. The main health problems include: cleft palate, cranial cruciate ligament, epilepsy, vision problems, hereditary lupoid dermatosis, malignant neoplasms of the oropharynx and nasal cavity, tumors, von Willebrand disease.

Some interesting facts

  • German shorthaired cops, which include the kurtshaar, are very active. They need daily walks and runs lasting at least an hour. With a lack of physical activity, the pet will be nervous.
  • Shorthaired Pointers are very sociable. They have a hard time with loneliness.
  • When keeping kurtshaars, it is necessary to take care of fencing the yard with a fence of sufficient height.
  • Dogs of this breed are prone to barking at strangers and noises.
  • Female kurtshaars have a strong maternal instinct, and always scrupulously care for puppies.
  • If you want to have a healthy puppy, don't buy animals from random breeders. Trust exclusively proven, familiar dog breeders. This will ensure that you become the owner of a healthy strong animal.

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