How to photograph while traveling. Irreplaceable advice. How to photograph while traveling. The secret to beautiful photos

But for me, as a blogger, a traveler, the main thing is not the pose and not the face in the photo. The main thing is to be able to convey to readers what I saw on the journey. Most complete, accurate and beautiful.
I wanted to write about how I photograph while traveling for a long time. I even threw in a small article, but my hands did not reach to finish. But now I want to get back to my idea. The time has come. I will tell you how I photograph, and in the comments you will tell how you photograph. So to speak, the main principles of shooting, giving a good result.
Yes, this is an exchange of experience among amateurs. If a professional photographer inserts his weighty advice - low bow.

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But being an amateur does not mean shooting badly. This is not an excuse. You can learn to shoot well. My husband is proof of that. To do this, at least, you need to try - do not take oblique photos, do not rush and do not fuss, wipe the lens before shooting and be sure to choose the right, balanced composition. If you still approach photography creatively, it will generally be wonderful!
So, I present to you a small list of tips on how to photograph while traveling. They are designed for those who shoot just for themselves, for their home archive (and want to do it well), and in order to show photos to people, make a photo report about the trip, etc.
So let's go!

1/ Keep your lens clean! Even one fingerprint can ruin a photo. What can we say about a completely contaminated lens. Wipe it with a special cloth for optics and keep this cloth with you at all times.
An example from my practice. I arrived in (Crimea) and did not check the lens. Some of the photos turned out to be spoiled only because I gaped at some point and touched the lens with one finger. Here's how it looks in the photo.

Lions park "Taigan" in Crimea

2/ "Catch" the horizon! This is the simplest, most elementary thing that can be done to make a good photo. The departing (falling, crooked) horizon completely spoils the photo. Does not work? Stop and shoot until you succeed! Do not take pictures carelessly, on the go, with one hand ever! Photography is geometry, everything must be calibrated and clear.

Museum-Estate "Petrovskoye" (Pushkinskiye Gory)

3/ Build a composition. For example, according to the principle of three parts. Do not photograph a lot of sky and little land (water). When shooting nature, make the "heavenly part" 2/3 in size, the "earthly" - 1/3. Or vice versa.

Sunset in Gelendzhik

Don't forget about the golden section rule - the best point for the location of the main object is 1/3 of the frame borders. There are four such points. When photographing, mentally imagine this scheme and place the main object in one of the four places indicated on the diagram by dots.

Of course, it’s more convenient for beginners to take pictures this way. With experience, you, of course, will not think of any scheme.

Pos. Krinitsa (Black Sea coast of the Caucasus)

Mount Bear and view of Gurzuf (Crimea)

4/ Take your time when taking pictures! Haste is not interesting photos. The rush is muddy photos. Cloudy photos - the photographer's marriage. They cannot be improved or changed in any way.


5/ Without good lighting, there is no good photography. It’s difficult to shoot well even on a DSLR in the twilight, on a soap dish it’s impossible. What to do?
Outdoors on a sunny day, try not to take pictures against the sun (the sun should ideally be behind you).

Monument to the Sofia Infantry Regiment in the Lopatinsky Garden. Smolensk

In a dark room, there is only one exit - to the soap dish shoot with a flash, on a DSLR - in manual mode or also with a flash.

Cafe "Caramel" in Pskov

I usually shoot like this, and like that. Then I choose the frame that turned out best.

6/ Give preference to horizontal photos. Vertical photos should always be justified by something. For example, the desire to convey (emphasize) the length / height / perspective of an object (stairs, bridge, road, tower), the desire to remove an unwanted object / object from the frame (if it is not possible to remove the obstacle yourself), the need to shoot a larger object.
Cases when the vertical is justified:

In Kondopoga

Reserve Kivach

I love taking portrait photos vertically. Also, it seems to me, it turns out to be in place.

Sonya in the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery

7/ Change angles, do not shoot the object from one point! If possible, go around the object in a circle, move away at different distances, take pictures from different angles. So you will kill two birds with one stone - you will find the best point for shooting this object and see and show the object from all sides.

St. George's Cathedral in Yuryev-Polsky

8/ General plan and details - scene and accents. Always shoot both general shots (panorama, object, landscape) and details (elements). The overall outline will show where what you want to tell happens. Details characterize the object itself. Renting a house - always take a picture of the street where it stands, as well as especially striking architectural details of the building itself.

Museum-Estate "Petrovskoye" (Pushkinskiye Gory)

9/ Shooting in a museum is not that easy. When removing a display board, stand straight ahead, not at an angle, if you want it to be readable. Take a picture of the stand as a whole, and some document (announcement) and a large photograph - that which interested you and hooked you the most, which most characterizes the object / object, gives it / them additional colors.

In general, the same applies to museum expositions - the general plan can be shot from any angle, details, individual objects - directly.

Russian Museum (Petersburg)

10/ Frame it right! When shooting a large object (building), move away enough to ensure that it is completely in the frame. Do not cut crosses on churches! Just like the legs and arms of people. Make sure that unwanted objects do not get into the frame. If unwanted objects are unavoidable, look for options for a more aesthetic angle in which objects do not enter into dissonance.
There are some difficult tasks in this regard. For example, the cathedral in Kronstadt from this point was hardly placed in the frame. Personally, for my taste, there is not enough space here, I would move even further. But there was nowhere further, the cathedral began to hide behind the trees.

Naval Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Kronstadt

It is much easier to shoot Nikolsky Cathedral from the square - there is more space, which means more opportunities.

11/ When shooting in a city, crowded or not crowded, be sure to shoot common plans with people(or without them). How else will you convey the atmosphere of the city? Shoot not only houses and their elements, but streets, squares, people, movement and breath of the city. It is these photographs that give an idea of ​​the city as a whole.

Optina Pustyn

Petersburg, st. Malaya Morskaya

12/ Making general plans, single out individuals. A local resident is sometimes more colorful, and conveys the atmosphere of the city more than houses and monuments.
Here is such a grandfather with pleasure posed for my husband in Suzdal.

Local resident of the city of Suzdal

And these are my observations on Cape Tolstoy in Gelendzhik.


A young man with a book and a bicycle sits on a high bank and enjoys life.

13/ Don't be afraid to take pictures of people- your child, husband (wife), be photographed yourself. But not against the background of each of the fifty monuments of the city (against the background of 2-3, you can), but on the streets, in nature. When photographing yourself, be natural, do not overact, but do not stand in a column.
photographing, catch interesting moments, human emotions, gait, interaction with another person (genre scenes). The presence of a person in a photograph should always be justified, it should always say something, emphasize something. A person should be interested in what he sees and does. If this is a living statue that does not express anything, does not make the frame more expressive, then it is better to remove the “statue”.

Goritsky Monastery

Manor Arkhangelskoe

14/ Experiment, but don't overuse it. It’s just that there should be more good photos than unsuccessful, albeit bold experiments. Although experiments are good, I admit. :)

In the Church of the Assumption Kondopoga

In the Kirollo-Belozersky Monastery

Sophie under a palm tree on the embankment in Sochi

15/ If you are not sure how best to shoot right away, take not 1, but 5 photos. Then, at your leisure, choose the best, delete the excess. I often do this when I photograph buildings. It happens that you can’t catch the horizon in any way, you won’t find the best angle. I can't stand falling buildings. I fight it. I move the camera to different positions, change shooting points. And at home I already choose the best photo.
This is how I filmed the Leningrad City Council Theater in St. Petersburg (by the way, I never found the perfect option, I was limited in time):

Theater of the Leningrad City Council in St. Petersburg

16/ It is not easy to remove monuments. Often they turn out dark. If the monument is small, the lighting is fairly even, I recommend taking two pictures - with and without a flash. Then you can choose the best one.And sometimes it’s enough just to take a closer-up of the monument.

In Oranienbaum

However, if the day is very sunny, then neither the flash nor the approximation will most likely help. Especially if the monument is of impressive size.
This is what happened to me in Kronstadt, when I was shooting a monument to Admiral Makarov against the sun. Changed location several times.

Monument to Makarov in Kronstadt

17/ Don't use flash! If you have a DSLR, almost forget about it. It only spoils the photos, makes them contrast, very dark.

18/ In whatever city (locality) you may be during your trip - look for spectacular viewpoints. These can be specially equipped viewing platforms (on buildings or just high points of the city), or they can be completely natural places from where the surroundings open up in full view.
Here is a view of the Optina Pustyn we saw along the way.

Road to Optina Pustyn

View from the observation deck in Sergiev Posad on the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

Trinity Sergius Lavra

And in conclusion, I present to you my algorithm for shooting a new place (for example, a manor) while traveling.

Shooting plan at the facility, if you plan to make a photo essay:

  1. You arrived by car. Remove parking.
  2. You buy tickets at the box office. Remove the cash desk, stand with information, prices.
  3. You enter the area. Remove the entrance, the gate at a distance.
  4. You are walking along the alleys of the estate. Shoot alleys, signs, monuments, buildings. Pass on perspective. Take pictures of people - show how many (few) people are in the estate, what they do (take pictures, look at monuments, communicate, sit thoughtfully on a bench, etc.). Convey the atmosphere.
  5. Of course, film the Main House (Palace) from all possible points. Make some general plans. Emphasize how the architects fit the house into the environment. And he's signed in! Old houses have always been built according to this principle. One emphasized the other.
  6. Remove all antique details - stairs, statues, balustrade. Look for interesting angles that emphasize beauty, antiquity, sophistication.
  7. Be sure to film yourself or film those with whom you travel, against the backdrop of the surrounding beauties. It is especially interesting to photograph children (they are very spontaneous, their curiosity and delight, joy from the surrounding beauty are natural). Take pictures yourself. It is not necessary (although it is welcome) to have acting data. Don't possess - just be yourself.

My photo reports about visiting estates:

What can be the object of photography while traveling? Everything! Houses, streets, people, nature, museums, estates, cafes, hotels. I photograph everything I visit and see. In this case, I have the opportunity to make detailed photo reports. Is it necessary to take everything off? Of course not. Everyone has their own style, their own handwriting, their own zest. The main thing is to find it.

Good luck and good luck on your travels! Let the memories be always bright, impressions bright, and photos ... And photos clear, juicy, interesting, and most importantly, with a twist. Create! Find your secret to beautiful photos. And if you have already found it, if you know how to take pictures while traveling, share your experience with us in the comments.

1. How to photograph nature, urban landscape

Remember: the most "flat" and boring pictures are obtained at noon. The most fertile time for good photos is in the morning. Therefore, do not be too lazy to get up early and you will not only get great photos, but also a lot of positive emotions.

How to photograph correctly. We choose the angle to convey the atmosphere: narrow colorful streets, beautiful lanterns, a cozy cafe. Spain, Tossa de Mar.

If you are planning to visit some very beautiful place, then the best option would be to do it on your own, and not in a crowd of tourists - unfortunately, all typical excursions are held at the most inopportune time for photography, and hence the mass of boring and too typical photos.

What to do when a typical excursion is inevitable, but you still want to get good pictures? Difficult but possible:
- move away from the place where everyone takes pictures, find a more interesting angle that conveys the atmosphere of the place being photographed;
- to make the photo "play", take diverse pictures - for example, put a flower or a branch in the foreground;
- the photo will "come to life" if you capture a person, animal or bird in the frame.

How to photograph nature the right way. Photos with people in the frame always look "alive". Indonesia, Lombok.
2. Photographing landmarks

The same rules apply here as in the previous paragraph, plus
some helpful tips:
- When photographing buildings, make sure that there is air above the building, do not be afraid to capture the sky.

How to photograph landmarks the right way. Leave space around the building to convey the surroundings. Spain, Olot

Take close-up pictures of interesting details to convey texture.
- Use photos to convey the size of the attraction and features by placing a person for scale.
- Interesting photos are obtained if you catch people and their emotions caused by sightseeing.
- When photographing people against the background of sights, the pictures should be made more fun. Photos like "stand in a pile and portray joy" are extremely boring. Examples of photos, how to take pictures at the sights.
3. How to take pictures at night and in the evening

Are you tired of looking at night photos with whitened faces and a black background, explaining to your friends: "It's me against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower, but the tower didn't work out for some reason"? Then forget about the built-in flash, use a tripod and self-timer. Keep in mind: when shooting at night, the "night" mode will not help, only manual! Find out more on the Internet, what is shutter speed, aperture and ISO. Find in the instructions how to change these settings on your camera, and then experiment more boldly: set the shutter speed and aperture, turn on the self-timer, fix the camera on a stable surface, press the button, remove your hand and ... do not breathe.

How to photograph landmarks in the evening. Thailand, Turtle Island.

If you don't have a tripod handy, use any flat surface. Example: photo of Singapore
- If you want to get beautiful evening streets with illumination, start taking pictures not when it gets completely dark, but at dusk.
- When photographing a city at night, cover the aperture so that the frame is clear.
- Do not install the camera under a lamp.
- When photographing a lantern, move a few meters away from it. If you cover the aperture, then the light from the flashlight will be in the form of rays, with an open aperture, you will get a blurry spot.
- In order to have less noise in the photo, try not to exceed the ISO value of 400 ISO, and if possible set it to 200 or 100.
- Do not set the shutter speed to more than 1 minute to avoid unnecessary noise.

How to photograph landmarks at night. Singapore: people in the photo emphasize the height of skyscrapers. The slow shutter speed made it possible to photograph people, buildings and even the cloud behind the skyscraper.

7 tricks on how to photograph people, children, animals, food

4. Photograph food beautifully

When traveling, do not forget to take pictures of interesting exotic dishes. The most "delicious" pictures are obtained in daylight. When photographing indoors with a camera with a built-in flash, you risk getting absolutely "unappetizing" photos. Food is best photographed in macro mode.

How to photograph food the right way. The cake with fresh cranberries and raspberries was bought from a street food shop. The photo was taken "on the knee", so close-up, no background. Spain, Banyoles.

Pay attention to what surrounds the food: if the serving is beautiful, take it into the frame, if there are drops of sauce on the plate, or the table setting is unsuccessful, take close-up pictures of only food, even without a plate.

Take multiple pictures from different angles. The best angle is usually from the side. The worst one is on top.
5. How to photograph people the right way

When photographing a person against the background of sights, do not try to cover a lot - let the person, and not the sight, remain the main thing.
Catch the moment when people are genuinely laughing, fooling around, surprised, or busy with something.

How to photograph people the right way. Hong Kong.

Avoid boring "me and the tower" photos. Travel photos should convey your excitement about the trip, not boredom. When bored, it is better to forget about the camera. Why bad moments? It happens that you really want to portray joy, but it doesn’t work out, in this case, ask people to jump - jumps always look fun and are remembered for a long time.

If you will later show the photos to your friends, come up with a plot. Imagine that you are a reporter and you need to make a photo essay for a fashion magazine. Can your photos tell a story without words? Not just "I was in the temple, I'm on a yacht, and this is an incomprehensible dude", but something like "We climbed the stairs of 500 steps to the temple, a sleeping ginger cat lay at the gate, the sun glared beautifully on the golden roof of the temple , girls in shiny dresses were dancing, and this is our guide showing that we must take off our shoes when entering the temple ... "Try to convey the emotions from what you see: joy, charm, fatigue, delight, surprise, etc. Do you catch the difference? See how photo essays are made in magazines and make up your own fascinating story.
Take pictures not only of each other, but also of the people around you, local features:

How to photograph people the right way. Hong Kong: Morning Exercise

Photographing people the right way
- To make a fat person in the frame look slimmer, find a point where a shadow falls on the face, and the second half of the face is lit. Try to take a picture a little from above, from the side of the shadow, so that the person looks into the lens, raising his head a little - you will get expressive eyes and the second chin will “leave”.
We also recommend some tips on how to dress overweight women to look slimmer.
- Women with large hips are best photographed from above, thin women - from below.
- A thin person with a large nose will become less "nosed" if the camera is slightly lower than the level of the face.
- To make your legs appear longer, tilt your body slightly when taking a photo.
6. How to photograph children correctly

Choose a bright environment for the child - among the bright warm colors, the child always looks better.

Children should be photographed only in a natural setting. Don't ask the kids to pose. Would you like to get memorable photos? Let your child jump freely, and seize the moment yourself.

How to photograph children the right way. A mother is waiting for a good moment, photographing her daughter. Spain, Barcelona.

If you can’t catch the moment, then invite the child, for example, to smell a flower, stroke a horse, disperse pigeons, climb the steps of the castle and imagine being a knight ... - let the child express his feelings.
By the way, children's jumpers are always good when traveling.

To better convey the inner world of a small person, take pictures at the level of the child's eyes. Sometimes you get interesting photos taken from below: the child looks bigger and more mature than it really is. This technique is good when shooting children against the backdrop of the city or old buildings.
7. How to photograph animals and birds correctly

Birds and animals are best shot from below - this way they will turn out to be more impressive and funny. For example, like this funny panda.
When photographing animals, it is important to catch an interesting moment:

How to photograph animals the right way. Walking with dogs in shopping centers is not allowed, so sometimes they are hidden in strollers. Thailand, Bangkok.

A bird or animal will be more expressive if you blur the background. To capture an animal or bird in motion, use the tracking technique: focus on the subject and move the lens smoothly to track the movement. Press the button at the right time. The result is a photo with a sharp subject and a blurred background that emphasizes movement. This trick can also be used when photographing running people, moving cars, a plane taking off, and other objects in motion.

Perhaps, with the help of our advice, your photos will not turn into masterpieces of photographic art, but they will certainly become more "alive" and interesting.
We wish you unique and beautiful photos!

All photos for this article were taken by ordinary tourists using ordinary "soap dishes".
Copyright ©

We all take pictures while traveling and on vacation - some with a phone, some with a soap dish, but many - with a digital SLR. How to achieve high-quality photos of beaches and architectural objects? How to film children? Tips from an experienced photographer will help those who go on vacation.

beach photos

Well, of course - we came to the sea, which means we should be photographed on the beach! Many of these photos warm in the winter and give an incentive to wait for a new vacation. So that the desire to return to exotic places does not fade away, let's try to learn how to take such beach photos that you are not ashamed of.

The basic everyday rule of beach photos: they never like the people depicted in them. Images from glossy magazines sit too firmly in our minds. Therefore, try to take good pictures, hiding the flaws of a person and emphasizing his dignity.

Many lovers of taking pictures on the beach are amazed: I go on vacation to Goa - but the photos still turn out like from Tuapse in 1987! Usually the problem is in the environment: people go to the most famous public beaches and put sun loungers where the apples couldn't fall. Moreover, the contingent of Tuapse beaches is developing near or far abroad, carrying with them the unique atmosphere of Soviet recreation.

So what can you do to make your pictures look just like in magazines — endless sandy beaches and palm trees, palm trees? there are not so many people, or go to another, less crowded beach.

In any case, I advise you to pay great attention to the artistic component of the picture. To do this, you need to follow the compositional rules. You also need to consider the light: do not shoot against the sun (unless, of course, you expect to get only silhouettes in the picture), if possible, photograph in the shade - beach umbrellas, trees or palm trees growing nearby are suitable for this.

To take vivid photos of the sea or ocean, you can change the contrast settings in the camera menu.

So how do you photograph people and take pictures yourself? After all, I want to show how you saw the place you visited. And so that your pictures evoke emotions not only in you, but also in others. To do this, you need to try not only to take photos with optimal technical settings and according to the rules of composition, but also to put meaning into them. "What did the author want to say with this picture?" - such a question should not arise from the viewer. And if, after looking at your album, someone says that they also want to visit this place, it means that you did everything right.

The main thing in portraits is people, not the background. The place where the photo was taken will be recognizable even if the background of the picture is blurred. But the blurred background does not distract from the most important thing - what you wanted to convey with this photo.

How to photograph children on vacation

Some people prefer not to take children with them on trips (especially for babies). It really doesn’t make much sense to photograph them against the backdrop of sights, so you can immediately forget about the usual shooting scenes “like in adults”. Children need to create special conditions.

A child is both the easiest and most difficult subject to shoot at the same time. It all depends on age. If the baby is very small, then to take a picture, it is enough to catch the right moment. But in order to photograph children who can already move independently and express their thoughts, you will have to stock up on inhuman patience. But as a reward, you can get almost "masterpiece" pictures. Usually children behave quite naturally and do not worry, so the main task of the photographer is to attract and hold their attention.

Architectural plan for the photographer

Here I give the most practical advice based on personal experience.

  • Don't worry about whether you're shooting landscape or architecture: it's usually difficult to draw a line between the two, and the rules for shooting them are very similar in many ways.
  • When shooting architecture, follow the general rules of composition based on what you want to convey with your shot. In any case, the photo should be voluminous, alive (despite the inanimate subject) and impressive.
  • You don't have to take pictures of everything. Hundreds of photographs, for example, of houses of the same type, do not have the artistic value of originality. Highlight the main thing - the brightest and most interesting objects.
  • It is better that there is nothing superfluous in the frame. The main enemies of the photographer in this case are power lines, advertising banners and billboards, scaffolding and other items that spoil the general appearance of structures. They must either not be included in the frame at all, or try to harmoniously fit into it.
  • Such objects of shooting do not change for years, or even hundreds of years. But every photographer has the opportunity to create their own unique shot. Therefore, take diverse pictures - from different angles, from different places.
  • Pay attention to where it is customary to photograph famous architectural objects.

The ideal shooting point will be at the level of the middle of the object vertically. To do this, you need to look for natural or artificial hills that are nearby - buildings, hills, and so on.

Good photographs of architectural objects can be obtained using any technique. Obviously, the more professional the camera, the more opportunities for shooting it provides. In the case of SLR digital cameras, I recommend photographing architecture with a wide angle lens. At the same time, there is only one minus - the object in the picture may be distorted, but for non-professional photographers this does not matter.

Pay special attention to the horizon. With a littered horizon, the buildings in the picture "fall", and any of them resembles the Leaning Tower of Pisa. To prevent this from happening, keep the camera level. Many camera models even have a special level function - it's pretty hard to make a mistake with it.

The most famous building that will "fall", no matter how flat the horizon, is the tower in Pisa. For the sake of one shot against her background (a model "supporting" the structure), crowds of tourists go to this small town.

When shooting with a soap dish, try not to use the zoom - then you will be able to use the maximum angle of view of your camera.

Don't take pictures with flash - it can only illuminate what is within a few meters of your camera. A nighttime photograph of a huge cathedral does not benefit from the fact that the flash will highlight the midges flying nearby.

When shooting architecture, almost the same rules apply as when shooting people. Soft reflected light is ideal (this happens in cloudy weather).

If you can find reflections, look for them: clouds in the mirror glass of skyscrapers, reflections of the objects themselves in water bodies, beautiful blurry contours of buildings on the surface of city canals. Such randomly captured shots are often very successful.

Don't forget the details - sometimes they are more interesting than the general views of objects. Small figures on facades, fences around village houses, splashing fountains - all this gives an individual character to what you photograph.

Pay attention to the background. The more blurry it is, the more voluminous the picture will be.

Don't forget to check the weather forecast before filming. It is when traveling that I do not recommend taking pictures in the rain - such pictures make you sad, and we need positive emotions.

Do not be upset if, for some reason, the photo turns out to be different from the "postcard" shot of an architectural structure against the blue sky. Each city has its own characteristic weather that creates its unique appearance. So, in London, which is called foggy Albion, it is better to convey the essence of the city in such weather than in the bright sun.

Try to take pictures of structures that are breathtaking, and preferably at the time of day when they look most attractive. If the colorful houses of the Venetian quarter of Burano look best during the day, then the world-famous Spanish cathedral Sagrada Familia looks advantageous at night when the lights are turned on. Do not be lazy - do not take pictures of Gaudí's huge creation, standing next to it: if you step back a little, you will have an amazing view of both the cathedral and the reservoir, on the surface of which the trees are artistically reflected.

It is advisable to take beautiful evening pictures from a tripod or other "improvised means", for example, from the parapet of a bridge. This will keep the camera still, and you can get minimal blur in the picture. Be careful: do not put the camera on a slippery surface and do not use a very light mini-tripod - under the weight of equipment (especially a DSLR), it can fall from any breeze.

The less crowded where you go, the better. And it’s better not to depend on the group, because the guides have everything planned to the minute. For independent travel in some (most dangerous) countries, I recommend a taxi, in Europe and America it is worth renting a car, and in Asian countries popular among tourists it can be more convenient to rent a scooter. In any case, even if only public transport is available to you, try to get to the sights that interest you and plan your stay there.

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Very good article! I'm just going on a trip, I'll definitely use the tips!

Comment on the article "How to photograph while traveling: children, beaches, architecture"

Vacation and travel photography: rules How to photograph children on vacation. Architectural plan for the photographer. How to take pictures: rules for shooting and programs for processing photos. Natalia Goncharova: 7 famous portraits of Pushkin's wife.

Raising a child from 7 to 10 years old: school, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, health, extra classes, hobbies. A first-grader child brought a note from the teacher: "Dear parents! Please write in the diary information where your ...

How to photograph children. I photographed my children naked and did not cover anything and I am not going to do this. In most people's minds, a "school" photographer is a person who shows up at the end of the school year and shoots...


I could change clothes with an adult ... if only. Grandfather Freud answered this question long and well - after 5-6 years, the child should go under the jurisdiction of the parent of the same sex - bathe and change clothes only with the parent of the same sex. Son with dad, daughter with mom. If this does not happen, the child unconsciously reads this as "winning" the parent of the opposite sex and this will create problems in the future with the marriage partner if it comes to marriage. It may not reach, because such a "conquest" at the age of 6 creates an unconscious illusion "I'm married to dad" or "married to mom" and loops a large number of marriage ties. It’s harmful even if you didn’t “conquer”, but simply, for example, a son and mother are close after 5 years - they sleep together, change clothes, and dad left the family - this is completely sad. And the same with the girl - her mother fell ill / left / died.

Until the age of 2, I can even walk naked. Gender doesn't matter. After 2 - all. Nightgowns, dressing gowns, I change clothes imperceptibly from children. I set a deadline for myself. True, with the boy he turned out to be smaller. As excommunicated from the chest and had to hide. Well, of course, sex in another room and when the children are fast asleep. With an awake child - I don’t imagine this. Unless the children are with their grandmother :)

family photo for kindergarten. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Incomplete family. Raising children in an incomplete family: divorce, alimony, communication family photo for kindergarten. I have two children who go to kindergarten. the husband left the family when the youngest was 3 months old, after which 1 ...


we brought a photo of a child-mother-grandmother - this is our FAMILY! and the teachers directly asked her son not to injure him once again (he was very worried about the departure of his father at the age of 4), not to give any poems and drawings about his father. Treated with understanding. Why hide? it's embarrassing, isn't it? to raise complexes for a child?

We not only see the world with our eyes, but also hear it (the world is filled with sounds), touch, inhale the aroma of flowers, trees, nature. How to convey these feelings in photography? Most people don't even try to do it. Instead, they snap everything they can get their hands on, or film themselves and their families against the backdrop of memorable places. The task of a creative photographer is to make others want to visit this place too, to convey the atmosphere and smells of the city or country they have visited.

Here are some tips for photographers who go on a trip:

1. Learn your technique.

If you don't know how to use your technique, then it is the technique, not the composition of the shot, that will take all your attention and time on the trip. Make sure you know how to operate the camera before you travel. Forget about automatic and semi-automatic modes. The problem is that in automatic mode, the camera decides for you how your picture will look. She tries to average all the values. The camera doesn't know how to take a creative photo, and when you shoot in auto mode, you hope it does it for you. Believe me, the camera does not know how to take good photos on its own and there is no “masterpiece” button on any camera. In order to take an interesting picture, you need to learn your technique. If you have a SLR camera and you shoot on a machine, you have a powerful Porsche driving along the autobahn at a speed of 30 km per hour. Read the manual or take a course for beginner photographers and learn what shutter speed, aperture, ISO and white balance are and how to use them. Apply this knowledge to solve your creative problems.

Before you travel, play with your aperture and see how the depth of field will change in the picture. With an open aperture, your main subject will be in sharpness, and everything else is blurry, with a closed aperture, everything will be sharp.

Try shooting at different shutter speeds, freezing and blurring the motion.

Use different focal lengths and see how your shot will look. Put something in the foreground and shoot at different focal lengths. See what will change.

Experiment before the trip, not during it.

2. Write a plan

Plan ahead. Look at pictures that have already been taken in these places, such as photos taken by professional photographers or postcards of these places. On them you will see many shooting points and angles. As you look at photographs and postcards, think about the light, the composition, and when and how the shot was taken.

Think about the scenes you would like to film. Imagine that you dream of going to Paris. Most people wish they could come home with a picture of the Eiffel Tower, but Paris is full of other interesting motifs and details that can capture the mood of the city. Take pictures of shops and bakeries, cafes and people resting there, a bottle of champagne or a cup of coffee ... Each city has its own sights, but the soul of the city is in the details, and not tourist sites shot a hundred times from all angles. Shooting unusual details, you, looking back, will be able to remember many small stories that happened to you in this city - otherwise you will simply forget a lot of your trip. Even if the detail seems insignificant or silly, take it off so that it remains in your memory.

3. But don't forget about the overall plan.

We must not forget about the general plan. Shoot from different shooting points (from below, from above, etc.) and from an angle. You can take long shots of landscapes, city streets, squares and much more.

4. Document your journey.

Your journey starts from the moment you get on the plane (train, car, bus...). Film the beginning of your journey and show the mood and excitement with which you set off on your trip. Take a couple of pictures of the hotel where you live, cafes and restaurants where you had lunch and dinner.

5. Work with the location

There is one thing worth understanding. You will take bad photos.
Don't worry. Everyone takes bad photos. There is not a single photographer in the world who does not take bad photos. Once you've found a location, look for a composition that captures the essence of the location. Try shooting it from different shooting angles:

Walk around
Try shooting from different angles
Get off the ground
Find a shooting point from above (for example, a bench, a window of a house opposite, etc.)
Film from afar
Shoot at close range
Don't forget the foreground - it shouldn't be empty
Change depth of field (open aperture)

6. Remove everything that gets in the way

You have probably seen pictures that did not evoke any emotions in you and in which the photographer could not convey the mood of the place he was shooting. You see a beautiful place, but you do not know how to convey its charm to the viewer. First, trust your instincts. Something made you stop and look around. Most likely there is something in this place that gives it a certain charm, but if you are in doubt, there is most likely something that interferes with perception. Maybe something is distracting you. A lot of people, objects that interfere, etc. Remove everything from the frame that interferes. There are several possibilities for this. Change the shooting point and angle. Get closer and fill the frame, blur the background, etc.

Photographers do not come to any place, shoot one “golden” frame and leave. Good photographers come to the place and start thinking. First of all, about what made this scene interesting for them. Was it form, color, light? Focus on the main thing and remove everything secondary from the frame.

7. Stop! Don't leave the location.

You found an interesting scene or object, walked around and maybe already took a couple of interesting shots. Is it time to look for something else?

Not so fast. Take time to look at your photos. Evaluate what you have filmed and think about whether you missed something.

You may not be coming back here soon. Make sure you film everything before you leave the location. Do you like light? Think about the possibilities you have. Shooting in a different mode, additional details, long shot?

This is a good workout. But don't shoot mindlessly. Think! Imagine that you have a limited number of shots and you need to take one good shot before you run out of them. In addition, when you select frames, many identical shots will be unnerving and you will not analyze and process them.

If you don't have a camera in your hands, train your eye. Think about how you could shoot this place, from what point of shooting and from what angle. General plan or details? Take it on your phone. There are many good photos taken with the phone. If the scene is really interesting, you will be able to return to this place with the camera and film it.

10. Watch the light and shoot at the “right” time.

If the light is flat and uninteresting and the shot (especially the landscape) is likely to be boring. Light can make photography unusual and interesting. If you arrive at a place and the light is not interesting, do not despair. You can return to this place again, for example, at dawn, at sunset or during regular hours.

We have already written about this many times. A series can become the calling card of a photographer, distinguishing him from others. The viewer always willingly considers the series.

Shoot fonts, draw, road signs, etc. Have you ever noticed that road signs look different in different countries? It could be a different language, a different system, etc. Labels and signs can be interesting and funny (on purpose or by accident). Here, for example, is a sign on a store in New Zealand “Bait + Ice, Hot Pies” (“Bait, ice cream and hot pies”).

Signs are not only visually appealing, but can also be useful for remembering where you've been.

And one more tip: If you want to make a photobook or a collage of photographs, images of road signs, signs on hotels, shops and restaurants after a trip, posters and symbols are very important. They help tell the story.

13. Look for color, texture, and repeating elements.

If a certain color regularly appears on your way, shoot objects, details, etc. in this color. Later you can make, for example, a beautiful blue collage. Each place has its own special colors or details. For example, the mosaic in Morocco, or the intense contrast of white and blue that we encounter in the Greek islands, etc. You can also capture unexpected things that are not typical of these places, surrounded by typical landscape or other details.

14. Don't forget the foreground.

Pictures that do not have a foreground are not expressive. Be sure to look for the foreground, such as rocks, benches, trees, lanterns, other objects.

15. Look for the play of light and shadow and rhythm.

The play of light and shadow, repetitive forms always attract the viewer's eye.

16. Don't forget composition.

Learn the basic rules of composition. They are not complex and there are not many of them. For example, the rule of thirds, which says that a significant-important object in a photograph should be in one third of it, and not in the middle of the frame. The horizon should not be placed in the middle of the frame either. If you want to show the sky - place the horizon at the bottom of the frame, if the earth - at the top. Etc.

17. Include people.

Photos of people tell more about a country than pictures of landscapes or architecture. How to shoot people on a journey, we have already told in our magazine.

18. Look for interesting, non-touristic places.

Here, on LiveJournal, there are many magazines in which different people talk about different countries. Going on a trip, read magazines around the country, there you will find a lot of useful information. We show such places in our photo tours. Join now! You will definitely bring great photos from the tour. We have special educational tours for beginners, as well as interesting, exciting tours for amateurs and professionals.

When looking at pictures in magazines, do you ever wonder what drew your attention to a certain picture and made you pay more attention to it than to other photos? Perhaps the point is who was photographed or in a certain color or angle of shooting. What is the secret of photographers whose pictures are chosen for publication in magazines or newspapers? What is the secret of strong images created by a photographer?

The secret of a strong image lies in the ability of the picture to tell the viewer a certain story.

Since the beginning of time, people have gathered around the fire and shared stories with each other.

It doesn't matter what subject you choose to photograph. If you want to be a good photographer, you first need to be a good storyteller. A picture with a story will arouse interest in yourself and a surge of emotions and attract attention, make you look at yourself from many other pictures.

How to create a snapshot with history?

In most cases, this is a picture that evokes emotions: sympathy, curiosity, negative emotions, or even anger.

Here are 5 tips to help you find visual stories for your travel photos.

1. Preparation is required. The difference between a professional and an amateur in almost all areas is preparation. A professional photographer will start preparing for a photo shoot even before the start of the trip, while an amateur will hope for a random shot that will appear before his eyes. Professionals will collect the maximum information about what should be photographed in order to spend a minimum of time on this trip, but at the same time get an excellent result.

What should you pay attention to before leaving? Here are some classic examples. Will there be any festivals or other events that need to be captured without fail during the trip? Are there any restrictions regarding photography where you are going that you need to be aware of. For example, many tribes in Asia believe that photography takes people's souls. Find information about the culture and history of the country you are visiting. Try to learn at least a few phrases in the local language. Locals appreciate it when they try to speak their language with them (even if it looks funny to you). A couple of phrases of hello, goodbye, and asking permission to take a picture will work wonders and help to make an even more interesting picture.

2. Get closer. Long distance shots of people with a telephoto lens may be safer and won't spoil the spontaneity of the situation, but close up shots can be more informative and emotional. In order for close-up shots to be spontaneous, not staged and tense due to the fact that the subject is expecting you to photograph him - wait a bit, let the person go back to their business and forget about your presence. No need to immediately approach the person holding the camera ready to take a picture. Approach, say hello, make it clear that you have no evil intentions, and ask permission to take a picture. Treat the subject of photography with respect so that he does not get the impression that he is part of a show for you, an exhibit for shooting.

3. The best means to establish contact with people. Many photographers use an intermediary from among the locals who know what the photographer might be interested in as a subject for shooting. It is easy to find such an intermediary on the spot, but you can do it in advance. Find someone around your age, let them know that you want to come for some sort of cultural exchange. In this case, you can find a person who will advise where to go, and which places it is better to refuse to visit for one reason or another. His communication with the locals will take place in his native language, this will be the best way to "melt the ice" in communication. All you have to do is be polite, you can bring as a gift unique souvenirs that are produced only in your country.

4. Story generator. If you take pictures, but you don't like them, something is missing in them - look for a story generator. It can be any place with a lot of people: a market, a square, a festival. Just be careful, keep your eyes open and you will definitely see the story that you want to capture in the picture.

5. Last tip - get lost. We talked about all the preparations for the trip, but sometimes you should leave a guidebook and all your notes about what you should visit at the hotel and just go for a walk through the streets. Some great photographs are obtained with this approach. But even with spontaneous walks without a guide and a guide, do not forget that there are places to visit that would be better to refuse.

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