How does a nootropic work. Nootropic drugs (nootropics)

The majority of the population of our planet, especially residents of large cities, are forced to be in conditions of constant environmental and psycho-emotional stress. It has been proven that stress is not harmless to the human body, it is a risk factor for many, and also has a negative effect on the nervous system, as a result of which a person becomes irritable, his performance decreases, memory and thinking processes deteriorate. In this regard, scientists are constantly looking for ways to prevent and correct the negative effects of stress on the nervous system. About 50 years ago, the concept of nootropics arose, Piracetam was synthesized and tested. This gave a powerful impetus to the search and creation of other substances with a similar principle of action, these studies continue to this day.

From this article, the reader will get an idea of ​​what nootropics are and what effects they have, get acquainted with the indications, contraindications, side effects of these drugs in general, and also learn the features of individual representatives of this group of drugs, in particular new generation nootropics. Let's start.

What are nootropics

According to the definition of the World Health Organization, nootropic drugs are drugs that have an activating effect on learning, improve mental activity and memory, increase the resistance (resistance) of the brain to such aggressive influences as trauma, intoxication, hypoxia.

The first nootropic in history is Piracetam, which was synthesized and applied in the clinic by Belgian pharmacologists back in 1963. During the study, scientists found that this medicinal substance significantly increases mental performance, improves memory and promotes learning. Subsequently, other drugs with similar effects were synthesized, which we will discuss below.

Effects and mechanisms of action of nootropic drugs

The main effects of drugs in this group are:

  • psychostimulant;
  • sedative;
  • antiasthenic (decrease in feelings of weakness, lethargy, phenomena of mental and physical asthenia);
  • antidepressant;
  • antiepileptic;
  • proper nootropic (impact on disturbed higher cortical functions, which is manifested by an improvement in thinking, speech, attention, and so on);
  • mnemotropic (impact on learning and memory);
  • adaptogenic (increasing the body's ability to withstand the harmful effects of the environment);
  • vasovegetative (improvement of blood supply to the brain, which is manifested by a decrease in and, as well as the elimination of other autonomic disorders);
  • antidyskinetic;
  • increased clarity of consciousness and level of wakefulness.

These drugs do not cause pharmacological dependence and psychomotor agitation, their intake does not cause the depletion of the body's physical capabilities.

The action of drugs in this group is based on the following processes:

  • activation of plastic processes in the central nervous system by enhancing the synthesis of proteins and RNA;
  • activation of energy processes in neurons;
  • activation of the processes of transmission of nerve impulses in the central nervous system;
  • optimization of the processes of utilization of polysaccharides, in particular glucose;
  • inhibition of the formation of free radicals in cells;
  • decrease in the need of nerve cells for oxygen under conditions of hypoxia;
  • membrane-stabilizing effect (regulate the synthesis of proteins and phospholipids in nerve cells, stabilize the structure of cell membranes).

Nootropic drugs activate the enzyme adenylate cyclase, increasing its concentration in nerve cells. This substance is necessary to maintain the stability of the cell's production of the main source of energy for the implementation of biochemical and physiological processes - adenosine triphosphoric acid, or ATP, which, moreover, under hypoxic conditions, transfers the metabolism in the brain to an optimally maintained mode.

In addition, nootropics affect the neurotransmitter systems of the brain, in particular, on:

  • monoaminergic (increase the content of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, as well as serotonin);
  • cholinergic (increase the content of acetylcholine in the nerve endings, which is necessary for adequate transmission of impulses from cell to cell);
  • glutamatergic (also improve signal conduction from neuron to neuron).

As a result of all the effects described above, the patient improves memory, attention, thought processes and perception processes, his ability to learn increases, intellectual functions are activated.

Classification of nootropics

The class of nootropic drugs includes substances of various pharmacological groups that have a positive effect on the functioning of nerve cells and improve their structure.

  1. Substances that stimulate metabolic processes in nerve cells:
  • pyrrolidone derivatives: Piracetam, Pramiracetam, Phenylpiracetam and others;
  • derivatives of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA): Aminalon, Picamilon, Hopantenic acid, Phenibut;
  • pantothenic acid derivatives: Pantogam;
  • derivatives of vitamin B6 - pyridoxine: Pyritinol;
  • products containing dimethylaminoethanol: Acefen, Centrophenoxin;
  • preparations containing neuroamino acids and peptides: Glycine, Cerebrolysin, Actovegin;
  • antihypoxants: hydroxymethylethylpyridine succinate;
  • vitamins, vitamin-like, general tonic substances: vitamin B15, vitamin E, folic acid, succinic acid, ginseng extract and others.
  1. Drugs that have a positive effect on blood vessels, or vasotropic drugs:
  • Xanthinol nicotinate;
  • Vinpocetine;
  • Pentoxifylline;
  • Cinnarizine;
  • Instenon.
  1. Drugs that stimulate the processes of memory and learning:
  • cholinomimetics and anticholinesterases: Galantamine, Choline, Amiridin and others;
  • hormones: Corticotropin, adrenocorticotropic hormone;
  • endorphins, enkephalins.

Indications for the use of nootropics

Medicines of the nootropic class are used to treat the following diseases:

  • different nature (vascular, senile);
  • chronic insufficiency of cerebral vessels;
  • consequences of cerebrovascular accident;
  • neuroinfections;
  • intoxication;
  • psychoorganic syndrome with symptoms of memory impairment, decreased concentration and general activity;
  • cortical myoclonus;
  • dizziness, with the exception of dizziness of vasomotor and mental origin;
  • chronic alcoholism (for the treatment of encephalopathy, withdrawal and psychoorganic syndromes);
  • reduced mental performance;
  • astheno-depressive, depressive, astheno-neurotic syndromes;
  • neurosis-like disorders;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • hyperkinesis;
  • sleep disorders;
  • migraine;
  • in the complex treatment of open-angle glaucoma, vascular diseases of the retina, diabetic retinopathy, as well as senile macular degeneration.

In pediatric practice, nootropics are used to treat the following conditions:

  • mental retardation;
  • mental retardation and speech development;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • consequences of damage to the central nervous system during childbirth;
  • attention deficit disorder.

Contraindications to taking nootropics

Medicines of this group should not be taken in the following cases:

  • with individual hypersensitivity of the patient's body to the active substance or other components of the drug;
  • in the case of an acute period of hemorrhagic stroke (hemorrhage in the brain tissue);
  • with chorea of ​​Hettington;
  • in case of severe renal dysfunction (if creatinine clearance is less than 20 ml / min);
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects of nootropics

Medicines of this group rarely cause any side effects, however, in a number of patients, the following adverse reactions may occur while taking them:

  • headache, irritability, anxiety, sleep disturbances, drowsiness;
  • rarely, in elderly patients, increased symptoms of coronary insufficiency;
  • nausea, stomach discomfort, or;
  • increased psychopathological symptoms;

Brief description of drugs

Since there are actually quite a lot of medicines belonging to the class of drugs we are describing, we will not be able to consider all of them, but we will only talk about those that are most widely used in medical practice today.

Piracetam (Piracetam, Lucetam, Biotropil, Nootropil)

Available in the form of tablets for oral administration and solution for injection and infusion.

The drug has a positive effect on blood circulation and metabolic processes in the brain, resulting in increased resistance of brain tissues to hypoxia and the effects of toxic substances, as well as improved memory, integrative brain activity, and increased learning ability.

When taken orally, it is well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, the maximum concentration in the blood is determined after 1 hour. Penetrates into many organs and tissues, including through the blood-brain and placental barriers. The half-life is 4 hours. Excreted by the kidneys.

Routes of administration of the drug: inside or parenterally (intramuscularly or intravenously). Tablets are recommended to be taken before meals. The dosage and duration of treatment are determined individually, depending on the disease and the characteristics of its clinical course.

In the treatment of patients suffering from, care should be taken and the dose adjusted depending on the level of creatinine clearance.

Side effects of the drug are standard, and they occur, as a rule, in elderly and senile patients, provided they receive a dosage of more than 2.4 g of piracetam per day.

It has an effect on platelet aggregation, therefore, it is used with caution in people suffering from hemostasis disorders and a tendency to hemorrhages.

During pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated.

In the event of the development of sleep disorders while taking piracetam, you should stop taking it in the evening and add this dose to the daytime.

Pramiracetam (Pramistar)

Chemical formula of Pramiracetam

Release form - tablets.

It has a high degree of affinity for choline. Improves the ability to learn, memorize and mental activity in general. Does not have a sedative effect, does not affect the autonomic nervous system.

Absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract quickly and almost completely, the maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood is determined after 2-3 hours. The half-life is 4-6 hours. Excreted by the kidneys.

During pregnancy and lactation, Pramistar is contraindicated.

When treating patients with impaired renal function, one should carefully monitor the development of side effects of the drug in them - this will be a sign of an excess of the active substance in the body and require a dose reduction.

Vinpocetine (Cavinton, Neurovin, Vinpocetine, Vicebrol)

Available in the form of tablets and solution for infusion.

Improves microcirculation in the brain, enhances cerebral blood flow, does not cause the "steal" phenomenon.

When taken orally, it is absorbed in the organs of the digestive tract by 70%. The maximum concentration in the blood is determined after 60 minutes. The half-life is almost 5 hours.

It is used both in neurology (for chronic disorders of cerebral circulation and other diseases described in the general part of the article), and in ophthalmology (for the treatment of chronic diseases of the retinal vessels) and in otiatry (to restore hearing acuity).

In the case of starting therapy in the acute period of the disease, vinpocetine should be administered parenterally, and then continued orally at a dose of 1-2 tablets three times a day after meals.

Phenibut (Bifren, Noofen, Noobut, Phenibut)

Release form - tablets, capsules, powder for oral solution.

The dominant effects of this medicinal substance are antihypoxic and antiamnestic. The drug improves memory, increases mental and physical performance, stimulates learning processes. In addition, it eliminates anxiety, fear, psycho-emotional stress, improves sleep. Enhances and prolongs the action of hypnotics, anticonvulsants and neuroleptics. Reduces the manifestations of asthenia.

After oral administration, it is well absorbed and penetrates into all organs and tissues of the body, in particular, through the blood-brain barrier.

It is used to reduce emotional and intellectual activity, concentration, memory impairment, asthenic, anxiety-neurotic and neurosis-like conditions, insomnia, Meniere's disease, as well as to prevent motion sickness. In the complex therapy of predelirious and delirious alcoholic conditions, osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine, menopausal disorders.

It is recommended to take orally, before meals, 250-500 mg three times a day. The maximum daily dose is 2.5 g, the maximum single dose is 750 mg. The duration of therapy is from 4 to 6 weeks.
In various clinical situations, the dosing regimen may vary.

It has an irritating effect, therefore, it is used with caution in people suffering from.

Hopantenic acid (Pantogam)

Produced in the form of tablets.

Reduces motor excitability, normalizes behavioral reactions, increases efficiency, activates mental activity.

Rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. The maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood is determined 60 minutes after administration. Creates high concentrations in the kidneys, liver, stomach wall and skin. Penetrates through the blood-brain barrier. It is excreted from the body after 2 days.

The indications are standard.

Take the drug inside, half an hour after eating. A single dose for adults is 250-1000 mg. The daily dose is 1.5-3 g. The course of treatment is 1-6 months. After 3-6 months, you can repeat the course. In the treatment of various diseases, the dose of the drug may vary.

Contraindications and side effects are described above.

Pyritinol (Encephabol)

Available in the form of tablets and suspension for oral use (this dosage form is intended for children).

It has a pronounced neuroprotective effect, stabilizes neuron membranes, reduces the amount of free radicals, and reduces erythrocyte aggregation. It has a positive effect on behavioral and cognitive functions.

If the dosage regimen of the drug is observed, the development of side effects is unlikely.

Glycine (Glycine, Glycised)

Release form - tablets.

Improves metabolism in muscles and brain tissues. Has a sedative effect.

Apply sublingually (dissolving under the tongue).

For the treatment of depression, anxiety and irritability, glycine is taken 0.1 g 2-4 times a day. In chronic alcoholism, it is prescribed according to the recommended treatment regimens.

Contraindications - hypersensitivity to glycine. Side effects are not described.


Release form - solution for injection.

Improves the function of nerve cells, stimulates the processes of their differentiation, activates the mechanisms of protection and recovery.

Penetrates through the blood-brain barrier.

It is used for metabolic, organic and neurodegenerative diseases of the brain, in particular, with, it is also used in the complex therapy of strokes, traumatic brain injuries.

Daily doses of the drug vary widely depending on the pathology and range from 5 to 50 ml. Routes of administration - intramuscularly and intravenously.

Use with caution in the treatment of patients with allergic diathesis.


Release form - tablets, solution for injections and infusions.

Contains only physiological substances. Increases the resistance of the brain to hypoxia, accelerates the processes of glucose utilization.

It is used for ischemic and residual effects of hemorrhagic stroke, traumatic brain injury. It is widely used for the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy, burns, peripheral circulatory disorders, as well as trophic disorders in order to accelerate wound healing processes.

Generally well tolerated. In some cases, the reactions described at the beginning of the article develop.

Approved for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Contraindicated in case of individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Contains sucrose, therefore, in patients with hereditary disorders of carbohydrate metabolism is not used.

Hexobendin (Instenon)

Available in the form of tablets for oral administration and solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration.

It has a stimulating effect on metabolic processes in the brain and myocardium, improves cerebral and coronary circulation. Antispasmodic.

Indications for the use of this drug are diseases of the brain of an age-related and vascular nature, the consequences of insufficient blood supply to the brain, and dizziness.

Contraindicated in case of individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, increased intracranial pressure, epileptiform syndromes. During pregnancy and lactation, it is used only according to indications.

Inside it is recommended to take during or after a meal, without chewing, drinking plenty of water. The dosage is 1-2 tablets three times a day. The maximum daily dose is 5 tablets. The duration of treatment is at least 6 weeks.

The solution for injection is administered intramuscularly, intravenously slowly or drip. The dosage depends on the characteristics of the clinical course of the disease.

During the period of treatment with this drug, tea and coffee should not be consumed in large quantities. If the drug is administered by intravenous drip, only slow infusion is allowed, and intravenous injection should last at least 3 minutes. Rapid administration of the drug can lead to a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

Combined drugs

There are many drugs that have in their composition 2 or more components that are similar in action or mutually reinforcing the effects of each other. The main ones are:

  • Gamalate B6 (contains pyridoxine hydrochloride, GABA, gamma-amino-beta-hydroxybutyric acid, magnesium glutamate hydrobromide; is prescribed for adults in the complex treatment of functional asthenia; it is recommended to take 2 tablets 2-3 times a day for 2-18 months);
  • Neuro-norm (contains piracetam and cinnarizine; indications are standard for nootropics; dosage - 1 capsule three times a day for 1-3 months; take the tablet after meals, do not chew, drink plenty of water);
  • Noozom, Omaron, Phezam, Cinatropil, Evryza: drugs similar in chemical composition and other indicators to Neuro-norm;
  • Olatropil (contains GABA and piracetam; recommended to be taken before meals, 1 capsule 3-4, maximum - 6 times a day for 1-2 months; if necessary, after 1.5-2 months, the course can be repeated);
  • Thiocetam (includes piracetam and thiotriazolin; tablets are recommended to be taken 1-2 pieces three times a day; the course of treatment is up to 30 days; in some cases it is used in the form of a solution for injection: 20-30 ml of the drug is injected intravenously in 100- 150 ml of saline or intramuscularly 5 ml once a day for 2 weeks).

So, above, you got acquainted with the most popular medicines of the nootropic group today. Some of them are the first drugs of this class, but many were developed much later and are much more effective, so they can safely be called new generation nootropics. Please note that the information provided in the article is not a guide to action: if you experience any unpleasant symptoms, you should not self-medicate, but you should seek help from a specialist.

Nootropics have ceased to be the lot of geeks, as they were just a few years ago. They quickly became fashionable among students and freelancers, and today they have become commonplace for many other segments of the population. The share of nootropic drugs in the global pharmacological market is already more than $1 billion and continues to grow rapidly.

There is, of course, nothing to be surprised here. If there are pills that promise to make you smarter and more focused, then you are more likely to take them - provided the risks don't outweigh the benefits (you will?)

True, nootropics by themselves have not made anyone smarter yet, but to cope with study loads, successfully pass a session, get out alive from work time pressure, or perform better in the daily tasks of a knowledge worker, they seem to help. But "it seems" here - not from excessive delicacy.

In the English-speaking world, nootropics are also called "smart drugs". There are also such cute definitions as "professors" little helpers ".

There is bad and good news. Let's start with the first one: the effectiveness of most nootropic drugs that are common on the Russian market has not been confirmed by serious clinical trials. Supporters of evidence-based medicine, as a rule, conclude from this that taking nootropics is simply useless. But here one cannot confine oneself to a simple statement.

Now the good news is that nootropics really help a lot of people. Of course, no one has canceled the significance of the placebo effect, but in the case of nootropics, it can be argued that there are other reasons as well.

So, let's try to figure out how nootropics work and what effects to expect from their use.

What do nootropics do to the brain?

Once again, I’ll make a reservation: nootropics by themselves will not make you smarter and will not save you from an overwhelmed session. It would be rather strange to expect that some pills modify your intelligence if you do not put effort into it and do not distribute the mental load more or less rationally.

It is not yet possible to fully understand exactly how nootropics work, and in what cases they can be recommended to healthy people to improve cognitive activity. I am afraid that this will not work, even if you first pump yourself up with some kind of modafinil or pramiracetam and immerse yourself in reading literature on the topic for a year or two.

According to the results of an informal survey conducted on the website of the journal Nature in 2008, out of more than 1400 scientists who took part in it, about 20% use some kind of nootropics.

Let's start with the fact that this class of drugs includes drugs with a variety of pharmacological properties and effects. In the most general sense, nootropics are means that “have a direct activating effect on learning, improve memory and mental activity, increase the resistance of the brain to aggressive environmental influences” (WHO definition).

They operate as follows:

  • Stimulate cerebral circulation;
  • Improve the intake and absorption of glucose (it is easier to penetrate the blood-brain barrier between the circulatory and nervous systems, and the brain does not lack energy);
  • Prevent hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the brain;
  • Improve the interaction between the prefrontal cortex and other areas of the brain, accelerate the exchange of information between its hemispheres;
  • They stimulate cognitive functions, processing and memorization of information, influencing the production of certain neurotransmitters, with the help of which neurons exchange their "messages".

It is believed that nootropics optimize metabolism and neural activity, but do not have the same side effects as psychostimulants. For example, caffeine, although it promotes concentration, is not usually considered a nootropic.

Dummy or drug?

Although nootropics are used in medical practice for the treatment of clinical depression, recovery from a stroke, ADHD or asthenic disease, they have not received clinical confirmation in the framework of evidence-based medicine.

This means that in the so-called "blind" studies, when neither doctors nor patients know where the placebo is and where the tested drug is, it was not possible to find a statistically significant difference between the nootropic and the empty pill. Therefore, in the USA, for example, piracetam (also known as Nootropil) is not considered a medical drug at all and is registered as a biologically active food supplement.

But you need to take into account, firstly, that not all nootropics generally passed tests of this kind; and secondly, that they tend to test for a very specific effect of the drug (for example, helping with recovery from strokes, as in the case of Cerebrolysin).

In addition, separate studies have nevertheless demonstrated an improvement in cognitive abilities with the medical and non-medical use of nootropics. This is also evidenced by the experience of many people who take nootropics to increase their intellectual productivity.

According to one of the domestic studies, 69.7% of people out of 120 students who took nootropics felt subjective improvement during the session - however, there was no improvement in the average score.

The fact is that nootropics act very individually. The effects obtained are highly dependent on the properties of your body and what you are doing while taking them. In addition, most nootropics have a cumulative effect (results only show themselves over time), so it is quite difficult to fix it.

In general, the entire range of nootropic drugs can be divided into three groups:

    Harmless, but (almost) ineffective. These are brain vitamins like glycine. This amino acid, which is really important for memory and cognitive processes, our body produces on its own. If you already have enough of it, then the effect will depend only on your ability to self-hypnosis.

    Effective but not safe. You will either not find these drugs on legal sale at all, or you can only get them by prescription. These include, for example, Ritalin, Modafinil, Adderall and Pramiracetam. They have a strong effect on the nervous system and can be addictive. In Russia, some of them are banned and considered drugs (much to the outrage of transhumanists).

    Moderately effective and (almost) safe. Drugs that can act as a placebo, and also improve blood flow to the brain, stimulate the production of certain neurotransmitters, or have an inhibitory effect - help relieve irritability and improve concentration. Phenotropil, for example, rather accelerates, and Phenibut, on the contrary, calms the nervous system (although in some cases it can cause heart rhythm disturbance and anxiety). If you have problems with the blood supply to the brain, such drugs will really help, but if everything is fine, with the right attitude, the placebo effect will come to your aid.

The formula of piracetam is the first drug to be called a nootropic. It was synthesized in 1963 by Belgian pharmacologists and has been used to improve cognitive function in the elderly. In Russia, it remains the most popular drug in this group.

For those wishing to learn more about the effects of various nootropics, we can recommend, for example, a site where there are results of amateur studies and recommendations on the use of nootropics.

More recently, the results of a large-scale (albeit informal) study of nootropics, in which 850 people participated, were published. There were no clinical trials - the participants simply answered a few surveys about their experience with such drugs. In addition to the banned Adderol and Modafinil, domestic drugs Phenibut, Semax and Cerebrolysin received the highest marks in it.

Even if the effect of legal nootropics on healthy people is reduced to placebo, you can distinguish different degrees of their effectiveness: some drugs work better than others for some reason.

In general, reviews about nootropics are more than contradictory. Intelligence is a too complex human property, which, moreover, is highly dependent on heredity. Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to improve it simply with the help of chemical compounds.

Nootropics can temporarily improve certain intellectual abilities - for example, memory or concentration - but at the same time weaken other brain functions and cause addiction. As a result, without the help of magic pills, you will generally forget how to think well.

According to some studies, the results of IQ tests can improve after taking nootropics - but they can change for the worse if they were already high.

In addition to purely medical, there are also ethical considerations. Some people think it's just not fair. Can nootropics be considered doping drugs? It even seems to some that it is time for universities to organize special commissions that will weed out students for such a “scam”. But, in fact, there is nothing to worry about yet: nootropics will not help to radically improve learning abilities anyway.

The cognitive mechanisms of the brain have not yet been studied enough, and pharmacology lags behind neuroscience for decades. Among the most popular nootropics now are still those substances that were synthesized in the 60-70s of the last century.

It can be hoped that the invention of truly effective and at the same time harmless drugs that improve brain function is a matter of the near future. The nootropics that exist now can really increase your intellectual productivity, but in the case of legal drugs, this is most likely to be associated with a placebo effect, and in the case of illegal ones, with unpleasant side effects.

Almost all popular nootropics were originally developed for patients with severe cognitive impairment. While some of them have been shown to be useful in medical applications, they seem to have no effect on healthy people. The conclusion is as follows: if everything is in order with your blood supply and brain function, the effect of nootropics will be slightly less than completely limited only by your subjective feelings.

And of course, it is better to consult a doctor before trying the effects of nootropics on your own brain.

Modern medicine has the widest arsenal of various means that affect the functioning of the nervous system. Quite a well-known group of drugs are nootropics. Many of us remember well the Hollywood blockbuster "The Fields of Darkness", where the main character took NRT.

These pills contributed to the expansion of consciousness, allowed the use of brain resources by 100%. Despite the fact that the plot of the film is fictitious, most of you probably have a question about whether there are drugs that can improve brain function.
These drugs include nootropics.

The opinion of doctors about them is ambiguous.
Someone considers them ineffective, and someone sees a positive clinical result. But in spite of everything, their appointment is included in many treatment regimens for neurological and other diseases. What are nootropics, a list of drugs, which are better to take depending on age? The answers to these questions can be found in the proposed article.

What is a nootropic drug

This group of drugs, developed many decades ago, but still does not have a separate classification. They are combined into one class with psychostimulants, but unlike the latter, they are not addictive and have fewer side effects.
Which in some cases allows you to take nootropics without prescriptions.
The literal translation from the Greek language of the concept of nootropic means guiding mind.
According to the manufacturers, their intake is aimed at improving the functioning of the central nervous system, which determines a beneficial effect on the cognitive aspects of its functioning.

Thus, it is supposed to improve the quality of the processes of recognition, memorization and attention, speech, counting, thinking. A positive effect on psychomotor orientation, ability to direct actions, planning, mental control is not excluded.

Until now, evidence-based medicine does not provide unambiguous and reliable facts about the direct effectiveness of the use of such drugs.

But the rich clinical experience of prescribing them indicates the presence of positive reactions in the work of the brain. Apparently, this is due to the fact that drugs for memory and attention are widely used by adults and children in the territories of Russia, the CIS and China.

Nootropics of the new generation and the old sample have such functions as:

  1. Increased production of ATP (the main source of energy for neurons);
  2. Reducing the consumption of oxygen by neurons in conditions of its shortage (hypoxia);
  3. Protection of cell membranes from free radicals and peroxidation, which prevents their destruction;
  4. Ensuring the formation of complex structures (proteins) from simpler substances responsible for the accumulation of energy potential;
  5. Increased speed of signal transmission between nerve endings;
  6. Increased absorption of glucose - the main nutrient substrate of nerve cells;
  7. Improving microcirculation in the cerebral vessels;
  8. Stabilization of cell membranes (shells);
  9. Protection of neurons from various damaging factors;
  10. Beneficial effect on the bioelectrical activity of nerve cells.

All the claimed mechanisms are aimed at improving the functioning of the brain, which should provide a beneficial effect on the functions of attention, thinking, and memory.

Who Should Take Nootropics?

Pills for the mind and memory are prescribed to patients of different ages who have certain problems in neurological health.
This does not exclude the use of such drugs by healthy people who wish to increase their cognitive abilities. This is especially true for people involved in intensive mental work, schoolchildren and students, the elderly and those who need increased concentration and reaction speed.

There are the following situations when the appointment of nootropics is justified:

  • Violation of the blood supply to the brain of a chronic course;
  • Difficulties in learning, assimilation of new information, forgetfulness, distraction, restlessness, etc.;
  • Some types of epilepsy;
  • Attention Deficit Disorder;
  • Dementia (dementia) of various origins;
  • Depressive states;
  • Neuroses, psychoorganic and asthenic syndromes;
  • Tics of various origins;
  • Consequences of injuries, including birth;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • Consequences of an infectious lesion of the central nervous system;
  • Perinatal encephalopathy of various origins;
  • Toxic effect of toxic substances on brain tissue;
  • Increased intracranial pressure;
  • Chronic alcoholism.

The range of their application is very wide, sometimes they are used in related areas of neurology. Nevertheless, even if a person is absolutely healthy, then it is better to coordinate the intake of such drugs with a doctor.

Nootropics for adults

Pills for memory and brain function are inexpensive for adults, but having a certain therapeutic effect, they are prescribed, as a rule, for any neurological pathologies and for the elderly.

Quite a popular drug in the pharmaceutical market. Available in the form of tablets of 10 and 50 mg. Its price fluctuates between 450-1200 rubles. per package, depending on the number of tablets. The active substance is phenylpiracetam. Releases in a drugstore only according to the recipe.

The main positive changes that it causes are as follows:

  • Improves memory, increases attention and mental activity;
  • Helps to accelerate the transmission of information signals between the hemispheres of the brain;
  • Provides resistance of neurons to oxygen deficiency, toxins;
  • Has a moderate anticonvulsant effect;
  • Improves mood;
  • Stimulates metabolic processes in the tissues of the nervous system;
  • Improves blood circulation in depleted areas;
  • It has a weak diuretic effect;
  • With prolonged use, it helps to reduce appetite;
  • Increases efficiency;
  • It has an analgesic effect, by increasing the threshold of pain sensitivity;
  • Helps to adapt in stressful situations, with excessive physical and mental stress;
  • Against the background of taking this drug, there is an improvement in visual function;
  • Improves blood supply to the lower extremities;
  • Immunostimulatory action.

With all the variety of positive qualities when using Phenotropil, there is a small range of adverse events, such as allergic reactions and increased excitability at the beginning of the course.

Phenotropil is contraindicated in people with severe damage to the liver, kidneys, with an unstable psyche, acute psychotic manifestations, with severe atherosclerosis and high blood pressure, and allergies to nootropics. Also, due to the lack of clinical trials, admission is limited in pregnant women, children and nursing mothers.

The effect is noted at the first reception. This should be taken into account and ensure that the medicine is taken before 15 hours, so as not to cause problems with sleep. Addiction and withdrawal syndrome in the treatment of Phenotropil is not observed.

It is the ancestor of the group of these funds. In pharmacies, it can be found in capsules and tablets with various dosages, in a solution for intravenous and intramuscular injections. The price of the medicine is low and amounts to 30 - 160 rubles. Released by prescription.
The drug is used in both adults and children. It is prescribed for the purpose of obtaining such therapeutic effects as:

  • Beneficial effect on the processes of metabolism and blood supply to the brain;
  • Better uptake of glucose by neurons;
  • Decreased blood clotting;
  • Protection against hypoxia, toxins, if damaged by electric shock;
  • Regulatory effect on the central nervous system.

Piracetam is contraindicated in patients with pathology of the coagulation system, liver and kidneys, with a hemorrhagic stroke, intolerance to piracetam. Restricted to lactating and pregnant women.

Of the side effects, dyspepsia is noted, rarely - nervousness and headaches, weakness and drowsiness, increased sexual activity.
Analogues with the active substance Piracetam are: Lucetam, Memotropil, Nootrpopil, Exotropil.

Available in tablet form and solution for injection, in various doses. The cost varies between 86 - 141 rubles. Sold by prescription only.

The pharmacological action of Picamilon is:

  • Expansion of blood vessels that feed the brain;
  • Activation of the functions of the nervous system;
  • Calming effect;
  • Antioxidant ability to protect neurons;
  • Increased physical and mental performance;
  • Reduced headache;
  • Improving memory;
  • Sleep normalization;
  • Reducing anxiety and stress;
  • Improving the condition with motor and speech disorders.

Picamilon is contraindicated in people with chronic kidney failure, pregnant women and lactation, with intolerance to the components of the drug.

Of the adverse effects, irritability, headaches, dizziness, nausea, and allergies occur.
Pikogam, Picanoil, Amilonosar act as analogues of Picamilon.

Combined drug, which is available in the form of lozenges. The active substances of Divaza are a brain-specific protein and antibodies to vascular nitric oxide synthase. The average price of a medicine is 306 rubles.

The main clinical effects of the drug are as follows:

  • Antidepressant;
  • Improvement of mood;
  • Protection of neurons from harmful influences;
  • Reducing the manifestations of asthenic syndrome;
  • Improvement of memorization processes;
  • Promoting healing processes in ischemic areas;
  • Increase in mental abilities;
  • Improved blood flow.

Divaza is not addictive. Of the side effects, there are only reactions with individual intolerance to the constituent components. It is an over-the-counter drug.
Contraindications to its appointment are intolerance, children under 18 years of age, pregnancy and lactation.

Available in the form of capsules with a dosage of 50 and 30 mg. The cost ranges from 490 - 820 rubles. depending on the number of capsules in the package. From drugstores it is issued only according to the recipe.

Therapeutic effects are as follows:

  • Improves metabolic processes in the nervous tissue through the formation of glucose and ATP;
  • Improves blood supply and enrichment of neurons with oxygen;
  • Promotes the speedy removal of decay products;
  • Increases the speed of response of brain structures;
  • Antidepressant effect.

Contraindicated in renal failure, intolerance to the components of the drug. Use with caution in pregnant and lactating women.

Adverse reactions are manifested as sleep disturbance, allergies, nausea, agitation and headaches.
Analogues are Neuromet, Noben.

Available in solutions for intravenous and intramuscular injections, for oral administration. The cost of the drug ranges from 416 - 808 rubles. The main active ingredient is citicoline. Sold by prescription.

The pharmacological action lies in such properties of citicoline as:

  • The ability to repair damaged nerve cells;
  • Antioxidant activity;
  • Prevention of cell death of the nervous system;
  • In the acute period of a stroke, a decrease in the volume of affected tissues;
  • In severe traumatic brain injury, a decrease in the duration of a coma;
  • In chronic neurological pathologies, including in old age, improvement of mental abilities;
  • Increasing attention and conscious level.

Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, in children and adolescents under 18 years of age, with increased sensitivity to the constituent components.

Side effects occur very rarely and are manifested in jumps in blood pressure, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, hallucinations, edema, allergies, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, insomnia.
Analogues - Recognan, Cerakson.

A drug with nootropic and neuroprotective properties. Available in tablets of 10 mg. The price does not exceed 340 rubles. Approved for use without a prescription.

Favorable effects on the central nervous system determine such properties of Noopept as:

  • Improving memory and learning abilities;
  • Obstruction of forgetfulness, which can occur for a variety of reasons;
  • Increasing resistance to traumatic, toxic and hypoxic injuries;
  • Antioxidant action;
  • Improving the properties of blood flow;
  • Contributing to the restoration of memory, impaired by any damage (stroke, alcohol poisoning, hypoxia);
  • Reducing the severity of headache.

The maximum effect is determined after 2 weeks from the start of administration.

It is contraindicated for use in children, women who are breastfeeding, pregnant women, suffering from lactase deficiency, having intolerance to Noopept components, liver and kidney failure.

Side effects are rare and are expressed in the appearance of allergic reactions, and in persons suffering from arterial hypertension - an increase in pressure.

Produced in tablets of 250 and 500 mg. The active substance is hopantenic acid. It is a prescription drug. The price is 680 rubles.

The properties of hopantenic acid provide such pharmaceutical effects as:

  • Increasing resistance to lack of oxygen, exposure to toxins;
  • Anticonvulsant activity;
  • Improving mental, physical performance;
  • Anesthesia;
  • It has a beneficial effect on the muscle tone of the bladder.

Contraindicated for use in children under 3 years of age, in pregnant women in the 1st trimester, acute kidney failure, in lactating women, with individual intolerance.

Of the adverse reactions, only allergic manifestations are noted.
Analogues of Pantocalcin containing hopantenic acid - Gopantam, Calcium hopantenate, Pantogam.

Release form - nasal drops. It is a mixture of amino acids necessary for brain tissue. The price, depending on the concentration of the solution, is, for 0.1% - 373 rubles, for 1% - 1806 rubles. Sold by prescription only.
1% Semax is used for acute stroke, and this is a condition where delay and self-medication can cost a person life. As for the 0.1% concentration, it is used at any age.

At the same time, such results of its use are distinguished as:

  • Increasing adaptation in extreme situations;
  • Preventive effect in case of mental overwork;
  • Beneficial effect on optic nerve atrophy;
  • Increase the protective forces of the nervous tissue;
  • Positive impact on people suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder and Minor Brain Dysfunctions.

Contraindicated in children under 5 years of age, pregnant and lactating, with convulsions in the past, with acute psychosis.

Of the adverse reactions of nasal drops, very rarely there is a slight irritation of the nasal mucosa.

Drugs for memory and brain function for adults should be taken strictly according to the instructions. This will achieve the desired result and reduce the likelihood of unwanted effects and overdose.

Nootropics for children

The best nootropics for children will be described below.
Most often, their appointment is used in infancy and school age.
In any case, taking drugs that affect the nervous system of a child should not be prescribed independently, without prior consultation with a doctor. Since such actions can lead to serious consequences.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid is available in 250 mg tablets. The cost ranges from 86 - 180 rubles. Released by prescription.

Indicated for use with:

  • Consequences of craniocerebral injuries, not excluding birth;
  • Lag in mental development;
  • Motion sickness syndrome.

It is used in children older than 1 year, strictly according to the instructions.

Contraindicated in renal failure, fructose intolerance, celiac disease, drug hypersensitivity.

Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, fever, and insomnia.

Produced in the form of a lyophilizate for the preparation of a solution for injection. Contains polypeptide fractions isolated from the cerebral cortex of livestock (pigs and calves). The price is 734 - 1150 rubles, depending on the concentration of the solution.

Indications for its use may be:

  • Various types of cerebral palsy;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Difficulties in learning and mastering new skills;
  • Consequences of past infections and injuries;
  • Delayed development of speech, physical and mental abilities.

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the lyophilizate. And from side reactions the allergy is extremely seldom noted.

There are practically no nootropics with proven effectiveness, and Cerebrolysin is currently the only such drug that has scientific confirmation in terms of its ability to maintain the viability of neurons, activate the processes of their growth and development.

Just like Cortexin is produced from the brain structures of livestock.
Produced in a ready-made solution for injection. Depending on the volume of ampoules, the price varies from 1050 - 2890 rubles. Sold by prescription.

Indications for the appointment are similar to Cortexin, with the exception of epilepsy from the list.

Adverse reactions that may occur with injections of Cerebrolysin may manifest as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, aggressive behavior, local changes at the injection site, allergies, dizziness.

Contraindications are acute kidney failure, epilepsy, sensitivity to components.

Available in the form of syrup, tablets and capsules. The active substance is hopantenic acid. It is released from the pharmacy only by prescription. The cost varies in the range of 383 - 446 rubles.

In pediatric practice, it is prescribed for such pathologies as:

  • Epilepsy, as part of anticonvulsant therapy;
  • Mental retardation;
  • Stuttering;
  • perinatal encephalopathy.

Side effects include allergic reactions.

Pantogam is contraindicated in acute kidney failure.

Produced in the form of nasal drops. It contains 7 amino acids. Released by prescription. The cost of the drug is 173 rubles.

The use of Minisem is shown, with:

  • Vascular disorders, leading to a violation of intellectual abilities and memory;
  • Lag in the development of psychomotor skills due to perinatal damage to the central nervous system;
  • Cogitative and neurotic disorders in preschool and primary school age;
  • The need to increase the adaptive forces of the child.

Contraindications are acute psychosis, a tendency to convulsions, age up to 3 months, intolerance.

Of the side effects, one can distinguish the appearance of allergic reactions in the presence of individual sensitivity.

The main active substance is peritinol. Available in tablets and suspensions. It is a prescription drug. The price is 760 rubles. Approved for use from the neonatal period.

Applies in cases:

    • Encephalopathy that occurred after an injury;
    • Consequences of encephalitis (inflammation of the brain tissue);
    • Impaired mental function;
    • Asthenic syndrome.
  • Side effects may include allergic reactions, sleep disturbances, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, overexcitation, headaches.
    The appointment of Encephabol is contraindicated in case of intolerance to peritinol, damage to the kidneys and liver, pemphigus, violations of peripheral blood parameters, autoimmune diseases.

    Instead of an afterword.

    Nootropics for improving memory and brain function are widely used and have some effectiveness. But in order to improve the functioning of the nervous system, it is not enough to take only pills. We must not forget about the observance of the daily routine, proper nutrition, which ensures the supply of necessary nutrients and vitamins to the neurons.
    With mental stress, you should do gymnastic pauses, periodically change the nature of the activity. Nothing restores the nervous system like proper sleep and rest. Refusal of bad habits, contributes to the normalization of the work of all body systems.
    Following the recommendations for a healthy lifestyle, along with taking nootropics, will ensure high brain performance.

You can improve memory and increase intelligence with the help of nootropic drugs that affect brain function and increase its performance.

They are used in various fields of medicine, which include pediatrics, neurology, narcology, psychiatry, obstetrics. Today, the pharmaceutical market offers a large list of drugs, and which ones are better to take - the attending doctor will tell you.

Indications for use

The therapeutic effect of nootropics is based on the following mechanisms:

  • increasing the rate of glucose utilization;
  • strengthening of proteins and synthesis of ribonucleic acid;
  • increased synthesis of adenosine triphosphoric acid.

Thus, medicines directly affect the metabolic processes of the central nervous system and bioenergetics, interacting with the parts of the brain.

Nootropics have the following effects on the human body:

  • psychostimulant;
  • antiasthenic;
  • adaptogenic;
  • antiepileptic;
  • antidepressant;
  • immunostimulating;
  • sedative;
  • energy.

Typically, these drugs are prescribed for the following ailments:

  • drug addiction;
  • epilepsy;
  • ischemic stroke;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • neuroinfection;
  • chronic;
  • cerebrovascular insufficiency of chronic form;
  • migraine;

Nootropics are used as part of the complex therapy of ophthalmic pathologies.

These drugs are also suitable for children with various disorders:

  • cerebral palsy;
  • CNS damage.

According to statistics, nootropics are prescribed to every third child.

List of latest generation drugs with prices

Important criteria for choosing a drug are efficacy, price, quality and safety. Below is a list of drugs by effectiveness:

  1. Pantogam(hopantenic acid). It is widely used for children with encephalitis, enuresis, residual brain damage. The main active ingredient is vitamin B15. The drug does not have a harmful effect on the human body. The effect occurs within a month of regular use. The course of treatment is up to six months. The drug costs about 240 rubles.
  2. Phenotropil. Increases the body's resistance to stress and does not cause dependence.
    Phenotropil does not contain psychotropic substances and has an antiamnesic effect. Price - approx. 450 rubles.
  3. Piracetam. It is often prescribed for the treatment of encephalopathy, cerebrosthenia, dizziness, and for the development of memory.
    The full effect can be felt after 1-2 months. 60 tablets cost 61 ruble.
  4. Vinpocetine. This is an inexpensive tool that is good for the brain and improves microcirculation in its vessels.
    Vinpocetine lowers blood pressure and has an antioxidant effect. 30 tablets of 10 mg will cost about 75 rubles.
  5. Phenibut. It is prescribed for patients with dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus, asthenia, neuroses.
    It has antiplatelet and psychostimulating effects. It is often prescribed to children with stuttering, sleep disturbance, to prevent motion sickness. For 50 tablets you will have to pay about 250 rubles.
  6. Actovegin. Designed for the treatment of vascular and metabolic pathologies.
    Available in the form of tablets and solution for injection. Worth about 1500 rubles.
  7. Cerebrolysin . A nootropic agent is used to eliminate neurological and mental diseases, including Alzheimer's disease.
    Sold as a solution for injection. Price starts from 1000 rubles.
  8. Biotredin. Acts as a regulator of tissue metabolism, increases brain performance, reduces emotional stress.
    Price starts from 88 rubles.
  9. Aminalon. Suitable for students and people whose activities involve memorizing large amounts of information.
    The drug strengthens memory, improves sleep and begins to act almost immediately. Price - 165 rubles for 100 tablets.
  10. Picamilon. It is a nootropic that expands the vessels of the brain, is an analogue of Piracetam.
    It has a tranquilizing effect, not recommended for children under 3 years of age. For 30 tablets you will have to pay approximately 75 rubles.

With a real pathology, nootropics with proven effectiveness can solve the problem and improve the patient's well-being, however, in case of an incorrect diagnosis, they will bring absolutely nothing but side effects.

Nootropics are a group of drugs widely used in neurology. They improve brain function and have many other positive effects.

Nootropics - what kind of drugs?

Nootropics are understood as a group of psychotropic drugs that increase the resistance of the central nervous system to the action of negative factors - injuries, poisoning, oxygen starvation, insomnia, stress. Another name for drugs cerebroprotectors.

Nootropics are combined in one section with psychostimulants, but they have a significant difference from the latter. They do not cause dependence, do not increase physical activity, are not harmful to the body, do not affect reactions and the most important processes. New generation nootropics are now widely used in neurology, pediatrics, psychiatry, and narcology. The mechanism of action of drugs is based on:

  • increased glucose utilization;
  • accelerating the formation of ATP, proteins and RNA;
  • suppression of oxidative processes;
  • stabilization of cell membranes.

The primary effect of nootropics is a positive effect on the nervous system. The secondary action is aimed at optimizing blood flow in the brain, preventing the appearance of blood clots, and preventing oxygen deficiency.

Types and functions of nootropics

The entire list of nootropics can be divided into 2 groups - true and neuroprotectors. The former improve memory, speech and a number of other brain functions. The second ones are higher in efficiency, as they have additional effects - relaxing, calming, antihypoxic, etc.

Which nootropics are better to take, only a doctor can determine. There are different groups of drugs, each of which has its own indications.

Some drugs should be taken to improve metabolism in the brain, others are better for increasing cerebral blood flow, and others optimize memory and assimilation of educational material. Due to the difference in indications, the selection of drugs should be entrusted to a specialist.

To whom are drugs indicated?

Now nootropics are prescribed for adults and children, because the range of their use is very wide. Medicines increase physical activity, endurance, therefore they are shown to athletes, people engaged in physical labor. For an elderly person, they will help correct age-related changes in memory, intelligence, and disorders in dementia.

For schoolchildren, students, medicines will be useful for better assimilation of information during intense workloads, exams.

Nootropics are most often recommended for children with mental retardation, as well as with various disorders of the nervous system.

What other indications exist for taking medications? It:

Even with urinary disorders that are caused by nerve disorders, nootropics can help. They are also prescribed for anemia, diseases of the eyes, spine.

Most Popular Nootropics

In the ranking of cerebroprotectors, the first places are occupied by true nootropics without additional effects. Many of them belong to the drugs of past generations, but they do not give up their positions because of their high efficiency, low price, and availability. If we consider widely prescribed nootropics, the list of drugs will be as follows:

The drug is a unique cerebroprotector Semax(drops in the nose, from 400 rubles). It contains peptides that have a powerful nootropic, protective, antioxidant, antihypoxic effect.

What nootropics are still prescribed by doctors?

In addition to the drugs described, there are other cerebroprotectors recommended by doctors. For example, medicine Phenotropil(1070 rubles) is one of the best nootropics prescribed for asthenic syndrome, as a neuromodulator and anticonvulsant.

The drug improves mood, speeds up the exchange of information between the hemispheres, increases the threshold for pain perception and the body's resistance during periods of increased stress. The drug optimizes the quality of life in many nervous disorders.

Due to the psychostimulating effect, Phenotropil cannot be purchased without a prescription!

The list of nootropic drugs is impressive. Among the medical appointments you can find the following:

Other well-known cerebroprotectors are Meclofenoxate, Aminalon, Bemitil, Calcium hopantenate, Neurobutal, Instenon, etc.

New generation drugs

Combination preparations containing several active ingredients are very popular now. The representative of the latest generation of drugs is Orocetam(from 500 rubles) - a derivative of orotic acid and piracetam. The remedy is used for severe injuries, intoxications, improves the metabolism of brain tissues, and prevents hypoxic phenomena from developing.

Another remedy is Phezam(piracetam and cinnarizine). The price of the medicine is 300 rubles, it is indicated for migraines, headaches, after strokes, injuries, improves memory, normalizes brain function in dementia, decreased intelligence. In parallel, the drug dilates blood vessels, optimizing cerebral blood flow.

New generation nootropics are also widely prescribed in ophthalmology - they seriously improve the functioning of the optic nerve.

Among the combined cerebroprotectors, it is worth noting Thiocetam, Tanakan, Akatinol, Omaron, Olatropil, as well as derivatives of gamma-aminobutyric acid - Picamilon, Gammalon, Gamalate B6, Neuro-norm.

In pediatrics, only those drugs are used that have a minimum of side effects and contraindications. But in babies with long-term treatment, they can still increase nervous excitability, cause sleep disturbances, so the indications for admission are very strict:

Children are most commonly prescribed medications Phenibut, Pantogam in syrups, an older child can be given tablets, capsules. Considered harmless to the body Glycine- an amino acid related to the body. Also used in pediatrics Cortexin, Picamilon, limited - Mexidol, Neuromultivit. Course application corrects children's pathologies of the central nervous system and is a prevention of the progression of diseases.

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