Nose shapes. How to change the shape of the nose? Plastic surgeon Amina Kibisheva: “Nothing changes the expression and harmony of the face like the shape of the nose The nose has changed

It is very rare to find a perfect face that does not have a single flaw. Many girls are unhappy with the shape of their nose. Some are worried about the hump, others are worried about the nostrils. It is impossible to radically change the shape of the nose without surgery, which is why rhinoplasty is now very popular. With the help of surgery, you can eliminate congenital defects of the nose, change its shape and simply make it the way you want it to be.

When you may need rhinoplasty

Each girl seeks help from surgeons for her own reasons. However, among patients, the following complaints are most often noticed:

  • Congenital deformity of the nasal septum.
  • Too big nostrils.
  • Consequences of trauma.
  • The nose is too long or has a hump.
  • I want to change not the nose itself, but only its tip.

Initial consultation

No rhinoplasty operation is performed without prior consultation with a doctor. The client has the opportunity to tell the surgeon about his preferences regarding the shape of the nose, what he wants to get the result.

After that, a computer simulation is carried out, which gives a person the opportunity to see a rough picture of how his nose will look in the future. It is important to understand that this is only an approximate simulation and the actual result may vary slightly.

The client may ask the surgeon to demonstrate how the nose has been modified to other patients. Photos "before" and "after" are always available from the doctor. Only after that the person makes the final decision whether he needs rhinoplasty or not.

It is very important to undergo a complete facial examination before the operation so that the surgeon can determine the possible causes of complications after the procedure. This is necessary in order to avoid repeated surgical intervention.

Primary type rhinoplasty

Primary rhinoplasty is when the patient first encounters a cosmetic procedure that requires surgery.

Key Features:

  • The duration of the operation is at least two hours.
  • At the end of the procedure, a mandatory hospitalization for 48 hours follows, so that the surgeon can constantly examine the person's nose.
  • Surgery can be either internal or external. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's face.
  • After rhinoplasty, full recovery occurs in about 10-14 days.

Types of surgery

  • Natural - when at the end of the procedure there are no scars in the nose area.
  • By making an external incision.
  • With complex deformities, work is performed with the anterior part of the nasal septum.

Nose correction is not as simple an operation as it might seem. It requires serious experience and certain skills of the surgeon. The procedure itself involves the separation from the cartilaginous support of the skin of the nose and its mucous membrane. Due to the fact that the skin is very elastic, it then easily lays back.

The main stages of the operation

When the patient is already lying on the operating table, the surgeon begins to determine the places where he will make an incision, then carefully draws the markup.

Changes in the shape of the nose takes place in three main stages:

  • First comes the detachment of the very tip of the nose. To do this, a small incision is made in the inside of the nostrils, the surgeon removes everything superfluous from the cartilage. This will lead to the fact that at the end of the procedure the tip becomes more straight. If the septum itself is curved, then it can also be corrected at this stage.
  • At the second stage, the hump is eliminated. To perform a resection, the surgeon breaks the bone part, then gently pulls it out. In order to give the nose a perfect look, a file is used. The bones of the nose are incredibly mobile, which allows the doctor to make the patient any shape of this part of the face that he wishes.
  • After the correction of the nose has come to an end, all incisions must be sewn up with special threads. These threads dissolve on their own over time, and there is no need to remove the stitches. A gypsum plate must be placed on the nose so that it returns to normal faster.

Modern rhinoplasty is an amazing opportunity for everyone to not only make the desired shape of the nose, but even transplant the cartilage itself.

The consequences of the operation

It should be understood that any surgical intervention takes time for the body to recover later. After surgery to change the shape of a person's nose, the following are observed:

  • Hematomas and swelling in the nose.
  • Temporary loss of sensation.
  • The need for at least 10-14 days (depending on individual characteristics) to wear a splint.
  • Difficulty with nasal breathing.

After a few days, it will be possible to change the position of the implant and start rinsing the nose. Do this several times a day to make breathing easier.

When will the result

If you decide on a procedure such as rhinoplasty, then prepare yourself in advance for the fact that the final result will be visible at least 6-7 months later.

How changes happen:

  • In the early days, it will be difficult for you to breathe because swelling will appear in the nose area.
  • After ten days, the splint is removed, by this time the sutures usually resolve.
  • A month later, swelling subsides, but the shape of the nose is not yet visible.
  • After 3-4 months, you will already approximately see what your nose will look like, sensitivity is fully restored.
  • A year later, the patient must return to the surgeon for examination. This is necessary in order to evaluate the aesthetic result of the procedure. In some cases, it becomes necessary to perform a second rhinoplasty, the consequences of which pass much faster.

Nose correction with injections

Some girls are afraid of surgery, so they are looking for alternative methods by which they can change the shape of their nose. One of these methods is injection rhinoplasty. This procedure involves the introduction of special preparations into the nasal region that contribute to correction.

The operation takes only 15 minutes. During this time, the surgeon can align the contour of the shape of the human nose, completely remove the hump.

The main advantages of injection rhinoplasty:

  • Minimal chance of complications after the procedure
  • There is no recovery period, as is the case with plastic surgery

What you need to know:

  • You need to understand that the effect after the injection does not last for life, it's all just a temporary correction. Moreover, before the procedure, you need to pass all the necessary tests to determine if you are allergic to some components.
  • It is also important that injection rhinoplasty can only help you get rid of some irregularities in the shape of the nose, but it cannot radically change it.
  • Do not inject if you plan to correct your nose with surgery in the future.

Gymnastics for the nose at home

If you want to slightly lift the wings of the nose or its tip, then it is not necessary to go to the clinic and pay big money for the operation. Carol Maggio is the author of a set of exercises that are designed to slightly correct your nose at home.

Technique and basic rules:

  • You can do exercises anywhere and anytime. Even if you are just walking down the street.
  • Press the tip of your nose with your index finger so that it rises slightly.
  • Now, with all your might, try to lower your nostrils, while the upper lip should be stretched along. It turns out that the tip of the nose will provide strong resistance to your finger. Hold in this position for 10-15 seconds.
  • Relax your lips and restore the rhythm of breathing.
  • The exercise should be repeated as often as possible. The minimum number is 35 cycles. And if you want to achieve results even faster, then practice three times a day.

Now you know how to change the shape of the nose, what methods exist for this. If you just want to correct it a little, then home gymnastics or an injection will be enough. But if there is a congenital anomaly or a defect acquired as a result of an injury, then only surgical intervention (rhinoplasty) will help achieve the desired shape of the nose. The operation is not cheap, but, as they say, beauty requires sacrifice.

The shape and size of the nose determine the character, age and habits of a person. But does the nose change with age? Comparing photographs of a person in his youth and in old age, differences in the size of the nose are easily visible.

Why does the nose change with age?

In order to understand why the size of the nose changes with age, let's look at the structure of the nose.

How the face changes with age photo

The external nose (visible part) consists of bones, cartilage and skin. The external nose is based on the frontal process of the maxilla, the lateral cartilage and the greater pterygoid cartilage. The muscles that cover the osteocartilaginous framework of the nose compress the nasal openings. The skin of the nose is thick due to the concentration of the sebaceous glands and inactivity.

With age, the muscles and skin of the nose lose their tone, involutional ptosis (omission) occurs, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin increases. As a protruding part of the body, the nose descends over time under the force of gravity. In women, the function of the gonads fades, which provokes the development of masculine facial features.

Attention! Anti-aging rhinoplasty is used to stop premature aging of the face and nose.

In the process of aging, not only the nose changes, but also the face. The nasolabial folds increase, the skin sags. These changes "exacerbate" the size of the nose, making it appear larger. With age, asymmetry in the structure of the nose also appears.

Anti-aging rhinoplasty will help delay the aging of the face and nose

During the operation, the plastic surgeon corrects the tip of the nose, removes excess tissue. , the nose becomes again as in youth.

Ecology, improper skin care or complete absence, lifestyle, nutrition contribute to the early manifestation of the aging process. There are no other recognized methods for correcting the shape and size of the nose, except for plastic surgery. For those who are attentive to their appearance, nose tip correction and rejuvenating plastic surgery are a 100% solution in the fight against age-related changes in the nose.

How appearance changes with age

Let's try to figure out how to identify diseases by a person's nose. The nose, as an anatomical formation, is divided into the external nose and the nasal cavity. The external nose is formed by cartilage, bones and muscles and is covered with skin. It has the shape of a pyramid, in which the wings of the nose, apex, back and root are distinguished. The wings of the nose form the nostrils leading into the nasal cavity. From bottom to top, the tip of the nose (tip of the nose) passes into the back, formed by the fusion of the side walls of the nose, and ends with the root of the nose, which is fenced off from the forehead by the bridge of the nose.

The external nose (its size and shape) gives the face a unique personality. In the nasal cavity, the vestibule of the nose, covered with skin from the inside, and the nasal cavity itself, lined with mucous membranes, are distinguished. The skin of the vestibule contains hairs, sweat and sebaceous glands. The nasal cavity is divided by a septum into two halves (right and left), on the side walls of which there are three nasal conchas (upper, middle and lower), which increase the total surface of the nasal cavity. The nasal septum is divided into bony and cartilaginous parts.

How to identify diseases by a person's nose. Between the nasal septum and the inner surfaces of the nasal conchas there is a narrow common nasal passage, and the nasal passages located under the conchas are called according to their position (lower, middle and upper). The mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity from the inside, covered with ciliated epithelium, contains

many glands that secrete mucus and blood vessels perform respiratory and olfactory functions. This structure allows for the most normal breathing, purification, moisturizing and warming of the inhaled air. In the olfactory part there are various nerve cells (receptors) that transmit information about perceived odors to the brain (the smell of food, air impurities, etc.).

In response to irritation of the mucous membrane, sneezing and lacrimation occur, which ensures the removal of irritants from the nasal cavity. Paranasal (paranasal) air-bearing sinuses border the nasal cavity: maxillary (maxillary), frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid (sinuses are located in the bones of the skull of the same name) are covered with a mucous membrane and are connected by openings (excretory ducts) with the nasal cavities. The maxillary sinuses are located in the body of the upper jaw and can communicate with the oral cavity, therefore, in the presence of an inflammatory process in the oral cavity, inflammation may pass into the sinus (odontogenic sinusitis).

The structure of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses contributes to the formation of a certain timbre of the voice, gives the voice a color, enhances the tones of the voice of various frequencies. Deformity or inflammatory diseases of the nose and sinuses lead to a change in timbre, "nasal" or "dullness" of the voice. With recurrent polychondritis, the cartilages of the back of the nose and the nasal septum are also affected. As a result, the shape of the nose changes, up to the formation of a "saddle" nose.

The destruction of the cartilage of the nose can be the result of injuries, operations, tuberculosis, leprosy, syphilis, and a tumor process. The mucous membrane of the nose is rich in blood vessels, so nosebleeds are very common. The cause may be traumatic injuries, diseases of the blood, blood vessels, increased blood pressure (hypertension), vitamin C deficiency, etc.

The most common disease of the nose is a runny nose (rhinitis). With a runny nose, nasal breathing is disturbed, the sense of smell decreases, and the voice becomes nasal. Among the first symptoms of a runny nose is dryness in the nose, burning sensation, tickling, sneezing. Then there is an abundant discharge of a clear liquid, which irritates the skin around the nose, it becomes red, swollen. A runny nose is accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition of the body, fever, headache, etc. The duration of the disease is from 4 to 7 days.

Chronic rhinitis is characterized by constant nasal congestion, decreased sense of smell, and the appearance of symptoms of the disease during hypothermia. Allergic rhinitis occurs when an allergen (a substance to which there is an increased sensitivity of the body) gets on the mucous membrane, which causes its irritation. There is a runny nose, lacrimation, etc. When contact with the allergen is stopped, the disease quickly passes.

A runny nose can be a symptom of infectious diseases such as scarlet fever, measles, whooping cough. For the correct diagnosis, the whole set of symptoms characteristic of a particular disease is used. Nasal diphtheria is a dangerous infectious disease caused by a diphtheria bacillus (Leffler's wand). It is now rare, as all children and adults undergo phased immunization (prophylactic vaccinations) against diphtheria. Nasal diphtheria is one of the forms of diphtheria, which is manifested by the formation of gray-yellow films on the nasal mucosa.

The films are very difficult to remove, bleeding is possible when the films are rejected. There is a disease with severe intoxication (high body temperature, headaches and muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, etc.). Launched, untreated cases lead to death. To diagnose the disease, a swab is taken from the nose and throat for diphtheria and the bacteriological method (inoculation on nutrient media) determines the presence of diphtheria bacillus.

Attention! Diphtheria is transmitted by airborne droplets. Therefore, patients are extremely dangerous to others and should be isolated. In the room where there was a patient with diphtheria, a thorough disinfection is carried out. All people who have been in contact with a patient with diphtheria should be observed by a doctor for 1-2 months and undergo mandatory vaccination.

The sense of smell plays a big role in human life. A person needs to be able to feel the presence of harmful impurities in the air, the good quality of products. This or that smell can help a person navigate in space, experience pleasure, change the general state.

Olfactory disorders occur in inflammatory diseases of the nose, accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane, when it is almost impossible to breathe through the nose, congenital anomalies in the development of nasal cartilage, curvature of the nasal septum by nasal polyps. Depending on the extent of the lesion, the impairment of smell may be reduced (hypoosmia) or completely absent (anosmia).

The indication for rhinoplasty, or surgical reshaping of the nose, is the desire of the patient. However, there are absolute indications for such operations. These are congenital and acquired deformities. Congenital deformities that also affect the condition of the nose include pathologies such as cleft lip or cleft palate. Acquired deformities or defects are mainly the result of trauma.


  • These are chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, heart disease, liver disease, bronchial asthma and drug allergies. In these cases, a person is offered to treat the underlying disease, and then proceed to rhinoplasty.
  • In addition, an absolute contraindication is the mental instability of the patient, mental illness.

The optimal age for such an operation is from 18 to 40 years. However, the lower age threshold can be shifted slightly. For example, in cases where the girl has formed and it is obvious to the doctor that there will be no serious changes in the face, rhinoplasty can be allowed. Usually, requests to have surgery before the age of 18 are associated with a change in the patient's personal life (marriage, admission to a university) and are taken into account by doctors.

After 40 years, doctors almost never agree to rhinoplasty. The fact is that at this age the withering of the skin already begins, its elasticity decreases, metabolic processes are disturbed. This can result in postoperative deformities - rhinoplasty is based on a change in the bones of the nose, on a new basis the skin should “sit down” (surgeons call this process retraction). If the elasticity of the skin is broken, then after the operation the nose will look unnatural, deformations and additional wrinkles may appear. In addition, at this age, the rehabilitation period lasts much longer.

With a standard operation, complete rehabilitation and healing of internal tissues occurs no earlier than after 3-4 months. However, already two weeks after the operation, the nose and face have the shape that will be preserved in the future.

Side effects

Rhinoplasty is a very serious operation, for plastic surgeons it is the highest level of aerobatics. In general, there are about 300 plastic surgeons in Moscow, and only 20-30 can perform such a delicate operation fully and without unwanted complications.

The rarest forms of complications after rhinoplasty can be suppuration, up to sepsis, severe bleeding and even death.

Main side effects:

  • Unfavorable shape of the nose for the patient.
  • Deterioration of breathing.
  • Spikes.
  • Deviations of the nasal septum.
  • Loss of smell.

According to statistics, 25-29% of noses are redone. The main reason for repeated visits is that the patient is not satisfied with the shape of the nose. However, there are also curious cases when the patient demands the elimination of the most insignificant, imperceptible or invented by him changes and defects.

Virtually no one who has undergone rhinoplasty seeks to restore the previous shape of the nose, even if the result was not as impressive as expected. Although restoring the original shape of the nose is a feasible task. However, this comes with many difficulties. Usually, rhinoplasty is performed to reduce the nose, and for reconstructive surgery, it is necessary either to take bone and cartilage material from the patient himself or to replace it with an artificial one.

How to see what the new nose will be like?

Rhinoplasty as such originated just over 100 years ago, when the German surgeon Josef developed a method that is still partly used today. Then the patients were shown what their face would be like after the operation in the drawings. Later they began to make plaster models. Now there is the possibility of computer modeling of the face, in which the patient can examine his new face with an accuracy of up to a millimeter.

What are noses made of?

The surgeon creates a new shape of the nose with the help of the bones and cartilage of the patient himself, as well as with the help of artificial materials, mainly silicone.

After operation

After the operation, patients are shown physiotherapy, massage, taking antibiotics under the supervision of a doctor, immunostimulants, and vitamins. With the exact implementation of such medical prescriptions, the likelihood of rejection is sharply reduced. However, rejections, although rare, are still possible.

The patient must remember that he will have to take care all his life not to injure the new nose, to prevent the development of sinusitis, infections in the nasopharynx, because the nasal bone, even after the most successful operation, will still not be “full”.

Nose fashion

According to surgeons, there is a fashion for noses, like everything else. Nowadays, the so-called "European noses" have become fashionable, that is, short straight noses without a hump, slightly upturned with narrow wings and a thin nose bridge.

Previously, the “Caucasian nose” was considered fashionable and more interesting - thin, narrow, with a small hump. Unfortunately, now even the owners of "classic" noses are trying to remake them.

The nose will change, but will the face change?

In recent years, doctors themselves look at rhinoplasty with a different look, they approach this operation in a complex manner. After all, beauty is not only a beautiful shape of the nose or an oval face, but the harmony of the face as a whole. Very often, in order to achieve this harmony, it is necessary, for example, to slightly push the chin, remove bags under the eyes, enlarge the lips or change their shape, raise the eyebrows. And if the patient is aged, then the surgeon performing rhinoplasty can slightly tighten wrinkles, perform neck liposuction. In addition, along with rhinoplasty, protruding ears are sometimes eliminated.

Change your nose, change your life

Almost always, after a successful operation to change the shape of the nose, patients' lives change qualitatively. A new attractive appearance changes a person's attitude towards himself, his psychology. Some patients before the operation are so obsessed with their shortcomings that it prevents them from studying, pursuing a career, and creating families. Often, patients, along with the shape of the nose, change jobs, partners, etc.

Nasal craftsmen

Rhinoplasty is a piece work, surgeons who successfully practice in this field are known by name. Making a nose at Pavlichenko, Wulf, Rusakov, Tapia, Nerobeev, Osipov means getting a kind of quality certificate.

On average, rhinoplasty surgery costs from 800 to 2 thousand dollars.

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