Diet of Lyudmila Gurchenko: the secret of a slender waist. Lyudmila Gurchenko: the secrets of harmony and beauty Lyudmila Gurchenko has a pear figure type

The legendary theater and film actress, as well as singer Lyudmila Gurchenko, during her lifetime always had a slender figure, which she managed to maintain thanks to her diet.

Now her nutrition method is of interest to many women, because everyone wants to have a thin waist, like a singer.

Lyudmila Gurchenko: height, weight and figure parameters ^

Lyudmila Gurchenko was born on November 12, 1935 in Kharkov, Ukraine. According to the actress, she never adhered to special diets, but simply maintained proper nutrition. She could not do without this, because as soon as the actress broke loose, the extra pounds immediately appeared. She struggled with weight quite actively, and once developed her own nutrition system, which she later used for the rest of her life. (passed away March 30, 2011).

The essence of the strict diet of Lyudmila Gurchenko is that her diet contains all the products that contain the vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for the body, but at the same time she manages to consume up to 1500-1800 Kcal on her all day.

Lyudmila Gurchenko and her diet

Throughout her life, the eminent actress starred in a large number of films, so she had to constantly monitor her figure. Basically, she adhered to proper nutrition, but if during the next breakdown she gained excess weight, she used a strict weight loss technique.

From her very youth, the height and weight of Lyudmila Gurchenko did not exceed 173 cm and 60 kg, and she managed to maintain such parameters not only thanks to natural data, but also with the help of a diet that many women are now interested in.

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Secrets of youth and beauty of Lyudmila Gurchenko

  • At a young age, she carefully looked after herself, using creams and other cosmetics available at that time. After 50 years, she resorted to the help of plastic surgery, having a facelift, and also visited the salon for rejuvenation with selenium;

  • In addition to standard plastic surgeries, Lyudmila did blepharoplasty and a circular facelift, thanks to which she became one of the stars who made a record number of anti-aging procedures;
  • To maintain a slender figure, the actress ate right, and only occasionally allowed herself indulgences in the form of chocolate or buns;
  • During the diet, Lyudmila Markovna completely refused any high-calorie food and ate only foods containing a minimum amount of calories;

Lyudmila Gurchenko: height 173 cm, weight 60 kg

  • Despite the fact that the actress did not go to the gym, she tried to do sports on her own in her free time, which she did not have so much: frequent shooting and participation in many programs did their job, and sometimes she didn’t even have time to even have a bite to eat;
  • Usually the actress allowed herself to eat almost anything, but in small portions.

Similar recipes for harmony from Lyudmila Gurchenko are also relevant for other women, because it was thanks to them that the actress, even in old age, remained in great shape.

Gurchenko's unique diet: menus and recipes ^

Beauty secrets of the unfading Lyudmila Gurchenko: photo

Weight loss rules from Lyudmila Gurchenko

  • To reduce weight, you must completely forbid yourself to eat any sweets, smoked meats, starchy foods, marinades and fried foods;
  • You need to eat in small portions of 150-200 g;
  • Your diet should be made up of vegetables, fruits, seafood, low-fat varieties of fish and meat, low-fat sour-milk drinks, cottage cheese, cereals, and only occasionally allow yourself to eat a pie, jam or chocolate.

Parameters of the figure of Lyudmila Gurchenko: 88-56-96 (chest-waist-hips)

Lyudmila Gurchenko's secret diet: menu

You can plan your own menu based on the approximate diet of the actress for the day:

  • We have breakfast with porridge cooked in milk;
  • We have lunch with a bowl of vegetable soup, a piece of boiled meat and 200 g of a light vegetable salad;
  • For an afternoon snack we eat a pack of cottage cheese with jam;
  • We have stewed vegetables for dinner.

Recipes by Lyudmila Gurchenko

Steamed Vegetables Recipe:

  • We spread chopped onions on a saucepan poured with vegetable oil, fry it and throw grated carrots there;
  • Finely chop the cabbage, place it with the rest of the vegetables and stew in its own juice;
  • Finely cut the peeled celery stalks, put them in a saucepan and simmer for another 20 minutes;
  • 5 minutes before cooking, add spices and tomato sauce.

Vegetable salad recipe:

  • Grind the radish into semicircles, cut the cucumber, tomato and boiled chicken fillet;
  • We mix everything, sprinkle with herbs and season with low-fat sour cream or kefir.

Fruit salad recipe for breakfast:

  • We cut banana, kiwi and pineapple pulp;
  • After mixing, pour over everything with fat-free unsweetened yogurt.

Diet of Lyudmila Gurchenko: the opinion of nutritionists ^

If we consider in detail the diet of the actress, then we can understand that it is filled only with healthy low-calorie foods, which means that such a diet is absolutely harmless. Nutritionists share the same opinion, but before using this method of losing weight, it is still recommended to consult a doctor if there are chronic diseases.

Feedback from our readers

Tatyana, 27 years old:

“I liked this diet: it is very easy to maintain it, you don’t feel hunger at all even during the transition from a regular diet to a low-calorie one. Personally, it seems to me that this technique is suitable for everyone, because the weight is reduced slowly - in a month I threw off only 5.5 kg, but this is even good, because such a sharp weight loss is fraught with negative health consequences "

Irina, 34 years old:

“At first it was difficult for me to maintain such a diet, but after a week I got used to the new diet, and hunger stopped bothering me. Now I weigh 55 kg, but more recently my weight was 62 kg.

Veronica, 48 years old:

“I have been using the Gurchenko diet for only a week, but I have already felt its effectiveness: in such a short time I have lost 4 kg, but I will try to lose at least as much weight.”

Eastern horoscope for May 2019

Close actresses admitted that Lyudmila Markovna adhered to proper nutrition all her life. This allowed her not to gain weight, which means that there was no need for drastic measures to get rid of extra pounds. The principles of nutrition that helped Gurchenko stay slender can be safely adhered to all his life. Such a diet will not only not harm your health, but will also allow you to maintain youth and beauty for many years.

So, the main principles of the diet of Lyudmila Gurchenko

    The right combination of products. During each meal, dishes should be selected in such a way that the products are combined with each other and easily digested, and the body receives as many vitamins and microelements as possible.

    Fractional nutrition. You need to eat 5 times a day in small portions and at a strictly defined time, so as not to overload the stomach.

    Avoid harmful foods. Do not eat white sugar, high-calorie sauces (mainly based on mayonnaise and sour cream), spicy seasonings, limit animal fats and salt intake.

    Delicious menu. You need to eat varied and eat what you like - within reasonable limits, of course. Otherwise, the mood will be bad, and energy will only be a dream.

    Cooking rules. Products can be steamed, boiled or stewed, and it is recommended to refuse fried foods.

    No alcohol. Any alcoholic beverages will have to be abandoned. There are no exceptions!

An exemplary menu based on the principles of nutrition of Lyudmila Gurchenko


    Porridge cooked with milk or water. Any fruit.

    Omelet made with 2 medium eggs and low fat milk, minimum salt. Without oil!

    Fruit salad + natural sugar free yogurt

    200 g cottage cheese (fat content not higher than 5%). You can fill it with a tablespoon of honey, jam or confiture.


    handful of nuts

    handful of dried fruits

    one fruit

    natural yogurt

  1. Vegetable soup with low-fat chicken broth
  2. 100 g meat or fish
  3. 100 g potatoes, pasta or any cereal
  4. Vegetable salad
afternoon tea
  1. Low-fat yogurt, 3 dark chocolate cloves
  2. 100 apple or cabbage pie
  3. Any fruit
  4. 100 g fresh vegetables + 30 g cheese
Dinner 200 g of any vegetables - stewed, baked or steamed

The incomparable Lyudmila Markovna forever entered the history of Soviet cinema - from the time of "Carnival Night" to films shot at the beginning of the 21st century, she invariably fascinated the audience with both talented acting and beauty. It was rumored that her waist could be clasped with the fingers of one hand. Her slenderness and grace remain the reference to this day. The actress owes her magnificent figure, which Lyudmila Gurchenko kept even at a venerable age, to a special nutrition system.

Basic principles of nutrition

The diet used by the actress does not imply radical restrictions, especially starvation. This is not surprising: Lyudmila Markovna's childhood fell on the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War, and she perfectly understood that there was nothing good in hunger, it did not bring any benefit. She managed to build a balanced diet that includes all categories of products:

  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • berries;
  • dairy;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • cereals.

Unlike many other weight loss systems, you do not need to abandon most categories of products, but useful ones are selected from each category and harmful ones are excluded. As a result, the body does not experience stress, fully providing itself with proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins.

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The diet that provided the ideal parameters for the figure of Lyudmila Gurchenko is not a “one-time action” that allows you to urgently lose a few kilograms, but a part of the lifestyle that requires you to constantly keep yourself in shape. As the actress said, “a woman is not an accordion, she cannot constantly stretch and shrink.” Any food should be eaten in moderation, divided into 4-5 meals a day. Food rich in carbohydrates should prevail in the first half of the day, and protein in the second.

What can you eat?

  • swede;
  • red and cauliflower, as well as broccoli;
  • carrot;
  • fresh cucumbers;
  • boiled beets;
  • zucchini;
  • tomatoes;
  • asparagus;
  • salad;
  • onion;
  • parsley;
  • apples;
  • peaches;
  • pears;
  • oranges and lemons;
  • avocado;
  • berries (grapes, strawberries, raspberries).

An important part of the menu is cereals on the water - buckwheat, oatmeal, as well as boiled rice. Kefir, curdled milk, cottage cheese and yogurt should be chosen with a minimum percentage of fat content. From cheeses, Adyghe is recommended, from meat products - veal, beef and chicken breast, steamed or boiled, from fish - mackerel, trout. Mushrooms are useful - mushrooms, chanterelles and porcini. You can eat black bread.

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The number of allowed products even includes some sweets:

  • acacia and flower honey (it replaces sugar);
  • blueberry, sea buckthorn and lingonberry jam.

Once a day, you can eat candy or a little chocolate, but only bitter. Sweets and chocolates eaten on an empty stomach in the morning are even useful for losing weight: by reducing your appetite, they will not allow you to overeat during the day.

What can't be eaten?

  • flour products (except black bread);
  • pancakes, pancakes, dumplings;
  • sausage, sausages, sausages;
  • confectionery (except dark chocolate and chocolates);
  • spicy seasonings and sauces;
  • cream and condensed milk;
  • beef brisket;
  • butter and other animal fats.

You should refuse sugar and salt, as well as any fried, canned, salted, smoked and pickled foods, whether it be pickles, pickled seafood, fried zucchini, eggplant caviar or hot smoked fish.

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The inclusion of certain products in the category of harmful in this food system does not mean that you need to forbid yourself from looking at marshmallows or wheat bread once and for all. According to people who knew Lyudmila Gurchenko, she loved both rich Ukrainian borscht and fried cutlets, but she used all the forbidden foods occasionally (no more than once a week) and little by little (one cutlet, one pancake).

Menu examples for the day

The daily diet while following the Gurchenko diet may look, for example, like this:

  • oatmeal on the water with one teaspoon of honey and coffee or tea without sugar for breakfast;
  • vegetable soup with one slice of black bread, 100 g of chicken with buckwheat, salad with sunflower or olive oil for lunch;
  • steamed or steamed vegetables for dinner.

Between meals you can have a snack:

  • fruits;
  • fat-free cottage cheese;
  • a little dark chocolate.

Eat an apple or drink a glass of low-fat yogurt before bed. The menu should be varied daily, avoiding monotony. For example, on the second day, porridge for breakfast can be replaced with an omelet, chicken and buckwheat for lunch - with fish and boiled potatoes.

The balanced diet of Lyudmila Gurchenko fully complies with the norms of a healthy diet. It not only allows you to keep fit, but also prevents the development of diabetes. It can be recommended as a preventive measure to people who had this disease in their family.

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The figure of the wonderful actress Lyudmila Gurchenko was considered (and is still considered!) A standard. To gain the desired harmony, every woman would like to know the secrets of the Gurchenko diet. Few were aware that the diet of Lyudmila Gurchenko, in the generally accepted sense of the word, did not exist. Nevertheless, the Russian film star delighted everyone with her fragility, youthfulness to old age, while remaining energetic and cheerful.

Even very young women are faced with the problem of excess weight and an increase in the volume of the figure. In order not to gain weight, the fair sex torture themselves with strict diets, work out for hours on simulators and test various creams and body wraps for weight loss on their bodies. Having hardly dropped a few kilograms, after some time, they notice that the arrow on the scales has again moved beyond the critical figure. That is why the beautiful figure of Lyudmila Gurchenko with the parameters: chest - 88 cm, waist - 56 cm, hips - 96 cm (with a height of 173 cm), is considered by many to be ideal for themselves.

Lyudmila Markovna did not hide the fact that in many respects the sophistication of her figure is due to genetic characteristics. And in fact, the parents and close relatives of the actress were not full people. At the same time, many examples can be given when a girl has magnificent forms, despite the fact that her parents are rather thin. So it's not just a matter of inherited good metabolism, although this factor should not be completely discounted either. According to Lyudmila Gurchenko, diet should consist in the consumption of low-calorie foods and the constant observance of nutritional standards. The actress under no circumstances allowed herself to overeat, because it is precisely such periodic breakdowns that cause the deposition of extra pounds and the formation of a fatty layer. Gurchenko has always emphasized that a person needs less food than he usually eats, and mouth-watering dishes provoke overeating.

In order to prevent a mental breakdown, nutritionists consider it acceptable to have a day about once a month when you can eat whatever you want. It is better to time such a “unloading” day for receiving or visiting guests, going to a restaurant or going out into nature, then in the presence of others a person will not feel discomfort.

With all that, Lyudmila Gurchenko always ate five times a day: in addition to the usual breakfast, lunch, dinner, she allowed herself an afternoon snack and a snack before bedtime. The diet of the actress included a variety of foods, but at the same time, the amount of food eaten was small, the fat content was minimal, from sweets she allowed only fruits and a little honey or jam. In addition, she considered the method of cooking important, in her opinion, those who do not want to gain weight should eat stewed, boiled and steamed dishes, and not salted, and eating fried food is harmful not only for the figure, but also for health. The diva had a purely negative attitude towards alcohol, believing that even with life's failures, one cannot afford to “flood” problems.

The daily diet of the actress was as follows:

For breakfast, Gurchenko ate her favorite two-egg omelette, or porridge with milk half diluted with water; or a little fat-free cottage cheese with jam, or fruit salad. The breakfast was completed by coffee, tea without sugar and milk;

Lunch consisted of a salad of fresh vegetables seasoned with vegetable oil; soup, a slice of boiled lean meat (usually poultry) or fish, a spoonful of garnish and wholemeal toast;

In the afternoon she liked to eat some kind of fruit or allowed herself a few slices of dark chocolate with unsweetened tea;

For dinner, I cooked vegetable stew or vegetable salad with vegetable oil;

Before going to bed, I drank low-fat yogurt, kefir, or ate an apple.

After the triumph of Carnival Night, Gurchenko had to go through a difficult life period. For several years, the actress was not even invited to play episodic roles in films. But Lyudmila Gurchenko did not allow herself to become depressed, flabby from overeating and alcohol. She kept herself in shape, went to the Bolshoi Theater, attended jazz concerts.

The way Lyudmila Gurchenko organized her nutrition is an example of how you can keep yourself in excellent physical shape without tormenting your body with hunger, eating, though without frills, but quite varied, without excluding your favorite foods from the diet. Following the principles of nutrition proposed by her, you can maintain a slender figure even in old age.

Lyudmila Gurchenko became the favorite of viewers not only because of her acting and singing talent. The country admired her sophisticated appearance, in particular - a wasp waist with a volume of only 56 centimeters. Even in adulthood, the artist retained model parameters. At 75, she weighed 58 kilograms with a height of 173 centimeters. Agree - even young girls will envy these figures!

How did Gurchenko achieve such a result? It's all about the extraordinary character of Lyudmila. The artist has always strived for the ideal, set high demands on herself and others. She did not leave the house without her hair and kept a regal posture even in the presence of one person. It is not surprising that Gurchenko followed her diet. All her life, the actress adhered to a simple diet that did not allow her to gain weight.

Thanks to her enormous willpower, Lyudmila Markovna has always been slim

Nutrition rules of Lyudmila Gurchenko

The actress was famous for her frank statements, including about her appearance. As a child, Gurchenko survived the occupation of her native Kharkov. To earn money for food, the talented girl had to perform in front of the Germans. After that, Lyudmila never starved and did not sit on strict diets. She compiled for herself a menu of light and wholesome food, which she followed until the last years of her life.

Gurchenko adhered to the well-known rules of healthy eating. She ate four or five small meals a day at fixed times. In the first half of the day I ate carbohydrate food, after lunch - protein. She refused high-calorie foods, salt and hot spices, replaced sugar with honey. She preferred boiled, stewed or steamed dishes, avoided fried foods and alcohol.

Sometimes Gurchenko pampered herself with goodies. According to her dresser, the artist snacked on pastries with butter and added condensed milk to her coffee. Ludmila's special passion was Ukrainian dishes - rich borscht and fried cutlets. No cheating - the celebrity ate junk food, but "a little bit." Gurchenko joked that you can eat everything, only one thing at a time: one cutlet, one spoonful of pasta, and so on.

Gurchenko did not attend gyms, and at the same time she had a waist of 56 cm!

As a child, Lyudmila's mother gave her daughter advice that sweet teeth will appreciate. In the morning on an empty stomach, you need to eat a chocolate candy. Sweet will suppress your appetite, and during the day you will not overeat. However, gastroenterologists consider this habit harmful. In their opinion, sugar only increases the feeling of hunger. If chocolate in the morning helped Gurchenko keep weight, then this is the result of self-hypnosis. The actress was not without reason famous for her iron will.

Daily diet of Lyudmila Gurchenko

  1. Breakfast (optional): oatmeal without milk, fat-free cottage cheese with a spoonful of honey or jam, scrambled eggs, and coffee or tea without sugar .
  2. Dinner: low-fat vegetable soup and a slice of dark bread, 100 g boiled chicken or fish with buckwheat or potatoes, salad with low-calorie dressing .
  3. Snacks: low-fat cottage cheese, fruit salad, a few cubes of dark chocolate, unsweetened bun .
  4. Dinner: stewed or steamed vegetables.
  5. Before bedtime: green apple, 200 ml fat-free kefir or yogurt.

Gurchenko's secret is not a special diet, but proper nutrition

The main rule is to adjust the menu every day and add new products with an equivalent composition. Otherwise, the body will get tired of the monotony, and the state of health will worsen.

A simple nutrition system helped Gurchenko maintain Thumbelina's parameters without harming the body. Unlike modern stars, Lyudmila was not a regular at the gym. She maintained a slender figure only through nutrition and active work: the star did not abandon acting even in old age. The impeccable appearance and strong character of Gurchenko cannot but inspire!

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