Osho quotes and sayings are your daily companion on the path to meditation. Osho is about love. Osho: quotes about the love of a man and a woman, about self-love

1. People take everything so seriously that it becomes a burden on them. Learn to laugh more. To me, laughter is as sacred as prayer.

2. Every action leads to an immediate result. Just be alert and watch. A mature person is one who has observed himself and found what is right and wrong for him; what is good and what is bad.

And thanks to the fact that he found it himself, he has great authority: even if the whole world says something different, nothing will change for him. He has his own experience to draw on, and that's enough.

3. We are all unique. Never ask anyone what is right and what is wrong. Life is an experiment in which you should find out what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes, maybe you will do wrong, but this will give the appropriate experience, from which you will immediately benefit.

4. There are times when God comes and knocks on your door. This is love - God knocking at your door. Through a woman, through a man, through a child, through love, through a flower, through sunset or dawn… God can knock in a million different ways.

5. The desire to be unusual is a very common desire.
Relaxing and being ordinary is truly extraordinary.

6. Life is a mystery. It cannot be predicted. But there are many people who would like to live a predictable life, because then there would be no fear. Everything would be determined, there would be no doubt about anything.

But will there then be room for growth? If there is no risk, how can you grow? If there is no danger, how can you strengthen your consciousness? If there is no possibility that you will deviate, how can you walk on the right path? If there is no alternative to the devil, will there be a possibility of reaching God?

7. Become alone first. First, start enjoying yourself. First become so genuinely happy that it doesn't matter if no one comes to you; you are full, overflowing. If no one knocks at your door, then everything is all right anyway - you are not missing anything. You don't wait for someone to come and knock on your door.

You are at home. If someone comes to you, fine, fine. If no one comes, that's fine and fine too. Then you can go into relationships with others. Now you can do it like a master and not like a slave, like an emperor and not like a beggar.

8. If you are rich, don't think about it; if you are poor, don't take your poverty seriously. If you are able to live in the world, remembering that the world is only a performance, you will be free, you will not be touched by suffering. Suffering is the result of taking life seriously; bliss is the result of the game. Take life as a game, enjoy it.

9. Courage is the movement into the unknown, regardless of all fears. Courage is not fearlessness. Fearlessness happens when you get bolder and bolder. This is the highest experience of courage - Fearlessness; courage that has become absolute. But at the very beginning, the difference between a coward and a daredevil is not so great.

The only difference is that a coward listens to his fears and follows them, while a daredevil leaves them aside and moves on. The daredevil goes into the unknown in spite of all fears.

10. You change every moment. You are a river. Today it flows in one direction and climate. Tomorrow is different. I have never seen the same face twice. It is changing. It is constantly changing. But one must have keen eyes to see it. Otherwise the dust falls and everything becomes old; it seems that everything has already happened.

Decides the relationship. Listen more consciously. Wake yourself up. When you feel tired, give yourself a good kick. Yourself, not another - kick. Open your eyes. Wake up. Listen again.

We have collected for you 25 wise quotes from the Indian spiritual leader and mystic Osho (full name Chandra Mohan Rajneesh). Osho's teachings are several spiritual currents merged together, for example, such as Christianity, Sufism, Hasidism, Taoism, Zen and Tantrism.

1. Love has nothing to do with relationships, love is a state.

2. Love is not something that can be limited. You can hold it in your open hands, but not in your fist. The moment your fingers are clenched into a fist, they are empty. The moment your hands are open, the whole existence is available to you.

3. What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? After all, in the end, it only matters whether you are a happy person or not.

4. The child comes clean, nothing is written on it; there is no indication of who he should be - all dimensions are open to him. And the first thing to understand is that a child is not a thing, a child is a being.

5. A man suffers from a big inferiority complex because he cannot give birth to a child. This is one of the deepest unconscious inferiorities in a man. He knows that a woman is superior, because there can be nothing higher in life than the birth of life.

6. If you are brave, listen to your heart. If you are a coward, listen to your head. But there is no heaven for cowards.

7. Love is food for the soul. Love is to the soul what food is to the body. Without food, the body is weak; without love, the soul is weak.

9. To love is to share; to be greedy is to accumulate. Greed only wants and never gives, while love only knows how to give and asks nothing in return; She shares without conditions.

10. Love is not a quantity, it is a quality, and a quality of a special category that grows through bestowal and dies if you keep it. If you skimp on love, it dies.

11. Love knows no boundaries. Love cannot be jealous because love cannot possess. You own someone - that means you killed someone and turned it into property.

12. If love is understood as a meeting of two souls - not just a sexual, biological meeting of male and female hormones - then love can give you great wings, great insights into life. And then for the first time lovers can be friends. Sex is the natural flow of vital energy and its lowest use. Sex is natural, because life without it is impossible. The lowest - because it is the base, but not the top. When sex replaces everything, life is lived in vain. Imagine that you are constantly laying the foundation, but the building for which it is intended is not erected.

13. Love is harmony. They love not only the body of another, but his whole being, his very presence. In love, the other is not used as a means, a way to relieve tension. You love the person himself. The other is not for you a means, an adaptation, but valuable in itself.

14. Love is the most powerful healing force in the world. Nothing can penetrate as deeply as Love - it heals not only the body, not only the mind, but also the soul. If a person is able to love, all his wounds will be healed...

15. The only criterion for life is bliss. If you do not feel that life is bliss, then know that you are going in the wrong direction.

16. The problems of life can only be solved with love, they cannot be solved with hatred.

17. A woman becomes a goddess when she explores and accepts her femininity.

19. Love is a flower so delicate that it cannot be forcibly made eternal.

20. Only when you give your love do you show that you have love, only when you give your life do you show that you have life. Happiness comes from a sense of self-worth. If you want to be a happy person, don't rummage through your memory. Make life around you beautiful. And let every person feel that meeting with you is a gift.

21. Love is just like the scent of a flower. She doesn't create relationships; it does not require you to be this or that, to behave in a certain way, to act in a certain way. She doesn't demand anything. She just shares.

22. People take everything so seriously that it becomes a burden for them. Learn to laugh more. To me, laughter is as sacred as prayer.

23. Love should be of such a quality that it brings freedom, not new chains; love gives you wings and encourages you to fly as high as possible.

24. A woman in love with you can inspire you to such heights that you never even dreamed of. And she asks for nothing in return. She just needs love. And this is her natural right.

Osho's sayings

Osho (Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh)

The world brings neither good nor evil by itself. He is indifferent to humans. Everything that happens around us is just a reflection of our own thoughts, feelings, desires, actions. The world is a big mirror.

Sin is when you do not enjoy life.

When you think you are deceiving others, you are only deceiving yourself.

Healthy self-love is a great religious value. A person who does not love himself will never be able to love anyone else. The first wave of love must grow in your heart. If it has not grown up for you, it will not grow up for anyone else, because everyone else is much further away from you. It is like a stone thrown into a still lake: the first ripples arise around the stone, and then they continue to spread to the far shores. The first ripples of love must arise directly around you. A person must love his body, love his soul, love himself completely. And this is natural; otherwise you wouldn't survive at all. And that's fine, because it beautifies you. A person who loves himself becomes graceful, elegant. A person who loves himself will inevitably become more silent, more meditative, more prayerful than a person who does not love himself.

Too much intellect orientation, too much head training cuts off all connections with the Heart. Thousands of people do not know what the Heart is! The heart beats, but the vital energy does not pass through it and, bypassing it, goes directly to the head. You can be very skillful when it comes to logic, you can control logic, but you cannot control Love...
Love is when you let God find you.

Look at this tip.
You may not be able to understand it right away, but the message is very simple.
The message is: don't interfere.
The message is: don't judge.
The message is: you are nobody to change anyone else.
It's none of your business. You are not meant to do this.
Live your life and let others live theirs.
Let everyone be free to do their own thing.

Don't whine, don't complain.
Do not beg anything from God or the Devil.
They won't give you anything.
Only you can make yourself happy.
Look for Joy within you.
Develop your talents, grant wishes and dance at the celebration of Life.
If you think that a loved one can give you Joy, then you are deeply mistaken.
As soon as you think like that, you become a vampire who tries to suck Joy out of another person.
Stop! This is a dead end. Your Joy is not in other people.
Remember: if you suffer, you suffer because of yourself.
A quarrel between lovers is an attempt to scratch Joy out of another.
You can only get Joy from other people when you love them.
And don't change them, but help them flourish.
Help them to reveal their talents and live life to the fullest.
This applies to your loved ones, and your children, as well as all those around you.
Just love them and enjoy it.

If everyone attacks me, I just laugh... And if you are offended, it means that there is pain inside you! You don't know yourself. The part of you that can be offended is your ignorance. If someone calls you an idiot and you agree - you will be offended, but if someone calls you an idiot, and you know that you are not an idiot - you will just laugh! The person doesn't know you... you understand? If you are offended, then you accept that you are an idiot. He said you're an idiot - you got angry, which means deep down you think you're an idiot. Offended, you show yourself. When you know yourself, no one can harm you. They may harm your body, they may harm your mind, they may harm your emotions, but are you mind body or emotions? When someone hurts you just close your eyes, if it's true then accept it, if not then laugh, don't be serious! Guilt, resentment - you're still young! just shake it, dance!

When you see the sunrise in the early morning, watch in silence, and the sunrise starts inside you too, this is prayer. When a bird soars in the sky and you soar in the sky. And you have forgotten that you are separate - this is prayer. Wherever separation disappears, prayer arises. When you become one with existence, with the Universal Whole, that is prayer.
Prayer is the experience of resurrection, it is rebirth, it is the birth of a new vision... it is a new dimension, it is a new way of looking at things, it is a new way of life. Not something that you do; but something that you become. It is a state of being - nothing to do with the words you speak in a temple, a mosque, a church. It is a silent dialogue with existence.
This is attunement with the universal, with the whole ... to enter into harmony with the whole is a prayer.

Intelligence is not an achievement. You are born intelligent. Trees are intelligent in their own way, they have enough intelligence to live their own lives. Birds are intelligent, animals are intelligent. In fact, what religion means by God is nothing more than that the universe is intelligent, that there is intelligence everywhere in it. And if you have eyes to see, you will see it everywhere. Life is mind.

Don't follow others, don't imitate, because imitation, following creates stupidity. You are born with the infinite possibility of the mind. You are born with light within. Listen to that small, small voice within and it will give you direction. No one else can give you direction, no one else can be the model for your life, because you are unique. There has never been anyone exactly like you before, and there will never be anyone exactly like you again.
By following others you can instill in yourself a beautiful character, but you cannot achieve a beautiful consciousness, and unless you have a beautiful consciousness you can never be free. You will stumble in the dark night of the soul. Only your inner light can become the dawn.

But an ordinary human being does not want to be free. It wants to be dependent. It wants someone to lead it. Why? - because then a person can shift all the responsibility onto the shoulders of someone else. And the more responsibility you put on someone else's shoulders, the less chance you'll ever be free. It is responsibility, the challenge of responsibility, that generates wisdom. Don't miss your... Be a light... to yourself...

The awakened ones live in one common world. Each of the sleepers - in his own.

Bliss is always homeless, always a vagabond. Happiness has a home, misery has a home, but bliss has no home. It is like a white cloud that has no roots anywhere.
As soon as you put down roots, the bliss disappears, you are rooted to the ground and you start clinging. Home means safety, security, comfort, convenience. By and large, if all these things are brought together, the house means death. The more alive you are, the more homeless you are.
To be a seeker - that's the main point - is to live in danger, to live in insecurity, to live not knowing what will happen next ... always remaining open, always able to wonder, to keep a sense of the miraculous. As long as you can wonder, you are alive. The English words wonder - “feel wonderful and amazing” - and wander - “wander, wander” - come from the same root. A mind chained to a place loses its sense of wonder and wonder because it cannot wander and roam. Wander like a migratory bird, like a cloud, and every moment will bring countless surprises. Stay homeless. Being homeless does not mean not living in a home; it only means to be unattached to anything. Even if you live in a palace, don't be attached to it. If it's time to move on, go - and don't look back. Nothing is holding you. Use everything, enjoy everything, but remain the master.

And remember that the most ordinary desire, to be extraordinary, is the most ordinary, universal desire inherent in everyone. Only that one person is extraordinary, who has no desire to be extraordinary, who is completely calm about his ordinariness.

A woman becomes a goddess when she explores and accepts her femininity.

It almost always happens that in love people become like children - because love accepts. She doesn't demand anything. It doesn't say, "Be so-and-so." Love only says, “Be yourself. You are good as is. You are beautiful the way you are." Love accepts you. Suddenly you begin to discard all your "it's necessary", ideals, personal structures. Like a snake, you shed your old skin and become a child again. Love brings youth.

Even positive emotions, if they are false, are ugly; and even negative emotions, if they are genuine, are beautiful.

You know everything. You always knew everything. But you will pass half the world. Read hundreds of books. Change dozens of teachers. And only then you will understand that you don’t need to go anywhere, that all books are about one thing, and the teacher is also one, and He is inside you ...

If you are not yourself, you will never know who you are.

Love is a flower so tender that it cannot be forcibly made eternal.

Don't approach life with clenched fists. Live without preconceived notions about life. Why can't we live without expectations?

Uniqueness is a gift from God, singularity is your own endeavor.

All attempts of the mind to understand life are doomed to failure, because all these understandings are temporary. Today you understand life this way, in a month - differently, in ten years - completely differently. Life is a mystery, and a mystery cannot be understood, it can only be lived...

Only when you give your love do you show that you have love, only when you give your life do you show that you have life.

To be in harmony with oneself means to allow everything, no matter what.

We are taught to love even our enemy, but if you are really a person of love, then where can you find an enemy?

Fighting with others is just a ploy to avoid internal struggles.

Don't think you are the exception. The exception is completely different from you.

The thought of the need to change oneself is a condemnation of oneself.

Love that has eyes; knows when to say no and when to say yes.

You only find in others what you first found in yourself. For a joyful heart, even the dark night shines.

All splendor is in the moment, not in eternity.

Happiness comes from a sense of self-worth.

You are responsible for who you are. Do not shift the responsibility to another, otherwise you will never be free from suffering. No matter how hard and painful it is: it is you and only you who are responsible for everything that happens, has happened, and will happen to you.

Life is an experience, not a theory. She doesn't need an explanation. She is here, in all her splendor, just to live, enjoy and enjoy her.

Happiness does not need to be sought - you need to be happy.

The eyes are the door leading to the mind.

A state when there are no reasons, but you feel the fullness of life, the fullness of consciousness, and there is a soul.

Millions of people have chosen to avoid sensitivity. They became thick-skinned, and only to protect themselves so that no one could hurt them. But the price is very high. No one can hurt them, but no one can make them happy.

Get out of your head and into your heart. Think less and feel more. Do not get attached to thoughts, immerse yourself in sensations... Then your heart will come to life.

If you want to be a happy person, don't rummage through your memory.

There are times when God comes and knocks on your door. This is love - God knocking at your door. Through a woman, through a man, through a child, through love, through a flower, through sunset or dawn... God can knock in a million different ways.

Immature people, falling in love, destroy each other's freedom, create dependence, build a prison. Mature people in love help each other to be free; they help each other destroy any dependencies.
When love lives in dependence, ugliness appears. And when love flows with freedom, beauty appears.

If you love and you don't, let go. If you are loved, but you are not - rate and take a closer look. If love is mutual - fight.

Whenever you are faced with a choice, be careful: do not choose what is convenient, comfortable, respectable, recognized by society, honorable. Choose what resonates with your heart. Choose what you would like to do, regardless of the consequences.

There are three traps that steal joy and peace: regret for the past, worry for the future, and ingratitude for the present.

The ego is a perpetual beggar, always in need of something; and love is charitable. The ego understands only the language of "take", the language of "give" is the language of love.
Quote explanation:
08/28/1968 Bombay.

These tears... Even though they are part of the body, they express something that does not belong to the body.
Quote explanation:
From letters to students and friends (from 1962 to 1971) - "A Cup of Tea"

Allow yourself the luxury of not interacting with unpleasant people.

The world comes to you the way it comes from you.

Only the inferior thinks of superiority. A real person, a genuine person - not the first and not the last, he simply is - unique and there is no higher than him, no lower than him.

Despair is only when there is expectation. Nothing can bring me to despair: I do not expect anything from you.

Make life around you beautiful. And let every person feel that meeting with you is a gift.

Reasons are within ourselves, outside are just excuses.

Falling is part of life, getting back on your feet is living it. Being alive is a gift and being happy is your choice.

We are all unique. Never ask anyone what is right and what is wrong. Life is an experiment in which you should find out what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes, maybe you will do wrong, but this will give the appropriate experience, from which you will immediately benefit.
Every action leads to an immediate result. Just be alert and watch. A mature person is one who has observed himself and found what is right and wrong for him; what is good and what is bad. And thanks to the fact that he found it himself, he has great authority: even if the whole world says something different, nothing will change for him. He has his own experience to draw on, and that's enough.

Love has three dimensions. One is the dimension of dependency; it happens to most people. The husband depends on the wife, the wife depends on the husband; they exploit each other, subdue each other, reduce each other to commodities. Ninety-nine percent of the time in the world, this is exactly what happens. That is why love, which can open the doors of heaven, only opens the doors of hell.
The second possibility is love between two independent people. This also rarely happens. But even this brings suffering, because the constant conflict continues. No attunement is possible; both are so independent that no one is ready to compromise, to adapt to the other. With poets, artists, thinkers, scientists, with all those who live in a kind of independence, at least in their minds, it is impossible to live; they are too eccentric people. They give freedom to another, but their freedom seems more like indifference than freedom, and looks like they don't care, like it doesn't matter to them. They allow each other to live in their space. Relationships seem only superficial; they are afraid to go deeper into each other because they are more attached to their freedom than to love and do not want to compromise.
And the third possibility is interdependence. It happens very rarely, but when it does, it's heaven on earth. Two people, neither dependent nor independent, but in immense synchronicity, as if breathing together, one soul in two bodies - when this happens, love happens. Just call it love. The first two types don't really love, they just take action - social, psychological, biological measures. The third is something spiritual.

Love is just like the scent of a flower. She doesn't create relationships; it does not require you to be this or that, to behave in a certain way, to act in a certain way. She doesn't demand anything. She just shares.
Similar quote:
Osho (Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh). Love. Freedom. Loneliness

Three proofs that Christ was a Jew:
First, he was thirty-three years old and still living with his mother. Secondly, he believed that his mother was a virgin. And thirdly, his mother believed that her son was a god.

Old man Rubinstein constantly annoys the family.
- Look at me! I don't smoke, I don't drink and I'm not interested in women, and tomorrow I'm celebrating my 80th birthday!
- Will you celebrate? - asks the grandson. - I wonder how?

Nobody can say anything about you. Whatever people say, they talk about themselves.

People take everything so seriously that it becomes a burden on them. Learn to laugh more. To me, laughter is as sacred as prayer.

The first thing to realize is that whether you like it or not, you are alone. Loneliness is your very nature. You can try to forget him, you can try not to be alone, finding friends, finding lovers, blending in with the crowd... But whatever you do, it will remain on the surface. Deep inside, your loneliness is not affected, it remains untouched.

Rebellion is the flowering of being.

I want you to stop playing all the games - worldly, spiritual, absolutely all the games that the whole of humanity has been playing so far. These games slow you down, they prevent you from blossoming, from becoming aware. I want you to get rid of all this garbage that is holding you back. I want you to be left alone, all alone, because then you will have no one to turn to for help, you will not be able to "stick" to any prophet, and thus you will not have the idea that Gautam Buddha will save you. Only when you are left alone - in endless loneliness - will you have no choice but to find your inner center. There is no way, nowhere to go, no adviser, no teacher, no master. It looks incredibly cruel and harsh, but I am doing this because I love you, and people who have not done this do not love and never loved you. They loved only themselves, they liked to have a big crowd around them - and the larger the crowd, the thicker their ego became.

Make as many mistakes as you can, just remember one thing: don't make the same mistake twice. And you will grow.

Love must be of such a quality that it brings freedom, not new chains; love gives you wings and encourages you to fly as high as possible.

Throw away all the fake faces you've learned to wear. Drop all masks. Be real. Open all your heart; be naked. There should be no secrets between two lovers, otherwise there is no love. Drop all secrecy. This is politics; secrecy is politics. She shouldn't be in love. You don't have to hide anything. Whatever arises in your heart must be transparent to your beloved, and whatever arises in her heart must be transparent to you. You must become two transparent beings for each other.

If you love a person, you will not interfere in his personal life. You will not dare to violate the boundaries of his inner world.

Don't let your doubt die. This is the most precious thing you have, because someday doubt will help you discover the truth.

If you caught a bird, then do not keep it in a cage, do not make it want to fly away from you, but could not. And make it so that she could fly away, but did not want to.

You must know that freedom is the highest value, and if love does not give you freedom, then it is not love.

We have forgotten how to wait. It is almost a forgotten art. And our greatest treasure is to be able to wait for the right moment.

God is reached by one who is ready to go mad.

Only an unhappy person tries to prove that he is happy; only a dead person tries to prove that he is alive; only a coward tries to prove that he is brave. Only a man who knows his baseness tries to prove his greatness.

When you suffer, you can go to hell: to a disco, to a restaurant, on a date with your boyfriend or girlfriend. When you're suffering, that's what you have to do. But when you are happy, healthy, feeling good, cheerful and cheerful, when everything around you is safe - do not waste this time on all sorts of nonsense. This is the perfect moment to jump into higher states of peace, ecstasy and bliss.

Never forget this truth: what you get from life is what you give to life.

Everything that has a goal outside of itself is for the mediocre mind, and everything that has a goal in itself is for the really intelligent person.

People have completely forgotten that one has to live. Who has time for this? Everyone teaches someone else how to be, and no one ever seems satisfied. If a person wants to live, then he must learn one thing: to accept things as they are, and to accept yourself as you are. Start living. Don't start preparing for the life that will be in the future. All the suffering in the world comes from the fact that you have completely forgotten that you need to live, you have become engaged in activities that have nothing to do with life.

Just being yourself means being beautiful.

Have you asked yourself the most important question: do problems really exist or are you creating them yourself? People cling to their misfortunes, just to prevent emptiness in themselves.

To become too serious is the greatest misfortune.

There are people who have turned their illness into a blessing, who have turned their blindness into inner insight, who have turned their death into a new life.

The only time you have is now; the only place is here.

The crowd does not like singles; it recognizes only false people who imitate each other in everything. The crowd despises everyone who keeps to himself, who defends his rights, defends his freedom, does his own thing, regardless of the consequences.

If you are rich, don't think about it; if you are poor, don't take your poverty seriously. If you are able to live in the world, remembering that the world is only a performance, you will be free, you will not be touched by suffering. Suffering is the result of taking life seriously; bliss is the result of the game. Take life as a game, enjoy it.

All you need is to be natural, as natural as your breathing. Love your life. Don't live according to any commandments. Don't live according to other people's ideas. Don't live the way people want you to. Listen to your own heart. Become silent, listen to the still, small voice within you and follow it.

Vegetarianism has nothing to do with religion: at its core it is something scientific. It has nothing to do with morality, but it has a lot to do with aesthetics. It is impossible to believe that a sensitive, conscious, understanding, loving person can eat meat. And if he eats meat, then something is missing - he is still not aware of what he is doing somewhere, he is not aware of the significance of his actions.

And man continues to live on this poisoned meat. No wonder if you remain angry, violent, aggressive; it `s naturally. If you live by killing, you will not respect life; you are hostile to life. And a person who is at enmity with life cannot go to prayer - because prayer means reverence for life.

Stop thinking about how to get love and start giving. By giving, you receive. There is no other way.

You are a big fan of creating problems... just understand this and suddenly the problems will disappear.

In solitude there is beauty and splendor, positivity; in the feeling that you are lonely - poverty, negativity and gloom.

Love knows how to go into the unknown. Love knows how to discard all guarantees. Love knows how to rush into the unfamiliar and unknown. Love is courage. Trust love.

Until you are able to say "no", your "yes" is meaningless.

Man created God in his own image and likeness.
Similar quote:
Christopher Hitchens. God is not love. How Religion Poisons Everything

Love is not a relationship, but a state.

Illustration: silentlights

What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? After all, in the end it only matters whether you are a happy person or not.

Osho's teachings can be seen as a chaotic mosaic composed of elements of Buddhism, Yoga, Taoism, Greek philosophy, Sufism, European psychology, Tibetan traditions, Christianity, Zen, Tantrism and many other spiritual currents, intertwined with his own views. Osho himself said that he does not have a system, because the systems are initially dead, and the living currents are constantly undergoing changes and improving.

This, perhaps, is the main advantage of his teaching - it does not give ready-made quick answers to all questions, but only provides a rich foundation that initially gives a good start for finding one's own path and forming one's own conclusions.

Throughout his life, Osho had different names. This is quite characteristic of the traditions of India and conveyed the essence of his spiritual activity. The name he received at birth is Chandra Mohan Jain. Later, they began to call him Rajneesh - the nickname of childhood. In the 60s, he was called Acharya ("spiritual teacher") Rajneesh, and in the 70-80s - Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh or simply Bhagwan ("enlightened"). By the name of Osho, he called himself only in the last year of his life (1989-1990). In Zen Buddhism, "Osho" is a title that literally translates as "monk" or "teacher". So in history he remained Osho, and it is under this name that all his works are published today.

  1. People take everything so seriously that it becomes a burden on them.. Learn to laugh more. To me, laughter is as sacred as prayer.
  2. Every action leads to an immediate result. Be careful and watch. A mature person is one who has found himself, who has determined what is right and wrong for him, good and bad. He did it himself, so he has a huge advantage over those who do not have an opinion.
  3. We are all unique. No one has the right to say what is right and what is wrong. Life is an experiment in which we define these changing concepts every day. Sometimes, you may do something wrong, but it is through this that you will benefit greatly.
  4. There are times when God comes and knocks on your door.. It can happen in one of a million ways - through a woman, a man, a child, love, a flower, sunset or dawn... Be open to hear it.
  5. The desire to be unusual is the most common desire. But to relax and be ordinary is really unusual.
  6. Life is a series of mysteries and mysteries. It cannot be foreseen or predicted. But there are always people who would be satisfied with a life without secrets - fear, doubts and anxieties would go with them.
  7. First, listen to yourself. Learn to enjoy the company of yourself. Become so happy that you no longer care whether someone comes to you or not. You are already full. You don't wait in trepidation for someone to knock on your door. Are you at home already. If someone comes, great. No, that's fine too. Only with such an attitude can a relationship begin.
  8. If you are rich, don't think about it, if you are poor, don't take your poverty seriously.. If you are able to live in the world, remembering that the world is only a performance, you will be free, you will not be touched by suffering. Suffering comes only from a serious attitude to life. Start treating life like a game, enjoy it.
  9. Courage is a move into the unknown despite all fears. Courage is not the absence of fear. Fearlessness happens when you get bolder and bolder. But at the very beginning, the difference between a coward and a daredevil is not so great. The only difference is that a coward listens to his fears and follows them, while a daredevil leaves them aside and moves on.
  10. You change every moment. You are like a river. Today it flows in one direction and climate. Tomorrow is different. I have never seen the same face twice. Everything is changing. Nothing stands still. But in order to see this, very penetrating eyes are needed. Otherwise the dust falls and everything becomes old; it seems that everything has already happened.

Listen more consciously. Wake yourself up.
When you feel like everything is boring, kick yourself hard. Yourself, not another.
Open your eyes. Wake up. Listen again.

He did not profess any one religion and believed that the most important criterion for a person's life is whether he is happy or not. Osho himself said that he does not have a system, because systems are inherently dead.

At birth, he was given the name Chandra Mohan Jain, but in history he remained as "Osho" - literally "monk" or "teacher". His instructions are truly inspiring and make you reconsider your attitude to life.

Osho's Tips for Knowing Yourself

About happiness

What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? After all, in the end it only matters whether you are a happy person or not.

People take everything so seriously that it becomes a burden on them. Learn to laugh more. To me, laughter is as sacred as prayer.

If you are rich, don't think about it; if you are poor, don't take your poverty seriously. If you are able to live in the world, remembering that the world is only a performance, you will be free, you will not be touched by suffering. Suffering comes only from a serious attitude to life. Start treating life like a game, enjoy it.

About love

Love, and let love be as natural to you as breathing. If you love a person, do not demand anything from him; otherwise you will build a wall between you at the very beginning. Don't expect anything. If something comes to you, be grateful. If nothing comes, then it does not need to come, there is no need for it. You have no right to wait.

Never mistake anything else for love... In the presence of another, you suddenly feel happy. Just because you are together, you feel ecstasy. The very presence of the other satisfies something deep in your heart... something begins to sing in your heart. The very presence of the other helps you to be more collected, you become more individual, more centered, more balanced. Then it's love. Love is not a passion, not an emotion. Love is a very deep understanding that someone completes you. Someone makes you a vicious circle. The presence of another increases your presence. Love gives you the freedom to be yourself.

About your path

First, listen to yourself. Learn to enjoy the company of yourself. Become so happy that you no longer care whether someone comes to you or not. You are already full. You don't wait in trepidation for someone to knock on your door. Are you at home already. If someone comes, great. No, that's fine too. Only with such an attitude can a relationship begin.

Every action leads to an immediate result. Be careful and watch. A mature person is one who has found himself, who has determined what is right and wrong for him, good and bad. He did it himself, so he has a huge advantage over those who do not have an opinion.

We are all unique. No one has the right to say what is right and what is wrong. Life is an experiment in which we define these changing concepts every day. Sometimes, you may do something wrong, but it is through this that you will benefit greatly.

About God

There are times when God comes and knocks at your door. It can happen in one of a million ways - through a woman, a man, a child, love, a flower, sunset or dawn... Be open to hear it.

About fear

Courage is the movement into the unknown, in spite of all fears. Courage is not the absence of fear. Fearlessness happens when you get bolder and bolder. But at the very beginning, the difference between a coward and a daredevil is not so great. The only difference is that a coward listens to his fears and follows them, while a daredevil leaves them aside and moves on.

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