What is auto-training to calm the nervous system? Autotraining to calm the nervous system and relax the body

Mood stability and peace of mind have become a luxury with the frantic pace of modern life. Among worries and problems, we often do not notice that our own energy and vitality are close to the “0” mark. That is why specialists in the field of psychology have developed special exercises - auto-training to calm the nervous system.

The history of auto-training to calm the nervous system

What is auto-training for calming in psychology and what is it used for? Psychologists call auto-training special psychological techniques and techniques based on self-hypnosis.

For the first time this technique was proposed by Dr. I. Schultz in the 30s of the 20th century, but in Russia it appeared only in the late 50s. The method turned out to be interesting for use, as patients actively participate in the process of self-hypnosis and self-education. Unlike hypnotherapy sessions, which are also effective in dealing with stress and neuroses, but the patient takes a passive place when using it.

For sessions of auto-training of calm, it is necessary to use the mental, auditory, and sometimes olfactory functions. After all, it is under the influence of words and images created in the imagination, as well as the control of breathing and muscles, that it becomes possible to achieve complete calm, relaxation and tranquility.

Who is self-training for?

The human body itself has its own methods of relieving stress. People note a good mood and positive emotions after a sound sleep, favorite music, communication with animals, reading or delicious food. You can list a huge number of such natural "antidepressants", but not in every life situation they can be used. It’s hard to imagine yourself with a cat in your arms at a meeting with your boss, or start eating at an exam ...

It is for moments when it is impossible to use natural means and achieve relaxation, auto-training techniques are used.

If you use it regularly and learn some calming techniques on your own or with the help of a specialist, you can prevent the accumulation of negative emotions, chronic stress, alcohol and nicotine addiction. People who practice auto-training to calm the nervous system in life recover strength faster after prolonged physical and emotional stress. It has been proven that the impact of auto-training can affect the metabolic processes in the body, and even the character and appearance. The effect on him is similar to hypnotic.

Regular sessions of auto-training to calm the nervous system help:

  1. To evoke those emotions that a person needs at the moment. Most often it is relaxation and calmness;
  2. Influence muscle tension;
  3. Helps to focus on a particular object;
  4. It has a beneficial effect on the entire nervous system.

Indications for auto-training to calm the nervous system:

  • Panic attacks;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Nervoses and nervous disorders;
  • Neurasthenia;
  • Prolonged depression and stress;
  • Endocarditis and angina pectoris;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • Constipation.

Important! Autotraining to calm the nervous system is completely ineffective in hysteria.

Contraindications for auto-training to calm the nervous system:

  • delusional states;
  • Confused, unclear consciousness;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD), especially during crises;
  • somatic crisis.

How to start relaxation of the nervous system?

There are certain techniques that, if necessary, help to quickly calm down or fall asleep. Some of them:

  • Count up to 10 or more. You can count backwards. For complete relaxation, you can close your eyes;
  • An imaginary image - you need to imagine any person who is pleasant to you, with whom you have positive emotions associated;
  • "Mask" of relaxation - you need to relax all facial muscles;
  • If the place and time allow, you can tune yourself in a positive way with the help of sounds - it can be just your favorite music, or the sounds of nature and the living world - from the sound of a mountain stream to the singing of birds and the voices of frogs. All these sounds exist on different sites in the public domain, and you can listen to them for free;
  • Simple gymnastic exercises, sipping;
  • Walk in the fresh air;
  • Communication filled with pleasant words, laughter;
  • Positive thoughts and ideas.

Conscious auto-training techniques to calm the nervous system

  1. breath control;
  2. Management of muscle tension, that is, their tone;
  3. Speech or verbal influence.

Breath control during autotraining

Breath control is a conscious alternation of chest and abdominal types of breathing. Such a procedure can positively affect muscle tone and brain centers responsible for human emotions.

  • Abdominal breathing - slow and deep - will help reduce the excitation of the central nervous system, relax the muscles;
  • Chest breathing - frequent and shallow - on the contrary, will help activate all organs and systems.

Muscle tension management

Blocks, or muscle spasms that occur in stressful situations, will allow you to remove auto-training to calm the nervous system, and you should focus on the most “squeezed” parts of the body.

Example exercise:

  1. Sit down, close your eyes, breathing slowly and deeply;
  2. Visualize your own body, create an image of it in your head, and find the source of "tension" on it;
  3. These areas should be brought to a state of maximum muscle tension, up to trembling in these parts of the body;
  4. After you feel trembling and tension, you need to sharply drop them on the exhale;
  5. If necessary, repeat the procedure until complete relaxation.

After such auto-training to calm the nervous system, warmth will spread through the body, the heaviness that appears in the limbs will be pleasant to the touch. If the tension could not be removed in this way, you can stimulate the problem areas with circular massage movements - the tightness should go away.

Speech impact

The technique of this auto-training for calming the nervous system consists in influencing consciousness by means of theses and self-orders, statements that are positive. As part of such sentences, the use of the particle “not” is excluded.


  • Self-orders - somewhat reminiscent of army ones - precise and short instructions - “Do not shout!”, “Be calm!”;
  • Self-programming - self-confidence and self-confidence will help to gain memories of past successes and successes in something - they remind a person of the hidden potentials of his personality;
  • Self-promotion - if you do not receive praise from outside - from colleagues, parents, superiors - this is not scary. You can always praise yourself! This will eliminate the feeling of underestimation and "uselessness" in society, reduce irritability.

Art therapy has been widely used in auto-training techniques to calm the nervous system - it relieves anxiety and fatigue, helps to forget unpleasant situations and experiences. When drawing, psychologists recommend changing your hand - if your dominant hand is right, then draw with your left, and vice versa. This stimulates the brain of the opposite area. It is not the presence of artistic talents that is important, but the ability to convey your emotions and fears through drawing - shades, images.

Important! The first therapeutic, beneficial effect of auto-training to calm the nervous system can be seen after 3-4 sessions.

If there is a difficult job

There are days when fatigue is felt especially acutely, or some extremely unpleasant event is absolutely confusing and knocks out of the normal rhythm of life. In this case, it is better to find a few minutes for yourself to apply some auto-training techniques to calm the nervous system.

With nervousness, it is better to use self-orders and exercises that will make you calm down:

  1. Perform several physical exercises with tension and stretching of those muscle groups that did not take part in active work - the whole lesson can be continued for up to a minute;
  2. As you inhale, with complete relaxation of the muscles, repeat the following words to yourself:
  • I calm down;
  • I am relaxing;
  • My hands are warm and relaxed;
  • My hands are motionless;
  • My legs are warm and relaxed;
  • My legs are motionless;
  • My body is resting;
  • It is completely relaxed and gets rest;
  • Good vacation;
  • I am slowly recovering;
  • This process takes place in my whole body, in every cell of mine;
  • My body has recovered, it has strength again;
  • Disappeared anxiety and tension;
  • I rested;
  • I'm ready to act.

Relax training to calm the nervous system

There are special group or individual relaxation trainings where professional psychologists give the necessary knowledge on auto-training to calm the nervous system - methods for relaxation, recuperation and increase in resources. They teach self-confidence and stimulate personal growth and creativity.

At the time of relaxation training, in addition to training, specialists demonstrate a variety of relaxation techniques - they use soothing texts, teas and preparations that relieve tension, aromatherapy sessions are held - everything that auto-training would have a healing, relaxing effect.

Auto-training is a technique for managing emotions, self-hypnosis. This is a kind of method of self-immersion in a trance. In such a state, when a person has a changed background of consciousness, he is given various psychological attitudes. The concept was introduced by the German psychotherapist Johann Schulz. Auto-training is used in the treatment of various psychological diseases, especially in diseases of the nervous system.

Autotraining can be used not only for therapeutic purposes, but also for prevention. They have many directions. With their help, you can instruct a person on certain goals, to which he will strive at a psychological level.

Body position during training

Two types of position can be taken:

  1. You lie on your back, arms slightly bent at the elbows, lie along the body with palms down, legs apart by 20-30 cm.
  2. If you have a comfortable chair with a back and armrests, then sit on it, put your hands on the armrests. If not, take the coachman's position: sit on a chair, straighten up, try to relax your back, lower your head, close your eyes, put your feet on the floor (they should be slightly apart), hands on your knees, palms down, do not touch each other.

An uncontrollable state of drowsiness may occur - in this case, take 3-4 deep breaths and exhale and close your eyes without lifting your eyelids.

Remember, self-hypnosis formulas must be combined with the emotional images you are striving for - they must be pronounced to yourself, in time with your breath.

Auto-training for calming

They are used to relieve fatigue, improve the emotional background, with insomnia and depression. Almost all of us get nervous before performing in front of an audience, an important meeting, or before doing something important. In such situations, slight excitement is even useful - in this state, all the forces of the body are mobilized, the reaction increases.

If the excitement is too strong and you are almost "pounding", it is worth doing a few exercises. Calming exercises are best done in a supine position. These exercises help you learn:

  • The ability to cause complete muscle relaxation;
  • The appearance of a feeling of warmth in the limbs and the abdomen, coolness in the forehead;
  • Regulation of the number of heartbeats, control of pulse and respiration.

Auto-training should be carried out daily, regardless of the condition.

An exercise:

Workout lasts no more than 15 minutes

Distract from extraneous thoughts and sensations, repeat to yourself:

  • I am calm;
  • I rest;
  • Anxiety is gone, anxiety is gone;
  • I am distracted from everything around;
  • My thoughts slowly flow through me.

Visualize that your limbs are getting heavy, try to feel that your arms and legs are heavy and relaxed, and you are calm.

If you are exercising before engaging in vigorous activity, then repeat to yourself that you feel light, comfortable and cheerful. Try to impose this feeling on yourself.

If during auto-training you feel bad and you feel discomfort, then contact a psychologist.

For self-confidence:

This type of auto-training is best done in the morning, when there is still a whole day ahead. Its main goal is volitional relaxation, an increase in self-esteem. If you have an important meeting coming up, spend 5-10 minutes at the mirror, say good words to yourself, words of confidence in today, gesticulate, smile - do not be shy about doing this. In this case, you can come up with suggestion formulas for yourself, while you need to follow a few rules:

  1. Refuse the words "I will try" and "I will try", replace with the word "I can", "I will do", etc.;
  2. Eliminate the particle "not" from the formulas;
  3. Conclude the formulas with the phrases "now I am aware."

To improve the effectiveness of such an exercise, do an exercise in front of it to create cheerfulness and lightness (see exercise for calming, replacing formulas).

Formulas can be varied:

  • I will succeed;
  • Nothing will throw me off balance;
  • I am calm;
  • Indecision and fear leave me.

In this exercise, let your imagination run wild - be confident in what you say and set yourself up for the best.

For weight loss

Auto-training for weight loss consists of three stages:

Stage 1

Before you start any workout, you need to set yourself a clear goal: "I will lose weight!". Draw your goal for yourself: take a piece of paper and a pen, draw the figure you are striving for, weight and your volumes. Remember that only a surgeon will help you lose a huge amount of kilograms in a short time. Make a plan of action that will lead to your goal. Include the name of your diet if you are going to be on it, or the type of exercise, be it yoga, swimming or fitness.

Stage 2

The brain drives everything. By influencing your mind, you will directly influence your body. Let's set up:

  • I am slim;
  • I have an impeccable figure;
  • Men are crazy about my body.

You can invent your own settings, follow a few rules:

  1. Speak only good words to yourself;
  2. You yourself must desire what you say;
  3. Speak words sincerely.

During training, do not be distracted by anything - you must be cut off from all possible external stimuli.

Stage 3

This stage is the most important, because it is fixing.

During classes, you should be alone with yourself. Memorize a few weight loss formulas, or save them in a notebook so you don't forget later.

Lie down on the bed, relax completely (you can do auto-training to calm down), feel yourself. Close your eyes and say to yourself:

- I am completely relaxed, my legs and arms are relaxed. I am resting, all my muscles, every cell of my body is resting.

Lie down, rest, but do not fall asleep. Slowly open your eyes and stand up, take a sitting position, take out a piece of paper on which the formulas are written, slowly start reading them. Be confident in each of them, they should become a kind of prayer for you.

Do this exercise regularly, preferably before bed.

Auto-training is a safe means to achieve any goal, which is available to absolutely everyone. The main principle of such trainings is self-confidence. Be confident in yourself and you will succeed!

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Our life is filled with many different situations and, unfortunately, not all of them are pleasant.

There are various ways to improve your mental health. And one of them is attributed to calm the nervous system. Let's consider it in more detail.

What is auto-training - definition

Autotraining in psychology is psychological technique based on self-hypnosis.

It allows a person to achieve peace and harmony.

Its essence is to calm the nervous system even in daily stressful situations.

Thanks to autotraining you can learn to manage your emotional state, relax, concentrate on your desires and much more.

Autogenic diseases

The autogenous are psychosomatic diseases, that is, psychological disorders that, to some extent, can affect the physiological state. These include:

  • neuroses;
  • neurasthenia;
  • depression;

It should also be noted that autogenic techniques in combination with the main treatment help to cure some diseases based on emotional stress: endocarditis, bronchial asthma, hypertension, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and others.

Autogenic therapy - what is it?

Autogenic therapy is used in various practices and has been known since ancient times.

Autogenic training involves exercises or techniques that may have different directions.(to eliminate insomnia, lose weight, get rid of emotional stress, etc.).

Only 30 minutes of autogenic therapy is equal to 3-4 hours of good sleep.

It has certain stages and rules, which may vary slightly based on the goal you want to achieve.

Autogenic therapy has quite strong healing effect:

  • blood pressure and pulse normalize;
  • the feeling of uneasiness and restlessness decreases;
  • the hormonal background improves;
  • the emotional state is normalized.

Luscher norm

Max Luscher- a famous psychologist who developed the Luscher color test.

This test was used in a study in which psychotherapeutic patients underwent it at admission and at the end of their treatment.

It turned out that at the very beginning of treatment, the color preferences of patients were diverse, but with successful completion of therapy, they approached a uniform sequence. This sequence and called the autogenous norm, that is, the standard of neuropsychic well-being.

Methods and techniques of training

There are various techniques, methods and exercises of autogenic training. But they all have general rules:

  1. It is better to train in a quiet place, make sure that nothing distracts you.
  2. Take a comfortable position (preferably lie down), do not cross your arms and legs.
  3. If you listen to an audio instructor, be sure to repeat all the phrases aloud after him.
  4. If you want your own setting text, you can write it yourself, but it must be positive (make sure that the “not” particle does not slip anywhere), in the present tense and from the 1st person.
  5. The text-installation for auto-training should consist of simple and short sentences.
  6. Make sure that you are aware of the words that you say, and do not do it automatically.
  7. It will be even better if you visualize everything you say so that the karting is in front of your eyes, the brighter and more detailed, the better.
  8. It is advisable to repeat the text at least a couple of times so that it is better fixed in the subconscious.

Consider the existing methods and techniques of auto-training.

For women

In everyday situations, women often forget about their gentle and sensitive nature, and at work, on the contrary, they lack fortitude. Therefore, the text of auto-training should be quite individual.

In the first case“I am beautiful, feminine and tender. I have a charming face and a slim figure." In the second case stronger attitudes would be appropriate: “I am confident in myself. I will succeed. I will definitely get what I want."

Setting for success for women:

For weight loss

Of course, you need to understand that with auto-training it is impossible to say goodbye to all those extra pounds in a week. This method takes some time, for which your subconscious mind will tune in to a new installation, accept it.

Exercise preferably in the morning and evening.

Morning auto-training will help set the mood for the whole day.

At the same time, one cannot speak: "I will lose weight" or "I will eat less and work out in the gym."

Your text should roughly consist of the following settings: “I am healthy, beautiful and slim. I love my body. Right now I'm getting leaner. I feel my belly flatten and my butt tighten. I have a good figure. I like myself slim. I am strong and always achieve what I want.

You can change the text for the evening auto-training a little. If the morning is invigorating, then the evening, on the contrary, should be soothing: “I am slim and graceful. I like feeling skinny. I feel lightness all over my body. I am happy and relaxed."

Meditation for weight loss in this video:

Relaxation and relaxation

If you are constantly in a restless and anxious mood, then you should try auto-training aimed at relaxation and relaxation. It relieves fatigue, helps to restore strength, reveals your creative potential.

Settle in a quiet place. Nothing should distract you. Close your eyes and focus on your inner feelings. Feel every part of your body: left and right legs, torso, left and right arms, head.

Now relax them one by one. You can feel the warmth spreading through your body. Watch your fully relaxed muscles. The face is not tense, the eyebrows do not frown, the cheeks flow down smoothly, and the lips are not compressed, but in a slight smile.

The whole outside world, sounds and noises should fade into the background.

You dive into the inner world and focus on yourself.

Watch your breathing: it should be even and calm.

Feel your body relax more and more with each exhalation. You should not have any vivid emotions. You will feel harmony and peace.

Watch your thoughts, but don't overthink them. You can start visualizing: imagine that you are flying above the clouds, walking in a forest or a field. Everything imaginary should be bright and pleasant.

Do not forget that you also need to exit this state smoothly.. Move your left, then your right foot, do the same with your hands. Feel your body. When you're ready, gently open your eyes.

To manage your condition

Auto-training exercises are also used to manage one's state: sensations in the body, feelings and emotions. The text setting depends on the specific situation.

For example, if you can't get to work, you feel distracted, then you can use something like this: “I feel great. I am cheerful and energetic. I am full of energy and ready to accomplish. I will succeed".

For kids

Autotraining for children has its own characteristics:

  • it has a game form;
  • it is desirable to include exercises directly in the child's daily routine;
  • it is necessary to teach the child, explain what is required of him, tell about the correct position of the body and breathing.

The text must be developed individually, taking into account the preferences of children. For example, you can ask the child to imagine that he is a flower that blooms in the sun.

At the same time, you should pronounce phrases that would set him up for relaxation: “You feel light and calm. Your breathing is even."

Meditative auto-training for children:

With neuroses

When auto-training helps to feel relaxation, which already in itself has a good effect on the nervous system.

Such a rest is useful for any problems with the psyche and nerves. The main task of such training is to let go of emotional and physical tension.

That's why the text-setting could be like this:“I am relaxed. I feel like I'm calming down. My body is filled with heaviness and warmth. I am in harmony with myself and the world around me.

You can also work out all parts of the body in turn. You should go from feeling completely relaxed, to heaviness and then to warmth throughout the body.

For depression

Auto-training is actively used in the fight against depression.

But at the same time, it is important to understand that this is only one of the components of the complex of works, aimed at improving the emotional state.

During the exercise, you need to convince yourself that parts of your body are filled with pleasant warmth and become heavier.

As soon as you feel as relaxed as possible, you can begin to say positive attitudes.

Text task- cheer up and get a charge of optimism. It can be compliments to yourself or mood for a pleasant day.

Affirmation from neurosis, internal tensions and conflicts:

For good health

If you feel worse, but never understand why or you had a protracted illness, then you can try auto-training for health.

Use the following settings“I am strong and healthy. Every cell in my body is filled with light and happiness. I feel great. I have a burst of vitality."

It is important to clearly imagine this image, to feel it.

Auto-training for health:

Before bedtime

If you have, then there are exercises that will help you cope with them. But here also additional conditions required: ventilate the room, spend a couple of hours before going to bed in a calm atmosphere, do not eat too much, listen to calm music.

Climb into bed and make yourself comfortable. Try to concentrate on the words that you will say to yourself. Don't let thoughts distract you. Relax.

And repeat: "I'm calm. My body is relaxed. I rest. I am comfortable. My right leg fills with warmth. My left leg fills with warmth."

“I can feel the warmth spreading through my body. My body is filled with warmth. My hands are filled with warmth. My head is also filled with warmth. I feel good and calm."

“I feel warmth and pleasant heaviness all over my body. I feel calm. I feel a slight drowsiness that increases with every breath. I'm calm. I am slowly drifting off to sleep. I am falling asleep. I sleep well."

At first, the exercise can be repeated several times. until you achieve what you want - falling asleep. But over time, you will notice that you begin to fall asleep faster and faster.

Sleep right! For sleep, light hypnosis for insomnia:

Duration of daily session

How long is the minimum duration of daily auto-training? Should start gradually.

It is important that the lesson does not turn into a routine and you it wasn't boring. To begin with, you can stop at two minutes and gradually increase this time.

About Schulz's book

The founder of this method is I. Schultz, who wrote the book "Autogenic Training". It contains basic principles of auto-training.

At the same time, Schultz notes that this technique can be used not only as a tool for psychotherapy, but also as a method of preventing diseases, improving mood, increasing working capacity and stress resistance.

Auto-training is considered by him as a way to train spirituality and bring up the best qualities in oneself, by focusing on your own body and emotions, as well as positive visualization.

Most of the book is devoted directly to the exercises themselves, with detailed recommendations.

Thus, self-training can help cope with difficult life situations, strengthen the psyche, tune in to the coming day or, conversely, plunge into the realm of sleep.

The technique takes very little time and has a positive effect on the emotional state.

A video about autogenic training and its psychotherapeutic effect according to Johann Schultz:

Autotraining is a specific psychotechnics based on self-hypnosis techniques, through which an individual can convince his own subconscious of anything, and is aimed at recreating the balance of homeostatic processes in the human body, disturbed, for example, due to stressful circumstances. The auto-training system allows you to change traits, bad habits, appearance, cures a variety of ailments and addictions.

From the standpoint of the scientific world, auto-training refers to hypnotic effects. However, it compares favorably with hypnotechniques in that the individual is actively involved in the course of autogenic training. And under hypnotic influence, the patient is assigned an exclusively passive role.

Auto-training is based on the use of muscle tissue relaxation, self-hypnosis and self-education. As a therapeutic psychotechnique, auto-training was proposed by a doctor from Germany, I. Schultz.

The therapeutic effect of auto-training is due to the trophotropic reaction that occurs as a result of relaxation, which is accompanied by an increase in the tone of the parasympathetic department of the ganglionic nervous system, which helps to weaken or eliminate the negative stress response of the body.

Autotraining to calm the nervous system

The technology of autogenic training was the result of numerous observations by I. Schultz of individuals in a state of hypnotic sleep. The foundation of auto-training is the realization that the human mood and the degree of its excitation affects the functioning of all organs. At the same time, Schultz emphasized that such a relationship is characterized by reciprocity, since if the necessary indicators of heart rate and breathing readings are obtained from the body of an individual, then mental processes and mental functions automatically come into balance. The rhythms of the brain that arise during such work correspond to the state when the subject is between wakefulness and sleep. These rhythms are more optimal for self-hypnosis.

Thus, auto-training for the nervous system is a conscious regulation of one's own psycho-emotional state. It is carried out with the help of a person's influence on himself through words, mental representations, control of muscle tone and control over breathing.

Auto-training contributes to the complete relaxation of the muscles, the control of the mechanisms of excitation and the processes of inhibition of the ganglionic nervous system.

Auto-training for the nervous system needs systematic training, preferably several repetitions per day. Often, it takes about four months to master auto-training, some especially aspiring people manage to achieve success even in a month.

The advantage of autogenic training is the ease of mastering its techniques. After all, the key techniques can be mastered independently.

The autotraining system allows you to:

- learn to manage - regulate the tone of skeletal muscles;

- to evoke the desired emotional mood at will, against the background of muscle relaxation, to create a state of spiritual harmony;

- to influence the processes of the nervous system, with the help of the revival of pleasant sensations in the memory;

- regulate attention, focus it on a desired object or distract it.

Auto-training for calming comes down to performing special exercises by an individual who is in a certain position and plunges into a state of relaxation of the body, in which it is easier for him to succumb to self-hypnosis than in a state of wakefulness.

Relaxation must begin with the toes, gradually rising higher to the shins, then the thighs and pelvic muscles. After that, the muscular corset of the back and abdominal muscles is subjected to relaxation, then the muscles of the shoulder girdle and neck, fingers should be relaxed. During relaxation, you should try to focus your attention as much as possible on the desired muscle group, gradually switching to the following muscle groups. It is also recommended to say the following phrases to yourself:

- I am completely calm;

- excitement leaves me;

- anxiety leaves me;

- I am distracted from everything around;

My thoughts slowly flow through me.

In addition, relaxation auto-training can also contain a set of breathing exercises.

Also, in order to get rid of the accumulated stress, yoga practices can be used. Yoga classes can help relieve symptoms of increased anxiety and signs of depression.

You can use your own verbal formula aimed at calming. There are also several techniques to help compose textual material for reassurance, consisting of positive statements. The pivotal point in compiling a textual formula is a ban on two things, namely, it is forbidden to self-affirm an ill-conceived verbal formula and write down unnecessarily banal statements on the subconscious, for example, “everything is fine” or something like that.

The verbal statement should be slightly associative, necessarily meaningful. It is necessary to apply identical thoughts in the text material.

A well-honed sentence will almost instantly take a place in the subconscious.

Self-confidence coaching

Often, the majority believes that a feeling of insecurity in one's own qualities and strengths is not such a huge disadvantage. But, if you think about how many opportunities are missed due to the emergence of such a feeling, how many unrealized chances, unfulfilled goals, it becomes sad. Any uncertainty can be overcome. The simplest and most effective tool in the fight against indecision and uncertainty is autogenic training.

Autotraining relaxation and relaxation is the basis of all autogenic training exercises. Volitional relaxation fixes conditioned reflexes and biological reflection of positive emotions. Self-education and self-persuasion make auto-training an intellectual-volitional process that opens the way for a rational restructuring of personal characteristics.

The key role in auto-training belongs to the multiple repetition of verbal formulations and signals that build relationships in the human brain between images and ganglionic centers that regulate various processes.

Verbal formulations for auto-training can be compiled independently, but you must adhere to several basic requirements:

- to refuse the word "I will try";

- exclude the particle "not";

- it is necessary to conclude the exercises with a sentence beginning with the words: "I now realize ...".

Autogenic training to increase the feeling of self-confidence is considered one of the most effective techniques. After all, by controlling your own body, and the processes in it, you can easily expel anxiety and gain confidence. It is recommended to conduct it immediately immediately after waking up, since the morning mood affects the emotional state of the individual throughout the day and how that day will be.

Therefore, in the first moment after waking up, you should relax and get rid of negative emotions, if any. It is also not recommended to wind yourself up about the complexity of the upcoming day. The best start to a new day is auto-training relaxation and relaxation.

Morning psychological autogenic training is a determining factor for the whole day. Auto-training to give yourself confidence is a specially designed set of mental formulas, physical exercises and elements of breathing exercises that should be performed systematically. It is based on the core mechanisms of self-regulation and contributes to the development of new character traits and qualities of perception, which subsequently helps the individual not only wake up cheerful, but take the maximum benefit from the new day.

Systematic morning auto-training allows you to develop balance and endurance, clarity of thoughts, constructiveness of mental activity, timely relaxation and concentration skills, achieve high performance, using the ability to control emotions.

The human body is designed by nature in such a way that when he mentally relaxes, his body also physiologically relaxes. The model of psychological autogenic training is based on the belief that it is possible to learn new thinking skills and modify old patterns of behavior. After all, thought precedes action.

In other words, morning auto-training can be represented as a specific psychological training, the purpose of which is to achieve mental and mental harmony, as well as to acquire a charge of positive emotions.

Auto-training to give self-confidence does not have to be done lying in bed. The time of taking a contrast shower is also suitable for training, since it does not require serious mental stress, so it can be combined with ordinary morning activities such as combing, washing, etc.

Below is an example of verbal formulas for training. You need to smile at yourself and say the following phrases: “I woke up rested, I am completely calm. My organs and systems, muscles are in perfect order and begin to work. I am full of energy, energy is just bubbling out of me, I am filled with the desire to live, create, think, be happy and please the environment. I am absolutely sure of myself. All my undertakings are completed successfully. I am an energetic person. I am in great physical shape. My health is excellent. I have a great mood and I am ready for new achievements, which adds to my self-confidence and desire to act.

The wording can be different, the main thing is that they correspond to the desired result and sound in the present tense, and not in the future. Self-hypnosis is aimed at eliminating any possibility of an unsuccessful course of affairs. Any auto-training is based on self-hypnosis.

We can highlight the main positive effects that occur after auto-training to increase confidence:

- reduction of emotional stress and physical clamps;

- removal of signs of overwork;

— fast recovery of forces and working capacity;

- elimination of headaches;

- normalization of sleep;

— development of self-actualization;

- improving attention and activating the imagination;

- facilitates the processes of socialization of the individual, relieves the feeling of shyness, the feeling of awkwardness in communicative interaction and uncertainty in personal potential;

- increases the level of self-esteem;

— increases the degree of social competence;

- improves the external image in the eyes of the environment.

Systematic simple auto-training for calming and gaining self-confidence will give a comfortable, successful and pleasant existence, promotion on the social and career ladder.

Autotraining for weight loss

Surely every individual has heard the statement that thought is a material thing. Proper handling of your own thoughts will always make you feel comfortable, confident, happy and will help you reach unprecedented heights!

Relaxation auto-training is a psychotechnics aimed at self-improvement. The success of autogenic training has been proven by more than one generation. With the help of this psychotechnics, you can achieve any results, such as weight loss, a new promising position, family happiness and healing. The most important thing in getting the desired peaks is a sincere desire and a steady belief in the result.

Today, there are a lot of various psychotechnics based on the autotraining method. Each of them is divided into three core elements: relaxation, self-hypnosis and self-education.

Muscle relaxation and general relaxation helps to balance the tense consciousness. It must be remembered that relaxed muscles are incompatible with stress, anxiety and anxiety. Therefore, as soon as stress is on the threshold, you immediately need to take up relaxation and muscle relaxation. To this end, several important rules have been developed to ensure the effectiveness of relaxation. First of all, it should be understood that mastering any technique requires time. Hence the necessary condition for success will be the regularity of training and perseverance. Secondly, at first, it is better to relax while lying on your back. In the future, as skills are acquired, it will be possible to practice relaxation exercises in other body positions, for example, standing or sitting. The first attempts at muscle relaxation and relaxation are best done in a separate room where there is no risk of other people interfering. Light relaxing music or silence is also needed. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to practice relaxation for at least 15 minutes about four times a week.

It is the second stage of autogenic training aimed at losing weight. It is based on the pronunciation of verbal formulas (affirmations), in which a desire or aspiration is directly recorded. Text material should be carefully thought out and carry only positive.

The third stage of training is represented by self-education. It is considered the most important. For the development of the process of losing weight, it is necessary to firmly believe in the implementation, since even the slightest drop of doubt can nullify all efforts.

It is possible to get rid of excess body weight with the help of autogenic training, but this is not as easy as it might seem. Since psychology claims that the problem of overweight is buried deep in the subconscious. As a result, it will be an order of magnitude more difficult to eliminate it than any other.

By influencing the mind, individuals can easily improve their character traits and their own body. Properly formulated verbal formulas will help not only convey the desired information to the brain, but also provoke a response in the subconscious, forcing the mind to work in the right direction.

The meaning of textual material is purely individual and depends on personal preferences and aspirations. Therefore, each individual must draw up formulas independently, based on the following principles. First of all, everything spoken by an individual in the process of autogenic training should actually be what he wants. That is, the formulas should not reflect the desires of relatives or other environment. The verbal material should be a reflection solely of the desires of the individual who practices auto-training. The desire should come from the very heart and be sincere, then it will be easier to pronounce it, since the body will not be able to resist what is happening. Words should be positive and exude goodness. The bad meaning of the formulas or the negative will only lead to the opposite result.

The consciousness of individuals is more receptive to verbal influences 10 minutes after waking up. Verbal material for auto-training for the purpose of losing weight can be as follows: “I am absolutely healthy and slim. I easily get rid of fifteen kilograms of excess weight. I understand that I can do it. I am confident in the effectiveness of my method. I eat little. I eat as much as my body needs to be healthy and strong. I am indifferent to the requests of surrounding subjects to eat more than I need. I enjoy and enjoy exercising in the morning. Every morning I do exercises. I allow myself to be healthy and slim.”

This verbal material or other formulas are recommended to be pronounced in the morning after waking up and fifteen minutes before going to bed. Since it is the time before and after sleep that is considered the most effective for influencing one's own subconscious, due to the fact that there is a kind of transition from the conscious to the unconscious state, in which the human subconscious becomes the most open to various influences. Everything uttered at such moments will reach even the most hidden depths of the psyche much faster. Properly composed phrases will help not only to put an end to excess weight forever, but also contribute to the improvement of life in general. Many individuals, after conducting regular auto-training, begin to adhere to the correct diet and daily routine, go in for sports, which is an additional mechanism that enhances the many times expected effect.

It is recommended to practice autogenic training aimed at reducing excess body weight regularly at least twice a day. Since the speed of the desired result depends on the frequency of the classes. In addition, the more often you practice autogenic training, the faster the desired hypnotic state will set in, as a result of which the final result will be better.

Thus, auto-training, aimed at getting rid of kilograms that are annoying and interfering with life, is a powerful tool and a completely safe means to achieve the desired goal. Any individual can practice auto-training without any prior preparation. The main point of the effectiveness of autogenic training is the presence of absolute faith in yourself and the practiced technique. However, it should be understood that autogenic training for weight loss is not a panacea. If you lie on the couch, eat kilograms of sweets, skip workouts, then the result will never come.

Auto-training is only a psychological attitude to achieve victories, but without changing the usual way of life, there will be no result.

In life we ​​face stressful situations, but we do not always have the opportunity to restore the psychological state. You need to take extra.

There are ways to restore peace of mind and harmony, one of which is auto-training.

The meaning of therapy

Autotraining (autogenic therapy) is a psychological relief, a technique when a person learns to manage his psycho-emotional state. The actions of the training are aimed at relaxing the nervous system. It is considered a hypnotic effect on the body, but not with the help of outside interference, but by a method of self-hypnosis.

Thanks to auto-training, it is easy to learn to control emotions, concentrate thoughts and desires, and get proper rest for the body. We are faced with manifestations of natural auto-training.

The body regenerates on its own. These are sleep, food, walks in nature, sports, music, humor and more. Sometimes this is not enough, in order to avoid disorders and neuroses - help is needed. Helps

What does auto-training give?

Autogenic training for the body is not only relaxation, but the treatment of the nervous system. Half an hour of therapy is equivalent to three to four hours of sleep.

Problems solved through training:

During training you will learn:

  • control your emotions;
  • cope with stress;
  • concentrate attention;
  • dull pain and resentment.

Indicators according to Luscher

The Swiss psychologist Max Luscher has developed a test that allows, by compiling a color sample, to bypass the body's defense mechanisms, reach its unconscious level, and determine the psychological state of a person.

As part of the study, patients suffering from psychological disorders were tested before and after their recovery. If at the beginning of the treatment their color choice was varied, then in the final it approached a uniform holistic selection. These indicators are called the autogenous norm, they are the norm of the neuropsychiatric state.

Autotraining rules

What is the main technique of auto-training? Proper breathing and accurate mental images help to relax the nervous system. The technique has different exercises, which are combined with rules and principles:

  1. Train in a calm and quiet place where nothing will distract you from the process.
  2. It is necessary to take a position that is comfortable for you (ideally, to train lying down).
  3. Repeat all phrases after the audio instructor if you train with him.
  4. You can write, but write a positive text on your own behalf, do not use the “no” particle and negative expressions.
  5. Compose text from simple short phrases.
  6. Every time you say a phrase, try to make sense of it. The text that you understand and understand will be effective.
  7. Everything that is written / heard / said must be imagined in your imagination. Nothing helps to concentrate on a thought like visual images: detailed and vivid.
  8. In order for the text to be assimilated and imprinted in the mind, it is better to pronounce it several times.

Autotraining tools

Important tools of auto-training are breathing, word and thought. In combination with the work of the abdominal muscles, slow and deep breathing affects the central nervous system, thanks to which the body relaxes and calms down.

Using breathing as a tool, you will learn to control your muscle tone: relieve tension, pain, and tension.

An important tool is verbal influence. Orders, self-programming, encouragement work on the human mind, changing it
internal state. There are exercises, depending on the goals. Let's look at some of them.

With neuroses

Auto-training helps to feel the complete relaxation of the nervous system, and in combination with additional treatment, it copes well with neuroses.

The purpose of the training is to relax the body both on the psychological and emotional, and on the physical level,

Say the text: “I am relaxed. I feel my body fill with warmth. I find harmony with myself and the world.” You can repeat the text, but instead of heat, say “heaviness”: the body is heavy and relaxed. To calm the nervous system, repeat several times, moving from one state to another. Thus achieve complete relaxation.

For depression

Autogenic training is used in the fight against depression, but is part of the treatment process. The purpose of the training will be to improve the emotional state of the patient.

It is necessary, just as in case of neuroses, to use the setting about the warmth and heaviness of the body, and when the body is completely relaxed, you can pronounce positive settings. There must be a message of optimism, joy and pleasant emotions. It can be a positive setting for the day.

For good health

If you have little energy, and your health has deteriorated for reasons unknown to you, you can take a course of autogenic training. The purpose of this installation will be to tune your body to health, to get the necessary energy and strength. Use the following text: “I am healthy. My body is full of energy. I feel great. Every day I have more and more strength. I'm happy".

It is important to feel yourself in this state, to imagine how the body is healed and filled with strength.

For women

Women's self-esteem largely depends on her personal life. When something goes wrong, she falls, and the woman begins to feel unhappy, forgetting about her attractiveness. If you do not have enough strength to improve your life, auto-training will help.

The text of auto-training can be completely different. It is necessary to clearly formulate the goal and voice it. For example, “I am beautiful. I accept myself for who I am, appreciate, love and respect.

I like everything: face, body and soul. I will succeed. Soon I will find a husband/boyfriend and become a mother/wife.”

To soothe children

Children's auto-training should have a playful form and be included in the child's daily routine. It is also important to teach the baby to do the exercises correctly, because the result depends on the technique of execution.

The text can be customized. Words should be part of the game. For example, tell your child that he is a magical flower that reaches for the sun, repeating the words: “I feel good and warm. My breathing is calm and my body is relaxed.” Such a game will help calm the nervous system and stabilize the emotional state.

For weight loss

You don't need to starve yourself on diets to lose weight. Of course, it is important to limit yourself in nutrition and go in for sports, but auto-training for weight loss will help you tune in.

Sometimes the barrier that prevents us from changing is our self-doubt. And the purpose of this installation will be a text that calls to believe in yourself and your strengths. For example, “I am losing weight. I'm getting prettier and prettier. My body is great. Everything will work out for me, I believe in my strength.” Carry out auto-training twice a day. Motivate yourself for a positive result, and your mind will work in the right direction.

Before bedtime

If you suffer from insomnia and nightmares, try a relaxation training before bed. Before that, ventilate the room, take a warm bath and tune in to relaxation.

Get comfortable in bed and start speaking the text. Concentrate on the words, focus and not be distracted Say the following text: “I am calm. I feel good. My body fills with warmth. I feel peace. I am gradually falling asleep. I'm sleeping." Repeat a couple of times. You will notice that falling asleep has become much easier.

Duration of classes

The main thing is to find time for yourself and your activities. Do not forget about the systematic: we decided to go through 7-8 trainings a week - do not interrupt the course! You will not immediately notice the result, in order to achieve the goal - it is worth working hard.

The daily duration of classes can be from two to three minutes a day. Time can be increased, the main thing is not to turn trainings into a routine, since everything that becomes a burden does not bring great results.

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