Allergy after anesthesia. Allergy to local anesthesia in dentistry. Photos of allergies to anesthesia

Allergy to anesthesia of any type is quite rare. It manifests itself like any other adverse drug reaction.

The causes of the disease are:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the anesthetic (parabens, sodium disulfite);
  • getting the drug into the vessel due to improper administration (local anesthesia);
  • an allergic reaction to anesthesia can be triggered by other things in the doctor's office (latex, antibiotics, colloids, sterilization agent, surgical instruments, etc.);
  • incorrect dosage of the drug;
  • insufficient qualification of the anesthesiologist;
  • toxins and preservatives that are part of the anesthetic in quality.

Basically, the severity of allergic symptoms depends on the anesthetic and the method of its administration.

Type of anesthesia Allergy to anesthesia
Local anesthesia to influence the nerves of a certain area of ​​the body (Ultracain, Ubistezin, Scandonest, Mepivacain, Articain).

· conductive;

· epidural;


· caudal;


· infiltration;


redness of the skin;

Itching and burning (including mucous membranes);

Difficulties with breathing

a rash of a different nature;

shortness of breath

· hair loss;

peeling of the skin;

Chipped teeth

Breakage of nail plates;

decrease in pressure

disorders in the work of the heart;

· nausea;

pain in the abdominal cavity;

· weakness;

· chest pain;

tingling in the area of ​​manipulation;

· tachycardia;

Increased sweating

· dizziness;

pain in the region of the heart;

Feelings of panic and fear


Loss of orientation


· cardiovascular insufficiency;

· fainting;

Allergy to anesthesia can occur not only immediately after the introduction of anesthesia, but also a day after the operation. Then the reaction is not as intense as anaphylaxis (hair loss, breaking nails, skin rash, etc.).

Inhalation anesthesia using:


nitrous oxide;

· cyclopropane;


methoxyflurane, etc.

The safest drug. For adult patients, it is done in combination with another anesthesia. In its pure form, it is applied only to children.

Intravenous or intramuscular anesthesia. Not applicable for long-term operations due to short-term effect:

"Thiopental sodium";

· "Geksenal";




Combined anesthesia when anesthesia of the same type is administered, but in different ways and at different intervals of time (neuroleptanalgesia). It could be:

nitrous oxide together with oxygen;


muscle relaxants;


Substances are administered intravenously, and an inhalation mask is used in parallel.

Anesthesia, combining both local and general anesthesia(for complex and lengthy operations).
Endotracheal anesthesia(introduction of a tube with an anesthetic into the trachea).

Photos of allergies to anesthesia


Usually, an allergic reaction with both local anesthesia and general anesthesia occurs in the operating room. In this case, the doctor should have all the necessary equipment and medicines that can help the patient (especially with severe allergic manifestations: anaphylaxis and Quincke's edema).

Consideration should be given to therapies for various symptoms of anesthetic allergy (table below).

Manifestations of the disease Treatment
From the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract, skin, nervous system Antihistamine medications:


· "Fenkorol";


· "Suprastin";


Preparations for removing toxins from the body: "Activated carbon", "Polysorb".

Folk remedies to strengthen immunity and general condition after the use of anesthesia:

a decoction of wild rose;

Raspberry tincture;

Decoction of oregano, calamus, licorice root and St. John's wort;

bath with a decoction of chamomile, string and elecampane;

a decoction of chamomile.

Anaphylactic shock, angioedema The most severe allergic reaction. The anesthesiologist should have medicines for this case:

· adrenaline;

antihistamines (2 types for intravenous administration);



· saline.

An alternative to anesthesia for allergies

In case of a diagnosed allergy to anesthesia, several alternatives to anesthesia (local) can be used:

  1. Sedatives droperidol or haloperidol. The drugs are drugs and are used when it is impossible to use conventional anesthetics. In this case, a negative reaction test is required. After using these funds, drugs such as Analgin, Aspirin, Pentalgin will not work.
  2. General anesthesia, in which there are practically no allergic complications (but there is a chance of harming the patient's heart, liver and kidneys with repeated use).
  3. Anesthesia with acupuncture.
  4. Electroacupuncture. Impact on special points of the body with a low-power electric current.
  5. Su-jok therapy. Impact on the points located on the palms for the purpose of pain relief.

Of course, the final decision on the use of these methods is made by the doctor. The use of special anesthesia techniques requires a good qualification of the doctor.

During any operation, it is necessary to warn the surgeon about a possible allergic reaction. The specialist will make the necessary tests and select the safest anesthetic. Cases of allergy to anesthesia are few, but even the minimal likelihood of a negative reaction must be taken into account.

Allergy to anesthesia can cause a lot of inconvenience during any trip to the doctor, as well as create risks and dangers for health. Therefore, if there are any manifestations of allergies in general, it is worth taking care of taking a blood test for anesthetics.

A fairly common reaction, like an allergy, can manifest itself in different ways. The skin of an allergic person acquires redness, rashes that cause itching, giving discomfort to a person. In more severe cases, swelling of the mucous membranes, discharge of watery fluid from the nose, and a sore throat may occur. The condition may worsen sharply, and breathing may become difficult.

The most terrible consequence -. This state of the body is characterized by jumps in blood pressure, interruptions in the work of the heart, pulmonary edema, etc. In such cases, it is necessary to immediately introduce drugs such as adrenaline, prednisone, with mandatory hospitalization.

Diagnostic methods

Modern techniques allow you to effectively identify allergens in order to prevent the negative consequences of the use of anesthetics. Methods are constantly being improved. It is worth noting that laboratory tests are 60-85% accurate.

Consider the methods of testing for allergies to anesthetics:

    • . The method involves applying a small scratch to the human dermis or an injection. In this case, a small amount of the allergen will be added there. After some time, a reaction will appear, the skin may turn red, which will indicate an allergy to the injected agent. Similar testing is carried out to identify the presence of fungal, household, pollen allergens.
    • Test provocation. Needed in the event that a blood test for an allergy to anesthetics did not give the proper result. This method involves the introduction of a substance under the tongue / in the nose / in the bronchi. The downside of such a test can be a severe allergy. That is why it is carried out only in hospitals, under the supervision of experienced allergists.
    • Sublingual test. This version of the study is applied to drugs in the form of tablets. Take a quarter of a similar substance, an injection solution and put everything on a piece of sugar. A person holds a piece of pill / sugar under the tongue. When fifteen minutes have passed, allergy symptoms may occur. You can see swelling, feel itching, as well as other manifestations. This will indicate a positive result of the study.
    • Provocation in certain doses. This option involves administering the drug sequentially, starting with small doses and from superficial routes. After 20 minutes of observation, the doctor continues to inject the substance, gradually increasing its amount. This technique is suitable, for example, for beta-lactam antibiotics, local anesthesia.
    • Blood test for anesthetics. This option will also allow you to determine the predisposition to allergies. It is worth taking a general blood test. There is also an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, histamine level determination, and a basophil activation test.

If an allergy to a particular substance is detected, this is necessarily reflected in the person's medical history. Further, this drug will not be used in treatment.

It is worth noting that every doctor has met with strong reactions of the human immune system in response to a certain stimulus at least once. 5-10% of people have drug allergies. An increase in the number of such reactions leads to an increase in the use of drugs, as well as various environmental issues that violate human immunity.


Do not test for allergic reactions in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy
  • During lactation
  • Have had anaphylactic shock in the past
  • A person has chronic diseases of the kidneys, heart, liver in the acute stage
  • For infectious and inflammatory diseases
  • For severe diabetes
  • There have been cases of allergy to this substance in the past
  • Presence of various skin diseases

Timely analysis for allergies to anesthetics and anesthesia can save you many problems and save your life.

When an anesthetic solution is introduced into the body, a reaction occurs between this allergen (all anesthetics have an allergic potential) and an antigen, and it is called an allergy to anesthesia. Even the smallest dose of anesthetic can cause an allergic reaction, although in general, it is not so common. It is customary to distinguish four types: light, moderate, heavy, very heavy. An allergic reaction to anesthesia is dangerous in that there is a risk of developing anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema.

Dental practice, features of the use of anesthesia and the possibility of an allergic reaction

With the word anesthesia, almost every one of us imagines a dental chair, dental treatment. Probably, in this practice, as nowhere else, local anesthetics are used everywhere. The use of anesthesia gives doctors the opportunity to treat the tooth with high quality, and the patient undergoes this procedure absolutely painlessly.

Such a minus as allergic reactions is not uncommon for dentists. Allergy to anesthesia in dentistry takes the form of either damage to the skin that has been in contact with the allergen, or urticaria and anaphylactic shock (very rare, isolated cases). Most often, the reaction occurs not on the anesthetic itself, but on the preservatives contained in it. And often an allergic reaction is just a "horror story", even in people prone to allergies, the reaction usually does not exceed skin rashes, which disappear very quickly.

What causes an allergic reaction to anesthesia?

The doctor may choose the wrong method of anesthesia, or the anesthetic itself. It is necessary to have a complete picture of the presence of anesthetics, their mechanisms of action, indications and contraindications. Taking a patient history may also help. Another reason is the presence in the solution for anesthesia of not only an anesthetic drug, but also preservatives. The next reason is the composition of the anesthetic drug itself, for example, lidocaine has a complex composition, it includes additives that can cause an allergic reaction.

Genetic predisposition, the presence of vegetative-vascular diseases, mental dysfunctions and other disorders. A common reason may be that all anesthetics have the potential to cause allergies. Another reason may be an incorrectly calculated dosage, the introduction of a large amount of a substance. All causes of allergy to anesthesia must be taken into account by the doctor.

What are the signs of an allergy to anesthesia?

Symptoms of allergy to anesthesia can be divided into three groups.

  • The first is reactions from the skin, the presence of rashes and itching.
  • The second group can carry a danger to human life, these are swelling of the face, neck and upper respiratory tract.
  • The third group is the most difficult. It starts with a tingling of the face, itching, then people feel weak, chest pain appears, if the doctor does not take action, anaphylactic shock, swelling of the airways, heart failure, convulsions may develop.

What can be used to treat this reaction

Treatment is carried out symptomatically, usually depending on the observed reactions, the doctor decides on the use of drugs. If we observe an easy stage, then the proposed treatment is limited to the introduction of antihistamines. Most often, pipolfen, diphenhydramine and suprastin are chosen, and in most cases this is enough. If a second, more severe stage is observed, antihistamines are also administered and further, judging by the patient's condition, funds are prescribed to maintain, for example, the cardiovascular system.

If we are dealing with anaphylactic shock, then adrenaline is injected and artificial ventilation of the lungs is provided, with asphyxia. As a method of preventing and preventing the disease, it may be mandatory to conduct a skin test, administer a small amount of anesthetic subcutaneously and observe the reaction of the body, redness, swelling in this place may indicate that the anesthetic was chosen incorrectly.

Traditional medicine, means and methods of treatment of allergy to anesthesia

Alternative methods of treating allergies to anesthesia include breathing exercises and massage, which is used in the treatment of asthma. In addition, for all types of allergies, hardening is suitable. After removing severe symptoms, you can prescribe breathing exercises, for example, take a deep breath and exhale through a straw.

Traditional treatment means herbal treatment. A good effect is given by a mixture consisting of licorice root, calamus measles, succession herbs, oregano and St. John's wort. This mixture is taken two teaspoons, brewed with boiling water, left to cool and then drink a quarter cup in the morning and evening. Another mixture is prepared from licorice, immortelle, calendula and burdock. The method of preparation does not differ from the previous one. If skin rashes persist, you can take a bath with herbal infusions. Burdock, string, elecampane, chamomile are well suited for this. A glass of herbs is brewed into five liters of hot water, and then added to the bath.

Toothache and tooth decay are problems affecting people of all ages, including children.

But not many are in a hurry to see a dentist, and the reason for this is not only the fear of upcoming manipulations, but also the fear of anesthesia.

Causes leading to an allergic reaction to anesthesia

Probably, many people have heard that during the administration of painkillers, a person may experience a serious allergic reaction, which is quite difficult to cope with.

You should not believe all the horror stories about the dangers of anesthesia in dentistry, but you should not assume that allergies are completely excluded during tooth extraction or its treatment.

Hypersensitivity when using anesthetics is quite possible, but its development by contacting a qualified doctor can be avoided.

Causes that lead to an allergic reaction to anesthesia:

  • The doctor may choose the wrong method of anesthesia, or the anesthetic itself. It is necessary to have a complete picture of the presence of anesthetics, their mechanisms of action, indications and contraindications. Taking a patient history may also help.
  • Another reason is the presence in the solution for anesthesia of not only an anesthetic drug, but also preservatives.
  • The next reason is the composition of the anesthetic drug itself, for example, lidocaine has a complex composition, it includes additives that can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Genetic predisposition, the presence of vegetative-vascular diseases, mental dysfunctions and other disorders. A common reason may be that all anesthetics have the potential to cause allergies.
  • Another reason may be an incorrectly calculated dosage, the introduction of a large amount of a substance. All causes of allergy to anesthesia must be taken into account by the doctor.

What are the signs of an allergy to anesthesia?

Symptoms of allergy to anesthesia can be divided into three groups.

The first is reactions from the skin, the presence of rashes and itching.

The second group can carry a danger to human life, these are swelling of the face, neck and upper respiratory tract.

The third group is the most difficult. It starts with a tingling of the face, itching, then people feel weak, chest pain appears, if the doctor does not take action, anaphylactic shock, swelling of the airways, heart failure, convulsions may develop.

Types of Allergic Reactions That Can Occur During Anesthesia

Regardless of which anesthesia was used, the list of allergic reactions is the same.

Below are the types of allergic manifestations characteristic of anesthesia:

Anaphylactic shock

It develops within a few minutes after the drug enters the body. Symptoms include a lightning-fast drop in blood pressure, loss of consciousness, rapid heart rate, pale skin, swelling and spasm of the airways, and respiratory arrest.

In more than 20% of all cases, anaphylactic shock is fatal.

If the patient is not in the hospital, but, for example, in dentistry, urgently call an ambulance.

It is necessary within a few minutes, after the appearance of the first symptoms, to inject a person with adrenaline, glucocorticoids, intubate and connect to oxygen. If necessary, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Quincke's edema, or angioedema

It develops quickly after the introduction of the drug, to which the patient is allergic. Symptoms: swelling of the skin, mucous membranes, respiratory tract, joints. In rare cases, there may be swelling of the brain.

The consequences depend on the severity of the manifestation of the disease. If angioedema is manifested by brain damage and swelling of the airways, death may occur.

Treatment is the same as for anaphylactic shock. When the acute attack is relieved, the patient is prescribed antihistamines.


Characterized by the appearance of blisters, which are accompanied by severe itching.

Usually, the disease is not life-threatening. After the abolition of contact with the allergen, and the appointment of treatment - passes.

The treatment regimen includes antihistamines, sorbents, and plenty of fluids.

If a person knows that he is allergic to any drug, or has ever had such allergic reactions, he should always carry a piece of paper with him where it is written. No one is safe from unforeseen situations, and such a memo will tell the doctor what to do and what medicines not to use.

How to know if you are allergic to anesthesia

The patient himself should have certain information about allergic reactions that have arisen in the past.

If you have ever had an allergic reaction to drugs, it is recommended that you always carry (in your bag, in your passport) a written list of such drugs for emergencies that may require an unscheduled operation, such as a traffic accident. In such cases, doctors will not have time to conduct a preliminary examination and prepare for surgery.

Always inform doctors about possible allergies to certain substances, do not forget to mention bad experiences with local anesthetics (for example, at the dentist). It would also be useful to know if any of your immediate family members had allergic reactions (what effect anesthesia had on family members who had operations under anesthesia), as well as about the medications that you have recently taken and past diseases.

The risk group of people with the possible development of an allergic reaction to general anesthesia includes children, the elderly, as well as people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Always consult with an anesthesiologist before planned operations, agree in advance on a preliminary examination with the appointment of special tests - allergic tests. All allergic tests are divided into two groups - in vivo and in vitro tests.

The first, unlike the second, are skin tests and are carried out directly on the patient. To date, there are a large number of allergy tests that do not require intervention in the patient's body, since they are carried out in vitro - in vitro tests, for example, the RTML test (reaction of inhibition of leukocyte migration).

As a result of such tests, the doctor will have an idea of ​​which drugs and substances your body will tolerate and which will reject. Based on this, experts will decide in favor of using one or another anesthetic.

And the last thing: the most important condition for the timely detection and avoidance of an allergic reaction of the body to general anesthesia is strict adherence to all recommendations and instructions of the doctor both during the preliminary examination and immediately before surgery.

What to do if an allergic reaction occurs

It is impossible to protect one hundred percent from anaphylactic shock.

But in order to reduce the risks, anesthesiologists ask a person in great detail about the presence of allergies, intolerance to drugs and products.

It happens that a food allergy does not allow the use of a certain drug. For example, if you are allergic to eggs and soy, you should not use propofol. To prevent anaphylaxis, anesthesiologists use antihistamines and glucocorticoid hormones before surgery, which should reduce the severity of the allergic reaction. Due to the lack of evidence base, this recommendation is often criticized.

If a reaction occurs during drug sleep, an urgent need to diagnose and provide intravenous access. Such a set of measures will ensure high-quality treatment of anaphylactic shock. Tactics depends entirely on the clinical severity and the organs that were affected by it.

The risk of future allergic reactions during medication sleep increases in people who have a drug reaction. If studies were carried out before the operation and the allergen was identified, then the preparations in which it is included are not used. But if the cause has not been established, the patient is prescribed a course of antihistamines and steroids. However, doctors have no evidence that such prophylaxis has an effect.

If a patient who has undergone anaphylactic shock has not been examined, then the decision to exclude certain drugs that can cause the development of a negative reaction of the body is quite justified.

As a rule, anesthesiologists are ready to quickly diagnose anaphylaxis and bring the patient out of the crisis.

But people should always tell their doctor if they have an intolerance to certain drugs before starting general anesthesia. Many of the patient's assumptions are incorrect, and only in the course of a conversation, a thorough study of the medical record, the anesthesiologist is able to draw the appropriate conclusions.

The use of local anesthetics in dental anesthesia was preceded by the discovery of substances whose action was mainly based on depression of the central nervous system.

The first anesthetic drugs were narcotic and poisonous substances such as nitrous oxide, ether, cocaine, chloroform. After the discovery in the twentieth century of complex, combined anesthetics, patients began to show the first signs of individual intolerance to drugs, which in everyday life is called an allergic reaction.

In general, side effects in dental anesthesia are not a rare manifestation of its negative side, but they have a non-allergic etiology.

In dental practice, two types of allergic reactions are observed and have been described, namely:

  • Allergic contact dermatitis and swelling at the injection site;
  • Urticaria and anaphylactic shock - these types of allergies are quite rare and information about these side effects is limited to isolated cases.

If the patient's body is suspected of allergic irritation of a certain drug, then it is quite possible that he will safely endure the effects of anesthesia if the problematic component is replaced with another one.

Some people have intolerance to the preservatives in the anesthetic injection. The main sensations experienced with the introduction of the solution are heart palpitations, febrile chills, increased sweating, weakness, dizziness. But in reality, this is by no means a manifestation of an allergic reaction.

Allergy, in fact, is a hypersensitive state of the body caused by an allergen that has entered the bloodstream.

Allergy symptoms are the following changes in the body:

  • Skin reactions - rash, swelling, itching;
  • Difficulty breathing, similar to an asthmatic condition;
  • In severe, but very rare cases, anaphylactic shock.

All the tragedy attached to allergic reactions is nothing more than the patients' own prejudices. Even those who are allergic to drugs experience short-term itching and a skin rash when they are administered, which disappears after 2-3 minutes. In case of anaphylactic shock, the dentist has the necessary set of equipment to provide urgent care to the patient.

To what do modern
allergic reactions?

A traditional anesthetic solution consists of two main components: an active anesthetic (lidocaine, for example) and epinephrine. However, most people cannot tolerate the preservatives in the anesthetic solution. The most common of these is sodium hydrosulfite or sodium metabisulfite. In solution, it is designed to preserve the properties of epinephrine, which is rapidly degraded by leukocytes in the blood.

If the test readings indicate that the patient is intolerant of preservatives in injections, then the combination of the solution is simplified to several components, more often to one - an active anesthetic. Of course, the time of its action is significantly reduced, which makes it necessary to increase the dose of the drug to maintain the analgesic effect until the desired time. Sometimes, "progressive" dentists replace epinephrine with mepivacaine or prilocaine, as their composition is less susceptible to protective human antibodies.

Allergy to "Cain-s"

Exceptional cases of allergic reactions to active ingredients, in particular to obsolete novocaine and other ester caines, raise a number of questions regarding the composition of anesthetic injections for these "prominent" patients. Even the modern amide-based anesthetics "caine" have caused several documented cases of allergy to them.

What pain relief options does the patient have?

  • General anesthesia in the clinic;
  • The use of a histamine blockade (painful, only in emergency cases);
  • Hypnotic effect (extremely rare);
  • Experimenting with other "Cains" (Septokain, Markain). Fortunately, nature has decreed that patients who cannot tolerate Lidocaine freely tolerate other anesthetics, such as Septocaine;
  • Do not carry out analgesic procedures (in case of minor intervention, for example, when cleaning tartar, fluoridation).

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Svetlana / 12.12.17

Hello, I had a mini abortion, they did local anesthesia with lidocaine, I started to choke. What drugs are suitable in dentistry.

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I don't understand why all these people are asking questions? Especially the latter, they already see that there is not a single answer to the questions))

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Irina / 28.08.15

Hello. The other day, my daughters had a molar tooth removed, they did anesthesia. During the injection, she felt a strong heartbeat and weakness. Then everything passed. Should I pay attention to the heart and turn to a cardiologist? Perhaps there are some disorders in the work of the heart?

Evgeniy / 10.08.15

Evgeniy / 10.08.15

Hello, I was at the dentist, they did anesthesia with ultracaine, it became bad, I rested for 10 minutes and went home. From the next day, dizziness, weakness, does not go away. What should I do, which doctor should I go to?

Tatiana / 16.07.15

Yesterday I pulled out a tooth, they did anesthesia several times! In the morning it poured out on my chest and stomach! I drank Claritin! What should I do? Could it be for anesthesia?

Natalia Shmonina / 08.12.14

All allergy sufferers: go to the Medclub on Tverskaya. For 8 years of allergy, which was twice with Quincke's edema, I started my teeth utterly! Nobody took care of it. I “profited” treated 2 ore canals in the regional dental clinic, so much so that I returned home, and my thighs were blue from the pinches that I did to myself when it hurt when drilling. I started to treat at Denta-Vita, but there expensive ... They asked for 800 thousand rubles for prosthetics !!! And this is without treatment and removal !!! But through third parties they recommended the Medclub on Tverskaya. They picked up anesthesia after a blood test for anesthesia. Go to the removal to Alexander Anatolyevich Dmitrenko. Then treatment to Kiseleva Inna Fedorovna. And for prosthetics to Mikhail Mikhailovich Manukyan, who made me a "Hollywood" smile.

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Svetlana / 14.01.14

Please tell me where you can take allergy tests for dental anesthetics, preferably in the suburbs. Direction Ramenskoye, Zhukovsky.

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I am allergic to 1. Ultracaine, 2. Ubistezin, 3. Lidocaine. What to do and what other anesthesias are there?

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Irina / 26.11.13

bad from anesthesia during dental treatment. strong heartbeat, weakness, dizziness. is it possible to use drugs for pregnant women, what is their drawback? what are they called?

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