Adaptive model of Evgeny Yamburg's school. Evgeny Yamburg: biography and activities


1.Basic principles of the education system in the adaptive model

2. The main tasks of the adaptive model

3. The structure of the adaptive model

4. School of Yamburg




Changes in the political and socio-economic development paths of our society are determined by the transformation of pedagogical practice and the development of diverse models of educational institutions focused on maximizing the satisfaction of the education needs of the younger generation and society as a whole.

One of the possible models of a new educational institution can be an adaptive model of a school in which a socio-ecological space is built. The society of the educational space allows students to prepare for life, for work in society. Environmentally friendly principles of building an educational space create comfortable conditions for the development of the individual. The sociological educational space preserves and develops the physical and mental health of children and adolescents; creates conditions for intellectual, emotional and personal development, depending on age characteristics and individual inclinations and abilities.

The conditions for the functioning of such an educational space are objectified by the individual age characteristics of each child. These conditions are aimed at overcoming alienation from one's own "I", society and nature, at the realization of the idea of ​​preserving and increasing the dignity of a person. The vital activity of children and adolescents takes place not only within the walls of the kindergarten and school, but also outside them in extracurricular and extracurricular activities. In this model, the pedagogical team is given the place of a conductor, carrying out the relationship between the process of development (growing up) of children, adolescents and the social environment, in the formation of a person-citizen, aimed at improving society.

In the sociological educational space, there is a process of progress in the subjectivity of both a preschooler, a student, and an educator and teacher. The development of the child occurs due to changes in the content and forms of legal and educational and cognitive activities. Consequently, the adaptive model of an educational institution is a form of the content and process of education. This model is a system for the preservation and enhancement of socio-cultural universal values.

1.Basic principles of the education system in the adaptive model

All the principles of education of the adaptive model of the school are aimed at providing social and pedagogical conditions for the development of the socio-ecological educational system, at ensuring its full functioning. All principles are interconnected and complement each other.

1. Humanization of education means that the center of the educational space is the child, his health, free development of personality, respect for the personality of the child, dignity; trust in him; acceptance of his personal goals, requests and interests; education of citizenship and love for the Motherland.

The educational process is based on the priority of universal human values.

The main criterion for the activity of the teaching staff of the new model of an educational institution is the criterion for the development of the personality of children and adolescents.

2. The humanization of education is aimed at turning education towards a holistic picture of the world: the world of culture, the world of man; on the humanization of knowledge; on the formation of humanitarian and systemic thinking. The humanization of education is one of the main means of filling the spiritual vacuum.

3. The principle of unity of cultural and educational space based on historical traditions (as a basis for the harmonization of national relations).

4. The principle of individualization, differentiation and mobility of the educational space. The principle is based on the public nature of education in accordance with the individual age characteristics of the child, the differentiation of the construction of the educational process and the different levels of educational training of the student.

5. The principle of developing, active education. The development of the child's personality occurs in the process of specially organized educational and cognitive activity. In the process of this activity, the child masters not only knowledge, skills, skills, but also gains experience in independently obtaining and applying them as the basic principle of life activity. Knowledge, skills and abilities become a means of developing the personality of each student.

6. The principle of continuity and succession of education in the "School-Kindergarten" system means such a construction of a socio-ecological space when a child, a teenager studies, realizes the vital need for constant updating of education.

7. The principle of the democratization of education presupposes the formation of a pedagogical relationship different from the authoritarian culture, which is based on a system of cooperation between an adult and a child, an educator, a teacher and the administration of an educational institution.

2. The main tasks of the adaptive model

1. To ensure the scientific and practical construction of the process and content of educational activities within the framework of continuous education and continuity in the work of kindergarten and school.

2. Develop and include a comprehensive program of sociological, medical, psychological and pedagogical support for the development of children and adolescents.

3. Based on the experimental data of science and the results of research on the comprehensive development of the personality, provide an individual trajectory for the development of children and adolescents.

4. Combine out-of-class and out-of-school spaces of education into a single system of socio-ecological educational space of the model.

5. To develop a system of measures to improve the professional potential of the teaching staff based on the content of education, new psychological and pedagogical technologies and the ability to work in an experimental and innovative mode.

6. Develop programs to provide additional services to children, students and their families.

7. To build a socio-ecological space of education model based on new requirements for the content of education and new psychological and pedagogical technologies.

8. Manage the educational institution on the basis of modern management technologies and their development by the teaching staff.

The formulated tasks are specified at each level of education.

3. The structure of the adaptive model

The implementation of the tasks "School-Kindergarten" is based on a step-by-step construction of the education system.

I stage:

Pre-school education in kindergarten (children from 4 to 5 years old); early development school (children living in a fixed micro-site, not attending kindergarten, from 4 to 5 years old).

II stage:

Primary general education: 1 - 4 classes (children from 6 to 9 years old). At this stage of education, classes of the age norm, developmental education (A.V. Zankov's system) and classes of compensatory education are provided.

III stage:

Basic general education: 5-9 grades (teenagers from 10 to 14-15 years old). At this level, the following types of classes are provided:

advanced training classes;

age norms for children who are able to learn the curriculum without much difficulty;

· classes of pedagogical support, in which children study, requiring correction of the mode of the educational process and compensation for physical and mental health.

IV stage:

Secondary (complete) education: 10-11 grades. Depending on the readiness and identified individual characteristics of students, taking into account the conditions of the experimental model, classes are distinguished:

general education level;

advance development;

individual training.

The idea of ​​the continuity of education in a stepped structure provides for the continuity of the requirements and conditions for the organization of training and education both between the levels and at each of them. This means that on the basis of an individual approach and differentiation of curricula, a student is provided with a free transition from one type of class to another at a certain level of education in accordance with the requests of parents, students and the opinions of the teaching staff. The process of transition from one stage of the structural model involves a certain system of knowledge, skills and abilities of the student; the level of his intellectual, emotional and spiritual development; appropriate physical, mental and moral health and much more. Consequently, the correlation of education standards between levels allows you to build the educational process more smoothly within the framework of the principle of continuity. Person-oriented is a means of limiting overload, reducing neuroticism and mental discomfort. At the second and third stages of the model, the work of extended day groups is provided, the content of which is aimed at the implementation of the main tasks of the socio-ecological educational process.

At the second, third and fourth levels of education, special courses are provided that work at the request of parents, the needs of students and perform specific educational tasks. This reveals the specificity of each special course, the unifying point of which is their focus on expanding the socio-cultural educational space, on the development and enhancement of the universal values ​​of each student. So, for example, at the fourth stage of education, taking into account the already formed interests of students in a certain specialization, the free right to choose the profile of a special course is provided, or the student can attend several special courses.

From the first to the fourth stage of the adaptive model, an in-depth study of foreign languages ​​(English, German, Japanese, Chinese) is provided as a means of mastering national historical traditions, universal development, and harmonization of national relations.

At all levels of education, the educational process is aimed at developing students' skills and abilities of research, thinking and communication. As the results of psychological and pedagogical theories (P.Ya. Galperin, L.S. Vygotsky, N.A. Menchinskaya, V.V. Davydov, etc.) show, it is important to be able to find information and use it effectively than to memorize everything that is in able to remember the child. For this purpose, the use of computer technology in the classroom, special courses and extracurricular activities is provided.

The unifying core of the process of personality development at all levels of education is labor pre-professional and vocational education. So, at the first stage, children master the elements of knowledge and skills for servicing themselves on the basis of imitations, performing actions according to the model and likeness in the game. On the second - through the game they master the knowledge and skills of educational activities, master the skills of service work. On the third - in the process of educational and cognitive activity, students master the elements of professional activities (laboratory programmer, seamstress-minder, secretary-referent, radio installer). At the fourth stage of education, students independently perform labor tasks, learn to realize their inclination, master the economy of market relations. The model presents a wide range of out-of-school educational institutions to meet the educational needs of children, adolescents, young men who are not realized in school and family.

All activities of out-of-school educational institutions are built in accordance with the principles of the sociological educational system and are aimed at solving the main tasks of the model.

The structure of the model includes:

1. Sociological-medical-psychological-pedagogical service for the provision of educational services to children, adolescents and their parents, the teaching staff.

2. Research laboratories of didactics and psychology for the development of experimental programs and evaluation of the results of experimental and innovative activities.

Consequently, the system of sociological educational space of the adaptive model includes:

The actual educational space within the walls of the school and kindergarten;

services for ensuring the activities of an educational institution;

out-of-school educational institutions.

4. School of Yamburg

The official name of this state secondary educational institution is the Education Center N 109 in Moscow. And the unofficial, which bears the stamp of personality, fits into two words.

Over the past years, its director became a doctor of pedagogical sciences, an honored teacher of the Russian Federation, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education and, in general, became famous. The school itself from an experimental site, where the “adaptive model” was tested (adaptation of the educational system to the abilities and needs of students, and not vice versa), turned into a multidisciplinary education center: a kindergarten, elementary grades, a gymnasium, a lyceum, pedagogical correction classes ... The Yamburg School - it is also its own theater, a stable, a flotilla with two steamships and several sea boats, a workshop of art crafts, a cafe, a hairdresser, medical offices ... This, if you like, is Yamburg City, where there is nothing.

Director of the capital's Education Center No. 109, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation Evgeny Alexandrovich Yamburg is also a cheerful person. In the corridors on the walls within the framework of not classics, but caricatures of teachers. In the director's office there is a painted sculptural image of Yamburg itself, reduced by one and a half times. Probably, so that everyone, even a first-grader, could feel like an equal with him.

TsO N 109 is famous primarily as the cradle of the school's adaptive model (the institution itself is already 27 years old). That is, schools where methods of working with students, forms of education and approaches to organizing the educational process are selected depending on which children study in a particular class. It is not the child who adapts at school, but the school is ready to adapt to him, based on his characteristics. As a result, a multi-level system of education, enabling each student to realize himself. Today, there are 237 teachers and 2020 students in the education center. Under it there is a theater studio, a school of art crafts and even a hairdresser's (the staff is the students themselves). However, director Yamburg says: “I don’t think at all that we grabbed God by the beard. We still have to work and work.”

In Soviet times, the experiment to create an educational institution capable of tailoring a standardized and straightforward school system to a child was carried out in fact in secret. Different teaching methods were needed, designed for different categories of students. The experience of foreign colleagues was studied clandestinely and also clandestinely introduced into practice.

Today, adaptive schools operate in 60 regions of Russia, in the near and far abroad. The author of the system, Yevgeny Yamburg himself, does not count his followers and emphasizes that other adaptive schools are not copies of CO N 109 - teachers there can use other methods. The main thing is the preservation of the basic principles.

Each school should ideally have its own identity. In this one there are no gray-green-blue walls, the atmosphere in which children spend time should not give away bureaucracy. Another fundamental point is that there is everything you need for the educational process. However, it is not customary to mention the number of computers and other equipment in the Central Organ, the main thing is the teaching technique. Meanwhile, the center recently purchased a batch of laptops for students in remedial classes. Significant enough. If we are talking about a private school, then God himself ordered to organize “amenities” at a level above average. But public educational institutions, as a rule, do not shine in this regard. In the literal and figurative sense. Evgeny Aleksandrovich says that when he comes with inspections to other schools, he first of all pays attention to the condition of the sanitary facilities, and specially shows me the toilets and wash basins - light tiled floors, flowers, fish in the aquarium ...

The school acquires branded "chips". For example, not so long ago a piece of the Old Arbat appeared - one of the halls was turned into it: almost real lanterns, a model of the facade of the building where Okudzhava lived, benches and a small platform that can be turned into an impromptu stage.

There are caricatures of teachers on the walls, apparently to create an informal atmosphere. Naturally, no one is offended - it's accepted. A reduced copy of the director of the school, made of papier-mâché, is right in front of his office.

Despite the external and internal presentability, this school, in the language of the characters in Chukovsky's book "From Two to Five", is the most "everyone". In the sense that no one will "cut" your child upon admission. The main principles of the adaptive school are focusing primarily on the characteristics of the child (both mental and physical), a flexible approach to learning and the absence of strict selection at the entrance. Theoretically, they are accepted here regardless of the financial situation of the family. And regardless of certain deviations (except for particularly severe cases, the so-called contingent of special boarding schools), which somewhere would be considered unacceptable. “The sooner we identify violations (for example, dysgraphia or dyslexia), the more likely it is that we will help the child return to normal by school,” explains Evgeny Yamburg. Therefore, interviews, including with a psychologist, are conducted here not in order not to take, but in order to determine the amount of work to be done. In practice, preference is still given to residents of nearby areas.

The flexible approach declared by the adaptive school is the ability to constantly choose. Including teaching methods. For example, in Waldorf schools they study only according to the Waldorf canons, in Amonashvili's school - in accordance with the methodology of the same name. And here pedagogical tools can be anything. The main thing is that it fits the children's team.

In kindergarten TsO N 109 there are groups working according to the Montessori development methodology, traditional groups, there were groups that used elements of Waldorf pedagogy, etc. How your child will be taught and in which group depends on his knowledge, skills and abilities.

The question that worries parents immediately after admission is what class the child will fall into? At first glance, the system is complicated - ordinary, correctional, gymnasium, lyceum classes ... But it is exactly what is needed so that children with different levels of development find a place in school and at the same time they feel comfortable.

It is clear that correctional classes are designed for children who require increased attention from teachers, for those who will find it difficult to study in a regular class. Studying in a gymnasium or lyceum class is more prestigious than in a general education class, but it is also much more difficult. For example, two foreign languages ​​are studied in the lyceum linguistics, in medical, a serious emphasis is placed on chemistry and biology, etc.

Sometimes you don't want to go to a remedial class. And the parents resist. According to the director of the school, in such cases it takes a long time to prove that corrective does not mean bad. Working with parents is the lot of not only the directorate, but also the psychological and pedagogical service, without which, according to Yevgeny Yamburg, it is impossible to make an adaptive school. The stubborn ones are explained that in the correctional class the child will be given the same knowledge - according to the state standard, but with the use of other pedagogical techniques. That in such a class there are half as many students and therefore the teacher has the opportunity to pay more attention to each. And that for some children it is better to study here at first and then, pulling themselves up, move to a regular class, rather than initially getting into a situation of constant failure.

They enter the gymnasium on a competitive basis and at will: if you want, take exams there, if you don’t want, go to a general education class. The task of entering the Lyceum TsO N 109 is complicated by the fact that not only students of the center are accepted there - anyone can enter. As well as preparing for admission to special courses at the center. Education in the lyceum starts from the ninth grade.

It is noteworthy that the transitions from one stage of school life to another in an adaptive school are as gentle as possible. So, part of the first classes is located on the territory of the kindergarten, that is, the kids who entered them are in a familiar environment; part of the fifth according to the same scheme - on the territory of an elementary school.

By the way, education in gymnasium classes does not start from the fifth year of study, as in other Russian schools, but from the sixth. On the fifth day, children get used to new teachers, a new system of building the educational process, etc. For students, this is quite a serious stress, Yevgeny Yamburg emphasizes.

Classes in CO N 109 last until about an hour or two in the afternoon. And then the fun begins.

For example, the school has its own stable with 27 horses. The fact is that the administration of the Central Organ decided to introduce hippotherapy into school life. There are many indications for its use. So, even in children with cerebral palsy, who regularly ride a horse, coordination of movements improves, a sense of self-confidence appears. Hippotherapy is also effective for less serious health problems.

However, this is not all. The Zuid-West travel club operates at the Central Organ, whose members develop routes for hiking along the Volga in winter (the Yamburgers have been mastering this river for 15 years), search the Internet for information about each section of the route, putty watercraft - the school fleet has 15 six-oared yals (at the Central Organ There are also two own ships). They go on a voyage along the Volga in the summer. On the one hand, this is all interesting and, of course, informative. On the other hand, there is another opportunity to mix a variety of children and adolescents. In the campaign, after all, everyone is in the same team, who, how and in what class studies, already does not matter much.

River travel, horses - things are already familiar to both schoolchildren and teachers. But pedagogy is on the march: TsO N 109 is implementing a new project - together with a dog kennel. Pupils of the center are now frequent guests there. “Statistics show that in most cases a child who has a dog at home learns better,” says Evgeny Yamburg. “The reason is simple: caring for a dog - feeding, walking - disciplines, develops responsibility. In addition, we teach our students to communicate with different children. Including those with disabilities. The first reaction of our guys, who first appeared in the boarding school, is shock, they have never seen children in wheelchairs. The owners are embarrassed, but we came with the dogs, and through them, as through intermediaries, the children still began to communicate. In general, this is a rather serious scientific work, which we plan to continue.”

The question of how much all this costs cannot but arise in the head of a modern parent who is already accustomed to always paying for everything. TsO N 109 is a state educational institution. That is, basic school education is given free of charge.

However, some services are paid. For those who have chosen a more serious way of preparing for entering a university - lyceum classes, some of the subjects are read by teachers from universities - partners of the training center. For example, from the Higher School of Economics. This item of expenditure is not funded by the state. It is also paid to study a second foreign language in a linguistic class and all kinds of in-depth training courses. For example, the study of one subject in the preparation courses for admission to the lyceum per month costs within 300 rubles.

Evgeny Alexandrovich admits that from time to time he has to resort to the help of his parents: the maintenance of horses, boats and other advanced school infrastructure is an expensive business. But definitely worth it.

adaptive model school yamburg


Recently, among parents who are seriously interested in pedagogy, the adaptive school model developed by the Moscow teacher Evgeny Yamburg has become increasingly popular. Its essence is the adaptation of the educational system to the capabilities and needs of the student, in contrast to the traditional school, where everything is the other way around. Redesigning the school system for a child is not a new idea, but Yamburg’s methodology is particularly flexible and this is in many ways interesting. A modern school should help a child realize educational needs, his human principle, and develop a positive worldview system.

List of used literature

1. Gribenyukova E. Adaptive school: The goal is the student's self-realization // Director of the school: (express - experience). - 2000. - No. 1.

2. Yamburg E. Pedagogy, psychology, defectology and medicine in

models of adaptive school // National education. - 2002. - No. 1. - S. 79-85

3. Personally adapted learning system // Pedagogy. - 2003. - No. 7. - S. 66-71

4. Shamova T.I., Davydenko T.M. Management of the educational process in an adaptive school. - M .: Center "Pedagogical Search", 2001.



1.Basic principles of the education system in the adaptive model

2. The main tasks of the adaptive model

3. The structure of the adaptive model

4. School of Yamburg




Changes in the political and socio-economic development paths of our society are determined by the transformation of pedagogical practice and the development of diverse models of educational institutions focused on maximizing the satisfaction of the education needs of the younger generation and society as a whole.

One of the possible models of a new educational institution can be an adaptive model of a school in which a socio-ecological space is built. The society of the educational space allows students to prepare for life, for work in society. Environmentally friendly principles of building an educational space create comfortable conditions for the development of the individual. The sociological educational space preserves and develops the physical and mental health of children and adolescents; creates conditions for intellectual, emotional and personal development, depending on age characteristics and individual inclinations and abilities.

The conditions for the functioning of such an educational space are objectified by the individual age characteristics of each child. These conditions are aimed at overcoming alienation from one's own "I", society and nature, at the realization of the idea of ​​preserving and increasing the dignity of a person. The vital activity of children and adolescents takes place not only within the walls of the kindergarten and school, but also outside them in extracurricular and extracurricular activities. In this model, the pedagogical team is given the place of a conductor, carrying out the relationship between the process of development (growing up) of children, adolescents and the social environment, in the formation of a person-citizen, aimed at improving society.

In the sociological educational space, there is a process of progress in the subjectivity of both a preschooler, a student, and an educator and teacher. The development of the child occurs due to changes in the content and forms of legal and educational and cognitive activities. Consequently, the adaptive model of an educational institution is a form of the content and process of education. This model is a system for the preservation and enhancement of socio-cultural universal values.

1.Basic principles of the education system in the adaptive model

All the principles of education of the adaptive model of the school are aimed at providing social and pedagogical conditions for the development of the socio-ecological educational system, at ensuring its full functioning. All principles are interconnected and complement each other.

1. Humanization of education means that the center of the educational space is the child, his health, free development of personality, respect for the personality of the child, dignity; trust in him; acceptance of his personal goals, requests and interests; education of citizenship and love for the Motherland.

The educational process is based on the priority of universal human values.

The main criterion for the activity of the teaching staff of the new model of an educational institution is the criterion for the development of the personality of children and adolescents.

2. The humanization of education is aimed at turning education towards a holistic picture of the world: the world of culture, the world of man; on the humanization of knowledge; on the formation of humanitarian and systemic thinking. The humanization of education is one of the main means of filling the spiritual vacuum.

3. The principle of unity of cultural and educational space based on historical traditions (as a basis for the harmonization of national relations).

4. The principle of individualization, differentiation and mobility of the educational space. The principle is based on the public nature of education in accordance with the individual age characteristics of the child, the differentiation of the construction of the educational process and the different levels of educational training of the student.

5. The principle of developing, active education. The development of the child's personality occurs in the process of specially organized educational and cognitive activity. In the process of this activity, the child masters not only knowledge, skills, skills, but also gains experience in independently obtaining and applying them as the basic principle of life activity. Knowledge, skills and abilities become a means of developing the personality of each student.

6. The principle of continuity and succession of education in the "School-Kindergarten" system means such a construction of a socio-ecological space when a child, a teenager studies, realizes the vital need for constant updating of education.

7. The principle of the democratization of education presupposes the formation of a pedagogical relationship different from the authoritarian culture, which is based on a system of cooperation between an adult and a child, an educator, a teacher and the administration of an educational institution.

2. The main tasks of the adaptive model

1. To ensure the scientific and practical construction of the process and content of educational activities within the framework of continuous education and continuity in the work of kindergarten and school.

2. Develop and include a comprehensive program of sociological, medical, psychological and pedagogical support for the development of children and adolescents.

3. Based on the experimental data of science and the results of research on the comprehensive development of the personality, provide an individual trajectory for the development of children and adolescents.

4. Combine out-of-class and out-of-school spaces of education into a single system of socio-ecological educational space of the model.

5. To develop a system of measures to improve the professional potential of the teaching staff based on the content of education, new psychological and pedagogical technologies and the ability to work in an experimental and innovative mode.

6. Develop programs to provide additional services to children, students and their families.

7. To build a socio-ecological space of education model based on new requirements for the content of education and new psychological and pedagogical technologies.

8. Manage the educational institution on the basis of modern management technologies and their development by the teaching staff.

The formulated tasks are specified at each level of education.

3. The structure of the adaptive model

The implementation of the tasks "School-Kindergarten" is based on a step-by-step construction of the education system.

I stage:

Pre-school education in kindergarten (children from 4 to 5 years old); early development school (children living in a fixed micro-site, not attending kindergarten, from 4 to 5 years old).

II stage:

Primary general education: 1 - 4 classes (children from 6 to 9 years old). At this stage of education, classes of the age norm, developmental education (A.V. Zankov's system) and classes of compensatory education are provided.

III stage:

Basic general education: 5-9 grades (teenagers from 10 to 14-15 years old). At this level, the following types of classes are provided:

advanced training classes;

age norms for children who are able to learn the curriculum without much difficulty;

· classes of pedagogical support, in which children study, requiring correction of the mode of the educational process and compensation for physical and mental health.

IV stage:

Secondary (complete) education: 10-11 grades. Depending on the readiness and identified individual characteristics of students, taking into account the conditions of the experimental model, classes are distinguished:

general education level;

advance development;

individual training.

The idea of ​​the continuity of education in a stepped structure provides for the continuity of the requirements and conditions for the organization of training and education both between the levels and at each of them. This means that on the basis of an individual approach and differentiation of curricula, a student is provided with a free transition from one type of class to another at a certain level of education in accordance with the requests of parents, students and the opinions of the teaching staff. The process of transition from one stage of the structural model involves a certain system of knowledge, skills and abilities of the student; the level of his intellectual, emotional and spiritual development; appropriate physical, mental and moral health and much more. Consequently, the correlation of education standards between levels allows you to build the educational process more smoothly within the framework of the principle of continuity. Person-oriented is a means of limiting overload, reducing neuroticism and mental discomfort. At the second and third stages of the model, the work of extended day groups is provided, the content of which is aimed at the implementation of the main tasks of the socio-ecological educational process.

At the second, third and fourth levels of education, special courses are provided that work at the request of parents, the needs of students and perform specific educational tasks. This reveals the specificity of each special course, the unifying point of which is their focus on expanding the socio-cultural educational space, on the development and enhancement of the universal values ​​of each student. So, for example, at the fourth stage of education, taking into account the already formed interests of students in a certain specialization, the free right to choose the profile of a special course is provided, or the student can attend several special courses.

From the first to the fourth stage of the adaptive model, an in-depth study of foreign languages ​​(English, German, Japanese, Chinese) is provided as a means of mastering national historical traditions, universal development, and harmonization of national relations.


1.Basic principles of the education system in the adaptive model

2. The main tasks of the adaptive model

3. The structure of the adaptive model

4. School of Yamburg




Changes in the political and socio-economic development paths of our society are determined by the transformation of pedagogical practice and the development of diverse models of educational institutions focused on maximizing the satisfaction of the education needs of the younger generation and society as a whole.

One of the possible models of a new educational institution can be an adaptive model of a school in which a socio-ecological space is built. The society of the educational space allows students to prepare for life, for work in society. Environmentally friendly principles of building an educational space create comfortable conditions for the development of the individual. The sociological educational space preserves and develops the physical and mental health of children and adolescents; creates conditions for intellectual, emotional and personal development, depending on age characteristics and individual inclinations and abilities.

The conditions for the functioning of such an educational space are objectified by the individual age characteristics of each child. These conditions are aimed at overcoming alienation from one's own "I", society and nature, at the realization of the idea of ​​preserving and increasing the dignity of a person. The vital activity of children and adolescents takes place not only within the walls of the kindergarten and school, but also outside them in extracurricular and extracurricular activities. In this model, the pedagogical team is given the place of a conductor, carrying out the relationship between the process of development (growing up) of children, adolescents and the social environment, in the formation of a person-citizen, aimed at improving society.

In the sociological educational space, there is a process of progress in the subjectivity of both a preschooler, a student, and an educator and teacher. The development of the child occurs due to changes in the content and forms of legal and educational and cognitive activities. Consequently, the adaptive model of an educational institution is a form of the content and process of education. This model is a system for the preservation and enhancement of socio-cultural universal values.

1.Basic principles of the education system in the adaptive model

All the principles of education of the adaptive model of the school are aimed at providing social and pedagogical conditions for the development of the socio-ecological educational system, at ensuring its full functioning. All principles are interconnected and complement each other.

1. Humanization of education means that the center of the educational space is the child, his health, free development of personality, respect for the personality of the child, dignity; trust in him; acceptance of his personal goals, requests and interests; education of citizenship and love for the Motherland.

The educational process is based on the priority of universal human values.

The main criterion for the activity of the teaching staff of the new model of an educational institution is the criterion for the development of the personality of children and adolescents.

2. The humanization of education is aimed at turning education towards a holistic picture of the world: the world of culture, the world of man; on the humanization of knowledge; on the formation of humanitarian and systemic thinking. The humanization of education is one of the main means of filling the spiritual vacuum.

3. The principle of unity of cultural and educational space based on historical traditions (as a basis for the harmonization of national relations).

4. The principle of individualization, differentiation and mobility of the educational space. The principle is based on the public nature of education in accordance with the individual age characteristics of the child, the differentiation of the construction of the educational process and the different levels of educational training of the student.

5. The principle of developing, active education. The development of the child's personality occurs in the process of specially organized educational and cognitive activity. In the process of this activity, the child masters not only knowledge, skills, skills, but also gains experience in independently obtaining and applying them as the basic principle of life activity. Knowledge, skills and abilities become a means of developing the personality of each student.

6. The principle of continuity and succession of education in the "School-Kindergarten" system means such a construction of a socio-ecological space when a child, a teenager studies, realizes the vital need for constant updating of education.

7. The principle of the democratization of education presupposes the formation of a pedagogical relationship different from the authoritarian culture, which is based on a system of cooperation between an adult and a child, an educator, a teacher and the administration of an educational institution.

2. The main tasks of the adaptive model

1. To ensure the scientific and practical construction of the process and content of educational activities within the framework of continuous education and continuity in the work of kindergarten and school.

2. Develop and include a comprehensive program of sociological, medical, psychological and pedagogical support for the development of children and adolescents.

3. Based on the experimental data of science and the results of research on the comprehensive development of the personality, provide an individual trajectory for the development of children and adolescents.

4. Combine out-of-class and out-of-school spaces of education into a single system of socio-ecological educational space of the model.

5. To develop a system of measures to improve the professional potential of the teaching staff based on the content of education, new psychological and pedagogical technologies and the ability to work in an experimental and innovative mode.

6. Develop programs to provide additional services to children, students and their families.

7. To build a socio-ecological space of education model based on new requirements for the content of education and new psychological and pedagogical technologies.

8. Manage the educational institution on the basis of modern management technologies and their development by the teaching staff.

The formulated tasks are specified at each level of education.

3. The structure of the adaptive model

The implementation of the tasks "School-Kindergarten" is based on a step-by-step construction of the education system.

I stage:

Pre-school education in kindergarten (children from 4 to 5 years old); early development school (children living in a fixed micro-site, not attending kindergarten, from 4 to 5 years old).

II stage:

Primary general education: 1 - 4 classes (children from 6 to 9 years old). At this stage of education, classes of the age norm, developmental education (A.V. Zankov's system) and classes of compensatory education are provided.

III stage:

Basic general education: 5-9 grades (teenagers from 10 to 14-15 years old). At this level, the following types of classes are provided:

advanced training classes;

age norms for children who are able to learn the curriculum without much difficulty;

· classes of pedagogical support, in which children study, requiring correction of the mode of the educational process and compensation for physical and mental health.

IV stage:

Secondary (complete) education: 10-11 grades. Depending on the readiness and identified individual characteristics of students, taking into account the conditions of the experimental model, classes are distinguished:

general education level;

advance development;

individual training.

The idea of ​​the continuity of education in a stepped structure provides for the continuity of the requirements and conditions for the organization of training and education both between the levels and at each of them. This means that on the basis of an individual approach and differentiation of curricula, a student is provided with a free transition from one type of class to another at a certain level of education in accordance with the requests of parents, students and the opinions of the teaching staff. The process of transition from one stage of the structural model involves a certain system of knowledge, skills and abilities of the student; the level of his intellectual, emotional and spiritual development; appropriate physical, mental and moral health and much more. Consequently, the correlation of education standards between levels allows you to build the educational process more smoothly within the framework of the principle of continuity. Person-oriented is a means of limiting overload, reducing neuroticism and mental discomfort. At the second and third stages of the model, the work of extended day groups is provided, the content of which is aimed at the implementation of the main tasks of the socio-ecological educational process.

At the second, third and fourth levels of education, special courses are provided that work at the request of parents, the needs of students and perform specific educational tasks. This reveals the specificity of each special course, the unifying point of which is their focus on expanding the socio-cultural educational space, on the development and enhancement of the universal values ​​of each student. So, for example, at the fourth stage of education, taking into account the already formed interests of students in a certain specialization, the free right to choose the profile of a special course is provided, or the student can attend several special courses.

From the first to the fourth stage of the adaptive model, an in-depth study of foreign languages ​​(English, German, Japanese, Chinese) is provided as a means of mastering national historical traditions, universal development, and harmonization of national relations.

At all levels of education, the educational process is aimed at developing students' skills and abilities of research, thinking and communication. As the results of psychological and pedagogical theories (P.Ya. Galperin, L.S. Vygotsky, N.A. Menchinskaya, V.V. Davydov, etc.) show, it is important to be able to find information and use it effectively than to memorize everything that is in able to remember the child. For this purpose, the use of computer technology in the classroom, special courses and extracurricular activities is provided.

The unifying core of the process of personality development at all levels of education is labor pre-professional and vocational education. So, at the first stage, children master the elements of knowledge and skills for servicing themselves on the basis of imitations, performing actions according to the model and likeness in the game. On the second - through the game they master the knowledge and skills of educational activities, master the skills of service work. On the third - in the process of educational and cognitive activity, students master the elements of professional activities (laboratory programmer, seamstress-minder, secretary-referent, radio installer). At the fourth stage of education, students independently perform labor tasks, learn to realize their inclination, master the economy of market relations. The model presents a wide range of out-of-school educational institutions to meet the educational needs of children, adolescents, young men who are not realized in school and family.

All activities of out-of-school educational institutions are built in accordance with the principles of the sociological educational system and are aimed at solving the main tasks of the model.

The structure of the model includes:

1. Sociological-medical-psychological-pedagogical service for the provision of educational services to children, adolescents and their parents, the teaching staff.

2. Research laboratories of didactics and psychology for the development of experimental programs and evaluation of the results of experimental and innovative activities.

Consequently, the system of sociological educational space of the adaptive model includes:

The actual educational space within the walls of the school and kindergarten;

services for ensuring the activities of an educational institution;

out-of-school educational institutions.

4. School of Yamburg

The official name of this state secondary educational institution is the Education Center N 109 in Moscow. And the unofficial, which bears the stamp of personality, fits into two words.

Over the past years, its director became a doctor of pedagogical sciences, an honored teacher of the Russian Federation, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education and, in general, became famous. The school itself from an experimental site, where the “adaptive model” was tested (adaptation of the educational system to the abilities and needs of students, and not vice versa), turned into a multidisciplinary education center: a kindergarten, elementary grades, a gymnasium, a lyceum, pedagogical correction classes ... The Yamburg School - it is also its own theater, a stable, a flotilla with two steamships and several sea boats, a workshop of art crafts, a cafe, a hairdresser, medical offices ... This, if you like, is Yamburg City, where there is nothing.

Director of the capital's Education Center No. 109, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation Evgeny Alexandrovich Yamburg is also a cheerful person. In the corridors on the walls within the framework of not classics, but caricatures of teachers. In the director's office there is a painted sculptural image of Yamburg itself, reduced by one and a half times. Probably, so that everyone, even a first-grader, could feel like an equal with him.

TsO N 109 is famous primarily as the cradle of the school's adaptive model (the institution itself is already 27 years old). That is, schools where methods of working with students, forms of education and approaches to organizing the educational process are selected depending on which children study in a particular class. It is not the child who adapts at school, but the school is ready to adapt to him, based on his characteristics. As a result, a multi-level system of education, enabling each student to realize himself. Today, there are 237 teachers and 2020 students in the education center. Under it there is a theater studio, a school of art crafts and even a hairdresser's (the staff is the students themselves). However, director Yamburg says: “I don’t think at all that we grabbed God by the beard. We still have to work and work.”

In Soviet times, the experiment to create an educational institution capable of tailoring a standardized and straightforward school system to a child was carried out in fact in secret. Different teaching methods were needed, designed for different categories of students. The experience of foreign colleagues was studied clandestinely and also clandestinely introduced into practice.

Today, adaptive schools operate in 60 regions of Russia, in the near and far abroad. The author of the system, Yevgeny Yamburg himself, does not count his followers and emphasizes that other adaptive schools are not copies of CO N 109 - teachers there can use other methods. The main thing is the preservation of the basic principles.

Each school should ideally have its own identity. In this one there are no gray-green-blue walls, the atmosphere in which children spend time should not give away bureaucracy. Another fundamental point is that there is everything you need for the educational process. However, it is not customary to mention the number of computers and other equipment in the Central Organ, the main thing is the teaching technique. Meanwhile, the center recently purchased a batch of laptops for students in remedial classes. Significant enough. If we are talking about a private school, then God himself ordered to organize “amenities” at a level above average. But public educational institutions, as a rule, do not shine in this regard. In the literal and figurative sense. Evgeny Aleksandrovich says that when he comes with inspections to other schools, he first of all pays attention to the condition of the sanitary facilities, and specially shows me the toilets and wash basins - light tiled floors, flowers, fish in the aquarium ...

The school acquires branded "chips". For example, not so long ago a piece of the Old Arbat appeared - one of the halls was turned into it: almost real lanterns, a model of the facade of the building where Okudzhava lived, benches and a small platform that can be turned into an impromptu stage.

There are caricatures of teachers on the walls, apparently to create an informal atmosphere. Naturally, no one is offended - it's accepted. A reduced copy of the director of the school, made of papier-mâché, is right in front of his office.

Despite the external and internal presentability, this school, in the language of the characters in Chukovsky's book "From Two to Five", is the most "everyone". In the sense that no one will "cut" your child upon admission. The main principles of the adaptive school are focusing primarily on the characteristics of the child (both mental and physical), a flexible approach to learning and the absence of strict selection at the entrance. Theoretically, they are accepted here regardless of the financial situation of the family. And regardless of certain deviations (except for particularly severe cases, the so-called contingent of special boarding schools), which somewhere would be considered unacceptable. “The sooner we identify violations (for example, dysgraphia or dyslexia), the more likely it is that we will help the child return to normal by school,” explains Evgeny Yamburg. Therefore, interviews, including with a psychologist, are conducted here not in order not to take, but in order to determine the amount of work to be done. In practice, preference is still given to residents of nearby areas.

The flexible approach declared by the adaptive school is the ability to constantly choose. Including teaching methods. For example, in Waldorf schools they study only according to the Waldorf canons, in Amonashvili's school - in accordance with the methodology of the same name. And here pedagogical tools can be anything. The main thing is that it fits the children's team.

In kindergarten TsO N 109 there are groups working according to the Montessori development methodology, traditional groups, there were groups that used elements of Waldorf pedagogy, etc. How your child will be taught and in which group depends on his knowledge, skills and abilities.

The question that worries parents immediately after admission is what class the child will fall into? At first glance, the system is complicated - ordinary, correctional, gymnasium, lyceum classes ... But it is exactly what is needed so that children with different levels of development find a place in school and at the same time they feel comfortable.

It is clear that correctional classes are designed for children who require increased attention from teachers, for those who will find it difficult to study in a regular class. Studying in a gymnasium or lyceum class is more prestigious than in a general education class, but it is also much more difficult. For example, two foreign languages ​​are studied in the lyceum linguistics, in medical, a serious emphasis is placed on chemistry and biology, etc.

Sometimes you don't want to go to a remedial class. And the parents resist. According to the director of the school, in such cases it takes a long time to prove that corrective does not mean bad. Working with parents is the lot of not only the directorate, but also the psychological and pedagogical service, without which, according to Yevgeny Yamburg, it is impossible to make an adaptive school. The stubborn ones are explained that in the correctional class the child will be given the same knowledge - according to the state standard, but with the use of other pedagogical techniques. That in such a class there are half as many students and therefore the teacher has the opportunity to pay more attention to each. And that for some children it is better to study here at first and then, pulling themselves up, move to a regular class, rather than initially getting into a situation of constant failure.

They enter the gymnasium on a competitive basis and at will: if you want, take exams there, if you don’t want, go to a general education class. The task of entering the Lyceum TsO N 109 is complicated by the fact that not only students of the center are accepted there - anyone can enter. As well as preparing for admission to special courses at the center. Education in the lyceum starts from the ninth grade.

It is noteworthy that the transitions from one stage of school life to another in an adaptive school are as gentle as possible. So, part of the first classes is located on the territory of the kindergarten, that is, the kids who entered them are in a familiar environment; part of the fifth according to the same scheme - on the territory of an elementary school.

By the way, education in gymnasium classes does not start from the fifth year of study, as in other Russian schools, but from the sixth. On the fifth day, children get used to new teachers, a new system of building the educational process, etc. For students, this is quite a serious stress, Yevgeny Yamburg emphasizes.

Classes in CO N 109 last until about an hour or two in the afternoon. And then the fun begins.

For example, the school has its own stable with 27 horses. The fact is that the administration of the Central Organ decided to introduce hippotherapy into school life. There are many indications for its use. So, even in children with cerebral palsy, who regularly ride a horse, coordination of movements improves, a sense of self-confidence appears. Hippotherapy is also effective for less serious health problems.

However, this is not all. The Zuid-West travel club operates at the Central Organ, whose members develop routes for hiking along the Volga in winter (the Yamburgers have been mastering this river for 15 years), search the Internet for information about each section of the route, putty watercraft - the school fleet has 15 six-oared yals (at the Central Organ There are also two own ships). They go on a voyage along the Volga in the summer. On the one hand, this is all interesting and, of course, informative. On the other hand, there is another opportunity to mix a variety of children and adolescents. In the campaign, after all, everyone is in the same team, who, how and in what class studies, already does not matter much.

River travel, horses - things are already familiar to both schoolchildren and teachers. But pedagogy is on the march: TsO N 109 is implementing a new project - together with a dog kennel. Pupils of the center are now frequent guests there. “Statistics show that in most cases a child who has a dog at home learns better,” says Evgeny Yamburg. “The reason is simple: caring for a dog - feeding, walking - disciplines, develops responsibility. In addition, we teach our students to communicate with different children. Including those with disabilities. The first reaction of our guys, who first appeared in the boarding school, is shock, they have never seen children in wheelchairs. The owners are embarrassed, but we came with the dogs, and through them, as through intermediaries, the children still began to communicate. In general, this is a rather serious scientific work, which we plan to continue.”

The question of how much all this costs cannot but arise in the head of a modern parent who is already accustomed to always paying for everything. TsO N 109 is a state educational institution. That is, basic school education is given free of charge.

However, some services are paid. For those who have chosen a more serious way of preparing for entering a university - lyceum classes, some of the subjects are read by teachers from universities - partners of the training center. For example, from the Higher School of Economics. This item of expenditure is not funded by the state. It is also paid to study a second foreign language in a linguistic class and all kinds of in-depth training courses. For example, the study of one subject in the preparation courses for admission to the lyceum per month costs within 300 rubles.

Evgeny Alexandrovich admits that from time to time he has to resort to the help of his parents: the maintenance of horses, boats and other advanced school infrastructure is an expensive business. But definitely worth it.

adaptive model school yamburg


Recently, among parents who are seriously interested in pedagogy, the adaptive school model developed by the Moscow teacher Evgeny Yamburg has become increasingly popular. Its essence is the adaptation of the educational system to the capabilities and needs of the student, in contrast to the traditional school, where everything is the other way around. Redesigning the school system for a child is not a new idea, but Yamburg’s methodology is particularly flexible and this is in many ways interesting. A modern school should help a child realize educational needs, his human principle, and develop a positive worldview system.

List of used literature

1. Gribenyukova E. Adaptive school: The goal is the student's self-realization // Director of the school: (express - experience). - 2000. - No. 1.

2. Yamburg E. Pedagogy, psychology, defectology and medicine in

models of adaptive school // National education. - 2002. - No. 1. - S. 79-85

3. Personally adapted learning system // Pedagogy. - 2003. - No. 7. - S. 66-71

4. Shamova T.I., Davydenko T.M. Management of the educational process in an adaptive school. - M .: Center "Pedagogical Search", 2001.



"Adaptive School

E.A. Yamburg".

Tronyaeva K.V.

An adaptive school is a school where every child, regardless of their abilities and individual characteristics, is SUCCESSFUL "

(E. Yamburg)

Basic principles of the education system in an adaptive model

4. The principle of continuity and succession of education in the "School-Kindergarten" system

3. Principle

individualization, differentiation and




1. Humanization

2. The principle of unity of cultural and educational space based on historical traditions

5. The principle of democratization of education

The main criterion for the activity of the teaching staff of the new model of an educational institution is the criterion for the development of the personality of children and adolescents.

The humanization of education is aimed at turning education towards a holistic picture of the world: the world of culture, the world of man; on the humanization of knowledge;

for the formation of a humanitarian

and systems thinking.

  • The principle of the unity of cultural and educational space based on historical traditions (as the basis for the harmonization of national relations).
  • The principle of individualization, differentiation and mobility of the educational space. The principle is based on the public nature of education in accordance with the individual age characteristics of the child, the differentiation of the construction of the educational process and the different levels of educational training of the student.
  • The principle of developing, active education. The development of the child's personality occurs in the process of specially organized educational and cognitive activity. In the process of this activity, the child masters not only knowledge, skills, skills, but also gains experience in independently obtaining and applying them as the basic principle of life activity. Knowledge, skills and abilities become a means of developing the personality of each student.

  • The principle of continuity and succession of education in the "School-kindergarten" system means such a construction of a socio-ecological space when a child, a teenager studies, realizes the vital need for constant updating of education.
  • The principle of democratization of education presupposes the formation of a pedagogical relationship different from the authoritarian culture, which is based on a system of cooperation between an adult and a child, an educator, a teacher and the administration of an educational institution.

The main tasks of the adaptive model

To ensure the scientific and practical construction of the process and content of educational activities within the framework of continuous education and continuity in the work of kindergarten and school.

Develop and include a comprehensive program of sociological, medical, psychological and pedagogical support for the development of children and adolescents.

Based on the experimental data of science and the results of research on the comprehensive development of the personality, provide an individual trajectory for the development of children and adolescents.

Combine out-of-class and out-of-school educational spaces into a single system of socio-ecological educational space of the model.

Develop programs to provide additional services to children, students and their families.

To develop a system of measures to increase the professional potential of the teaching staff based on the content of education, new psychological and pedagogical technologies and the ability to work in an experimental and innovative mode.

To build a socio-ecological space of education model based on new requirements for the content of education and new psychological and pedagogical technologies.

Manage the educational institution on the basis of modern management technologies and their development by the teaching staff.

The formulated tasks are specified at each level of education.

Structure of the adaptive model

The implementation of the tasks "School-Kindergarten" is based on a step-by-step construction of the education system.

Stage II:

Primary general education:

1 - 4 classes (children from 6 to 9 years old)

Stage I:

Preschool education in kindergarten

(children from 4 to 5 years old);

early development school

(children living in a fixed micro-site, not attending kindergarten, from 4 to 5 years old).

At this stage of education, classes of the age norm, developmental education (A.V. Zankov's system) and classes of compensatory education are provided.

IV step:

Secondary (complete) education:

10-11 grades.

Stage III:

Basic general education:

5 - 9 classes (teenagers from 10 to 14-15 years old).

Depending on the readiness and identified individual characteristics of students, taking into account the conditions of the experimental model, classes are distinguished:

At this stage, there are

the following types of classes:

advance learning classes;

age norms for children who are able to learn curricula without much difficulty;

general education level;

classes of pedagogical support in which children study, requiring correction of the mode of the educational process and compensation for physical and mental health.

advanced development;

individual training.

All activities of out-of-school educational institutions are built in accordance with the principles of the sociological educational system and are aimed at solving the main tasks of the model.

The structure of the model includes:

1. Sociological-medical-psychological-pedagogical service for the provision of educational services to children, adolescents and their parents, the teaching staff.

2. Research laboratories of didactics and psychology for the development of experimental programs and evaluation of the results of experimental and innovative activities.

  • adaptation the educational process to the student and his individual characteristics;
  • small group of students , allowing to effectively implement individual and differentiated approaches, individual-group schedule;
  • "full day" teacher-student interaction (9.00 – 16.00);
  • security comfortable conditions for a schoolchild (two meals a day, walks, an extensive system of additional education, psychological and medical care, etc.);
  • healthy environment for participants of the UVP;
  • parent involvement through the Board of Trustees in co-financing the UVP and the material and technical base of the school


Research activities

Self management



  • a small teaching staff, allowing the teacher to occupy various managerial positions - teachers, educators, administrators;
  • the work of the school simultaneously in two modes - functioning and development;
  • involving parents in the management of the school as a mandatory and necessary condition for the operation of the school;
  • creation of a system of children's self-government of the school as an implementation of the democratic principle of management and self-organization by students of their life at school.


The official name of this state

secondary educational institution - Education Center N 109 of Moscow. BUT

the unofficial, which bears the stamp of personality, fits into two words.

Over the past years, its director has become a doctor of pedagogical sciences, an honored teacher of the Russian Federation, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy

education and generally became famous.

The school itself from the experimental site,

where the adaptive model was tested

(adaptation of the educational system to the capabilities and needs of students, and not

vice versa), has turned into a multidisciplinary center of education: kindergarten, primary classes,

gymnasium, lyceum, classes

pedagogical correction...

TsO N 109 is famous primarily as the cradle of the school's adaptive model (the institution itself is already 27 years old). That is, schools where methods of working with students, forms of education and approaches to organizing the educational process are selected depending on which children study in a particular class. It is not the child who adapts at school, but the school is ready to adapt to him, based on his characteristics. As a result, a multi-level system of education, enabling each student to realize himself. Today, there are 237 teachers and 2020 students in the education center. Under it there is a theater studio, a school of art crafts and even a hairdresser's (the staff is the students themselves). However, director Yamburg says: "I don't think at all that we have grabbed God by the beard. We still have to work and work."

The main principles of the adaptive school are focusing primarily on the characteristics of the child (both mental and physical), a flexible approach to learning and the absence of strict selection at the entrance. Theoretically, they are accepted here regardless of the financial situation of the family. And regardless of certain deviations (except for particularly severe cases, the so-called contingent of special boarding schools), which somewhere would be considered unacceptable. “The sooner we identify violations (for example, dysgraphia or dyslexia), the more likely it is that we will help the child return to normal by school,” explains Evgeny Yamburg. Therefore, interviews, including with a psychologist, are conducted here not in order not to take, but in order to determine the amount of work to be done.

In practice, preference is given

yet residents

the basis of the pedagogical concept (the leading pedagogical idea of ​​the system):

Adaptive school model: multi-level and multidisciplinary general education mass school. Its main idea is that it is not the child who adapts to the school, but the school adapts to his abilities, needs and abilities. Such a school is open to all children - with different abilities and inclinations, different health conditions, different material resources of the family.

the purpose and content of education in the system:

The purpose of education is to pass on the values ​​of culture to the next generations and teach them how to live in a rapidly changing world. Within the framework of solving this applied problem, the actions of relatively autonomous cognitive-informational pedagogy are justified, which are responsible for the transfer of knowledge, the formulation of methods of mental and practical activity in the widest range: from mastering a computer to driving a car, mastering foreign languages ​​and getting to know modern technological processes, etc. .P. (Ultimately, the goal of cognitive-informational pedagogy is to train a "skillful and mobile person" who can relatively painlessly fit into the context of modern civilizational processes). However, the spiritual sphere of the individual is no less important, because the quality of education is determined by its ideological orientation and the strengthening of the upbringing function of education.

One of the goals is the formation of a positive self-concept of students.

predominant activities:

The school operates in the mode of basic and additional modules. Each module is relatively independent: tools, methods, forms, control are autonomous to a certain extent. The main module is focused on preparing for admission to higher educational institutions. Here, a university style of teaching has developed, it is practiced to invite university teachers to give special courses, and research laboratories work. In the additional module, "zones of the ecology of the soul" are created: workshops, a children's theater, a hairdresser's, a stable, a travel club, and a painting studio are operating. Within the framework of the correctional and developmental module, there is a center for diagnostics and development, a medical and psychological laboratory, and correctional work is underway. Despite the relative independence in terms of purpose and forms of activity, all modules work on a common idea: adapting the school to the characteristics of students and the needs of society in order to educate a person who is able to actively interact with society.

features of methods, means, forms of implementation of educational goals and objectives:

A flexible approach in an adaptive school is the ability to constantly choose learning methods. The main thing is that these techniques are suitable for a specific child, a children's team. It is not the child who adapts to the school, but the school is ready to adapt to him, based on his characteristics. For this, a multi-level education system has been created, thanks to which each child gets the opportunity to realize himself.

The implementation of this goal is achieved as follows: the formation of a high educational background of gymnasium and lyceum classes and the high-quality preparation of graduates for studying at universities, self-education, creative work, the implementation of a student-oriented approach, individualization of education, medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance to maladjusted and weakened children , keeping each difficult child in the educational influence of the school. Helping the strong and the weak does not affect the dignity and personal status of the latter, does not introduce division in the school society. The transition from one category to another is ensured, the interaction and mutual assistance of the strong and the weak, a system for compensating for the lag is being implemented. A rehabilitating space is created around a child in need of help, in which the shortcomings of the school education that children received before entering the educational center, family education are compensated, disability is eliminated, physical and neuropsychic health is protected and strengthened.

The compensatory means of the rehabilitating space are pedagogical love for the child; understanding of children's difficulties and problems; acceptance of the child as he is; compassion, participation, necessary assistance; learning the elements of self-regulation.

Types of pedagogical support are implemented in the following principles: learning without coercion; understanding the lesson as a system of rehabilitation; content adaptation; simultaneous connection of all sense organs, motor skills, memory and logical thinking in the process of material perception; mutual learning (in principle, the optimal pace) from the standpoint of complete assimilation.

The following types of individual assistance are used in the educational center: supports of various types (posters, abstracts, summarizing tables), algorithms for solving problems or completing tasks, dividing a complex task into components, warning about possible errors.

In the educational process, the state standard is implemented, both traditional and innovative programs, methods and technologies are used, in particular: the program of environmental education for preschoolers "Our home is nature"; the Montessori method, which provides for the intensive sensory development of the child; elements of Waldorf pedagogy; economics and ecology for six-year-olds, information technologies and fundamentals of economics with access to real projects. There is a variety of joint and individual extracurricular activities: theatrical, learning to play musical instruments, protecting and strengthening the health of children (physiotherapy room, swimming pools, equipped sports hall); various circles, sections (animal care, equestrian sports, etc.)

Thus, the individuality of education, a personality-oriented approach to children, medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance to maladjusted and weakened children, the retention of each difficult child in the educational influence of the school are ensured.

the specifics of the relationship between the participants in the pedagogical process:

The implementation of an adaptive approach to teaching requires a change in the interaction between the teacher and the student, then there is a need to prepare the teacher for a new professional role. Its essence is that the teacher is not limited to subject teaching, but also assists the student in solving his personal problems, selects an individual learning route together with the student, depending on the learning outcomes and his cognitive interests.

The implementation of the adaptive approach is of particular importance in the process of school transition to pre-profile training and profile education. The teacher in this case becomes a mentor and creates conditions for the formation of a good microclimate in the classroom, takes care of the state of relations in the team, coordinates the work of subject teachers and other specialists (professional consultants, psychologists) who perform managerial functions.

the nature of the interaction of the educational system with society:

The educational system prepares children who are adapted to life in society, but who have a solid inner core (“adaptation is not a sacred cow!”, adaptability has its limits)

"highlight" of this educational system (something original, peculiar only to it, some kind of pedagogical find).

The most important message is that it is not the child who adapts to the school, but the school adapts to the possibilities, needs and abilities of the child.


1. Grigoriev D.V. The educational system of the school: from A to Z. -M., 2006.

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