The desire to sleep a lot is a common laziness or a serious problem. What happens to your body when you sleep too much? If you sleep too long

See you with the Huffington Post study on the effects of sleep deprivation. It turned out that just one day of lack of sleep can lead to overeating, deterioration of attention and memory, excessive emotional excitability and other negative consequences. If you do not get enough sleep systematically, then the risk of stroke, obesity, diabetes mellitus and other clinical changes in the body increases.

But, as scientists at Harvard University recently found out, too much sleep is no less destructive than not enough.

The study, led by Elizabeth Devore, involved a group of women members of a large prospective study of the health of American nurses. Sleep habits were studied between 1986 and 2000, and they were interviewed three times about memory and thinking over the past six years.

Devore and her colleagues found that women who slept 5 hours or less at night, and those who slept 9 hours or more, had lower performance than those who adhered to the norm and slept 7-8 hours. In addition, it was found that the lack and excess of sleep makes the subjects psychologically two years older, compared with volunteers who sleep 7-8 hours.

Our research has shown that keeping a regular sleep schedule (7-8 hours is the average) can help preserve memory; clinical interventions based on sleep therapy should be studied as they may help avoid mental deterioration.

Why memory?

This and a number of previous studies demonstrate that sleep-deprived people have higher blood pressure, diabetes and vasoconstriction are common. As a result, blood flow to the brain is reduced, which, in order to function effectively, needs oxygen and glucose.

Lack of sleep can also impair memory in other ways. It was found that in the body of mice that were not allowed to sleep, the transmembrane protein beta-amyloid is formed more intensively. In humans, beta-amyloid is the basis of amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's disease. Their concentration in the brain leads to a deterioration in memory and thinking and increases the risk of dementia.

Much is not enough

According to scientists, people who spend more than 9-10 hours a day in bed have poor quality sleep. And the quality of sleep, in turn, also affects memory and thinking.

Thus, sleeping too much is just as bad as not enough.

12 steps to perfect sleep

  1. Follow the routine. Go to bed and wake up at the same time. Get into a good habit before bed. For example, a relaxing bath.
  2. You can sleep or have sex in the bed. Don't read, watch TV, and don't eat in bed.
  3. If you can't fall asleep within 15-20 minutes, get up and walk around the house. Do something soothing. For example, read under a night light. Do not turn on the computer or TV - the light from the monitor or screen, on the contrary, will excite, not "lull". Feeling sleepy, return to bed. Do not set your alarm ahead if you fall asleep later than planned.
  4. Go in for sports. Put at least 45 minutes of daily exercise into your schedule. Exercise in the morning and do some yoga before bed to relax your body and mind.
  5. If possible, schedule complex stressful tasks for the first half of the day. Having solved them, by the time you go to bed, you will feel calm and peaceful.
  6. Don't go to bed hungry. But don't eat right before bed. Craving for a bite to eat at night? Eat an apple or a light salad.
  7. Avoid caffeine at least 2 hours before bed.
  8. Do not drink at night so as not to wake up and run to the toilet.
  9. Don't drink alcohol with dinner. Many people think that it helps to relax, in fact, alcohol only worsens sleep.
  10. Make sure your bed is comfortable and the room is dark and quiet. Use, for example, a sleep mask and earplugs.
  11. Breathe properly before going to bed: slow deep breath in and out.
  12. Taking a nap during the day is good. The main thing is not to overdo it. About how much and how to take a nap, read

Everyone around repeats: get enough sleep - and you will be slimmer, more beautiful, healthier and happier! What is true is true, but sleeping too much is just as harmful as not getting enough sleep. Why can excessive drowsiness appear, what threatens too much sleep, and in general - how much is it?

The night is over, the day is coming, a pleasant melody wakes you up ... However, something went wrong. Instead of feeling energized and rested, you barely open your heavy eyelids and feel drained of energy and clumsy. Immediately after returning home, you go to improve your condition - to sleep. It is a pity that the effect is not very impressive ... Why can't you sleep a lot? What happens if you spend too much time in the arms of Morpheus?

Why you want to sleep a lot: causes of excessive sleepiness

A lot of sleep is harmful, but sometimes you really want it! But it is one thing when it comes to periodically relieving fatigue and stress, and quite another when a person spends more time in a dream than it should be according to generally accepted standards. Why?

  • Excessive sleepiness is sometimes associated with specific medical conditions such as hypersomnia or sleep apnea, and is also a symptom of thyroid problems or diabetes.
  • An increased need for sleep occurs in people who are very active physically, often tired.
  • Many people want to sleep a lot in autumn and winter, when there is simply not enough light.
  • Sometimes increased drowsiness occurs in the process of taking certain medications.
  • A "drunk" party may continue in the form of an increased desire to sleep.
  • Finally, there are people who simply love to sleep in principle.

Why is too much sleep bad for health? What happens if you sleep more than normal?

We need to get enough sleep, but scientists warn against becoming too attached to our cozy beds and sofas. Their arguments are quite amazing! What is the danger of too much sleep?

1. Diabetes

Studies have shown that, oddly enough, it provokes both too little and too much sleep.

2. Obesity

Observations of scientists confirm that people who sleep 9-10 hours a day are 21% more at risk of obesity over 6 years than those who sleep 7-8 hours. But pay attention: lack of sleep causes the same consequences!

3. Headache

This problem often appears in people prone to it, especially on weekends and holidays, when there is an opportunity to sleep longer. The same thing happens in people who sleep during the day, which disturbs their sleep at night. Therefore, they suffer from morning headaches.

4. Pain in the spine

It is harmful to health to sleep a lot also because the spine can suffer. The times when passive lying was a means of combating such diseases is fading into oblivion. Now doctors recommend daily physical activity, which brings much more relief.

5. Depression

Insomnia is usually associated with this condition (and rightly so). But about 15% of depressed people sleep too much, which experts say can worsen their condition. Why? Because habits associated with regular sleep help fight the disorder.

6. Heart disease

Studies involving 72,000 women showed that those who slept 9-11 hours a day were 38% more prone to heart disease than women who slept 8 hours a day. Doctors are still investigating what is the secret of this addiction.

7. Shorter life

This is true in a figurative sense, as we spend more time detached from reality. But people live less and in the most direct sense. It remains to be seen what this correlation is based on, but the researchers argue that in general, people with depression or lower social status (which may be related) sleep more.

How many hours of sleep does a person need?

The list of diseases and problems is quite long, right? So it's better to get enough sleep, but within reason. What is our need for sleep? Doctors recommend spending 7-8 hours a day in the arms of Morpheus. The hygiene of this process is also important. If you go to bed and get up at the same time, avoid late drinking of alcohol and caffeine, sleep on a comfortable mattress in a ventilated bedroom, sleep will become a time of real rest and recovery for you, because this is its main mission.

Is it worth it to get enough sleep "in reserve" when the opportunity arises? If you periodically think about this question, then remember that it is harmful to sleep a lot. The consequences of this can be almost sadder than lack of sleep, the negative effect of which is so much talked about today.

Everyone knows that sleep deprivation is bad. This is fraught with overwork, slow metabolism, as well as the development of certain diseases. But it turns out that if you sleep too much, then the consequences are not better. Not only lack of sleep is harmful, but also its excess. Doctors say that you need to sleep only as much as your body needs, for most people this is 8 hours.

Studies have been conducted in which several thousand people have taken part. All of them reported how much time they spent sleeping each day and how they felt. It turned out that if you sleep too much, then a person can develop depression. Sometimes it happens that depression develops first, and then the duration of sleep increases greatly. In any case, too much sleep is an indicator of an unhealthy psycho-emotional state.

It also found that people who spend too much time sleeping lose their socioeconomic status. They stop doing important things in their lives, and some areas of it inevitably fall into desolation.

What is the reason why people sleep too much? In medicine, there is a special disorder called hypersomnia, which is characterized by the fact that a person is in a sleepy state all day, sometimes even sleeping during the day, but this does not improve the situation. As a rule, those who have hypersomnia also complain that their memory deteriorates, they do not have the strength to do something. The causes of hypersomnia are very different.

In some cases, extreme drowsiness is caused by medications or alcohol taken in large quantities. But the increase in the length of sleep in these cases does not last long. With the abolition of the drug or the removal of alcohol from the body, sleep returns to normal.

Constant oversleeping leads to unpleasant health consequences. In particular, the risk of developing diabetes increases. Studies have shown that the likelihood of developing diabetes directly depends on how much sleep a person gets. For those who sleep more than 9 hours, the risk is doubled. But those who sleep less than 5 hours, the likelihood of diabetes is also doubled.

It also turned out that if a person sleeps 9-10 hours, then the likelihood of gaining excess weight increases significantly. The optimal amount of sleep for a figure is 7-8 hours. Among other things, too much sleep causes headaches.

For most people, 7-9 hours of sleep is enough. If a person is sick or under stress, then it takes a little longer for the body to fully restore its strength. The duration of sleep is also very dependent on both age and the level of normal activity of a person.

Is it good to sleep for a long time?

Elena Terentyeva

People who sleep 7 hours a day or more not only look younger than their sleep-deprived peers, but are also less likely to be obese. So, if you want to maintain attractiveness and a slim figure for many years, finish with gatherings until the morning. In a dream, there is a restoration of the mental, mental forces of the body, not only by relieving stress, but also at the biolevel. It has been proven that during deep sleep there is an active formation of new nerve cells - neurons. When we sleep, our brain is busy diagnosing all the systems of our body. It can be said that it triggers self-healing mechanisms. Healthy sleep strengthens the immune system. According to statistics, those who get enough sleep during the working week are one and a half times less likely to suffer from chronic inflammatory diseases. Also, during sleep, all the vegetative functions of the body are stabilized: pressure, hormonal metabolism and even blood sugar are normalized.
But too much sleep is also bad! If you regularly lie in bed for more than 9-10 hours, the daily biorhythm breaks down, the tone of the body decreases, which leads to chronic headaches, loss of appetite and depression. So everything should be in moderation. Good luck to you

Vladimir XXXL

Well, so in the world you can oversleep everything,
and the wise men who lived before,
Here's what they said about it:
no more than 5-6 hours, otherwise you will start to get sick ...
because our body is so arranged,
and we pamper him, we are too lazy to get up,
yes, and one more thing -
We forget at bedtime...
Good luck!

Long sleep is very harmful! You need to sleep 8-10 hours a day. Once my schedule got off and I used to sleep until one o'clock in the afternoon, because of which the whole day later I had a terribly headache, there was some kind of lethargy. And as soon as I rebuilt my body to a normal mode, everything went away. Now I'm a lark! I get up early and have time to do everything. =)))


Sleeping too much is bad for your health
We all don't have enough time to sleep. We envy those who can afford to sleep as much as they like. But it turns out that sleeping a lot is not always good. Those who sleep more than eight hours are at increased risk of stroke, says team leader Ednan Qwareshi, assistant professor of neurosurgery at the University at Buffalo Stroke Research Center.

If you sleep less, but during the day you feel quite alert and efficient, everything is fine. But if you are overcome by daytime sleepiness - bad. Finally, if you snore in your sleep, you are also at risk. According to the researchers, all three of these features of sleep indicate an increased likelihood of stroke.

1348 people took part in the special program on stroke problems, including those who had the disease. They were carefully examined by doctors to identify possible disorders in the cardiovascular system. Doctors paid special attention to the narrowing of the coronary artery. All subjects answered questions about their sleep habits and patterns.

The results showed that 14% of those surveyed from the group of those who slept more than eight hours a day, experienced daytime sleepiness and snored, had previously suffered a stroke or an ischemic attack, which is similar to a small stroke, since it affects the vessels of the brain or the vessels leading to it. At the same time, of those who did not suffer from such sleep disorders, there were only 4–5% of stroke survivors.

“Those who experience such sleep problems should definitely see a doctor,” said Dr. Kvareshi. - These may be signs of sleep apnea, which causes the brain to be left without oxygen for a short time, increasing the risk of stroke. This can happen many times during the night, sometimes the person wakes up. Most often this happens in a chronic snorer. Meanwhile, people who experience sleep apnea do not get enough sleep and need to sleep longer, otherwise they “nod” during the day.

Of course, there are other risk factors for stroke: age, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and smoking. Now, sleep disturbances have been added to them. Scientists believe that sleep disturbances increase the risk of stroke within 10 years after their occurrence. “How much and how a person sleeps,” emphasizes Kvareshi, “this is not just a habit that is easy to change. Sleep disorders are physiological disorders that require the intervention of specialists.

Studies have been conducted in which several thousand people have taken part. All of them reported how much time they spent sleeping each day and how they felt. It turned out that if too much, then depression can develop. Sometimes it happens that depression develops first, and then the duration of sleep increases greatly. In any case, too much sleep is an unhealthy psycho-emotional state.

It also found that people who spend too much time sleeping lose their socioeconomic status. They stop doing important things in their lives, and some areas of it inevitably fall into desolation.

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  • if you sleep a lot

Any normal person seeks to sleep in their free time. Most often this is due to regular lack of sleep during the entire working week and, as a result, the intention to "catch up" the missing hours. However, as follows from the latest research by scientists, in this way it not only does not restore its energy potential, but also harms its health.

For example, according to a variety of studies, excessive sleep often lowers socioeconomic status and can provoke physiological as well as mental disorders of the body. American researchers from Yale University, who have been studying the relationship between sleep duration and the possible risk of various diseases for 15 years, found that people who sleep more than 9 hours a day increase their risk by as much as 50% compared to sleeping 7 hours.

The scientists made these conclusions as a result of a study in which a thousand non-diabetic volunteers participated. They were divided into three groups: the first group - participants with a lack of sleep (they slept 6 hours or less per night); the second group - participants who could sleep 7-8 hours a day; well, the group - participants who received more than 8 hours of sleep. As a result, the scientists found that members of the third group developed diabetes three times more often than it happened with the participants of the first two groups. Moreover, this pattern was observed outside of other factors of the disease: weight, age and smoking habits.

In addition, scientists from the University at Buffalo came to the conclusion that sleeping more than eight hours a day significantly increases the risk of getting. The head of the study, Ednan Kvareshi, who is also an assistant professor, notes that if a person sleeps less, but feels cheerful all day and remains efficient, for him. But if during the day you overcome - it's bad. Again, you are at risk if you tend to snore in your sleep.

Ednan Kvareshi believes that people who have similar sleep problems should definitely turn to. The scientist insists that such problems can be clear signs of respiratory arrest during sleep (apnea), as a result of which the brain is left without oxygen for some (albeit short) time, which increases the risk of a stroke.

If we take into account how difficult everyday life is, sometimes the desire to wake up disappears altogether. The bed is so warm and the dream is so sweet. However, the question arises, is it safe to sleep for half a day after a sleepless night or a difficult work week? Is the harm of long sleep equivalent to lack of sleep?


First of all, it should be noted that there must be balance in everything, that is, being awake must be balanced with enough sleep and vice versa so that a person can feel rested. When this balance is disturbed, problems of a different nature immediately appear, such as insomnia, high irritability or laziness, as well as problems directly related to health. Based on these facts, it can be argued that both lack of sleep and a very long sleep are equally harmful to the human body.

The benefits of long sleep

Prolonged sleep can be useful in cases that depend on the physical and moral condition of the person. For example, with overwork, daily heavy physical exertion and the inability to sleep normally. In this case, the lack of sleep accumulates in the body, all human resources are depleted at some point, and in order to fully recover, a person needs more time to rest.

In cases where a person is too exhausted, sleep can last a day. It will take the same amount of time for a sick person to restore his strength.

Harm of long sleep

The harm of long sleep is based on overwork, which a person plunges into with an excess of the sleep hormone. With excessively long sleep, the body begins to get tired, and as a result, it does not restore strength, but loses them. A long sleep also destroys the internal course of the biological clock, and therefore, to a certain extent, rebuilds the work of the body. As a result, the level of laziness and unwillingness to do something increases. The result can be severe overexertion and a high risk of depression.

Often a long sleep serves as a conscious escape from problems, that is, "I'm sleeping, which means I don't see anything, I don't decide anything." This is the base of many, the emergence of new and the strengthening of old complexes. With regard to physical health, prolonged sleep can lead to an increase in migraines, stagnation of blood in the vessels, high blood pressure, and swelling of varying degrees.


What, in fact, is a long sleep, how long does it last? Doctors say that the normal duration of sleep and wakefulness for a particular person is different. But there is an approximate distinction by which you can find out if a person sleeps within the normal range. So, sleep is considered long if its duration exceeds 10-14 hours or more. Consequently, for a person who has enough sleep for 7-8 hours, 10-11 hours is already a lot. The distinctions are arbitrary, but they help to navigate the calculations of the time spent on sleep.
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