Cellular skin pattern. Marble skin in a baby. Marble skin: is it dangerous?

Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is a chronic disease most often associated with recurrent arterial or venous thrombosis, the main manifestation of which is the presence of marbled skin.

Other typical symptoms of this disease include premature birth, late miscarriages and stillbirths, as well as autoimmune anemia and thrombocytopenia.

Antiphospholipid syndrome can be an independent disease or be associated with autoimmune systemic diseases - most often with systemic lupus erythematosus.

Causes of the development of antiphospholipid syndrome and marbled skin

The exact cause of the production of antiphospholipid antibodies in the body and the development of antiphospholipid syndrome is unknown, but the disease has a very characteristic external clinical sign, due to which early diagnosis becomes possible.

This is a persistent spotting that affects the trunk and limbs and is known as reticular marbled skin.

Marble skin looks like this because of the uneven bluish-reddish coloration, which is obtained due to passive hyperemia and blood vessels showing through the skin, the site notes. In this case, the vessels form a mesh and tree-like pattern, reminiscent of the veins on marble.

The appearance of marbled skin with antiphospholipid syndrome:

1. The spotting of marbled skin is accentuated in the cold, but it can also appear at normal air temperatures, which is associated with vascular spasm.

2. At first, marbled skin occupies one small area of ​​the body, but with the progression of the disease that caused thrombosis, the marbled skin pattern extends to the entire skin.

3. Later, the marbling of the skin is aggravated by subepidermal nodes with an erymatous surface above them. Further, skin ulcerations may occur due to damage to small and medium-sized arteries.

4. If thrombosis of large and medium-sized arteries occurs, peripheral gangrene occurs, and non-palpable purpura can become a consequence of thrombocytopenia in antiphospholipid syndrome.

Treatment of marbled skin with antiphospholipid syndrome

General therapeutic recommendations for antiphospholipid syndrome are to avoid substances that would provoke thrombosis, correct high cholesterol levels, control weight, avoid taking estrogen-containing drugs, stop smoking.

Venous thrombotic events are treated with heparin, then warfarin is added in combination with 325 mg of aspirin daily to prevent recurrent thrombosis.

As for marbled skin, taking calcium and vitamins P, C, PP will help improve its appearance. But such skin does not require specific treatment.

Patients with this feature should be carefully evaluated for the presence of antiphospholipid syndrome, since early and vigorous treatment in this case will help to avoid serious consequences.

People are used to the fact that newborns have a pleasant pink skin tone, and when marbling of the skin appears, they begin to panic. Often it manifests itself when a newborn is crying. But a specific mesh pattern occurs not only in babies, but also in children older than three years. In adults, its presence on the skin is also possible.

What is the reason for the appearance of marbling in the baby

Often the appearance of the marble color of the epidermis in a baby is associated with an unformed vegetative system. The vessels of the newborn do not yet respond properly to changes in temperature in the room, therefore, they acquire a peculiar shade. In most cases, these vessels constrict at a rapid pace, and accordingly, they turn blue. In places where capillaries do not interfere with the movement of blood, the skin becomes red. Skin color in this case is called marble.

If we consider whether it is considered normal in newborns, then the unequivocal answer is yes.

But even here there are some peculiarities.

If a newborn's skin tone changes when changing clothes, then this is considered quite common. This takes place closer to six months, at the moment when the vessels begin to work at the proper level. In this case, no therapy is needed. But there are exceptions here too. When it is clear that the baby has become much paler than usual, his sweat glands are working hard, he is lethargic, or behaves excessively active, his lips and nose have turned blue, contact an ambulance immediately, while measuring body temperature. This usually happens when overheating. In addition to fragile vessels, there are other causes of marbling:

  1. Premature baby. If the baby was born prematurely, the unusual color is associated with its autonomic dysfunction.
  2. Insufficient supply of tissues and organs of the fetus with oxygen.
  3. Congenital heart disease.
  4. Anemia.
  5. A disease associated with vitamin D deficiency.
  6. Congenital disorder of the functioning of the brain.
  7. Overfeeding, because the sudden surge of blood is unbearable for the baby's blood vessels. Because of this, the vessels are constantly stretched and less elastic.
  8. Heredity. If one of the close relatives had such a disease, then it may well manifest itself in a child.

Is it worth it to treat

The marbling of the skin of a newly born baby is not at all terrible, and it is not necessary to treat it. The main thing is not to wrap up the child much in hot weather, but to dress in cold weather in accordance with the temperature, to make room temperature the most favorable for finding the child.

Over time, the body adapts to the external environment, and changes in its skin will pass. Another thing is if marbling is associated with any disease. Here, the disease is first diagnosed, and then appropriate treatment is prescribed. To prevent the disease, you must adhere to the following procedures:

  • temper the baby;
  • do a special massage;
  • do gymnastics with him;
  • strengthen immunity by swimming in the pool;
  • bathe in coniferous and salt baths.

Such measures will help the baby's body to get stronger and normalize the work of the cardiovascular system. With marbling of the skin, B vitamins and special preparations are prescribed. But they should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor and in accordance with the indicated doses.

What to do with a child over three years old

It is considered normal if a child over three years of age has a marbled tint after frostbite or when they are in places with a high temperature. But it is worth being puzzled if this color remains for a long time. Therefore, you need to go to such specialists as a cardiologist, neurologist and pediatrician. They will give direction to the cardiogram, ultrasound of the brain, encephalogram. They will quickly identify the cause and prescribe the necessary treatment.

In rare cases, the cause of the appearance of marbling of the skin in a child older than three years is considered a specific type of skin called "congenital telangiectatic marbled skin." It is expressed in the proximity of blood vessels to the epidermis. This form of skin is characteristic of children who live in the coldest areas.

In addition, marbled skin is also characteristic of other ailments. One of these is generalized varicose veins. Such a disease is understood as the rarest malformation of blood vessels, which manifests itself in the form of a pattern of blood vessels with a grid with a change in the main layer of the skin. Marble skin color in some cases may appear in a child with a congenital venereal disease - syphilis.

Often with diseases associated with the genome, for example, Down syndrome and Edwards syndrome, a marbled skin tone can appear. Marble tint, especially in the legs, is acquired due to atopic dermatitis.

Therefore, if you encounter such a problem, it is worth consulting with a qualified specialist to determine the cause of this phenomenon.

After all, as already discussed above, in newborns this disease will disappear by 6 months, and the older children will be given the necessary treatment, as a result of which the skin color will return to its previous appearance. The main thing is to walk more often and temper your child.

Causes of appearance in an adult

Often a mesh pattern in adults occurs due to changes in the movement of blood through the vessels. This condition can be observed as a result of disruption of the central nervous system, the appearance of a cyst or dropsy.

In the form of a marble skin color, tuberculosis can manifest itself. With it, a spotty mesh appears in most cases on the lower leg. The most common diseases in which marbling of the skin manifests itself:

  • malaria;
  • dermatitis;
  • dysentery;
  • hangover;
  • on which cholesterol is deposited;
  • indurative erythema;
  • heart disease;
  • lupus erythematosus.

With lupus, malaria, marble spots are placed on the skin in the form of a tree with branches. With a long stay in the cold in a person with such diseases, the spots become brighter. If the disease is not treated, then the skin will acquire a marbled hue throughout the body. The reason, not related to the presence of an infectious disease in the human body, is a visit to the bath, after which reddening of the skin appears, turning into a marble mesh.

Another reason for the manifestation of marbled skin, especially brushes,
it is considered to be outside in the winter without gloves. This is how blood vessels respond to low temperatures. More often, marble skin is found in people who disrespect their health. In these two cases, marbling does not last long. When the internal organs fail, a pale blue tint of the skin appears. It is located on the sides and lower extremities, but when pressed completely disappears.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of marbling, but only a doctor can determine the exact one, who, if necessary, will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

It is generally accepted that babies and young children have perfectly smooth and delicate skin without any defects and features. At least, this is how the correct image of newborn children is created in various information publications.

But one should also take into account the factor that any child has certain physiological characteristics and in some cases, unfortunately, forms of diseases. The category of such ambiguous symptoms for explaining is the marbling of the skin in the baby.

Now the data on the occurrence of marbling in infants on the skin should be studied from the main signs and symptoms that you need to pay attention to in order to prevent and eliminate provoking factors.

They should be considered before the level of anxiety increases in new parents when an unexpected skin tone with a characteristic bluish reticulated or mottled pattern is found in a child.

Experts say that babies who have marbling of the skin are now common, therefore, you should not panic, but consider the causes and signs of such a phenomenon.

Symptoms and signs of marbling of the skin in children

The appearance of a mottled or marbled hue on the skin - symptoms of marbling of the skin

Recognizing such a symptom in infants as marbling of the skin is very simple, since children are always under the supervision of their parents and periodically examined by pediatricians. Marble skin color in newborns is not always a pathology, but is explained by the instability of the vegetative-vascular system, which is formed gradually.

The main sign that you need to pay attention to is the appearance of a spotty or marble shade on the skin as a result of the proximity to the skin of a large number of blood vessels and capillaries.

The appearance of this symptom is in one area the narrowing of part of the vessels, giving the baby's skin a bluish tint, in the other - the expansion of the vessels, due to which red pigmentation is noticeable. As a result of this reaction, a pattern is formed on the skin of the baby in the form of a network of capillaries, called marbling.

Marble skin color in newborns not always pathological, but is explained by the instability of the vegetative-vascular system, which is formed gradually.

In addition, when observing in the process of care, you can notice that those children who have predisposition to impaired blood circulation in small vessels(capillaries).

This symptom also becomes apparent when the child is in a room with a cool temperature for a long time. The state can be considered the norm when, when the child warms up, the skin quickly restores its natural shade.

So it's important monitor the absence of hypothermia in children, to exclude subsequent reactions and the development of diseases such as pathologies of intracranial pressure and the brain as a result of impaired blood flow.

Causes of marbled skin

One of the causes of marbled skin is a longer period of breastfeeding.

The causes of marbling on the skin in children can be identified by observing behavior. At home, parents should take into account the changing mood of the child in the usual conditions, fatigue or moodiness.

Pediatricians, in turn, evaluate the forms of manifestation of this symptom based on medical indicators.

There are rare situations when the climate of the area in which the family lives is not suitable for the baby. Depending on this, a sign characteristic of marbling of the skin may also appear. When you change your place of residence, the symptom disappears without a trace.

In other cases, experts determine several main causes of the phenomenon of marbled skin in infants. These include:

  1. Longer feeding time (different from the average statistical indicators) of the child breastfeeding. Doctors explain in this case the marbling of the skin in the baby by the loss of firmness and elasticity in the vessels, small capillaries from congestion.

    Then the restoration of the previous tone of the blood vessels of the child is achieved by introduction of complementary foods.

  2. Vegetative disorder. It is believed that in this case, marbling of the skin is characteristic of children born at the wrong time.

  3. Intrauterine lack of oxygen.

Physiological features

Blotchy skin can appear when crying

In addition to these reasons, there are body features acquired from birth :

  • the appearance of spotting of the skin in a child with crying or bathing;

  • the presence of a vascular network slight hypothermia of the chest;

  • pale naturalness skin, under which the vessels are clearly visible.

Experts call the influence of these factors physiological or safe marbling, which occurs in children born at any time. Marbling of this type of skin in infants - age-related phenomenon that does not require treatment.

Several main causes of the phenomenon of marbled skin in infants:

  • longer duration of breastfeeding;
  • vegetative disorder;
  • intrauterine lack of oxygen.

By the period six months spotting on the skin usually disappears, and the natural shade returns to normal.

Pathological causes of marbling

Marble skin can be a symptom of anemia

Despite the harmless features in the difference in skin tones in infants, there are some conditions and reasons that you need to pay attention to at the initial stage in order to avoid the development of more serious diseases and eliminate alarming symptoms.

In a situation where physiological factors have been eliminated, and the marbling of the skin in the baby does not go away, you need to see a doctor. This is explained by the fact that marble skin can be symptom of the following diseases :

  • hereditary and genetic diseases with a predisposition to vegetative-vascular dystonia. The hereditary factor explains the appearance of symptoms of any disease;

  • anemia. This disease affects the process of blood circulation;

  • congenital heart disease. In this case, the child needs to be examined by a neurologist and a cardiologist in order to exclude pathological changes in the cardiovascular system of the body.

Thus, it turns out that the marbling of the skin in children for a number of pathological reasons does not go away on its own in a short period of time. Then there is a need for observation by a doctor and treatment, the duration of which depends on the identified disease.

Treatment of marbling of the skin in infants

The neurologist will recommend an ultrasound of the brain

If the marbling of the skin in a child is caused by any disease, then after establishing the diagnosis, certain recommendations given by the doctor should be followed. It is especially important that the baby was at a comfortable temperature without being subjected to hypothermia and overheating.

In the future, the vegetative-vascular system will reach its maturity, and the skin will acquire a healthy and natural color.

And at the same time, parents need to remember that marbling of the skin does not have practically serious consequences, therefore, with age, the problem will disappear in the baby and the vascular tone will improve, and the body will be hardened.

During the follow-up with a neurologist, you will need to conduct some research , namely:

  • ultrasound of the brain;

  • ECG (cardiogram detects changes in the heart rhythm, as a result of a failure in which the blood circulation process may be disturbed);

  • measuring the level of pressure (taking into account the norm for children);

  • direction for a laboratory blood test (determines the norm of blood composition);

  • MRI (determines the slightest changes and pathologies in the vessels, which makes it possible to prevent the development of diseases of the vascular system in the early stages).

It is the results of these examinations that allow the doctor to prescribe appropriate procedures and recovery measures to improve the functioning of the vascular system in a child.

Regardless of the factor that caused the marbling of the baby's skin, experts in all cases give advice on general strengthening of the body.

Thus, recovery therapy is aimed at assistance in the formation of the vegetative-vascular system . The child needs to provide optimal conditions for development, which consist in hardening, correction of sleep and wakefulness, as well as diet.

In addition, pediatricians show parents basic massage techniques to restore blood circulation in a child, recommend a course of classes in the pool. All this contributes to the restoration of disturbed vascular tone.

In addition to preventive procedures, the doctor may prescribe immune-boosting supplements as a treatment, as well as balanced vitamin complexes based on B vitamins.

Fundamentals of helping a child at home

Long walks - a method of preventing marbling of the skin

Absolutely any parents wish the speedy recovery of the child in the process of treating the disease or its symptoms.

With marbling of the skin in infants, it is quite easy to manage at home. In case of any concerns or general questions, you can always seek the advice of a pediatrician.

In order to home prevention Parents should follow these guidelines:

  1. Carrying out regular massages for a general strengthening effect on the child's body.

  2. Lessons therapeutic gymnastics selected by a specialist during the examination.

  3. Bathing the baby in baths with the addition of saline or coniferous. Such procedures have a beneficial effect on the vessels and capillaries of a growing organism.

    In addition, they relieve irritation and have a calming effect.

  4. Introduction to the diet of the necessary complementary foods according to the age of the child.

  5. long walks outdoors with baby. However, it is necessary to dress the child according to the season in order to prevent hypothermia or overheating.

It turns out that the process of lifestyle correction will reduce the factors for the appearance of marbled skin. All of the suggested recommendations will help reduce anxiety, both in parents and in the baby.

In addition, blood circulation and the tone of the vascular system will improve in the body, which is a favorable factor in the formation and development of the baby, and contributes to hardening from an early age.

Prevention of marbling of the skin in children

Classes with a children's masseur - a sure measure of prevention

Preventive measures to monitor and eliminate marbling of the skin include not only the actions of specialists, but also self-care at home. For babies useful classes with a children's masseur after visiting the pool .

At the same time, certain massage techniques can be taken from a specialist to restore blood flow in the child's limbs.

Important to remember!

Marbling of the skin is not an independent disease. Most often, this feature is the reaction of the child's vessels to some external conditions or the initial symptom of the disease.

  • obligatory visit to the pediatrician for regular medical examinations, where it is possible to receive recommendations for caring for a child, learn about behavior when certain symptoms appear and possible reactions;
  • careful selection of food for the child, which will provide the missing vitamins and elements. In addition, it is important to introduce complementary foods that correspond to the age of the baby by months;
  • observation of child's temperature and the influence of weather conditions.

A reminder for all parents about marbling of the skin

Regular visits to the pediatrician

It is extremely important, in order to maintain your own peace of mind, to remember some facts verified by specialists about such a symptom as marbling of the skin in infants:

  1. Marbling of the skin is not an independent disease. Most often, this feature is the reaction of the child's vessels to some external conditions or the initial symptom of the disease.
  2. Marbling of the skin has no consequences for the development of children.
  3. Such a phenomenon in the chest can be considered normal up to six months of age, as the vascular system goes through the initial stage of formation.
  4. An examination by a pediatrician will eliminate fears.
  5. At home, you can eliminate the symptoms of marbling by following general recommendations for strengthening the body.

It is important to note that the marbling of the skin is a passing phenomenon, so it is not a serious cause for concern.

Child care and regular visits to the pediatrician are the key to the health of the baby and the peace of mind of the parents.

May your children always be healthy!

Marble skin in an infant is rare. But every parent who happened to encounter a spectacle when their child's skin is covered with a red-violet mesh had to endure a lot of anxiety before they found out the cause of such an anomaly. You should not panic too much when marbling the skin of the baby, but you still need to find out the source of such an epidermal reaction. The culprit of the marbling of the skin can be both physiological and pathological processes of the child's circulatory system. And if you should not worry about the physiological causes of marbling of the skin in newborns, then the pathological condition will need to be treated. We explore what marble disease is, its symptoms, causes and treatment.

What is the difference between marble disease and marbling of the epidermis in infants

Due to similar terminology, many consider marbled disease and marbled skin color in a newborn to be identical pathologies. But at their core, these deviations have a different pathogenesis. What is marble disease? A very dangerous pathology, such as marble disease of osteopetrosis, is characterized by scattered compaction of the skeletal system, due to which the bone marrow hematopoiesis is disturbed, and the bones themselves become brittle. The disease of osteopetrosis is a fatal diagnosis, because there is no medicine that completely heals this disease. And children suffering from such a genetic anomaly rarely live to the age of a teenager.

Early diagnosis of marble disease in children makes it possible to control the pathological process, expressed by bone fractures, their incorrect fusion, skeletal deformity and other disorders. Deadly marble is observed on the cut of the affected bone, hence the name of the disease.

Marble disease of the musculoskeletal nature is caused by a genetic anomaly, which is expressed in the excessive formation of bone tissue.

Marbling of the skin of infants is a completely different pathology and is associated with an imbalance in the vascular system. The causes of marbling of the skin in a child can be physiological or pathological. It depends on whether it is necessary to treat the baby for vascular pathology or marbled skin in the baby is a temporary phenomenon.

Physiological causes of marbled skin in children

Sometimes, due to the peculiarities of physiology, a particular child has a vascular system that is located close to the surface of the skin. In addition, marbled skin in a child may be the result of imperfect thermoregulation. Therefore, when the ambient temperature changes, especially in the direction of cooling, the baby may experience marbling of the skin. The pattern is especially pronounced in the peripheral zone of blood circulation, that is, on the legs and arms of the baby.

Among the probable causes of marbling of the skin in an infant, pediatricians also note overeating. If the newborn eats more breast milk or infant formula than his age requires, then the blood volume multiplies. An insufficiently strong capillary system does not have enough tone to cope with a large volume of blood flow, and the skin of a newborn is very thin.

All these factors lead to the fact that the capillary network becomes visible.

Children prone to manifestations of marbling on the skin:

  • Born as a result of prolonged labor with complications.
  • Which during childbirth had a strong load on the cervical region and head.
  • Experienced oxygen starvation during gestation or during childbirth.
  • Survivors of intrauterine infection.
  • Born before the due date.

Another cause of marbling of the skin in a child is heredity. If one of the parents, or even more so both have vegetovascular disorders, then this pathological condition can be inherited by the child with a high degree of probability. Vegetovascular dystonia is not a disease, but rather a syndrome. VVD can accompany a person all his life, expressed in a neuro-humoral disorder of the cardiovascular system.

Vegetovascular dystonia does not require special treatment, it will be necessary to accustom the child from a very early age to a healthy lifestyle and nutrition. The correct daily routine, hardening and sports activities will help. The marbling of the skin in the crumbs of the first months of life should disappear on its own when it reaches six months of age. If the marble vascular pattern does not go away, then this is an eloquent sign of the presence of cardiac or vascular pathology. But it is better, of course, not to wait six months to check whether the marbled skin will pass or not, but to check with the doctor in advance about the reasons for such a vascular reaction of the body.

Pathological causes of marbling of the skin in a child

The physiological marbling of the skin of an infant does not need to be treated. If the room is cool, then it is enough to rub the skin of the baby or dress him warmer so that the tone of the skin is restored. In the case when overfeeding became the cause of the appearance of a vascular pattern on the body of the crumbs, you just need to reduce portions of food or increase the intervals between feeding and everything will pass. But when, regardless of the above measures, the symptoms of marble skin in a newborn do not disappear, then it is worth taking a closer look at your child for signs of cardiovascular pathology.

Alarming symptoms of pathological marbling of the skin of a child:

  • Increase or decrease in body temperature.
  • Profuse sweat.
  • Excited state.
  • Marked lethargy.
  • Head tilting.
  • Blue in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.
  • Along with the burgundy-violet vascular pattern, the underlying skin tone is pale.

These symptoms may indicate the following pathologies:

  • progression of anemia.
  • Congenital pathologies.
  • genetic abnormalities.
  • Ecephalopathy perianal.
  • Increased intracranial pressure.
  • Heart defects or congenital vascular abnormalities.
  • Disorder of bone formation (rickets).

In a situation where marbling of the skin in a newborn is associated with pathologies, it will be necessary to determine the specific source of the problem. The attending physician should prescribe a complete examination of the baby.

And according to the results of a thorough study of the baby's body, the appointment of individual therapy is mandatory.

Most often, the cause of many pathologies is oxygen deficiency in fetal development or asphyxia that occurs during complex and protracted births. Even a short hypoxia during pregnancy or a lack of oxygen during prolonged labor can lead to unpredictable neurological disorders in a child, including vascular disorders in the form of marbled skin.

If the cause of marbling of the skin is in the physiology of the infant, then the task of the parents is to take care of the full formation of the vascular tone in their child. This mission is easily feasible, thanks to regular massage manipulations, frequent and long walks in the fresh air, moderate hardening, swimming and other useful activities. It is important to remember that strong immunity and healthy habits laid down from childhood will reward the efforts of parents throughout the full life of their child.

In contact with

The first most exciting months of the life of a newborn baby, parents always notice the slightest nuances, manifested in the form of changes in his behavior, well-being, skin color. Skin color, temperature and its general condition is also considered one of the main criteria that determine the health of the baby. An inexperienced mother is sometimes alarmed by the marble skin of the baby, that is, the color of the body, in which spotted stains with a bluish or reddish color are noticeable.

Should parents be afraid and assume the most terrible diseases, or is this phenomenon considered a variant of the norm for the development of newborns? The answer to this question will always depend not only on the change in the color of the skin, but also on the accompanying changes in the well-being of the baby.

What causes marble skin coloration

To have a general idea of ​​​​what marbling of the skin is, you can see photos of babies with this coloration. On the body they will have a noticeable network of spots, which are somewhat paler in the center, and darker along the edges due to increased blood supply to the vessels. The reasons for this change in color are divided into physiological and pathological. Parents should worry only in the second case, but even then only if the changed skin color of the baby is accompanied by some other signs of the pathological development of the newborn.

Physiological causes

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Physiological reasons, according to many pediatricians, and doctor Komarovsky among them, are due to the fact that in most infants the vegetative-vascular system is still in the process of development. In the first months of life, she does not completely fulfill the function assigned to her by nature. As a result of this, the thin and too sensitive skin of the baby's body quickly responds to any impact. The color of the body often changes when the baby's body is forced to control the process of heating it, that is, the blood rushes to the exposed areas. You can notice the marbling of the color when changing the baby's clothes, especially in cool weather or when the house is not warm enough. In order for the color of the skin to become normal again, it is enough to dress the baby warmer.

According to statistics, the marble coloration of the skin is often detected in those children who live in areas with a cold climate.

Also, this skin color in young children is fixed when the baby is breastfed. In order to get food from the mother's breast, the child must make an effort. At the same time, congestion of small vessels is observed, they are constantly in a stretched physiological state and therefore the blood filling them is clearly visible through the skin.
For physiological reasons, marbling occurs periodically in newborns up to about seven months. During this time, the state of the vegetative-vascular system normalizes, and the subcutaneous fat in the baby also usually increases. All this leads to the fact that the color of the skin ceases to change.

Pathological causes of marbling of the skin

Marble skin in infants in a small percentage of cases appears due to certain pathological processes in the body. At the same time, the bluish or purple color of the child's body will appear regardless of the air temperature in the space, this color lasts for a long time and periodically appears after the child's year.
The reasons for the development of marble skin color, which require the appointment of special treatment or other additional measures in the care of the baby, include:

  1. Vegetative dysfunction, while the physiological vascular tone is disturbed. This condition in a newborn occurs if the birth lasted a long time. With prolonged childbirth, the cervical spine and brain are subjected to additional, negative stress. Violation in the work of the autonomic system often occurs with prematurity
  2. Intrauterine hypoxia of the child. Hypoxia during gestation negatively affects the entire blood circulation, which affects the development of various pathologies in newborns
  3. Marble coloration of the skin indicates anemia and cardiovascular pathologies

Periodically appearing bluish spots on the skin are also fixed in those newborns whose parents suffer from pronounced phenomena of vegetative-vascular dystonia. That is, in this case we are talking about a special genetic predisposition to instability of vascular tone.
If the marbling of the skin of the newborn passes quickly, does not differ in too pronounced color and is not accompanied by other changes in the well-being of the baby, then there is no reason to panic. Naturally, parents should consult a doctor, but usually the doctor advises only to survive this period.
Concomitant symptoms should alert the mother, indicating various disorders in the functioning of internal organs:

  1. Pronounced intensity of bluish coloration and the appearance of a bright marble shade immediately on the entire surface of the body
  2. Pronounced pallor or cyanosis of the skin, appearing in the intervals between the marble color of the body
  3. Excessive lethargy of the newborn, or vice versa, his easy and quick excitability
  4. Excessive sweating regardless of temperature
  5. Cyanosis of the entire nasolabial triangle and blue coloration of the lips
  6. Poor weight gain, refusal to eat

Sometimes marble coloring accompanies hyperthermia, that is, an increase in body temperature. Therefore, if such changes have not been recorded on the skin before, then the body temperature of the newborn should be checked first of all. When fixing all the pathological signs in an infant, you need to visit a pediatrician who will prescribe an additional examination.
Most changes in the functioning of internal organs are easily corrected with medication, especially if the disease is detected at an early stage of development. What your baby needs, only an experienced specialist can decide on the basis of all examinations.

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