Military standardization is the foundation of R&D. Basic provisions for the development of general requirements for ensuring the safety of flight crews

V.A. Khudyakov, TsNIIMash, Korolev, Moscow region

In the process of studying and determining the impact of rocket and space technology (RKT) on the environment (OPS), several levels are distinguished, which were discussed in detail in the report of Klyushnikov V.Yu at last year's seminar "Problem issues of monitoring the environmental situation in the areas of operation of rocket and space technology:

theoretical studies of the impact of RCT on the OPS, the development of the necessary mathematical models and their implementation in computer programs, the identification of various kinds of regularities in the behavior of the OPS in the process of rocket and space activities;

experimental studies of the impact of RCT on the OPS and subsequent refinement of mathematical models;

environmental control and monitoring of the areas of operation of the RKT.

In view of the complexity of the experimental determination and control of the impact of RCT on the OPS, theoretical studies, mathematical modeling of processes and determination of the characteristics of the impact with the help of a computer play an important role.

At the same time, two sides of theoretical studies and assessments of the impact on the environmental impact should be distinguished. The first is related to the study of processes and phenomena occurring in the environment during rocket and space activities, the accumulation of data obtained and the formation of an understanding of the problem of environmental impact from RCT. The second side is determined by the need to assess the impact on the environment and submit relevant materials for the State Ecological Expertise (SEE), which is mandatory in accordance with the Federal Laws "On Environmental Protection" and "On Environmental Expertise". If in the first case a wide variety of methods based on exact, approximate and other models of impact are suitable and necessary for theoretical studies, then when preparing EIA materials for the purposes of the SEE, the requirements for methods increase sharply and only approved methods that have gone through a fairly large practice of using the methodology in that or otherwise agreed by leading scientific organizations.

In general, this is quite clear and without focusing special attention. However, how does it work in reality?

EIA materials regarding the effect of launch vehicles (LV) on the atmosphere should include, in particular, sections on the composition of combustion products of engines, the effect of combustion products on the ozone layer of the atmosphere - the subject of interest of the authors of the report. In 2000, a voluminous book "Ecological problems and risks of the impact of rocket and space technology on the environment. A reference guide" was published. It should be noted that for the first time an attempt has been made to comprehensively cover all environmental problems and the impact of rocket and space technology on the environment and give specialists the opportunity to see the impact of various types of impact from chemical, electromagnetic, impact, etc. to man-made pollution of the natural environment as, in qualitative terms, as well as quantitatively.

In table. 28 of this reference manual shows data on the emissions of components of combustion products into individual layers of the atmosphere during the flight of various rockets. These data are very different from the data of TsNIIMASH in terms of the components of combustion products, which strongly depend on the kinetics of chemical reactions, in particular, nitrogen oxide, one of the main catalysts for ozone destruction.

The total emissions of NO by the Proton rocket, according to the data given in the manual, amount to several hundred kilograms, while according to the calculations of TsNIIMASH, more than 5 tons. The difference is very noticeable.

In accordance with the general technical requirements of OTT KS-88, the mass of ozone destroyed in one launch of the launch vehicle, the mass of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere, and some others are considered as particular indicators of the impact of RKT on the OPS.

A partial indicator, such as the mass of ozone destroyed in a single launch, is not good. Local ozone depletion is estimated to be in the order of 100 kg and has no bearing on the ozone layer problem. Within a short time, not exceeding several hours, the background ozone content is restored. However, the impact on ozone from emitted NO, more precisely nitrogen oxides, will last 3-5 years during their lifetime in the ozone layer.

A fairly large amount of research has been carried out on the impact of rocket launches on the ozone layer. TsNIIMASH developed methods for determining the amount of emissions of harmful substances during rocket flight, taking into account the interaction of a jet of combustion products with air and the kinetics of chemical reactions in the engine chamber and rocket jet. With their use, data on emissions of various substances by domestic rockets were prepared. The available experimental data on the composition of harmful substances emitted by the launch vehicle into the atmosphere and their effect on the ozone layer (3 tests of a solid-propellant rocket at the Plesetsk test site) are in qualitative agreement with the results of theoretical estimates.

To determine the impact on the ozone layer, NPO Typhoon has developed separate models and methods that allow, using data on emissions of harmful substances, to determine the local impact on the ozone layer during single rocket launches, as well as to estimate the regional and global decrease in the ozone content under various scenarios of rocket launches. Using these techniques, data were obtained on the impact of various rockets on the ozone layer. The results of these works are reflected in the manual mentioned above.

Other organizations have their own methodological developments on the issues raised.

In this regard, it is necessary to analyze the methods used to determine the impact of rocket launches on the atmosphere, including the calculation of emissions of harmful substances, and develop regulatory methods agreed with the relevant organizations and enterprises of Rosaviakosmos, the Ministry of Defense, Roshydromet for use in preparing the required sections of the EIA materials submitted to the SEE .

One of the important properties of regulatory methods for calculating such characteristics as emissions of combustion products, effects on ozone or other atmospheric constituents, obtained as a result of solving a complex system of equations, is the availability of appropriate software. Without software implementation on a computer, the technique cannot be used. Moreover, it should be obvious that the program should be separated from the developer and transferred to the appropriate fund of algorithms and programs for the purpose of its subsequent use by interested specialists on certain legal grounds. Recently, this has been forgotten, which should have a negative impact on the development of software and methodological support for RCT.

A few words about program funding. In the 70s, funds of algorithms and programs were created in almost all defense industries for the accumulation and subsequent use of application software. In the RCA, such a fund, namely OFAP CAD, was created in 1976. Until 1996, up to 300 software tools were donated to the fund by industry enterprises annually and a large number of programs, about 100, were requested for implementation. The total number of programs in the fund is more than 4,000 thousand.

After the transition to new economic conditions and a sharp decrease in funding for rocket technology, funding for PS developed by rocket industry enterprises began to wane. There are many reasons for this, and they may be the subject of special consideration. In 1995, the OFAP CAD was transformed into the FAP RKT, the "Regulations on the FAP RKT" and the "Guidelines for the development and execution of program documentation" were prepared, and by a joint order of the RSA and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for the defense industries, these regulatory documents were put into effect at the enterprises of the RSA and Goskomoboronprom. No one has canceled them yet. In accordance with them, when concluding contracts and agreements for R&D related to the development of software, carried out at the expense of the state budget, the stages of registration and delivery of software to the FAP RKT should be provided. Although there is every reason for the development of the software and methodological base for the development of RCT, nevertheless, most of the programs that are created within the framework of R&D bypass the fund, are not documented or are documented in an arbitrary form. At the same time, their development is carried out at the expense of financing from the State budget, and the programs themselves are related to scientific and technical products, which are subject to transfer to the Customer.

As the author sees, one of the ways to improve and increase the efficiency of the methodological support of environmental calculations and research, in particular the regulatory and methodological support, is to consider the methodology and program that implements it as a whole.


1. Klyushnikov V.Yu. The main aspects of studying the state of the environment in the areas of operation of rocket and space technology. Materials of the scientific-practical seminar "Problem issues of monitoring the environmental situation in the areas of operation of rocket and space technology" // war technologies. - 2000. - No. 3.

2. Ecological problems and risks of the impact of rocket and space technology on the environment. Reference manual - M.: Ankil, 2000.

3. OTT 11.135.95. General technical requirements for space facilities. OTT KS-88. Space systems and complexes. General requirements for ecology, 1995.

1.4.1 The development of the components of the SNA and CPA channels should be carried out taking into account the technically and economically justified unification, standardization and interchangeability of parts of assemblies and blocks.

1.4.2 The components of SNA channels should be unified in order to allow their maximum use in the spacecraft.

1.4.3 Quantitative indicators of the level of standardization and unification of the components of the SNA channels (applicability coefficient Kpr and repeatability coefficient Kp) should be calculated in accordance with GOST V 15.207-90.

The applicability factor must be at least 25%.

The repeatability factor must be at least 1.5.

1.4.4 At the stage of development of the RD, an examination should be carried out for compliance with the requirements for standardization and unification in accordance with GOST V 15.207-90 and OST 92-8550-98.

2 Requirements for types of collateral

2.1 Requirements for metrological support

2.1.1 Metrological support of SNA channels must comply with the requirements

Regulations RK-98, OTT 11.1.4 - 88 part 9.

2.1.2 Measurement methods should ensure control (measurement) of parameters and characteristics of SNA channel devices with the required accuracy and taking into account the required measurement time.

2.1.3 Measurement methods should exclude the possibility of reducing the quality of instrument reliability and be safe.

2.1.4 The measurement results must be expressed in legal units of values ​​in accordance with GOST 8.417-2002 and presented with the indication of the values ​​of the measurement error characteristics in accordance with MI 1317-86.

2.1.5 Methods for performing measurements of the parameters and characteristics of SNA instruments should be placed in the relevant operating manuals.

2.1.6 To measure instrument parameters during operation, measuring instruments should be used, the type of which is approved by the State Standard of Russia in accordance with GOST RV 8.560-95.

2.1.7 All measuring instruments must be provided with methods and means of verification.

2.1.8 At the PRI stage, a metrological examination of the design documentation for the SNA channels and components of the SNA channels should be carried out.

3Requirements for materials and components for cross-sectoral use

3.1 In the component parts of the SNA channels, electrical radio products (ERI) of increased reliability with the indexes "OS", "OSM", "M" and "N", and in their absence - ERI of the quality category "VP" in accordance with the "Regulation on electrical radio products with index "OS" and "Regulations on the list of electrical and radio products permitted for use in the development (modernization), production and operation of equipment, instruments, devices and equipment for military purposes. RD B 22.02.196-2000.

3.2 In the component parts of the SNA channels (if any), electromagnetic low-current relays of an increased degree of tightness should be used in accordance with the Decisions of OJSC Severnaya Zarya and NPO PM No. 2003-1 and No. 2003-2.

3.3 The applied ERI should be contained in the "List of electrical and radio products permitted for use in the spacecraft of the 14K034 system" or should be agreed with department 510 and 2359 PZ.

At the stage of developing documentation for prototypes, the “List of ERP of the components of the SNA KA 14F141 channel” should be submitted to the quality service to form a restrictive list of ERP for the product.

3.4 ERP should be used with a decrease in electrical and thermal conditions with load factors given in the requirements for ERP “Spacecraft of the 14K034 system. Requirements for electrical and radio products”, requirements for quality assurance or in the regulatory documentation for radio equipment (to be guided by the most stringent requirements).

To assess the correctness of the use of the ERI, a set of maps of operating modes should be issued in accordance with the "Guidelines for assessing the correct use of electrical and radio products" RD B 319.01.09-94 (rev. 2-2000).

3.5 ERI must be subject to input control in accordance with 154.VVK003.

3.6 The components of the SNA channels intended for field tests and operation as part of the spacecraft must be equipped with ERP that have passed additional tests (DI) in accordance with 154.DO3.7 at the ITC (IL), accredited in the Voenelectronsert system. The involvement of other organizations should be agreed with the quality service.

For each batch of ERI, intended for the acquisition of standard devices and passed DI, the "Form of conformity of the ERI batch" must be issued

3.7 In separate, technically justified cases, it is allowed to use foreign-made ERI (ERI IP) in accordance with the "Regulations on the procedure for the use of electronic modules, components, electrical and radio products and structural materials of foreign production in systems, complexes, models of weapons and military equipment and their components . RDV 319.04.35.00.

A technical justification with a quantitative assessment of the effect achieved from their application should be submitted for each position of the applied ERI IP.

The reduction of load factors on ERI IP should be carried out in accordance with the requirements given in the ESA PSS-01-301 standard or its analogues.

All ERI IP must pass certification tests according to programs agreed with 22TsNIIII MO. Certification tests must be completed before the start of preliminary tests of the components of the SNA channels.

The quality level of the ERI IP should not be lower than the industrial one. ERI IP of industrial quality level, intended for the acquisition of standard samples of the components of the SNA channels, must be subjected to rejection tests.

3.8 The selection and assignment of materials should be made in accordance with 771.0000-0TM "ed. T. 771. Requirements for materials”, from among those included in 154.TB 074 “List of materials permitted for use on spacecraft developed by NPO PM, and component equipment of related organizations”.

© V.I. Yaropolov, M.V. Chernobrivtsev
© State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics. K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Kaluga
Section "K.E. Tsiolkovsky and problems of professional activity of cosmonauts"

At present, there are several regulatory and technical documents (NTD) that regulate the requirements for the safety of flights of crews of manned spacecraft (PSV) (GOST V 24159-80, OTT KS-88, OTT VVS-86, etc.). An analysis of these regulatory and technical documents, as well as a number of other documents containing particular safety requirements (for extravehicular activities, onboard manipulators, etc.), indicates the presence of a number of shortcomings in the existing RTD system. In particular, the experience of ensuring safety during the long-term operation of the Mir orbital complex (OC) is not taken into account, and a number of new problems of ensuring the safety of crew flights that have appeared in connection with the creation of the International Space Station (ISS) are not reflected.

Given this, there is a need to create a single document free from these shortcomings. In order to ensure the updating of safety requirements, it is necessary to regularly update the safety requirements, for which two methods can be used:

Supplementing the existing requirements based on the results of the analysis of emergency situations that occurred in the performed flights;

Supplementing existing requirements based on the results of identifying new types of hazards arising from the features of promising manned space systems.

The first method is designed to take into account the experience of ensuring the safety of the SV crew based on the results of the flights performed.

The second way to make additions to the general requirements for ensuring the safety of spacecraft crew flights is related to the creation of promising manned space systems. When they are created, the safety requirements must precede the development itself so that they are laid down in the TTZ for this complex with a view to their subsequent implementation.

Based on the analysis of the safety requirements set out in the existing NTD, as well as those formed by the specialists of the RGNITsPK them. Yu.A. Gagarin, based on the results of space flights to the Mir spacecraft, analysis of possible hazards in ISS flights and emergency situations that have occurred in flights under the ISS program since the launch of its first module, "General requirements for ensuring the safety of spacecraft crew flights" were developed ".

The procedure for supplementing the general requirements for ensuring the safety of flights of the crews of the spacecraft based on the results of the analysis of emergency situations that occurred in the flights performed;

The procedure for supplementing the general requirements for ensuring the safety of flights of spacecraft crews based on the results of identifying new types of hazards arising from the features of a promising spacecraft.


Military standardization is the foundation of R&D

Major General N.I. CONON,

Head of the 29th Research Institute

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,

doctor of military sciences


Head of Research Institute

doctor of military sciences


chief specialist of the 29th Research Institute

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation


Senior Researcher

Research Institute

Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus,

candidate of technical sciences

The technical equipment of the Armed Forces with modern weapons and military equipment (WME) necessary to ensure the required level of defense capability and security of the state is a complex multifaceted process, one of the most important elements of which is the stage of research and development (R&D). The efficiency of R&D decisively depends on the ability of military command and control bodies (together with industrial organizations) to form in advance the scientific and technical (technological) reserve (NTZ) for the creation (modernization) of weapons and military equipment and then rationally use it by substantiating and qualitatively setting requirements in tactical and technical assignments for R&D. The main components of NTZ, methods of their formation, registration (registration) and distribution by methods of military standardization are given. A comparative analysis of the development of the main systems of military standardization in the armed forces of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation is given.

At the R&D stage, ways are being found and the possibilities of creating new (modernizing existing) types of weapons and military equipment are being developed, their appearance is being formed that meets previously established requirements, followed by the implementation of the developed samples on an existing industrial basis. At this stage, all the advantages and disadvantages of the created (modernized) weapons are laid and fixed in the hardware, which then finally manifest themselves in the process of combat use, operation and disposal of weapons and military equipment. After the completion of the R&D stage, the change in the obtained tactical and technical characteristics and other indicators of the AME model becomes almost unrealistic. Therefore, the R&D stage is a very costly and, in fact, the most important "creative" stage in the development of weapons and military equipment, which determines the prospects and technical and economic efficiency of the created model of weapons and military equipment.

According to the experience of the armed forces of the USSR, Russia and the armies of the main foreign countries, the total costs for the development of the weapons system (R & D and the purchase of weapons and military equipment) fluctuate within 25-60% of the "National Defense" item. At the same time, the share of R&D costs has so far fluctuated within 8-12%. In the militarily developed countries of the world, it reaches 16% (the total interval is 10-16%).

From the whole variety of diverse and distributed over time at all stages of the AME life cycle, the components of the effect and costs that determine the effectiveness of R&D, it is advisable to single out the following:

the technical and economic effect of R&D results, which manifests itself in the “increase” in the combat and operational capabilities of the created (modernized) models, changes in cost, time and other indicators of their production, operation and disposal, and an increase in the export potential of new (modernized) weapons and military equipment;

material costs associated with the cost and duration of R&D.

In connection with the perestroika processes and the growth of scientific and technological progress, there is a constant increase in the cost of weapons and military equipment, an increase in the cost of R & D, which, against the background of a decrease in allocations allocated for defense needs, a deterioration in the state and decrease in the potential of the defense industry, further aggravates the situation in the field of technical re-equipment of the Armed Forces (AF ). Under these conditions, the role of the relevant structures, ordering (purchasing) bodies and military representations of the Ministry of Defense, as well as research organizations of the Armed Forces (hereinafter referred to as military command and control bodies) in the effective use of the allocated state funds increases immeasurably.

Military command and control bodies are in fact the main link in the structure of state bodies involved in the justification, formation and implementation of the State Armament Program (SAP) and the State Defense Order (SDO), which have a real opportunity to ensure the effective use of funds allocated for R&D, through targeted and qualified actions in the process of substantiating, setting and monitoring the fulfillment of the requirements of the Ministry of Defense for the developed weapons and military equipment.

That is why military command and control bodies have paid, are paying and are obliged to pay close attention to R&D problems in order to make the most rational use of funds allocated for defense needs. A prerequisite for the effectiveness of the work of military command and development bodies as a whole is constant, close and fruitful interaction on all issues being resolved with the relevant industrial organizations that perform the bulk of the work at this stage.

The main task of the military command and control bodies at the R&D stage is the formation (selection) of the best (for given conditions) option for constructing the created sample of weapons and military equipment by setting in the TTZ for R&D mutually linked and reasonable requirements for:

composition, operational-tactical and technical characteristics of the sample, as well as other indicators of its quality;

borrowing from prototypes of devices that have proven themselves in the troops, typical (standard, basic, unified) products, programs and other technical (technological) solutions;

the processes of design, production, combat use, operation and disposal of the sample;

state testing methods, etc.

An equally important task of the military authorities is the constant monitoring of compliance with these requirements by industrial organizations at all stages of development and testing of this sample.

The most significant contribution to increasing the efficiency of R&D is made by the requirements for the rational use of the existing scientific and technical (technological) backlog (NTP), which consist in the ability of the customer and developer to apply new "breakthrough" scientific and technical (technological) achievements in the creation of weapons and military equipment in a reasonable combination with already implemented, tested in practice and “licked” as a result of the improvements carried out by the “former new” scientific and technical achievements, solutions, requirements, programs, models, methods, etc.

In the "Dictionary of the Russian language" SI. Ozhegov, “backlog” is understood as “what is worked out, made in reserve, for future work”. The definition of NTZ, given in, significantly narrows the scope of scientific and technological achievements suitable for use in the creation of weapons and military equipment. This definition is focused on new "breakthrough" achievements in fundamental, predictive, exploratory and applied research and ignores the scientific and technological achievements of R&D results, implemented in specific types of weapons and military equipment already in service with the troops. Moreover, this part of the NTZ is more representative, mastered by industry and tested by the troops. At the same time, it is already less "costly", since it is the property of the ROC customer - the Ministry of Defense.

Therefore, without pretending to be a complete definition, in this article, the scientific and technical background will be understood as a set of scientific and technical (technological) solutions suitable for use in the creation of weapons and military equipment and obtained at a certain point in time as a result of fundamental, exploratory and applied R&D in the form new promising technical (technological) solutions, as well as solutions obtained in the course of previously conducted R&D and implemented in weapons and military equipment adopted for service. At the same time, only those achievements, technical solutions, indicators and characteristics of which are fixed in the relevant regulatory and technical documents (NTD) and are available to R&D customers and their performers, can be attributed to NTZ.

The main components of the NTZ (in relation to the problem under consideration) are:

standard requirements for weapons and military equipment, their components, components, material and technical property, etc.;

requirements for the processes of creation, production, combat use, operation, repair, storage, disposal, etc.;

“Advanced” standard technical solutions or those already implemented in weapons and military equipment (unified components of weapons and military equipment, basic military technologies, “serial” technologies, etc.);

standard (standard, basic, unified) products, standard and parametric series, restrictive lists, etc.;

WME models being developed (purchased) or kept by the troops, their components and other supplies.

The completeness and availability (in accordance with the competence provided) of the characteristics of the NTZ is a very important factor, since the lack of such information leads to a serious rise in the cost of R&D. Let's consider the most typical cases. For example, samples of weapons, military or special equipment, their devices, components and components, military-technical and other property (hereinafter referred to as AME or supplies), previously developed on orders from the Armed Forces or other law enforcement agencies, appear again in the same or slightly modified (up to designations) form as "for the first time" developed already in other R&D for other (or the same) types of aircraft or law enforcement agencies. A situation is also considered a common occurrence when neither the customer nor the developer knows (due to departmental barriers or scarcity of information) about the availability of a similar (identical) product in the supply of the same or another type of aircraft and spend effort and money on the development of a new, essentially not different in its performance from the existing one. Without the availability of reliable information (characteristics, etc.) about such similar (identical) supplies (PS) and their comparative analysis, the customer (and in the second case, the developer) almost never won't know. In both cases, there is duplication of work and an unjustified increase in the variety of aircraft supplies, which first leads to an increase in the cost of R & D without any increase in product quality indicators, and then to an increase in the cost of operating weapons and military equipment.

Thus, the presentation to the customer and developer of formalized and accessible information about the existing scientific and technical groundwork and its skillful use will expand the possibilities for choosing the most rational options for the development of military technical systems, reduce the time and cost of developing (modernizing) promising weapons and military equipment. A separate issue is the task of rational use of scientific and technical knowledge in shaping the image of weapons and military equipment and finding optimal technical solutions for its implementation. The solution of this problem based on experience and intuition often leads to gross errors, often due to the “imperfection” of the human factor, which leads to irreparable consequences in R&D conditions. An effective tool for solving these optimization problems are mathematical models and methods for standardization and unification of weapons and military equipment, which are most fully described in. Their essence is to determine the range of elements, individual components, products and their systems that meet the specified requirements at minimal cost.

The solution of the tasks listed above for the formation, execution (registration), dissemination and use of data on scientific and technical groundwork can best be carried out by methods of military standardization.

Man has been engaged in standardization since ancient times. The main directions of standardization were:

writing (signs, pictograms, numbers appeared in Egypt 4-6 thousand years ago);

construction (standard bricks 8 x 16 x 32 cm appeared in China 7-8 thousand years ago, length standards appeared in Egypt more than 7 thousand years ago, etc.);

military affairs (standard sizes, materials and shapes of arrows, spears, arrowheads, swords, etc. arose almost simultaneously with writing).

The most impressive achievements of standardization in military affairs were obtained during the transition to machine production. For example, in Germany, at the royal arms factory, a standard 13.9 mm gun caliber was installed to organize mass production. In 1785, 50 types of gun locks were developed in France, each of which was suitable for any of the guns made at the same time without prior adjustment (an example of interchangeability and compatibility). In Russia, under Ivan the Terrible, standard circle gauges were introduced to measure cannonballs.

Standardization (including in military affairs) practically does not have a "breakthrough" character for obtaining "revolutionary" discoveries, although very noticeable results in this area exist due to the methods of "advanced" standardization. The main task of “more modest” standardization is to make the achievements (results) already available in various fields, refined (where necessary) for their repeated application in those areas of activity where this application is justified and effective, become the property of society (specialists). The history of mankind has already proved that the solution of these "modest" tasks yields very tangible results.

Military standardization is understood as "an activity consisting in finding solutions for repetitive tasks in the development, production, operation and maintenance of military equipment, aimed at achieving an optimal degree of streamlining in these areas" . Justification, development and consolidation in technical regulatory legal acts (TYPA) of these solutions, the existing scientific and technical reserve can be carried out both without reference to the R&D stage, and, in some cases, directly in the initial period of its implementation. The implementation of the solutions obtained occurs only at the stage of creation (modernization) of weapons and military equipment, and the effect of their use is manifested at all stages of the life cycle of weapons and military equipment, including the most important for the Armed Forces - development work, combat use and operation.

Military standardization in relation to the tasks under consideration is based on three (connected by "kindred and functional" ties) "pillars":

system of general technical requirements for IWT,

the system of technical regulation, standardization and unification of weapons and military equipment and other military supplies;

the cataloging system for military supplies.

Therefore, the main direction of military standardization measures should be to carry out work to create, develop and ensure the effective functioning of interconnected listed systems. The documents of these systems contain (should contain) virtually all interconnected and formalized information on the existing scientific and technical reserve, approved (agreed) by the Ministry of Defense and suitable for use in the creation (modernization) of weapons and military equipment. Planning for the development of these systems should be carried out by organizations of the Ministry of Defense in agreement with industrial organizations.

System of general technical requirements (GTT) for weapons and military equipment. The OTT system establishes a set of requirements of the Ministry of Defense for all types (types) of weapons and military equipment in the following areas:

according to the conditions of their combat use (in terms of resistance to damaging factors of weapons, electronic protection, protection against high-precision weapons, visibility, survivability, etc.);

according to operating conditions (resistance to climatic factors, safety, resistance to vibration and shock loads, etc.);

on the compatibility of weapons and military equipment in the conditions of combat use and operation (electromagnetic and electronic compatibility, transportation, storage, repair, etc.).

These groups of requirements supplement the main tactical and technical characteristics of weapons and military equipment samples specified in the programs for the development of weapons and military equipment with quantitative indicators and qualitative requirements necessary for their creation (modernization). The peculiarity of the groups of these requirements is that they are less dynamic than the requirements for the intended purpose, and have repeatability (commonality) not only within the type (type) of samples, but also between types (types) of weapons and military equipment. This feature of these requirements allows most of them to be normalized in the periodically revised regulatory and technical documents of the OTT system.

The OTT system includes documents of three categories:

fundamental (backbone) normative documents;

regulatory documents establishing general tactical and technical requirements for weapons and military equipment (grouped into sets of general, interspecific and specific documents);

regulatory documents that establish requirements for state testing methods (also grouped into sets of general, interspecific and specific documents).

The requirements of the system are formalized in the form of scientific and technical documentation, acting in the status of mandatory state TYPEs, developed by military authorities to support the State Armaments Program and approved by the leadership of the Ministry of Defense. In terms of military equipment, they are dominant, since they contain customer requirements for systems, complexes and samples of weapons and military equipment, as well as methods for their state testing, while other TYPES (standards, technical codes, etc.) for defense products are developed to support and develop them.

The NTD of the OTT system are the most important and mandatory documents for organizations of the Ministry of Defense and Industry involved in the assignment and implementation of R&D for the creation and modernization of weapons and military equipment. The requirements in the TTZ for R&D are set in the form of references to the NTD as a whole or by extracting from it.

Early preparation by specialists of various military command and control bodies involved in the justification of the development, development, combat use and operation of weapons and military equipment, qualified scientific and technical support for setting general technical requirements in the TTZ for R & D, allowed the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to significantly increase the efficiency of weapons and military equipment development due to:

the validity, concretization and detailing of the requirements included in the TTZ (for example, instead of references in the TTZ to GOSTs that establish the nomenclature of indicators, specific values ​​\u200b\u200bof these indicators are indicated);

practical elimination of the negative consequences of the influence of the "human" factor, which does not have the necessary scientific and technical support (background);

elimination of cases when, due to the lack of elaboration of a number of requirements, they were excluded from the number of specified ones or left to the developer (for example, the development of test methods, etc.), which led to problems in the field of application and operation of weapons and military equipment.

The state of development of the OTT system to types of weapons and military equipment in Russia and Belarus is different.

In the Russian Armed Forces, within the framework of a permanent organizational and staff structure, the system of OTT for types of weapons and military equipment is functioning and successfully developing, the foundations of which were laid back in Soviet times in the early 70s of the last century. It should be noted that the guidelines of the USSR Ministry of Defense on the creation of aviation equipment, developed in the structures of the Air Force during the Great Patriotic War, became the prototype of the NTD OTT.

In the Republic of Belarus, a number of copies of the NTD OTT have been preserved since Soviet times, which are scattered among various military authorities and organizations of the military-industrial complex. There is no reliable information about the existence, name, content and application of the NTD OTT of the USSR in the Republic of Belarus. There are no staff structures in the military command and control bodies.

In the Republic of Belarus, a stage-by-stage modernization of weapons has begun to be actively carried out, which requires scientific and technical support for the development and creation of weapons systems in accordance with the needs of the Armed Forces in the course of organizing and carrying out development work. The position of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense fully coincides with the provisions of the “Concept for the development of technical regulation and standardization of defense products of the Republic of Belarus for 2007-2015” (approved on July 26, 2006), where the main directions provide for step-by-step steps to form a fund of NTD OTT for weapons and military equipment and its development in relation to the weapons and military equipment of the Republic of Belarus in priority areas.

There is no need to deploy a full-scale system of NTD OTT in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus (about 600 documents have been created and are operating in Russia). Revision (updating or using without changes) of existing or received NTD OTT must be carried out taking into account the specific features of the Republic of Belarus for specific models (types) of weapons and military equipment, the modernization (creation) of which is provided for in HPV.

The system of technical regulation, standardization and unification of weapons and military equipment and other items of supply for the Armed Forces. The introduction in Russia and Belarus in 2003 of the laws "On technical regulation (rationing and standardization)" led to the need to change the technical policy of countries in the field of standardization of national economic and defense products, as well as other areas of regulation, assessment and confirmation of the conformity of products and services.

The upcoming reform changes both the organizational structure of military standardization (standardization of defense products) and the principles of standardization, types of regulatory documents on standardization, necessitates a review of the mechanism for maintaining, applying, updating, and abolishing the standards of the existing fund within the framework of the new system. At the first stage of reforming the system of standardization of defense products (until 2010) in the Republic of Belarus, it is planned to improve and develop state legislation in the field of technical regulation and standardization of defense products, clarify the organizational and functional structure of work, develop and implement part of the activities of the Program of technical regulation, standardization and unification of defense products for 2007 - 2015 (hereinafter referred to as the Program), as well as a number of other activities that affect the interests and determine the responsibilities of the Ministry of Defense in the system of technical regulation and standardization of defense products.

An analysis of the status of TYPAs that regulate the requirements for weapons and military equipment and other defense products showed that the integrated systems of state standards used by the military and industrial organizations of the Republic of Belarus in the development, modernization, production, operation, repair and disposal of weapons and military equipment are outdated, not updated, do not correspond to the changed political and economic conditions do not meet the modern level.

The main systems of standards for defense products, developed earlier with the direct participation of organizations of the USSR Ministry of Defense, are:

Integrated system of general technical requirements (KSOTT);

System of standards for the development and production of products (SRPP);

Integrated Quality Control System (KKKK);

Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging;

System of standards for ergonomic requirements and ergonomic support.

These systems of standards detail and develop the requirements of the NTD OTT for types of weapons and military equipment.

The SRPP standards form the basis for carrying out work on the creation of equipment, including weapons and military equipment, from applied work and the development of military equipment in production, to ensuring its operation and use, repair and disposal. This system establishes the stages and types of work at all stages of the life cycle of weapons and military equipment products (systems, complexes), the procedure for their implementation and control, registration of results, and the relationship of work participants. That is why the Program provides for the development of a complex of state military standards of the Republic of Belarus of the System for the Development and Putting into Production of Defense Products as a priority work in the Program.

A special place in the general system of standards is occupied by the group of standards ESTPP (unified system of technological preparation of production). Its goal is to use standard manufacturing procedures (welding, soldering, painting, gluing, assembly, etc.) to improve quality and speed up the release of new products.

The main goals, objectives and principles of technical regulation and standardization, set out in the laws on technical regulation in Belarus and Russia and in subsequent regulatory legal acts, practically coincide. For example, the implementation of the goals and objectives of technical regulation and standardization of products in Belarus should be based on the following new principles:

state standards are voluntary for application;

technical regulations are mandatory for application;

state standards should not contradict the requirements of technical regulations;

technical regulations establish directly and (or) by reference to technical codes of established practice and (or) state standards mandatory technical requirements related to the safety of products, the processes of their development, production, operation (use), storage, transportation, sale and disposal or the provision of services;

in the absence of technical regulations for military products, the requirements of state standards and other documents (NTD OTT for types of weapons and military equipment - operating in the USSR) are mandatory, the procedure for the development, approval and application of which is established by the Ministry of Defense and Gosstandart;

planning documents on technical regulation and standardization of defense products should be linked to the main directions of the military-technical policy of both the Republic of Belarus and the Union State;

advance work on technical regulation and standardization of defense products on the basis of scientifically substantiated and reliable data, etc.

The general tasks of standardization and unification of defense products and the tasks of technical regulation, standardization and unification of defense products practically coincide, only with the introduction of technical regulation, the requirements for the safety of defense products for life, health, human heredity, property and the environment in the process of its production, operation have become stricter , repair, disposal, maximum safety in emergency and man-made situations. The main content of the tasks of technical regulation, standardization and unification of defense products is as follows:

creation and improvement of the organizational and methodological foundations of technical regulation and standardization of defense products;

establishing progressive requirements for defense products, development, modernization, production, operation, repair and disposal of weapons and military equipment and other supplies, as well as methods and means of quality control to ensure the fulfillment of tactical and technical requirements;

the establishment of parametric and standard series, standard (standard, basic, unified) devices, structures, components, components and other supplies;

creation of restrictive lists of components and materials permitted for use in the development and modernization of weapons and military equipment, in order to control their quality and rationally limit the range;

ensuring structural, electrical, electromagnetic, information, software, diagnostic and other types of compatibility of defense products, as well as interchangeability of components, components and other supplies;

improvement of existing systems of design, technological, software, operational, repair and other types of documentation;

establishment of uniform terms and definitions in the field of standardization of defense products;

ensuring the unity and required accuracy of measurements in the development, modernization, production, operation and repair of defense products (WME);

creation of conditions for the use of modern information technologies (catalogization) at all stages of the AME life cycle;

ensuring the linkage of requirements for national economic products used for defense needs with requirements for defense products.

In modern conditions, when the structures of the system of technical regulation and standardization of defense products are being formed, the search for forms and methods for the rational combination of state and non-state standardization in the interests of weapons and military equipment, the role of the Ministry of Defense as a government body that orders defense products and is responsible for the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of standardization of military products purchased for state needs.

However, at present, in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus (unlike the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation), there is no organizational and staff structure for substantiating and implementing the policy of the Ministry of Defense in the field of standardization of military products in military command and control bodies.

Aircraft supply cataloging system. The cataloging of supplies (AME, their components and components, military-technical and other property) developed and purchased for the needs of the Ministry of Defense is understood as the coordinated activity of military command and control bodies (together with industrial organizations) for their uniform description, recognition (identification ), assigning them nomenclature numbers, documenting, storing and distributing this information in the form of a single automated catalog.

The system for cataloging military supplies is, in essence, a single information base for all state bodies, military command and control bodies and industrial organizations involved in the formation and implementation of military-technical policy in solving the problems of development planning, ordering, development, production, supply, operation, disposal and export of defense products, ensures their effective interaction and is designed to manage the range and quality of developed and purchased supplies. The presence of such a database will avoid the need to create (maintain) a number of departmental, narrowly focused, often incompatible automated databases, put the collection, processing and dissemination of information on a single legal basis, reduce the amount of data submitted by eliminating their duplication, link various existing ordering systems and supplies, accounting for the presence and movement of stocks.

The catalog contains in a formalized form complete information about the nomenclature, composition, scope, operational-tactical, technical and price characteristics of supplies, information about developers, manufacturers and suppliers, conditions for combat use and operation, storage, etc., terms of development, purchases and deliveries, as well as, if necessary, photographs, diagrams, drawings, TNLA (NTD OTT, standards, technical regulations, etc.) and any other information, but in an unformalized form. Each item of supply subject to cataloging must be registered in the prescribed manner by assigning it a single thirteen-digit nomenclature number. The item number is intended to uniquely designate and identify each item of supply, starting from the moment it was developed (purchased) and until it was removed from the supply of the Ministry of Defense and excluded from the catalog.

The pre-project (pre-purchase) control carried out on the basis of the cataloging system makes it possible to identify an excess range of items that do not need to be purchased, since they (or their higher-quality counterparts) are already available. It is known that the NATO cataloging system detects, on average, more than 30% of such items from the total number declared for purchase per year.

Cataloging is closely related to standardization. So, in the process of managing the nomenclature (ceteris paribus), cataloging gives preference to standard (typical, basic, unified) supplies, and in turn (due to the wide possibilities of comparative analysis of the same type) offers options for creating (selecting) a number of standard (typical, basic, unified) PS to replace their unjustified diversity or initiate standardization work in a particular area.

In practical terms (in relation to R&D), the use of such an information management system allows:

create a unified information support for the tasks of planning the development, development, production and purchase of weapons and military equipment, solved by military command and control bodies and industrial organizations;

evaluate the feasibility of creating and composition of new models of weapons and military equipment, determine possible ways of their technical implementation when planning and conducting research and development based on a more complete comparative analysis of the final products and their most important components (including foreign ones) to determine the prospects for development, avoid duplication and rational use in developments of the existing NTZ;

to identify the same type (identical) systems, devices, components and components of various types of weapons and military equipment, currently indistinguishable due to different names and designations, in order to eliminate duplication of their developments and purchases, carry out work on the typification and standardization of these products, as well as optimizing the placement of orders and the structure of industrial cooperation;

determine the interchangeability and interchangeability of the same type of PS (regardless of their departmental affiliation), evaluate their technical level and quality, meet the needs of the Armed Forces in these items of supply (especially in terms of arms and military equipment components) by using existing weapons, avoiding unnecessary costs for the creation of new ones .

The main areas of work on the creation, development and use of the cataloging system are the preparation of legal, regulatory and methodological documents that ensure the functioning of the cataloging system, the formation and maintenance of sections of the catalog, the development of an automated data bank, information support for the formation and implementation of the development, operation and disposal of weapons and military equipment.

In the Republic of Belarus, at present, work on cataloging the items of supply of the Armed Forces is not carried out and there are no corresponding structural units in the military command and control bodies.

The high efficiency of the system for cataloging military supplies has been proven by many years of international experience. The international cataloging system is based on the United States federal cataloging system, which was introduced by the Law on Military Standardization in 1952, and in 1956 was adopted by all NATO member states and is currently used in 59 states of the world, including since 1994 also in Russia. The introduction of the cataloging system enabled the United States to ensure highly efficient management of the range of supplies for the armed forces, optimize the accumulation and distribution of their stocks, and significantly increase the efficiency of supplying troops. At the first stage of work, due to the elimination of duplication, the range of supplies recorded in the logistics system was reduced by a factor of three (from 12 to 4 million items), and more than 12 billion dollars were saved. The volume of material assets stored in warehouses has been reduced by 20% without reducing the combat readiness of troops. So, for example, the cost of stocks in the warehouses of the US Air Force only for the period 1960 - 1965. was reduced from 19 to 12 billion dollars. The use of the system made it possible in just one year to exclude 524,000 items of supplies that were ordered not for the troops, and 290,000 items that were no longer of interest to the Ministry of Defense, identify surpluses in some types of aircraft and eliminate their shortages in others, due to operational redistribution .

In conclusion, the following should be noted. Formation, registration, dissemination and rational use of the scientific and technical reserve to ensure the substantiation, assignment and implementation of the requirements of the Ministry of Defense when creating (modernizing) weapons and military equipment in the most effective way should be carried out by military standardization methods within the framework of interconnected systems: general technical requirements for weapons and military equipment; technical regulation, standardization and unification of weapons and military equipment; cataloging of aircraft supplies.

The creation and successful functioning of these systems is possible only if there are well-functioning organizational and staff structures in the military command and control bodies.

The main tasks of military standardization to ensure the R&D stage are the formation of a set of hierarchically and functionally interconnected requirements of the Ministry of Defense for samples of weapons and military equipment, their components, components, military-technical property and general household products purchased by the Ministry of Defense, for the processes of their creation and modernization, production and procurement, operation and disposal, to a complete and uniform automated accounting of all supplies under development, purchased or in the troops. These requirements will be fixed in the developed interstate, state and departmental technical regulations for military and defense products (NTD of the OTT system, standards, technical regulations and codes, catalogs of supplies, etc.), mandatory for use in the formation and implementation of program and planning documents for the development of weapons and military equipment and defense products.

The use of the experience of the USSR and Russia, the presence of even an insignificant TYPA fund significantly speeds up and simplifies the work, reduces their cost and labor intensity, but does not provide the possibility of "administrative" decision-making on their application without careful scientific studies, taking into account natural, climatic, "military", "industrial" and other specific features of the Republic of Belarus. Making serious decisions that determine the prospects of created (modernized) weapons and military equipment, based on experience and intuition, often leads to serious mistakes, which is completely unacceptable under the conditions of research and development and procurement of weapons and military equipment.

The result of purposeful and persistent work on military standardization will be a single information base of the created and existing scientific and technical reserve, which will be the basis, the R&D foundation on which the development of military technical systems should be built. The presence and mandatory use of such an information base of the scientific and technical reserve will allow the efficient use of public funds allocated to maintain the required level of defense capability and security of the country, which will ensure:

improving the quality of developed (modernized) models of weapons and military equipment, their components and other supplies by conducting a comparative analysis, determining the prospects and setting scientifically based and specific requirements in the TTZ;

elimination of duplication of developments and ensuring the rational use in the creation of weapons and military equipment of the existing scientific and technical (technological) reserve, including supplies already in the troops (regardless of their type);

improvement of the processes of creation, production, operation and disposal of weapons and military equipment and other military supplies;

prevention of the purchase and delivery to the troops of an unjustified variety of the same type of supplies for the Armed Forces;

creation of a unified (territorial) automated system for recording and moving stocks of supplies for the Armed Forces and, as a result, reducing their range and required stocks by restoring order, optimizing, redistributing between military command and control bodies and eliminating unnecessary ones.

According to Russian experts (based on the experience of the United States), only the creation and implementation of a system for cataloging supplies of the RF Armed Forces will allow:

obtain an average annual saving of 7-11% of the total expenditure on the development and purchase of weapons and military equipment, their components, components and other supplies;

reduce by 3 - 4 times the existing range of components, components and other supplies and by at least 20% their stocks in warehouses and bases without prejudice to the combat readiness of troops;

provide the necessary conditions for compatibility and integration of systems for the logistics and repair of weapons and military equipment at the interspecific level


1. Burenok V.M., Lyapunov V.M., Wise V.I. Theory and practice of planning and managing the development of weapons / Ed. A.M. Moskovsky. - M.: Armament. Politics. Conversion, 2005. - 419 p.

2. Anisimov V.T., Anisimov E.G., Sinyavskii V.K. Mathematical models and optimization methods in the problems of standardization and unification of military products. - Minsk, State Institution "NII VS RB", 2006. - 208 p.

3. Dimov Yu.V. Metrology, standardization and certification: Textbook for universities. 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006. - 432 p.

4. Dyrman I.V., Deputy Minister of Defense for Armaments - Chief of Armaments of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus. Our priorities are the development and deep modernization of weapons // Belarusian military newspaper. - February 3, 2007. - No. 25.

5. The concept of development of technical regulation and standardization of defense products of the Republic of Belarus for 2007-2015. Approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of the Republic of Belarus dated July 26, 2006 No. 34.

6. Law of the Republic of Belarus. On technical regulation and standardization. January 5, 2004 No. 262-3.

7. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. On the standardization of defense products (works, services), products (works, services) used to protect information constituting a state secret... December 8, 2005 No. 750.

8. Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. On the organization of a unified cataloging system for weapons, military equipment, military-technical and other property of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. October 13, 1994 No. 338.

9. Kartashev A.V. Fundamentals of product cataloging. - Ryazan: "Russian Word", M. Center for Cataloging and Information Technologies "Katalit", 2004. - 217 p.

10. The procedure for the formation, maintenance and use of sections of the federal product catalog for federal state needs / edited by Rakhmanov A.A. - MO RF, 2003. - 186s.

To comment, you must register on the site. NCPOR-K is intended for planning the intended use of the spacecraft, receiving, structural restoration, preliminary and thematic processing, storage and distribution of all types of information transmitted from the Kanopus-V spacecraft, and is created taking into account the NCPOR-M. The software and hardware tools of NCPOR-K in an automated mode should carry out:

Information interaction with external geographically distributed subscribers;

Updating information across the entire range of observation conditions. NCPOR-K hardware and software in automated mode should provide:

Restoration of measurement properties of measurements and images (obtaining measurements in terms of energy quantities);

Geometric and brightness normalization of received images;

Formation of digital multizone composite (color-synthesized) images;

Coordinate georeferencing of received images based on onboard measurement data;

Formation of image files in standard or specialized standards;

Quality control of information products;

Archiving, cataloging and dissemination of information.

Note: NCPOR-K should be created taking into account the maximum unification with existing tools. The technical means of the existing basic infrastructure of the NCPOR must be equipped with the necessary hardware and software to ensure the reception, processing, distribution and archiving of information coming from the Kanopus-V spacecraft. Work on the creation of NCPOR-K is carried out within the framework of the development work "Kanopus-V" according to individual technical specifications issued by the head contractor and agreed with customer organizations.

3.3 Requirements for electromagnetic compatibility.

3.3.1. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of radio electronic means (RES) and equipment of the space complex, as well as intersystem EMC of the space complex with the RES in the launch area, along the launch path and during the flight of the spacecraft, must be ensured.

3.3.2. The characteristics of the RES of the space complex must comply with the requirements of the current GOST, the norms of the State Committee for Radio Frequencies and the recommendations of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

3.3.3. The radio frequency bands of the radio links of the spacecraft must comply with the "Table of allocation of frequency bands between the radio services of the Russian Federation in the frequency range from 3 kHz to 400 GHz" (approved by the decision of the State Committee for Radio Frequencies of Russia dated April 8, 1996) and the Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union. The radio frequencies of the radio links of the spacecraft and passive sensors of space monitoring must be declared in accordance with the established procedure in the State Committee for Radio Frequencies of the Russian Federation and the ITU.

3.3.4. An examination of the materials submitted to the State Committee for Radio Frequencies and the ITU by the radio frequency service of Roscosmos should be carried out.

3.4. Requirements for resistance to external influences.

3.4.1. The spacecraft, its equipment and equipment must remain operational (function reliably and meet all technical requirements) after and under the influence of external influencing factors (WWF) in the process of ground preparation, launching to the working SSO and under the conditions of WWF impact on the working SSO.

Depending on the stages of ground preparation, launch and operation of the spacecraft, the following types of WWF should be taken into account: mechanical, climatic, radiation, electromagnetic, thermal, interference in power circuits, meteor particles, EPS plasma (if any), special media.

3.4.2. The spacecraft, its apparatus and equipment (within a given period of active existence on a given SSO) must function reliably and meet all technical requirements under the influence of electron and proton radiation from the Earth's external natural radiation belt, protons and heavy charged particles (HPC), solar and galactic cosmic rays with levels determined according to GOST B 25645.311-86, GOST B 25645.312-86, GOST B 25645.314-86.

For spacecraft equipment, the following criteria for resistance to the effects of ionizing radiation from outer space are established:

The equipment is considered resistant to dose effects if the safety factors for resistance to electron (Ke) and proton (Kp) radiation (determined by the ratio of the maximum allowable and calculated absorbed doses) are equal to or more than 3. If 1<Ке(р)<3, аппаратура подлежит испытаниям с целью оценки соответствия требованиям стойкости. Если аппаратура не выдержала испытания или если Ке(р)<1, то аппаратура не считается радиационно-стойкой и подлежит доработке;

The equipment is considered resistant to the impact of high-energy protons and HSP SCR and GCR on stochastic reversible failures (intermittent failures), if the calculated intensity of the flow of failures during a solar event of high power is less than or equal to the maximum allowable value, the calculation results do not contradict the results of tests of the most sensitive to failure nodes and hardware units, and the consequences of failures are eliminated by software and do not lead to a decrease in the probability of fulfilling the target task of the spacecraft;

The equipment is considered resistant to the effects of high-energy protons, TGCH SCRs and GCRs for catastrophic failures, if the average calculated time between failures over the lifetime of the spacecraft exceeds the service life of the equipment, the test results of the most sensitive to catastrophic failures of units and blocks of equipment do not contradict the results of calculations, and the consequences failures are eliminated by software and do not lead to a decrease in the probability of fulfilling the target task of the spacecraft.

3.5. reliability requirements.

3.5.1. The reliability of the designed CC at various stages of its operation should be characterized by the following reliability indicators:

Probability of launching a spacecraft into a working orbit: RPH (W) ≥ 0.97;

The probability of completing the task of the orbital flight of the spacecraft: Pka (α > 80%) = 0.9

3.5.2. The task of the orbital flight of the spacecraft is considered completed if during the time of active existence in orbit at least 80% of the planned information is transmitted to the receiving facilities of the NCPOR-K.

3.5.3. Probability of performance by GCC means of macro-operations of the daily technological cycle of spacecraft control: Rncu ≥ 0.99.

3.5.4. The specified values ​​of the SC reliability indicators must be confirmed by calculation or calculation-experimental methods in accordance with the requirements of GOST V. At the stage of development of the working documentation, the SC reliability must be calculated.

3.5.5. To ensure the specified requirements for reliability, programs should be developed to ensure the reliability of the spacecraft and its components in accordance with the requirements of Regulations RK-98-KT and GOST V. The tasks, composition, scope and requirements for experimental development of the spacecraft and its components should be determined.

3.5.6. During the normal operation of the spacecraft, the transition to backup sets of equipment or routine maintenance on the service systems of the spacecraft (with the exception of SES) should not cause interruptions in the operation of the target equipment.

3.5.7. The onboard systems of the spacecraft must ensure that the spacecraft remains operational in the presence of one failure in each of the service systems of any functional element that performs an independent operation (mode). If this requirement cannot be met due to overall weight or other technical limitations, additional organizational and technical measures must be taken to ensure the reliability of these elements and increased reliability requirements must be imposed on them.

3.6. Requirements for ergonomics and technical aesthetics.

Newly developed technical means of the space complex must comply with GOSTs: "Ergonomic requirements and ergonomic support" (SSETO), "System of labor safety standards" (SSBT), "System of general technical requirements for space facilities OTT KS-88. Space systems and complexes OTT 11.1.4-88 part 4. General ergonomic requirements”, as well as the “Guidelines for the ergonomic support of the creation and operation of space technology” (REO-80-KT, book No. 1-4).

3.7. Requirements for operation, storage, ease of maintenance and repair.

3.7.1. When conducting flight tests, preparing ILV components at the TC, SC and launching the spacecraft, the following must be ensured:

Automation of electrical tests and processing of their results, as well as mechanization of ongoing work;

Maximum use of unified and standardized ground check-start, electric power and test equipment.

3.7.2. To prepare the spacecraft at the TC at the stage of flight tests, the existing ground-based test facilities and methods for conducting electrical tests should be used to the maximum.

3.7.3. The onboard equipment of the spacecraft must have a common service life that ensures autonomous and integrated tests in full at the manufacturing plant, at the TC and SC during the preparation of the spacecraft for launch, maintenance during storage of the spacecraft at the manufacturing plant and the fulfillment of target tasks during the orbital flight. Maintenance of the spacecraft should be carried out no more than once every 3 years.

3.7.4. The apparatus and equipment of the QC components must be equipped with spare parts, tools and accessories that have a warranty period of operation and warranty operating time no less than the corresponding elements of the complex (with a longer warranty period of storage).

3.7.5. The TC of the spacecraft must provide the following environmental conditions when working with the spacecraft:

Air temperature from 10°С to 30°С;

11.2. The list of specific information constituting a commercial secret for the elements of the Canopus-V SC is determined by the Regulation on the preservation of commercial secrets, developed by the Customer and agreed by the Lead Contractor. The Regulation is communicated to all related organizations involved in the development.

The period of validity of the named list, as well as the obligation to maintain trade secrets by legal entities and individuals who own them, remain throughout the entire time of development and operation of the CS.


12.1 The development of the QC should be carried out in accordance with the "Regulations RK-98-KT" and include the following steps:

Development of working documentation for experimental products of the complex;

Production of experimental products of the complex, autonomous testing and adjustment of working documentation;

Carrying out complex tests and adjustment of design documentation;

Carrying out interdepartmental tests (if necessary) and adjusting the design documentation;

Conducting spacecraft flight tests;

Conducting flight tests of the spacecraft as part of spacecraft No. 1 and spacecraft No. 2.


The procedure for the implementation and acceptance of the R&D stages is determined by the state contract between the Customer and the Lead Contractor, the requirements of the "Regulations RK-98-KT", GOST V, and other applicable regulatory documents.


The requirements of this TOR can be specified and supplemented in the prescribed manner.


ASN - satellite navigation equipment

RES - radio electronic means

SAS - the period of active existence

SEV - single time system

SZB - special protective block

SI - measuring instruments

SK - launch complex

SCR - solar cosmic rays

SOTR - means of ensuring the thermal regime

SP - service platform

SSO - sun-synchronous orbit

SSPD - data collection and transmission system

SES - power supply system

HPC - heavy charged particles

TC - technical complex

TMI - telemetry information

CM. - center of mass

MCC - mission control center

ED - operational documentation

EMC - electromagnetic compatibility

W/H - ratio of slant range to height


Last sheet of TK

From the side

organizations (enterprises) - executors

From the Federal Space Agency

General (chief) designer

complex (system)

Deputy Head of the Consolidated Directorate for the Organization of Space Activities

(position, signature, initials, surname)

« ___ « _______________ 200 __

Head of Security Department

(position, signature, initials, surname)

« ___ « _______________ 200 __

Leaders head research institutes of the industry

(position, signature, initials, surname)

« ___ « _______________ 200 __


to a government contract

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