Mint jam: the best recipes. Mint jam: benefits and harms, reviews. Mint jam for the winter - recipe with photo How to make mint jam

Mint jam with lemon– this is not only a delicious preparation for the winter, but also very healthy. Mint has long been famous for its healing properties, so this homemade mint jam can be consumed as a delicious medicine. When I first saw the recipe for mint jam, I was surprised, because its consistency is more similar to honey or syrup than to classic jam. However, there are a lot of such recipes on the Internet today.

I decided to brew myself a jar for testing, especially since there is more than enough mint at the dacha. By the way, about mint. What kind of mint can be used for, because a large number of its varieties and varieties are known. Peppermint, peppermint, lemon mint, menthol mint, curly German mint for mojitos and others are suitable for jam.

By and large, we can say that not only garden mint can become jam, but also forest, field and indoor mint, the main thing is that you like its taste and aroma. Well, if you can’t get such mint, then you can always buy it at the grandmother’s market or in the supermarket. Today we will look at how to make mint and lemon jam.


  • Water – 1 liter,
  • Mint – 200 gr.,
  • Lemon – 1 pc.,
  • Sugar – 2 cups,
  • Zhelfixa packet
  • Green food coloring - a pinch

Mint jam with lemon - recipe

Making mint jam begins with preparing the mint. Wash the mint sprigs and dry slightly.

Along with the stems, chop it not too finely.

Wash the lemon and cut it into half rings. You can do it in small cubes - it doesn’t matter.

Place mint and lemon in a saucepan of boiling water.

Stirring occasionally, simmer the mint and lemon for 20 minutes.

After this time, strain the mint infusion from mint sprigs and lemon slices through a colander or sieve.

After the first straining, the syrup will not yet be completely transparent; lemon pulp and pieces of mint will still be present in it. Therefore, I recommend straining it again through a colander lined with a layer of gauze. Pour the pure, strained syrup back into the pan.

The photo shows that it turned out to be yellowish-green in color. Pour the above amount of sugar into it.

Stir it with a spoon.

From the mint with lemon after boiling, you should cook for another 20-25 minutes. You can, of course, increase the cooking time. Cooking it longer will give you a thicker lemon mint jam. I cooked it for 30 minutes over low heat and the consistency turned out to be quite liquid.

For any type of jam, pectin is considered an excellent thickener, which is sold in stores and supermarkets under the names “Zhelfix” and “Zhelinka”. It is added at the very end of cooking. Add it to the pan and stir immediately. After cooking for 2 minutes, remove the pan from the stove. Mint jam with lemon is ready.

While I was completely satisfied with its thickness, I didn’t like the color at all. Having looked at the photo of mint with lemon on foreign websites, I saw that almost all of them have a beautiful emerald color. A pinch of food coloring came in very handy for the occasion. My mint jam immediately took on a beautiful color, exactly what I wanted.

All that remains is to roll it up for the winter. Like any other type of jam, it should be poured into jars while hot, and the jars and lids themselves must be sterilized beforehand. I'll be glad if it's mint jam, recipe with photo which you learned will be useful to you.

Mint jam with lemon. Photo

We prepare freshly picked peppermint (if you are not the happy owner of a summer cottage with your own mint bushes, buy it at the market, but fresher). It is better to start preparing mint jam in the evening, because... First we need to get the mint leaves to release their juice.

We wash the mint leaves and stems, place them on a paper towel, and let the water absorb.

Then select a stainless steel container or an enameled metal pan, lay out the mint and add all the sugar. It is more convenient to do this immediately in the pan in which the jam will be prepared.
Leave the mint overnight and cover the pan with a lid.

Fill the prepared mint leaves with water and start cooking. Bring to a boil - turn off and immediately set to cool (just fill a wide basin with cold water and lower the pan into it).

After complete cooling (after 2 hours), repeat the procedure. And let the mint jam cool again.

The third time we need to cook the mint for 3-4 minutes, add citric acid at the end of cooking. Stir well with a spoon. While the last mint is boiling, place the steamer basket on the pan, place the lids and place the jars - they will be sterilized just fine. However, you can use any usual method.

That's it, all that remains is to strain the finished hot mint jam through a fine sieve.

Pour mint jam into jars and screw the lids on for the winter.

Ready-made mint jam can be stored for a year or two in the basement.
Be healthy!

The unusual fresh smell and taste make mint a special ingredient in many culinary recipes. It is often used to prepare desserts and sweets, salads, sauces, and infusions. Mint leaves are useful not only due to their taste - they are an effective antipyretic and analgesic. From spring to mid-autumn, you can enjoy the beneficial properties of fresh leaves and stems of the plant, but with the arrival of winter, dried mint or mint jam usually comes into use.

Fragrant and aromatic, mint jam is used in cooking as a component of various dishes, and if desired, it can be consumed with tea instead of dessert. Mint leaves are rich in essential oils. The sugar syrup on which the dish is prepared interacts with these substances and enhances them, which is why mint jam turns out so rich.

Using jam in cooking

Sweet and spicy mint jam can be eaten as a dessert on its own, with bread, tea, or as an addition to ice cream. You can also add it to hot drinks or even make a mojito with it. Sprinkling a spoonful of jam over semolina or oatmeal porridge can make it more satisfying. Sponge cakes are soaked with mint jam, and with the help of gelatin it will turn into a beautiful top layer of a cake or pie. Confectioners have found another use for it - for color and aroma, the product is mixed in small quantities with butter cream, making it airy and soft.

The unusual taste of mint jam is the reason why it is often used in the process of preparing meat dishes as an ingredient in a sauce or marinade for lamb, veal, and pork. A few drops of balsamic vinegar and jam are mixed and added to vegetable salads as a dressing, because the mint aftertaste goes well with herbs, lettuce, and tomatoes.

Nutritional value, chemical composition of the product

The jam has a homogeneous jelly-like consistency. Pure, uncolored, mint jam is a thick substance of golden yellow or brown color. With the help of small culinary tricks, it can be given a rich green tint. For example, for a beautiful emerald shade, use natural dye from spinach and parsley, or add food coloring.

Calorie content of the product: 220 kcal per 100 g, so mint jam is a high-calorie non-dietary dish.

100 g of jam contains 0.12 g of fat, 56 g of carbohydrates and 0.44 g of protein.

Benefits, harms and contraindications

In addition to traditional medicines, during colds, acute respiratory viral infections, coughs and high temperatures, traditional medicine advises using mint or mint jam - the beneficial substances contained in the plant cope well with the symptoms of colds and fever, and have an expectorant effect.

Jam helps get rid of migraines, insomnia, neuroses and has a restorative effect on the nervous system, so you can use a tasty and sweet medicine as an alternative to sedatives. Mint helps normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system and reduces high blood pressure.

At the same time, we must not forget about the possible complications that the use of the product may cause.

Since the jam is prepared on the basis of sugar syrup, you should not get carried away with it - this can cause excess weight. Mint has a mild sedative effect - it can be expressed in dissipation of attention, deterioration of concentration and even dizziness.

Among the contraindications of mint jam:

  • low pressure;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, reflux);
  • diabetes;
  • obesity.

Mint jam recipes - nuances and secrets of preparation

The simplest option is a dish using a minimum of ingredients:

  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 300 g mint leaves;
  • agar-agar or jam mixture;
  • 1kg sugar.

Mint leaves are washed, cut, covered with sugar and poured with warm water. Next, they need to stand for three hours, after which the infusion is filtered and brought to a boil. Add 20 g of jam mixture to the dish and stir until dissolved. Keep it on low gas under the lid for 5-7 minutes. The hot broth is poured into sterile jars and rolled up.

Another popular recipe is mint jam with lemon or lime.

To prepare it you need:

  • mint - 150 g;
  • water – 300 ml;
  • lemon or lime – 1 piece;
  • sugar – 300 g.

The mint is washed and finely chopped, the lemon or lime is washed and cut into slices, these two ingredients are poured into a shallow pan and, adding water, bring to a boil. The mixture is boiled for 15 minutes, then set aside to cool. Next, cover the pan with a lid and place it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. The broth is filtered through two layers of gauze, poured into a saucepan, sugar is added and boiled for 5 minutes. The finished jam is poured into jars and stored in the refrigerator.

Among other types of jam, mint stands out for its relatively simple preparation process and pleasant fresh taste. It adds a spicy note to meat dishes, salads, desserts, and as a separate dessert it is not inferior to other types of jams. A few jars in the pantry will brighten up the winter season and add summer colors and aromas.

Mint has long been considered a unique plant, which stood out among others with its inherent bright aroma of menthol, of which mint contains a considerable amount. Also, mint plants differ from each other in containing different amounts of essential oils, which makes their smell individual.

In Ancient Rus', mint was considered a delicious snack; it was an integral ingredient in many dishes. Even now it is often used in many food products, and is also used in cosmetology, pharmacology, aroma and herbal medicine.

In folk medicine, mint is successfully used as a choleretic and diaphoretic. Juice is produced from it, which is used to treat kidney stones, and also as an antispasmodic, wound-healing agent, to improve appetite and digestion.

It is used as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and disinfectant for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, neuralgia, insomnia, and migraines. In addition, mint is included in preparations to improve taste and smell.

Have you ever heard of the unique taste of mint jam? Maybe yes, but it’s unlikely that you decided to try it, and this, by the way, is an unusually tasty dessert. We will now describe the recipe for its preparation below.

Mint jam

Mint jam has a rather piquant taste, so, as a rule, it is consumed in small quantities. It will perfectly complement the taste of baked goods (you just need to apply it in a thin layer) and will become the highlight of any other dish.

It can also be used as an ingredient in the preparation of sauces that go well with many meat dishes. This will make a very interesting combination.

Classic mint jam

The recipe for making mint jam is extremely simple and straightforward. Ingredients needed to make jam:

  • 750 grams of sugar;
  • 200 ml water;
  • 500 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 cup fresh mint leaves;
  • 75 grams of liquid pectin.

Chop the mint leaves, place them in a saucepan to make jam, add sugar, water and apple cider vinegar. Place the mixture over medium heat and bring to a boil. Don't forget to stir all the time. As soon as the future jam boils, remove it from the heat and add liquid pectin.

Then put it on the fire again and wait until it boils. Leave for 30 seconds and remove from heat. All that remains is to strain and preserve in jars!

And one little trick. When sealing jars of jam, place parchment paper in the lid. Due to condensation, mold may appear after a certain period of time, and parchment will help prevent this.

Of course, mint jam has more than one recipe. Others are slightly different from the above. So here are some more great recipes. The ingredients hardly change, and the jam turns out just as good.

Jam with lemon

To make lemon mint jam, you need the following ingredients:

  • 500 ml cold water;
  • 1 kilogram of regular sugar;
  • 2 large lemons;
  • 250 grams of fresh mint (use only mint leaves).

To begin, rinse the mint leaves thoroughly with cold water, drain them in a colander, and then pat them dry with a clean towel (you can use paper towels). Finely chop them and place them in a saucepan in an even layer.

Now take the lemons, wash them thoroughly and wipe them dry. They should also be finely chopped (along with the peel, it does not need to be peeled) and put in a pan. Pour water and cook the resulting mixture for 10-12 minutes, no longer needed. Cover with a lid and leave the infusion for 24 hours.

After a day, take your infusion and strain it through a triple layer of mint, then squeeze it out (the pulp must be thrown away), add sugar, then cook until thick.

Pour the mint jam you prepared into sterilized jars and preserve. Here's your finished treat!

Jam with citric acid

You will need these ingredients:

  • 200 ml cold water;
  • 1 kilogram of regular sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon citric acid;
  • 400 grams of fresh mint leaves.

The mint leaves need to be thoroughly washed (don’t forget - with cold water) and dried (just like in the first recipe). After that, put them evenly in a pan, pour in 0.5 kg of sugar (i.e., half of the amount specified in our recipe). Citric acid must first be diluted in a tablespoon of water, and then added to the mint. Close the lid and shake well.

Now let's prepare the sugar syrup. Take the remaining half of the sugar (i.e. 500 g), pour 1 tbsp. water and start cooking until done. Then skim off the foam and pour the contents into a pan with mint leaves. Leave the mixture for 5-6 hours.

As soon as time has passed, place the pan on low heat and boil the jam for 5-6 minutes. Roll the resulting hot mint jam into jars. Ready! You can watch a video of making jam below.

A quick note. Before pouring the syrup, it is advisable to leave the mint leaves covered with sugar to brew for 5-7 hours. This will give the jam an aroma and a richer taste.

Jam with mint and strawberries

Amazingly aromatic and refreshing dessert! How useful! We take the following ingredients:

  • a small bunch of mint leaves;
  • 600 grams of sugar;
  • lemon (one will be enough);
  • 1 kilogram of fresh strawberries.

Take strawberries, sprinkle them thoroughly with sugar, add freshly squeezed lemon juice. Leave the strawberries in this form overnight.

The next day, put the berries on the fire and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and cool, leave to brew for another 10 hours. During this time, the strawberries will release juice and also absorb sugar, which will give the jam greater sweetness.

As soon as time has passed, the strawberry syrup, which you get by straining strawberries and mint through a sieve, needs to be put on fire and boiled for 10 minutes. Then put the strawberries and mint back in and cook for the same amount of time. Preserve in jars and enjoy the unique taste of jam! Wonderful recipe, isn't it?!

It’s good to pour mint jam into small jars (the smaller the better), because you don’t use a lot of it at one time. If you roll it up in beautiful jars, you can give it as a small gift or souvenir. Many will be delighted with such a present - not only has amazing taste, but is also incredibly beneficial for our body.

Mint jam will become an indispensable preparation for the winter. It will always help you fight a cold, especially on frosty winter days, when it is so easy to get sick. You will always remember that you have at hand not only effective, but also “sweet” medicine. Take the time to make this amazing jam!

This will take just a little of your time and patience, and in return you will receive a storehouse of useful substances and vitamins! Believe me, all your family and friends will be delighted with this jam!

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Mint jam, although it has that name, is more like syrup. But this doesn’t make this unusual delicacy worse – it’s definitely worth preparing. This jam has a very beautiful green color and a rather original mint-lemon taste.

Ingredients for mint jam

You will need a fairly large bunch of fresh mint. If possible, weigh it - it should be 150 grams. Also buy one large lemon or small lime and then take half a lemon in addition to the lime. Also prepare 300 g of fine sugar and 300 ml of spring water or drinking from a bottle.

Technology for making mint jam

Wash the mint and citrus fruits well and dry them with napkins or a towel. Next, start cooking:

  • Chop the mint with a knife and place in a deep saucepan.
  • Cut the lemon and lime into thin slices along with the peel. Remove the seeds. Place the slices with the mint.
  • Fill the citrus slices and mint with all the water and cook a kind of compote. Cook the mixture, covered, for 10-15 minutes over very low heat.
  • Remove the pan from the heat and let the mixture cool and set. Infuse for 10-12 hours.
  • Strain the mixture and pour the liquid into a small copper jam bowl. You can use a multicooker bowl or a bread machine container. If you are going to use any of the listed electrical appliances, make sure that they have a “Jam” function.
  • Pour all the sugar into the aromatic broth and mix gently.
  • Put a few fresh mint leaves into the semi-prepared product - this is just for beauty.
  • Cook the mint jam for 5-7 minutes from the moment it boils. When cooking, do not forget to remove the foam.

Store mint jam with lemon or lime in the refrigerator. Although this delicacy is quite thick, it is clearly not suitable for filling pies or pies. It is best spread on hot toast and served with morning tea or coffee. You can also make a Mojito cocktail using this jam. For it, mix 200 ml of Sprite drink, 100 ml of good vodka and 100 ml of jam in a shaker. When serving, add ice cubes to glasses.

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