Discovery and application of the law of universal gravitation. The meaning of the law of universal gravitation To download, share the material on social networks

UMK B.A.Vorontsov-Velyaminov
Razumov Viktor Nikolaevich,
teacher at Municipal Educational Institution "Bolsheelkhovskaya Secondary School"
Lyambirsky municipal district of the Republic of Mordovia

Law of Gravity

Law of Gravity
All bodies in the Universe are attracted to each other
with a force directly proportional to the product of them
mass and inversely proportional to the square
distances between them.
Isaac Newton (1643–1727)
where t1 and t2 are the masses of bodies;
r – distance between bodies;
G – gravitational constant
The discovery of the law of universal gravitation was greatly facilitated by
Kepler's laws of planetary motion
and other achievements of astronomy of the 17th century.

Knowing the distance to the Moon allowed Isaac Newton to prove
the identity of the force holding the Moon as it moves around the Earth, and
force that causes bodies to fall to Earth.
Since gravity varies inversely with the square of the distance,
as follows from the law of universal gravitation, then the Moon,
located from the Earth at a distance of approximately 60 radii,
should experience an acceleration 3600 times less,
than the acceleration of gravity on the Earth's surface, equal to 9.8 m/s.
Therefore, the acceleration of the Moon should be 0.0027 m/s2.

At the same time, the Moon, like any body, is uniformly
moving in a circle has acceleration
where ω is its angular velocity, r is the radius of its orbit.
Isaac Newton (1643–1727)
If we assume that the radius of the Earth is 6400 km,
then the radius of the lunar orbit will be
r = 60 6 400 000 m = 3.84 10 m.
The sidereal period of revolution of the Moon is T = 27.32 days,
in seconds is 2.36 10 s.
Then the acceleration of the orbital motion of the Moon
The equality of these two acceleration values ​​proves that the force holding
The moon is in orbit, there is a force of gravity weakened by 3600 times
compared to that on the Earth's surface.

When the planets move, in accordance with the third
Kepler's law, their acceleration and acting on
them the force of attraction of the Sun back
proportional to the square of the distance, like this
follows from the law of universal gravitation.
Indeed, according to Kepler's third law
ratio of cubes of semimajor axes of orbits d and squares
revolution periods T is a constant value:
Isaac Newton (1643–1727)
The acceleration of the planet is
From Kepler's third law it follows
therefore the acceleration of the planet is equal
So, the force of interaction between the planets and the Sun satisfies the law of universal gravitation.

Disturbances in the motions of solar system bodies

The movement of the planets of the solar system does not strictly obey the laws
Kepler because of their interaction not only with the Sun, but also with each other.
Deviations of bodies from moving along ellipses are called perturbations.
The disturbances are small, since the mass of the Sun is much greater than the mass of not only
individual planet, but also all planets as a whole.
The deviations of asteroids and comets during their passage are especially noticeable
near Jupiter, whose mass is 300 times the mass of the Earth.

In the 19th century Calculation of disturbances made it possible to discover the planet Neptune.
William Herschel
John Adams
Urbain Le Verrier
William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus in 1781.
Even taking into account the indignation on the part of everyone
known planets observed motion
Uranus did not agree with the calculated one.
Based on the assumption that there are still
one "suburanium" planet John Adams in
England and Urbain Le Verrier in France
made calculations independently of each other
its orbit and position in the sky.
Based on calculations by Le Verrier German
astronomer Johann Halle September 23, 1846
discovered an unknown in the constellation Aquarius
formerly the planet Neptune.
According to the disturbances of Uranus and Neptune there was
predicted and discovered in 1930
dwarf planet Pluto.
The discovery of Neptune was a triumph
heliocentric system,
the most important confirmation of justice
law of universal gravitation.
Johann Halle

This article will focus on the history of the discovery of the law of universal gravitation. Here we will get acquainted with biographical information from the life of the scientist who discovered this physical dogma, consider its main provisions, the relationship with quantum gravity, the course of development and much more.


Sir Isaac Newton is a scientist originally from England. At one time, he devoted a lot of attention and effort to such sciences as physics and mathematics, and also brought a lot of new things to mechanics and astronomy. He is rightfully considered one of the first founders of physics in its classical model. He is the author of the fundamental work “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy,” where he presented information about the three laws of mechanics and the law of universal gravitation. Isaac Newton laid the foundations of classical mechanics with these works. He also developed an integral type, light theory. He also made major contributions to physical optics and developed many other theories in physics and mathematics.


The law of universal gravitation and the history of its discovery go back to the distant past. Its classical form is a law that describes gravitational-type interactions that do not go beyond the framework of mechanics.

Its essence was that the indicator of the force F of gravitational thrust arising between 2 bodies or points of matter m1 and m2, separated from each other by a certain distance r, maintains proportionality in relation to both indicators of mass and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the bodies:

F = G, where the symbol G denotes the gravitational constant equal to 6.67408(31).10 -11 m 3 /kgf 2.

Newton's gravity

Before considering the history of the discovery of the law of universal gravitation, let us familiarize ourselves in more detail with its general characteristics.

In the theory created by Newton, all bodies with large mass should generate a special field around themselves that attracts other objects to itself. It's called a gravitational field, and it has potential.

A body with spherical symmetry forms a field outside itself, similar to that created by a material point of the same mass located at the center of the body.

The direction of the trajectory of such a point in the gravitational field created by a body with a much larger mass obeys. Objects of the universe, such as, for example, a planet or a comet, also obey it, moving along an ellipse or hyperbola. The distortion that other massive bodies create is taken into account using the provisions of perturbation theory.

Analyzing accuracy

After Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation, it had to be tested and proven many times. For this purpose, a series of calculations and observations were made. Having come to agreement with its provisions and based on the accuracy of its indicator, the experimental form of evaluation serves as a clear confirmation of general relativity. Measuring the quadrupole interactions of a body that rotates, but its antennas remain stationary, shows us that the process of increasing δ depends on the potential r -(1+δ), at a distance of several meters and is in the limit (2.1±6.2) .10 -3 . A number of other practical confirmations allowed this law to establish itself and take a single form, without modifications. In 2007, this dogma was rechecked at a distance of less than a centimeter (55 microns-9.59 mm). Taking into account the errors of the experiment, scientists examined the distance range and found no obvious deviations in this law.

Observation of the Moon's orbit in relation to the Earth also confirmed its validity.

Euclidean space

Newton's classical theory of gravity is associated with Euclidean space. The actual equality with a fairly high accuracy (10 -9) of the indicators of the distance measure in the denominator of the equality discussed above shows us the Euclidean basis of the space of Newtonian mechanics, with a three-dimensional physical form. At such a point of matter, the area of ​​the spherical surface has exact proportionality with respect to the square of its radius.

Data from history

Let us consider a brief history of the discovery of the law of universal gravitation.

Ideas were put forward by other scientists who lived before Newton. Epicurus, Kepler, Descartes, Roberval, Gassendi, Huygens and others thought about it. Kepler hypothesized that the force of gravity is inversely proportional to the distance from the Sun and extends only in the ecliptic planes; according to Descartes, it was a consequence of the activity of vortices in the thickness of the ether. There were a number of guesses that reflected the correct guesses about the dependence on distance.

A letter from Newton to Halley contained information that the predecessors of Sir Isaac himself were Hooke, Wren and Buyot Ismael. However, before him, no one had been able to clearly, using mathematical methods, connect the law of gravity and planetary motion.

The history of the discovery of the law of universal gravitation is closely connected with the work “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy” (1687). In this work, Newton was able to derive the law in question thanks to Kepler's empirical law, which was already known by that time. He shows us that:

  • the form of movement of any visible planet indicates the presence of a central force;
  • the force of attraction of the central type forms elliptical or hyperbolic orbits.

About Newton's theory

An examination of the brief history of the discovery of the law of universal gravitation can also point us to a number of differences that distinguished it from previous hypotheses. Newton not only published the proposed formula for the phenomenon under consideration, but also proposed a mathematical model in its entirety:

  • position on the law of gravity;
  • provision on the law of motion;
  • systematics of methods of mathematical research.

This triad could fairly accurately study even the most complex movements of celestial objects, thus creating the basis for celestial mechanics. Until Einstein began his work, this model did not require a fundamental set of corrections. Only the mathematical apparatus had to be significantly improved.

Object for discussion

The discovered and proven law throughout the eighteenth century became a well-known subject of active debate and scrupulous verification. However, the century ended with general agreement with his postulates and statements. Using the calculations of the law, it was possible to accurately determine the paths of movement of bodies in the heavens. Direct verification was carried out in 1798. He did this using a torsion type balance with great sensitivity. In the history of the discovery of the universal law of gravity, it is necessary to give a special place to the interpretations introduced by Poisson. He developed the concept of gravitational potential and the Poisson equation, with which it was possible to calculate this potential. This type of model made it possible to study the gravitational field in the presence of an arbitrary distribution of matter.

Newton's theory had many difficulties. The main one could be considered the inexplicability of long-range action. It was impossible to accurately answer the question of how gravitational forces are sent through vacuum space at infinite speed.

"Evolution" of the law

Over the next two hundred years, and even more, many physicists attempted to propose various ways to improve Newton's theory. These efforts ended in triumph in 1915, namely the creation of the General Theory of Relativity, which was created by Einstein. He was able to overcome the whole range of difficulties. In accordance with the correspondence principle, Newton's theory turned out to be an approximation to the beginning of work on the theory in a more general form, which can be applied under certain conditions:

  1. The potential of gravitational nature cannot be too large in the systems under study. The solar system is an example of compliance with all the rules for the movement of celestial bodies. The relativistic phenomenon finds itself in a noticeable manifestation of the perihelion shift.
  2. The speed of movement in this group of systems is insignificant in comparison with the speed of light.

Proof that in a weak stationary gravitational field, general relativity calculations take the form of Newtonian ones is the presence of a scalar gravitational potential in a stationary field with weakly expressed force characteristics, which is able to satisfy the conditions of the Poisson equation.

Quantum scale

However, in history, neither the scientific discovery of the law of universal gravitation, nor the General Theory of Relativity could serve as the final gravitational theory, since both do not satisfactorily describe gravitational-type processes on the quantum scale. An attempt to create a quantum gravitational theory is one of the most important tasks in modern physics.

From the point of view of quantum gravity, interaction between objects is created through the exchange of virtual gravitons. In accordance with the uncertainty principle, the energy potential of virtual gravitons is inversely proportional to the period of time in which it existed, from the point of emission by one object to the moment in time at which it was absorbed by another point.

In view of this, it turns out that on a small distance scale the interaction of bodies entails the exchange of virtual-type gravitons. Thanks to these considerations, it is possible to conclude a statement about Newton’s law of potential and its dependence in accordance with the inverse proportionality index with respect to distance. The analogy between Coulomb's and Newton's laws is explained by the fact that the weight of gravitons is zero. The weight of photons has the same meaning.


In the school curriculum, the answer to the question from history, how Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation, is the story of a falling apple fruit. According to this legend, it fell on the scientist’s head. However, this is a widespread misconception, and in reality everything was possible without such a case of possible head injury. Newton himself sometimes confirmed this myth, but in reality the law was not a spontaneous discovery and did not come in a fit of momentary insight. As was written above, it was developed over a long time and was first presented in the works on the “Mathematical Principles”, which were released to the public in 1687.

One of the striking examples of the triumph of the law of universal gravitation is the discovery of the planet Neptune. In 1781, the English astronomer William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus. Its orbit was calculated and a table of the positions of this planet was compiled for many years to come. However, a check of this table, carried out in 1840, showed that its data diverges from reality.

Scientists have suggested that the deviation in the movement of Uranus is caused by the attraction of an unknown planet located even further from the Sun than Uranus. Knowing the deviations from the calculated trajectory (disturbances in the movement of Uranus), the Englishman Adams and the Frenchman Leverrier, using the law of universal gravitation, calculated the position of this planet in the sky. Adams finished his calculations early, but the observers to whom he communicated his results were in no hurry to check. Meanwhile, Leverrier, having completed his calculations, indicated to the German astronomer Halle the place where to look for the unknown planet. On the very first evening, September 28, 1846, Halle, pointing the telescope at the indicated location, discovered a new planet. She was named Neptune.

In the same way, on March 14, 1930, the planet Pluto was discovered. The discovery of Neptune, made, as Engels put it, “at the tip of a pen,” is the most convincing proof of the validity of Newton’s law of universal gravitation.

Using the law of universal gravitation, you can calculate the mass of planets and their satellites; explain phenomena such as the ebb and flow of water in the oceans, and much more.

The forces of universal gravity are the most universal of all the forces of nature. They act between any bodies that have mass, and all bodies have mass. There are no barriers to the forces of gravity. They act through any body.

Determination of the mass of celestial bodies

Newton's law of universal gravitation allows us to measure one of the most important physical characteristics of a celestial body - its mass.

The mass of a celestial body can be determined:

a) from measurements of gravity on the surface of a given body (gravimetric method);

b) according to Kepler’s third (refined) law;

c) from the analysis of observed disturbances produced by a celestial body in the movements of other celestial bodies.

The first method is applicable only to Earth for now, and is as follows.

Based on the law of gravitation, the acceleration of gravity on the Earth's surface is easily found from formula (1.3.2).

The acceleration of gravity g (more precisely, the acceleration of the component of gravity due only to the force of gravity), as well as the radius of the Earth R, is determined from direct measurements on the Earth's surface. The gravitational constant G was determined quite accurately from the experiments of Cavendish and Jolly, well known in physics.

With the currently accepted values ​​of g, R and G, formula (1.3.2) yields the mass of the Earth. Knowing the mass of the Earth and its volume, it is easy to find the average density of the Earth. It is equal to 5.52 g/cm3

The third, refined Kepler's law allows us to determine the relationship between the mass of the Sun and the mass of the planet if the latter has at least one satellite and its distance from the planet and the period of revolution around it are known.

Indeed, the motion of a satellite around a planet is subject to the same laws as the motion of a planet around the Sun and, therefore, Kepler’s third equation can be written in this case as follows:

where M is the mass of the Sun, kg;

t is the mass of the planet, kg;

m c - satellite mass, kg;

T is the period of revolution of the planet around the Sun, s;

t c is the period of revolution of the satellite around the planet, s;

a - distance of the planet from the Sun, m;

a c is the distance of the satellite from the planet, m;

Dividing the numerator and denominator of the left-hand side of the fraction of this equation pa t and solving it for masses, we get

The ratio for all planets is very high; the ratio, on the contrary, is small (except for the Earth and its satellite the Moon) and can be neglected. Then in equation (2.2.2) there will only be one unknown relation left, which can be easily determined from it. For example, for Jupiter the inverse ratio determined in this way is 1: 1050.

Since the mass of the Moon, the only satellite of the Earth, is quite large compared to the mass of the Earth, the ratio in equation (2.2.2) cannot be neglected. Therefore, to compare the mass of the Sun with the mass of the Earth, it is necessary to first determine the mass of the Moon. Accurately determining the mass of the Moon is a rather difficult task, and it is solved by analyzing those disturbances in the Earth's motion that are caused by the Moon.

Under the influence of lunar gravity, the Earth must describe an ellipse around the common center of mass of the Earth-Moon system within a month.

By accurately determining the apparent positions of the Sun in its longitude, changes with a monthly period, called “lunar inequality,” were discovered. The presence of a “lunar inequality” in the apparent motion of the Sun indicates that the center of the Earth actually describes a small ellipse during the month around the common center of mass “Earth-Moon”, located inside the Earth, at a distance of 4650 km from the center of the Earth. This made it possible to determine the ratio of the mass of the Moon to the mass of the Earth, which turned out to be equal. The position of the center of mass of the Earth-Moon system was also found from observations of the small planet Eros in 1930-1931. These observations gave a value for the ratio of the masses of the Moon and the Earth. Finally, based on disturbances in the movements of artificial Earth satellites, the ratio of the masses of the Moon and the Earth turned out to be equal. The latter value is the most accurate, and in 1964 the International Astronomical Union accepted it as the final value among other astronomical constants. This value was confirmed in 1966 by calculating the mass of the Moon from the rotation parameters of its artificial satellites.

With the known ratio of the masses of the Moon and the Earth from equation (2.26), it turns out that the mass of the Sun is M ? 333,000 times the mass of the Earth, i.e.

Mz = 2 10 33 g.

Knowing the mass of the Sun and the ratio of this mass to the mass of any other planet that has a satellite, it is easy to determine the mass of this planet.

The masses of planets that do not have satellites (Mercury, Venus, Pluto) are determined from an analysis of the disturbances that they produce in the movement of other planets or comets. So, for example, the masses of Venus and Mercury are determined by the disturbances that they cause in the movement of the Earth, Mars, some small planets (asteroids) and the comet Encke-Backlund, as well as by the disturbances they produce on each other.

earth planet universe gravity

Lesson developments (lesson notes)

Secondary general education

Line UMK B. A. Vorontsov-Velyaminov. Astronomy (10-11)

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

The purpose of the lesson

Reveal the empirical and theoretical foundations of the laws of celestial mechanics, their manifestations in astronomical phenomena and application in practice.

Lesson Objectives

  • Check the validity of the law of universal gravitation based on an analysis of the movement of the Moon around the Earth; prove that from Kepler's laws it follows that the Sun imparts to the planet an acceleration inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the Sun; investigate the phenomenon of perturbed motion; apply the law of universal gravitation to determine the masses of celestial bodies; explain the phenomenon of tides as a consequence of the manifestation of the law of universal gravitation during the interaction of the Moon and the Earth.


    Construct logical oral statements; put forward hypotheses; perform logical operations - analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization; formulate research goals; draw up a research plan; join the work of the group; implement and adjust the research plan; present the results of the group's work; carry out reflection of cognitive activity.

Key Concepts

    The law of universal gravitation, the phenomenon of perturbed motion, the phenomenon of tides, Kepler's refined third law.
Stage nameMethodical comment
1 1. Motivation for activity During the discussion of the issues, the substantive elements of Kepler's laws are emphasized.
2 2. Updating the experience and previous knowledge of students and recording difficulties The teacher organizes a conversation about the content and limits of applicability of Kepler’s laws and the law of universal gravitation. The discussion takes place based on students' knowledge from the physics course about the law of universal gravitation and its applications to the explanation of physical phenomena.
3 3. Setting a learning task Using a slide show, the teacher organizes a conversation about the need to prove the validity of the law of universal gravitation, study the perturbed motion of celestial bodies, find a way to determine the masses of celestial bodies and study the phenomenon of tides. The teacher accompanies the process of dividing students into problem groups that solve one of the astronomical problems, and initiates a discussion of the goals of the groups.
4 4. Making a plan to overcome difficulties Students in groups, based on their goal, formulate questions to which they want answers and draw up a plan to achieve their goal. The teacher, together with the group, adjusts each of the activity plans.
5 5.1 Implementation of the selected activity plan and independent work A portrait of I. Newton is presented on the screen as students perform independent group activities. Students implement the plan using the contents of the textbook § 14.1 - 14.5. The teacher corrects and directs the work in groups, supporting the activities of each student.
6 5.2 Implementation of the selected activity plan and independent work The teacher organizes the presentation of the results of the work by the students of Group 1, based on the tasks presented on the screen. The rest of the students take notes on the main ideas expressed by the group members. After presenting the data, the teacher focuses on the corrections to the plan that the participants made during its implementation and asks them to formulate the concepts that the students first encountered during the work process.
7 5.3 Implementation of the selected activity plan and independent work The teacher organizes the presentation of the results of the work by the students of Group 2. The rest of the students take notes on the main ideas expressed by the group members. After presenting the data, the teacher focuses on the corrections to the plan that the participants made during its implementation and asks them to formulate the concepts that the students first encountered during the work process.
8 5.4 Implementation of the selected activity plan and independent work The teacher organizes the presentation of the results of the work by the students of Group 3. The rest of the students take notes on the main ideas expressed by the group members. After presenting the data, the teacher focuses on the corrections to the plan that the participants made during its implementation and asks them to formulate the concepts that the students first encountered during the work process.
9 5.5 Implementation of the selected activity plan and independent work The teacher organizes the presentation of the results of the work by the students of Group 4. The rest of the students take notes on the main ideas expressed by the group members. After presenting the data, the teacher focuses on the corrections to the plan that the participants made during its implementation and asks them to formulate the concepts that the students first encountered during the work process.
10 5.6 Implementation of the selected activity plan and independent work The teacher, using animation, discusses the dynamics of the occurrence of tides on a certain part of the Earth's surface, emphasizing the influence of not only the Moon, but also the Sun.
11 6. Reflection of activity During the discussion of answers to reflective questions, it is necessary to focus on the methodology for completing tasks in groups, adjusting the activity plan during its implementation, and the practical significance of the results obtained.
12 7. Homework

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The purpose of the lesson:

  • create conditions for the formation of cognitive interest and activity of students;
  • derive the law of universal gravitation;
  • promote the development of convergent thinking;
  • contribute to the aesthetic education of students;
  • formation of communication communication;
  • Equipment: interactive complex SMART Board Notebook.

    Lesson teaching method: in the form of a conversation.

    Lesson Plan

  1. Class organization
  2. Frontal survey
  3. Learning new material
  4. Consolidation
  5. Consolidating homework

The purpose of the lesson– learn to model the conditions of a problem and master various ways to solve them.

1 slide – title

Slide 2-6 - how the law of universal gravitation was discovered

The Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe (1546-1601), who observed the movements of the planets for many years, accumulated a huge amount of interesting data, but was unable to process it.

Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), using Copernicus’s idea of ​​the heliocentric system and the results of observations by Tycho Brahe, established the laws of planetary motion around the Sun, but he also could not explain the dynamics of this motion .

Isaac Newton discovered this law at the age of 23, but did not publish it for 9 years, since the incorrect data available at that time about the distance between the Earth and the Moon did not confirm his idea. Only in 1667, after clarification of this distance, law of universal gravitation was finally sent to press.

Newton suggested that a number of phenomena that seemingly have nothing in common (the fall of bodies to the Earth, the revolution of the planets around the Sun, the movement of the Moon around the Earth, the ebb and flow of tides, etc.) are caused by one reason.

Taking a single mental look at the “earthly” and “heavenly”, Newton suggested that there is a single law of universal gravitation, to which all bodies in the Universe are subject - from apples to planets!

In 1667, Newton suggested that forces of mutual attraction act between all bodies, which he called the forces of universal gravitation.

Isaac Newton was an English physicist and mathematician, creator of the theoretical foundations of mechanics and astronomy. He discovered the law of universal gravitation, developed differential and integral calculus, invented the reflecting telescope and was the author of the most important experimental works in optics. Newton is rightly considered the creator of “classical physics”.

7-8 slide – the law of universal gravitation

In 1687, Newton established one of the fundamental laws of mechanics, called the law of universal gravitation: “Any two bodies attract each other with a force, the modulus of which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.”

where m 1 and m 2 are the masses of interacting bodies, r is the distance between the bodies, G is the coefficient of proportionality, the same for all bodies in nature and called the universal gravitation constant or gravitational constant.

Slide 9 - Remember

  • Gravitational interaction is an interaction inherent in all bodies of the Universe and manifests itself in their mutual attraction to each other.
  • A gravitational field is a special type of matter that carries out gravitational interaction.
  • Slide 10 – mechanism of gravitational interaction

    Currently, the mechanism of gravitational interaction is presented as follows: Each body with a mass M creates a field around itself, which is called gravitational. If a test body with mass is placed at some point in this field T, then the gravitational field acts on a given body with a force F, depending on the properties of the field at this point and on the magnitude of the mass of the test body.

    Slide 11 - Henry Cavendish's experiment to determine the gravitational constant.

    English physicist Henry Cavendish determined how strong the force of attraction between two objects is. As a result, the gravitational constant was determined quite accurately, which allowed Cavendish to determine the mass of the Earth for the first time.

    Slide 12 – gravitational constant

    G is the gravitational constant, it is numerically equal to the force of gravitational attraction of two bodies weighing 1 kg each. Each located at a distance of 1 m from one another.

    G - universal gravitational constant

    G=6.67 * 10 -11 N m 2 / kg 2

    The force of mutual attraction is always directed along the straight line connecting the bodies.

    Slide 13 - limits of applicability of the law

    The law of universal gravitation has certain limits of applicability; it is applicable for:

    1) material points;

    2) bodies shaped like a ball;

    3) a ball of large radius interacting with bodies whose dimensions are much smaller than the dimensions of the ball.

    The law is not applicable, for example, to the interaction of an infinite rod and a ball.

    The force of gravity is very small and becomes noticeable only when at least one of the interacting bodies has a very large mass (planet, star).

    Slide 14 - why don’t we notice the gravitational attraction between the bodies around us?

    Let's use the law of universal gravitation and make some calculations:

    Two ships weighing 50,000 tons each are standing in a roadstead at a distance of 1 km from each other. What is the force of attraction between them?

    Slide 15 - task

    It is known that the period of revolution of the Moon around the Earth is 27.3 days, the average distance between the centers of the Moon and the Earth is 384,000 kilometers. Calculate the acceleration of the Moon and find how many times it differs from the acceleration of a free fall of a stone near the surface of the Earth, that is, at a distance equal to the radius of the Earth (6400 kilometers).

    Slide 16 – derivation of the law

    On the other hand, the ratio of the distances from the Moon and the rock to the center of the Earth is:

    It's easy to see that

    Slide 17 – directly proportional relationship

    From Newton's second law it follows that there is a directly proportional relationship between force and the acceleration it causes:

    Consequently, the gravitational force, like acceleration, is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the body and the center of the Earth:

    18-19 slide – directly proportional relationship

    Galileo Galilei experimentally proved that all bodies fall to the Earth with the same acceleration, called acceleration of free fall(experiment with different bodies falling in a tube with evacuated air)

    Why is this acceleration the same for all bodies?

    This is only possible if the gravitational force is proportional to the mass of the body: F

    m. Indeed, then, for example, an increase or decrease in mass by a factor of two will cause a corresponding change in the gravitational force by a factor of two, but the acceleration according to Newton’s second law will remain the same

    On the other hand, two bodies always participate in the interaction, each of which, according to Newton’s third law, is subject to forces of equal magnitude:

    Therefore, the gravitational force must be proportional to the mass of both bodies.

    So Newton came to the conclusion that the gravitational force between a body and the Earth is directly proportional to the product of their masses:

    Slide 20 – lesson summary

    Summarizing everything stated above regarding the gravitational force of the planet Earth and any body, we come to the following statement: the gravitational force between a body and the Earth is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers, which can be written in the form

    Does this law apply only to the Earth or is it universal?

    To answer this question, Newton used the kinematic laws of motion of the planets of the solar system, formulated by the German scientist Johannes Kepler based on many years of astronomical observations by the Danish scientist Tycho Brahe.

    Slide 21-22 - Think and answer

  1. Why doesn't the Moon fall to Earth?
  2. Why do we notice the force of attraction of all bodies towards the Earth, but do not notice the mutual attraction between these bodies themselves?
  3. How would the planets move if the Sun's gravitational force suddenly disappeared?
  4. How would the Moon move if it stopped in orbit?
  5. Does the Earth attract a person standing on its surface? Flying plane? An astronaut on an orbital station?

Some bodies (balloons, smoke, airplanes, birds) rise upward, despite gravity. Why do you think? Is there a violation of the law of universal gravitation here?

  • What needs to be done to increase the gravitational force between two bodies?
  • What force causes ebbs and flows in the seas and oceans of the Earth?
  • Why don't we notice the gravitational attraction between the bodies around us?
  • Slide 23 - Question and answer

    Make up questions and then give answers to Figures 1-4.


    Presentation "Discovery and application of the law of universal gravitation"

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    Razumov Viktor Nikolaevich,

    teacher at Municipal Educational Institution "Bolsheelkhovskaya Secondary School"

    Lyambirsky municipal district of the Republic of Mordovia

    Law of Gravity

    All bodies in the Universe are attracted to each other

    with a force directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

    where t1 and t2 are the masses of bodies;

    r – distance between bodies;

    The discovery of the law of universal gravitation was greatly facilitated by

    Kepler's laws of planetary motion

    and other achievements of astronomy of the 17th century.

    Knowing the distance to the Moon allowed Isaac Newton to prove the identity of the force that holds the Moon as it moves around the Earth and the force that causes bodies to fall to the Earth.

    Since the force of gravity varies inversely with the square of the distance, as follows from the law of universal gravitation, then the Moon,

    located from the Earth at a distance of approximately 60 radii,

    should experience an acceleration 3600 times less,

    than the acceleration of gravity on the Earth's surface, equal to 9.8 m/s.

    Therefore, the acceleration of the Moon should be 0.0027 m/s2.

    At the same time, the Moon, like any body moving uniformly in a circle, has an acceleration

    Where ? – its angular velocity, r is the radius of its orbit.

    then the radius of the lunar orbit will be

    r= 60 6 400 000 m = 3.84 10 m.

    Sidereal period of the Moon's revolution T= 27.32 days,

    in seconds is 2.36 10 s.

    Then the acceleration of the orbital motion of the Moon

    The equality of these two acceleration values ​​proves that the force holding the Moon in orbit is the force of gravity, weakened by 3600 times compared to that acting on the surface of the Earth.

    Isaac Newton (1643–1727)

    When planets move, in accordance with Kepler's third law, their acceleration and the gravitational force of the Sun acting on them are inversely proportional to the square of the distance, as follows from the law of universal gravitation.

    Indeed, according to Kepler’s third law, the ratio of the cubes of the semimajor axes of the orbits d and squares of circulation periods T there is a constant value:

    So, the force of interaction between the planets and the Sun satisfies the law of universal gravitation.

    The acceleration of the planet is

    From Kepler's third law it follows

    therefore the acceleration of the planet is equal

    Disturbances in the motions of solar system bodies

    The motion of the planets of the solar system does not exactly obey Kepler's laws due to their interaction not only with the Sun, but also with each other.

    Deviations of bodies from moving along ellipses are called perturbations.

    The disturbances are small, since the mass of the Sun is much greater than the mass of not only an individual planet, but also all planets as a whole.

    The deviations of asteroids and comets are especially noticeable when they pass near Jupiter, whose mass is 300 times greater than the mass of the Earth.

    In the 19th century Calculation of disturbances made it possible to discover the planet Neptune.

    William Herschel discovered the planet in 1781 Uranus.

    Even when taking into account disturbances from all known planets, the observed motion of Uranus did not agree with the calculated one.

    Based on the assumption of the presence of another “suburanian” planet John Adams in England and Urbain Le Verrier in France, they independently calculated its orbit and position in the sky.

    Based on Le Verrier's calculations, the German astronomer Johann Halle On September 23, 1846, he discovered a previously unknown planet in the constellation Aquarius - Neptune.

    Based on the disturbances of Uranus and Neptune, a dwarf planet was predicted and discovered in 1930 Pluto.

    The discovery of Neptune was a triumph for the heliocentric system,

    the most important confirmation of the validity of the law of universal gravitation.

    Mass and density of the Earth

    In accordance with the law of universal gravitation, the acceleration of free fall:

    Knowing the mass and volume of the globe, we can calculate its average density:

    With depth, due to increasing pressure and the content of heavy elements, the density increases

    The law of universal gravitation made it possible to determine the mass of the Earth.

    Determination of the mass of celestial bodies

    A more accurate formula for Kepler's third law, which was obtained by Newton, makes it possible to determine the mass of a celestial body.

    Angular velocity of revolution around the center of mass:

    Centripetal accelerations of bodies:

    Let two mutually attracting bodies rotate in a circular orbit with a period T around the common center of mass. Distance between their centers R = r1+ r2.

    The right side of the expression contains only constant quantities, therefore it is valid for any system of two bodies interacting according to the law of gravity and revolving around a common center of mass - the Sun and a planet, a planet and a satellite.

    Having equated the expressions obtained for accelerations, expressing from them g1 And g1 and adding them term by term, we get:

    Based on the law of universal gravitation, the acceleration of each of these bodies is equal to:

    Neglecting the mass of the Earth, which is negligible compared to the mass of the Sun, and the mass of the Moon, which is 81 times less than the mass of the Earth, we obtain:

    Substituting the corresponding values ​​into the formula and taking the mass of the Earth as one, we find that the Sun is 333 thousand times more massive than the Earth.

    Let us determine the mass of the Sun from the expression:

    where M is the mass of the Sun; and – masses of the Earth and Moon;

    and – the period of revolution of the Earth around the Sun (year) and

    the semimajor axis of its orbit; and – circulation period

    Moons around the Earth and the semimajor axis of the lunar orbit.

    The masses of planets that do not have satellites are determined by the disturbances they have on the movement of asteroids, comets or spacecraft flying in their vicinity.

    Under the influence of mutual attraction of particles, the body tends to take the shape of a ball. If these bodies rotate, then they are deformed and compressed along the axis of rotation.

    In addition, a change in their shape also occurs under the influence of mutual attraction, which is caused by phenomena called tides.

    The Sun's gravity also causes tides, but due to its greater distance, they are smaller than those caused by the Moon.

    Between the huge masses of tidal water and the ocean floor, a tidal friction.

    Tidal friction slows down the Earth's rotation and causes an increase in the length of the day, which in the past was much shorter (5–6 hours).

    The same effect accelerates the orbital motion of the Moon and causes it to slowly move away from the Earth.

    Tides caused by the Earth on the Moon have slowed down its rotation, and it now faces the Earth on one side.

    • Why do planets not move exactly according to Kepler's laws?
    • How was the location of the planet Neptune determined?
    • Which planet causes the greatest disturbance in the motion of other bodies in the Solar System and why?
    • Which bodies in the solar system experience the greatest disturbances and why?

    2) Exercise 12 (p.80)

    1. Determine the mass of Jupiter, knowing that its satellite, which is 422,000 km from Jupiter, has an orbital period of 1.77 days.

    For comparison, use data for the Earth systemMoon.

    Law of Gravity

    Presentation for the lesson: "The law of universal gravitation."

    Development content

    KVVK on the topic “The Law of Universal Gravitation”

    1. The history of the discovery of the law of universal gravitation.

    2. How to prove that the force of gravity is proportional to the mass of a body?

    3. How to prove that the gravitational force is proportional to the mass of both interacting bodies?

    4. How to prove that the force of gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between bodies?

    5. The law of universal gravitation. Mathematical expression. Formulation.

    6. How was the gravitational constant measured?

    7. The value of the gravitational constant. SI unit.

    8. Limits of applicability of the law of universal gravitation.

    9. Discovery of planets using the law of universal gravitation.

    10. What is gravity? How is it different from gravity?

    11. Two formulas for calculating gravity.

    12. How is the acceleration of gravity measured? What is it equal to?

    13. What does the acceleration of gravity depend on and what does it not depend on?

    14. Center of gravity. Where is the center of gravity of plane figures?

    15. How to measure body weight?

    16. How to measure the mass of the Earth?

    On the way to discovery

    Polish astronomer, mathematician, mechanic,

    The first thought belonged to the English scientist Gilbert. He suggested that the planets of the solar system are giant magnets, so the forces that bind them are of a magnetic nature.

    24.05. 1544 — 30.11.1603

    Rene Descartes assumed that the Universe was filled with vortices of thin invisible matter. These vortices carry the planets into a “circular revolution around the Sun. Each planet has its own vortex. Planets are similar to light bodies caught in water funnels. The hypotheses of Hilbert and Descartes were based on analogy and had no experimental support.

    31.03. 1596 — 11.02. 1650

    Dispute between Descartes (right) and Queen Christina, painting by Pierre-Louis Dumesnil

    The history of the discovery of the law of universal gravitation.

    Danish astronomer, astrologer and alchemist of the Renaissance. The first in Europe to begin conducting systematic and high-precision astronomical observations .

    (27.12. 1571 - 15.11. 1630)

    German mathematician, astronomer, mechanic, optician, discoverer laws of planetary motion Solar system.

    Kepler's first law(1609):

    All planets move in elliptical orbits, with the Sun at one focus.

    Kepler's second law(1609):

    The radius vector of the planet describes equal areas in equal periods of time.

    Kepler's third law(1618):

    the squares of the planets' orbital periods are related as the cubes of the semimajor axes of their orbits:

    Law of inertia: the motion of a body that is not acted upon by external forces or their resultant is zero is uniform motion in a circle

    15. 02. 1564 - 08. 01. 1642

    I will set forth a system of the world, differing in many particulars from all hitherto known systems, but in all respects consistent with ordinary mechanical laws.

    28. 07. 1635 - 03. 03. 1703

    The closer the body on which they act is to the center of attraction, the stronger the attractive forces.

    Kepler's third law: the squares of the orbital periods of planets are related to the cubes of the semimajor axes of their orbits.

    08. 11. 1656 - 25. 01. 1742

    Falling bodies to Earth

    Moon around the Earth

    Planets around the Sun

    Ebbs and flows

    How to prove that the force of gravity is proportional to the mass of a body?

    1) From Newton's second law

    How to prove that the gravitational force is proportional to the mass of both interacting bodies?

    2) According to Newton's third law

    How to prove that the force of gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between bodies?

    The law of universal gravitation. Mathematical expression.

    Law of universal gravitation:

    All bodies are attracted to each other with a force directly proportional to the mass of each of them and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

    How was the gravitational constant measured?

    The value of the gravitational constant. SI unit.

    G – gravitational constant

    10. 10. 1731 - 24. 02. 1810

    Limits of applicability of the law of universal gravitation.

    Discovery of planets using the law of universal gravitation.

    The difference between these forces is significantly less than each of them, and, therefore, they can be considered approximately equal.

    What is gravity? How is it different from gravity? Two formulas for calculating gravity.

    The difference between these forces is significantly less than each of them, and, therefore, they can be considered approximately equal

    Measuring gravitational acceleration? What is it equal to?

    What does the acceleration of gravity depend on and what does it not depend on?

    1) from the height above the Earth

    2) from the latitude of the place (Earth is a non-inertial frame of reference)

    3) from rocks of the earth’s crust (gravitometry)

    4) from the shape of the Earth, flattened at the poles (pole - 9.83 m/s 2 , 9.78 m/s 2 - equator)

    Hooray. I became 0.7 N lighter!

    a geometric point, invariably associated with a solid body, through which the resultant of all gravitational forces acting on the particles of this body passes at any position of the latter in space; it may not coincide with any of the points of a given body (for example, near a ring). If a free body is suspended on threads attached sequentially to different points of the body, then the directions of these threads will intersect in the center of the body.

    Center of gravity. Where is the center of gravity of plane figures?

    Center of gravity a geometric point invariably associated with a solid body through which the resultant of all gravitational forces acting on particles passes

    this body for any position of the latter in space;

    it may not coincide with any of the points of a given body (for example, near a ring). If a free body is suspended on threads attached sequentially to different

    points of the body, then the directions of these threads will intersect at the center of gravity of the body.

    How to measure body weight? How to measure the mass of the Earth?

    Example of problem solution

    1. At what distance from the Earth’s surface is the acceleration of gravity equal to 1 m/s 2? The radius of the Earth is 6400 km, the acceleration of gravity at the Earth's surface is 9.8 m/s 2 .

    Gravity is the force with which a body is attracted to the Earth due to the action of the law of universal gravitation:

    m - body mass, M - mass of the Earth,

    The problem statement does not give the mass of the Earth. It can be found as follows. The force of gravity of a body on the surface of the Earth (h = 0) can also be written as the force of gravity:

    Examples of test tasks:

    1. Between two celestial bodies of the same mass located at a distance r from each other, there are attractive forces of magnitude F 1 . If the distance between the bodies is reduced by 2 times, how will this force change?

    2. The figure shows four pairs of spherically symmetrical bodies located relative to each other at different distances between the centers of these bodies.

    The force of interaction between two bodies of equal masses M, located at a distance R from each other, equal F 0 . For which pair of bodies the force of gravitational interaction is equal to 4 F 0 ?

    § § 15 – 16 (teach, retell, answer KVVK),

    Law of universal gravitation (page 1 of 3)

    Almost everything in the solar system revolves around the sun. Some planets have satellites, but while they make their way around the planet, they also move around the Sun with it. The Sun has a mass that exceeds the mass of the entire other population of the Solar System by 750 times. Thanks to this, the Sun causes the planets and everything else to move in orbits around it. On a cosmic scale, mass is the main characteristic of bodies, because all celestial bodies obey the law of universal gravitation.

    Based on the laws of planetary motion established by I. Kepler, the great English scientist Isaac Newton (1643-1727), who was still recognized by no one at that time, discovered the law of universal gravitation, with the help of which it was possible to calculate with great accuracy for that time the movement of the Moon, planets and comets, explain the ebb and flow of the ocean.

    Man uses these laws not only for a deeper knowledge of nature (for example, to determine the masses of celestial bodies), but also for solving practical problems (cosmonautics, astrodynamics).

    The work consists of an introduction, main part, conclusion and list of references.

    To fully appreciate the brilliance of the discovery of the Law of Universal Gravitation, let us return to its background. There is a legend that while walking through the apple orchard on his parents' estate, Newton saw the moon in the daytime sky, and right before his eyes an apple came off a branch and fell to the ground. Since Newton was working on the laws of motion at that very time, he already knew that the apple fell under the influence of the Earth's gravitational field. He also knew that the Moon does not just hang in the sky, but rotates in orbit around the Earth, and, therefore, it is affected by some kind of force that keeps it from breaking out of orbit and flying in a straight line away, into open space. Then it occurred to him that perhaps it was the same force that made both the apple fall to the ground and the Moon remain in Earth orbit - the gravitational force that exists between all bodies.

    The very idea of ​​the universal force of gravity was repeatedly expressed earlier: Epicurus, Gassendi, Kepler, Borelli, Descartes, Roberval, Huygens and others thought about it. Descartes considered it the result of vortices in the ether. The history of science shows that almost all arguments concerning the movement of celestial bodies, before Newton, boiled down mainly to the fact that celestial bodies, being perfect, move in circular orbits due to their perfection, since a circle is an ideal geometric figure.

    140). At the center of the universe, Ptolemy placed the Earth, around which planets and stars moved in large and small circles, like in a round dance. The geocentric system of Ptolemy lasted for more than 14 centuries and was only replaced by the heliocentric system of Copernicus in the middle of the 16th century.

    At the beginning of the 17th century, based on the Copernican system, the German astronomer I. Kepler formulated three empirical laws of motion of the planets of the Solar system, using the results of observations of the motion of the planets of the Danish astronomer T. Brahe.

    Kepler's First Law (1609): “All planets move in elliptical orbits, at one of the foci of which is the Sun.”

    The elongation of the ellipse depends on the speed of the planet; on the distance at which the planet is located from the center of the ellipse. A change in the speed of a celestial body leads to the transformation of an elliptical orbit into a hyperbolic one, moving along which one can leave the solar system.

    Figure 1 - Elliptical orbit of a planet with mass

    m <

    Almost all the planets of the Solar System (except Pluto) move in orbits that are close to circular.

    Kepler's second law (1609): “The radius vector of a planet describes equal areas in equal periods of time” (Fig. 2).

    Figure 2 - Law of areas - Kepler's second law

    Kepler's second law shows the equality of areas described by the radius vector of a celestial body over equal periods of time. In this case, the speed of the body changes depending on the distance to the Earth (this is especially noticeable if the body moves along a highly elongated elliptical orbit). The closer the body is to the planet, the greater the speed of the body.

    When R=a, the periods of revolution of bodies in these orbits are the same

    Kepler's laws, which forever became the basis of theoretical astronomy, were explained in the mechanics of I. Newton, in particular in the law of universal gravitation.

    Despite the fact that Kepler's laws were a major step in understanding the motion of the planets, they still remained only empirical rules derived from astronomical observations; Kepler was unable to find the reason that determines these patterns common to all planets. Kepler's laws needed theoretical justification.

    It was precisely this that Newton's considerations differed from the guesses of other scientists. Before Newton, no one was able to clearly and mathematically prove the connection between the law of gravity (a force inversely proportional to the square of the distance) and the laws of planetary motion (Kepler's laws).

    Two of the greatest scientists, far ahead of their time, created a science called celestial mechanics, discovered the laws of motion of celestial bodies under the influence of gravity, and even if their achievements were limited to this, they would still have entered the pantheon of the greats of this world.

    But Newton used Kepler’s laws to test his law of gravitation. All three of Kepler's laws are consequences of the law of gravity. And Newton discovered it. The results of Newton's calculations are now called Newton's law of universal gravitation, which we will look at in the next chapter.

    2 Law of Gravity

    Topic: Law of universal gravitation

    1 Laws of planetary motion - Kepler's laws

    2 Law of Gravity

    2.1 Discovery of Isaac Newton

    2.2 Movement of bodies under the influence of gravity

    3 AES - Artificial Earth satellites


    A person, studying phenomena, comprehends their essence and discovers the laws of nature. Thus, a body raised above the Earth and left to its own devices will begin to fall. It changes its speed, therefore, the force of gravity acts on it. This phenomenon is observed everywhere on our planet: the Earth attracts all bodies, including you and me. Is it only the Earth that has the property of acting on all bodies with a force of gravity?

    Purpose of the work: to study the law of universal gravitation, show its practical significance, and reveal the concept of interaction of bodies using the example of this law.

    1 Laws of planetary motion - Kepler's laws

    So, when Newton's great predecessors studied the uniformly accelerated motion of bodies falling on the surface of the Earth, they were sure that they were observing a phenomenon of a purely terrestrial nature - existing only close to the surface of our planet. When other scientists, studying the movement of celestial bodies, believed that in the celestial spheres there were completely different laws of movement than the laws governing movement here on Earth.

    Thus, in modern terms, it was believed that there are two types of gravity, and this idea was firmly entrenched in the minds of people of that time. Everyone believed that there is earthly gravity, acting on the imperfect Earth, and there is celestial gravity, acting on the perfect heavens. The study of the movement of planets and the structure of the solar system ultimately led to the creation of the theory of gravity - the discovery of the law of universal gravitation.

    The first attempt to create a model of the Universe was made by Ptolemy (

    In Fig. Figure 1 shows the elliptical orbit of a planet whose mass is much less than the mass of the Sun. The sun is at one of the ellipse's foci. The point P of the trajectory closest to the Sun is called perihelion, point A, the farthest from the Sun, is called aphelion. The distance between aphelion and perihelion is the major axis of the ellipse.


    Kepler's third law (1619): “The squares of the periods of revolution of the planets are related as the cubes of the semi-major axes of their orbits”:

    Kepler's third law is true for all planets in the solar system with an accuracy of greater than 1%.

    Figure 3 shows two orbits, one of which is circular with radius R, and the other is elliptical with semi-major axis a. The third law states that if R=a, then the periods of revolution of bodies in these orbits are the same.

    Figure 3 - Circular and elliptical orbits

    And only Newton made a private but very important conclusion: there must be a connection between the centripetal acceleration of the Moon and the acceleration of gravity on Earth. This relationship had to be established numerically and verified.

    It so happened that they did not intersect in time. Only thirteen years after Kepler's death Newton was born. Both of them were supporters of the heliocentric Copernican system.

    Having studied the motion of Mars for many years, Kepler experimentally discovered three laws of planetary motion, more than fifty years before Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation. Not yet understanding why the planets move the way they do. It was a brilliant foresight.

    2.1 Discovery of Isaac Newton

    The law of universal gravitation was discovered by I. Newton in 1682. According to his hypothesis, attractive forces (gravitational forces) act between all bodies of the Universe, directed along the line connecting the centers of mass (Fig. 4). For a body in the form of a homogeneous ball, the center of mass coincides with the center of the ball.

    Figure 4 - Gravitational forces of attraction between bodies,

    In subsequent years, Newton tried to find a physical explanation for the laws of planetary motion discovered by I. Kepler at the beginning of the 17th century, and to give a quantitative expression for gravitational forces. So, knowing how the planets move, Newton wanted to determine what forces act on them. This path is called the inverse problem of mechanics.

    If the main task of mechanics is to determine the coordinates of a body of known mass and its speed at any moment in time based on known forces acting on the body and given initial conditions (the direct problem of mechanics), then when solving the inverse problem it is necessary to determine the forces acting on the body if it is known how it moves.

    The solution to this problem led Newton to the discovery of the law of universal gravitation: “All bodies are attracted to each other with a force directly proportional to their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.” Like all physical laws, it is expressed in the form of a mathematical equation

    The proportionality coefficient G is the same for all bodies in nature. It is called the gravitational constant

    G = 6.67 10–11 N m2/kg2 (SI)

    There are several important points to make regarding this law.

    Firstly, its action explicitly extends to all physical material bodies in the Universe without exception. In particular, for example, you and the book experience forces of mutual gravitational attraction equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. Of course, these forces are so small that even the most accurate modern instruments cannot detect them, but they really exist and can be calculated.

    In the same way, you experience mutual attraction with a distant quasar, tens of billions of light years away. Again, the forces of this attraction are too small to be instrumentally recorded and measured.

    The second point is that the force of gravity of the Earth at its surface equally affects all material bodies located anywhere on the globe. Right now, the force of gravity, calculated using the above formula, is acting on us, and we really feel it as our weight. If we drop something, under the influence of the same force it will uniformly accelerate towards the ground.

    2.2 Movement of bodies under the influence of gravity

    The action of universal gravitational forces in nature explains many phenomena: the movement of planets in the solar system, artificial satellites of the Earth, the flight paths of ballistic missiles, the movement of bodies near the surface of the Earth - all of them are explained on the basis of the law of universal gravitation and the laws of dynamics.

    The law of gravity explains the mechanical structure of the solar system, and Kepler's laws describing the trajectories of planetary motion can be derived from it. For Kepler, his laws were purely descriptive - the scientist simply summarized his observations in mathematical form, without providing any theoretical foundations for the formulas. In the great system of the world order according to Newton, Kepler’s laws become a direct consequence of the universal laws of mechanics and the law of universal gravitation. That is, we again observe how empirical conclusions obtained at one level turn into strictly substantiated logical conclusions when moving to the next stage of deepening our knowledge about the world.

    Newton was the first to express the idea that gravitational forces determine not only the movement of the planets of the solar system; they act between any bodies in the Universe. One of the manifestations of the force of universal gravitation is the force of gravity - this is the common name for the force of attraction of bodies towards the Earth near its surface.

    If M is the mass of the Earth, RЗ is its radius, m is the mass of a given body, then the force of gravity is equal to

    where g is the acceleration of free fall;

    near the surface of the Earth

    The force of gravity is directed towards the center of the Earth. In the absence of other forces, the body falls freely to the Earth with the acceleration of gravity.

    The average value of the acceleration due to gravity for various points on the Earth's surface is 9.81 m/s2. Knowing the acceleration of gravity and the radius of the Earth (RЗ = 6.38·106 m), we can calculate the mass of the Earth

    The picture of the structure of the solar system that follows from these equations and combines terrestrial and celestial gravity can be understood using a simple example. Suppose we are standing at the edge of a sheer cliff, next to a cannon and a pile of cannonballs. If you simply drop a cannonball vertically from the edge of a cliff, it will begin to fall down vertically and uniformly accelerated. Its motion will be described by Newton's laws for uniformly accelerated motion of a body with acceleration g. If you now fire a cannonball towards the horizon, it will fly and fall in an arc. And in this case, its movement will be described by Newton’s laws, only now they are applied to a body moving under the influence of gravity and having a certain initial speed in the horizontal plane. Now, as you load the cannon with increasingly heavier cannonballs and fire over and over again, you will find that as each successive cannonball leaves the barrel with a higher initial velocity, the cannonballs fall further and further from the base of the cliff.

    Now imagine that we have packed so much gunpowder into a cannon that the speed of the cannonball is enough to fly around the globe. If we neglect air resistance, the cannonball, having flown around the Earth, will return to its starting point at exactly the same speed with which it initially flew out of the cannon. What will happen next is clear: the core will not stop there and will continue to wind circle after circle around the planet.

    In other words, we will get an artificial satellite orbiting around the Earth, like a natural satellite - the Moon.

    So, step by step, we moved from describing the motion of a body falling solely under the influence of “earthly” gravity (Newton’s apple) to describing the motion of a satellite (the Moon) in orbit, without changing the nature of the gravitational influence from “earthly” to “heavenly.” It was this insight that allowed Newton to connect together the two forces of gravitational attraction that were considered different in nature before him.

    As we move away from the Earth's surface, the force of gravity and the acceleration of gravity change in inverse proportion to the square of the distance r to the center of the Earth. An example of a system of two interacting bodies is the Earth–Moon system. The Moon is located at a distance from the Earth rL = 3.84·106 m. This distance is approximately 60 times the Earth's radius RЗ. Consequently, the acceleration of free fall aL, due to gravity, in the orbit of the Moon is

    With such acceleration directed towards the center of the Earth, the Moon moves in orbit. Therefore, this acceleration is centripetal acceleration. It can be calculated using the kinematic formula for centripetal acceleration

    where T = 27.3 days is the period of revolution of the Moon around the Earth.

    The coincidence of the results of calculations performed in different ways confirms Newton’s assumption about the same nature of the force that holds the Moon in orbit and the force of gravity.

    The Moon's own gravitational field determines the acceleration of gravity gL on its surface. The mass of the Moon is 81 times less than the mass of the Earth, and its radius is approximately 3.7 times less than the radius of the Earth.

    Therefore, the acceleration gЛ will be determined by the expression

    The astronauts who landed on the Moon found themselves in conditions of such weak gravity. A person in such conditions can make giant leaps. For example, if a person on Earth jumps to a height of 1 m, then on the Moon he could jump to a height of more than 6 m.

    Let's consider the issue of artificial Earth satellites. Artificial satellites of the Earth move outside the Earth's atmosphere, and they are affected only by gravitational forces from the Earth.

    Depending on the initial speed, the trajectory of a cosmic body can be different. Let us consider the case of an artificial satellite moving in a circular Earth orbit. Such satellites fly at altitudes of the order of 200–300 km, and the distance to the center of the Earth can be approximately taken to be equal to its radius RЗ. Then the centripetal acceleration of the satellite imparted to it by gravitational forces is approximately equal to the acceleration of gravity g. Let us denote the speed of the satellite in low-Earth orbit by υ1 - this speed is called the first cosmic speed. Using the kinematic formula for centripetal acceleration, we obtain

    Moving at such a speed, the satellite would circle the Earth in time

    In fact, the period of revolution of a satellite in a circular orbit near the Earth's surface is slightly longer than the specified value due to the difference between the radius of the actual orbit and the radius of the Earth. The motion of a satellite can be thought of as a free fall, similar to the motion of projectiles or ballistic missiles. The only difference is that the speed of the satellite is so high that the radius of curvature of its trajectory is equal to the radius of the Earth.

    For satellites moving along circular trajectories at a considerable distance from the Earth, the Earth's gravity weakens in inverse proportion to the square of the radius r of the trajectory. Thus, in high orbits the speed of satellites is less than in low-Earth orbit.

    The satellite's orbital period increases with increasing orbital radius. It is easy to calculate that with an orbital radius r equal to approximately 6.6 RЗ, the satellite’s orbital period will be equal to 24 hours. A satellite with such an orbital period, launched in the equatorial plane, will hang motionless over a certain point on the earth's surface. Such satellites are used in space radio communication systems. An orbit with a radius r = 6.6 RЗ is called geostationary.

    The second cosmic speed is the minimum speed that must be imparted to a spacecraft at the surface of the Earth so that it, having overcome gravity, turns into an artificial satellite of the Sun (artificial planet). In this case, the ship will move away from the Earth along a parabolic trajectory.

    Figure 5 illustrates escape velocities. If the speed of the spacecraft is equal to υ1 = 7.9·103 m/s and is directed parallel to the Earth’s surface, then the ship will move in a circular orbit at a low altitude above the Earth. At initial velocities exceeding υ1, but less than υ2 = 11.2·103 m/s, the ship’s orbit will be elliptical. At an initial speed of υ2, the ship will move along a parabola, and at an even higher initial speed, along a hyperbola.

    Figure 5 — Space speeds

    The velocities near the Earth's surface are indicated: 1) υ = υ1 – circular trajectory;

    2) υ1< υ < υ2 – эллиптическая траектория; 3) υ = 11,1·103 м/с – сильно вытянутый эллипс;

    4) υ = υ2 – parabolic trajectory; 5) υ > υ2 – hyperbolic trajectory;

    6) Moon trajectory

    Thus, we have found out that all movements in the solar system obey Newton’s law of universal gravitation.

    Based on the small mass of the planets, and especially other bodies of the Solar System, we can approximately assume that movements in the circumsolar space obey Kepler’s laws.

    All bodies move around the Sun in elliptical orbits, with the Sun at one of the focuses. The closer a celestial body is to the Sun, the faster its orbital speed (the planet Pluto, the most distant known, moves 6 times slower than the Earth).

    Bodies can also move in open orbits: parabola or hyperbola. This happens if the speed of the body is equal to or exceeds the value of the second cosmic velocity for the Sun at a given distance from the central body. If we are talking about a satellite of a planet, then the escape velocity must be calculated relative to the mass of the planet and the distance to its center.

    3 Artificial Earth satellites

    On February 12, 1961, the automatic interplanetary station “Venera-1” left the Earth’s gravity.

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