Dream interpretation of a living flower. Interpretation of dreams flowers, dream flowers, dreamed of flowers. What did you do

Thanks to dream books, every person has the opportunity not only to come into contact with the mysterious world of dreams, but also to understand how to behave in reality, taking into account what they dreamed. Flowers occupy a special place among all symbols and signs. Dream experts say: in general, flowers are a very good sign. But don't rush to conclusions. Despite all the positive characteristics, such a dream can warn of various dangers and troubles. We invite you to talk about why you dream about fresh flowers!

Nuances of the dream

It is extremely important to pay attention to details that at first glance seem insignificant. After all, it depends on them what the dream means. So, dreaming buds symbolize unexpected happiness that will fall on the dreamer. But wilted flowers are a sign of illness. What does a dream about fresh flowers in pots symbolize? In dream books you can find information that this is not the best sign. It indicates your isolation and unsociability. You should communicate with people more often, start trusting others - this will only make life more enjoyable! To dream of a flower standing alone in a vase speaks of the dreamer’s fixation on one person.

Why do people give fresh flowers in bouquets in a dream? This is a wonderful sign! Mystics say: incredible happiness awaits you in a love relationship, a long period of pleasure that will be delivered by your loved one. If there is more than one bouquet, then you will be surrounded by very good people. Pleasant new acquaintances are possible. Another interpretation option is a meeting with a member of the opposite sex, which will turn into courtship and, perhaps, over time, develop into something more. But withered flowers collected in a bouquet are a sure sign of a crisis in a relationship.

Why do you dream about fresh flowers that you buy for yourself? Dream interpretation experts say: most likely, the dreamer is dishonest with his loved ones, and his conscience is not entirely clear. Such a dream should be taken as a hint to correct behavior!

A blooming garden is a symbol of various pleasures. And night visions, in which there are neat, lush flower beds, indicate an excessive focus on the external.

Caring for flowers, for example planting them in the ground or in a flower pot, is not the most favorable sign. There is a high probability of serious troubles and love dramas. Transplanting flowers from one place to another calls the dreamer to be careful, because there is likely to be a temptation to deceive a loved one. In addition, such a dream may indicate betrayal that a person may commit. But caring for flowers is a dream that encourages you to do everything possible to achieve happiness. Cutting daisies, roses and peonies from flower beds is a sign of sincere joy.

And now we invite you to talk about why you dream of fresh flowers of various types!


The summer dream book says that chamomile usually symbolizes colds. In the Old Russian Dream Book you can find information that this wild flower portends annoyance for men, and illness for women. Dreamed daisies have a different meaning in the 21st century Dream Book. Here it is a symbol of small and simple joys that can brighten up everyday life. And daisies are a harbinger of family happiness and family well-being. True, if you pick flowers, then most likely you will be disappointed.

In turn, the Esoteric Dream Book answers the question of why daisies are dreamed of - to hobby! It will bring joy, but it will be short-lived and cannot develop into love.


According to the Bible dream book, fresh flowers, such as chrysanthemums, dreamed of at different times of the year can have completely different meanings. So, in the spring, picking chrysanthemums in a dream means being prematurely confident in your success. In summer, the same night dreams can indicate a search for entertainment. A similar dream, which was seen in the fall, foreshadows pleasant surprises and pleasure, but a dream seen in winter speaks of the unfriendliness and mistrust that the dreamer will soon have to face.

Broken chrysanthemums are a symbol of boredom and bad mood or accidents due to which your wishes will not come true. If in a dream you put these flowers in a vase, a prosperous and calm life awaits you.

According to the Women's Dream Book, fresh white flowers are a sign of sadness, loss and trouble. But chrysanthemums of any other color hint at pleasant activities. The compilers of the Love Dream Book claim that chrysanthemums collected in a bouquet can be considered a harbinger of love, which the dreamer will lose due to his carelessness. Chrysanthemums are interpreted and how to receive news from distant acquaintances.


A lotus seen in night dreams symbolizes the beginning of a time extremely favorable for creativity. The astrological dream book interprets such dreams as comprehension of the laws of the world and the achievement of spiritual wisdom.

Why do you dream about fresh lotus flowers? It depends on what exactly you dreamed of. So, picking flowers means you will soon break the law. If the lotuses that you saw grow in the water, then most likely this can be interpreted as the fact that financial interests and spiritual growth in your life are inextricably linked. White lotuses are evidence of true love, but red and yellow ones warn of danger - talkers and flatterers may appear on your way!

Girls who care for these flowers in a dream will get married early and divorce very quickly.


According to information from dream books, fresh violet flowers have different meanings if they are dreamed of by representatives of different sexes. So, women see them facing violence, which means that such a dream recommends being as attentive as possible to your own safety. A man who has such a dream should be more attentive to his soulmate: she is sorely lacking in care!

Violets received as a gift are a harbinger of a major quarrel, which can only be prevented by ignoring the bad mood of a loved one. Most likely, the reason for your partner’s dissatisfaction is hidden in minor everyday problems or troubles at work. Therefore, this should be treated with understanding. If in a dream you are given a delicate bouquet of violets, in real life you can safely respond to advances. Withered flowers speak of affectionate and tender feelings.


Fresh rose flowers seen in a dream are harbingers of joyful events. They can also be interpreted as the loyalty of your chosen one. But withered roses speak of approaching loneliness.

A rose bush seen in a dream that has not yet bloomed is a sign of material well-being. But a dried plant foreshadows the illness of relatives or other sad events that are about to happen in the dreamer’s life. Lushly blooming scarlet roses are a symbol of fulfilled hopes. The buds of scarlet roses with which a girl decorates her hair in a dream speak of deception and the destruction of hopes. Dreaming of armfuls of roses has a completely different meaning - they speak of incredible happiness after receiving a marriage proposal from a wonderful man. The scent of roses also predicts joy.

Seeing in a dream beautiful fresh flowers that are given to you in the spring means happiness, and in winter means futile waiting. If the dreamer himself gives roses to someone, most likely this can be interpreted as long and strong mutual love. Picking roses in a dream means a quick marriage. The meaning of the dream also depends on what color of roses you dream about. So red flowers are a symbol of mutual passion, yellow ones speak of betrayal or fear, scarlet roses are a sure sign of the fulfillment of a cherished desire, and white ones are the right choice of the other half.


A tulip seen during night dreams is a sure sign of your frivolity. Why does a woman dream that she is picking these flowers? It all depends on the time of year when such a dream was seen. For example, in the spring he talks about pleasures, in the summer - about spending time in the company of pleasant people. Picking flowers in a dream in the fall means good news from a loved one, but in winter it means curious and completely unexpected things that you will soon find out. A man who picks tulips in a dream seen in the spring will experience new experiences. The same dream seen in the summer is a sign of strange offers that will soon arrive. Plucked tulips dreamed of in the fall indicate a manifestation of excessive gullibility, and in winter - about participation in an unusual incident.

Planting flowers is a symbol of pleasant impressions, news that can dispel any sadness.


Often women dream of lilies who, at the subconscious level, feel guilty of something or deserve punishment for an offense that caused great harm to loved ones. Therefore, if a girl sees a dream in which she collects lilies or admires them, most likely, deep sadness awaits her.

At the same time, white lilies are a sign of a faithful lily, while colored lilies urge you not to trust what you see. Taking care of these delicate flowers and growing them in your garden is a sign of early marriage, which will end in an equally hasty separation. If a woman buys fresh lily flowers in a dream, she will face loneliness and hopelessness.

Unusual flowers

Unusual flowers, which the dreamer looks at with admiration, are a symbol of fidelity that your soulmate will keep. Seeing unusual living flowers in a dream is a sign of your originality. You should find the qualities in yourself that distinguish you from other people and start developing them!

Flowers are a symbol of beauty and fragrance. Flowers decorate our home; not a single ceremony or celebration is complete without them. Why do you dream of fresh flowers in bouquets? The interpretation of the dream depends on the accompanying details of the plot. Let's look at it in detail.

General interpretation

The meaning of the interpretation directly depends on the type and quality of the flowers. Beautiful fragrant flowers in a bouquet are always a good sign in a dream. Withered or dried flowers are not considered so optimistically by dream books.

The nuances of interpretation also depend on your actions with flowers and their characteristics:

  • indoor flowers;
  • wildflowers;
  • plants from the garden/greenhouse;
  • buy a bouquet;
  • give a bouquet;
  • accept a bouquet as a gift.

A dream in which you were given a bouquet of flowers promises the fulfillment of a dream, unexpected joy and success. If in a dream you happen to give flowers to your opponent, your relationship will soon change for the better. A bouquet given to a young girl predicts an early marriage.

Take note of exactly what flowers they gave you:

  • roses - for romantic relationships;
  • daffodils and tulips - you will soon be appreciated;
  • carnations - people envy or admire your success.

Wildflowers in a dream will tell you about the upcoming renewal of feelings with your partner. You will establish relationships and gain mutual understanding. A tender romantic period in life awaits you, filled with beauty and admiration for each other.

If wildflowers are given to a girl, she will soon have a meeting with her soulmate and a period of harmonious relationships. Romance, tenderness, trustfulness and happiness - this is what a bouquet of wildflowers prophesies. A red poppy in a dream means being fascinated by a new meeting.

Garden flowers promise new profit, success in your plans and prosperity. Making a bouquet of flowers is an attempt to find like-minded people in your life.

Indoor flowers and bouquets in a vase foreshadow family comfort, prosperity, harmony of feelings and a quiet, measured flow of life. Seeing the whole house in flowers means harmony, joy and success for the family. Better days are coming for your family.

Planting flowers in a flowerbed, caring for them, picking them or watering them - to complete success, well-being, and joyful events.

Flowers flying through the air are a chance to make a good profit and improve your financial situation. Don't miss the opportunity for change!

Interpretation from dream books

Miller's Dream Book believes that bright lush bouquets of flowers portend an inheritance, and wilted flowers portend illness. A bouquet of wildflowers - for a meeting with a new sincere admirer. Throwing away a bouquet means breaking up with an annoying suitor. Arranging flowers in a bouquet is a confession of feelings. If the bouquet crumbles, the engagement will not take place.

Vanga's Dream Book warns: pricking yourself with thorns from a rose from a bouquet foretells separation from your loved one. You have to survive betrayal and betrayal. Flowers trampled on the floor warn of enemies who are hiding important information from you.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation interprets a dream with a bouquet unambiguously: seeing flowers in a bouquet means a new pleasant acquaintance, a gift bouquet of flowers means a strong, stable relationship.

Muslim dream book interprets a dream with flowers as a harbinger of new opportunities for realizing goals. Seeing wilted flowers is a sign of betrayal and disappointment.

Sigmund Freud sees in the symbolism of flowers the emergence of new feelings and emotions. Bouquets of flowers foreshadow the appearance of a new admirer, the development of a romantic relationship and the happiness of mutual love. For girls, flowers in buds can portend a loss of innocence. A large number of flowers can predict an unexpected separation from a loved one, but only temporary.

Plant flowers, see flower bouquets, buy flowers in pots- always a symbol of change for the better. Giving and receiving a bouquet is a sign of joyful events and happiness. Picking flowers means meeting new people.

Weave flower wreaths- to inspiration and a creative approach to the situation. However, be on the alert if the flowers in the bouquet look unsightly or are completely dry - this is a warning of impending adversity or troubles that can be prevented in advance by your right actions.

The symbolism of flowers is always unambiguous: the interpretation of a dream largely depends on your perception of the plot you saw and your actions with flowers. Only artificial flowers do not promise anything good.

Everyone loves flowers, even those who don’t admit it. Beautiful fragrant fresh flowers, given as a gift or simply seen in a store, in nature or in a drawing, will certainly lift your spirits.

It would seem that if you dreamed about the most beautiful of plants, this predicts only happiness. Unfortunately, it is not. Flowers are different - the interpretation of a dream depends both on the type of flower and on the color and appearance. Actions also play a big role.

Why do you dream about flowers? If you experienced positive emotions from flowers in a dream, you can most likely talk about a favorable interpretation. This article will help you understand most accurately what the flowers you dreamed promise you.

Kind of dreamed flowers

The easiest way to understand why flowers are dreamed is to remember their appearance. So, if you dream about roses, you can expect changes in love, carnations - news from older friends, and peonies - you can feel embarrassed. A more detailed interpretation can be obtained by analyzing the main plot of the dream and the color of the plants seen.


Seeing flowers as noble as roses in a dream means experiencing truly deep love feelings. For those people who have not yet met their soul mate, red roses predict acquaintance and a quick marriage, and for family people - a new round of feelings.

  • If the dreamer of a young girl, her beloved man, gives her roses as a gift in a dream, this promises her a quick marriage proposal.
  • Planting roses in a flowerbed means that you will develop pleasant relationships.
  • Seeing roses completely covered with buds, while none of the flowers are open - upcoming events will be overshadowed by the indifference of the other half.
  • Withered roses dream of a quarrel.
  • Digging up the roots of dried roses in order to plant fresh, healthy flowers - your active nature is capable of not losing heart even when everyone’s hopes have been exhausted.
  • If in a dream a young girl pricks her finger while accepting a bouquet, perhaps she has a rival.
  • Decorating your head with one flower from a bouquet means you will not be able to attract attention to yourself in any way.

Receiving a fragrant bouquet as a gift, smelling flowers and enjoying their aroma - the romantic phase of the relationship will be quite long.
Digging up domestic roses to plant varietal ones - the changes in relationships that you propose will be perceived painfully, but will lead to excellent results.

Plants that have bloomed too much, their petals have exposed seeds - the work begun will certainly bear fruit. If you have tried to collect seeds to use in flower breeding, in any business you are trying to achieve perfection. And, often, you do it very well.


Dreams about lilacs deserve special attention, especially if they were dreamed outside of its flowering season.

  1. Seeing a beautiful lilac symbolizes new love and tenderness.
  2. Receiving or simply seeing a bouquet of lilacs in a dream means little family joys await you.
  3. Picking lilac flowers means you will have to achieve mutual love.
  4. A lot of luxurious lilac flowers in a dream indicate that you have people for whom you are incredibly dear and love you very much.



A very ambiguous symbol to interpret. It is carnations that dream of both joy and sadness. On the one hand, these flowers are often laid at monuments and carried to graves. On the other hand, double petals can mean wealth, and bright colors can mean joy.

  • Seeing white carnations in your hands is one of the most pleasant dreams. They mean purity of thoughts, joy of life and sincerity of friends.
  • Huge bouquets of white flowers are given to a woman by her husband - your relationship causes envy even among close friends. They need to be protected and cherished.
  • Give your man red carnations - be attentive to your companion, he is worthy of your care.
  • Picking red carnations in your garden is a painful attachment to your mentor.
  • If you dreamed that strangers came to your flowerbed and began to pick your flowers, your endeavors will be appropriated by dishonest people.
  • Laying carnations at a monument - you will learn something about your loved ones that will touch you to the core.
  • Carrying yellow carnations to the grave of close relatives is sad news.
  • Buy or make artificial carnations yourself - someone from your inner circle knows how to carefully hide their true attitude towards you.
  • Sow small decorative carnations in the yard of your own house - when guests arrive.


It is very interesting to interpret a dream if the main symbol in it is peonies. This lush, beautiful flower signifies passionate passion and a pleasant pastime. But only if certain conventions are followed: your feelings must be mutual and highly moral.

  1. Presenting red peonies to your beloved man is an ardent passion, but at the same time a trusting relationship.
  2. Picking off unblown peonies means you will have to deal with the consequences of frivolous behavior. You should have reconsidered your behavior long ago, and if you do not approach this responsibly in time, the consequences will be sad.
  3. Planting peonies in a flowerbed means you can create a strong family based on true love.
  4. Pink peonies, tear them - to develop this relationship, the girl will have to be the first to take the initiative.
  5. Digging up peonies to plant other flowers in the flowerbed means you agree to sacrifice your feelings for the sake of your own well-being.


One of the most common flowers that could be found on the windowsills of caring housewives. Geranium, seen in one of the dreams, means the warmth of the family hearth and the affection of family members for each other.

  • To receive a red geranium in a pot as a gift - a girl can be confident in the feelings of her gentleman. Their home will be cozy and spacious.
  • To feel how strongly geranium smells in a dream means you will learn unexpected news about someone close to you.
  • I dreamed that a geranium fell from the windowsill onto the floor and the pot broke into pieces.
  • Seeing crumbling earth is a bad sign. Soon the family will begin to be plagued by misunderstandings.
  • Buy varietal geranium - the brighter the flower, the stronger the intensity of romantic passions, explains Miller’s dream book, available online.
  • Smelling the pungent smell of this plant - the unusual reaction of your spouse will greatly surprise you.

Withered geraniums in a flowerbed - naughty children, wayward husband. White or pink geranium - pure, immaculate relationships.

The resulting pelargonium seeds - the family business will soon begin to generate income. If the seeds spilled out and birds gathered on the windowsill to peck them, a child will soon appear in your house. Collecting seeds and putting them in an envelope or a special little bag - you are able to accumulate the most sincere and warm feelings.



  1. If you have a dream in which you collect a bouquet of daisies, this foretells honor and respect in society.
  2. If in a dream you give daisies, you will soon learn interesting details about one of your friends; if you buy daisies, expect big income and profits.
  3. Crushing or breaking daisy flowers is not a very pleasant dream, which can mean misunderstandings and quarrels in the family.


Picking dandelions - a declaration of love awaits you; seeing beautiful dandelion flowers is happiness in love; blowing the fluff off dandelions - love disappointment and unfulfilled hopes; weave a wreath of dandelions - get ready for a pleasant surprise in real life.


Blooming poppies in a dream symbolize unexpected joy in reality; picking poppy flowers is platonic love.


  • Ranunculus flowers seen in a dream indicate that your work will not immediately bring results and money.
  • Receiving buttercups as a gift or picking them - a dream warns you against unreasonable actions; it is better to take the advice of others to solve your problems; giving buttercups to someone - your problems will be solved, but not as quickly as you would like.


Flower color in a dream

To understand why flowers are dreamed of, the dream book recommends analyzing the color of the flower, which is identified with certain emotions. The brighter the flowers, the more positive emotions. The more flowers in a dream, the more pleasure.

For example, red flowers in the dream book, especially red roses, tulips, peonies and poppies, are universal symbols of love and passion. They can mean either romantic dates or simply indicate bright moments in the dreamer’s daily routine reality.

  1. Any bright flowers in a dream are always good news.
  2. Fantastic flowers of rainbow colors mean personal growth, a completely new stage in life, unexpected and big changes.
  3. Ordinary bright flowers also portend a surge of strength and positive changes, a renewal of feelings.

According to the dream book, white flowers portend slight sadness and sadness. To clarify why you dream of fresh white flowers - why you dream of white flowers, the family and type of flowering plant in the dream is important. The most unfavorable sign is considered to be seeing flowers in a dream - white lilies, white chrysanthemums and callas. They portend mental pain, sadness from separation, unrealistic hopes, etc.

Red flowers represent activity and sexuality. A passive and insecure person should show more persistence and perseverance. If there are a lot of red flowers, so that they almost merge together, then this image takes on a meaning close to blood, and in this case foreshadows death or illness.

  • Why do you dream of yellow flowers - in reality, do not show excessive confidence in anything, as it will not come true. Perhaps someone will deceive you. Gifted yellow flowers in the dream book mean someone’s desire to shift responsibility to you. A dream can warn against rash actions and excessive hopes for outside help.
  • Bright purple flowers symbolize a burst of creative energy, originality; some of your thoughts and actions will not fit into the generally accepted scheme. Dull flowers are a harbinger of depression; those around you will not understand your aspirations, which is why you will not be able to realize your plans. Lilac flowers mean the same thing.
  • Seeing orange flowers in a dream is a good sign. You have gained sufficient experience, have become wiser and look at life more deeply. Expect new events and acquaintances soon that will indicate the future path.
  • Blue flowers in a dream mean intrigue, mystery, yellow flowers mean joy and fun. Black flowers are a symbol of melancholy and mourning.

A flower of unusual color and shape promises surprise and bewilderment in reality.

Shades of blue on the buds

  1. The blue tint of the petals can be separated into a separate category, since the interpretations for each shade overlap slightly. It would be useful to remember what kind of flower you saw in your dream - maybe it was a non-existent blue rose, or an ordinary cornflower.
  2. A bright blue flower in a dream is a symbol of your plans in reality. Notice whether it is fresh or slightly withered? In the second case, the plans are not destined to come true. If this is a mythical blue rose, then in real life you will be disappointed in love.
  3. The purple flower is the personification of the hopelessness of the dreamer's love. If there is a person in your life whom you love madly, then do not expect reciprocity from him, you are not destined to experience love with this person.
  4. For a girl, a blue flower is a reflection of the tender romantic feelings that are now arising between her and a guy she likes. Don’t miss the moment of sincere and pure love; most likely, this will never happen again.

A lilac flower is a sign of deception, a shameless lie associated with love. In reality, a betrayal by a loved one or a dishonest act by a friend who has set her sights on your lover can happen.


Indoor flowers

Why do you dream of indoor flowers? It is important what condition they are in.

  • Healthy, alive, possibly with inflorescences or fruits - only good pleasant events lie ahead, and this period will continue for a long time.
  • The opposite interpretation will occur if the flowers are sick or dried out. Also, dried flowers in pots symbolize sad news.
  • The dream book interprets a flower in a pot given by someone as the beginning of a new relationship that has every chance of becoming strong and happy. Everything is in your hands, let events take their course, make efforts without fanaticism. The interpretation is enhanced if the flower in the pot was given by someone - a stranger or a loved one.

A flower does not bloom in a dream

The interpretation depends on who sees the flower in a dream.

  1. If a girl sees a dream, then the dream book says that her time to blossom has not yet come.
  2. For an older woman, this is a hint that her time to bloom has already passed.
  3. For a woman of childbearing age, advice is to go to the hospital.
  4. There are some health problems that are preventing you from “blossoming”.


Such a dream is a symbol of changes in your life. Sleep can affect both work and personal life. It may well mean both a change of place of residence and the breakup of your family.

For a married lady it can be a symbol of an addition to the family. In a dream, flowers immediately begin to bloom - all your new businesses will be successful and profitable.

See a pot on the balcony

  1. A dream in which the balcony is completely covered with pots of flowers is considered by dream books as a prediction of a new, long-term and romantic hobby.
  2. The dream has another interpretation. A balcony with flowers is a symbol of prosperity and success in business. But in order to more accurately understand the dream, you need to remember what flowers were in your dream.


Artificial flowers in a dream

Artificial flowers in the dream book symbolize the desire to hold on to and preserve something important in real life, as it flows out of your hands. This is how the inability to let go of the past manifests itself. The dream seems to tell you: you cannot bring back to life what has already died.

According to the dream book, paper flowers mean a desire to rely only on one’s own strength, subjugating circumstances. Beware of false motives and goals.

  • If we are talking about a woman, her femininity is false.
  • For a man, this means deception on the part of a person attractive to him.

Flowers as a gift

According to the dream book, giving flowers literally means arousing emotions in other people, trying to attract their attention, offering friendship or cooperation.

According to the dream book, if you are given a bouquet of flowers, in reality someone will try to attract your attention and achieve your favor. What matters is how you felt. Joyful emotions mean the sincerity of this person's intentions. Confusion or irritation are, on the contrary, his selfish motives.

Why dream of giving flowers - in real life, in order to achieve a goal, you will have to conquer someone. This expresses the desire to influence him or gain power over him. Often in a dream a person gives flowers to the object of his secret passion.

  1. If a man gives flowers in a dream, a love adventure awaits you. Most often, this is a harbinger of a new romance, a desire to win someone’s sympathy.
  2. If a man with flowers has pronounced features of a certain character or simply an original personality, then this is a sign of personal individuation, the achievement of harmony between the mind and feelings.
  3. On the contrary, giving a man flowers in a dream leads to inconsistent behavior in reality, wasting your energy in vain. Perhaps on a mental level you have switched roles, and he is behaving too softly, and you are being aggressive.
  4. But this image can also arise when a woman experiences a lack of attention from her partner or, conversely, is too cold and distant towards him.
  5. A loved one gives flowers in a dream - a good sign, especially when they are beautiful and healthy, and you experience sincere joy. This means either harmony between you or the first step towards it.
  6. An ex-boyfriend gives flowers either to the revival of a former affection, or to a new relationship when you finally completely let go of the past. The more melodramatic the plot, the more likely the dream indicates fantasies and a desire to return an old love.

Why do you dream about a bouquet of flowers?

Every woman loves to receive flowers. But men do not often pamper their chosen ones with such gifts, and the point is not that they are too economical, it’s just that not every man will show signs of attention in this way.

Receiving flowers as a gift is pleasant not only in reality, but also in a dream. Such a dream will cause a lot of positive emotions and will be remembered for a long time. It is important to remember the following details of the dream:

  • Whether they gave you a bouquet or you bought it yourself;
  • Who gave the bouquet;
  • What colors did it consist of?
  • What mood accompanied your dream;
  • For what purpose were you given the bouquet?

If you dream that you were given a bouquet of flowers, a pleasant meeting awaits you, an acquaintance that will soon develop into something more. If you dream that a bouquet was sent to you by mail, expect good news from afar.

If you dream that the postman brought you flowers from an unfamiliar boyfriend, this situation can happen in reality. It is also important to remember what flowers the bouquet consisted of and what condition they were in.

If all the flowers were fresh and fragrant, then there is no need to be afraid or worry, everything in your life will turn out wonderful. If the bouquet of flowers is withered, or completely dried out, an exacerbation of old forgotten problems is possible. You will need to work on yourself and on your past mistakes in order to avoid such mistakes in the future.

  1. If you dream that you are giving someone a bouquet, you will really want to please some person. This could be your close friend, buddy, colleague, or loved one.
  2. If you dream that you received a bouquet from your lover, your relationship will strengthen, but you should appreciate all his manifestations of love, as he may be offended by you due to misunderstanding. It is important to remember all the words with which the bouquet was presented to you. Most likely, these will be declarations of love. Perhaps these will be negative statements addressed to you, then you need to remember everything that was said to you in order to analyze whether perhaps you really made a mistake.

The dream can give you a hint on how to fix it.


Sad flower dreams

According to the dream book, flowers wilted is a big failure; perhaps in the recent past you made the wrong choice. The dream may portend illness. In some cases, when these flowers were somehow unpleasant or very ugly, then, on the contrary, soon a difficult situation in real life will change for the better.

A broken flower dreams of disappointment. Someone will deceive you or betray you, or simply not live up to your hopes. Do not despair, as this will sadden you for only a short time.

As the dream book says, dried flowers symbolize an empty life: when everything is excellent on the outside, but there is nothing inside. Carefully analyze your behavior and your desires, whether they really lead you to where you would like to go. This may be a sign of incipient depression, lack of vital energy; in reality, a person will lose the ability to rejoice for some time.

Flowers and death

  • If in a dream a dead person gives flowers, you are overly attached to the past. This image can arise when a person painfully tries to analyze it and in his thoughts builds a situation as it could have been if not for his incorrect behavior. Also, a dream is often a sign of the deceitfulness of a lucrative offer or the end of a certain period in life. Pay close attention to your health and exercise caution in an unfamiliar situation.
  • Giving flowers to a deceased person in a dream means that someone is interfering with the realization of your desires, and you are unconsciously trying to eliminate this person from your life. In fact, you have strong alien negative attitudes that prevent you from following your own path. Laying flowers on a grave at a funeral means the same thing. In some cases, it is also a sign of attachment to the past and an attempt to say goodbye to it.
  • Planting flowers on a grave in a dream symbolizes the need to make sacrifices in order to achieve goals. Someone is negatively influencing you, bending you to their will. Perhaps you are serving non-existent ideals.

Being pricked by rose thorns in a dream and other unpleasant moments associated with flowers, for example, the unpleasant smell of a flower in a dream, is a harbinger that someone will upset the dreamer, offend him in word or deed.

If you dreamed of flowers growing on rocky, barren land, then some sad event will disturb the sleeper, but he has enough optimism to overcome any negativity. And if in reality the sleeper experiences any difficulties, then, despite everything, he will have a reason for joy.

According to the dream book, wilted flowers in a pot are more likely to foretell news of someone's death.

Gardening and flower dreams

According to the dream book, planting flowers in the ground means strengthening one’s position, creating a family, and realizing one’s purpose. You will be able to preserve the best that life gives now and increase it. All efforts and hard work will be rewarded. Planting flowers also symbolizes creativity, useful activity, and a pleasant pastime.

  1. If the owner of the dream plants flowers - why dream of planting flowers, then this means a desire to change something in his life for the better, as well as a symbol of new beginnings, for the implementation of which it is necessary to take specific actions.
  2. Watering flowers in a dream means you will have to work a lot, but you are directing your energy in a constructive direction, and your efforts will definitely be rewarded. This is the personification of self-development and self-improvement, learning and development.
  3. According to the dream book, watering flowers in pots has the same meaning, but plus you are striving to preserve what you already have without sacrificing it, and you will succeed. Also, a dream may portend positive work on family or love relationships, emotional support for them.
  4. Replanting a flower in a pot means changing something in life of your own free will. Perhaps you will get a divorce and find a new family if the flower has changed beyond recognition. Often this symbolizes an attempt to save an old relationship, then in a dream the flower will become strong and healthy again after being transplanted.

Watering flowers on a windowsill in a dream means a period of fruitful work, which in turn will bring good results. Now it is important to be patient and not deviate from the intended goal.

What actions took place in the dream

Why dream of picking flowers - for fleeting pleasures. The dream may mean short-lived enjoyment of power and high position. Also, according to the dream book, picking flowers symbolizes sensual pleasures. For an innocent girl, a dream can predict the loss of virginity. Through this image, empty promises and unrealistic hopes given by someone reveal themselves.

  • Smelling flowers and enjoying their aroma usually means awakening your intuition. Your cherished wish will soon come true. A dream acquires a negative interpretation when the aroma of flowers is unpleasant.
  • Buying flowers in a dream symbolizes the delay of change. The amount of money paid will be equivalent to the period after which it will expire. Again, in order to get what you want, you will have to sacrifice something. If in a dream you go to a store to buy flowers, in reality you will find yourself in a situation of difficult choice, when the near future will depend on your final decision. You may have to be punished for earlier pleasures.
  • Selling flowers means giving creative energy to the service of material interests. Most likely, you are wasting it. Often a dream is a harbinger of adultery or simply a period of cooling between lovers.
  • Stealing flowers in a dream means getting rid of conventions and breaking attitudes. What you previously considered prohibited for yourself will now bring real pleasure. Also, a dream can foreshadow love adventures, previously unknown sensual pleasures.

To plant flowers

If you had to plant flowers in a dream, then such an action can be interpreted in different ways. Most often, such a dream foreshadows a prosperous and successful period of life. Soon the dreamer can expect to meet his soulmate, with whom a strong and happy family will be created in real life.

But if you have to plant flowers in wet and dirty soil, then this portends difficulties in business. But you should not despair, since the problems that arise will be completely surmountable.

Replant flowers

A dream in which you had to replant flowers indicates that it is unlikely that you will be able to relax in real life soon. You should prepare for significant changes, both in your personal and business life. Very often such a dream foreshadows a move or a long trip.


Flowers grow before our eyes

  1. A very good sign are the flowers that grow before your eyes in your night dreams. This portends the successful implementation of your plans in real life.
  2. If one of the partners had such a dream during a period of falling in love, then it indicates the creation of a happy family and the birth of healthy children.

Floral details

  • Wearing flowers on your head in disarray means not fully understanding your feelings, inability to sort them out.
  • A lily or rose in the hair symbolizes unripe femininity.
  • Putting a wreath of flowers on your head means a wedding or a change in social status. But if you get power, it will be imaginary or short-lived.

Why do you dream about flower seeds - interesting offers, new things to do, first steps towards change. How you dispose of them in a dream will predict your future. Sowing them on fertile soil, waiting for shoots, means making the right choice and directing your energy in the right direction. Scattering it to the wind or giving it to someone means missing out on good chances. Dreamed flower bulbs have the same interpretation as seeds.

Seeing flower seedlings in a dream means that soon you will begin to see and feel the fruits of your labors.

The sprout of a flower is a symbol of new life, do not miss the chance given to you, listen to your intuition, you are on the right path. Now it is very important to perceive the upcoming changes calmly, realizing their importance. The small steps you take now will soon turn into significant changes. The dream has a particularly positive interpretation for people walking the path of spiritual growth. The shoot of a flower in a dream will have the same meaning.

Seeing the roots of a flower in a dream means understanding the causes and essence of current difficulties, resetting your state of mind, and making room for something new. If you see only them, and for some reason the stems, leaves and inflorescences remain hidden to you, although they are there, then, on the contrary, you do not notice what is the cause of your problems.

  1. A tree with flowers also symbolizes new life, maturation, femininity and beauty. For a man, this image is rather negative, as it indicates inappropriate character traits and behavior, lack of initiative and timidity. A woman, seeing him, learns to understand herself, her sexuality and receives true joy from this.
  2. The flower bud symbolizes the feminine principle. If the dreamer is a man, this is how his shadow side manifests itself, the desire to be passive, the desire to receive more than to give. For a woman, this dream symbolizes awareness of her nature, the revelation of femininity or readiness for it, and a possible pregnancy.


Floral scent

  • When the appearance of flowers in a dream is accompanied by a pleasant smell, it means that positive changes are coming in real life.
  • But if you smell a cloying, irritating floral aroma, this indicates that you will have to become a victim of temptation in reality.
  • An aroma that is not typical for a certain type of flower should also alert you. Such a sign warns that in reality you are mistaken in your feelings for a person.


Why do you dream of flowers according to different dream books?

Miller's Dream Book

  1. If you see a bright and fresh flower in the garden in a dream, you can count on a pleasant pleasure or a very useful acquisition.
  2. A white flower symbolizes sadness and sad emotional experiences. A dried flower means trouble.
  3. If a girl in a dream receives a bouquet containing many different flowers, then this foreshadows a huge number of fans in the near future.
  4. A flower growing on infertile, unsightly soil - to sad, sorrowful events that can plunge you into despondency for a long time. However, this dream should put you in an optimistic mood: cheerfulness and energetic actions can lead to a happy turn in fate.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • If you pick a flower in a dream to make a bouquet, then in real life you can expect the prospect of understanding the world and understanding the surrounding reality.
  • Injuring or pricking your hand on a flower presented to you as a gift means severe mental and heart pain caused by the betrayal of a loved one.
  • A wilted flower portends health complications or separation from loved ones.
  • If in a dream you are planting flowers, then in real life you will have to perform a noble and wise deed.
  • If in a dream you were given an indoor flower in a pot as a gift, then in reality you will receive news or some details about the life of a deceased person.

Interpretation according to Freud

  1. The white flower, according to Freud, symbolizes female depravity, her promiscuity and inconsistency in her sexual life and choice of partners, and their frequent change.
  2. A red flower testifies to the girl’s innocence, her inexperience in sex and romance. However, you also dream of them for your upcoming period, especially if you think about them a lot.

If in a dream you pick or cut a flower, then in reality you are striving for self-satisfaction.

A flower given to a young man means that you want sexual contact with him. If you throw away a fresh flower, then your head is filled with thoughts about the upcoming breakup with your sexual partner.

The withered flower becomes a symbol of a woman's sexual experience and her past sexual interests.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

  • A delightful garden with a huge number of fragrant, beautiful flowers is a dream of an equally amazing and romantic meeting.
  • Wilted flowers are a harbinger of health problems and separation.
  • To dream that you are planting flowers in your garden is a wise and noble act on your part.
  • A dream in which you weave a wreath for yourself from any wild flowers means that you will soon meet your soulmate and there will be a wedding.


Women's dream book

Bright and fresh flowers in the garden are a sign of a romantic relationship or an unexpected meeting that can dilute the gray routine with bright colors. The dreamer in real life feels comfortable and feels spiritual harmony.

Withered or ugly flowers are harbingers of approaching health problems and troubles. Try to be a little more gentle with yourself.

White flowers symbolize sad events. If the dreamer plants flowers in a dream, then in life he will do a wonderful deed that will remain in the memory of many people for a long time.

Collecting flowers in a dream in order to later make a beautiful bouquet of them - not everything in this life is within the dreamer’s control. There is still a lot unknown to him, and within him an interest in things unfamiliar to him awakens. We can say that the dreamer will express a desire to comprehend the world around him.

  1. Weaving a wreath in a dream means a fateful meeting is just around the corner. Very soon the dreamer will find a soulmate and decide to tie the knot.
  2. If you prick yourself in a dream with rose thorns given by a young man, you will have to suffer a heavy blow from your loved ones. Perhaps this will be the last straw, which will push you to break off the relationship with your other half.
  3. The girl sees how numerous fans shower her with flowers. Unfortunately, such a dream promises loneliness and misunderstanding on the part of men. For a long time the girl will not be able to find the one in whose true intentions she will be sure.


Loff's Dream Book

In Loff's dream book, a flower symbolizes beauty. In order to correctly assess the omen, it is necessary to think through the color characteristics of the flowers in your dreams.

  • A red rose means love, yellow means friendship, white means purity and naivety, black means serious illness or death.
  • Lily can become evidence of renewal and upcoming rebirth.
  • The orchid speaks of your sensual sexuality, which will have a significant impact on upcoming events.
  • The daisy is evidence of indecision in feelings, and the narcissist is evidence of heightened self-love.

Dream Interpretation Maya

Ancient accounts of the Mayan civilization rated flowers in dreams as good omens. Why do you dream about a flower according to the Mayan dream book?

Planting and growing flowers foreshadowed favorable things in business and the help of the gods. After such a dream, it is necessary, according to representatives of the ancient Indian people, to make a sacrifice to the gods as gratitude: at midnight, make a small fire and throw flower petals there.

Indian dream book

The Indian dream book interprets a red flower in a dream as the upcoming successful completion of the work begun, as well as the possibility of some small difficulties that will be successfully resolved.

  1. The yellow flower symbolizes small and easily overcome difficulties that will arise in the process of implementing life plans.
  2. A white flower dreamed of in winter or at the end of autumn foreshadows a bad end to your endeavors and significant difficulties in achieving your goals.
  3. Smelling a rose is a good harbinger for healthy people, a long illness for sick people, and bad luck for criminals.
  4. Smelling a spice flower (sage, rosemary, etc.) predicts upcoming work, boredom and weakness.

Erotic dream book

  • A girl receives a beautiful bouquet from a huge assortment of flowers as a gift - in life she will not experience a lack of male attention.
  • Fresh and beautiful flowers are the birth of a new relationship. If this is a family man, there will be idyll and mutual understanding in his home.
  • Withered flowers symbolize parting. Perhaps the dreamer has long felt that he is experiencing a certain coldness and alienation towards a loved one. In the near future, some event may occur that will erase old feelings forever.

In a dream, a girl sees herself caring for roses and clearing them of weeds - romance and love live in her heart. If she picks a rose and makes a bouquet, you can expect a marriage proposal from a loved one. Interestingly, the girl herself has been waiting for this proposal for a long time and it will not be so unexpected for her.


Dream Interpretation of Medea

Flowers symbolize the beginning or end of a relationship.

A withered flower can promise separation from a loved one or a fatal illness in an elderly person.

Break or tear a flower - the family idyll will be destroyed. It will be extremely difficult for the dreamer to regain his former trust and harmony.

  1. Poppy - fall under the influence of a more authoritative person.
  2. Lily of the valley - the birth of new relationships with the opposite sex.
  3. Rose - happiness in love and romantic relationships.
  4. Chamomile - loved ones will be able to decorate your life with pleasant joys.
  5. Narcissist - stop being a selfish and hypocritical person. Gossip about you begins to arise among those around you.

Why do you dream of flowers according to the Chinese and Muslims?

In addition to the interpretations of the famous healer, the opinions of the sages of the East may also be interesting. For example, the Chinese believe that in a dream you should never share flowers with a loved one - this portends an imminent separation. It is also undesirable to see rumpled flowers or a bouquet in a dream. This may indicate that the wife is not going to remain faithful to her husband. But if flowers open on the grave of the deceased, then it is happiness to be in the family.

Finally, it is worth saying a few words about Islamic traditions in dream interpretation. Muslims believe that ordinary flowers portend peace and prosperity, while broken flowers portend trouble and sadness. In addition, if a person tears or breaks flowers in a dream, then in real life he commits bad actions that require correction.

Flowers are a classic gift option for any holiday that any woman is happy about. Why do you dream about fresh flowers?

Bright petals delight the eye from early spring to late autumn and are a symbol of warmth, joy and prosperity.

Potted plants decorate the home and tell us about a good housewife and a favorable atmosphere in the house.

Why do you dream about fresh flowers?? Let's figure it out.

In general, seeing fresh flowers in a dream is a good symbol; it speaks of upcoming joyful events, a long-awaited vacation or holidays, if the plants look good and grow in the garden or flowerbed.

For a girl a dream in which she is caring for a blooming flowerbed is an extremely favorable sign that speaks of her consciousness and concern for the future.

It is also good to simply look at plants in lush color - in the near future the dreamer will have good luck and a “white streak” in life. You should rejoice at such a dream, but do not forget to move in the same direction.

For a young man to see a lot of bright, living flowers it means to be the life of the party, to meet the expectations of relatives, and what is most likely: a new romantic relationship in which the dreamer will have the opportunity to get to know himself from a sensual sexual partner.

Picking flowers in the garden, collecting them in a bouquet for a gift- you will soon receive vivid impressions.

If the flowers have withered due to the onset of autumn, then the dream takes on a completely different meaning - autumn is a transitional stage, preparation for winter, and in life it will bring deliverance from everything unnecessary and experienced, in order to lead to a calm and measured course of events.

For a married woman to see a large number of beautiful flowers - a renewal of feelings with her husband, a sudden change for the better.

In the dreamer’s life, romantic dates will again appear, new emotions will appear, and a “rebirth” of marital relationships will appear.

It is necessary to be open to these changes, as they will bring their own pleasant adjustments to the established order of life. You shouldn’t resist them - it’s only for the better.

Receive a bouquet of fresh flowers as a gift- to unexpected and joyful events. The birth of a grandson or nephew is possible, as well as long-awaited trips and entertainment.

For a man, a dream about fresh flowers speaks about blossoming and fullness of strength, despite age. This is precisely the period when all worries will temporarily subside or become least significant for the dreamer.

So what does it mean - why do you dream of flowers? Women will pay attention to bachelors, among whom there will be exactly the one on whom they want to spend all their time. Married people will look at their spouse differently and appreciate her care and support.

Flowers will bring many new productive ideas to creative dreamers.– you shouldn’t grab everything at once, it’s better to write down and think about each step in order to achieve a good result.

However, the period of inspiration may be short, so you should not indulge in laziness.

Being among the bouquets in the flower pavilion- tendency towards polygamy. The dreamer's amorous affairs are going well, and the dream prophesies good luck in the future.

Children dream of fresh flowers, when the atmosphere in the family is most favorable, and in the future they will have good studies and a career.

Negative interpretation of a dream

Dream and reality are opposite things, and flowers may not always be a positive sign for the dreamer.

Withered petals promise illness and misfortune.

Drying flowers in a bouquet or in a flowerbed is a bad sign that means the loss of a loved one. This is not necessarily an omen of death, but a serious quarrel and separation is possible.

It’s also worth paying attention to your lifestyle, reconsidering your habits and, as they say, getting a grip on your head.

Dying plants dream of a series of failures and quarrels, depression and a feeling of powerlessness. The dreamer will have to expend a lot of moral strength to survive this period.

Children have wilted plants in their dreams symbolize discord in the home, nervous disorders and illnesses that parents do not pay attention to.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

The language of flowers has long been known. It was used to convey feelings, messages, invitations, express sympathy or regret, and declare love. These meanings were transferred to dreams. Seeing beautiful flowers in a dream foretells joyful meetings and receiving good news. A flower bed in a dream means that many pleasant events await you. A huge and colorful flowerbed in a dream predicts a lot of joy. Many bouquets in a dream are a harbinger of great sadness or grief because of loved ones. A lot of white flowers in a dream indicate the purity of your aspirations or predict the appearance of a fan who will sincerely love you.

If in a dream you are given white flowers, then expect complications in business due to your incompetence. Red flowers in a dream are a sign of success. A large bouquet of different flowers in a dream means that your life will be filled with various pleasant events and meetings. Flowers blooming before your eyes in a dream is a sign that your abilities will be appreciated by others and you will receive numerous praises. Fading, broken, discarded flowers in a dream predict losses, failures, speak of the futility of hopes and failures in love. See scent and flowers by name.

Cutting a flower in a dream is a sign of the tenderness you feel for your lover. Picking a flower in a dream is a sign of quick profit or crazy passion. Seeing plants and trees in bloom is a harbinger of good changes and good news. If in a dream you see that a rare, outlandish flower has bloomed in your home, then the dream indicates that you have a rare talent or abilities that will meet with the support or approval of others. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows fame and fortune.

If you dreamed of an acacia tree, it is a symbol of pure love and tenderness.

If you dreamed of an aster - cunning, deceit (needle-shaped). Multi-colored asters in a dream predict many varied and pleasant experiences. Marigolds - commemoration of the dead.

If you dreamed of a cornflower, this is a sign of modesty.

If you dreamed of heather, it means solitude.

If you dreamed of cherries (flowers), this predicts that good hopes will come true.

If you dreamed of a carnation, it is a symbol of dignity and honor.

Hyacinth is his. flowers in a dream foretell fun, meetings with friends, joy.

If you dreamed of hydrangea, it symbolizes frivolity and beauty.

If you dreamed of jasmine, this means the affection of loved ones.

If you dreamed of a chestnut tree in bloom, this portends justice, the restoration of justice.

If you dreamed of a water lily, this means recognition, explanation.

If you dreamed of a lily of the valley, this is a sign of innocent pranks, harmless coquetry.

If you dreamed of a lily, it is a symbol of purity, holiness, and innocence. Smelling lilies in a dream means getting married soon.

If you dreamed of a poppy, it is a symbol of peace, humility, and platonic love.

If you dreamed of a daisy, this portends reciprocity of feelings, if you see it in a flowerbed or someone presents you with a daisy. A dream in which you see daisies in a field or meadow is considered favorable. Such a dream portends you happiness and good health. A bouquet of daisies in a dream is a sign of gratitude, tenderness, and emotional experiences. It is believed that seeing daisies at another time is an unfavorable dream that foretells misfortune, grief and disappointment.

If you dreamed of a narcissist, this is a symbol of ambition and narcissism. After a dream about narcissists, do not expect your lover to be devoted to you. His love, rather, promises you grief and disappointment.

If you dreamed of forget-me-nots, this is a symbol of memories of past feelings, a loved one or a loved one. If you dream that your loved one gave you forget-me-nots, then you can count on his devotion.

If you dreamed of marigolds, these are harbingers of deep mental suffering.

If you dreamed of a dandelion, this symbolizes a prophetic gift, a premonition of trouble. But to see them in a dream in large numbers on a beautiful green lawn in a dream is a sign of a favorable combination of circumstances and good luck.

If you dreamed of peonies, these are harbingers of regret and shame due to mistakes made. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows happiness in love.

If you dreamed of snowdrops, this is a sign of rebirth, new hopes, and consolation in sadness.

If you dreamed of a sunflower, it means boundless devotion and fidelity.

If you dreamed about mignonette. Her flowers in a dream mean a secretive character.

If you dreamed of a rose, it means love and beauty. The smell of roses in a dream is a sign of well-being. For patients, such a dream portends a deterioration in their condition, and for criminals it threatens them with exposure.

If you dream of a chamomile, this means uncertainty and associated experiences, suffering, and grief.

If you dreamed of a tulip, this foreshadows a meeting with a proud and narcissistic person with whom you will fall in love. Plucking it in a dream foreshadows the fulfillment of a desire and subsequent suffering. Tulips on your table in a dream are a sign that your frivolous behavior will not bring you any good and those around you will begin to gossip about you.

If you dreamed of a violet, it is a symbol of modesty, a pleasant appearance, behind which turbulent feelings are hidden.

If you dreamed of rose hips (flowers), this means that you will be filled with sublime, romantic feelings. See wreath.

Why do you dream of flowers according to the dream book - "Vanga's Dream Book"

Collecting a bouquet of flowers in a dream:
If in a dream you pick flowers to make a bouquet of them, in real life this dream means your introduction to knowledge and understanding of the world.

Pricking yourself on a presented bouquet in a dream:
A dream in which you pricked your hand on flowers given to you means that in reality you will experience severe mental and heart pain due to the betrayal of a loved one.

If you dreamed of trampled flowers in the garden:
If you dreamed that someone trampled flowers in your garden, this foreshadows the machinations of enemies who will do everything possible to prevent you from receiving the information you need.

If you dreamed about a lot of indoor flowers:
In a dream, you saw a large number of indoor flowers in your house - this symbolizes the secrecy of feelings.

If you dreamed of a garden of beautiful flowers:
You dreamed of a beautiful garden full of unusually beautiful flowers, you inhale their wonderful aroma. This dream foreshadows an unusual, romantic meeting for you in reality.

If you dreamed of withered flowers:
Withered flowers in a dream predict health problems and separation.

Planting flowers in a dream:
A dream in which you plant flowers in your garden means that in reality you will perform a noble and wise act.

They shower you with flowers in a dream:
If in a dream you see fans literally showering you with flowers, in real life this indicates that your mental loneliness may drag on. Your inflated claims will most likely remain unrealized.

Weaving a wreath of wildflowers in a dream:
In a dream, you are weaving a wreath of wildflowers for yourself - this dream indicates that you will soon meet your love and create a happy family.

Give a flower in a pot in a dream:
A dream in which you receive a flower as a gift in an indoor pot means that you will receive news of a deceased person.

Why do you dream of flowers according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

If you dreamed of flowers, this represents the blossoming of feelings or their fading. If you dreamed of withered flowers - old age, dead feelings. If you dreamed of a broken flower, it is a sign of sadness, grief, or a break in relationships. If you dreamed of a poppy, you can be persuaded. If you dreamed of a lily of the valley, it means the birth of a new feeling. If you dreamed of a narcissist, don’t be selfish, but don’t sacrifice yourself completely. If you dreamed of a rose - happiness in love. If you dreamed of a chamomile - small joys. If you dreamed of a sunflower - admiration for authority, a change in position. If you dreamed of a flower bed or flower garden, a pleasant event will not keep you waiting. If you dreamed of a greenhouse, it foretells the acquisition of works of art. If you dreamed of wild or forest flowers, it is a sign of sadness and loss. If you dreamed of homemade flowers in pots, it means finding hope. If you dreamed of unopened flowers, your cherished wish will soon come true. If you dreamed of a bouquet of flowers - a love adventure. Picking flowers in a dream means well-being and contentment. Smelling flowers in a dream means good news awaits you.

Why do you dream of flowers according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed that you were admiring flowers - to great joy; receiving flowers as a gift in a dream - someone will declare their love for you; making a bouquet of flowers in a dream means great joy; if you dreamed of wilted flowers - to a slight malaise; planting flowers in a dream means starting a new business; watering flowers in a dream - you will make new plans; if you dreamed of an aster - to failure to fulfill a desire; if you dreamed of dahlias - to accidental wealth; if you dreamed of a carnation - to great success; if you dreamed of a daisy - to true friendship; if you dreamed of mignonette - fortunately in love; if you dreamed of a rose - to great love; if you dreamed of forget-me-nots - to strong friendship; if you dreamed of beautiful flowers - to joy.

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