Register of insurance organizations - insurers, reinsurers, brokers. Rating of MTPL insurance companies Auto insurance all companies

Public Joint Stock Company Insurance Company Rosgosstrakh

1. insurance against accidents and illnesses
2. health insurance
3. insurance of ground transport (except for railway transport)
4. insurance of railway transport vehicles
5. insurance of air transport vehicles
6. insurance of water transport vehicles
7. cargo insurance
8. agricultural insurance (insurance of crops, crops, perennial plants, animals)
9. insurance of property of legal entities, with the exception of vehicles and agricultural insurance
10. insurance of citizens’ property, with the exception of vehicles
11. civil liability insurance for vehicle owners
12. civil liability insurance of aircraft owners
13. insurance of civil liability of owners of water transport vehicles
14. civil liability insurance for organizations operating hazardous facilities
15. insurance of civil liability for damage caused by defects in goods, works, services
16. insurance of civil liability for damage to third parties
17. business risk insurance
18. financial risk insurance
19. insurance of civil liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract
20. civil liability insurance of owners of railway vehicles
21. reinsurance
22. compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner of a hazardous facility for damage caused by an accident at a hazardous facility
23. compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners
24. voluntary personal insurance, with the exception of voluntary life insurance
25. voluntary property insurance
26. compulsory insurance of the carrier’s civil liability for damage caused to the life, health, and property of passengers during transportation
27. compulsory state insurance of life and health of military personnel, citizens called up for military training, private and commanding personnel of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service, employees of institutions and bodies of the penal system, employees of the National Guard of the Russian Federation
28. compulsory state insurance of life and health of military personnel, citizens called up for military training, private and commanding personnel of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, employees of institutions and penal authorities systems as amended by the Federal Law dated July 3, 2016

The main indicator by which the rating of insurance companies for CASCO is compiled is the reliability of the company, the ease of obtaining compensation, as well as the cost of the services offered. Depending on who compiles this list, certain additional factors may be taken into account.

The general rating of insurance companies for CASCO is compiled on the basis of statistical data obtained from both companies and users. An important role is played by the assessment of expert bureaus and the number of trials.

Insurer rating agencies represented in Russia

Unlike compulsory insurance, CASCO insurance is purchased at will. It is because of this that special attention is paid to the choice of company. In order to choose a company, you can consider several ratings. First of all, this is an expert opinion compiled by the well-known rating agency RAEX (or Expert RA). When compiling this list, the financial condition of the company is taken into account, as well as the effectiveness of investment risk management and the overall rating of the company.

Also known judicial and popular ratings. In the first case, the top shows which companies are most likely to meet in court in order to obtain the due compensation. The people's rating is determined directly by the clients of certain CASCO agencies themselves.

Reliability parameters by which insurers are assessed

What factors do citizens and professional rating agencies pay attention to? First of all, on the financial reliability of the company (based on data from the Central Bank and the Federal Tax Service). Secondly, this is the quantity and speed of payments under insurance contracts.

The number of branches, the speed of an expert’s departure in the event of an accident, the possibility of remote assessment and the number of trials also play an important role. Rating agencies take into account all these parameters, while ordinary car owners, as a rule, give ratings solely depending on their own experience and impressions.


Let's look at the top 5 companies offering CASCO insurance, according to the Expert RA rating for 2019.

Renaissance InsuranceruAA+
Reso GarantruAA+

The ruAAA rating indicates that the company is a leader with the highest degree of reliability and the most preferential insurance rules. The ruAA+ rating also guarantees receipt of the due compensation in the amount and within the time frame specified in the contract.

It should be noted that the percentage of appeals to the court is also influenced by the number of citizens directly insured by a given company. The greater the number of cars insured under CASCO, the higher the likelihood that a conflict will occur and one of the parties will sue.

These indicators can help newbies decide on companies, as well as initially exclude offers from the most problematic insurers.

Key players in the auto insurance market in Russia

All companies presented in the above ratings are large organizations with offers not only regarding CASCO insurance, but also other services.

Among all the others, there are several main “players” in the market:

  • Alpha insurance;
  • Renaissance Insurance;
  • Tinkoff Insurance;
  • VTB Insurance.

Why do we separately note the role of these insurance organizations? The fact is that these companies are primarily banking institutions that also provide MTPL and CASCO insurance, both for their clients and for everyone.

It is necessary to take into account the volume of cars that are issued on credit or lease in these banks. Obviously, any such vehicle is subject to full insurance against accidents, theft, etc., that is, CASCO registration. Considering that each bank offers and insists on drawing up an agreement with its own insurance company, it should be noted how profitable and safe it is.
The ratings and assessments of experts regarding the above insurance companies prove that regardless of whether you have a loan and whether you are obliged to take out CASCO from these companies, CASCO is carried out on the most favorable terms.

Also one of the main leaders among all insurance companies is Ingosstrakh. One of the first organizations on the market over many years has proven that it works exactly as agreed and there are almost never any difficulties with receiving compensation.

Rating of insurance companies for CASCO payments

First of all, any car owner who has taken such a step and insured his car against all ills is interested in payment under CASCO if the need arises. No matter how strange it may seem, the indicators of rating agencies often differ from the ratings of motorists.

This also happens due to the fact that a person considers solely how the insurance company communicated with him and what compensation was in his case, and also due to the fact that even the best company can sometimes reduce the amount of payment. It should be understood that the task of rating agencies is to take into account all aspects of companies, while motorists are interested separately in their insured event.

  1. Rosgosstrakh.
  2. RESO Guarantee.
  3. Agreement.
  4. SOGAZ.
  5. INGOSstrakh.
  6. Alpha Fear.
  7. Renaissance-Fear.
  8. Alliance Insurance.
  9. VTB Insurance.

Top 10 companies according to motorists

The public rating is based mainly on the opinions of motorists, as well as on the overall impression of working with an insurance company. This rating of CASCO insurance companies was compiled in 2019, taking into account all the ratings and reviews of real clients.

  1. INGOSstrakh.
  2. Zetta.
  3. RESO insurance.
  4. Liberty.
  5. Agreement.
  6. Alpha insurance.
  7. SOGAZ.
  8. URALsib.
  9. Tinkoff insurance.
  10. Max.

As can be noted, according to this list, one of the undisputed and most firmly established leaders in the market is the Ingosstrakh company, which is in the TOP, both among the people's choice and from the professional side.

Having studied all the rating data, as well as real reviews from car owners, even a beginner can easily decide which company will best suit his requirements and wishes. There are several factors that should also be considered before insuring your car:

  1. Ratings do not always provide guarantees. Unfortunately, even companies with an ideal reputation and excellent ratings can from time to time behave differently from what was written about them in reviews. This largely depends on the manager and employee of a particular office. In any case, it is recommended to take additional insurance and carefully study the insurance contract before signing it. Don't trust only positive reviews.
  2. Having an office in your region is an extremely important factor that many people forget about. In the event of an accident or any problem, you will have to visit the office yourself to receive compensation, clarify details, etc. In addition, how quickly an expert will arrive depends on the distance of the organization. Therefore, be sure to consider this aspect before registration.

Before insuring a car, many motorists look at the ratings of MTPL insurance companies that provide insurance services. This allows you to choose the best insurer. After all, rating developers focus not only on the financial performance of companies, but also on reviews from real clients. The ratio of payments to refusals and the average amount of compensation are also taken into account. This is important, because according to the Central Bank, about 2.7 million people applied for compensation under MTPL policies. True, 3.4% of requests were refused.

Main evaluation criteria

According to Law No. 40-FZ of April 25, 2002, owners of any vehicles must insure their motor vehicle liability. This is stated in Art. 4 of the said law. You can choose the best insurer if you look at the ratings of companies.

To evaluate the activities of companies that deal with insurance, several criteria are taken. This comprehensive approach allows us to create the most objective rating. Taken into account:

  • reliability of the company;
  • size of the authorized capital;
  • reviews and evaluation of the insurer’s activities by real clients;
  • the amount of insurance payments.

Depending on performance indicators, certain rating categories are assigned. The highest indicator is “A”. It can only be obtained by reliable companies, which immediately pay compensation when an insured event occurs.

A “B” rating is given to those firms that do not have problems with liquidity, but have delays in payments. It is not recommended to consider organizations that received a “C”, “D” or “E” based on the results of the analysis.

  • Class A++ Exceptionally high level of reliability
  • Class A+ Very high level of reliability.
  • Class A High level of reliability.
  • Class B++ Satisfactory level of reliability.
  • Class B+ Low level of reliability.
  • Class B Low level of reliability.
  • C++ class Very low level of reliability.
  • Class C+ Unsatisfactory level of reliability.
  • Class C Failure to fulfill obligations.
  • Class D Bankruptcy.
  • Class E Revocation of license (not at the initiative of the company).

Rules for choosing an insurance company

It is advisable to choose a company that has been insuring civil liability of car owners for several years. You should only trust those who have been assigned an “A” reliability rating. The official rating of MTPL companies is based on financial statements and information from the Central Bank. They do not allow an objective assessment of the work of insurers.

Periodicals on automotive topics and statistical companies sometimes create their own “popular” ratings. They are based on reviews from car owners.

Rating agencies

There are several agencies in Russia that compile their own lists of the most reliable companies.

Expert RA evaluates:

  • volumes of work of insurance companies;
  • amount of capital;
  • ratio of positive/negative decisions on payments.

Reliable companies are usually assigned an A++ score. They have a stable development forecast. With a high degree of probability, we can assume that the situation will not change in subsequent years.

Expert rating of insurance companies for compulsory motor liability insurance

Insurance Company reliability payout level likelihood of legal action reviews final rating
AIG 4,5 21% 2,32% 4 3,8
Alfa insurance 4,3 43% 0,67% 2 3,9
Alliance /former ROSNO 3,6 110% 4,65% 3 3
VSK 4,1 45% 8,51% 2 3,1
VTB Insurance 4,6 29% 10,47% 3 3,5
Ingosstrakh 4,6 56% 0,13% 2 4
MAX 4,5 92% 13,83% 2 3,4
RESO-Garantiya 4,4 52% 1,41% 2 3,9
Rosgosstrakh 4,6 52% 13,09% 1 3,3
SOGAZ 4,8 53% 1,37% 2 4,2

Reliability, reviews (negative) and the final rating are calculated on a five-point scale.

Reliability rating of insurance companies according to OSAGO

  • SOGAZ - 4.8
  • ERGO - 4.7
  • VTB Insurance - 4.6
  • Ingosstrakh - 4.6
  • Rosgosstrakh - 4.6
  • AIG / former Chartis - 4.5
  • Surgutneftegaz - 4.5
  • MAX - 4.5
  • RESO-Garantiya - 4.4
  • Chulpan - 4.4
  • Spassky Gate - 4.4
  • RSHB-Insurance - 4.4

Rating of insurance companies for MTPL payments

Insurance Company Average payment under compulsory motor liability insurance
Geopolis RUB 118,333
Verna RUB 103,440
Alliance RUR 86,338
Welfare General insurance 80,000 ₽
Muscovy RUB 72,751
Strizh them. S. Zhivago RUB 71,667
ASKO RUB 71,203
Renaissance Insurance RUB 70,846
Moscow region RUB 70,435
Rosgosstrakh 69,362 RUR

People's rating of insurance companies

  • JSC "Intach Insurance"
  • Renaissance Insurance
  • AlfaInsurance
  • Zetta Insurance
  • Yugoria
  • Soldier
  • Ingosstrakh
  • Tinkoff Insurance
  • UralSib Insurance
  • BIN Insurance
  • RESO-Garantiya
  • Energy guarantor
  • Agreement
  • MAX
  • Rosgosstrakh

Assessment and analysis of the activities of the insurance company

Video: Analysis of insurance companies and how to choose the right one

The best insurance companies in Moscow

Experts, based on Central Bank statistics, assessed the activities of various companies and created a list.

The leading position is held by the joint venture "ZHASO". She has a minimal failure rate (only 0.5%). The amount of her compensation is also not large and on average amounts to almost 45 thousand rubles. And this is less than the average level of compensation by 3 thousand rubles. According to RAEX and RA Expert, the company has been assigned an exceptionally high level of A++. Total annual contributions for compulsory motor liability insurance amount to 2.5 million rubles.

The results of the Ugoria company are no worse. They denied refunds to 0.7% of their customers. The amount of their contributions is 3.1 million rubles. The main shareholder of the company is Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. But this does not mean that it only works within its limits. The company has more than 60 representative offices in the Federation. The average amount of payments is 44 thousand rubles. But according to RA “Expert” the company was given an “A” rating, its rating is under observation. Analysts say it is a growing company.

IC "MAX" has been on the market since 1992. But she has been involved in compulsory motor liability insurance since 2003. After all, this type of activity requires a special license. This is stated in Art. 1 of Law 40-FZ of April 25, 2002. 0.8% of applied clients are rejected by IC MAX. The amount of average insurance compensation for this company is small - 35.4 thousand rubles. According to the analysis of RA Expert, this is a reliable company with a stable development forecast. Under the MTPL program, the amount of contributions to IC MAX is 3.7 billion rubles.

SD "VSK" is one of the largest in the Federation, clients under compulsory motor liability insurance brought in 18.2 billion rubles. The Military Insurance Company has already twice received gratitude from the President for its work. But in terms of the number of refusals, it ranks 4th - 1.4%. According to the indicators, the average amount of compensation is 42 thousand rubles. RA "Expert" confirms the reliability of this insurance house. It is rated "A++".

Firm failure rates "Alpha Insurance" the same as for SD "VSK". Their average payment amount is slightly lower - 41.8 thousand rubles. The total amount of their contributions is 10.6 billion rubles. This is a company that was assigned an “A++” rating by Expert RA. Her developmental prognosis is stable.

The amount of insurance payments in SAC "Energogarant" slightly higher – 45.6 thousand rubles. But they refuse 1.5% of clients who apply. Judging by the total amount of contributions, the company is not very popular. The total amount of insurance under MTPL is 2.8 billion rubles.

Uralsib offers a fairly high average amount of compensation - almost 51 thousand rubles. But this organization refuses 1.9% of its clients. 6 billion rubles were raised under compulsory motor liability insurance policies. The Expert rating agency assesses the reliability level of Uralsib as “A+”. It was increased, and the further development forecast is stable.

A subsidiary of an oil production company is popular Transneft with the same name. Since 2013, its owner has been the SOGAZ company. According to RA Expert, since 2011 it has held the position “A++”. But her payments are small - the average amount of compensation is 17.5 thousand rubles. She refuses 2.4% of clients. But few take insurance from her. The total amount of investments under MTPL policies is 0.4 billion rubles.

SPAO "Ingosstrakh" gives a refusal to 3.3% of people who apply. Their compensation averages 40.5 thousand rubles. The total amount of insurance under MTPL policies is 15.5 billion rubles. This is a reliable company with an A++ rating and a stable forecast for further development.

One of the most famous is Rosgosstrakh. If we evaluate the size of insurance premiums, this is one of the largest companies. They equal 77 billion rubles. Also, PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh has one of the largest amounts of compensation - it is equal to 53.6 thousand rubles. True, 3.5% of all applicants are denied compensation for losses. The company has maintained the A++ reliability level, according to RA Expert, since 2008.

But that's not all rated insurers are. Don't forget about "RESO-guarantee" with an A++ rating. The amount of insurance premiums for compulsory motor liability insurance is quite large and amounts to 27.6 billion rubles. But they have a high number of refusals – 4.8%. The amount of compensation is 43.8 thousand rubles.

The average level of insurance claims for the Renaissance-Insurance group is quite large. They pay almost 53 thousand rubles. But 5.1% of those who applied refuse to pay compensation.

When choosing an insurance company, you need to take all this data into account. This is the only way to choose the best insurer, who will definitely pay the due compensation when an insured event occurs.

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