Dream interpretation of kissing a friend on the lips. Why do you dream about kissing on the lips? Interesting interpretations of dreams

What does a dream in which you kiss a man on the lips portend? Various dream books provide interpretations, which we will consider in this article. Try to remember the slightest details of the dream plot. The interpretation of dream books depends on who the person you rewarded with a kiss is to you and the environment.

What does a kiss in a dream mean?

Popular dream books give the following meanings:

  • Kissing with stranger? Expect a pleasant surprise
  • Watching someone else's kiss from the outside? Be careful - you will soon be drawn into a risky adventure. Don't give in to tempting offers from strangers
  • Kiss and feel euphoric? Are you happy and comfortable in your sleep? Soon life will change for the better - a certain person will appear who will make a pleasant surprise
  • The kiss was unpleasant, and the partner is repulsive? Expect close troubles and bad news
  • In a dream kiss your loved one? A good sign is that your relationship is harmonious, communication brings only positive emotions, together you feel easy and comfortable. Most likely, your partner is the one with whom you will forever connect your life
  • In real life you recently broke up with your other half, had a fight or misunderstanding? Then a dream in which you kiss your chosen one promises a quick reconciliation. Relationships will reach a new level, you will learn to understand and accept each other
  • Kissing an enemy in a dream? Or just an unpleasant person, a rival, a competitor? Such a dream means that you are subconsciously ready to reconcile and resolve the conflict. Subconsciously, hostility has already arrived, all that remains is to talk and sort things out
  • Kissing a friend, to whom you have no romantic attachment in your life? Such a dream is a sign of a lack of vivid emotions and impressions in real life. It's time for adventure and relaxation - take a vacation, go on a trip, or at least have a fun party and invite friends
  • In a dream a man kisses you, with whom you are unrequitedly in love? This is a favorable sign. Very soon you will begin to feel dizzy, full of vivid emotions and experiences. But the chosen one will not be the current beloved, but a completely different person. You will be happy in any case, forget about unrequited love and plunge into a new relationship
  • Kiss in your sleep an unfamiliar girl? The meaning of the dream is not very favorable. A series of troubles and conflicts in the family and at work will soon begin. Relationships with your spouse and colleagues will deteriorate. Think about your behavior - perhaps you are too harsh, intolerant, constantly start quarrels, prefer to solve any problem with a scandal
  • In the kingdom of Morpheus you are passionate kiss your best friend? This is also a bad sign, promising an imminent conflict. Avoid quarrels, try not to find fault with your loved ones over trifles, be calmer and more patient. The outcome of the conflict depends only on your behavior
  • I dreamed of a kiss with ex-young man? Perhaps you still have tender feelings for him. Try to forget your ex as soon as possible - this relationship is in the past and will not be able to be renewed. You need to saturate your life with bright adventures as much as possible. Look for new places to spend time, find a hobby or activity that will captivate you and take up all your free time.
  • If a kiss happened in a dream, but you couldn't see the person's face kissed, this is a good sign. In the near future you will meet a new person who will radically change your life. Perhaps it will be a future husband or a potential employer

These interpretations are given in most popular dream books. But the meanings of dreams are approximate - do not take them too seriously, do not set yourself up for the worst.

Psychologists' opinion

Psychologists are skeptical about interpretations from dream books. It’s not surprising - the best psychotherapists have been studying dreams for a long time. They believe that any night vision is the work of the subconscious, which needs to unload the brain and throw out the emotions experienced during the day.

But psychologists do not deny that dreams can be projections of real desires, premonitions. Therefore, a kiss can mean a subconscious desire for love from a specific person (with whom you are kissing). In real life, you like him and you dream of getting closer.

A kiss in a dream can be prophetic if the person from the dream is your real acquaintance with whom communication has just begun. If you flirt, arrange dates in a romantic setting, then in a dream the subconscious draws a logical picture of the continuation of events.

It happens that you remember a dream for a long time with a smile on your face. One of these dreams is a kiss. Kissing a man on the lips in a dream is interpreted differently in different dream books. Even small details will influence the meaning of the dream, which is why you will have to work hard and remember them. Some of the most important details are: the place of the kiss and the person you are kissing.

Interpretation of a dream: details

It is difficult to logically explain the process of kissing and the pleasure from it; only someone who has been kissed at least once can understand this.

Very often, a dream in which you had to kiss carries some information about love affairs, tips and advice. We live and don’t even realize how important such a gentle and pleasant intimate gesture is.

There is no doubt that a kiss expresses a person's sincere love and affection, but you need to look at who you kissed and under what circumstances, only in this case can you understand the person's true intentions and attitude towards you.

Interpretation for girls and women

It's quite nice to kiss a man on the lips even in a dream, but only if it did not cause disgust or negative emotions. However, what does such a dream promise? Many dream books associate this dream with communication, but the meaning of the dream changes depending on the man next to you and your feelings:

All people sometimes make mistakes, then they regret the mistake they made. This is especially true for people in love. Love sometimes pushes people into stupidity and rash actions, which people later regret. Very often, pride stands in the way of bright and warm relationships, which prevents you from taking the first step that will help in reconciliation. This is evidenced by a dream in which the dreamer very passionately kisses her chosen one. If such a dream visited you at night, this is a sign from above, you should talk to your boyfriend, forgive each other and no longer break up because of pride.

Kiss on the lips

A kiss is a manifestation of feelings, a fairly common action in everyday life. The dream book deciphers a kiss with a man on the lips, starting from some details of the dream. Many interpreters boil it down to the fact that relationships with the opposite sex are not going well, and your sex life is boring in complete solitude. You should expect changes in your personal life if you have seen a kiss on the lips of strangers.

You may often dream that you have to kiss a girl on the lips in a dream. Such a dream tells the stronger sex about his sexual desire. If in your dream the girl was familiar to you, then it is she who you lack for complete satisfaction, but if the girl is completely unfamiliar to you, then you are sexually dissatisfied. You should think about what kind of people surround you, this is indicated by a dream in which a kiss takes place in public. The dream book suggests that there is a person in your environment who can easily betray and set you up. He also lays claim to your material assets..

An intimate gesture with your significant other

A dream in which you kiss your husband/wife does not bode well at all. However, this applies only to married people; in different cases the interpretation will be different:

The dream book will even give one piece of advice: immediately after you wake up, kiss your chosen one or chosen one, pay a little attention and show tenderness. Give your other half a pleasant surprise: flowers, a delicious breakfast, offer to do something that your other half is interested in. Your chosen one will be very happy with such attention, and you won’t mind spending time next to your loved one.

Kiss with a friend

Kissing a girlfriend or boyfriend in a dream - take a closer look at the person who was in the dream. It is quite possible that this particular person can become your companion or life partner.

If this person already has a soulmate, or the relationship is unrealistic due to the fact that you live in different countries, then this person simply needs your help and support. Help with good advice, set the expectation that everything will work out and everything will be fine. Be patient, your friend may not be communicating very actively with you, or may be in a bad mood, but he or she is really having a hard time right now, so be lenient.

You are very attached and understand your friend, this is evidenced by a dream in which you kiss your boyfriend or girlfriend of the same sex.

You are almost always close to each other, you don’t even have to worry about betrayal, you are very close. You need to appreciate such friends, maintain the same warm relationships and develop them. It’s very difficult to find real friends now, those who are ready to go to the ends of the world with you. You are truly a lucky person if you have such a friend.

You're watching from the sidelines

You are an observer, you see someone else kissing. It is important to remember one detail, how do these people kiss? It doesn’t really matter who it was: a person you know or a person you don’t know. The overall meaning of the dream promises minor troubles and troubles. There is a high probability that you will be drawn into some dubious or even “dirty” business. If a woman dreams of her man being kissed by a lady she doesn’t know, she should be a little vigilant. Such a dream promises some business behind her back or betrayal and deception of people close to her.

Unfamiliar man or woman

If in the dream the man was unfamiliar to you, then the meaning of the dream changes slightly. The dream book deciphers kissing a man on the lips as a new acquaintance with interesting people of the opposite sex. For a man, a kiss with a stranger promises a new acquaintance with a girl. There is a high probability that your relationship will not end, but will develop into something serious. Perhaps even before exchanging rings and having children.

Such a dream can also warn of sexual intercourse with an unfamiliar person. But you shouldn’t hope for something more, this sexual relationship will not mean anything and it will not end in a relationship.

It would be worth worrying about your reputation if in a dream you kissed a stranger much older than you. Don’t trust just anyone, take a closer look at the people around you. At work, don’t talk too much and don’t trust someone else to do your job, they might deliberately annoy you.

Such a dream is also explained as a quick valuable find in the near future. But this find will not bring joy, since rather unfavorable changes in life are coming. Perhaps soon you will have a very strong quarrel with someone close to you; a very difficult period in life is coming, which is worth somehow getting through. Rethink your life principles. Positive thinking will help you quickly cope with all problems and conflicts.


A passionate kiss in a dream has different meanings, which also depend on the location. What a dream can mean, based on the scene of action:

A kiss, no matter with whom or where, is associated with relationships. It’s not surprising, because without this gesture there’s nowhere in a relationship. It is worth listening to the advice of the dream book so that you can keep your family life safe and sound.

Attention, TODAY only!

A kiss is a manifestation of the feelings of one person for another. What the dream book says: a kiss on the lips with a man or guy is definitely an important and positive sign. They can be friendly, but most of the time when we hear this word, we imagine two people loving each other. During a kiss, we are completely open and defenseless, and this is a gift that lovers give to their halves. Our subconscious perceives a kiss as a symbol of trust, complete acceptance of another person, and this is undoubtedly reflected in the interpretation of the symbolism of a kiss in dreams.

What does it mean if you dreamed of kissing a man on the lips? Interpretation of the meaning of such a dream.

Remember the environment in which the kiss took place. If this happened at night, in a dark room, or simply in a gloomy atmosphere, this is a warning that you are in danger, possibly associated with debauchery. If you kissed in the light - during the day, under bright lamps, with many lights, this shows that in the relationship you are driven only by noble motives.

What dream books write about kissing a man on the lips

If in your dream you kissed on the lips with a man you know, in life this shows the development of your relationship. And the interpretation occurs depending on what kind of relationship you have with this man in reality.

  • If in a dream you kiss your ex-husband on the lips, then the authors of some dream books disagree. In Miller's dream book, English and Gypsy dream books, this foreshadows troubles in a relationship with him, and may also be an indicator that you do not know your “acting” husband or boyfriend as well as you would like. But the authors of the new family dream book are confident that such a dream, on the contrary, is a sign of harmonious family relationships in reality.
  • If you kissed a person with whom you are on bad terms in life, then troubles in the future are associated with the activities of other people.
  • According to the esoteric dream book, If an acquaintance kissed you, he is in danger of trouble.

What dream books write about kissing a guy on the lips

If you had a kiss in a dream, what does it mean?

Why dream of kissing a guy on the lips? Most likely, outsiders will influence the course of your relationship with this person in the near future, and not for the better. Or this guy is starting to have a streak of troubles in his life.

  • Kissing a stranger.
    Why dream of a kiss on the lips with a guy you personally don’t know? In answer to this question, many sources agree - if you kiss a stranger, then you are a very frivolous person, not burdened by high moral principles. And this is what will form the basis of your problems. It is worth reconsidering your views on life and relationships with people, and then it will be possible to avoid many unpleasant situations.
  • Kiss the guy you like.
    Why dream of kissing a guy you like on the lips? If you kiss a person you like, but have not yet been able to get close, you will achieve your goal, you just need to be bolder, and this does not only mean love. Direct all the power of your charm to those around you - and all peaks will be conquered by you.

Interpretation of this dream according to various dream books

Miller's Dream Book

According to this dream book, a kiss with a man or guy indicates your frivolous actions in terms of morality. Kissing your husband in a dream means a harmonious and cloudless married life. If a young lady is caught by surprise while kissing a fan, in reality she should be wary of fake friends who may commit an inappropriate act. When asked why you dream of kissing an acquaintance on the lips, Miller’s dream book gives the following answer: pleasures and strong friendships await you.

Freud's Dream Book

This dream book says that if a woman kisses someone in a dream, it means she will meet an interesting young man who, as it turns out later, is an ordinary gigolo

Loff's Dream Book

Loff’s dream book says that a dream about a kiss is just the realization of sexual attraction to some person.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

It is stated here that a kiss in a dream is a harbinger of betrayal and separation. The one who kissed you will become a source of trouble.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Find out the interpretation of a dream about a kiss with a guy or a man in various dream books

If they kiss you, it means separation from your loved one, but if you are the initiator of the kiss, mutual love awaits you.

Romantic experiences. You will have a trip together, an unusual date, a wonderful act in your honor, or gifts and surprises. For an unmarried girl, this dream can mean a marriage proposal from her lover.

Esoteric dream book

In this dream book, a kiss with a man foreshadows a conflict with a loved one over a trivial reason. Moreover, the more they kissed, the longer the quarrel will be. If an acquaintance kissed you, he is in danger of trouble.

English dream book

If in a dream you kiss someone with whom you shouldn’t do this in reality, your friend and lover is being a hypocrite. If your loved one gives tender and passionate kisses, he is devoted to you and has crystal clear intentions towards you. When you kiss your spouse in a dream, in life he may turn out to be a treacherous person.

French dream book

In the French dream book, dreams of kissing foretell good luck in all endeavors. And if you feel that someone is kissing you, unexpected joy awaits you.

With a stranger, jealousy is not necessarily on the part of your loved one. It could be about a secret admirer or a friend to whom you do not pay enough attention. A dream about being suddenly kissed by a man you don’t know - embarrassment, shame.

Modern dream book

The modern dream book warns that: If you dream of a kiss on the night of Wednesday, Friday or Sunday, all sorts of troubles await you. At other times, it may simply be a reflection of your secret desires and thoughts. If the kiss was with a stranger, then your frankness and frivolous behavior will cause trouble.

Wanderer's Dream Book

In this dream book, a kiss is interpreted according to its signs: a passionate and sensual kiss foreshadows an illness, a long one - to a strong quarrel or a long, painful separation. Cold lips, according to the authors, are a mark of death. If it was painful, free yourself from some kind of concern.

After this dream, monitor the information you receive from loved ones. One of them will be given to you very important for you. It may be indistinguishable against the background noise of Life. Be extremely careful.

New family dream book

The new family dream book claims that if in a dream you kissed your enemy, then in reality your relationship with your friend will improve. A marital kiss is a sign of harmony in a relationship.

A kiss with a pleasant stranger - to joy, with an ugly or old man - to unpleasant news, with a dead man - to a secret.

Gypsy dream book

In the gypsy dream book, a kiss with a lover portends a quarrel with him, and a kiss with a stranger portends a fight.

With a stranger - you behave frivolously; frivolous behavior has a bad effect on your reputation. With an acquaintance - this man really has sympathy for you, but does not take it seriously.

Eastern women's dream book

According to this dream book, kissing someone means that soon your relationship will fizzle out and your paths will diverge.

As a rule, this is a good sign, but there are still exceptions to the rules. If you kissed your spouse or lover, this indicates spiritual intimacy. If you kissed an enemy, reconciliation with one of your loved ones or friends awaits you.

Dream book of health

Here, kissing a colleague in a dream means conflicts at work. A kiss with a handsome man indicates dissatisfaction in sex.

A kiss on the lips in a dream can mean both a long separation and a change in marital status. A kiss in private often means strengthening relationships with a loved one, joint plans and marriage. A kiss in a merry crowd predicts betrayal.


The symbolism of our dreams is a complex and mysterious topic. And, despite the many options for interpreting the same images, everything is individual. After all, if in a dream you kiss your beloved husband, for example, then you can, of course, enthusiastically look for the decoding of this vision in dream books. But first, you should just remember - how long has it been since you had a heart-to-heart talk with your spouse? Or the tenderness that your subconscious yearns for has recently been buried under the slabs of everyday problems and petty quarrels...

Video “Why do you dream about a Kiss”

There is a certain pattern in deciphering dreams: if you dream about something pleasant, bringing joy, then in reality something nasty is bound to happen. The same principle is preserved in deciphering dreams associated with kisses. Why dream of a kiss on the lips - there are many options. It all depends on who a person is kissing in a dream and what events accompany this action. Even small nuances can be important to understand a dream and interpret it correctly.

Each dream book has its own principles for deciphering dreams; the authors rely on their experience, best practices, outlook on life, as well as human psychology and religious preferences. For your attention, there are different interpretations of a dream associated with a kiss on the lips.

Dream Interpreter by G. Miller

Kissing your soulmate (spouse, partner) in a dream means everything is under control in your personal life, your love for each other is undeniable.

Kissing your lover while it’s dark around is a sign of cheating or other troubles in a partnership; giving kisses in the light of day means you shouldn’t be afraid of cheating, there’s a worthy person next to you.

Kissing a stranger on the lips - a dream foretells that you are at risk of acting immorally.

To see a dream where an opponent kisses your beloved - in reality there is a risk of losing a respectful relationship with the lady of your heart.

Kissing an enemy in a dream means making peace with a loved one or comrade in waking life.

The girl dreamed that she was caught kissing her boyfriend - perhaps in reality there are no friends next to you, they only pretend to be like that.

Kissing a child on the lips means it’s time to have your own children. If someone kisses your child on the lips in a dream, this is a bad sign, it means that your child has come under bad influence, someone is manipulating him. Your subconscious mind tells you that you are devoting too little time to your children.

Dreams according to Freud

Freud in his dream book always focuses on sexual relationships and fantasies. So, in this case, a kiss according to Freud is an unsatisfied sexual desire, a desire for contact with a partner.

If you have a dream where you are just kissing your loved one - you miss intimacy with him. If kissing is a precursor to sexual contact, then in reality everything will be fine in your relationship with your loved one. The dream encourages you to better listen to your partner so as not to lose harmony with him.

To have a dream where you are little and your mother kisses you on the lips means that you are carrying fears from childhood through life, it’s time to get rid of unnecessary memories and move forward.

Nostradamus about kissing in a dream

Dreams associated with a kiss not from your partner or life partner mean that in reality it is worth reconsidering your relationship with your loved one - not everything is as rosy as it seems.

Seeing your lover kissing someone else means that there is a risk that your partner does not have the feelings for you that he demonstrates.

Kissing your wife or husband for a long time in a dream means happiness in your personal life and fidelity on the part of your partner.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

To dream of a kiss on the lips means separation from your loved one.

Dreaming of a kiss with a girl or a guy means a love relationship.

A girl sees a dream with a kiss - she will receive an offer to connect her fate with her lover.

Dreams where you kiss are not just a dream; a romantic period is coming in life, dates, original actions on the part of your loved one, and joint travel await you.

Esoteric dream book

In a dream, kissing a man on the lips means in reality you will encounter misunderstanding, there is no good reason for conflict and quarrel, but the mood will be ruined.

A long kiss with a man means a conflict with your partner will be serious.
Kissing a friend - something not very good will happen in this person’s life.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

According to Tsvetkov, a kiss in a dream promises betrayal on the part of a partner; most likely, the relationship will no longer be the same.

Another person kisses you, not your partner - he will become the cause of your failures.
The dream books reviewed tell us that decoding dreams is not an easy task. The same dream can have many variations in interpretation.

Dream books help us understand what signals our subconscious sends us. Perhaps kisses in a dream warn that in reality tenderness and affection are not enough for you? Are we always sensitive and gentle with our loved ones? It's worth thinking about this.

Kissing on the lips with your loved one

Dreaming of kissing your loved one is the most popular dream, and a good one at that. After all, many visions are inspired from our life; the brain in sleep continues to digest information received during the day. The dream promises a happy future; love reigns in relationships. Your soulmate will not betray you, you can rest assured.

Why do you dream about kissing your ex-boyfriend?

You dream of a kiss with a guy who is no longer present in your life as a lover - the dream reminds you that feelings still remain, you expect that kisses can still happen in reality. But this is only one version of such a dream.

Second version: your ex-boyfriend no longer remembers you, unfortunately.

Third version: your ex thinks about you, he has not forgotten you, he even feels attracted to you.

The dream rather reminds us that “one cannot step into the same river twice.” If there is any doubt that feelings are still there, you should talk to this person and find out everything once and for all.

The meaning of sleep for an unmarried girl

A young woman sees her lover kissing someone from the outside - a crack will appear in the relationship. Perhaps the guy has already stopped loving her.

Kissing your boyfriend - in reality the kiss turns into betrayal on his part or the end of the relationship.

In a dream, kissing a stranger - in reality you will meet an interesting person, and you will find a common language with him. A kiss with an unfamiliar man promises an unmarried girl that she will be the center of attention, many will show interest in her.

Popularity among the opposite sex is nice. But keep in mind that the dream is also a warning for a young girl; you should not be too gullible.

Dreamed of a passionate kiss with a stranger

You dreamed of a passionate kiss with a complete stranger - in reality, this situation can be repeated exactly. Another interpretation of this dream is to expect good news and happy events in life.
According to psychologists, kissing strangers in a dream is not just a dream. This means that the sleeping person has a desire to meet someone of the opposite sex; life lacks communication and a loved one.

If an unmarried girl has a dream, it means it’s time to find a partner; nature reminds that a person should not be alone.

A family woman had a dream - reconsider your relationship with your spouse, is everything okay with you? Perhaps your feelings have cooled down a little, and you live next to each other out of habit. Or you just need fresh ideas to refresh your feelings.

Seeing people kissing from the side

To see a dream where others are kissing means in reality you are keenly interested in their lives. Moreover, you are aware of many of their secrets.

The interpretation of the dream is different if you see your partner’s kiss with another person from the outside. The dream warns that your lover is looking around, you will soon find out about his betrayal.

Watching a passionate kiss from the side means sadness has settled around you, there is a lack of communication. Stop watching other people's happiness, it's time to get on with your life.

Kiss a child, relative, brother or sister

To add to the family, if you have a dream where you kiss a child. Kissing your mom or dad - everything will work out in business, success and prosperity will come.

A dream with children has another interpretation: kissing your own, someone else’s or a completely unfamiliar child - in life there is a chance of becoming a laughing stock.

A kiss with your brother - you will meet a person who will become your best and most faithful friend.

Kiss your sister - you have a good relationship with her, she is always ready to help if needed.
According to other sources, dreams of kissing a brother or sister signify good relationships between relatives.

Kisses with a dead man in dreams

Kissing a dead person means there will be health problems. The dream warns you in advance so that you are prepared for this and take the necessary measures.

Other dream books see kissing a dead man as a profitable business. There is an opinion that the dream represents a whirlwind romance with a famous person. You can also dream of a kiss with a non-living person as a sign of a change in weather conditions.

Kissing a brother who has already died - you lack protection, you feel loneliness.

Almost all dream books warn that you dream of a kiss with a deceased guy out of hopeless longing for him. Dream interpreters advise: you can’t live in the past, it’s time to think about the present.

We looked at different variations of dreams associated with kissing in a dream. Almost all dream interpreters view them from the point of view of feelings. Our subconscious provides food for thought and prepares us for change. It shows someone that they need to work on relationships. Someone is reassured that everything is going well, there is no need to worry. Trust your heart, listen to your intuition - and everything will be fine.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a kiss in a dream?

Kissing children are a sign of reconciliation in the family and work that brings satisfaction.

Kissing your mother in a dream means that in reality you will be very successful in business, and also respected and loved by your friends.

Kissing a brother or sister means a good relationship between you.

If in a dream you kiss your beloved in the dark, then in reality dangers and immoral activities await you.

Kissing her in daylight is a sign that you always have honest intentions towards women.

If you kiss a stranger, you will lose all shame and honesty.

Kissing without permission is a risky pastime. Indulging lustful desires can lead to tragedy in a respected family.

Seeing your rival kissing your beloved means that you may lose her respect.

For married people, kissing each other in a dream means harmony in family relationships.

If you dream that you are kissing someone on the neck, then you will experience passion; at the same time you will feel that you are losing self-control.

Kissing an opponent is a harbinger that you will take a step towards reconciliation with an angry friend.

If a young girl realizes in a dream that someone sees her kissing her beloved, then in reality the envious ill-wisher will become her imaginary friend. If in a dream her beloved kisses another, then she will not be able to marry him.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about the Kiss?

Physical intimacy is symbolic in itself, since it reflects not only feelings, but also an act of unification or reconciliation. But if hugs with family or a lover are easy to explain, then, for example, why dream of a kiss with a person who is hostile to you? Depending on the circumstances, touching lips portends immense respect or dependence on others.

  • Kissing a friend in a dream - in reality, pleasant news awaits you.
  • A kiss with a stranger foreshadows a quick reconciliation, resolution of a conflict situation in the inner circle of acquaintances.
  • If children kiss each other on the cheek, peace and perfect mutual understanding will reign in the family.
  • Dreaming of a touching kiss on your mother’s cheek will be a blessing: any of your undertakings after such a plot will be crowned with success.
  • Kissing someone on the lips in the light? Your nobility and dedication will resonate in the hearts of those around you. However, kissing in the dark warns of danger due to a dissolute lifestyle and requires you to be more restrained.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book Kisses

A light touch of the lips is a sign of politeness or an expression of passion. Psychoanalysts indicate that a kiss can be dreamed of both during times of strong excitement or changes in personal relationships, and on the eve of spiritual liberation due to the presence of some negative energies. Being a symbol of dominance and suppression, a dreamed kiss acquires a certain meaning only in combination with the object at which it is directed.

  • When you are with your family, you feel maximum comfort, so a kiss from one of your relatives is a sign of spiritual harmony. You enjoy life, feel joy in everyday life and perceive the world around you as an endless holiday.
  • Dreaming of a kiss with a casual acquaintance or boss reveals suspicions: a subconscious feeling of anxiety and anticipation of imminent problems associated with this person. If someone breaks into your sleep and interrupts an intimate moment, beware of betrayal from your friends.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about a kiss?

Deep emotions do not always manifest themselves in reality, so do not be afraid to see and enjoy a kiss: intimate action symbolizes the evolution of feelings.

  • If spouses kiss each other even in their dreams, their connection is incredibly strong, and time spent together will only strengthen it. Plot circumstances are regarded as signs of impending changes in relationships.
  • Dreaming of a passionate kiss with a lover in the light means that simple dates will gradually develop into something more promising, sincere and favorable.
  • The dream is colored by impenetrable darkness, the twilight of a club or flickering candles, and your kissing partner in the dream turns out to be a stranger? This symbolizes hardships in relationships: the dreamer faces serious trials, betrayals, or disappointing intrigues. Sort out your feelings or break up with your lover.

Esoteric dream book

Mystery of sleep:

Seeing people kissing is dissatisfaction, longing for affection. A tender union, an affectionate relationship awaits you when you kiss yourself, not necessarily with the one you see in your dream.

Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Why do you dream about a Kiss?

Some shadow figures kiss the sleeping person - in this form, the esoteric process of spiritual liberation from local negative energies (demons) occurs with correct Christian prayer. After such dreams, the prayer practitioner feels extraordinary freedom, lightness, liberation and inspiration, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about a Kiss?

Kissing your beloved in the dark means reckless debauchery; kissing her in the light means maintaining respect and deference towards women. Kissing an unfamiliar woman in a dream is a harbinger of immoral acts. A dream in which you kiss your spouse means spiritual and physical harmony in your relationship. Kissing an enemy in a dream means reconciliation with a friend. Seeing children kissing in a dream means peace and harmony in the family, satisfaction from one’s work. Kissing your mother means successful entrepreneurship, love and respect from friends. Kissing a brother or sister is a sign of future pleasures and good friendship.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about a kiss?

Gypsy dream book

Why do you dream about a Kiss according to gypsy traditions?

Receiving a kiss from a stranger means a godsend; Receiving a kiss from an unfamiliar woman portends deception and seduction.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation of Vladislav Kopalinsky

Seeing a Kiss, interpretation:

Treason, deceit, fraud, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about a Kiss?

If you kiss someone in a dream, then this is a nuisance. If a girl kisses, then for a guy it’s a disease. Kissing someone - seeing a friend. Kissing is a quarrel. Whoever kisses you in a dream blames you. Kissing is separation. Kissing someone of the same sex is a false acquaintance. Kissing a dead person is a disease. Air kiss - submission.

Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov

If you dream of a Kiss, what does it symbolize?

Conquest and assimilation. Feeding.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Kiss from your dream

Parting. Sensitive, passionate - to illness; long - a painful long separation or a strong quarrel. Coldness on the lips - death itself kissed you! Pain in the lips - liberation from painful waiting and care. See Add. Kissing on the river Relationships, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

Ancient French dream book

Why do you dream about a kiss, interpretation:

If you kiss someone in a dream, this is a prediction of good luck in everything that you have to experience. Kissing someone's feet in a dream means offense and humiliation. Feeling that someone is kissing you promises you an unexpected joyful event.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a Kiss, what does it mean?

This action is not only a reflection of a feeling, but also a symbol of unification or reconciliation with something. Kissing acquaintances means change, friendship. Kissing a dead person is a secret enterprise, illness, death. Kissing a celebrity will increase your authority.

Modern dream book


Betrayal in love, separation.

Azar's Dream Book

Why did you dream about the Kiss according to spiritual sources?

Cheating on your mistress.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

To receive a kiss means separation from your beloved; give - mutual love; pluck - ardent love; send air - submission.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Betrayal in love - to receive - separation from a loved one - to give - mutual love - to rip - ardent love - to send air - submission.

Why do women and men dream about kisses?

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and a man, therefore a kiss in a dream has the same meaning for both sexes.

How to learn to understand your dreams

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