The best flu vaccine ever. The Russians will have to be vaccinated against the flu with domestic drugs. Whether to get a flu shot

Mass influenza cases usually occur during the coldest months. There are frequent cases of death, because even a strong immune system is susceptible to influenza. Flu vaccinations are required every year to prevent illness. A vaccine is developed every year, as the flu progresses and changes all the time, the strain changes every year, and the substance that protected against the virus a year earlier will be useless this year. The 2017-2018 flu vaccine will appear in Russia by mid-October and will immediately begin to be affixed. In the coming year, 3 especially dangerous influenzas are expected. Influenza B - Brisbane, influenza A - Hong Kong and influenza H1N1 strain - Michigan. The last 2 strains belong to category “A”. Vaccination for next season is focused on protecting against these 3 flus. The vaccine comes in several forms, including a nasal spray. The nasal spray has not been recommended for the last 2 years, as it is ineffective in the fight against the disease.

In 2018, the Michigan flu will hit Muscovites en masse. It is this new type of flu that will spread the most in the capital. It is very similar to the 2009 swine flu. How the virus will manifest itself is not yet known. Although vaccination is a voluntary matter, health should not be neglected and a possible flu infection will damage the body much more seriously than vaccination. Initially, any flu manifests itself as a common cold. Snot, cough, fever appear. Then complications begin, organs begin to hurt. The average duration of treatment is about a month. The consequences may be different. For some, there will be no consequences at all, someone may remain disabled, vision or hearing may deteriorate, as well as the work of internal organs. The worst consequence is death. Deaths are not isolated. In some years, influenza deaths in the winter season reached up to half a million people, and the disease of the most dangerous strain of the virus, “Spanish flu”, has claimed the lives of more than 40 million people around the world.

When and to whom to bet?

Flu shots are given to all age categories after 6 months. Children under six months are not vaccinated, their body is not ready for such vaccines, but after 6 months people are divided into age categories from six months to 18 years, from 18 to 59 years and from 59 to 84. There are also categories of people who urgently need a vaccine because of their health:

  1. Pregnant;
  2. People with chronic diseases;
  3. obese people;
  4. Patients with immunodeficiency;
  5. People over 50;
  6. Children.

The body of such people is extremely susceptible to the defeat of the virus. Also, special attention should be paid to the placement of the vaccine by employees of hospitals and clinics, as well as people working with the population. Usually, schoolchildren, teachers, doctors and representatives of other mass spheres are vaccinated en masse in their places of residence: at school or at work.

The season in which to vaccinate is also important. The peak of diseases always occurs at the end of winter and the period after the New Year. But people begin to become infected and spread the virus in the fall, when it appears. Therefore, it is better to take care of the vaccination in advance and affix it immediately after the appearance, so that by the end of October it will be affixed. The vaccine is dosed depending on the age category. For the coming winter, the forecast is already according to diseases. Alas, the forecasts are sad: compared to the past 3 years, the death rate due to the virus will increase. According to statistics, out of 6 million infected, 200 thousand people die. This is the kind of person that gets sick every year. This year, the number of cases may increase.

The mechanism of action of the vaccine

When a specific substance enters the body, it begins to produce specific antibodies. If a virus enters the body, it is quickly recognized and blocked, and its spread and action is stopped. Recognition occurs due to the special dangerous types of proteins that the virus produces. The main difficulty in the fight against influenza is that it is transmitted in the most dangerous and fast way. Airborne diseases are transmitted instantly, affecting people. The number of infected is growing exponentially. The second difficulty is the annual flu change. Vaccines of past years simply do not recognize it.

Names of vaccines

Along with the flu, the vaccine against it changes every year. It has its own name, like the flu. For the second year in a row, the flu vaccine is called Sovigripp, this year it was made active against a new strain - Michigan. In Russia, a number of anti-flu drugs are available that can be used both as a preventive measure and as a control.

Japanese vaccine

Recently, a special flu vaccine was invented in Japan. She recognizes a special protein that produces the disease and destroys the virus completely on the first day. You can use the vaccine against absolutely any flu. Now studies are underway on the vaccine: at the moment, no side effects have been found, the effect of the vaccine is on all test people. The appearance of a vaccine in the public domain, including in Russia, may appear as early as 2018.

The names of the 2017-2018 influenza vaccine that are not administered with a syringe are freely available.

Russia produces 5 such vaccines.

  • Grippol and Grippol Plus,
  • Fluarix,
  • Grippovak,

In addition to these, there are 5 more European ones.

  • Inflexal-V (Switzerland),
  • Agrippal S1 (Italy),
  • Influvak (Netherlands),
  • Begrivak (Germany)
  • Waxigrip (France).

Types of vaccines:

  1. Live vaccines are made from a strain of the virus and are distributed as a spray (nasally);
  2. The inactivated whole-virion vaccine is made on the basis of a purified virus and is administered intranasally at intervals;
  3. The split vaccine is administered intramuscularly and is most commonly recommended, especially for young children;
  4. Virosome vaccines are made and administered similarly to split vaccines.

In the autumn-winter season, doctors recommend preventive vaccinations, and the 2019-2020 flu vaccine in Moscow and beyond is no exception. This is a good opportunity to protect your own body from viral infections during a seasonal epidemic. Vaccination against influenza 2019-2020 is free of charge, and the vaccination itself is optional (performed only on request).

What is the flu vaccine

Preventive vaccinations strengthen and protect the immune system from the pathogenic effects of the infection. Vaccines contain bacteria that, after entering the body, enhance the natural protective functions of the immune system and block the pathogenic virus. If harmful microorganisms enter by airborne droplets from an infected person, the vaccinated person will not get sick, he will survive during the seasonal epidemic. The flu shot 2019-2020 helps not to get sick, or provides for a characteristic illness in a mild form.

Why vaccination is necessary

Free vaccinations reduce the consequences of a characteristic disease, reduce the risk of complications and prevent its active spread of pathogenic flora. This is one of the safest methods to protect health during an epidemic, to increase the capabilities of the immune system. In relation to a pathogenic pathogen, the features of the vaccine's action are as follows: first it paralyzes, then it violates the integrity of the membranes, and prevents further reproduction. There will be no harm to the immune system, and the duration of the 2019-2020 flu vaccine allows you to survive the epidemic.

Types of flu vaccines

Before buying a flu shot, you need to find out what preventive vaccinations have been developed in modern medicine, choose the most effective and safest option. In addition, the emergence of new strains of influenza forces scientists to continue their development, clinical trials are being conducted. It can be:

  • live vaccines (consisting of live viruses);
  • whole-virion inactivated (non-living viral forms);
  • split inactivated (dead viral structures).

Separately, it is worth clarifying that, using a trivalent vaccine, it is possible to protect immunity against two strains of influenza A - h1n1 and h3n2 - and one strain of influenza B virus. Quadrivalent influenza vaccines act on the same principle, but additionally demonstrate high efficiency against influenza B strain When choosing preventive vaccines, you need to contact your doctor.

Flu vaccines for the 2019-2020 season

Since the influenza state is accompanied by complications, there is an urgent need for the use of influenza vaccinations in practice. This procedure can only be done on a voluntary basis. In modern pharmacology, the following imported and domestic flu vaccines have been developed:

  1. Grippol. The clear solution represents intramuscular and subcutaneous injection with/without preservative. A high dose of the drug for adults is injected deep into the deltoid muscle, for young children - in the outer region of the thigh in front. Dose up to 3 years - 0.25 ml twice with an interval of 4 weeks, from 3 years - 0.5 ml once. The analogue is the drug Grippol Plus.
  2. Influvac. It is introduced similarly in the autumn-winter period, with strict observance of the recommended dose of the vaccine. In Moscow, the drug costs from 285 rubles, it is available to everyone. The Influvac vaccine is vaccinated once: children under 3 years old - 0.25 ml, patients from 3 years old - 0.5 ml. If the children are not vaccinated, a double injection of the solution is not excluded.
  3. Sovigripp. This 2019-2020 flu vaccine is designed with a new h1n1 strain for a variant of the characteristic ailment called Michigan. The vaccine is administered intramuscularly in the shoulder, allowed for patients over 18 years of age. After vaccination, it is important at first to beware of hypothermia, contact with patients with acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.

Which strain will prevail in Russia

Free influenza vaccination 2019-2020 - Sovigripp, which can be performed at the clinic at the place of registration or at work with official employment. It is administered intramuscularly, once per season. This anti-influenza drug has been somewhat modified since 2013-2014, since it protects the body even from the Michigan flu. You can buy the flu vaccine in Moscow in pharmacies, but the vaccination is free of charge.

Timing of the vaccination campaign

The peak of the epidemic of viral diseases occurs in the winter, and the months of January and February are especially dangerous for health. So by this time you need to prepare in advance for both the adult and the child. In order not to become infected with bird flu, swine flu and other modifications of the pathogenic flora, a clear solution should enter the body in October - November.

From September 4, 2019 to October 29, 2019, preventive vaccination can be obtained at polyclinics, mobile points, hospitals and public service centers. These are the terms of the 2019-2020 vaccination campaign, which is being rolled out in every city of the Russian Federation. The medicine is effective for pregnant women, while it does not harm the intrauterine development of the fetus. Recommended for everyone.

How effective is the flu vaccine?

Preventive vaccination is equally recommended for adults and children. As practice shows, such a procedure is very important for the body, it helps to avoid exacerbation of the flu or reduce its symptoms in case of an extremely undesirable infection. Some patients, after receiving the vaccine without relapse, survive the season of the epidemic, while others, instead of the flu, face the classic symptoms of SARS without complications and with a quick recovery. However, each clinical case is purely individual.

Contraindications to vaccination

Intradermal flu vaccination is not available for all patients. Doctors stipulate medical contraindications, in violation of which one can only aggravate the general condition of a seemingly healthy person. To avoid complications, it is important to contact your doctor, undergo a clinical examination for the absence of inflammatory processes and fever. Medical contraindications for receiving influenza vaccine are as follows:

  • the presence of an allergic reaction to egg white, antibiotics and preservatives of the selected prophylactic drug against viruses;
  • a tendency to allergic reactions and a recent stage of relapse with a short remission;
  • exacerbation of a viral disease or an acute stage of a chronic disease with an increase in body temperature (during the course of the inflammatory process).

flu vaccine price

Before finding out the cost of a vaccine, it is important to understand where you can get a preventive vaccination if you wish. There are many addresses in Moscow and the provinces, it is recommended to contact the district clinic, school and preschool educational institutions (medical office), commercial city clinics, city hospitals and medical centers of large companies. Prices for medicines are different, if someone considers them too high, they can agree to a free vaccination. Here is the approximate cost of vaccines in Moscow:


Every year they are improved and supplemented with other components. Scientists are developing a vaccine before the new flu season, taking into account the forecast, which strains of influenza will be more likely to spread in a particular area.

What vaccine has been developed for the 2019-2020 season?

The influenza virus has three main subtypes: A, C and B, among which the most dangerous are types B and A, whose genetic material is in constant mutation. This leads to the emergence of more and more new strains of influenza, which are dangerous for the population because people have not yet developed against them.

Classification There are several options for classifying recommended and tested medicines. In composition:

  1. live vaccines;
  2. split inactivated;
  3. whole virion inactivated.

According to the effect on strains:

  1. trivalent- protect against three types of virus (two A and one B);
  2. tetravalent- respectively protect against two types A and two B ....

In recent years, the most dangerous subtype of the A/H1N1 swine flu virus has been considered, which, unlike bird flu, can be quickly transmitted from person to person, thereby contributing to the rapid spread of the disease.

Important! The influenza virus is constantly changing its genetic makeup, so the influenza vaccine must be constantly reformulated. For this reason, the flu shot should be done annually..

Influenza vaccines usually protect against 3-4 strains of the virus at the same time. Trivalent vaccines protect against two strains of type A (H3N2, H1N1) and one strain of type B. First developed in 2013-2014, quadrivalent influenza vaccines are designed to protect against the same strains plus a newly developed influenza B strain.

The 2017-2018 flu vaccines differ in composition from the last season's vaccine, both in trivalent and quadrivalent versions.

The composition of the trivalent vaccine:

  • Virus strain A/Michigan/45/2015, pdm09 H1N virus This is an additional component of H1N1 different from last year.
  • Virus strain A/Hong Kong/4801/2017, H3N virus A component that was part of last year's vaccine.
  • Virus strain B/Brisbane/60/2008, virus type B-Victoria lineage). Constituent of strain type B, similar to last year's inoculation.

Quadrivalent vaccine in addition to the listed composition, it contains a second strain of type B virus - strain B / Phuket / 3073/2013.

The composition of the influenza vaccines developed in 2020 is aimed at protecting the population from "seasonal" influenza, as well as at preventing infection with "swine" influenza - A / H1N1.

Types of flu vaccines

Currently, you can choose a flu vaccine in the clinic: foreign or domestic, uncoupled or live. Any of the proposed vaccines forms an immune defense against the influenza virus.

In addition to the standard flu vaccine given through a needle, vaccinations are available in other forms, such as a high-dose version for people over 65 years of age, a low-dose (intradermal) version, and a nasal spray. In some clinics, vaccination can be carried out with a special needle without a syringe (with a jet injector), in which the injection is given under the influence of high.

Note! Flu Nasal Spray is not recommended during the 2019-2020 influenza vaccination period due to its ineffectiveness in preventing influenza from 2013 to 2016.

What are the types of flu vaccines?

  • Flu vaccines are live. It contains weakened viruses that can cause flu-like symptoms. After their use, a stable one is formed, however, post-vaccination complications and reactions often occur. Vaccination is carried out intranasally (through the nasal passages): for children from three to 14 years old twice with a three-four-week interval, for adults (from 14 years old) - once. Example: "Allantoic influenza vaccine live" (manufacturer - Russia), protects simultaneously from three strains of the virus.
  • Influenza vaccines are whole-virion inactivated. They are made from concentrated and purified influenza viruses made from chicken embryos by UV irradiation. Such vaccines should not be given to persons allergic to chicken protein and children under 7 years of age. Example: "Grippovak" (manufacturer - Russia), adults can be administered intranasally and subcutaneously, children - only intranasally.
  • Influenza vaccines are split (split vaccines). There are no viruses themselves in the vaccine, it consists of the protein structures of viruses. Such vaccines can be administered as early as 6 months of age, they do not contain chicken protein, which means they do not cause appropriate allergic reactions. The vaccine is injected intramuscularly into the outer surface of the upper arm, in small children it can be injected into the outer side of the thigh. Example: (France), "Begrivak" (Germany), Fluarix (England).
  • Influenza vaccines are subunit. Cause the smallest number of post-vaccination reactions, are the most purified. The composition includes only purified surface antigens of viruses. Example: and (Russia), (Holaandia).

Pregnant women can use any of the suggested flu vaccines, except for nasal sprays. That is, pregnant women are advised to vaccinate inactivated ("killed") vaccines or recombinant influenza vaccines that were produced without the use of chicken protein, and therefore cannot cause allergic reactions.

Which flu vaccine to choose - list and prices

As the flu mutates, the vaccines against it change every year. In Russia, for the second year in a row, vaccination is carried out with the help of the preparation "" (manufacturer - Russia), in which this year the active substance was introduced against a new strain of the Michigan virus.

In addition, other anti-flu drugs are available in Russia that can be used both to fight the virus and as a preventive measure against the disease.

  • Agrippal (Italy) - subunit, average price - 350 rubles.
  • The 2017-2018 flu season was especially hard. The H3N2 strain has led to the widespread spread of the virus and severe illness throughout the country, writes The Time. The flu killed about 80,000 people last year, including 180 children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

    Experts say flu season will be milder this year. But here's what you need to know about the 2018-2019 flu.

    When to Get the Flu Shot

    The CDC recommends getting a flu shot in late October, before the main 2018-2019 flu season begins. If you miss this window, you can get vaccinated during the fall or winter, but then there is a higher risk that your body will not have time to develop antibodies before the start of the season.

    How effective is the vaccine

    Each year, a vaccine is developed that works against certain strains of influenza, which will be distributed throughout the season. But without knowing exactly which strains will cause disease, it is impossible to accurately predict how effective vaccination will be.

    During last season, the health department said the vaccine was only 32% effective. But the CDC says that even a small increase in immunity can help both in individual cases and in the general population. If fewer people get sick, there will be fewer influenza viruses and the effect of vaccination will be longer. Vaccinations are most effective for children and the elderly, who tend to experience complications from the disease.

    What is the best vaccine

    There are vaccines designed for certain age groups, but you can check with your doctor to find the right one for you. The CDC doesn't see much difference between vaccines, but says the most important thing is that all people six months of age and older get vaccinated.

    Where can I get a free flu shot?

    Some employers, as well as national retail chains, offer free vaccinations. Free vaccinations are also included with most insurance packages or subscriptions at drugstore chains such as Walgreens, CVS, Publix, Costco, Walmart, and Rite Aid.

    Can you get the flu after getting vaccinated?

    Flu vaccines include a weakened version of the flu to help the body make the necessary antibodies to fight the disease, but it does not cause illness. You won't get a full-blown flu attack after the vaccination, but there may be side effects such as pain and redness at the injection site, as well as a mild fever.

    Who should not be vaccinated

    The CDC recommends that everyone older than six months of age be vaccinated, including pregnant women and people with chronic medical conditions. But, if you are allergic to some of the components of the vaccine, then you should not take it. It is also worth being careful for people who have had Guillain-Barré syndrome. It is worth delaying vaccination even if you are already sick. The vaccine may make the symptoms of the disease worse.

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    Children, especially those under 5 years of age, are most at risk of severe influenza-associated (related) consequences. Vaccination against the virus offers the best protection against this disease.

    The mechanism of the vaccination

    The flu vaccine prompts the immune system to produce antibodies. In turn, these antibodies help the body fight the types of influenza virus present in the vaccine. It takes about two weeks for them to form.

    Should you get a flu shot?

    Influenza is a serious infection that sometimes leads to hospitalization, and sometimes to a fatal outcome. Influenza seasons vary, and influenza infection can affect people in different ways, but millions get sick with influenza each year, hundreds of thousands of people are hospitalized, and thousands or tens of thousands die from influenza-associated causes each year. Even very healthy people get the flu and spread it to others.

    Getting a seasonal flu shot every year is the best way to reduce your risk of getting seasonal flu and spreading it to others.

    Although the virus vaccine is not 100% effective, it still significantly reduces a person's chances of contracting the flu, which is really very important. The vaccine can relieve symptoms in case of illness after vaccination.

    The effectiveness of vaccination depends on the degree of correspondence between the viral strains used to prepare the vaccine and the viruses in actual circulation. A person's age and health status also play a role in determining the effectiveness of a vaccine.

    Studies have shown that when there is a good match between the viral strains selected for the vaccine and those that are prevalent in a given season. The vaccine prevents influenza in about 70% to 90% of adults under 65 years of age.

    Examinations of children from 1 to 15 years old revealed that inactivated influenza vaccination was 77 - 91% effective in preventing influenza.

    Immunity from vaccination lasts for a considerable period of time. In recent years, people have feared that immunity will disappear, but now there is evidence that immunity can indeed last all season until spring, and in a significant percentage of cases, in fact, the next year.

    However, experts recommend getting vaccinated against the flu annually, as the vaccine is slightly different each year, and it is desirable to get protection for the upcoming flu season as soon as possible and as quickly as possible.

    How much does a flu shot cost?

    Under federal law, the flu shot is included in the national vaccination schedule. Therefore, you have the right to contact the clinic in your locality, and if you have a compulsory medical insurance policy, you will be vaccinated for free.

    Some people are most at risk of complications from the virus, so it's especially important that these people (and the people who live with them) get vaccinated:

    • children under 5 years old;
    • pregnant women;
    • persons with chronic diseases;
    • people over 65 years old.

    When to get a flu shot?

    The virus season runs from October to May. It is best to get vaccinated as early as possible, as this gives the body a chance to build up immunity against the virus. But a late flu shot is better than no shot at all.

    How and where is the flu shot given?

    According to the rules, the vaccine is injected into the muscle. For this purpose, the upper arm or thigh is suitable. This is due to the fact that the muscle tissues are constantly moving, which ensures the rapid absorption of the drug and its absorption into the blood.

    Adults and older children are injected into the arm. It happens that after vaccination, the arm hurts at the injection site. If you inject the vaccine into the leg, where there is always a strong load, then lameness may appear. And it's not very comfortable. The hand does not experience severe discomfort.

    It is advisable to inject into the less active arm.

    For babies from six months to 3 years, it is safer and more convenient to inject into the thigh.

    A child between 6 months and 9 years of age who is getting their first flu shot will need to be vaccinated twice four weeks apart.

    Should my child get a flu shot every season?

    Children should be vaccinated against the virus every season for the best protection. Even if your kids were vaccinated last year, it won't protect them from the virus this season, as the flu changes regularly. That's why the vaccine is updated annually to include the latest strains of the virus.

    A new vaccine is made every year, about six months before flu season. Scientists study what viruses are currently circulating around the world and try to predict what kind of strains will prevail during the upcoming flu season in your area.

    Sometimes the same strains are included in the vaccine one year after the next. In this case, it is still important that the 2017-2018 flu vaccine is given, that is, to receive the vaccine of this season, because the body's immunity against the virus decreases over time.

    swine flu vaccine

    Influenza A H1N1 is now the most common influenza virus in the world, so many of the detected episodes of the disease are associated with this type of virus.

    H1N1 influenza is popularly referred to as "swine flu" because it is commonly found in pigs.

    You cannot get H1N1 flu from eating pork products.

    The H1N1 influenza virus is transmitted through small droplets of saliva released into the air when an infected person sneezes and coughs. The virus is also transmitted from contact with things that the sick person has touched, such as door handles and other surfaces.

    Getting infected with a virus is much more dangerous to health than getting vaccinated to protect against it. Like all medicines, this vaccine causes side effects, but the risk of serious side effects is very low.

    Can you get a flu shot if you have a cold?

    In general, mild infection without fever should not preclude vaccination.

    Vaccination against the virus is not dangerous when there is a high temperature. It will simply be impossible to know if the infection is getting worse or if the antiviral vaccine is causing a higher temperature.

    Influenza vaccine contraindications

    It's surprising to realize that many people don't assume that not getting the flu shot is dangerous. Influenza is an infectious contagious disease that often occurred in the form of epidemics in the past. Therefore, it is essential to ensure vaccination against this disease. However, there are quite a few conditions where you should not get the flu shot.

    1. Children under five with chronic asthma should not be vaccinated.
    2. Individuals with a longstanding medical condition that makes them vulnerable should also avoid vaccination entirely. These are people who have a disease that affects any important organ (heart, liver, kidneys, lungs), diabetics with an uncontrolled sugar level, anemia.
    3. Persons suffering from any disease affecting the central nervous system. For example, those suffering from cerebral palsy or. Such children should also avoid this vaccination, as it can lead to reaction symptoms such as difficulty breathing.
    4. Anyone who has a disease that puts the immune system at risk should not receive this vaccine as it is a live vaccine and the person may get sick with the virus and not be immune.
    5. Young people and children receiving long-term low-dose aspirin therapy to prevent blood clots should also ask their doctor if they are allowed to get vaccinated or not.
    6. If you have Guillain-Barré syndrome, tell your doctor about it and find out if it is safe to get vaccinated.
    7. People with severe egg allergies should avoid vaccination. If you or your child has allergies, talk to your doctor.

    Immunization against a highly preventable but potentially deadly disease such as the flu is of the utmost importance.

    If you fall into any of the above categories and cannot get vaccinated, talk to your doctor or health care professional about possible precautions you can take against contracting the virus.

    Vaccinations are usually carried out in the clinic. It is also possible to get vaccinated in other organizations that have a facility equipped with everything necessary and that have a license to conduct such activities.

    It can be:

    • medical office in an educational institution;
    • equipped room at the enterprise;
    • hospital;
    • commercial medical institutions where vaccination is carried out for a fee.

    How to get a flu shot at the clinic? It is necessary to make an appointment with a therapist or contact the doctor on duty. The specialist will examine you and give you a referral for vaccination.

    What is the best flu shot?

    Vaccinations against the virus are divided into two large classes.

    • live vaccine(contains weakened viruses);
    • inactivated vaccine(contains killed viruses).

    The inactivated vaccine is more popular, as it is more effective and does not lead to complications.

    There are three types of inactivated vaccines:

    • whole cell. The composition includes only whole cells of the killed virus. This type of vaccine is prohibited for use in children;
    • split vaccine. Contains fragmented viral cells. The vaccine practically does not contain chicken protein and various viral fats. As a result, the drug becomes safer due to reduced allergenicity;
    • subunit. Contains surface proteins of the virus. This flu shot is not recommended for children under 6 years of age.

    It is necessary to choose a certified high quality drug in order to protect your family from complications.

    Recently, the most popular brands are:

    • flu shot Influvac(Netherlands);
    • flu shot Grippol plus(Russia);
    • flu vaccine Sovigripp(Russia);
    • flu vaccine Ultrix(Russia);
    • french inoculation Vaxigripp.

    These drugs are relatively inexpensive and the safest. Thanks to them, a strong immunity to common strains of influenza is formed.

    Complications after a flu shot

    Many people worry about side effects after a virus vaccine, but serious complications are rare. Some people think that you can get the flu from the flu shot, but that's not true. For most people, the risks of developing the flu are far greater than any vaccine-related risks.

    Typical Side Effects

    There are several standard adverse events associated with receiving a vaccine against the virus. This is a typical reaction to a flu shot that many (but not all) people who receive the vaccine may experience. The symptoms are not considered to be health threatening.

    • soreness, redness, or slight swelling at the injection site;
    • cold-like symptoms such as sore throat, runny nose, cough, headache, and body aches;
    • low temperature;
    • redness of the eyes or itching.

    These symptoms should not persist for more than a few days after receiving the vaccine.

    If you notice that these symptoms appear after vaccination but do not go away after a few days, see your doctor to make sure you are not allergic or experiencing symptoms of another illness.

    Potentially dangerous complications

    Many people fear that the vaccine may actually cause the virus, rather than prevent it. However, this is virtually impossible since the injected influenza strain is completely inactivated.

    There is one potentially dangerous complication of influenza vaccination. There is always a risk that a person may experience a life-threatening allergic reaction to a vaccine. If an allergic reaction does occur, it usually occurs within minutes of the vaccination. In the most distant case, an allergic reaction occurs after a few hours.

    But the chances of an allergic reaction are much lower than the chances of getting severe complications from the virus, which can also be very dangerous to health or even deadly. Therefore, it is safer for most people to get vaccinated against the flu.

    Thus, it is very important to prevent infection. After all, the flu virus causes many problems that will last a long time if they are not properly treated.

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