Andrey Klychkov, head of the Communist Party faction in the Moscow City Duma. Biography of the Acting Governor of the Oryol Region Andrey Klychkov. Young and experienced

Colleagues and party comrades characterize him as a good lawyer and an experienced deputy who knows Russia and will become a competent leader of the region.

Local deputies note that Klychkov will face a number of unresolved socio-economic problems, due to which residents of the region leave to work in Moscow.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday dismissed Vadim Potomsky from the post of governor of the Oryol region, and Andrei Klychkov, deputy of the Moscow City Duma, was appointed interim, the press service of the Kremlin reports. Potomsky was appointed by Putin as deputy plenipotentiary representative of the head of state in the Central Federal District.

Young and experienced

Andrei Klychkov is 38 years old. He was born in Kaliningrad, graduated from the Kaliningrad Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Russian University of Innovations, and the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Like Potomsky, he is a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, heads the Communist faction in the Moscow City Duma.

Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov said that Klychkov's candidacy was discussed with him, and called him an experienced deputy who knows Russia well.

"Andrey was sent there to perform his duties. A wonderful lawyer, an excellent experienced deputy, he knows Russia well, went through an excellent school. He is very well versed in the problems of urban economy, development, communal services, renovation. Together with him we gathered all the equity holders in the country," Klychkova described head of the Communist Party.


Klychkov himself said that his appointment was not expected, and called the new position a challenge that needs to be realized.

"On the other hand, there have been talks lately. The region is important for us. Of course, this is a challenge that will need to be implemented," Klychkov said.

He also said that he is in contact with the former head of the Potomsky region.

“We have absolute mutual understanding on interaction and future prospects, but it would probably be wrong to say that there are already plans for work. We need to delve into the details, then already,” Klychkov said.

He noted that he had already visited the Orel region, and promised to do everything to improve life in the region.

Unexpected appointment

Chairman of the Moscow City Duma Alexei Shaposhnikov said that the appointment of Klychkov as acting governor was unexpected for the capital's parliament.

“In general, this was unexpected for us. We are happy for our colleague,” Shaposhnikov said.

He called Klychkov a competent lawyer who knows the law thoroughly.

“Therefore, he can clearly be a fairly competent leader of one of the regions. And this is confirmed by today's appointment,” said the chairman of the Moscow City Duma.

As Dmitry Reut, a member of the Moscow City Election Commission, explained, by-elections to the Moscow City Duma in single-mandate constituency 21, in which Klychkov was elected, should be held within a year from the date of termination of office.

Potion will help

Vadim Potomsky, who resigned as governor of the Oryol region, said that he wanted his successor to maintain stability in the region and intended to help the region already as deputy plenipotentiary representative of the president in the Central Federal District.

“I will help the region as much as possible, because they are my relatives. My doors have always been open for the inhabitants of the region, they constantly wrote to me on social networks. this situation," Potomsky said.

According to him, difficult political issues in the region have always been resolved, there were no strife between representatives of different parties. He also noted that he would make efforts to ensure that the investment projects launched in the region were implemented.

Didn't live up to expectations

Mikhail Vdovin, chairman of the United Russia faction in the Oryol Regional Council of Deputies, believes that Potomsky shook up the Oryol region, but did not justify his hopes.

"We still have to evaluate what was good and what was bad. But there will be many questions for the Potomsky team," Vdovin said. He noted that the issues relate to the construction and repair of roads, the activities of the Capital Repair Fund.

The head of the Just Russia faction in the Oryol Regional Council of People's Deputies, chairman of the regional branch of the party, Ruslan Perelygin, told RIA Novosti that the party intends to build constructive relations with the new acting governor.

“We don’t spit in the back of a departing person. We believe that it is ugly to assess the actions of the former governor. If the president has made such a decision, we support this decision and will build constructive relations with the new interim,” Perelygin said.

The chairman of the Communist Party faction in the regional council of deputies, Vyacheslav Morozov, noted that Potomsky had difficulties, but he managed the region as best he could.

"I think that, like any governor today, there were difficulties. Financial difficulties. Therefore, I think it is unlikely that anyone would have coped better than him. Because everything depends on finances ... As far as he was able to manage the region, so it turned out ", Morozov said.

He noted that he was pleased with the fact that a communist again became the leader of the region.

A number of unsolved problems

The new head of the Orel region will have to solve many unresolved socio-economic issues, according to the chairman of the regional council, United Russia Leonid Muzalevsky.

“There are always complaints about those who work. There were certain complaints about the now former head. There are many questions - this is the creation of jobs and wage growth. The revenue part of the budget is clearly not enough for many socio-economic issues: the construction of schools, roads, kindergartens. We need to pay attention to the development of rural settlements," Muzalevsky said.

According to the parliamentarian, because of these problems, the inhabitants of the region are actively leaving to work in the capital.

Muzalevsky noted that the work of Potomsky will also be remembered for a number of positive moments, for example, the adoption of a law on the investment attractiveness of the region.

Generational change

Director General of the Institute of Regional Problems Dmitry Zhuravlev believes that Potomsky's resignation took place as part of a generational change.

“There is a change of generations. The leaders of the regions of the second generation, that is, economic administrators, are being replaced by Western-style managers. This is important both for the economy and for politics,” Zhuravlev believes.

The expert noted that for the Oryol region, which was headed by Yegor Stroev for 16 years and Alexander Kozlov for five years before Potomsky, the issue of generational change is more acute than for other regions.

"The strategic goal is to replace, in principle, the approach to managing the region with a more modern, more Western one. The market economy in Russia requires a different approach to management. The governor-economic manager set himself the task of stabilizing, preserving, saving. And he fulfilled this task. many governors left with orders and new positions, but their time is over," Zhuravlev concluded.

Andrey Evgenievich Klychkov- statesman and political figure of Russia. Andrei Evgenievich - Deputy of the Moscow City Duma from the Communist Party (2009-2017). October 5, 2017 by decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin Andrey Klychkov was appointed acting governor of the Oryol region. In 2018, Klychkov confidently won the election of the head of the Oryol region.

Childhood and education of Andrei Klychkov

Andrey Evgenyevich Klychkov was born on September 2, 1979 in Kaliningrad. Andrei Evgenievich's parents graduated from the Kaliningrad Technical Institute of the Fishing Industry.

Father - Evgeny Klychkov— began his career as a fish processing foreman at the Kaliningrad base, then worked as an assistant captain for production on ships of the fishing industry fleet. Engaged in Komsomol work. He became the first secretary of the Central District Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of Kaliningrad, the secretary for propaganda and agitation of the bureau of the regional committee of the Komsomol.

Mother - Elena Klychkova- worked at the Research Institute of Fisheries, also taught and was engaged in scientific activities.

After school, Andrei Klychkov entered the Kaliningrad Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (currently a branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), from which he graduated in 2000 with a degree in jurisprudence. Andrey Evgenyevich Klychkov continued his education at the Russian University of Innovations and in 2004 received a degree in political strategist. Further, Klychkov studied at the part-time department of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation with a degree in international relations, completing his studies in 2008.

Andrey Klychkov's career

Klychkov began working by profession in the Legal Service of the Central Committee of the Communist Party.

In July 2001 he joined the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. While working in the party, Andrei Klychkov went from assistant legal adviser to deputy head of the Legal Service of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. As reported in the biography of Klychkov, published by TASS, Andrey worked with citizens' appeals in the public reception of the party, represented the interests of the party in the Central Election Commission of Russia, the Supreme Court. Andrey Klychkov was also an assistant to a State Duma deputy Anatoly Lokot, then became the mayor of Novosibirsk.

On December 2, 2007, Klychkov took part in the elections to the State Duma of the 5th convocation on the list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (the second number in the regional group No. 52, Nizhny Novgorod region), but did not go to parliament.

Andrei Evgenievich was elected to the Moscow City Duma from 2009 to 2014, in which he led the Communist Party faction. September 14, 2014 Klychkov received 37.32% of the vote, ahead of the United Russia candidate Vladimir Zotov(32.16%) in electoral district No. 21 (part of the Vykhino-Zhulebino district and the Ryazan district).

In the photo: Deputy of the Moscow City Duma of the fifth convocation Andrey Klychkov at the solemn ceremony of taking the oath in the Petrovsky Travel Palace (Photo: Valery Sharifulin / TASS)

During this period, Klychkov in the Moscow City Duma led the commission for public associations and religious organizations. By his nature of activity, Klychkov participated in the work of commissions on urban planning, state property and land use. In addition, Andrei Evgenievich was a member of the commissions for legislation, regulations, rules and procedures. In addition to all this, Klychkov worked as a member of the joint commission of the Moscow City Duma and the Moscow Regional Duma to coordinate legislative activities in the municipal economy and housing policy.

As of 2017, Andrey Klychkov was a member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Klychkov - Advisor to the leader of the Communists, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party Gennady Zyuganov.

In 2017, Andrei Klychkov expressed his readiness to participate in the 2018 Moscow mayoral elections.

Appointment of Andrey Klychkov to the Oryol region

October 5, 2017 Russian President Vladimir Putin accepted the resignation of the governor of the Oryol region Vadim Potomsky. Andrey Klychkov, leader of the Communist Party faction in the Moscow City Duma, has been appointed interim head of the region. As the news was reported with reference to the press service of the Kremlin, the previous head of the Orel region Potomsky (also a representative of the Communist Party) resigned of his own free will. The President appointed him as his deputy plenipotentiary representative for the Central Federal District.

For Andrei Evgenievich himself, the appointment was unexpected. According to Klychkov, he had "completely different plans", he "thought to work in Moscow."

“But today the challenge that has been thrown and the opportunity that has been presented is probably a good chance for me to show what I learned to do in Moscow,” Klychkov said, noting that he would try to transfer all the best to the Oryol region what was done in the capital.

“In this case, the Orel region for me is the best opportunity to transfer. First of all, it is to establish contact between the authorities and society, ”the media quoted Klychkov as saying.

Director of the International Institute of Political Expertise Evgeny Minchenko, commenting on the appointment of Klychkov to the Oryol region, noted that in this way a strong competitor of the ruling party in the upcoming elections of the mayor of Moscow is eliminated.

“Klychkov was the only ready-made candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the election of the mayor of Moscow, in fact, now this candidate is not. So, I think the problem is solved. It cannot but be a political game, because the president appoints a representative of the opposition party. This is just a continuation of the policy of quoting governor posts for political parties in accordance with their political weight,” the political scientist told the National News Service.

On October 7, in Orel, Andrei Klychkov, secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, was presented as acting governor of the Oryol region.

“Andrey Evgenievich is a fairly young man, but already with very good experience. During his political formation, he managed not only to receive fundamental legal training, training in the field of public administration, but also has a serious practice of deputy activity. He successfully passed a number of election campaigns. Thus, he has the necessary data to lead one of the important regions of Central Russia and cope with his new responsibilities. Going through the management of the region means gaining extremely important experience in administrative activities and further implementing it in new areas, ”commented the appointment of Klychkov, Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Dmitry Novikov.

In the 2018 elections, Andriy Klychko won a landslide victory, receiving 83.55% of the vote. The communist governor overtook other candidates, in particular, Yevgeny Alekhin (Motherland) and Ruslan Perelygin (Fair Russia).

Andrey Klychkov's attitude to the Renovation program

Andrey Klychkov, head of the Communist Party faction in the Moscow City Duma, criticized the renovation program, which became one of the main news trends in 2017. On the air of the Free Press open studio, the communist deputy said that “the Moscow City Hall is trying to replace the real expert discussion of the project, which may affect all Muscovites, with a kind of nod to the protesters, offering some guarantees on the bill that does not yet exist.”

Klychkov stated that the renovation bill should not be adopted until “the issues of equivalence for residential and non-residential premises, and material compensation, and compliance with building standards” have not been resolved.

Also in May 2017, Klychkov stated that “heads of administrations and prefects of districts randomly form lists exclusively so that they simply fall within the boundaries of a particular block. It was precisely because of this approach that the really dilapidated buildings of the Izmailovo, Sokol and a number of other regions fell out of sight. But we are working on the situation for each specific house and hope that they will still be included in the lists.”

Personal life and income of Andrey Klychkov

Andrei Klychkov is married, his wife Valery graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute. The Klychkovs have two sons, born in 2008 and 2015. In the biography of the deputy, it is reported that in his youth he was engaged in pentathlon.

According to open data, the amount of declared income of Klychkov for 2016 amounted to 512.6 thousand rubles. Klychkov has an apartment of 54.5 sq. m. He owns an all-wheel drive transporter LuAZ-967. Klychkov's wife Valeria had an income of 116 thousand.

Andrey Evgenyevich Klychkov - Russian politician and statesman, governor of the Oryol region. One of the prominent figures of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the party (since 2015).

early years

Andrei Klychkov spent his childhood and youth in Kaliningrad, where he was born on September 2, 1979. His parents devoted their entire lives to the fishing industry. In addition, his father Yevgeny was one of the main Komsomol activists in the city: in the Central District Committee he held the position of first secretary, and in the bureau of the Regional Committee he was secretary for propaganda and agitation.

Astrid Lindgren's story "Mio, my Mio", where the main character fights against evil and injustice that have settled in the kingdom, was a desktop book in the childhood of Andrei Klychkov. Naturally, this could not but affect the emerging outlook of the future communist. His fortitude was also strengthened by pentathlon, and at one of the international horse riding competitions, Klychkov even won a prize.


In 2000, Klychkov graduated with honors from the Kaliningrad Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and a year earlier he received the medal of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for his work "Features of the Free Economic Zone of Kaliningrad" as the best scientific work in 1999.

To increase the experience of party work, he was also helped by obtaining additional higher education. So, in 2004, he graduated as a political strategist from the Russian University of Innovations, and four years later, from the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Public service career

After the institute, Klychkov worked for two years in the criminal investigation department, and then decided to join the Communist Party. In the public reception party, Klychkov was an assistant legal adviser and provided legal assistance to those in need. His altruism and responsible attitude to work helped him build a fast-paced party career. A little later, Klychkov took the position of deputy head of the legal service of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, became the representative of the party in the Central Election Commission and the Supreme Court of Russia, as well as an assistant to the State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Anatoly Lokot, who has been the mayor of Novosibirsk since 2014.

On October 11, 2009, Klychkov was elected to the Moscow City Duma and immediately became chairman of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the Moscow parliament. He was re-elected as a deputy there on September 14, 2014 as a result of elections in single-mandate constituency No. 21, overtaking United Russia representative Vladimir Zotov.

In the Moscow City Duma, Klychkov oversaw the commission responsible for public and religious organizations, and was also a member of two commissions: on legislation and on urban planning, state property and land use. In addition, he was a member of the joint commission of the Moscow City Duma and the Moscow Regional Duma on urban economy and housing policy.

When they were going to launch an unpopular renovation program in Moscow, Klychkov ensured that the settlers had legal assistance, and also secured a guarantee that high-rise buildings would not be built on the site of 2-story residential buildings.

In 2011-2012, Klychkov was an active participant in opposition rallies on Bolotnaya Square and Sakharov Avenue, along with Alexei Navalny, Sergei Udaltsov and Ilya Ponomarev.

For the entire time of his political career, Klychkov had a chance to become a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation three times. He ran for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in 2007 and 2016, and in 2011 he was nevertheless elected to the State Duma, but refused the mandate in favor of his party ally Vladimir Rodin and remained in the deputy chair in the Moscow Regional Duma.

On October 5, 2017, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin appointed Andrey Klychkov as interim governor of the Oryol region, and Klychkov accepted this proposal, replacing his predecessor, Vadim Potomsky, in the chair. This appointment was also so symbolic because the Oryol region is the birthplace of the long-term leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov.

Andrey Klychkov on pension reform

Andrey Klychkov's personal life

In his free time, Klychkov enjoys hunting and fishing, as well as walking with his wife and children. Since 2005, Andrei Klychkov has been married to Valeria, a graduate of the Moscow Aviation Institute. They are raising two sons: Vsevolod (born in 2008) and Nikolai (born in 2015). The eldest child dreams of becoming a military man, is interested in history and likes to watch military films.

Despite the fact that Klychkov considers himself an oppositionist, it is important for him to compromise with all political forces and seek their unification on many issues, and in a recent interview he noted that he is not the governor of the Communist Party, but "the governor of all the inhabitants of the region" .

Andrey Klychkov now

During the first year under Klychkov, the Oryol region was able to get off the path of a “socially depressed region”. Thus, the work of industrial enterprises in this region was optimized, among which the first in Russia manufacturer of insulin of the 2nd degree, the Sanofi-AventisVostok plant, stands apart. With the direct participation of Klychkov, the company became the first exporter of insulin to Germany.

Under the new head of the region, ten public territories were also landscaped and 34 road sections were repaired (almost 6 times more than last year), and sports grounds were opened in small settlements. This is only a small part of the good deeds of Klychkov, which allowed him to become a full-fledged governor of the Orel region, gaining 83.55% of the vote in the elections in September 2018.

Klychkov came to Navalny's uncoordinated rally in Orel

Name: Klychkov Andrey Evgenievich. Date of birth: September 2, 1979. Place of birth: Kaliningrad, USSR.

Childhood and early career

The future politician was born in Kaliningrad, in the family of an activist. There was only one party then, the CPSU. Andrey Klychkov's parents graduated from the Kaliningrad Technical Institute of the Fishing Industry and Economy. Mother, Elena, was an employee of the Research Institute of Fisheries. My father also worked in the fishing industry. He was also the first secretary of the Central District Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of Kaliningrad and the secretary for propaganda and agitation of the bureau of the regional committee of the Komsomol. So Andrei, one might say, inherited a penchant for political activity.

The beginning of the career biography of the future politician was, one might say, romantic. After graduating from the Kaliningrad Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he worked for two years in the criminal police department. However, the laurels of Lev Gurov, Anastasia Kamenskaya and other real and legendary domestic detectives did not seem to appeal to Andrei. In 2001, he joined the Communist Party and began to move up the party line.

Went into politics and never returned

Starting with work with citizens' appeals in the public reception, Klychkov reached the post of deputy head of the Legal Service of the Central Committee of the Party, represented her interests in the central election commission and the Supreme Court. He received a second degree from the Russian University of Innovations with a degree in political technology (there will be another third - in 2008 Klychkov graduated from the part-time department of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia with a degree in international relations). And he decided to go into politics permanently.

The first election in his life as a candidate - to the Kaliningrad Regional Duma of the IV convocation - Klychkov lost. An attempt to become a deputy of the State Duma of the 5th convocation also failed. But the politician entered the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and was repeatedly re-elected. And in 2009, he finally received a mandate - in the Moscow City Duma of the 5th convocation, according to the party list. He liked his work in the Moscow City Duma so much that when there was a chance to move to the State Duma following the results of the 2011 elections, Klychkov refused the mandate, remaining a deputy of the Moscow City Duma. In 2014, he was re-elected, with Klychkov beating United Russia candidate Vladimir Zotov.

Activity in the city parliament was active - Andrey headed the Communist Party faction, the commission for public associations and religious organizations, took part in the work of several more commissions. And at the same time he built a career within the party. Now Andrei Klychkov is the secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Moscow City Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and an adviser to the permanent chairman of the Central Committee since the early 1990s, Gennady Zyuganov.

Change of course

Kaliningrader Klychkov, who became a Muscovite, began to look closely at the post of mayor and prepare for the 2018 elections - he announced his plans at the beginning of 2017. Bloggers reacted - information appeared on the network that Klychkov did not fight as he should with the massive stuffing of ballots at polling station No. 2300 in Cheryomushki in October 2009, changed the district in the next elections - apparently because he did nothing of what he promised, and in general does not really care about protecting the interests of the inhabitants of the city.

And in September 2017, during the next rotation of regional personnel, Andrey Klychkov received an offer to act as governor of the Oryol region. And agreed. Some analysts believe that the mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, contributed to the appointment of Klychkov. Got rid of the main competitor in the future elections.

Political scientist Yevgeny Minchenko commented on his Telegram channel that the pact between the Kremlin and Zyuganov on the governor's quota of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the Oryol region, in the small homeland of the communist leader, continues to operate, which is shown by the appointment of Andrei Klychkov.

From protest to constructive dialogue

Andrei Klychkov was a participant in the protests of 2011-2013, including at Bolotnaya. Then he declared the illegitimacy of the elections and the need to unite all forces in the fight against United Russia.

“We are a force, we are a united people. We do not hold on to mandates, but our common task is to take them away from United Russia,” he said at the time.

Now Andrei Klychkov is more peaceful and ready for a constructive dialogue. There are two communist governors in all of Russia. You have to adapt to the situation.

Personal life

Klychkov's wife, Valeria, was born and raised in Ulan-Ude, and met her husband in Moscow. Graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute.

Andrei and Valeria met at a party, and then met by chance at an exhibition - interestingly, in the State Duma. To take the beauty to the dining room, Klychkov borrowed money from a friend. For the first time, they lived in a hostel. Nothing, difficulties harden the family, the head of the family notes.

The new "first lady" of the Oryol region was extremely liked by local journalists. “There are already legends about the extraterrestrial beauty of this blue-eyed blonde,” Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote enthusiastically.

Now the couple has two sons, one two, the other nine. The elder, as his father says, loves war films and historical stories. If the desire does not disappear, it will be quite a decent career for the son of a communist.


In 2013, a scandal broke out around the name of Andrei Klychkov on a popular topic. The journalists of Vzglyad heard live on the Russian News Service the phrase that holding gay parades in Moscow Hyde Parks is legal, and wrote news about it.

“From the point of view of the law, today there are no grounds for refusal,” Vzglyad quotes Klychkov.

Said and said. After all, hyde parks exist to be able to defend any ideas - really any. But this phrase is still remembered by Klychkov, especially in blogs. During the 2014 elections, leaflets and even a fake regional newspaper were distributed to the Moscow City Duma, in which it was reported to all interested that Klychkov allegedly supported the gay community and was going to set up a gay quarter in Zhulebino - which, as Klychkov's supporters have repeatedly emphasized, is a complete lie.

And in the fall of last year, a media scandal broke out in Orel, when the general public became aware that Acting Governor Andrei Klychkov and his press secretary and assistant Sergei Lezhnev live in the same apartment. Moreover, Lezhnev tells everyone and everyone about this.

The situation was discussed in the media and social networks. The indignant Sergei Lezhnev aggravated the conflict by "running into" the Oryol journalists. The local deacon of the Russian Orthodox Church, Igor Golikov, stood up for the unlucky "roommates", calling the media in which the situation was discussed "toilets" and "drain cisterns", and accusing bloggers of venality. After all, Klychkov did not expect an appointment in the Oryol region, it is not surprising that life is not arranged yet. And the press secretary should be constantly nearby.

Notepad even hosted a vote, asking readers if it was normal for the acting governor and his adviser to live in the same apartment. Opinions were divided almost equally. But the majority - 57 percent - resolutely answered no.

As noted then by the head of the NPR Group, political scientist Dmitry Fetisov, Klychkov makes image mistakes more often than other heads of regions newly appointed after the autumn "governor's fall", and this happens because of the adviser (he still holds the position).

“If the head of the region lives with his adviser, then why tell other people about it? If you are a media adviser, then you should not start your work by insulting journalists, ”Notepad quotes Fetisov.

But Klychkov is not some modest business executive, technocrat or businessman thrown into the region and not used to the close attention of the press. He is an experienced politician. Well, it had to be put up like that.

From Grozny to Stalin

Oryol region is lucky to have governors. The former, Vadim Potomsky, became famous throughout the country for discoveries in history, almost as sensational as the works of Fomenko. He told the shocked public that Ivan the Terrible did not kill his son, but that he died when he was traveling with his father to St. Petersburg. (It is not surprising then that he died - both the tsar himself and his son were born in the 16th century, and the city on the Neva was founded at the beginning of the 18th century, even the Rurikovich do not live so long).

“He who does not know his history has no future,” Potomsky concluded at the time. And he safely stayed at his post until September 2017, when he nevertheless resigned. The region inherited a monument to the formidable king.

The new head of the Oryol region was not noticed in sympathy for Grozny. But he respects Stalin, although he does not really like to talk about it. Laying flowers at the grave of the most controversial leader of the USSR Klychkov called the basic tradition of the Communist Party, which no one is going to change.

In this, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation did not really become the successor to its formidable predecessor, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. After Stalin's death, the comrades-in-arms strongly condemned the "cult of personality", hastily rehabilitated their colleagues who died during the repressions, returned their surviving wives, children and other relatives from exile and camps, and at the same time many other victims. They clearly thought the issue was closed. Wrong.

The life and death of Stalin still causes fierce controversy. Andrey Klychkov believes that it is necessary to take into account the historical context and use "positive experience", and in general, every person has the right to his own opinion.

“Let's not impose our point of view as absolute. We can discuss any date or character not from the point of view of hatred, but from the point of view of texture, ”he said in an interview with Novaya Gazeta.

His opponents do not agree to treat the dead and injured during the repressions as a fact. But Klychkov does not agree to discuss historical issues when there are more relevant topics. What is in Moscow, what is in the Oryol region.

The new governor promised the journalists that he would not erect monuments, and that he did not intend to use Stalin's methods. And thanks for that.

After Klychkov leaves the Moscow City Duma, by-elections will be announced for his mandate, and the faction will most likely be headed by Leonid Zyuganov, the grandson of the party chairman, a source in the party told RBC.

“Klychkov is one of those people in the party who, despite his youth, has sufficient political experience, he is a modern person and one of the most suitable for such a position. Perhaps the government has a political logic. In Moscow, he is a bright politician, and without Klychkov it will be easier to hold elections in the capital, ”a RBC source in the Communist Party said even before the presidential decree on Klychkov’s appointment was issued.

Another RBC source in the party suggested that Klychkov's "exile" to a region that is not interesting in terms of electoral and economic resources may be associated with a future change in the party chairman, when the struggle for key posts in the Communist Party intensifies.

"God is not a fraer"

The Oryol region is considered one of the "red regions", where the positions of the Communist Party are strong (communist Sergei Levchenko heads the Irkutsk region). Gennady Zyuganov, chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, was born in the region, he has an apiary in the region.

The 45-year-old communist Potomsky, like Klychkov, was a “Varangian” for the Oryol region. Being a native of the Leningrad region, in 2012, as a candidate from the Communist Party, he fought for the post of head of the Bryansk region, but lost with the second result. In February 2014, the president appointed him governor of the Oryol region, where he won the election six months later with a score of 89%.

However, according to experts, Potomsky did not become a strong governor. In December last year, he was among the outsiders in the survival rating of governors, compiled by experts from the Petersburg Politics Foundation and the Minchenko Consulting holding. Political scientist Yevgeny Minchenko in his Telegram channel spoke about Potomsky's "high conflict and poor performance in terms of political positioning and the quality of political management."

During his governorship, Potomsky has been in the spotlight more than once because of his public statements. In the summer of 2016, on the eve of the installation of a monument to Ivan the Terrible in Orel, which caused protests from many residents of the city, the governor that the installation of the monument is not the goal of canonizing Ivan the Terrible; Potomsky also said that Ivan the Terrible did not kill his son, but that he allegedly died on the way from Moscow to St. Petersburg.

In May 2017, journalists' claims against Bishop Nektary were filed by Potomsky in connection with a Toyota Land Cruiser worth 6 million rubles donated to him. words: "God is not a fraer."

In early September 2017, the editor-in-chief of the Krasnaya Straya newspaper, Yuri Lebedkin, left the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, accusing Potomsky of leading the region to “collapse”. Lebedkin wrote that in November 2016, Potomsky was stripped of his military ranks of lieutenant colonel and major, which were illegally assigned to the governor. In December, the print run of the newspaper disappeared from the printing house, which contained criticism of the authorities and the head of the region personally. Lebedkin insists that this was done on the personal instructions of the governor. In addition, the journalists of the publication found out that Potomsky "illegally ascribes to himself the title of master of sports in judo."

"Absolute anachronism"

Potomsky as governor was perceived as "absolute anachronism," says political scientist Vitaly Ivanov: "This is such a businessman from the 1990s and early 2000s, who at that time were many in power." (At the same time, Novaya Gazeta connected the governor's relatives with processing enterprises.)

Potomsky's political talents are questionable, Konstantin Kalachev, head of the Political Expert Group, told RBC. “They tried to position him as an effective manager, but there was no evidence of this,” the expert says. Among the main problems of Potomsky, he named the conflict with the deputy of the regional council and businessman Vitaly Rybakov, who represented the "passionary" part of the local elite; chilly relations with regional communists and with Zyuganov; serious image punctures. Closed sociology in the region showed that the head of the region had problems with the rating, added Kalachev.

The Kremlin had no particular complaints about Potomsky, political consultant Dmitry Fetisov retorts. In his opinion, the high level of holding the anniversary of the Eagle and the maximum implementation of the May decrees played in favor of the governor. It will be much more difficult for his successor to withstand the conflict with the regional elites, in particular, to resist the huge influence of the ex-governor of the region Yegor Stroyev.

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