Drawing on the topic my city is the best. Competitive works of children on the topic: My favorite city. "We meet by clothes"

Hello dear friends! It's time to figure out how to draw a city in stages with a pencil.

If you live in a city, then the best thing you can do to draw it is to go outside (of course, before that you need to read this article), choose a colorful place and try to copy it. Working with nature will give you more emotions and experience than sketching. If you are too lazy to get outside or the weather is bad there, then you can always transfer your view from the window to paper :)

In general, we will talk about drawing from nature some other time, but for now we will proceed to the phased drawing of the city and analyze all the important points in this matter.

Learning to draw a city

Stage 1
Our drawing will consist of houses and a path between them, so in the first step we need to sketch out the buildings.

We draw six lines, the description is too abstract. In order for you to understand what these lines are and what they are for, we recommend scrolling this lesson a little higher or to the very bottom. When you see the finished drawing, you will immediately understand what these lines mean.

Stage 2
We continue to refine our pencil sketches made in the previous step. We draw corners of buildings and a door passage at the left house.

Stage 3
Now we are working on the roofs of our city.

By the way, when drawing a city, you actively develop a sense of perspective, because a city is a collection of rectangles receding into the distance, that is, buildings whose location is very easy to understand.

Stage 4
It's time to take care of the city road. With two lines drawn from the corner of the house to the end of the pencil drawing, we depict the sidewalk.

Since the sidewalk is a three-dimensional object, we must convey its three-dimensionality. Pay attention to the left side of the road. In some places, the sidewalk narrows into one line, which is what allows us to convey its volume.

Also, at this step we detail the roof, for beauty we add stripes on the houses and on the right building we depict a doorway with a large canopy.

Stage 5
What is a city without trees? On the left side of the road we depict a small tree. If you do not know how to draw trees, you can read our article about it. In the right house we insert the door :)

stage 6
We continue to work on our urban landscape. On the right side you need to draw tables and chairs of a street restaurant. It is best to draw them first with a pencil, so that in case of a mistake it can be corrected.

Also, in this step you need to draw the door and the roof of the restaurant and the door in the left house.

Stage 7
Detailing our metropolis. On the roofs we draw pipes, flowers in a pot on the road and suspended on the wall, we draw a pillar.

Small details are a very important thing in drawing, especially in drawing a city with a pencil. Therefore, you can draw some of your own, invented details. For example, a cat, people, cars and much more.

Stage 8
We draw windows in houses. Note that the windows in the left and right houses follow the laws of perspective. Namely, they are drawn at an angle, unlike the windows in the house, which is located in the center of the picture.

If you wish, you can draw curtains or people in the windows.

We left the most difficult task for you :) You need to take paints or felt-tip pens and paint our metropolis. Of course, you can also work on chiaroscuro, but this is for more experienced artists. So, if you feel the strength in yourself, go for it!

Elena Demina

Lower Novgorod - city interesting and unique, old, very loved by Nizhny Novgorod residents of all ages. We are proud of the history of Nizhny Novgorod. Traditionally, in June, the administration of the Nizhny Novgorod Novgorod holds a children's competition drawing"My favorite city» . In our kindergarten, an exhibition of children's creativity with the same name was held and works were selected for city ​​competition. Look at the work of our talented artists!

In our city ​​eight districts! We live in the Kanavinsky district! Our district will be 87 years old this year!

I love our big city,

Kanavino - native area!

Here I was born

And there is simply no better place.

"Gate of the Lower"- like this

I would name our area

After all, to the Moscow station to us

Trains come from all directions.

Welcome the first guests

And here we have what show:

And Fair, and Metrobridge.

You are not in a hurry to leave.

Here the waters of the two Great Rivers

Connect forever!

Cathedral on the Strelka, as if "prince",

Worth it in "armor put on".

There are many flower beds and squares,

Beautiful buildings and churches.

Our favorite theater"Faith",

Hurry to please the guests.

The circus sparkles with a new dome,

Invites to the show.

And next to the Planetarium again

We are ready to reveal the secrets of the stars.

There is a park where there is a lot of entertainment

And the Children's Railway,

Great stadium "Locomotive",

For those, who likes sport, always open.

There are many large enterprises here.

The area is working, labor.

The names of the streets are the names of the heroes,

Like a memory of the war!

Let EIGHTY SEVEN district,

He's getting younger every day

It grows every year

Number of kindergartens and schools.

And I'm proud of my neighborhood

I study here and live here!

And on this birthday I wish

Continue prosperity to him!

Works of my students

In our preschool educational institution, as part of the thematic week "My small Motherland", an exhibition of works was held on the topic: "My beloved city".
Together with the children, we made several works using non-traditional techniques.

Job title: "Hometown Street"(application from boxes)
1. To form the ability to paste over boxes with colored paper, to supplement the craft with an applique image of windows;
2. To develop the ability to establish a connection between the buildings and structures created by children and what they see in the surrounding life;
3. To develop in children the ability to work collectively, to combine their crafts in accordance with the general plan;
4. Promote the development of independence, creativity, friendliness.

Job title: "Ring of our city"(application in the technique of "breaking" paper; "roses" and corrugated paper balls)

Purpose: to continue learning compositional development. Use of techniques and methods of paper plasticity in creating flowers.
1. Improve the artistic and creative abilities of children in the process of productive activity;
2. Continue to master the skills of making paper flowers;
3. Develop artistic taste, imagination, creativity;
4. Cultivate an aesthetic attitude to the world around.

Job title: "The house I live in"(application from cereals)
Purpose: Development of fine motor skills of hands; development of imagination, creative thinking.

A variety of varieties of cereals are useful for work, we used peas, rice, corn grits, pearl barley.
To make such an application, you need to draw the outline of the picture on paper, determine where the cereal will be. then apply glue to a certain area and generously apply grits of the desired color to the area covered with glue. Then remove the excess cereal.

Job title: "Houses are different"(fabric applique)

Job title: "The city where I live"(yarn applique)

I made these works for an exhibition for my son's group.

Irina Pavlovskaya

“You are not remembering a large country that you have traveled and known.

You remember the Motherland the way you saw it as a child”

K. Simonov "Motherland"

Modern researchers consider the national-regional component as a fundamental factor in the integration of social and pedagogical conditions in the patriotic and civic education of preschoolers. At the same time, the emphasis is on fostering love for one's home, nature, and culture of the small Motherland.

Acquaintance of children with relatives edge: with historical, cultural, national, geographical, natural features, it forms in them such character traits that will help them become a patriot and citizen of their homeland. After all, vivid impressions about the native nature, about the history of the native land, received in childhood, often remain in the memory of a person for life.

We live in an old the city of Borisoglebsk named after Saints Boris and Gleb. Small quiet streets, beautiful squares, Urban park of culture and recreation, the river Vorona - everyone can name their favorite place in city. There are such places for the pupils of our kindergarten. The children, together with their teachers and parents, decided to draw the most beautiful and "famous" sights of Borisoglebsk.

In their drawings, children drew sights and monuments that are located in city.

The drawings easily recognized another popular place in city ​​- fountain.

Children also drew their favorite places of rest - a kindergarten, playgrounds, banks of the Vorona and Khopra rivers.

And, of course, the most favorite place for entertainment - Urban park of culture and recreation.


Pedagogical goal: to reveal the historical concept of "city"; to consolidate the knowledge of the streets and the name of the native city; to continue to acquaint with the native city, enriching and expanding knowledge of the memorable places of the city; to form the ability to notice the shortcomings of their work and correct them, to cultivate love for the native city; to develop oral speech; analytical abilities, the ability to compare objects with each other, highlight the features of each object; improve the ability to depict objects, conveying their shape, size, structure, proportions, color composition, to form a steady interest in visual activity in children.

Mastering the content of educational areas: "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Cognitive development", "Speech development".

Direction: Visual activity (drawing)

Targets of education: has a developed imagination, which is realized in a visual form of activity, shows curiosity, emotionally responds to the beauty of the world around.

Types of activity: visual, communicative, motor.

Means of implementation: visual: a sample of pedagogical drawing; artistic: paintings depicting landscapes of the native city; verbal: poetry; multimedia: presentation "Our city"

Equipment: for the teacher: watercolors, brushes, jars of water, napkins, easel; for children: watercolors, brushes, jars of water, napkins.

Organizational structure of the lesson

1. Introduction to the topic.

Guys, what is the name of our country? (children's answers) Are there many cities in Russia? Look, this is a photograph of our city (shows a photograph of his native city). What is the name of the city in which we live? What is the name of the inhabitants of our city?

My dear, kind city,

You are very dear to me,

You are the best city in the world

All over the big earth.

I love walking with my dad

Through the big streets

And smile at people

Familiar and stranger.

O. Zykova

Today in the lesson you will draw your favorite places in your hometown. But first we will walk around our city to remember its sights.

2. Cognitive activity.

1) The discovery of new knowledge. What is a city.

Do you know where the word "city" came from? Say the word "city" slowly, listen to this word. In fairy tales, epics, the city was called the city in the old way: Kyiv-city, Moscow-city. the words "fence", "fenced" a familiar word? Since then, the fenced place has been called a city. Thus, the modern word “city” was formed from the ancient word “city”.

2) Informative and informative conversation. Our city.

The teacher shows slides and invites the children to talk about their city.

What is the name of the street where you live? What kind of houses are there on your street? What shops are there near your house? Where do you like to walk on weekends? Where do you go to watch children's plays? Where did you watch the circus performance?? Are there any museums or theaters in your city? Which corner of our city do you like the most??

3) Didactic game "What is it?"

The teacher distributes fragments of paintings to groups of children of 4-6 people, offers to put together an image of one of the sights from them and name it.

3. Creative practical activity.

1) Oral drawing.

Today I suggest you draw your favorite corner in our city. I have a park. Look at my drawing. And what will you draw? (children's answers)

2) Demonstration of working methods.

The teacher shows the children drawing techniques, paying attention to how best to place objects on a sheet of paper, taking into account all proportions, convey their color, draw a background.

3) Work on a creative task.

Assignment: draw a picture of your favorite corner of your hometown.

Physical education minute

We turn the windmill forward, and then vice versa.

We'll all bend over like we're jumping into a pool.

And then we bend back

Let's have a good break.

And it's time for us to jump, we haven't jumped since morning.

Step in place in conclusion. This is also an exercise.

Jumped, stretched -

Here you have a good rest!

4. Reflection.

1) Exhibition of works. Children arrange drawings, admire them. Discuss them.

2) Summing up.

How well do you know your city! What wonderful corners it has! I would love to travel to these places and admire their beauty! Did you like your drawings? And I really liked it.

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