Foods that acidify the body. Acid-base balance of the body - what is it. What foods oxidize and alkalize the body

Violation of the acid-base balance in the body is a serious problem in the modern world. Biologist Otto Warburg was the first person to link blood acidity to cancer. It was thanks to him that oncologists around the world began to use alkaline chemotherapy, which effectively destroys cancer cells. Products that alkalize the body have a similar effect. The scale of the problem is easy to imagine knowing that a 0.1 pH shift in the blood reduces its oxygen-carrying capacity by a factor of 7! You can easily find out the acid-base balance of your body if you buy litmus papers at the pharmacy. During the second trip to the toilet, measure the pH of your urine, if it is less than 7 - your body is acidic, if above 7.5 - alkaline. Obviously, the acidity of the medium will be between 7.1 and 7.4 units.

Living in megacities, we are exposed to negative environmental factors, pesticides contained in food, as well as polluted atmosphere, which have become part of our existence. In pursuit of harmony and beauty, we go on poor diets, leading to violations of the internal functions of the body and individual organs. Many illnesses lead us down a path of life full of pain and discomfort. There is a way out of all this - change your addictions and false ideas about healthy eating - eat alkalizing foods.

We present you a list of products that acidify and alkalize the body, in the form of tables.

Fruits and vegetables

NameDegree of acidificationDegree of alkalization
Cranberry- 1
banana ripe- 2
Grape- 2
Cherry- 2
Raisin- 2
Date fruit- 2
apple fresh- 2
dried apple- 2
Other berries- 2-4
Avocado- 3
Orange- 3
Watermelon- 3
Melon- 3
Other fruits- 3
Peach- 3
Plum- 3
Currant- 3
Sweet cherry- 3
Prunes- 3
Grapefruit- 4
figs- 4
Lime- 4
Lemon- 4
Papaya- 4
banana green2 -
Plum sweet2 -
Fruits in jam1-3 -

Vegetables, greens

NameDegree of acidificationDegree of alkalization
Green peas- 2
Onion- 2
Fresh beans- 3
Broccoli- 3
Potato- 3
Pepper- 3
Parsley- 3
Radish- 3
Asparagus- 3
Cauliflower- 3
Spinach- 3
Carrot- 4
cucumbers- 4
Tomatoes- 4
Beet- 4
Celery- 4
Baked beans3 -
dried beans1 -
Peas dry2 -

Cereal products

NameDegree of acidificationDegree of alkalization
White rice2 -
Starch2 -
Corn flour2 -
Wheat flour2 -
Corn2 -
Rye2 -
Rye bread1 -
White bread (loaf)2 -
bran bread1 -
Barley1 -
Oat groats- 3
Amaranth- 1
brown rice- 1
Quinoa- 1
Millet- 1


nameDegree of acidificationDegree of alkalization
Cream2 -
Butter2 -
Hard cheese2 -
Soft cheese1 -
Whey milk- 3
Cottage cheese- 3
Soy milk- 2
Kefir- 1
curdled milk- 1
Goat milk- 1
Goat cheese- 1
Milk- 1

Nuts, eggs, oils

NameDegree of acidificationDegree of alkalization
Peanut3 -
Walnut3 -
Peanut2 -
Almond- 2
Cashew nuts2 -
Linseed oil- 2
Rapeseed oil- 2
Olive oil- 2
Sunflower oil1 -
Seeds1 -
egg squirrels4 -
whole egg3 -

Meat and seafood

NameDegree of acidificationDegree of alkalization
Boiled lamb2 -
Lamb stew1 -
Bacon1 -
Ham2 -
Beef1 -
Game1-4 -
Turkey2 -
Chicken2 -
beef liver3 -
Pork2 -
pork fat- 1
chickens3 -
Fish2-3 -
mussels3 -
crayfish4 -
oysters4 -

Drinks and sweets

NameDegree of acidificationDegree of alkalization
Alcohol (any)4 -
Green tea- 2
Coffee2 -
Lemonade4 -
Herbal tea- 3
Black tea1 -
Sugar2 -
Honey1 -
Cocoa3 -
Chocolate3 -
Sweeteners3 -

How to normalize the acid-base balance of the body

Follow simple rules to acid-base body balance returned to normal:

  1. Drink more lemon-flavored drinks. In the morning, add lemon juice to plain water, and warm up with lemon tea in the evening. Although lemons are acidic, they are metabolized and release alkaline agents into the blood.
  2. Pay attention to Aloe Vera juice. This juice has recently appeared in the stores of the country, the price is only 40 rubles, and the benefit is a wagon. In addition to a portion of the rejuvenating caraginan contained in the pulp, you normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Baking with baking soda is the easiest way to alkalize food. You will get a quick effect in the form of getting rid of heartburn, which means that the acid-base balance will reign in the stomach. If you are committed to a healthy lifestyle - just mix baking soda with water occasionally - just don't overdo it.
  4. Greens and sprouted foods will directly improve your well-being. Make salads and fresh juices out of them. In addition to helping your body fight for pH balance, chlorophyll-rich foods supply calcium to the body and increase bone mass.
  5. Coconuts are a wonderful food, due to their ability to strongly alkalize the blood. Many products can be prepared from this nut: coconut juice, milk, butter, or plain pulp. They are a great source of energy, improve digestion, improve bowel function, support tissue repair, dissolve kidney stones, promote weight loss, boost the immune system, and more. They are a popular ingredient.
  6. Reduce your stress levels. Stress damages our body intensely. When you are nervous, the digestive system shuts down and the elimination of toxic acids stops. Practice yoga, meditation, deep breathing, and any other anti-stress activity to help your body release harmful acids from fatty tissues.
  7. Acupuncture. In Russia, only 4 years ago, the practical benefits of acupuncture were recognized through the introduction of a new medical specialty - acupuncturist. One of the editors of the site went through acupuncture data during the treatment of exacerbation of pancreatitis and shared with us information that they are very helpful in calming down and normalizing the digestive system.
  8. Create the right balance of acidifying and alkalizing foods: 20:80. Do not forget that most products are neutral, which means that this goal is very easy to achieve.
  9. Physical exercises well remove all toxins from the body. Make sure your level of physical activity normal, otherwise In this case, try to lead a more active lifestyle, which may consist of increasing household activities: walking, climbing stairs, cycling to work.
  10. Consuming bioavailable multivitamins. Pharmacy shelves are saturated with various types of vitamin complexes, each of which is extremely beneficial for the body. Their use will ensure

at the cellular level, precisely because of this phenomenon (i.e. cell oxidation) the concentration of free radicals increases and the body's ability to produce energy decreases). In addition, in the acidic environment of the body, bacteria and viruses feel better and multiply. Cancer cells, for example, cannot grow in an alkaline environment., which once again confirms the importance of maintaining the alkaline balance in the body.
Blood always remains within the specified acidity, but with general oxidation of the body(through the consumption of more oxidizing foods), by neutralizing excess acid with the most alkaline substance in the body, calcium (i.e., by drawing calcium from bone reserves).

To maintain health, it is not necessary that all the food was "alkaline", but it should prevail, which means that in the diet there should be a maximum of fresh plant products, because at thermal processing PH balance changes to the acid side(as well as the enzymes necessary for the absorption of incoming food in the stomach and intestines are destroyed).
It should be remembered that neutralization one conventional unit of acidic products about 20 conventional units of alkaline products are required.
There are two extremes: acidosis () and alkalosis ().

What is acidosis?

Acidosis - acidic environment of the body, dry mouth , increased acidity of the stomach. Right nostril breathing poorly or clogged. Excitability is increased. Blood pressure and body temperature rise. Diuresis drops. Urine is sour. Breathing is rapid. The vessels of the brain are narrowed, headaches are possible. The vessels of the heart are dilated. Pale pink conjunctiva of the eyes. Increase in CO2. Therefore, breathing exercises with holding the breath are harmful, because holding the breath enriches our body with CO2. Oxygen starvation sets in. Leukocytosis, circulatory failure.

You can splash with cold water. It's good to be barefoot. You should drink mineral water and eat foods rich in calcium. Acidosis can cause bone pain. In this case, you need to drink living water, enrich the body with calcium. Bacteria, viruses and cancer cells die in an acidic environment.

We enter a state of acidosis when we are tired. At the same time, adrenaline is released, which stimulates the contraction of the spleen, and it drives leukocytes and capillaries. Leukocytes kill the infection, and thus we recover and get rid of poisonous, harmful factors.

What is alkalosis?

Alkalosis - alkaline environment organism. Left nostril breathing poorly or clogged. Acidity in the stomach drops, appetite worsens. Blood pressure and body temperature decrease. Possible dizziness. diuresis increases. The kidneys are overloaded. Urine alkaline, body cold. The conjunctiva of the eyes are dark pink. Breathing is slow, shallow. Muscular excitability - hands and legs tremble. Cerebral blood flow decreases - convulsions are possible.

You can not pour cold water on, it is advisable to warm the body, because it is reduced. It is not recommended to drink mineral water. An astringent tea is needed and it is also necessary to enrich the body with calcium.

We can alkalize our body with food. Milk, honey, plant foods, herbal infusions, mineral water are alkalized. A good pain reliever is to apply a compress of mineral water to the sore spot and take it inside. The best way to cure the disease is to apply an “acidic” compress with the juice of unripe grapes, lemon, pomegranate, apple cider vinegar more often to the sore spot. First, an exacerbation of the disease is possible, and then a cure.

When the first signs of influenza appear, shake up the acid-base balance. To do this, you need to eat acidic fruits (cranberries, viburnum, sea buckthorn, which is in the house), and then after 30 minutes - 1 hour drink mineral water. You can also apply a compress to the area of ​​​​the maxillary sinuses (put chopped onion mixed with salt in a ratio of 1: 1 into a gauze bag). First of all - to that nostril that breathes worse.

If your hands and feet are cold, try acidifying yourself and alkalizing immediately after half an hour. This is how lamas in Tibet treat illnesses, and we learn to control our body, our emotions.

Nutrition recommendations: in case of acidosis - eat more plant foods, dairy, less protein, fatty and spicy foods; with alkalosis - more proteins and fats. Useful: sour-milk products, fruits, spicy and astringent dishes.

Both acidic and alkaline environments are essential for our body. The cosmos intelligently controls our environment and our life on planet Earth. Maintaining balance allows minor shifts in one direction and the other, this ensures our life in the Cosmos.

The main indicator of the health of the body is acid-base balance of the body- KShchR, If it is observed, then the blood and intercellular fluids are in balance, and much, much more.


Method 1. Drink carefully ground raw egg shells of domestic chicken. crushed shell neutralizes acidity, especially if it is caused by decay or fermentation. Rinse the eggshell thoroughly, remove the film, grind in a coffee grinder and lightly ignite in a pan. If the shell turns yellow during calcination, then it is no longer suitable for the procedure. You can store it in a cotton bag or glass jar.

Reception: To 1 tbsp. l. Shells add 2 - 3 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice or sour berries (can be cranberries). This creates foam. Drink this mixture every other day an hour before meals, you can drink every other day for 1 tsp. 2 times a day. Reminder: at this reception there should not be constipation, if they are, you need to reduce the dose of the powder.

Method 2. Drink calcium carbonate (calcium carbonate).


Method 1. In this case, you should take eggshell powder 1-2 tsp, once a week.

Method 2. In case of hypothermia, you can restore the acidic acid fruits, drink tea with lemon.


  • If a person consumes foods that give an acidic reaction.
  • If the body is overheated.
  • If a person has allowed a strong egoistic emotional arousal.
Problems with the gallbladder occur only in a highly oxidized organism, they are rare in a slightly acidic one.
Weak action: Oats, barley, wheat, corn, light honey, dry biscuits, muffins, cottage cheese without heat treatment, melons, watermelons, dried apricots, peaches, apricots.

Increased action: Meat, eggs, rice, tomatoes, rhubarb, plums, apples, cherries, bread, sugar, caramel.

Strong action: Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, sorrel, caviar, fermented milk products, sour berries, salt, marinated, fermented and salty foods, kvass, beer, dry wine.

Thoughtful, smart. By creatively using foods that lead to acidification, we will be able to restore the body's ASR all the time. It must be remembered that the body needs more non-oxidizing products, but alkalizing. But sometimes you can't do without oxidizing products. This can be during repairs (inhalation of paint fumes - alkali), with hypothermia, with overeating. Let's take an example of overeating. In this case, you need to take some sour juice or squeeze a whole lemon into tea. What for? If you eat a lot, then the body may not have enough gastric juice (acid) to digest food. It is better to use lemon, a decoction of rose hips.


Food that creates an alkaline reaction in the body. If the body has an alkaline environment, a person first experiences lightness, euphoria, joy, but this is not endless. The most serious diseases live in an organism with an alkaline environment.
not enough alkali. The simplest and most efficient way is alkalizing food. These are mainly vegetables, but not only them.


Weak action: milk, homemade cottage cheese (with heat treatment), soaked cheese, buckwheat porridge, potatoes, cabbage, bananas, carrots, pumpkin, mushrooms, fresh herbs (lettuce, dill, cilantro), dark honey.

Increased action: Turnips, radishes, swedes, beets, parsley, celery, eggplant, cucumbers, sweet peppers, spinach, dates, nuts, peas, beans, soybeans, chocolate.

Strong effect: dill fruits, black radish, caraway fruits, fennel, coriander, cinnamon, orange peel (thoroughly washed. Dried and ground in a coffee grinder).

Very strong action: Cloves, ginger, black pepper, red hot pepper,

With this information, you can bring yourself into balance very well. We must remember one simple rule: it is better to start a meal with alkalizing foods (salads, just greens). And finish the meal with oxidizing foods (sour fruits, tea with lemon or rose hips).

Two ways to drastically affect acidity:

Method 1 - fasting as an alkalizing procedure. This is the most dramatic way to affect acidity.

Method 2 - vomiting as an oxidizing procedure. Then you need to consolidate what has been achieved with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, otherwise everything will come back.


What foods alkalize or oxidize the body

Hello, friends! Today we find out

What foods alkalize or oxidize the body.

This knowledge will help to maintain (ASR) and metabolism without overloading its protective and regulatory mechanisms.

If we unknowingly consume oxidizing food, then in order to maintain blood pH in the required range of 7.35 - 7.45, all the body's defenses include chemical reactions to restore blood acid-base balance. The reserves of the necessary minerals and microelements are used, some of the acids are converted into slags by chemical reactions, and fat cells are created for their utilization. Fat cells are a storehouse for unnecessary waste, and they are produced in large quantities if the liver and kidneys are not able to remove waste. So fat is a salvation for the body, obesity is not the root cause, but a consequence. Therefore, not with the help of fat-burning diets, but with the help of the right choice of products.

Alkalinizing or oxidizing foods

Table N.V. Walker and R.D. Pope

Products Oxidation alkalization
fresh apricots XXX
dried apricots XXXXX
fresh apples XX
Dried apples XX
ripe bananas XX
Bananas are green XX
Grape XX
Grape juice natural XX
Grape juice sweetened XX
dried plums XXX
Pickled plums XX
Peaches XXX
Cherries XX
Natural lemon juice XXX
Sweetened lemon juice XXX
Natural orange juice XXX
watermelons XXX
melons XXX
Prunes XXX
Raisin XX
Dates XX
Dried figs XXXXX
Currant XXX
Cranberry X
Berries (any) XX-XXX
Fruits (almost all) XXX
Fruit boiled with sugar X-XXX
Cabbage XXX
Cauliflower XXX
Celery XXXXX
fresh cucumbers XXXXX
Dandelion (green) XXX
lettuce XXXXX
Onion XX
Parsnip XXX
Green pea XX
Peas dry XX
Radish XXX
Peppers XXX
fresh tomatoes XXXXX
Fresh beets XXXXX
Carrot XXXXX
Potato with skin XXX
Fresh beans XXX
dried beans X
Baked beans XXX
Barley grits XX
Barley X
Starch XX
Oat groats XXX
Hominy and corn flakes XX
Bread black X
White bread XX
white flour XX
Whole milk XXX
Whey milk XXX
peanuts XX
Almond XX
Hard cheese XX
Soft cheese X
Cream XX
Eggs (in general) XXX
Eggs (protein) XXXX
Beef X
Veal XXX
beef liver XXX
chickens XXX
Boiled lamb XX
Lamb stew X
Lean fresh ham XX
Bacon is greasy X
Bacon skinny XX
Lean pork XX
pork fat X
Fish (any) XX-XXX
Halibut XXX
crayfish XXXX
oysters XXXX
mussels XXX

It can be seen from this table that if a product tastes sour, it will not necessarily oxidize the body. For example, lemons, apples alkalize the body.

Dear friends! This table is N.V. Walker and R.D. Pope, compiled in the last century, wanders from blog to blog.
My desire to get to the bottom of things, especially in what I write about, led me to the following conclusions:

  1. The origin of this table is not known. I didn't find it on the internet.
  1. It is not known by what method the authors measured the acidity index ph.
  1. I double-checked the acidity of some products with my ph meter. For example, sugar dissolved in water gives an almost neutral indicator: pure spring water ph = 7.4, and with sugar dissolved in it ph = 7.3. Raw egg protein gives an alkaline environment in solution with water. I also tested some other products for acidity and made up my mind about them.
    So we live by the proverb: "Trust, but verify."
  1. N. Walker became famous for publishing books on juice therapy, he himself applied juice therapy to himself and lived up to 99 years in the health of mind and body. I will tell about his method of juice therapy in the next publication.

How to check body ph

Check the ph level in your urine or saliva twice a day with a ph meter.
Norm ph \u003d 6, 4 - 6, 5, i.e. a little sour.
This indicator can vary, for example,
in the morning ph=6.0 - 6.4
in the evening ph=6.4-7.0
This is also normal.
This means that you are eating right from the standpoint of complying with the KShchR.

How to reduce body oxidation

To reduce the oxidation of the body, it is necessary:

  1. Live at least one day a week on .
  1. Correctly combine food, for example, if we eat meat that oxidizes the body, then choose a vegetable salad as a side dish.
  1. It is right to treat drinks: not everything that is pleasant is healthy. For example, coca cola has ph=2, 3, beer ph=5, and vodka acidify the body. Hence, these drinks should be consumed with caution and rarely. And give preference to clean water, water with soda, freshly squeezed juices. Juice from a mixture of carrots and beets in a 3:1 combination is especially useful. You can add cucumber juice to it.
  1. Limit consumption, exclude sausages and other highly processed meat products.
  1. Often both boiled and raw. Beetroot is a powerful blood cleanser that helps with disease.

Do no harm with diet!

Having learned about the dangers of oxidation, one must be sympathetic to the fact that food should not only be alkalizing, since the regulatory systems are no less than with oxidation. You need to listen to your body, it will tell you.

With a thoughtful attitude to food, you will restore the KShchR, greatly strengthen your health, immunity, energy, you will fly as if on wings, and have time for everything!

Friends, I ask you to respond in the comments if you liked this article, what thoughts it caused.
I would be grateful if you click on the social media buttons and share it with your friends.

With respect and love, Alina Taranets

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The human body is a complex, intelligent and balanced system. One of the most important balance factors is the ratio of acidity and alkalinity. In most people, due to an unbalanced diet and a lack of knowledge about acid-base balance (pH), acidification of the body is observed - acidosis. Sometimes the imbalance reaches critical values, which as a result leads to the development of inflammatory processes, a decrease in immunity, the occurrence of edema, the growth of body fat, brittle bones, tooth decay, problems with the cardiovascular system, as well as the risk of developing tumor diseases. Acidification is also fraught with premature aging of the body, a drop in efficiency, and a slowdown in mental activity.

How does acidosis occur and how to deal with it?

What is acidification and alkalization of the body

To measure the ratio of acidity in the body, a scale with divisions from 5 to 9 (with tenths) is used. The normal blood pH range is 7.3 to 7.5 (urine pH is desired to be between 6 and 6.4). You can check the pH at home by buying a special device for measuring the acidity of saliva and urine (changes should be made for several days in a row to calculate the average). You can check the pH of the blood at the clinic.

In many people, the level of acidity is elevated - in other words, acidosis is observed. There is also the opposite phenomenon - alkalosis, but excessive alkalization of the body is much less common.

The body becomes acidic due to the fact that acidifying foods enter the food tract. It is they that dominate the diet of modern man, so the pH indicators are deteriorating.

What happens in the body during acidosis?

● Acidified blood becomes thick and viscous. It more slowly carries oxygen and useful substances throughout the body, due to which efficiency decreases, brain function worsens. Metabolism and hormonal levels are changing, since thick blood is not able to carry enzymes through the body in a timely manner.

● Against the background of increased acidity, bacteria and microbes multiply more actively, inflammatory processes develop more intensively.

● Acid leaches useful trace elements from the body: calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron. Bones and teeth become more fragile due to the loss of calcium, the cardiovascular system suffers from a lack of magnesium, and a general decline in strength is felt due to a lack of iron. The muscular system weakens, regular headaches and insomnia appear.

● Trying to reduce the level of acidity, the body retains water. Edema occurs, the work of the lymphatic system is disturbed, the skin fades prematurely.

● Acid environment, as established by Japanese scientists, contributes to the emergence of tumors. This is one of the most dangerous results of acidifying the body.

But acidification can and should be fought! The obvious solution is to balance the pH by alkalizing the body. By consuming so-called alkaline foods, you can gradually achieve an ideal acid-base balance and solve all of the above health problems.

Signs of acidification of the body

To establish acidification, it is necessary to do blood, saliva and urine tests, but it is possible to understand that the body most likely needs alkalization by a number of characteristic features:

● poor health, fatigue, muscle weakness;

● insomnia or drowsiness, nervous disorders, loss of concentration, memory impairment;

● puffiness, which is difficult to deal with;

● weight gain that you cannot manage with either diet or exercise;

● poor condition of teeth;

● fragility of bones;

● tumor processes;

● frequent colds due to falling immunity;

● worsening of the work of the heart.

If you have found signs of acidification of the body in yourself or your loved ones, do not waste time - start the fight for health!

The impact of alkalization on human health

The benefits of alkalization have been known to mankind for a long time, although only modern science has presented confirmation at the chemical level. A case in point is gargling with baking soda for toothache: this alkaline substance reduces acidity in the mouth, reducing inflammation. But this is an example of a local action. For complex alkalization, it is necessary to provide the body with alkalizing products.

Complex alkalization has a beneficial effect on all body systems:

● you will feel a general improvement in your condition, a surge of energy, increased endurance;

● normalizes the work of the nervous system, improves brain activity;

● immunity will be strengthened;

● edema and extra pounds will disappear;

● reduce the risk of blood clots, tumors, fractures.

Foods that alkalize and acidify the body

A visual table will help to distinguish between acidifying and alkalizing products. In it, the effect of each product on changing the pH level is evaluated in the range from + to ++++.

Berries, fruits, juices





Orange juice nature.

Sweetened orange juice

Bananas are ripe

Green bananas

fresh grapes

Grape juice sweetened


Natural lemon juice.

Lemon juice sweetened



fresh apples

Dried apples

Vegetables, legumes, herbs




Peas dry, heat-treated

Fresh green peas

Canned peas

fresh white cabbage

Jacket baked potatoes

steamed potatoes

Fried potato

fresh cilantro

fresh corn

Canned corn

Green onion

fresh carrots

Vegetable smoothies, juices

fresh cucumbers


Bulgarian pepper

fresh parsley

fresh tomatoes

radish, radish


Fresh beets

Dill fresh

Fresh string beans

Canned beans

Cereals, bread, grains, flour



Amaranth seeds and flour

Starch, potato, corn


Corn flour

White wheat flour

oat flour

Rye flour

Corn grits

Steamed white rice

brown rice

rice wild

White bread

Black bread

Whole grain bread

Barley grits

Meat, poultry, eggs



Lamb boiled or stewed

Roast lamb or barbecue

Lean ham

Beef boiled or stewed

Grilled beef or barbecue

Chicken boiled or stewed

Fried chicken or barbecue


Bird (game)

Beef liver, chicken

Pork liver

pork fat




Yoghurt natural

Kefir, ryazhenka

Whole milk


Hard cheese

Soft cheese

Cottage cheese natural

Curd mass sweet

Nuts, seeds and oils



Walnut and walnut oil

Corn oil

Linseed oil

Almonds and almond oil

Olive oil

pecan nut

Sunflower seeds and oil

pumpkin seeds and oil

Hazelnut and hazelnut oil

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that enrolling products do not mean harmful products. All nutrients must be present in the diet products (and vegetables, and meat, and milk, and cereals). But, firstly, you need to choose meat not fried, but stewed (which is clearly understood from the table), brown rice, not white, etc. And most importantly, keep a balance. Then there will be no acidification.

The greatest threat to the body is posed by alcohol (including beer), soda (including sugar substitutes), industrial chocolate and cocoa from cocoa butter substitutes and containing sugar and additives, coffee and black tea, industrial sweets and pastries, white bread, fatty varieties meat - pork, lamb, as well as pickled and canned foods. All this should be abandoned even by a completely healthy person.

In moderation, you can eat lean meats, poultry, cheeses, corn, and dairy products. But if the acidity of the body is greatly increased, you will temporarily have to do without this food.

Vegetables and herbs are almost completely alkaline foods, so they should form the basis of the diet. Raw spinach, broccoli and cauliflower, sea kale, green beans, asparagus, figs and dried apricots, watermelon and melon, onions, carrots, fresh cucumbers (salted and pickled under the ban, as well as Korean carrots) are very useful for alkalizing the body. Excellent alkalizing performance in grapefruit, lime and lemon. You can also add sprouted wheat bread to the menu (in moderation). Useful fish, liver and natural milk yogurt.

An excellent alkalizing agent is fermented Ivan tea (unlike black).

Mineral waters of the hydrocarbon group (without gas) will help improve the pH readings when the body is acidified. These are Essentuki No. 4, Essentuki No. 17, Borjomi, Smirnovskaya and Svalyava. To release the gas, open the bottle and warm it up a little. It is advisable to buy these waters not in plastic bottles, but in glass ones.

Lemons are very useful for alkalization: it is recommended to regularly drink water with the juice of these citrus fruits. However, there is one serious "but": this method of alkalizing the body is not recommended for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by high acidity.

Also, caution should be used for alkalization of baking soda: the negative consequences can outweigh the positive effect.

Apple cider vinegar is an extremely useful product for alkalizing the body. But the vinegar must be natural, prepared independently from apples. You can also use any other natural fruit vinegar (grape, plum, cherry) - add vinegar to salads 1 teaspoon per serving. Use vinegar with caution in case of increased secretion of gastric juice (hyperacid gastritis, ulcer).

It is much better to balance the diet, use mineral bicarbonate waters, as well as infusions of alkalizing herbs. Do not chase a quick effect, it is better to alkalize the body gently and safely.

And, of course, it should be remembered that breathing exercises, gymnastics and walks in forests and parks contribute to a decrease in acidity.

Herbs that alkalize the body

Collections of natural herbs, used in the form of decoctions and teas, help to effectively alkalize the body. Linden, mint, chamomile, lemon balm, Jerusalem artichoke, dog rose have a positive effect. And, importantly, these herbs act gently without exposing the body to a stressful increase in pH levels.

There are herbs with a more pronounced effect: for example, calendula and coltsfoot. They are able to quickly change the pH level in the body, so take decoctions from them should be moderate, with caution.

Birch and pine buds, immortelle flowers, valerian and angelica roots, oregano, thyme, yarrow, swamp cudweed, St. and dandelion.

The listed herbs can be taken either individually or in compositions and drunk as a tea. An example of an effective cleansing tea is the "Complex Cleansing" herbal tea, which ideally combines the cleansing, general healing and alkalizing properties of herbs.

Macrobiotics and alkalizing foods are on the agenda!

1. I remind you of the dangers. Refined grains, processed sugar, coffee, artificial sweeteners, juices in bags, fried foods, meat and dairy products, and especially prepared foods (such as sausages and ham) are a huge stress for our body, namely, overheating and complete acidification, according to macrobiotics. .

2. Attention - Acidosis! If we eat too many acidic foods (see above), this can lead to serious health complications. So, in people with diabetes, the general diagnosis is acidosis, or a condition in which there is an increase in the acidity of the body. And the process during which the nutrients needed to maintain an alkaline state cannot be obtained from the foods we eat and are taken from our stores, from bones or other vital tissues, which completely damages the body's ability to self-repair and detoxify.

3. IMPORTANT! Already in 1931 (!) Otto Warburg received the Nobel Prize for his work on cellular respiration, which was the basis for his further conclusions that cancer forms when cells lack oxygen, and grows only in anaerobic (oxygen-free) or acidic, conditions!

If a normal, healthy cell can no longer absorb the oxygen necessary to convert glucose into energy, then “harmful” changes occur with it: instead of breathing, the process of glucose fermentation begins. Lactic acid produced during the fermentation process lowers the cellular acid-base balance (pH) * and disrupts the ability of DNA and RNA to control cell division. In other words, the main cause of cancer is the acidification of the human body.

* Acid-base balance is the ratio of acid and alkali in fluids within the body. This refers to blood, lymph, intercellular fluid, saliva, gastric juice, bile, urine, etc. To maintain this stability, an excess of alkali or acid is released into the urine, saliva or is excreted with respiration.

4. Besides, we can get better from foods with a high acidic index! For example, we gain weight from cheese, not only because it is fatty, but mainly because it has a high acidifying effect.

For example, almonds contain 70% fat, while pork contains only 58%. But pork acidifies instantly, it has a high acid index, and almonds alkalize!

5. And I remind you again that STRESS acidifies our body and being in nature, contemplative practices, awareness of Beauty (well, this is a must :)) have soothing and relaxing properties and alkalize the body.

Alkalizing practices:

  • embrace
  • classical music
  • playing with a pet, especially with puppies
  • massage
  • stay in nature
  • contemplation of flowers
  • singing and playing musical instruments

Top 7 Alkaline Foods for Your Daily Diet

1. Lemons!

Most people think that lemons are sour fruits. Maybe it's because of the sour taste, or the citric acid, but lemons are actually the most alkaline food. Lemons are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and electrolytes. About the mandatory water with lemon and why it is so useful, we read.

2. Apples.

The pH level of apples is 8.0. In addition, they contain various minerals and vitamins that are optimal for our immune system. They also contain enzymes that support the natural hormonal balance of the body!

Root vegetables such as beets, carrots, turnips and others are literally packed with extremely high mineral content. You can steam them, boil them, fry them, and of course eat them raw in salads.

4. Alfalfa sprouts.

These amazingly tasty little ones are true alkaline powerhouses and contain many essential vitamins and minerals.

Green leafy salads (about them and) - cabbage, chard, greens and spinach, romano and others. Spinach is the coolest of all! It contains a lot of vitamin K, folic acid and other vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. It's great to use with another alkaline champion - lemon!

Not only does watermelon have an excellent alkaline pH of 9.0 and is sooo tasty, it's a great source of fiber, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and lycopene. Watermelon is 92% water and perfectly quenches thirst. Watermelon season is coming soon! Hooray!

7. Hooray, cucumbers!

95% water - pure, structured and alive! Contains potassium, sodium and zinc. In the composition of cucumbers there is such a substance as tartronic acid. This acid affects metabolic processes and prevents the transition of carbohydrates into fats. That is why cucumber fasting days are so popular, during which you need to eat at least 1.5-2 kg of cucumbers. Cucumbers have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes.

All health and Radiance, both internal and external!

Olga MindfulBeauty

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