Why do you grind your teeth in your sleep? Complications and consequences. Causes of teeth grinding in sleep

Has anyone told you that you grind your teeth at night? It can happen to anyone, but if it happens all the time, you may be suffering from bruxism. This means excessive activity of the chewing system. The state of rhythmic muscle movement can occur at any stage of sleep or during the day with strong tension. Grinding of teeth in a dream: the causes in adults were found out during scientific experiments. At the same time, the goal was to find a way to get rid of this disease.

What is the function of grinding teeth during sleep and where does it come from?

This "disease" belongs to the so-called class of parafunctions. It is not caused by malfunctions of organs in the body. However, grinding your teeth is fraught with negative health consequences. Bruxism in half of the cases affects children aged 10-12 years, as well as those diagnosed with cerebral palsy or mental retardation. The disease is diagnosed and

Grinding teeth in a dream: what could be the causes in adults

Researchers from West Virginia University, who conducted experiments with dozens of volunteers who suffered from bruxism, came to the conclusion that malocclusion and other factors associated with changes in the facial skeleton do not have any effect on the occurrence of grinding. At the same time, experience has confirmed that bruxism during sleep causes nocturnal awakenings due to increased autonomic cardiac and respiratory activity, repeated 8 to 14 times per hour.

The influence of nicotine

A study in Finland looking into what causes gnashing at night looks at the possible effect of nicotine on teeth grinding in people with an average age of 25. The aim of the project was to find a solution on how to get rid of the annoying grinding of teeth in a dream. 3124 people aged 23-28 were involved in the participation. The experiment lasted almost a year. During the observation of people who smoked 3 cigarettes a day every week, it was found that those who used tobacco containing nicotine, the symptoms of bruxism appear more often than others.

Viral and infectious diseases

Teeth grinding during sleep and its causes in adults are often manifested in this type of disease. With a complete cure, in most cases, unpleasant symptoms disappear.

Psychological problems

A number of scientific studies have found that 70% of the grinding of teeth during sound sleep in adults depends on feelings of anxiety, stress and other psychological problems that affect the restoration of body functions and immunity to disease.

Sleep disorders

Bruxism occurs mainly in combination with other disorders, most commonly in people who snore and have shortness of breath.


The causes of grinding teeth in adults have been named the use of psychoactive substances (tobacco, alcohol, caffeine or antidepressant drugs). They lead to sleep problems and, as a result, affect the nocturnal manifestations of bruxism.

How to get rid of grinding teeth in a dream?

How to eliminate grinding of teeth in the active phase of sleep? To date, no unique treatment has been found that can completely eliminate the symptoms of bruxism. To relax the jaw, special gymnastic exercises are practiced. Some patients even keep a calendar to determine how, when and why unpleasant symptoms appear.

If you do not know how to get rid of the grinding of teeth in a dream in time, this can be harmful to health. The unnatural pressure of teeth against each other can completely ruin a smile. In REM sleep, a person suffering from bruxism clenches their teeth 10 times harder than when chewing food naturally.

Grinding teeth during sleep - is it dangerous?

Chronic bruxism in almost all cases can seriously damage the teeth. Small cracks in the enamel and fillings will gradually increase, leading to fractures, periodontal tissue damage and permanent tooth loss.

Strong squeezing of the jaw muscles becomes, over time, the cause of pain and sensitivity. Unpleasant sensations appear when opening the mouth. If the enamel is damaged, the dentin is exposed, as a result of which unpleasant sensations are noted when in contact with hot, cold, salty, sweet and other irritants.

Also, damage to the temporomandibular joint leads to its chronic congestion. The process is accompanied by the appearance of unnatural sounds, such as pops or crackles.

Tips to help eliminate grinding in the teeth:

  1. Limit foods and drinks containing caffeine (coffee, coca-cola, chocolate).
  2. Avoid alcohol.
  3. Do not chew on pencils, pens, or other items that are not edible.
  4. Avoid chewing gum.
  5. If you find yourself clenching your jaws and grinding during the day, place the tip of your tongue between your teeth. This will help relax the chewing muscles.
  6. And, of course, do not forget about periodic visits to the dentist.

Thus, if teeth grinding in a dream is recorded, the causes in adults are quite simply diagnosed even under independent conditions for the onset of the disease.

Teeth grinding at night is not harmless. Men and women, children and adults are equally susceptible to this unpleasant syndrome. Being close to such a person, close people (husband, wife or daughter) experience discomfort. Why pathology cannot be ignored, what health problems does it signal, what are its negative consequences? The article will tell about it.

What is bruxism?

Bruxism is a spontaneous convulsive movement of the clenched jaws. It is caused by a spasm of the masticatory muscles, which is accompanied by a creak. This medical term, translated from Greek, means "grinding". Unconsciously, a person reproduces the sounds characteristic of sloppy food - he strongly champs, chews, gnashes. At night, this phenomenon is repeated more than once, and lasts for several minutes. During waking hours, people are able to stop grinding by consciously relaxing their muscles.

Complications that can cause grinding of teeth

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Teeth grinding is not harmless to dental health. Often it leads to serious consequences, including:

  • erasure of tooth enamel;
  • increased sensitivity of the tooth;
  • caries;
  • malocclusion;
  • displacement of the lower jaw and grinding of teeth to the base;
  • reduced service life of dentures;
  • gum problems.

If creaking is observed often, it means that the body does not relax. A person does not get a good rest, from which performance deteriorates and a depressive mood is created.

Why do adults suffer from bruxism?

Psychological reasons

Polysomnographic studies recording brain impulses have shown that when a person sleeps with their jaws tight, the onset of the grinding moment coincides with the fast phase of dreams. Incorrect work of the brain affects the incorrect course of superficial and deep periods of sleep, causes a reflex spasm of the jaw muscles.

A disruption in the functioning of the brain, leading to a nightly grinding of teeth, is observed in patients who are in a coma, suffering from Parkinson's disease, taking strong antidepressants, using drugs, drunk. It provokes unconscious night grinding in a dream, stress suppressed by a person during the daytime, the habit of restraining negative emotions by clenching the jaws. Without receiving a discharge, the nervous system experiences overload and is depleted. The accumulated tension finds a way out in the manifestations of the rattle.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Pathological activity of masticatory muscles occurs against the background of the absence of several teeth. Inadequate chewing of food leads to indigestion. Patients with the gastrointestinal tract sometimes grind their teeth. For example, hunger pains in gastritis provoke a creaking of teeth.

One theory links teeth grinding to gastroenterological causes. In particular, with gastroesophageal reflux disease, which is manifested by heartburn. This hypothesis has not been reliably confirmed.

Signs of helminthic invasion

If we consider bruxism as a sign of helminthic invasion, then an indirect connection can be found. Certain types of worms impair the synthesis and absorption of B vitamins. B12 deficiency adversely affects nervous activity and contributes to the development of anomalies. Diagnosis requires the presence of other symptoms (nausea, abdominal pain) that confirm the results of stool tests.

Infectious diseases

It is noted that infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract can be accompanied by grinding of teeth. If a child grinds his teeth when he sleeps, sometimes this indicates sinusitis.

Infectious diseases are a source of constant pain. Against their background, bruxism can develop, which is often noticed by parents of babies whose treatment is extended for a long period.

Features of bruxism in children and adolescents

The causes of teeth grinding in children and adolescents are the same as in adults (we recommend reading:). Their manifestation has features associated with the processes of growth and formation of the child's psyche:

Children require increased care aimed at observing the daily routine, diet and rest, creating a favorable psychological environment. Bruxism in children usually resolves on its own. Treatment is not required, due to the formation of a nervous system resistant to stimuli during maturation.

Diagnosis of possible diseases

A person does not know about the presence of pathology for a long time. Signs of bruxism that you should pay attention to are the following manifestations and symptoms:

Diagnosis is carried out by a doctor based on the patient's complaints, examination and electromyography, polysomnography. The presence of signs of bruxism is the reason for contacting a dentist, other specialists to identify possible diseases: a neuropathologist, an otolaryngologist, a psychologist, a gastroenterologist.

How to get rid of the night squeaking of teeth?

The most common cause of nighttime restlessness associated with the complaint of grinding my teeth in sleep is nervous overexertion. There are several tricks to help deal with the problem:

  1. One way is to learn how to relax your muscles. Hard food will help, which will tire the chewing apparatus while eating. The rest of the time you need to keep your jaw relaxed. Apply a warm compress to the lower part of the face for half an hour before going to bed.
  2. To eliminate overvoltage will help: the correct organization of the working day, the elimination of stressful situations, the rejection of irritating and stimulating drugs, drinks. With bruxism, it is helpful to reduce your sugar intake.
  3. Chamomile and hawthorn infusions, valerian (in tablets or tincture) have a calming effect. Baths with aromatic oils contribute to relaxation after a tiring day.

Cap to wear at night

The silicone applicator eliminates contact between the teeth, prevents them from wearing out and restores the correct bite. A cap is placed in the oral cavity before going to bed.

Regardless of the causes of bruxism, it is recommended that the patient wear such protection before starting treatment. It helps the jaws to relax and forms the habit of being in the right position.

Before treating the consequences, you need to eliminate the symptoms of bruxism. To get rid of them, you should understand why the phenomenon of teeth grinding occurs:

  • if the bite is broken, a trip to the dentist is necessary;
  • in the presence of problems of a psychological nature, a psychologist is engaged in treatment;
  • disorders of the nervous system - the area of ​​interest of a neuropathologist.

Each of us knows the expression "grind your teeth." Surely you have heard how others do it, or you have been told that you personally mindlessly (in a dream) grind your teeth in such a way that those close to you become uneasy from these sounds. Let's try to figure out the possible reasons why a person grinds his teeth, what consequences this leads to and how to act in such a situation.

Unconscious teeth grinding is a pathological condition whose concept and etiology are not clearly defined. Its manifestation can be either episodic, and last intermittently (in childhood), or long-term regular, during which there is an intense detrimental effect on the teeth, jaws, joints, jaw tissues and muscles, and the nervous system. The scientific name for this phenomenon is bruxism. A characteristic feature of bruxism is unconscious clenching of the jaw and grinding of teeth, not only at night, but also during the daytime. An accurate assessment of whether you suffer from bruxism can only be given by a dentist, however, there are several basic criteria, paying attention to which you should seek the advice of a doctor.

Signs by which you can assume that you have this condition:

  • Changing the size and shape of the crown part of the teeth.
  • The appearance of flaws on the cutting edge and chewing surface of the teeth in the form of cracks, combing, depressions, irregularities.
  • Bite distortion.
  • Deterioration of the mucosa on the inner surface of the cheeks.
  • Headache, drowsiness, stiffness of the jaw muscles, tinnitus, jaw numbness and clicking in it - all this after a night's rest.

To deal with the effects of grinding teeth, try to find out the cause of this condition. Children's bruxism is an episodic phenomenon, normally disappears by the age of 7-8, when the entire dentition of the milk teeth has already erupted, and the change to the permanent one begins. If the child's teeth grinding becomes regular, analyze his environment and how and what he encounters emotionally and psychologically during wakefulness. Adjust the diet, exercise and rest. Check the baby for serious diseases (epilepsy, vitamin B deficiency, helminthiasis, adenoids). Be sure to see the dentist to exclude the presence of maxillofacial pathologies or malocclusion in the child. One of the main theories explaining the reason why a person grinds his teeth is the presence of neurological and psychological problems. You are constantly in a stressful state, holding back discontent, anger, you are worried about unresolved issues, your brain activity is overly active, you are anxiously waiting for something important, angry, worried, nervous. As a result - in a dream you lose control over your emotions, unconsciously and involuntarily clench your teeth, producing a grinding. There is an assumption that squeaking may appear as a result of the influence on the body of such harmful factors as drinking a large amount of alcohol or coffee, smoking a significant amount of cigarettes, taking drugs that affect the nervous system.

The reason for grinding your teeth can be one of the types of insomnia, when your sleep is characterized by a violation of its depth, with frequent awakenings, superficiality, sensitivity. This pathology is on a par with nightmares, sleepwalking, sleep enuresis, snoring and nightmares.

Bruxism can be the result of dental problems:
  • all kinds of malocclusion;
  • jaw anomalies;
  • seal defects;
  • lack of teeth;
  • incorrect prosthetics.

Grinding of teeth (bruxism) is considered a pathology that needs to be eliminated. You can do this by contacting a dentist, a psychologist and adjusting your life rhythm. The dentist will prescribe the wearing of special protective caps that will protect the teeth from abrasion. The psychologist will help to normalize the emotional state and eliminate the causes of chronic stress. You can independently perform exercises from Eastern practices (qigong, yoga), aimed at relaxing and relieving hypertonicity of the facial and masticatory muscles. If all the measures taken are correct, you will keep your teeth beautiful and healthy.

Grinding teeth in a dream, or bruxism, appears unconsciously and periodically. Usually, after some time passes and does not harm human health. But it also happens when bruxism manifests itself again and again, delivers a huge number of problematic situations. When teeth grinding in a dream turns into a real problem and what methods help to deal with it?

ICD-10 code

F45.8 Other somatoform disorders

K03 Other diseases of dental hard tissues

Causes of grinding teeth in a dream

Often the cause of teeth grinding at night in children and adults is the usual habit of chewing something during hard work (for example, schoolchildren chew pencils). Stressful situations should also be highlighted here. In humans, clenching of the jaws is a natural reaction to any unpleasant events. When a person grits his teeth and a squeak appears, this signals to the body that he is overexcited. This can occur against the background of emotional stress, taking various pathogens (coffee, amphetamines). But, if the creaking of teeth in a dream appears for some unknown reason, then the patient has problems with nerves and emotional instability.

In addition to nervous tension, a person can creak his jaw during a night's rest if he has an incorrect bite, lacks teeth, or, conversely, has additional sets of them. Bruxism occurs in people who have Parkinson's or Huntington's disease. Another reason may be an unusual type of insomnia, when a person cannot fall into deep sleep.


Strong clenching of the jaws, when the teeth rub against each other, occurs with bruxism, usually at night. Therefore, grinding teeth in a dream is considered not only a dental problem, but also the cause of improper rest. This disorder can affect everyone. It used to be thought that grinding your teeth in your sleep is a reflex. Therefore, it was not considered as a problem. Today, scientists have classified bruxism as a bad habit. The pathogenesis of squeaking teeth in a dream is the gradual erasure of the jaw.

Symptoms of teeth grinding in sleep

The main feature of bruxism is the fact that a person grinds his teeth unconsciously, on a subconscious level. During the day, the rattle is much easier to notice, but in a dream the patient does not control himself and does not know that the disease is already progressing. Of course, strange sounds can be heard by loved ones, who are usually the first to notice grinding teeth. But, if a person lives on his own, is it possible for him to learn about the disease on his own? The first signs of grinding your teeth in your sleep are changes in the size or shape of crowns. There are a lot of irregularities and shortenings. Ulcers may appear on the inside of the cheeks, as when clenching the jaw, a person bites the skin. After sleep, some people develop pain in the mouth, migraine-type headaches, and tinnitus.

Teeth grinding during sleep in adults

Adults usually grind their teeth during a night's rest due to various unpleasant situations. They excite the nervous system during the day and this results in a similar problem. Many are simply not used to showing bad emotions, which develops into a similar problem. When nervous experiences reach their peak, it splashes out unconsciously.

Teeth grinding during sleep in children

Complications and consequences

It is immediately worthwhile to understand that during the grinding of teeth at night, a person strains his jaw very much. Therefore, often in such patients, enamel is depleted, tooth sensitivity is increased and caries appears faster. To prevent this from happening, you need to visit a professional dentist. He will prescribe special individual mouthguards that will need to be worn at night.

The consequences of grinding your teeth in a dream can be more serious. Often the temporomandibular joint becomes inflamed, which leads to its pathologies. This can be explained by the constant tension of the jaw.

Complications of grinding teeth in a dream

Due to the fact that a person constantly strains the jaw, there are complications of grinding teeth in a dream. Among them is the fact that the muscles that are responsible for the chewing function are contracting. Spasms appear. Also, strong and constant friction of the teeth against each other leads to chips and damage to their surface.

Diagnosis of grinding teeth in a dream

The fact that a person suffers from bruxism is usually established by the patient himself or his relatives. Among other things, the dentist can identify some indirect symptoms. The most common diagnostic method (objective) is the manufacture of special mouthguards that help determine if there are any occlusal obstructions. After a person puts on a mouth guard for one night, it is transferred to a specialist for examination. So the dentist can see which teeth are under load.

Also, the diagnosis of grinding teeth in a dream is carried out using electromyography and polysomnography. Electromyography is based on the study of neuromuscular transmission and jaw muscle activity. Polysomnography is a set of examinations that are carried out during a person's sleep. Thus, a large number of different pathologies can be detected.


The most common test for bruxism, especially in children, is an analysis for the presence of helminths (worms) in the body. It is also worth taking tests that will help determine a possible increase in adenoids, because in this case the child can also grind his teeth in his sleep.

Instrumental diagnostics

Instrumental diagnosis of grinding teeth in a dream involves polysomnography, installation of bruxcheckers and electromyography. Most dentists prefer to use comfortable and lightweight bruxcheckers. With their help, you can quickly and easily identify bruxism. They are created on an individual cast of the jaw, so they help to get a really good result.

Thanks to electromyography, it is possible to effectively assess the chewing muscles of a person and their tone, how symmetrical the chewing is and what their maximum effort is under tension. With the help of such instrumental diagnostics, one can also observe the dynamics of grinding teeth in a dream and assess its strength. It allows you to establish the best methods of treatment.

Polysomnography is performed in the most advanced cases, when it is necessary to check the activity of the patient's brain during sleep. Also, thanks to this method, you can learn about the phases of sleep and the activity of the masticatory muscles.

Differential Diagnosis

First of all, the dentist tries to compile a complete picture of the pathological erasure of tooth enamel in the patient's relatives and analyze it. Interestingly, according to new data, it is bruxism that is often diagnosed with pathological hereditary abrasion. To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to examine at least three generations of relatives.

Treatment of squeaking teeth in a dream

Treating creaking teeth in a dream is a difficult task, since first of all you need to find out for what reason bruxism develops. The dentist recommends suitable methods. But at the same time, the patient also needs to independently monitor the following:

  1. Try to keep your jaw in the correct position throughout the day. In the normal state, the upper and lower rows of teeth should not touch. If you notice involuntary contractions, immediately try to relax.
  2. Don't get into situations that can cause stress. Bruxism is a reaction to negative emotions. In such cases, yoga, massages, relaxation, light exercises will help you.
  3. Try to “load” your jaws with special physical exercises before night, then they will relax in a dream. Regular chewing gum will help you with this. Chew it on one side of the jaw for 10-15 minutes, then move it to the other.

Special applications are used to protect teeth and treat bruxism at night. Physiotherapy also helps, which includes laser treatment and the use of warm compresses.

How to get rid of grinding teeth in a dream?

One of the causes of bruxism is nervous tension and stress, so it is recommended to visit a psychologist or neurologist. If the stressful situation disappears, the muscles can relax on their own. In some cases, this does not happen, then it is necessary to turn to conservative methods and take special medications. Remember that you can completely get rid of grinding your teeth in a dream, at best, in a year.


Bruxism caused by nerve disorders can be treated with sedatives. But such drugs can only be taken after a full examination by a doctor, as they can be addictive and have contraindications. Please note that grinding teeth in a dream cannot be cured only with drugs. An integrated approach is required. Botox injections or even hypnosis can help with bruxism. Among the most common medicines for grinding teeth during a night's rest, there are:

  1. Bayu-Bai - this drug also has a form for children's use. This is a dietary supplement that has a calming effect. Apply "Bayu-Bai" inside three times a day. The drug must be held in the mouth for several seconds and only then swallowed. Children are prescribed 10 drops, adults - up to 15. There are no special contraindications, sometimes there may be hypersensitivity to the composition of the medication.
  2. Valerian (in tablets and in the form of tinctures) - has a mild sedative effect. Based on herbal ingredients, but not recommended for children, as it can cause excitement instead of calming. Thanks to valerian, natural sleep comes faster. You need to take it inside. The dose can only be determined by a doctor. Among the main side effects are drowsiness, lethargy, low performance.
  3. Novo-Passit is a combined drug that has a sedative effect. Adults and children over 12 years of age take 1 tablet by mouth three times a day. Sometimes the doctor may increase the dose to two tablets. Side effects often include nausea, heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and drowsiness, and allergies. Do not take children under 12 years of age, patients with myasthenia gravis.
  4. Phyto Novo-sed is a red or dark brown tincture with a pleasant smell. Has a sedative effect. Do not take patients with progressive systemic diseases, epilepsy, pregnant and lactating mothers. Adults take half a teaspoon of the drug, which is diluted in water three times a day.

They also take vitamins with calcium, magnesium, ascorbic acid, B vitamins.

Folk treatment for squeaking teeth in a dream

  1. To learn how to effectively relieve the tension of the masticatory muscles, you can try self-massage or relaxation of the muscles of the neck and mouth. There are special techniques and exercises that will help you with this.
  2. It is worth reviewing your diet, giving up too invigorating drinks and hard foods, drinking plain water.
  3. Some recommend chewing some hard fruits or vegetables (carrot, apple) before going to bed.
  4. Self psychotherapy.
  5. Applying warm compresses to the places of pain in tense cheekbones.

Herbal treatment

  1. Among folk remedies, rinsing the mouth with a decoction of chamomile can be distinguished. It will help relieve stress. To prepare such a solution, you need to take 200 ml of boiled hot water and 1 tablespoon of dried herbs. Leave for about 10 minutes and strain. Take before bed.
  2. For 200 ml of water, take 2 tablespoons of perforated St. John's wort, boil, leave for another 10 minutes on low heat. Then means to insist about half an hour. Strain and add the same amount of water. Take up to three times a day.
  3. Take mint, tripoli leaves, hop flowers, valerian root and pour water. Take three times a day before meals.


Homeopathic remedies have recently shown quite effective results in the treatment of bruxism in adults and children. But you should first consult a homeopathic doctor, who himself will prescribe the best remedy for your individual case. The main advantage of homeopathic medicines is that they are completely harmless even for small children.

Often a person is not even aware of this, because it happens at night when we sleep. Therefore, it is quite easy to confuse this symptom with other problems. This medical phenomenon (bruxism) is still being researched, and why adults grind their teeth in a dream, no doctor will tell you unambiguously and with a 100% guarantee. By the method of elimination, you can find the origins of the problem, but you won’t get an answer right away.

What is bruxism

This is the medical term for grinding teeth during sleep. Rare manifestations are not so serious. But when it happens regularly, there are many other problems behind it. Millions of people around the world suffer from bruxism and don't know it.

The medical community has been trying to find the original source for a long time. Recently, new information has emerged that contradicts previous findings.

If you have been looking for answers to the question, you may have come across a lot of information that cites stress as the main reason. However, new evidence suggests that stress is not always the underlying factor.

daytime bruxism

It is considered a separate disorder. Day and night creaks act differently. While gnashing of teeth much more common at night, clenching of the jaws more common during the day. In fact, daytime manifestations may be less common, but easier to identify.

Daytime bruxism is associated with hard work and high levels of stress. If you clench your jaw during the day, you will immediately notice it.

Creaking in a dream

Symptoms are not always obvious.

First, your body will adapt. The brain stops reminding you of discomfort if it is constant. Therefore, it is easy to adapt to the symptoms and not notice the first signs.

Second, some of the most common symptoms can be caused by other factors.


Many people who suffer from this habit at night are not aware of it until complications develop. Understanding the symptoms is the first step to recognition.

  1. dry mouth;
  2. loose teeth;
  3. enamel damage;
  4. loss of teeth;
  5. hypersensitivity;
  6. inflammation of the gums;
  7. gum recession;
  8. pain in the jaw;
  9. trismus;
  10. blockage of the salivary glands;
  11. pain in the neck;
  12. shoulder pain;
  13. Ear ache;
  14. tinnitus;
  15. hearing loss (rare).

As you can see, the range of symptoms is very very large and this makes it difficult to diagnose accurately. As a result, it is also difficult for scientists to accurately determine the starting point.

Traditionally accepted reasons

The medical community has been clutching at straws for a long time. Stress and anxiety are traditionally the most common. But many sources have been identified over time, including things like bad bite and infectious diseases.

Until recently, it was difficult to draw any correlations. Daytime bruxism may indicate an association with stress, but the evidence is ultimately inconclusive. Genetic predisposition also plays a role.

The only thing that doctors are sure of is that the source is our nervous system. On the face of a direct relationship with depression, hostility and sensitivity to stress. However, there is probably another culprit.

The most likely reason why adults grind their teeth in their sleep

Research shows that nighttime teeth grinding may be a defense mechanism to keep you from choking at night. The medical community has long made a connection between sleep apnea and gnashing - considering sleep apnea as a potential culprit.

This is not entirely correct, as clenching the jaw actually helps some people keep their airways open at night.

Thus, blocked airways are a major source of both nighttime grinding and obstructive sleep apnea in some people.

The dangers of sleep apnea

Sleep apnea can vary in severity. The risks associated with sudden respiratory arrest are quite serious.

  1. mental fatigue
  2. Headaches or migraines
  3. mental health issues
  4. daytime fatigue
  5. metabolic syndrome
  6. Weight gain
  7. type 2 diabetes
  8. acid reflux
  9. Liver disease
  10. High blood pressure
  11. Heart disease
  12. Complications from medications

So, if you're clenching your jaw due to sleep apnea, why not take steps to study it in more detail?

How to stop grinding at night

Rare and minor manifestations do not require treatment. But you need to take action if such phenomena are frequent and / or serious. Keep in mind that lifestyle is far from last. Smoking, caffeine and alcohol are considered the main contributors.

If that's not enough (and probably won't be), you'll want to explore treatment options. Mouth guards are the longest lasting solution to the problem.

Caps for protecting teeth

They will help protect your teeth from grinding and clenching.

If you grind your teeth during sleep, it is recommended that you have an examination by a specialist doctor before purchasing a mouth guard to rule out obstructive sleep apnea. If daytime bruxism is your problem, mouth guards are really your only solution.

Breaking this habit requires an assessment by your dentist or oral surgeon. After the consultation, a treatment plan can be drawn up. Don't delay the decision, your overall health may be at stake. We hope you have found the answer to the question of why adults grind their teeth in a dream. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Denial of responsibility:

this information is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease and should not be used as a substitute for medical advice from a licensed professional. If you suspect that you may have health problems, contact your doctor immediately!

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