common between the sun. General characteristics of the sun. Common between Sun and Moon

... And plus "roboticization of the whole country." Analysis of the trend started by the Futurists in the opera "Victory over the Sun": "Solaris" and "Stalker", "Terminator" and "Matrix", Viktor Tsoi and Andy Warhol. All of them came out of the overcoat of Malevich and his fellows.

The Internet, TV, virtual existence, persistent talk about implantable chips, contemporary art brought to automatism in the perception of reality: maybe machines really rule the world? Did the prophecy from the Russian futurist opera "Victory over the Sun" come true?

The whole XX century passed under the slogan "Robotics!". Machines are embedded in all spheres of human life. The modern man in the street does not think of himself outside the computer. Even in a cafe to swallow a couple of pies - and then with a laptop.

As one good friend complained: “I’m sitting here at my friends’ dacha without a computer! Yearning!" Do sunsets by the river look better on a monitor?

Are we playing Tamagotchi or are they us? To what extent have machines-robots-computers remained a means for humans? Or maybe people imperceptibly become a tool for machines?

The phrases "political machine", "financial ...", "military ..." have long come into use. Maybe a person began to lose features as a biological species or as a spiritual being?

Something tells us inside that we have a single, but no small, advantage over machines: intuition. After all, it was with her help that the triumph of technology over nature was proclaimed in 1913 by Russian futurists in the opera Victory over the Sun. Such is the paradox!

Journey of the Spotted Eye

For the fateful performance, the scenery and costumes were designed by Kazimir Malevich (the text of the "wise man" Kruchenykh, music by Matyushin). Then the founder of Suprematism first introduced the black square as an element of decoration that obscured the sun: an apocalyptic symbol of the victory of the human mind over nature. At the same time they kicked the symbolists with the Balmont slogan "We will be like the Sun."

Interview with Victor Misiano on the situation in contemporary contemporary art in Russia and in the West: “In the 1990s, in the Western creative environment, interest in Russian art was incomparably higher. The Western situation is determined today by the cognitive industry - the production of meanings, not things ... "

The heroes of the opera are mythical characters: Budetlyansky strongmen, Motley eye, Traveler through all ages, Bully, Burialers, Athletes, Aviator.

The general choir sings: “We are free ... Broken sun. Hello darkness!" Budetlyansky strong men tear out the sun “with fresh roots”, declaring: “The sun, you gave birth to passions, burned with an inflamed ray. We'll pull the veil, we'll nail it into a concrete house!

The luminary is “pulled” with a black square, symbolizing the power of human reason, logic, and analysis. Of course, Malevich came to such a figurative solution on a whim, catching something in the atmosphere of his time.

To the accusation of critics that he denies everything good and bright with his square, the artist grumbled that "art moves and develops on its own, whether we like it or not."

Now the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val is hosting the exhibition "The Theater in the Works of Artists of the 1910-1930s."

The sketches of El Lissitzky's costumes for "Victory over the Sun", but already in 1923, aroused the greatest interest. El Lissitzky (art pseudonym of Lazar Markovich Lissitzky) designed costumes not for actors, but for electromechanical performance.

"PNS" was conceived by him as an automated performance with puppets, in fact, imitating robots. But it was only in 1921 that Chapek coined the very word "robot" in the play "RUR". The robotic Budetlyansky strongman of Lissitzky is simply wonderful: a cubic body, a head in the form of a round black and white antenna, like a yin-yang sign.

The avant-garde director Vsevolod Meyerhold introduced machinery into the theatre, having developed the theory of “biomechanics”, where “the human body is like an automotor”. The director "programs" the actor. At turning points in history, characters become characters.

Russian religious philosophers regularly cursed technology. The Bolsheviks sent them on a "philosophical ship" so as not to spoil the electrification holiday of the whole country.

The remaining Alexei Losev managed to brand the light of electric lamps: “The light of electric bulbs is a dead, mechanical light. It does not hypnotize, but only dulls, coarsens the senses. In it there is the narrowness and emptiness of Americanism, the machine and inveterate production of life and heat. It is the multiplication table made light."

The theme of the “multiplication table”, which became the basis of a technocratic society, is permeated by Yevgeny Zamyatin’s anti-utopia “We” (1920) about machine-like people living in the One State under a “sterile sky”. And here the industrialization of the USSR is in full swing: the romance is wrapped up. Society itself is turning into a machine where a person is no longer even a robot, but a cog.

American science fiction writers at first enjoyed the world of the future, where robots are uncomplaining servant-slaves whose purpose is to make human life more comfortable. Isaac Asimov introduced three rules of robotics, the general meaning of which is - do not harm the human owner.

However, soon the writers sounded the alarm: people themselves began to turn into machines! The novel Simulacra by Philip Dick (about robotic presidents, electromechanical simulacra) appeared long before the famous work of the French postmodernist Jean Baudrillard Simulacra and Simulation. Baudrillard will frighten with the metaphysics of the machine-market realm. Deleuze - a man as a "social desire machine".

Andy Warhol calmly admitted: "I am a machine." True, after the assassination attempt, he became less calm and even began to attend church.

The girl who almost sent the king of pop art to the next world, went out into the street from his "Factory", bought ice cream and, having finished eating, proudly told the traffic controller: "I shot at Andy Warhol!"

"I killed John Lennon!" another "rational" son of a bitch will say smugly.

Technological progress has stepped into space. It is curious that the large-scale space stations of Lucas' Star Wars are almost copies of Malevich's plaster architectons, futuristic architectural models that were not rigidly tied to the conditions of earth's gravity.

55 years after Yevgeny Zamyatin's novel "We", the English rock band Pink Floyd performed the song "Welcome to the car" - about the show business car.

In the album "The Wall" the total machine has grown to the size of the whole world, overwhelming the individual. Zamyatin, by the way, wrote off the image of the United State from the English shipyards, where he worked as an engineer. But ideologically, the novel, of course, was a parody of the proletarian cult, striving to "turn the proletariat into an unprecedented social automaton with the iron mechanics of the new collective."

Russians usually leave all the demonic-machine functions at the mercy of their native state in order to revel in slovenliness themselves, that is, "to live like a human being."

A huge number of Soviet paintings of the 60-80s ("July rain", "Moscow does not believe in tears", "Flying in a dream and in reality") are filled with picnics.

After wild industrial breakthroughs, victory in the Great Patriotic War and a jump into space, the USSR stayed on hiking trips and barbecues until the piercing wind of change of the 80s came up.

And again, Suprematist art became in demand. The cover of the album "Blood Type" (1988) by the "Kino" group is a copy of Malevich's poster for the film "Doctor Mambuzo" (1922). There is again a black circle - a symbol of the eclipse. This is a completely Suprematist look: “And wherever you are, whatever you do, there is war between earth and sky…”

In the Union, "aggressive machinery" began to manifest itself in culture in the form of breakdance. At the end of the tape "Courier" (1988), young people in black glasses are frighteningly twitching.

However, robots did not take root in Soviet science fiction. Russians, with their mental and emotional dominance, have always found it difficult to talk seriously about the subject of a man-machine. Amphibious man - back and forth. The Strugatskys and Efremov created mostly futuristic social models. Electronics is hardly distinguishable from his counterpart Serezha Syroezhkin. Here is the idea of ​​Pinocchio-Pinocchio: the doll wants to become human. Of the "self-sufficient" robots, there was one bright character - Werther, and he was killed by space pirates. He is the only victim of the "Guest from the Future".

Two worlds - two types of robots

Technocratic Americans have a different story. From their future, the evil Terminator falls almost on the heads of poor people. If you remember, in the first series, naked Schwartz "descends" directly from heaven onto the asphalt.

In the United States, the theme of a rebellion of machine slaves against human masters has long been developed. As part of the "victim - executioner" system, where they often change places. Like Kubrick in Odyssey 2001: either the HAL 9000 computer (almost HELL) with artificial intelligence wets the crew, or the miraculously surviving astronaut wets the presumptuous computer. Moreover, turning off, he unbearably poignantly sings a children's song, questioning the thesis that machines have no soul.

The virtual reality in The Matrix has a mythological scope and biblical analogies: there is both a prophet and a savior. However, this computer apocalypse does not stand out too much against the background of other US films: Hollywood has put the end of the world on stream.

The Germans are more serious citizens in terms of metaphysics. It was they who made the second production of "Victory over the Sun", 70 years after the premiere.

The project was carried out in 1983 by the West Berlin Academy of Arts, although not without the help of the California Institute. The Americans themselves would be much more suited to the attraction version of Lissitzky: there is a watershed in the American and Russian perceptions.

The Americans, due to the technocratic nature of civilization, have saturated their virtual reality with the same mythical archetypes. But what gives it authenticity is the American faith... in electricity. As the poet Kormiltsev wrote, "this music will last forever if I change the batteries."

Americans believe in The Terminator and The Matrix precisely because they are convinced of the omnipotence of electricity. It has its own God and Devil, its own good and evil. But for Russians, the reality of this world is doubtful, because it is enough to pull the plug out of the socket - and that's it! Another end of the world!

Here, approximately, as in Moscow today. You are sitting writing an article, and suddenly bam - computer woo. I'm free for two or four hours - an accident at a power plant, something burned down in the house, scheduled repairs - dozens of reasons. You thought it was the end of the world, and this is a short circuit.

Whether it's an icon, it "works" on a metaphysical current. You can feel its effect using only your own soul and imagination. For Malevich, the black square, circle, cross were not just symbols of an idea, they were living mystical signs. It is no coincidence that he hung the Black Square at the 0.10 exhibition in the red corner.

Poetry ends, politics begins

In Kazimir Malevich's five-volume book, which was published by the Gilea publishing house, on every page he has discourses about God and the sacredness of his signs.

Here are his thoughts in a letter to Lissitzky about his famous painting “Head of a Peasant”: “I painted an ordinary head of a peasant, it turned out that it was extraordinary. And indeed it is, if you look from the point of view of the East. What is ordinary for Westerners becomes unusual for the people of the East, everything ordinary turns into an Icon, for the East is iconic, and the West is a machine, an object, a toilet, utilitarianism, technology.

Digital reality is powered by electricity, spiritual-mystical - by some more subtle energy.

I will say: as soon as we run out of poetry, politics begins. That is why “Victory over the Sun” was not staged in Russia for 69 years: from 1920 to 1989. Suprematism waited out communism. Vitebsk students of Malevich thought that after communism Suprematism would come. And so it happened.

In short, humanity will never lose to machines until it has forgotten how to love. At least in the same way as the WALL-E robot. Ugh…

Here everyone does his own thing. The sun shines. The poet writes. Vladimir Mayakovsky poems EXTRAORDINARY ADVENTURE WITH VLADIMIR MAYAKOVSKY IN THE SUMMER IN THE COTTAGE (Pushkino. Akulova Gora, Rumyantsev's cottage, 27 versts along the Yaroslavl Railway) At a hundred and forty suns the sunset was blazing, in July summer was rolling, there was heat, the heat was floating - on dacha was it. The hillock of Pushkino hunched with Akulova Mountain, and the bottom of the mountain was a village, the roofs were twisted with bark. And behind the village is a hole, and the sun probably descended into that hole every time, slowly and surely. And tomorrow again the sun rose scarlet to flood the world. And day after day, it began to terribly anger me. And so one day, getting angry that everything faded in fear, point-blank, I shouted to the sun: “Get down! Enough to wander in hell!” I shouted to the sun: “A parasite! , draw posters!" I shouted to the sun: "Wait a minute! Listen, golden-browed, than so, without business to come in, it would have come to me for tea!" What have I done! I'm dead! To me, of my own free will, the sun itself, spreading its beam-steps, walks in the field. I want to not show fear - and retreat backwards. Already in the garden of his eyes. Already passing through the garden. In the windows, in the doors, entering through the crack, the mass of the sun fell, tumbled; taking a breath, she spoke in a bass voice: “I’m driving back the lights for the first time since creation. Did you call me? Drive tea, drive, poet, jam!” Well, sit down, luminary!" The devil pulled my audacity to yell at him - embarrassed, I sat on the corner of the bench, I'm afraid - it couldn't have been worse! But a strange stream was flowing from the sun, and forgetting the sedateness, I sit, talking with the luminary gradually. I’m talking about something, I’m talking about something, Rosta ate, and the sun: “Okay, don’t worry, look at things simply! But you think it’s easy for me to shine. - and shine in both! " Chatted like that until dark - until the former night, that is. What darkness is here? On "you" we are with him, quite comfortable. And soon, not melting friendship, I hit him on the shoulder. And the sun too: "You and me, we, comrade, are two! Let's go, poet, look, sing around the world in gray trash. I will pour my sun, and you yours, in verse." The wall of shadows, nights the prison fell under the suns with a double-barreled shotgun. Poems and light commotion shine into anything! He gets tired and wants to lie down for the night, stupid dreamer. Suddenly - I'm doing my best - and again the day is ringing. Always shine, shine everywhere, until the last days of the bottom, shine - and no nails! Here is my slogan and the sun!

The sun, the central body of the solar system, is a hot ball of gas. It is 750 times more massive than all other bodies in the solar system combined. That is why everything in the solar system can be roughly considered to revolve around the sun. The Sun outweighs the Earth by more than 330,000 times. A chain of 109 planets like ours could be placed on the solar diameter. The sun is the closest star to Earth and the only star whose disk is visible to the naked eye. All other stars that are light years away from us, even when viewed through the most powerful telescopes, do not reveal any details of their surfaces. Light from the Sun reaches us in 8 and a third minutes.

The sun rushes in the direction of the constellation Hercules in an orbit around the center of our Galaxy, overcoming more than 200 km every second. The Sun and the center of the Galaxy are separated by an abyss of 25,000 light years. A similar abyss lies between the Sun and the outskirts of the Galaxy. Our star is located near the galactic plane, not far from the border of one of the spiral arms.

The size of the Sun (1392,000 km in diameter) is very large by Earth standards, but astronomers, at the same time, call it a yellow dwarf - in the world of stars, the Sun does not stand out in anything special. However, in recent years, there are more and more arguments in favor of some unusualness of our Sun. In particular, the Sun emits less ultraviolet radiation than other stars of the same type. The sun has more mass than similar stars. In addition, these very similar stars to the Sun are seen in inconstancy, they change their brightness, that is, they are variable stars. The sun does not noticeably change its brightness. All this is not a reason for pride, but the basis for more detailed research and serious checks.

The radiation power of the Sun is 3.8 * 1020 MW. Only about one-half of a billionth of the Sun's total energy reaches Earth. Imagine a situation in which 15 standard apartments of 45 sq.m. flooded to the ceiling with water. If this amount of water is the entire output of the Sun, then the Earth will have less than a teaspoon. But it is thanks to this energy that the water cycle occurs on Earth, winds blow, life has developed and is developing. All the energy hidden in fossil fuels (oil, coal, peat, gas) is also originally the energy of the Sun.

The Sun radiates its energy in all wavelengths. But in a different way. 48% of the radiation energy is in the visible part of the spectrum, and the maximum corresponds to the yellow-green color. About 45% of the energy lost by the Sun is carried away by infrared rays. Gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet and radio radiation account for only 8%. However, the radiation of the Sun in these ranges is so strong that it is very noticeable at distances even hundreds of solar radii. The magnetosphere and the Earth's atmosphere protect us from the harmful effects of solar radiation.

The main characteristics of the Sun

Weight 1,989*10 30 kg
Mass (in Earth masses) 332,830
Radius at the equator 695000 km
Radius at the equator (in Earth radii) 108,97
Average density 1410 kg/m 3
Sidereal day duration (rotation period) 25.4 days (equator) - 36 days (poles)
Second space velocity (escape velocity) 618.02 km/s
Distance from the center of the Galaxy 25,000 light years
Period of revolution around the center of the Galaxy ~200 Ma
The speed of movement around the center of the Galaxy 230 km/s
Surface temperature 5800–6000 K
Luminosity 3,8 * 10 26 W(3.827*10 33 erg/sec)
Estimated age 4.6 billion years
Absolute magnitude +4,8
Relative magnitude -26,8
Spectral class G2
Classification yellow dwarf

Chemical composition (by number of atoms)

Hydrogen 92,1%
Helium 7,8%
Oxygen 0,061%
Carbon 0,030%
Nitrogen 0,0084%
Neon 0,0076%
Iron 0,0037%
Silicon 0,0031%
Magnesium 0,0024%
Sulfur 0,0015%
Other 0,0015%

The fact that without the Sun life on Earth would not exist, people understood a long time ago, because he was exalted, he was worshiped, and celebrating the day of the Sun, they often made human sacrifices. They watched him and, creating observatories, solved such seemingly simple questions about why the Sun shines during the day, what is the nature of the luminary, when the Sun sets, where does it rise, what objects are around the Sun, and planned their activities on the basis of the received data.

Scientists had no idea that on the only star in the solar system there are seasons that are very reminiscent of the "rainy season" and "dry season". The activity of the Sun alternately increases in the northern and southern hemispheres, lasts eleven months, and decreases for the same amount of time. Along with the eleven-year cycle of its activity, the life of earthlings directly depends, since at this time powerful magnetic fields are ejected from the bowels of the star, causing solar disturbances that are dangerous for the planet.

It may surprise some to learn that the Sun is not a planet. The sun is a huge, luminous ball of gases, within which thermonuclear reactions are constantly taking place, releasing energy, giving light and heat. It is interesting that such a star does not exist in the solar system, and therefore it attracts to itself all objects of smaller sizes that are in its gravitational zone, as a result of which they begin to rotate around the Sun along a trajectory.

Naturally, in space, the solar system is not located on its own, but is part of the Milky Way, a galaxy that is a huge star system. From the center of the Milky Way, the Sun is separated by 26 thousand light years, so the movement of the Sun around it is one revolution in 200 million years. But the star turns around its axis in a month - and even then, these data are approximate: it is a plasma ball, the components of which rotate at different speeds, and therefore it is difficult to say exactly how much time it takes to complete a revolution. So, for example, in the equator region this happens in 25 days, at the poles - 11 days more.

Of all the stars known today, our Luminary is in fourth place in terms of brightness (when a star shows solar activity, it shines brighter than when it subsides). By itself, this huge gaseous ball is white, but due to the fact that our atmosphere absorbs short-spectrum waves and the Sun's ray is scattered near the Earth's surface, the Sun's light becomes yellowish, and the white color can only be seen on a clear, fine day against the background blue sky.

Being the only star in the solar system, the Sun is also the only source of its light (not counting the very distant stars). Despite the fact that the Sun and Moon are the largest and brightest objects in the sky of our planet, the difference between them is huge. While the Sun itself emits light, the Earth's satellite, being an absolutely dark object, simply reflects it (we can also say that we also see the Sun at night, when the Moon illuminated by it is in the sky).

The sun shone - a young star, its age, according to scientists, is more than four and a half billion years. Therefore, it refers to a third generation star, which was formed from the remains of pre-existing stars. It is rightfully considered the largest object in the solar system, since its weight is 743 times the mass of all the planets revolving around the sun (our planet is 333 thousand times lighter than the sun and 109 times smaller than it).

Atmosphere of the Sun

Since the temperature indicators of the upper layers of the Sun exceed 6 thousand degrees Celsius, it is not a solid body: at such a high temperature, any stone or metal is transformed into gas. Scientists have come to such conclusions recently, because earlier astronomers suggested that the light and heat emitted by the star are the result of combustion.

The more astronomers watched the Sun, the clearer it became: its surface has been heated to the limit for several billion years, and nothing can burn for so long. According to one of the modern hypotheses, the same processes take place inside the Sun as in an atomic bomb - matter is converted into energy, and as a result of thermonuclear reactions, hydrogen (its share in the star is about 73.5%) is transformed into helium (almost 25%) .

Rumors that the Sun on Earth will go out sooner or later are not unfounded: the amount of hydrogen in the core is not unlimited. As it burns, the outer layer of the star will expand, while the core, on the contrary, will decrease, as a result of which the life of the Sun will end, and it will be transformed into a nebula. This process will start soon. According to scientists, this will happen no earlier than in five to six billion years.

As for the internal structure, since the star is a gaseous ball, it is united with the planet only by the presence of a core.


It is here that all thermonuclear reactions take place, generating heat and energy, which, bypassing all subsequent layers of the Sun, leave it in the form of sunlight and kinetic energy. The solar core extends from the center of the sun to a distance of 173,000 km (approximately 0.2 solar radii). It is interesting that in the core the star rotates around its axis much faster than in the upper layers.

Radiant transfer zone

Photons leaving the nucleus in the radiative transfer zone collide with plasma particles (ionized gas formed from neutral atoms and charged particles, ions and electrons) and exchange energy with them. There are so many collisions that a photon sometimes takes about a million years to pass this layer, and this despite the fact that the plasma density and its temperature indicators decrease at the outer boundary.


Between the radiative transfer zone and the convective zone there is a very thin layer where the formation of a magnetic field occurs - the electromagnetic field lines of force are pulled out by plasma flows, increasing its strength. There is every reason to believe that here the plasma significantly changes its structure.

convective zone

Near the solar surface, the temperature and density of matter becomes insufficient for the energy of the Sun to be transferred only with the help of reradiation. Therefore, here the plasma begins to rotate, forming vortices, transferring energy to the surface, while the closer to the outer edge of the zone, the more it cools, and the gas density decreases. At the same time, the particles of the photosphere located above it, cooled on the surface, go into the convective zone.


The photosphere is called the brightest part of the Sun, which can be seen from the Earth in the form of the solar surface (it is called so conventionally, since a body consisting of gas does not have a surface, therefore it is referred to as part of the atmosphere).

Compared with the radius of a star (700 thousand km), the photosphere is a very thin layer with a thickness of 100 to 400 km.

It is here that during the manifestation of solar activity, the release of light, kinetic and thermal energy occurs. Since the temperature of the plasma in the photosphere is lower than in other places, and there is strong magnetic radiation, sunspots are formed in it, giving rise to the well-known phenomenon as solar flares.

Although solar flares are short-lived, an extremely large amount of energy is released during this period. And it manifests itself in the form of charged particles, ultraviolet, optical, X-ray or gamma radiation, as well as plasma flows (on our planet they cause magnetic storms that negatively affect people's health).

The gas in this part of the star is relatively rarefied and rotates very unevenly: its revolution around the equator is 24 days, at the poles - thirty. In the upper layers of the photosphere, minimum temperature indicators were recorded, due to which out of 10 thousand hydrogen atoms only one has a charged ion (despite this, even in this region the plasma is quite ionized).


The chromosphere is called the upper shell of the Sun with a thickness of 2 thousand km. In this layer, the temperature rises sharply, and hydrogen and other substances begin to actively ionize. The density of this part of the Sun is usually low, and therefore it is difficult to distinguish from the Earth, and it can be seen only in the event of an eclipse of the Sun, when the Moon covers the brighter layer of the photosphere (the chromosphere glows red at this time).


The corona is the last outer, very hot shell of the Sun, which is visible from our planet during a total solar eclipse: it resembles a radiant halo. At other times, it is impossible to see it because of the very low density and brightness.

It consists of prominences, hot gas fountains up to 40,000 km high, and energy eruptions that go into space at great speed, forming a solar wind consisting of a stream of charged particles. It is interesting that many natural phenomena of our planet are associated with the solar wind, for example, the northern lights. It should be noted that the solar wind itself is extremely dangerous, and if our planet was not protected by the atmosphere, then it would destroy all life.

earth year

Our planet moves around the Sun at a speed of about 30 km / s and the period of its complete revolution is one year (the length of the orbit is more than 930 million km). At the point where the solar disk is closest to the Earth, our planet is separated from the star by 147 million km, and at the most distant point - 152 million km.

The “motion of the Sun” seen from the Earth changes throughout the whole year, and its trajectory resembles a figure eight stretched along the Earth’s axis from north to south with a slope of forty-seven degrees.

This happens due to the fact that the angle of deviation of the Earth's axis from the perpendicular to the plane of the orbit is about 23.5 degrees, and since our planet revolves around the Sun, the rays of the Sun daily and hourly (not counting the equator, where day is equal to night) change the angle of their fall at the same point.

In the summer in the northern hemisphere, our planet is tilted towards the Sun, and therefore the rays of the Sun illuminate the earth's surface as intensely as possible. But in winter, since the path of the solar disk through the sky is very low, the Sun's ray falls on our planet at a steeper angle, and therefore the earth warms up weakly.

The average temperature is set when autumn or spring arrives and the Sun is at the same distance from the poles. At this time, nights and days have approximately the same duration - and climatic conditions are created on Earth, which are a transitional stage between winter and summer.

Such changes begin to take place even in winter, after the winter solstice, when the trajectory of the Sun's movement across the sky changes, and it begins to rise.

Therefore, when spring comes, the Sun approaches the day of the vernal equinox, the length of day and night becomes the same. In the summer, June 21, on the day of the summer solstice, the solar disk reaches its highest point above the horizon.

earth day

If you look at the sky from the point of view of an earthling in search of an answer to the question of why the Sun shines during the day and where it rises, then you can soon make sure that the Sun rises in the east, and its setting can be seen in the west.

This happens due to the fact that our planet not only moves around the Sun, but also rotates around its axis, making a complete revolution in 24 hours. If you look at the Earth from space, you can see that it, like most of the planets of the Sun, turns counterclockwise, from west to east. Standing on Earth and watching where the Sun appears in the morning, everything is seen in a mirror image, and therefore the Sun rises in the east.

At the same time, an interesting picture is observed: a person, observing where the Sun is, standing on one point, moves along with the Earth in an easterly direction. At the same time, the parts of the planet that are located in the western side, one after another, gradually begin to illuminate the light of the Sun. So. for example, sunrise on the east coast of the United States can be seen up to three hours before the sun rises on the west coast.

The sun in the life of the earth

The Sun and the Earth are so connected with each other that the role of the largest star in the sky can hardly be overestimated. First of all, our planet formed around the Sun and life appeared. Also, the energy of the Sun warms the Earth, the ray of the Sun illuminates it, forming a climate, cooling it at night, and after the Sun rises, it warms it again. What can I say, even air with its help acquired the properties necessary for life (if not a ray of the Sun, it would be a liquid ocean of nitrogen surrounding blocks of ice and frozen land).

The Sun and the Moon, being the largest objects in the sky, actively interacting with each other, not only illuminate the Earth, but also directly affect the movement of our planet - a vivid example of this action is the ebbs and flows. They are influenced by the Moon, the Sun in this process is on the sidelines, but without its influence it also cannot do.

The Sun and the Moon, the Earth and the Sun, air and water flows, the biomass around us are available, constantly renewable energy raw materials that can be easily used (it lies on the surface, it does not need to be extracted from the bowels of the planet, it does not form radioactive and toxic waste ).

To draw public attention to the possibility of using renewable energy sources, since the mid-90s. last century, it was decided to celebrate the International Day of the Sun. Thus, every year, on May 3, on the day of the Sun, seminars, exhibitions, conferences are held throughout Europe aimed at showing people how to use the ray of the luminary for good, how to determine the time when the sunset or sunrise occurs.

For example, on the day of the Sun, you can visit special multimedia programs, see huge areas of magnetic disturbances and various manifestations of solar activity through a telescope. On the day of the Sun, you can look at various physical experiments and demonstrations that clearly demonstrate how powerful a source of energy our Luminary is. Often on the Day of the Sun, visitors get the opportunity to create a sundial and test it in action.

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