Quince tincture on vodka at home. Cooking at home liquor from the fruit of Japanese quince. Quince mash recipe with wild yeast

In moderation, tinctures made from medicinal fruits and plants can saturate the body with valuable components, vitamins and nutrients.

One of these drinks is a tincture of quince or Japanese ratafia.

Chaenomeles - Japanese quince

This unusual fruit resembles a yellow pear, covered with villi, it grows on low trees.

Its main feature is that it is practically unsuitable for raw consumption, as it has a tart astringent taste and is very hard. But when cooked, it fully reveals its taste. Dishes and drinks made from Japanese quince have a unique taste.

Harvested in September or October. The fruits of Japanese quince, due to their biological qualities, are stored for a very long time. Under the right conditions, they can lie for about six months.

Japanese quince or chaenomeles are classified as valuable and especially useful medicinal plants. This incredibly beautiful, fruitful and unpretentious plant contains a large amount of biologically active substances. Its fruits are rich in iron, acids and vitamins, tannins.

Japanese quince fruits contain four times more useful and nutritious compared to common quince. The juice of its fruits is so active that it is recommended to dilute it with water.

Since ancient times, Japanese quince has been used to treat anemia and gallbladder. Used as a hemostatic, antiviral, antiemetic and astringent. The use of Japanese quince in cooking and cosmetology is widely known.

In particular, drinks made from Japanese quince have become famous, in addition to useful properties, it saturates drinks with a very peculiar sweet and sour taste. Quince fruit tincture relieved stress, quince juice relieved the suffering of patients with asthma and tuberculosis. Quince tincture is especially useful in winter, when viral and colds are common.

Healing qualities

  • Influence on the blood. In quince, trace elements are concentrated in large quantities, which are very useful for the circulatory system. Doctors recommend using this product daily for pre-infarction conditions and coronary heart disease.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties. The high content of ascorbic acid makes this fruit a good antipyretic. Its use is the prevention of viral diseases and improves immunity.
  • Intestinal tract. A large amount of tannins contained in quince cleanses the intestines from fecal stones, relieves inflammatory processes in the intestines.
  • Restores hormonal balance, which is very important for diabetics. These fruits are indicated for obesity.
  • Nervous system. The use of these fruits relieves stress, gives an invigorating effect, improves mood.
  • Respiratory system. Quince cures bronchitis, asthma.
  • In pharmacology, this fruit is also actively used, in particular, medicines are made from it to cure the genitourinary system and allergies.

Like any medicine, quince has its contraindications. This is especially true of seeds, the use of which in raw form can be dangerous to humans, since they are poisonous. The skin of this fruit can affect the vocal cords, irritating them, which can lead to loss of voice. Therefore, this fruit is not recommended for singers and speakers. Ratafia is a drink of the nobility

To date, the recipe for ratafia has been undeservedly forgotten, and only experts in the wine industry know about the existence of such a drink. However, only two hundred years ago, this drink was produced in large quantities at noble distilleries. High-ranking nobles used this drink. Despite its strength, ratafia was considered a ladies' drink.

Rataphia is an alcoholic drink with a strength of 34-40 degrees, which was made by insisting the fruit on undiluted alcohol with the addition of sugar.

Italy is considered the birthplace of ratafia. More than 1000 years ago, this drink was used in marriage ceremonies. In Russia, this drink was called "Sweet Vodka" and high society enjoyed its mild sweet taste. However, in the 19th century, the use of this drink began to gradually move away for two reasons.

First, it is a complex manufacturing process. Ratafia is infused on pure alcohol, which was obtained in Russia by repeated distillation of mash, which was quite difficult, since the first moonshine still appeared in Russia only in 1868. Secondly, Russian cuisine used mainly spicy and salty dishes, with which sweet ratafia did not go well.

For some time, stone kernels were an obligatory component of all ratafia. For this, the bones of cherries, apricots, peaches, walnuts and almonds were used. Later, fruit pulp became the raw material for ratafia. Ratafia with various additives were popular, which were used as cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, various varieties of peppers, as well as citrus fruits: lemons and oranges.

Industrial ratafia are made, as a rule, by blending (mixing) alcohol, flavoring and sugar. However, today alcoholic gourmets tend to get closer to past traditions, preferring natural ingredients. Therefore, ratafia today returns to the festive feasts and becomes the pride of the owner, who skillfully prepared it, and the decoration of the table.

Classic ratafia recipe from chaenomeles (Japanese quince)

The recipe for ratafia was so large and varied that individual recipes for making this drink took two or three pages. Despite the fact that the drink went out of wide consumption in the 19th century, the recipe for its production has survived to this day.

A drink is made on quadruple alcohol, that is, moonshine of the fourth distillation, as a result of which alcohol with a strength of 90 degrees was obtained. The finished drink will have a strength of 35-40 degrees.

Grate the pre-prepared pods, remove the bones and core.

Pour the grated pulp of 1 kg of quince into 250 gr. sugar, shake well, keep in the cellar for two days to give her the opportunity to start the juice. There will be a lot of juice, despite the fact that quince is a fairly hard fruit. Two days later, pour into a container with tincture 0.5 liters of alcohol, a few umbrellas of cloves and nutmeg about 1 g. We put the tincture for another 6 weeks. After that, it is necessary to filter the drink and bottle it. Ratafiya is ready! In principle, you can already try the drink, but in order for the tincture to acquire an even more noble aroma, it is better to let it stand in the cellar. The longer it sits, the richer its flavor will be.

Quince tincture on vodka

In such a tincture, which is prepared at home, in the process of infusion it takes on the aroma of quince and acquires a beautiful transparent amber color. The main thing that this recipe requires is quality fruits. They should be ripe and have a strong aroma. If the aroma is not strong enough, you need to let the fruits lie down and reach the desired condition.

The recipe for the tincture is as follows:

Wash the ripe and definitely fragrant quince (500 gr), remove the seeds and cut into small strips or grate coarsely. Put the prepared sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits in a jar and tamp a little. Pour 800 ml of vodka over the quince, you need to make sure that it covers the fruits completely and they have no contact with air, otherwise they will oxidize and darken. Cover the resulting mixture tightly with a lid and leave to infuse for 3 weeks. Add 150 g of sugar and leave for another week, constantly shaking the jar to dissolve the sugar.

Strain the drink obtained after infusion and add vanillin on the tip of a knife or vanilla essence and a quarter of a spoon of lemon. The remaining “drunk” cake can be added to pastries or made into jam. Pour the drink into bottles. It is stored for a long time in a cool place.

Quince liqueur

The recipe for this liqueur is easy to prepare at home. According to the manufacturing technology, the recipe is slightly different from the preparation of the tincture.

Pour the crushed quince fruits with water and cook over low heat until cooked (until they become soft). Drain the broth through a sieve, strain the cake and add vodka to the broth in the proportion of 1 liter of vodka per 1 liter of broth. Add 1 kg of sugar, 5 cloves, a sprig of cinnamon or other additives to your taste to the resulting mixture.

Additives help to diversify the taste of the liquor and give it a peculiar fragrant notes. Depending on your preferences, you can change the composition of additives by choosing different flavor bouquets on your own.

Excellent additives for liquor that complement the recipe will be cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, coriander, bitter almonds. You need to add them, depending on your preferences, in the proportion of 1 gram per liter of tincture.

A good flavor addition to quince liqueur will be citrus fruits, such as orange peels.

Pour the resulting liquor into bottles and insist on the light. After that, be sure to strain the liquor. For this purpose, it is convenient to use special filter paper, this will make it possible to get the purest drink.

Recipe for Caucasian tincture on quince

Wash half a kilo of quince, cut into pieces and remove the core and rub on a grater or chop with a knife. Place crushed fruit in a glass container for infusion and pour over chacha (800 ml). Close tightly and leave in the light for 3 weeks to infuse. When the drink is infused, add 200 ml of honey. Keep the tincture with honey for another week, be sure to shake until the honey is completely dissolved. Bottled and sent to the cellar for storage.

Traditional Japanese Karinshu

Of course, in the homeland of the Japanese quince, there are many recipes for making alcohol from this fruit. Quince sounds like karin in Japanese, and quince liquor sounds like karinshu. The recipe is not complicated and you can cook it yourself. The ingredients for the drink will be the same: quince fruits, sugar and strong alcohol. For the Japanese, this is sake (rice).

For a kilogram of fruit, you need 1.8 sake. The amount of sugar depends on your taste. For unsweetened liquor, 300 grams is enough, and if you like it sweeter, you can take up to a kilogram. The manufacturing technology is the same: grind fruit, pour alcohol, add sugar and leave for at least six months. Then filter and store in the basement.

Quince tincture can be an excellent aperitif, it is best to use it with cheeses, smoked meats and fruits. It is not customary to cool lady's vodka before serving.

Despite all the useful qualities of such a drink, we must not forget that excessive consumption of the drink can give a completely opposite healing result.

In addition to usefulness, ratafia, for example, also has very insidious properties. The head and consciousness remain clear for a long time (fusel oils, which are absent in alcohol, give cloudy consciousness), but the legs are turned off instantly. Therefore, even after a relatively small amount of a drink, you will most likely have to spend the night at a party, who greeted you so hospitably with "ladies' vodka", since you will no longer be able to go.

Enjoy the wonderful fragrant gift of Japan, but do not forget the saying of the great physician Paracelsus: "Everything is poison and all medicine, both determine the dose"!

Quince tincture on vodka, alcohol or moonshine is an exquisite alcoholic drink for which time is not scary. After all, it only benefits him. The longer the tincture stands, the better its taste and richer color.

Preparing this tincture is very simple. And at the same time, there is no doubt about its naturalness.

In most cases, large fruits are used to prepare tinctures, shaped like apples and pears. Small fruits are more acidic, but their taste parameters are somewhat richer, which indicates that they can also be used.

Recipe for tincture of quince on vodka

To prepare this divine drink you will need:

  • quince - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • vodka - 2 l.


  1. First you need to prepare the fruits. Wash them thoroughly and free from seeds.
  2. After that, the fruits are crushed and placed in a glass container.
  3. Each layer of chopped fruit is sprinkled with sand.
  4. Next, the glass container must be corked and left for about five days. During this time, the quince will give juice and you can add vodka to it. But not all, but only 1.5 liters.
  5. After that, the prepared product is left in a dark place for a month. You can also extend the period.
  6. After a month, the tincture acquires a beautiful brown-red color. The longer it brews, the darker the drink will be.
  7. After a month, the drink must be filtered through cheesecloth.
  8. Fruits are again poured with vodka (0.5 l) and insisted for another two weeks.
  9. After two weeks, the new tincture is also filtered and mixed with the first product.

Quince tincture on vodka is ready. You can take a sample. In the event that the tincture seems too sweet, you can additionally add more vodka. The drink is stored in a dark place.

Recipe for tincture of quince on alcohol or moonshine - "Ratafia"

This is an exquisite quince alcoholic drink, which is infused with pure alcohol. Italy is considered its homeland. The original recipe is quite complex. Currently, a simpler method is used. For its manufacture, pure alcohol is taken, with a strength of 90 degrees, or a distillate prepared according to.

  1. They take a kilogram of quince, wash it, free it from stones and rub it on a grater.
  2. Pour into a glass dish and pour 250 gr. Sahara.
  3. After that, they are sent to the basement or closet for a couple of days. During this time, the quince should give juice.
  4. Now you can safely pour an alcohol base (0.5 l) into it, also add a little cloves and nutmeg.
  5. After that, the drink is insisted for 1.5 months.
  6. After the specified time, the drink is passed through a double layer of gauze and poured into glass containers.

Everything, our ratafia, quince tincture with alcohol or moonshine, is ready. To get a richer taste, you can hold it in the basement for a few more days.

In our country house, a small inconspicuous bush grows - chaenomeles (popularly Japanese quince). Every year in autumn it brings a crop of small but very sour apples. Where to put them? It turned out that chaenomeles is almost the national plant of the Baltic states, where it is very common and loved. When I searched the Internet for recipes for chaenomeles, I realized that there were not so many options for using these “apples”. I liked one option - an alcoholic tincture. It so happened that I really like to make tinctures and liqueurs ... although I don’t drink them myself later)) Such is the irony of fate and the vagaries of my inner pervert culinary specialist.

So, for starters, chaenomeles apples need to be cleaned of seeds. You can not eat them - they are poisonous. Therefore, we cut the washed fruits of Japanese quince into 4 parts and shake out all the seeds with a knife and cut out the partitions.

Then randomly chop the fruit. You can just cut them into thin slices, but for some reason I grind them every year in a combine on a coarse grater. It seems to me that this way chaenomeles will give more taste and aroma to alcohol, and the tincture will turn out tastier.

We spread the chopped Japanese quince in a regular jar. I made a small portion - only 400 g of vodka, so a liter jar was enough for me. If the volume is larger, then the bank should also take a larger volume. The ingredients are given for a whole serving, in fact I have less.

We pour spices. Last year, when I first found this recipe, my husband had his say, and I prepared a tincture without spices. Husband loved it and so did the guests. But this year I quietly added spices. When the husband found out about this, he grimaced. And when I tried it, I saw eyes burning in delight and a capacious “Mmmm!”. in principle, I realized that it turned out much better with spices))

Fill the quince with Japanese vodka. You can use any - cheap or expensive. I used to take the cheapest one. As a result, the husband said that a good tincture is obtained from good vodka. Therefore, now we do not spare money for this business and buy the product that we take for feasts.

We close the usual lid, mix well and shake so that the vodka is well distributed over the chaenomeles, and also so that the spices do not remain on top and also take part in the infusion.

We leave the jar with the future homemade tincture in a dark cabinet for a week. We periodically remember about it and shake it so that the raw materials do not stagnate.

After a week, we discard the tincture in a colander (strain), discard the cake, it is not needed. Although, if there are connoisseurs, you can use cake as a filling for "drunk" pies. The main thing is not to add this case to the compote for children ...

Add sugar. Mix well to dissolve the sugar. By the end, I got a little tired, and I put the tincture on the fire, so that when heated, the sugar would dissolve better. Do not bring to a boil, so that the alcohol does not collapse.

The final step is filtering. I used special filter paper in combination with napkins (the paper was small). You can do without filtering, but then a precipitate will fall out. I would like to avoid this. And it is better to remove excess spices so that they do not worsen the taste of the finished drink.

As a result, we get a sunny drink that gives joy and pleasant impressions. Quite a "feminine" taste, but men also liked it. Help yourself!

Time for preparing: PT00H20M 20 min.

Approximate cost per serving: 50 rub.

The Japanese quince is a small fruit that grows on tall trees up to five meters high. In appearance, it is very similar to an ordinary yellow apple. The main feature of this fruit is that it cannot be consumed raw, but can only be fried with sugar. It is also an excellent base for various kinds of tinctures. Japanese quince gives them an extraordinary taste and fills them with all the necessary minerals and vitamins.

Healing qualities of Japanese fruit

As mentioned above, Japanese quince is a real healing well. So, what are the magical properties of this unusual fruit?

Homeland and history of ratafia

The original ratafia recipe turned out to be undeservedly forgotten by our contemporaries. The name of this drink can be heard only in the conversations of winemakers. However, only two centuries ago, ratafia was very popular among the upper class. The drink, despite its strong strength, was intended primarily for the weaker half of humanity.

The roots of ratafia are found in Italy. It was here that it was first used at weddings.
In Russia, ratafia was especially popular among the nobility. But at the beginning of the century before last, the drink gradually began to disappear from the shelves of wineries. The reason for this was the rather complicated technology of its production. The basis of ratafia is pure alcohol, which was obtained by distillation of mash. Due to the lack of a moonshine at that time, this process was very laborious.
The second reason why ratafia left the Russian markets was its poor compatibility with the main products of our national cuisine. The everyday menu of any Russian nobleman could not do without spicy and salty dishes, with which? sweet vodka? matched badly.

For many centuries, the kernels of cherries, walnuts, and almonds served as the basis for ratafia. After some time, fruit pulp began to be used as a raw material for the production of the drink.
Ratafia used in industry, as a rule, are a mixture of sugar and alcohol with the addition of various flavors. But connoisseurs of real taste prefer to buy a drink made from natural ingredients.

Today, there are many options for preparing Japanese quince tincture. Despite the fact that ratafia fell into disuse after the 19th century, its classic recipe has survived to this day.
First you need to clean 300 gr. ripe Japanese quince, peeled, core removed and the remaining flesh grated. The resulting gruel should be put in a deep plate and placed for a day in a cool place to extract juice.

A day later, it is necessary to squeeze the juice from the softened pulp with a sieve, pour one glass of sugar into it and mix well. Pour 1.5 liters of alcohol into the resulting mixture, add a pinch of nutmeg and 3 petals of cloves.

The finished ratafia must be poured into a pre-prepared bottle, carefully close the neck with a cork or cotton wool and put in heat for exactly a month. After the specified period, the drink must be filtered and bottled. Store tincture on quince should be in a dry and cool place.

Quince tincture on vodka

The success of this recipe depends entirely on the fruits used in the cooking process. Preference should be given only to ripe quince with a strong aroma.

To prepare the tincture, we need half a kilogram of fruit, which should be washed, peeled and grated. The resulting slurry must be transferred to a deep container and pour 2 tbsp. vodka. Then you should tightly close the liquid with a lid and put it away for three weeks in a cold place. After the specified period, you need to get a darkened tincture from Japanese quince, pour 150 gr. Sahara.
Then tightly close the container again and, after shaking it well, put it in the refrigerator for a week. After a week, the resulting tincture on Japanese quince should be filtered and a pinch of vanillin added.

Quince liqueur

This Japanese quince drink is quite easy to prepare.

1.5 kg of quince should be grated, put in a saucepan, pour 2 tbsp. water, put on medium heat and cook until soft. Then it is necessary to strain the liquid through cheesecloth and add 2 liters of vodka, 2 kg of sugar, 2 pieces of cinnamon and 10 petals of cloves to it. The resulting liquor should be bottled and kept for 6 weeks in a warm place. After the specified period, the Japanese quince drink must be filtered again.

Caucasian tincture on quince

This drink has a very refined taste. To prepare it, you will need 0.5 kg of ripe quince fruits, which should be washed and grated. The resulting slurry should be transferred to a deep dense container and pour 800 ml of distilled chacha. Then you need to close the tincture on quince with a lid and put it in a warm place. Three weeks later, add 1 tbsp. sugar and mix well. After that, the container should be removed for another week. Ready Caucasian tincture on Japanese quince must be filtered through cheesecloth and bottled. Such a drink will be a great addition to fatty meat dishes, smoked meats and fruits.

japanese karinshu recipe

In the homeland of sakura, there are a huge number of recipes for alcoholic drinks prepared using quince fruits. One of the most popular is the so-called Japanese Karinshu. This drink is easy to prepare, you can even make it at home.
For this quince tincture, we will also need alcohol. As the last one, it is better to use real Japanese sake vodka. 300 gr. fruits need to be grated and pour 1.8 liters of Japanese vodka. In the resulting mixture, pour 1 tbsp. Sahara. Then the container with the liquid should be tightly closed with a lid and put in a cool place for six months. After the specified period, the alcoholic drink must be filtered and bottled.

A spoon of tar

Quince tinctures are perfect for almost all dishes of the Russian table. Best of all, this alcoholic drink is combined with fruits and cheeses. Before serving, the quince tincture must be cooled.

However, do not forget about the precautions. Japanese quince has a huge amount of healing properties. But excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages derived from this amazing fruit can produce adverse effects on the body. A person can instantly lose their legs. At the same time, consciousness will continue to remain clear.

Japanese quince? a wonderful gift presented to us by the land of the rising sun. Tinctures from this fragrant fruit can bring great benefits to the human body. Enjoy wonderful drinks made from quince fruit. But do not forget that in the use of alcohol you must first of all know the measure.

What is quince? This fruit is very unusual, it looks like a pear, which is covered with pile, and grows on small trees. If you try this fruit in its raw form, then you are unlikely to like it. The quince is absolutely tasteless and very hard, besides it has an astringent taste. But when cooked, quince reveals the fullness of its taste. At home, you can bake, boil, fry, make jam, various drinks, pies and, of course, make moonshine. Dishes from this fruit have a distinctive unusual rich taste that will not leave anyone indifferent. The first mention of quince moonshine comes from Japan. Japanese quince has a completely different taste than ordinary quince, it is more saturated and has a lot of useful characteristics.

It is best to collect quince in autumn, around mid-September - early October. Japanese quince is stored for a very long time, and if the necessary storage conditions are observed, then such a fruit can lie for about six months. But do not forget that Russian quince is not stored for so long! In Japan, quince is one of the most healing medicinal plants. It contains many biologically active elements, iron, amino acids, vitamins, tannins. Japanese quince is four times richer in vitamins and flavor than regular quince. When preparing drinks, it must be diluted with water.

Moonshine from Japanese quince will have an unusual sweet-sour taste. If you make a tincture from this fruit, then it is useful to use it to get rid of stress, with tuberculosis, and it also greatly alleviates the suffering from asthma. In winter, tinctures from this marvelous fruit come in handy more than ever, they help with any cold and virus.

How to make moonshine from Japanese quince (henomeles)

The recipe for the preparation of this drink is widespread and has a lot of variations. On the net you can find recipes that take 2-3 pages of a detailed recipe. It all lies in the fact that it is necessary to brew moonshine of the fourth distillation, which should have a strength of 90 °, after all stages of preparation, the drink will be 36-40 ° strength.

Fruits, in this case quince, must be grated,
after washing well, removing the core and bones. It will take 1 kg of grated quince, we fill it with 255 g of sugar, mix it, shake it and leave it to infuse for 48 hours so that the quince starts up the juice well. In two days there will be a lot of juice, despite the fact that this fruit is very hard. After two days, 0.5 liters of alcohol, a little cloves and 1 g of nutmeg are poured into it. The entire solution should be left to infuse for six weeks. Then it is filtered and bottled. Rataphia (Japanese moonshine on quince) can be considered ready! The drink can be drunk both immediately and after letting it infuse, the longer the ratafia is infused, the nobler its taste.

Recipe for tincture of quince on moonshine

You can cook and cook at home many recipes for moonshine and quince tinctures. Everyone chooses an option according to their taste preferences. For this recipe, you will need ripe juicy quince fruits. You can understand that it is really ripe by the rich smell. If it seems to you that the aroma is less intense, you can leave the fruits to reach the room for a couple more days. After it has reached the desired state, it is necessary to wash a pound of the product, remove the core, cut the bones into pieces or grate. We put our product in a jar and

tamp tightly. From above, add about 800 ml of moonshine, it must completely cover all the fruits, otherwise they will darken and oxidize. We tightly close the jar with a lid and leave to infuse for about three weeks.

After that, add 160 g of sugar and leave for another seven days, while the jar must be shaken every day so that the sugar dissolves better. When the drink is ready, it is filtered and a little vanilla is added and? spoons of citric acid. The drink is bottled and ready to drink. Such an infusion is stored for quite a long time.

The procedure for preparing Caucasian moonshine on quince

At home, you can also cook or cook Caucasian moonshine from quince. To do this, you need 0.5 kg of quince peeled and grated, which is poured with chacha, in an amount of about 810 ml. Close tightly and leave to infuse in a bright place for about three weeks. After this period, you must add 210 ml of honey. Leave for another week, shaking occasionally. Then strain, bottle and send to the cellar to infuse for a brighter, richer taste.

How moonshine is prepared on quince in Russian homes

The recipe for making moonshine on quince is quite simple. First you need to prepare the mash, it is distilled twice. Fits only completely ripe quince, it should be sweet.

What is needed for cooking:

  • Ripe quince in the amount of 14.5 kg
  • Sugar, optional, approx. 1.8 kg
  • Pure water? 12.5 l
  • Also optional yeast? 26 g dry or 155 g baker's yeast.

From this amount of quince, you should get 2 liters of moonshine, which has a strength of 40%. To get more alcohol at the output, it is better to add more sugar. Subject to the above proportions, you get 4.5-5 liters of a drink with the smell of fruit.

Yeast in this recipe can be replaced with natural ingredients, namely, add fruit peel. To do this, you just need to put the whole fruit, in this case, the aroma of the resulting moonshine will be much stronger, but fermentation will take about 4-5 times longer.

Preparation of quince mash

After the distillation, this moonshine should be diluted with water so that the fortress becomes 19-21% and distill the solution again. If you added sugar, then the first 50 ml of the solution should be poured out, they are not suitable for consumption. The output should be moonshine with a strength of 40%, which is kept in a dark place for a couple of days, and only after that you can try it!

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