Whether it is possible to recover from chlamydias. Can chronic chlamydia be cured? Cure hemorrhoids with folk remedies

Chlamydia is an infectious disease that belongs to the category of sexually transmitted diseases. According to medical research, it is this disease that is difficult to diagnose, so it is detected when patients come to see a doctor for various reasons or for a preventive examination. If 30 years ago, gonococcal infection (gonorrhea) was at the first stage of the rating of the frequency of diagnosed venereal diseases, then in the last 8 years it is chlamydia that has been confidently leading.

Ways of infection

Chlamydia (source of infection) have their own classification - they are of different types, but differ only in the cellular structure. Each of the species provokes the development of infection in certain organs and systems - for example, chlamydia can develop not only in the genitals, but also in the eyes.

Chlamydia cannot exist outside the human body, so infection by household means (through a handshake, dishes and towels) is impossible. Note: chlamydia can only be contracted during intercourse with a sick partner, both during vaginal and anal sex, but the oral method of satisfying physiological needs is considered safe in terms of chlamydia.

After the penetration of these pathogens into the genitals, the incubation period begins - within 1-3 weeks no symptoms of the disease are observed. The patient does not make any complaints, his health is excellent, and at this time, chlamydia strengthens in the body and begins to multiply.

Important: if a woman is infected with chlamydia during pregnancy, then there is a high risk of infection of the baby - it will be infected during the passage of the birth canal.

The scheme of infection of the fetus with chlamydia during pregnancy:

Signs of chlamydia

The biggest danger of the sexually transmitted infection in question is that it can be almost asymptomatic. . Of course, there are some signs of pathology, but only an attentive person can note them:

  1. For men with chlamydia infection, the following are characteristic:
  • during urination appear cramps and burning in the urethra;
  • the first drop of excreted urine can be very cloudy - one gets the feeling that it is "thick";
  • during ejaculation, mild bleeding may appear;
  • in some cases, hyperthermia (increased body temperature) and general weakness appear.
  1. Women may look for:
  • pathologically altered vaginal discharge - whites become yellowish and have an unpleasant odor;
  • burning sensation when urinating;
  • rarely, but there are complaints of itching in the urethra;
  • there may be a short-term increase in body temperature.

Note: not only are the above symptoms most often mild, they can disappear without a trace in 10-14 days. But this does not mean a complete cure at all - the disease simply “hidden”.

Usually chlamydia in women is manifested by the sudden development of inflammatory diseases:

If chlamydia is suspected, the patient is prescribed tests. The most reliable method for detecting chlamydia is PCR (polymerase chain reaction), it gives almost 100% accuracy. In addition, enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) can be used - this does not detect the microorganism itself - chlamydia, but antibodies to chlamydia - IgG, IgM, IgA. In this case, antibodies are detected in the blood or in the discharge of the genital organs. The main advantage of the ELISA method is its ability to identify the severity of the process. The disadvantage of the method is low sensitivity - only 60%.

Deciphering the analysis by the ELISA method for chlamydia:

Treatment methods for chlamydia

Treatment of chlamydia cannot be called unambiguous - it is selected on a strictly individual basis, taking into account the general health of the patient, the level of immunity, concomitant diseases, possible hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to specific drugs. But there is also a general scheme of therapy for the infectious disease under consideration, which implies an integrated approach to solving the problem.

Antibacterial drugs

We are talking about antibiotics - without their use it is impossible to achieve complete elimination of chlamydial infection. Since pathogens develop directly in the cells of the body, you need to take those drugs that are capable of destroying bacteria intracellularly:

  • macrolides;
  • Tetracycline series;
  • Fluoroquinolones.

If a patient has a mixed infection (for example, chlamydia is diagnosed simultaneously with trichomoniasis or gonorrhea), then doctors should select antibacterial drugs that will act in a complex way.

Standard treatment regimen for chlamydia:

Antifungal drugs

Often, chlamydia is combined with a fungal disease - in this case, you will need to undergo a course of antimycotic (antifungal) therapy. note: in the treatment of chlamydia, antifungal agents are taken in tablets - for example, Pimafucin, Nystatin and others.

Immunomodulating agents

In the treatment of chlamydia, drugs that can increase and strengthen the immune system must be prescribed. Very effective in this case will be Takvitin, Methyluracil, Cycloferon and Polyoxidonium, which have the following properties:

  • increase the body's resistance to infections;
  • increase the amount of antibodies;
  • reduce the time of therapeutic manipulations;
  • reduce the likelihood of such effects of essential drugs.

Probiotics and Enzymes

Since chlamydial infection involves a fairly long period of taking powerful, potent drugs, care must be taken to preserve the normal functionality of the intestines and the entire gastrointestinal tract. Doctors may recommend the following medications:

  • probiotics: Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin, Hilak Forte and others;
  • hepatoprotectors (they protect the liver from damage by toxic substances): Phosphogliv and Essentiale Forte;
  • enzyme preparations (normalize the digestion process): Mezim, Festal, Krion and others;
  • bacteriophages: Proteus, Coliphage, Intestibacteriophage.

Local therapy

To obtain a quick result in the treatment of chlamydia, topical drugs can be actively used. For women, vaginal tablets, suppositories, and applicators can be prescribed, but prescriptions for men are limited to ointments, creams, and gels.

Note: the appointment of topical drugs should be carried out only as directed by a doctor - it is necessary to exclude hypersensitivity and / or individual intolerance to drugs. Otherwise, an allergic reaction can be rapid - anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema.

Both women and men should not focus only on taking medications - they, of course, have a quick effect, but they will not be able to completely get rid of the infection and restore the body. Doctors give the following recommendations:

  1. Adjust your diet. It is necessary to adhere to a dairy-free diet - for the period of treatment, refuse milk, yogurt, mayonnaise, kefir, and in general any products that may contain lactic bacteria. The fact is that they do not allow antibiotics to fully “work”, and the result will be chlamydia addiction to drugs.
  2. Go through physiotherapy. It helps to recover faster after heavy treatment with laser magnetic and ultrasonic effects, but they can be prescribed only after the end of drug therapy.
  3. Eliminate sexual activity. For the entire period of treatment, a ban on sexual activity is imposed.
  4. Ethnoscience. Not a single recipe from the category of treatment with folk methods can get rid of the infectious disease in question, but it will help to significantly reduce the intensity of discomfort. For example, itching and burning in the perineal area can be removed with baths from decoctions of medicinal plants of a string, coltsfoot, chamomile.

Possible Complications of Chlamydia

Doctors recognize chlamydia as a rather dangerous infection, because it is almost asymptomatic and has a negative impact on the reproductive system of both men and women.

Complications in women

Depending on where the chlamydial infection will be localized, the following complications of an untreated disease may develop:

  1. Salpingoophoritis. If the infection was "concentrated" in the ovaries or fallopian tubes, then the development of the inflammatory process will occur in this area of ​​the reproductive system. The danger of such inflammatory processes lies in the high risk of developing adhesive disease, which leads to persistent female infertility.
  2. Endocervicitis. Occurs with the localization of chlamydia on the cervix, can provoke the development of cancer.
  3. Endometritis. The inflammatory process in the deep layers of the endometrium (the tissue lining the inner cavity of the uterus) can cause habitual miscarriages.

In addition, chlamydia can provoke the occurrence of diseases of the joints, chronic conjunctivitis. A woman begins to experience severe discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse - they disappear, excessive irritability, unmotivated attacks of aggression appear. Then, as the infection spreads and the problem worsens, a woman may notice a depressive state, chronic fatigue - in general, the level of activity of life is significantly reduced.

Complications in men

If a man has a chronic form of chlamydia, then you can most likely expect the development of:

  1. . This is an inflammatory process in the prostate gland, which can be accompanied by acute urinary retention and provoke the development of male infertility.
  2. . Inflammation of the urethra (urethra) leads to itching, burning and problems with urination, in the future, not only prostatitis, but also prostate adenoma (tumor) can develop.
  3. Epididymitis. Pathological lesion of the epididymis, which ultimately leads to male infertility.

Chlamydia is a venereal infection that can be diagnosed even in a completely safe patient, this disease occurs regardless of the social status of a person and his lifestyle. But if chlamydia were detected in a timely manner and the treatment regimen was strictly observed by the patient, then a complete cure is possible in 30-40 days, moreover, without any complications.

Chlamydia is an infectious disease caused by obligate intracellular microorganisms Chlamydia Trachomatis. Chlamydia is transmitted sexually, extremely rarely - by household contact, given the preservation of the viability of bacteria outside the human body for several days. They mainly cause inflammation of the genitourinary system, but can also provoke the development of autoimmune complications. At the same time, the disease can be successfully treated with modern antibacterial drugs, but in some cases, persistence of antibodies to chlamydia is observed, which does not always indicate the need for repeated therapy.

Signs of a urogenital infection may prompt the need for laboratory tests for the presence of chlamydia. Nonspecific symptoms of chlamydia include:

  • discharge in both men and women of a mucous nature and white;
  • unpleasant odor from the genital tract;
  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen, mainly after intercourse and before critical days.

The asymptomatic course of chlamydial infection is also not excluded, and it is associated with the activity of the immune system of the infected. In this context, examination is necessary for infertility, miscarriage, signs of intoxication (stably elevated temperature, weakness).

There are several methods of laboratory diagnostics, each of which is convenient and effective in its own way.

Methods PCR scraping from the genital tract (urethra, cervical canal, vagina) RIF or PIF diagnosis of scraping Bacteriological culture of the contents of the genital tract ELISA for antibodies in plasma
Description Taking a scraping from the genital tract and conducting a polymerase chain reaction to detect pathogen DNA. Possible PCR diagnostics of biological fluids - urine, semen. Staining of biological material in order to "highlight" bacteria. Cultural cultivation of potential pathogens in favorable conditions for them. Taking blood to determine specific antibodies.
Efficiency and advantages If pathogen DNA is detected with 100% probability, we can talk about infection. Treatment is needed. Low efficiency and specificity, less than 50%. High specificity and efficiency. In the presence of chlamydia in the collected material, they will be grown in a favorable environment for them. If there is no specific bacterium, there will be no culture growth. Donating blood is more convenient for the patient than performing urological manipulations.
Flaws If pathogen DNA is not detected, then there is a possibility of a false negative analysis. This is due to the risk of taking a scraping from an area where there is no infectious agent. With a combined urogenital infection, it is possible to highlight all bacteria, a high percentage of false positive results. Risk of false-negative result, as with all methods when taking a scraping or swab. A positive or negative result gives little or no information about the presence of the pathogen.
Is it suitable for assessing the success of therapy? No - PCR determines not only the DNA of a living microorganism, but also of a dead one. It is necessary to use either another method to determine the effectiveness of therapy, or wait until complete elimination - the removal of dead bacteria from the body. No - PIF can also highlight dead microorganisms. Yes - culture is suitable for determining the titer of live pathogens. No - immunoglobulins can remain in plasma for a long time even after complete cure.

For the primary - before treatment - diagnosis for the presence of a microorganism, the PCR method is increasingly being prescribed. But the method of bacteriological seeding is recognized as the most reliable, which allows you to determine whether it was possible to get rid of chlamydia forever.

Determining the effectiveness of the therapy

A person is able to recover from chlamydia, thanks to a diverse range of antibacterial drugs present on the pharmaceutical market. The statement that chlamydia is not completely treated and remains as a chronic infection is fundamentally wrong. A group of macrolide antibiotics successfully damages both the active form of the microorganism and the dense membrane of the reticular bodies that prevail in the latent course of the disease. These medicines include:

  • azithromycin;
  • josamycin;
  • doxycycline - this drug from the tetracycline group is more suitable for the treatment of acute infection.

To determine the effectiveness of the therapy, it is recommended to evaluate scrapings using PCR or bacteriological seeding of the contents of the genital tract 1.5 months after the last antibiotic intake. In the case of a negative result, it can be argued that it was possible to cure chlamydia.

Particular attention should be paid to the ELISA method in relation to the evaluation of the treatment. This method is untenable, since chlamydia does not always provoke the production of antibodies to the antigen of this microorganism. In addition, the elimination of antibodies from the blood can be both extremely fast - within a month, and drag on for many years. The presence of specific immunoglobulins cannot mean that the therapy was unsuccessful. The presence of antibodies only indicates that there was contact with chlamydia and an immune response was given to them. When this happened and how successfully - it is impossible to determine from this analysis.

Now chlamydia can be cured in the shortest possible time, however, the choice of the method of re-diagnosis should be taken more carefully in order to prevent unnecessary additional antibiotic therapy.

Despite the fact that chlamydia were found in the human body just over fifty years ago, in the world of scientists for a long time there could not be a consensus on where they came from. Can chlamydia be cured? Medicines for chlamydia are given below in the article. But first you need to know what this disease is.

Chlamydia: characteristics of the disease

And although four types of microorganisms that cause chlamydia are known today, only one of them has the maximum danger to humans: Chlamydia trachomatis is a sedentary intracellular bacteria that mainly affects the genitourinary system (approximately 60% of non-coccal urethritis usually occurs in chlamydia). How does infection occur? Chlamydia can be classified as a sexually transmitted disease (STD), i.e. The main route of infection is sexual contact. But it should be noted that during sexual contact, infection is not carried out in 100% of situations. To compare: sexual intercourse with a person with gonorrhea ends in infection in 3 out of 4 cases, and chlamydia after intercourse with a peddler of chlamydia occurs in only 1 out of 4 cases. However, women are more susceptible to chlamydia than men.

Can chlamydia be cured?

Wondering if chlamydia can be cured? According to the advice of the WHO, the therapy of the disease should include: diet; taking antibiotics (a single use of azithromycin, or a weekly course of doxycycline); sexual abstinence.

Chlamydia treatment should be started after a high-quality diagnosis. Relying only on the symptoms (discharge, burning) during the treatment of chlamydia is not worth it. Quite often, the symptoms of the disease can be misleading, so a high-quality chlamydia test is necessary. You also need to use special drugs.

Getting rid of this STD is possible in the case of the right and timely approach. If the study was able to identify microorganisms in the blood, the treatment regimen for chlamydia is often based on the use of antibiotics that have a detrimental effect on bacteria. Based on the characteristics of the human body and the stage of the disease, chlamydia therapy can take 1-3 weeks.

Can chlamydia be cured during pregnancy?

The treatment of chlamydia in women during pregnancy needs special attention. It should be safe for the health of the mother and fetus, and also the most effective, because with an advanced disease, during childbirth, the child may be infected with chlamydia.

Therapy and drugs in the treatment of chlamydia are chosen by the doctor, based on the degree of the disease and the characteristics of the patient's body. It is also necessary to take into account every subtlety in the case of prescribing certain medications.

Medicines for chlamydia

Medicines for chlamydia are prescribed mainly for antibacterial action, i.e. antibiotics. These medicines have a destructive effect on microorganisms, thus “cleansing” the body of bacteria.

In addition to pills, health care providers also prescribe chlamydia medications to help support the gastrointestinal tract. This is necessary in order to prevent dysbacteriosis, which can be caused by agents for the treatment of chlamydia.

In recent years, physiotherapy has been used in the treatment of chlamydia: quantum therapy, electrophoresis, ultrasound, etc.

To cure chlamydia, various external preparations are prescribed, such as baths, enemas. Candles are also given. Women are prescribed vaginal suppositories.

In addition to the direct effect on bacteria in the treatment of chlamydia in men, as in women, it is important to be careful about strengthening the immune system. Infection can undermine the body's defenses. With chlamydia, doctors prescribe a course of immunomodulators. Therapy of chlamydia with means gives a result when everything is done in accordance with the doctor's recommendations.


Chlamydia are microorganisms similar in morphological properties to bacteria. They damage the organs of the genitourinary system, and in some cases some others (nasopharynx, eyes, respiratory organs). For the disease, om is fraught with a decrease in indicators: the number and motility of spermatozoa, an increase in the number of abnormal and damaged units. In chlamydia, they cause obstruction of the fallopian tubes, cause complications and disturbances in the development of the fetus.

In an acute course, chlamydia has signs that are characteristic of other sexually transmitted diseases. Keep in mind that it is often asymptomatic, and when detected, it usually already has a chronic form. In both cases, timely and correct diagnosis is very important.

First of all, consult a doctor (gynecologist, urologist, andrologist, dermatovenereologist). Pass a smear for the determination of chlamydia by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and blood for enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) - detection of antibodies to chlamydia in the blood. These methods indicate with high certainty the presence or absence of an infection in the body.

There is also a highly effective method for determining chlamydia - cultural, that is, sowing. It is quite expensive, laborious and lengthy, in addition, it is not made everywhere. The advantage of sowing lies in the fact that in addition to detecting an infection during the diagnosis, the sensitivity of chlamydia to antibiotics of different groups is also established, which allows the doctor to immediately prescribe suitable and effective drugs for treatment.

Find out if there is a laboratory in your city that has special equipment for seeding chlamydia, and contact them. Take a scraping of the urogenital discharge, wait for the results of the analysis and show them to the doctor. Do not try to interpret the conclusion of the laboratory and treat yourself: medications and dosage should be set by a specialist.

For the treatment of chlamydia, antibiotics are used: doxycycline, erythromycin, rifampicin, sulfonamides. It is impossible for others to get rid of this infection, so even being an ardent opponent of antibiotics, do not give them up. At the same time, antibiotic therapy is effective when used in the right dosage for a certain number of days, so take the drugs exactly according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor and do not stop taking it yourself if there are obvious improvements.

Healing requires a holistic approach. Along with antibiotics, as a rule, antifungal drugs are prescribed (, levorin), as well as means for symptomatic treatment, in particular, ointments that stimulate tissue repair, treatment of the urethra or vagina with antiseptics, the introduction of tampons with drugs, etc. In addition, ointment applications of interferon are widely used in local treatment. Follow your doctor's instructions and use all the suggested ways to get rid of chlamydia.

Try to increase the immunity needed in the fight against infection. Take vitamins, immunomodulating drugs, eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle. All this contributes to a speedy recovery.


With chlamydia, it is very important to be treated together with a sexual partner and for the duration of therapy to refuse sex in order to prevent re-infection.


  • how to treat chlamydia what is it

Chlamydia refers to a number of sexually transmitted diseases and is transmitted sexually. Chlamydia is a microorganism that lives inside a healthy cell, its structure is characteristic of bacteria, but still it belongs to viruses. Treatment of the disease should take place under the close attention of a doctor, otherwise the disease will go into a chronic stage, which can cause a number of complications.


All sexual partners who have had sexual contact with each other should be treated, so inform them of the need for examination and treatment. Make an appointment with a venereologist, gynecologist or urologist (). After taking tests and smears, you will have to wait a bit, in the coming days the doctor will prescribe, however, if the results are positive.

The doctor will prescribe you antibacterial and. He will also prescribe immunomodulatory therapy. course and

How many patients, having seen a positive result for the presence of chlamydia, begin to rush about in fear and look for the answer to the questions: "Is it possible to completely cure chlamydia? Are chlamydia curable?"

I would like to immediately console the patients infected with the Chlamidia trachomatis virus that there is no lethal outcome from this sexually transmitted disease. This is not such a terrible disease as syphilis, which affects the brain in severe cases. These microorganisms, represented by several serotypes, behave much more modestly in the body, but their activity becomes especially noticeable when immunity is weakened or the desire to become pregnant. This infection is hidden, which is why doctors often hear the question of a protracted illness, is it possible to cure chlamydia forever.

Doctors say with confidence that chlamydia is curable, but you can think about a speedy recovery only if you go to the clinic in a timely manner. Some patients hear only the first part of the answer, so they are in no hurry to start treatment, and then wander endlessly from one specialist to another in the hope of finding out if chlamydia can be cured when the disease has already acquired a chronic form. And again, the answer will be in the affirmative, because even chronic chlamydia is cured completely, only more efforts will have to be made to get better.

Is this a life sentence?

There is an opinion that no matter how much you treat chlamydia, anyway, at the slightest failure in the body, the infection is again detected and the disease remains forever. Based on such statements, some patients refuse to treat the disease, believing that chlamydia is incurable. So why do some still have to draw such disappointing conclusions and go through the pitch hell of treatment for the Chlamidia trachomatis virus for a long time and completely to no avail?

Patients who find themselves chlamydial infection in the early stages of the development of the disease can forget about the disease within 1-3 weeks. To do this, it is enough to undergo a course of effective treatment from an experienced specialist who helps people with the answer to the question: is chlamydia completely cured? It is more difficult to cure someone who falls into the hands of such a specialist who illiterately draws up a course of therapy. Then, instead of the supposed improvement, the transition of the disease to a chronic form is observed.

With prolonged treatment, the immune-compensatory reserves of the organism weakened by antibiotics are completely depleted. In such cases, it is possible to cure chlamydia only by adding immunomodulatory drugs to the main complex of drugs to fight viruses.

You should not set yourself up in advance for a sad outcome of treatment and think that chlamydia is incurable. It all depends on the desire to become healthy. Even a bad doctor who failed to overcome the disease the first time can be replaced.

How to defeat the disease forever?

What kind of malicious words are not thrown by patients against such tiny microorganisms as Chlamidia trachomatis. Infection, filth, abomination, rubbish... This list can be even more extensive, because the number of infected patients is added every day, and the complications from the infection become more and more. Despite the huge amount of information about the disease, only after discovering an infection, everyone tries with the hope to find out whether chlamydia is completely cured or this scourge will be mentioned in every test result all his life, trailing behind like a tail.

There are cases when microorganisms are very resistant to the most powerful drugs used in the treatment. But even in this case, there is no doubt whether chlamydia is cured forever, because by choosing a comprehensive treatment regimen, it will be possible to get rid of the infection in several courses.

Remember, chlamydia can only be completely cured if all sexual partners who have been in contact with an infected patient are also treated. In order to permanently get rid of chlamydia, both spouses need to undergo treatment at the same time, but at the same time, each must receive their own prescription from a doctor in order to purchase medicines individually for themselves. In no case should treatment be carried out without diagnosis. Sometimes these bacteria coexist with other intractable sexually transmitted diseases.

A one-time contact may not always end in a disease that everyone is so afraid of. But in order to exclude the disease in the future, it is imperative to use a condom or other barrier methods of contraception during intimate contacts with people who cause mistrust, although it is best to have a permanent sexual partner, then you will not have to wake up in a dream with fear, thinking whether it is possible to cure chlamydia ?

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