Hair mask for dandruff. Dandruff masks. Effective recipes at home: onion, with castor, burdock, olive oil, egg, honey, kefir, lemon Moisturizing mask for the scalp against dandruff

Dandruff can occur for various reasons. There are many remedies available to fix the problem. Some of them can be addictive, so natural hair masks can be a great alternative to expensive products and drugs. Mask recipes are time-tested, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used them and had healthy and strong hair.

Oily dandruff occurs against the background of hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, against which the hair quickly becomes dirty and has an unattractive appearance. This type of dandruff is characterized by large, hard-to-exfoliate particles that stick together with the hair and with each other. This condition is accompanied by an unpleasant itch.

The cause of dry dandruff is insufficient production of sebum, and, consequently, excessively dry scalp. This type of dandruff is characterized by small, well-exfoliated particles that are distributed throughout the scalp. The condition is accompanied by severe skin itching, peeling. It is with the dry type that dandruff is noticeable on clothes.

Video: Seborrhea, how to get rid of dandruff in Malysheva's program "Live great!"

Herbs for dandruff

Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs are good to use as a rinse after masks. They not only moisturize and soften hair, give it shine and smoothness, but also have an antibacterial effect, adversely affecting pathogenic microorganisms (fungus) that cause dandruff. For these purposes, it is effective to use chamomile, calendula, nettle, oak bark, sage, yarrow, tansy, horsetail, aloe.

The infusion should be prepared in this way: for 2 tbsp. l. dry and chopped herbs take a glass of boiling water, let stand for half an hour and strain. Use after each hair wash and treatment mask. The infusion should be prepared according to the length of your hair. Herbal decoction is prepared a little differently. In our community, you can see the recipe for its preparation and review, as well as the results of a mask based on nettle with honey, yeast and oils against dandruff and to strengthen hair.

Herbal infusions and decoctions can also be used as a mask, rubbed warmly into the scalp and roots, warmed with polyethylene and a towel on top. Keep this mask for half an hour to an hour. You do not need to wash your hair, as herbal masks should be applied to clean and dry hair.

Recipes for homemade hair masks for dandruff

Masks for dry dandruff.

To eliminate dandruff, hair masks must be done in courses of ten procedures, once a week will be enough. Already after the second procedure, dandruff is noticeably reduced.

Egg-honey mask for dandruff.

Vegetable oil (olive, linseed, almond, sunflower, etc.) - 2 tsp.
Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Aloe juice - 1 tsp
Village fresh honey - 2 tsp.
Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l.

Beat the yolk with mayonnaise, add butter and remaining ingredients. Spread the scalp with a homogeneous mixture, distribute the rest through the hair. From above, to increase efficiency, wrap your head with a film (or put on a shower cap) and a thick towel (handkerchief). Hold the mask for thirty to forty minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo.

Egg-linen mask for dandruff.

Flaxseed oil - 2 tsp
Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Rum - 2 tsp

Gradually add butter to the beaten yolks, mix, add rum at the end. Apply the composition to the roots and scalp, put a plastic bag on top or wrap it with cling film, wrap your head with a towel. After an hour, the mask should be washed off with warm water and shampoo.

Burdock oil mask for dandruff.

Burdock oil itself is a cure for all diseases of the scalp and hair, so preheating 2 tbsp. l. Rub the oil into the scalp until warm. From above, for greater effect, wrap your head with a film (or put on a shower cap) and a thick towel (handkerchief). Hold the mask for forty minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo.

Video: Egg yolk mask recipe.

Mask with garlic for dandruff.

Peeled garlic - 6 cloves.
Burdock oil (olive, linseed, castor) - 2 tbsp. l.

Grind garlic in a blender, mix thoroughly with oil. Rub the mixture into the hair roots, keep under a film and a towel for two hours. Rinse off with shampoo. The mask is very effective, but there is one significant drawback - the garlic smell will haunt you for a single day. But for the sake of health and beauty of hair, you can suffer a little.

Lemon mask with dandruff oils.

Lemon juice - ½ fruit.
Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Castor oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Combine the oils and slightly warm them in a water bath, you can simply lower the bowl with the oil mixture into hot water. Next, add lemon juice to the warm mixture. Mix the composition thoroughly and rub into the scalp and hair roots for half an hour before shampooing. From above, for greater effect, wrap your head with a film (or put on a shower cap) and a thick towel (handkerchief).

Honey-onion mask for dandruff.

Onion juice - 2 tbsp. l.
Village liquid honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Combine the components and rub into the roots of the hair and scalp. From above, for greater effect, wrap yourself with a film (or put on a shower cap) and a thick towel (handkerchief). After an hour, wash your hair well with shampoo and rinse with water acidified with lemon juice (2 tablespoons of juice per 1 liter of water). This will save your curls from an unpleasant onion "loop".

Egg-oil mask with calendula for dandruff.

Ready tincture of calendula - 1 tsp.
Castor oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Egg yolk - 1 pc.

First, beat the yolk, gradually pouring in the oil, at the end add the tincture. Rub the resulting mass into the hair roots and scalp, hold it under a film and a warm towel for two hours, then rinse the mask with warm water and shampoo.

Kefir mask for dandruff.

Kefir at room temperature - 3 tbsp. l.
Natural vegetable oil (castor, olive, linseed) - 1 tbsp. l.
Fresh egg yolk - 1 pc.

Grind the yolk with butter, add kefir to the mixture and apply on the scalp. Keep the mask for an hour, for greater effect, wrap your head with polyethylene and a thick scarf (woolen or downy) on top.

Egg-lemon mask for dandruff.

Burdock (castor) oil - five drops.
Fresh egg yolks - 2 pcs.
Lemon juice - ½ fruit.

Combine the components of the mask into a homogeneous composition and rub it into the scalp forty minutes before washing your hair. For best results, keep the mask under wrap and towel.

Video: Recipe for a mask with aloe juice for dry and lifeless hair.

Mask with onion and vodka for dandruff.

Freshly squeezed onion juice - 1 tbsp. l.
Castor oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Vodka - 2 tbsp. l.

Combine all ingredients. An hour before the hair washing procedure, rub the resulting mixture into the scalp and leave it under polyethylene and a towel. Wash your hair in the usual way.

Video: Mask recipe with onion juice.

Hair masks for oily dandruff, homemade recipes.

Fresh vegetables and fruits are excellent at fighting dandruff, so they make wonderful masks based on them. Especially effective against oily seborrhea are beets, currants, zucchini, strawberries, cucumbers, radishes, apples with peel, pumpkin. You can make one-component masks based on them, or you can combine them in equal proportions with various fruits and vegetables, at your discretion. It is advisable to use squeezed juice, the pulp is poorly washed out. Thoroughly grind, wring out and rub into the scalp and hair roots an hour before washing. Keep the mask under the film and heated towel.

Herbal yarrow mask for dandruff.

Chopped leaves and roots of yarrow (nettle) - 2 tbsp. l.
Steep boiling water - 200 ml.
Vinegar (30%) - 4 tbsp. l.

First, brew dry grass with boiling water and let it brew for twenty minutes, then filter. Combine the finished infusion with vinegar and rub it thoroughly into the scalp. Wrap the hair on top with a film and wrap with a towel. Soak the mask for an hour, if there is no time, forty minutes is enough, then wash it off in the traditional way.

Mask of garlic for dandruff.

Squeeze two tablespoons of juice from fresh garlic and massage them into the scalp with massaging movements. Don't wash your hair for two hours. The minus of the mask is a pungent smell, so it is advisable to do it on a day off.

Nettle mask for dandruff.

Village high-fat sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.
Chopped leaves of young nettle - 30 g.
Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Oatmeal flour - 2 tbsp. l.
Mustard oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Combine nettle greens with pre-whipped yolk and add sour cream. In a homogeneous mixture, include mustard oil and oatmeal flour. Apply the composition for half an hour on the hair, wrap it with a film over it and wrap it with a scarf. Wash off the mask in the traditional way using shampoo. To soften the hair and shine after washing, rinse them with water with the addition of vinegar (for 1 liter of water 1 tablespoon of vinegar).

Onion peel and oak bark mask for dandruff.

Onion peel, washed and dried - ½ cup.
Oak bark - ½ cup.
Steep boiling water - 1 liter.
Salicylic alcohol - 50 ml.

Pour the husk and bark into an enamel bowl and pour boiling water over it. Put the mixture on a slow fire. Once it boils, boil for half an hour, then leave the broth to cool. Strain the warm broth and combine with salicylic alcohol. Rub the finished product into the scalp and distribute along the entire length of the hair, leave for thirty minutes under polyethylene and a towel. This recipe is not suitable for fair-haired girls, as it can affect the color by coloring it.

Mask with aloe, honey and garlic for dandruff.

Aloe juice - 1 tsp
Village honey in liquid form - 1 tsp.
Sour cream - 1 tsp
Lemon juice - 1 tsp
Castor oil - 1 tsp
Chopped garlic - 2 cloves.

Combine the ingredients into a homogeneous composition, which is rubbed into the scalp and left under a film and a towel for half an hour, after which wash your hair with shampoo. Despite the presence of garlic, there is no strong smell after using the hair dandruff mask.

Mask of motherwort, burdock and oak bark for dandruff.

Dry herb motherwort - 50 g.
Oak bark - 30 g.
Burdock roots - 50 g.
Vodka - 0.5 l.

Burdock, motherwort and oak bark combine and pour vodka, let stand for two weeks in a dark, cool place, shaking daily, then strain. Apply thirty minutes before shampooing. Do not forget to insulate your head with a film and a towel for a thermal effect.

Mask of tincture of calendula for dandruff.

Rub the finished alcohol tincture (you can buy it at a pharmacy) before each shampooing procedure, keep it under polyethylene and a towel for thirty minutes, then rinse it off with warm water without using shampoo.

In conclusion, I note that hair masks are effective against dandruff only if there are no serious disorders and diseases in the body. Otherwise, it is necessary to undergo an examination, identify the cause, eliminate it, and then use masks for dandruff hair. To avoid problems with hair, pay attention to your health, lifestyle, change your habits.

Dandruff is a problem that everyone has probably faced. It is equally unpleasant for both women and men, so in search of a remedy for this disease, many try a variety of shampoos and balms. However, one of the most effective remedies to combat “snow on your head” can be a homemade dandruff hair mask. These masks are easy to prepare yourself, saving money and not spending a lot of time and effort.

What is dandruff

To deal with any problem, you need to know its cause. Therefore, to begin with, let's figure out what dandruff is, why it occurs.

Dandruff is a dermatological disease of the scalp. This is not just an aesthetic flaw. Dandruff causes significant damage to the hair. The skin begins to peel off, air is blocked to the hair roots, which greatly weakens them. Over time, dandruff, not treated in time, leads to brittleness and hair loss.

Causes of the disease

Dandruff appears due to the uncontrolled reproduction of a yeast-like fungus that lives on the skin of any person. With a lightning-fast increase in the number of these microorganisms that feed on sebum, there is a decrease in the life of the epidermis: if in a healthy person it functions for 30 days, then with a lesion this period is reduced by a factor of three. Dead epidermis sticks together in white lumps, this is dandruff.

The impetus for the rapid reproduction of a yeast-like fungus can be the following factors:

  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • poor hygiene (rare washing of hair, especially with their oily type);
  • shampoo residue on hair
  • low-quality hair care products;
  • improper diet (in particular, lack of vitamins A and B);
  • overwork and stress;
  • heavy sweating.

You can start getting rid of dandruff only after finding out the cause of its appearance (of course, with the help of specialists), otherwise all therapy will be simply meaningless.

There are dry and oily dandruff. With dry dandruff, a large number of small scales appear, which are especially prominent on dark clothes. They look like dust particles or powder. With oily - the scales are large and sticky, there are few of them, and they look like flakes.

You can defeat dandruff only if you act consistently and do not quit what you started. The following tips will help you heal your scalp:

  • Recipes for masks to eliminate dandruff should be selected based on the type of scalp.
  • Before starting the procedures, it is necessary to consult a trichologist about the tactics and means of treatment.
  • Therapeutic masks should be done every 3-4 days, and for prevention, 1 time per week is enough.
  • After applying the mask for an hour, it is better to stay at home.
  • Use different recipes, so you will reach the goal faster.
  • Mix the ingredients strictly according to the recipe. A dandruff-affected scalp is very sensitive and can react to non-compliance with more dandruff.
  • A dandruff mask at home is applied specifically to the scalp, and not to the hair, so you need to use a comb with frequent teeth to separate the hair into partings and use a brush (for example, for dyeing hair or a soft toothbrush).
  • After applying the mask, wrap your head in a plastic bag or use a shower cap. To enhance the effect, you can wrap your head with a terry towel.
  • Rinse off the mask after 40-60 minutes (unless otherwise specified in the recipe) using shampoo.
  • After the procedure, it is useful to rinse your hair with warm water with the addition of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.

So, you knowingly got acquainted with what types of dandruff exist. Dandruff hair masks should be applied depending on the type of dandruff. A dandruff mask can easily be made at home. Most remedies take no more than 10 minutes to prepare, and the recipes are simple and sometimes include only 1 ingredient.

For dry dandruff

Homemade hair mask for dry dandruff aims to moisturize and nourish the scalp. Therefore, often masks consist of fatty ingredients. The recipes for these masks are:

  • Anti-dandruff mask with burdock oil. The oil should be slightly warmed up and applied to the scalp, rubbing into it. The exposure time is from one to eight hours. Such an anti-dandruff hair mask with burdock oil is rather difficult to wash off, so the hair must first be generously lubricated with shampoo without water, wait 30 seconds, and then moisten with water and wash as usual.
  • Honey. This tasty and healthy product allows you to effectively fight yeast-like fungus, while moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Before applying, honey must be heated in a water bath to 30º. The mask should be left on the hair for 30 minutes.
  • Castor oil. Warm castor oil should be rubbed into the roots of the hair, and the remnants can be distributed along their entire length. It is possible to use a castor-honey mask.
  • Henna. This herbal ingredient is used for dark hair. Henna should be brewed in hot water, cooled and mixed with any vegetable oil. Then it can be applied to the hair roots.
  • Nettle. From this plant, you can prepare a decoction that is well suited for rinsing hair.
  • Grapefruit with oils. Mix castor, olive and burdock oil in equal proportions (two teaspoons each). Add 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice, mix and rub into the scalp.

From oily dandruff

To combat oily dandruff, you need to use products that allow you to dry your scalp, for example:

  • Oak bark and onion peel (for dark hair). Pour two tablespoons of chopped onion peel and oak bark with half a liter of water and cook over low heat for half an hour.
  • Vinegar and nettle. Pour two tablespoons of dry nettle with a glass of boiling water, cool and strain. Mix natural apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp.) With the resulting nettle infusion.
  • Blue clay. Dilute two tablespoons of clay in nettle infusion to the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  • Dry mustard. Make a thick mixture of mustard and water, add a couple of drops of lemon juice. Apply the mask for 10 minutes, so as not to overdry the scalp.
  • Garlic. This burning root vegetable contributes to the rapid destruction of the fungus, however, for a gentle treatment of the scalp, it is better to use it in conjunction with burdock oil. To do this, mix 6 cloves of garlic crushed into gruel with two tablespoons of oil.
  • Green tea. Brew 1 tablespoon of tea in half a glass of boiling water, cool. Add 60 milliliters of apple cider vinegar.
  • Watermelon. Watermelon mask does not even require preparation, you just need to rub the scalp with pulp. Similarly, you can make a mask from a pumpkin or zucchini.
  • Motherwort, oak bark, burdock root. From these ingredients, you can prepare a decoction for rinsing hair.

For hair loss

If the hair is so weak from dandruff that it begins to fall out, then masks for dandruff and hair loss will come to the rescue. These masks help normalize blood circulation and can be prepared from the following ingredients:

  • Onion. One onion should be grated on a fine grater, add a tablespoon of honey. To eliminate the onion smell after washing off the mask, rinse your hair with water and apple cider vinegar.
  • Fruit juice. Mix 2 tablespoons of orange and lemon juice with the same amount of burdock oil. Rub the mask into the scalp with massage movements.
  • Nettle. An infusion of this plant can be rubbed into the scalp. This mask does not require rinsing.
  • Burdock root. Grate burdock root, add vegetable oil, mix and put in a dark place for 2 weeks to infuse.

Masks against dandruff and hair loss can be used as an addition to other masks.

When itching occurs

Dandruff often accompanies scalp irritation, which makes itself felt with an unpleasant itch. Homemade masks for dandruff and itching contain ingredients that relieve irritation.

  • Colorless henna. Brew three tablespoons of henna in hot water, insist and add 5 drops of eucalyptus oil.
  • Green apples. Grate a large apple on a fine grater, add 5 drops of tea tree oil to the puree.

Prevention of dandruff

To prevent the disease, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • Comb your hair before washing your hair, this will increase blood circulation and strengthen the hair roots.
  • It is not worth rubbing wet hair, it is better to gently blot the hair with a towel.
  • Minimize the use of hair dryers, curling irons, and other thermal styling tools.
  • Before going to bed, be sure to wash off the gel for hair, varnish, wax or other styling products, otherwise scalp diseases will not be long in coming.
  • Masks on the hair should be kept for no more than an hour. Otherwise, the effect will be the opposite.
  • Hair care products must exactly match their type.
  • A hair mask is an effective remedy. But don't forget to rinse it off completely after use. The same applies to any other shampoos and balms.

If you want to have healthy, shiny, long hair, take care of them enough time. Careful and attentive attitude will allow them to shine with beauty and health at any time of the year. And then the snow on your shoulders will fall only on a frosty winter day.

Hello dear readers! Today we will discuss the causes of dandruff in men and women, as well as recipes for masks to combat it at home. With the help of our recommendations, you can create a range of products designed to treat dandruff of various origins.

What causes dandruff

It is generally accepted that the main cause of dandruff is either a special skin fungus or improper functioning of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. As for the fungus, we are talking about one of the components of the skin microflora. It's called Malassezia furfur and is normally part of her immune system. And it exhibits aggressive properties only with an imbalance of microflora or other factors favorable for its reproduction. From among them:

  • Poor hygiene;
  • Superinfection - infection of the scalp with something else;
  • Alkaline balance of sweat secreted by the sweat glands. Normally, it should be acidic, but its alkalization is possible with a number of diseases (say, with diabetes);
  • Oily seborrhea is the same failure in the work of the sebaceous glands, which we mentioned above;
  • Individual features of the structure or behavior of the scalp - hypersensitivity, allergies, etc.

So, theoretically, the “claims” of medicine specifically for the fungus are true, but in itself it is not the cause of dandruff. He only gives her symptoms:

  • Constant peeling of the skin with a characteristic shedding of scales on the shoulders;
  • The death of a more or less significant part of the hair follicles.

So, there are plenty of reasons why dandruff on the head, having appeared once, acquires such a stable character. Its treatment is further complicated by the fact that some factors differ depending on age and sex. For example, men are more likely than women to have dandruff caused by selenium deficiency. And a homemade dandruff hair mask is hardly suitable here - only the Sulsena anti-dandruff remedy.

Varieties of dandruff

Seborrhea is not only oily, but also dry. Oily dandruff occurs when hormones force the sebaceous glands of the skin to produce more oil. Dandruff with it pours small, yellowish, prone to sticking to hair and clothes.
Dry dandruff occurs, on the contrary, due to a decrease in the production of sebum. With it, white, large scales appear, which are easy to crumble and shake off, and the scalp often itches and reacts with increased itching with each wash.

How to avoid dandruff

Depending on the cause of peeling, a folk remedy for dandruff may help someone better, and someone bought in a store will be quite enough. Hence the frequently encountered unflattering reviews of both one and the other (and along with positive ones). At home, it is better to limit yourself to simpler masks for dandruff and itching - for example, based only on plants. Such a hair mask for dandruff will help reinforce the result from the use of the main drug.

The most popular herbal remedies are lemon and chamomile. Reviews about their ability to fight scalp exfoliation are usually positive because lemon juice is a concentrate of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). As for, this plant has long been known for its soothing and antiseptic properties. A hair mask for dandruff from her decoction relieves irritation and reduces itching, which in itself leads to a decrease in flaking.

It must be remembered that all plants and extracts from them are strong allergens. Therefore, before use, they must be applied to the skin of the body in an inconspicuous place under clothing. If after half an hour there is no rash, no redness, no itching in the area of ​​application of the sample, the product can be applied to the hair.

Chamomile mask


  1. Dry field chamomile flowers - 0.5 cups;
  2. Natural honey - 1 tbsp;
  3. Cognac (the number of stars - any) - 1 tbsp;
  4. Lemon fresh - 1 tsp

How to cook: Grind chamomile flowers into powder (coffee grinder, pepper shaker, food processor are suitable for this), put in a heat-resistant dish and pour 1 cup of boiling water. Cover and let sit for 30 minutes, then strain through a double layer of cheesecloth. Separately, mix honey, lemon juice and cognac in a wide non-metallic bowl. Add the decoction to the mixture and mix until completely homogeneous.

How to use: Evenly apply the mask to clean, slightly damp hair, spread it over its entire length and scalp, lightly rubbing into the skin with massage movements. Then wrap your head with polyethylene, and on top of it with a terry towel or a warm scarf. Leave on for 1 hour, then rinse without using shampoo.

Result: Chamomile fights inflammation, thereby reducing itching and redness of the skin. Lemon fresh juice and alcohol in cognac also have a sanifying and pronounced drying effect. In addition, cognac contains tannins (a natural antibiotic). Several types of simple carbohydrates in honey serve (along with ethyl alcohol) as good stimulants for the absorption of mask components. Therefore, it not only accelerates the exfoliation of existing particles, but also awakens dormant hair follicles, accelerating the growth of new hair.

Lemon juice mask


  1. Lemon fresh - 0.5 cups;
  2. Dried - 2 tbsp.

How to cook: Cut the burdock root, put it in an enamel bowl and pour 0.5 cups of boiling water. Then put on a minimum fire, cover with a lid and cook for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and cool, then strain. Add lemon juice to the resulting broth, mix thoroughly.

How to use: Apply the mask to the roots of dry, clean hair with your fingers or a brush, spread evenly over the entire scalp. There is no need to apply it to your hair. Massage the skin under the hair, rubbing the composition into it, for 3 minutes. Then put on a plastic cap, wrap your head with a terry towel or scarf on top and leave the mask for another 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water without using shampoo.

Result: Burdock root is renowned for its ability to stimulate hair growth, strengthen hair follicles and fight breakage. Lemon disinfects the scalp, suppressing the pathogenic microflora that causes dandruff. At the same time, it dries and adds shine to the hair.

nettle mask

Nettle for dandruff is used after shampooing instead of a conditioner. It goes well with medicated shampoos, but is also used as an independent remedy.


  1. Dry nettle leaves - 2 tbsp. with a "slide";
  2. Dry yeast - 50 g;
  3. Olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
  4. Peach oil - 6 large drops;
  5. Natural honey - 3 tablespoons;
  6. Drinking water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Finely crumble, put them in an enameled container. Bring water to a boil, pour over nettles, cover and leave for 30 minutes. Then strain through cheesecloth, add yeast to the liquid, mix. Cover again and leave for another 30 minutes. After that, add honey and oils of both types, mix thoroughly, intensively.

How to use: Apply the mixture to clean, damp hair, evenly distribute it along their entire length and scalp, simultaneously rubbing it into the skin with massage movements of the fingers. No need to brush. Wrap your head with polyethylene, and on top of it with a terry towel or scarf. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes, then wash off with your regular shampoo.

Result: Nettle is known for its composition, rich in vitamins and food acids (including the rare formic). She owes them her pronounced antiseptic properties. In addition, it contains magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and even iodine, which accelerate the regeneration of the upper layers of the skin, strengthen hair follicles. Oils and baker's yeast as part of the mask nourish and soften the hair along the entire length, helping to even out their oiliness.

Salt application

Salt is a good remedy for dandruff, because it is generally a good antiseptic that also acts on the fungus. But washing your entire head with salt water is not the best idea, as it dries the skin and hair a lot. That is why it is often used as a scrub.


  • Salt / iodized / sea grinding "extra" - 3 tbsp.

How to cook: Lightly dampen hair with water, remove excess moisture with a towel. Put in a wide dish - a cup or bowl.

How to use: While lightly wetting your fingertips, dip them in the salt and transfer it to the scalp while doing a light rubbing massage. When the entire scalp has been treated, leave the impromptu mask for another 5 minutes, then rinse with shampoo. During the period of active separation of the scales, it is better to apply it more like a mask, rubbing it not too intensively. And it is more reasonable to use it as a scrub after the aggravation subsides.

Result: Sodium chloride visibly dries the skin at the time of application, but by itself it helps to retain fluid in cells and tissues, so this is a temporary effect. In addition, it accelerates the regeneration of all layers of the skin and has antiseptic properties. Therefore, salt scrubs allow you to quickly overcome the effects of peeling and itching in the form of combing, improve and strengthen hair along its entire length.

Aloe mask

Helps with dandruff mainly because it is generally very effective as a skin renewal stimulant. Contrary to popular belief, it does not possess the properties of an antibiotic, but a weak antiseptic - yes. Therefore, with infectious dandruff, it is better to use it in tandem with partially poisonous plants - oak bark, celandine grass, fresh onion / garlic juice, etc.


  1. Aloe juice - 1 tablespoon;
  2. Celandine grass - 2 tablespoons;
  3. Natural honey - 1 tbsp;
  4. Burdock / almond oil - 1 tbsp;
  5. Drinking water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Put dry celandine grass in an enamel bowl, fill with water and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat to a minimum, cover with a lid and leave to simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool, then strain. Take 1 tbsp. decoction of celandine, add aloe juice, selected oil and honey, mix everything thoroughly.

How to use: Apply the mask with massage movements with your fingertips, evenly distributing it over a dry and clean scalp. You don't need to brush your hair with it. Wrap your head with polyethylene, and on top with a scarf or terry towel. Leave on for 45-60 minutes, then wash off with shampoo.

Result: Aloe disinfects the scalp due to the high content of food acids, including citric. This effect is reinforced by the presence of celandine - a moderately poisonous plant (a natural antibiotic). At the same time, it promotes the regeneration of the epidermis and strengthens the roots due to the presence of allantoin in it. Burdock or almond oil softens the hair, and honey nourishes and stimulates their growth due to the presence of simple carbohydrates in it.

Which dandruff masks have the best reviews at home - see recipes for effective homemade anti-dandruff masks that have proven to be highly effective.

How to make dandruff masks at home

  • If you have a lot of dandruff, make masks 2-3 times a week. If you want to use them for preventive purposes - 1 time.
  • Dandruff is a problem that doesn't go away quickly. Therefore, the use of masks must necessarily be a course - 10-12 masks 2-3 times a week, then a break of 2 weeks and a new course.
  • Try to use a cellophane wrap or shower cap during the mask, even if this is not in the recipe. The effectiveness of the mask will be higher.
  • After using a homemade dandruff mask, you should not go outside for at least an hour.
  • Alternate masks every week, practice shows that using different homemade recipes leads to faster results.
  • Don't change recipes - dandruff is usually a sign of scalp sensitivity, and changing the recipe can make it worse.
  • If homemade dandruff masks do not give the desired result, consult a specialist - you may have a fungal scalp disease and need medical treatment for the problem.
  • Determine your dandruff problem. There are 4 main directions - dandruff with hair loss, dandruff with itching of the head, oily or dry dandruff. If the first two points are missing for you, look in the article how to get rid of dandruff test how to determine your type of dandruff, and use homemade masks of your direction.

Homemade masks for dandruff and hair loss

It often happens that dandruff and hair loss bother a person at the same time - in addition to masks, in this case it is necessary to drink vitamin complexes and massage the scalp for better blood circulation and speed up the metabolism in the scalp. As for the masks themselves, here are the recipes that traditional medicine recommends.

  • The simplest, and at the same time very effective folk way to stop dandruff and hair loss is to use an onion-based mask. You need to grate one onion on a fine grater, mix it with a tablespoon of liquid honey and rub this composition into the hair roots. Put on a shower cap and keep the mask on for 30 minutes. If the onion smell remains, rub your hair with kefir (if your hair is dry) or water with apple cider vinegar (if oily, 2 tablespoons per glass of water) for 5-10 minutes, then wash with shampoo.
  • The next mask for dandruff and hair loss is based on aloe juice, it is already sold in a pharmacy ready-made form. Mix 50 gr. aloe (standard bottle) with a glass of vodka, let it brew for 3 days in a dark place. The application is elementary - divide the hair into 5-6 partings and rub this tincture into each, applying with a pipette or a cotton pad. The mask does not need to be washed off, do it 2 times a week.
  • To strengthen hair and get rid of dandruff, use a mask with natural fruit acids. To prepare the mask, combine 2 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice, orange and burdock oil. Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp and massage for 10 minutes, then wrap your head with cellophane and a towel and hold for half an hour, then rinse with warm water and shampoo. Do it once a week.
  • Even our grandmothers knew about the benefits of nettle in the treatment of hair from severe dandruff. It perfectly cleanses the hair, regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands and strengthens the hair roots, which is very important for the problem of hair loss. Pour a tablespoon of nettle with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes, distribute the resulting liquid over the roots and the entire length of the hair. You can do this even after washing your hair, using nettle infusion as a rinse.
  • If your hair falls out a lot, use hair loss masks in addition to the dandruff mask once a week.

Homemade masks for dandruff and itchy scalp

Masks for dandruff and itching of the head should contain substances that soothe the skin and relieve irritation. This is what home cosmetology offers in such cases.

  • Excellent reviews against dandruff and itching of the head received colorless henna masks, which is sold in cosmetics and household chemical stores. It does not dye your hair, so you can safely use it with any color of your hair. The simplest option is to dilute 3 tablespoons of henna with warm water to a state of sour cream, let it brew for 5-10 minutes and rub it into the scalp for half an hour, cover yourself with a hat. The effectiveness will be even higher if you add 5-6 drops of eucalyptus oil to the composition.
  • An elementary option is to use a solution of salicylic acid for dandruff and itching of the skin. It is no coincidence that many factory-made dandruff shampoos contain this component, but making a mask yourself is both easier and cheaper. You will need 1 yolk and a teaspoon of an alcohol solution of acid, mix thoroughly and apply to the hair at the roots. We do it 2 times a week.
  • For those who want not only to fight itching of the scalp and dandruff, but also to fortify their hair, give it shine and a pleasant smell, we can recommend a mask of green apples. 1-2 apples are rubbed into a fine grater, 5 drops are added to them tea tree oil(the pharmacy costs a penny) and the resulting pulp is rubbed into the roots. We keep under the cap for half an hour, after which the hair is simply washed without shampoo.
  • For those who do not want to spend time mixing, we recommend using kefir for hair(fat-free for fatty) or yogurt (for dry). We apply them on the hair and scalp for 15 minutes. It just doesn't get easier!

Homemade masks for dry dandruff

We turn to masks for dry dandruff - according to experts, it is she who worries us much more often. After reading your numerous reviews, we have selected the best, in your opinion, recipes.

  • Finely grate 2 heads of garlic, fill them with any vegetable oil and let it brew for 3-5 days. Rub the resulting garlic oil into the scalp.
  • Mix one egg yolk (contains zinc) with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. The composition normalizes the sebaceous glands and eliminates dandruff.
  • Another good tandem is a tablespoon burdock oil and the same amount of honey.
  • If you have dark hair, we advise you to pay attention to a product such as turmeric, it does an excellent job with dandruff. To prepare the mask, dilute 1 tbsp. l. turmeric with warm milk, you should get a liquid mass. Apply to hair and scalp, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Homemade masks for oily dandruff

Oily dandruff is more sticky, thick, combed out very badly, but folk experience has found worthy recipes for homemade masks against it.

  • Buy an alcohol tincture of calendula, combine in equal proportions with burdock or castor oil and rub the mask into your hair half an hour before washing.
  • Judging by the numerous reviews, a grapefruit mask often helps to cope with oily dandruff even when other remedies are powerless. To make this mask for dandruff on hair, peel the fruit and knead it well, mix the pulp with a tablespoon of aloe juice and rub this mixture into the scalp, then gently massage for 5-7 minutes, put on a cap and hold for another quarter of an hour. Make such a mask 2 times a week with a general course of 7-8 times, it will definitely help you get rid of dandruff.
  • Brew strong green tea - 1 tbsp. l. half a glass of boiling water, strain. Add a quarter cup to tea apple cider vinegar. Distribute the resulting solution through your hair, squeeze out excess moisture and cover your head with a terry towel. Rinse the mask with warm water after 40 minutes.
  • And a number of recipes that you often mention are homemade pumpkin masks for oily dandruff. This is the same pumpkin, zucchini, watermelon. Finely grated pulp of any of the products (watermelon, as you understand, you can not rub at all) is applied to the roots and distributed along the entire length of the hair. Half an hour is enough. The tool is simple, but very effective, tested on myself.

Ekaterina Beautiful All rights reserved

What else is read on the site on the topic dandruff

Homemade hair masks. To solve the problem, dandruff masks alone are often not enough, you also need strengthening, nourishing, moisturizing (for dry) and normalizing oiliness of the hair in order to create the necessary acid-base balance in the scalp.

Essential oils for hair beauty. At home, it is essential oils that will become real healers for you to help remove dandruff. Just add a few drops to your mask and shampoo. What oils to choose, their doses, what to mix with, how to rub - in this material.

Dandruff masks can get rid of the problem of the appearance of white "snow" on the shoulders. Dandruff is translated from Latin as bran. It is manifested by an accelerated process of exfoliation of the scaly layer of the scalp. If normally the cycle of cell renewal of the stratum corneum should occur in 28 days, then during the formation of dandruff it accelerates to 7 days.

Dandruff refers to a simple clinical manifestation of seborrheic dermatitis. Most often it affects the scalp, but it can also appear in other areas of the body that have hairline. Equally, it can overtake both men and the fair sex.

Specialists in beauty salons can solve this problem, and dermatologists or trichologists can solve this problem. You can also try using masks to get rid of dandruff at home without resorting to the use of medical products, but it is better after consulting a specialist.

Causes of dandruff

Most people have a yeast-like fungus on their scalp that does not show up until the person is healthy. Violations in the immune, gastrointestinal, endocrine or nervous systems can activate the growth of this fungus and start accelerated cell division. Therefore, you should not consider dandruff as a single disease. It can be a symptom of hidden disorders of the body.

The main cause of the disease is a violation of the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Seborrhea is manifested by increased or decreased formation of sebaceous secretion, a change in its microflora. Such an environment is favorable for the attachment and reproduction of fungi and bacteria. As a result, itching, dry skin and accelerated cell death appear.

Other reasons for the appearance of dandruff are: untimely or premature hygiene of the skin, improperly selected or poor quality shampoo, not washed off residues of detergents on the hair.

Types of dandruff

  1. Dry appearance is manifested in a lack of sebum production. As a result, the scalp becomes very dry, crusts form, the hair becomes split and begins to fall out.
  2. Fat - happens with excessive fat formation. As a result, the surface of the skin is covered with a greasy film that blocks the pores and the access of oxygen to the cells. It is subdivided into:
  • thick form - in which the hair becomes dry, hard, poorly stacked, the scalp is compacted. Thick oily seborrhea appears.
  • liquid form - characterized by a constant glossy shine and stickiness of the hair even after washing the head. Itching, irritation of the skin is formed. Hair begins to fall out even without proper treatment up to their complete loss.

Two types of ailment can be treated with homemade anti-dandruff masks - these are dry and thick oily types of dandruff. And the fatty liquid appearance is to be treated only by doctors who are competent to select and prescribe the appropriate drug therapy.

What are the benefits of dandruff masks

In order for a dandruff mask to be beneficial, it must be selected taking into account the type of hair and the type of dandruff. Applying it for the first time, you should test for an allergic reaction by applying it for 30 minutes on the wrist, and only after the absence of negative reactions can it be applied to the head.

First of all, the maximum advantage of homemade masks lies in the naturalness and usefulness of the ingredients used. They are able not only to get rid of the main problem - dandruff, but also to improve the general condition of the hair: strengthen, moisturize the hair and scalp. Masks greatly simplify combing curly hair, they are able to restore the lost access of oxygen to the cells of the epidermis, restoring the proper functioning of the secretory system of the scalp, are easy to use and can be used at any convenient time, and also do not require money, since many products can be found at housewives in the kitchen.

The best masks for dandruff

For dry scalp, it is necessary to select masks that will contain moisturizing ingredients - egg yolk, lemon, aloe juice, kefir, oils. For oily hair, it is right to choose ingredients with an adsorbing action that can absorb excess fat - clay, some oils, honey, onions, salt, soda. Through the selection and mixing of components, you can find the perfect mask for yourself.

Effective masks for dry dandruff

With lemon

Ingredients: fresh lemon juice 1 dess.l., olive oil 1 tbsp. and 1 egg yolk.

Spread the mixed mixture through the hair, starting from the scalp. After 30 minutes, rinse the remnants of exfoliated scales with a decoction of herbs. You need to apply this mass 2 times a week.

with egg

Ingredients: yolks of 2 eggs, half a lemon and 5 ml of burdock oil.

To get juice, grate the lemon, mix with the rest of the ingredients and apply to the hair. The head must be insulated by putting a plastic bag or a special hat on it and wrapping it with a towel. After an hour, the mask can be washed off.

An egg mask is very quickly and effectively able to get rid of dry dandruff. For the scalp, this is a very useful mixture that can saturate the hair follicles with healing microelements.

with aloe

Ingredients: 45 ml of aloe juice, 30 ml of jojoba oil and 30 g of honey.

To prepare it, you first need to cut 2-3 leaves from the aloe plant and, wrapping it in a piece of gauze, put it in the freezer for 9 days. After the expiration of the time, grind the leaves with a blender to a mushy state. To obtain juice - strain through cheesecloth. If the honey is frozen, it must be melted in a water bath. Then add oil and juice, mix well. The result is a liquid mixture. Apply the mask from the scalp to the ends of the hair. For a better effect on the head, you need to put on a plastic bag, and wrap a towel over it. Wash off the mask after 2 hours.

This mask requires a little more effort and time to prepare, but it will work quickly and effectively after 2 weeks of use. For dry curls - this will be the most effective mask.

In the same way, pure aloe juice can be applied to problem areas of the scalp.

With kefir

Kefir mask is prepared from one yolk, 15 ml of castor oil and 200 ml of kefir. Mix all ingredients thoroughly with a blender. Leave on hair for 1 hour. To achieve the result, you need to do such a procedure with a mask without missing a single week.

Kefir can also be used on its own and this will be the easiest way. Starting from the head to the ends of the curls, distribute kefir and leave under a plastic bag with a towel for an hour. Getting rid of dandruff with regular use of such a procedure is not difficult.

Onion mask

You will need one tablespoon of onion juice and castor oil. Keep the mixed ingredients on your head under a towel for about one hour. After that, to saturate the color, you can rinse your hair with a decoction of onion peel. Onion smell from curls can be removed with lemon juice.

Oil mask recipe

Equal proportions of castor and burdock oils are heated in a water bath. After an hour of exposure, the hair is thoroughly washed with a detergent cosmetic.

Oily dandruff masks

With honey

Ingredients: 25 g of honey, 5 drops of a pharmacy solution of vitamin A (retinol acetate), 1 tbsp. fresh lemon juice and farm sour cream. Thickened honey should be melted and, while stirring, add all the components. For the scalp, this is a very nourishing and saturating mask with useful substances. Wash it off after half an hour.

Mustard mask recipes

  • About 40 ml of kefir, 20 g of mustard, 10 g of honey and almond oil. This mask is suitable for dry curls. It should be kept for at least 1 hour.
  • Clay and apple cider vinegar are taken in equal parts, and mustard powder is half as much. The mixed mixture is applied only to the root region of the head for no longer than 20 minutes. This mask helps to reduce excessive secretion of sebaceous secretion of the scalp.

A mustard mask is perfect for hair growth, as it can improve the microcirculation of the scalp, thereby stimulating the growth of new hairs. Mustard masks are very suitable for owners of oily hair, they are able to adsorb excess sebaceous secretion and particles of litter from the hair. Mustard is a highly allergenic product, therefore it requires a mandatory sensitivity test before using the mask. You can buy mustard powder in pharmacies.

Burdock mask is prepared from 30 ml of nettle decoction and 15 ml of burdock oil. Used 2 times a week. Burdock oil helps to reduce the loss of curls, nourishing their roots, improves the growth of new ones, regenerates the damaged structure of curls, saves from dandruff.

with castor

Ingredients: 1 yolk, 1 des.l. honey and lemon juice, 30 ml of castor oil. Leave the resulting mass on the hair for half an hour. Castor oil is very intensively moisturizes the scalp and curls.

coconut oil mask

Grind half a yellow banana into a pulp, add 30 g of coconut oil and 15 g of fat sour cream. Mix the ingredients and put in a water bath. Apply from scalp to ends of hair and leave on for 30-40 minutes. You can massage the head, thereby improving the absorption of the mask.

Salt hair mask has an exfoliating effect. You can make a mask from 50 g of medium-sized salt and 200 ml of kefir. Apply the mixed components, massaging, on the scalp and hair. Wash off after half an hour.

Also effective remedies for dandruff and itching of the head are vinegar and soda. With the help of vinegar with water, you can restore the flora of the hairline, give shine to the hair. To prepare, mix 30 ml of vinegar and 200 ml of water. Rinse the hair with the resulting solution and leave without rinsing until the morning.

Soda is able to gently exfoliate dead skin cells of the head. To prepare the mixture, you will need 4 tsp. soda, which must be diluted with plain water. Then gently rub into the skin and leave for 3 minutes. Rinse hair well with water.

What masks are suitable for different types of hair, it is better to deal with a trichologist. The best masks are folk masks made by hand at home.

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