Onion mask: a proven method for strengthening hair. Onion hair mask: the best folk recipes for hair growth

Onions contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for our hair. Due to its bactericidal properties, onion heals the skin and helps with dandruff. The high content of zinc, silicon and vitamin C helps to strengthen and renew the hair follicles, and prevents the appearance of gray hair.

Onions have long been used in folk medicine as a growth stimulant for hair loss. Even with partial baldness, daily onion hair masks contribute to the appearance of new hairs.

Pepper mask with onions to accelerate growth. 1 st. spoon of pepper tincture, 1 tablespoon of onion juice, 1 tablespoon of nourishing oil (olive, almond). Mix everything and apply to the hair roots for 30 minutes, insulate. This is a very powerful tool, after a course of application (1-2 times a week for 2 months), fluff appears on the bald patches. Pepper tincture can be replaced with burdock oil with red pepper.

Onion mask for hair growth. Grate the onion on a fine grater. Rub the resulting slurry into the roots of the hair, warm the head with cellophane, and on top with a towel. It is necessary to wash off after 1 hour - for dry hair, after 1.5-2 hours - for normal hair, after 3 hours - for oily hair. For dry hair, it is recommended to add castor oil to this mask.

Mask with onion and yeast. Rub the onion on a fine grater, then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Add 1 teaspoon of dry yeast, burdock and castor oil, 2 tablespoons of hot water to the juice. Stir the components of the mask and leave in a warm place for 10 minutes. Apply the mask to the roots of your hair, put a cap on your head. After an hour, the mask can be washed off with warm water and shampoo.

Onion mask with honey to strengthen hair. Grate the onion, mix the resulting slurry with 1 tsp. honey. Apply the mask to your hair for 1 hour. Wash your hair with shampoo.

Onion mask with brandy for hair loss . Pass the green onions through a meat grinder and apply the mass on the hair for 1 hour. For oily hair, you can add cognac or alcohol to the mask, this will increase the blood circulation of the scalp.

Onion mask with kefir . Mix in equal proportions honey, kefir, cognac, sea salt. Add gruel or juice of 1 onion to the mixture. Apply the mask to your hair with massage movements, warm your head with cellophane and a towel. After an hour, the mask can be washed off with shampoo.

Garlic-onion mask . Mix 5 drops of rosemary oil with two tablespoons of burdock oil. Squeeze the juice from 1 large onion and a few cloves of garlic. Mix the juice with oils, add egg yolk and a spoonful of cognac to the mixture. Apply the mask to your hair, rub into the scalp. Wash off with shampoo after an hour.

Onion mask with burdock oil . Mix in equal proportions freshly squeezed juices of lemon, carrot and onion, add 1 tsp. burdock or castor oil (any vegetable oil is possible), 1 tsp. dry yeast, 2 tablespoons of hot water. Leave the mask for 10 minutes in a warm place. Apply the mask to your hair, wrap your head with cellophane, then with a towel. After an hour, the mask can be washed off.

Fragrant onion mask . Squeeze the juice from 1 onion, add any of the following ingredients to the mask - egg yolk, calendula tincture, castor oil, 1 tsp. honey. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oils to the mask, rosemary, lavender and clary sage are best. After half an hour, wash your hair with warm water and shampoo.

A firming, refreshing & stimulating hair mask from onions and dairy products. To 3 tbsp. onion juice, squeezed through gauze from onion finely chopped into gruel, add 1 tsp. liquid honey and 2-3 tbsp. yogurt (preferably natural, the shelf life of which does not exceed a few days) or 1 tbsp. low-fat sour cream - for oily and normal hair. For dry hair type, you need to add 1 tbsp. sour cream with the highest percentage of fat content and such an amount of vegetable oil (olive, almond, castor, burdock) or instead of oil - 1 tbsp. mayonnaise. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and rub into the hair roots. After 40-60 minutes, wash off the mask and rinse your hair well with warm water and shampoo. The recommended frequency of application of the mask is 1-2 times a week.

Oil masks with onions for nutrition, strengthening, improving growth. Mix 2-3 types of oils in one tablespoon each (burdock, castor, wheat germ, almond will do), add a spoonful of onion juice and a couple of drops of rosemary essential oil. Apply to hair roots and put on a cap for 1 hour. When mixing oils, they increase their nutritional value, a complex of vitamins and minerals nourish the curls with everything they need.

How to remove onion smell from hair

After the onion mask, the smell remains on the hair for a long time. To prevent its occurrence, add lemon juice or banana pulp to any onion mask. Essential oils of rosemary, tea tree, lavender, ylang-ylang also help to neutralize the smell of onions. It is enough to add only a few drops to the mask (but not more than 7).

If the smell still remains after the onion mask, rinse your head with apple cider vinegar, diluted in equal proportions with water, or citrus juice (orange, lemon) in a proportion of 2 tbsp. juice in 1 liter of cold water.

Remember that for the preparation of masks you need to use only carefully strained onion juice, since it is the small particles of onion that carry the main part of the unpleasant odor. Follow the technique of applying the onion mask: do not distribute it along the entire length of the hair, but only carefully rub it into the roots and scalp.

Among admirers of home hair care, an onion mask is especially popular. Like several centuries ago, an ordinary onion from the garden is considered a healing, effective remedy of traditional medicine that can cure a huge number of ailments. Any recipe based on it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hairline. This is one of the best ways to get rid of the problem of hair loss and accelerate hair growth.

The benefits of onions for the beauty of curls

Onion-based hair masks are a real pantry of minerals and vitamins that activate the growth of curls, restore PH balance, make the roots stronger, stronger and smooth the structure, give shine, splendor, solve the problem of hair loss and dandruff. Onions contain vitamins E, B2, PP1, B2, C, B6. It also contains a lot of folic acid, fluorine, calcium, biotin, manganese, citric acid, zinc, iodine, potassium, carotene, iron, essential oils, malic acid, cobalt.

Among all the components, vitamin C occupies the largest share, which improves the functioning of capillaries, accelerates blood circulation in the scalp, which significantly increases the growth rate of hair. Upon contact of onion juice with the skin, a slight burning sensation begins to be felt, which indicates that the blood flow to the hair follicles has increased, and they begin to wake up. B vitamins are very important for the beauty of the strands. In case of its deficiency, gray hair may appear early; the secretion of fat will increase, and the tips, on the contrary, will become brittle; increased risk of seborrhea; may increase hair loss.

Vitamins and elements contained in onion juice help to improve the general condition of the hair, make it stronger, increase resistance to negative external influences.

How to make onion masks

Masks for the treatment of hair with onions are considered more gentle growth-stimulating agents, in comparison with mixtures with mustard and red pepper that are similar in effect, therefore they can even be used to treat very weakened and dry curls. This is a versatile product suitable for all hair types.

The main disadvantage of this remedy is the characteristic smell that remains on the hair after its application. It is especially pronounced on strands that have undergone perm or dyeing in the recent past - the porous structure instantly absorbs the aroma of onion juice.

To reduce the smell from onions, you need to know one important rule - the mass should be applied exclusively to the scalp. If you make a mask for the entire length of your hair, then getting rid of the smell will be incredibly difficult.

There are proven ways to neutralize odor:

  1. The most common is rinsing the hair with water with the addition of vinegar - 20 ml is mixed in 1 liter of pure water. vinegar 6%.
  2. Also, aromatic oil of rosemary, banana pulp or lemon juice, added directly to the mask, will help to defeat the fragrance of onion juice.

Important! Undiluted juice can be used a maximum of once a week, and it is recommended to keep it on your head for no longer than 10 minutes.

All the ladies who use masks with caustic onions are interested in how long it will take to restore their hair? To achieve a visible result, you will need to undergo a two-month course of treatment. Procedures should be done every 4-5 days.

Recipes for mixtures against hair loss

Multi-component masks with onion juice are effective remedies against hair loss. Due to the rush of blood to the hair follicles, they are actively fed with oxygen and useful substances, which contributes to strengthening.

Most often, masks for accelerated hair growth with onions contain honey, which perfectly moisturizes, fills every cell with useful substances. A duet of onion juice with honey perfectly fights against hair loss and activates the growth process.

Any recipe for a mixture with onion juice for baldness involves additional warming with a hat and a warm towel or scarf. How much to keep the mass on the head should be indicated in the recipe, but if this information is not available, then for normal hair this time is a couple of hours, for a dry type it is reduced to an hour, and for oily hair, on the contrary, it increases to three.

Onions and honey from falling out

  • castor oil 20 ml.
  • honey in the amount of 1 tablespoon
  • 10 ml. onion juice

These components are thoroughly mixed to a state of uniformity and applied to the hair roots. Keep the composition should not exceed 50 minutes.
Only 3-4 procedures within a month will be enough to stop the process of hair loss. This recipe will help make your hair thicker and shinier.

Hair treatment with kefir, cognac and sea salt

  • 10 ml. burdock oil
  • 10 gr. sea ​​salt
  • cognac 10 ml.
  • honey 10 ml.
  • kefir in the amount of 1 tablespoon
  • 20 ml. onion juice

The specified amount of burdock oil is slightly heated in a water bath, then mixed with honey and carefully introduce the rest of the ingredients. The finished mass should be applied to the roots and wait about an hour.

This recipe effectively fights against hair loss, helps to speed up the growth process and improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands. You can do the procedures with a break of 4-5 days.

Onion oil mask

  • castor oil 10 ml.
  • tincture of calendula 10 ml.
  • yolk of 1 egg
  • clary sage oil 2 drops
  • rosemary oil 2 drops
  • honey 10 ml.
  • 20 ml. onion juice
  • lavender oil 2 drops

To begin with, castor oil should be slightly warmed up and mixed with honey and other ingredients except for the yolk. Add the yolk after the mixture has cooled to room temperature.

The mask is effective against baldness, suitable for stimulating hair growth. You can often make a mask only on oily curls, since cognac and onions can have a drying effect. How long to keep the mixture on your hair should be based on the general recommendations for onion masks for different types of strands.

Stimulating the growth of curls with yeast

  • milk ¼ cup
  • freshly squeezed onion juice 30 ml.
  • baker's yeast in the amount of 1 tablespoon
  • liquid honey 5 ml.

Add yeast to warm milk, wait for it to dissolve completely. Now you can pour honey, mix thoroughly. The mixture must be placed in a warm place. After half an hour, the yeast should rise, if this does not happen, then close the bowl and move it to a more suitable place. The finished mass should be rubbed into moistened roots. The duration of the mask with a miraculous bow is 1 hour. This recipe actively helps to accelerate the growth of strands, strengthen the roots and increase oxygen supply.

Carrot honey activator

  • onion juice
  • lemon juice
  • burdock oil ½ teaspoon
  • carrot juice
  • dry yeast 5 gr.
  • almond oil ½ teaspoon
  • honey 10 ml.

Prepare a mixture of all ingredients except yeast. Lemon, onion and carrot juice should be taken in a 1:1 ratio. Yeast pre-steamed 20 ml. warm water is introduced into the mixture last. The mask is applied to the horse's head cover. For an hour it must be kept warm, under a cap and a towel. This mask with onions significantly accelerates the growth of curls, and heals damage to the structure.

Garlic and onion for curl growth

  • 10 ml. burdock oil
  • yolk of 1 egg
  • rosemary oil in a volume of 5 drops
  • 10 ml. garlic juice
  • cognac 10 ml.
  • freshly squeezed onion juice in the amount of 2 tablespoons

You need to make a mask immediately before use. The mass starts on the basis of warm burdock oil. So that the yolk does not boil, it is added after the mixture has cooled to room temperature. How long should the mask be on the head? Just half an hour is enough to start the growth process. The recipe can be used from the loss of strands. The frequency of procedures is 1 time per week.

Sometimes familiar and familiar food products grown in the garden open up in a completely new way. Today, a large number of newfangled hair care products are sold in stores, but no matter how many there are, the popularity of natural remedies still does not subside. Hair beauty masks with onion juice and other natural ingredients can solve a large number of hair problems, but they are most often remembered when there is a threat of baldness. This is a unique and completely natural remedy that can be used even in the most hopeless situation.

7 930 1 Hello! Today we will tell you about onion hair mask and its effectiveness in self-care. We will share with you homemade recipes for onion masks against hair loss, as well as recipes that stimulate hair growth. A video review on the use of an onion mask will help you decide whether this mask is suitable for your hair type or not. Folk remedies in medicine and cosmetics are considered universal and simple. The special properties of onions will help with various hair growth disorders - hair loss, with brittle and weakened hair, with a dull color, with excess gray hair, dandruff, oily sheen and excessive dryness.

Causes of Hair Loss

Hair, along with skin and nails, is an excellent indicator of our health. According to their condition, one can judge both external factors of influence and internal problems of the body.

It is known that 90% of human hair is in constant growth, their daily loss is normally about 100 hairs. The life expectancy of one hair is approximately 3 to 6-7 years.

With frequent hair loss, you should first consult a specialist for advice.

Sometimes a person is faced with the problem of frequent hair loss, called in medicine. The reasons for this can be many problems, both external and internal:

  • the presence of diseases of internal organs - the liver, organs of the endocrine system, circulatory system, bone marrow disease;
  • beriberi;
  • immune system disorders;
  • nervous stress;
  • the influence of the environment, weather conditions;
  • a number of cosmetic procedures - perm, artificial extensions, drying or straightening, coloring, tight hairstyles, improper care;
  • infections, especially fungal;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • taking medications - hormone therapy, chemotherapy, bacterial treatment, antibiotics and steroids, anticoagulants;
  • pregnancy and postpartum period;
  • head injury;
  • exposure to radiation, including for therapeutic purposes in oncological diseases;
  • surgery.

Distinguish alopecia according to the type of distribution - nesting, universal, shearing, total, marginal. In most cases, alopecia is treatable. The exception is severe forms of diseases, heredity.

To determine that you are losing a lot of hair, you need to do a little experiment: pull your hair and look at the result. If about 10-15 hairs pulled out - everything is within the normal range, if there are more than 15-20 hairs in the hand - a reason to pay attention.

Useful properties of onions

Onions have been known since ancient times as an indispensable remedy for baldness, oily sheen, dandruff and brittleness. Onion is a spicy-aromatic plant. There are about 220 types of onions in our country and about 400 in the world.

Historically, onions became known 6 thousand years ago. At one time, the value of the bow was so great that prisoners were exchanged for it.

  • In folk recipes, onions play a role primarily as a powerful phytoncide that can prevent colds. Phytoncides are biologically active substances contained in plants that have an antimicrobial effect. Also, onions are useful in cleansing the body of toxins, to stabilize digestion, relieve swelling, treat corns, eczema.
  • Luke contains many useful elements: vitamins C, E, B1, B2, B6, PP, T and K, enzymes, micro and macro elements (potassium, iodine, boron, cobalt, manganese, fluorine, chromium, sodium, magnesium, iron, sulfur, calcium, zinc, copper), glucose, amino acids, keratins, alkaloids (biologically active substances with a high nitrogen content), flavonoids, glucinin (a plant hormone that lowers blood sugar) and others.
  • It is also known that onions contain a high concentration of essential oils that cause tearing when cut. It is the sulfur content in combination with other substances that gives the onion its characteristic smell.
  • Onion is a natural antibiotic, bactericidal and antimicrobial plant. It contains more sugar than pears or apples, while it is considered a natural fat burner, disinfectant and soothing agent.

In cosmetology, onions have found wide application in skin and hair care. With the help of onions, you can heal warts, skin cracks, acne, cleanse the epidermis of toxins, reduce wrinkles, and soothe insect bites. The beneficial properties of onions can transform any hair and cope with their problems.

Benefits and harms, how often to use, how to wash off the onion mask

As you know, the most effective means of caring for your appearance is a mask. Onion hair mask solves several problems at once, aimed at strengthening, growth and nutrition, combating hair loss, dandruff and greasiness.

Onion mask benefits all hair types. Due to the content of a real storehouse of useful trace elements in onion juice, such a mask also gives silkiness, revitalizes color, copes with oily sheen or brittleness and dryness.

Many of us are concerned about the question of how often to make an onion mask. With a frequency of 1-2 times in 7 days with a course of 5-10 masks, it is possible to achieve an excellent effect from the onion mask on the condition of your hair.

The main barrier point for many is the persistent smell when using such masks. How to get rid of onion smell? This will help to follow some recommendations:

  1. The onion smell after applying the mask can be eliminated by thoroughly rinsing with water with diluted vinegar, citrus juice, and flavored rinse. When asked how and how to wash off the onion mask, experts advise doing this with warm water, since under hot water the onion aroma spreads even more.
  2. To reduce the smell of onions, you can add additional ingredients with a pleasant smell to the mask - essential oils, citruses, herbal extracts, honey.
  3. Observe the proportions of the components when preparing the mask.
  4. The duration of the procedure is also important to reduce the smell of onions. Therefore, you need to carefully follow the recommendations for how long to keep the mask on your head.
  5. Equally important is how to make an onion mask and how to apply it - the mask is applied to the hair roots, rubbed into the scalp.
  6. For an onion mask, it is better to take its juice, carefully filtered from the pulp. This is due to the fact that the pulp particles just have the strongest odor.

Contraindications for onion hair mask are also available:

  • hypersensitivity to onions and allergies;
  • wounds, ulcers on the scalp;
  • damaged hair after perm, other cosmetic procedures.

Before using any mask, it is necessary to test its composition for tolerance. To do this, it is enough to apply a little on the crook of the arm, the back of the hand and hold a little. In case of redness, burning, itching, it is better to refuse such a mask.

Prepare an onion mask, like all others, before use. Some recipes use honey and basic vegetable oils, which are recommended to be steamed beforehand for the best effect.

Additional ingredients in the masks enhance the effect of the onion components and soften its “aggressiveness”. Some of the masks require warming - a rubber or plastic cap is covered with a towel, a scarf.

Recipes for onion hair masks at home

In our recipes, 1 tablespoon of liquids equals 25-30 g, 1 teaspoon equals 5 g.

Masks against hair loss

Name Ingredients Time of action
From onion juiceJuice of 1 onion30 minutes with insulation
Onion mask with honeyonion juice - 25 g.,
honey - 25 g.,
olive oil - 25 g.,
mayonnaise - 25 g.
1 hour
Onion-lemon with olive oilonion juice - 30 g.,
olive oil - 10 g.,
lemon juice - 25 g.,
egg yolk - 1 pc.
30-35 minutes
Kefir-onionbulb - 1 pc. chopped (take the pulp),
kefir - 1 tbsp.,
egg - 2 pcs.
1 hour
With honey and aloeonion juice - 30g.,
lemon juice - 5 g.,
honey - 10 g.,
aloe juice - 10 g.
30 minutes
With castor oil and calendulaonion juice - 1 onion,
honey - 25 g.,
castor oil - 5 g.,
calendula tincture for alcohol - 5 g,
yolk - 1 pc.,
lavender ether - 3-4 drops or
tea tree ether - 3-4 drops
1 hour with insulation
Onion-burdock with yogurtonion juice - 30 g.,
yogurt without additives - 30 g,
- 30 years old,
honey - 5 g.
1 hour
Onion-garlic mask with cocoaonion juice - 30 g.,
garlic juice - 5 g.,
cocoa powder - 5 g.,
kefir - 30 g.,
any essential oil - a few drops
40 minutes
With burdock infusionlemon juice - 4 tsp,
cognac - 1 tsp,
decoction of burdock roots - 6 tsp
2 hours with insulation

For hair growth and density

Name Ingredients Time of action
From onion pulp1 onion chopped1 hour with insulation
With salt and burdock oilkefir - 30 g.,
onion juice - 60 g.,
honey - 30g.,
cognac - 30 g.,
sea ​​salt - 25 g.,
burdock oil - 30 g.
1 hour
Kefir-yeastyeast - 40 g.,
kefir - 30 g, onion juice - 30 g,
lemon juice - 30 g.,
burdock oil - 30 g.,
freshly squeezed carrot juice - 60 g.
20 minutes
With black breadonion juice from 2 onions,
so much black bread pulp to get a mushy mixture
1 hour, overnight
cognacdissolve sugar 5 g in cognac - 10 g,
onion juice - 15 g.,
yeast - 5 g
mineral water - 5-7 drops
(beat everything)
40 minutes
With castor oilonion juice - 50 g.,
castor oil - 30 g.,
honey - 30 g.
30 minutes with insulation
Onion oil blendolive oil - 5 g.,
sea ​​buckthorn oil - 5 g.,
castor oil - 5 g.,
linseed oil - 5 g.,
onion juice - 30 g.
1 hour
Cognac-onioncognac - 30 g.,
onion pulp - 30 g.,
garlic pulp - 30 g.
olive oil - 30 g.,
yolk - 1 pc.
1 hour
juice of 1 onion
yolk - 1 pc.,
sea ​​buckthorn oil - 30 g.,
red hot pepper - 2 g.
20 minutes
With vitamin A(E)onion juice - 30 g.,
yolk - 1 pc.,
castor oil - 30 g.,
burdock oil - 30 g.,
vitamin A or E liquid - 1 ampoule,
- 3 drops
20 minutes

For oily hair

Name Ingredients Time of action
Onion-burdock mask with rumin the same amount: burdock oil, onion juice, rum30 minutes
Onion and kefironion juice and kefir in a ratio of 1: 130-40 minutes
Onion-sour creamonion juice - 60 g.,
honey - 10 g.,
sour cream - 30 g.
40 minutes
Onion-claycosmetic clay - 30 g.,
onion juice - 30 g.,
sea ​​buckthorn juice - 30 g (optional)
30 minutes
Onion infusion mask1 chopped onion, vodka - 250 ml - leave for 3 days.15-20 minutes

For dry and thin hair

Name Ingredients Time of action
Onion-garlic mask with castor oil1 onion chopped
1 head of garlic minced,
castor oil (for connection)
30-40 minutes
Onion-garlic mask with vitamins (not only copes with dryness, but also serves to strengthen hair)onion juice - 1 onion,
garlic juice - 1 head
honey - 30 g.,
burdock oil - 30 g.,
lavender ether - 3-4 drops,
ylang-ylang essential oil - 4 drops,
orange ether - 3-4 drops,
liquid vitamin B6 - 1 ampoule
40 minutes
Onion-honeyonion juice and honey in equal proportions1 hour with insulation
Onion-yolkonion juice - 50 g.,
chicken yolk - 1 pc.
1 hour

Dandruff masks

Name Ingredients Time of action
Rosemary, onion and sageonion juice - 1 onion,
rosemary oil - 50 g.,
vodka - 10 g.,
sage ether - 4 drops,
eucalyptus essential oil - 4 drops
30 minutes
with sageonion juice - 60 g.,
base oil (olive or burdock) - 60 g.,
yolk - 1 pc.,
sage ether - 4-5 drops
1 hour
Onion-vodkaOnion pulp and vodka in equal proportions20-30 minutes
From a decoction of onion peelboil onion peel in water, insist20 minutes

Video review on the use of onion hair mask.

In folk medicine, onion juice is widely used for hair. Masks with his participation comprehensively strengthen and nourish the hair, make it stronger and softer, stop hair loss. Consider several effective recipes based on onion nectar.

Chemical composition

The therapeutic effect of onions is due to the presence of a huge amount of useful substances. Among them:

  • phytoncides;
  • vitamins of group C, K, T, PP;
  • alkaloids;
  • enzymes;
  • essential oils;
  • minerals: zinc, iodine, potassium, calcium;
  • amino acids;
  • proteins;
  • inulin polysaccharide.

Benefits for hair and skin

Onion juice is an excellent remedy for hair and skin. It cleanses the skin of harmful compounds, eliminates wrinkles, warts and acne. Calluses, cracks, eczema are also subject to him. Masks based on onion nectar relieve acne, rashes, various inflammations, and regenerate tissues.

The remedy brings great benefits to the hair, strengthening them, making them more obedient and stronger, accelerating growth. The strands acquire a well-groomed shine, silky softness and health.

Attention! To get juice, finely chop the onion, and then squeeze out the liquid from the mass using a gauze cloth.


To strengthen

In order to quickly strengthen damaged strands, an assorted mask is used, which includes:

  • lemon and onion juice (one each);
  • honey (1 tablespoon);
  • cognac (2 tablespoons);
  • yolk of one egg;
  • castor oil (50 g);
  • essential oil of sage or ylang-ylang (10 drops).
A mixture of all components is kept on the head for 40-50 minutes, after which it is washed off with shampoo.

Attention! This recipe not only strengthens the strands, but at the same time eliminates dandruff and slows down the process of loss.

To accelerate growth

To restore damaged, weakened curls and stimulate their growth, you should regularly (1-2 times a week) make a mask, the main participants of which are:

  • onion, carrot and lemon juice - 50 g each;
  • castor oil - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • burdock oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • warm water - 50 ml.

Keep the mixture on your head for no more than 50 minutes. You will notice an improvement in the condition of your hair after 2 treatments.

Another mask for enhancing growth includes: the juice of one bulb, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cognac, 0.5 cups of kefir.

Attention! Onion juice is suitable for all hair types.

Classic recipe

The easiest recipe for regenerating damaged curls is rubbing onion nectar into the roots. Castor oil can be added to the composition in a ratio of 1: 1. The frequency of the procedure is three times a week. Rub the product gently, with light massage movements, then wrap your head with a towel. After 60-90 minutes, thoroughly rinse the strands with shampoo and treat with conditioner.

This simplest mask is universal: it eliminates excess greasiness, strengthens and restores strands, and prevents hair loss.

For nutrition and hydration

To prepare a nourishing mask, mix onion juice (2 tablespoons), honey (1 teaspoon) and yogurt (1 tablespoon). Apply the mixture to the roots and the entire length of the curls, cover the head with polyethylene and leave for 1 hour. Use shampoo when washing.

The mask can be used every other day for 15 days. It will completely restore the structure of the hair and provide it with useful substances.


Onion tincture on vodka or alcohol will help stop the loss and eliminate dandruff. To create it, prepare:

  • onion liquid - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • vodka (alcohol) - 2 tbsp. spoons.

The proportions can be doubled so that the funds are enough for you for 2-3 times. Mix the ingredients and leave to infuse for 4-5 hours. The finished tincture should be treated with strands half an hour before washing your hair.

Attention! For dry hair, castor oil should be added to onion juice with vodka (for 5 tablespoons of tincture - 1 tablespoon of oil).

From baldness

Mix freshly squeezed onion juice with honey in a 1:1 ratio and treat alopecia areata (baldness) with the mixture. Gently massage the mask into the scalp. You need to keep it for at least an hour. Rinse without shampoo or soap. The procedure should be carried out daily for two months. If after this period the disease does not recede, it is better to stop treatment.

Attention! When using onion juice for hair, do not forget that only regular procedures will give noticeable results.

How to "kill" onion smell

Many women are afraid to make onion masks because of its unpleasant smell. But in vain. The following tricks will help drown out a specific aroma:

  • Rinse masks off with cool water, as hot water intensifies odors.
  • Discard onion gruel, replacing them with strained juice.
  • Add banana or lemon to the masks, and essential oil (lavender, rosemary, tea tree) or lemon juice to the rinse water.
  • Rinse your hair after the mask with decoctions of chamomile, mint, nettle, lemon balm, burdock. By doing this, you will kill two birds with one stone: eliminate the onion smell and provide extra nutrition to your hair.
  • Add citrus juice or apple cider vinegar to the water (6 tablespoons per 2 liters of water).
  • In conditions of lack of time, you can simply dilute colorless henna with water and apply to strands for 10-15 minutes.
  • Perfectly copes with the unpleasant fragrance of kefir. To do this, hold it on your hair for 10 minutes, and then rinse.

In order to prevent and strengthen hair, it is enough to repeat the above procedures 1-2 times a week. And for treatment, you need to conduct entire courses, consisting of 30-40 sessions.

Onion juice for hair is akin to a beauty elixir. It has a multilateral therapeutic effect and solves all existing problems.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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Taking care of your appearance is sometimes expensive due to the high cost of cosmetics. This is all because we forget about the simplest products bestowed by nature, which in their effectiveness are in no way inferior to the advertised means. For example, a simple onion hair mask can save curls from falling out, dandruff, weakness, oiliness and many other troubles.

What to expect from onion masks?

The secret of onion masks lies in the ability of onion juice to irritate the scalp. This action leads to cell stimulation. As a result, dormant hair follicles come back to life. Onion masks for hair care have earned special popularity as a remedy for baldness. Additionally, it is possible to cure the scalp of dandruff, return the production of sebum to normal, restore damaged and weak hair to its former strength and health.

Sessions must be carried out in courses: every other day, 2 months. You can resort to folk recipes for any type of hair. There are no restrictions or contraindications (with the exception of an allergy to onions, damage to the scalp). Applying and preparing masks does not require special skills and expensive products. With onion masks, it is now possible to stop hair loss at home.

According to reviews, as a result of such sessions, the hair becomes thick, voluminous, clean, shiny and strong. Additional ingredients are aimed at nourishing and strengthening curls, giving shine and softness. The only drawback of this treatment is the corrosive smell of the vegetable. However, this can be easily dealt with with the help of vinegar rinse. The recipe for an odor neutralizing agent is very simple: water - 1 liter, vinegar (preferably apple) - 1-2 tbsp. The smell will not be so strong if you add lemon juice or a banana to the masks.

Effective Recipes

Masks against falling out

To prepare the mask, grind the onion on a grater (only juice is needed), add mayonnaise, olive oil and honey. Each ingredient will need 1 tbsp. Rub into the scalp and pinpoint 60 minutes. Any remedy for hair growth will work more effectively if you insulate your head. Polyethylene and a towel will come to the rescue.

Grind the onion to the state of gruel, add honey (1 tsp). We leave it under a heater. The exposure time can be up to 60 minutes. Hair mask with honey and onion will not only cure baldness, but also make hair healthier.

Hair will stop falling out and be restored if green onion gruel is applied to the skin. It takes only 60 minutes to fully absorb the juice.

To achieve the maximum effect, the attraction of castor oil, which also has a reputation as an excellent baldness fighter, will help. Mix onion juice and oil (1 tbsp each). Adding honey will give your hair the opportunity to get enough vitamins, become softer and more manageable. Keep your head warm for 30-40 minutes.

If your skin is hardy enough to irritants, and baldness has already reached a large scale, then garlic gruel should also be added to the onion juice. The mask will include cognac, burdock oil and yolk. We take each ingredient in 2 tbsp.

Strengthening and cleansing

If the usual washing of the head with shampoo ends with the application of onion broth, then the strands will become stronger, and the skin will be cleansed of dandruff. We take the onion peel and boil it for 20 minutes. A water bath will help preserve the maximum of useful substances in the broth. Use after straining and cooling. Rinse off the shampoo with water, and then pour the vegetable broth onto the curls.

Recovery and shine

Vegetable juice (2 tbsp), honey, burdock oil, kefir and cognac (1 tbsp each) work perfectly in one team. In an hour, the strands will become soft, shiny and strong.

Cleansing of dandruff and fat

Mix vegetable juice (1 tbsp) and vodka (2 tbsp). Treat the scalp with the mixture. Wash off the solution after 30 minutes. Dry hair may not be able to withstand such aggressive exposure. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to soften the mixture with any vegetable oil (1 tbsp)

Important! If there is a strong burning sensation after applying the mask, the session time can be reduced.

Onion recipes will help stop baldness, resume hair growth. After a course of procedures, the hair will take on a healthy and radiant look. It is very important not to deviate from the proportions indicated in the recipes, and to monitor the regularity of sessions. In addition, it is recommended to reconsider nutrition and your lifestyle.

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