Clinical diagnosis of the dog. Medical history of the dog

Description of the dog, medical history. Examination of the animal, analysis of blood, urine and feces. The state of the dog at the time of providing her with first veterinary care, the prognosis of the disease. Treatment, scheme of surgical intervention for fracture of the intermaxillary suture.

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Disease history

Diagnosis and treatment of a closed fracture of the intermaxillary suture (Satura intermandibularis) in a dog


Nowadays, there are no such areas of human activity in which the dog would not be a devoted assistant. Increasingly, you can see a dog at a full-time job: crashes, avalanches, drug control, search for explosives, the army. Dogs often save a person's life, work as rescuers and help cynologists. Therefore, the treatment and prevention of diseases in this species of animals is given great attention.

It must be said that proper dog care and rational maintenance is by far the most important preventer of dog diseases, and the concept of dog hygiene, in the broadest sense of the word, should be well known to a trainer who has a dog in his hands. But, nevertheless, there are such circumstances in which, despite the best care, the disease still comes and the trainer has to be the first to meet her, since he, directly caring for the dog, must be the first to notice abnormalities in her behavior and declare this doctor. It must be remembered that the effectiveness of treatment is directly dependent on the early start of treatment, on the clarification of the causes of the disease and on their immediate elimination.


Type of animal dog Gender male Name Lord

Color Dark chocolate Breed Miniature poodle

Fatness average

Date of birth 20.03.2008 Live weight 6 kg.

Animal affiliation: Maksimova Lyudmila Viktorovna

Date of illness 10.03.2010

Date of admission for treatment 10.03.2010

Final diagnosis - Closed fracture of the intermaxillary suture (Satura intermandibularis).



Anamnesis of life ( Anamnesis vitae).

History of life (Anamnesis vitae): The animal is kept from birth in the apartment at the address. The main diet of Lard is food leftovers from the table - various cereals, soups. For drinking use ordinary tap water. Walks with the animal are carried out 4 times a day for 1 hour. The sanitary condition of the apartment is maintained at the proper level.

Anamnesis of the disease (Anamnesis morbi)

History of illness (Anamnesis morbi): In the area of ​​new buildings in the yard, the Lord was walking. Although there was a road nearby, there were few passing cars, the dog walked freely without a leash. Suddenly, a spray can exploded next to the dog, which the teenagers threw into the fire. The frightened dog, not noticing anyone and not responding to his nickname, ran out onto the carriageway, where he was hit by a car. The animal was excited, the owners immediately took him to the veterinary clinic. In the clinic, the veterinarian revealed the following: intermittent, shallow breathing; pulse 160 beats per minute; mucous membranes of the eyes, lips and gums are pink; capillary filling time 2 seconds (when pressing with a finger on the gum or lip, after removing the finger, the pale spot disappeared in 4 seconds); on palpation and careful squeezing of the lower jaw, pain occurs at the fracture site. An x-ray was taken.

The state of the animal at the time of the study (Status praesens)

as of 10.03.2010

Temperature - 38.0°C; Pulse - 160 beats / min; Breathing - 15 bits / min;


The position of the body in space - the animal lies;

Build - average; Fatness - average;

The constitution is tender; Temperament - phlegmatic.

Skin examination

State bristles - the bristles are dull, brittle, well retained in the hair follicles.

Skin color - pink skin.

Temperature - Skin temperature on symmetrical parts of the body is the same 38°C.

Humidity - moderately humid.

The condition of the skin - the skin is elastic, mobile, when it is gathered behind the ears into a fold, it quickly straightens out.

The smell is characteristic of this type of animal.

Rashes are absent.

Soreness, sensitivity - sensitivity is preserved, there is no pain on palpation.

Subcutaneous tissue

Degree of development - well expressed.

Edema and their localization are absent.

mucous membranes

Oral mucosa- mucous membranes are moist, without damage, pink.

The conjunctiva is pale pink in color, shiny, moist, without breaking the integrity.

The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is pale pink, moist, shiny, without breaking the integrity.

The mucous membrane of the pripucia is pale pink, moist, shiny, without breaking the integrity.

Puffiness is not observed, there are no rashes, there are no hemorrhages, sensitivity is not disturbed.

lymph nodes

The value of subcutaneous (surface) l lymph nodes - not enlarged.

Shape, surface of lymph nodes:

Prescapular - oval, not enlarged, mobile, painless on palpation, the temperature of the skin over the lymph nodes is similar to the temperature of the surrounding tissues. Lymph nodes of elastic consistency.

The lymph nodes of the knee fold are fusiform, not enlarged, mobile, of an elastic consistency, painless, the temperature of the skin covering them is the same as the temperature of the surrounding tissues.

Submandibular lymph nodes - submandibular lymph nodes are not enlarged, elastic consistency. Painless on palpation, local temperature is not elevated.


The degree of development is good.

Integrity - broken in the lower jaw.

The tone is low.

Paresis, paralysis, muscle contracture - no.

Sensitivity, soreness - the sensitivity is not broken, soreness in the lower jaw.

Skeletal system

Deformations. Periostitis. Secondary reference bone resorption - not identified.

Anomalies of development. Fractures and their consequences - a closed fracture of the intermaxillary suture. Percussion of the bones of the lower jaw is of considerable concern.


Mobility active.

Change of a configuration - is not observed.

Pain is absent.

The animal moves in space unwillingly under compulsion. Palpation of the joints is painless, the temperature of the joints is similar to the general body temperature. The position of the limbs is correct.

The cardiovascular system

Examination and palpation of the heart area - the arterial pulse is quickened, the filling is sufficient, the shape of the pulse is normal, the arterial wall is harsh. Undulation was not observed.

Pain in the region of the heart was not observed. The cardiac impulse is localized on the left in the third intercostal space. Cardiac impulse is weakened during auscultation of extraneous noise was not heard. Borders of the heart: upper - along the anconeus line, posterior - up to the 6th rib.

Digestive system

Feed and water intake unnatural, difficult, painful. There is no appetite.

The teeth are well held in the gums, the number of teeth corresponds to this type of animal.

The gums are pink, there are no violations of the integrity in the gum area.

The tongue is mobile, elastic, without integrity violations.

External palpation of the pharynx is painless. The configuration of tissues in the pharynx is not changed. The abdomen is moderately rounded. The abdominal wall on the left and right is moderately tense, painless. During the act of defecation, the posture is natural. The feces are formed, brownish in color, specific smell, without foreign impurities.

Respiratory system

Breath intermittent, shallow, uneven. There is no cough. No wheezing or murmurs were detected on auscultation. Respiration is hard and vesicular. On percussion - a clear pulmonary sound. No nasal discharge is observed. The anterior percussion border of the lung is from the posterior angle of the scapula down the anconeus line to the sternum. The upper border is from the posterior angle of the scapula caudally, parallel to the spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae, retreating from them to the width of two fingers. The posterior border is determined along three lines: along the maklak line - the 11th intercostal space; along the line of the ischial tuberosity - the 9th intercostal space and along the line of the shoulder joint - the 10th intercostal space.

Chest examination

chest shape - anatomically correct.

Chest deformity - absent.

The strength of the breath is shallow and hard.

The position of the shoulder blades is correct.

The symmetry of the respiratory movements of the chest - symmetrical breathing.

Type of breathing - mixed.

The rhythm of breathing is rapid.

Shortness of breath - expiratory shortness of breath with a predominance of the abdominal type of breathing.

genitourinary system

The act of urination is natural, painless. On examination, the kidneys are painless, located under the transverse processes of the first lumbar vertebrae. When conducting deep palpation through the abdominal wall, an increase in the bladder was not detected.

Nervous system

Temperament - The animal is phlegmatic, depressed, inactive, head down. There was a trembling of the pelvic limbs, reduced muscle tone. Sensitivity: superficial, tactile, painful, deep preserved. Surface reflexes: ear, abdominal, caudal, anal preserved. deep reflexes: knee, Achilles tendon, elbow preserved.

Hearing organs - the animal holds its head and neck naturally, correctly. Palpation of the base of the auricles on the left and right is painless. The patency of the ear canals is not broken. The reaction to environmental stimuli is well expressed.

Organs of vision - the cornea of ​​​​the eyes is transparent, shiny, moist. The pupillary reflex is preserved, the eyeballs are correctly located in the eye orbits, the reaction to light is alive, vision is preserved.

Sense of smell - the reaction to the smell of food is well expressed.

Taste - the reaction to taste stimuli is preserved.

Additional Research

Blood Test #1

Type of animal: dog, gender: male, age: 1 year, breed: poodle.

Address: Blagoveshchensky district, Blagoveshchensk, st. Lazo 40 apt. 56

The blood was received on March 11, 2010.

Number of hemoglobin in%

Number of erythrocytes in million

Color indicator

Number of leukocytes. in thousand

Leukocyte formula



Structural features of erythrocytes and leukocytes: erythrocytes and leukocytes are not changed. Accelerated ESR

Conclusion: In the study of blood, an increase in the number of stab and acceleration of ESR.

Blood Test #2

The owner of the animal and his address: Maksimova Lyudmila Viktorovna

Diagnosis: Closed fracture of the intermaxillary suture.

The blood was received on March 18, 2010.

Number of hemoglobin in %

Number of erythrocytes in million

Color indicator

Number of leukocytes. in thousand

Leukocyte formula



Structural features of erythrocytes and leukocytes: no changes.

Conclusion: In the study of blood, all parameters are within the normal range.


Type of animal: dog, gender: male, age: 1 year, breed: poodle.

The owner of the animal and his address: Maksimova Lyudmila Viktorovna

Address: Blagoveshchensky district, Blagoveshchensk, st. Lazo 40 apt. 56

Diagnosis: Closed fracture of the intermaxillary suture.

Urine received on March 11, 2010.

Physical properties

Quantity - 200 ml.

Color - lemon yellow.

Transparency - transparent.

The consistency is liquid.

Smell - specific

Specific gravity - not studied.

Chemical properties

1. Urine reaction - pH=5 (to litmus).

2. Protein (with sulfasalicylic acid) - negative.

3. Albumoses - negative.

4. Glucose (with Gainness solution) - negative

5. Blood pigments (Collot test) - negative

6. Bilirubin - not tested

7. Urobilin - not tested

8. Indican - not tested

9. Acetone - negative

Conclusion: No pathological changes were found in the laboratory study.

Examination of feces

Type of animal: dog, gender: male, age: 1 year, breed: poodle.

The owner of the animal and his address: Maksimova Lyudmila Viktorovna

Address: Blagoveshchensky district, Blagoveshchensk, st. Lazo 40 apt. 56

Diagnosis: Closed fracture of the intermaxillary suture.

Kal entered March 11, 2010.

Physical properties

1. Quantity - 50 g.

2. Shape and consistency - shaped

3. Color - dark brown.

4. Smell - specific

5. Digestibility is normal.

6. Pathological impurities - absent.

Helminths and their parts

1. Round - sexually mature were not found.

2. Tape - sexually mature were not found.

Chemical properties

1. Reaction - pH=6.

2. Protein - negative.

3. Blood pigments - negative.

4. Bile pigments - negative.

5. Test for starch (with Lugol's solution) - negative.

microscopic examination

1. Feed residues - a small amount.

2. Inorganic constituents - no.

3. Helminth eggs - not found.

4. Research on fat - negative.

Conclusion: Digestibility is satisfactory.

Description of the area of ​​the pathological focus

The animal is oppressed, the main posture in space is lying down. Breath intermittent, shallow; pulse 160 beats per minute; mucous membranes of the eyes, lips and gums are pink; on palpation and careful squeezing of the lower jaw, pain occurs at the fracture site.


Initial diagnosis - Fracture of the lower jaw.

Final diagnosis - Closed fracture of the intermaxillary suture.



Course and treatment

Course of the disease

The animal is oppressed, the main posture is lying down, bleeding from the lower jaw is noted. Breathing is intermittent, shallow; the mucous membranes of the eyes, lips and gums are pink; on palpation and careful squeezing of the lower jaw, pain occurs at the fracture site.

Preparation and conduct of the operation.

Rp.: Sol.Atropini sulfatis 0.1%-0.4

D.t.d No. 1 in ampullis

S. Subcutaneously, 0.4 ml 1 time.


Rp.: Rometari 2%- 1ml

D.t.d No. 1 in flac.

S. Intramuscularly.


Rp.:Zolitili- 0,2ml

D.t.d No. 1 in flac.

S. Intramuscularly.


Rp.: Cordiamini 0.3

D.t.d No. 3 in ampullis

S. Subcutaneously.

Enter 3 ml 1 time per day for 3 days in a row.


Rp.: Etamsylate 12.5%- 0.3ml

D.t.d No. 4 in ampullis

S. Intramuscularly, 0.4 ml every 6 hours during the day.


Rp.:Gamaviti- 2ml

D.t.d No. 7 in flac.

S. Intramuscularly, 2 ml once a day, 7 days in a row.


Rp.: Furasemidi 1%- 0.4ml

D.t.d No. 3 in ampullis

S. Intramuscularly, 0.4 ml 1 time per day for 3 days.


Rp.: Dexamethasoni 0,3ml

D.t.d No. 3 in ampullis

S. Intramuscularly, 0.3 ml 1 time per day for 3 days.


Rp.: Lincomycini 0,5ml

D.t.d. №22 in ampullis

S. Intramuscularly, 0.5 ml 2 times a day, 10 days.


Rp.: Sol. Glucosi 0.5% - 50 ml

M.f. Solutio steril.


The animal is depressed, the main posture is in space lying down.

Treatment too.

Rp.: Baralgini- 0,4ml

D.t.d No. 6 in ampullis

S. Intramuscularly, 0.4 ml every 8 hours for 2 days.


Rp.: Actovegini- 0,5ml

D.t.d No. 7 in ampullis

S. Intramuscularly, 0.5 ml once a day for 7 days.


Rp.: Sol. Natrii chloridi 0.9% - 50 ml

M.f. Solutio steril.

S. Intravenously. 50 ml 1 time per day, 5 days in a row.


Rp.: Sol. Calcii gluconati 10% - 1 ml

Ac.ascorbinici 1.0

M.f. Solutio steril.

S. Intravenously. 2 ml 1 time per day, 7 days in a row.

Blood was taken for analysis.

Animal absolute rest, limit fluid intake.

The animal is oppressed, the main posture is in the prone space, there is no bleeding. Breathing is even; mucous membranes of the eyes, lips and gums are pink.

Treatment too.

Sanitation of the inlet and outlet of the wire with a solution of chlorhexidine.

Rp.: Sol. Chlorhexidini - 10 ml

D.S. Externally. 10 ml 1 time per day for 10 days in a row.

Urine was taken for analysis.

Animal absolute rest, limit fluid intake.

General condition unchanged.

Treatment too.

Cancel cordiamin, furosemide, baralgin.

Animal absolute rest, limit fluid intake.

The animal shows interest in the owners and other animals, actively.

Treatment too.

Cancel etamzilat.

The animal is mobile, he has an appetite, playfully. On palpation in the region of the lower jaw, the pain is insignificant.

Treatment too.

Cancel lincomycin, glucose.

The animal is restricted in communication with other animals.

Treatment too.

Cancel actovegin, sodium chloride.

Animal, to protect from the possibility of obtaining secondary injuries of the lower jaw.

The animal is active, the appetite is good.

Cancel gamavit, lincomycin, calcium glucanate.

Blood was taken for control analysis.

Give the dog light food

mashed into a puree.

Graphs of the dynamics of temperature, pulse and respiration

Brief epicrisis

The dog belonging to Maksimova Lyudmila Viktorovna was taken for supervision on 10.03.10 at the age of 2 years. General condition on 03/10/10: the animal is depressed, the main posture in space is lying. Breath intermittent, shallow; pulse 160 beats per minute; mucous membranes of the eyes, lips and gums are pink; on palpation and careful squeezing of the lower jaw, pain occurs at the fracture site. In the study of the systems: respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, genitourinary, nervous, and according to laboratory studies of feces, urine, blood, and X-rays, the final diagnosis was made: a closed fracture of the intermaxillary suture of the lower jaw.

A surgical operation for osteositnesis of the intermaxillary suture was performed. Also, symptomatic treatment was carried out aimed at normalizing the heart rhythm: cordiamine (0.3 ml), stimulation and normalization of metabolism: gamavit, C,; antibiotic therapy: lincomycin; decongestant therapy: furosemide 0.3 (ml), anti-inflammatory therapy: dexamethasone (0.3 ml), calcium glucanate 1 ml; hemostatic drugs: etamsylate (0.3 ml), as well as drugs that support the body's energy reserves: glucose (50 ml) and sodium chloride (50 ml).

On the fourth day after the start of treatment, the animal's condition improved: the dog began to show interest in the owners and other animals, actively behaved. The animal's appetite returned to normal on the 5th day of treatment. The animal became active, mobile. The general condition of the animal is satisfactory.

Full epicrisis (Epicrisis)

Disease Definition

A bone fracture is understood as a partial or complete violation of the anatomical integrity of the bone, accompanied by damage to soft tissues.

Etiology of the disease.

The immediate causes of fractures are various mechanical injuries. These are all kinds of blows, falls, collisions with vehicles, gunshot wounds, forcible pulling out of a stuck limb, sharp muscle contractions during electrical injuries, etc.

Contributing factors are: mineral and vitamin deficiency, bone diseases, as well as some physiological conditions (pregnancy, old age.) In this case, the cause of the fracture of the intermaxillary suture in a poodle was an accident.


According to the time of occurrence, fractures are: congenital and acquired. Congenital arise in the uterine period of life due to injuries to the mother or as a result of strong uterine contractions. Intrauterine pathological changes in the skeletal system predispose to such fractures - rickets, fetal developmental anomalies, osteomalacia in the mother.

Acquired fractures occur either at the time of birth, for example, during childbirth, or, most often, after birth throughout life. They are divided into: traumatic and pathological (or spontaneous) because they usually occur without visible mechanical effort.

According to the nature of the damage, fractures are: open and closed.

According to the anatomical nature, diaphyseal, epiphyseal or intra-articular and metaphyseal fractures are distinguished. In the course of the disease, the most unfavorable are epiphyseal fractures, since they can lead to dysfunction of the joint.

According to the nature of the damage, fractures are incomplete and complete.

Incomplete fractures are characterized by a partial violation of the integrity of the bone. These include: cracks, breaks, breaks, subperiosteal fractures, perforated fractures or holes.

If the violation of the integrity of the bone occurs in one place, then such a fracture is called single, in two places - double. There may be multiple fractures.

Complete fractures are characterized by complete separation of the bone along its entire length or width.

Depending on the position of the fracture line to the longitudinal axis of the bone, the following types of fractures are distinguished: transverse, oblique, longitudinal, spiral, serrated, impacted, comminuted, crushed, crushed, detachable.

In our case, there was no violation of the integrity of the skin and muscle tissue, the diagnosis was made on the basis of x-rays, therefore, we observed a closed complete fracture of the intermaxillary suture.


Bone tissue consists of mineral and organic components. The composition of the bone is quite complex, the organic part of the bone is 30% of its mass, the mineral 60%, and water accounts for 10%. The mineral component provides strength and consists mainly of calcium, phosphorus and trace elements. The organic component is collagen, which makes the bone more elastic. Tensile strength of collagen is 150 kg/cm², notch strength is 680 kg/cm², elongation at break is 20-25%. When heated, collagen fibers shrink by about a third of their length. Tubular bones are most resistant to stress along their axis. Spongy less durable, but equally resistant to stress in all directions.

When a bone tissue is fractured, bleeding occurs, which does not stop well due to the fact that the vessels are fixed in the mineral part of the bone and cannot subside. The volume of bleeding depends on the type of fracture and its localization, for example, in case of fractures of the bones of the lower leg, the victim loses 500-700 ml of blood. As a result of this hemorrhage, a hematoma is formed, which subsequently surrounds the bone fragments.

At the site of bleeding, edema occurs and fibrin filaments fall out, which subsequently serve as the basis for the formation of the protein matrix of bone tissue. Stopping bleeding from the bone tissue is not an easy task and in case of complex comminuted open fractures it is possible only in an equipped operating room.[ 5]

Symptoms of the disease

With complete closed fractures, the following symptoms are detected: pain, impaired function, tissue defiguration at the fracture site, bone mobility outside the joint, bone crepitus.

1. The pain is especially pronounced at the time of the fracture, then weakens and intensifies when moving as a result of injury by fragments of soft tissues. Pain may be absent in traumatic shock and in fractures with spinal cord injury.

2. Violation of functions. This symptom is well expressed in fractures of the long tubular bones of the extremities, jaw bones. With fractures of the ribs and short tubular bones, dysfunction is usually mild.

3. Defiguration of tissues at the fracture site or, otherwise, a change in the natural anatomical appearance of the affected area. This symptom in each case depends on the degree of injury to the soft tissues and the type of displacement of the fragments. The defiguration is caused by reflex muscle contraction, soft tissue hemorrhage, and the development of inflammatory edema.

4. The mobility of the bone outside the joint is clearly expressed in cases of diaphyseal fractures and is a reliable diagnostic sign. Bone mobility is established by forcible displacement of bone fragments relative to each other. This sign is absent in impacted fractures, and it is also difficult to identify it in intra-articular and metaphyseal fractures, since this mobility is difficult to differentiate from the normal mobility of the bones in the joint.

5. Bone crepitus is felt only in fresh cases. In advanced cases, fragments are overgrown with connective tissue and no crunch is felt.

In addition to these signs, in case of fractures of the long tubular bones of the extremities, shortening of the limb can be observed when the fragments are displaced with shortening or elongation of the limb when the bone fragments diverge.

With incomplete fractures, signs such as pain and dysfunction are more or less pronounced. The defiguration is weakly expressed or absent, except in cases of breakage, but it is rather difficult to establish these signs even in case of breakage.


It is put on the basis of clinical signs and is specified by x-ray examination. The latter for some types of fractures, such as subperiosteal fractures, fissures, intra-articular and metaphyseal fractures, is the only accurate diagnostic method. We made the final diagnosis on the basis of x-rays.


The prognosis for fractures depends on the age, type of animal, location of the fracture and its type, on the time and nature of the medical care provided, and on the presence of complications. With incomplete fractures of flat bones in most animal species, it is usually favorable.

The prognosis for limb fractures in large animals depends on the location of the fracture. With complete fractures of the bones of the finger, metacarpus, metatarsus, the prognosis is from doubtful to unfavorable.

In case of fractures of the bones of the forearm, lower leg, shoulder and thigh, it is unfavorable, since the immobilization of fragments of the above bones is practically impossible, especially in farm conditions. Limb fractures in small animals have a cautious to uncertain prognosis. In our case, due to the absence of other injuries and internal bleeding, the prognosis is favorable.


In the treatment of fractures, they are guided by the following principles: creating rest for the animal and the damaged part of the body; prevention of the development of surgical infection in open fractures; reposition or reduction of bone fragments; immobilization of bone fragments or making them immobile; stimulation of the formation of callus; acceleration of function recovery.

The conservative method of reposition is mainly used for closed complete diaphyseal fractures. Reduction requires considerable effort, which is associated with muscle contraction and the development of inflammatory edema, so it is necessary to use muscle relaxants, as well as local anesthesia. Depending on the type of fracture, repositioning techniques such as stretching, bending, rotation and other movements are used until the correct anatomical position of the fragments is achieved.

The conservative method of reduction requires very careful immobilization of fragments, otherwise they may move. For immobilization, methods of applying splints, splints, all kinds of gypsum structures are used not only at the fracture site, but also in the area of ​​the above and below the joints.

Conservative repositioning methods are not without drawbacks. Splints and tires fix fragments not always reliably. A plaster bandage, squeezing the tissues for a long time, makes it difficult to restore impaired blood circulation, resulting in the development of congestion.

Fixation of the joints with a bandage excludes the injured limb from the functional load, and this leads to a delay in the formation of callus and complications. In addition, in veterinary practice it is impossible to apply a plaster cast on the femur and humerus. Fixation of the damaged area of ​​the bone when applying a plaster cast is difficult because it slips under its own gravity and compresses the soft tissues in the area of ​​bone tubercles and protruding parts of the body, which leads to difficulty in blood circulation, severe pain, bedsores. This adverse effect often leads to a violation of bone tissue repair, a new displacement of fragments, and in the future - to the development of neoarthrosis.

The operative method of reducing bone fragments is called osteosynthesis and is used for open fractures, as well as closed comminuted, displaced epi- and metaphyseal fractures, for transverse fractures of large bones of the limbs, such as the bones of the forearm, humerus, tibia, femur, as well as jaw fractures. The purpose of osteosynthesis is to provide reliable fixation of juxtaposed fragments, creating conditions for their bone fusion, restoring the integrity and function of the bone.

Technique for fracture of the intermaxillary suture.

Indications. Fracture of the intermaxillary suture (Satura intermandibularis)

Tools. Cerclage wire, boron (drill).

Training. The patient is placed on his back with the shoulders extended in the caudal direction and tied. In order for the body of the lower jaw to be in a position close to horizontal, a half is placed under the neck. The head is fixed with a bandage under the upper jaw. The bandage should not interfere with the closing of the jaws. The lower jaw is left free to control the closure of the jaws. Plaque and tartar must be removed.

Operation technique. The lower lip is raised, the mucous membrane at the caudal edge of the canine is pierced with a needle with a welded wire, and the needle is directed to the other side along the ventral surface of the incisive segment. The entrance and exit holes from the needle on the mucous membrane should be located on the border between the movable and immovable parts of the mucous membrane. The ends of the wire are slightly twisted caudolaterally with respect to the canine. After the fragments return to their normal position, the cerclage wire is tightened quite tightly, while controlling the closure of the jaws (Fig. 9.83).

fracture of the intermaxillary suture dog

Rice. 9.83. Fracture of the intermaxillary suture; fixation with cerclage wire applied to the incisal segment; scheme


The problem of injuries of the maxillofacial region is one of the most urgent in veterinary medicine. It is very important to know the research methods used for the diagnosis and, importantly, the differential diagnosis of injuries, in particular, non-gunshot fractures, as a common (especially recently) nosology. Correct and timely diagnosis makes it possible to provide the patient with adequate treatment and reduce the risk of possible complications.

When writing a term paper on the topic “Osteosynthesis of a fracture of the lower jaw”, we were convinced that a timely reaction of the owners and an appeal to veterinary specialists plays a huge role in a favorable outcome. Rapid diagnosis helped clarify the diagnosis and reduce the time of treatment of the animal. Treatment aimed at preventing undesirable consequences and proper care of the dog led to the recovery of the dog in 21 days.

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Teaching aid


Compiled by:

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candidate of veterinary sciences, assistant N.E. Orlova


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Anamnesis of life. four

Anamnesis of the disease (Information about the animal since the disease). 5




Pathological changes in the skin. 7








CHEST.. 24



Sexual organs of females. 43

Sexual organs of males. 51


Somatic department. 58

Motor area. 58

Sense organs. 58



References.. 66


It is indicated:

1. serial number (according to the journal for registering sick animals);

2. individual characteristics of the animal;

3. type of animal (large or small cattle, horse, pig, dog).

4. nickname, number, brand;

5. Sex (cow, bull, ox, stallion, gelding, mare, sheep, ram, valukh, pig, boar, wild boar, goat, goat, male, female).

6. suit, color and signs;

7. age (years, months, days);

8. date of birth;

9. breed;

10. fatness;

11. live weight;

12. the owner of the animal (last name, first name, patronymic, household, institution);

13. owner's detailed address and phone number;

14. dates: admission of the animal to the clinic, departure from the clinic;

15. the outcome of the disease. This section also has an initial diagnosis and a final follow-up diagnosis.


Anamnesis of life.

This part of the anamnesis characterizes the animal before the moment of the disease. It includes:

1. Where and when did this animal enter the farm or is it home-grown.

2. Characteristics of the premises in which the animal is kept (wooden or stone, reinforced concrete; dry or damp, light or dark; bedding, ventilation - sufficient or insufficient, the presence of drafts, manure removal - regular or irregular, mechanized or manual), under a canopy, under open sky.

3. System and method of keeping: tethered or loose (box). Care is impersonal or not. Motion (active, passive or absent).

4. Feeding: quantitative and qualitative composition of the feed ration, the quality of the feed, the presence of mineral and vitamin supplements, the feeding regimen. Type of feeding (general, group or individual).

5. Drinking. Sources of watering (water supply, well, artesian well, river, lake, pond), quantity and quality of water (plenty, insufficient; fresh, clean, poor quality, impurities), water temperature (cool, cold, warm), type of watering (group or individual).

6. Purpose of the animal on the farm. The nature and duration of the work performed, load, productivity (daily and annual milk yield).

7. Use for reproduction. Pregnancy and childbirth (number of calvings, date of last calving and last fruitful insemination, duration of launch and dry period, course of childbirth (successful or unsuccessful) and the postpartum period.

8. Conducted veterinary treatments and diagnostic studies (for glanders, tuberculosis, brucellosis, etc.).

Anamnesis of the disease (Information about the animal since the disease).

1. When and under what circumstances did the animal get sick (after feeding, during work, etc.).

2. What signs of diseases were noted at the beginning of the disease and subsequently.

3. Has the animal been sick before (when, signs, diagnosis),

4. The presence in the farm of sick animals with similar or other signs. Have there been such diseases before (when and for how long).

5. Was the animal treated (when, by whom and with what). result of this treatment.

6. What diagnostic studies and prophylactic treatments has the animal undergone recently and their results.

It is quite clear that the given scheme for collecting anamnesis can be expanded, and sometimes a number of questions can be completely omitted.

In order to make a diagnosis, it is also important to know epizootological the state of the economy (successful or unfavorable in terms of infectious and parasitic diseases and which ones).



Animal body position:

voluntary, natural forced, standing or lying down, unnatural postures (throwing back the head, posture of a sitting dog, observer, etc.), forced movements (unstoppable movement forward, backward, in a circle, clockwise, etc.).

Body type:

strong (correct, good), medium and weak (wrong, bad). Indicate defects.


good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, exhaustion, obesity.


rough, tender, dense (dry), loose (raw). The type of constitution (in horses) is light (asthenic), heavy (picnic) and muscular.


lively, phlegmatic (inert).


good, evil (aggressive).

When recording the results of a study of a sick animal (Status praesens) in the case history, students can use the following description of the state of the organism of a healthy cow as an example.

General research.

Temperature - 38.1 ° C, pulse - 62, respiration - 24.

Habit. The position of the body is natural - standing. Medium build; individual parts of the body are proportionally developed. Fatness is good. The constitution is tight. Phlegmatic temperament, good disposition.

Similarly, the description of other organs and systems is carried out.


Skin covering:

(hair, wool, bristles, feather, fluff) - located correctly (in streams), evenly adjacent, ruffled (in what areas), glued. Shiny, matte (dirty), long, short, dense, sparse, held firmly (good) or weakly (moult into account), elastic, brittle. Hair splitting, graying, cutting, baldness (specify where).

Color of the skin:

(in non-pigmented areas) - pale pink, pink, gray, pale (anemic), red, cyanotic (cyanotic), icteric.


saved (elastic), lowered, lost (inelastic).


examine in symmetrical areas (the base of the ears, horns, limbs, side surfaces of the chest, in pigs - the patch and ears, in dogs - the tip of the nose). The skin is moderately warm, equally expressed in symmetrical areas. General or local, increase or decrease (specify where).


moderate, dry skin (hypohidrosis), increased (hyperhidrosis). General or local sweating (specify areas); sweat cold, warm, clammy, watery.


specific (moderately, sharply, weakly expressed), acetone, uremic, putrid.

Similar information.

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education


Department: Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine

Course work

By discipline: General surgery

Presentation on theme: "Surgical diseases of the skin in animals. Skin abscess in a dog

Completed by: student of group 41

Faculty of Livestock Technology

and veterinary medicine

Savchenkova A.S.

Smolensk -2014


Etiology, pathogenesis and classification of skin diseases

Diagnosis of skin diseases

Treatment of skin diseases

Own research

Animal medical history

1 Anamnesis

2 General study

Study of individual systems

Examination of the zone of the pathological process

3 Special studies

The result of laboratory research

Data from daily clinical observations and treatment of a sick animal



The skin not only covers the outside of the body, it performs many different functions. The skin protects the body from all kinds of harmful effects of the external environment (mechanical, temperature), from numerous pathogens and from drying out. Being strong and flexible, the skin protects the deeper cells from mechanical damage caused by pressure, friction or shock. As long as the integrity of the skin is not broken, it is virtually impervious to microbes. The impermeability of the skin protects the body from excessive loss of moisture, and in aquatic forms from excessive penetration of water from the outside. The skin is able to protect the cells underlying it from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays thanks to the pigment that is synthesized in it. The skin takes part in the metabolism; through it, water, mineral salts and some other metabolic products are removed from the body. In this way, the skin helps to maintain the constancy of the composition of the internal environment of the body. The skin regulates the release of heat from the body, helping to maintain a constant body temperature.

The skin of animals consists of the skin itself and its derivatives: hair, crumbs (cushion-shaped thickenings on the limbs), hooves, hooves, claws, horns, sweat, sebaceous and mammary glands, feathers and scales. The skin protects the body from the harmful effects of the external environment - mechanical, thermal, biological (pathogens) - and from drying out. It regulates the release of heat by the body, releases some metabolic products, perceives environmental irritations - temperature, mechanical (bruises, injections), etc.

The skin performs functions that are varieties of body responses:



The receptor




Protective function

Mechanical protection of the body by the skin from external factors is provided by a dense stratum corneum of the epidermis, elasticity of the skin, its elasticity and cushioning properties of the subcutaneous tissue. Thanks to these qualities, the skin is able to resist mechanical influences - pressure, injury, stretching, etc.

The skin largely protects the body from radiation exposure. Infrared rays are almost entirely retained by the stratum corneum of the epidermis; ultraviolet rays are partially retained by the skin.

The skin protects the body from the penetration of chemicals into it, incl. and aggressive.

Protection against microorganisms is provided by the bactericidal property of the skin (the ability to kill microorganisms). Healthy skin is impervious to microorganisms. With exfoliating horny scales of the epidermis, fat and sweat, microorganisms and various chemicals that enter the skin from the environment are removed from the surface of the skin. In addition, sebum and sweat create an acidic environment on the skin that is unfavorable for the reproduction of microorganisms. The bactericidal properties of the skin are reduced under the influence of adverse environmental factors - when the skin is contaminated, hypothermia; The protective properties of the skin are reduced in some diseases. If microbes penetrate the skin, then in response to this, a protective inflammatory reaction of the skin occurs.

The skin takes part in the processes of immunity.

Respiratory function

Skin respiration increases with an increase in ambient temperature, during physical exertion, during digestion, an increase in atmospheric pressure, and during inflammatory processes in the skin. Skin respiration is closely related to the work of the sweat glands, rich in blood vessels and nerve endings.

suction function

The absorption of water and salts dissolved in it through the skin practically does not occur. A certain amount of water-soluble substances is absorbed through the sebaceous-hair sacs and through the excretory ducts of the sweat glands during the period of the absence of sweating. Fat-soluble substances are absorbed through the outer layer of the skin - the epidermis. Gaseous substances (oxygen, carbon dioxide, etc.) are easily absorbed. Separate substances that dissolve fats (chloroform, ether) and some substances that dissolve in them (iodine) are also easily absorbed through the skin. Most toxic gases do not penetrate the skin, except for blistering poisonous substances - mustard gas, lewisite, etc. Medicines are absorbed through the skin in different ways. Morphine is easily absorbed, and antibiotics are in small quantities. The suction capacity of the skin is enhanced after loosening and desquamation of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

excretory function

The excretory function of the skin is carried out through the work of the sweat and sebaceous glands. In a number of diseases of the kidneys, liver, lungs, the excretion of substances that are usually removed by the kidneys (acetone, bile pigments, etc.) increases. Sweating is carried out by the sweat glands and occurs under the control of the nervous system. The intensity of sweating depends on the ambient temperature, the general condition of the body. Sweating increases with increasing air temperature, with physical activity. During sleep and rest, sweating decreases. Sebum is secreted by the sebaceous glands of the skin.

thermoregulatory function

During the life of the body, thermal energy is produced. At the same time, the body maintains a constant body temperature, necessary for the normal functioning of internal organs, regardless of fluctuations in external temperature. The process of maintaining a constant body temperature is called thermoregulation. The layer of subcutaneous adipose tissue, fatty lubrication of the skin are a poor conductor of heat, therefore, they prevent excessive heat or cold from the outside, as well as excessive heat loss. The thermal insulating function of the skin decreases when it is moistened, which leads to a violation of thermoregulation. When the ambient temperature rises, the blood vessels of the skin integuments expand - the blood flow of the skin increases. At the same time, sweating increases with subsequent evaporation of sweat and the heat transfer of the skin to the environment increases. With a decrease in ambient temperature, a reflex narrowing of the blood vessels of the skin occurs; the activity of the sweat glands is inhibited, the heat transfer of the skin is markedly reduced. Thermoregulation of the skin is a complex physiological act. It involves the nervous system, hormones of the endocrine glands of the body. The temperature of the skin depends on the time of day, the quality of nutrition, the physical condition of the body, the age of the person, and other factors.

disease skin dog abscess

1. Etiology, pathogenesis and classification of skin diseases

Skin diseases occupy one of the leading places in the structure of purulent-septic and other animal diseases. In skin pathology, pyoderma is the most common (more than 50%).

The etiology of skin diseases is multifaceted. Factors that cause diseases in the skin include:

physical: high and low temperatures, x-rays, ultraviolet rays;

mechanical: injury to the skin during scratching, friction, pressure;

chemical: due to exposure to acids, alkalis, irritation by urine, feces, discharge from the eyes, ears, medicinal substances. Pathology is observed when toxic substances of mineral and organic origin enter with food, water;

biological factors: bacteria, viruses, fungi, helminths, insects.

Bacteria and fungi play a leading role in the pathogenesis of skin diseases.

Predisposing factors contribute to the emergence and development of skin pathology: metabolic disorders, hormonal disorders, allergies, immunodeficiency states of the body, unbalanced diets. Sergeev Yu.V. et al. (2007) found that liver damage is often accompanied by skin pathology. According to R.M. Vasilyeva (1998) allergic dermatitis occurs in 15.6% of dogs with skin disease.

A single, universal classification of skin diseases, reflecting the whole variety of etiological, pathogenetic, clinical, pathomorphological changes, has not been developed.

The existing classifications are based on etiological, pathogenetic signs (allergodermatosis, dermatomycosis, etc.), morphological features of the rash (bullous (vesical) dermatoses, lichens, keratoses, etc.).

According to the classification, which is based on the etiological factor, the following groups of infectious skin diseases are distinguished:

.Bacterial skin diseases. Diseases caused by bacteria are called pyodermatitis. Depending on the depth of the lesion, superficial and deep pyoderma are distinguished.

Superficial pyoderma includes acute moist dermatitis, purulent-traumatic dermatitis, summer eczema, dermatitis of skin folds, mucocutaneous areas, impetigo, pyoderma in young animals, superficial folliculitis, recurrent superficial pyoderma.

Deep pyodermas include osteofolliculitis (acne), pachydermia, folliculitis, furunculosis, general pyoderma, cellulitis, shepherd pyoderma, pododermatitis, skin abscesses.

Bacterial skin diseases also include tuberculosis, nocardiosis.

Also, the skin performs a number of functions inherent only to it, which are regulated and carried out in a fairly autonomous and within certain limits independent of the whole organism mode: proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes, dissociation and new formation of intercellular bonds, melanogenesis, etc.

Secondly, representing the outer covering of the animal's body, the skin is constantly exposed to various environmental factors, many of which, under certain conditions, can cause disease.

Thirdly, the skin, as an anatomical and physiological part of the body, often undergoes pathological changes as a result of diseases of the whole organism as a whole or its individual organs and systems.

Based on this, skin lesions can be conditionally classified as follows:

1. Skin diseases that occur over a more or less long period of time, and sometimes throughout the life of a sick animal, are localized only in the skin and are the main cause of physical or mental discomfort. These diseases are based on functional disorders, inflammation, dystrophy, malformations, tumors, etc. Etiology and pathogenesis<#"202" src="/wimg/16/doc_zip1.jpg" />

(Fig. 1)

In the first case, the owner of the animal may mistake the disease for lichen. Let's start by looking at a single, localized skin lesion: 1. First you need to conduct a thorough examination of the animal; identify the absence of other lesions, the presence of fleas, flea excrement, withers.

Use a Wood's lamp to reveal the presence or absence of a green glow characteristic of microsporia.

In the anamnesis, you can find out when the first signs of the disease appeared, the conditions of keeping and feeding the animal, the possibility of contact with other animals, etc.

Figure 3. Cheyletiella mite

Fig.4. The causative agent of otodectosis is the mite Otodectos

5. It is also necessary to conduct a study of the stained smear to identify the contamination of this area with bacterial or fungal microflora (Fig. 5, b).

Rice. 5. Malassezia

Fig.6. sticks

A biopsy needs to be done. A biopsy can be puncture (cells are collected with a needle) or incisional (a piece is excised for histological examination).

Localized skin lesion

Microsporia, trichophytosis. If there is no glow during lum diagnostics (not all fungal cultures give glow), but we see characteristic alopecia with scales in the head area, on the paws, then cultivation of mushrooms on media is necessary; before receiving a response from the laboratory (test results), specific treatment against microsporia can be started. Vaccination (Mikroderm, Vakderm, Polivak TM) and external treatment with 5% iodine solution, clotrimazole, miconazole are used for treatment.

Indications for systemic treatment are a generalized form of dermatophytosis and localized lesions that are not amenable to local treatment after a 4-week course.

The following drugs are used: ketoconazole 10 mg/kg orally (orally), itraconazole 10-20 mg/kg, griseofulvin 25-60 mg/kg orally. Otitis In cats, the two most likely causes of otitis media are otodectosis and tumor formation in the external auditory canal. The underlying cause of otitis media in dogs is more often atopy or food hypersensitivity (Fig. 7).

Fig.7. Bacterial otitis due to atopy

When examining a dog with otitis, it is important to pay attention to the area between the toes, axilla, groin, lips. Even in the absence of other lesions on the skin of the animal, atopy or food hypersensitivity cannot be ruled out, the only manifestation of which may be otitis media. With bacterial otitis, drugs such as otibiovin, normax, anauran are used. If the microflora is mixed, then drugs such as otonazole, aurizon, candibiotic are used.

Otodectes cynotis otodectosis mainly affects cats (dogs become infected much less frequently). It is very important to treat all animals living together. For treatment, the drug Frontline is effective (buried in the ears). In the treatment of sarcoptic mange, cheiletiosis, notoedrosis, stronghold drops are used 3 times with an interval of 2 weeks (externally).

Demodex mite is easy to detect in a scraping (Fig. 8). When examining a scraping, it is important that the condenser cap is completely closed. To fix the taken material on the glass, it is better to use mineral oil.

Rice. 8. The causative agent of demodicosis - Demodex mite

Bacterial contamination

For the treatment of bacterial contamination (often secondary), antiseptics such as chlorhexidine, fucarcin, povidone, benzoyl peroxide, bactroban, etc. (externally) are used.

Yeast-like fungi (malassezia, Candida) For the treatment of yeast-like fungi, clotrimazole, miconazole, travocort, etc. are used.

Generalized skin lesion

For generalized skin lesions, the same diagnostic techniques are used. For an informative collection of anamnesis, filling out a questionnaire will help. It is important to include the following in the list of questions: the age of the animal; the time when the owner noticed the first signs of the disease; what did the first defeat look like; whether itching was noted; at what time of the year does the seasonal increase in the disease occur; Do the problems disappear when you change location, etc.

To visualize the bacterial microflora and yeast-like fungi, the stained smear is viewed at immersion magnification. The course of treatment for pyoderma can take from 3 weeks to 4 months or more.

) immune hyposensitization.

Based on the intradermal test, the allergen(s) are detected. Further, the identified allergen in a microdose is administered to the animal for a long time.

Additionally, local treatment can be carried out (shampooing, topical application of antibacterial and antifungal agents), systemic anti-itch drugs (antihistamines, essential fatty acids) can be used. To diagnose skin diseases that are not accompanied by itching, it is necessary to find out the conditions for keeping and feeding the animal, and a biochemical and clinical blood test will also be required.

Endocrine skin diseases are accompanied by systemic manifestations. In hypothyroidism, these are obesity, apathy, bradycardia, myxedema, decreased thyroid hormones, and hypercholesterolemia. For treatment use levothyroxine (used for life). With hyperadrenocorticism, there are: polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, sagging abdomen, hyperglycemia, increased levels of transaminases, alkaline phosphatase.

Hyperestrogenism in females occurs with the formation of cysts and tumors of the ovaries, accompanied by endometritis or pyometra, in males - due to tumors of the testes. Skin manifestations include symmetrical alopecia on the lateral surface of the body, groin and abdomen, breast enlargement, and nipple hypertrophy. After ovariohysterectomy or castration, the restoration of the skin and coat is observed after 3-6 months. Autoimmune diseases are very rare diseases in dogs and cats. This is a group of diseases in which the destruction of organs and tissues of the body occurs under the influence of its own immune system. Autoimmune diseases that involve the skin include pemphigus and lupus erythematosus (systemic and discoid). For the treatment of systemic autoimmune diseases, high doses of corticosteroids and immunosuppressants are used. In cutaneous forms, topical steroids, high doses of vitamin E, a combination of tetracycline plus nicotinic acid are possible.

4. Case history No. 213 (according to the book of stationary patients)

Type of animal: dog gender: male age: 8 months breed: alabai nickname: London.


Address: Smolensk, st. Vorobieva d.15 apt. 7

3 Date of receipt: 07.04.14

The initial diagnosis was a right-sided abscess on the middle third of the neck.

The final diagnosis is a right-sided abscess on the middle third of the neck.

6. Complications were not observed

Outcome of the disease - recovery

Date of disposal of the animal - 21.04.14

1 Anamnesis

From the age of 2 months, the dog is kept in a city apartment, in which the dog has a special place. The dog does not have access to the street. The dog's diet consists of ready-made dry and canned dog food, boiled chicken, liver and cereals. The diet includes mineral supplements and vitamin preparations. Vaccinated against canine distemper, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus infection, leptospirosis. There were no ties. The owners claim that the dog did not suffer any diseases before this case.

During an external examination in the clinic, it was found that the animal had an abscess in the withers area. According to the owner who delivered the dog, it was established that within 3 days his weakness, apathy gradually increased, he refused food, polyuria, polydipsia. Temperature has been observed during the last two days.

2 Status praesens universalis (General studies)

Weight - 12 kg. T=39.7C about . Pulse on the femoral artery 122 beats / min. Respiratory rate 25 per minute.

Examination of the skin and coat: The coat is dense, harsh, with a well-developed undercoat, dull, evenly attached. The skin on non-pigmented areas is pale, without pathological changes and damage, skin elasticity is slightly reduced. Sensitivity is normal. Subcutaneous tissue is developed normally, without pathological changes.

Examination of superficial lymph nodes: Submandibular, superficial cervical lymph nodes are slightly enlarged, not badly palpable, dense, mobile relative to the skin and underlying tissues, painless, local temperature is not elevated.

Examination of visible mucous membranes: Conjunctiva, mucous membranes of the lips and oral cavity are light pink, without hemorrhages and damage.

Study of individual systems

Circulatory system: The apex beat is weakened, palpated on the left in the 5th intercostal space in the lower third of the chest. The zone of absolute cardiac dullness is located in the 4th - 5th intercostal space and in the lower part of the 6th intercostal space. The heart sounds are weakened, the accent of the second tone on the aorta and intermittent systolic murmurs are heard. The pulse rate on the femoral artery is 120 beats/min, the pulse is full, the artery wall is elastic. There is a respiratory arrhythmia. Subcutaneous veins are full.

Respiratory system: The exhalation is uniform, the same from both nostrils, the exhaled air is odorless. No nasal discharge is observed, the nasal mirror is dry, and the local temperature is elevated. External examination and palpation of the larynx and trachea revealed no pathologies, no cough. The breathing is mixed, the frequency of respiratory movements is 25/min. The chest is symmetrical. Vesicular breathing is weakened, pathological noises are not heard.

Digestive system: Lips, cheeks, gums, tongue without damage and pathological changes. Appetite is reduced, water intake is increased, the act of swallowing is free. The abdomen is symmetrical, soft. On percussion, the sound is dull. Soreness, free fluid in the abdominal cavity are not determined. On auscultation, murmuring and splashing sounds are heard. The liver and spleen are not palpated. Defecation free, 1-2 times a day, feces of normal consistency.

Urinary organ system: When tapping in the areas of the kidneys, no pain reaction is observed. The bladder is located in the region of the pubic bones, it is pear-shaped, moderately filled, painless.

Genital system: no visible changes.

System of organs of movement: On examination and palpation of the skull, no pathologies were found. The back is straight, there are no curvature of the spine, the mobility of the spine is not impaired, pain in the spine is not detected. The animal maintains the natural position of the body in space, the coordination of movements is not disturbed, no forced movements are noted. Tactile and pain sensitivity preserved

Organs of senses: The general condition is oppressed - apathy. Eyeballs and eyelids without pathological features, natural eye movements. The perception of sound stimuli is not impaired. Taste and smell are normal.

Nervous system: tactile, pain and deep sensitivities are preserved - when touching the coat, piercing the skin with a needle, crossing the chest limbs, the animal reacts accordingly by twitching the skin, restlessness and returning the limbs to their original position.

STATUS LOKALIS (detailed description of the clinical signs of the pathological process)

An abscess, round in shape, with clearly defined boundaries, 9-11 cm in diameter. Fluctuation is observed on palpation, the animal shows anxiety, and pain appears when pressed. The affected area is hyperemic, the abscess is cold, the dog is depressed, reacts poorly to stimuli, and muscle lethargy is observed. We also measured the general body temperature, the thermometer showed 39.7, when the physiological norm is 37.5-38, and this indicates that an inflammatory process is going on in the body.

3 Special studies

Serological not carried out

Allergic did not

Bacteriological (virological) and others have not been performed

Results of laboratory studies

Blood test

Hematological blood test

Table 1

Indicaturenorm 110.1412.1415.14 Eeric blood cells, million/μl5.5 - 8.55,15,15,2 gymoglobin, g/l120 - 180110110110soe, mm/h0 - 13252315Trombocytes, thousand/μl - 500200200laikocytes, thousand/μl6 - 17313028basino 2 , %0 - 2111 Neutrophils U, %0 100P, %0 - 3242216C, %60 -77565862 Lymphocytes, %12 - 30101112 Monocytes, %3 - 10889

Conclusion on the results of blood tests: Slight anemia, leukocytosis, absolute and relative neutrophilia, shift of the leukocyte formula to the left, absolute monocytosis.


table 2

Date and indicators Date and indicators 1st examination 03/23/14 2nd examination 04/09/14 Physical properties Quantity 100 ml 100 ml Color light yellow with a reddish tint

Chemical analysis was not performed


blood pigments

bile pigments



Ketone bodies

Microscopic examination was not performed

Inorganic precipitation

Organized rainfall

Conclusion on the results of the study of urine

During the first study, we observed a straw color of urine and its slight turbidity, which indicates the development of a pathological process in the body. In the second case, after a surgical operation to open the abscess and remove the exudate, all indicators returned to normal. Which indicates the attenuation of the inflammatory process.

Fecal analysis was not performed

Temperature, pulse, respiration measurements

Table 3

Data from daily clinical observations and treatment of a sick animal

Table 4 Course of the disease and treatment

DateD Course of the disease Treatment and maintenance 07.04 General condition of moderate severity. Anorexia, polyuria, polydipsia, apathy. Within 3 days, his weakness, apathy gradually increased, he refused to feed, polyuria, polydipsia. During the last two days, the temperature was observed. Before the operation, we comprehensively examined the animal. Access to food and water was not restricted. Preparation for the operation included sanitization of the body, hair removal in the area of ​​the surgical field. Produced local anesthesia using novocaine 0.5% in the amount of 4 ml. The surgical field was treated with 5% iodine solution. The skin and subcutaneous tissue were cut with a scalpel. The exudate was removed and sequentially treated with a solution of hydroperite and the introduction of balsamic Vishnevsky liniment into the resulting cavity. To protect the wound from licking and infection, a blanket was put on the dog. Rep: Sol. Novokaini ster. 5%-4ml. D.S. for local anesthesia. Rep: Sol. Sulfokamfokaini 10%-1.0 ml. D.S. Subcutaneously for one injection. Rep: Sol. Bicilini-5 -2.0 ml D.S. Intramuscularly for one injection. Rp: Sol.Analgini 50% -1.0 ml Dimidrolumi 1.0 ml D.S. Intramuscularly for one injection. Rp.: Linimentum balsamikum Wishnevsky D.S. subcutaneously 08.04 general condition improved, drinks water, ate some food. Rp.: Linimentum balsamikum Wishnevsky D.S. subcutaneously 09.04 general condition is normal, water consumption has not changed, but in relation to food - refusal temperature 40.3 Treated the wound, brought in Vishnevsky's liniment, changed the blanket. Rp: Sol.Analgini 50% -1.0 ml Dimidrolumi 1.0 ml D.S. Intramuscularly for one injection. Rp.: Linimentum balsamikum Wishnevsky D.S. subcutaneously 13.04 general condition improved, appetite returned to normal Treated the wound, brought in Vishnevsky's liniment, changed the blanket. temperature is normal 38.1 C, Rp: Sol. Sulfokamfokaini 10%-1.0 ml. D.S. Subcutaneously for one injection on April 20, the general condition returned to normal. The wound is being healed. The wound was treated, Vishnevsky's liniment was applied, and the blanket was changed. 21.04 General condition is normal. Appetite, water intake, urination, defecation are normal. Wound healing is observed. We removed the blanket, the wound healed.

Conclusion on the medical history.

As a result of taking an anamnesis, information was obtained about the formation of an abscess as a result of hypothermia, or the introduction of pyogenic microorganisms into the tissues, the development of polyuria and polydipsia, appetite disorders and the appearance of an abscess. A clinical study revealed hyperemia and swelling in the neck. obvious fluctuation.

In the course of laboratory blood tests, the animal was found to have neutrophilic leukocytosis with a shift to the left, monocytosis, and slight normochromic normocytic anemia.

Based on the data obtained, a cold abscess was diagnosed. Recommended intensive therapy for the correction of homeostasis disorders, antibiotic therapy and surgical treatment - autopsy.

In the postoperative period, intensive therapy was prescribed taking into account the clinical examination and data from laboratory blood tests.

The treatment was successful, the animal recovered.

5. Epicrisis

An animal dog of the Alabai breed at the age of 8 months, owned by Ekaterina Sergeevna, residing at the address: Smolensk, was admitted for inpatient treatment at the clinic of the Department of Surgery. Based on anamnestic data, clinical signs and examination, a diagnosis of an abscess was made.

On the first day of curation, we performed an operation to open the abscess. During the operation, the animal was intramuscularly injected with Bicilin-5. Bicilin-5 is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It was used to prevent surgical infection. We also injected subcutaneously a drug - sulfocamphocaine, which stimulates the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, improves pulmonary ventilation and cardiac muscle motility. They also injected intramuscularly analgin with diphenhydramine, which relieves pain after surgery and brings down the temperature, they also introduced Vishnevsky's liniment into the wound cavity, and thereby had an antiseptic effect, accelerated regeneration. Thanks to these manipulations, timely assistance was provided to the animal and the conditions for a speedy recovery were created. Then, for 14 days after the operation, we observed the animal, measured the temperature, respiration, pulse, and applied Vishnevsky's liniment to the wound.

Subsequently, the dressing was changed, as well as the wound was treated. As a result of the operation and postoperative treatment, the animal recovered.

The animal was discharged from the clinic on 21.04. 2014 in a state of complete clinical recovery.

Case history chart #1.

Animal: dog breed: alabai age: 8 months, owner: Ekaterina Sergeevna.

Table 5

Indicators, oC Pulse, beats/min Respiration, bpm

Expanded epicrisis

Animal type dog

Gender male

Nickname London

Age 8 months


A skin abscess is a collection of pus caused by a bacterial infection. The occurrence of abscesses is due to the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the injured areas of the skin, which normally can exist on the surface of the skin, and thereby cause inflammation in the subcutaneous tissue. Outwardly, the abscess has the appearance of a painful formation filled with a viscous cloudy liquid (pus).

Pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammatory reactions in the subcutaneous tissue can spread from the abscess area and cause infection of surrounding tissues, lymphatic vessels and nodes.

Skin abscess symptoms:

The development of an abscess is accompanied by typical symptoms for this disease. The patient's body temperature rises, from subfebrile to extremely high, there is a general malaise, frequent headaches, loss of appetite, as well as general weakness. In clinical blood tests, increased leukocytosis is observed, as a result of the inflammatory process occurring in the body. Abscesses can vary in size and shape. Over the abscess itself, as a rule, there is swelling and redness of the skin.

Causes of Skin Abscess:

The causative agent of the purulent process, as a rule, is staphylococcus aureus. It can be both the only source of skin abscess, and in combination with E. coli or streptococcal infection, as well as Proteus and other various types of microflora.

Penetration into the body, as a rule, occurs through microcracks and other damage to the skin. However, the spread of infection is also often found from the focus of inflammation (furuncle or abscess). Also, an abscess can occur due to suppuration of a hematoma, cyst, and after careless injection into soft tissues. One of the causes of abscesses is lymphogenous metastasis of a purulent infection.

Skin Abscess Treatment:

As a rule, festering foci are opened. To do this, the doctor makes an incision in the abscess area and allows the pus to flow freely from the area of ​​​​inflammation. The procedure is carried out with the use of topical painkillers, such as lidocaine. After draining the abscess itself, the doctor examines the inflamed area to make sure there is no more pus in the wound. The remaining particles of purulent masses are removed with saline solutions. In some cases, a tampon made of sterile gauze is inserted into the drained area. The tampon is removed after one to two days. To speed up the healing process, heat and an elevated position of the affected area of ​​the body are recommended.

If the abscess can be completely drained, then antibiotic therapy is usually not needed. With a local spread of infection, or with an abscess located in the middle or upper part of the face, antibiotics are essential, since there is a risk of pathogenic bacteria entering the brain. Antibiotics sensitive to staphylococci and streptococci are used.

Post-surgical treatment includes the so-called tactics to combat the causative agent of infection, reduce intoxication of the body and strengthen the body's immune systems. The patient is prescribed rest, rest, a varied balanced healthy diet, vitamins and plenty of fluids. Prevention of skin abscesses is to comply with hygiene, as well as safety rules and the elimination of injuries.


Based on the anamnesis data and the results of clinical examination, laboratory tests, the dog "London" was diagnosed with an abscess.

Taking into account the condition of the animal at the time of contacting the clinic, the prognosis of surgical and conservative treatment, surgical treatment was recommended - an autopsy.

The treatment was expedient and effective and allowed to save the life and health of the dog. After healing, all the functions of the animal's body were restored.


1. Belov A.D. Diseases of dogs [Text] / A.D. Belov, E.P. Danilov and others - M.: Kolos, 1995.

Lukyanovsky V.A. We treat the dog [Text] / under. ed. V.A. Lukyanovsky. - M.: S-P., 1988.

Petrakov K.A. Operative surgery with topographic anatomy [Text] / K.A. Petrakov, P.T. Salenko, S.M. Paninsky. - M.: Kolos, 2001

Pulnyashko P.R. Anesthesiology and resuscitation of dogs and cats [Text] / P.R. Pulnyashko.-M.: Kolos, 2000.

Starchenko S.V. Diseases of dogs and cats [Text] / S.V. Starchenko. Tutorial. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Lan", 2001.

Tilly L, Smith F., Diseases of dogs and cats: A 5 minute consultation [Text]/L. Tilly, F. Smith. - M.: KolosS, 2001.

Bigler, B. Skin diseases // Diseases of dogs. A practical guide for veterinarians / Perev. from German, 2nd ed.-M.: AQUARIUM PRINT LLC, 2004. - S. 273-327.

8. Maksimov M.A. Bacterial diseases of the skin of dogs. / M.A. Maksimov, A.V. Tkachev-Kuzmin, A.E. Khitrova // Abstracts of the 9th Moscow International Veterinary Congress. - Moscow. - 2001. - S. 167-169.

9. A.A. Parshin, V.A. Sobolev, V.A. Suzyn. Surgical operations in dogs and cats. Moscow "Aquarium" 2000.


Type of animal - dog. Paul is a bitch. Nickname - Mira.

Age - 4 years

Suit - white.

Breed - breedless.

Live weight - 20 kg

Belonging to the animal Asatryan Olga Varazdatovna

Owner's address - Amur Region. Zeya st. Smirnova, 9

Clinic address - Partizanskaya, 43

Duration of treatment - 10 days.

Initial diagnosis - pyometra

The diagnosis at follow-up is pyometra.

Operation ovariohysterectomy.

The outcome of the disease is recovery.

Date of disposal -22.02.2013.

Completed - Asatryan Lyudmila Varazdatovna

Checked - Kovalev L.I.


Anamnesis of life

Dog of the World. 4 years. Was purchased in the city of Blagoveshchensk in 2009, at the age of 2 months. All puppy vaccinations were up to date. From the age of 2 months to the present, the dog is kept in a city apartment, the dog is walked 2 times a day, fed with ready-made dry and canned food and plenty of water, annually vaccinated against canine distemper, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus infection, leptospirosis, rabies. Throughout his life, the animal had irregular estrus, at intervals of 4 to 8 months, the first estrus - in 1 year 2 months, the last - 1.5 months. back. There were no ties. The owners claim that the dog did not suffer any diseases before this case.

Data on the life of the animal were recorded from the words of the owner.

Medical history

On February 12, 2013, the owner of the animal turned to the veterinary clinic "Vetdoctor" with the fact that her dog had gradually increasing discharge from the vagina for 2 weeks, weakness, apathy, refusal to feed, polyuria, polydipsia. During the last two days, purulent discharge with an admixture of blood was observed. The general condition of the dog is satisfactory. Data on the appearance of the disease of the animal were also recorded from the words of the hostess.

Examination of the animal upon admission

General study

status praesens communis.

Rectal temperature (T) 39.3 0 С.

Pulse (P) 190 beats per minute.

Respiration (D) 24 breaths per minute.

General state of depression - apathy. Eyeballs and eyelids without pathological features, natural eye movements.

The perception of sound stimuli is not impaired. Taste and smell are normal.

The dog is reluctant to move, takes a supine position during the examination.

The constitution is loose, the physique is average, there is significant obesity. Temperament phlegmatic. The coat is thick, harsh, with a well-developed undercoat, dull, uneven, the hair is not firmly held.

The skin on non-pigmented areas is pale, without pathological changes and damage, skin elasticity is slightly reduced. Sensitivity is normal.

Subcutaneous tissue is highly developed, without pathological changes.

Submandibular, inguinal, superficial cervical lymph nodes are not enlarged, poorly palpable, dense, mobile relative to the skin and underlying tissues, painless, local temperature is not elevated.

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
Ural State Agricultural Academy
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Surgery and Obstetrics

Case history No. 237358

Animal: Dulcinea cat, sphinx.
Diagnosis: inversion of the eyelids
Curator: Course: III 1 p/g

Ekaterinburg 2012


    Registration (Registratio)……………………………………………………………3
    Anamnesis………………………………………………………………… 4
      Anamnes vitae………………………………………………………………… .4
      Anamnes morbi…………………………………………………………………. . four
    The clinical condition of the animal (Status praesens communis et localis)…… 5
    Additional Research………………………………………………… 7
      Laboratory studies……………………………………………… .. 7
      Special studies……………………………………………… .. 7
    Diagnosis and diagnosis differentialis… 8
    Forecast (Prognosis)………………………………………………………………..9
    The course of the operation (Operatio chirurgica)……………………………………………….. .10
    Curation Diary (Decursus morbi et therapia)…………………………………….13
9.1.Description of the disease………………………………………………………………20
9.2. Causes of the disease………………………………………………………….20
9.4. Clinical picture (Aspectus clinicalis)…………………………………21
9.5.Treatment (Therapia)…………………………………………………………… 21
9.6. Prevention of complications (Prophylaxis complicationis)………………… 21
9.7. Opinion about the operation……………………………………………………….. 22
10. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………. 23
List of used literature………………………………………………… 24
1. Number in the outpatient journal: 237358 (LLC Veterinary clinic "Neovit").
2. Date of admission to the outpatient appointment: April 20, 2012
3. Date of discharge: May 4, 2012
4. Number of treatment days for outpatient treatment: 2.
5. Kind: cat; gender: cat; Nickname: Dulcinea age: 8 months; body weight: about 3 kg; color: gray with a pink belly.
6. Owner: Krotova Alevtina Alekseevna.
7. Owner's address: Yekaterinburg, Shvartsa street 20/1, apt. 49.
8. Diagnosis at admission: inversion of the eyelids.
9. Diagnosis is final: inversion of the eyelids.
10. Pathological anatomical diagnosis: not carried out.
11. Special studies: not conducted.
12. Operation performed: eyelid surgery (Blepharoplasty – Blepharoplasty)
13. Outcome of the operation: recovery.
Anamnes vitae et morbid are based on the words of the owner.
      Anamnesis of life (Anamnes vitae).
According to the owner, the cat was presented to her for her birthday 6 months ago. The cat lives in an apartment and does not go outside, wears a patch, it is changed once a day, in the morning. Feed dry food Perfect fit and liquid Kitekat. Water is freely available. Food and water in the bowl are constantly and regularly replaced with fresh ones. The animal sleeps on a chair or with the owner on the bed.
      Anamnesis of the disease (Anamnes morbi).
According to the owner of the cat, she went to the veterinary clinic on Friday, April 20, 2012, as the cat had both eyes closed and she could not open them, which caused her great pain. At first, the cat's right eye was closed, and when the owner tried to open it, she saw pus, which she tried to remove with napkins and cotton swabs, but this did not help, and a week later the second eye was also closed. And then she was advised to contact the Neovit veterinary clinic at Belinsky 112a.
    Clinical condition of the animal (Status praesens).
1.Status praesens communis.
1.1. Habitus:
    Body position: forced, does not stand up.
    Build: average, correct.
    Fatness: average.
    Constitution: delicate.
    Temperament: lively.
    Disposition: calm.
    Temperature: 38.9 o C.
    Pulse: 120 beats / min.
    Respiration: 20 breaths/min.
1.2. Study of leather and its derivatives:
    Colour: Pale pink on non-pigmented areas of the skin.
    Humidity: moderate.
    Skin temperature to the touch: moderately warm.
    Skin elasticity: flabby.
    Skin smell: specific
    Hairline: none
    Subcutaneous tissue: the subcutaneous fat layer is moderately developed, evenly distributed.
1.3. Examination of visible mucous membranes:
    Mucous membranes of the eyes: pale pink.
    Nasal mucosa: pigmented.
    Oral mucosa: pale pink.
    All mucous membranes are moderately moist, integrity is preserved.
1.4. Examination of the lymph nodes:
Inguinal lymph nodes: not enlarged, tuberous, inactive, moderately warm temperature, pain sensitivity unchanged, size 1x1 cm.
1.5. Muscle study:
The muscles are moderately developed, the tone is preserved, the location of the muscles is symmetrical.
1.6. Bone examination:
The spine is straight, the bones of the skull have the correct symmetrical shape, are painless on palpation, normal temperature, do not bulge. Palpation of the bones showed no pain.
1.7. Study of the cardiovascular system:
The method of inspection established the fluctuation of the chest wall, the cardiac impulse is apical, well expressed on the left in the fifth intercostal space below the middle of the lower third of the chest. On the right, the push is weaker and manifests itself in the 4-5th intercostal space. Heart sounds are clear, crisp, loud. The rhythm of the heart sounds is correct. Emphasis on tone 2.
Vascular examination: Pulse rate 120 beats/min. The pulse is rhythmic, even, tense.
1.8. Respiratory examination:
    Upper respiratory tract: the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is pigmented, moderately humid, the exhaled air is warm, breathing through the nose is free, the skin temperature in the sinuses is moderately warm.
    Chest: the chest is anatomically correct. The type of breathing is mixed, since breathing is accompanied by movements of the chest and abdominal walls. Both halves of the chest are involved in breathing - symmetrically.
    Auscultation of the chest: when listening to the right and left sides of the chest, vesicular breathing is heard.
1.9. Examination of the digestive system: the color of the lips, the tongue is pink, the moisture of the tongue is moderate, there are no outflows from the mouth. The mucous membrane of the gums is pink.
1.10. Examination of the nervous system: The general condition is satisfactory.
    Animal Behavior: The animal behaves calmly.
    The position of the body in space: forced, lies without rising.
    Examination of the bones of the skull: the bones of the skull are symmetrical and regular in shape. On palpation, the bones are firm, not pressed through. The temperature in the skull is normal.
    Examination of the spine; the shape of the spine is correct, the bones are solid and strong. The temperature in the region of the spine and skull is moderately warm.
Study of the somatic department:
    Superficial sensitivity (skin): tactile, pain, temperature-preserved.
    Superficial reflexes: skin - saved; mucous membranes are preserved.
The study of the motor sphere: the muscle tone is moderate, the motor ability of the muscles is preserved. The position of the head, neck and tail is natural.
The study of the organs of vision. Due to torsion of the eyelids, the study was not possible.
Examination of the organs of hearing: preserved - the animal reacts to sound by turning its head towards the source of the sound.
Smell study: the preserved animal reacts to various odors.
2. Status praesens localis: In both eyes, the edges of the eyelids, together with their parts, are wrapped inward towards the eyeball. The animal does not open its eyes, because when they open it feels pain.
    Additional research.
      Laboratory research.
Laboratory studies have not been conducted.
      Special studies.
Special studies have not been conducted.

5. Diagnosis and differential diagnosis (Diagnosis et diagnosis differentialis).

The final diagnosis - torsion of the eyelids - is substantiated on the basis of anamnestic data (the cat is worried, constantly combing the skin around the eyes, mucous discharge from the eyes became more abundant in 10 days; the conjunctiva turned red, the palpebral fissures narrowed), clinical signs (abundant serous-catarrhal outflow from the eyes , slight blepharospasm, redness and swelling of the conjunctiva, inversion of the free edges of the eyelids all the way towards the eyeball along with eyelashes and skin hair, severe itching in the eye area). Reason: genetic. Due to the friability of the skin and the large number of layers, the Sphynx breed is highly susceptible to this disease.
It is necessary to differentiate this disease (inversion of the eyelids) from inflammation of the eyelids (scaly, ulcerative, phlegmonous blepharitis), eversion of the eyelids, conjunctivitis.
With scaly blepharitis, at the beginning of the disease, foamy exudate accumulates in the inner corner of the eye, with the development of the disease, easily removable grayish scales or crusts form at the base of the eyelashes, then the eyelashes fall out; the disease is usually chronic (with torsion of the eyelids, the signs generally increase rapidly); there is no characteristic inversion of the free edges of the eyelids towards the eyeball with eyelashes and skin hair, as with an inversion of the eyelids.
With ulcerative blepharitis, the course is more acute than with scaly, the edges of the eyelids are wet, bleed, become covered with pustules, after opening of which ulcers are found, with a long course, eyelashes fall out or disappear, eversion of the eyelids develops. These signs (pustules, sores, loss of eyelashes) are not typical for eyelid volvulus, moreover, with ulcerative blepharitis, torsion of the eyelids does not occur.
Phlegmonous blepharitis is more often unilateral, leads to the formation and opening (in most cases) of abscesses, an increase in body temperature, swelling and protrusion of the conjunctiva from the palpebral fissure, which is covered with purulent exudate; eyelids hot, tense, painful; the eyelids do not roll towards the eyeball.
With eversion of the eyelids, the edges of the eyelids do not adjoin the eyeball, as in the case of inversion of the eyelids, but, on the contrary, are turned outward, the conjunctiva is accordingly exposed, flowing tears cause maceration of the epithelium and the development of eczema.
In acute conjunctivitis, there is no inversion of the free edges of the eyelids towards the eyeball, however, inversion of the eyelids can occur due to chronic conjunctivitis, in which case they occur simultaneously. Inversion of the eyelids is almost always accompanied by conjunctivitis.

6. Forecast (Prognosis)

Vital prognosis: favorable.
Functional prognosis: favorable with timely and proper treatment. Otherwise, the appearance of corneal ulcers, its clouding with partial or complete loss of vision, the development of a purulent process with the melting of the eyeball (panophthalmitis), an increase in the likelihood of microflora contamination, which will complicate the course of the disease, are possible. In this case, the prognosis is cautious (doubtful).

7. The course of the operation (Operatio chirurgica).
Surgical instruments
Tools for tissue separation: reusable abdominal scalpel with a removable blade, straight pointed scissors.
Instruments for connecting tissues: a piercing round needle, a Hegar needle holder, a non-absorbable nylon thread.
Anatomical tweezers.

Preparing the hands of the surgeon and the operating field for surgery
Hands were washed with warm water and soap, then treated with 96% alcohol for 3 minutes.
The skin in front of the eyes was treated with chlorhexidine once, and again immediately before the skin incision. We used a sterile napkin. Processing was started from the inner corner of the eye to the outer.

Rp: Spiritus aethylici 96o – 100 ml
D.S. External. Hand sanitizer before surgery.

Rp: Chlorhexidine 0.05% - 100 ml
D.S. External. For processing the skin of the surgical field.

Anatomical and topographic reference.
The eye (oculus) is an organ of vision, consisting of the eyeball, which perceives light stimuli, protective and auxiliary apparatuses.
Around the eye is the orbital region (rg.orbitalis), on which is the region of the upper and lower eyelids (rg.palpebralis superior et inferior). In the bone cavity (eye socket or orbit) there is an eyeball (bulbus oculi) - a spherical, flattened front to back shape, behind which there is a retrobulbar (postorbital) space filled with muscles, fascia, nerves, blood vessels and fat; connects the eyeball to the brain via the optic nerve. The eyeball consists of the outer capsule of the eye or fibrous membrane (tunica fibrosa oculi - determines the shape of the eye and consists of the albumin or sclera and cornea), the vascular tract (tractus uveus) (anatomically divided into the iris -iris, ciliary or ciliary body - corpus ciliare and, in fact, the choroid or choroid - tunica chorioidea.In the center of the iris there is a hole called the pupil - pupilla.), the visual-nerve apparatus (includes the retina - retina with the papilla of the optic nerve - papilla n. optici), and refractive media (intraocular fluid, lens - lens, s. crystallina, vitreous body - corpus vitreum).
The orbit is formed by the bones of the skull, lined from the inside with periorbital (dense fibrous-elastic tissue). It is a protective apparatus of the eye.
The eyelids (palpebrae) are protective and auxiliary organs of the eye, they are skin-muscular-mucous folds located in front of the eyeball. Domestic animals have three eyelids: upper (p.superior), lower (p.inferior) and nictitating membrane (p.tertia s. membrana nictitans). Between the upper and lower eyelids there is a gap, in the corners of the gap there are lateral and medial adhesions of the eyelids. The outer surface of the eyelids is covered with skin with hair, the inner surface is covered with a mucous membrane (conjunctiva), which passes to the eyeball. The gap between the conjunctiva of the eyelids and the eyeball is called the conjunctival sac. Along the free edge of the eyelids, on the border with the conjunctiva, there are eyelashes that perform protective and aesthetic functions. In the thickness of the eyelids is the circular muscle of the eyelids (the fibers are transversely striated). At the base of the lower eyelid, the lower eyelid lowerer ends.
The protective and auxiliary apparatus includes the lacrimal apparatus (apparatus lacrimalis), consisting of the lacrimal glands, lacrimal openings, lacrimal tubules, lacrimal sac and lacrimal duct.
The motor apparatus of the eyeball consists of seven muscles located inside the periorbital (four rectus, two oblique muscles and a retractor of the eyeball).
The blood supply to the eye in animals is carried out by three vascular systems: the system of arteries of the eyelids, the ciliary system, and the system of the central retinal artery. All of them communicate with each other through the anastomoses of the organ of vision.
The innervation of the eye is provided by several pairs of cranial nerves, branches of the sympathetic trunk and ciliary nerves of the eyeball.

Fixation and anesthesia.
The animal is given a lateral position on the side, first the right one hurts
eyes, then the left. Combined anesthesia. 30 minutes before the operation (for premidication), the muscle relaxant "Xila" was administered intravenously to the animal. At the site of the incisions, infiltration anesthesia with novocaine was performed.
Rp: Sol.Xylazini 2% - 50 ml
D.t.d. No. 1 in flac.
S. cat 0.5 ml. in / in once.

Rp.: Sol.Novocaini 0.5%-1ml
D.t.d. No.2 in amp.
S. cat for infiltration
anesthesia at the incision site,
once (1 ml for each eyelid).

Operation technique
Operational access and operational reception in this case coincide.
After preparing the surgical field with tweezers, we grab the wrapped skin into a fold of such a width that the eyelid is completely straightened and assumes a normal position. The width of the removed strip of skin can be determined by the skin fold. To do this, we capture the skin with tweezers at a distance of 3-5 mm from the edge of the eyelid and parallel to it along the entire length of the part of the eyelid wrapped inside. The removed strip of skin is isolated with two incisions: parallel to the edge of the eyelid at a distance of 3-5 mm from it and an arcuate incision. Then we lift the strip of skin a little and cut it off with scissors from the subcutaneous layer. With a scalpel, we cut only the skin and superficial fascia. Then we fix the cat in the opposite (right or left, respectively) lateral position and perform similar actions on the other eye.
We connect the edges of the skin in the places of the incisions with interrupted stitches (we use non-absorbable suture material; in this case, nylon No. 4 was used) We combine the first stitch with the top of the incision, therefore we divide the incision into two parts. Then we divide the unwired part in half. A knotted suture was used, which was applied with separate threads (ligatures) 10-15 cm long each. The needle, clamped by the needle holder, was injected at a distance of 0.3 cm from the edges of the wound, and, acting simultaneously with both tweezers and the needle towards each other, the tissues were pierced on one side from the outside inward, on the other, from the inside out.

8. Curation diary (Decursus morbi et therapia)

P, beats / min
D, d.
engine / mi
The cat is worried, increased lacrimation, swollen conjunctiva (covered with serous-catarrhal exudate), palpebral fissure, eyelids somewhat swollen; the cornea is transparent, smooth, shiny.
inversion of the free edges of the eyelids of both eyes all the way inward towards the eyeball, there is an incorrect position of the edges of the eyelids and eyelashes (eyelashes come into contact with the cornea and rub it, causing constant irritation and pain).
An operation was performed to excise skin folds over the upper eyelids of both eyes (eyelid surgery).
The operation is described in section 7 on page 13.
ophthalmici 1%-10.0

Rp: Bicillini-3-600000 ED

Removal of sutures after 14 days.

21.04. 2012
The cat is worried, the appetite is reduced, increased lacrimation, acute conjunctivitis (the conjunctiva is reddened, swollen, covered with serous-catarrhal exudate).
Eyelids swollen free edges of the eyelids occupy
correct position (adjacent to the eyeballs). The skin at the site of the incisions is inflamed (hyperemic edematous), a little reddish fluid is released from the incisions.
ophthalmici 1%-10.0
D.S. For a cat externally, lay behind the lower eyelid of both eyes 2 times a day.

Walks in the collar until the stitches are removed

The cat's condition is satisfactory, appetite has improved, itching in the eye area is slight, increased lacrimation, the conjunctiva is reddened, swollen, covered with a small amount of
sero-catarrhal exudate. Forever unknown
significantly edematous, free edges of the eyelids occupy the correct position. The skin at the site of the incisions is inflamed (hyperemia, edematous), a little
reddish liquid.
ophthalmici 1%-10.0
D.S. cat externally, put behind the eyelid of both eyes 2 times a day.

Walk in the collar until the stitches are removed.

The condition of the cat is satisfactory
salutary, good appetite, moderate lacrimation, pink conjunctiva, discharge from the area of ​​the incisions has stopped, inflammation and swelling subside, granulation tissue begins to develop from the edges, the skin is somewhat pale.
ophthalmici 1%-10.0
D.S. cat externally, put behind the eyelid of both eyes 2 times a day.

Rp: Bicillini-3-600000 ED
D.S. a cat IM 60,000 ED once every three days

Walk in the collar until the stitches are removed

24.04. 2012
The cat's condition is satisfactory, appetite is good, lacrimation is insignificant, the conjunctiva is pale pink. The discharge from the suture has stopped at the incision site, the skin is pink, the defect is being filled with granulation tissue (small dryish grains).
ophthalmici 1%-10.0
D.S. cat externally, put behind the eyelid of both eyes 2 times a day.

Walk in the collar until the stitches are removed

25.04. 2012







The cat's condition is satisfactory, appetite is good, lacrimation is insignificant, the conjunctiva is pale pink. There are no discharges from the suture, the skin is pink at the incision site, the defect is being filled with granulation tissue (small dryish grains).

ophthalmici 1%-10.0
D.S. cat externally, put behind the eyelid of both eyes 2 times a day.

Walk in the collar until the stitches are removed

The cat's condition is satisfactory, appetite is good, lacrimation is insignificant, the conjunctiva is pale pink. There are no discharges from the suture, the skin is pale pink at the incision site, the defect is being filled with granulation tissue.
ophthalmici 1%-10.0
D.S. cat externally, put behind the eyelid of both eyes 2 times a day.

Rp: Bicillini-3-600000 ED
D.S. a cat IM 60,000 ED once every three days

Walk in the collar until the stitches are removed

The cat's condition is good
neck, appetite
good, highlight
eye discharges are insignificant, transparent, homogeneous, odorless, granulation tissue grows in the area of ​​the sutures, the skin is pale pink, non-inflamed, there are no discharges from the sutures, the edges of the wounds are dense
are in contact with each other.
ophthalmici 1%-10.0
D.S. cat externally, put behind the eyelid of both eyes 2 times a day.

Walk in the collar until the stitches are removed

The general condition of the cat is good, the appetite is good, the discharge from the eyes is slight, transparent,
odorless, wound edges tightly and firmly fused with each other, the defect is completely filled with granulation tissue (the surface of the sutures is dry, granular), the skin is pale pink, not inflamed.
The free edges of the upper and lower eyelids are physiologically
correct position (adjacent to the eyeballs), the eyelashes do not come into contact with the cornea.
ophthalmici 1%-10.0
D.S. cat externally, put behind the eyelid of both eyes 2 times a day.

Walk in the collar until the stitches are removed

29.04. 2004
Complications are not observed. The cat is cheerful and cheerful. Running after the owner. Eating and sleeping well. The seam is dry, not inflamed.
ophthalmici 1%-10.0
D.S. cat externally, put behind the eyelid of both eyes 2 times a day.

Walk in the collar until the stitches are removed

There is no anxiety in the cat.
Still good appetite and sleep. The seam is dry. discharge from the eyes is slight, transparent,

ophthalmici 1%-10.0
D.S. cat externally, put behind the eyelid of both eyes 2 times a day.

Walk in the collar until the stitches are removed

01.05. 2012
The cat does not show anxiety. Eats well. The seam is dry, there is no inflammation, the color of the scar is slightly darker than the surrounding tissues. discharge from the eyes is slight, transparent,
odorless, the edges of the wounds are tightly and firmly fused with each other, the defect is completely filled with granulation tissue.
ophthalmici 1%-10.0
D.S. cat externally, put behind the eyelid of both eyes 2 times a day.

Walk in the collar until the stitches are removed

02.05. 2012
The wound has healed. The seam is dry. The cat eats, sleeps, runs.
ophthalmici 1%-10.0
D.S. cat externally, put behind the eyelid of both eyes 2 times a day.

Walk in the collar until the stitches are removed

03.05. 2012
The wound has healed. The seam is dry, moderately warm, there are no inflammations and complications, the color of the scars is slightly darker than the surrounding tissues, the temperature of the scars corresponds to the surrounding tissues. discharge from the eyes is slight, transparent,
odorless, the edges of the wounds are tightly and firmly fused with each other, the cat is active and eats well.
ophthalmici 1%-10.0
D.S. cat externally, put behind the eyelid of both eyes 2 times a day.

Removal of collar and seams.

8. Epicrisis.

1. Curvature of the eyelids is possible in all animals, but is more often observed in dogs and cats, especially those characterized by large folding of the skin and a loose physique (these are sharpei, chow chow, cocker spaniels, bulldogs and others, and sphinxes from cats). In this case, the plane of the free edge of the eyelids, which normally adjoins the eyeball, is turned inward. With a strong degree of inversion, not only the free edge, but also the skin surface of the eyelid are turned to the eye; at the same time, eyelashes and skin hair turn towards the eye and irritate the cornea. As a result, keratitis, ulcers develop, and, in the end, perforation and opening of the anterior chamber occurs. Eyelid torsion can be in one eye or both, only the upper or lower eyelids, or both eyelids at once.
2. The disease occurs due to:

      cicatricial contraction of the conjunctiva (mainly in horses and cattle);
      cartilage deformities;
      convulsive contraction of the circular muscles of the eyelids;
      due to excessive friability, a large number of layers;
      on the basis of chronic inflammatory processes of the conjunctiva and other parts of the eye and the simultaneous contraction of the retractor of the eyeball, which leads to the retraction of the eyeball deep into the orbit (typical for spastic volvulus);
      chronic conjunctivitis, especially follicular (in dogs it is one of the common causes of volvulus);
      removal of the third eyelid;
      pathological changes in the eyeball itself, accompanied by its atrophy;
      the predisposing factor is heredity;
      a contributing factor is the hypothermia of the animal, resulting in the development of inflammatory diseases of the eyes with a possible subsequent inversion of the eyelids.
In the supervised cat, the direct cause of the development of eyelid volvulus was a breed feature - a large folding of the skin, even on the head, which led to the volvulus of the skin of the lower eyelids.
3. Pathogenesis.
When exposed to an etiological factor, the plane of the free edge of the eyelids turns inward, causing the development of conjunctivitis. With a strong degree of inversion, not only the free edge, but also the skin surface of the eyelid are turned to the eye; at the same time, eyelashes and skin hair turn towards the eye and irritate the cornea. As a result, keratitis, ulcers develop, and, in the end, perforation and opening of the anterior chamber occurs.
In a supervised cat, due to the large folding of the scalp, the lower eyelids turned inward towards the eyeball along with the eyelashes, which caused the development of conjunctivitis. Due to the short action of the irritating factor (eyelashes, skin hair) on the cornea, no changes were found in it (no complications in the form of keratitis, ulceration). The prescribed treatment had a positive effect on the cat's health: the exudate from the eyes stopped, the eyelids took an anatomically correct position, the general condition of the cat improved.
4. Clinical picture of the disease.
The free edge of the eyelids is partially or completely wrapped inward towards the eyeball. With a strong degree of inversion, eyelashes and even skin hair come into contact with the cornea, rub it, causing constant irritation and pain, which results in inflammation, ulceration, and even perforation of the cornea. The palpebral fissure is narrowed, lacrimation, conjunctivitis, incorrect position of the edge of the eyelids and eyelashes are noted; in advanced cases - inflammation of the cornea, clouding and ulceration of it. The eye is retracted into the orbit.
5. Rationale for treatment.
Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the underlying cause of the disease. With a slight spastic torsion, one can limit oneself to the application of an adhesive plaster or to strengthen the eyelids in an appropriate position with intradermal sutures. Surgical treatment should be considered more reliable, with the use of which it is necessary to rush if the eyelashes wrapped inside irritate the cornea and conjunctiva. The most common operation for torsion of the eyelids is the excision of a skin fold - eyelid plasty (small animals are fixed on the operating table, large animals are operated on in a standing position under local anesthesia; after preparing the surgical field, they are cut out with a scalpel, departing from the edge of the eyelids by a few millimeters, an oval flap of the skin of the required size; wound edges are sutured). In the postoperative period, the sutures are treated with a 5% alcohol tincture of iodine. Shebits H., Brass W.
Based on the treatment and its results, it can be concluded that the treatment was prescribed correctly, the therapy was effective.
6. Prevention of complications.
The most severe complication during eyelid torsion surgery is damage to the edge of the eyelid. This can happen if, when removing a strip of skin along the "gray line", the tension of the surface of the eyelid suddenly changes. In case of recurrence due to the removal of too little strip of skin, a second resection is necessary.
Another complication during the operation can be eversion of the eyelid. This happens if more skin is taken during the operation than required.

7. Opinion about the operation.
I believe that the operation was carried out correctly, but in my opinion the following errors were made:

      Disposable gloves should be worn after cleaning hands.
      The surgical field should be isolated using a sterile drape with a slit corresponding to the eye area.
      After the operation, the suturing sites should be treated with a 5% alcohol tincture of iodine.

9. Conclusion.
The animal was admitted on April 20, 2012 with a diagnosis of eyelid torsion, according to indications, an operation was performed to excise skin folds (eyelid surgery) and appropriate treatment was prescribed. Based on the results of treatment, the timing of recovery (sutures were removed on the 14th day), the clinical condition of the animal at the end of curation (the general condition of the cat is satisfactory, appetite is good, itching in the eye area is absent, discharge from the eyes is slight, transparent, homogeneous, without smell, the edges of the wounds are tightly and firmly fused with each other, the defect is completely filled with granulation tissue (the surface of the seams is dry, granular), the skin is pale pink, not inflamed.The free edges of the upper and lower eyelids occupy a physiologically correct position (adjacent to the eyeballs), eyelashes do not come into contact with the cornea), we can say that the diagnosis was made correctly, the treatment was prescribed in a timely manner and gave a positive result in a short time. Further, it is recommended not to change the habitual way of life of the cat, constantly monitor the condition of the eyelids for the timely detection of possible relapses of the disease.


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